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Health is a human right as well as capital for the sustainability of a country.
Health as a human right to be protected by the state and given to all Indonesian
citizens without discrimination. Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
Year 1945 Article 1 (3) explicitly states that Indonesia is a country of law. As
a state based on law, all aspects in the areas of society, nation and state,
including the government always based on the law..
Professional nursing has many complex and inter-twined relationships in
the legal arena that are important to identify and understand.1 This opinion
was expressed that the nursing profession is very complex in relation to the
law, which is very important to know and understand. Nurses carry out its
duties and functions in the hospital dealing directly with beneficiaries are
patients and their families. The current health care showed very rapid
progress, both in terms of knowledge and technology, including how medical
treatment and nursing actions vary. In line with these advances, the incidence
of malpractice and negligence continued to increase as a result of the
complexity of the shape of health services, especially nursing provided by
nursing standards.2
B. Problem Identifying
Based on the background of the above problems, the writer can formulate th
e problem as follows:

Black, Beth Perry, 2011, Professional Nursing : Concept and Challenge, 7th ed., St Louis
Missouri, hlm. 67.
Craven & Hirnle, 2000, Fundamentals of Nursing, Lippincott, Philadelphia, hlm. 201.

1. How does the existence of the Internal Regulation of Nursing Staff (

Nursing Staff By Laws) in the protection of the law for the implemen
tation of practice nurses in hospitals Banjarbaru South Kalimantan?
2. How is the implementation, guidance and supervision of the Internal
Regulation of the nursing staff in hospitals Banjarbaru?

C. Objective
This thesis has two kinds of legal research purposes. The objectives of this st
udy set out to answer theses questions, namely:
1. This thesis research aims to identify and assess the existence of the I
nternal Rules Nursing Staff in the protection of the law for nurses in
hospitals Banjarbaru, by analyzing the material, the basic substance o
f regulation and the status of the regulation relating to the principles a
nd norms of the law, systematics of law and compliance with legislat
ion in force.
2. This thesis also aims to identify and analyze the implementation, sup
ervision and guidance, as well as constraints and efforts made by hos
pitals Banjarbaru in implementing the Internal Rules of the nursing st

D. Method of Research
This study is a normative-empirical research with qualitative research
design is descriptive, the research seeks to describe a phenomenon, events,

events that occurred during the implementation of the Internal Rules nursing
staff in hospitals in an effort Banjarbaru legal protection for nurses who work
there. This descriptive study focusing solving actual problems relating to the
implementation of these regulations, as well as supervision and oversight
conducted as they are at the time of research conducted.
The study began by gathering as much information as possible starting
with the secondary data include regulations Legislation, Regulatory Policy,
Decisions and related documents then followed by field ie hospitals
Banjarbaru, and form this information into categories or specific themes,
which later developed into patterns, theories or generalizations will be
compared with personal experiences or the existing literature.3 This study
consisted of normative research and empirical research are complementary..
a) Library Research
The research literature can stand alone without being accompanied
or completed field research, but to complete it should be supported
by field research. Library research conducted by the author include
research into the legal norms that should (das sollen) includes the
general principles of law, legal systematics, the level of vertical and
horizontal synchronization, comparative law and legal history.4
b) Field Research

John W. Creswell, 2013, Research Design : Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan Mixed,
Cetakan III, Pustaka Pelajar, Jakarta, hlm.96.
Soerjono Soekanto, 1984, Pengantar Penelitian Hukum, Cetakan 2014, Penerbit Universitas
Indonesia Press, Jakarta, hlm.. 21-22.

This study is also the empirical research, namely by reviewing the

law conceived as the real behavior (das sein) to go straight to the
field to obtain primary data that are taking place in hospitals
Banjarbaru related to the implementation of the Internal Rules
Nursing Staff (Nursing Staff By Laws) supported by library
research. Primary data is sought in field research among others
custom made by implementing these regulations, treaties, law
enforcement, legal and other awareness.5

A. Research Materials
The research material consists of primary data and secondary data.6
The primary data obtained directly from the first source, namely behaviors
that occur in hospitals Banjarbaru environment related to the
implementation, guidance and supervision of the Internal Regulation of
Nursing Staff. Secondary data is data obtained from the research literature,
including official documents, books tangible results of research reports,
diaries, and so on. In this study, secondary data consists of three (3) types
of legal materials as follows:
a. Primary legal materials, i.e materials that are binding law as a basis;
b. Secondary law, namely the legal materials that provide an explanation
for primary legal materials;

