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Arkusz 1

1 Policz, napisz i narysuj.

three dolls + dolls = dolls

+ =

+ =

2 Przeczytaj i narysuj. Pokoloruj.

1 Its a dinosaur. Its small. Its green. 2 Its a car. Its big. Its red.

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Arkusz 2

3 Spjrz i ponumeruj.

4 Przeczytaj. Nastpnie opisz swojego psa.

My dog:

Its a dog. Its big. Its blue.

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Arkusz 1

1 Zakrel sowa. Pokoloruj i napisz.

e s earsmo s
e y ut hno n d

Ive got two eyes , two ,

one , one and
two .

Ive got senses.

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Arkusz 2

2 Przeczytaj i popraw bdy. Pokoloruj.

Ive got an orange face, long black

hair, two big blue eyes, two big green

ears, two small pink ears, a small

nose, a red mouth and fifteen teeth.

3 Popatrz i napisz.

scary small legs head eyes small

Im Bazyliszek.
Ive got eight small ,
a and two .

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Arkusz 1

1 Popatrz, posuchaj i znajd.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

2 Opisz wybranego ludzika z wiczenia 1.

Hes got 

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Arkusz 2

3 Przeczytaj i zakrel.

Hes big / small.

He hasnt got hair / legs.
He hasnt got eyes / ears.
Hes got long / short arms
and short / long legs.
He is happy / sad.

4 Narysuj i napisz.

Hes .
Hes got
and .
Hes got
and .
He hasnt got .
He is .

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Arkusz 1

Znajd sowa. Zakrel sowa i liczby.
N S I X A G I C 12
A T W E L V E O 20
N I N E T E E N 10
T W E N T Y N E 16 1
Password: ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2 Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Wheres the cat? 2 Wheres the dinosaur?

Its under the chair . Its .

3 Wheres the lamp? 4 Wheres the book?

Its . Its .
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Arkusz 2

3 Przeczytaj i wpisz liczby. Pokoloruj.

1 Ive got a big kitchen. Its white and pink. Its got a big brown table and
two chairs. Ive got a small black and white cat. Its under the table.
2 Ive got a big room. Its blue. Its got a green chair. Ive got a TV in my
3 Ive got a small room. Its got a yellow bed, and a table under the bed.
Ive got a computer in my room.

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Arkusz 1

1 Pocz i napisz zdania. Co umiesz robi?

Zaznacz 4 (Tak) lub 8 (Nie).
1 I can ri lk 1
I can ride. 
2 I can sw mp 2 I 
3 I can hi im 3 
4 I can wa de 4 
5 I can ju de 5 

2 Uzupenij zdania.

1 2

3 4

1 I can ride a bike , and .

2 I can .
3 I can .
4 I .
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Arkusz 2

3 Przeczytaj i zakrel. Pokoloruj.

wolf lynx bison

Im a . Im a .

Im a .

1 Im white, black and grey. wolf / lynx / bison

2 Im brown, orange and white. wolf / lynx / bison
3 Im big! Im brown. wolf / lynx / bison

4 Ive got big teeth, and two scary yellow eyes. wolf / lynx / bison
5 Ive got small eyes and ears.  wolf / lynx / bison
6 Ive got long ears and two eyes. I can see in the dark. wolf / lynx / bison

7 I can walk. I can run. I can swim. I cant climb. wolf / lynx / bison
8 I can climb. I can jump. wolf / lynx / bison
8 I can walk. I cant climb.  wolf / lynx / bison

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Arkusz 1

1 Przeczytaj. Narysuj lub zaznacz 4 (Tak).

Seventeen red apples on the green table.

A green pear in the blue cupboard.
A salad on the cupboard.
Ten yellow bananas on the green table.
A pizza under the table.
A fish on the brown chair.
Cheese on the blue cupboard.
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Arkusz 2

2 Popatrz i napisz.

I like fruit salad.

Ive got ,
and in my salad.

3 Popatrz i napisz.

healthy food: fish

fast food:

4 Przeczytaj i popraw zdania.

1 A banana is red. No! A banana is

2 Milk is green.
3 Cheese is black.
4 A pea is white.
5 Bread is purple.

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Arkusz 1

1 Napisz.

S __ __ __ __ __

G __ __ N __ __

F __ __ H __ __

2 Popatrz, przeczytaj i uzupenij.

My mum s got short hair. She can ride a horse.

My s got long hair. She can .
My has got black hair. She can her nose.
My s short black hair. He can .
My hasnt got hair. He can .

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Arkusz 2

3 Znajd i pocz. Przepisz.

dog donkey

lion cat

horse wolf

zebra tiger

A cat family: cat

A dog family:
A horse family:

4 Popatrz, przeczytaj i uzupenij.

This is my mum. Shes black

and white . She is
. Shes got
. She can
wiggle her
and she can .
She cant .

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Arkusz 1

1 Znajd i napisz.

a b

d e

Shes wearing a ,a ,a ,
, and .

2 Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 What are you wearing?

2 What is your friend wearing?
3 Whats your favourite colour?
4 Do you like jeans?

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Arkusz 2

3 Przeczytaj i pocz. Pokoloruj.

a yellow hat

a pink swimsuit

black sunglasses

a brown jacket

a blue umbrella

4 Przeczytaj, pokoloruj lub narysuj.

Ive got an orange swimsuit,

pink sunglasses, a small
brown teddy bear, a blue
sweater, a yellow umbrella
and a sandwich in my bag.

5 Narysuj i napisz.

Ive got

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Our world 1

1 Znajd, zakrel i podpisz.

1 swing 2 3
I T B O N E N 4 5 6

2 Popatrz, przeczytaj i napisz.

1 A swing for a parrot .

2 A for a .
3 A for a .
4 for a .
5 A for a .
6 for a .

3 Uzupenij zdania.

What animal is it?

1 My favourite pet is a ___________. Hes small. Hes grey and white.
Hes got two eyes, four legs. He can hide, walk and run in a wheel.
2 My favourite pet is a ___________. Shes big. Shes orange and yellow.
She can fly. Shes got a swing.
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Our world 2

1 Zakrel niepasujce sowo. Nastpnie napisz je.

pizza broccoli spaghetti milk sweets

grapes tomatoes ice cream cheese strawberries
pears cake bread peas chocolate

2 Popatrz na wiczenie 1. Znajd i wpisz sowa.

1 S
2 T
3 R
4 A
5 W
6 B
7 E
8 R
9 R
10 I
11 E
12 S

3 Uzupenij zdania.

1 My favourite fruit is .
2 My favourite fast food is .
3 My favourite vegetable is .

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Our world 3

1 Przeczytaj i pokoloruj.


From my window I can see a

red swing, a school, three trees,

green grass, one blue car and

two yellow birds.

2 Popatrz i napisz.


From my window I can see ......


................................................. .

I can see a girl. Shes wearing

................................................ .

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Our world 4

1 Popatrz i znajd.

1  cinema 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

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