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Carmen Votre toast Sao e Toreador Song Allegro moderato (é = 10») G. Bizet SA — AA pA A cia © Sethe Dek opted A A Sf v f, Escamillo 2 Vo-tre toast, je peux For a toast,your own fa iad vous le ren - dre, Se-fiors,se - iors, cir &-vee les sol-dats— will a-vail__ me, Se-fors,se - fiors,— For all you men of war, —=— + pease SS =e econ on SSS Ss df} Sf, sempre f. Oui, les To-ré-ros, peuvent sentendre; Pour plai-: Like all To-ré-ros, as brothershailme! In a A rs, pour plai-sirs, ils ight, in a fight’ we ee ttt: a =~ “ont les_ com - bats!___ Le. cir - - queestplein, c'est both take de - light! Tis hol - 1-day,’ the + =a jour de fé tel Le cirque est plein cir - cus full, The cir - cus Taneeemnmree Dye en te Les spec - tt - feurs,— The look - ers - on, haut en rim to 4 ‘www everynotecom s loner sempre ff ho a ee perdant la {8 - te, Les spec-ta - teurs slinter-pel-lent grand fra-cast beyond controi,__ ‘The lookers - on. now be-gin to murmur and roar! A oso gett e ee a mn i” ee ee Ff colla voce +¢ ¢? ve ee rffg {EO — ¢ = —— pp v = 7 = 5 Repos re nei ne a Some are call ing, And oth-ers baw! - Eien i Pous - sés jus-ques A la fu-reur!__ And.” howl - ‘ing too, with might and main! enor ie (ere edad cou rns - gel they a-wait a sight ap- pal - + ting! www.everynote.com Gest la fe - te des gens de coeur! Al-lons! ‘Tis the day of the braves of Spain! Come on! >~ by al-lons! aj - lons!___ come on! tit. Pp, To- ré-a-dor, en gar To - re- a-dor, make Tead To - ré- a-dor!__ To - ré- a-dor!__ Et son. ge bien, oui, To - re- a-dor! To - re- a-dor!__ And think on her, on 4 www overynote.com songe en com-bat-tant,— Quun ceil noir te re - ger - la her, who all can see: — On a dark - eyed _ ~ fim > rit, poco de Et_que V'a-mourtattend, — ‘To- r6-a-dor. Pamour, Yamour Cat - dy, And that love waits for thee, To -re-a dor, Love wuits,lovewaits for £ a tempo waww.everynote.com af im Tout dun coup, onfait si - len - ce, onfaitsi - Jen Ah! que se All at once they all are si - lent, theyallare si - lent: | Ah!what is Af, passe - t-il? Plus de cris,cest Pinstant! Plus de cris,cestTinstant! go-ing on2_ No cries!the time hus come! No cries! the timehascome! fe a2 o¢ rey, of eiliert Le tau-reau s'é-lance En bondis-sant hors du To-ril!__ I s-lan-ce, il entre, il With a might-y bound the bull leaps out fromthe To-ril!_ With a rush ‘heeomes,he Foe be for aan tae un_che - val le En-trai-nant un a horse is Un-der him a www-everynote.com a é SS SSS ey Ah! bra - vo! To - rolw “An! bra ~ vol To - ro!” A - tau-reau va il vient... il he goes on, he halts, he —— gos hur-le Ia fou - Je! the crowd is cry - ing! at nf 2 tempo vient... ot frappeen-co - re, En se-cou - ant ses ban-de - turns,” charg-es once more!’ Oh_ how he shakes his ban- de - —— ee a tempo "pe 2 ril. les, Plein de fu-reur il eourt! Le cirque est plein de ril - las! How mad-ly now he runs! The sand is wet an www-everynote.com + On se Sauve... on fran-chit les See them run-ning, sco themlimb the Fi af “FT Crest ton tour. main. te ~ nant! Al-lons! On - ly one____ has not fled! Come on! 3 al-lons! al . lonst__ come on! come on! pte? gar - de! To-ré-a-dor!_ -dor,make read - y! To-re-a-dor!_ www.everynote.com g To - ré-a-dor!_. Et To - re-a-dorl_ And son-ge bien, oui, songe en com-bat-tant, think on her, om her whoall can see, On a Quun oeil noir de Et_que 14-mour t'at-tend! dy And that love waits for thee. rit. poco a tempo dor! dor! To - To- re Va-mour, Ta-mour tat - tend! To - . that love, love wails for thee, To - a tempo colle voce dark - te re- eyed. gone La - mour__._ tat - tend! an love waits for thee! a ofS www.everynote.com 9

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