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Issue 20, Spring 1999

I 1




i *4 "if "^V"

Sly McBeal!
,.;.'' AIGore!
Skull & Bones!
and more...



*-"'-- '= "- " " - " - -"'""'"-"" ERA WRITTEN FROM A WOMEN S





R E G U L A T O R Y C O N C E R N . " A R E E.T. E N C O U N T E R S A M I N D C O N T R O L H O A X OR S A T A N ' S ARMY?



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Death and the Jarrett Hoist

Espionage, Academia &

Secret Societies S& Robert A. Millegan

The Cyborg
Hypothesis 14 Joan d'Arc

Impeach Al Gore? Jeffrey Steinberg

Spring 1999
FEMA Funded by
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t is difficult to determine just exactly how
many women suffer from anorexia or bu-
limia. Onefigureon adolescent anorexia in
Britain was that 1 in 150 girls are afflicted,
but that figure was reported to be ex-
tremely conservative. A 1982 (Garfinkel and
Garner) study stated that 20 percent of college
female students in the U.S. were bulimic, while
another study (Halmi, Falk, and Schwartz 1980)
stated that 79 percent of them had experienced By Jarrett Hoist
bulimic episodes. As for dieting, 80 percent of
Medical problems which can result from anorexia
American women have dieted by age 18 (Stern- are slow heart rate, hypothyroidism, insomnia, dehy-
dration, emaciation, low blood pressure, bloating,
hell 1985) and 60 percent by age 13 (Friedman
constipation, swelling of hands and feet, dry, scaly
and Miranda 1984.) One should take into account skin, appearance of fine body and facial hair, loss of
head hair, feeling of being cold, and anemia. (As well,
that these figures are over a decade old, and that babies born to women of low body weight have an
by most accounts the situation has gotten worse increased chance of being underweight for age at
birth.) Medical problems which can result from buli-
since. mia include fatigue, lethargy, abdominal discomfort,

O paranoia: the conspiracy reader

constipation, menstrual irregularity, calluses on purge economy, an economy which consumes far beyond
fingers, erosion of teeth, esophagus damage, and reason and then spits out mountains of waste. You see this
assorted heart problems. Clearly, this is not an in our food, our medicine, our machines, our industries,
isolated or minor phenomenon relegated to the and even our information and entertainment. The environ-
ranks of feminist literature and TV movies; it is an mental consequences of this are obvious, and the detrimen-
epidemic. But why are the numbers so high, and tal, alienating effect it has on each and every one of us
why do we so rarely hear about it? should also be evident. Never mind lasting forever, nothing
seems to last even fifteen minutes! What kind of people
A Binge-and-Purge Economy
populate such a world?
The role of eating disorders in consumerist
society needs to be examined. The fashion industry The Cult of Beauty
is a billion-dollar empire which tries to permeate The image of the anorexic model is sold to young girls.
our culture at every level. Models become actresses Models are portrayed as the epitome of glamour, possessing
and household names. Designers put out clothes in power and independence. They are rich, and every man
order to invoke an image in the buyer. Status is wants them-thus giving them sexual power. They earn the
inherent in apparel. When you envy of other women,
buy Ralph Lauren Polo, you're who long to look like
making a statement about them and obtain their
yourself. Teenagers kill each power and place in soci-
other for trendy jackets and ety. The truth is models
shoes. Trends in music and lead mediocre lives. The
attitude often originate on the majority of them have
runway, crossing back and drug habits-serious, in
forth with the mainstream,
some cases. They natu-
changing and evolving as they
rally suffer from eating
go. In short, high fashion often
disorders and the resultant
becomes culture.
health problems. Their
Another enterprise measured lives are clocked and
in terms of billions is the diet controlled by agents,
industry. From info-mercials to designers, and sponsors,
best-selling books, we are with every move and
given a myriad of ways to minute being arranged and
slim, trim, and shrink our- bought. One could even
selves. We buy pills, shakes say they are hardly peo-
and intricately scheduled meal ple. Objects might be a
plans. We all want to look like better word. They are the
the model, the movie queen, false goddesses in the cult
the hundred-pound starlet. And of beauty.
we fail to realize how they Many women are
actually do it. basically obsessed with
At the same time, many of their body image, how
the same companies who sell us they look, how much they
diets also sell us chocolate barss weigh, etc. People who
red meat, potato chips, and Anoroexic Ally? Calista Flockhart (her name is are obsessed with such
beer. They tell us to consume, derived from the Greek words for "most beautiful") superficial concerns have
consume, consume, and then has grown alarmingly thin since she began her hit little time to contemplate
they make us feel guilty about TV series Ally McBeal. their place in the world
our poor health and the natural and the influence which
consequences of eating such things. We are rats on society has upon them. This obsession is far from personal.
a literal treadmill, controlled by our whims, appe- In the past, both anorexia and bulimia were often found to
tites, and fears-most of which we get from TV. be caused by more personal issues. Anorexia was often due
They tell us one thing, and then turn around and to familial issues, a power struggle between a girl and her
tell us the exact opposite. mother, while bulimia was more social, it was more ac-
One could almost say that we have a binge-and- cepted amongst girls, and it had more to do with maintain-

issue 20 spring 1999 O

ing rather than losing weight. Both seemed are undoubtedly familiar with the idea of an occult cabal control-
rooted in low self-esteem. ling and even creating this society, using symbolism, occultism,
Now, however, both seem to have a and a perverse mix of sex and death to command and captivate
greater degree of societal causes. Girls starve their mass of slaves. Their ultimate goal is nothing more than the
and binge-and-purge in order to fit in, be devaluation and usurpation of God. Man thus replaces Him with a
accepted, and match up world of his own hand, brought to life through a process other-
wise known as Armageddon.
The three things which must come to pass before this act

Do changing of alchemy can be accomplished are as follows: the bringing

of Prima Materia to Prima Terra (the moon landing and the
return of moon rocks to the earth), the Killing of the Divine
King (JFK), and the creation and destruction of primordial

sexnal mores matter (the first atomic blast). This may sound a bit far-
fetched, but the thing to consider is not the validity of such
beliefs, but whether these beliefs may actually be held by
those at the top, who may be implementing a secret plan

have more to based on these ideas.

The most important facet of the occult belief system is the
juxtaposition of sex and death. The manifestation of the
above act of alchemy occurs in the widespread cultural/

do with
medical phenomenon of our day, the anorexic/bulimic starlet.
Having examined the role and place of eating disorders in
our culture, let's take a look at how they might connect to
the idea of occult mass mind control.

programming In Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Hoffman

describes a technique of mass control called "inducing the
double mind," whereby two seemingly contradictory ideas
are fused together in order to confuse and disturb. He writes

rather than
that while the Establishment allows us to enjoy and indulge
ourselves in our most base pleasures, it then turns around
and condemns those pleasures with the other hand. It is an
open display of hypocrisy which entraps and enchants, pitting

natural social
our minds and bodies against each other.
A clear example of inducing the double mind is found in
the treadmill of diet and consumption. We are allowed our
junk food and treats, but then we're told that they'll kill us
(which is not entirely untrue) and that we're awful, slothful

to the role models fed to them by the media.
people for indulging in them. We're fed statistics and horror
stories about obesity, and then shown food commercial after
food commercial on TV. We become uncontrollable
binge-and-purge artists, suffering from a form of mass
insanity. And in the process they make billions and only further
Diseases such as anorexia and bulimia have their domination over us, the willing participants.
become casual weight-loss aides. And with Hoffman also cites the use of subliminal images in advertising
the changing face of eating disorders has and media, and the work of Dr. Wilson Bryan Key. Key's books
come an alarming increase in the number of describe how subliminally embedded images use sex, and even
cases. Even if someone were to claim that violence and death, to sell, sell, sell. While it might start with
these disorders are predominantly due to such things as hidden penises and the embedding of the words
familial issues, what has more influence upon "sex" and "fuck," we soon see images of homosexuality and
the family than society at large? transgenderism, scatological references, and eventually the dark
Inducing the Double Mind combination of sex and death. In one advertisement, for example,
Those familiar with the works of Michael the word "cancer" is found embedded in a cigarette ad. In an-
A. Hoffman II and James Shelby Downard other, skulls are found in ice cubes. And, in a climax of sex and

^> paranoia: the conspiracy reader

death, Key shows the word "sex" embedded on nightly thirteen-year-old girls with thousand-dollar portfolios.
news clips of fleeing refugees-mostly women and All of this occurs as the issue of child sexual abuse
children-and bombed corpses. become more and more prevalent in the collective
Over the past few decades, sex has been used more mind. Is this another revelation, the making manifest of
and more blatantly to sell anything and everything. what is hidden?
Images of violence have become more and more preva- Sex and Death
lent, and the two are frequently seen together. No
longer is it seventeen and eighteen-year-olds having sex Anorexia and bulimia have an undeniable
(for instance, in the sexploitation movies of the seven- ritualistic nature, with the day-to-day monitor-
ties and eighties). Now we're seeing fourteen and ing of eating, exercising, and bathroom habits.
fifteen-year-olds, maybe younger. In addition, Also consider what women do to make their
pointlessly graphic rape scenes are found in movies like
bodies and selves match the image of the
An Eye For An Eye, A Time To Kill, and Showgirls.
anorexic starlet: cosmetic surgery, breast
The Alchemical Hermaphrodite implants, and liposuction. Can you think of
A criteria for severe anorexia would be amonerrah, anything more occult than taking apart one's
whereby the menstrual cycle ceases and it is not possi-
ble for the woman to menstruate or ovulate, thereby
face and remaking it? What about cutting the
making her incapable of having children. Anorexic breast along the bottom, pulling it up, and
women are also more prone to miscarriages. Therefore, then inserting the silicon sac underneath? Does
one could say that the anorexic condition is a disruption this act have similarities to a rite of revenge or
ofthe natural, or Godly, reproductive cycle. In a world sacrifice?
of women incapable of giving birth, how will procrea-
tion come about? Is this yet another example of the You might even say, given the high occurrence of
usurpation of God/nature, leaving technology in charge immunodeficiency disorders amongst implanted women,
of reproduction? and the handful of fatalities that once resulted from
liposuction, that these women are making a deal with
What would you call a person who didn't menstruate the devil, whereby they risk infection, disease and even
or have children, who didn't have curves or surplus fat death, all in the name of looking good.
on their hips and thighs, and who has an increased
The ultimate culmination of the mix of sex and death
amount of downy fuzz (similar to that of an unborn
baby) all over their body? Many of the actresses and is the anorexic starlet. Take a look at a picture of Kate
models whom we see parading on the screen are begin- Moss or Stella Tennant. Do you see the ribs, the spin-
ning to look less and less like women, and more like dly arms and legs with the prominent joints, the pelvis
eleven-year-old boys. Shouldn't we ask ourselves what protruding from underneath the skin, the gaunt, almost
exactly it means when our images of beauty and sexual- skull-like face? Do they not look like skeletons? And
ity are homoerotic and androgynous? Is the professed then take a look at pictures from Dachau and Ausch-
homosexuality of the Men's Club now being pushed witz. See any resemblance? (A joke from Saturday
onto society at large, a projection of the secret, ritual Night Live once put it best. It showed a picture of Kate
power of sodomy? Does the changing of sexual mores Moss and then said, "Schindler's List opened today.")
have more to do with programming rather than natural A recent 60 Minutes story ("Why is Hollywood
social forces? Could something akin to the Alchemical starving itself?") stated that leading starlets like Helen
Hermaphrodite be far off? Hunt, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, and Gwyneth Paltrow all
suffer from eating disorders. More recently, we have
Many in the psychiatric field have suggested that
seen the alarmingly thin Calista Flockhart ("Ally
anorexia is often an attempt to revert to childhood, to
McBeal"), who nevertheless insisted to People maga-
curtail womanhood. An anorexic girl does not develop
zine that "I am not anorexic." Basically, the overwhelm-
properly sexually, and can become temporarily infertile.
ing majority of glamourous, "sexy" women that parade
Due to her small stature, she has been made weak and
easy to dominate. What exacdy are we engaging in before us could all be called anorexic starlets.
when we sexualize this image? No longer is the spectacle of sex and death hidden
and embedded, it is out there for everyone to see. The
Digging even deeper, we find the issue of pedophilia.
anorexic starlet is the perfect example of this. No one
We are now seeing ritual abuse being practiced on a
asks why the image of sex and death is so prevalent;
mass scale. No longer is it just in the realm of cults and
hardly anyone questions it, and no one sees its implica-
the elite, but it has now spread to the media. Recall the
tions. Hoffman writes that when something is so obvi-
infamous Calvin Klein commercials which idolized

issue 20 spring 1 999 3&

What does it
ous and yet no one sees it, this is the ultimate form of
mind/occult control. Deception is hardly needed and all
is revealed. Revelation of the method, perhaps?
What does it mean when women who look like

mean when
something out of a concentration camp are revered and
sexualized? Are we not being trained to be aroused by
such images? Why are so many of us turned on by
pictures of people who are clearly suffering and hurting;

women who look

people who more resemble skeletons and famine vic-
tims? Are we becoming sadistic and fetishistic, too? Are
we not beating off to death itself? Is this the ultimate
proof of the use of the anorexic starlet in the mass mind

l e something out
control of our society?*

Abendsen, Hawthorne, Inside the "Men's Club"
Abraham, Suzanne and Derek Llewellyn Jones, Eating

of a concentration Disorders: Tlie Facts

Brown, Catrina and Karin Jasper, Ed., Consuming Passions
Downard, James Shelby, "The Call to Chaos," in Apoca-
lypse Culture (ed. Adam Parfrey)

camp are revered Downard, "Sex and Assassination," in Secret and Sup-
pressed (ed. Jim Keith)
Hoffman, Michael A. n, Secret Societies and Psychological

and sexnalized? Key, Wilson Bryan, Media Sexploitation

Key, Subliminal Seduction
Parfrey, Adam, "Riding the Downardian Nightmare," in
Cult Rapture

4gj) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

& Secyet (Evciythinj
y o u wante(
to know
Societies by Robert A. Millegan
ver since the founding of the Republic, there but were
has been a unique relationship between Yale afraid t o
University and the Intelligence Community. ask.)
Nathan Hale, along with three other Yale graduates,
was a member ofthe "Culper Ring," one of America's principles set forth by John Locke
first intelligence operations. Established by George and Jean Rosseau and created a new
Washington, it was successful throughout the Revolu- educational system. Johan Fitche, in
his Address to the German People,
tionary War. Nathan was the only operative to be ferreted declared that the children would be
out by the British and, after speaking his famous regrets, was taken over by the State and told what
hanged in 1776. to think and how to think it.
Today, a statue of Nathan Hale stands on Old Campus at Yale Univer- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
sity. There is a copy of that statue in front of the CIA headquarters in took over Fitche's chair at the Univer-
Langley, Virginia. Yet another stands in front of Phillips Academy in sity of Berlin in 1817, and was a
Andover, Massachusetts, where George H.W. Bush (Yale '48) went to professor there until his death in
prep school and joined a secret society at age twelve. 1831. Hegel was the culmination of
the German idealistic philosophy
Opium Money school of Immanuel Kant. To Hegel,
In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company for the our world is a world of reason. The
purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. Russell state is Absolute Reason and the
and Company bought out the Perkins (Boston) syndicate in 1830 and citizen can only become free by
moved the primary center of American opium smuggling to Connecticut. worship and obedience to the state.
Many of the great American and European fortunes were built on the Hegel called the state the "march of
"China" (opium) trade. God in the world" and the "final
William Huntington Russell (Yale, 1833), Samuel's cousin, studied in end." This final end, Hegel said,
Germany from 1831-32. Germany was then a hotbed of new ideas. The "has supreme right against the indi-
"scientific method" was being applied to all forms of human endeavor. vidual, whose supreme duty is to be a
Prussia, wliich blamed the defeat of its forces by Napoleon in 1806 on member ofthe state." Both fascism
soldiers only thinking about themselves in the stress of battle, took the and communism have their philo-

<} paranoia: the conspiracy reader

sophical roots in Hegellianism. Hegellian of The Iconoclast was published in New Haven. It was only
philosophy was very much in vogue during pubhshed once and was one of the few openly-published works to
William Russell's time in Germany. be critical of the Order of Skull and Bones. From Tiie Iconoclast:

The Tomb We speak through a new publication, because the college

press is closed to those who dare to openly mention 'Bones'...
When Russell returned to Yale in 1832, he They have obtained control of Yale. Its business is performed by
formed a senior society with Alphonso Taft them. Money paid to the college must pass into their hands, and
(Yale '33). According to information acquired be subject to their will...
from a break into the "tomb" (the Skull and Year by year the deadly evil is growing. The
Bones meeting hall) in 1876, "Bones is a society was never as obnoxious to the college as
chapter of a corps in a German University ... it is today, and it is just this ill-feeling that shuts
General Russell, its founder, was in Germany the pockets of non-members. Never before has it
before his Senior Year and formed a warm shown such arrogance and self-fancied superior-
friendship with a leading member of a German ity. It grasps the College Press and endeavors to
society. He brought back with him to college, rule it all. It does not deign to show its credentials,
the authority to found a chapter here." So Yale but clutches at power with the silence of
conscious guilt.
valedictorian William H. Russell, along with
fourteen others, became the founding members The question, then, is reduced to
of "The Order of Scull and Bones," later this: on the one hand lies a source of
changed to "The Order of Skull and Bones." incalculable good - on the other a
society guilty of serious and far-
The secretive Order of Skull and Bones reaching crimes. It is Yale College
exists only, at Yale. Fifteen juniors are against Skull and Bones!! We ask all
"tapped" each year by the seniors to be initi- men, as a question of right, which
ated into next year's group. Each initiate is should be allowed to live?
given $15,000 and a grandfather clock. Far At first, the society held its
from being a campus fim-house, the group is meetings in hired halls. Then in
geared toward the success of its members in 1856, the "tomb," a vine-covered,
the post-collegiate world. windowless, brown-stone hall was
The family names on the Skull and Bones constructed, where to this day the
roster roll off the tongue like the guests at an Bonesmen hold their "strange,
elite party: Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, occultish" initiation rites and
Harriman, Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefel- meet each Thursday and
ler, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Sunday.
Perkins, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, On September 29, 1876, a
Lovett and so on. group calling itself "The Order of File and
William Russell went on to become a Claw" broke into the Skull and Bones' holy of
general and a state legislator in Connecticut. holies. In the "tomb" they found lodge-room
Alphonso Taft was appointed U.S. Attorney 324 "fitted up in black velvet, even the walls
General, Secretary of War (a post many being covered with the material." Upstairs
"Bonesmen" have held), Ambassador to was lodge-room 322, "the 'sanctum sancto-
Austria, and Ambassador to Russia (another rium' of the temple ... furnished in red velvet"
post held by many Bonesmen). His son, with a pentagram on the wall. In the hall are
William Howard Taft ('87), is the only man to "pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and
be both a President of the United States and of members of the Society in Germany, when
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. the chapter was established" at Yale. The
The Order flourished from the very begin- raiding party found another interesting scene in
ning, in spite of occasional squalls of contro- the parlor next to room 322. From The
versy. There was dissension from some profes- Fall Of Skull And Bones:
sors, who didn't like its secrecy and exclusive- On the west wall, hung among other
ness. And there was a backlash from students, pictures, an old engraving representing an open burial vault, in
expressing concern about the influence the which, on a stone slab, rest four human skulls, grouped about a
Order was having over Yale finances and the fools cap and bells, an open book, several mathematical instru-
favoritism that was shown to "Bonesmen." ments, a beggar's scrip, and a royal crown. On the arched wall
above the vault are the explanatory words, in Roman letters, 'We
In October of 1873, Volume 1, Number 1,

issue 20 spring 1999 O

War Der Thor, Wer Weiser, Wer from Europe and incorporated Skull and Bones as Russell Trust, in
Bettler Oder, Kaiser?' and below the 1856, with himself as Treasurer and William H. Russell as President.
vault is engraved, in German char- He spent the next fourteen years in New Haven consolidating the
acters, the sentence: 'Ob Arm, Ob Order's power.
Beich, im Tode gleich." The picture
is accompanied by a card on which is Gilman was appointed Librarian at Yale in 1858. Through shrewd
written, 'From the German Chapter. political maneuvering, to acquire funding for Yale's science depart-
Presented by D. C. Gilmanof D. 50.' ments (Sheffield Scientific School), he was able to get the Morrill Land
Bill introduced in Congress, passed and finally signed by President
The Three Bonesmen Lincoln, after being vetoed by President Buchanan. This bill, "donating
The significance of the German public-lands for State College for agriculture and sciences," is now
phrases carved on the wall will be known as the Land Grant College Act. Yale was the first school in
explored in the following pages. "D. C. America to get the federal land scrip and quickly grabbed all of Con-
Gilman" refers to Daniel Coit Gilman necticut's share at the time. Pleased by the acquisitions, Yale made
('52) who, along with two other Bones- Gilman a Professor of Physical Geography.
men, formed a troika which still influ- Timothy Dwight, a professor at Yale Divinity School, was installed
ences American life today. Soon after as president of Yale in 1886. All presidents since have been either
Bonesmen or directly tied to the Order and its interests. The influence

Yale has of the Bonesmen would extend far beyond Yale, however.
For example, Daniel Coit Gilman was also the first President of the

influenced the University of California. He also helped found, and was the first
president of, Johns Hopkins. In addition, Gilman was first president of
the Carnegie Institution and was involved in the founding of the Pea-
CIA more than body, Slater and Russell Sage Foundations.
Gilman's buddy, Andrew D. White, was the first president of Cor-

any other nell University (which received all of New York's share of the Land
Grant College Act), U.S. Minister to Russia, U.S. Ambassador to
Berlin and first president of the American Historical Association. White
university, and was also Chairman of the American delegation to the first Hague
Conference in 1899, which established an international judiciary.
its Bonesmen The Gilman/Dwight/White trio was also responsible for the founding
of the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society

have been and the American Psychological Association. Through their influence
on Thomas Dewey and Horace Mann, this trio continues to have an
enormous impact on education today.
foremost Chains of Influence

among the In his book America's Secret Establishment, Antony Sutton outlined
the Order of Skull and Bones' ability to establish vertical and horizontal
"chains of influence" that ensured the continuity of their conspiratorial
"spooks" schemes.
The Whitney-Stimson-Bundy links represent a "vertical chain": W.
building the C. Whitney ('63), who married Flora Payne (of the Standard Oil Payne
dynasty), was Secretary of the Navy. His attorney was a man named
Elihu Root. Root hired Henry Stimson ('88), out of law school. Stim-
Agency's son took over from Root as Secretary of War in 1911, appointed by
fellow Bonesman William Howard Taft. Stimson later became Coo-
haunted house. lidge's Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, Hoover's Secretary
of State, and Secretary of War during the Roosevelt and Truman
their initiation into Skull and Bones,
Daniel Gilman, Timothy Dwight ('49) Hollister Bundy ('09) was Sthnson's special assistant and point man
and Andrew Dickinson White ('53) went in the Pentagon for the Manhattan Project. His two sons, also members
to study philosophy in Europe at the of Skull and Bones, were William Bundy ('39) and McGeorge Bundy
University of Berlin. Gilman returned ('40), both very active in governmental and foundation affairs.

