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Code of Ethics

Every company has its own code of ethics while some called it code of conduct. Many thought
they were the same but they do have a slight difference in them.

According to businessdictionary.com, code of ethics is a set of written rules or principles publish

publicly by a company to its employee and management to guide them conduct their actions
according to the key values and ethical standards. Plain-spoken, code of ethics is a guidance for
the management during their decision making which benefits the company. While code of
conduct is behavioral guideline for the employee which is strictly tighten by the company leaders
(Smallbusiness.chron.com, 2016). Although different company has different ethical code but it
still leads to the same outcome, which is guiding their employees to be physically and mentally
positive whereby it brings benefits and success to the company by being more effective.

Apple Inc. is an International technology company, one of the top leading company worldwide.
It is said that Apple Inc. is successful not only because of the knowledge and creativity they have
but also because of the code of ethics that they practice. Apple Inc. not only has code of ethics
for their employees but also has code of conduct for their suppliers. It is rare to have this Code in
other companies therefore explanation is made below.

In the code of conduct for the Apples supplier, there consist of five (5) subtopics in the code of
ethics for suppliers such as labor and human rights, health and safety, environment, ethics and
management commitment. In the Labor and Human Rights section, it is stated that all employees
must be treated with greatest honor and respect. For example, antidiscrimination. Supplier should
not discriminate their employees either on their physical, social, political, health and others.

Apple Inc. also stated that supplier should provide a safe working environment by practicing
safety management and considering the employees health. Emergency Prevention, Preparedness
and Response is an example for health and safety. Supplier should have an emergency plan and
response in any emergency situation to minimize harm. For example, Supplier should follow the
C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) security procedures when transporting
the goods.

Supplier are required to develop, practice and maintain environmental responsibilities such as
pollution prevention and resource reduction. For example, Supplier should minimize the
consumption of energy, water and natural resources. In addition, Supplier should also reduce
hazardous substances and take responsibility when disposing it.

Apple Inc. practices the highest standards of ethics. Whistleblower Protection and Anonymous
Complaints is an example of ethics that Apple practices. It is clearly stated that supplier should
protect the whistleblower confidentiality and forbid retribution. Moreover, an anonymous
complaint mechanism for the employees should be prepared by supplier.

Lastly, Supplier should implement a management system that facilitates with this Code and the
law. For example, supplier should understand and practice the applicable laws and requirements
of the Code and also maintain the documentation and records to ensure regulatory compliance.

From this, it shows that Apple Inc. not only protect its employees but also their suppliers
employees and the environment. In other words, Apple Inc. practices high standards of social,
ethical and environmental responsibilities.

1. BusinessDictionary.com. (2016). What is a code of ethics? definition and meaning.

[online] Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/code-of-ethics.html
[Accessed 2 Aug. 2016].
2. Smallbusiness.chron.com. (2016). Difference Between Code of Ethics & Conduct.
[online] Available at: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/difference-between-code-ethics-
conduct-2724.html [Accessed 3 Aug. 2016].
3. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: https://www.apple.com/supplier-
responsibility/pdf/supplier_code_of_conduct.pdf [Accessed 24 Jul. 2016].
4. Sites.google.com. (2016). Apple Inc Code Of Ethics - appleportfolio. [online] Available
at: https://sites.google.com/a/email.vccs.edu/appleportfolio/information-about-apple-
inc/apple-inc-code-of-ethics [Accessed 24 Jul. 2016].

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