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45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy*

*And How to Avoid Them

By Anita Bruzzese; Perigee Books, 2007
Career columnist Anita
Bruzzese has covered the
workplace from all its angles.
She's been both an employer
and an employee, and as a
business journalist, has
interviewed hundreds of top
managers and workplace
experts. In the course of her
career she's come to
understand that many
employees and their bosses are
simply not on the same page as
she puts it, many aren't even in
the same book to begin with.

About the Author/s:

A n i t a
Bruzzese is
the author of
Take This Job
a n d T h r i ve
(2000). A
career and
she writes a weekly nationally
syndicated newspaper column
for Washington, DC-based
Gannett News Service called
On the Job. The column, which
has drawn interest and praise
from across the country and
internationally, focuses on
workplace issues.

This of course leads to nothing

but trouble between both
bosses and employees and is
nothing but career suicide for
those who can't play by the
read the summary

She is the managing editor of

the Investigative Reporters and
Editors Journal. She also writes
for the websites HR Today and

for author info

Inside This Book Summary:

The Big Idea
Why You Need This Book
Bosses Don't Promote Employees Who
Make Them Feel Uncomfortable
Bosses Get Rid of Employees With Too
Many Bad Habits
Bosses Don't Give Great Projects to
Those Who Can't Play Nice and Get Along

with Others
Bosses Don't Give Leadership Roles
to those Who Lack Maturity and
Common Sense
Failure to Give Full Support to
Your Employer Says You're not
Ready for an Investment of
Time and Resources

Published by BusinessSummaries, 3001-91, 11010 NW 30th St., Suite 104, Miami, Florida 33172 2007
BusinessSummaries All rights reserved. No part of this summary may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior notice of BusinessSummaries.com.


Why You Need This Book

In this simply-written and much needed book,
Bruzzese reveals the most common complaints
from bosses regarding their employees and
what they do wrong. She groups these
complaints into sections, discusses them and
then offers advice on how those who wittingly (or
unwittingly) commit these errors can shape up,
fly right and at least be considered for a position
come promotion time or not be fired when times
get tough.
The individual traits or practices the author
identifies are grouped in logical order, making
them and the relationships between them easy
to understand.

Bosses Don't Promote Employees Who

Make Them Feel Uncomfortable
1. Treating the office like it's your love shack
Getting into relationships at work can be
troublesome partners can distract each other
and/or display inappropriate behavior that
makes other people very uncomfortable. Also,
relationships between officemates that end
badly are usually very problematic for everyone.
Office relationships are bound to take place

About the Book:

Author: Anita Bruzzese

Publisher: Perigee Books
Date of Publication: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-399-53317-4
Number of Pages: 256 pages

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

whether they're permitted or not. If you are bent

on having a relationship with someone you
work with, behave discreetly; keep away from
the usual haunts; remain friendly with others;
and no PDA! If one of you supervises the other,
things are bound to get even more troublesome
they can lead to charges of sexual harassment.
2. Punching the soda machine when you're
stressed out and ticked off
Bosses can see uncontrolled emotion as a
potential danger to both your coworkers and
your boss himself. It can result in written
documentation that can lead to a suspension,
dismissal or even a lawsuit.
Admit that there is a problem to begin with, and
take steps to deal with the stress in ways that
don't involve hurting someone at work such as
keeping a job journal and noting what
happened at work; visiting the doctor and
getting a check-up; simply walking around
when things are heating up; and address
personal concerns outside the office.
3. Goofing off on a business trip
Regardless of wherever you go on business
trips (and of however informal things get
where you go), your workplace follows you. It
doesn't matter that you've gone out of the
building; you're still doing it on the company's
pay. You have to watch out for those moments
when you might say and/or do something you
might really regret later on especially when
tired or drunk.
You can also avoid dressing down (you might
meet someone from work on the road); avoid
flirting at all costs, whether single or married (all
the more reason not to do so!); don't go out too
much and spend all your time sightseeing and
all that; and watch out for your equipment and
data stay safe and secure.

