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The entire cancer industry is one gigantic fabrication from

start to finish. Is it any wonder that cancer societies worldwide
put a far greater financial initiative on chemotherapy and
radiation research than disease prevention techniques?
Preventing disease doesnt make money, but treating disease
certainly does.
Take Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan
who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and
wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also
admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of
making a profit.
Were his patients shocked? You bet they were. Who would
ever suspect a Doctor of faking a diagnosis to collect money.
Its unconscionable. Yet it happens with cancer and almost
every disease that medical doctors can generate income
through kickbacks and commissions based on the volume of
patients treated with specific pharmaceuticals. Like anything
people are used as a commodity.
Many of these unscrupulous Physicians are like
businessmen without a conscience. The only difference is they
have your health and trust in their handsa very dangerous
combination when money is involved, said Dr. Sayed
Mohammed, a retired Oncologist who admits seeing the trend
more than a decade ago.
It is my choice, Fata said on Tuesday of his surprise
guilty plea, which included rattling off the names of numerous
drugs he prescribed for his patients over the years. In each
admission, he uttered these words:

I knew that it was medically unnecessary.
Fata was charged with running a $35-million Medicare
fraud scheme that involved billing the government for medically
unnecessary oncology and hematology treatments.
The government says Fata ran the scheme from 2009 to
the present, through his medical businesses, including Michigan
Hematology Oncology Centers, with offices in Clarkston,
Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park.
According to the government, Fata had a patient load of
1,200 people and received $62 million from Medicare; he billed
for more than $150 million.
U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said she plans to seek life
in prison for Fata, calling his case is the most egregious
health care fraud case her office has seen. She said Fata not
only bilked the government which is typical in such cases
but he also harmed patients.


Prostate cancer is another great example which doctors
falsely give prognoses about without giving patients the facts. A
prostate (PSA) blood test looks for prostate-specific antigen, a
protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels are
supposedly associated with prostate cancer. The problem is that
the association isnt always correct, and when it is, the prostate
cancer isnt necessarily deadly. Only about 3 percent of all men
die from prostate cancer. The PSA test usually leads to over-
diagnosis biopsies and treatment in which the side effects
are impotence and incontinence. Repeated biopsies may spread
cancer cells into the track formed by the needle, or by spilling
cancerous cells directly into the bloodstream or lymphatic
system. More than 90% of Doctors who encourage cancer
treatment for prostate cancer will generate a commission from
each treatment the patient receives. It proves risky and often
deadly in the long run for most people who dont understand
how to take care of their health and are persuaded by false
Dozens of excellent large studies have been done on men
who have had cancer discovered in their prostate with a biopsy.
In over 97% of the cases this cancer either never spreads
outside of the gland to cause harm or the patient dies of
something else long before any evidence of cancer spreading
outside of the prostate occurs.
In that 3% where cancer is aggressive and harms the
patient, it has already spread beyond the limits of surgical
resection long before discovery; thus, these men are not helped
by surgery either.
After at least seven years of post-college graduate
medical education on the emotional, mental, and physical
condition of the human being, you would expect a physician to
be a powerhouse of goodwill for his or her patients.
Unfortunately, too many doctors fail to keep the welfare of their
customers at the forefront, as their main concern. The needs to
boost their own egos, self-preservation, and the quest for more
money often result in inappropriate care and harm to the
Most women are often told that hysterectomies lead to
many different cures for cancer and other ailments. This is
misrepresenting the truth.
The research done so far has demonstrated no
improvement in survival regardless of the aggressiveness of
many of these unnecessary treatments.
Breast cancer screenings also result in an increase in
breast cancer mortality and fail to address prevention. Despite
no evidence ever having supported any recommendations

