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Bauman, Zygmunt [1925]

By Bauman
[1989] Modernity and the Holocaust [Amazon]
Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
[1996] Alone Again - Ethics After Certainty
[2006] Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty
Cambridge: Polity.
[2008] Culture in a Globalised City
A contribution to the issue of Occupied London.
[2011] Culture in a Liquid Modern World [Amazon]
Cambridge: Polity.
Bauman Live (videos)
[2009] About immigrants and wasps [10:30]
Fragment of a speech From Assimilation to...? A Brief
History of European Ambitions and their Frustrations,
held at the Spaces, Connections, Control Inaugural
Symposium at Goldsmiths College, University of
London, 28 November 2009.
[2010] Selves as Objects of Consumption, part
1 [14:51], 2 [14:21], 3 [14:48], 4 [14:45],5 [14:33], 6 [2:25], 7 [10:01], 8 [7:29]
Bauman gives a lecture Selves as Objects of Consumption in the Tolerance Center
of Vilnius Gaon Jewish State Museum. The lecture was organized by Lithuanian
Member of the European Parliament Prof. Leonidas Donskis, publishing
house Apostrofa and Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania).
Thetranscript of this lecture was created by James C.
[2011] The Global Factory of Wasted Humans, part 1 [13:01], 2 [10:05], 3 [13:45]
Bauman talks about The Global Factory of Wasted Humans in a filmed conference
published on the French video portal Audiovisual Research Archive. For Bauman
the production of human waste or more precisely, wasted lives, the superfluous
populations of migrants, refugees and other outcasts is an inevitable outcome of
modernization. It is an unavoidable side-effect of economic progress and the quest
for order which is characteristic of modernity. As long as large parts of the world
remained wholly or partly unaffected by modernization, they were treated by
modernizing societies as lands that were able to absorb the excess of population in
the developed countries. Global solutions were sought, and temporarily found, to
locally produced overpopulation problems. But as modernization has reached the
furthest lands of the planet, redundant population is produced everywhere and all
localities have to bear the consequences of modernitys global triumph. They are
now confronted with the need to seek local solutions to globally produced problems.
The global spread of the modernity has given rise to growing quantities of human
beings who are deprived of adequate means of survival, but the planet is fast
running out of places to put them. Hence the new anxieties about immigrants and
asylum seekers and the growing role played by diffuse security fears on the
contemporary political agenda. See his book Wasted Lives: Modernity and Its
Outcasts [2004].
On Bauman

Bunting, Madeleine [2003]

Passion and pessimism
Interview and profile of Bauman from The Guardian.
Cummings, Dolan [2004]
The trouble with being human these days - Identity
Edemariam, Aida [2007]
Professor with a past, in: The Guardian April 28, 2007.
Europe of Strangers [pdf]
Oxford University Transnational Communities Programme Working Paper.
Galecki, Lukasz [2005]
The unwinnable war: an interview with Zygmunt Bauman
Majchrzak, Kamil [2007]
Was ist so schlimm daran?
Article about the anticommunist legislation in Poland and lies about Zygmunt
Vsques Rocco, Adolfo [2008]
Modernidad lquida y fragilidad humana; de Zygmunt Bauman a Sloterdijk
Wikipedia: Zigmunt_Bauman

Bell, Daniel [1919 - 2011]

By Bell
[1950] Notes on Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership
In: Alvin W. Gouldner (ed.) [1950], Studies in Leadership: Leadership and
Democratic Action. New York: Harper & Brothers, pp. 395-408.
[1960] The End of Ideology
Chapter 13: The Mood of Three Generations.
A modern classical in which Bell argues that the older humanistic
ideologies derived from the 19th and 20th centuries were
exhausted, and that new parochial ideologies would arise.
[1968] Directions: American society at the crossroads
Speech by Daniel Bell on March 22, 1968, discussing the new
character of American life. From the University of Alabamas
Emphasis Symposium on Contemporary Issues.
[1973] The Coming of Post-Industrial Society
New York: Basic Books.
[2002] Athens and Jerusalem: The Twin Foundations of Western Civilization
On Bell
Perlstein, Rick [1996]
The Prophet Motive - Daniel Bells Take on Capitalism, 20 Years Later
Posted in Slate, Nov. 20, 1996.
Lind, Michael [1999]
Why Daniel Bell Keeps Getting it Right
New America Foundation.
Wikipedia: Daniel Bell

