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Name of Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Consideration

Aspirin Analgesic and Mild to Contraindicated Respiratory alkalosis, Give drug with food
antirheumatic moderate pain with allergy to hyperpnea, tachypnea, or after meals if GI
Classification: effects are Fever salicylates or hemorrhage, upset occurs.
Antipyretic attributable to Inflammatory NSAIDs (more excitement, Give drug with full
aspirin's ability conditions— common with confusion, glass of water to
to rheumatic nasal polyps, asterixis, reduce risk of tablet
inhibit the fever, asthma, chronic pulmonary edema, or capsule lodging
synthesis of rheumatoid urticaria); allergy seizures, tetany, in the esophagus.
Antirheumatic prostaglandins, arthritis, to tartrazine metabolic acidosis, Do not crush, and
Antiplatelet important osteoarthritis (cross-sensitivity fever, coma, CV ensure that patient
Salicylate mediators of Reduction of to aspirin is collapse, renal and does not chew SR
NSAID inflammation. risk of common); respiratory failure preparations.
recurrent TIAs hemophilia, (dose related, 20– Do not use aspirin
or stroke in bleeding ulcers, 25 g in adults, 4 g that has a strong
males with hemorrhagic in children) vinegar-like odor.
history of TIA states, blood
due to fibrin coagulation
platelet emboli defects,
Reduction of
mia, vitamin K
risk of death or
nonfatal MI in
patients with
history of
infarction or
angina pectoris
MI prophylaxis
Unlabeled use:
formation with
long-term use
Name of Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Consideration
Digoxin CNS: fatigue, headache,
• Increases the • Treatment of CHF • Hypersensitivity • PO: Administer oral
force of preparations
Classifications: • Tachyarrhythmias • Uncontrolled
myocardial consistently with
ventricular EENT: blurred vision, yellow or
cardiovascular contraction » Atrial fibrillation regard to meals.
arrhythmias green vision.
agent and atrial flutter Tablets can be
• Prolongs (slows
cardiac glycoside • AV block
CV: ARRHYTHMIAS, bradycardia crushed and
refractory ventricular rate)
 antiarrhythmic period of the • Idiopathic , ECG changes, A-V block, S-A administered with
» Paroxysmal atrial block. food or fluids if
AV node hypertrophic
tachycardia patient has
• Decreases GI: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, difficulty
conduction diarrhea. swallowing.
through the • Constrictive
• IM: Administer
SA and AV pericarditis Endo: gynecomastia. deep into gluteal
nodes • Known alcohol muscle and
intolerance Hemat: thrombocytopenia. massage well to
(elixir only) reduce painful local
Metabolic: electrolyte
reactions. Do not
imbalances with
administer more
acute digoxin toxicity. than 2 ml
of digoxin in each
IM site. IM
administration is
not generally
Name of Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Consideration
Omeprazole Binds to an CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, • Advise patient to
•GERD/maintenanc • Hypersensitivity
enzyme on fatigue, headache, weakness. avoid alcohol,
e of healing in
gastric parietal • Metabolic products containing
cells in the alkalosis and CV: chest pain. aspirin or NSAIDs,
presence of hypocalcemia and foods that may
acidic gastric • Duodenal ulcers (Zegerid only) GI: abdominal pain, acid cause an increase in
pH, preventing (with or without regurgitation, constipation, GI irritation
the final anti-infectives diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
transport of for Helicobacter vomiting. • Advise patient to
hydrogen ions pylori ) report onset of black,
into the gastric Derm: itching, rash. tarry stools; diarrhea;
lumen • Short term abdominal pain; or
treatment of Misc: allergic reactions. persistent headache
active benign to health care
gastric ulcer professional promptly
• Pathologic
hypersecretory • Administer doses
conditions, before meals,
including preferably in the
morning. Capsules
should be swallowed
whole; do not crush
• Reduction of risk or chewCapsules may
of GI bleeding in be opened and
critically ill sprinkled on cool
patients applesauce, entire
mixture should be
ingested immediately
and followed by a
drink of water. Do not
store for future use
Name of Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Consideration
Generic Name: Drug used to Symptomatic Contraindicated in Lightheadedness Use liquid form for
Paracetamol relieve mild relief of pain and patients  trembling and pain in the side children and
Brand Name: headache or fever. hypersensitive to or the lower back patients who have
Biogesic muscle and drug. yellow skin or eyes difficulty
joint pain and Use cautiously in swallowing.
Dosage: unusual bleeding orbruising
to reduce
Adults and patients with long weakness In children, don’t
fever. An
children 500- term alcohol use fatigue exceed five doses
1000 mg orally because  bloody or black stools in 24 hours.
compund, it
every 4-6 hours. relieves pain
therapeutic  bloody or cloudy urine Advise patient that
by inhibiting doses cause sudden decrease in the amount drug is only for
prostaglandin  hepatotoxicity in of urine short term use and to
synthesis in these consult the
the central patients. physician if giving to
nervous Hematologic: children for
system and hemolytic anemia, longer than 5 days or
reduces fever neutropenia, adults for
by acting on leucopenia, longer than 10 days.
the pancytopenia. Advise patient or
temperature- Hepatic: Jaundice caregiver that
regulating Metabolic: many over the counter
centre of the Hypoglycemia products
brain. contain
Skin: rash,
urticaria. acetaminophen; be
of this when
calculating total daily
Warn patient that
high doses or
unsupervised long
term use can
cause liver damage.
Name of Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Consideration
CAPTOPRIL Lowers blood Hypertension; in Angioedema, feeling light-headed, fainting;  Advise bed rest and
pressure by specific conjunction with digitalis hypersensitivity to BP monitoring for
inhibition of the and diuretics in CHF, captopril or ACE inhibitors;
urinating more or less than
the first 3 h after
angiotensin- diabetic nephropathy. hypotension; pregnancy usual, or not at all; the initial dose.
Capoten converting enzyme (category D), lactation.  fever, chills, body  Monitor BP closely
(ACE). aches, flu symptoms; following the first
cardiovascular agent;  pale skin, easy bruising dose. A sudden
angiotensin-converting or bleeding; hypotensive
enzyme (ace) inhibitor;  fast, pounding, or response may occur
antihypertensive agent uneven heartbeats; within 1–3 h of first
 chest pain; or dose, especially in
those with high BP
 swelling, rapid weight
or on a diuretic and
gain. restricted salt

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