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Formnumberandtitle PDF

RequestforgrantofaEuropeanpatentv.11.15 download download

NotesontherequestforgrantofaEuropeanpatentv.11.14 download

1002 Designationofinventor download download

1003 Authorisation download download

1004 Generalauthorisation download download

1005 PACErequesttotheEuropeanPatentOffice download download


1010 Paymentoffeesandexpensesv.11.15 download

1011 universitiesandpublicresearchorganisationsforthepurposeof download download

1012 Enquiryastotheprocessingofthefile download download

1032 Confirmationofaninternationalapplicationfiledbyfaxv.03.11 download download

1034 download


Formnumberandtitle PDF

1037 download download

1038 Letteraccompanyingsubsequentlyfileditems download download

download download
1140 material


download download
1200 Office)v.11.15

NotesonForm1200,forentryintotheEuropeanphasev.11.14 download

NoticeofoppositiontoaEuropeanPatentv.11.14 download
Notestothenoticeofoppositionv.11.14 download

2380 RequestforlimitationorrevocationofaEuropeanpatent download download

Formtitle Access

Thirdpartyobservationsform accessonline

Printablenotesforusersofthethirdpartyobservationsform download



Antrag auf Erteilung eines europischen Patents
Request for grant ofa European patent
Requte en dlivrance dun brevet europen

Nachreichung von Form 1001 zu einer frher eingereichten Anmeldung nach Regel 40 (1) vom
Form 1001 filed further to a previous application under Rule 40(1) on
Dpt du formulaire 1001 pour une demande dpose antrieurement au titre de la rgle 40(1) en date du

Besttigung einer bereits durch Fax eingereichten Anmeldung vom bei
Confirmation of an application already filed by fax on with
Confirmation dune demande dj dpose par tlfax le auprs de

Nur fr amtlichen Gebrauch / For official use only / Cadre rserv ladministration

1 Anmeldenummer /
Application No. / MKEY
N de la demande

2 Tag des Eingangs (Regel 35 (2)) /

Date of receipt (Rule 35(2)) / DREC
Date de rception (rgle 35(2))

3 Tag des Eingangs beim EPA (Regel 35 (4)) /

Date of receipt at EPO (Rule 35(4)) / RENA
Date de rception lOEB (rgle 35(4))

4 Anmeldetag /
Date of filing /
Date de dpt

5 Es wird die Erteilung eines europischen Patents und gem Artikel 94

die Prfung der Anmeldung beantragt. /
Grant of a European patent, and examination of the application under
Article 94, are hereby requested. /
Il est demand la dlivrance dun brevet europen et, conformment Prfungsantrag in einer zugelassenen Nichtamtssprache /
larticle 94, lexamen de la demande. Request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language /
Requte en examen dans une langue non officielle autorise

5.1 Der Anmelder verzichtet auf die Aufforderung nach Regel 70 (2), zu erklren,
ob die Anmeldung aufrechterhalten wird. /
The applicant waives his right to be asked whether he wishes to proceed
further with the application (Rule 70(2)). /
Le demandeur renonce tre invit, conformment la rgle 70(2), dclarer
sil souhaite maintenir sa demande.
6 Zeichen des Anmelders oder Vertreters (max. 15 Positionen) /
Applicants or representatives reference (max. 15 keystrokes) /
Rfrence du demandeur ou du mandataire (max. 15 caractres ou espaces)

Anmelder / Applicant / Demandeur APPR

7 Name /

8 Anschrift /
Address /

9 Zustellanschrift /
Address for correspondence /
Adresse pour la correspondance
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.1 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

10 Staat des Wohnsitzes oder Sitzes /
State of residence or of principal place of business /
Etat du domicile ou du sige

11 Staatsangehrigkeit /
Nationality /

12 Telefon /
Telephone /

13 Fax /

14 Weitere(r) Anmelder auf Zusatzblatt /

Additional applicant(s) on additional sheet /
Autre(s) demandeur(s) sur feuille supplmentaire

14.1 Der/Jeder Anmelder erklrt hiermit, eine Einheit oder eine natrliche Person
nach Regel 6 (4) EP zu sein. /
The/Each applicant hereby declares that he is an entity or a natural person
under Rule 6(4) EPC. /
Le/Chaque demandeur dclare par la prsente tre une entit ou une personne
physique au sens de la rgle 6(4) CBE
Vertreter / Representative / Mandataire
Name / Nom
(Nur einen Vertreter oder den Namen des Zusammenschlusses angeben, der in das
Europische Patentregister einzutragen ist und an den zugestellt wird) /
(Name only one representative or association of representatives, to be listed in the
Register of European Patents and to whom communications are to be notified) /
(Nindiquer quun seul mandataire ou le nom du groupement de mandataires qui sera
inscrit au Registre europen des brevets et auquelles les significations seront faites) et al

16 Geschftsanschrift /
Address of place of business /
Adresse professionnelle

17 Telefon /
Telephone /

18 Fax /

19 Weitere(r) Vertreter auf Zusatzblatt /

Additional representative(s) on additional sheet /
Autre(s) mandataire(s) sur feuille supplmentaire

Vollmacht / Authorisation / Pouvoir

20 ist beigefgt / is enclosed / joint

21 Allgemeine Vollmacht ist registriert unter Nummer /

General authorisation has been registered under No. /
Un pouvoir gnral a t enregistr sous le numro

Erfinder / Inventor / Inventeur INVT 20

22 Der (die) Anmelder ist (sind) alleinige(r) Erfinder. /

The applicant(s) is (are) the sole inventor(s). /
Le(s) demandeur(s) est (sont) le(s) seul(s) inventeur(s).

23 Erfindernennung in beigefgtem Schriftstck /

Designation of inventor attached /
Voir la dsignation de linventeur ci-jointe
24 Bezeichnung der Erfindung / Title of invention /
Titre de linvention
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.2 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

25 Priorittserklrung (Regel 52) und Recherchenergebnisse
nach Regel 141(1) / Declaration of priority (Rule 52) and
search results under Rule 141(1) / Dclaration de priorit
(rgle 52) et rsultats de la recherche conformment
la rgle 141 (1)
Die Recherchenergebnisse nach Regel 141 (1) sind beigefgt. /
Eine Priorittserklrung wird fr die folgenden Anmeldungen abgegeben: / Search results under Rule 141(1) are attached /
A declaration of priority is hereby made for the following applications: / Les rsultats de la recherche selon la rgle 141(1) sont joints
Une dclaration de priorit est produite pour les demandes suivantes :
Staat / Anmeldetag / Aktenzeichen /
State / Date of filing / File No. /
Nur fr amtlichen Gebrauch / For official use only / Cadre rserv ladministration
Etat Date de dpt N de dpt

01 01

02 02

03 03

04 04

25.1 Auf einem Zusatzblatt ist angegeben, dass weitere Prioritten beansprucht
werden und die entsprechenden Recherchenergebnisse nach Regel 141 (1)
beigefgt sind. / Additional declaration(s) of priority and indication(s) of the
attachment of corresponding search results (Rule 141(1)) on additional sheet. /
Il est indiqu sur une feuille supplmentaire que dautres priorits sont revendi-
ques et que les rsultats correspondants de la recherche selon la rgle 141(1)
sont joints.

25.2 Diese Anmeldung ist eine vollstndige bersetzung der frheren Anmeldung. / 01 02 03 04 andere
This application is a complete translation of the previous application. / other
La prsente demande est une traduction intgrale de la demande antrieure. autres

25.3 Es ist nicht beabsichtigt, eine (weitere) Priorittserklrung einzureichen. /

It is not intended to file a (further) declaration of priority. /
Il nest pas envisag de produire une (autre) dclaration de priorit.