Sudikno Mertokusumo,2009, Penemuan Hukum: Sebuah Pengantar, Liberty, Yogyakarta hlm

Ibid. hlm. 12

c. Tertiary legal materials, ie materials that provide clues to the primary

legal materials and secondary legal materials.
This study uses data from various sources, both from internal and
external sources Banjarbaru hospitals are then grouped into two parts,
namely primary and secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques
using techniques how to study the document with sorting, reading and
critiquing existing documents. Collecting data in this study conducted in
natural settings (conditions naturally), the primary data source, and data
collection techniques more on observation participate (participan
observation), in-depth interviews (depth interview), interviews, group
discussions (focuss group discussion) and documentation.7






Ways of



responden.pengumpulan secondary data using a PC / laptop, notebook and

stationery equipped with a voice recorder and digital images. While the
primary data collection using the interview guidelines prepared
The research location is at the Regional General Hospital
Banjarbaru, Banjarbaru South Kalimantan. The reason of choosing this
place because Banjarbaru Hospital Nursing Committee has had with the
issuance of the Decree of the Director of the General Hospital of
Banjarbaru No. 6 of 2014 concerning the composition of Nursing Hospital

Soegiyono, 2011, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, Bandung: Alfabeta,

Governing Committee Banjarbaru years 2014 to 2019, and has owned and
implementing Internal Rules Nursing Staff or commonly known Nursing
Staff By Laws.
Subjects consisted of respondents and informants. The sampling
technique in this study using a non-probability sampling, using purposive
sampling technique is to set the conditions or criteria with regard to the
problems studied as a basis for making sampeluntuk speakers and
Selection of research subjects is not independent of inclusion and
exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria of this study respondents are::
1) The subject actively involved in the preparation or the
creation of a committee of nursing hospitals Banjarbaru;
2) The subject is a committee member of the nursing hospitals
3) e subject is still actively working in hospitals Banjarbaru;
4) The subject is willing to be questioned about the research.
Exclusion criteria research subjects include::
1) The subject of the legal process that still has no binding legal force;
2) The subject who experienced health problems and psychological.
Further research respondents and resource persons studied were as
1) Respondents

a) Implementer of Nursing Staff Bylaws;

b) supervisors and coaches of Nursing Staf Bylaws
2) Informant
Informant is a party not directly involved in the research but has the
information (data) about the object being studied, or asked for
information regarding the research object. In this study defined as a
resource such as Head of Legal Section Regional Secretariat
Banjarbaru, expert in constitutional law, health law experts as well as
other legal experts associated with the study, as well as active duty
nurses in hospitals Banjarbaru.
The analysis in this research since before entering the field, during
the field and continue until the writing of the research results. At the
time of the interview, researchers have conducted an analysis of the
answers by the respondents. Analysis by the author refers to what is
stated in the Miles & Huberman Soegiyono which suggests that activity
in the qualitative data analysis performed interactively and lasted
continuously until complete, so that the data is already saturated.8

The course of study includes three (3) phases of research as follows :

1) Preparation

Soegiyono, op.cit. hlm.243-246.

At this stage begins with the preparation of proposals, seminars and

drafting proposals interview, this process takes place from February
until May 2016.
2) Implementation
At this stage, field research and literature, this stage lasts from May
until June 2016
3) Finishing
At this stage, the writing of the draft results of the study, data is
presented in tabular form or narrative, the last stage was conducted in
July 2016.
E. Results and Discussion

Existence of Internal Regulation of Nursing Staff in Efforts Legal

Protection for Nurses
Internal regulations made by the Committee of Nursing established
and appointed by the director in accordance with the Minister of Health
Regulation No. 49 Year 2013. The existence of this Banjarbaru Hospital
Nursing Committee has been established through a decree Banjarbaru
Director of Hospital No. 06 of 2014 concerning the composition of
Nursing Hospital Governing Committee Banjarbaru Period Year 20142019 on February 3, 2014. the composition of the board is involved in it
is the result of the selection mechanism is done internally functional
nursing in a hospital environment and submitted to the director who later
passed through a decree director.

