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a n o n y m o u s said...

From Hey, Sloal! Your hypocrisy is showing], Cincinnati Beacon. 6/11/08

Over at The Daily Bellwether. Bill Sloat has been getting pretty upset by some "redneck jokes" circulating the web from other btoggers. And In this
post, he advocates for getting rid of slurs like "hillbilly." But what about calling the Mayor of Cincinnati a "darkle," or the Superintendent of
Cincinnati Public Sc'vots "mummy"? how tun Stout endorse such imially disgusting beliuvidr, white rallying uguinsl slurs luigeling Appalachians?

We're talking, of course. about TlieWlnstleblowet, a daily emu'il publkathn written b/Jim Schifrin, regularly filled with racist language as described
above. Sloat shows a special adoration of Jim Schifrin's potty-humored hate-speech, which seems Irypocrkicol given his recent desire to protest
Ixite-speech against Appalachians.

In 2003, Sloat wrote this glowing endorsement of Schifrin for ttte Cleveland Plain Dealer....

a n o n y m o u s said...

It looks like the Cincinnati Beacon is trying to piggyback oil your site and drive trathc to themselves. Ihete Is an entire post from the Beacon that <
posted above as a comment. Wlial Is up with Hut? Doesn't anybody read that blotj?

a n o n y m o u s said...

Doesn't anybody read that blog?

i do. The Dean just posted this invitation to Bill Sloat:


I fust ran this item about what appears to be a double standard on your part:

If you take a look at the comments, some suggest I didn't accurately reptesent your POV re: Schifrin. Tlat's reasonable, so it's only fair to give
you a chance to state your position.

So where do you stand on Jim Schifrin's long history of racial slurs, such as calling Mayor Mallory a "darkie" and Rosa Blackwell "mammy," etc?
Does tlKit offend you* Are you okay with it? How do you compare it to tlie ~redneck" slurs you wrote about? Du you plan to ever criticise Schifrin's
racism on the Bellwether?, etc.

In hindsight, it might have been fairer for me to ask you this before running my item. On the odter hand, if you now come out swinging agoinst his
disgusting racial sluis, it will only make me look like I jumped the gun and misjudged you. Heck, if someone of your reputation publicly calls out
Schifrin for his disgusting racial insults, I'm delighted to give you a public apology and also three cheers. He's gotten away with this racist garbage
for too long, don't you think? I think the primary reason Is because not enough people are willing to call him out end tag him for what he ft.

So give It your best shot. Bill. Write whatever you want ami I'll publish your response In Its entirely.

Can you get back to me on this th a day or so? Thanks and looking forward to your reply.

[The Dean]

looks like iftyour move. BUI.

June U. 20089:15 AM

After c o m m e n t a p p r o v a l w a s t u r n e d o n b y Bill S l o a t , the a b o v e c o m m e n t w a s s u b m i t t e d , but w a s not p u b l i s h e d .

A s a n e x p e r i e m e n t , 1 2 h o u r s later, the s a m e c o m m e n t e r s u b m i t t e d a s e c o n d c o m m e n t ( s e e b e l o w ) w h i c h w a s
critical o f the C i n c i n n a t i B e a c o n . T h a t c o m m e n t w a s p u b l u s h e d a n d at this writing is still p o s t e d o n S l o a t ' s b l o g .
0 Anonymous said...
It looks like the Cincinnati Beacon is trying to piggyback off your
site and drive traffic to themselves. There is an entire post from
the Beacon that is posted above as a comment. What is up with
that? Doesn't anybody read thatblog?
■JUNE 12, 2 0 0 8 9:35 AM

O Anonymous said...
The Beacon used to be a pretty good blog, but over the last year
they've gone off the deep end too many times.

u ■_! J. \ J_ 1 "j , M— \J •—} O 9 : , "5 ^—' ■*■ - ■*-

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