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General Anesthesia
Intravenous lidocaine and ephedrine, but not
propofol, suppress fentanyl-induced cough
[Ladministration iv de lidocane et dphdrine, mais non de propofol, supprime
la toux cause par le fentanyl]
Chin-Shuang Lin MD,* Wei-Zen Sun MD,* Wei-Hung Chan MD,* Chen-Jung Lin MD,* Huei-Ming Yeh MD,*
Martin S. Mok MD

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Objectif : valuer lefficacit de la lidocane, du propofol et de lph-
lidocaine, propofol and ephedrine in suppressing fentanyl-induced drine dans la suppression de la toux induite par le fentanyl.
cough. Mthode : Cent dix-huit patients ont t rpartis au hasard en qua-
Methods: One hundred and eighteen patients were randomly tre groupes et ont reu : Groupe I (n = 31), 2 mL de solution saline ;
assigned into four groups and the following medications were given Groupe II (n = 29), 2 mgkg1 de lidocane ; Groupe III (n = 30), 0,6
intravenously: patients in Group I (n = 31) received normal saline mgkg1 de propofol et Groupe IV (n = 28), 5 mg dphdrine. une
2 mL, Group II (n = 29) received lidocaine 2 mgkg1, Group III (n minute aprs la mdication exprimentale, 2,5 gkg1 de fentanyl iv
= 30) received propofol 0.6 mgkg1 and Group IV (n = 28) ont t administrs en moins de deux secondes. Loccurrence de toux
received ephedrine 5 mg. At one minute after the study medica- et les profils des signes vitaux ont t enregistrs par un anesthsiolo-
tion, fentanyl 2.5 gkg1 was given intravenously within two sec- giste impartial pendant les deux minutes qui ont suivi ladministration
onds. The occurrence of cough and vital sign profiles were de bolus de fentanyl.
recorded within two minutes after fentanyl bolus by an anesthesiol- Rsultats : Soixante-cinq pour cent des patients du groupe placebo
ogist blinded to study design. ont eu de la toux, tandis que la frquence a significativement diminu
Results: Sixty-five percent of patients in the placebo group had dans les Groupes II (14 %) et IV (21 %). Mme si une frquence de
cough, whereas the frequency was significantly decreased in toux numriquement plus basse a t note dans le Groupe III, elle
Groups II (14%) and IV (21%). Although a numerically lower fre- ntait pas statistiquement diffrente de celle du groupe placebo. La
quency of cough was noted in Group III (37%), it was not statisti- SpO2 a diminu significativement chez les patients du Groupe III com-
cally different from that of the placebo group. SpO2 decreased par au groupe placebo ; un patient a prsent de lhypoxmie nces-
significantly in patients of Group III compared to placebo; one sitant une ventilation au masque. Les patients du Groupe III ont subi
patient experienced hypoxemia necessitating mask ventilation. une baisse de la frquence cardiaque et de la tension artrielle sys-
Patients in Group III showed a decrease in heart rate and systolic tolique (2 battementsmin1 et 8 mmHg vs les mesures de base).
blood pressure (2 beatsmin1 and 8 mmHg vs baseline). Patients in Ceux du Groupe IV ont prsent une augmentation de ces deux
Group IV showed an increase in both measurements (5 paramtres (5 battementsmin1 et 8 mmHg vs les mesures de base).
beatsmin1 and 8 mmHg vs baseline). No truncal rigidity was Aucune rigidit tronculaire na t observe pendant ltude.
observed throughout the study. Conclusion : Ladministration iv de 2 mgkg1 de lidocane ou de 5
Conclusions: Intravenous lidocaine 2 mgkg1 or ephedrine 5 mg, mg dphdrine, mais non de 0,6 mgkg1 de propofol, a t efficace
but not propofol 0.6 mgkg1, was effective in preventing fentanyl- pour prvenir la toux induite par le fentanyl. Les rsultats offrent une
induced cough. The results provide a convenient method to mthode pratique de diminuer la toux induite par le fentanyl.
decrease fentanyl-induced cough.

From the Departments of Anesthesiology, National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine,* and
the Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
Address correspondence to: Dr. Wei-Hung Chan, Department of Anesthesiology, National Taiwan University Hospital, No. 7, Chung-
Shan South Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 100. Phone: +886-2-23123456, ext. 5519; Fax: +886-2-23415736; E-mail: andrchan@ms34.hinet.net
Accepted for publication December 22, 2003.
Revision accepted March 26, 2004.