Nursing Committee has the important task is to establish an internal

regulation which controls the management of clinical governance and
good (good clinical governance) nursing services. Basic formation of
these regulations contained in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 49
Year 2013 on the Committee on Nursing Article 15 paragraph (3). The
provisions concerning clinical authority can take a look at the Internal
Regulation of Nursing Staff (Nursing Staff By Laws) Hospital
Banjarbaru Article 1 point. The provisions contained in this legislation is
the basis for the legitimacy of nurses practicing in the hospital. If our
analysis, the basis of the provisions of this Article in line with those
contained in Law No. 36 Year 2014 on Health Workers Article 62
paragraph (1) that "Health workers in carrying out the practice must be
in accordance with the authority based on its competence". Subject
authority of nurses is also regulated in Law Number 38 Year 2014
concerning nursing Article 29, 30,31, 32, 33, 34, and 35. The process of
obtaining the authority of nurses basically through several stages that can
be seen from the schematic below.



Formal-Academic: Diploma, Transcript

ujian kompetensi

Kemenkes & Kemendikti




Health Department-BP2T

Clinical Appointment-Clinical Privilege

Hospital Director-Nursing Commitee

Picture 1. Legalization Stages Practice Nurse at Hospital

Stages set out in schematic form above illustrates the flow that
must be passed by a nurse who will work at the hospital. The last process
is the process kedensialisasi by hospitals through their devices, namely
Nursing Staff By Laws
If seen from the provisions of the applicable legislation, legal
aspects of nursing practice in hospitals, it can be seen in the table below
are as follows:


Tabel 2. The legality of the practice nurse at the General Hospital of Banjarbaru







a) Act No.38 of 2014 on Nursing
Article 1 paragraph 2
b) Act No.36 of 2014 concerning
Health Workers Article 1
paragraph 1
a) Act No. 38 of 2014 on Nursing
Article 18 paragraph (1);
b) Act No. 36 of 2014 on Health
Workers Article 44
a) Act No. 38 of 2014 on Nursing
Article 19 paragraph (1);
b) Act No. 36 of 2009 on Health
Article 23;
c) Act No. 36 Year 2014
concerning Health workers
Article 46;
d) Act No. 44 of 2009 on
Hospital Article 12 paragraph

Implementation rules

Formal Legal Forms

Higher education diploma
profession / vocation

Regulation of the Minister of

Surat Tanda Registrasi
Health No.161 of 2010 on
Registration of Health Workers
a) Regulation of the Minister
of Health No. 17 Year 2013
on the Permit and
organizing Practice Nurse
b) Mayor Regulatory of
Banjarbaru No. 35 Year
2012 on Auth, Duties and
Working Procedures Health
Department Banjarbaru
Article 19
Minister of Health Regulation
No. 49 Year 2013 on the
Committee on Nursing

Practice License
Work Permit

Establishment of Nursing
Committee, drafting MSBL,
Assignment Clinical
Director (Clinical


If seen from the order legalizing the practice of nursing in the

table above, the credentials stage is a stage that is not explicitly stated in
the rule of law. Although not explicitly stated in the legislation, the stages
of these credentials is closely associated with authority. If the authority
is associated with the nurse, it can be seen some of the rules listed among
others in Act No. 36 of 2014 on Health Workers.
These nurses more authority stipulated in Law No. 38 Year 2014
Article 29 through Article 35. kewenanangan limit is closely related to
legal protection to nurses. It can be seen on Law Number 38 Year 2014
on Nursing Article 36 a.
Clinical authority possessed by the nurse was then validated in a
clinical assignment prevailing form of internal hospital. The provisions
concerning clinical assignment is regulated in Article 1 paragraph 10
Internal Rules Banjarbaru Hospital Nursing Staff.
Nurse after graduating from formal education alone is not
sufficient condition for work. After graduating education, nurse
sertamerta not be able to work in health facilities at the primary level
such as clinics and community health centers or advanced like a hospital.
Some of the requirements that must be owned by a nurse to get
legalization in performing nursing practice starting from academic
education, competency testing and then into a stage of registration, to
obtain a Permit Practice and Work Permit from the local authorities.
A discussion of legal protection can not be separated from the


