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FAA ae) Oar 8 err bisa aes Oa ae cscs TWistraching program was developed ‘omectin wih th ein A Nowy, 1890-1914 ard was made posible by Teer Foundation forthe Ato, 1880— 191, as orca by the Vitara an Albert Museu, London in association wth the Nationa Galery ofA, Washinton. The exhibition was made possible by DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fs inl support was provided by The Tea Foundation forthe rts Rober and Alene R.Kagd, ano and Donald Talos The Fed fr the nteationat xchange ofr Theeiion was supported by an {nei ro the Federal Gouna on the ts andthe Harare, ‘Ths tents based nage mens oo ‘the etion catalogue and iomaton supple by the entiion cata Pal Grewal Sincere thanks go im ane tothe edvton sat of the ire and ‘Abert sewn for hing so genet of etme ad ies. Inages ard ghee ganic erison were handled by Lc as at te National Galley of rt Teaching aces were sogese by ‘member the Nain Gallery of Ar ‘dua dision The ool was ite ‘by Gta Meine Benes ete by Tam Cry Bye cesigned by Vendy ‘Seicher Sith, and produce bythe dtr ce fret aller of it © 200 Board uses, National Gallery of Ar, Washington orange gor Note-Dimensioas are gen Relat before with in centimeters ith inches in patents) as 183, 100 ti hy ewes, see) pe Hardee Cnn 1U9t-19 sds Ropar tele, elie) Contents n uv a wv B ‘Art Nouveau AShort History Sources and inspirations Modernity and Modem Life slides Discussion ideas Slide Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo, air Side 2 Paul Gauguin, Self-Portrait Siide3 Petre Bonnard, Poste or “to Revue blanche” slide 4 René Lalique, Dragonfly woman covsage ornament Slides Alonse Mare Mucha, ature Side 6 Hector Guimard rane to the Altropaitain ‘tide? Louis Majorelland Daum Fre, Oni desk side 8 Erie Gall Bot ase n 2 B m4 % a 8 B 30 31 sides BD Glossary ‘Otto Eckman and Scherebek ‘Weaving School, Fv Swans 4 Resources side 10 35 Timeline 1853~1914 Fermand Knopf, es Careses 36 Slide List Side 1 Vitor Horta ateror ofthe Tassel House Side Henyvan de ele, Foon: ent pls concentré side 13 Henry van de Vee, Candeabrum, and Josef Hoffman, Fruit basket side 14 hates Remi Mackintosh and Nargaet MacDonald Ladies’ luncheon Room Sides Joseph Maria Oh, Vienna Secession Bung Side 16 Gustav Kit, Pallas Athene Side 17 ims 2olnay, ose Side 18 Wiliam H. Bradley Thanksgiving "No. fom “he Chp-Book* Side 19 Persian, Gls fst and Lous CnfortTitay, les est Side 20 Lous Sulivan and George Grant isi Elevator Medalon Art Nouveau Art nowecu waste of iteration scope and eect tay ha rested from attempt find an ot eproprite fo the modern wor seals wars peared inthe 1890s. nowveau triumphed othe 1900 Pars Wax oi becoming the style ofthe ope 1 hey Sond 1-18, 2 abba Poses” 8 ear ase nn ‘Aciticat the beginning of the nineteenth century complained about the ori tes er term art ouveu, pointing ou that every style was‘owvea” (new) inthe eat beginning, But in fact it was art nouveaus newness —or mare exactly its modernity —that defined it. This surprises us today. We associate art nouveau ‘most immedtately with the whiplash curve and fir-desitcle decadence. We associat it with the decorative andthe decorative arts, and these aren what come to mind when we heat the word modernity. We think instead of the spare lines and functional tionality ofthe Bauhaus —of form follow ing function, of bullding without ornament But for designers and those who bough ther preducts, art nouveau meant “modern ‘Athough we usually call the style"art nouveau in Engh thas 2 wealth of other namesin Germany it was Jagendst in AustiaSeesaast, in Catalonia the Mderise movement and in tly stl tibet (after the Landon retailer) Even this incomplete list suggests two things: international scope and great variety. t shouldbe sid at the ousetthat art nouveau is not defined simpy by the way it ook. lt embraced both sweeping organic forms and contrlled geometric ones, and athough it was largely driven