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Yael R.

Dragwyla First North American rights

Email: Polaris93@aol.com 370 words

Qaballah and Tarot:

A Basic Course in Nine Lessons

By Yael R. Dragwyla, © 2002 e.v.

Introduction to Qaballah and Tarot course

This course was originally launched in 1984 e.v. to teach the Qaballistic roots of Tarot to a group of young
science-fiction writers. These writers, who wanted to incorporate the use of Tarot and Tarot-related concepts into hard
science-fiction stories and novels, wanted to do so in as historically and technically accurate a way as possible. They
found that this course not only provided a wealth of information on the history and philosophy of the design and use of
Tarot that proved to be extremely valuable to them in their writing careers, but also richly enhanced their own personal
use and understanding of Tarot for readings, study, meditation, and even, in some cases, enhancement of their ethnic
The course covers not only the broad, general design of Tarot in relationship to such diverse Hermetic disciplines
as astrology, alchemy, and the ancient Jewish science of Qaballah, but also covers the designs and meanings of all the
individual cards in a Tarot pack. In addition to traditional Tarot packs of 78 cards, it also discusses other possible
types of packs, with some emphasis on designing them to accommodate the ideas, motifs, trends, and phenomena of the
Space Age which were completely unknown to the original Qaballists and the creators of the first true Tarot packs.
Conceived with the idea of providing a solid foundation for the acquisition of true spiritual literacy in the late 20th and
early 21st century for “right-brained” and “left-brained” individuals alike, it gives an overview of the history of
Qaballah and Tarot, discusses in detail their interrelationship as well their relationship to astrology and alchemy,
describes all the individual cards of a traditional Tarot pack and their meanings, and provides ideas for use of Tarot to
teach basic skills to younger children as well as more advanced ideas, concepts, and knowledge to older ones as well as
Eventually we will produce a Tarot pack of our own to go with this course, which will also be available through
this page.
– Yael Dragwyla, Seattle, WA 2002 e.v.

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