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(Received June 2009; Accepted August 2009)

This paper is dedicated to Professor Doctor Rachel Mata for her 60th birthday


Phytochemical study of the vasorelaxant ethyl acetate fraction obtained from the
methanolic extract of the leaves of Prunus serotina resulted in the isolation of three
known natural products, hyperoside (1), prunin (2), and ursolic acid (3). Compounds
1 (EC50 = 91.3 14.1 g/ml), 2 (EC
EC50 = 66.0 19.4 g/ml) and 3 (EC
EC50 = 154.4 7.5
g/ml) displayed a concentration-dependent relaxation of vascular smooth muscle.
Compound 1 was approximately ten fold less potent than acetylcholine (ACh) (EC50
= 8.7 0.8 g/ml),, which was employed as a positive control. However, this com-
pound induced a maximum vasodilator effect (Emax = 92.3 7.7 %) that was higher
than that of ACh (Emax = 69.5 5.7 %). In addition, it was found that the essential
oil obtained from the leaves of P. serotina promoted vascular smooth muscle relax-
ation. The oil was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
and fty seven compounds were detected. Four of the major constituents, benzyl
alcohol (4) (20.3 %),, benzaldehyde ((5) (12.1 %), cinnamyl alcohol (6) (4.7 %), and
cinnamaldehyde (7) (1.1 %) also induced a concentration-dependent relaxation of
rat aorta. The greatest vasorelaxant effect was observed for compound 6 (EC50 =
42.2 5.7 g/ml). The results derived from this study provide a scientic basis for
the traditional use of the leaves of this plant for the treatment of hypertension.

Key words: Essential oil, hyperoside, ursolic acid, isolated rat aorta, Prunus sero-
tina, vasorelaxation


La fraccin de acetato de etilo obtenida a partir del extracto metanlico de las hojas
de Prunus serotina indujo una relajacin signicativa del msculo liso arterial. El
estudio toqumico de dicha fraccin condujo a la puricacin de tres compuestos
conocidos, el hipersido (1), la prunina (2) y el cido urslico (3). Los compuestos

Laboratorio de Investigacin Qumica y Farmacolgica de Productos Naturales, Facultad de Qumica, Uni-
versidad Autnoma de Quertaro. Centro Universitario, Quertaro 76010, Qro., Mxico
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Licenciatura en Nutricin, Universidad Autnoma de Quertaro. Av. de las
Ciencias s/n, Juriquilla 76230, Quertaro, Mxico
Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Qumica, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico. Ciudad
Universitaria s/n, Mxico D.F., 04510, Mxico
Tel.: + 52-442-1-92-12-00 Ext. 5527. E-mail address: rojasa@uaq.mx

Vasorelaxan constituents of the leaves of Pronus serotina capulin Rev. Latinoamer. Qum. 37/2 (2009) 165

1 (EC50 = 91.3 14.1 g/ml), 2 (EC50 = 66.0 19.4 g/ml) y 3 (EC50 = 154.4
7.5 g/ml) indujeron una relajacin, dependiente de la concentracin, de la aorta
aislada de rata. El compuesto 1 result ser slo 10 veces menos potente que la
acetilcolina (ACh) (EC50 = 8.7 0.8 g/ml), la cual se emple como control positivo.
Sin embargo, este flavonoide (Emax = 92.3 7.7 %) fue ms eficaz que la ACh (Emax
= 69.5 5.7 %) para inducir vasodilatacin. De manera adicional, el aceite esen
cial de las hojas produjo relajacin del msculo liso arterial. El anlisis, mediante
cromatografa de gases acoplada a espectrometra de masas, mostr que la esencia
contiene cincuenta y siete constituyentes. La evaluacin farmacolgica de cuatro
de estos componentes, el alcohol benclico (4) (20.3 %), el benzaldehdo (5) (12.1
%), el alcohol cinmico (6) (4.7 %) y el cinamaldehdo (7) (1.1 %), indic que estos
compuestos inducen una relajacin, dependiente de la concentracin, de la aorta
aislada de rata. El compuesto 6 produjo el efecto vasodilatador ms potente (EC50
= 42.2 5.7 g/ml).

Palabras clave: Aceite esencial, hipersido, cido urslico, aorta aislada de rata,
Prunus serotina, vasodilatacin.