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4. Earning a reputation as a whiner, drama

queen or general pain in the neck
What other people think of you at work really
matters. It's important that you fit right in as a
member of the workplace team. And even
though your boss might not interact with you on
a daily basis, you can bet she'll be giving
credence to what other people say.
Whether you deserve being called so or not,
you could simply take control of your life and
actually do something about your problems
instead of just mouthing off; be honest and
don't exaggerate; become more self-sufficient;
suck it up and take care of it yourself; lend a
hand to others to forget about your own
troubles; or find professional help.
5. Discussing your personal beliefs at work
You can really get disruptive when talking
about your personal beliefs at work this always
triggers strong emotions. Tempers will get
raised and people will be distracted from what
they're supposed to be doing. Plus there's
always the possibility of harassment.
To keep your personal beliefs from getting in
the way of your success, be realistic (not
everyone can or will share your beliefs), be
discreet (don't proclaim them openly), keep it
off company time (no personal business at
work), and be cool when someone talks to you
about it.
6. Telling dirty jokes and cussing on the job
This sort of behavior is not only rude but also
worrisome it can lead to charges of sexual
harassment. In addition, even if it doesn't go
that far, it can polarize your work environment
by offending many people.
To avoid problems, always figure someone's
eavesdropping, so always watch what you say;
fine people little amounts for every swear word
they say; think about why you do it (to
impress?, to intimidate?); and consider your

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

future (your boss isn't likely to have good

memories of you if you keep it up).
7. Having questionable personal integrity
Real integrity means that you don't lie about what
you're doing. You work when you're supposed to
and don't lie about what you do while on the job.
And if your integrity's questioned, it may prove
very hard indeed to clean up your reputation.
Misdemeanors include lying (a way of controlling
and manipulating people and situations that can
be grounds for mistrust and even dismissal),
blame (bosses do NOT appreciate finger
pointing), sticky fingers (thievery is punishable by
firing and/or criminal charges), not keeping your
word, faking an absence (for which other people
may have to work doubly hard to cover for you),
and hanging around with the wrong people.

Bosses Get Rid of Employees With Too

Many Bad Habits
8. Blogging about your job
If you want to hang on to your job, don't write about
it in your personal online diary or website! The
boss will find out, and you'll get it for sure. It's a
very bad idea to go online and say bad things
about your company and/or the people you work
with, because even if you think that your posting is
completely anonymous, it can and most likely will
be discovered.
And for those who try to hide behind the right to
free speech, companies will argue just as noisily
about their right to protect their reputation in the
marketplace, and will stop any action that may
work against them even if it takes firing an
9. Having poor writing and spelling skills
More and more, writing and spelling skills are
becoming part and parcel of people's

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competencies at work. The fast pace of work

nowadays means that bosses are always on the
lookout for people who don't need too much
attention regarding the work they churn out and
quite a few people do because of their spelling
and writing problems.
To improve your writing, read (to get familiar with
sentence formation, proper spelling and the
like), take care not to outsmart yourself by
coming up with needlessly convoluted
sentences, work to improve (you need to work at
writing to be able to write well), avoid slang, use
correct names, reread your work, and be
10. Failing to write thank-you notes
A nice handwritten thank-you note lets you
manage your image and reputation. Whereas a
badly done note sets your reputation back by
that much.
Some tips: It's okay to send e-mail, but nothing
beats the personal feel of a good handwritten
note. Also, keep it simple and sincere. Next, stop
putting writing the note up if it's terribly late it'll
be awkward. Also be prepared get some thankyou notes ready in advance if you can. Lastly,
learn from others and keep some of the betterwritten notes you've received so they can serve
as examples.
11. Committing e-mail blunders
Some people treat e-mail like they would a
phone conversation and make them terribly
informal. The trouble with that is, e-mail's
recorded and can be sent out to people ad
infinitum and thus can last practically forever
lawsuit heaven in lawyer lingo.
Think very carefully before you send that email.
If it's not vital and only neat, then it may not at
all be suitable for sending out and certainly not
to everyone on your contact list. You might be
better off bringing it up in an actual conversation.

