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Program Top Notch Fundamentals Cuatrimestral

CLASS 1: Unit 1: Names and Occupations

CLASS 2: Unit 1: Names and Occupations

CLASS 3: Unit 1: Names and Occupations

CLASS 4: Unit 1: Names and Occupations

CLASS 5: Unit 2: About People

CLASS 6: Unit 2: About People

Tell a partner your occupation

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Grammar (15 m)
4 Grammar Practice (10 m)
5 Pair Work (20 m)
6 Integrated Practice (10 m)
Now you can tell a classmate your occupation
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Spell Names
1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Listening Comprehension (15 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Listening Comprehension (15 m)
5 Listening Comprehension (15 m)
6 Grammar (10 m)
7 Grammar Practice (15 m)
8 Grammar Practice (15 m)
9 Pronunciation
10 Pair Work (20 m)
Now you can spell names
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (10 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Introduce People
1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Grammar (15 m)
3 Grammar Practice (10 m)
4 Pair Work (20 m)
5 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
6 Grammar (10 m)
7 Grammar Practice (15 m)
Now you can introduce people
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Group Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Page 1 of 5

Identify your classmates

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Grammar (15 m)
3 Grammar Practice (10 m)
4 Integrated practice (10 m)
5 Grammar (15 m)
6 Grammar Practice (10 m)
7 Pair Work (10 m)
8 Pair Work (10 m)
Now you can identify your classmates
1 Conversation model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

1 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
2 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Integrated Practice (25 m)
5 Personal Responses (20 m)
Point (20 m)
Pair Work (20 m)

Tell someone your first and last name

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
4 Vocabulary Practice (15 m)
Now you can tell someone your first and last name
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Program Top Notch Fundamentals Cuatrimestral

CLASS 7: Unit 2: About People

Get someones contact information

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Grammar (10 m)
4 Pronunciation (15 m)
5 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
6 Integrated Practice (10 m)
Now you can get someones contact information
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

CLASS 8: Unit 2: About People
1 Reading (25 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Speaking (25 m)
Pair Work (20 m)
Writing (30 m)

CLASS 9: Unit 3: Places and How to Get there
CLASS 10: Unit 3: Places and How to Get there
Talk about locations
1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Vocabulary (15 m)
5 Pair Work (20 m)
6 Grammar (15 m)
Now you can talk about locations
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Discuss how to get places

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Grammar (20 m)
3 Integrated Practice (15 m)
4 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
Now you can discuss how to get places
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

CLASS 11: Unit 3: Places and How to Get there
CLASS 12: First Partial Exam (Units 1-3)
Discuss transportation
1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Grammar (15 k)
4 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
5 Vocabulary (15 m)
6 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
Now you can discuss transportation
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Page 2 of 5

1 Reading (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Group Work (10 m)
Contest (10 m)
Pair Work (20 m)
Give and grade the 1st Partial Exam.
Go over any questions students have regarding the exam.

Program Top Notch Fundamentals Cuatrimestral

CLASS 15: Unit 4: Family

CLASS 16: Unit 4: Family

CLASS 17: Unit 4: Family

CLASS 18: Unit 4: Family

CLASS 19: Unit 5: Events and Times

CLASS 20: Unit 5: Events and Times

Identify people in your family

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
4 Grammar (15 m)
5 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can identify people in your family
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Talk about your family

1 Grammar (15 m)
2 Grammar Practice (10 m)
3 Vocabulary (15 m)
4 Pronunciation
5 Pair Work (20 m)
6 Grammar (15 m)
7 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can talk about your family
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Confirm that youre on time

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pronunciation (10 m)
3 Pronunciation Practice (10 m)
4 Pair Work (20 m)
5 Vocabulary (15 m)
Now you can confirm that youre on time
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Page 3 of 5

Describe your relatives

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Grammar (15 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
5 Integrated Practice (10 m)
6 Integrated Practice (10 m)
Now you can describe your relatives
1 Conversation Models (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

1 Reading (20 m)
2 Reading Comprehension
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Group Work
Pair Work (20 m)
Description (10 m)

Talk about the time of an event

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
3 Vocabulary (15 m)
4 Grammar (15 m)
5 Grammar Practice (10 m)
6 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
Now you can talk about the time of an event
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Program Top Notch Fundamentals Cuatrimestral

CLASS 5: Unit 5: Events and Times

CLASS 14: 2nd Partial Exam (Units 4-5)

CLASS 21: Unit 6: Clothes

CLASS 22: Unit 6: Clothes

CLASS 23: Unit 6: Clothes

CLASS 24: Unit 6: Clothes

Ask about birthdays

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Vocabulary (15 m)
4 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
5 Pair Work (10 m)
6 Grammar (15 m)
7 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can ask about birthdays
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Give and accept a compliment

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pronunciation (10 m)
3 Grammar (15 m)
4 Grammar Practice (10 m)
5 Grammar (15 m)
6 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can give and accept a compliment
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

Describe clothes
1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Grammar (15 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Grammar Practice
Now you can describe clothes
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

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1 Reading (20 m)
2 Integrated Practice (10 m)
3 Group Work (20 m)
Pair Work (20 m)
Contest (20 m)
Give and grade the 2nd Partial Exam.
Go over any questions students have regarding the exam.

Ask for colors and sizes

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Grammar (15 m)
4 Grammar Practice (20 m)
5 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
Now you can ask for colors and sizes
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)

1 Reading (25 m)
2 Reading Comprehension (20 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
Game (25 m)
Pair Work (20 m)

Program Top Notch Fundamentals Cuatrimestral

CLASS 25: Unit 7: Activities

CLASS 26: Unit 7: Activities

CLASS 27: Unit 7: Activities

CLASS 28: Third Partial Exam (Units 6-7)

Talk about morning and evening activities

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Pair Work (20 m)
3 Grammar (15 m)
4 Grammar Practice (10 m)
5 Grammar (15 m)
6 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can talk about morning and evening
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)
5 Class Survey (25 m)

Discuss household chores

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Grammar (15 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Pronunciation (10 m)
5 Integrated Practice (10 m)
6 Grammar (15 m)
7 Listening Comprehension (20 m)
8 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can discuss household chores
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)
5 Group Work (20 m)

Page 5 of 5

Describe what you do in your free time

1 Vocabulary (15 m)
2 Integrated Practice (10 m)
3 Grammar (15 m)
4 Pair Work (20 m)
5 Grammar Practice (10 m)
Now you can describe what you do in your free time
1 Conversation Model (10 m)
2 Rhythm and Intonation (10 m)
3 Pair Work (20 m)
4 Change Partners (5 m)
5 Group Work (25 m)

1 Reading (20 m)
2 Reading Comprehension (20 m)
3 Integrated Practice (10 m)
4 Discussion (10 m)
Contest (10 m)
Pair Work (20 m)
True or False (20 m)
Writing (20 m)
Give and grade the 3rd Partial Exam.
Go over any questions students have regarding the exam.

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