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Do you think that computers and interactive media benefit or harm personal
relationships of family life?

According to our opinion with the development of computer technology as well as

have a positive impact negative impact on the family. The positive impact is by
using a computer or telephone network we are able to send and receive messages,
even at a great distance so that Facilitate Communication and Information Between
Family Members .Memudahkan children in tasks of school, without having to bother
looking for a book in the library. By using gadet, we can determine the condition and
the development of one-another in a routine and busyness of each of them so that
parents, can monitor the interaction and the development of family members.
technology also Facilitate Someone in Household Affairs Take care that the
electronic items such as rice-cooker, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc. so that
their work will be alleviated with these tools.

And its negative impact that the Child Behavior With Easy Receive criminalalitas
Notwithstanding such acts and pornography. Debilitates the family in providing
amusement and affection, because they are more comfortable relieve stress by
playing computer games or play with them. Antisocial Behavior trigger the
occurrence of which is the state in which a person does not care about the
environment and the social environment around her. That they are prioritizing only
the computer alone.

3. Have you ever been in an ambulance or hospital in an emergency?

Once, when I was experiencing an accident with a motorcycle. And was rushed to the hospital dr. Oen by
residents setempat.Sesampainya there I was taken in the emergency room and handled sisters, my left arm
was given buffer. After the x-ray results came out, the nurse said that my left arm was broken. And had
surgery, but after my family asked the administration turned out to be the operating costs of the hospital
was too expensive and we were not able membayarnya.kemudian Kustati I referred to the hospital.

In RS Kustati I installed a drip and given medication. Because it must wait for the doctor could not
dilakukam surgery right away, but had to be postponed until tomorrow. So I waited for the surgery is
performed while holding the pain. Before surgery I was asked to fast for 4 hours. When dressed in
surgical scrubs, I began to feel takut.dan tmbah afraid anymore because a lot of medical equipment such
as scissors, tweezers,, sonde and many medical devices made of metal corrosion protection. And also
looks Electro Surgical Unit (ESU) which is used to make an incision on the body part to be operated on.
Injections were given anesthesia, surgery lights turned on after that I do not remember anymore. When he
realized I was already dibangsal with a left arm that has improved.

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