26 Bezugnahme auf eine frher eingereichte Anmeldung /

Reference to a previously filed application /
Renvoi une demande dpose antrieurement

26.1 Es wird auf eine frher eingereichte Anmeldung Bezug genommen.

Die Bezugnahme ersetzt die Beschreibung und etwaige Zeichnungen
(Regel 40 (1) c), (2)). Die Anmeldung, auf die Bezug genommen wird, ist : /
Reference is made to a previously filed application. That reference replaces
the description and any drawings (Rule 40(1)(c), (2)). The application to
which reference is made is the following: /
Il est fait rfrence une demande dpose antrieurement. Ce renvoi
remplace la description et, le cas chant, les dessins (rgle 40(1)c), (2)).
La demande laquelle il est fait rfrence est la suivante :

Staat / Anmeldetag / Aktenzeichen /

Nur fr amtlichen Gebrauch / For official use only / Cadre rserv ladministration
State / Date of filing / File No. /
Etat Date de dpt N de dpt

26.2 Die Bezugnahme auf die frher eingereichte Anmeldung ersetzt auch die
Patentansprche (Regel 57 c)). / The reference to the previously filed applica-
tion also replaces the claims (Rule 57(c)). / Le renvoi la demande dpose
antrieurement remplace galement les revendications (rgle 57c)).

26.3 Eine beglaubigte Abschrift der frher eingereichten Anmeldung (Regel 40 (3)) / ist beigefgt. / wird nachgereicht. /
A certified copy of the previously filed application (Rule 40(3)) / is attached. / will be supplied later. /
Une copie certifie conforme de la demande dpose antrieurement est jointe. sera produite ultrieurement.
(rgle 40(3))

26.4 Eine bersetzung der frher eingereichten Anmeldung (Regel 40 (3)) / ist beigefgt. / wird nachgereicht. /
A translation of the previously filed application (Rule 40(3)) / is attached. / will be supplied later. /
Une traduction de la demande dpose antrieurement (rgle 40(3)) est jointe. sera produite ultrieurement.
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.3 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

27 Teilanmeldung / Divisional application /
Demande divisionnaire

Die Anmeldung ist eine Teilanmeldung, die aus der folgenden frheren Nummer der frheren Anmeldung / Number of earlier application /
Anmeldung hervorgeht: / The application is a divisional application Numro de la demande antrieure
based on the following earlier application: / La prsente demande constitue
une demande divisionnaire relative la demande antrieure suivante :


27.1 Diese Teilanmeldung ist eine Teilanmeldung folgender Generation: / 1 2 3

This divisional application is of the following generation: /
La prsente demande divisionnaire est de la gnration suivante :
4 5 oder weiterer /
or subsequent /
ou ultrieure

28 Anmeldung nach Artikel 61 (1) b) / Article 61(1) (b)

application / Demande selon larticle 61(1) b)

Es handelt sich um eine Anmeldung nach Artikel 61 (1) b). / Nummer der frheren Anmeldung / Number of earlier application /
The application is an Article 61(1)(b) application. / Numro de la demande initiale
La prsente demande constitue une demande selon larticle 61(1)b).

29 Patentansprche / Claims / Revendications

Zahl der Patentansprche /
Number of claims /
Nombre de revendications

29.1 wie beigefgt / as attached /

telles que jointes en annexe

29.2 wie in der frher eingereichten Anmeldung (siehe Feld 26.2) /

as in the previously filed application (see Section 26.2) /
telles que figurant dans la demande dpose antrieurement
(voir rubrique 26.2)

29.3 Die Patentansprche werden nachgereicht. /

The claims will be filed later. /
Les revendications seront produites ultrieurement.

30 Abbildungen / Figures / Figures

Zur Verffentlichung mit der Zusammenfassung wird vorgeschlagen
Abbildung Nr. / It is proposed that the abstract be published together
with figure No. / Il est propos de publier avec labrg la figure n

31 Benennung von Vertragsstaaten / Designation of

contracting states / Dsignation dEtats contractants

Alle Vertragsstaaten die dem EP bei Einreichung der europischen Patentanmeldung angehren, gelten als benannt (Artikel 79 (1)). /
All the contracting states party to the EPC at the time of filing of the European patent application are deemed to be designated (Article 79(1)). /
Tous les Etats contractants qui sont parties la CBE lors du dpt de la demande de brevet europen sont rputs dsigns (Article 79(1)).
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.4 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

32 Verschiedene Anmelder fr verschiedene Vertragsstaaten /
Different applicants for different contracting states /
Diffrents demandeurs pour diffrents Etats contractants

Name(n) des (der) Anmelder(s) und benannte Vertragsstaaten: /

Name(s) of applicant(s) and designated contracting states: /
Nom(s) du (des) demandeur(s) et des Etats contractants dsigns :

33 Erstreckung / Validierung
Extension / Validation
Extension / Validation

Diese Anmeldung gilt als Antrag, die europische Patentanmeldung und das darauf erteilte europische Patent auf alle Nichtvertragsstaaten des EP zu
erstrecken, mit denen am Tag der Einreichung der Anmeldung Erstreckungs- oder Validierungsabkommen in Kraft sind. Der Antrag gilt jedoch als zurck-
genommen, wenn die Erstreckungs- bzw. die Validierungsgebhr nicht fristgerecht entrichtet wird. /

This application is deemed to be a request to extend the effects of the European patent application and the European patent granted in respect of it to all
non-contracting states to the EPC with which extension or validation agreements are in force on the date on which the application is filed. However, the
request is deemed withdrawn if the extension fee or validation fee, whichever is applicable, is not paid within the prescribed time limit. /

La prsente demande est rpute constituer une requte en extension des effets de la demande de brevet europen et du brevet europen dlivr sur
la base de cette demande tous les Etats non parties la CBE avec lesquels des accords dextension ou de validation sont en vigueur la date du dpt
de la demande. Cette requte est toutefois rpute retire si la taxe dextension ou, le cas chant, la taxe de validation nest pas acquitte en temps utile.

33.1 Es ist beabsichtigt, die Erstreckungsgebhr(en) fr die nebenstehend BA Bosnien und Herzegowina /
angekreuzten Staaten zu entrichten. / Bosnia and Herzegovina /
It is intended to pay the extension fee(s) for the states marked opposite Bosnie-Herzgovine
with a cross /
Il est envisag de payer la (les) taxe(s) dextension pour les Etats dont ME Montenegro /
le nom est coch ci-contre. Montenegro /
Hinweis: Im automatischen Abbuchungsverfahren werden nur fr die hier
angekreuzten Staaten Erstreckungsgebhren abgebucht, sofern dem EPA
nicht vor Ablauf der Zahlungsfrist ein anderslautender Auftrag zugeht.

Note: Under the automatic debiting procedure, extension fees will be debited
only for states indicated here, unless the EPO is instructed otherwise before
expiry of the period for payment.

Veuillez noter que dans le cadre de la procdure de prlvement automatique (Platz fr Staaten, mit denen Erstreckungsabkommen am Anmeldetag der frheren
des taxes dextension, le compte est dbit du montant d seulement pour Anmeldung in Kraft waren (Artikel 76 (1)) / (Space for states with which extension
les Etats cochs ici, sauf instruction contraire reue avant lexpiration du dlai agreements existed on the date of filing of the earlier application (Article 76 (1)) /
de paiement. (Espace prvu pour des Etats avec lesquels des accords dextension existaient la
date de dpt de la demande antrieure (article 76(1))

33.2 Es ist beabsichtigt, die Validierungsgebhr(en) fr die nebenstehend MA Marokko /

angekreuzten Staaten zu entrichten. / Morocco /
It is intended to pay the validation fee(s) for the states marked opposite Maroc
with a cross. /
Il est envisag de payer la (les) taxe(s) de validation pour les Etats dont MD Republik Moldau /
le nom est coch ci-contre. Republic of Moldova /
Rpublique de Moldavie
Hinweis: Im automatischen Abbuchungsverfahren werden nur fr die hier
angekreuzten Staaten Validierungsgebhren abgebucht, sofern dem EPA
nicht vor Ablauf der Zahlungsfrist ein anderslautender Auftrag zugeht.

Note: Under the automatic debiting procedure, validation fees will be debited
only for states indicated here, unless the EPO is instructed otherwise before
expiry of the period for payment.