INTRODUCTION and it has been used since colonial days for

furniture. P. serotina
has been the subject
A recent documental and ethnomedical of few chemical studies. Kaempferol, quer
survey of medicinal plants grown in Mxico cetin and isorhamnetin glycosides, ursolic
and widely used by the Mexican popula acid derivatives and prunasin have been de
tion revealed that teas prepared from the (Biessels et al., 1974; Ol
tected in the leaves
leaves of Prunus serotina (Cav. ex Spreng) szewska, 2005a; 2005b). Cyanogenic

McVaugh (Rosaceae) are highly valued for sides such as amygdalin and prunasin have
treating hypertension, stomach upsets, Santamour et
been isolated from the seeds (
mouth infections, diarrhea, paludism, bron al., 1998),
and anthocyanidins have been
chitis and cough; and the fruits are used, detected in the fruit skin (Ordaz-Galindo et
alone or prepared in syrups and liquors, for al., 1999
). P
revious studies reported in the
the treatment of cough and diarrhea (Mar bibliography, concerning the pharmacologi
tnez, 1991; Argueta, 1994). P. serotina is cal effects of this plant indicated that the
a 60 to 90 foot-tall native North American methanolic
extract prepared from the bark
tree, which has an oval silhouette. Its low exhibited anti-proliferative activity in can
branches normally droop and touch the Yamaguchi et al.,
cer cells of human colon (
ground, and the finely-toothed, decidu 2006). As a part of a study directed towards
ous leaves are dark green and shiny. This the screening of plants used in Mexican
species is widely distributed in Mexico, traditional medicine for the treatment of
commonly called capuln, taunday, t- cardiovascular diseases, our research group
munduya, tzuri, chencua, chengua, found that the lyophilized aqueous (EC50 =
American black cherry, virginian prune and 190.4 37.1 g/ml) (Ibarra-Alvarado et al.,
bird cherry (Martnez, 1991; Olszewska, 2009) and the methanolic (EC50 = 211.0
2005a). Besides their use in traditional 39.9 g/ml) extracts prepared from the aer
medicine, the fruits of this plant are also ial parts of P. serotina induced a concentra
part of Mexican diet, and are consumed tion-dependent relaxation of rat aorta. This
fresh, dried or prepared in jam (Martnez, finding, which supported the ethnomedical
1991). The wood is prized by wood workers use of P. serotina as an anti-hypertensive
166 C. Ibarra, A. Rojas, F. Luna, J.I. Rojas, B. Rivero and F. Rivero

agent, led us to carry out a phytochemical Isolated rat aortic rings assay
study of the leaves of this species in order Rats were anesthetized with chloroform and
to isolate and identify the smooth muscle sacrificed by decapitation. The descending
relaxing compounds. In addition, the es thoracic aorta was removed and placed in
sential oil from the leaves was analyzed, ice-cold oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit solu
and four of the major chemical components tion of the following composition: 126.8
were tested for their ability to modify the mM NaCl, 5.9 mM KCl, 2.5 mM CaCl2,
tone of arterial smooth muscle. 1.2 mM MgSO4, 1.2 mM KH2PO4, 30 mM
NaHCO3, and 5 mM D-glucose (pH 7.4).
Then, the aorta was immediately flushed
MATERIAL AND METHODS with Krebs-Henseleit solution to prevent
intravascular clot formation. The aorta
Plant material was dissected free of adipose and connec
Leaves of P. serotina (1.7 Kg) were collected tive tissue and cut at 4- to 5-mm intervals
in the localities of Huimilpan and Pedro into rings. The aortic rings were mounted
Escobedo, State of Quertaro (Mxico) in between stainless steel hooks and sus
August 2004. Specimens were identified pended in water-jacked, 7-ml organ baths
and authenticated by Ph.D. Mahinda Mar containing oxygenated (95 % O2 and 5 %
tnez, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Univer CO2) Krebs-Henseleit solution at 37C. The
sity of Quertaro. Voucher specimens are tissues were allowed to equilibrate for 60
deposited in the Ethnobotanical Collection min under a resting tension of 1.5 g. Du-
of the Herbarium of Quertaro Dr. Jerzy ring this period, the bathing medium was
Rzedowski QMEX, located at the Faculty exchanged every 15 min. After final adjust
of Natural Sciences, University of Quertaro ment of the passive resting tension to 1.5
under the reference number 6375a. g, aortic segments were contracted with
100 mM KCl. Once a stable contractile tone
Chemicals was reached, the bathing medium was ex
Benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, cinnamyl al changed to restore a resting tension of 1.5
cohol, cinnamaldehyde, acetylcholine, and g. After that, the tissues were contracted
L-phenylephrine were obtained from Sigma with 1 M L-phenylephrine; the developed
(St. Louis, MO, USA). Methanol, isopropyl force of contraction was recorded, and this
alcohol, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, contraction was defined as 100 %. Then,
hexane, all salts and other reagents were the fractions, isolated compounds, and
obtained from J.T. Baker (Phillipsburg, NJ, the essential oil were added to the organ
USA) or Sigma. bath at final concentrations ranging from
1 g/ml to 3000 g/ml. The fractions, the
Experimental animals flavonoids, the triterpenoid, and the essen
All pharmacological experiments were per tial oil constituents were initially prepared
formed in accordance with The Mexican as stock solutions in dimethyl sulfoxide
Official Standard NOM-062-ZOO-1999 for (DMSO). The essential oil was initially
the production, care, and use of laboratory dissolved in Tween 80. All stock solutions
animals (Norma Oficial Mexicana, 2001). were further diluted in deionized water.
Male Wistar rats (275-325 g) were housed The highest concentrations of DMSO and
in a room maintained at 23 1 C with a Tween 80 used in the bioassay experiments
12 h light/dark cycle. Food and water were were 0.2 % v/v. The isometric tension was
available ad libitum. measured by a Grass FT03 force-displace
ment transducer attached to a Grass 7D
polygraph. The responses were expressed
Vasorelaxan constituents of the leaves of Pronus serotina capulin Rev. Latinoamer. Qum. 37/2 (2009) 167