position of legal product itself. Law No. 12 of 2011 on the establishment

of Legislation Article 8 (1). Furthermore, how the binding force of the
regulations is emphasized in Article 8 paragraph (2) of Law Number 12
Year 2011 on the Establishment of Legislation
The establishment of a legislation known as the doctrine of
attribution and delegation. But in the absence of any provision of the
legislation that is higher, the Minister of Health in that it has a role as a








memberdelegasikan (delegans) that the President is accompanied

handover of responsibility to delegatoris that the Minister of Health, it is
means that the regulations established by the Minister without any
command from the legislation that the higher the regulation remains
categorized as legislation.
Health Minister used his authority to make these regulations as it
deems necessary to the implementation of good clinical governance in
nursing services. Provisions of the existence of Nursing Committee is
contained in Presidential Regulation No. 77 Year 2015 on Guidelines for
the Organization's Hospital in Article 19 paragraph (1) and (2) a.
Furthermore, other committees such as that referred to in paragraph (1)
described in paragraph (2).
The presence of this ministerial regulation can be regarded as the
freedom to act on their own initiative submitted to the government in the
perspective of legal state welfare (welfare state), which shows a process


of change in mindset regarding the purpose of the state law. In a state of

formal law, legal certainty (rechmatig) is the main goal, the legality
principle is accepted as a principle of formal legal state. In a state of law
material, the main purpose is expediency (doelmatig) law in order to
achieve public welfare, to the idea of a constitutional state material gives
freedom of action to the government.9
Cracks in order to strengthen this rule could be found through
internal regulatory approval is becoming a regional head regulation. If
the internal regulation is adopted into regulation of regional head, then
clearly the presence, position and force tie in the applicable law in
Indonesia. Position regulation head of the region can be seen in Article 8
(1) of Law Number 12 Year 2012 on the Establishment Regulation
Legislation. Determination of internal regulations have become Mayor
Regulation refers to the provisions of Article 8 paragraph (2) of Law
Number 12 Year 2012 on the Establishment Regulation Legislation.
Furthermore, once set, Mayor Regulation is promulgated in the news
area, under the provisions of Article 86 paragraph (2)) of Law Number
12 Year 2012 on the Establishment Regulation Legislation.

Implementation, Monitoring and Development of the Internal Rules In

the nursing staff in hospitals Safeguard Law Banjarbaru

Hotma P. Sibuea, 2010. Asas Negara Hukum, Peraturan Kebijakan, dan Asas-Asas Umum
Pemerintahan Yang Baik, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, hlm.68.


This regulation is of clinical assignment (clinical appointment),

mechanism of retaining and disciplining the profession of nursing. The
nursing committee has recently been established, the existence of this
nursing committee had been there before, but it still has not been formed
in accordance with applicable regulations. Age Nursing Committee
which was recently very influential to the performance. The lack of
resources and experience so that the implementation is not maximized.
Guidelines in conducting clinical authority (clinical privileges) should
have been published in a white paper (white paper) that is supposed to be
there. The white paper was prepared by bestari partners (peer group), but
the presence of the white paper itself is still in the planning stages for a
peer group has not been established and the Ad hoc Committee.
Nevertheless, the committee has managed to put together an internal
regulation is the reference for the Committee's Hospital nursing in their
An increased ability to perform basic tasks and functions of the
Nursing Committee is continuously carried out, including by involving
each subcommittee in training as well as courses in accordance with their
respective tasks, including the Preparation Training Nursing Staff By
Laws followed by Vice Chairman of the Committee on Nursing.10 Other
training followed by the Subcommittee on Credentials is about how to


Hasil wawancara dengan responden Norlailati, wakil ketua Komite Keperawatan RSUD
Banjarbaru pada tanggal 2 Mei 2016.


carry out the process kredensialisasi to nurses so that they can be given
Clinical and Clinical Privilege according to their competence


The results of interviews with respondents M. Abrar, member of the Sub Committee on
Credentials Committee Banjarbaru Nursing Hospital on May 3, 2016.


