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A Mindset Shift to Liberate Your Innate Freedom

Message from the Council of Radiant Light

Channeled by Ailia Mira
Greetings, Divine Ones,
Today we want to play with words. We want to play with words in
a way that we hope will give you a glimpse of a very useful
insight. Today we want to offer an idea about what is happening
and how it is going on in your world and your life. We think this
might benefit you in more fully grasping the reins of your power
and, therefore, your capacity.
There is the word we would like to use about what is happening,
and it is one that is often used, but there's another word that's often
used too, and we'd like to talk about our preferences here and
explain why we have them. The word we would use to talk about

what is happening in your life and your world is the word: shift.
The word we would not use, and we'd like to point out why it
might be problematic for some of you is: transformation.
What you're experiencing in your life can look and feel like
transformation. We get that. From a physical viewpoint, it appears
that there is a metamorphosis of form occurring, a conversion
taking place.
We want to remind you how animation takes place. You've all seen
animated little movies or films, and you know that animation
comes from a series of drawings that are run through a projector at
a very quick speed, and so they appear to be moving.
They appear to be moving, and the movement seems to be coming
from the same single original form. What an animation is, is
countless different things, in this case, drawings, strung together,
experienced at a very high speed, so they look like a single thing
that's moving.
That's what's happening for you, in your life, too.
What we're trying to say here in preferring the word shift to
transformation is there is an underlying meaning to these words
that matters. We want you to realize that the word transformation is
closely linked to some of the things that keep you stuck in Time;
the ideas of healing or fixing or saving.
To shift has a different meaning. To shift is to move from one place
to another or to cause something to move from one place to
another. Therefore, the accurate word for what's happening to you
is actually shift. You are shifting. You are shifting from one place
to another quite literally if we're going to be precise in
communication about this.

You are shifting vibrationally, and as you shift vibrationally, you

shift in terms of the location and experience that you have as your
knowing of what's now.
Everything you imagine is created as a location and expressed
energetically. As you are shifting energetically, you are
encountering points, locations in time/space that correspond to.
You think of this as corresponding to your frequency; we would
say that the locations of your experience correspond to your
momentums. They correspond to your momentum, not just to your
current energy but to the trending energy that you've been
amplifying and energizing and creating as potential pathways for
your experience.
When you create a thought form and when you create a momentum
of thought forms by thinking about something ... You think about
something and you focus on it, what happens? You start to have
more similar thoughts. This is law of attraction already in action.
You start to think about something; suddenly you have a lot more
ideas that are very similar to it. No matter what you are paying
attention to and no matter how you are paying attention to it, when
you pay attention to something, you create more of it and attract
more of it. That momentum is thrilling. No matter what kind of
momentum it is, it's often a feeling that you like.
Momentum feels intense and rich and it's accelerated. Acceleration
is really appealing to you because in your essence, you
fundamentally like speed. The vaster you is moving really fast,
your essence is fast-moving energy. The vaster you is, therefore,
used to really fast-moving energy and prefers it. In fact, it's more
fun. If you think about your life, you're the same way.

Slower moving energy often annoys you. You feel impatient. You
want to shift into faster-moving energy. You may not think of it
that way. You might think, "I just want things to happen faster."
What you're really saying is "I want to be in faster-moving energy,"
because when you get used to faster-moving energy, you enjoy
slow moving energy a lot less.
You may see your life in a way that you think it's transforming, but
what's really happening is you're allowing different versions of
your experience to connect with you and your mind is organizing
these in what seems like a movie, something that makes sense in a
linear fashion and it can look like transformation. There's nothing
wrong with this idea, this interpretation.
We're not pointing this out to correct you if you like the word
transformation, or to make anybody wrong. We're pointing this out
because we feel that if you understand that you're actually shifting
into a different location and you really get that, you're going to feel
more powerful because in a different location you've absolutely
left behind what just was.
It's far more empowering to realize you go from one location to
another, and that it may feel seamless, but that you understand
quite literally in truth, energetically you are going from location to
location to location.
That viewpoint and seeing your life as a continual shifting
experience is more likely to help you understand the absoluteness
of now.
Can you imagine and can you see how absolute this now is given
that it's a different point in time/space, a different location than the
previous now?
Do you see how even though you can sustain the feel of a new now
and build momentum ways that continue to feel similar, which

happens naturally because as you pay attention to the moment and

you amplify it, you attract more moments like it? If you see that it's
a shift, you are more likely to understand the infinite freedom you
have in embodiment.
The different locations you experience, you could think of them as
energy streams or bandwidths, some people like to call them
dimensions or levels of consciousness. The words don't matter.
They're just labels. There are far more distinctions in the locations
and streams of energy than any of your labels about dimensions or
levels have described. You don't need the label or the description to
know what's happening because you can feel the difference.
You can feel the difference immediately because the first
manifestation is always emotion. It's your emotional state. The
emotion is telling you what kind of stream you're in, what kind of
momentum you've connected with.
If you connect with a momentum you're not that excited about if it
doesn't get developed too much and you don't react too strongly
and give it too much attention, you can pivot pretty quickly.
When you wake up, you've been in a cosmic field. You've moved
into union with the vaster you. You're connected to pure positive
energy. This is a great time to open up a momentum from that
vaster you. Anytime you're in delight is a good time to build upon
it and open up more momentum that you'll enjoy. You're in
alignment with that vaster you so that you will get inspired ideas.
When you're feeling joy, you'll get your most uplifted beneficial
ideas, the ideas that will most directly, easily take you into the
experiences you want and give you the feeling state you want.
You'll know when you have these ideas because when you have
them, you'll already be feeling good and the inspired idea will feel
even better. No matter where you are, an inspired idea will lift you

