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Blood Circulation and Transport

2.1 Transport System in Humans
2.2 Human Blood
2.3 Transport System in Plants

Mandy Voon
Science PT3


Blood Circulation and Transport

2.1 Transport System in Humans

-Human transport system is called circulatory system.
-It consists of heart and blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries)

Figure 2.1 The human blood circulatory system

Figure 2.2 The capillary

2.1.1 Structure and function of the human heart

-Characteristic of heart:
a) Heart is situated inside the

-shaped and


c) Made up of cardiac muscle. These cells required food and oxygen to carry out

-Function of heart:
a) To
b) Transport
c) Transport

to all parts of the body

to body cell
from the body cell


Blood Circulation and Transport

Figure2.3 The Structure of human heart

-Heart is made up of four chambers.

a) two chamber at the top are the
b) two chamber at the below the

- Right atrium and right ventricle carry

-Left atrium and left carry the


- The left and right chambers are separated by the muscular known as
to avoid the deoxygenated blood combine with oxygenated blood.

- Characteristic of the atrium and ventricle:

a) Ventricle has
b) Ventricle has

space and volume



Blood Circulation and Transport

c) Left ventricle is thicker and more muscular than right ventricle because this
-Each chamber linked to big blood vessels:
a) Right atrium link to
b) Right ventricle link to
c) Left atrium link to
d) Left ventricle is link

-Three type of valves inside the heart:


valve between right atrium and right ventricle


valve between left atrium and left ventricle


valve- beginning of aorta and pulmonary artery

-The valves are to ensure the blood flow in one direction to prevent flow back of

-Pumping action of heart:

a) Deoxygenated blood flow from body to right atrium through ____________
b) ______________ blood from the lungs flow into the left atrium through pulmonary
c) Both atria (singular: atrium) contract and push the blood through the valves into
the _____________
d) Both ventricles ___________ and force the deoxygenated blood in to pulmonary
artery and oxygenated blood to aorta. The semilunar valves close to prevent the
blood from flowing back into the atria
e) The ________________________ carry deoxygenated blood to lungs and
_____________carries the oxygenated blood to whole body.


Blood Circulation and Transport

2.1.2 Blood vessels and their functions

- Three types of blood vessels: __________, ____________ and __________.
-human circulation system is a closed system because blood flow in blood vessels
that are connected

Figure 2.4 Type of Blood vessels




Blood Circulation and Transport


Small Lumen

Small L

_________ wall

Thick Wall to withstand high pressure

Very th

With valve



Carry ____________ blood except


Carry ____________ blood except


Carry _

Blood flows from ____________________


Blood flow away from ______________


Blood f

_________ and__________ pressure

_________ and__________ pressure



Blood Circulation and Transport

2.1.3 Path of blood flow in circulatory system

-Human circulatory system is _____________________ system because he blood in
the body is pumped twice through heart.
- The human circulatory system is divided into two parts:
a) ________________circulation- Pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood
from heart to lungs while pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from lungs back
to the heart.
b) _______________circulation- Aorta carries oxygenated blood from heart to others
bodys cell while vena cave carries the deoxygenated blood from the bodys cell back
to the heart.
- RS: Deoxygenated blood flow from body parts to the heart then up to the lung

Figure 2.5 Flow of human circulatory system

- Important to maintain a healthy heart to prevent heart diseases and maintain the
continuous supply of _____________ to the body cells.
- Exercise keeps the heart healthy by
a) _______________the heart muscles
b) Control the ____________________.
- A narrow blood vessel will cause ________________, __________ and _________
- The healthy blood vessels can pump a __________amount of blood at faster rate
while arrowed blood vessel can pump less amount of blood at slower rate.


Blood Circulation and Transport

-Patient with narrow blood vessel are advised to

a) Avoid taking _____________ (lead to high blood cholesterol level and heart
b) Eat plenty________ and __________
c) Take a balanced diet
d) Lunch menu: rice, steamed fish / chicken, vegetable, salad / fruit and water

2.2 Human Blood

- Composition of blood:
a) Plasma- ____% of volume of blood
- a pale of yellowish liquid made up of 90% ________and 10 % soluble
substances such as glucose , amino acids and mineral
b) Cellular components
i) Red blood cells- produce in ______________
-___________ shape
- No _________
- Each red blood cell contain a pigment call _______________
i) White blood cells- produce in _____________ and ______________
- _________ shape and can change
- Protect against diseases and infection
- Lymphocytes produce ___________ to kill germs
-Phagocytes carry out _______________ by surrounding the
swallow and digest it thus kill it
iii) Platelets- small fragment of cells from larger cell in the bone marrow.
- Help in _______________ to stop the bleeding

2.2.1 Functions of blood

- Functions of blood:
a) As transport medium- carries dissolved gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, food
substances, hormones and waste from one part of body to another. Red blood cell
carries oxygen and plasma carries other substances.
b) White blood cells ___________________________________.
c) Plasma distribute heat from liver to other parts of body to maintain body
temperature at 370C


Blood Circulation and Transport

2.2.2 Blood group and compatibility

- Human blood is divided into four main groups _____, ___, _____, and ____
- ______________ group O
- ___________________ - group AB
- Blood _________________- transfer blood from donor to recipient
- Not compatible blood transfusion causing agglutination or coagulation in blood

2.3 Transport System in Plants

- Plants like human being need a transport system to transport _______and_______.
- Transport system of plants made up of _________ and___________ tissues.
- There are found in the roots, stems and leaves.

2.3.1 Transport tissues in plant

-___________ transport food (glucose) produced through photosynthesis from
leaves to other parts of the plant
-____________ transport water and dissolved mineral from root up to the stem and
leave during transpiration. Xylem also gives support to the plant.
- The _____________ separates the xylem and the phloem. It also builds new xylem
and phloem cells.

Figure 2.6 Distribution of tissues in the root, stem and leaf of a plant


Blood Circulation and Transport

Figure 2.7 Investigate transports of synthesised food substances via the phloem

Plant B function as a control experiment.

Hypothesis: Phloem transports ____________
Manipulated : ringed or unringed
Constant : _________________
Responding: ______________________.
Conclusion : Phloem transport food from the leaves down to the roots.
i. The ______________ is due to the accumulation of food substances that is unable
to be transported downwards as the phloem has been removed.
ii. The ringed area is wiped with ____________to prevent the area from being dried
iii. After two weeks, the lower part of the plant dies/ shrinks first because the lower
part of the plant does not receive food substances.

2.3.2 Transpiration and function of stoma

-Transpiration defines as loss of water in the form of ____________.
-Water vapour is evaporates through _____________, tiny pore on surface of leaf
- Stoma is tiny pore in between two bean shaped cells called ______________
-Guard contain chloroplast to carry out ___________________ and control the close
and opening of stoma.
- Stoma is open during the day to allow exchange of ___________and
_____________during photosynthesis and allow evaporation of water vapour.
- A plant _________ when it loses more water to surrounding than it absorbs from


Blood Circulation and Transport

2.3.3 Factors affect the rate of transpiration

-Rate of transpiration influence by:
a) __________
b) Temperature
c) Humidity
d) Air movement / Windy condition
Rate of transpiration can be measured using ________________ and

2.3.4 Role of transpiration in transport system

-Transpiration is import because
a) Help to transport water and dissolved minerals from ___________ to leaves.
b) Help root to absorb water .Keep cell __________ to support the plant
c) Evaporation of water vapour from leaves keep the plant _________ in hot


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