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HOUS : 7-10 PM




Select two consecutive / related pages at random from the languaje text book you are
using look at them carefully and judge them on the following bases:

Is there a valid learnability principle identifiable.

We select the book the big picture and the positive point is that it is a highly visual
general english course for adults there are images eyecatching that are meaningful and
each image playa n important role in the leaming process. There is a fully integrated
core vocabulary syllabus and extensive practice of the four main skills there are
functional pages to help leamers to improve conversational skills. The section bring it
together which help leamers to have a funny opportunity to practice their knomledge i
think that the untlers of this book we looking for images vocabulary

They draw attention to language item in which are of particular interests because they
are frequent, problematic or have multiple meanings, there are listening texts that are
varied, engaging, covering a range of genres (radio programmes, pod casts, vox pop
monologues). Learners listen for gist and then for more detailed information. They are
often asked to refer to the transcript to check understanding listen to a common, real
world situation.

In relation to vocabulary sections focus on lexical sets (collocations, word families,

fixed expressions) new vocabulary is presented in clear contexts, with visual aids to hele
acquisition reading texts have range of genres (print, online texts, blogs e-mails, web
chats, reviews).

Grammar section is reflected on the target language and practice in contextualized tasks.
This material, I mean pages is easy to learn, taking into account the topic (previous
background in Li). Syntactic complexity, cohesion, coherence, and vocabulary
(cognates). In these two pages the designers keep in mind the importances discussion
that should be encouraged.

The new technologies, games, digital plat form and digital books that is what the book
offers. In relation to skills, there is a fully integrated vocabulary and the opportunity to
practice. Also there is an extra downloable material on one hand.

On the other hand this book needs to be suitable with my students levels and constraints
it is good to consider the initial questions that students could made, how they can learn.
Learnability determines learn while learning modifies learnability in this book.
Extensive interactive activities, give practice of the grammar , vocabulary,
pronunciation, and functional languaje from each unit of the book.

There are notice boxes in each unit, highlighting key points that emerge from language
analysis or skills work of background cultural subject and topic knowledge and are key
to influence in test scores of measure of Reading.

This topic is interesting and the text language is not dificult to understant.

The background knowledge from my student keeps a positive relation to the topic and
the task type is chanllenging.

The write selects texts and contexts that are appropiate I mean will promote passibive
affective responses rather tan negative.


In this book I can see a lot of pictures and I consider that this is good for a visual
learner. First there are five pictures the first one picture the title is plastic and the
colours are interesting (yellow) the second one we find a person with a plastic bag. On
the third picture we find a lake and we can see that there are signs of pollution (highly)
(plastic bags, plastic bottler, papers). On the fourth picture there is mainly a plastic bag
in a place where there is water and green areas. On the fifth picture we can see a man on
a place and there are a lot of plastic bags in a safety place, well cleaned. I mean in a well
cleaned environment. Those pictures are important not only for a visual learner. There
are some interesting listening activities (four activities) those activities are new, updated
and helps a lot for an auditive learner: there the learners have interesting activities to
mark the syllable which carries.

The main stress (listen and check). This activity is good for an auditive and analytical
learner. All the readings, tasks are related to environment. I find a short reading about
plasctic: A toxic love story (plastic built the modern world) and the engaging activity
is about 225 words. In relation to writing there are activities to write some answers,
answer and work in pairs activities.
Vocabulary and Pronunciation activities to work in pairs. Using expressions from
the text (comparing sentences). The writer not only inform about plastic, also he
persuades how to make things better in this globalized, world.

This book (course) aims to make English learning accessible by grounding tasks in real
life situations. Speaking and writing are designed to practice key structures and
stimulate real life contexts.

This book has high-impact images which engage learners with the topic from the outset
the learners are encouraged to think critically, describing and interpreting images. Care
lexical items from each topic are highlighted in the key vocabulary panel. There are
notice boxes.



Thematic concept refers to what a reader understand the work to be about and thematic
statement refers to what the work says about that subject in question. Thematic
statement is a sentences high lighting the argument of the piece of literature. The
thematic statement should no state the theme itself as the topic, be too general or only
apply to specific characters in literature. According to the dictionary thematic.
Pertaining to the theme or stem of a world composing a thematic statement involves
analyzing the topic to determine who it affects, how society, what problems result from
it, why is important, and what it is actually about.