^Jj) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

These two Bonesmen brothers, from their positions in the CIA, the took personal credit for getting Nixon
Department of Defense and the State Department, and as Special Assis- the spot as Dee's running mate in 1952.
tants to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, exercised significant impact on
Cloak and Gown
the flow of information and intelligence during the Vietnam War. Wil-
liam Bundy went on to be editor of Foreign Affairs, the influential There were so many "Yalies" in the
quarterly of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). McGeorge became OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the
president of the Ford Foundation. forerunner of the CIA) that Yale's
Another interesting group of Bonesmen is the Harriman/Bush crowd. drinking tune, the "Whiffenpoof
Averil Harriman ('13), Elder Statesman ofthe Democratic Party, and his Song," became the unofficial "theme
brother Roland Harriman ('17) were very active members. In fact, four song" of the OSS. Many in the OSS
of Roland's fellow Bonesmen from the class of 1917 were directors of were Bonesmen or belonged to the
Brown Brothers, Harriman, including Prescott Bush ('17), George other Yale senior societies.
Bush's dad. Robert Lovett ('18), Harriman's
Since the turn of the century, two investment bank firms - Brown childhood friend, had been tapped into
Skull and Bones by Prescott Bush's cell
Brothers, Harriman and Guaranty Trust - were both dominated by
of' 17 and was a director at Brown
members of Skull and Bones. According to Antony Sutton, these two
Brothers, Harriman. He was also
firms were heavily involved in the financing of both Communism and
instrumental in the founding of the
Hitler's Fascism.
CIA. Again, from George Bush: Tlie
Bonesmen share an affinity for the Hegellian ideas of the historical Unauthorized Biography:
dialectic, which dictates the use of controlled conflict - thesis versus
anti-thesis - to create a pre-determined synthesis. A synthesis of their On October 22,1945, Secretary
making and design, where the state is absolute and individuals are of War Robert Patterson created
granted their freedoms based on their obedience to the state - a New the Lovett Committee, chaired by
Robert A. Lovett, to advise the
World Order.
government on the post-World
Funding and political maneuvering on the part of Bonesmen and their War II organization of U.S. intel-
allies helped the Bolsheviks prevail in Russia. In defiance of federal ligence activities.... Lovett pressed
laws, the cabal financed industries, established banks and developed oil for a virtual resumption ofthe war-
and mineral deposits in the fledgling U.S.S.R. time Office of Strategic Services
(OSS).... The CIA was established
Later, Averil Harriman, as minister to Great Britain in charge of in 1947 according to the prescrip-
Lend-Lease for Britain and Russia, was responsible for shipping entire tion of Robert Lovett.
factories into Russia. According to some researchers, Harriman also
oversaw the transfer of nuclear secrets, plutonium and U. S. dollar Gaddis Smith, a history professor at
printing plates to the U.S.S.R. In 1932, the Union Banking Corporation Yale, has said, "Yale has influenced the
of New York City had enlisted four directors from the (' 17) cell and two Central Intelligence Agency more than
Nazi bankers associated with Fritz Thyssen, who had been financing any other university, giving the CIA the
Hitler since 1924. atmosphere of a class reunion." And
Bonesmen have been foremost among
In their book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, researchers
the "spooks" building the CIA's
Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin state that:
haunted house:
President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. F. Trubee Davison (Director of
Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 [11/17/42] seizing the
Personnel at the CIA in the early years)
property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with Enemy Act. The order,
published in obscure government record books and kept out ofthe news, William F. Buckley
explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Archibald MacLiesh
Corporation was run for the 'Thyssen family' of 'Germany and/or Dino Pionzio (CIA Deputy Chief
Hungary' - 'nationals ... of a designated enemy country.' of Station during the Pinochet coup)
By deciding that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Senator David Boren (Senate
Banking Corporation were legally 'front men' for the Nazis, the gov- Intelligence Committee)
ernment avoided the more important historical issue: In what way were
Hitler's Nazis themselves hired, armed, and instructed by the New York Senator John Kerry (Senate
and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager? Intelligence Committee)
After the war, Prescott went on to become a U. S. Senator from William and McGeorge Bundy
Connecticut and favorite golfing partner of President Eisenhower. Pres- ...and, of course, George Herbert
cott claimed responsibility for getting Richard Nixon into politics and Walker Bush, who served as CIA
Director in the 1970s. Some other

issue 20 spring 1999

prominent Bonesmen include: were badly in need of something which the Chinese would buy. If the
Henry Luce (Time-Life) Chinese had not bought opium from Americans, then United States
John Thomas Daniels (Agribusiness imports of silk, porcelain and tea would have to be paid in precious
giant Archer Daniels Midland) coin, which was in short supply. In 1843, when the Port of Shanghai
Harold Stanley (Morgan Stanley was opened, Russell and Co. was one of its earliest traders.
investment banker) In 1903, Yale Divinity School set up a program of schools and
Pierre Jay (first chairman of the hospitals in China. Mao Zedong was among the staff. During the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York) intrigues of China in the 1930s and '40s, American intelligence called
upon the resources of "Yale in China," and George Bush's cousin
George Herbert Walker, Jr. (finan-
and fellow Bonesman Reuben Holden.
cier and co-founder, NY Mets)
After stints as UN Ambassador and Chairman of the Republican
Alfred Cowles (Cowles Communica-
National Committee for the beleaguered Richard Nixon, George Bush
tions, Look magazine)
was sent to look after the "China trade." The Bush family is still very
Artemus Gates (President of New much involved in the economic activities of China.
York Trust Company, Union Pacific, and
Some researchers contend that George Bush has been with the CIA
the Boeing Company)
since the early 1950s, and that one of his jobs was to consolidate and
Dean Witter, Jr. (investment banker) coordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on
Potter Stewart (Supreme Court Earth. Some even say that the Vietnam conflict was a cover for the
Justice) consolidation of the drug trade emanating from the Golden Triangle.
Senator John Chaffe Before the Vietnam War, the Golden Triangle was run by French
Russell W. Davenport (editor, For- Intelligence and Corsican mobsters. After the French bailed out and
tune magazine, created Fortune 500 list) America moved in, the triangle was run by U.S. intelligence, with
Richard Gow, president Zapata Oil aid from Sicilian mobsters. This narcotics network is well docu-
Howe Bradford (husband of Carol mented in The Politics of Heroin in S. E. Asia by Alfred McCoy, The
Warburg Rothschild and a general man- Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Kruger and Double-Cross by Sam and
ager for the New York Times) Chuck Giancana.
Winston Lord (former Chairman of Why Bush Hates Perot
the CFR, Ambassador to China and
Vice-President George Bush, as Chairman of President Reagan's
assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton
cabinet-level working group and as Director of the National Narcotics
Interdiction System, was the highest U.S. governmental official
John Lilley, Ambassador to China, is involved in the "war on drugs."
another example. In fact, ever since Nixon
Frances Mullen, Jr., former head ofthe Drug Enforcement
re-established America's political relation-
Agency (DEA), called Bush's efforts "an intellectual fraud" and "a
ship with China, many of our ambassadors
liability rather than an asset." Soon after these statements, Mullen
to that country have been Bonesmen,
resigned and the resultant General Accounting Office (GAO) report
including George Bush, the first Chief U.
was buried. In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper reported that
S. Liaison Officer to the Peoples Republic
there were "no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdic-
of China. Why all this interest in China? tion System, directed by George Bush. In fact, the overall effect was
Well, China, among other things, is still a to encourage supply...."
large producer and user of opiates.
Monika Jensen-Stevenson, a 60 Minutes producer, quit her job
Behind the Drug Trade after the CBS news program refused to air the story she had uncov-
During the Opium Wars of the 1800s, ered relating to the covert drug trade. Her book, Kiss Tlie Boys
the U.S. chose to stand on the sidelines Goodbye, details how our intelligence community used the apparatus
and cheer for the English and French, of the POW/MIA governmental agencies as a cover for the trafficking
knowing that treaty obligations would of opiates from the Golden Triangle.
bring the U.S. a share in the spoils. President Reagan appointed Reform Party founder and Texas
Russell and Company was at times the billionaire Ross Perot to the President's Advisory Council on Foreign
only trading house operating in Canton, Intelligence. Reagan made Perot a special presidential investigator,
and used the opportunity to develop strong looking into America's POW and MIAs from the Vietaam War.
commercial ties and handsome profits. Ross took the job to heart and spent considerable time and money
Powerful national interests were behind in pursuit of the quest. He was given special clearance and access. He
the drug trade, because American traders asked questions and interviewed everyone he could find. Jensen-

<jj> paranoia: the conspiracy reader

Stevenson writes in Kiss The Boys Goodbye: need to organize, raise funds, make
Relations between Bush and Perot had gone downhill ever since the their plans operational, and hopefully
Vice-President had asked Ross Perot how his POW/MIA investigations bring them to fruition. Could we have
were going. 'Well, George, I go in looking for prisoners,' said Perot, 'but in the United States a secret society that
I spend all my time discovering the government has been moving drugs has used the "National Security State"
around the world and is involved in illegal arms deals.... I can't get at the
prisoners because of the corruption among our own people.'
This ended Perot's official access to the highly classified files as a
one-man presidential investigator. 'I have been instructed to cease and
desist,' he had informed the families of missing men early in 1987.
The wholesale importation of cocaine into the U.S. during
"Iran/Contra" is also well documented. George Bush is known to
have been "in the loop" with many of the players, who were in
direct contact with his office.
In addition, narcotics such as cocaine and heroin cannot be
manufactured without the precursor chemicals. A large maker of
these precursor chemicals is the Eli Lilly Company of Indianapolis,
Indiana. The Quayle family is a large stockholder, and George Bush
has been on the Board of Directors. Eli Lilly is also the company
that first synthesized LSD for the CIA.
Part of the llluminati?
John Robison, a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh
University in Scotland and a member of a Freemason Lodge, said
that he was asked to join the llluminati. After study, he concluded
that the purposes of the IUuminati were not for him.
In 1798, he published the book Proofs Of A Conspiracy. He
An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out
all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing
governments.... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable
power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of
their unknown superiors.
Proofs of A Conspiracy was sent to George Washington. Re-
sponding to the sender of the book with a letter, the president said
he was aware the llluminati were in America. He felt that the
llluminati had "diabolical tenets" and that their object was "a
separation of the People from their government."
In his book, Robison related the ceremony of initiation of the George Bush: The Spookiest Bonesman
"Regent degree" in Illuminism. In it, "a skeleton is pointed out to
him [the initiate], at the feet of which are laid a crown and a sword. He is as a cover for their nefarious plans?
asked 'whether that is the skeleton of a king, nobleman or a beggar.' As he Are we all just "fodder" for a secret
cannot decide, the president of the meeting says to him, 'The character of society with satanic overtones that is
being a man is the only one that is of importance.'" attempting to form a one-world govern-
This is, essentially, the same as the writing in the Skull and Bones tomb: ment with themselves at the helm? Or
"Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettier oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, is the Order of Skull and Bones just a
im Tode gleich," which translates as "Who was the fool, who the wise bunch of rich frat boys from Yale?
man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death." Your future could depend on the
Is the Order of the Skull and Bones part of the Hluminati? When a
person is initiated into Skull and Bones, they are given a new name, similar Tliis article was excerpted from a longer
to the practice of the Ihuminati. And many recorded llluminati members work, including an extensive Bibliograplry,
can be shown to have contact and/or strong influences with many of the obtained from the author. It is dedicated to
professors that taught the first Bonesmen in Berlin. his father, who served honorably in both
When a secret society conspires against the sovereignty of a king, they the OSS and the CIA.

issue 20 spring 1999 $E)

yborg Mypt rfesi


obot Probes and Tndefinit

bur viva >y Joan d'Arc

^Bife n considering the origin of human civi- have
true, agrees Jacobs, that the grays don't have
several eyes; they have two. Neither do they
several heads; they have one. Two eyes
I I I lization on Earth, Robert Temple, author are better than one, and locating them at the
I 1 I of The Sirius Mystery, concludes that wetop of the head so they are directly connected
to the brain makes visual reports instantane-
should be ready to face the reality that ous. As a model for survival, Jacobs sug-
extraterrestrial civilizations exist and have been gests, the bipedal humanoid appears to be an
adaptive and efficient one. Although Darwin-
here. He surmises that if intelligent beings have already ists claim to know otherwise, let us establish
visited Earth, they may possibly be "monitoring us at this the simple fact that no one really knows how
moment with a robot probe somewhere in our solar old this model might be, nor its true genesis.
system, and may have the intention of returning in person According to a talk given by Dr. David
some day to see how the civilization they established is Jacobs of Temple University entitled "The
Anatomy of an Alien," a wide variety of alien
really getting on."
types have been witnessed first-hand by sane
The Cyborg Hypothesis has entered provocatively in the UFO
people all over the world, but, Jacobs adds,
literature on three occasions over the past few years. This article
the wide variety of descriptions may have
outlines those three instances, to conclude that we have likely
more to do with a difference in perception,
failed to see what UFOs really are: the "robot probes" of a vastly
interpretation or reporting. According to
superior race.
Jacobs, the overt morphology of the most
T h e A n a t o m y of A l i e n Gray
enigmatic of the Visitors, the grays, falls
On the surface, Earth humans and alien grays have a compara-
within a range of humanoid features, but
ble number of appendages. The alien grays reportedly picking up
under close scrutiny these reports describe a
Earth specimens have two arms and two legs, and they walk
radically different creature "under the skin."
upright. Biologically speaking, explains Dr. David Jacobs, for
(Omega Conference, CT, 10/9/88)
locomotion only four legs beats two legs; but bipedalism frees up
the hands. The alien grays have been variously described as having A quick survey of these descriptions will
three, four or five fingers. We all know what opposable thumbs suffice. While the skin color varies with
are for; but it is not clear that the grays typically have them. It is reports from whitish or off-white, beige, tan,

^D paranoia: the conspiracy reader

various shades of gray, and sometimes a and smell, but is also a "heating chamber" for the lungs in cold
green or blue tinge (probably caused by climates; nose hairs also trap pollutants. What might these various
artificial lighting), one of the most impor- features taken in combination say about the alien environment?
tant observations is that variations in skin Jacobs deduces that the alien environment is "highly controlled,
tone do not exist. Jacobs points out that the uncontaminated, unnatural and highly technical."
skin is remarkably smooth and even-toned, The alien gray's neck is like a thin tube. A twelve-year old boy
exhibiting no discolorations, bumps, blem- reported to Dr. Jacobs that he grabbed one of his abductors by the
ishes, bruises, freckles, creases, wrinkles, throat. He stated that the neck felt solid, not soft. Drawings by
pores, hair or hair folhcles, veins, etc. The abductees indicate that the neck does not gradually fit into the base
skin is often described as being like plastic ofthe skull, nor does it gradually slope out to fit the shoulders, but
or rubber. Importantly, there are no veins is rather like a straight tube between the head and the shoulders. The
visible which would indicate blood flow chest is small and narrow, with no noticeable clavicle, sternum, or
beneath the skin. "There is an odd simplic- bifurcated structure in the upper torso. In other words, the chest is
ity as if it is a manufactured or synthetic not divided into two halves. There are no breasts, breast muscles or
skin stretched over the frame," he reports. nipples noted. The chest is motionless; there is no motion indicative
The shape of the alien gray's head has of breathing.
been described as a "parking meter" or a
"light bulb." The large dome or cranium is
entirely hairless; there is no hair, fur or
The upper torso of
the alien gray is said to
be proportionate with
Perhaps i n our
fuzz anywhere on the head or, for that
matter, on the entire body. There have
the waist or hip area;
the torso is proportion-
thinking of
occasionally been striations noted on the
head. Jacobs points out that communication
ately the same all the
way down. There are "UFOs" as
is not dependent on facial cues. Therefore,
although the face has a somewhat human
morphology, he asserts, the underlying
no apparent hip or
pelvic bones. The
abdomen area is totally
simply flying
musculature wliich might portray meaning
or emotion is missing. There is little or no
flat, indicating that there
is no food being proc-
machines, w e
movement of the black, "wrap-around"
eyes, and there is no separate pupil or iris
area in the eye. The eyes have functions
essed in the "stomach"
area. There is also no have missed the
indication of ribs; and
beyond sight in that they are apparently
used for telepathic communication. The
there appears to be no
male genitalia. Differ-
true m e a n i n g
eyes do not move from side to side, and
there are usually no eyelids seen. It would
ences between the sexes
of the alien grays are
of what they
seem that there is no need to cleanse or
protect the eyes. There are also no eye-
brows, although a completely hairless ridge
not overt; abductees
simply report that they
"know" or have a
arei the
is noted above the eye. There are no ears. If
it doesn't need to talk, apparently it doesn't
"feeling" that their
abductees are a male or
need to hear.
Some abductees report seeing a small
a female. On the alien
gray's back side there is "smart probes"
no indication of shoulder
mouth, but most report just a slit with no
lips just above a very pointed chin. Jacobs
blades, spinal vertebra,
or buttocks.
of an
points out that there is no evidence of a
"hinged jaw" or muscles to open the
mouth, nor are there teeth noted in the
The arms of the alien
gray are frail and spin-
mouth, indicating that the beings do not
consume in the manner typical of Earth
dley, and there is a
"bend" where the elbow
humans. Mastication appears to be unneces- should be. The fingers are long and thin, generally with rounded
sary. Some alien abductees describe a very pads or bulbs at the end, while some are reported as being tapered at
small nose, and others note just two small the end. There are usually four fingers and a thumb, but sometimes
holes in the area where a nose would be three fingers and a thumb are noted. The legs are short and bend at
expected. A nose is useful not only for taste the knee and the feet appear humanlike although they are usually

issue 20 spring 1999 <

covered. In addition, the alien beings apparently do not age over time, and codes on it were applied only in the
are very curious about the aging process of Earth humans. After a lifetime years 1927, 1947 or 1967.
of abductions beginning at five years old, Jacobs reports that a 35-year old Later nicknamed SUE, for SantiUi's
abductee has changed tremendously. She has been abducted by the same Unidentified Entity, the Roswell
entity throughout her lifetime. While she, of course, has aged, the entity female alien caused quite a brouhaha
looks exactly the same. He has not aged; there are no wrinkles or age spots with cries of it being a doctored-up
on his skin. There is no sense of change over time. human corpse or a human radiogenic
Although they appear to be weak and frail, the grays are reported to be mutant with severe hydrocephaly
surprisingly strong, and are apparently dexterous enough to dress and (water on the brain). A search in the
undress their abductees. Although musculature is not noticeable, the grays files of the Institute for Radiation
appear to be able to "carry" people; albeit some sort of mind control Research at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
technology may be aiding them. These entities do not appear to walk, but will show that nuclear radiation causes
rather, they seem to "glide" or "float." Theoretically, the assumption of random malformations, burns, dis-
the evolution of the human animal as a novel cosmic occurrence has actu- eases of the nerves and birth defects in
ally not been breached by the appearance of this overtly similar entity the offspring of those affected. Those
since, with the exception of a few obvious morphological features, these birth defects would not consist of the
beings are actually "very alien." All signs indicate that they do not age, addition of symmetrical appendages;
they do not inhale or exhale, they do not ingest food or water, they do not that is, one extra well-formed digit on
excrete the waste products of food or water, they do not procreate, and they the hands and feet on this six-fingered
do not hear or talk. As H.V. Ditfurth writes, "a living being that does not alien. Nor would it cause water on the
engage in a continual exchange of energy with its environment is simply brain.
unthinkable." (The Origins of Life, 24) The Roswell Alien Autopsy film
Jacobs stresses that we cannot make the presumption that these are shows a small, hairless, six-fingered
biologically living entities in the sense that we understand the concept of entity with an enlarged cranium and
"aliveness." Neither can we say for sure that they are manufactured beings, somewhat bloated stomach, perhaps
although they very well may be. Perhaps, he concludes, they are some due to body decomposition. The entity
combination of the two: biological robots. is lying on its back on a table while
T h e Roswell A l i e n Autopsy doctors, completely covered in white
spacesuit-looking garb, perform a
Interestingly, this conclusion was arrived at separately some years after
"routine" autopsy. With precision
Jacobs made these comments at a 1988 conference. The worldwide show-
cutting instruments, they cut the skin
ing of an alien autopsy on Fox TV on August 28, 1995 placed 'aliens' on
and peel it back in a realistic manner,
center stage after decades of media silence on the subject. If you were
laying bare a body cavity filled with
lucky enough to see the original videotape, without the "talking heads" who
unfamiliar organs wliich are removed
poked their opinions into the Fox Television version, you got to see a lot
one by one. Doctors who have viewed
more of the original footage. The autopsy film was purportedly purchased
this film claim that these organs are
by British businessman, Ray Santilli, from an anonymous cameraman who
not comparable to the size, shape or
claims to have taken the footage for the American government in 1947.
locale of human body organs, and
The mysterious circumstances surrounding the film's arrival on the UFO have no human counterpart. Patholo-
scene merits serious scrutiny in itself. The film footage appears to have gist Cyril Wecht stated that the body is
been dissected as much as the "alien" being, since parts ofthe footage were like none he's ever examined and
sold to Volker Spielberg, Ray SantiUi's German financial backer. Spielberg called for a full-fledged scientific
has rescinded early offers to show his sections of the footage, which are observation of the film with respect to
rumored to be much more disturbing than what we've seen. Somewhere, the morphology of the body and the
though, there must exist a complete copy of the most scrutinized film since organs. (UFO Magazine, Fall '95)
Zapruder captured the killing of a president in 1963.
Anachronistic concerns regarding objects seen in the film were addressed Plastocene P o r t a l s a n d
by researchers early in the investigation. Bell Telephone ascertained that
L o o k i n g Glass Eyes
they did make a "curly" telephone cord at the time this film was suppos- There are several disturbing quali-
edly shot. The camera, film type and reel length are consistent with what ties exhibited by the specimen named
might have been used by the military in 1947. The Filmo camera that was SUE. First, as the autopsy continues,
used would have had similar focus problems, since up-close focusing is the 'peel-off black eye 'coverings' are
difficult without through-the-lens viewing. Kodak representative Lawrence removed to show white eyeballs set
Cate has ascertained from a small piece of a print, leader only, that the deep into the sockets with no apparent

