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Meaning of Charisma

----------------------Innovation only exists when it provides a benefit to the customer.

What is your vision.
----------------------Words of : Charismatic and Transformational leaders think big.
Charisma facilitates leadres in carrying out the roles./charisma makes leader jo
b easy.
Charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purpose ,powers and extraordinary
determination differentiate from others.
Charisma is a positive and compelling quality of a person that makes many others
want to be led by that person.
inspiratio and non-rational communication. response is characterized by awe, rev
erence , devotion or emotional dependance.
they create favourable impression , impression management is that these people
are skilful actions.
but charismatic leaders go beyond impressions. Dress well , talk well, they go b
eyound and creare positive vissions.
they go beyound current work-group or reporting relationships , Andrea JUNG (Avo
Charismatic leader is possible if same beliefs , unquestioning , effection, grou
p members must willingly obey , and emotionally involved in the mission and stro
n desire to identify the leader.
Effects of charimatic leader.
Referent Power to influence , expert power (skill , knowledge ) , job involveme
nt ( excitement)
Lacking charisma and ease with people . less likely to be political victim.
Type of Charisma.
--------------------Socialized charismatics, > user power to benefit others> group benefits > auton
omous , empowered, responsible. >
followers have clear scence who they are are and what is expected from them. > c
onnect with their important values.

personalized charimatics >> Own-interest and excercise few restraints ,serl ser
ving goals on the team,support team only if benefits their goals, followers are
obedient ,submissive and dependant.identify more with leader than the leaders me
ssage .
offce-holder charismatics >> Valuable role or majority of the property occupied
in the office and loose once left the office.

, personal charismatics and divine charimatics. > Very high esteem because of th
e faith in them because of right traits , characteristics , behaviour,
devine charismatic : devine grace ,
A transformationl leader is one who brings about positive , major changes in an
Charismatic leaders are visionary , its beyond forecast , masterful communicatio
n skills ,ability to inspire trust,constituenst risk their carrer to follow,make
groups members feel capable., connect with people.enery and action oriented , e
motional expressiveness of warmth , romantisize risk, unconventional strategies
self promoting personality,challenge , prod ,poke and dramatic.visionary ability
to imagine differant and better than others.
Vision statement is more inspiratinoal where beyond money making , timeless , a
3M 15% of time whatever they want.

Steve jobs brilliant and short-tempered/outsized ego and penchant for control.
Is based on perceptions , attributions made by group members attributions of cha
risma are important. commitment to leaders,
self-sacrifice and high performance.
Attributions of charisma , that the network the person belongs.
DIfferance between Learder / group member and other stakeholders.

Communication stype of charismatice leaders

---------------------------------------------Communicate in colorful and imaginative and expressive manner., group members ,
comfortable communicate climate , encourage two way communication , management b
y inspiration and management and storytelling.
Management by Inspiration
--------------------------------------------Articulate a higly emotional message. use of mataphos and analogies .
Using Metaphors and Analogies
---------------------------Metaphors and anallogies appeals to the intellect

Gearing language to Different Audiances

------------------------------------------------Exentisve use of memorable stories./facinating stories.
---------------------------------------Create visions for others.
--------------------------Enthusiatic , optimistic and Energistic
--------------------------------------Remember Names.
--------------------------------Develop Synchony with others.
----------------------------------synch physically with others.
Develop personnael Brand including making an impressinve impression.
----------------BE CANDIT
-----------------Postive warm and humanistic.
--------------------------------How transaformations take place
-------------------------------------Raising Peoples awareness
------------------------------------Helping people look beyong self-interest.
--------------------------------------------- big picture.
-- for the sake of organisaton and team.
-Helping people search for self-fulfillment.
------------------------------------------------ go beyond minor satifications.
Helping the people undest the need for change.
-----------------------------------------------both emotionally and intellectually.
Investing managers with a sense of urgency
Long range perspective and
-- score higher on emitional intiligence.
-- empowernment and inovative thinking.

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