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‘Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) Dopartment of the Treasury Irtemal Revere Seven 2014 Fer cand year 2014, tax yoarbopining W/L 2014 651113 Bl nai k- Acmended K-1 OMB No. 1545-0123 Deductions, Credits, and Other Items 1 Ordinary bushessneome fons) | 18 Credits 8197444) ening 1231-2014 Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. > See back o form and seperate instructions. 2 Net eral eal estate ncome toss) ‘3 Other net enalincame fos) | 46 Foreign transactions ‘A. Paterehip’s employer Senfeation umber 24-5678901 TEEGI Information About the Partnership Garand payments 8 Parterships name adores, cy, state, and ZP code |Phoenix Medical, LLC. 1122 Three Ave. Phoenix, AZ. 85001 2820282| Pores nome 250) ‘6 Granary chiens 240240) @Onaited danas (RS Conor whore partnership led return Efiled 7 Rovates (© C1 check itis isa pubey waded parnersie FTP] ‘8 Nat sha capa gn ss) E _Poiers dentivingramber TEX information About the Partner ] 9 Netiong tr capital gan Goss) | 7 ‘Reve ina tax Ro 225023) 33.33% K Parnor's shar of bits at year en 867-79-3192 Bb Colectbies 25%) gain fos) Partners name, adores, iy, tate and 2 code [Laura Daybreak ‘8 Uivecaptred sadion 1250 gan 241 East Circle jan Diego CA. 92123 10 Wat ection 1257 gam foes 18 Toc anarpl hearse and ondeductbs expenses @ EE] General partner or LLC O imited partner or other LLC 1 Other income floss) ‘momeor manager member HO comeste parner DF Feeion partner 11 What ype ofenttys ti partner? individual 12 tis prior a retrement plan $RASEPIMGOgh/tc)chaak have 9 Darbaione a 0 Pe Section 179 deduction A 120012¢ J Parina’s sar of prof oss, and capt (8 nero Beginning WS | Otho deauctons Prt 33.33.» A 1200120] 25 Ger wfarnation ioe 33.33%. 8 fous cata * 14 Set-enployen earings fos) atte roneccuretnancng | § A 819744) Fccuse s 022568 Parties capita account ana “See aftached statement or additional information Begining capt account s 9311620 Capit conttod eg hayoar 0 Grentyerinease creas) $ si97444 Wana & tutors s 100120 | > Eng capt account s 16308944 3 Bl txtese Cl aap 1 section 748) book 2 Other rstany re M__ bite parner conrbte propery wih ln gin orfse? O vee Bh no ¥en tach taument orton) ‘For Paperwork Redcton Act Notice, se Instuctons for Form 1088. IRSgovamniOns ‘Ga Na 17008 Soheale Kon 1085 2014 sa ‘This ist dentiies the codes used on For detailed reporting and fling infor % dle K-1 (Form 1085) 2014 Ordinary business income Poss). Ootrmine whether the income Joss) is Pssve br onpassie ana ener an your retusa folows, "Ropar on Passive toss See he Parr’ rstrtions Passive income Sched ine 28, column gh Nonpassne one ‘Schelne 28, column Nerpasste neome Schedule Ene 28, carn 2. Netrenta rel estat income Goss) See he Parts Insuctans 3. Oernet rental income oss) Netincome Schad tine 28, ture a) Netioss See the Partner nstrctons 4 Guaranteed payments ‘Scheie Eine 28, clu) |S Interest income’ Ferm 1040, no a 62. Ordinary dividends Fem 1040: ne 9a ©, Qualted duidends Fm 1080 ne 7. Royalties Shale Eine & Netshor-term capita gan oss) Schedule ne S Be. Net long-term capital gan Goes) Schule ne 12 ‘30. Cobectbies B2% gain foes)” 263 ate Gan Workset, tne 4 {Screaule D nator) oe. red section 1250 gain Soe te Partner's nsrctons 12 Section 179 deduction ‘See ne Parne’ ination See the Parnas naructions Fom678 ne | See Pub £3 Form 104, ine 21 or Form 982 Seo the Partners trons ‘Sethe Parner’ Isrvtons F Other income