^D paranoia: the conspiracy reader

pupils. At one point we watched in amazement as the alien blinked. We kept Corso's " F o r e i g n "
going over and over that same section of the video, and even slowed it T e c h n o l o g y Desk
down, and we were sure the alien blinked! Another disturbing aspect of the The Cyborg hypothesis was
Roswell alien is the absence of a belly button, the insertion point for the again supported by the revelations
umbilical cord which connects a mammalian fetus to its mother. Also discon- of a former Pentagon official in
certing is the lack of nipples on an otherwise muscular chest which indicates 1997. According to retired Col.
presence of mammary glands. These details would certainly rule out objec- Philip J. Corso in his book 77?e
tions that the cadaver is a doctored human corpse, but they also indicate that Day After Roswell, the technologi-
the entity did not "come into the world" in the manner in which mammals cal level of Earthlings was immedi-
are born.
How can a "humanoid" with physical characteristics as
close to our own not share the basic characteristics of mam-
malian reproduction? There are a limited number of options:
(1) it was "hatched" from an egg or larvae and is insect,
"A living b e i n g
reptilian or amphibian in origin, or (2) it is bio-engineered
and, therefore, it is a cyborg; or (3) the alien grays are some
that does not
combination of both of the above.
Another bothersome aspect of SUE's autopsy remains engage i n a
hearsay. I have seen the video in its entirety a few times and
it is not clear where a crystal-like object is removed from the
brain. This would be another indication, taken along with the
previous two, that the entity is bio-engineered. Perhaps the
sections of the footage owned by Volker Spielberg contain
exchange of
this enigmatic detail. It has been reported in UFO Magazine
that several "still frames" of unreleased footage were shown
at the International UFO Congress in Nevada. These frames
energy w i t h its
are very detailed and are supposed to be released in the
future. Perhaps these are the frames which purportedly show
environment is
the brain crystal. Interestingly, Stanton Friedman has also
noted that he was expecting to see something that he did not
see in the film. He also had heard talk of an autopsy of a
second alien which others had said was on the tape. He
concludes: "one story is that Santilli sold this to a collector to
make some quick money." (Top Secret/Mafic, 201)
Friedman has concluded that the public was hoodwinked - H.V. Ditfurth
and the Roswell "alien" was, in fact, a hoax. He has had a
very difficult time getting Santilli and others to corroborate the factual evi- ately catapulted into the future after
dence. In addition, since the film is not continuous, he asserts, we don't the crash of an ET disk in the
know what took place when the camera wasn't running. Also, nothing in the desert of New Mexico in July of
film links the entity to the Roswell crash. Oddly, the surgeons in the film did 1947. In his book, Corso talks
not weigh or measure the organs as they removed them. Furthermore, no about his assignment to the U.S.
alien abductee has ever seen an alien gray with six fingers; the usual number Army's Foreign Technology desk
is four or five. Friedman asserts that the Turner's Syndrome explanation is from 1961 to 1963. He describes in
possible, except that this disease only strikes females, and this entity had no detail the contents of a file cabinet
breasts. With regard to the segment of the tape which displays some type of which was placed in his possession.
beams with hand prints for six-fingered hands, Friedman comments: "these Corso's file contained a two-
would not have been cheap to manufacture." (Top Secret/Majic, 202) piece set of elliptical eyepieces that
In conclusion, all of the above qualities - large "plastocene portals" were "as thin as skin." A file
(which may blink after death and which appear to be removable), lack of a description accompanying the
belly button and nipples, no stomach or intestines, and possibly a brain lenses, written by pathologists at
crystal - combine to suggest that the Roswell alien is a test tube baby, a Walter Reed, indicated that these
biological robot engineered with real protein-based tissue, flesh and "blood" flimsy attachments were adhered to
and a "power pack" possibly set to hundreds of years, barring any unfore- the lenses of the ET's eyes and
seen space/time accidents. "seemed to reflect existing light."

issue 20 spring 1999

The pathology report stated that when the transistor holds that the first one was created by Bardeen, Shockley
researchers peered through these plasto- and Brattain at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ, out of germa-
cene portals in the dark, the outer shapes nium, crystal, a few slivers of gold and a paper clip. American Com-
of objects were illuminated in a greenish puter has a web page devoted to the Roswell incident. According to
orange hue. Also among these alien the company's president, Jack Shulman, they have mysteriously
artifacts was a dull, silvery swatch of acquired a certain "shopkeepers notebook" which previously belonged
metallic fiber which bounded back to its to Bell Labs, dating from 1947, which suggests that "the transistor
original shape when folded or bent, and was back-engineered from an existing device." The "history" of the
could not be cut with scissors. There were invention was apparently also back-engineered in a feat of Orwellian
also plastic-like wafers shaped like oyster Newspeak. (http://compamerica.com/roswell.htm)
crackers about two inches in size. The Shulman claims he has thousands of pages of supporting material
thin, matte-gray wafers, in varied round which dates from this era. American Computer recently announced
and elliptical shapes, had tiny "road maps that it has developed a revolutionary device from information obtained
of wires barely raised or etched along the from the same lab notebook which has the "potential to push computer
surface." Corso determined that this was a technology ahead by a century." The device, which is called a "tran-
stacked wire circuitry of some kind. scapacitor," is capable of storing up to 90 gigabytes of information
Corso's job was to examine the materi- while consuming very little energy. American Computer is predicting
als contained in this secret file, which that it will manufacture a 90-gigabyte hard drive from this transcapaci-
consisted of several bizarre technological tor by late 1999 or 2000. Shulman claims that he will selectively leak
artifacts of obvious "foreign" origin, technology secrets "at the rate of one bombshell per month" in order
along with the autopsy reports of several to provoke government UFO disclosure. (UFO Magazine, April,
dead extraterrestrial biological entities 1998)
(EBEs) examined by Army pathologists at
Walter Reed Army Hospital in 1947. The Cyborg Hypothesis
Corso's mission was to suggest a way that With regard to the bodies ofthe EBEs, the Roswell alien autopsy
the Army could diffuse this technology reports which Corso studied indicated that the organs, bones and skin
into the military and public domain over ofthe EBEs were different than that of humans. First, the heart and
the course of time, under the guise of lungs were much bigger, especially given its height of 4 feet and its
foreign technology, while keeping the small body build. The autopsy personnel at Walter Reed had noted
general public unaware of its extraterres- that the brain was larger "but not at all unlike ours." The brain of the
trial source. In his book, he outlines his EBEs had four distinct sections and was oversized in comparison with
proposal to General Trudeau: "we could its tiny stature; its cranium was more like palatal cartilage than hard
farm out to industry the components that bone. In addition, the blood and lymphatic systems seemed to be
comprised the electromagnetic antigravity combined. Curiously, there were no food preparation facilities nor any
drive and brain-wave directed navigational stored food on board the craft; neither were there any waste facilities.
controls ... dole them out piecemeal once Neither was there was a digestive or excretory system present in this
we broke them down into developmental biological entity. The autopsists noted that if any exchange of nutrients
units, each of which could have its own and waste took place, it had to have been through the entity's skin.
engineering track." (Day After Roswell, (Day After Roswell, 103)
121) The skin of the EBEs consisted of a thin layer of permeable fatty
The Roswell file also included pieces tissue through which chemicals were likely exchanged with the combi-
described as "tiny, clear, single-filament, nation blood/lymph system. The tiny mouth and lack of obvious
flexible glasslike wires twisted together digestive system was puzzling to the medical examiners at Walter
through a kind of gray harness." When Reed. They hypothesized that the EBEs recirculated waste chemicals,
held up to the Ught, an eerie glow ema- since there were no waste-processing facilities on board the craft.
nated from this harness of narrow fila- While reading the skin analysis report, Corso also speculated that the
ments, diffusing the light into different skin was "more like a house plant than the skin of a human being."
colors. Corso reports that, within five Another suggestion made by engineers at Wright Field was that there
months of receiving this artifact from the was no need for food preparation on this craft because it was a "scout
Roswell crash, Bell Labs announced its ship" which did not routinely travel far from the mother ship. Corso
discovery of the transistor. This fantastic suggests another possibility: "they weren't actual life forms, only a
story is also buttressed by the claims of kind of robot or android." (Day After Roswell, 105)
Newark-based American Computer Walter Reed pathologists noted that the EBEs were remarkably well
Company. The official history of the adapted for long distance travel, with large capacity heart and lungs,

^Jj) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

and most likely a slow metabolism. A milky fluid pumped vehicle functioned somewhat like a giant
through a rather primitive circulatory system. The pathologists capacitor. The craft itself, they wrote, stored
also noted that the EBE's heart functioned as a passive blood- the energy necessary to propagate the magnetic
storage facility and a pumping muscle, which worked less
hard than a human heart muscle. In short, the EBEs "biologi-
cal clock," Corso suggests, "allowed it to travel great dis-
tances in a shorter biological time." (Day After Roswell, 101)
The ship is
Corso noted that the EBE's large lungs occupied a large
percentage ofthe small chest cavity, and seemed to function essentially a n
somewhat like a scuba tank, releasing atmosphere slowly into
the system. In addition, the bones of the EBE were flexible
and resilient as though, Corso speculated, they functioned as
extension of
"shock absorbers," making their bodies well suited for physi-
cal trauma and extreme gravitational forces. The bones and their bodies,
skin of the EBE showed a different atomic alignment, as if
built for "greater tensile strength." Corso concluded that the
skin may have been stronger in order to "protect the vital
tied to their
organs from cosmic rays or wave action or gravitational
forces." Corso wrote in his report to General Trudeau that
perhaps the EBEs represent "the end process of genetic
engineering designed to adapt them to long space voyages
within an electromagnetic wave environment." (Day After
systems via their
Roswell, 98) techno-gear,
Brain Wave Guidance System
In short, Corso concluded that perhaps the EBEs were
"humanoid robots rather than life forms, specifically engi-
making them
neered for long distance travel through space or time." In
addition, he suspected that their technology made them part of
the primary
the ship both with respect to piloting and navigation, as well
as protection, by putting them essentially "in the eye of the
hurricane." (Day After Roswell, 99)
circuit m control
In addition to the "inner skin" of the EBEs, the entities
were enclosed in a one-piece protective jumpsuit which was
of the magnetic
worn like "an outer skin." When closely examined at Walter
Reed, the medical examiner noted that this material reminded wave.
him of a spider's web: fragile in appearance but extremely
strong and flexible. This space suit appeared to be stretched wave that elevated it, and allowed it to achieve
around the EBE "as if it were literally spun over the creature and escape velocity from the Earth's gravity. This
seized up around it." Medical examiners noted that the suit might internal energy also enabled it to achieve
have protected the wearer against low energy cosmic rays which speeds of over 7,000 miles per hour. Corso
regularly bombard the space craft during a space journey. By described the vehicle as, essentially, a flying
accelerating the atomic structure and heating the body, such battery.
particle bombardment might produce the effects of being cooked Corso speculated that the vehicle essentially
in a microwave oven. Without the suit, suggests Corso, the became an extension of the EBE's bodies by
oversized organs of the EBE would be vulnerable to the "cumula- being tied to their neurological systems via
tive trauma from constant energy particle bombardment." (Day their space suits. This was how, he proposed,
After Roswell, 104) the EBE's became the primary circuit in
But there was more to it than that. The secret to the navigation control of the magnetic wave; in essence, "one
of the flying saucer, Corso speculated, also lay in the skin-tight with the vehicle and literally part of the
material which was seemingly "spun around the creatures," wave." The pilots were not affected by the
somehow making them "part of the electrical storage and genera- tremendous g-forces because they were, in
tion of the craft itself." The Air Force had discovered during its effect, travelling "in the eye of a hurricane."
testing of the craft at Norton Air Force Base that the entire (Day After Roswell, 110)

issue 20 spring 1999 H>

There are some remarkable cor- engineered as one unit. It is important to note that, according to Corso, the
roborations between Dr. Jacobs' reports from the Roswell crash indicate that these beings did not have a
research into the outer morphology of chance of survival outside of their craft. The androids and their ship are a
the alien grays and the deductions package deal. Since living beings cannot travel through time and space due
made by Philip Corso from his to energy particle bombardment as well as other effects, this technological
analysis of the artifacts and reports design is quite possibly the only way toffy.
contained in his Roswell File. Accord- But this means that someone engineered them; someone came up with
ing to the medical examiners at this design. It would appear that this high-tech package is somehow con-
Walter Reed, this entity did not have nected with the idea of the universal constructor or messenger probe.
to work very hard to sustain itself,
and was especially adapted to long The Virtual Merkaba
distance travel. Corso surmises that A Merkaba is an internal time-space vehicle which can only be achieved
the entity is "part of the electrical by advanced meditative states. The internal merkaba is not functioning on
storage and generation of the craft most people, but it is said to be used by ascended masters to travel at the
itself' via its own neurological speed of thought. The merkaba is a time-space vehicle created by counter-
rotating fields of electromagnetic energy which can only be created with
the emotional body intact. Bob Fris-
sell explains: "The mental star tetra-
hedron, electrical in nature and male,
rotates to the left. The emotional star
tetrahedron, magnetic in nature and
female, rotates to the right. It is the
linking together of the mind, heart
and physical body in a specific geo-
metrical ratio and at a critical speed
that produces the merkaba." (Nothing
in This Book Is True, 22)
According to Frissell, the word
mer denotes counter-rotating fields of
light, ka is spirit and ba is body or
reality. The merkaba is made up of
counter-rotating fields of light wliich
encompass spirit and body. It is,
according to Frissell, "the image
through which all things were created,
a geometrical set of patterns surround-
ing our bodies." The geometry of the
merkaba surrounding the body and
system, as well as by the addition of spirit forms all at once a star tetrahedron, a cube, a sphere and an inter-
several different technologies. A locked pyramid. The merkaba can, however, be externalized. All flying
bizarre headband device and the saucers, Frissell writes, are based on the principles of the external merk-
specially "shrink-wrapped" outer skin aba. To manufacture an external merkaba, nothing from the emotional
completes the package. This astronaut body is needed; it is all mind. Creating an external merkaba, however,
is ready for takeoff. turns emotions into technology. Therein lies its fatal flaw. (Nothing in This
In turn, via a different analysis, Book, 152)
Jacobs has deduced from abductee Are flying saucers and the androids inside them essentially based on the
descriptions of the morphology of the idea of an external merkaba? As Corso has noted, the ship is essentially an
alien grays that the alien environment extension of their bodies, tied to their neurological systems via their
is "highly controlled, uncontami- techno-gear, making them "the primary circuit in control of the magnetic
nated, unnatural and highly techni- wave." The rotating fields of light surrounding the body - male energy
cal." Thus, we can safely deduce that spinning left, female energy spinning right - might very well create the
the highly technical environment phenomenon described as "the eye of the hurricane." This leads to another
which the grays call "home" is none interesting connection: that the androids are androgyns, neither male nor
other than the aircraft itself. They are female, but something else.

^) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

S m a r t Probes a n d
Indefinite Survival
A Von Neumann Probe is essentially an
planets they visited." He
speculates that "perhaps
their programming could
The grays may
advanced computer sent to another stellar be updated or altered
system, which includes an intelligent univer- from a remote source."
be seen as
sal constructor capable of self-repair, self-
programming and self-replication. The
(Day After Roswell, 245)
As engineers at Wright essentially
Field suggested, perhaps
universal constructor receives instructions
from its system of origin to carry out a
search for interstellar construction materials
the smaller craft which
crashed in New Mexico
in order to build a colony or base in the
stellar system. The probe is capable of
was a "scout ship" wliich
only travels locally and
building smaller probes to move around
within the stellar system. So, then, the job
does not venture far from
the larger craft, or from a
colony in outer space.
collecting the
of a universal constructor is to construct.
According to the Space Travel Argument, Does it not make sense
Von Neumann probes are closely analogous that an advanced civiliza-
D N A of all
to biological species. (The Anthropic Cosmo- tion, especially a nonhu-
logical Principle) manoid race, would
biological life
The Space Travel Argument contends
that the launching of a universal constructor
humanoid robots to
information from a
race? If we
forms they
would increase the probability of the sur-
vival of a civilization. If a civilization
possessed artificial womb technology, they
view the abducting gray
entities and their UFOs as
encounter i n
could program a probe to synthesize mem-
bers of their species in the other stellar
one unit, and as the
programmed "universal
order to
system. These members could then be
raised in a colony by robots also manufac-
constructors" of a vastly
superior race, we have an
explanation for the pro-
tured by the probe. The Space Travel
Argument seems to put forth the idea that it creative nature of the
is wise to populate the stars with "machine abduction scenario. The
descendants" since that civilization would
never become extinct. So, in Martha
grays may be seen as
essentially traveling survival.
Stewart's words, 'it's a good thing.' biochemists, collecting the DNA of all biological life forms they
encounter in order to effectuate indefinite survival.
A messenger probe is essentially a
collector of information, and the information Perhaps in our thinking of "UFOs" as simply flying machines, we
it collects are the building blocks of life. If have overlooked a more accurate description and, therefore, have
it is discovered that tiiere is biological life in missed the true meaning of what they are: the computerized "smart
the stellar system to which a probe is sent, probes" of an extraterrestrial civilization.*
the civilization could also consider those life
Sources This article is excerpted from
forms as a source for "construction materi-
als. " They might use the building materials Barrow and Tipler, Tlie Anthropic
Cosmological Principle. the book.
(DNA) of those life forms to enliven its
Corso, Philip, Tlie Day After .;-: Space Travelers and the
possibly degenerating DNA, to create a race
Roswell. Genesis of the Humanoid Form,
to populate a local colony, or to send to
Friedman, Stanton, Top Secret/
other star systems for distant population by Joan d'Arc.
projects. Thus, if there were biological life Frissell, Bob, Nothing in Tliis
forms in the system, they would not need Book is True, But It's Exactly How
"artificial womb technology." Tilings Are.
As Corso contends, the EBEs "are Jacobs, David, Omega Confer-
fabricated beings, just like robots or an- ence Tape, 10/9/88. Temple, Rob-
droids, created specifically for space travel ert, Tlie Sirius Mystery.
and the perfonnance of specific tasks on the "The Roswell Alien Autopsy
Film." UFO Magazine, April, 1998.

issue 20 spring 1999 $$}

Should the House

lm ch
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Jan. 18 (EIRNS) Compelling evidence
bankruptcy and collapse of the Long Term Capital
Management (LTCM) hedge fund.
LTCM nearly went bust in late September, triggering
assembled by the EIRNS news service sug- an intervention by the Federal Reserve Board to force
gests that Vice President Albert Gore Jr. may 16 of the world's largest commercial banks and broker-
have committed impeachable offenses under age houses to pay $4 billion to avert an LTCM bank-
Article 11, Section 4 ofthe U.S. Constitution, ruptcy. Shortly after the LTCM collapse, the D.E.
Shaw Hedge Fund did go belly up, forcing Bank of
which states, "The President, Vice President America to post $500 million in second-half losses in
and all civil Officers ofthe United States, shall 1998, all related to Shaw's speculation on Russian bond
be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and currency markets. Already, on Aug. 27, George
and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other Soros's Quantum Fund had admitted to having lost $2
high Crimes and Misdemeanors." billion in Russia.
Unlike the thoroughly bogus case tried in the U.S. The Wall Street desperados turned to Al Gore to bail
Senate against President Clinton, which was the poison them out, and the Vice President apparently was all too
fruit of a six-year assault on the Presidency by London- willing to oblige. Gore interceded against the national
centered foreign enemies, the case against the Vice security interests ofthe United States, and in sharp
President is straightforward. conflict with the Clinton administration's overall Russia
policy, in his briefly-successful effort to put Chernomyr-
Between July-September 1998, Vice President Gore,
din back in power in Moscow. (The Wall Street-friendly
operating behind Clinton's back, attempted to re-install
Chernomyrdin had been fired by Boris Yeltsin in March
Viktor Chernomyrdin in the Prime Ministership of
1998, along with the IMF's favorite "reformer," Ana-
Russia. This was part of a corrupt arrangement he
toli Chubais).
struck with a group of private Wall Street bankers and
hedge-fund managers, who were threatened with the Vice President Gore took at least $40,000 in payoffs
loss of billions following the Russian government's from top executives of D.E. Shaw in late July, in the
August 17, 1998 declaration of a 90-day freeze on the form of contributions to his political action committee,
payment of certain debts. Friends of Albert Gore, Jr., Inc.
Principal among the Wall Street bankers with whom Furthermore, begining no later than 1995, according
Gore made his pact were: David E. Shaw, George - to the New York Times of Nov. 23, Gore intervened to
Soros, and a group of major commercial and investment suppress a CIA investigation of Chernomyrdin that had
bankers who were later caught up in the near- revealed that the Russian Prime Minister (and former

@ paranoia: the conspiracy reader

head of the state oil company, Gazprom) had amassed a Houses of Congress in the 1996 elections.
personal fortune estimated at $5 billion by looting the Had the Democratic Party fought, as urged by Sena-
Russian Treasury and taking bribes from foreign busi- tors Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Tom Daschle (D-SD),
ness interests. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Reps. Dick Gephardt (D-MO)
When Gore read the CIA study, according to the and David Obey (D-Wisc), and, most emphatically,
Times, he sent it back to the Agency with "barnyard Lyndon LaRouche [whose organization originally
epithets" scribbled across the cover page. The message published this articleEd.], for a revival ofthe FDR-
from Gore to the CIA JFK policies and a mobiliza-
was clear: "Don't go tion of the traditional
there!" constituency of the party,
Elements of this the Democrats would
bribery scandal, involving almost certainly have won
the subversion of U.S. back control of the Con-
policy towards Moscow, gress in November 1996.
appeared in the media. The Clinton impeachment
But nowhere has the full bandwagon would have
extent of the Vice Presi- gone over a cliff.
dent's impeachable
The Phone Calls
activities been docu-
mented until now. Gore's ham-fisted
intervention to get Cherno-
"Wannabe myrdin his old job back
Presidents" began in earnest on August
At the beginning of 23, 1998. Yeltsin had
January, 1999, a well- abruptly fired Prime
placed European source Minister Kiriyenko one
informed the EIRN news day before he was to
service that, when Gore announce new economic
and Prime Minister measures, and five days
Chernomyrdin met in after the Russian debt
Washington, D.C. on freeze had sent shocks
March 10-12, 1998, through the international
during a meeting of the financial community,
bilateral commission causing near-instantaneous
wliich the two men Gore vs. Clinton: Are they battling behind the scenes? shutdown of worldwide
co-chaired since 1993, a lending by capital markets.
deal was consolidated between the two "wannabe The Vice President was on vacation in Hawaii as the
Presidents" to secure each other's ascent to power, Russia crisis began to blow. President Clinton had just
using any means necessary. gone through the Starr grand jury testimony, and he was
The source added a crucial piece to the emerging arriving for his vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
picture of Gore, President Clinton's so-called "loyal" Unbeknownst to the President, Gore held a series of
partner, as a leading "inside" player in the insurrection phone discussions with Chernomyrdin, Kiriyenko, and
against the Clinton Presidency. This would place him in Yeltsin. Sources have revealed to EIRNS that Gore
league with Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, and the Hollin- questioned Kiriyenko and Chernomyrdin on their com-
ger Corporation British Crown media cartel. mitment to honor Russia's foreign debts. Kiriyenko was
Sources in Washington had long underscored the fact evasive, while Chernomyrdin assured his partner-in-
that the Vice President had joined forces with former crime he'd pay in full no matter the cost to the
Presidential campaign adviser Dick Morris, and with Russian people. Gore, seeming to speak for the Clinton
hard-core "Conservative Revolution" Congressional administration, pressed Yeltsin to bring back Chernomyr-
Republicans to trap the President into backing The din; Yeltsin did.
Contract on America's murderous "welfare to work- Highly reliable sources told EIRNS that when Clinton
fare" plan. When President Clinton failed to veto the learned about Gore's Hawaiian diplomacy, he hit the
bill when it passed Congress in August 1996, the stage ceiling. Gore had not even bothered to inform the
was set for the Republicans to retain control of both President of his actions, until he had already spoken

issue 20 spring 1999 4

with the Russian principals. Gore spoke to Fuerth have been pushing to get Clinton into a senseless military
Chernomyrdin at least three times on showdown with Saddam Hussein. They have used the Principals
August 23 alone. Committee, a Cabinet working group that excludes the President, to
There is compelling evidence that Gore set Clinton up for conflict with Saddam.
was acting on behalf of Soros, Shaw, and On two occasions in February and November 1998 President
Clinton had to buck the majority of his advisers and opt for a
peaceful solution to an orchestrated showdown with the easily

From that moment provoked and manipulated Iraqi leader. When Clinton decided, on
Nov. 15, 1998, to call off planned bombings of Iraq, Gore,
Fuerth, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the entire Hollinger
on, the financial Corp. apparatus went berserk. From that moment on, the financial
oligarchy decided that there was no turning back. Clinton had to
go, and there would be a military confrontation with Saddam.
oligarchy decided With President Clinton pinned down in Washington in Novem-
ber 1998 trying to extricate himself from the Iraq trap, it was Vice

that there was no President Al Gore who was sent in his place to Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, for the meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Council
(APEC) forum. Once there, Gore staged an unusual and vicious
turning back. public intervention against the conference host, Malaysian Prime
Minister Mahathir Mohammed.