by the decarative arts ts impact was felt in painting and architecture as wel, Defning the moment when art nouveau came int existences dificult Many point othe 1855 opening in Pars of Stegied Bing’ commercial galley, {Uhr Nouveau ing was an important supporter af the new style, and hs Shop asa meeting place fr atss and devotes. But the frst art nouveau works certainly appeared ear. tn 1893 the inaugural issue of The Sud, an ilustated magazine of the fine and applied art reproduced starting new work by the young English artist Aubrey Beardsley, an lusration for Oscar Wilde play Slomé (fg. 1). ————~ Its bold sinuous ine so learn black and white — andi fascination with the Femme fatale — would be of great influence ona nouveau design. Some regard this print as the first work of art nouveau Journal ike The rao were ane ofthe primary forums in which the new style gained exposure (Rg 2). Als important were the exhibitions organized by avant-garde groups in various ces, whic afforded artists a lack at new work being done in ther region. One of the mast active ofthese groups was Les in Brassels. Brussels was wellsuated tobe atthe vanguard af art ‘oie ted Realy even he Engh ants and cats movement an ech symbol nic ware a npr arent merece ota rent bel. Te sane eBay ia itor Hortus new thousein rs forbs fen EieTs, ——— tts Aah Hota shot se Bessa he poe— and nied — decration of avg te es tego he ase compe uc te sane si 071895 when ings sor pear news aginngoush inctesallonfuope snot ner: Chicago New ago Bs, Mien, Mui arn ens Page Farin each cy vege erie vnguaracernBeblun, Fann Geman stb Stes, ier csi 8-24 are sign ws cna ed on ato 2, aan des 10-13 Atom 08, Sst Met ote sped mr pment ue Sed an ——— pti Aiba ach aoe eign ws toe nt) see asthe us oar 0 aa ea eed a wer wwe phic Mkt ere bcs by omens donated tt res the wee wars speed peeing ee fe At vues eo the sft a loge ie bt ie fodin pti es an nhones posed roca ins. yan pes ‘Already by the end of the decade, art nouveau’s ubiquity had cheapened sees ra i Asap shod asp gost ones gente sem dtd nt eo sede bea an dese hs wid ore Moorea ue’ cir mde rome Lomo eh or a ai 5a ora on eget fer of deg ker ede. ttl th ht gece er ein ad ay ow co bento te trl den ne wether ig nes Art noweau designers were concowsy trying to break fe from past con ‘ention. In place ofthe historical revival styles —neobaroque neoclassical, Gothic revival —that had dominated fra half century o* more, they wanted, atthe end of the nineteenth century to find an art appropriate to modern le Tis idea was expesedin a ott over the dor ofthe Scesion Building InViena:*Der et he Kunst. Der Kunst Ihe FreiheltTothe ages art. — Toth art its feedom). Tis didnot mean, however, that at nouveau was without sources and inspirations The most important are discussed belo ena Stes sles 51.18 5 nt 12-190 pated sede Poh tal Indecent eed ti ‘The English Arts and Crafts and Aesthetic Movements — Enand didnot embrace art nouveau. Wot in this styeby English atts were mos often sold abroad But many ofthe desig stategies —and ideas —that shaped art, nouveau arose in England twas there, which had industrialized faster than other nations, that disatistactons wit "progress fist surfaced, prompting men like Joh Ruskin and Wiliam Moras to cll fr restoration ofthe stan «ars of raftsmanship practice in past ees. Ruskin belived objects could be both useful and beavifl and that their decoration should derive from nature ‘Mons, designer and committed scais became the defining gure ofthe ats and crafts movement Stylized arts and crafts pattems offered art nou-|§ ——- es anderasissce eau designers an approach to natural forms that was conentianalied by repetition and abstraction (fg), ‘rt nouveau also inheited the arts and crafts belie the unity of al the arts and with tha, aejection of any distinction beeen fine and applied ar. Many at noveau designers were intuenced bythe ars and rs eppoach ‘to materials handwork, and an insistence pn honesty