In this book the first lesson in each unit uses high impact images to introduce the topic
and present core vocabulary learners from the outset. The following two lessons present
and practice key vocabulary and grammar. Through integrated skills work. The final
lessons focus on language output: functional language for practical, everyday situations
and and an extended speaking or writing task, which combines the language and skills,
from the unit in a final big picture task

I think that the principle objetive of these two pages, are that students practice words
related to the environment first. the mayority of topics, tasks are written in simple
present and the images help a lot to understand about the topic. the main part from my
point of new is a reading titted ``plastic: a toxic love story. there are words that are
words that are easy to understand. ( plastic, modern, process, synthetic, credit card,
solution, decade, etc ) second, the other objetive is to talk about plastic. we need to
remember that this is an intermediate level. and the topics are interesting on one hand.
on the other hand i consider that the teacher previously has to preteach or reinforce
points if they have to talk about:

the objects that can subtitute with an object that is not made of plastic.

and who would find it easier to have a plastic free life ? that from my point of new is not
easy to have a plastic-free like the a im is how to use those plastics, ( recicling, reused,
etc )and the mechanisms to stablish a trade off, from an economics point of new: i think
that the writters have done this 4.3 i on page 44,45 ``life less plastic. this reading is to
learn information about plastic, enviroment,etc. i think that is a motivating activity. it is
clear that the writters set tasks, activities that involve different levels on demand on
comprehension. ( low, high level of detailed comprehension)

think of ways i could reduce the amount of plastic in your life

if you life with out plastic, the changes or sacrificies= have to make

at the end to close this activity the students have to report back to the class on your

(phrabus 5 cognitive operations).

Where would you place them on Blooms Hierarchy? Are they Hil or Hil?

And in which of the 6 levels?

Do you think they belong?

Prahbu wanted his students to

1) Calculate
2) Infer
3) Dedice from diagrams
4) Refete state opinions by using.

1. Information gap activities

2. Reasoning gap activities
3. Opinin gap activities

(1) Calculate (analysis- calculate, analyse)

(2) Infer-
(3) Deduce diagrams- (aplication, demostrate, ilustrate,etc.)
(4) Refite- evaluation (judge, deffend)
(5) State opinions- (high), sntesis (crecete, dellelop. (high)

I. Think that high order are (evaluation sythesis snalysis).

a. State opinions
b. Refuate
c. Infer.

And low order are (aplication, undenstanding, knowledge).

d. Calculate
e. Deduce diagrams.

TASK 3.1
a). What is the difference between maths and the other subjects cited above?

In what ways does it differ linguist cally speaking?.

There is a difference in relation Lingristically speaking . some authors say that are
por in relation to history, literature, etc this course belorgs to the exact science, as a
teacher of sciences, calculus finance, the methodology is different and the analytical
students may take advantage in comparison to other learning styles. The teacher has two
challenges inrelation to language (conditionals, passive voice), and conten (marginal
cost, marginal revenue).

In relation to students of administration, accountancy, economics,etc, the aim is to give

students an understanding an the aims and achievevements of their subject (rational ,
logical thinking). Analyse familiar concepts, demostradethe conditions, dereloping
Little by Little .

It is worth teachingmaths in l2, technology needs to be analytical, precise, etc.

The Explanation of the success of maths need understanding of language,

phychology, structure of the brain, and its acben.

To teach maths needs, a new kind and type of mathematics.it is key to analyse the scope
and limitations to again vocabulary firsth previously. This analysis is part of education,
and assessment , the use of maths is in relation to their proffessional career
(astronomer , physicist, chemistiologisth engineer ). Mathematics studies the relation
between thing , maths has the form of language (abstract concepts first).

So the teacher needs ability to oprate with concepts, relationships, etc. A solution of a
problema has doubl reward from the linguist and content vie, teach previously words
such as : number, length, reas, volumen, addition, sustraction, etc.

In our ennronment cogrates could make it easier to undertand fromuniversity students

point of new.

According to paul erd in relation to method logy of mathematics faces :

Symbolsthe manipulation of symbols is key make, crearte and innovate using exact
sciences,a theory of mathematical structure is being used to givenews insights into
future logics and algebras for the next generation of programs and software.
Engineering, statistics , physics, are common knowledge. A teacher can teach english on
one hand . on the other hand the challenge i show to make learning activities easy (need
time ) and preteach the basci vocabulary using better visual organizar

Abstraction: to teach how to pronounce mathematical structures (abstract). But there are
advantages. An abstract theory codifies our knowledge, and makes iteasierto learn, once
the theory isa variable we can applyto new examples (excitement toy), an abstract
theory allows for simpler proofs.

Proof and existence of mathermatical objects, the rigurosity of the notion of proo fis a
particular feature of mathematics (math is key in profesional the notion of validity,
mathematics is often aboud processes (cash flow), liquidity, etc, the in puts are
gramatical strings, the learn ability, check, review problems (salved, unsolved)

Could be a good way to reinforce what we have done ,tanking into account the different
learning styles.

b). social sciencer are popular in clic because they language rich , consider a subject
such as physical or rich try to write down some examples to ilustrate whatyou mean.

Physical education at first maybe por on one hand . onthe other hand a
kinestheticlearner could take advantage about ir wemust not consider physical
education as an isolated activity . each member of a group learn differently, have
different doubts and move more in some reas tan in others, these learning differences
keep direct realtion to factors , such as : motivation, previous cultural background, age.
The point is how to desing activities that could take into account the system of visual,
auditory and kinesthetie the system of visual abstract (letters, numbers ), concrete
images to describe what physical exercise has to be done. The auditory representation
system is what allows us to hear in our minds, voices, sounds, music (remember orders,
conversation, metodies, etc ).