as a percentage of the initial contraction Extraction, fractionation, and isolation of pure

achieved with phenylephrine. compounds
The air dried leaves of P. serotina were
Data analysis pulverized through a 2-mm screen u-
Results of the experiments are expressed sing a Wiley mill. The powder (0.942 Kg)
as the mean S.E.M. from n = 4 to 6 ex was extracted with methanol (MeOH; 3
periments. Concentration-response curves L). Evaporation of the solvent under re
for the tested substances were plotted and duced pressure afforded a solid residue
fitted to the sigmoidal concentration-res- (38.9 g), which was dissolved in MeOH
ponse equation using the data analysis and partitioned with dichloromethane
and graphics program Prism 4.0 (GraphPad and ethyl acetate. Water was added to the
Software, San Diego, CA, USA). The values MeOH extract to afford a 50 % aqueous
of the mean effective concentrations (EC50) MeOH solution before partitioning with
and maximum vasorelaxant effects (Emax) dichloromethane. The resulting fractions
were obtained from the concentration-res- (dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and aque
ponse curves. ous MeOH) were evaluated in the isolated
rat aorta model. The crude ethyl acetate
General experimental procedures soluble fraction (F2, 11.75 g) was found
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) for to exhibit a significant concentration-de
monitoring the fractions obtained by pendent relaxation of rat aorta. Hence, the
column chromatography (CC) was ethyl acetate soluble fraction was subjected
performed on Merck silica gel 60 F254 to silica gel column chromatography and
aluminum sheets. The TLC plates were eluted with a gradient of increasing polarity
sprayed with 1 % vanillin/sulphuric with ethyl acetateMeOH to give 8 pooled
acid and heated (110C). TLC spots were fractions (F2-I F2-VIII). Pooled fraction
visualized by inspection of the plates F2-II (9.02 g) was chromatographed over a
under UV light (254 and 366 nm) on a silica gel column with ethyl acetateMeOH
Cole-Parmer 9818 darkroom series UV of increasing polarity to yield 10 sub-frac
viewing system. All CC were performed tions (F2-II-1 F2-II-10). Compound 1
with Kieselgel 60 Merck 70-230 mesh, (300 mg) was obtained by reverse-phase
0.063-0.200 mm; Sephadex LH-20 silica gel column chromatography, eluted
(Fluka Chemie GmbH), and Diaion HP-20 with MeOHH 2O (7:3), from the pooled
(Supelco). Melting points of the isolates sub-fraction F2-II-4. Sub-fraction F2-II-5,
were determined using a Fisher-Johns eluted with ethyl acetateMeOH (3:7), was
melting point apparatus and are uncor subjected to Diaion HP-20 column chro
rected. IR spectra were obtained with matography, and eluted with a gradient
an ATI Mattson Genesis Series ST-IR mixture of H2OMeOH (1:0 to 0:1, 50 mL
spectrophotometer. 1H (400 MHz) and 13C per fraction) to give five pooled fractions.
(100 MHz) NMR spectra were recorded at Fraction F2-II-5-3, which was chromato
room temperature on a Varian VNMRS graphed over a Sephadex column, using
instrument. APT, DEPT, COSY, HMQC, MeOH as a solvent, afforded compound 2
and HMBC NMR experiments were run (68 mg). On the other hand, fraction F2-
using the manufacturers software. I, eluted with ethyl acetateMeOH (95:5)
Compounds were analyzed in CDCI3, was chromatographed over a silica gel
MeOH-d4 or DMSO-d6 with tetramethyl VLC column, using a gradient mixture of
silane (TMS) as internal standard. EIMS hexaneisopropyl alcohol (98:2 to 50:50),
were recorded on a Thermo-electron DFS to afford compound 3 (42 mg).
mass spectrometer.
168 C. Ibarra, A. Rojas, F. Luna, J.I. Rojas, B. Rivero and F. Rivero