in constuction And the. ——- matron movement strong ethical base an egalitarian ideals were congenial tothe sikse 3.20 may at nouveau practoners with socialist or anarchist pli asocations. + ethic ‘Wile ats and crafts promoted an ea ofr forllIt was the notion ne ofr oat ah tha fied he aesthetic movements quest forthe pu aesthetic ergrncevrged on eonsmand decadence andthe sort scandals testes expliedy Osc Wie Te aesthetic movement contbted tart nouveau aroma indiuasm ad a taste frets. ———- Hab ofered examples of ulated refinement and elegant impli, wea can parca inthe work of Amer aris ames il iste. {rts of Japan and Islam — As one ctc around 190 ptt Japanese at “sets fee and made us bold” lapanese woodblock prints enoyes huge | Jaaneeprisae3,9| ‘gue, especialy in Pars at the end of the nineteenth century Their fat planes, strong colors, abruptly cut-off scenes and looming perspectives had been a powerful influence on impressanst and pastimpressonst artists andthe same qualities tracted art nouveau designers 35 wel ‘Aso important frat nouveau were decorative objects fom Japan: ceramics, textes, and lacqurware. Thr elegant designs based on plants and insects would reappear on many types of art nouveau object, inuding —§ ———— apanse misters las, jewelry, metalware, tertiles, ceramics, and furniture The arto he slamic world had been influential in Europe for many tamara» hhundeeds of years, but art nouveau was particularly receptive tits sinuous caves and arabesques. The Near Fst also supplied art nouveau with an cxticsetting or sensual nary andthe erotic. Mos of art nouveau’ fermes fatles were associated with the Orient Salome, the Carthaginian princess Salambo, the sphinx At atime when the postin of women in society was changing, thes females — exotic dangerous, and sexual —could only eit Insome’othet” place. Wistrical Styles — In seeking an art appropiate tots own ime art nouveay id no reject historia styles, bait lok on them with new ye. In Franc art nouveau designers fashioned a madera ook base on eighteenth eto SMa Cae ign tance, entry occ. The style of Lous XY — asymm with curving ines ad mois derived from pans and shells — had assumed something ofthe characte of national style bythe end ofthe nineteenth century and was promoted bythe tat, Considered ious and decadent afte te elton, ‘coco had been rehabilitated largely though the efforts of bathers ond and Jes de Goncourt, who, s writes, publishes, and aesthets, championed ats the Fans Bouche (fg 6).n the nineteenth centr’ romanticied view rocco atfered refinement, even angus and ts "Feminine ines eld a sin sensual appeaVisions ofthe eighteenth century haunted him. Boucher Venues al flesh and no bone, sued with pink otonwoo looked rey ray tbe ie maser vas puctacedy te wey cole oe Guten wf ashe oly peo vec tobate wun. wad hve moved ith er—ielon pte aril a i ‘ ' eee es Cnt een) erent Pee eee) andthe wings hinge to ate a chat sense. and ins ol abseved deta, liga’ pce as areata degree ofmatualim Me wa needa the speccrot te grein indus ot ‘species is conage ament i eact— nd imag. Energi fn the sof chine out serpent ar liens woman ‘ago. act was an esi past raees moti. vate fai, eis Comfn Tian see sie 19, and nile Gal ses) aot whom nuihave seen examples ia pn sea Probably is papel i Fane yew air rasaton of sees of apa se poems th Gate ome de ete ems he Drago, 1888, Bet why is coat o agony ‘and woman? none fe the wo are connected though language the sal neescet e and bronze ages, Caled in gh, re deo sales yong aie) in rnc Bu pa 1 of renter since sth de of mecanorpes. noes ilege wa feenatos ha been pure by Darwin teres eo. Yet even thi ast offer saisfaton emlration Hera erie at of etaarpes, mone pep tha phys. ees someting offre ves on the ae vane — af ame 35 nebodinert natu insta ad seduce een era Peto eed Cee eet ees Ce ee teaming xcrurries + Reseach piu jour and other enamel techies. esting ly crate ey based onan iaginay ana, scal scence + Discs sia