When we remember the taste of favourite food, of what we feel when listening to a son.

(kinesthetic representation system, kinesthetic learning using the system is slow bu tus
also profound).

Once we know something with our body ( muscle memory ) is difficult to forget,
logically they need time (they arent slow).

The leain when they do things like for example jogging,they need to more if the teacher
adds singing, when jogging it would be much better in class (as infantry mendoes ) we
can design activities that consider visual,auditory , kinesthetic learning.
If the teacher is in class he may consider that visual cremember what he hears (names ),
and kinesthetic remembers what he did (general impress) but not the details, they
distract, visual when therer is movement or visual cluttes auditory when there is noise,
kinesthetetic whenexplanations are auditory or visual.

To work in groups,teams may reinforcewhattheteacher wants language and content.

Individual evualation all the time could be nisky in crowded closser we want to learnin
groups no games, but pre warm activities

First we have to do (visual)

Second , listen carefully . (auditive)

THird, move right . (kinesthetic).

Teaching styles of a physical education teacher

Command style is the most teacher directed style of the seven styles (he is the exclusive
decisin maker ) give a demostration of the expected performance.

Practice here the task will also start with a demostration and description on whats is to
be achieved ( it may come from another student ),the students practice the skill an

Command and practice : they are both insesitive to individual differences andn needs

Reciprocal ; the disavantages of the reciprocal style can be found withen the complexity
of the task and the develofmental level of the student.

Task :giving the students much freedom can only work if they are willing to be
reponsible enough to carry out the task the teacher must be aware of those who rea not
accomplishing the task and give them help selecting the appropriate level to start from.

Guited Discovery the great disavan style is the tremendovs amount of time it demands.

Problems solving:the main disavantage is onceagain the time comsumption involived in

developing the lesson and teaching lesson objetive.

Exploration; it Works with working on theirown ).

c). which ofblooms opertionalsubcategories are coveredbythe 6 that you think are most
Ithink that by learning process of history: remember, understand, apply , analyze, first
students remember i mean they can recognize and recall events. Understand the events
in a specific time and stuationsm, put examples, classify, summarize, infer, compare,

An event in a time with specific, conditions, advantages, wearknesses, etc.

Aply that is related to example and implementing that keeps a direct relation to the time
allorate to the course ithink in minor grado.

Analyzethat is related to differentiate, organize,atribute.i think that blooms taxonomy

reason to use. Is key the objectives in a pedagogical interchange leamers and teachers
understand the purpose of every history topic.

.Create means to produce new originalwork.

Contruct a time line

Investigate someevents.
Develop formulable,construd.

Evaluate justify a stand or decisin

Defenda position.
Judgea hirstorial decisin
Value the effects

Analyze draw connection

Organize information
Compare events
Constrast events
Differentiate, delate, experiment, etc.

Apply use information in news situations

Solve questions
Execute someties
Interpret some meanings
Demostrate, Schedule, sketch,etc.

Understand,explain ideas or concepts

Classify events
Describe events
Explain history events

Read the 2 sets of 6 Add on factors above and arrange tham in 2 separate
hierarchies according to the relative importance you accord to each factor justify lonefly
1/6 (most important)

( least important).

Reflective task 3.2.

Read the 2 sets of 6 add-on factors above and arrange them in 2 separate
hierarchies according to the relative importance you accord to each factor
lonefly 1 (most important); 6 (least important).


a b c d e f

Enable Contribute to Encourage Encorage Expand Support the

newly dereloping and pioner profesional group of teaching of the
qualified teaching and innorabie mobility. teachers international
teachers learning methods. in Eunye .
Future needs
of Young

TASK 4.1


School Opportunities Social Relevante Reading Gender
development for learners inclusion valve of benefits mainstreaming
which may to be egalitarisme limited naturalistic in taming of
lead to linguistically domain male female
improvement prepare specific

I. Think in relation to Nottingham enable newly qualified teachers, is not a

short term process is a long term process that means a lot of effort and
In global terms to contribute to developing teaching and learning
methodologies for future needs of young people.
The last one support teaching on the international, I theme is a product of all
the process.

In short term or long term.

In relation to Marsh, school development which may lead to improvement

and Opportunities for learners to be linguistically prepared and at the final
gender mainstreaming in terms of male/female. From a micropoint of view
school development may lead to Improvement It is key in a process from
development in an specific time and then Improvement in a second time:
And Opportunities for learners to be linguistically prepared that means that
students could be exposure to L2, It means that the teacher has in class a role
of researcher supplier, coach motivator etc. To get or reach that level, that
means from a teacher point of new a lot of effort, hours, resources In environ
ments where the teacher has to face different learning styles and the teacher
has to modify, design.



materials to cover that yap, I mean what they need and what we offer. In
relation to learners what they need and what the market needs from them
that we have to take into account also the curriculum sometimes is not
flexible and always there is a hidden curriculum what we must not forget is
that the learning should be significative, meaningful.
And there are positive or negative factor such as: time, previous background,
content, etc.

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