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In health and sickness, pure water is one of Heaven’s choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is
the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the
necessities of the system, and assists nature to resist disease. MH 237.
In this study we will be looking at:

1. The benefits of water physiologically in the body.

2. The dangers of the wrong kind of water.
3. Nature’s water therapies


Water has untold benefits in the human body, it increases heat production and elimination, it removes
impurities out of the system, it is a medium for gaseous exchanges and increases blood formation and
metabolism, as well as being a lubricant. Water acts as a cleanser and for this reason an adequate supply each
day needs to be received for it to function properly.

When you wake up in the morning to go to urinate, your urine is a darker color than normal, due to the lack
of water throughout the night, which causes a dehydration in the body. A lot of our water is lost in sleep through
perspiration even though we may not feel that we are perspiring. This fluid goes into your bed and can lead to
bacteria building up in your mattress. It is important to air out your mattress by folding back the sheets and
allowing the air and sunlight to evaporate the moisture and also to destroy the germs that have made their homes
there, as bacteria like a moist environment to live.

Most people do not drink enough water, and tend to drink only when thirsty, but we need more than that
which just ravishes our thirst. Imagine taking a shower and turning on the tap only to find a green sticky slime
come out, and upon ringing up the water board to make your complaint you are informed that there has been a
restriction in the water supply and the only available water left is the green sludge that you have been using and
told that you just had to do the best you could with that. How disgusted you would be; after all you pay your
rates, and it is their responsibility to provide a decent service for you and your family. This scenario seems very
unlikely to occur just in the way stated, but on a cellular level this happens to a vast majority every day, not as
green sludge but as sticky red dehydrated blood cells dwelling in toxic waste due to the lifestyle of modern
civilization. But we are paying for this in a big way, there are no quick fixes that can compensate for the
violation of the natural laws of health, we sooner or later reap what we sow.

It has been found that water intake can increase physical endurance and ability to work by as much as 80%.
When you do not drink enough water your blood thickens and flows with greater difficulty. This can cause
trouble not only in your body tissues and organs, but also to your heart that must pump that sluggish blood. With
a decrease in circulation of the blood it decreases the oxygen supply to the brain impairing concentration and
creating untold side effects.

Without water you couldn’t blink, (as water lubricates your eyes.) You couldn’t swallow, (as water coats
your throat.) You couldn’t perspire, or even exhale a breath of air. Water is needed for every cellular function
of the body, and cells can only function properly when there is an adequate supply to perform their duties.

“He that
believeth on
me, as the
scripture hath
said, out of his
belly shall flow
rivers of living
What kind of water to use?

The best type of water to use is distilled water, distillation is found in nature produced by the evaporation of
water by the clouds thereby leaving the heavier elements in the sea or ground where they belong. It is often
advocated that the best type of water to drink is mineral laden water, as it has an abundance of essential nutrients
to supply the body’s needs, but we must consider that this is the ROLE OF FOOD AND NOT WATER; water
is of itself a nutrient and SHOULD NOT be taken to get a sufficient doses of minerals. “The sick should be
educated to have confidence in nature's great blessings which God has provided, and the most effective remedies
for disease are pure soft water.” PC.024. Soft water is not mineral water, that is hard water, and cannot be
classed as pure water.

Arthritis, hardening of the arteries, gallstones, kidney stones, and even cataracts have been linked to drinking
impure water. Distilled water is said to break up mineral deposits and play an important role in the treatment and
prevention of such diseases. It is reported that drinking distilled water removes much irritation from the kidneys
and also increases the purity of the blood stream, thereby not only strengthening our kidneys, but other organs. It
has also been reported that many medical patients troubled with kidney and bladder infections are reported to
have seen their symptoms vanish after drinking only distilled water.

It is believed by some that distillation robs the body of minerals that it needs, and is therefore depleting the
body of its mineral reserves, leading to degeneration. This seems to have an element of truth to it, but at the
same time leads to a false impression, as the minerals that are taken out of the body are of the kind that the body
doesn’t need, such as inorganic minerals that are unusable on a cellular level.

The tap water that we have free access to can hardly be called pure water. It has some of the most deadliest
chemicals in the world, and has caused great suffering to many people as a result.