up. Some of you, notice that they don't last. That doesn't deny the
experience of being in that moment of alignment and in that
location, glimpsing the higher idea that's a more direct path.
You have that capacity clearly and the reason we're pointing this
out today is to help you even more completely discover how to
drop the fourth dimensional patterns that are slowing you down
and the fourth dimensional patterns of trying to make it all work by
giving effort to it, by working at it, by trying to fix it, by thinking
you need to clear or heal yourself, others or the planet.
All of that is slowing you down and you hate being slowed down.
You hate feeling impatient when it comes to what you want and
you hate feeling separate from the things you like. To help close
that gap with that, we're here today to talk about perhaps thinking
of it all as transformation has served you till now, but because it's
not accurate, it may not be the most beneficial way to look at
Because you're not taking what was and making it different; you're
just tuning to a different frequency. When you do that, you are in a
different location and your experience simply is different. It is
different immediately.
There has always been, in the infinite now, currents and
experiences that are uplifted.
You are living in a physical form that has experienced immense
limitation in allowing this higher frequency because the thought
forms and consciousness present in this form did not create
resonance with these uplifted currents very easily, very readily.
When you're in an idea or an expectation based on negative things
in the past or needing to fix yourself before you can get something
or the idea that something is wrong with you, that's the bandwidth

you're in - it's limited, it's slower-moving, and the emotions that

arise in that energy feel less good.
By starting to realize that you can create a totally different
experience because you actually shift moment to moment, we're
hoping you might glimpse how much more free you actually are.
The things that feel the same over and over and over again, they're
just being recreated. When you feel for the joy within you, when
you feel inside for the lighter energy and tune to that part of you
that is here, the vaster you, the total you, that knows how to enjoy
the experience, you shift. The more you make that your priority,
that harmony, that alignment, that being synced up with you, the
more liberated you become.
This changes not just your awareness, but the location you're in
and the form you're in. The form you're in, in the different
locations that are more uplifted has a greater capacity for light. If
you sustain and perpetuate and amp up that momentum, amazing
experiences are what you will know as each now.
Then you'll feel like, "Wow, really good stuff is happening right
here, right now and it's happening again." Then, of course, as you
notice that and appreciate that, your momentum builds.
When you genuinely appreciate what feels good, your momentum
builds. The more you let go of commenting on what you don't like
in the world, the more you learn to be picky about what you give
attention to and what you're willing to focus on in your words and
your actions, the more you learn to use your focus and the
increased focus of your words and the even more increased focus
of your actions because words and action take focus into more
concentration, the more you learn to do this in a way that serves
you as indicated by your sense of alignment, the more you're

letting your life flow from the vaster total you. That flow feels
really good to you.
Then, the locations (where I situated myself through my conscious
awareness) in which you experience your life become increasingly
delightful. Quite naturally, as you shift, the potential for all
humanity opens up because these streams of uplifted consciousness
expand in your realm. That's how you help each other. That's how
the world changes.
Today, we wanted to point out why the word shift might be a good
idea to think about rather than thinking of yourself as transforming.
You might even think of it as a reappearing moment to moment to
moment in a new way, and that would be very true.
Although it happens even faster than moment to moment, which is
why you don't see it. It's seamless in your perception, this everchanging experience, and that's the infinite possibilities that you're
having. Perceiving it as seamless that doesn't mean it's not
happening just because you don't sense the movement.
We like this idea that your life continually reappears. It's pretty
accurate. As you vanish (how do you like that!) from lower
frequency domains and realms and bandwidths and streams, and
reappear in upper levels of consciousness and form, your life takes
on a brilliant light that feels really good to you and inspires
everyone else. This is how, what has been called the new earth and
the new human, are coming about.
The new earth and the new human have always existed as potential
and within the dreaming and the energy structures made possible
through those choices of focus by embodied humans and by those
of us here who are amplifying those potentials, those locations.
Those locations exist.

The pure line of the ascension of the fulfillment of humanity exist,

but as you come into resonance with these locations and start to
stay in them in a steady way, this is what we mean by these new
parallels. The new parallel being populated. The new parallel is a
different location, which is becoming amplified and emanating a
different version of earth from within the planetary matrix. When
you're in it, it's populating, and it's becoming quite literally more
fleshed out.
You feel it as more concrete. It feels more real to you. This
potential that has been talked about for so long becomes natural as
you live in this knowing.
We say to you today, go further. We dare you. Believe in your
capacity to fully shift out of anything that has been and into
something you like better because the shift moment to moment is
Your intentional creation of your state determines where you land.
We are the Council of Radiant Light

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