Clinton had to go, Significantly, Mahathir had been in a highly-publicized war of

words with Wall Street speculator George Soros since September
1997, when he singled out Soros as the man behind the looting of

and there would the "Asian Tiger" economies through currency speculation and
other financial warfare. The Wall Street Journal, one of the leading
anti-Clinton publications in the U.S., actually accused Mahathir of
be a military getting his infonnation on Soros from Lyndon LaRouche.
Shortly before the APEC meeting, Mahathir had imposed capital

confrontation with and exchange controls to save his country from further ravaging by
Soros, et al. His move was backed by both China and Japan [and
opposed by Gore's Wall Street backersEd.]
Saddam. Gore's outburst against Mahathir in Kuala Lumpur did severe
damage to U.S. prestige in Asia, and threatens to wreck Clinton's
greatest achievement as President: the initiation of a strategic partner-
LTCM, not the President. The $40,000
ship with China aimed at bringing peace and prosperity to the Asia-
from the D.E. Shaw executives to the
Pacific region for the 21st century.
Gore PAC is a matter of public record. A
further probe could unearth other quid pro The Gore "Card"
quos between the Vice President and the President Clinton's most fanatical enemies are dying to see Al Gore
Wall Street pirates. in the Oval Office. Some, like The Weekly Standard's William Kristol,
Other Perfidy have endorsed Gore in writing. The majority are simply moving to
finish off Clinton politically in the days ahead.
The Vice President has been pursuing
other foreign policy initiatives which, A probe of the matters presented here would almost certainly lead
while not necessarily meeting the formal to Gore's impeachment and his elimination as a contender for the 2000
criterion of "treason, bribery and other Democratic Presidential nomination. Action on that front in the days to
high crimes and misdemeanors," certainly come would force even President Clinton's most hard-core enemies to
show his complicity in the drive to bring have second thoughts about getting rid of the President if the Wall
down the Clinton Presidency and isolate Street/London Gore option were not waiting in the wings."
the U.S. from crucial foreign allies Reprinted with permission from Tlie New Federalist. For informa-
China, Russia, and leading nations in the
tion on The New Federalist, Executive Intelligence Review and other
Arab world.
LaRouche publications, go to: http://www.larouchepub.com/pubinfo.
Since January 1998, Gore and his
longtime national security aide Leon html, or call (781) 380-4000.

^) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

Y2K Mobilization Planned
Reporter David M. Bresna-
han warns that plans are underway
to call out the entire National
Guard in the event that computer
failures from the so-called "Y2K bug" compiled by Al Hidell
cause serious disruptions of America's power, commu- Pinkas stated, "We hereby declare the demise of the
nications, transportation, and banking systems. Accord- coincidence theory," but fell short of accusing Netan-
ing to Bresnahan, COMEX/MOBEX, an exercise to yahu of direct involvement in or knowledge of the
practice a full mobilization of all 480,000 members of break-ins. In a sidenote which may be of greater signifi-
the National Guard, will take place on May 1, 1999. cance, Greenberg Quinlan has also done polling for
The call out will be done "without the use of phones, President Clinton, and Clinton campaign adviser James
television, or radio," on the assumption that these Carville is now working for the Barak campaign. (Wash-
means of communication may be disrupted by the Y2K ington Post)
bug. Meetings at the National Guard Bureau to plan
ways to deal with the Y2K threat (including possible Navy Assassination Program Alleged
"civil unrest and riots") began in the fall of 1998, Although military training is by definition
according to Bresnahan's sources. These sources also behavior modification for the purpose of killing,
indicate that officials are consid- recent revelations made at a
ering a National New Years NATO conference in Norway
Eve Party for all Guard mem-
bers to be held in each National two ysars bfors are disturbing nonetheless. At
the Oslo conference of 120
Guard Armory on December
31, 1999. This would simplify a
Guard recall in the event of a
llis aids spasmic psychologists, U.S. Navy
Commander Thomas Narut
claimed that the Office of
Y2K disaster. "If nothing
happens, then it's a big ass
party," noted one unidentified
tagar., Nv-positivs Naval Intelligence (ONI) had
taken convicted murderers
from military prisons, used
Guard member, "But if every-
thing goes to hell in a hand-
basket, I can promise you the
africa," Moo* was behavior modification tech-
niques on them, and then
placed them in American
party will be over quickly."
(http://www. worldnetdaily.
ths haitfs of
embassies worldwide. Dr.
Narut, of the U.S. Regional
Medical Center in Naples,
Break-Ins at D.C. Pollster
In January, 1999,
amsrieaa Italy, described the men who
went through his program as
"hit men and assassins" who
burglars twice broke into could kill on command.
the Capitol Hill office of a According to Dr. Narut, the
polling firm working for Israeli Prime Minis- assassins, who have been used in several covert opera-
ter Benjamin Netanyahu's leading opponent, tions, were conditioned through "audio-video desensitiza-
Ehud Barak. The break-ins at Greenberg Quinlan tion." This process, conducted at training centers in
Research, Inc. targeted the firm's Barak files, including Naples, Italy and San Diego, California, involved
questionnaires, surveys, and strategies. Barak, a retired forcing the trainees to watch films of people being
army general, is considered to have the best chance of injured and killed in increasingly violent and bloody
beating Netanyahu in the upcoming elections on May ways. In a description reminiscent of Anthony Burgess'
A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Narut stated that during the
17. Also, in Israel, at least six Barak advisers and staff
desensitization programming, restraints were used on the
members have had their homes burglarized in what
subjects' bodies and eyelids to force them to view the
Barak campaign adviser Alon Pinkas has called efforts
films. The Navy has emphatically denied Dr. Narut's
at "intimidation." After the second Washington bur- allegations, and has suggested that his conference re-
glary, which involved the quick disabling of a sophisti- marks should be discounted due to unspecified "personal
cated security system installed after the first break, problems." (London Sunday Times)

issue 20 spring 1999

Air Force Jets Linked to Poisonings, Weather their widows were not even entitied to learn what danger-
Modification ous substances exist at Area 51 and how they are han-
Environmental journalist Will Thomas dled. The appeals court also ruled that the results of a
[author of "Target Ozone: Project HAARP" in federal inspection and even the facility's name could not
be disclosed to the Plaintiffs attorneys. The lawsuit,
PARANOIA Issue 10] reported in late January
filed against the Department of Defense and the Environ-
that "hospital emergency rooms are filled to mental Protection Agency, had alleged that huge
overflowing" with a nationwide "epidemic" of amounts of hazardous materials were routinely burned
mysterious respiratory illnesses. The illnesses illegally at the site in open drenches. Area 51 has long
have followed "massive jet-spray operations" involving been the subject of speculation among UFO researchers
what Thomas contends are U.S. Air Force refueling as a test site for highly-advanced and possibly extrater-
aircraft. The nationwide "spraying" has taken the form restrial flight technologies. (Associated Press)
of large X and grid patterns woven across the sky "like
Tic-tac-toe," according to eyewitnesses. Adding to the Former Alltel Executive Found Dead
mystery, violent and unseasonable storms (such as the The former president and chairman of the
record January tornadoes over Tennessee) have occurred board of the Arkansas company Alltel was
within days of the sprayings. In addition, Thomas found shot to death in November, 1998. The
reports that sharp spikes in the power output from the death of Charles Wilbourne Miller, 63, was ruled a
government's ionospheric "heater" known as Project suicide. Circumstances were such that Miller would have
HAARP may be linked to the sprayings. had to carry both a handgun and a shotgun approxi-
mately 300 yards down the road from his home, enter a
(www.islandnet.com/ ~ wilco)
water-filled pit, and expend two rounds from the .357
Feds to Use License Photos in National handgun before using it to shoot himself in the head. It
"Mug Shot" Database is possible, though by no means certain, that a further
A federally-run database of all the states' investigation of the death could reveal a web linking
digital driver's license photographs was pro- Alltel, Vince Foster, the Rose Law Firm, BCCI, and the
posed by President Clinton in his 1999 State of the National Security Agency.
Union Address. The plan is elaborated by a Department In the 1980s, the banking software company known
of Transportation booklet for law enforcement, "The as Systematics became part of Alltel, in a deal arranged
Highway Safety Deskbook." It notes that, "With a by Systematics' financer and Arkansas billionaire Jack-
central image database of every driver in a state, the son Stephens. During the time when Miller was running
public safety community has a ready-made storehouse of Alltel (then called Allied Telephone), his subsidiary
photos to be used in criminal investigations." With no Systematics was allegedly involved in money-laundering
apparent concern, the Department booklet goes on to for the intelligence community. This and other allega-
declare that, "The uses for these images are limited only tions were made in the article "Fostergate" by Forbes
by the wants and needs of the public safety community." magazine senior editor James Norman, wliich was pulled
This apparently includes the Secret Service, which is at the last minute and eventually pubhshed in the maga-
quietly assisting a New Hampshire company in building zine Media Bypass. According to the article, the late
the national database. As digital facial-recognition Vincent Foster had been "a silent, behind-the-scenes
technology advances, we can only guess at how our overseer on behalf of the NSA (National Security
federal "digital mug shots" will be used. Agency) of a small Little Rock, Arkansas bank data-
processing company," Systematics, Inc. The article
Area 5 1 Lawsuit Squashed by Supreme Court further claimed that, "having taken over the computer
In November, 1998, the U.S. Supreme rooms in scores of small U.S. banks as their 'outsource'
Court turned away an appeal by workers at the supplier of data-processing, Systematics was in a unique
Nevada Air Force base popularly known as position to manage the covert money flow."
A r e a 5 1 , effectively killing their lawsuit. The employ- The article also states that in 1978 Jackson Stephens
ees had alleged that they or their deceased spouses were tried to take over the Washington-based Financial Gen-
exposed to harmful levels of hazardous substances at the eral Bankshares "on behalf of the Arab backers of the
facility. A federal judge had earlier dismissed the law- Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)." In
suit, an action upheld by a U.S. Appeals Court. Invok- addition, a lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange
ing the legal privilege afforded by the "secret" nature of Commission (SEC) regarding the attempted takeover
Area 51, the appeals court declared that the workers and noted that Stephens "insisted on having the then-tiny
Systematics brought in to take over all the bank's data

$2) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

processing." The takeover failed, despite the efforts of revealed that Sentelle was a member of a "whites only"
Systematics' two attorneys in the 1978 SEC case: Hillary Masonic lodge. At that time, Senator Jesse Helms of
Rodham Clinton and Webster Hubble. Another connection North Carolina declared that he was "aghast" that
between Systematics and the Rose Law Firm was Firm Sentelle's membership in a Masonic lodge had even
partner William Kennedy, whose father was a Systematics become a matter of discussion. Senator Strom Thur-
board member. Finally, it is known that Systematics' mond, then the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Com-
Jackson Stephens was a major backer of Bill Clinton, and mittee, stated that he was "astounded" that the question
was an associate of Bill, Hillary, and Vince Foster. was being raised. (Both Senators are 33rd Degree
However, the fact remains that foul play in the deaths of Masons.)
Vincent Foster and, now, Charles Wilboume Miller, has In addition, two of Clinton's leading Congressional
never been proven. Indeed, the Foster family, Kenneth opponents, Representative Bob Barr and Senator Trent
Starr, and Starr's predecessor Robert Fiske, Jr., have all Lott, have ties to a racist organization called the Council
concluded that the Foster death was a suicide. Most impor- of Conservative Citizens (CCC). Barr gave a keynote
tantly, any conspiracy theory involving Systematics hinges address to the group in June, 1998, while Lott spoke
on whether the company was in fact involved in managing before the group in 1992. At that time, Lott declared
the flow of covert money. At this point, we have only the that the CCC "stand[s] for the right principles and the
spiked Forbes article's un-named "sources" to support the right philosophy." Furthermore, Lott met with CCC
allegation. On the other hand, BCCI's links to global leaders in his Senate office as late as 1997. The CCC
intelligence agencies have been documented. If Jackson believes that racial intermarriage "amounts to white
Stephens attempted a bank takeover in 1978 on BCCI's genocide" and that the "liberal media" are promoting
behalf, and further attempted to make Systematics that interracial intimacy because many news stations have
banks' data processing supplier, at least some of the dots "black and white newscasters of opposite sexes."
begin to connect. For its part, Systematics has through its Masonry and racism have a historical link. The Ku
spokesman called the conspiracy theories revolving around Klux Klan was founded by Albert Pike, who served as
its operations "complete and utter nonsense." Grand Master of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scot-
tish Rite from 1859-1891. Some historians contend that
DNA Test Says Clinton Isn't Boy's Father
members of the Southern Jurisdiction of Masonry,
Back in 1992, PARANOIA published a acting as agents of Great Britain, were at the center of
photograph of a boy purported to be Bill Clin- the Southern Confederacy and its attempt to split the
ton's half-black son, Danny Williams. Seven years United States during the Civil War. (Richmond Times-
later, in January 1999, the mainstream media reported on Dispatch and New Federalist)
Danny and his mother Bobbie Ann. Ms. Williams has
claimed for years that Clinton fathered the child during a U.S. Scientists Had AIDs Blood in 1976
sex-for-money encounter. She also alleged that she used Thanks to Dr. Alan Cantwell for report-
cocaine with the then-Governor. Although the boy does ing this little-noticed AIDS revelation. Accord-
bear a definite resemblance to the President, DNA tests ing to Level 4: Virus Hunters ofthe CDC by Dr. Joseph
have now shown that the boy is not Clinton's son. Tlie Star McCormick (1996), blood serum samples stored since
tabloid conducted the paternity tests in an attempt to prove 1976 at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are
Williams' story. Although the tests were conclusive, they now known to have contained the HIV virus.
were questioned by internet reporter Carl Limbacher, who Collected from Africans exposed to the Ebola virus in
has theqrized that the President's DNA sequence was a remote area of Zaire, some of these samples tested
altered by the FBI for national security reasons prior to its positive for HIV in the 1980s. Thus, two years before
publication in the Starr Report. (www.NewsMax.com) the U.S. AIDS epidemic began, HIV-positive African
blood was in the hands of American virologists, and
Masons, Racists, vs. Bill Clinton possibly scientists conducting biowarfare research as
The judicial panel which appointed Kenneth well. The HTV- and Ebola-contaminated serum samples
Starr in 1994 as the Whitewater independent were undoubtedly used for animal experimentation, and
counsel was headed by a Mason, and several House could have contaminated chimpanzees and green mon-
and Senate Judiciary Committee members are also part of keys used in the development and manufacture of
the elite secret society. In 1992, Chief Justice William vaccines at that time. Significantly, a major vaccination
Rehnquist appointed David Sentelle to head the three-judge program against hepatitis B was conducted among gay
"Independent Counsel" panel. Previously, in 1987, Sentel- men in the United States in 1978, and a major smallpox
le's nomination to the federal appeals court ofthe District vaccination program was conducted in Africa around the
of Columbia was the focus of controversy when it was same time.

issue 20 spring 1999 *

E uncled by
Pnffifc by Uri Dowbenko

peculation about the mysterious origin defendants in a far-reaching case involving US Govern-
ment sanctioned drug smuggling, murder, and cover-
and funding of the so-called Federal up.
Emergency Management Agency Bill Tyree is currently serving a life sentence for the
(FEMA) has continued for decades. murder of his wife - a case eerily similar to that of Dr.
Jeffrey McDonald, a Ft. Bragg doctor who was framed
The history of FEMA as an illegal and for the murder of his wife and children in the early
unconstitutional entity has been most recently 1980s. In his newsletter From the Wilderness, former
LAPD officer Mike Ruppert writes:
exposed in an unprecedented lawsuit against "In the mid 1970s, while serving in Panama, Tyree
the CIA and its alleged drug trafficking and and other Green Berets were led into Colombia under
the command of Green Beret Colonels Corone and
money laundering operations. Baker to plant radio beacons, so that plane loads of
In September 1998 a $63 million lawsuit (Case No. cocaine could fly below Colombian and US radar, and
98CV11829JLT) was filed by Massachusetts attorney land undetected in Panama."
Ray Kohlman on behalf of former Green Beret Bill "Orders for these missions came from the CIA's Ed
Tyree. Kohlman, a former legal investigator for attor- Wilson and Tom Clines," continues Ruppert. "Tyree
ney William Pepper in the Martin Luther King murder had been a part of many secret missions and was losing
trial of James Earl Ray, filed a 101-page complaint on his taste for it. His wife was keeping a diary [for which
behalf of his client. she was presumably murdered, and which later disap-
The suit, replete with five inches of affidavits and peared]."
appendices, names the Central Intelligence Agency, Ruppert also writes:
Massachusetts Governor Paul Celucci, former Massachu- "Five Special Forces Colonels - Corone, Baker,
setts Attorney-General Scott Harshbarger, former CIA Malvesti, Rower and Bayard - have died under mysteri-
director and US President George Bush and self- ous circumstances since. The heart of the Tyree docu-
admitted government assassin D. Gene Tatum as mentation consists of an affidavit allegedly written by

$) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

Colonel Corone who was also Tyree's commanding
officer at Fort Devens, Mass. at the time of Tyree's
arrest. Both were then with the 10th Special Forces." Tyree's lawsuit
"That fifteen page document gives precise details of
CIA drug operations using Special Forces personnel. It
also describes how Tyree was framed for the murder of
alleges "several
his wife and how Special Forces personnel were used to
intimidate and conduct illegal electronic and physical
surveillance of anyone who might expose CIA drug
illegal d r u g
dealing." (From the Wilderness, P. 0 . Box 6061-350,
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413, http://www.copvcia.com). operations
According to the lawsuit, "the Plaintiff [Tyree]
alleges that the Defendants CIA and George Bush were
negligent and failed at the conclusion of Operation
that produced a
Watchtower to monitor the post-Watchtower events and
seek legal congressional funding for the origination of
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). This
profit, which was
failure led to the concealment and cover-up of Operation
Watchtower, written about in the diaries of Elaine used in turn to
Tyree, seized illegally and turned over to Colonel
Carone and then to the CIA, which ensured that the
Operation Watchtower drug trafficking operation would
help originate and
remain covert, allowing the drug profits from this
Operation to be used to circumvent Congress and fund
FEMA and continue the pattern of criminal activity."
Colonel Carone, who died in 1990, was an alleged
CIA paymaster and Mafia-connected money launderer,
who incidentally held the rank of full colonel in Army
Intelligence. As Oliver North's bagman, he also trans-
ported large amounts of cash in and out of the country.
Carone's Complex Relationships
According to former FAA investigator Rodney Stich,
"Carone had complex relationships." In his under-
ground best-selling book Defrauding America: Encyclo-
pedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA, and Other
Covert Agencies, Stich writes that Carone "was a
member of the Gambino family with
connections to other crime groups in the
eastern part of the United States, a detec-
tive on the New York City vice squad, a
member of the military and a CIA opera-
Stich writes that "Dee [Ferdinand,
Carone's daughter] said her father was a
detective and bagman in the New York coming from South America went to
City police department, collecting \: the Colombo, Genovese and Gambino
money that was distributed to captains 1 families, and that it was ajoint CIA-
and inspectors as payoffs for looking Mafia drug operation under the code
the other way where drugs were "''*^X$r name Operation Amadeus. She said that
involved..." during World War II, Operation Amadeus was
Stich goes on to write: involved in transporting Nazi officers from Germany
"Referring to CIA-Mafia drug trafficking, she said into South American countries. According to her fa-
she knew from what her father said that the drugs ther's notes, Operation Amadeus split into several other

issue 20 spring 1999 C)

operations, including Operation Sunrise and Operation be better received by the people of the United States.
Watchtower." The late Colonel Carone also claimed that "he took
Tyree's lawsuit alleges "[a] cover-up of Operation drug profits that were clean and laundered in
Watchtower, which was one of several illegal drug opera- 1982-1984 to NSC Colonel Oliver North, who used
tions that produced a profit which was used in turn to help the funds to create and develop FEMA." [p. 88 of the
originate and implement FEMA. [FEMA is a violation of lawsuit]
the Constitutional] Separation of powers: the executive Colonel Carone also testified in the lawsuit that
branch brought about an agency (i.e. FEMA) which has "FEMA was one of those off-the-shelf creations that
the authority to suspend the US Constitution, (e.g. further was funded through the giant black operations fund
suspending legislative and judicial branches), but is vague which came about from drug trafficking operations
in its verbiage as to what does constitute an emergency instituted by the CIA, which Congress has no idea of
and fails to list what, if any duties, the legislature and and no control over." Further, he testified that "the
judiciary will have to perform if the US Constitution is FEMA Chain of Command, rules and regulations that
suspended." he had seen violated the US Constitution, and actually
Even though the origin of FEMA has remained histori- established a succession to the Office of the President
cally unclear, Tyree's lawsuit alleges that FEMA, created in the event of an emergency that
by Executive Order, is illegitimate "since Congress had to t ^ ^ f ' T V ^ circumvented the Vice President
approve FEMA for two specific reasons: (1) 4 and the Speaker of the House
FEMA is a vaguely written Executive Branch- ^ . of Representatives."
created agency that has the power to suspend :0^" Carone said, "NSC used
the US Constitution and put the legislative drug trafficking profits to start
and judicial branches of government out FEMA without congressional
of work; (2) FEMA is an Execu- approval... a 1981 NSC Directive
tive Branch creation that clearly written by Frank Carlucci [states]:
affects the branches of Government 'Normally a state of martial law
capable of silencing the voice of the will be proclaimed by flie President.
people, (i.e. legislative) and the However in the absence of such action by the
legal redress of the people, (i.e. President, a senior military commander may impose
judiciary)." martial law in an area of his command where there
FEMA was allegedly created by ^'slg? had been a complete breakdown in the exercise of
Executive Order 12148, which became law simply by government functions by local authorities."'
its publication in the Federal Registry. In other words, In addition, Colonel Carone said a literal interpre-
Congress was bypassed for FEMA's authorization as well tation ofthe 1981 NSC Directive was that "a local
as its funding. But if Congress never authorized the yokel national guard commander could institute
"agency," where do operational expenses come from? martial law, and the actions of FEMA, without local
Tyree's lawsuit alleges that laundered drug profits were citizens ever knowing how FEMA came to be, or
the initial source of funding. what FEMA was originally intended to be about,
According to the lawsuit, "the Plaintiff alleges the would automatically be triggered without any type of
Defendants CIA and George Bush did intentionally engage presidential order... Congress doesn't even have the
in the complained of conduct herein to conceal: (1) the purse strings on this one. It's all from the Black
origins of FEMA and that profits from drug trafficking by Operations Fund which Congress will never force the
the CIA were used in some part to originally fund FEMA US Intelligence Community to admit even exists."
and the drafting of the FEMA infrastructure." None dare call it fascism, but due to this explosive
lawsuit, the origin of FEMA and its funding may
finally be known. On the other hand, don't hold your
In an even more astounding allegation, the lawsuit breath. If this lawsuit escapes the black hole of so-
claims that Colonel Carone told the Plaintiff that "Colonel called "national security law" or the clutches of a
Ollie North worked on developing a plan known as corrupt judiciary, it will be a major miracle.*
FEMA, which would in an ill-defined national emergency,
allow the US Military to take control of the United States From TheLaissez Faire City Times, Vol. 3, No. 2,
to ensure National Security" and that Colonel Carone said Jan. 11, 1999. Uri Dowbenko is the CEO of New
that "FEMA" originally stood for "Federal Emergency Improved Entertainment Corp. He can be reached by
Military Action." (i.e. Martial Law), but was retitied e-mail at u.dowbenko@mailcity.com.
Federal Emergency Management Agency because it would

^) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

Trie Second A n n u a l
Ritual Abuse, Secretive
Organizations and M i n d
August 14 and 15,1999 at the DoubleTree Hotel
at Bradley International Airport (between
Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA).
The purpose of the conference will be to help survivors of the above
heal and to help stop future occurrences of the above. The conference
will be for survivors, co-survivors, helping professionals and others
interested in the above topic.
For more information write
S.M.A.R.T., PO Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027, E-maili smartnews@aol.com,
Home paget

issue 20 spring 1999
1 1

* ^ - ^

- LU U A Synopsis of Extra-Terrestrial
Intentions and Methods

By Lanny Messinger three years ago when my wife and I came to the realiza-
tion that we were being continually abducted by extra-
I n the first week of December 1995,1
terrestrials. At that time I knew very little about UFOs
made a significant breakthrough in or the phenomenon of abduction.
understanding the extra-terrestrial In the past three years I have worked with over forty
abductees and contactees, some of whom are close
phenomenon. This breakthrough relatives. I have previously recorded the results of my
concerned both the literal and sym- work with some of these abductees in my first book,
The Programming of a Planet. I discovered that abduc-
bolic meaning of "LIGHT" and its tees have often been abductees and contactees in many
use as a hypnotic trigger to control Earthbound prior lifetimes. Sometimes abductees experience life-
times in high-level positions in governments, secret
humans. After making this discovery, I real- societies, and religious sects. For example, I recovered
ized that I needed to record this information some memories of a very revealing lifetime as Pharaoh
Rameses II in which I met an extra-terrestrial by the
immediately and pass it on to those who are name of Ra. One abductee that I worked with discov-
open-minded enough to receive this new data. ered that he too had been contacted by Ra in 1632
A.D., and was instructed on how to start a new relig-
Although there are many who earnestly want ious sect and secret society.
to understand what ETs are doing on this Much of the following information, which I have
acquired from my own past life memories, has been
planet, few are prepared to receive this infor- confirmed by other people's past life accounts as well as
mation due to the belief systems that have been historical and archaeological records. Please forgive me
for not being more self-conscious regarding the "high
programmed into planetary societies. strangeness" and incredibility of this information. I have
One cannot possibly understand the big picture unless progressed beyond any personal desire to be accepted or
one fully understands the past lives phenomenon as well believed. I am merely presenting the information that I
as the alien abduction phenomenon. I began researching know to be true. Anyone can verify my research results
the past lives phenomenon twenty years ago. I diverted by conducting extensive research into the past lives and
my research into the extra-terrestrial phenomenon over in-between lives phenomenon.

^j) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

WARNING: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ MAY ritual was the heart of the Egyptian religion,
TRIGGER PAST LIFE TRAUMA. and was practiced by all Egyptians as the
I learned from my past life as Rameses II that the Eye of Ra Lesser Mystery. Osiris represented immortal-
was what we Egyptians called Ra's flying saucer. Ra is a human- ity, and so the initiates believed that they, too,
looking ET with a beard. He works in consort with Thoth and the would become immortal by partaking in the
ancient "Goddess" Isis (Ishtar). Their symbol is a staff with a Eucharist. Osiris was the predecessor of Christ.
snake (or two snakes) coiled around it. They purportedly hail from Even today many Christians believe that they
the Pleiades star cluster, which is located in the constellation of will be taken bodily up into heaven and live
Taurus. I therefore refer to this group as the Serpent Staff Pleiadi- forever. [The Roman government (Justinian)
ans, or SSPs. (As in all cases with ETs, there is no way we can made it illegal to believe in the "prior existence
substantiate where they actually come from.) of souls" (reincarnation) in 553 A.D.]
Ra's M.O. was to land his "eye" on Earth and convince people As an initiate of the Brothers of the Snake, I
that he was God (which was not difficult to do in ancient times). then lay on the top of the sarcophagus in the
Any oflier ETs who were also aboard his craft would also claim to Great Pyramid while the priests walked coun-
be gods and goddesses. The three most influential ETs were Ra, terclockwise around it. (This is the origin of the
Isis, and Thoth. These ETs were the source of ancient "mythol- Masonic ritual of circumambulation.) I then
ogy. " It appears that their "eye" can move through time as well as walked to another room where I walked up
space. This explains why they were able to establish various some steps surrounding a throne. I sat on the
religions and secret societies throughout history over the entire throne and drank a powerful drug from a
planet. chalice. I stood up again and stumbled down
the steps, disoriented and hallucinating. I ended
The Egyptian "God" Ra was also known by such names as
up on my back on the floor by the steps, totally
Zeus (Greek), Marduk (Babylonian), Thor (Nordic), Ahura
incapacitated. They picked me up, carried me
Mazda/Mithra (Persian), Ashur (Assyrian), El/Baal (Caananite),
back to the sarcophagus room, and laid me
Jehovah/Yahweh (Is-Ra-El-ite), and Indra (Indian). The Egyptian
inside the sarcophagus, and the stone slab was
"God" Thoth was known as Hermes (Greek), Mercury (Roman),
placed back on top of the sarcophagus. At this
and Queztalcoati (Aztec word for "feathered serpent;" this word
point I left my body.
may have also applied to Ra).
The Egyptian "Goddess" Isis was also known as Ishtar (Baby- After a while I re-entered my body as they
lonian), Inanna (Sumerian), Ashtoreth (Caananite), Hathor (Egyp- raised me out of the sarcophagus. I stood by
tian), Aphrodite/Athena/Hecate (Greek), Cybele (Phrygian), the end of the sarcophagus-still recovering
Shakti/Kali-Ma (Indian), Freya (Nordic), Venus (Roman), et al. from the effect of the drug-and watched a
These ETs created all the major religions on the planet, and priest sacrifice a woman on the slab. The priest
established secret societies within these religions. In ancient times cut her heart out and held it against my lips so
the outer, public religion was known as the "Lesser Mystery," that I could drink her blood. [Note: This is not
and the inner secret society was known as the "Greater Myster- a complete description of the Brotherhood of
ies." Ra's job was to fly around and put the "fear of God" into the Snake initiation.] The SSPs taught-in the
inner Mysteries-that it was necessary to drink
people. Thoth's primary job was to establish and perpetuate
the blood of a living human in order to obtain
insidious secret societies and to teach naive votaries how to
immortality. This rite was also later practiced
achieve immortality of flie physical body as well as the soul.
by the Aztecs and, I have discovered, the very
The Brotherhood of the Snake same ritual was practiced 12,389 years ago in
In Egypt, Ra and Thoth established the initiation ofthe "Broth- Atlantis.
erhood of the Snake." When I was embodied as Pharaoh Rameses The Brotherhood of the Snake initiation is
II, Ra ordered me to travel (from Thebes) to the Great Pyramid at the basis of Freemasonic rituals (and oflier
Giza to be initiated into the Brothers of the Snake. The purported secret societies) as well as modern Satanic
purpose of this initiation was to obtain immortality. This didn't rituals. Surrounding this ritual is the
just mean immortality as a spiritual being, but also meant immor- Isis-Osiris-Horus-Set myth, which I will not
tality of one's physical body. The SSPs used this deceptive ploy of expound upon here, except to point out that Set
physical body immortality as a carrot to enlist votaries in ancient was the deceptive usurper, and the word
civilizations as well as in modern times. "Satan" is a cognate of "Set" (also spelled
The Brotherhood of the Snake initiation in the Great Pyramid Seth). The Satanic symbol of the baphomet, or
began with the Eucharist of Osiris. I ate a hard biscuit made of Boat of Mendes, was derived from the ritual
wheat and drank ale from a chalice. The biscuit represented the practice of public fornication with a goat in the
body of Osiris and the ale represented his blood. In actuality, this city of Mendes.

issue 20 spring 1999 E>

The Programming of a Planet magician's trick of distracting the Order) is one of the primary goals
The Serpent Staff ETs created attention of the unsuspecting audi- of secret societies.
religions and secret societies for ence with one hand while perform- The three "LIGHTS" ofthe
three major reasons as I now under- ing the "magic" trick with the other. Masonic lodge are the Sun, Moon,
stand it: Also, the creation of many different and Mercury, which represent
religions helps perpetuate disunity respectively Ra, Isis, and Thoth.
(1) The purpose of religions is to
and conflict amongst the peoples of 33rd Degree Mason Albert Pike
keep people from discovering the
Earth. Thus, people are too refers to Masons as "Children of the
occupied with basic survival Light." The secret society called
In-between lives needs to spend much time
seeking the truth.
"llluminati" reflects the symbolism
of light and illumination. "Illumina-

implantation (2) Ra, Ishtar, and Thoth

created secret societies to
tion" is a deceptive concept of the
SSPs; it means the opposite of what
we think it means.
infiltrate governments and
explains why create war and chaos. This is
the inner meaning of the
The universal symbol of the Sun
God all around the globe was a
people dont symbol and motto of 33
degree Masonry. The symbol
point within a circle. This was also
the Egyptian symbol for Ra, the
is a two-headed eagle clutch-
consciously ing a sword; the motto is
Order Out Of Chaos.
symbol for the llluminati, and a
symbol of Freemasonry. Coinci-
remember their (3) Another major purpose
ofthe SSPs, which is most The Light Workers

past lives. pertinent here, is to program

Earthlings to worship the
LIGHT. The Serpent Staff
The New Age movement also
originated with these Staff Serpent
Pleiadians, although most New
Am nesia is one Pleiadians have enormously
and perniciously affected the
Agers are not cognizant of this fact.
Many New Agers refer to them-

of the primary history of this planet in so

many ways. The three salient
selves as "Light Workers," espe-
cially those who cling to the teach-
ings of channeled entities. Thoth
points listed above certainly
tools used by ETs do not encompass the entirety
of the ramifications of their
(Hermes) is purportedly the origina-
tor of alchemy, astrology, numerol-

to enslave insidious machinations.

The worship of the Sun
ogy, magic, metaphysics-all of
which are major components of
modern metaphysical/New Age

God was very prevalent in
groups. New Age channels often
ancient times all around the relay messages from "Ra," "Ptaah,"
planet. In Egypt, Ra was the and "Pleiadians," who refer to their
SUN God as well as the SON votaries as "Family of Light."
of God. His father was Ptah.
The sun, of course, brought New Agers often report being
LIGHT. Ra, under his vari- attracted to ancient Egyptian life and
ous names in many cultures, religion. Trance channel\contactee
was the Lord of LIGHT, the Barbara Marciniak visited the Great
LIGHT of God, the Bringer Pyramid and other "sacred" sites in
of the Dawn, Lucifer the 1988. Soon afterward she was
LIGHTbearer. This is the contacted by "Pleiadians" while
inner meaning of the Masonic meditating on the King's Chamber
All Seeing Eye above the pyramid of the Great Pyramid. A modern
real truth about the plight of Earth-
on the reverse side of the Great Seal prophet of "Earth changes," Gordon
bound humans and the real meaning
ofthe United States. The secret Michael Scallion, now claims to be
of the LIGHT. Dead-end religious
destiny of America is to become the in contact with Thoth. A man who
practices keep people distracted so
"New Atlantis." A totalitarian one goes by the name of Drunvalo
they won't discover what's really
world government (New World Melchizedek also reports being
going on. It is analogous to the old

3D paranoia: the conspiracy reader

contacted by Thoth, who-not encountered this type of room in the fatigue had completely vanished.
surprisingly-is still teaching physical secret underground military base As I continued to open past life
body immortality (amongst other that I was abducted into in July of memories, I began to discover the
lies). 1994. I speculated initially that this phenomenon of going into extra-
In metaphysical circles it is was a room to disinfect the abductee terrestrial implant stations between
considered beneficial to surround in order to prevent the exchange of lifetimes. These implant stations are
oneself in white light and to "go to bacteria and viruses between aliens gargantuan mother ships that have
the light" after death. The "Great and humans. very large white light programming
White Brotherhood" and "Ascended However, I recently uncovered a rooms. After death one enters the
Masters" are simply cover names past life abduction which occurred in implant station through a tunnel and
for ETs who manipulate people's 1942 in which the airplane I was toward the light at the end of a
beliefs regarding spiritual or meta- flying was beamed up into a very tunnel. The only alien beings that I
physical phenomena. If Ra were to large Reptilian ship. They yanked have seen so far in these implant
land his "Eye" in America today, me out of my airplane, took me to stations are a type of being that
we would probably flunk it quite an adjoining room, and strapped me reminds me of a praying mantis. I
comical to hear him claim that he is into a metal chair. An electronic don't know what they are officially
God. What worked in ancient times torture device that looked like a called, so I call them Insectoids,
would not work today, so now the television studio camera hit me with Mantis Men, or the Bug Boys. To
SSPs disseminate their lies as unseen bursts of white light. The powerful understand the phenomenon of
channeled entities. It is not a coinci- blasts of energy eventually over- in-between lives implantation, I must
dence that most channelers are also whelmed me and drained my will first define what a "free being" is.
abductees. power.
The Ught at the End of the
Most New Agers believe Ra and I was then taken to a large, Tunnel
Thoth are benevolent beings. How- adjacent room filled with a thick,
A free being, from my experi-
ever, I fail to see any redeeming misty, WHITE light. I was then
ence, is a state of spiritual beingness
value in the practice of cannibalism, programmed by the Reptilians to be
whereby there exists no compulsion
war, chaos, sexual perversion, aggressive, to like war, to want to
to be in a body or tendency to be
hallucinogenic drugs (poison), and kill, and that killing gives one power
stuck in a body. A free being is not
Satanic rituals-all of which are and strength. They told me (tele-
stack in the continual life and death
direct products of the Ra/Ishtar/ pathically in German) that I was a
reincarnation cycle. A free being can
Thoth ET group. "Chosen One," that they would take
care of me, I belong to them, and be in a body or not be in a body at
So why have the Serpent Staff will-he's just not stuck in one. Up
Pleiadians been conspiring for such I'll do their bidding. I was also told
that I am to stay on Earth, Earth is until 12,389 years ago I was a free
a long time to keep Earthbound being. I had been hanging around
humans' attention on the LIGHT? my home, and will always be my
home. I then realized that these Earth for thousands of years until I
Does this have anything to do with got too close to an implant station.
the near death experiences in which white light rooms were used by
Grays and Reptilians for program- These implant stations have some
people leave their bodies and go type of tractor beam-apparently
ming posthypnotic suggestions and
toward the light? To answer this electronic in natare-that can para-
installing amnesia.
question I must first introduce a lyze and pull in a free being. I was
phenomenon that I have repeatedly I was then taken to another white pulled into the implant station
encountered during abductions by light room where I had to lie on a through a tunnel. I traveled toward
Grays and Reptilians. table, and I was spun around hori- the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.
zontally. This is another phenome-
In a White Room at the After coming out of the tunnel
Implant Station non that I've also encountered on
and into the LIGHT, I was then
alien Gray's ships. I believe it is
During many abductions into electronically compressed (im-
used to disorient the abductee in
spacecraft, I recall being taken into a planted) into a female human body
order to reinforce the amnesia.
room filled with a thick, foggy, by a device that radiated an over-
Before I uncovered this incident, I
white light. It is so thick that one whelmingly powerful white light
had been experiencing chronic
can barely discern someone standing force field. An insectoid then es-
fatigue for over a year. After I
two feet away (unless they have two corted me into a very large white
recounted and re-experienced this
big black eyes that stand out in the tight room. There were many other
incident seven times in session, I
contrasting white light). I even people (in bodies) aimlessly milling
suddenly found that my chronic

issue 20 spring 1999 E>

around like zombies in this thick, theater-in-the-round. There was a an elaborate conspiracy to keep
misty, white light. I then heard very pole in the middle of the craft that mankind in spiritual darkness. The
soothing, hypnotic programming in extended from the floor to the Grays, Reptilians, Insectoids, and
my mind. There was a command to ceiling. The only difference is that Pleiadians are only four of the
"Sleep" and assurances like "We'll this spacecraft lacked Ra's personal participating ET groups in this
take care of you," and "Don't piece of furniture-a throne. The conspiracy. I have examined other
insectoids then "flew" me down Pleiadian sources (i.e., Ashtar
to Atlantis where I ended up in Command, "Contact's" Hatonn,
As I continued a temple where I was sacrificed
on top a stone sarcophagus.
Semiase, channeled Pleiadians. etc.),
and after comparing this infonnation

to open past Ironically-but certainly not

coincidentally-this was the
same "Brotherhood of the
with extensive past life research, I
find that all of the so-called
Pleiadians-whether channeled or
ife memories, Snake" ritual in which I was
initiated over 7,000 years later.
not-are disseminating disinformation
that should not be trusted. In fact, I

began to I then left my body and

automatically "reported in" at
have yet to find any ETs who are
telling the truth about what is really
going on.
discover the the same implant station,
entering through a tunnel and
traveling toward the LIGHT.
In-between lives implantation
explains why people don't con-
phenomenon of Like a ping-pong ball, I
bounced back to Atlantis
sciously remember their past lives.
Amnesia is one of the primary tools

going into (without a body) where I

entered the body of a baby girl
used by ETs to enslave mankind and
is also used in abductions. Of
on her way out of her mother's course, not everyone is abducted in
extra-terrestria womb-i.e., through the "tun-
nel" and towards the LIGHT at
their physical bodies during their
lives on Earth. However, all the

implant stations the end of the tunnel/birth

canal. It has become obvious to
Earthbound humans who are stuck
in the compulsive reincarnation
cycle are sometimes abducted as
between me that these ETs have inten-
tionally designed their program-
ming methods and equipment to
spiritual beings after death due to
this ubiquitous programming.
ifetimes. parallel the natural birthing
The bottom line is that Earth is a
kind of prison planet. This does not
I have subsequently recovered the mean, however, that we will always
worry." I was also given hypnotic memories of many similar in- be trapped here. People can disable
amnesia commands like "Don't between lives incidents. In most their programming by recalling these
remember," "You have no past," cases, I am not put into a body and other similar incidents with past
"You will not need to remember while aboard the implant station, but life therapy. After a considerable
your past," "Be here now," "Forget rather I simply report in as a spiri- amount of past life therapy, people
the past," "You will begin a new tual being and then bounce back to a can break free and leave this
life in the LIGHT." and (most hospital or wherever there is a planet.*
important) "You will always return mother-to-be in her last moments of
to the LIGHT." Lanny Messinger is the author of
labor. In another in-between lives
After being thoroughly incul- incident (1312 A.D. in England) I Tlie Programming of a Planet and
cated, two insectoids escorted me to rose about a half mile above the
a large hangar area where there dungeon in which I had just been Tlie Eye ofRa. PARANOIA is
were many flying disks. When they tortured to death, only to find a
walked me up the ramp of one of small, alien Gray's disk waiting for
the ships, I was rather astonished to me. They "escorted" me to another
see that this particular ship was a area of the country where I entered
carbon copy of Ra's ship. This ship, the womb of a mother giving birth.
like Ra's ship, was very open on the In my research I have uncovered
inside, and it looked like a considerable evidence that implicates

{ paranoia: the conspiracy reader

Who are

The following information is excerpted from a detailed report of an investigation

into the "Finders" cult, which was coordinated between the offices of the United States
Customs Service and the police departments of Tallahassee, Florida, Washington, DC and
Reston, Virginia. It should be noted that allegations of child abuse, devil worship, and

connections to intelligence agencies on the part of the Finders have never been proven in court.