Essential oil extraction RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Air dried leaves (450 g) were subjected to
hydrodistillation for 3 h. The obtained aque The vasorelaxant methanolic extract of the
ous solution was partitioned with dichloro leaves of P. serotina was fractionated u-
methane, and the dichloromethane soluble sing the isolated rat aorta model to monitor
partition, which contained the essential oil, vascular smooth muscle relaxing activity
was dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate. (Figure 1). Subsequent chromatography
After filtration, the solvent was evaporated of the ethyl acetate soluble fraction (F2),
under reduced pressure (yield: 0.27 g). The which elicited a significant relaxation of rat
essential oil was stored at -4 C until tested aorta, resulted in the isolation of querce
and chemically analyzed. tin-3-O--D-galactopyranoside (hyperoside,
1) (Calis et al., 1999), naringenin-7-O--
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry D-glucoside (prunin, 2) (Erez and Lavee,
The essential oil was injected to an Agilent 1969), and ursolic acid (3) (Sang et al.,
6890N gas chromatograph with an auto 2002) (Figure 2). The structures of these
matic liquid sampler Agilent 7683B coupled known compounds were identified by spec
to a LECO Pegasus 4D mass spectrometer. troscopic data (1H NMR, 13C NMR, DEPT,
The column was an HP-5MS 10 m 180 COSY, HMQC, HMBC; MS) measurement
m, film thickness 0.18 m. Helium at 1 and by comparison with published values.
ml/min was used as the carrier gas. The Compounds 1 and 3 have been previously
column oven was temperature-programmed isolated from the leaves of P. serotina (Bies
from 180 to 280 C at 8 C/min. The injector sels et al., 1974; Olszewska, 2005a). How
and detector temperatures were both 280 ever, 2 is being reported from P. serotina
C; electron energy 70 eV. Masses scanned for the first time.
33600 a. u. The constituents of the essen Compounds 1, 2, and 3 elicited a con
tial oil were identified by matching their 70 centration-dependent relaxation of aortic
eV mass spectra with compound libraries. rings with functional endothelium. Figure

Figure 1. Vasorelaxant effect of the aqueous-MeOH, ethyl acetate, and dichloromethane fractions obtained
from the MeOH extract of the leaves of P. serotina
Vasorelaxan constituents of the leaves of Pronus serotina capulin Rev. Latinoamer. Qum. 37/2 (2009) 169

