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Jiang 1

Krystal Jiang

Mrs. Stevens & Mrs. Bond

Life Science

13 January 2017

Which Soda Will React the Most Violently with Salt?

The following, I will introduce you to my experiment. I will also answer six basic

questions, to explain these questions. Why does salt meeting with the sodas create this reaction?

Before this, I want you to have a guess. On average how much soda does an American drink?

44.7 gallons=169.2079liters.! If salt is added to different types of soda, then Coca-Cola will

release the most gas.

What are the Ingredients in Each Type of Soda?

The ingredients in Coca Cola are sweetness, tartness, and acidity. (Avizienis) Carbonated

water (up to 94%) makes a soft drink. Sugar (7-12%) makes a soft drink.( Zhao from Baidu)

Other ingredients include:Filtered caffeine, citric acid, vanillin, lime juice, sugar, cocoa beans,

caramel. Seasonings: oranges, lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg.

What Type of Reaction Occurs between the Salt and the Coca Cola?

(Scriptor-ga) There will be some gas coming from the Coke,fizz.When the salt meets the

soda, be carbon dioxide;then the gas will come out. (Han from Baidu) A chemical reaction

occurs, resulting in carbon dioxide gas. (Zou from Baidu) Salt meets the sodas, and will produce

a large number of bubbles,which is salt precipitation phenomenon, a physical reaction. A

chemical reaction occurs based upon physical reasons.

What is a Reactant and What is the Product?

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What is the Reactant and Product in this Experiment?

(Brad Reed) The gas come over is a reactant. The salt is the product, it changes the Cokes

chemistry balance. (Tulett) When the salt gets is added to the coke, it changes the balance of its

chemistry and forces the release of carbon dioxide bubbles. This occurs because the salt

overpowers the carbon dioxide and replaces it in the soda. The carbon dioxide has nowhere else

to go out, which causes the explosive sensation.

What is Surface Area?

(Mathguide) A somethings cover range, that you can see. (From Membean) The surface

that you can stand it or the outside part or uppermost layer of something. (Mifflin) The definition

of surface area is the sum of all unit squares that fit on the exterior of a solid. In this experiment,

the sodas bottle mouth is the surface, and the gas come out from bottle mouth.

How will Surface Area Affect the Reaction Rate?

(Clark) If the particles in the gas or liquid collide with the particles in the solid. Increasing

the surface area of the solid increases the chances of collision taking place. If the surface area

becomes small, there will be more collisions. (BBC) And the rate of reaction increases. The rate

of a chemical reaction (soda with salt) can be raised by increasing the surface area of a solid

reactant. If the surface area of a reactant is increased: more particles are exposed to the other


How do You Accurately Measure Which Reaction is the Most Violent?

Using the same quantity of different sodas, and adding the same weight of the salt, which

soda bottles left less, which one is the most violent. Which sodas particle composition is the

largest,which one is the most violent. Which soda contains more carbon dioxide, and which one is
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the most violent. Which bottle caps surface is the most smallest,which one is the most violent.

(ACS) Which sodas come out gas is the most largest, which one is the most violent.

Above, I introduced how to do this science experiment. There also has an interesting thing to

share with you. On average how much drinks does an american drink each year? 58 Gallons

=219.554 Liters! The sodas average is going low every year, while the water average is becoming

higher. People are paying more and more attention to drinking habits.
Jiang 2

Works Cited

Sanders, Helen. "What Is in Soda and Why Is It so Addictive?" Health Ambition What Is in Soda

and Why Is It so Addictive Comments. Health Ambition, 14 Sept. 2016. Web. 02 Nov.

2016. <https://www.healthambition.com/what-is-in-soda-why-so-addictive/>.

"How Much Sugar in Sodas and Beverages?" How Much Sugar in Sodas and Beverages?

SugarStacks.com., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.


Scriptor. "Google Answers: Adding Salt to Coke Gives Fizzzz." Google Answers: Adding Salt to

Coke Gives Fizzzz. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.


Tulett, Ash. "Now That's a Soda Fountain! Footage Shows the Fizzy Explosion (and Mess)

Created by Putting Salt into a Carbonated Drink ." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers,

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Avizienis, Audra. "Soft Drink." How Soft Drink Is Made. 2016 Advameg, Inc., n.d. Web. 03

Nov. 2016. <http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/Soft-Drink.html>.

Copyright 1998-2009 Lenntech Water Treatment & Purification Holding B.V Miller, G. Tyler.

"Carbon Dioxide." Carbon Dioxide. Copyright 1998-2009 Lenntech Water Treatment

& Purification Holding B.V, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Jiang 2

"Surface Area Formulas." Surface Area Formulas. Legal Notices. Please Read Our Privacy

Policy., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2016. <http://www.math.com/tables/geometry/surfareas.htm>.

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