foes) 13 Other deductions Rn sces Sonor 50%) ash connbutons 030) Neneashcontrbuene (028) Neneh corte 035) | Seat Prns Capt gan propery 280% f Isinctions ‘Soanstion oe) (Catal gan property (20%) ‘Conrbstons (00%) lovestment eres expanse Fm 4952, toe 1 Deductons-royaty income Sedu ie 19 Seaton See) expenditures See the Partners netructons Deducions-portie B¥6 ee) Shed A ne 23 “ Deductions eth) Shed Aine 28 ‘Aunts paid or medial insurance Serudie or Fr 104, re 28 Educational assistance benefts. Soe he Parnes isrucbons Sener! care ponte Fom 244 ine 2 Preproducive prod expenses See the Partner’ nections (Comers revision dacaction from ena realestate activites” See Form 8582 stctons Pensions and Re See te Parer'snsrctons Reforestation expense cecucton See the Pate’: ntuctons Dome preduston acts ‘Somat ee Form 8003 nections (Giafd production ates come. Form 8503 tne To Ecc 402 ovozErac-z07 moow Employers om W-2 wages Form 8003, ine 7 Other deductions See he Parra rarvetons ‘Sallemployment earings Joss) Note. you have a section 179 deduction or ay pre lel deductions, 0 the Partner ctuctons Store cemeeing Schedule ‘A Net earangs toss) ‘sa-employmont 8 Gross arming or fehing come Gross non fannncome Schedule SE, Suction Aor 8 Seo the Parter’s sructions See the Parnes structions 15, Greate IB Coocame housing crit (cecton 4245) fom pro 2008 18 Low-income housing cred {Gina rom pro-2008 bulking ¢ Lechcome housing creat (Gecton <20() rom om 2007 bangs Low-income housing credit (Gen em pos ta ind reabaaten fxpanatres Peta ral stats) ‘Gitar ronal real estate creas (Othe ena res [Unetrbuted eaptal aie crc otal prosueer crt Work opportu) creat Disable acces rea ‘See the Parmer instructions Form 1040, tne 73; check box cee Schedule K-1 fr all partners and provides summarized mation, see the separate Partner's Intructions for 16 0 Page 2 information or partners who fa Form 1040 ‘K-band the instructions for your income tax return ode Report on Empowerment ne ‘employment ert M_ Grrr nrear earch snes IN Great er employer soca secur and Medea taee © Bacup winroting P Ober reat ‘See the Parnas inetrctions Fam 118, Pat Fam 1146, Pat Decvctons allocated and ssportored a pares lvl forign source 1 Passive catagory 3 General eategory Form 1116, art K Otner Gunsrinormation Total foreign axes pat Fem 116, Par M Total orig taxes aeoued Form 116, Part IN Rooucton nts avaible for cet Ferm 1116 ne 2 1 Forsonvadng greastcaee Form S873 P Gamera icone eecslon Fon 8873 Other foreign vaneactons Sethe Parnas auctions ‘Anornative minima tx (AMT) ems ‘AY Post 1008 epoca sutra 1 aint! ga or owe Seo the Parner © Depletion thor than of & gas) | Instone anc 1B Ot gs, eattemal-gossreone | theinctctons for E Ol ge, Agta detiesons | Form 625i See the Parner’ instructions ‘Seo tho Paria’ Intvetons 2 Sac eeeeeoenre le ecractees Form 4952, tine 4a Frm 4952 fne Form 4136 {ee tho Parra’ sirvcbons ‘ce the Parr’ Intutons Form 8611, ine & Form 8611, ne 8 FRecaptre of mestment crest Seu Far 4255, Recap of other eed, See he Parnes structions Lookeback mrest~complated long cntacts etd Deposition of property with fecton 179 deauctons FRecapvet socton 170 scucton Intret expense for corporate pares Section 4590) information Section 488A, formation Section 12601) fomation Interetatoeable to prodacton expenditures SCF norquaisid winerawals ‘epition nomatono a gos Pesered ‘See Ferm 2607 ‘See Farm 8866 ‘See the Partner's Instructions N

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