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Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tol Nos. 929-8628 to 29; 929-6633 to 35, 1929-7041 to 43; 920-6262; 020-1669 Website: http:;Anmw den gov ph E-malt: web@denrgov ph wow SPECIAL ORDER Nov 0 8 2016 NO. 2016-655 SUBJECT: CRE «TING A TECHNICAL REVIEW COM*iITTEE FOR THE DENR MINE AUDIT In the exigency of the service, a Technical Review Committee for the Department's mine audit is hereby created, to be composed of the following Undersecretary for Legal Affairs Chairman Undersecretary for Field Ope itions Member Director, Mines and Geosciences Bureau Member irector, Forest Management :)ureau Member irector, Environmental Mangement Bureau Member irector, Biodiversity Manage ient Bureau Member In particular, the Committee shall be tasked mainly with the review of the results of the mine audit that was undertak«: pursuant to Department Memorandum Order No. 2006-01 dated July 8, 2016, and the subsequent comment/s and/or explanations of the mining contractors concemed. Cor--quently, the Commitice shall submit the results of its review thru formal report the Secretary containing its findings and recommendation’, The Committee shall ende. to finish the review of an audit report and the comment/s and/or explanation/s » sc mining contractor concerned within seven (7) ‘working days from the receipt of the iaiter. In the performance of its ta, the Committee is also authorized to call upon the assistance and/or service of other p nel of the Department. Expenses to be incurred in the implementation of this Ord. shall be charged against the budget of the Offices concerned, subject to the existn. applicable accounting and avditing rules and regulations. be L pres Secretary a This Order shall take effect vediately. ———— cl Pr rnc ‘erste secre [sine ceo —— 1eiNen Seah we AAI SPeCIAL Gene Pa al StL Bie = ov Fe ite AOMECT REED SPECIAL ORDER CREATING A, FECHA AL REVIEW COMET FEM Tate DCN AEE AL oe wet ACL Uf Bes server. Tevietea! Neen Communes tor the Tepes: sree math 16 bey Tented, a be Stspensios dee ts continued non-conpliance wiih the ‘Archipelago Minceuls inc. (LAMD (MPSA. | comditions set forth in the Order dated July 15, 2014 No. 268-208-111 |= Payment of fines: MGB- PhP 44,000.00 # CENRO to impose penalties and fle appropriate charges foe ‘violation of PD 705 oF the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines © EMA Regional Office is insinicted to cheek the facilities af Cato Port and conduct validation of the findings ofthe Audit Tear, for appropriate action on the liabibity of the ECC bolder/s 3 | Citinickel Mines and Developencit | Carperaton (MPSA No. 229: 2047 | © | Zambales Dversified Metals Cosporation (MPSA No. 11-2000) | RECOMMENDED FOR SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS ation of corrective measures as stiputated in the TRC Matrix) (Phas. tof fines. and ‘Recommended for suspension duc to flare to withthe ee suspen analy -wathin two (2) years 7” [Matcventures Mining and Development 5A No, 116-93-XI) condition of the DMFP to plant Three (3) Million seedlings J ‘© Payment of fines. MGB- PhP 17,000.00, EMB- PhP 150,000.00, AND NON-ISSUAN At | Hevong Nickel Corporanin (BNC) (MPSA 238.2007.) ‘Century Peak CoeporationCPC Nickel | Mian, Prajgct (MPS.A,010-92-X (SMR) ‘Coatary Peak Conporation- Post Mining | +5 Project (MPSA No, 28%-2009-NIII (SME)} Norweak Metals and Mierals Compan, Ine /Oriental Vision Mining Philippines: Cosposition (MPSA No, 242-2007-Xil- (SMR ‘Gre Ania Mining Development Comparaison (SMP 2013-01 2 renewal) “Sinai Wining Explocion and Dev