Tabel 3. Constraints and efforts in the implementation of the Internal Regulation of Nursing Staff

Problems encountered


Problem solving efforts undertaken

Communication between
Nursing Committee members
internally and externally has not
gone well
The absence of the Ad Hoc
Committee and white paper

Committee members are senior nurses

who actively work in different care units,
so that they are difficult to divide time in
implementing NSBL
NSBL is still relatively newly created

The implementation process

unrealized credentials, quality
coaching profession as well as
ethics and professional discipline
still overlap with other programs
/ other rules that are running /
apply in hospitals Banjarbaru

lack of knowledge and experience to be

the main causes of the difficulty of

Horizontal continuous coordination

between all elements of the Nursing
Committee and vertical coordination with
the director of the Hospital Banjarbaru
Coordinating with the academia and the
profession in accordance with their
respective expertise to participate and
become a partner bestari nursing committee
to draw up a white paper later served
Perform continuous learning through
comparative studies and training in the field
NSBL mainly to hospitals that have
experienced running NSBL

Socialization is not maximized

in implementing NSBL

Lack of coordination and dissemination

format that is not standard

Director of Hospital Banjarbaru published a

flyer and share it along with a copy of the
manuscript Internal Regulation of Nursing
Staff to any room nursing care then
instructed the Committee to disseminate
directly to the nurse in the event of the
Committee as well as internal meetings


The absence of guidance and

supervision on the
implementation of the MSBL

The lack of communication and

coordination as well as the framework is
not clear among elements of supervision
and oversight

coordination with the Department of Health,
Agency for Hospital, Hospital supervisory
board as well as other regulatory elements
up to the central government.


As a unified system, three aspects of the growing legal and related to one
another. Ideally, an activity or advocacy program in this case is the
implementation of the Internal Rules Nursing staff should cover all three
objectives change. Changes that occur in one aspect does not necessarily bring
changes in other aspects. In the legal structure and the substance of the law are
already qualified, but the legal culture is not created properly then certainly the
implementation of the Internal Rules of the nursing staff will not run properly.
Changes a text legislation or regulatory policies issued by the government that
the Internal Regulation of Nursing Staff (Nursing Staff By Laws), does not in
itself change the mechanism of action of the institution or its implementing
agencies, namely the Director, Nursing Committee. Supervisory Board as well
as other relevant parties regarding the implementation of the regulation
F. Conclusion
Based on the results of research on the existence of the Internal
Regulation of Nursing Staff (Nursing Staff By Laws) in Legal Protection
for Nurses in hospitals Banjarbaru, it can be concluded as follows:
1. Existence of Internal Nursing Staff Regulations (Nursing Staff
By Laws) in hospitals Banjarbaru not entirely his presence felt,
both by the executive (committee of nursing and director),
manager and supervisor (Provincial Hospital Supervisory Board
and the Supervisory Board of the Hospital) as well as nurses in
hospitals Banjarbaru itself, although it has been outlined in a
regulation director. A form of existence of this rule in the form of


legal protection for nurses is not found in the order of positive

law in accordance hierarchy existing law to the provisions of
Article 8 (1) of Law Number 12 Year 2011 on the Establishment
Regulation Legislation. Internal Regulation of Nursing Staff
(Nursing Staff By Laws) characterized as a regulatory policy
(beleidsregel) because there is no legislation which is located on
top of a foundation expressly ordered the formation of Nursing
Staff By Laws was in the hospital. This regulation is prepared on
the mandate of the regulation established by the authority which
has binding force in general accordance with the provisions of
Article 8 paragraph (2) of Law Number 12 Year 2011 on the
Establishment Regulation Legislation. This regulation still has
legal relevance because the substance governing authority
boundaries nurse as stated in Article 1 (10) Internal Rules
Banjarbaru Hospital Nursing Staff. These regulations refer to the
provisions of Article 1 (1) of Law Number 36 Year 2014
concerning Health Workers, Articles 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36a Act No. 38 of 2014 on Nursing, Article 12 paragraph (3) of
Law Number 44 of 2009 on Hospitals, and Article 23 of Law No.
36 of 2009 on Health.
2. The implementation and supervision and oversight to the
implementation of the Internal Regulation of Nursing Staff
(Nursing Staff By Laws) in legal protection for nurses is still not