olice in Tallahassee received an anonymous Upon questioning, the children stated they
telephone call on or about February 4, 1987, had lived in tents in a commune in Washing-
ton, DC, and were going to Mexico to go to
relative to the sighting of two well-dressed a school for "smart kids." The children could
white men in Myers Park who were apparently not adequately identify themselves or their
tending to six dirty and unkempt children in the custodians. The children were also unaware
of the function and purpose of telephones,
playground area. The men were standing near a 1980 blue Dodge
televisions, and toilets. In addition, they
van bearing Virginia tags. The children were covered with insect stated that they were not allowed to live
bites, and it appeared that they had not been bathed in days. Most indoors and were given food only as a
of them were not wearing underwear. The inside of the vehicle was
Within a few days, the Tallahassee police
later described as foul-smelling, and was filled with maps, books,
were contacted by the Washington, DC
and letters; a mattress situated to the rear of the van suggested that Metropolitan Police Department indicating
all eight persons were living in it. that the case in Tallahassee appeared to be
strongly related to a case in the Washington
The men were arrested and charged with multiple counts of area. The detective stated that the actions of
child abuse and were lodged in the Leon County Jail. Once in the two men in custody in Tallahassee rela-
custody, the men were evasive in their answers to the police tive to the children might give this case
regarding the children, and stated only that they were the children's enough probable cause for search warrants to
teachers. They insisted they were en route to Mexico to establish a search the premises allegedly occupied in DC
school for brilliant children. They otherwise refused to identify by a cult group called the "Finders."
themselves and kept silent.
continued, next page

issue 20 spring 1999

Computer checks on the names, clothing in the toddler to pre-school
addresses and vehicle registration range. No children were found on
Examination of through the Customs Child Pornog-
raphy Unit database turned up
the premises. Several subjects who
were found on the premises were
the documents negative. However, at this point, it
was learned that Tallahassee police
renting living space, and one was
deemed to be connected to the
had discovered large quantities of group. Also on the premises was a
revealed records, computer disks, and a
U.S. passport in the van. From
"computer room" which contained
several computers, printers, and
detailed some of these records the police
had obtained tentative identification
volumes of documentation. Examina-
tion of the documents revealed

instructions for of the two adults and partial identi-

fication of the children. Further-
detailed instructions for obtaining
children for unspecified purposes.
more, two Washington, DC ad- The instructions also included
dresses were ascertained. Search infonnation on how to impregnate
obtaining warrants were obtained to search
these premises, and the U.S.
female members of the community,
purchasing children, trading, and
children for Customs agents were invited to
participate on these searches due to
There were also telex messages
the possibility of violations of laws
unspecified enforced by the Customs Service.
using MCI account numbers be-
tween a computer terminal believed
It was later discovered that to be located in the same room, and
purposes... detectives had initiated an investi-
gation of these same premises in
others located across the country, as
well as foreign locations. One such
One telex December of 1986, wliich resulted
from earlier information regarding
telex specifically ordered the pur-
chase of two children in Hong Kong
a cult known as the Finders. The to be arranged tlirough a contact in
specifically Finders had allegedly operated
various businesses out of a ware-
the Chinese Embassy there. Another
telex expressed interest in "bank
ordered the house on 4th Street in the North-
east section, and allegedly housed
secrecy" situations. Other docu-
ments identified interests in high-
children at another location in the
purchase of Northwest section of the city. The
informant had specifically de-
tech transfers to the United King-
dom, as well as information regard-
ing various properties under control
two children in scribed "blood rituals" and sexual
orgies involving children, and a
of the Finders, a keen interest in
terrorism, explosives, and the
murder in which the Finders may
Hong Kong... have been involved.
evasion of law enforcement.
Also found in the computer room
Enter the U.S. Customs Service Using the information which had was a detailed summary of the
previously been provided by an events surrounding the arrest and
On Thursday, February 5, 1987,
informant, Washington detectives custody of the two adults and six
the Duty Agent received a call from
were able to match up some of the children in Tallahassee the previous
Special Agent of the USCS in Talla-
children with the names of children night. There were also sets of
hassee seeking assistance in coordinat-
alleged to be in the custody of the instructions which appeared to be
ing the case. He requested assistance
Finders. Furthermore, they were broadcast via a computer network
in checking names, addresses and the
able to match the tentative identifi- advising the participants to "move
vehicle through the Customs Child
cation of the two adults in custody the children" and keep them moving
Pornography Unit database, stating
with known members of the cult. through jurisdictions, including
that there was suspicion of the sub-
jects being involved in supplying instructions on how to avoid police
The Premises are Searched
children for the production of child attention.
During the search of the living
pornography in Mexico. Customs The following day, Friday,
quarters, the detectives noted large
was interested in the case as a result February 6, 1987, the warehouse on
quantities of children's toys and
of the Child Protection Act of 1984. 4th Street, N.E., was searched.
clothing, consisting of diapers and
There, numerous documents were

^) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

found to describe explicit sexual amount of data collected on various further information will be avail-
conduct between members of the child care organizations. able. No further action will be
community known as the Finders. The warehouse also contained a taken."*
There was also a large collection of large library, two kitchens, a sauna, This is based on a true report.
photographs of unidentified persons, hot tab, and video room. The video Tlie names ofthe various federal
some nude, who were believed to be room appeared to be set up as an investigators have been withheld
members of the Finders. There were indoctrination center. It also ap- from this excerpt. An interview with
numerous photographs of children, peared that the organization had the Marion Pettie, the founder ofthe
some nude, at least one of which ability to produce its own videos. Finders (and an associate of
was a photo of a child "on display," There were areas which appeared to among others, the wacky real-life
and which appeared to accentuate be tiaining areas for children, and an "Patch Adams" ofthe recent Robin
the child's genitals. One photo area which appeared to be an altar. Williams film), is featured in the
album contained a series of photos Jars of urine and feces were discov- current Steamshovel Press, Issue
of adults and children dressed in ered in this area. Notably, both #16. Ask for it at your local book-
white sheets participating in a premises of the Finders were store, or email Editor Kenn Thomas
"blood ritual." The ritual centered equipped with satellite dish antennas. for subscription information,
around the execution of at least two The MPD began its investigation kennthomas@umsl.edu. Also see
goats, and portrayed the execution, of the materials in furtherance of its Kenn's website, www.umsl.edu/
disembowelment, skuining and child abuse case and promised -skthoma.
dismemberment of the goats at the Customs agents Ml access to the
hands of the children. This included materials after their review.
the removal of the testes of a male
goat, the discovery of a female
goat's womb with baby goats inside,
Final Report
The final investigative report on
The third
and the presentation of a goat's head
to one of the children.
Further inspection of the premises
this matter is dated April 13, 1987.
After all passport data had been
turned over to the State Department
party advised
disclosed numerous files relating to
the activities of the organization in
for investigation, a meeting of the
DC MPD detectives was held. On
April 2, 1987, the Agent in charge
the Agent...
different parts of the world, includ-
ing London, Germany, the Baha-
mas, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia,
met with a "third party" to discuss
the case "off the record." He was
that the
Africa, Costa Rica, and various
European countries. There were also
several passports found. There was
advised that all travel and use of the
passports by the holders of the
passports was within the law and no
a file labeled "Palestinian," and
other files were identified by mem-
action would be taken. This included
travel to Moscow, North Korea, and
North Vietnam from the late 1950s
into the
ber name or project name. The
projects appeared to be operated for
commercial purposes under front
to the mid-1970s. The third party
advised the Agent of circumstances
activity of the
names for the Finders.
Included also were files on
private families unrelated to the
which indicated that the investigation
into the activity of the Finders had
become a CIA internal matter. The
Finders in a process which appears
to have been a systematic response
MPD report was classified "Secret"
and was, from that point on, unavail- had become
to local newspaper advertisements
for babysitters, tutors, etc. A mem-
ber of the Finders would respond to
able for review by any party. He was
also advised that the FBI had with-
drawn from the investigation several
the ad and gather as much informa-
tion as possible about the habits,
identity, occupation, etc. of the
weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign
Counter Intelligence Division had
directed the DC MPD not to advise
family members. The use to which
this information was to be put is still
the FBI Washington Field Office of
anything that had transpired. matter.
unknown. There was also a large The official directive was: "No

issue 20 spring 1999 4&

Op dim e
by Judith ABR
Are Crime Syndicates
in Hoboken Using
W o m e n as Breeders?

n 19901 moved to Hoboken as a highly success- apartment on a regular basis, stalking me.
ful arts administrator working in Manhattan. All of these strange events occurred as I, as
a single woman, was trying to make a child
My career was well established, I had two at local fertility clinics. I did not recognize
Master's Degrees and nearly 14 years devoted to for two years or more that these break-ins
a history career. I was about to publish, among and druggings were happening, since the
many articles, my first national history book. perpetrators were the quintessential profes-
sionals, using keys to enter my apartment. I
From the time I moved to Hoboken until now, believe now that someone copied keys in my
my life and career have slowly and torturously been purse at my job in Manhattan, and they were
shattered. I write this seeking to find and help others staging these assaults some 10 miles away.
who have experienced similar violent horrors and to This criminal violence was also occurring
lend my research to them. I also endeavor to expose as I watched some dozen or more people
around me become pregnant in a short
criminal elements in Hoboken and throughout New period of time in the early 1990s, including
York City who may be continuing to spread the sort of two of my female doctors, two female
violence I have endured. attorneys, and about a dozen friends and
acquaintances. When I saw several of these
From 1990 to 1994, I believe it is probable that I was set-up by children a few years later, they looked and
several fertility clinics and doctors in New York and New Jersey sounded distinctly like me, not like their
whom I consulted. I also believe I was set up by a group of homo- parents. I could precisely trace their pregnan-
sexual men who may have used me as a breeder for other women's cies back to my fertility work and insemina-
pregnancies. These perpetrators were probably working for financial tions. I suddenly figured that at least four or
gain. Suddenly and overnight, my NJ apartment experienced contin- five children, now living with acquaintances
ual break-ins, I felt drugged, and I kept feeling someone was in the and close friends, might actually be mine.

<Il) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

As I traced my history, I could remember
pregnancies developing with women who had
spent the night in my apartment. The
breeder scenario, I realized, might include
situations as far back as my adolescence. I
began to suspect the most horrible scenario
possible: that "my children" were now
owned by dozens and dozens of people I
had known over decades. Adding to this
sudden horrifying realization was the fact
that many of these pregnant women had
quite suddenly severed ties with me and
my immediate family after their preg-
In the middle 1990s, I was drawn
to a few of these possible breeder
children. One child which I suspected
was mine even had the name I had
chosen for one fetus during an fertil-
ity clinic insemination. This child had
been born exactly nine months after I
had been inseminated and briefly
thought I was pregnant. I had four
pregnancies during this time period;
two pregnancy tests at the clinics
wound up "lost," and two came up
positive. The last two fetuses died at 14
weeks and had to be removed surgically.
During the hospital stay, I also endured mistreat-
ment, probably by cults. tPrw"
I later learned through many reliable sources (psychiatrists,
attorneys, doctors) that my fetuses may have been "transferred
into" other women by specialized crime syndicates who could
M y fetuses m a y
make a great deal of money farming out my ovum, utilizing
advanced technologies and drugs. Reports are that these special-
h a v e been
ized cults often use veterinarians for "snatches" (word for obtain-
ing women's ovum - the word for obtaining men's sperm is
"catch") to obtain babies from particular women. Biker groups
are sometimes involved in these clandestine activities. Women i n t o " other
have reported having parts of ovaries stolen (needle rapes) and
these taken probably for "harvesting" in clinics. w o m e n by
On October 23, 1996,1 was viciously assaulted in Paris,
probably by a group of U.S. Intel agents (CIA/FBI) and I lost specialized
half of an ovary (visible in ultrasounds), which I learned can be
harvested later in clinics. These crime syndicates will even go
through orifices (vaginas and colons) to remove organs and parts
crime syndicates
of organs. The victims may not realize why they are in pain, and
doctors seeing the internal mutilations often will not disclose it
w h o could m a k e
for fear of syndicate retribution. Some women appear to be
"marked" as bloodlined breeders by particular eugenics rings. (1)
a great deal of
Accounts from these sexually assaulted women include descrip-
tions of physical "marks" in their vaginas, visible to doctors with money farming
speculums. Some Gyns/OBs (who are in on this activities) can
recognize these markings and then stage further assaults upon out my o v u m . . .
issue 20 spring 1999 <H
designated bloodlined breeder women. other women also being victimized there and elsewhere. (6)
Breeder women may also be tagged with im- I have filed five court cases to open up some of the stalking
plants as infants so that they are easier to surveil, and chemical violence I have endured. (7)
stalk and harvest by eugenics cults most of their I am taking risks in sharing this information since I am
lives. Couples pay large amounts of money to still targeted and dealing with continued and ongoing cult
obtain these bloodlined children through breeders' violence. The crime elements assaulting me are still in the
reproductive elements (both blood or ovum). Fees Hoboken area and I would like to locate other targeted
from $5,000 to $50,000 have been reported for one women in an effort to bring out these perpetrators. I am
"snatch" of four ovum in repro clinics. (2) Unusual seeking your active responses through the fax number
crime elements are also involved in arranging and enclosed here. If you or someone you know is being tar-
using women in this manner. It is reported that this geted for stalking violence, I will return your message.
can include homosexual men, so-called transvestites, Judith ABR (201) 271-0070 Fax*
and paramilitary men. All of this is, obviously,
handled clandestinely. Endnotes and References
While bloodlined women (3) may be more in (Caution is advised when sharing addresses or phone numbers
demand, the cults may also simply use "pretty with victims or victim organizations.)
women," such as actresses and models. With 1. Psychiatrists, physicians, therapists, and attorneys I spoke
sterility rates skyrocketing throughout the so-called with were aware of the use of people in breeder-bloodline cults.
free world, harvesting women is a very lucrative 2. Ovum Gathering. The prices mentioned are the going rates
business. I believe that a strong breeder-cult occult for ovum "donations" at various fertility clinics, 1992-95. Also
element is ahve and working in Hoboken, NJ where cited are personal conversations with many victims of stalkings and
I first experienced the unusual criminal problems. A sexual mutilations, 1997-1998. Female mutilation URL is:
major medical research facility is only a few miles http://www.hollyfeld.org/fgm/.
to the south of Hoboken. And this victim has found 3. Bloodlines. Several reputable publications on eugenics and
another seven victims. bloodlines include Laurence Gardner's Bloodline ofthe Holy Grail,
Victims will likely find, as I did, that their lives Taylor Caldwell's Captains and the Kings, Antony Sutton's Ameri-
suddenly and for unknown reasons may become ca's Secret Establishment and Trevor Ravenscroft's Tlie Spear of
shattered; they may lose friends, they may watch Destiny. See also http://www.geneletter.org/1196/eugenics.htm and
people become pregnant around them, they may feel http://www.africa2000.com/.
assaulted but not remember the incidents (these cults 4. Victim Accounts. See Mind Control Forum URL,
use stun guns and drugs to wipe out victims' memo- http://www.mk.net/ ~ mcf/victims (stalking victim's web site) as
ries). Victims may also experience odd bruising and well as the S.M.A.R.T's Masonic abuse newsletters at
the feeling of being drugged. Victims only have http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/index.html.
victims for support and information about these 5. Stalking Weapons and Syndicates. See the Mind Net Ar-
chives within the Mind Control Forum's web site. Also see U.S.
vicious assaults (4), but in groups, it is my hope we
New and World Report, July 7, 1997, "Wonder Weapons," and a
may prevail. (5) Bloodlined breeder women can
variety of articlesfromNexus Magazine. Also see Becker's Tlie
endure horrendous and vicious violence all then-
Body Electric, John Marks' In Search ofthe Manchurian Candi-
lives; they may lose their children to wrongful date, and Alex Constantine's Virtual Government.
parents, and may wind up violently victimized by
their so-called friends and family who want to use 6. Advocacy and Human Rights Legislation,
them as breeders. http://www.wco.com/~gomi/aches-mc.html (North American
survivors of non-consensual federally-funded mind control experi-
I now beheve that some of my stolen children are mentation) Also see cult URLS http://www.pacific.net/ - cavideo/
still in New Jersey with the "wrong" parents. I now and http://www.xroads.com/rahome/ and
have a list of 36 couples who may have my genetic http://web.canlink.com/ocrt/sra.htm. Caution is advised for stalk-
children, because I believe I am marked as a blood- ing victims with regard to contacting some of these orgs. Also see
lined breeder (and have been used for cloning Senator John Glenn's legislation (S. 193) and H.R. 4135. Also see
experimentations probably most recently). I am http://www.azstarnet.com/.
seeking to inform women about this very real 7. Litigation. My litigation includes three court cases filed
situation, which is occurring in Hoboken and in against the U.S. government for intentional toxic poisoning and
New York City. other methods of violent harassment for the purposes of coercing
I would like to bring out the crime syndicate me out of a federal job, including docket numbers NY95 Civ.
rings in Hoboken (and all of Hudson County; 2689 and a number of others (contact me for further information).
probably Mafia-inspired) but to do it, I need to find

<J) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

A Nevy
Generationart Two
Vipers ^SP* By D. Guide

So you thought you were safe at church? Don't bet your soul on reality," John Paul U declared,
"unless all churches accept the
it. Not when liberation theology, ecumenicism, the interfaith authority Christ entrusted to St.
movement, ecospirituality, and the Ruling Elite are loose in the Peter and his successors...No alter-
native form of church authority
land, invading Christianity like devouring hordes. Productions exists."
such as the Parliament for the World's Religions and buzzwords Ecumenical and interfaith over-
tures mark a new Dark Age of papal
like "faith communities" are treacherous harbingers of their new
Romanism. "By her relationship
collectivism. They call it the Kingdom of God on earthbut we with Christ, the Church is a kind of
sacrament of intimate union with
call it Babylon, the New World Order.
God, and of the unity of all man-
World Council of Churches kind, that is, she is a sign and an
instrument of such union and unity."
"O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the
In The 1993 Directory for Ecumeni-
way of thy paths... " Isaiah 3:14
cism (the Roman curia's blueprint
One organization worthy of scrutiny is the World Council of Churches by the Pontifical Christian Unity
(WCC). According to Texe Marrs in Dark Majesty, the president of the Council), Catholic doctrine remains
WCC's financial affairs is a senior Skull and Bonesman. Perhaps this is untouched; other Christians must
why in the early 1990's ex-presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and give up their every gain. This
Ronald Reagan accepted co-chairmanship of a fundraising drive for the follows the directive of Vatican II:
Ecumenical Development Initiative of the World and National Councils of "[The faithful's] ecumenical activity
Churches. The money ($150,000,000 by 2000) is earmarked for "coopera- must not be other than fully and
tive efforts in the social and political arena." Former presidents stumping sincerely Catholic" and "Nothing is
for world religion (operating in the social and political arena) confirms the so foreign to the spirit of ecumeni-
nature of the ruling class controlling myth. cism as a false conciliatory approach
The August, 1993 WCC Conference on Faith and Order hinted at the which harms the purity of Catholic
shape of things to come. Top Vatican ecumenicist Cardinal Edward Cassidy doctrine." Vatican II called for a
reasserted the non-negotiable primacy of the papacy; Desmond Tutu called "full visible communion of all
for a "symbolic and honorary" papal primacy over other Christians; a Christians" but it is a unity created
Nigerian Roman Catholic bishop "discerned a readiness among some in the image of Rome (a fact largely
churches to acknowledge some sort of papal leadership." By August 1996, misunderstood by sleepy-headed
the Vatican quit pussy-footing around. "Christian unity will not become a Protestants.)

issue 20 spring 1999 <E)

Agreements made by Protestants Why has real-time religion strengthening flie United Nations.
with Rome are sometimes cloaked in suddenly become the overarching Javier Perez de Cuellar, former
secrecy. One major accord between ambition of the ruling elite? Shall Secretary General of the UN: "On
Lutheran theologians and Rome we regard their breathless ardour as many occasions debates arise be-
underscored the mysterious nature simply a more noxious than usual tween the partisans of a strictly
of these agreements: "the document variety of noblesse oblige! Or are individual morality and those who
itself was not made public, nor they in fact earning their
would participants in the dialogue keep by purveying
spell out the specific areas of agree- scripted, relentless brain-
ment and disagreement." Lest washing? Let the reader
anyone minimize the threat, there is be the judge.
also a Pontifical Council for Dia- Mikhail Gorbachev:
logue with Non-Believers. The "We need spiritual values.
World Religion must be all-inclusive We need a revolution of
to achieve total dominion. At the the mind. This is the only
pinnacle of Rome's power, Boniface way toward a new culture
VIII issued the papal bull Unam and a new politics that can
Sanctum. (A papal bull is the same meet the challenge of our
as speaking ex cathedra; the pontiff time" (from a speech at
claims infallibility.) "Moreover, we the Vatican.) Also,
declare, affirm, define, and pro- "...along with this 'new
nounce that it is altogether necessary way of thinking' will
for salvation that every human come 'universal values to
creature be subject to the Roman take advantage of man's
Pontiff." spiritual capital'." Robert
Rome rose to her greatest power Midler, Temple of Under-
under circumstances that parallel our standing member, calls for
time: "No control but that of relig- a "new code of behavior
ion appeared sufficient to restrain which will encompass all
the abuses of society..." Just as races, nations, religions
today's Vatican offers itself as and ideologies. It is the
intermediary, Innocent UJ stepped in formulation of these new
as the "general arbiter of differences ethics which will be the
and conservator of peace." Within a greatest challenge for the
very few years, Innocent executed new generation."
30,000 Albigenses. "Rome Alice Bailey (Lucis Trust/World beheve in a community ethic that
inspired...all the terror of her an- Goodwill; deceased disciple of takes into account community
cient name. She was once more theosophist Madame Blavatsky): interests. The problem of the rela-
mistress of the world, and kings "The objective of the new social tionship between freedom and
were her vassals." Under the banner order, ofthe new politics, the new morality will sooner or later concern
of moral order, Rome's cruelty religion, is...to bring in the King- the international community."
reached new heights. The same dom." (From a speech delivered at the
"moral order" tactic is being used Livieu Gota, Director General of Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France.)
today, sold to the conservative the UN to members of Lucis Trust William Ruckelshaus, former
middle class as "traditional family and its partner organization World head of the Environmental Protec-
values," and peddled in the guise of Goodwill in 1990: "man must end tion Agency: "First, a clear set of
"ethics" and "spiritual renewal" to his individual will and conform to values consistent with the conscious-
others. common aspirations." According to ness of sustainability must be articu-
Gota, a univeral spirituality must be lated by leaders in both the public
The Moral Orderlies
achieved... Gota also said that the and the private sector. Next, motiva-
"I formed them free, and free tions need to be established that will
United Nations will play a great part
they must remain, Till they enthrall support the values. Finally, institu-
in developing these common aspira-
themselves. " John Milton, Para- tions must be developed that will
tions. Spirituality, Gota stresses, is
dise Lost effectively apply the motivations...
to be the keystone of the work of