CAN J ANESTH 2004 / 51: 7 / pp 654659


EFLEX cough is often observed after an iv sible combinations which were obtained from the last
bolus of fentanyl during induction. The two digits of the random number by odd or even
incidence of fentanyl-induced cough number (i.e., odd + odd, odd + even, even + odd, or
varies from 28 to 46% according to previ- even + even). Each combination was assigned to one
ous reports.14 The tussive effect of fentanyl is usually group in a random manner. All patients were moni-
transient and self-limited for most patients. Yet this tored with a continuous electrocardiogram, pulse
phenomenon may be undesirable in patients with oximeter and noninvasive blood pressure measure-
some co-existing diseases including increased intracra- ment throughout the study. After establishing a freely
nial pressure, open eye injury, dissecting aortic running iv line, subjects were left undisturbed for one
aneurysm, pneumothorax or reactive airway disease. minute. Then, patients were given the following med-
Recently Tweed and Dakin even reported that an ications intravenously: Group I received 2 mL saline as
episode of explosive coughing after iv fentanyl in a placebo; Group II received lidocaine 2 mgkg1;
seven-year-old boy led to multiple conjunctival and Group III received propofol 0.6 mgkg1 and Group
periorbital petechiae.5 IV received ephedrine 5 mg.
Several pharmacological measures have been stud- At one minute after the aforementioned treatment
ied to mitigate this adverse effect with varying success. in each group, fentanyl 2.5 gkg1 was rapidly admin-
One study showed that premedication with morphine istered through the peripheral iv line within two sec-
given one hour before induction is effective.2 Another onds. The occurrence and intensity of cough within
study demonstrated that the inhalation of terbutaline, two minutes after the fentanyl injection were recorded
a selective 2-adrenergic bronchodilator, could effec- since the cough generally happens within this period
tively suppress this reflex.3 More recently Agarwal et of time. The intensity of cough was arbitrarily graded
al.4 reported that aerosol inhalation of salbutamol, as the following: no cough (grade zero), cough less
beclomethasone or sodium chromoglycate 15 min than three seconds (grade one) and cough more than
prior to entering the operating room could also three seconds (grade two). A resident who was blind
reduce the incidence of cough. However, these meth- to group assignment recorded the cough intensity.
ods can be inconvenient, so their clinical acceptance is Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before
somewhat limited. We conducted the present study in the administration of each drug and after the injection
an attempt to find other drugs that could effectively of fentanyl. The oxygen saturation was closely
attenuate fentanyl-induced cough while being conve- observed and when SpO2 dropped below 90%, manu-
nient in clinical practice. We selected lidocaine, propo- ally assisted mask ventilation with oxygen was to be
fol and ephedrine, which are all readily available in the applied immediately. The SpO2 before the administra-
operation room. Both lidocaine and propofol have tion of the test drugs and the lowest reading after the
been shown to reduce airway reactiveness.6,7 With its administration of fentanyl were recorded for compari-
-adrenergic agonism, ephedrine has a bronchodilat- son. The occurrence of other side effects possibly
ing effect and may be effective in suppressing the related to drug treatment such as truncal rigidity,
cough reflex. We investigated the effectiveness and dizziness, injection pain, arrhythmia, nausea or vomit-
adverse events of the three drugs in a randomized, ing, was also recorded.
prospective study. We conducted a pilot study using this protocol in
30 patients and observed that 22 patients had cough.
Methods We defined a significant suppressive effect as decreas-
After obtaining approval from the Institutional ing the incidence of cough to half of control. The
Review Board of our hospital and informed consents smallest sample size required to detect such a differ-
from the patients, 118 adult patients of ASA physical ence was a total of 106 patients with an value equal-
status class I or II were enrolled in the study. All ing 0.05 and a power of 0.8. One hundred and
patients were scheduled for elective surgical proce- eighteen patients were enrolled in the present study.
dures, and their ages were between 18 and 65 yr. Results are expressed as mean standard deviation or
Exclusion criteria included history of asthma, chronic mean (range). The frequency of cough in Groups II,
cough, smoking, upper respiratory tract infection in III and IV was compared to that of the placebo group
the previous two weeks, or medication with by Chi-square test or Fishers exact test when appro-
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. No pre- priate with Bonferroni correction, as were other nom-
medication was allowed. Patients were randomly inal data. One-way analysis of variance was used to
assigned into four groups. The table of random digits compare the age, weight and height among the four
was used for randomization according to the four pos- groups. The differences between the vital sign profiles

