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Definition: Equalization (British: equalisation) is the process of adjusting th

e balance between frequency components within an

electronic signal. The most well known use of equalization is in sound recording
and reproduction but there are many other
applications in electronics and telecommunications
In telecommunication, equalization is the reversal of distortion incurred by a s
ignal transmitted through a channel. Equalizers are
used to render the frequency response for instance of a telephone line flat from en
d-to-end. When a channel has been equalized the
frequency domain attributes of the signal at the input are faithfully reproduced
at the output. Telephones, DSL lines and television
cables use equalizers to prepare data signals for transmission.
Construct decision-feedback equalizer objectcollapse all in page
eqobj = dfe(nfwdweights,nfbkweights,alg)
eqobj = dfe(nfwdweights,nfbkweights,alg,sigconst)
eqobj = dfe(nfwdweights,nfbkweights,alg,sigconst,nsamp)
The dfe function creates an equalizer object that you can use with the equalize
function to equalize a signal. To learn more about the process for equalizing a
signal, see Adaptive Algorithms.
eqobj = dfe(nfwdweights,nfbkweights,alg) constructs a decision feedback equalize
r object. The equalizer's feedforward and feedback filters have nfwdweights and
nfbkweights symbol-spaced complex weights, respectively, which are initially all
zeros. alg describes the adaptive algorithm that the equalizer uses; you should
create alg using any of these functions: lms, signlms, normlms, varlms, rls, or
cma. The signal constellation of the desired output is [-1 1], which correspond
s to binary phase shift keying (BPSK).
eqobj = dfe(nfwdweights,nfbkweights,alg,sigconst) specifies the signal constella
tion vector of the desired output.
eqobj = dfe(nfwdweights,nfbkweights,alg,sigconst,nsamp) constructs a DFE with a
fractionally spaced forward filter. The forward filter has nfwdweights complex w
eights spaced at T/nsamp, where T is the symbol period and nsamp is a positive i
nteger. nsamp = 1 corresponds to a symbol-spaced forward filter.
The table below describes the properties of the decision feedback equalizer obje
ct. To learn how to view or change the values of a decision feedback equalizer o
bject, see Accessing Properties of an Equalizer.
Note: To initialize or reset
ecision Feedback Equalizer'
ptive algorithm represented by
ghts in the forward filter and
nfbkweights]. The
number of weights in

the equalizer object eqobj, enter reset(eqobj).

Fixed value, 'D
Name of the ada
Number of wei
the feedback filter, in the format [nfwdweights,
the forward filter must be at least 1.
Number of input samples per

symbol (equivalent to nsamp input argument). This value relates to both the
structure (see the use of K in Decision-Feedback Equalizers) and an assumption
about the signal to
be equalized.
RefTap (except for CMA equalizers)
Reference tap index, between 1 and nfwdw
eights. Setting this to a value greater than 1 effectively delays the
reference signal wi
th respect to the equalizer's input signal.
Signal constellation, a
vector whose length is typically a power of 2.
Vector that concatenates the complex coefficients from the forward filter and th
e feedback filter.
This is the set of wi values in the schematic in Decision-Feedback E
Vector that concatenates
the tap weight inputs for the forward filter and the feedback filter. This is th
e set of
ui values in the schematic in Decision-Feedback Equalizers.
If 1, each call to equalize resets t
he state of eqobj before equalizing. If 0, the equalization process maintains
ity from one call to the next.
Number of samples the equalizer proces
sed since the last reset. When you create or reset eqobj, this property
value is 0.
Properties specific to the adaptive algorithm represented by alg
See refe
rence page for the adaptive algorithm function that created alg: lms, signlms, n
ormlms, varlms, rls, or cma.
Relationships Among Properties
If you change nWeights, MATLAB maintains consistency in the equalizer object by
adjusting the values of the properties listed below.
Adjusted Value
StepSize (Variable-step-size LMS equalizers)
InvCorrMatrix (RLS equalizers)
An example illustrating relationships among properties is in Linked Properties o
f an Equalizer Object.
collapse all
Decision Feedback Equalization with LMS Adaptation
Equalize a signal using a decison feedback equalizer with least mean square (LMS
) adaptation.
Set Up Transmitter
Create a QPSK modulated transmission signal containing random message data. Pass
the signal through an arbitrary channel filter to add signal distortion.
M = 4; % Alphabet size for modulation
msg = randi([0 M-1],2500,1); % Random message
hMod = comm.QPSKModulator('PhaseOffset',0);
modmsg = hMod(msg); % Modulate using QPSK

chan = [.986; .845; .237; .123+.31i]; % Channel coefficients

filtmsg = filter(chan,1,modmsg); % Introduce channel distortion
Set Up Equalizer
Create a DFE object that has 5 forward taps, 3 feed-back taps. Specify the least
mean square algorithm inline when creating the equalizer object. Initailize add
itional equalizer properties.
dfeObj = dfe(5,3,lms(0.01));
% Set the signal constellation
dfeObj.SigConst = hMod((0:M-1)')';
% Maintain continuity between calls to equalize
dfeObj.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0;
% Define initial coefficients to help convergence
dfeObj.Weights = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Equalize Received Signal
eqRxSig = equalize(dfeObj,filtmsg);
Plot Results
Compare the first 200 equalized symbols (initial) to the remaining equalized sig
nal (final).
initial = eqRxSig(1:200);
hold on
final = eqRxSig(end-200:end);
legend('initial', 'final')
Equalization of the received signal converges within approximately 200 samples.

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