<D paranoia: the conspiracy reader

Mere acceptance of a changed value structure, August 1996 newsletter noted, "The CIA wants to use
although a prerequisite, does not generate the clergymen for intelligence purposes.")
required change in consciousness." Merovingian Archduke Otto von Hapsburg, a King Of
Al Gore: "As Erikson once wrote, 'The possibil- Jerusalem candidate: "Together with ecumenicity, European
ity of a specieswide destruction creates for the first unity has become the major issue of our time." Also "...it
time the necessity of a specieswide ethic." Hillary might be possible to establish a united Europe and world
Clinton: America suffers "from a sleeping sickness peace, together with a Christian community and harmony
ofthe soul... Let us be willing to remold society." between all believers...our survival will depend upon a
Teilhard de Chardin: "The fate of mankind, as well spiritual revival..." One highlevel official from NASA even
as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a referred to the agency's spiritaal mission in Parade Maga-
new faith in the future." (Quoted by Al Gore in zine.
Earth in the Balance.) Vaclav Havel: Calls for "a The desire to change the values of the West is on the lips
global revolution in the sphere of human conscious- of elites everywhere. The agenda they seek to impose upon
ness. We still don't know how to put morality ahead us is evil, and their labours to kill our liberties is the work-
of politics, science and economics." ing of wickedness. How odd the ruling class imagines itself
Maurice Strong, UN Earth Summit chief: "...re- fit to dictate morals to anyone! These "morals" are not to be
vival of moral and spritaal values [is] the real key to understood in the classic Christian sense. Christianity is not
survival ofthe human species." Carl Sagan: "What a value system, but a personal commitment to Jesus Christ
good is all the data in the world without a steadfast as the son of the living God and to his words as truth.
moral compass?" And "It's clear that science alone Pretending that Christianity can be used as a good set of
cannot by any means provide the moral impetus that rules is deceitful beyond measure. Christianity is not a
religion can." Jesse Jackson: Calls for "a social matter of changed rules, but changed hearts. Furthermore,
values revolution." Christianity was never meant to be popular. Christians
Zbigniew Brzezinski: "[The new era] can emerge caught up in worldiness were admonished, "Ye adulterers
only as a consequence of a new historical tide that and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the
induces a change both in values and in conduct... world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a
The global crisis of the spirit has to be overcome if friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4) This
humanity is to assert command over its destiny." verse emphasizes the aspect of separateness that was once
John Paul U: "The broadcasting industry should well understood. Any system based upon popular ideas or
develop a moral code that reflects family values." cutting-edge philosophies is not Christian, whether promoted
Pat Robertson: Encourages Christians to become "a by the Roman Catholic Church, or Chuck Colson, or
united and effective force for moral renewal in anyone else.
America." The New Moral Order instead resembles the ancient
Bill Clinton: "We cannot renew our country Roman religion, which had no true definition of sin or
unless we are willing to work with the churches." personal holiness, and thus lacked any inner value. The
(January 1994 State of the Union message.) "Presi- Roman religion can be summed up as obedience to the
dent Clinton credits the catholic social teaching of State, peace with the gods (achieved only by meticulous
[Jesuit Georgetown University] with forming his ritual) and "goodwill" among men. It proved so unsatisfac-
philosophy of morality and politics." Jesuit newspa- tory that Roman rulers regularly imported depraved relig-
per columnist Eugene Kennedy also noted that "The ions from the East (whose fashion likewise soon passed) due
Clinton Administration, far more than that of to the spiritaal unrest of the people.
Reagan, parallels the teachings of papal encyclicals The Two Babylons
on social policies" of a wide variety.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Newt Gingrich, author of To Renew America: Hosea 4:6
"We must renew the spiritaal and moral dimension
The New Order will much resemble the earlier pagan
of American Civilization." Gingrich wants churches
States, and in particular that of The Holy Roman Empire. It
to assume responsiblity for caring for the needy.
is high time that people realized Roman Catholicism is not a
Dan Quayle, author of The American Family:
Christian faith that borrowed from the ancient Roman
Discovering the Values That Make Us Strong, wants
religion in order to welcome pagans. Roman Catholicism is
public assistance distributed tlirough churchs and
the ancient Babylonian-Roman religion tricked out in a few
synagogues. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley believes
Christian trappings. It is Caesar's religion, which history
"religious leaders should be leaders of community
readily confirms. Even the Church's organization is identical
policing in their own communities." (Zola Levitt's
to that of the Roman Empire. The political structure of the

issue 20 spring 1999 <D

New Order will be that of the ecumenically-minded, interfaith- used by ancient Babylon and her
Caesar's Roman Empire, and the mongering Protestant Christian successors for control over populace
religion wll be Babylon's. The ministers cannot pass without and rulers alike, history provides a
Roman Church is heir to both. remark. Displays of this ecumenical reliable motif for our own future as
After the fall of Babylon, the depravity on the part of Protestants well. The Babylonian priesthood had
Chaldean priesfly college established are by far the greater sins. Whether much to gain by such unity: then-
itself in Pergamum (a.k.a. "Satan's by ignorance or design, they are temples served as "the courts of
seat" according to Christ in Revela- without excuse. Today's social justice and of astronomical and
tion 2:13.) Attalus UJ, king of woes, in large part, are due to
Pergamum, bequeathed his kingdom dereliction of duty by Protestant
to Rome in 133 B.C., and with this
the title Pontifex Maximus of the
leadership. These "pious" ones have
chosen to set themselves above the
Under the
fray to serve as moral and spiritual
Babylonian religion thereafter was
held by Roman rulers. When the guides for their fellow men. Yet
under their watch, the morals and
banner of moral
Babylonian/Roman title and office
were refused by Gratian in 375
A.D., they were snatched up by the
strength of the West have collapsed.
This has more to do with what is
order, Rome's
bishop of Rome. Catholic pontiffs
still retain the title of Pontifex
coming out of the pulpits than any
combination of societal evils: it is cruelty reached
Maximusfor both the Roman and the paucity of truth and the dearth of
Babylonian religions. spiritual wisdom on the part of
Christian leaders and scholars that is
new heights. The
The Babylonian nature of Catholi-
cism was boldly attested to by
Luther: "And now farewell, un-
doing us in. They are clothed in
shame. same "moral
happy, hopeless, blasphemous
Rome! The wrath of God has come
If the current Christian leadership
had a valid message, if they had order" tactic is
upon you in the end, as you anything to offer spiritually to their
deserved...because you have chosen
to grow more evil from day to day!
flocks, if the hand of Almighty God
was truly guiding them, if they
being used
We have cared for Babylon and she
is not healed. Let us then leave her
spoke the truth, it is certain that
Western society would be considera- today, sold to
that she may be the habitation of bly better off than it is now. Having
dragons, spectres, ghosts, and
witches, and true to her name Babel,
thoroughly failed and utterly for-
saken their own flocks, these relig-
the conservative
an everlasting confusion, an idol of
avarice, perfidy, apostacy, of cyn-
iously compromised poobahs now
grandly proceed to the international
middle class as
arena, presuming that we await their
ics, lechers, robbers, sorcerers, and
endless other impudent monsters, a solutions to global evils. But these
petit princes have no clothes. They
new pantheon of wickedness."
Luther, a German monk, knew
whereof he spoke.
parade before us wretched, poor,
miserable, blind and naked.
family values"
medical science, the official legal
There seem to be few Luthers Profits for Prophets? archives [where] extensive science
among us. Our times can be com- "Tliere is a conspiracy of her collections were kept," and also
pared to the years preceding Nazi prophets in the midst thereof, like a contained the public treasury.
Germany, when "the German roaring lion ravening the prey; they
theologian...had deteriorated to an Furthermore: "...since the priests
have devoured souls; they liave attached to the temples remained for
unbelieving liberalism... Understand- taken treasure and precious things,
ing the moral treason of churchmen all times not only the scribes, but
they liave made her many widows in the authors of all literary produc-
required knowledge of the doctrinal the midst thereof." Ezekiel 22:25
state of much of Europe during the tions, and the exponents of the
The ecumenical-interfaith ruling entire intellectual life, the literature
first four decades of this century...
class myth provides insights about never lost its association with
the satanic influence."
conspiracy unavailable elsewhere. religion." And "the whole of life
Outright betrayal of the faith by Given that the very same myth was was thought of as a unified religious

<) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

exercise." The priesthood wielded absolute control over therefore, the churched gained complete control over
every aspect of life and knowledge, creating complete the beliefs of men."
dependency with their ecumenical myth (adjusted as "This was at the very same time when the Edict of
necessary to sustain control). These quotes could equally Theodosius was closing the temples of the old gods.
apply to Catholic monks in the papist Dark Ages: "The The state was thus assuming the power to suppress all
medieval spirit, in all its various manifestations, aimed at other beliefs, and henceforth it maintained its power
universal empire by way of external and visible rule. The over both the bodies and the minds of its subjects. In
accordance with this idea
Justinian had closed the univer-
sity at Athens in order to stop
freedom of thought and the
teaching of the old philosophy.
To the authority of the state
over the beliefs of its people,
Augustine added the authority
of the church. Thus ended all
intellectual liberty in the an-
(Reproduced from Symbols, Signs and Signets by Ernst Lehner) set precedent by allowing the
Church to dictate political
The labarum (also used by the Catholic Church) is the sign of initiation into policy.
the Mithraic Mysteries. The star on the amulet is the emblem of Lucifer: T h e
inverted five-pointed star is a symbol of the infernal as used in black magic.* During the Dark Ages, with
(Dictionary of Symbols by JJS. Clelot) few exceptions, books were
I kept in churches and monaster-
ies for the singular benefit of the clergy: "...only a
idea of the State was the Holy Roman Empire actually particularly privileged outsider, such as a well-known
embracing and dominating over all the countries of scholar, might have access to them." The books were
Europe; its idea of the Church, that visible and tangible mostly in Latin; when learning was later institutional-
catholicity which existed before the great Reformation; ized (ca. 12th century) education was set forth in the
and in the department of knowledge it showed its charac- long-dead Latin tongue. Knowledge was sealed in the
teristic quality in its desire to embrace in one system, precincts of the privileged. The Bible, translated only
under one science, the whole of human thought." into Latin, was entirely forbidden. Like a sop thrown
The control of human thought is the key to human to the wretched masses, Roman CathoUc images
bondage, the most horrifying aspect of the 1000-year served as "books for the unlearned" in the none-too-
duration ofthe Dark Ages. When Rome's priestcraft was generous words of Thomas Aquinas. Western man
in ascendancy, the effect was almost immediate. "Al- was reduced to intolerable serfdom and kept under
though personal and institutional libraries were an impor- through enforced ignorance, a lesson not to be forgot-
tant feature of GrecoRoman culture, none survived the ten as Rome rises once more.
dissolution of the Western Roman Empire." Curious, is it This technique of control was used in the Tibetan
not? All libraries vanished. (Equally curious is that "paper monasteries formerly ruled by the current Dalai
had disappeared in Europe by 650 A.D.") Chief among Lama, until his theocracy was overthrown: "Before
the oppressors were the socalled Early Church Fathers, 1950, secular education was nonexistent." Literacy
probably more accurately described as the Early Robber was stricty "the privilege of monks and the nobility."
Barons of the faith. Coincidental with their introduction of The lot of the common man was predictable: "a large
pagan concepts into Christianity were their efforts to percentage of the [over one million] people, most of
obliterate liberties. They succeeded on both fronts. them concentrated in central Tibet, were serfs tied to
Following closely on the heels of Constantine, an estate by birth... 95% ofthe land was held by 3
Augustine (354-430) gave a hefty boost to intellectual groups: the fewer than 200 families comprising
bondage with his much-vaunted City of God. He fostered 10,000 nobles, the monasteries with 120,000 monks
the idea that the Church was the visible kingdom of God and 13,000 nuns, and the government, run by 333
on earth, the very Government of God itself. "To the lamas and 280 nobles." The "religious and administra-
authority of this eternal kingdomthat is, to the authority tive power centered in one person"the same Dalai
of the Churchall believers were urged by Augustine to Lama who now compasses land and sea seeking to
submit without reservation. In the teaching of Augustine, restore his former kingdom.

issue 20 spring 1999 <&

The essential nature of religious power that which was right in his own eyes." Neither does the New Testa-
and those who seek ithasn't changed one ment give support to a priestly caste. Indeed, Peter himself referred
whit. Whether travelling under the guise of to all Christians as "a royal priesthood."
RockefeUer's beatific vision, or foisted upon When freed from the mythico-religious traditions of men, the
us as the gooey "unity of aU men," ideas of Bible emphasizes personal (not collective) holiness. A controlling
power like tantalizing sugar plums dance myth always engenders collectivism. The recent doctrine of societal
under noble brows. The common denomina- evUs results in coUective culpability and consequently requires
tor in each case is the spirit of sacerdotal- binding collective solutions. In comparison, the Bible teaches about
ism, which elevates priesthood to an unde- personal sin with individual responsibility resulting in voluntary
servedly lofty position. The power of personal change. The West operated quite successfuUy on this basis
priestcraft over the affairs of men is essen- for some time. As this sense of Christianity is lost, many personal
tial to the success of world government; freedoms are on the wane as well.
without it, failure is assured (as witnessed From the time of earliest Christianity, the New Testament has
with socialism.) been the bane of despots because, unlike the lip-service paid to such
Winning the minds of men is not enough, principles today, it fostered individual dignity and freedom, and
it is the souls that must be captured, the deflated their controlling mythologies. So great was this threat that
spiritual nature that must be manipulated for "copies were ruthlessly hunted down and destroyed" during the
complete takeover. Roman Empire and the papal Dark Ages. Emperors and pontiffs
would brook no knowledge competing with their prevailing myth.
The Bible: Fact or Fabrication? Our English Bible was literally born in blood. Out of the 2,000
"...for ye have taken away the key of years since the New Testament was written, the Bible has been
knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, allowed free course in the West for less than 500 yearsand free
and them that were entering in ye hin- society has flourished wherever the Scriptures took root.
dered. " Jesus Christ (Luke 11:52)
England's King Henry VUI delivered the blow that brought
Fabulous accusations are regularly hurled
Roman tyranny to an end, with his decree in the 1500's that the
against the Bible, such as the charge that the
churches must allow the common man to avail himself of the Bible,
Scriptures were manufactured for ruling-
"in the Englyshe tounge, to be fyxed and set vp openlye in euery of
class control. A convenient concept for
the sayd paryshe churches." (Until that time, the Bible was forbid-
those wishing to ignore the Bible and its
den under penalty of death.) Henry was the true father of Protestant-
God, perhaps, but a matter of rash, unin-
formed foUy for anyone famfliar with
history, religion, or the Scriptures them-
selves. That the Bible does not easily lend
itself as an instrument of authoritarian
R o c k e f e l l e r on
control is demonstrated by the fact that the
Bible has been consistently forbidden by
One World
tyrants (most notably Roman emperors and
pontiffs) throughout history. Only recently
has the Bible been allowed in Russia and
"Would that I had the power to bring to your minds
Eastern Europe. It continues be banned in
Moslem countries. Currently more than 40 the vision as it unfolds before me! I see all
countries prohibit open distribution of denominational emphasis set aside. I see cooperation, not
Bibles. competition. In the large cities I see great religious centers
There are strong reasons why the Bible ... In small places, instead of half a dozen dying churches,
cannot be incorporated into the ruling-class competing with each other, I see one or two strong
controlling myth. "Most Jews and Chris-
tians had agreed that God gave humankind
churches, uniting the Christian life of the town. I see the
in creation the gift of moral freedom." church molding the thought of the world as it has never
Nowhere does the Bible authorize the done before, leading in all great movements as it should. I
suffocating sacerdotalism found everywhere see it literally establishing the Kingdom of God on earth."
in religion today. Under the Jews' Levitical
priesthood as originaUy established and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to the Baptist Social Union
lasting until approximately 1100 B.C., December, 1917
"there was no king in Israel: every man did

<JT) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

ism, which is defined as "freedom to dissent." Is not Constantine and Catholicism
every liberty based on freedom to dissent? Thus, from "Tlierefore my people are gone into captivity, Be-
the fount of the Scriptures, all of our freedoms and cause they liave no knowledge." Isaiah 5:13
prosperity flowfreedom from priestcraft, freedom of The myth-mongering Constantine is credited with
conscience, freedom of nations, and freedom of knowl- "Christianizing" the Roman Empire, but nothing could
edge to name but a few. Where were these freedoms in be farther from the truth. "Constantine was not so much
the Dark Ages? Where was prosperity for the common a worshipper of Christ as he was a worshipper of
man during the feudal heyday of the Roman Church and himself...[he] considered himself the incarnation of 'the
her Empire? supreme god, a combination of Apollo, Mithra, Jupiter,
One hundred years after Henry's reign, with the the sun and Christ... A contemporary historian said
Reformation in full sway, the Empire lay stripped of its Constantine was 'more greedy for praise than it is
power, existing only in barest form. From that time, the possible to tell'." Constantine
recognized the threat Christianity
presented to the moribund
religions of the time and thus to
his own regime. Separation, the
hallmark of Christianity, inter-
fered with Constantine's collec-
tivism. "Let us cherish peace
and forbearance," saith Constan-
tine, "for it would be truly
disastrous that we should assail
one another. Let us banish
The similarity of Constanti-
ne's controUing myth to today's
prevailing philosophy is no mere
coincidence. We are simply
A medal of Roman pontiff Julius III (1550) issued as a curse on Protestant England witnessing the latest incarnation
and Edward VI with the invective: "The race and kingdom which will not serve
of the same Babylonian coUectiv-
you [the pontiff] shall perish."
ism that has bedeviled mankind
throughout history. Thus, Constantine put Christianity at
Protestant nations (Great Britain, Switzerland, et al.) the service of the Empire in a wholly corrupted form, in
began to uphold a standard of individual liberty so order not to disturb the Empire's pagan, hybridized
superior that it remains the envy of nations. Having composition. By the time that heathen religions were
prospered in their climate of moral and inteUectaal banned, Christianity had been reduced to a state that
freedom, these countries ultimately increased the opportu- aUowed easy absorption of pagans into the Church. Had
nities and wealth of the common man to the high stan- the Scriptures actually been given free rein, the Roman
dard of tiving still commonplace in Protestant countries. emperors and the Catholic Church would not have had
Encouraging such liberties is anathema to emperors, such wide berth to force conversions or to commit so
popes and the ruling class, for the obvious reason. They many other horrors. The Christian is not permitted to
cannot, on their own, afford to live so deliciously when force conversion a forced conversion makes a most
the people are freewhich explains why those fabulous unsatisfactory Christian.
palaces and cathedrals were built in medieval times. Nor does Christianity caU for the rooting out of
Therefore churchmen routinely affirm to this day, "The pagans, but rather winning pagans with a message of
elevation of individual conscience above the revealed truth. The typical pagan would be well able to see the
truth taught by the historic Church is a protestant her- superiority of Christianity when compared to his own
esy" and hope that we're Ustening. This statement ghastly heathen rituals and beliefs. AdditionaUy, Jesus
exemplifies the spiritual despotism for wliich Rome has advised his followers that his truth would make them
always been famous. The individual conscience is one's free. But truth and freedom are not concepts the ruling
soul, which Rome would keep in her fetters; it is the class can live comfortably with. Therefore, political
souls of aU mankind that will be bound (in their own necessity moved Constantine to enact laws that grossly
words!) by the forthcoming Global Ethic. mixed Christianity with paganism in order to protect his

issue 20 spring 1999 <D

coUectivist, controlling mythology. have mounted opposition to this
Christians preferring to worship version in every way imagin-
according to individual conscience
were severely punished: "the
able, especiaUy tlirough their
seminaries and universities. But
The doctrine of
authorities practiced violent coer-
cion. "
the Catholic Church has in-
cluded it on its Index of Forbid-
societal evils
Roman Catholicism followed suit:
its earliest teachings would steal
den Books for centuries.
Regrettably, there are few requires collective
away the liberty God granted. who read the Bible, and even
Among the worst of Catholicism's fewer who decide what it means
for themselves. This wiU exact
solutions. In
deceptions is that "free will is the
cause of our doing evil." This
seminal belief brought forth im-
a heavy price. There is a yawn-
ing chasm between what is
comparison, the
measurable sorrow during the
centuries when Rome ruled. Yet
actuaUy written in the Bible,
and what others pretend that it Bible teaches
Revelation 22:11 plainly states, "He says. By relying upon the words
that is unjust, let him be unjust still: of men about the word of God, about personal sin
and he that is filthy, let him be filthy the common man accepts lies
still..." Let him... Constantine's
moral posturing and oppression of
about God and leaves himself
entirely at the mercy of those
with individual
individual conscience received no
support from the Scriptures. Neither
reUgious leaders (and they are
legion) who wish to enslave us. responsibility... As
does Rome find justification there
for the blood on her hands, for her
Faith Communities or
Communism? this sense of
iniquitous Inquisitions and savage
massacres. Not a word of succour
can be found for binding Global
"Ye serpents, ye generation
of vipers, how can ye escape Christianity is lost,
the damnation of hell?" Jesus
Ethics or forcefed Moral Orders.
Not a chance, not a breath, not a
Christ (Matthew 23:33)
Consider again this passage
many personal
prayer. Just as the Roman Church
boasts an authority which is entirely
bogus, these too are mere inventions
from the Parliament of the
World's Religions Global
freedoms are on
of men.
As Quintas Mucius Scaevola,
Ethic, drawn up by Roman
priest Hans Kung. "Every form the wane.
of egoism should be rejected.
Roman Pontifex Maximus in the All selfishness, whether individual
2nd century B.C. so succinctly through priestcraft, the new enslave-
or coUective, whether in the form ment comes.*
stated, "It is expedient that the of class thinking, racism, national-
populations should be deceived in ism or sexism." This skillfuUy This article first appeared in The
the matter of religion." Foremost Project: "An Executive Summary of
crafted New Order newspeak
among men as a foe of truth and the Progress of a Private Network of
brings with it a deliberate confu- Researchers Dedicated to Identifying
freedom, Rome is a sworn enemy of sion of terms and ideas to hide the
the Bible. Most telling of all, "it the Nature ofthe Ruling Class Con-
fact that certain communist tenets spiracy. " Tlie current hypothesis =
was American Roman Catholic have indeed triumphed over the "The Overt and Covert Organs ofthe
bishops in the middle and late 19th West, not vice versa. Vatican and British Empires are
century who demanded the removal Locked in Mortal Combat for Control
But the new communism comes
of Bible reading from public ofthe World." Copyright A-Albionic
upon us unawares, under the
schools..." Today, the 17th-century Research, P. O. Box 20273, Fern-
banner of "faith communities."
King James Version of the Bible dale, Michigan 48220.
And nationalismthat Protestant
(the best selling Bible of all time, A New Generation of Vipers lias been
antagonist of Empirehas become extensively updated for publication in
used throughout this article) is
the equivalent of egoism and PARANOIA and includes information
targeted for extinction in particular
selfishness, instead of the freedom tliat did not appear in the original
because it uses superior Greek and
from priestcraft gained from the article. Part One of this article ap-
Hebrew texts differing from all
Reformation. Consequently, peared in the Fall, 1996 issue.
other versions. The ruling elites

4$) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

ffi VM
by Phillip S. Duke, Ph.D.