fully in accordance with the provisions set out in the Ministry of

Health Regulation No. 49 Year 2013 on the Committee on
Nursing. Legal protection is supposed to have nurses through
their clinical appointment (clinical assignment) of the director
based on clinical privileges (clinical authority) recommended by
a committee of nursing did not materialize. Mechanism
credentials as an incarnation of the legal protection later
improved quality and ethics and discipline have not been
conducted in accordance with the regulations. It is caused by,
among others, due to lack of human resources, lack of
coordination and the absence of a guiding framework, they cause
less maximal function implementation, supervision and oversight
of nursing Committee in carrying out the implementation of the
Internal Rules of this Nursing Staff.
G. Suggestion
Based on the description of the results of research and discussion
above it can be suggested several things, among others to:

Government of Banjarbaru
Government Banjarbaru may be seeking legal protection for nurses
in hospitals Banjarbaru by authorizing the Internal Regulation of the
nursing staff in a form of Regulation of the Mayor and enacted in the
news area.



The Director of the Regional General Hospital Banjarbaru

Director should publish clinical assignments for all nurses who work
in hospitals Banjarbaru active according to their competence based
on the recommendations of the Committee of Nursing. Director
immediately set Mitra Bestari (peer group) as well as improving the
performance of the Supervisory Board of the Hospital and the
Internal Audit Unit.


Health Department of Banjarbaru

Health Department immediately carry out its oversight function by
forming a supervisory unit which develops the framework and its







Provincial Hospital Supervisory Board and the Supervisory Board of

the Hospital
Function of supervision over the performance of the Nursing
Committee can be maximized by building communication and better
coordination in the supervision tiered from the local level up to the


The Committee of Hospital Nursing Banjarbaru

Nursing Committee as soon as possible form bestari partners, draw
up a white paper and the ad hoc committee and then as soon as


possible carry out the credentials for all nurses in hospitals


For researchers / academics

More in-depth study of how the position of the Minister formed not
on the basis of delegation / established by the authority but resulted
in constitutive conditions. It also can study how the comparison
Nursing Staff By Laws are applied at various levels of classification
Hospital, as well as the force of law (clinical appointment) in law.
Also of course there are many more that are still being studied
regarding the nursing staff of the Internal Rules.


H. Bibliography
Black, Beth Perry, 2011, Professional Nursing : Concept and Challenge, 7th ed., St
Louis, Missouri
Craven & Hirnle, 2000, Fundamentals of Nursing, Lippincott , Philadelphia
Creswell, John W., 2013, Research Design : Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan
Mixed, Cetakan III, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta
Hadjon, Phillipus M., 2005, Pengantar Hukum Administrasi Indonesia, Penerbit
Gadjah Mada University Press,Yogyakarta
Katz, Janet R., 2007, A Career in Nursing: Is It Right For me?, Philadelphia
Soegiyono, 2011, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, Alfabeta,
Soekanto, Soerjono & Mamudji, Sri, 2001, Penelitian Hukum Normatif : Suatu
Tinjauan Singkat, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta
Soekanto, Soerjono, 1982, Pengantar Penelitian Hukum, cetakan 2014, Penerbit
Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta
Tingle, John & Cribb, Alan, 2011, Nursing Law and Ethics, 1st Ed. Blackwell
Publishing Company, Oxford
Journals, Papers, Scientific
Wijaya, Karna, 2007, Kedudukan Perawat Dalam Hukum Indonesia (Perspektif
Socio Legal), Law Review Vol VII No. 1-Juli 2007, Fakultas Hukum
Universitas Pelita Harapan, , Jakarta
Internet Resources
Ridha, Kemal, 2013, Sistem Pengawasan di Indonesia, http://academia.edu.
2013, diakses tanggal 28 Maret 2016.


http://mutupelayanankesehatan.net/index.php/berita/218-komisi-ix-tak-ada-datakomprehensif-terkait-malpraktik diakses pada tanggal 28 maret 2016 jam 10.30

Interviews, discussions, Teleconference

Abrar, Muhammad, member of the Sub Committee on Credentials Nursing

Committee Banjarbaru Hospital , live interviews during the period of April
s / d in May 2016.
Nurlailati, deputy chairman of the Nursing Committee on Hospital Banjarbaru, live
interview on May 2, 2016.


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