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

To be safe, keep it strictly business (especially if

you work in a company that has absolutely no
sense of humor).
12. Failing to speak intelligently
The inability to speak well in the workplace is a
growing problem that hurts careers. A limited
vocabulary can cause you to miss information
and ideas from the higher-ups because you can't
keep up with them which can be fatal especially

About the Author/s:

Anita Bruzzese is the author
of Take This Job and Thrive
(2000). A career and workplace
specialist, she writes a weekly
nationally syndicated
newspaper column for
Washington, DC-based Gannett
News Service called On the
Job. The column, which has
drawn interest and praise from across the country
and internationally, focuses on workplace issues.
She is the managing editor of the Investigative
Reporters and Editors Journal. She also writes for
the websites HR Today and HROne. Her articles
have also appeared in Incentive Magazine, HR
Today, The Miami Herald, and USA Weekend.
Anita was the founding managing editor of
Employee Benefit News. Prior to that, she covered
economics from the Washington bureau of
Fairchild Publications, reported and edited for
USA Today, and wrote for local and daily
Anita grew up in a small town in Oklahoma. She
took her first journalism class in high school, and
from then on she knew a career in journalism was
for her. She is a Smith College fellow and a Knight
Center fellow. Anita and her husband, who is also
a journalist, are the parents of two sons and
reside in the Midwest.
To know more about the




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in the faster-paced workplaces. Also, unless

you speak well, others will lose interest in what
you say very fast.
To improve yourself in this respect, focus on
self-improvement (you have to work on
improving yourself), spend time with people
who can speak well, practice so you can get
comfortable, don't rush when you speak, and
avoid slang altogether.
13. Wearing the wrong thing to work
If you dress inappropriately according to your
company's standards, it creates a less-than
serious environment that's very distracting.
Even in those companies that don't have
clearly defined dress codes, the bosses do
care and notice what their employees are
wearing. And poorly dressed employees aren't
usually considered when it's time to send the
best staff to meet the clients.
Try to avoid being too casual no clothes for
staying in or going out to clubs, for instance. No
shirts with statements. No clothes that reveal
too much skin. Cover your tattoos if you have
any; shave daily. Check if your perfume or
cologne is too strong or if you smell bad.
Remember that neatness always counts!
14. Behaving immaturely at company
Company parties are still company events and
should be seen as such not venues for people
to let it all hang loose, embarrass themselves
and incur the boss's anger. This is common
sense and yet time and time again employees
make this mistake.
Limit your drinking (and make sure you don't
drink if you're driving). Be social and go around
and meet other people (just make sure you
don't flirt). Avoid groups that are getting too
boisterous. Be responsible for the people you
bring. Dress appropriately. Lastly, use good
manners at all times. (And don't just ditch the

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

15. Being disorganized

A worker who is unorganized and messy at work is
probably not working at a very high level of
productivity and efficiency. Neater workers are
more likely to get noticed, appreciated and
promoted. Messy workspaces do NOT say that
you're working; they simply say that you're
Get rid of unnecessary stuff! Dump the junk and
file what needs to be filed. Try organizing for a few
minutes every day, and every six months, purge
your space to make sure that no clutter ends up
creeping in.
16. Being a poor listener
It can be difficult to listen in today's world where
our devices are constantly going off and our
workmates are clamoring for our attention. But it's
really very necessary to get to know what the boss
is saying if you don't listen, you're going to mess
up. Plain and simple.
Don't interrupt if you do, the other person will
suspect that you aren't paying any attention to
what he/she is saying. Don't finish the other
person's sentences for him or her; this is very
rude. Ignore everything else when someone is
talking. Lastly, after talking, summarize what you
just heard or thought you heard so you can get
things clearly.
17. Losing sleep
Chronic lack of sleep takes a toll on body and mind
alike. Daily life becomes more stressful and we
become less productive; we find it harder and
harder to concentrate and become cranky,
forgetful and more likely to call in sick.
If you find it hard to sleep, a lifestyle change (such
as avoidance of stimulants like alcohol, nicotine or
caffeine and making the sleeping environment
comfortable, quiet, cool and dark) may be in order.
Or you may simply need to sleep more if this is not
the issue. The trick is to take action right away
once a sleep-related problem is encountered.