Veuillez noter que dans le cadre de la procdure de prlvement automatique (Platz fr Staaten, mit denen Validierungsabkommen nach Drucklegung dieses
des taxes de validation, le compte est dbit du montant d seulement pour Formblatts in Kraft treten) / (Space for states with which validation agreements enter
les Etats cochs ici, sauf instruction contraire reue avant lexpiration du dlai into force after this form has been printed) / (Espace prvu pour des Etats avec
lesquels des accords de validation entreront en vigueur aprs limpression duprsent
de paiement.
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.5 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

34 Biologisches Material / Biological material /
Matire biologique

34.1 Die Erfindung verwendet und/oder bezieht sich auf biologisches Material, das nach Regel 31 hinterlegt worden ist. /
The invention uses and/or relates to biological material deposited under Rule 31. /
Linvention utilise et/ou concerne de la matire biologique dpose conformment la rgle 31.

a Die nach Regel 31 (1) c) erforderlichen Angaben, d. h. die Hinterlegungsstelle Seite(n) / page(s) Zeile(n) / line(s) / ligne(s)
und die Eingangsnummer, sind in den technischen Anmeldungsunterlagen
enthalten auf /
The information required under Rule 31(1)(c), i.e. depositary institution and
accession number, is given in the applications technical documents on /
Les indications vises la rgle 31(1)c), savoir lautorit de dpt et le
numro dordre, figurent dans les pices techniques de la demande la / aux

b Ist die Eingangsnummer am Anmeldetag noch nicht bekannt, so sind die Seite(n) / page(s) Zeile(n) / line(s) / ligne(s)
Hinterlegungsstelle und das (die) Bezugszeichen (Nummer, Symbole usw.)
des Hinterlegers in den technischen Anmeldungsunterlagen zu entnehmen auf /
If the accession number is not yet known on the date of filing, for the depositary
institution and the depositors identification reference(s) (number, symbols, etc.)
see the applications technical documents on /
Si le numro dordre nest pas encore connu la date de dpt, lautorit Die Angaben werden spter mitgeteilt /
de dept et la (les) rfrence(s) didentification (numro ou symboles etc.) The information will be submitted later /
du dposantfigurent dans les pices techniques de la demande, la /aux Les indications vises seront communiques ultrieurement

34.2 Die Empfangsbescheinigung(en) der Hinterlegungsstelle / ist (sind) beigefgt. / wird (werden) nachgereicht. /
The receipt(s) of deposit issued by the depositary institution / is (are) enclosed. / will be filed later. / sera (seront)
Le(s) rcpiss(s) de dpt dlivr(s) par lautorit de dpt est (sont) joint(s). produit(s) ultrieurement.

35 Falls das biologische Material nicht vom Anmelder, sondern von einem Name und Anschrift des Hinterlegers / Name and address of depositor /
Dritten hinterlegt wurde / Nom et adresse du dposant
If the biological material was deposited by a person other than the applicant /
Lorsque la matire biologique a t dpose par une personne autre que
le demandeur

35.1 Ermchtigung nach Regel 31 (1) d) / ist beigefgt / wird nachgereicht /

Authorisation under Rule 31(1)(d) / is attached / will be supplied later /
Lautorisation prvue la rgle 31(1)d) est jointe sera produite ultrieurement

36 Verzicht auf die Verpflichtung des Antragstellers nach Regel 33 (2) in

gesondertem Schriftstck/Waiver of the right to an undertaking from the
requester pursuant to Rule 33(2) attached / Renonciation, sur document
distinct, lengagement du requrant au titre de la rgle 33(2)

37 Gem Regel 32 (1) erklrt der Anmelder hiermit, dass der Zugang zu dem
inden Feldern 34 und 35 genannten biologischen Material nur durch
Herausgabe einer Probe an einen Sachverstndigen hergestellt wird. /
The applicant hereby declares under Rule 32(1) that the biological material
referred to in Sections 34 and 35 is to be made available only by the issue
of a sample to an expert. /
Conformment la rgle 32(1), le demandeur dclare par la prsente que
laccessibilit la matire biologique mentionne aux rubriques 34 et 35
ne peut tre ralise que par la remise dun chantillon un expert.

38 Nucleotid- und Aminosuresequenzen /

Nucleotide andamino acid sequences /
Squences de nuclotidesetdacides amins

38.1 Die Beschreibung enthlt ein Sequenzprotokoll nach Regel 30 (1). /

The description contains a sequence listing in accordance with Rule 30(1). /
La description contient un listage de squences conformment la rgle 30(1).

38.2 Das Sequenzprotokoll wird in elektronischer Form eingereicht. /

The sequence listing is filed in electronic form. /
Le listage de squences est dpos sous forme lectronique.
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.6 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

38.3 Es wird beantragt, eine Kopie des fr die in Punkt 27 benannte frhere
Anmeldung eingereichten standardkonformen Sequenzprotokolls in
elektronischer Form nur fr die Zwecke der Recherche (d. h. nicht als Teil
der Beschreibung) in die Akte der europischen Patentanmeldung
Hiermit wird erklrt, dass das Sequenzprotokoll nicht ber
den Inhalt der Teilanmeldung in der ursprnglich eingereichten Fassung
hinausgeht. /
The Office is requested to add to the dossier on the European patent
application, in electronic form and for search purposes only (i.e. not as part
of the description), a copy of the Standard-compliant sequence listing filed
for the earlier application mentioned in Section 27.
It is hereby declared that the sequence listing does not extend beyond the
content of the divisional application as originally filed. /
Il est demand quune copie du listage de squences conforme la norme,
dpos sous forme lectronique pour la demande antrieure mentionne
la rubrique 27, soit verse au dossier de la demande de brevet europen,
aux seules fins de la recherche (le listage de squences ne faisant ds lors
pas partie de la description).
Il est certifi par la prsente que le listage de squences ne stend pas au-del
du contenu de la demande divisionnaire telle quelle a t dpose.

38.4 Das Sequenzprotokoll wird auch auf Papier eingereicht. /

The sequence listing is also filed on paper. /
Le listage de squences est aussi dpos sur papier.

38.5 Soweit das Sequenzprotokoll auch auf Papier eingereicht wird, erklrt der
Anmelder hiermit, dass die Sequenzprotokolle in elektronischer Form und
auf Papier identisch sind. /
If the sequence listing is also filed on paper, the applicant hereby states that
the sequence listings in electronic form and on paper are identical. /
Si le listage de squences est aussi dpos sur papier, il est dclar par
la prsente que le listage sous forme lectronique et celui sur papier sont

Sonstige Angaben / Further indications /

Indications supplmentaires

39 Zustzliche Abschriften der im europischen Recherchenbericht Anzahl der zustzlichen Stze von Abschriften /
angefhrten Schriftstcke werden beantragt. / Number of additional sets of copies /
Additional copies of the documents cited in the European search report Nombre de jeux supplmentaires de copies
are requested. /
Prire de fournir des copies supplmentaires des documents
cits dans le rapport de recherche europenne.

40 Die Rckerstattung der Recherchengebhr gem Artikel 9 (2) Gebhren-

ordnung wird beantragt. / Refund of the search fee under Article 9(2) of the
Rules relating to Fees is requested. / Le remboursement de la taxe de recher-
che est demand en vertu de larticle 9(2) du rglement relatif aux taxes.

41 gestrichen / deleted / supprim

42 Automatischer Abbuchungsauftrag /
Automatic debit order /
Ordre de prlvement automatique
(nur mglich fr Inhaber von beim EPAgefhrten laufenden Konten) / Nummer des laufenden Kontos / Deposit account number /
(for EPO deposit account holders only) / Numro du compte courant
(possibilit offerte uniquement aux titulaires de comptes courants ouverts auprs de lOEB)

Das EPA wird hiermit beauftragt, fllig werdende Gebhren und Auslagen
nach Magabe der Vorschriften ber das automatische Abbuchungsverfahren
vom nebenstehenden laufenden Konto abzubuchen. / Name des Kontoinhabers / Account holders name /
The EPO is hereby authorised, underthe Arrangements for the automatic Nom du titulaire du compte
debiting procedure, to debitfrom thedeposit account opposite any feesand
costs falling due. /
Par la prsente, il est demand lOEB de prlever du compte courant
ci-contre les taxes et frais venant chance, conformment la
rglementation relative laprocdure de prlvement automatique.
Nummer des laufenden Kontos /
43 Etwaige Rckzahlungen sollen auf das nebenstehende beim EPA gefhrte Deposit account number / Numro du compte courant
laufende Konto erfolgen. /
Any refunds should be made to the EPO deposit account opposite. /
Les remboursements ventuels doivent tre effectus sur le compte courant
ci-contre ouvert auprs de lOEB.
Name des Kontoinhabers / Account holders name /
Nom du titulaire du compte
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.7 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

44 Die vorgeschriebene Liste ber die diesem Antrag beigefgten Unterlagen
ergibt sich aus der vorbereiteten Empfangsbescheinigung (Seite 8 dieses
Antrags). / The prescribed list of documents enclosed with this request is
shown on the prepared receipt (page 8 of this request). /
La liste prescrite des documents joints la prsente requte figure sur le
rcpiss prtabli (page 8 de la prsente requte).