and yo eve wen in ein to changing fashion, humanities + Read and sas mts of netamarphas + Reseach ne rineee- century reeptin of Dain ign ef the Seces ands intencesinvaeus heres ncding a. ‘Alphonse Marie Mucha Nature, .1900 eee end ee ed Sea teeta gh tie above the rans of anys Sarah Bernhardt thas bre suogesed hatch ser but isa based ona ora al the-Dirie Saas scar Wide fra ced he aces, tow de evidence supa this Seve sia buss areboown toa. Oe, sevounded by Alone asa cee oth day fhe rene erumecomgany Huge a the Prs 1900 War ae Ante may ae een need for they store of Geerges Fouget. Macha designed the ele appointed shop and Inert with Faget on jel esis, wee wes by Baton tage Det ee eres) eer Cee eet es Ce tod Ahi bustapens na pote syaphcaen 2 he a, hare tis abe, Late, which suggests tat te ngre bee intended san allegorid reeset fn Muha ws sol intuered by yb athe ect Peraps he male wring her heats fers tw egenttion nd contin slr eats pp on 2 waa around by atoll signs cha wid Yor calendar poses inte nd tre, ser ae cast changing spending to inate eres in ight. ven the sss ination, Sule Wess wrap eens aun he nek od shor, cual Becoming the base of te bus. Nate tema bat tema in ast of arfrmation, Noone made hs punt move co cet than the innate dancer Lie fut que an Amen peFrmigin as. compari bythe mast Cop, cube and Debs fuller appeared on stage im blow and behind wearing 2 costume daphanas tabscataced fac ittok or he appearance of i ees ara Duncan, wh Ws po eg fale wee about he oto ane" ow very ee sete te sry lore shining his. # wae ig a wer and at engi pi ey all magico! en, he sec of Fat le ving fo. What an extn iar eis, Redenbach ile Fle ance sia molt poet eas fens metanposes. Hs desc ‘inn coatraed “oan, wen evans became te universes Faller vas flower a ee inthe wind chan ow, agla uteri. garde wth paths of pleated ab Se ee) Se eet pens at + Consider he ele of reece a ranefcie materi insapare social cence + Reseach he pan of women nthe late lta centany and he istry of womensffage nthe Une Sates and other counties. cam more abot the Pi 1900 Wes Fac and corpateisinpact with mare + improve 3 nee le Fart show 2metamarphsis between past and ania Hector Guimard Fronch, 1867-1942 ‘An Enirance tothe Pars Métropoitin, ‘conceived 1902 fabricated 19021913, intd cast rn and bronze, eight 21 (165) Natonal ley of A Waehington, Gttof Robert and Aane R. Kagod Guinad wo syed ins the eit or, ot xb. Pas 1300 ors ac uth work ashi wible eth Me ad wan te comenon tedesgn enter the cys ew stray syste, the Meola th the lage nome of vos expected 0 attend the acy panes eae tat ‘rarspartation waldhave tbe ingoed nd permision was ire for sande youd ies. (ond Underground, ‘he let sabe ster wet sevice inie63) ‘The iver present ofthe sc ey faites was Chaves Gere ho ad designed Ptr mae bogue tye pa Hee te ew sub emtances shoud hare the same grandeur — expen Seals anda design tha esgused thestactmes tre fron. A est in par the grand designs be peered fled beau many Pron streets wre simply ‘wo naow to acommedte the Cre eed opener eet ce eee Cer eee) Creo ee noes peerie en Inset ne ty but Guinan’ ghan uct structures They became 9 doselydeifed withthe sbay hatin France at pnea was sametines Caled se mera Guimar ho was ‘shy about st promation cnt ine when ie yas ae ced ese rar The eotares were made of meer ates —iron and glass — whose furcons wer obious The design vas modular ve pes of stan ouldbe constructed sng he same components, They angd fom simple open aiways ‘uwinated by lecicgts, ethe one Inthe side atthe hateau Eau stan), twcompee pavlon ndosres or covers sas whate is canopies wee ent tects wings. Coe en Leann activities Cheat design rope fr sub Conpareshe desig fats a twentieth-enuy mode feign compat h- nam. Yn de eldest infocus as Tropon: UAliment le plus une riclloes—parey gaphi—appeare€ song infeed bythe sc docs ene veg oeventing fom pages ofpendered ofthe asandcatsmoemertandhis ia va giro atherisemerts andthe com omeamnimentteamereeasitaran