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The shocking truth about the theft of Goas mineral wealth

The five principles of the Goenchi Mati Movement

By Sarah Dynah McGinnis
What would you say if you were told that each and every member of
your family had been unceremoniously and consistently robbed over
an eight-year period to the tune of Rupees 3.7 Lakhs? A theft of
inherited wealth, passed down through the generations, now almost
beyond recovery and the perpetrators yet to be brought to justice.
These are the incontrovertible facts about the prolonged syphoning
of Goas mineral wealth. The shocking truth uncovered by Goa
Foundation following a detailed examination of the audited accounts
of Sesa Goa/Vedanta.
Previously the Foundation had mounted an in-depth investigation
into the issues surrounding mining in Goa, winning a landmark case
in the Supreme Court in 2014. The victory consisted of a ruling,
which clearly underlined the need for a radical new policy to
manage the unrestrained activities of the Goan mining industry. As a
direct consequence of these developments, a group of citizens from
many backgrounds came together to take up the challenge of fixing
mining in Goa. Thus the pioneering Goenchi Mati Movement (GMM)
was formed, and in turn a detailed, positive and practical action plan
conceived for a way forward.
Its an open secret that for many years mining companies reigned,
unchecked and allowed to accumulate huge wealth from the
profiteering and looting of the raw minerals that comprise Goas
heritage. This was done in concert with central and state
governments, making them culpable. As a consequence, we have
suffered an unforgiveable degradation of our Goan land, heritage
and individual welfare.
For example, a staggering 95% of the capital generated by mining
over a period of eight years has been lost. This amount is equivalent
to double the cumulative State revenue for those years. Just 5% of
the capital generated from mining activity was retained by the
State, and even this amount cant be reliably traced.
At the core of its argument, the GMM maintains that the mineral
wealth of the land of Goa belongs legally, morally and
incontrovertibly to the people and future generations of Goa.
Equally, they maintain that the value of this asset must be
preserved for the benefit of the Goan community, a view supported
by both the Indian Constitution and legal precedent.
The GMM challenges the irresponsible actions of the State. Unethical
granting of licences, unregulated and unsustainable mining

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activities, and the illegal dispersal of capital in the form of profits

combine to describe a State administration that has overreached its
The Constitution dictates that the State should act as a trustee on
behalf of the community, not as an owner of the assets. Therefore,
the machinery of state has failed to discharge its duty. It has failed
in its remit to be accountable to the people of Goa.
What does this represent in real terms? The GMM states the case
clearly and simply in a set of five principles:
1. Goans own the mineral in common and the state is merely a
trustee on behalf of the people and future generations.
2. Minerals are inherited, thus the value of the mineral wealth of
Goa must be retained in full, and passed on in its entirety to future
These both are proven and enforceable in law under the Public Trust
Doctrine and the Intergenerational Equity Principle memorialised in
the Indian Constitution. It includes all natural resources not just iron
ore and minerals, but all mainland-based forests, water bodies,
rivers and seashores.
3. GMM advocates a measured approach to selling minerals. These
minerals are shared land resources, The Commons, and as such
any capital generated from these assets, is owned equally by
everyone. Minerals need to be extracted at the appropriate time to
fetch the highest price, and be protected against exhaustion
through over-mining. This can be described as mining on an as and
when required basis. Most importantly, it must be Zero Loss
mining in other words capturing the full value of the mineral.
4. To retain the value and common ownership all capital generated
by the extraction of mineral assets should be invested in a
Permanent Fund. This forever retains the value of the asset and
also allows for inflation. Examples of this exist globally in countries
such as Norway, Chile, Botswana and Mongolia, and in particular
Alaskas Permanent Fund. Just recently the Indian Supreme Court
ruled 10% of iron ore sale value in Goa is to be retained a
Permanent Fund. This is a first for India, and a global judicial
precedent. A further challenge is now being mounted by GMM to
increase this from 10% to the full 100% of the net mineral receipts.
5. To pay a share of the real income from the Permanent Fund i.e. a
dividend to every citizen of Goa in perpetuity, a Citizens Dividend.
Aside from the attractive prospect of a financial dividend, what will
all of this achieve? GMM points to the many benefits including social
cohesion, reduced layers of state and political red tape, and the

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breach of the historic cartel of mining licensing reducing corruption

and unmitigated profiteering.
For the individual, the rights associated with shared ownership is set
to materialise as the payment of a Citizens Dividend. This will be a
huge boost to basic community welfare, enabling improved access
for all to what can be prohibitively costly healthcare and education.
This form of welfare state system will go a long way to addressing
the basic needs of the very poorest in our community who struggle
to make ends meet.
On a much wider scale the GMM proposal will also serve to put real
power firmly back in the hands of the Goan public. Goans can
reclaim their birthrights. They will be in a position to reinstate their
power to monitor and control state activity in relation to the rate of
mining and to receive the income derived from it. To this end all
capital as outlined in Principle 4 must bypass the state
administration and go directly into the community-owned
Permanent Fund. This is the only way to eliminate the possibility of
undue interference and arbitrary taxation.
Above and beyond this we have all witnessed the devastation of
Goas natural forest. The environment has been ravaged resulting in
climate change, unpredictable monsoons and directly affected local
crops, fishing and the circulation of our waterways.
Brown dust bowls haunt the hills surrounding our homes, farms and
wildlife sanctuaries. Seen from the air, as many of us fly into
Dabolim, the panorama below is interrupted by a series of barren
wastelands. Its a stark reminder of how greed and plunder inflict a
patchwork of shame on the landscape.
Few are publicising the fact that the enormous land wealth is
traditionally community-owned property, designated to be held in
trust for future generations. The beautiful paddy fields of Goa have
been preserved as part of such a system. Goa is the smallest yet
one of the richest states in India in terms of our natural resources,
not to mention our biodiversity. It is this treasure that is being
steadily excavated and systematically stolen from under our very
This theft is not only from us, but from our future generations. We
have all witnessed the financial greed fuelled by unchecked mining
and condoned by state and central governments. We have seen the
destruction of land and property by those with vested interests,
contributing to the mass migration from Goa of our brightest and
best. We have a duty to the million generations who will follow us, to
safeguard their inheritance. Crucially it will be on this issue that
future generations will judge us.

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The Goenchi Mati Movement is emphatic that we must take

responsibility right now to protect our heritage. If we do not act
quickly and decisively it may be too late.
To this end GMM are launching a campaign: Ore Chor!144 and
urging politicians of all parties to make a pledge that they will
ensure the implementation of the five principles and to make that
promise a part of their manifesto.
Now is the time and now the opportunity to ensure the preservation
of the traditions and culture we hold so dear. It is essential that we
resolve to join together to ensure justice is served not only for
ourselves, but for the trillions of those yet to be born. We cannot
stand by and witness the rape of our land without taking action. We
need to work together with good leadership, commitment and
determination if we are to halt the decline and ultimate destruction
of our Pearl of the Orient.
About the Author:
Sarah Dynah McGinnis is a member of the Goenchi Mati Movement.
Additional Information Section:
Goenchi Mati Movement
We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from
our children
The Goenchi Mati Movement advocates a set of reforms to promote
fairness in mining in Goa, based on successful models around the
world. GMM are promoting this as a campaign: Ore Chore and invite
the public to:
Insist that their political party, local politicians and election
candidates sign the Goenchi Mati pledge
Volunteer expertise to the campaign
Spread the word, talk about this issue with everyone you meet
Volunteer time
Find out more: www.goenchimati.org
email: goenchimati@gmail.com.

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