TABLE I Demographic characteristics of the study population patients (1/5) older than 51 yr experienced cough,
respectively (P < 0.05 by Chi-square test).
(n = 31) (n = 29) (n = 30) (n = 28)
The baseline vital sign profiles were comparable
among the four groups. The systolic blood pressure
Age (yr) 36.8 14.1 44.0 12.3 38.3 11.7 39.2 12.4 and heart rate readings did not differ significantly after
Weight (kg) 61.0 10.9 57.1 8.5 61.1 9.0 59.4 9.2
Height (cm) 161.9 8.6 159.2 5.9 160.7 7.2 162.6 7.8
treatment in Groups I and II, whereas a decrease in
Sex (F/M) 21/10 20/9 21/9 19/9 systolic blood pressure (about 8 mmHg) was observed
ASA class (I/II) 22/9 15/14 19/11 20/8 in Group III and an increase (about 8 mmHg) was
found in Group IV (both P < 0.001) after treatment
Values are expressed as mean standard deviation or number of
cases. Group I = placebo; Group II = lidocaine; Group III =
(Table III). Similarly, a slight decrease in heart rate (P
propofol; Group IV = ephedrine one minute before fentanyl injec- < 0.05) was found in Group III and an increase in
tion. No significant difference between groups. heart rate was noted in the ephedrine group (P <
0.001). The patients in all four groups showed a
TABLE II Frequency and intensity of cough induced by fentanyl decrease in SpO2. On examining the extent of SpO2
drop, we found that only the readings of Group III
Group Frequency (%) Cough intensity scale
0 1 2
dropped significantly compared to placebo.
One patient in Group III suffered from hypoxemia
I 20/31 (65%) 11/31 18/31 2/31 (SpO2 < 90%) after the administration of fentanyl,
II 4/29 (14%)* 25/29 3/29 1/29
III 11/30 (37%) 19/30 9/30 2/30
necessitating manually assisted mask ventilation.
IV 6/28 (21%)* 22/28 5/28 1/28 Injection pain was most noticeable in the propofol
group. Other adverse effects occurred rarely with no
Group I = placebo; Group II = lidocaine; Group III = propofol; significant difference among the groups, as listed in
Group IV = ephedrine one minute before fentanyl injection. The
intensity of cough = no cough (grade 0); cough less than three Table IV. There was no cardiac arrhythmia or truncal
seconds (grade 1); cough more than three seconds (grade 2). Data rigidity in any of the patients throughout the study.
are expressed as number of cases or percentage. *Indicates signifi-
cant difference from Group I.
We have shown that fentanyl, when administered
through a peripheral venous line, provokes reflex
cough in up to 65% of patients. The tussive effect
induced by fentanyl can be suppressed by pretreat-
recorded before and after the treatment were com- ment with lidocaine 2 mgkg1 or ephedrine 5 mg
pared by paired t test. The drop in SpO2 was analyzed given intravenously at one minute before fentanyl, but
by Kruskal-Wallis test and subsequent Dunn test for not by the administration of 0.6 mgkg1 propofol.
post hoc comparisons against the placebo group. A P Fentanyl-induced cough is commonly observed
value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically during the induction of anesthesia. In the study by
significant. Bohrer et al.,1 46% of the patients coughed after
receiving 7 gkg1 fentanyl through a central venous
Results catheter. Another study by Lui et al.3 showed that 43%
The demographic data including age, weight, height, of patients coughed after receiving 5 gkg1 fentanyl
sex, ASA physical status and indications of surgery did injected through a peripheral venous line. Phua et al.2
not differ significantly among the four groups (Table found that fentanyl 1.5 gkg1 given through a
I). In the placebo group 65% (20/31) of patients had peripheral venous line elicited cough in 28% of the
cough, whereas the frequency was significantly patients and a similar incidence of cough was observed
decreased in Group II (4/29, 14%) and Group IV by Agarwal et al.4 following 2 gkg1 iv fentanyl
(6/28, 21%; P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively; through the same route over a period of five seconds.
Table II). Although a numerically lower frequency of The discrepancy in the incidence of cough among
cough was noted in Group III (37%), it failed to show these studies could be explained by different doses and
a statistically significant difference from that of the routes of administration. In the present study, we
placebo group (P = 0.055). Incidentally, we found chose a dose of fentanyl which is lower than those
that there was an age-related incidence of fentanyl- used in previous reports because this dose (2.5
induced cough. In the control group, 92% of patients gkg1) is closer to that commonly administered in
(12/13) younger than 35 yr old, 54% of patients daily practice. It is noteworthy that the incidence of
(7/13) between 36 and 50 yr old and only 20% of cough is still high, even at this dose. The reason why

TABLE III Changes in vital signs after treatment in each group

Systolic blood Heart rate SpO2 (%) Drop in

pressure (mmHg) (beatsmin1) SpO2 (%)