There can be two types of water poisoning:

1. The pollution of drinking water by NATURAL SOURCES or INDUSTRIAL WASTES,
2. The CHEMICALS that are ADDED to WATER, to remove impurities. This is a matter of adding
impurities to remove impurities. Industrial chemicals such as MERCURY dumped into lakes are picked up by
organisms, and travel up the food chain to FISH, LIVESTOCK, PETS, and PEOPLE. Protecting crops from
insect pests risks the poisoning of our drinking water from PESTICIDES seeping through the soil, and
accumulating in body tissues where they jeopardize our health. Researchers found that children whose parents
use pesticides inside the home have an almost 4 times greater risk of developing childhood leukemia.
Agriculture fertilizers such as NITRATES have been found in well water. They have caused poisoning of
infants who are susceptible to nitrates.

When chlorine reacts with organic matter, it forms cancer causing compounds. A study by the National Cancer
Institute found that chlorinated drinking water increased the risk of BLADDER CANCER. It was estimated that
it might be responsible for 1/4 of all bladder cancers among non-smokers.

Chlorinated water destroys vitamins A, B, and C as well as the amino acid TRYPTOPHAN. DDT and other
chlorinated hydrocarbons are “delayed reaction poisons” which are cumulative in the human body showing up
years after they have been digested. House plants do not thrive in chlorinated water, nor will guppies live in
such water.

A scientific study in the 70’s showed that cities with fluoridated water supplies had a 5% increase in cancer
rates. At levels of 1 part per million fluorine has been shown to increase tumor growth rates, and to increase
cancer death rates by destroying body enzymes. In a study of the water in New Orleans, its high cancer rates
were traced to drinking water taken from the Mississippi River. Cooking in ALUMINUM COOKWARE with
water containing fluorides increased the aluminum concentration by up to a thousand times more than cooking
in fluorine-free water. Boiling will eliminate all traces of chlorine from water, but it will not eliminate fluorine,
which can be eliminated through the process of distillation.

Fluorine is needed for strong teeth, however what the fluorine advocators fail to tell the public is that this
fluorine is a by-product of the aluminum production called sodium fluoride, and not calcium fluoride. Sodium
fluoride is more toxic than lead, and only slightly less toxic than arsenic. The government gave it a maximum
contamination level of 200 times that of lead. Dr. Steyn says that a deficient diet, and not a fluoride deficiency,
is the most important cause of dental decay. Fluoridation also causes Fluorosis, or the mottling of the tooth
enamel, MONGOLISM IN INFANTS, KIDNEY DAMAGE, and it also interferes with ENZYME, MINERAL,
and VITAMIN functions of the system. Drinking fluoridated water has been directly linked to BONE

Fluorine inhibits over 100 different enzymes in the soft tissues of the body. It leads to CALCIUM
ALLERGY, and CANCER. 1 Part per million of fluoride interferes with COLLAGEN METABOLISM, which
is essential to bone strength. Divine Philosophy and Science of Health and Healing, page 98-100


Water therapies have been used for thousands of years, and are one of the most simple means of healing that
can be used in cases of disease. One of the first recorded stories of it being used is found in the Bible, when
Naaman, a captain of the host of the king of Syria, who heard about Elisha (a prophet of God,) that could heal
his leprosy. Elisha told him to go and bathe himself seven times in the muddy river of Jordan, at first he was a
bit reluctant to do so, but finally after some persuasion he consented and came out perfectly whole.

It is hard to believe that such a simple treatment could be so effective, but you will find that these simple
remedies are indeed the most effective, and nothing man can invent can produce such wonderful results.

Hot shower for a few minutes and then a cold shower for thirty seconds in the morning is a great way to
boost your immune system, by stimulating your white blood cells. A hot and Cold foot bath, hot for 2 minutes,
and cold for 30 seconds, repeated several times has helped many suffering from headaches, colds, and arthritis.
Fomentation’s are also a great way to gain pain relief and to ease congestion. A warm bath can relax and sooth
your nerves, as well as open your pores to allow waste to be dispensed of. Steam baths are a very effective
method of eliminating poisons out of the body, and a wet sheet packs helps to lower fevers. These therapies and
many more are at our fingertips and can be used by just about anyone who knows a few basic principles and a
little knowledge into there use.


• Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

• Don’t drink with your meal, or just before and just after, as this causes dilation of digestive enzymes.
• Avoid drinking water too hot and too cold as energy is used to make bring the water back to blood
• Drink distilled water if possible, next option would be rain water.
• Chew your water, instead of just gulping it down fast.

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