45 Fr Angestellte nach Artikel 133 (3) Satz 1 mit allgemeiner Vollmacht / Nummer / Number / Numro
For employees under Article 133(3), first sentence, having a general
authorisation /
Pour les employs mentionns larticle 133(3), 1ere phrase, munis dun pouvoir

46 Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s) Ort / Place / Lieu

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen und
bei juristischen Personen die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten
innerhalb der Gesellschaft angeben. /
Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s)
Under signature please print name and, in the case of legal persons,
position within the company. / Datum / Date
Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s)
Prire dindiquer en caractres dimprimerie le ou les noms des signataires
ainsi que, sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe au sein de
celle-ci par le ou les signataires.

Unterschrift(en) / Signature(s)
EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.8 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders /

Applicants reference /
Rfrence du demandeur

Liste der diesem Antrag beigefgten Unterlagen Hiermit wird der Empfang der unten
bezeichneten Dokumente bescheinigt. Wird im Falle der Einreichung der europischen
Patentanmeldung beieiner nationalen Behrde diese Empfangsbescheinigung vom Euro

Receipt for documents

pischen Patentamt bersandt, so ist sie als Mitteilung gem Regel 35 (4) anzusehen
(siehe Feld RENA).
Checklist of enclosed documents Receipt of the documents indicated below is hereby

Rcpiss de documents acknowledged. If this receipt is issued by the European Patent Office and the European
patent application wasfiled with a national authority, it serves as a communication under
Rule 35(4) (see Section RENA).
Liste des documents annexs la prsente requte Nous attestons le dpt des
documents dsigns ci-dessous. Si, en cas de dpt de la demande de brevet europen
auprs dun service national, lOffice europen des brevets dlivre le prsent rcpiss
de documents, ce rcpiss est rput tre la notification vise la rgle 35(4)
(cf. rubrique RENA).

Nur fr amtlichen Gebrauch / For official use only / Cadre rserv ladministration

Amtsstempel / Official stamp / Cachet officiel

Tag des Eingangs (Regel 35 (2)) / Date of receipt (Rule 35(2)) /

Date de rception (rgle 35(2))

Anmeldenummer fr den Schriftverkehr mit dem EPA; Aktenzeichen fr Prioritts-

erklrungen / Application No. to be used in correspondence with the EPO;
file No. to be used for priority declarations / N de la demande utiliser dans la cor-
respondance avec lOEB ; n de dpt utiliser pour la dclaration de priorit

Tag des Eingangs beim EPA (Regel 35 (4)) / Date of receipt at EPO
(Rule 35(4)) / Date de rception lOEB (rgle 35(4))

47 A. Anmeldungsunterlagen und Priorittsbeleg(e) / Application and priority Blattzahl * /

documents / Pices de la demande et document(s) de priorit Number of sheets* /
Nombre de feuilles*
1. Beschreibung (ohne Sequenzprotokollteil) / Description (excluding sequence listing part) /
Description (sauf partie rserve au listage des squences)
Gesamtzahl der Abbildungen* /
Total number of figures* /
2. Patentansprche / Claims / Revendications
Nombre total de figures*
3. Zeichnung(en) / Drawing(s) / Dessin(s)

4. Sequenzprotokollteil der Beschreibung / Sequence listing part of description / * Die Richtigkeit der Blattzahl und der Gesamtzahl
Partie de la description rserve au listage des squences der Abbildungen wurde bei Eingang nicht geprft. /
* No check was made on receipt that the number
5. Zusammenfassung / Abstract / Abrg of sheets and the total number of figures
indic ated were correct. /
6. Frher eingereichte Anmeldung / Previously filed application / Demande dpose antrieurement * Lexactitude du nombre de feuilles et du nombre
total de figures na pas t contrle lors du dpt.
7. bersetzung der Anmeldungsunterlagen / Translation of the application documents /
Traduction des pices de la demande

8. bersetzung der frher eingereichten Anmeldung / Translation of the previously filed

application / Traduction de la demande dpose antrieurement
Anzahl / Number / Nombre*
9. Priorittsbeleg(e) / Priority document(s) / Document(s) de priorit

10. bersetzung des (der) Priorittsbelegs(belege) / Translation of priority document(s) /

Traduction du (des) document(s) de priorit AREF
48 B. Der Anmeldung in der eingereichten Fassung liegen folgende Unterlagen bei: / Zeichen des Anmelders /
This application as filed is accompanied by the items below: / Applicants reference /
Les pices ci-aprs sont annexes la prsente demande : Rfrence du demandeur

1. Vollmacht / Authorisation / Pouvoir

2. Allgemeine Vollmacht / General authorisation / Pouvoir gnral

3. Erfindernennung / Designation of inventor / Dsignation de linventeur

4. Recherchenergebnisse nach Regel 141 (1) / Search results under Rule 141(1) /
Rsultats de la recherche conformment la rgle 141(1)

5. Gebhrenzahlungsvordruck (EPA Form 1010) / Voucher for the settlement of fees

(EPO Form 1010) / Bordereau de rglement de taxes (OEB Form 1010)

6. Elektronischer Datentrger fr Sequenzprotokoll / Electronic data carrier for sequence listing /

Support lectronique de donnes pour listage des squences

7. Zusatzblatt / Additional sheet / Feuille supplmentaire

EPA/EPO/OEB 1001.9 11.15

8. Sonstige Unterlagen (bitte hier spezifizieren) / Other documents (please specify here) /
Autres documents (veuillez prciser)

49 C. Exemplare dieser Empfangsbescheinigung (bitte zutreffende Zahl ankreuzen) / 3 Einreichung direkt beim EPA / Direct filing with the EPO /
Copies of this receipt for documents (please mark appropriate number with a cross) / Dpt direct auprs de lOEB
Exemplaires du prsent rcpiss de documents (veuillez cocher le chiffre correspondant)
4 Einreichung bei einer nationalen Behrde / Filing with
a national authority / Dpt auprs dun service national

Notes on the request for grant of a European patent
(EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1001)

I. General instructions Filing of European patent applications

1. Online
These notes explain how to complete
EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1001. To file international European patent applications may be filed in
applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty electronic form (OJ EPO 2009, 182). For more
(PCT), Form PCT/RO/101 should be used. For details go to www.epo.org or direct to
international applications entering the European www.epoline.org. The online filing fee is less than
phase (Euro-PCT) applicants are advised to use the fee for filing in person, by post or by fax.
EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1200.
2. By fax
The basis for the request for grant of a European
patent is the European Patent Convention (EPC) European patent applications may also be filed by
and its Implementing Regulations. fax. Confirmation on paper is required only if the
EPO specifically requests it (see Special edition
Unless otherwise indicated, the articles and rules No. 3, OJ EPO 2007, A.3).
referred to are those of the EPC.
3. By post or in person
Information brochure Only the originals of pages 1 to 7 of Form 1001
"How to get a European patent - Guide for need be filed; copies are not required. The same
applicants" (Part 1), 14th edition, October 2013 applies to the description, claims, drawings and
("the applicants' guide") is available free of charge abstract. Special rules apply to sequence listings
and provides useful information on filing (see Section 38).
applications and the procedure before the
European Patent Office (EPO). The applicants' II. Filling in the form
guide is frequently referred to in Part II below.
The numbering below corresponds to the sections
Forms for applicants of the request for grant form.
Forms (e.g. designation of inventor, authorisation, 5 Request for examination
payment of fees, PACE request) are available on
the EPO website (www.epo.org). See "Request for examination" in the applicants'
Request for grant EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1001
This box is always pre-crossed.
Use of EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1001 is prescribed by
Rule 41. The request must be typed or printed Request for examination in admissible non-EPO
(Rule 49(8)) to ensure that it is machine-readable, languages
and crosses must be placed in the appropriate
boxes. Only the right-hand column is to be Persons having their residence or principal place
completed. Areas enclosed in thick black lines are of business in an EPC contracting state with an
for official use only. official language other than English, French or
German, and nationals of that state who are
If there is not enough space for the required resident abroad, may file the request for
information, a signed additional sheet should be examination in an admissible non-EPO language
filed indicating the relevant section number and (Art. 14(4)).
heading for each part of the form continued in this
way, e.g. "14 - Additional applicant(s)", "19 - For applicants who do so and since Section 5
Additional representative(s)", "25.1 - Additional contains the required translation into the language
declaration(s) of priority" or "32 - Different of the proceedings the examination fee is
applicants for different contracting states". reduced by 30% provided they are an SME,
natural person, non-profit organisation, university
Page 8 of the request for grant form is the receipt or public research organisation (Rule 6(4),
for documents, which constitutes the prescribed Article 14(1) Rules relating to Fees; see also
list of documents under Rule 41(2)(i) (see point 14.1 below). If a request for examination is
EPO 1001 Notes 11.14