aaa anys tatonen ‘ste"thebopec app an eoltaran rede Fi Van deel aside the mare ‘future is baie these new decorative asquateareg sera quits offenchartnoueee, wor. he wate in 19 Lo Skt Theseseinging cares enegticaier all Tappan et could than ago. ae moras endless india the commit. ependent on pl fs than those of Hector Gina sie6) oe. sgl treatment fhe en ame males ita atin lee ie he esi, Framed bya epstion of gras, slookedo sae ea preview fhe ent enw ahi aesthetic ere OPON. cesaapinesmniyoibsmiit — QQ Ay fgets eo inpresiit . Steet Seou aa e ten oftesi se sie Tin 1853, heshoned IA lage wallhanging embroidered an plight asistnc of his ou PS Imada ting ot fais re He ‘enon to design a ous fri ay Henty van deVelde Candetabrum, 1898-1899 eecglied bora 5851508 (23 « ain Artist Ese’ Coed ets Cees eee ed ener es Pc ety Aco Engh arts and ats anit alr Caneel importa et ‘he dsr thewetine...lan upon ‘he tat fie ine determinate ine emphatic ine delicate ne expressive, line among nd uniting,“ anes isan oerulningly nears, butits line issuing vain some pas ago and Vea fo ermpl ime fetes sli aetna gene mane: Eee in ance and Began cilia lamba care Bais was alas decorative nite Compare he typ one nese wo etal ots candle stand Yan cde land 2 ser taste designed by Hota forthe Wiener West Te tensed energy ofa wish — ‘he sans re cng back on te — Isoftentheistimage hat ow minds Conjure upon beating he ata nou ean Ts ith ine tat aimats the Seen! Ce ee Peet ees eee tne Ce Perea ee candsbo igor de ede oe ea foce"Hebelend neariadinitahe ergy tat ad ate it ie dv inate fom atures ee bstactes int cond and decorative poten, ‘nfs ota fr basket oper aogete een Hs onan seo squnesand cates eared hin the cea "Qaa-otinane” ie ‘quae Hafan) We wight be tempted by the ares ad eatines sce this esha frre a the retune ioral ye that would prexinate athe vert ent. Bu eclioer eign iseuan inde Bauhaus moro, which senna hte low fe tion Geometric asa deat hice diferent ts core tan thermore complex hus ofan Ae eldes ante stand nat Hofacmns ota —squestye— works mis the funcional ofthe basket. It ifr fom paca fr the sof und fos al Despite is, Hofnarn cli dove ait in actin which be ‘owe cleo rst eure The ack fis ame e529 4,4, 07 Cee eee Cee a] een ey Deer pt design to working people. The ats Se ener erty Hofman it ket ety rach _ hance —andso gene — pie, ne tamer sue ofthe been emphases the cafsmans psece and sir rcs. Van de ele’ cae stk othe eter hans ecoplted 3 ‘emo that allowed fared re Auction and as matting ta wide — an ever epanding —bapiog publi Leaning neriiTiEs + Design corner fut taster anda geomericcandestio. Resa Var de Vee ee in ne Deutch Webun and elation 0 the Bachaus, + asec ices fe ana Dies what antbing separates alt rac at Beech promines coaterporaryatianshave viewed ‘hisqeson, Den Cen itd Cee ene Ceo et ray eee Charles Rennie Mackintosh Seo, 18681928 Margaret MacDonald Ladies Luncheon Room from Miss Cranston Ingram Street ‘Tearoom «1900, reconstructed 1992-1995 eu At Gal gon The sg exams designed eit npr, by Chas Reale Makiash rankamong the mst inca spaces produced ding the art nouveau years he projects enefted om act who sought out orignal. though Catherine aston bars contd to wet ie teent-entury tle tes unl she det in 193s wanted ber tacos the thelook of rae, something that na supe today, when the very word teno0 sapgests a certain stn, But a Gsgow rund 190, earoons were stleltiely nev and hey eesrted smn alternative to male-and acho umicate pubs 4d cbs. Teas were part anexpansg pu space aanbie {oven at the end ofthe ineeeth century Frat Caton aioe temp 2c support. art noua syle of er tearoom wes am exresion of Innoation and part of sol hae Sen eer coy eta) Se ne Peer cee Nis Canton was Makita’ est importnt pat. and ve the couse of see yas head bis wile Margaret MncDoal pode designs er four ofheresabshents 5 wells for here nthe thy ied to aheve2 {oa enone pethng hig itr, decorations, tablets mena ard ve the ives urifors