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18. Using your personal cell phone too much

Most bosses don't mind when they see you use
your personal cell phone from time to time.
However, the more you use it, the more obvious it
is that you're taking care of personal business at
work. In addition, people get offended hearing
other people's private conversations.
Set a time limit for using your personal cell phone.
Establish rules no calls at work unless it's really
urgent, for instance. Don't use it when other
people can overhear your conversation. Put
safety first no calling when driving. Or, just turn it
19. Acting like a boor at business meals
Good manners need to feel natural to you so that
when a business meal takes place, you can
concentrate on business and not on, say, which
fork to use, and you won't be offending the people
you're eating with.
Practice your manners when eating outside the
office. Plan ahead what to eat if you can avoid
messy food. Be considerate of others be polite
and let guests order first. Watch your alcohol
intake. Wait to begin eating until everyone is
served. Take small bites. Don't place your elbows
on the table or lean. Pick at your teeth in the
restroom. Lastly, remain attentive to the business
at hand.

Bosses Don't Give Great Projects to Those

Who Can't Play Nice and Get Along with
20. Not appreciating coworkers
Everyone has to realize that no one can do a job
alone. It usually takes a cast of hundreds to finish
one important project from the most visible
heads to the perimeter employees who don't
seem to be contributing too much to the company.

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

We have to take the time to get to know these

people as people and appreciate their
contributions to the company.
Educate yourself about the job these people do,
and include them in the process from day one.
Avoid blaming them for frustrations. And be
respectful of them, especially the ones who've
been with the company long.
21. Failing to delegate
Delegation is a chance for you to do the work
that best grows your skills and abilities while
helping someone else do the same. It is NOT
dumping the work you don't like onto someone
else, or asking someone else to help you with no
explanation or follow-up support.
Target the right person for you to delegate to.
(Don't delegate if you don't have a proper person
to delegate to.) Be supportive of your coworkers'
efforts. Set clear goals and deadlines to make
sure you stay on track. Lastly, keep
communication lines open and clear to make
sure everyone is abreast of what's happening.
22. Being intolerant
Workers have to realize that talent comes in all
kinds of packages and that diverse teams reap
all kinds of advantages. Companies depend on
the constant generation of new and creative
solutions in order to be able to compete against
some increasingly fierce competitors.
Be more aware of what you say around others.
Avoid others who appear to enjoy being
discriminatory. Speak up when other people
appear to be disparaging of minorities. Lastly, be
open to criticism yourself and apologize for
having been offensive, if you are at fault.
23. Disrespecting a mentor
Mentors are senior employees who volunteer or

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are designated to take more junior employees

under their wing to bring them along or help them
develop. They are exceedingly valuable; without
them your career can easily stagnate if you have
no one to help you navigate the tricky paths of
the workplace; which is why such people should
be given the utmost respect.

26. Fostering an offensive workspace

While your boss wants you to be comfortable,
you must remember that your workstation is
company property and failing to make the area
professional enough is tantamount to a lack of
professional responsibility.

Choose the right mentor and set the right goals.

Find a mutual benefit so that the mentor can
benefit as well from interacting with you. Pay it
forward hope and plan to help someone else in
a similar manner, someday.

Keep it clean and neat always and under any

circumstance. Keep your voice (and music)
down so that you don't intrude on others' work.
Save political, social, potentially offensive
and/or religious items for your home instead of
the office.

24. Not getting to know others in the

If you don't widen your circle, you run a real risk
of being less useful to your boss and division.
You limit yourself and your potential to make
meaningful impact.
To maximize interaction with others, focus on
them (remember that everyone is important or
may be so in the future), understand the
challenges that come up during initial
coordination, pay attention (get an impression of
the other person to commit his or her name to
memory) and foster communication (get all
relevant numbers).
25. Giving feedback that is deliberately
If the boss gets wind of you being rude or snippy
towards others, then you're going to be
considered a problem you can't be allowed to
join polite or important company if you might end
up treating them that way.
Make sure you know what you're talking about
before you actually talk. Avoid personal attacks
and just focus on work and what needs to be
done. Don't judge. Finally, be realistic and don't
offer feedback on something like appearance or