Cooley, Charles Horton [1864 - 1929]

[1891] The Social Significance of Street Railways (abstract)
Publications of the American Economic Association 6 (1891):
[1894a] The Theory of Transportation
Sociological Theorie and Social Research: Being Selected
Papers of Charles Horton Cooley, pp. 17-118. Originally
published inPublications of the American Economic
Association 9 (1894).
[1994b] Personal Competition: Its Place in the Social Order
and Effect Upon Individuals; With Some Considerations on
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected
Papers of Charles Horton Cooley, pp. 163-226. Originally
published inEconomic Studies 4 No. 2. (1894).
[1896] Nature versus Norture in the Making of Social Careers
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Charities and Corrections (1896): 399-405.
[1897a] The Process of Social Change
Political Science Quarterly 12: 63-81.
[1897b] Genius, Fame and the Comparison of Races
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp. 121-59. Originally published in The Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science 9 (1897): 1-42.
[1902] Human Nature and the Social Order (Revised edition, 1922) - idem
New York: Charles Scribners Sons.
[1902] The Looking Glass Self
From: Charles Horton Cooley [1902] Human Nature and the Social Order. New
York: Scribners, pp.179-85.
[1904] Discussion of Franklin H. Giddings A Theory of Social Causation
Publications of the American Economic Association, Third Series, 5 (1904): 426431.
[1908] A Study of the early use of self words by a child
Psychological Review 15 (1908): 339-57.
[1909] Social Consciousness
Proceedings of the American Sociological Society 1 (1907): 97-109.
[1909] Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind
New York: Charles Schribners Sons.
[1909] On Primary Groups
From: Charles Horton Cooley [1909] Social Organization: A Study of the Larger
Mind. New York: CharlesScribners Sons, pp. 25-31.
[1909] A Builder of Democracy
Survey, Mai 1, 1909: 210-3.
[1912a] Discussion of Simon Pattens The Background of Economic Theories
Publications of the American Sociological Society 7, (1912): 132.

[1912b] Valuation as a Social Process

The Psychological Bulletin, Vol. IX. No. 12 Decembter 15, 1912. Also published as
part ofSocial Process, pp. 283-92.
[1913a] The Institutional Character of Pecuniary Valuation
American Journal of Sociology, 18: 543-555. Also published as part of Social
Process, pp. 293-308.
[1913b] The Sphere of Pecuniary Valuation [mirror]
American Journal of Sociology, 19: 188-203.
[1913c] The Progress of Pecuniary Valuation
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 30: 1-21. Also published as part of Social
Process (1918), pp. 329-48.
[1916] A Builder of Democracy
Survey 36 (1916): 116.
[1917] Social Control in International Relations
Publications of the American Sociological Society 12, (1917): 207-16.
[1918a] Social Process | idem from OpenLibrary
New York: Charles Scribners Sons.
[1918b] A Primary Culture For Democracy
Publications of the American Sociological Society 13, (1918): 1-10.
[1918c] Political Economy and Social Process
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp 251-59. Originally published in The Journal of Political Economy, 25
(1918): 366-74.
[1920] Reflections upon the Sociology of Herbert Spencer
American Journal of Sociology, 26: 129-45.
[1924] Now and Then
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp. 283-85. Originally a paper read at the Annual Dinner of the American
Sociological Society at the 1923 meeting. It was first published in Journal of Applied
Sociology 8 (1924): 259-62.
[1926a] The Roots of Social Knowledge
American Journal of Sociology 32 (1926-27): 59-79.
[1926b] Heredity or Environment
Journal of Applied Sociology 10, (1926): 303-7.
[1928a] Sumner and Methodology
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp. 325-7. Originally a paper read at the Annual Dinner of the American
Sociological Society at the 1927 meeting. It was first published in Sociology and
Social Research 12 (1928): 303-6.
[1928a] Case Study of Small Institutions As a Method of Research
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp 313-22.. Originally a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Society in 1927. It was first published in Publications and
Proceedings (1928): 181-91.
[1929] The Life-Study Method As Applied to Rural Social Research
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp 331-9. Originally a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American

