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1987 -2017
1 February 2017
Dear Parents
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Information Meetings this week. Please take note of the
information discussed at the meetings.
School Times
Start: 7.30am every day
Finish: FP 13h15 everyday
SP: Wednesday and Friday at 13h15
and 13h45 on Mon, Tues and Thurs.
Parents are urged to collect their children no later than 3pm or after the Co
curricular activity. Learners left in
the Waiting Area are unsupervised and they get up to no good. The Security Guards cannot look after the front
gate, keep strangers out and still look after children in the Waiting Area. Child kidnapping is on the rise and
these children left in the Waiting Area become easy targets for human
human trafficking. Your childs safety is your
responsibility. Your child must go home or attend Bees Afte
care. Sharonlea Primary does not provide free
baby sitting services.
Each teacher is responsible for the discipline in his/her classroom. We work on a merit demerit system.

Good Behaviour
Correctly dressed
Good / neatly presented work
Fundraising forms etc
Discretion of class teacher (fun activities)


Disruptive behaviour in and out of the classroom

Incorrectly dressed
Homework not done
Late for class

After a certain number of demerits, learners will attend a Detention after school for 2 hours. Parents will be
informed well in advance and transport MUST be arranged!

Homework must be done daily! It has to be supervised and signed by an adult. Learners will always be given
homework and/or will have to study for a test.
A clean, quiet and clutter free area should be designated in your home for your child to do homework. They
should not watch television, listen to music or play on their cell phones whilst they are doing homework.
Learners should not do homework later than 7pm at night as they are tired and will not concentrate.
Assessments are done continuously in class in the form of projects and tasks as well as Formal Assessments at
the end of the term in the form of a test or exam.
Learners must produce a doctors note if they are absent for a Cycle Test or an exam. Please see newsletters
and communicator for Test dates.
Promotion Requirements as per National Policy
Senior Phase
1. English: 50%
2. Afrikaans: 40%
3. Maths: 40%
Foundation Phase
1. English: 4
2. Maths: 3
3. Afrikaans: 3
You will also see this on the newsletter.
All items of stationery must be clearly marked. Learners must have all the necessary stationery at school every
day. We do not encourage borrowing or lending in class. A child with no stationery will not perform well in
Sharonlea is very proud of our uniform. We encourage all learners to wear the correct uniform daily. Uniform
inspection is done during assembly or line-up in the quad.
Summer Uniform


Turquoise dress

Grey shorts

Short white school socks

White school shirt with badge

Long grey socks with stripes

Grey Jersey with stripe and/ or school blazer/ Black school shoes
All items must be clearly marked with your childs name. Parents must return items that do not belong to your
child. We do not encourage stealing at Sharonlea.
Active Ed Uniform

Black shorts with stripes on the side

Sharonlea white golf t shirt with badge

School socks
Black or white running takkies (no fancy sneakers or tommies allowed)
Foundation Phase learners are allowed to wear their House Colour T shirt for their second PE lesson.
Healthy Lunch
All learners are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch to school. We want to promote healthy eating habits
amongst our learners. They may bring a sweet snack only on a Friday.
Parents are to ensure that their child eats a healthy breakfast before they arrive at school. A hungry child will
not concentrate in class and this will invariably affect their academic performance.
Our main form of communication is via the newsletters, SMS and Communicator. Parents must ensure that they
download the communicator onto their desktop and /or smart phone. Contact details must be updated at the
office in order to receive text messages and phone calls in an emergency.
Should you wish to contact the teacher, you are required to write a note in the childs homework book or diary,
telephone the school and leave a message for the teacher to respond.
Correct Protocol
The class teacher is the first person for you to contact.
Teacher, Grade Tutor, HOD, Deputy Principal, Principal. Please follow this line of communication.

Sincere Regards
Mrs CS Hercules


(Return to Class Teacher asap)

We/I, _________________________ parent/s of ____________________________ in Grade _________ have read all the
information pertaining to the Information Evening.

Parent 1 sign

Parent 2 sign



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