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Otters are petite, engaging creatures overflowing with positive energy. Intelligent and bright, they are also
popular, eminently lovable and display the highly developed social skills that typify the small carnivores.
Otters mix easily with a wide range of animal personalities.
Lazy? Let's just say easily distracted. Life has so many diversions for the otter that it's impossible to predict
how it will fill its day. But when an otter gets focused on a problem, its keen intelligence rises to the
challenge and it will not give up until the nut is cracked.
Otters feel entitled to the good things in life and a general sense of well being gives them the confidence to
not have to save for the future. A lover who wants to impress an otter should know that otters love to eat out
and have a predictable penchant for sushi.
Although intelligent and witty, otters have a tendency to suffer from self-doubt and fear of failure can prevent
them from living up to their true potential. Still, they are a great problem solvers, with the ability to spend
endless hours on abstract or practical challenges. As workers, they are dedicated and capable and always
eager for a chance to prove themselves.
Their determination makes otters valuable employees, and although they often feel that their contributions
are undervalued they would rather accept lower pay than risk confrontations in their workplace.
Although they are fine motivators otters avoid taking leadership roles, performing better in group situations
with their social skills coming in handy when counseling coworkers through their problems. Their dexterous
hands are useful in a wide range of careers, and they're ideally suited for work in engineering, advertising,
and design.

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