Sociological Society in1928. It was published in Papers and Publications of the

American Sociological Society (1929): 248-254.
[1929] The Development of Sociology at Michigan
Sociological Theory and Social Research: Being Selected Papers of Charles Horton
Cooley, pp 3-14.
Bibliography of Charles Horton Cooley
Wikipedia: Charles_Cooley

Geiger, Theodor [1891 - 1952]

Biography & Bibliopgraphy
Biographie | Bibliografie
In: 50 Klassiker der Soziologie.
Literatur from and about Theodor Geiger
In: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek.
Wikipedia: Theodor_Geiger [en]
Wikipedia: Theodor_Geiger [de]
By Geiger
[1930] Erziehung als Gegenstand der Soziologie
In: Die Erziehung. Monatsschrift fr den
Zusammmenhang von Kultur und Erziehung in
Wissenschaft und Leben, 5(7). Leipzig: Verlag Quelle
und Meyer, pp. 405-27.
[1955] Theorie der Sozialen Schichtung [pdf]
In: Theodor Geiger [1962] Arbeiten zur Soziologie.
Neuwied, Teil II, Chap. 10: 186-205.
On Geiger
Geiler, Rainer
Die Schichtungstheorie von Theodor Geiger
On Geigers theory of social stratification.
In: Klner Zeitschrift fr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZFSS) 37: 387-410.
Giddens, Anthony [1938]

man Reader, by: Charles Lemert and Ann Branaman.

Goffman Biography
by Gadi Algazi (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Erving Goffmann by B. Diane Blackwood
Article for Magills Guide to the 20th Century Authors (1977) Pasadena, CA: Salem
[1959] The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life | Amazon
New York: Doubleday
Goffman analyses the structures of social encounters from the perspective of the
dramatic performance. He shows how people use such fixed props as houses,
clothes, and job situations; how they combine in
Society is organized on the principle
teams resembling secret societies; and, how
that any individual who possesses certain
they adopt discrepant roles and communicate
social characteristics has a moral right to
out of character. Goffman takes us
expect that others will value and treat
also backstage , into the regions where people
him in an appropriate way. Connected
both prepare their images and relax from them;
with this principle is a second, namely
and he demonstrates in painful detail what can
that an individual who implicitly or
happen when a performance falls flat.
explicitly signifies he has certain social
Introduction [pp. 1-13]
characteristics ought in fact to be what
Presentation of Self [pp. 22-30, 70-76]
he claims he is [p. 11].
The Arts of Impression Management [pp. 20812]
Erving Goffmans The Presentation of Self [video]
Wikipedia: The_Presentation_of_Self_in_Everyday_Life
[1961] Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other
Inmates [Amazon]
Anchor Books
[1963] Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity [Amazon]
[1967] Interaction Ritual - Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior [Amazon]
New York: Anchor Books
[1974] Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience | Amazon
New York: Harper, 1-39.
On Goffman
Barnhart, Adam D. [1994]
Erving Goffman: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Becker, Howard S. [1999]
The Politics of Presentation: Goffman and Total Institutions
Bowman, Timothy, D. [2010]
Backstage or Front Stage with Youtube
In: Ideals, 02-03-2010.
Brnnimann, Christoph [Oktober 1997]
Welchen Beitrag leistet Goffmans Interaktionstheorie bei der Analyse neuer
Article on the contribution of Goffmans interaction theory to the analysis of
computer-mediated interaction.
Freidson, Eliot [July 1983]
Celebrating Erving Goffman

In: Contemporary Sociology, 12(4): 359-362

A paper read at a memorial session for Erving Goffman at the Eastern Sociological
Society meeting in Baltimore, March 4, 1983. Freidson discusses Goffmans early
Missana, Sergio
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman
Travers, Andrews [1997]
Manning, Philip: Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology [review]
Reviewing Sociology 10(1).
Young, T.R. [1987]
Hard Times and Hard Tomatoes: The Plight of Symbolic Interactional theory in a
Interactionally Deficient Society
Young, T.R / Massey, Garth [1978]
The Dramaturgical Society: A Macro-Analytic Approach to Dramaturgical Analysis
The writings of Goffman have illuminated the dramaturgical components of face-toface interaction. But the task of developing a substantive and theoretical explication
of the dramaturgical society remains. Young & Massey try to expand the
dramaturgical analysis to the macro-societal.
In: Qualitative Sociology, 1(2): 78-98.
Wikipedia: Erving_Goffman

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