Section 44). filed in an admissible non-EPO language, it is

advisable to file it at the same time as the
request for grant (see also Guidelines for
Examination in the EPO, A-X, 9.2). Such requests
may, however, be filed at any time until the
examination fee is paid (Article 94(1), Rule 70).

Request-for-examination wordings in admissible If there are multiple applicants, for the reduction to
non-EPO languages are listed on the EPO apply each one must be an entity or natural person
website. within the meaning of Rule 6(4) and entitled to file
documents in an admissible non-EPO language
5.1 Proceeding with the patent application (Article 14(4), Rule 6(3)). For more details see the
Under Rule 70, applicants who file a request for notice from the EPO dated 10 January 2014
examination (and also pay the examination fee) concerning amended Rule 6 EPC and Article 14(1)
before receiving the search report are asked to RFees (see OJ EPO, 2014, A23).
confirm that they wish to proceed further with the 15 Representative (name)
application. In Section 5.1 the right to be asked for
such confirmation can be waived. See also Sections 15 to 19 should be completed by an
"Request for examination" in the applicants' guide. applicant appointing a professional representative
or a legal practitioner entitled to act as such
7 Applicant (name) (Article 134(1) and (8)), but not if the applicant,
having his residence or principal place of business
The family name should come before given in an EPC contracting state, is acting through an
names. Legal persons or bodies equivalent to employee who is not a professional representative
legal persons must be given their exact official or a legal practitioner entitled to act as such
name. (Article 133(3), first sentence) nor if a joint
applicant is appointed as common representative
9 Applicant (address for correspondence)
(see instructions for filling in Section 14).
An address for correspondence may be given only
by applicants who are not obliged to appoint a Only one representative may be named in
professional representative authorised to act Section 15, and that representative will then be
before the EPO (Article 133 EPC) and have not sent all notifications (Rule 130) and named in the
appointed one. It must be the applicants own Register of European Patents. If an association
address, and in an EPC contracting state (see OJ registered with the EPO is appointed as
EPO 2014, A99). representative (Rule 152(11); see OJ EPO 2013,
535), the associations registered name and
14 Applicant (additional applicant(s)) registration number must be indicated.
Multiple applicants may jointly appoint a single
16 Representative (address of place of business)
professional representative.
This address may contain the name of the
If no common representative is named in company or firm in which the representative is
Section 15, the applicant first named in the request employed.
(Sections 7 and 8) is deemed to be the common
representative. However, if one of the applicants is 19 Representative (additional representative(s))
obliged to appoint a professional representative, If more than one representative is appointed,
that representative is deemed to be the common those not named in Section 15 must be indicated
representative unless the first-named applicant on a signed additional sheet.
has appointed a representative (Rule 151(1)).
Only, however, if the request for grant has been 20-
duly signed by all the applicants or their
representative(s) is the common representative 21 Authorisation/General authorisation
entitled to act for them all. Under Rule 152(1) to (3) in conjunction with the
decision of the President of the EPO dated
If all the applicants have their residence or 12 July 2007, professional representatives who
principal place of business in an EPC contracting identify themselves as such are required to file a
state, they may jointly name an applicant other signed authorisation only in particular
than the first-named as their common circumstances (see Special edition No. 3, OJ EPO
representative. This should be done on a signed 2007, L.1.).
additional sheet.
However, a legal practitioner entitled to act as
14.1 Under Rule 6(6), applicants wishing to benefit from professional representative under Article 134(8) or
the fee reduction must declare that they are an an employee acting for an applicant under
entity or natural person covered by Rule 6(4). Article 133(3), first sentence, who is not a
They must file this declaration at the latest by the professional representative must file a signed
time of payment of the fee in question, either by authorisation. If an authorisation is required, the
EPO 1001 Notes 11.14

marking the relevant box in Section 14.1 of use of EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1003 is recommended
Form 1001 or separately (for this purpose, non- for individual authorisations and EPO Form 1004
mandatory Form 1011 is available from the EPO). for general authorisations.

23 Inventor for first filings in the notice from the EPO dated
4 May 2010 concerning the programme for
If the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole
accelerated prosecution of European patent
inventor, the designation of the inventor must be
applications "PACE" (OJ EPO 2010, 352).
submitted in an attached document. It must
contain a statement indicating the origin of the 26 Reference to a previously filed application
right to the European patent (Rule 19(1)). For this
purpose applicants are recommended to use See "Filing by reference" in the applicants' guide
EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1002. (point 57 of 14th edition).

24 Title of invention 26.1 Reference may be made to a previously filed

application (Rule 40). Such reference replaces the
This must be a clear and concise technical description and any drawings.
designation of the invention. All fanciful names are
excluded. As matter published in the European 26.2 If this box is crossed, the reference also replaces
Patent Bulletin and entries in the Register of the claims (Rule 57(c)).
European Patents must, under Article 14(7) and
(8), appear in all three EPO official languages, in 26.3-
Section 24 the title of the invention should also be 26.4 If a certified copy or translation (Rule 40(3)) is
indicated in the other two official languages. attached or will be supplied later, this must be duly
indicated (see OJ EPO 2009, 486).
25 Declaration of priority and search results under
Rule 141(1) 27 Divisional application
The declaration of priority must indicate the date Applicants may file a European divisional
of the previous filing, the state party to the Paris application relating to any pending earlier
Convention or member of the World Trade European patent application (the parent
Organization in or for which it was made, and the application).
file number. The declaration of priority should
preferably be made on filing the European patent 27.1 An additional fee forming part of the filing fee is
application (Rule 52(1), (2)); but it may still be payable for European divisional applications filed
made within sixteen months of the earliest priority in respect of any earlier such application which is
date claimed (Rule 52(2)). The priority document itself a European divisional, i.e. for European
must be filed within sixteen months of the earliest divisional applications of second or subsequent
priority date claimed (Rule 53). generations (Rule 38(4) EPC, Article 2(1), item 1b,
For details about filing the priority document, see
For details, see the notice from the EPO dated
"Claiming priority" in the applicants' guide.
8 January 2014 concerning European divisional
For each application whose priority is claimed, a applications amendment of Rules 36, 38 and
copy of any search results from the authority with 135 EPC and Article 2(1) RFees (OJ EPO 2014,
which the application was filed must be supplied A22).
(Rule 141(1)). This requirement applies to
28 Article 61(1)(b) application
European patent applications (including divisional
applications) and international applications filed on Section 28 covers the special case where it has
or after 1 January 2011 (see OJ EPO 2010, 410, been adjudged by a final decision that the inventor
OJ EPO 2011, 64 and OJ EPO 2013, 217). or his successor in title is entitled to the grant of a
European patent.
The side box(es) in Section 25 must be crossed
only if copies of the documents are indeed 29 Claims
supplied when filing the form. If, however, a copy
Any European patent application comprising more
of the search results is included in the file by the
than fifteen claims incurs a claims fee in respect of
EPO, no action by the applicant is required (see
the sixteenth and each subsequent claim
OJ 2010, 600, OJ EPO 2011, 62 and OJ EPO
(Rule 45(1), (2), Article 2, item 15, Rules relating to
2013, 216).
25.2 This section is for use by applicants wishing to
30 Figure proposed for publication with the
submit a declaration under Rule 53(3).
25.3 This section allows applicants to declare that they Rule 47(4) stipulates that if the European patent
have no intention of claiming any (further) priority application contains drawings, the applicant must
EPO 1001 Notes 11.14