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

27. Gossiping
Whether workplace gossip is true or not, it's
definitely a waste of time and also can
potentially ruin reputations even if what is said
isn't true. It destroys trust, encourages people to
lie to one another and can lead to nasty legal
Avoid being labeled a gossip by evading
opportunities to listen to or spread gossip;
sticking to facts and the truth, always; being
careful with your words so that the gossips know
you aren't just willing to chatter about anything;
and live the Golden Rule do unto others as you
want others to do unto you.
28. Not giving or accepting an apology
I'm sorry a simple combination of words
becomes more complicated at work. Some
avoid apologizing out of pride or fear that it will
put them in a position of weakness. Others
avoid accepting apologies out of pride as well.
Either way, it affects morale and the ability to
work together.
Don't go overboard with any of it make a sincere
apology or receive an apology with grace. Don't
fidget, look someone in the eye when
apologizing. Keep it private; the world doesn't
have to know about what's going on.

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Bosses Don't Give Leadership Roles to Those

Who Lack Maturity and Common Sense
29. Crying at work
It's a mistake to do this for whatever reason you
think justifies it; crying says nothing more than I've
lost control. If you feel like you're about to bawl, get
yourself out of other people's vicinity. A good cry
can help sometimes, but stay away from others.
Learn what it is that triggers your tears and know
when to avoid it. Look for support from someone
you can trust and depend on. Speak up to try to let
your emotions out before your tears build up. Take
care of yourself; try not to let yourself get too
30. Caving in to a bully
Bosses expect you to handle bullies on your own. If
you have to be rescued once, it'll most likely have
to be done again. Also, it's a proving situation
those capable of leadership roles have to be able
to stand up for themselves.
Stay confident and alert; bullies pick on easy
targets. Ignore the lies and verbal assaults. Break
through your fears and stand up to the bully. Assert
your right to be treated with respect and demand it
from the bully. Report him or her to those who will
31. Failing to learn from mistakes
Mistakes happen to the best of us, and how we
treat mistakes really separates the grain from the
chaff. Your boss is looking beyond the error and
wants to see the willingness to not only correct it,
but to develop a strategy to learn from it and see
that it doesn't happen again.
Accept responsibility and avoid blaming someone
else for the mistake. Respond professionally and
competently to it. Investigate and consider
changes; be flexible. Lastly, laugh when you can
without being hysterical or trite.

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

32. Being unable to overcome obstacles

Bosses always get exasperated with workers
who respond so poorly to adversity that they give
up and take off the first time the job doesn't go
exactly as they want. If you're this sort of person,
then you're the weakest link in the chain.
To learn to overcome obstacles, outline the
worst-case scenario (face your fears by writing
down the potential pitfalls), bounce back from
obstacles and be willing to fight, envision
success, be realistic, get inputs from others,
invest in confidence and read inspirational
Having too much
or too little
Overconfidence often breeds big problems. The
overconfident are usually seen as having false
bravado and are either secretly insecure or
jerks, plain and simple. Employees with little
confidence are just as troublesome; bosses
must often spend extra energy just getting them
to believe that they can get the work done at all.
Solutions: get to work and work up plans of
action with timetables; welcome challenges and
set clear attainable goals for yourself;
understand that mistakes happen and they're
just temporary detours; and get a fresh
perspective on things to help you regain
34. Neglecting to write things down
Bosses don't like going over it one more time and
having to repeat to workers who fail to get it right
the first time. You interrupt their train of thought
in that way. Plus, one's memory is a tricky thing
to rely on.
Always make sure to take notes when issues are
time-sensitive, when the boss calls you into his
office, when meetings are attended, when
talking on the phone and when complaints are
made. You can take better notes by practicing
beforehand, asking questions, repeating key
points and being better organized.