Thesldeilstates the constr om ofthe aes Luncheon Ramin ss anton gram Suet tearoom The spaeligh wal [dark cls were gener: aly elo be mae mascine are purcatd by a regular series of que pan ehing smal touts inthe cas As dese by Eg atc Savin ayn tsa very abort simple” Tall chatted same pce the open om Te design supports a sense of both publiand domesticspae tecombined the tes of ome w ‘the exiement of being ot nce wo Sr eee ete eer ee ee Seer] Pere eee ed Cree The rus verity of the cas ao daws attention othe deoatan igh on the wal. The metal ele The De isby MaDe and the lager gesso ‘tl Te Wess hy Macimosh, The ‘eshte pais of young wane eh og pe bs ating iin anbes faze some ance and yt ows proceso. A omaaticthal wth Scotland’ iy pas cine ith the ins of symbols, andthe wos of Gasgow aisha song smolit ersaings ‘As Mactan cali aor Herbert Mac nthe vasdhawn witoat pups, and aely vwasasinl tif enplayedthathad not some alla meting The wes, ode fms ale those ofthe women’ bodies probably sages themes f.ceation and regeneration. These hole designs were not uiversaly died omen and eared sgn ets the iam the"Spook Scho isnot emely ear what patos of the texte ight ave thaoght of hee eatin teen ifthe its did ot cual deer the malyeed sybalis, he wks woul hae ped underscore the moder ote design andthe new ind f space hey decorated an det aca ot in so tis acne esearch ection of inten ong Glasgow Viena and Fan nyt Joseph Maria Obrich usin, 18671908 Vienna Secession Building, 1097-1098, photagagh by CH Basin and ard rss In 1897 agoup of most oung aris in Vena split fom the dominart aris xan, which canna he c's nly pubic enon space. Led by palmer Gastar lim side 16} the weakanay atts wate sea ony nore of the aun wok shon but aso thatthe rat garde fom een oes isthe buldng xed a howe heaton. topenesin 18, Embsrned an balling ith mat: "Der Te ns. Der ante Fh” {Toth agels ant To the aise) The grup cal self te Vena Secession a mame that echoed the secs lei when he ples of ancient Rave era withiewto the vei ill uti me ator of aig paar. Iesignoed deste tbe withthe fathers lear bend waoal on ‘vemos an mat an a appro fr ‘the adem wal nthe anus ciate impending sth mated then de sleeappep at was one that could both expres the syte and save it Ciba ofthe Secesion ling ide wamedte ere a ele ef ar mich weld fer the at Tre aqui eegam place refugee saw tha thee wou have be wal white and gleaming oly and caste lextesing pure dignity Te bangs pre ces sae the geomet po foctin ae ail fu of ane els. “his parle was eral inadoy when seus ad exibion pce ete rate fen concede: palaces of a. Her te references ate ot baraue but sal —seen inte cay othe fate rarizatin he decoration of lore the ies wo uate doom, andthe dome The bung’ fms ate single and eon yet thy were peeved by can- ‘emporaries 3s xt Dung onc ‘thuldng became te abject nese Sein se ys you pass byte Aer Wen ie the ear moming.youean see etd he Academy aod of people standing rund em bling They eof pope. vko sald been thee ut to work, bat nts tp naan rent abe ote: theses. ‘They stacey iterate each ther, they cst thing Te tk stage, ‘they hae neve seen nyting ofthe in They a het Sera spring ricnames were cone. andthe pla ‘was porninly ed te "gded cabbage” Secession sla however gained a8 spreitive aubiece among weer Viennese and ven won offi support Asian caren ad stamps were re designed inthe at noweau syle Tele space of the Seeson aling was emily pet pioneered these ofmoreablepaitins. Space was tale and momentary jut he moder We. The decoration inside wos ndestated and gear and the idl space aging of ating on single ee was Inno at atime when Sn hangings staid worst the cling insane posse What ee doings ete wal clo ight nd sping hae on the art payed? humanities Les st the ati lg er Serum right appear tee Die mater the at oo Coleteamples ef mts on bugs Inyour town How were they case How do they ete tothe fnton at the buligs on which they appen?

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