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Dear Ms Izzard,

Application for the post of Physical Education Teacher at Tokyo International School.
I am excited to be applying for this role. I love Japan. The first time I visited I was so inspired, I decided
to return to the region to make a future for myself there. I am currently living and working in Cambodia,
and I visit Japan whenever I can. These experiences have made me who I am today; they have helped
me to develop an understanding of the importance of helping to create global citizens. I love the rich
culture and tradition of Japan. I have always felt at home there; I would love the opportunity to explore
the country and learn the language.
I am at a point in my career where I am seeking a new challenge. In my 8 years experience as a PE,
Spanish, Art, Primary and Middle Years Specialist I have absolutely loved being a teacher. Throughout
my career in internatIonal schools, I have considered it a privilege to have a role in shaping the future of
the next generation. I have always aimed to be a positive member of the whole school community. I
always participate fully in whole school life - sporting events, helping with assemblies, recording videos;
assisting with school productions and planning and presenting PD sessions. I am known as a colleague
with a great sense of Spanish fun; I believe in bringing dynamic and energetic lessons to all learners. I
love the challenges and rewards that being a teacher brings; seeing learners make progress, and
enjoying lessons and school.
I see it as my job to encourage learners to experience a range of activities; including sports, music and
the arts; to help them to find an area that they truly feel passionate about. I have seen the benefits of
sport both in and out of the classroom; seeing learners gain essential life skills such as being part of a
team; learning to manage their emotions and relate to other people; gaining confidence. I have seen
learners be totally inspired, and determined to better themselves through participating in sport.
I am totally committed to being part of the whole school community. I believe an essential part of school
experience is having the opportunity to get involved in a range of team sports. I have loved coaching and
leading basketball, volleyball, football and tennis. I have organised and led a number of residential trips. I
always go above and beyond to set high standards, and to inspire learners to try to achieve their best. I
aim to make sport inclusive; so that all learners feel they can benefit from it; I want sport to be a highlight
of everyones school experience.
I have developed experience of the challenges of working within a multicultural and multilingual school. I
understand that it is important to adapt the curriculum to make it culturally relevant, and to support the
wide range of needs of the learners in my classes. This has encouraged me to develop a range of
teaching skills; such as the use of cooperative learning structures; a growth mindset approach; and
lessons which are dynamic, energetic and aim to engage all learners. I use assessment strategies to
guide the progress and actively engage each member of my class; I am confident in using data to inform
my planning and to help me to differentiate.
I have a wide knowledge of how using ICT can enhance not just my lessons, but the achievement of all
learners. For example I use ipads; filming; recording; interactive learning blogs; the IWB; games and
apps. I have used my skills to contribute to marketing of my last two international schools by filming and
editing promotional video for their websites. I have a successful Vimeo channel which demonstrates
some of the films I have made. I have also contributed to a number of school productions; as a writer,
director, and a technical director. A highlight of my career was when I was invited to film with an award
winning film director, Kulikar Sotho, on her latest project; which premiered at the 2016 Tokyo
International Film Festival. Attending the festival was an amazing and unforgettable experience for me.
I am passionate about education. I love the idea of learning about new methodologies; I believe as
teachers we never stop learning. I am totally motivated by the idea of extending my knowledge of the IB.
I understand that being aware of the safety and wellbeing of learners is a key part of my role as a
teacher. I seek to actively engage and inspire learners and their families; and Im confident that I can
refer pastoral / safeguarding concerns on when necessary.
I recognise that the move to another international school would be a challenge, and would mean that I
need to learn quickly and adapt. However, I feel that TIS is the perfect environment for the next stage in
my career, and I am keen to contribute to the exciting school community you have to offer. Thank you
for taking the time to consider my application, I hope to have the opportunity to prove myself a valuable
and loyal member of your team.
Yours sincerely,
Ibon Rosell

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