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35. Asking for a raise you don't deserve

Many companies are committed to rewarding
employees who deserve it. Employers are very
aware of what the competition is paying and they
know that they have to pay well to be able to retain
top workers.
When asking for a raise, build your case well (look
at how your performance went above and beyond
what is expected and how your contributions
really helped); get noticed; provide
documentation; and time it right (don't do it when
the boss is too busy or when the company's in a bit
of a tight squeeze).
36. Lacking knowledge of current events
Employees are supposed to prove that they are
able to grasp the bigger picture, and if they lack
this knowledge, the boss might worry about the
employee's learning capacity. Also, being
oblivious to current events may mean you end up
embarrassing both yourself and the boss.
Tune in to the news scan the headlines every
morning, but at least once a week, find a news
magazine that will provide a deeper look at the
issue. Also try to join a civic cause or volunteer at
community activities.
37. Holding grudges
If you're holding a grudge for a perceived injustice
at work, either big or small, then you're stuck at it.
Your feelings prevent you from giving yourself
100% to the job.
Live in the real world you can't rewrite history and
change how things went. Hold yourself
accountable you might think you're mad at
someone else, but you may be mad at yourself for
a related reason. Put things in perspective and
take a better look at the world around you.
38. Giving lackluster speeches or
Being asked to make a presentation or give a
speech is nothing short of an honor; it's a

45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy by Anita Bruzzese

recognition that others are impressed enough with

you that they want to learn from you.
The secret is proper preparation and making sure
you understand your audience and what is
expected from you. Set the agenda and explain to
the group what you'll be doing. Manage the time.
Keep answers short and to the point. Lastly,
summarize with impact by giving a statement and
a plan of action to move forward.

Failure to Give Full Support to Your

Employer Says You're not Ready for an
Investment of Time and Resources
39. Squandering time at seminars
Bosses send employees to seminars for them to
learn something; if not from the sessions per se,
then from the other attendees. If you're
disorganized or distracted by other things, then
you're wasting your boss's investment in you.
Plan ahead and choose the sessions that would
be best for you to attend. Pack appropriately and
organize your cards. In general, stay organized for
the duration of the seminar itself.
40. Skipping company-sponsored events
Being seen as someone who is supportive of
company efforts can boost your standing with both
the boss and the boss's boss. Plus they're
unparalleled opportunities for networking. So
events such as these definitely should not be
Be prepared to talk and network with whoever you
may meet. Listen and learn from these people.
Mind your manners and stay supportive no matter
how disagreeable the event turns out to be.
41. Ignoring the company's goals
Those who have a don't-care attitude about their
company's goals are in trouble. This sort of

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attitude becomes a toxic disease in the

workplace, and the boss will definitely want to
eliminate the source of that disease.
To keep focused on these goals: get into the
boss's head and know and understand these
goals. Do one better find ways to improve a
process or operate more efficiently. Ask
questions to improve the goals. Claim projects
that others have dropped or abandoned.
42. Dodging meetings
Meetings such as these are extremely valuable
learning opportunities. You have a chance to
closely watch, learn from and listen to colleagues
and bosses, as well as show yourself off (in a
subtle way of course).
Be prepared. Leave the cell phone and pager, or
turn them off. Sit beside someone different each
time. Don't keep watching the clock; focus on the
meeting. Try to participate. Don't be shy. Don't be
43. Not going beyond your job description
Stepping outside the job description is more
important than ever these days! Companies are
under terrific pressure to compete and so they
rely on their employees to know what skills they
possess and how this can help the bottom line
regardless of what their positions or jobs or roles
might be.

44. Neglecting new coworkers

If the new kid on the block can't get up to speed
as quickly as possible, everyone pays the price,
the company included.
Some ways to help out include pointing out
what they might need to know or see or do;
helping them jot down brief information; making
the territory familiar by pointing out places to eat
and other such landmarks; be inclusive, ask
them to come along to lunch or coffee; and be a
45. Fighting change
People are in the habit of blaming their bosses
or the economy for the stress at work. But it's a
mistake people have to understand that what
they really stress about is change in general. It's
not the situation; it's your response to it that
really matters. Those who can cope with
change are of course the most valuable to an
Look deep and see how you really feel about
change. Avoid blaming others. Open your mind
and be open to new things, even those you
thought you'd never enjoy or even tolerate.
Build support find open-minded people in your
organization. Take some risks and embrace
new things like you did when you were a kid.
Lastly, focus on learning!

To add more value to your job: be a cheerleader

and be supportive and offer recognition; take
action if you see something that needs to be
done; educate yourself (ask the company to help
and your boss will take notice); be fearless and
show everyone you want to face new challenges;
ask for feedback.

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