'he AIDS-ET Connection is a unifying scientific hypothesis. It In 1981, the disease which was later
named AIDS surfaced in otherwise healthy
provides simple and logical explanations for otherwise incom- sexually active homosexual young men.
prehensible phenomena. It explains the simultaneous origin of Their immune systems were severely
two different HIV strains at two widely separated locations, in weakened, allowing multiple opportunistic
infections by microorganisms that ordinar-
Africa and the United States. It explains why cattle are muti- ily cannot cause human disease. (3) In
lated and people are abducted, and also why these phenomena 1984, Drs. Robert Gallo of NTH and Luc
Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute took
take the form they do. The ability of this hypothesis to neatly joint credit for the discovery that infection
explain so much provides confidence, but not proof. Until with a virus later named HTV terminates,
recently, the mass of evidence favoring the AIDS-ET Connec- after about ten years on average, with the
disease AIDS. On average, death results
tion was only circumstantial, but now there is a case of hard, about two years later. Medical treatment is
direct evidence. helpful but does not change the eventual
The AIDS-ET Connection also explains catde mutilations as an HTV related outcome of AIDS.
phenomenon. As the only logical explanation for the format of these phenomena, it Nothing like the HTVs or AIDS had
predicts that mutilated cattle will have positive HTV test status. I have repeatedly ever been seen before in man or beast.
urged the National Institute of Discovery Sciences, which is in the process of autop- These were brand new viruses spreading
sying mutilated catde, to determine HTV test status. To my knowledge, no such in pandemics which promised to kill more
testing has been performed. people than any previous pandemic. Dr.
There are major obstacles to research in Ufology, and as the AIDS-ET Connec- Grmek again had an appropriate comment,
tion depends on the existence of ET intelligence capable of and responsible for short and to the point: "The epidemic's
originating HIVs and their pandemics, the same obstacles hinder study of it. Due to spread is exponential, justifying cataclys-
the official public policy that all TJFO phenomena must be explained as observer mic predictions." (4)
error, no scientific journal will publish this hypothesis, and no official granting The HTV pandemic is currendy sweep-
agency will provide funding for research on any aspect of UFO related phenomena. ing the world, with an estimated 100
These measures effectively close all the usual avenues of research. million infected globally by 2000 A.D.
Evidence for the AIDS-ET Connection from HIV/AIDS With an average doubling time of one
year, by 2006 almost all sexually active
The simultaneous origin of at least two different "parent" HIV strains at two
people will be infected with HTV world-
widely distant locations, along with the properties of the viruses and their pandemics,
all strongly indicate these events could not possibly have occurred by accident, that
is, according to natural causes. Researchers are well aware of this. As author Laurie Evidence indicates that the pandemics
Garret has asserted, "... many people sought iatrogenic or conspiratorial explanations began at two widely distant locations, in
for the appearance of HTV-1." (1) Iatrogenic means physician-caused. Highly re- Central Africa and New York city, with
spected AIDS historian Mirko D. Grmek M.D., Ph.D. said this: "The discovery of two different strains of HJV-1, at the same
HTV-2, however, compels us to admit a double and even a simultaneous outbreak of time. The African strain was heterosexu-
the ADDS agents. Such a coincidence is extremely improbable, even impossible, if ally infectious, and spread rapidly through-
held to be the result of chance biological mutations." (2) Briefly, the facts are these. out the general population. Tlie New York

issue 20 spring 1999 43>

strain was not heterosexually infectious, but was readily trans- has been repeatedly suggested that HTVs are escaped Biological
mitted by male gay anal sex and also by sharing blood contami- Warfare agents of human origin. This belief is effectively ruled
nated needles. Infection was also readily spread through trans- out by the reliable evidence that HTVs began between 1940 and
fusions of contaminated blood, and use of contaminated pooled 1950. (7) At this time, human science was quite incapable of
blood clotting factors (by hemophiliacs). In America, a conser- such a feat. RT and DNA polymerase, both essential tools in
vative administration was slow to act against a disease that the discovery of HTVs, were unknown in 1960. Therefore, this
affected gay males and TV drug addicts. (5) possibility can be ruled out.
Biological Warfare: The War of the Worlds It has been suggested that HTVs arose from Simian TVs
(STVs), when a simian bit a human. For this to happen, two
Properties of HTVs/AIDS make the viruses ideal Biological
different simians carrying two different strains of HTV would
Warfare agents. The unusually long, asymptomatic period of
have to bite an African (heterosexual) and a New York gay
about (on average) ten years very much facilitates disease
man, at the same time. An HTV-2 positive simian would have
spread. Until ADDS appears, the only way to determine if a
to bite an African, probably at a later date. If simians in the
person carries an (infectious) HTV strain is by lab tests. Many
wild could get ADDS from their HTVs, and transmit it vertically
people would rather not know. Therefore, many people carry-
to newborns, how have they managed to survive? Due to such
ing HTVs and capable of infecting others are not aware of it.
considerations, the concept that HTVs arose from STVs can be
HTVs work to destroy the lymphocytic part of the cellular ruled out.
immune system. When the immune system is weakened
What is left? Only the ADDS-ET Connection. According to
enough, numerous opportunistic infections occur. Because the
this view, the "parent" HTVs were selectively developed with
organisms involved are ordinarily harmless, treatment of
the involuntary help of human abductees. Once developed, it
infection was previously considered relatively unimportant, and
would be easy to selectively infect Africans and gay New
little studied. When AIDS occurs, other viruses, bacteria,
Yorkers. Human abductions with medical exams and samplings
protozoa, fungi and yeast become dangerously infective. This
would provide monitoring and additions to the pandemics, if
pathogenic (disease causing) mechanism of multiple opportunis-
desired. I will address human abductions in more detail after an
tic infections makes successful long term treatment essentially
overview ofthe subject of catde mutilations.
impossible. The current belief is that once ADDS develops the
outcome can only be delayed. Evidence From Cattle Mutilations
Because HTVs are spread primarily by sexual relations, Catde mutilation phenomena involve the discovery of
infection occurs heavily in productive age adults. ADDS is now previously healthy animals with specific mutilations, without
the leading cause of death in young men aged 25-44. Now that evidence of blood or tracks. Body parts which both humans
heterosexually infective HTVs are spreading throughout areas and predators do NOT eat by preference are removed "with
where formerly only the gay infective strain was present, ADDS surgical precision," usually involving anal coring, reproductive
can be expected to become the leading cause of death for organ removal in both males and females, missing mouth parts,
young men and women in the prime of life. Women infected a missing eye, stripped skin, and one missing ear. Udders are
with HTV can be expected to have HIV infected babies. Proper also removed. UFO sightings and black (unmarked) helicopters
treatment with anti-HTV medicine can prevent such infection. are frequendy associated with catde mutilations. Sometimes
The ability of HTVs to infect vertically (by birth) can be seen as animals are found with horns stuck deep in the ground or other
an effective property of the ideal Biological Warfare agent. evidence of having been taken up and dropped. In one case, a
large bull was found in a tree. (8)
HTV is an RNA retrovirus. Like all retro viruses, it employs
the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase (RT) to make DNA from its Due to the nature of catde mutilation phenomena and in the
RNA. RT is very prone to transcription errors. Therefore, absence of any other explanation except cult activity, it is
when HTV replicates, numerous antigenically different strains assumed cattle mutilations are related to UFO phenomena. No
arise naturally. This constandy changing antigenicity makes one had any idea why catde mutilations were performed or
production of a generally effective antigenic vaccine (the usual why they take their specific nature, until the AIDS-ET Connec-
type of vaccine) essentially impossible. (6) tion, which fully answers all these questions.
HIV-2: The "Accidents" Continue The physical locus of the cattle mutilations correspond with
HTV transmission in humans, except for the ear. The blood is a
A third different "parent" HTV type is also known. Desig-
site of HTV replication in humans. Catde mutilations are
nated HTV-2, it is genetically quite different from the HTV-ls.
explained on the basis that animals are previously infected with
It also causes ADDS and is heterosexually infective. Despite
HTVs or related viruses and locator implants are placed in the
this, the current screening of blood for transfusion detects only
ear. At the appropriate time, the catde blood with virus and
the HTV-ls and not HTV-2. This is justified by the Centers for
antibodies is harvested, and transmission data is obtained by
Disease Control on the basis that the incidence is so low it
study of corresponding transmission sites. The ear is removed
would not pay to screen transfusion blood for it. This is the
to facilitate locator device recovery with minimum exposure.
beneficial Red Cross, which also was very slow to employ
testing for HTV-1. Based on this, I have proposed that mutilated catde blood
would test positive for HTV. I have contacted numerous people
Introduction of HTV-2 is not well known, but it is believed
concerning this. Dr. Colm Kelleher of the National Institute of
to be of more recent origin than HTV-ls. This further weakens
Discovery Sciences, is directing the autopsy of mutilated cattle,
all theories of accidental origin, since the "accidents" seem to
in cooperation with the Bigelow Foundation, and I have repeat-
be continuing. Due to HTVs' Biological Warfare properties it

U) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

edly urged him in writing to perform HTV testing on muti- the relatively limited HTV-2 pandemic should be increased as fast
lated cattle. He has repeatedly refused to do so. Most as possible. Therefore, it may be that abductees are being em-
recently I have urged him to simply retain frozen blood ployed in the spread of HTV-2.
samples for possible future testing. Other persons interested If abductions are driven in part by consideration of HTV/
in catde mutilations have also made the request for HTV ADDS, then the HTV test status of abductee and non-abductee
testing, without result. populations may be different. In the attempt to obtain data on
It is interesting that my ADDS-ET Connection research
has been criticized within the UFO community (10), and,
although it would be easy to determine mutilated cattle HTV
status, no one has done this testing. I have the impression
that they are afraid testing would confirm my hypothesis.
All known
Evidence From Human Abductions
According to abductee reports, humans are taken by alien
phenomena relating
"grays" into a secure location and are subjected to detailed
medical examinations against their will. The examinations
to HIV/AIDS, cattle
are perfonned using various devices under gray alien direc-
tion, with no explanation for the procedures. Tissue and
blood samples are taken, and a small foreign object may be
mutilations, and alien
implanted. Some type of telepathic communication between
abductee and alien may occur, after which all conscious
memory of what transpired is repressed, and the abductee is
abductions can be
returned. Although there are variations on this general
theme, usually most of the above occurs during an abduc-
explained in terms of
According to the work of Dr. David Jacobs (11), abduc-
tions occur for the purpose of obtaining reproduction related
the gray alien
biological materials: eggs and fetuses from females, sperm
from males. These materials are employed in the production agenda. That
agenda is for the
of alien/human hybrids. As strange as this concept may
seem, there is massive evidence for it. The viewing of their
hybrid offspring, and request that they be nurtured, etc. is
reported, by numerous female abductees. The motive for
alien/human hybridization is to obtain a being better suited
to living on Earth than are the gray aliens.
gray aliens to live
I believe the work of Dr. David Jacobs is entirely valid,
but does not tell the full story concerning human abductions.
here without us.
According to the ADDS-ET Connection, some human
abductions have a different purpose and are related not to this subject, I have repeatedly written prominent abduction
alien/human hybridization, but to HTV/ADDS. The evidence researchers, informing them of my work, asking for information
for this is as follows: concerning HIV test status, and suggesting that HTV status be
determined whenever possible. Only one person responded. That
The detailed medical examinations which abductees
was Dr. Roger Leir.
receive correspond to sites of possible HTV transmission.
Anal probing invariably occurs, along with study of the Dr. Roger Leir is an increasingly prominent researcher who
vagina, male urethra, the mouth, eyes and skin. Blood is specializes in surgical removal of alien implants from abductees.
taken in quantity corresponding to "lab test" needs. If the (12) We corresponded and Dr. Leir brought the following
abductee is nursing, milk is also taken. The fact that study situation to my attention. A m ale abductee with implant tested
of possible HTV transmission sites is emphasized suggests positive for HTV until his implant was removed, after which he
the medical exam seeks infonnation regarding HTV. The tested (and remains) HTV negative. The implant was hollow and
exam is obviously not for purposes of studying general contained a substance. Dr. Leir wrote that he vouched for this
health, because the major internal organs: heart, lungs, result. Dr. Leir also informed me that in the future HTV test
liver, kidneys, brain, etc., are essentially ignored. status results will be obtained on all implant patients. Additional
data can therefore be expected.
According to the ADDS-ET Connection, HTVs were
purposefully developed and introduced into the human Before the ADDS-ET Connection, no one ever checked for
population. The easy, logical way to do this would be via possible correlation of abduction related phenomena and HTV
abductees. Now that the HTV-1 pandemics are well estab- test status because there was no known reason to do so. Now
lished, it would appear there is little need to continue their there is. The finding of a positive correlation between implant
spread, and monitoring may be the reason for HIV related presence and HTV test results is evidence in favor of the ADDS-
testing. On theoretical Biological Warfare considerations. ET Connection. I urge other abduction workers to also deter-

issue 20 spring 1999 @>

mine the HTV test status of abductees. could remove a virus which is present (4) Ibid. p. 196.
Conclusion throughout the bloodstream. Therefore, the (5) Koop, Everett C , Koop: Tlie
implant provided (protective) antibodies Memoires of a Family Plxysician,
The ATDS-ET Connection hypothesis against HTVs. According to Dr. Jacobs' work, 1991, Random House.
is in agreement with information relating some abductees will be kept around for useful (6) Packer, Kenneth L., HTV
to the origin of HTVs and their pandem- duties. I suggest that in order to perform their Infection, 1998, Grolier, p. 88.
ics and Biological Warfare properties, the duties, diey must be kept alive, and so must be (also see reference 7)
phenomena of catde mutilations and the protected against HTV pandemics. The correla-
diverse events of human abductions. (7) Wolinsky, et. al., "Limita-
tion of the work of three different researchers, tions of a Molecular Clock Applied
Apparently unrelated phenomena from Drs. Leir, Jacobs, and myself, has the result
medicine, cattle mutilations, and human to Considerations of the Origin of
of increasing confidence in all of our work. HTV-1," Science, Vol. 280, June
abductions are shown to be clearly
related as part of a larger, unifying At this time, the ADDS-ET Connection 19, 1998, p. 1868-1870. (8)
agenda. All known phenomena relating must still be considered a hypothesis, but with Marrs, Jim, Alien Agenda, 1997,
to HTV/ADDS and Ufology can, I sug- more confirming data it will graduate to a Scribner's.
gest, be logically explained in terms of theory. If you have any infonnation relating to (9) "Is there an AIDS-ET
the gray alien agenda. That agenda is for this work, please send it along with as much Connection?" MUFON UFO J.
the gray aliens to live here without us. detailed infonnation as possible. Any ques- Forum, October, 1998.
tions or comments are also welcome.* (10) Ibid, reference 2, Novem-
The case cited by Dr. Leir has an
Copyright 1999 Phillip S. Duke, Ph.D. ber 1998.
interesting explanation which is implicit
2503 S. 47th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68106. (11) Jacobs, David M., The
in the work of Dr. Jacobs. HTV clinical
testing involves serological studies which Tlireat, 1998, Simon and Schuster.
detect antibodies to HTVs, not the virus (12) Leir, Roger K., Personal
itself. If the virus had been present (1) Garrett, Laurie, Tlie Coming Plague, communication, (see Dr. Leir's
initially, with implant, it should have 1994, Penguin Books, p. 380. work The Alien and the Scalpel,
remained present after implant removal. (2) Grmek, Mirko, D., The History of 1998)
It is difficult to see how implant removal AIDS, 1990, Princeton Univ. Press, p. 153.
(3) Rotello, Gabriel, Sexual Ecology, 1997.

You read it here first...

ack in Issue 7 (Winter 1994),
PARANOIA published Dr. Alan
Is Heart Disease
thatcancermightbecausedbymicrobes, i.e.
"germs. "[AIso^eePARANOIAIssuel9,"Do
Killer Microbes Cause Breast Cancer?"] On
Caused by Germs?
March 1, 1999, the front page ofthe Washington
Post lent new credibility to the theory when it
Microbes Linked to More Illnesses
reported that "many scientists ... now believe that # r RICK W E I S S where none was suspected previ-
many illnesses long presumed to have roots in Washington Post Staff Writer "xisly. Last week, researchers
announced that they had discov-
genes or lifestyle may be caused largely by ered, a molecular mechanism by
Prom Gallstones to arthritis to
infectious agents." In other words, researchers
now believe that you "may be able to 'catch' such
illnesses as kidney stones, cerebral palsey, or
Alzheimer's disease." As microbes are linked to Is Cancer ^
more and more illnesses, it may just be a matter of
time before cancer is added to the list.*

The Cancer Microbe

adds Kennedy's rapid death from *Non-Hodgkin'a lymphoma' cancer in May 1994
shocked and saddened the world. Now officials of tha American Cancer Society are
hinting that soma lymphomas may be caused by viruses. If so, am these viruses
contagious? And how can wa prated ourselves from them? What do we malty know
about the origin and cause of cancer? Are these new cancer viruses related to
cancer-causing retrovirusei See HIV (the AIDS virus)?

#2) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

3 black w& wMte
rom "A Study of Assassination," a training manual written by the CIA and distributed to

F agents and operatives at the time of the agency's 1954 covert coup in Guatemala, which
ousted the country's democratically-elected president, Jacobo Arbenz-Guzman. The
manual, which was among some 1,400 pages of files on the operation that the agency
released in May, 1997, was obtained by the National Security Archive, a public-interest
group in Washington D.C.
DEFINITION act will be called "lost." If the assassin
"Assassination" is a term thought to be is to escape, the act will be called
Death must derived from "hashish," a drug similar to
marijuana that is said to have been used
"safe." It should be noted that no
compromise should exist here. The
be absolutely by the eleventh-century Islamic leader
Hasan ibn al-Sabbah to induce motivation
assassin must not fall alive into enemy
certain. The in those of his followers who would carry
out political and other murders, usually at
Assassination techniques will also be
affected by the subject's vulnerability.
attempt on the cost of their lives.
Assassinations in which the subject is
unaware of his danger will be termed
Hitler's life Assassination is an extreme measure,
and it should be assumed that it will
"simple;" those in which the subject is
aware but unguarded will be termed

failed never be ordered or authorized by any

U.S. headquarters, though officials may
"chase;" those in which the victim is
aware but guarded will be termed
because in rare instances agree to its execution by
members of an associated foreign service. A further division concerns whether
those No assassination instructions should
ever be written or recorded. Ideally, only
or not it is necessary to conceal the fact
that the subject was actually the victim

planning the one person will be involved. No report

may be made, though the act will usually
of assassination. If such concealment is
desirable, the act will be called "se-
cret;" if concealment is immaterial, the
conspiracy be properly covered by news services.
JUSTIFICATION act will be called "open." If the assassi-
nation requires publicity to be effective,
did not give Murder is not morally justifiable.
Assassination can seldom be employed
it will be termed "terroristic."
Using these definitions, the assassina-
this matter with a clear conscience. Persons who are
morally squeamish should not attempt it. tion of Julius Caesar was safe, simple,
and terroristic, while that of Huey
The techniques employed will vary
Long was lost, guarded, and open.
Obviously, successful secret assassina-
attention. depending on whether or not the assassin
himself is to be killed with the subject. If
tions are not recorded as assassinations
at all.
the assassin is to die with the subject, the
continued, pg. 55

U) paranoia: the conspiracy reader

continued from pg. 56 hard surface. Elevator shafts, stair- blow is very heavy, any portion of
THE ASSASSIN wells, unscreened windows, and the upper skull will do. The lower
Except in terroristic assassinations, bridges will serve. Bridge falls into frontal portion of the head, from the
it is desirable that the assassin be water are not reliable. eyes to the throat, can withstand
transient. In a lost assassination, the A private meeting with the subject enormous blows without fatal conse-
assassin must be a fanatic of some may be arranged at a properly-cased quences.
sort. Politics, religion, and revenge location. The act must be executed Explosives
are about the only feasible motives. by a sudden, vigorous tripping at the A small or moderate explosive
Since a fanatic is unstable psychologi- ankles, tipping the subject over the charge is highly unreliable as a cause
cally, he must be handled with ex- edge. If the assassin immediately
treme care. While Trotsky's assassin sets up an outcry, play the "horrified
has never revealed any significant witness," no
infonnation, it was unsound to depend withdrawal is necessary.
alibi or surreptitious For a secret
on this.
Falls in front of trains or subway
are usually effective, but these
assassination, the
A human being may be killed in require
be free
exact timing and can seldom
from unexpected observa-
contrived accident
many ways, but the assassin should
always be cognizant of one point: tion. is the most effec-
Death must be absolutely certain. The Automobile accidents are less
attempt on Hitier's life failed because satisfactory. If the subject is to be tive technique.
those planning the conspiracy did not deliberately run down, exact timing
give this matter proper attention. is necessary
likely to be
and investigation is
thorough. The subject
Techniques may be considered as
may he stunned or drugged and then
placed in a car, but this is reliable
executed, it
only when the car can be run off a
It is possible to kill a man with bare high cliff or into deep water without
causes little excite-
hands, but very few are skillful
enough to do it well. Even a highly
observation. ment and is only
Edge and Blunt Weapons
trained judo expert will hesitate to risk
killing by hand unless he has abso- Any locally obtained sharp-edged casually investi-
device may be successfully em-
lutely no alternative. The simplest
local tools are often the most efficient ployed, though a minimum amount gated.
means of assassination: a hammer, ax of anatomical knowledge is needed
wrench, screwdriver, fire poker, for reliability. The most reliable
of death, and time-delay or booby-
kitchen knife, lamp stand, or anything methods are severing the spinal cord
trap devices are extremely prone to
hard, heavy, and handy. A length of in the cervical region (with the point
kill the wrong man.
rope or wire or a belt will do if the of a knife or a light blow with an ax
or hatchet) and severing the jugular Bombs or grenades should never
assassin is strong and agile. All such be thrown at a subject. While this
improvised weapons have the impor- and carotid blood vessels on both
sides ofthe windpipe. will always cause a commotion and
tant advantage of availability and may even result in the subject's
apparent innocence. The obviously As for blunt weapons, their main
advantage is their universal availabil- death, it is sloppy, unreliable, and
lethal machine gun failed to kill bad propaganda.
Trotsky, where an item of sporting ity. A hammer may be picked up
almost anywhere in the world. EXAMPLES
goods succeeded.
Baseball bats are widely distributed. [Agents] may be presented brief
Even a rock or a heavy stick will outlines with critical evaluations of
For a secret assassination, the the following assassinations and
do, and no weapon need be disposed
contrived accident is the most effective attempts: Archduke Franz Ferdinand,
technique. When successfully exe- Gandhi, Harding, Hitler, Lincoln,
cuted, it causes little excitement and is Blows should be directed to the
temple; the area just below and Long, Mussolini, Rasputin, Roose-
only casually investigated. velt, Trotsky, and Truman.*
behind the ear; and the lower, rear
The most efficient accident is a fall
portion of the skull. Of course, if the
of seventy-five feet or more onto a

issue 20 spring 1999

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