made for regular periodic screening and mammography at any
age, malicious recommendations from the Society of Breast
Imaging (SBI) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) on
breast cancer screening are now suggesting that breast cancer
screening should begin at age 40 and earlier in high-risk
patients. Published in the Journal of the American College of
Radiology (JACR), the recommendations released by the SBI and
ACR state that the average patient should begin annual breast
cancer screening at age 40. They also target women in their
30s if they are considered high risk as they stated.
The rate of advanced breast cancer for U.S. women 25 to
39 years old nearly doubled from 1976 to 2009, a difference too
great to be a matter of chance and more about diagnoses.
A disturbing study published in the New England Journal of
Medicine is bringing mainstream attention to the fact that
mammography has caused far more harm than good in the
millions of women who have employed it over the past 30 years
as their primary strategy in the fight against breast cancer.
It always has been and always will be about the money. It
is not time to recognize the trend?


Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term
mortality rates. Most chemotherapy patients either die or are
plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. It
destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive
decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and causes organ and
metabolic toxicities. Patients basically live in a permanent state
of disease until their death. The cancer industry marginalizes
safe and effective cures while promoting their patented,
expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any

benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it because it
makes money, plain and simple.
The reason a 5-year relative survival rate is the standard
used to assess mortality rates is due to most cancer patients
going downhill after this period. Its exceptionally bad for
business and the cancer industry knows it.
They could never show the public the true 97% statistical
failure rate in treating long-term metastatic cancers.
If they did publish the long-term statistics for all cancers
administered cytotoxic chemotherapy, that is 10+ years and
produced the objective data on rigorous evaluations including
the cost-effectiveness, impact on the immune system, quality
of life, morbidity and mortality, it would be very clear to the
world that chemotherapy makes little to no contribution to
cancer survival at all. No such study has ever been conducted
by independent investigators in the history of chemotherapy.
The only studies available come from industry funded
institutions and scientists and none of them have ever
inclusively quantified the above variables.
Why? Money, greed and profits run the cancer industry
nothing else. The cancer establishment must retreat from the
truth to treat cancer because there will never be any profit for
them in in eradicating the disease. There is no governing body
in the world that protects consumers from being subjected to
these toxic therapies or even known carcinogens in our foods
our environment, because that too, will prevent the profits from
rolling in. Its a business of mammoth proportions and must be
treated as such. The most powerful anti-carcinogenic plants in
the world such as cannabis must be demonized and be made
illegal because they are so effective at killing cancer cells
without side effects. Cannabinoids are so efficient at treating
disease, that the U.S. Government patented them in 2003.

If a magic bullet were used FIRST by orthodox medicine,
meaning the cut/burn/slash/poison treatments were avoided, a
90% true cure rate would be easy to achieve. But the fact is
that the leaders in the medical community have absolutely no
interest in finding a magic bullet. A magic bullet would cost
the drug companies hundreds of billions of dollars, and patients
would have less hospitalization and less doctor visits, etc.


You might ask your oncologist why your chances of
survival are only 3% (ignoring all of their statistical gibberish
such as 5-year survival rates and deceptive terms like
remission and response), when your chance of survival
would be over 90% if they used something like DMSO.
Actually, bring up DMSO to any oncologist and most of
them wont even talk to you about it. Why? Because DMSO is a
natural product, cannot be patented and cannot be made
profitable because it is produced by the ton in the wood
Dr. Farid Fata is only a consequence of the system. Like
him there are thousands of legally practicing Doctors and
oncologists in the United States and abroad who are guilty of
the same crimes, but because they fly below the radar, they are
never caught.
As we continue playing this charade of making the public
believe that poisons treat cancer, people will continue to die,
and Doctors will continue to make money up to the day of their
patients death. Every once in a while, we may catch a few (of
the many) like Dr. Fata, who self-destruct due to their own
greed. We will claim they are outlaws, banish them and tarnish
their reputations based on a perception that a healthy person

should never be unnecessarily subjected to chemotherapy for
So we can harshly judge and legally prosecute the Doctor
who falsely prescribes poison to a healthy person for money,
but we proudly accept the Doctor who prescribes poison to an
unhealthy person for money.
I find that truly mind blowing.

From: Organic And Healthy

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