within the period referred to in Rule 52(2). See indicate the figure or, exceptionally, the figures of
also the information about on accelerated search the drawings which he suggests should be

published with the abstract. Each essential feature material, OJ EPO 2010, 498 and "Biotechnology
mentioned in the abstract and illustrated by a applications" in the applicants' guide.
drawing must be followed by a reference sign
placed in parentheses. 34 Rules 31-33 require that biological material be
deposited with a recognised depositary institution
31 Designation of contracting states and no later than the date of filing of the application
associated declarations (Rule 31(1)(a)). Recognised depositary institutions
are the international depositary authorities under
All the contracting states party to the EPC at the
the Budapest Treaty and institutions with which the
time of filing of the European patent application
EPO has concluded a bilateral agreement. The
are deemed to be designated (Article 79(1)). In a
deposit must also have been effected in
divisional application, all the contracting states
accordance with the provisions of the Budapest
designated in the earlier application at the time of
Treaty or the bilateral agreement. If originally
filing of the divisional application are deemed to be
effected in accordance with other provisions, the
designated (Article 76(2)).
deposit must have been converted into a deposit
For European patent applications filed on or after under the Budapest Treaty or the bilateral
1 April 2009 payment of the flat-rate designation agreement no later than the date of filing of the
fee covers the designation of all contracting states European patent application. The relevant
(Article 79, Rule 39(1), Article 2, item 3, Rules information on the characteristics of the biological
relating to Fees), unless individual designations material must be given in the application as filed
are expressly withdrawn. A designation may be (Rule 31(1)(b)).
withdrawn at any time up to the grant of the
34.1 Applicants must state the depositary institution and
European patent (Article 79(3); Rule 39(4)). See
the deposit accession number (information
also "Fees" in the applicants' guide.
required by Rule 31(1)(c)) within the period
The EPO website gives an up-to-date list of the specified in Rule 31(2).
contracting states. 34.2 Applicants are strongly advised to submit the
receipt for the deposit issued by the depositary
33 Extension and validation of European patents institution, preferably when filing their European
33.1The application is deemed to be a request to patent application but no later than the date of
extend the European patent application and the expiry of the period under Rule 31(2), as this
European patent granted in respect of it to all enables the EPO to check compliance with
states not party to the EPC with which extension Rule 31(1) and (2).
agreements are in force on the date of its filing (as
at October 2010: Bosnia and Herzegovina and 35-
Montenegro). The request for extension for a state 35.1 Authorisation by the depositor under
is deemed withdrawn if the extension fee is not Rule 31(1)(d)
paid to the EPO within the time limits laid down in
the EPC for the payment of the designation fee Where the biological material has been deposited
(Rule 39(2). For further details refer to the by a person other than the applicant, the name
Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, A-III, 12.2, and address of the depositor should be stated in
and the notice from the EPO concerning the re- the application in accordance with Rule 31(1)(d),
introduction of a grace period for the payment of and a statement of authorisation signed by the
extension fees (OJ EPO 2009, 603). depositor must be submitted. These items,
including the statement of authorisation, may also
For detailed information about the extension be furnished within the period laid down in
system, see OJ EPO 1994, 75 and 1997, 538. Rule 31(2). The statement of authorisation may be
worded as follows:
33.2 Validation of European patent applications and the
resulting European patents may be requested for "The undersigned, ... [name and full address of the
countries with which the EPO has validation depositor], has deposited with ... [name of
agreements. The EPO publishes the necessary recognised depositary institution] under accession
information about such agreements in its Official number ... biological material in accordance with
Journal in good time before their entry into force. the Budapest Treaty [or, where applicable, the
34- bilateral agreement between the EPO and the
depositary institution concerned]. The undersigned
37 Biological material depositor hereby authorises ... [name of applicant]
These sections relate solely to biological material to refer to the aforementioned deposited biological
EPO 1001 Notes 11.14

deposited under Rules 31-33. See the notice from material in European patent application No. ...
the EPO dated 7 July 2010 concerning inventions [where this is not available,
which involve the use of or concern biological applicants/representatives reference number] and

gives his unreserved and irrevocable consent to See also Guidelines for Examination in the EPO,
the deposited material being made available to the A-X, 10.4
public in accordance with Rules 31-33 EPC."
44 List of enclosed documents
36 Waiver under Rule 33(2)
Section 44 refers applicants to the prepared
The applicant may waive his right under receipt on page 8 (Sections 47 to 49) of the
Rule 33(2) to an undertaking from the requester to request for grant form, on which the enclosed
issue a sample of the biological material, provided documents must be specified. Filing this duly
that he is the depositor of the biological material completed receipt constitutes compliance with the
concerned. This waiver must be expressly requirement under Rule 41(2)(i) for the applicant to
declared to the EPO in the form of a separate, file a separate list of the documents enclosed with
signed statement. It must specify the biological the request.
material concerned (depositary institution and
accession number or depositors reference 46 Signature
number as shown in the application documents). It If the applicant is a legal person other than an
may also be declared at any time after the individual and the request for grant is not signed
application has been filed. by the representative, it must be signed:
37 Expert solution (a) either by a person entitled to sign by law or the
This section is for use by applicants wishing to applicants articles of association or similar,
make a declaration under Rule 32(1). with an indication of that person's position,
e.g. Geschftsfhrer, Prokurist,
38 Nucleotide and amino acid sequences Handlungsbevollmchtigter; chairman,
director, company secretary; directeur, fond
If nucleotide or amino acid sequences are
de pouvoir (Article 133(1)), in which case no
disclosed in the European patent application, the
authorisation need be filed;
description must contain a sequence listing
complying with WIPO Standard ST.25 and (b) or, if the legal person's principal place of
presented as a separate part of the description in business is in a contracting state, by an
accordance with that standard. The sequence employee under Article 133(3), first sentence
listing must be filed in electronic form (see (Rule 152(1)-(3)), in which case an
OJ EPO 2011, 372 and OJ EPO 2013, 542). authorisation must be filed (see also the
instructions for filling in Sections 20 and 21).
39 Additional copies of the documents cited in the
European search report 47 Application documents
The flat-rate fee for this is given in the "Schedule The description, claims, drawings and abstract
of fees and expenses" published in the EPO's must be filed in one copy. The number of sheets
Official Journal and on the EPO website. and the total number of figures must also be
42 Automatic debit order and deposit account
Applicants are requested to observe Rules 46 to
The procedure is set out in the Arrangements for 49 relating to the form of the documents.
deposit accounts (ADA), the Arrangements for the
automatic debiting procedure (AAD, Annex A.1 to 48 Fee payment
ADA) and the Information concerning the AAD For fee information, see the "Guidance for the
(Annex A.2), all published in supplementary payment of fees, expenses and prices" published
publication 4, OJ EPO 2014. regularly in the EPO's Official Journal.
43 Refunds to a deposit account Fees can be paid online using the EPO's Online
Any refunds due to an applicant who has a deposit Fee Payment service. Offline fee payments by
account with the EPO may be credited to that debit order should be made using EPO
account. The account number and the account Form 1010, which has become mandatory as from
holders name must be indicated in this section. 1 April 2014 (see point 6.2 of the Arrangements for
Fees will be refunded to the party concerned. If the deposit accounts, supplementary publication 4,
account indicated is held by a representative, OJ EPO 2014).
refunds will be made to him. Refunds will not be
made to third-party payers, except for the fee for A list of the European Patent Organisation's euro
file inspection or at the explicit request of a party to accounts is published in every issue of the Official
EPO 1001 Notes 11.14

proceedings. Journal.