Cexporntion (MPSA No, 551-201 16VL1} OF ORE TRANSPORT PERMIT ANIVOR MINERAL EXPORT PERMIT payment uf fines and implementation of carrective measures as stipulat ‘+ Payment of fines: MGB- PhP 46,000.00, EMB-PhP $0,000.00 © Suspensson of ECC and non-issrance of Ore Transport Permit TAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE (ECC) ie TRC Matrix) + Suspension of ECC and non-tssuance of Ore Transpert Permit andlor Mineral Export Permit for ftilure wo secure IS 14001 ‘Conification © Payment of fines: MGE- PRP 10,000.00 * CENRO i [tics and file appropriate changes For Violation of PD 703 or dhe Revised Forestry Code of the Phatippines: © Suspension of ECC and non-tssusnce of Ore Transport Pest reliot Minetal Export Permit for failure to secure ISO) 14001 ‘Certification + Pavia Fics: MGB-PhE 19,000.00, ENEE-PP 60,060,00 * EMB Regional Office te fits appeupriate charges im the Pollution fon Boon fer violation af R.A. No, 9275 oF the “Philippine Clean Water Act of 2007" Endorsed to the National Wate Resouces Heard fer the fling of appropriate charges for violation of PD, 1067 ofthe “Water | __ Code of the Philippines” + Suspension of ECC and new issuance of ve Transport Perit ‘andor Mineral Export Pemait for failure to severe ES 14001 ‘Comtification s+ Payment of fines: MGs PhP 18,0800:00, EMB-PhP 450,000, 00 ‘+ Suspension of ECC and nowissaance of Ore Transport Perenit ‘andiot Mineral Export Permat for failare to secure ISO 1400) ‘Centifcatiom ‘+ Payment of fines: MGB-PhP 61,000 00, PhP 130,000.00 ‘© Sexpension of ECC and nom-issuamce of Ore Tramspeet Permst sexdior Mineral Expost Permit for Eatlure to secure [SC 14001 Ceniification Endorsed to the Naricnal Water Resources Board tot the Bling ‘of appropriate charges for viotaion of PD. 1067 oe the "Water (Code of the Pbiligpanes” and/or Mineral Export Permit for failure to secure IQ }4001 (Centification Payment of fines: METIS Fbi22, 000500 © CENRO ty comduct investigation For posable viotshons: [purssant to PD 705.0 the Revised Forestry Code of the Phitsppines ‘Vista Haena Mining Corporation’ Welle ‘Mining Corporation « Wellex. Area 1 I ‘Mining Projects (MPSA No. 31-04.) ‘© Suspension of ECC and non-issuance of Gre Transport Pernait ‘anor Mineral Export Permit for filure to seeare ISO 14001 Cerification © Payment of fines: MCIB- Php 130,000 00, EMB Php90,000,00 + ENO to impose pemaltios and file appropriate charges for ‘iilihon oF PD 705 or the Revised Porestry Code of she Philippines © EMB Regional Office wa file charges in the Pollution Aad Board for violation of R.A Na. 9275 or the “Philippine Clean Waier Act of 2K" Endorsed to the Naticaal Water Resources ftoard forthe filing of stares olan of, 1067 “Wate Code of the Philipp ‘awn Phil Natoral Retourges al \" Compra foration & | | eter csueny tion (MPS No, 328. a Adnauna Mining Revources Tne (SOSA | | NO. 258-2003-NIIL (SR) (Asmended If) ‘Agata Processing. Inc./Agaia Ming Vemares, in. (MPSA No 3490-541) + esguet Compocaiion for Asupan Coamact ‘S| Carmascal Nickel Coeporation (CTP | Comstnictiom and Mining Corporation (MPSA NO, 243-2007-XIN (SMRY} CTP Construction and Mining Corporation Aullay Mining Project (MPSA No. 018-83. Xt ‘NT OF FINES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ¢ (a3 stipulated in the TRC Atatrix} Mining. Project (PC-ACMP-4H02-CAR) IRMECTIVE MEAS vane of Fes: NICHES. PAP 23 00) 00, ERO PP 269 OOK Gm) 4H Regions Office io ie mmeprate charges in the othnies Adjadicaton Bix foe vilaion of RA 9275 of the “Philippi Clean Wace Act. of 2" CENRO tn impose penalties and ile appropriate cares for ‘lation OF PD 708 