Figure 2. Structures of compounds 1-3

3 shows the concentration-response curves ing properties (Mullen et al., 2002; Firuzi et
for the three compounds and acetylcholine al., 2005; Halliwell et al., 2005; Vita, 2005;
(ACh), which was used as a positive control. Perez-Vizcaino et al., 2006; inter alia), the
Compounds 1 (EC50 = 91.3 14.1 g/ml; vascular relaxation promoted by 1 and 2
Emax = 92.3 7.7 %) and 3 (EC50 = 154.4 have not been previously reported. A marked
7.5 g/ml; Emax = 94.1 5.9 %) were difference was observed in the maximum
approximately ten and eighteen fold less vasodilator effect elicited by 1 and 2. This
potent than ACh (EC50 = 8.7 0.8 g/ml; finding provides additional evidence for the
Emax = 69.5 5.7 %), respectively. Howe- important role of the degree of unsaturation
ver, both compounds elicited a maximum on the relaxant effects of flavonoids, since it
vasodilator effect greater than that of the has been demonstrated that flavones more
positive control. Compound 2 (EC50 = 66.0 efficiently relax vascular smooth muscle
19.4 g/ml; Emax = 44.2 5.6 %) induced than flavanones (Duarte et al., 1993).
a maximum vasodilatory effect that was On the other hand, our results showed
less than 45 %. that compound 3 exhibited a significant
Although several research articles have vasodilation. This observation is consis
been published concerning the pharmaco tent with that found by Aguirre-Crespo et
logical effects of flavonoids on the cardio al. (2006), who reported that this triterpe
vascular system, including antithrombotic, noid induced an endothelium-dependent
antioxidant, anti-ischaemic and vasorelax vasodilation that seemed to be mediated
170 C. Ibarra, A. Rojas, F. Luna, J.I. Rojas, B. Rivero and F. Rivero

type because of the lack of a dominant

compound (Chao et al., 2005).
Compounds 4, 5, 6, and 7 (Figure 5)
were tested individually for their vasorelax
ant effect. 4 (EC50 = 415.6 56.1 g/ml;
Emax = 100.0 0.1 %), 5 (EC50 = 470.9
59.2 g/ml; Emax = 88.1 4.0 %), 6 (EC50 =
42.2 5.7 g/ml; Emax = 97.0 1.5 %)
, and
(EC50 = 373.9 38.7 g/ml; Emax = 93.2
5.4 %) induced a concentration-dependent
relaxation of rat aorta. Figure 4 shows their
respective concentration-response curves.
All the isolates induced maximum vasodila
tor effects that were higher than 88%. The
greatest vasorelaxant effect was observed
for 6, which was approximately ten fold
more potent than the other tested oil com

Figure 3. Concentration-response curves for the vas

cular relaxant effect of ACh, hyperoside (1), prunin
(2), and ursolic acid (3)

by the release of nitric oxide from vascular

endothelial cells.
In addition, the present study revealed
that the
essential oil prepared from the
leaves of P. serotina caused a concentration-
dependent relaxation of rat aorta (Figure 4).
It is important to note that due to solubility
problems, a clear maximal response was
not obtained in the concentration-response
curve. The essential oil was analyzed by gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry and
57 compounds were detected. The major
constituents were benzaldehyde (4, 12.1
%, tR = 5.2 min), benzyl alcohol (5, 20.3 %,
tR = 6.0 min), -methoxytoluene (21.2 %,
tR = 6.7 min), benzylethyl ether (5.8 %, tR
= 7.3 min), cinnamyl alcohol (6, 4.7 %, tR Figure 4. Concentration-response curves for the
= 7.6 min), cinnamaldehyde (7, 1.1 %, tR = vascular relaxant effect of ACh, the essential oil ob
tained from the leaves of P. serotina, and four of its
8.0 min), and benzylbutyl ether (2.6 %, tR
major components
= 8.1 min), which represent 67.8 % of the
oil essence. The oil is classified as a mixed
Vasorelaxan constituents of the leaves of Pronus serotina capulin Rev. Latinoamer. Qum. 37/2 (2009) 171

Figure 5. Structures of compounds 4-7

pounds. In fact, 6 was more potent than 1 of hypertension. Further investigations

and 3. The difference in the potency of the are currently in progress in order to cha-
vasodilation elicited by 6 and 7
suggests racterize the mechanisms of action of the
that the presence of the
hydroxyl group in bioactive compounds and to identify the
the side chain plays a key role in the va metabolites that are responsible for the
sorelaxant activity. The present study evi vasorelaxant activity of the aqueous MeOH
denced that the essential oil of the leaves of fraction obtained from the MeOH extract of
P. serotina contain secondary metabolites, the leaves.
whose vascular relaxant properties have
not been described before. The presence of
these oil components may account, at least Acknowledgments
partly, for the health benefits attributed to
the leaves of P. serotina for the treatment This research was supported by PAPIIT IN
of hypertension. 208207 and PAIP 6390-09. The authors
thank the USAI, Facultad de Qumica,
UNAM for their assistance in mass spec
Conclusions tral data and the Nuclear Magnetic Reso
The results derived from this study provide
a scientific basis for the traditional use
of the leaves P. serotina in the treatment
172 C. Ibarra, A. Rojas, F. Luna, J.I. Rojas, B. Rivero and F. Rivero


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