49 Receipt for documents
Having completed the receipt for documents, the
applicant should file the original receipt plus two
copies or, if filing with the competent national
authority of an EPC contracting state, the original
plus three copies. The address to which the
acknowledgment of receipt is to be returned must
be indicated in the space provided.

The extra copies of page 8 are also required for

fax filings, as a copy is kept by each receiving
office and another copy is stamped and returned
to the applicant.

A receipt for documents issued by the EPO in

respect of a European patent application filed with
a national authority is regarded as a
communication under Rule 35(4) (see RENA box).
Once a communication under Rule 35(4) has been
received, all further documents relating to the
application are to be filed direct with the EPO.

For notes on application number assignment, see

"Preparing and filing a European patent
application" in the applicants' guide.

EPO 1001 Notes 11.14

Erfindernennung (falls Anmelder nicht oder nicht allein der Erfinder ist) /
(where the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole inventor) /
Designation of inventor (si le demandeur nest pas linventeur ou lunique inventeur)

Dsignation de linventeur

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference / Anmeldenummer oder, falls noch nicht bekannt, Bezeichnung der Erfindung: /
Rfrence du demandeur Application No. or, if not yet known, title of the invention: /
(max. 15 Positionen / max. 15 spaces / 15 caractres au maximum) No de la demande ou, sil nest pas encore connu, titre de linvention :

In Sachen der oben bezeichneten europischen Patentanmeldung nennt (nennen) der (die) Unterzeichnete(n) 1 / In respect of the above European patent application
I (we), the undersigned 1 / En ce qui concerne la demande de brevet europen susmentionne, le(s) soussign(s) 1

als Erfinder 2 : / do hereby designate as inventor(s) 2: / dsigne(nt) en tant quinventeur(s) 2 :

Weitere Erfinder sind auf einem gesonderten Blatt angegeben. / Additional inventors are indicated on a supplementary sheet. /
D'autres inventeurs sont mentionns sur une feuille supplmentaire.

Der (Die) Anmelder hat (haben) das Recht auf das europische Patent erlangt 3 / The applicant(s) has (have) acquired the right to the European patent 3 /
Le(s) demandeur(s) a (ont) acquis le droit au brevet europen 3

gem Vertrag vom / als Arbeitgeber / durch Erbfolge /

by an agreement dated / as employer(s) / as successor(s) in title /
en vertu du contrat pass le en qualit demployeur(s) par succession

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s): /

Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s): /
Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :
EPA/EPO/OEB 1002 12.07

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb der
Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of the signatory within the company
should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie. Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe
au sein de celle-ci par le ou les signataires doit galement tre indique en caractres dimprimerie.

bitte wenden / P.T.O. / T.S.V.P.

Funoten zur Vorderseite Footnotes to text overleaf Renvois concernant le texte figurant
au recto
1 Name(n) des (der) Unterzeichneten nach 1 Name(s) of the undersigned in accordance 1 Nom(s) du (des) soussign(s), conformment
Magabe der Regel 41 (2) c) und d) EP: with Rule 41(2)(c) and (d) EPC: la rgle 41(2)c) et d) CBE :

Bei natrlichen Personen ist der Familienname Names of natural persons shall be indicated Les personnnes physiques doivent tre dsig-
vor den Vornamen anzugeben. by the persons family name, followed by his nes par leurs noms suivis de leurs prnoms.
Bei juristischen Personen und Gesellschaften, given names. Les personnes morales et les socits assimi-
die juristischen Personen gem dem fr sie Names of legal persons, and of bodies equi- les aux personnes morales en vertu du droit
magebenden Recht gleichgestellt sind, ist die valent to legal persons under the relevant law, dont elles relvent doivent figurer sous leur
amtliche Bezeichnung anzugeben. shall be indicated by their official designations. dsignation officielle.

2 Name(n), Vorname(n) und vollstndige 2 Family name(s), given name(s) and full 2 Nom(s), prnom(s) et adresse(s) complte(s)
Anschrift(en) des Erfinders (der Erfinder) address(es) of the inventor(s) in accordance de l(des) inventeur(s), conformment la
gem Regel 19 (1) EP. with Rule 19(1) EPC. rgle 19(1) CBE.

3 Ist der Anmelder nicht oder nicht allein der 3 If the applicant is not the inventor or is not the 3 Si le demandeur nest pas linventeur, ou
Erfinder, so hat die Erfindernennung eine sole inventor, the designation shall contain a lunique inventeur, la dsignation de linventeur
Erklrung darber zu enthalten, wie der An- statement indicating the origin of the right to doit comporter une dclaration indiquant
melder das Recht auf das europische Patent the European patent (Article 81, Rule 19(1) lorigine de lacquisition du droit au brevet
erlangt hat (Artikel 81, Regel 19 (1) EP). EPC). europen (article 81 et rgle 19(1) CBE).

Bei rechtsgeschftlicher bertragung gengt In the case of assignment the words En cas de transfert contractuel, il suffit de
die Angabe gem Vertrag vom .... by agreement dated ... suffice. mentionner en vertu du contrat
pass le ... .
Bei Arbeitnehmererfindungen gengt der In the case of inventions by employees a
Hinweis, dass der oder die Erfinder Arbeit- mention that the inventor(s) is/are employee(s) Pour les inventions de salaris, il suffit
nehmer des Anmelders/der Anmelder ist bzw. of the applicant(s) is sufficient. dindiquer que le ou les inventeurs sont des
sind. employs du ou des demandeurs.
In the case of succession a mention that the
Bei Erbfolge gengt die Angabe, dass applicant(s) is/are heir(s) of the inventor(s) is En cas de transfert successoral, il suffit
der oder die Anmelder Erbe(n) des Erfinders/ sufficient. dindiquer que le ou les demandeurs sont les
der Erfinder ist bzw. sind. hritiers du ou des inventeurs.

EPA/EPO/OEB 1002 12.07

Bitte vor dem Ausfllen des Formblatts Rckseite beachten. /
Vollmacht 1 Please read the notes overleaf before completing the form. /
Veuillez lire les remarques au verso avant de remplir le formulaire.
Authorisation 1
Pouvoir 1

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference / Rfrence du demandeur Anmelde-/Patentnummer / Application /Patent No. /
(max. 15 Positionen / max. 15 spaces / 15 caractres au maximum) No de la demande (du brevet)

Ich (Wir) 2 /
I (We) 2 /
Je (Nous) 2

bevollmchtige(n) hiermit 3 /
do hereby authorise 3 /
autorise (autorisons) par la prsente 3

sowie weitere auf einem gesonderten Blatt angegebene Vertreter / and additional representatives indicated
on a separate sheet / ainsi que dautres mandataires mentionns sur une feuille supplmentaire

mich (uns) zu vertreten als / to represent me (us) as / me (nous) reprsenter en tant que

Anmelder oder Patentinhaber, / applicant(s) or patent proprietor(s), / Einsprechenden (Einsprechende), / opponent(s), /

demandeur(s) ou titulaire(s) du brevet, opposant(s),

und in den durch das Europische Patentbereinkommen geschaffenen Verfahren

betreffend die folgende(n) europische(n) Patentanmeldung(en) oder das (die)
folgende(n) europische(n) Patent(e) 4 fr mich (uns) zu handeln und Zahlungen
fr mich (uns) in Empfang zu nehmen: /
to act for me (us) in all proceedings established by the European Patent Convention
concerning the following European patent application(s) or patent(s) 4 and to receive
payments on my (our) behalf: /
agir en mon (notre) nom dans toute procdure institue par la Convention sur
le brevet europen et concernant la (les) demande(s) de brevet ou le (les)
brevet(s) europen(s) 4 suivant(s) et recevoir des paiements en mon (notre) nom :
Fortsetzung auf einem gesonderten Blatt. / Additional applications or patents are
indicated on a supplementary sheet. / Suite sur une feuille supplmentaire.

Diese Vollmacht gilt auch fr Verfahren nach dem Vertrag ber die internationale Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Patentwesens. /
This authorisation also applies to any proceedings established by the Patent Cooperation Treaty. /
Ce pouvoir sapplique galement toute procdure institue par le Trait de coopration en matire de brevets.

Diese Vollmacht gilt auch fr etwaige europische Teilanmeldungen. / This authorisation also covers any European divisional applications. /
Ce pouvoir vaut galement pour toute demande divisionnaire europenne.