othe Revised Faery Cee of the Eeilzeioes Payment of ex, ENB: PAP 3000105 Payenent of fines, NGI PRPP6 330 010, EME PAP 130,000 (ah ‘= EMB Regional (Office No. XII to comdest an tevessigation of possibde violwtions of the Respondent in relation te FLA. 927%, the Philippine Clon Water Actof 2004 _ ‘+ Payimomt of fines. MGE- PhF 4,000.00, ERIE PP 50,0000 Payment ot Fine NIG PRP 61,00, EN: PAP 10,000.00 ENIB Regional Office to file appmepiate cares i the Pelton Adjudication iar fr Viokaion oF RA. No 9275 or the "Pippa Clan Water Ack of 2004" en Payment of fines: MGB Pa 20,000.00, ER: Phi? 1H6,000:00 Endorsed to the National Wer Resources Board for the filing, of appecpriate charges for violation of PD. 1067 be the "Water Code of te Fhlipgrnes” ‘CTP Construction and Mining Corporsiion— ‘Dalbican Mining, Project (MPSA-No. 158+ 2000-1) Fiza Coast Mineral Resourees Co, Ine/Likjo Mining. Corpeation'W esternstote Nickel Coxporation (MPSA 735-2007-XI0h (SMR) ‘Payment af fines: MGO- PhP 20,000.90, ENUB- Ps 30,000 00, ‘Edoraed 10 the National Water Resouces Board for the fling oF appropriiie charges for violation of FLD, 1067 or the “Water ——————— 7 a Payment of fies: MGB-PRP 19,000.00, EME PAP Tot 000 00 Endorsed tthe Natiomil Water Resources Besar for dhe Bilis ‘of appropriate charges for viol af F.2> 1087 or the “Winer Ces ofthe Phitippanes™ No 180 Cestifiction CENRO (0 itspase penalties sod lle appropriate changes far niolaon of PID 705 or the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippi Fauir Mineral Resources Comocation on its ippines _| Payment of fines: MGE- PRP 3,000.00, EMI PRI 210,000.00 Nickel.Chromite and Assoeteted Minerals Mining Project (SMF 01-2018) . a 10 | Griemtal Synergy Mining Corporation: © Payment of fines MGN- PhP 76,000.00, EMB- PhiP 220,000.00 (MPSA OE L22-X) # CENRO to impose penalties and fle appropriate charges for ‘violation of PD 708 or the Revised Foresry Code of the Kromines, Incorporated (MPSA 291-2009- XI-SHER) Payment of fines) MGB- PAP 31,000.00, EMB- PhP 10,000 00 ‘shall secure Environmental Comphance Cemficate: in ine with the provision of EMB Memeorandum Circular No 005 dated July 07, 2014 (envirommentally critical project and has undergone upgrading. of is operation) 12) Hinatuan Mining Comporation- Taganican | + Payment of fines: EMB- PRP 50,000.00 ‘Nickel Project (MPSA No. 246-2007-XIII- 1 coast Ming CO 4 Payment of fines: MOB: PRP 27.375 00, EME. PAP 100,000 00 2500 FTPD Gold Capper Ming roget (QMPSANo. 001.90-C) 4 ett Tec (FTAA-CON) | © Payment of fines: MGB. PhP 5,000 00, EMB- PhP 60,000.00 15 | Senostee! Philippines H.¥. Mining. ‘ Payinent of fines MGB- PhP 21,000.00, EMB: PhP 390,000.00 ‘Corporation (MBSA. NO_ 002-90-X (SMR) FOR PAYMENT OF FINES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CORRECTIVE MEASURES {as stipulated in the TRC Matrix) — - + EMB Regional Office to file appropriate charges in the | Pollution Adjudication Board for violation of R.A. No. 9275 or the “Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004” CENRO to impose penalties and file appropriate charges for violation of PD 705 or the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines 16 | SR Metals, Incorporated (MPSA No. | « Payment offines: MGB- PhP 3,110.00 - 261-2008-XIM1) fe a - 17 | Filminera Resources Corporation Tines already paid 18 Strong Built (Mining) Development | Corporation All Companies shall implement necessary corrective measures stipulated in the TRC matrix. Proof of compliance shall be submitted monthly to the DENR Regional Office.

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