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Spain is known for its unique culture as well as being a peninsula country.

However, that
title didnt just happen over night, it took lots of hard work and different groups of people
settling in Spain for it to become a country. Spain, located on Europes very own Liberian
peninsula just under France had its first settlers known as the Celts and Iberians. Throughout a
period of time though, the Romans took over forcing the country to learn Latin, and use the
Roman religion as well as their law. All throughout the Roman control of the land, the Romans
set up different boarders separating this land from the rest of Europe.
During the 8th century, Muslims moved into Spain leaving a huge influence on the
Spanish culture (Spaindreams). After all of the different settlements, the country had a peaceful
harmony. However, things changed in the 16th century when Christians of the north captured
Granada. From there, the land was ruled by different kings that eventually ended due to not
having any reigning children. Then came the War of Independence where the Spanish fought off
the French in order to become its own country with its own people. After keeping their
independence, the people of Spain did their own thing remaining neutral in their decisions with
The whole country of Spain is bounded by water making people want to settle there.
Being surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, caused the country to thrive due to good climate
and arable land. Iron and coal as well as wheat and barley have been found in Spain. In the video
Guns, Germs, and Steel, it talked about how important it was for cultures to be able to survive
off of their resources that they have as well as being able to create transport with Iron. People
were drawn to Spain due to its thrive in farming and animals. Spain being surrounded by water,
has many different climate changes. Therefore, because of the different climate changes the
country has a lot of different agriculture.

Because of Spains rich development in agriculture and iron, it helped the country to
thrive in many different ways. As stated in Guns, Germs, and Steel it is important to have
weapons and transportation. In Spain they thrived due to the fact that they were one of the first to
help invent the helicopter (Donquijote). Aside from the intention of the helicopter they also
invented harquebus guns and pocket knifes (Donquijote). By having these different inventions,
Spain was able to keep their land when other counties tried to take it over as well as protect their
Spains history does support Diamonds Guns, Germs, Steel in the way that each
civilization came about differently. Spain gained its people through its good location being
surrounded by water as well as diverse culture. This country along with a lot of other countries
also had a slow start to become a dominate country as Diamond stated. Different countries kept
wanting to take over the land due to the location and good agriculture that it produced. The
history that has been stated as well as performed gives us an understanding as to why Spain is
such a popular country today.

To get to know and understand Spain and the Spaniards, it is important to know about the
influences different cultures had over the past centuries on the country. (n.d.). Retrieved January
22, 2017, from http://www.spaindreams.com/eng/history.htm
O'Callaghan, J. F., & Viguera, M. J. (2016, December 19). Spain. Retrieved January 22, 2017,
from https://www.britannica.com/place/Spain
Spanish Inventions & Spanish Inventors | don Quijote. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from

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