Group Before After Before After Before Lowest

I 133.2 20.6 130.8 21.7 82.7 14.9 83.4 15.8 98.5 (98100) 97.7 (92100) 0.8 (04)
II 135.3 17.3 137.3 22.4 84.4 10.8 87.6 14.4 98.6 (97100) 97.8 (93100) 0.9 (06)
III 130.7 18.0 122.3 14.3* 78.9 9.2 76.8 9.9* 98.7 (97100) 94.7 (8899)* 3.9 (011)
IV 125.0 15.1 133.1 16.1* 77.3 12.9 82.1 13.1* 98.6 (97100) 98.0 (93100) 0.6 (03)

Group I = placebo; Group II = lidocaine; Group III = propofol; Group IV = ephedrine one minute before fentanyl injection. Data are
expressed as mean standard deviation or mean (range). *Denotes a significant difference compared with the value before treatment in
each group. Indicates a significant difference compared with placebo.

TABLE IV Adverse effects suppress cough.2,3 Additionally, possible mechanisms

Group Injection Nausea/ Dizziness Arrhythmia
of fentanyl-induced cough include a pulmonary
pain vomiting chemoreflex mediated by vagal C-fibre receptors (also
known as J-receptors) with its nonmyelinated afferent
I (n = 31) 0 0 0 0
II (n = 29) 1 1 1 0
fibres,1,10 direct stimulation of the vagal nucleus which
III (n = 30) 25* 0 2 0 augments the bronchomotor tone,8,9 opioid-induced
IV (n = 28) 0 0 0 0 histamine release,11,12 the release of neuropeptides
after activation of prejunctional -opioid receptors by
Group I = placebo; Group II = lidocaine; Group III = propofol;
Group IV = ephedrine one minute before fentanyl injection. Data
fentanyl and subsequent activation of presynaptic sen-
are expressed as number of cases. *Indicates P < 0.05 in compari- sory C fibres,13 and stimulation of the irritant recep-
son with Group I. tors in upper pulmonary mucosa secondary to
fentanyl-induced tracheal smooth muscle constriction
or bronchoconstriction.14 Sudden adduction of the
vocal cords or supraglottic obstruction by soft tissue
caused by opioid-induced muscle rigidity has also
we observed such a high incidence of cough with a been proposed.15 Despite a wide range of mechanistic
relatively low dose of fentanyl is uncertain. We pro- studies, only im morphine, or inhalational treatments,
pose two explanations for this phenomenon. First, we including terbutaline, salbutamol, beclomethasone
injected the bolus of fentanyl rapidly (in less than two and sodium chromoglycate, were shown to attenuate
seconds) as compared with five seconds in the study of the cough reflex.24
Lui et al.3 and Agarwal et al.4 Nonetheless, we do not Although the bronchodilating effect of lidocaine
recommend that fentanyl should be administered with has been questioned,16 iv lidocaine was proved to be a
such rapidity as a clinical routine. Second, we noticed suppressant of coughing during tracheal intuba-
that the incidence of cough appears to be higher in tion.17,18 Our results also clearly demonstrate that iv
younger patients. Hence the difference in the inci- lidocaine can prevent fentanyl-induced cough.
dence of fentanyl-induced cough could be, in part, Nonetheless, relatively high plasma concentrations of
age-related. In the report by Bohrer et al.,1 the aver- lidocaine are required for suppression of coughing.
age age of the control group was over 60 yr old. The Yukioka et al.18 reported that a dose of 2 mgkg1,
possible age-related incidence of fentanyl-induced with resultant plasma concentrations in excess of 4
cough may be attributed to the different activity of gmL1, was more effective than the dose of 1 or 1.5
underlying mechanisms, for example, heightened irri- mgkg1 in suppressing cough during tracheal intuba-
tant receptor activity in the younger population. tion in elderly patients. Accordingly we decided to use
Various hypotheses to explain the mechanism of lidocaine at the dose of 2 mgkg1. No serious compli-
fentanyl-induced cough have been proposed in the lit- cations possibly related to iv lidocaine were observed.
erature. Fentanyl is known to enhance vagal activity,8,9 There were two reasons that prompted us to evalu-
which could trigger cough and reflex bronchocon- ate the effect of propofol on fentanyl-induced cough.
striction. However, the involvement of a vagal-depen- Pizov et al. showed that the incidence of wheezing was
dent pathway was not favoured in the previous studies significantly reduced in asthmatic patients receiving a
because atropine, an antimuscarinic agent, failed to propofol-based induction of anesthesia compared to a

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Carcassonne - France

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