Es kann eine Untervollmacht erteilt werden. / A sub-authorisation may be given. / Ce pouvoir peut tre dlgu.

Ich (Wir) widerrufe(n) hiermit frhere Vollmachten in Bezug auf die oben genannte(n) Anmeldung(en) oder das (die) oben genannte(n) Patent(e) 5. /
I (We) hereby revoke all previous authorisations in respect of the above application(s) or patent(s) 5. /
Je rvoque (Nous rvoquons) par la prsente tout pouvoir antrieur, donn pour la (les) demande(s) ou le (les) brevet(s) mentionn(e)(s) ci-dessus 5.

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) 6 / Signature(s) 6
EPA/EPO/OEB 1003 11.11

Das Formblatt muss vom (von den) Vollmachtgeber(n) eigenhndig unterzeichnet sein (bei juristischen Personen vom Unterschriftsberechtigten). Nach der Unterschrift bitte den (die)Namen
des (der) Unterzeichneten in Druckschrift wiederholen und bei juristischen Personen die Stellung des Unterschriftsberechtigten innerhalb der Gesellschaft angeben. /
The form must bear the personal signature(s) of the authoriser(s) (in the case of legal persons, that of the officer empowered to sign). After the signature, please print the name(s) ofthe
signatory(ies) adding, in the case of legal persons, his (their) position within the company. /
Le formulaire doit tre sign de la propre main du (des) mandant(s) (dans le cas depersonnes morales, de la personne ayant qualit pour signer).
Veuillez ajouter en caractres d'imprimerie, aprs la signature, le (les) nom(s) du (des) signataire(s) en mentionnant, dans le cas de personnes
morales, ses (leurs) fonctions au sein de la socit. bitte wenden / P.T.O. / T.S.V.P.

I. Funoten zur Vorderseite I. Footnotes to text overleaf I. Renvois concernant le texte
figurant au recto
1 a) Die Verwendung dieses Formblatts wird 1 (a) The use of this form is recommended for 1 a) Il est recommand dutiliser ce formulaire
empfohlen fr die Bevollmchtigung von authorising representatives before the pour mandater des reprsentants devant
Vertretern vor dem Europischen Patent- EuropeanPatent Office professional re- lOffice europen des brevets manda-
amt zugelassene Vertreter, Rechtsan- presentatives, legal practitioners under Ar- taires agrs, avocats au sens de larticle
wlte im Sinne des Artikels 134 (8) und ticle 134(8) and associations of represen 134(8) et groupements de mandataires
Zusammenschlsse von Vertretern nach tatives pursuant to Rule 152(11) and for conformment la rgle 152(11) ainsi
Regel 152 (11) sowie fr die Bevollmch- authorising employees under Article 133(3), que pour mandater des employs au sens
tigung von Angestellten im Sinne des first sentence; as regards the second de larticle 133(3), premire phrase; il
Artikels 133 (3) Satz 1; zu Satz 2 sind sentence, no implementing regulation has na pas encore t arrt de dispositions
bisher keine Ausfhrungsbestimmungen yet been issued. dapplication relatives la deuxime phra-
ergangen. Professional representatives who identify se. En vertu de la rgle 152(1) en liaison
Zugelassene Vertreter, die sich als solche themselves as such are required under avec la dcision de la Prsidente de lOEB
zu erkennen geben, mssen nach Regel Rule 152(1), in conjunction with the en date du 12 juillet 2007, les mandataires
152 (1) in Verbindung mit dem Beschluss decision of the President of the EPO dated agrs qui se font connatre comme tels
der Prsidentin des EPA vom 12. Juli 2007 12July 2007, to file a signed authorisation ne sont tenus de dposer un pouvoir sign
nur in bestimmten Fllen eine unterzeich- only in particular cases (Special edition que dans certains cas (Edition spciale
nete Vollmacht einreichen (Sonderausgabe No.3, OJ EPO 2007, L.1.). However, a legal n 3, JO OEB 2007, L.1.). En revanche,
Nr. 3, ABl. EPA 2007, L.1.). Hingegen practitioner entitled to act as a professional les avocats habilits agir en qualit de
mssen nach Artikel 134 (8) vertretungs- representative in accordance with Article mandataires en vertu de larticle 134(8),
berechtigte Rechtsanwlte sowie Ange- 134(8), or an employee acting for an appli- ainsi que les employs qui agissent pour
stellte, die fr einen Anmelder gem cant in accordance with Article 133(3), le compte dun demandeur conformment
Artikel133(3)Satz 1 handeln und keine first sentence, but who is not a professional larticle 133(3), 1re phrase, et qui ne sont
zugelassenen Vertreter sind, eine unter- representative, must file a signed pas des mandataires agrs, doivent dpo-
zeichnete Vollmacht einreichen. authorisation. ser un pouvoir sign.
b) Zutreffendes ist anzukreuzen. (b) Where applicable place a cross in the box. b) Faire une croix dans la case si ncessaire.

2 Name(n) und Anschrift(en) sowie Staat des 2 Name(s) and address(es) of the party (parties) 2 Nom(s) et adresse(s), Etat du sige ou du
Sitzes oder Wohnsitzes des Vollmachtgebers giving the authorisation and the State in which domicile du (des) mandant(s), dans les condi-
(der Vollmachtgeber) nach Magabe der nach- his (their) residence or principal place of busi- tions prvues la rgle 41(2) c) et reproduites
stehenden Regel 41 (2) c): Bei natrlichen ness is located, in accordance with Rule 41(2) ci-aprs : Les personnes physiques doivent
Personen ist der Familienname vor den Vor- (c): Names of natural persons shall be indica- tre dsignes par leur nom suivi de leurs
namen anzugeben. Bei juristischen Personen ted by the persons family name, followed by prnoms. Les personnes morales et les soci-
und Gesellschaften, die juristischen Personen his given names. Names of legal persons, as ts assimiles aux personnes morales en ver-
gem dem fr sie magebenden Recht well as of bodies equivalent to legal persons tu dudroit dont elles relvent doivent figurer
gleichgestellt sind, ist die amtliche Bezeich- under the law governing them, shall be indica- sous leur dsignation officielle. Les adresses
nung anzugeben. Anschriften sind gem ted by their official designations. Addresses doivent tre indiques selon les exigences
den blichen Anforderungen fr eine schnelle shall be indicated in accordance with applica- usuelles en vue dune distribution postale ra-
Postzustellung an die angegebene Anschrift ble customary requirements for prompt postal pide ladresse indique et comporter en tout
anzugeben und mssen in jedem Fall alle delivery and shall comprise all the relevant tat de cause toutes les indications administra-
mageblichen Verwaltungseinheiten, gegebe- administrative units, including the house tives pertinentes, y compris, le cas chant,
nenfalls bis zur Hausnummer einschlielich, number, if any. lenumro de la maison.

3 Name(n) und Geschftsanschrift des Vertre- 3 Name(s) and address of place of business of 3 Nom(s) et adresse professionelle du (des)
ters (der Vertreter) nach Magabe der in Ziff. 2 the representative(s) in accordance with Rule mandataire(s), dans les conditions prvues
wiedergegebenen Regel 41 (2) c). 41(2)(c) (cf. note 2 above). largle 41(2) c) et mentionnes au point 2.

4 Nummer der Anmeldung(en) (falls bekannt) 4 Application No(s). or patent No(s). (if known) 4 Numro de la (des) demande(s) (sil est connu)
oder des Patents (der Patente) und Bezeich and title(s) of the invention(s). ou du (des) brevet(s) et titre(s) de linvention
nung(en) der Erfindung(en). (des inventions).

5 Der Widerruf erfasst nicht eine gegebenenfalls 5 The revocation does not extend to any general 5 La rvocation ne stend pas un pouvoir g-
erteilte allgemeine Vollmacht. authorisation which may have been given. nral ventuellement donn.

6 bliche Unterschrift des (der) Vollmachtgeber(s). 6 Usual signature(s) of person(s) giving the aut- 6 Signature(s) habituelle(s) du (des) mandant(s).
Wird die Vollmacht fr eine juristische Person horisation. Where the authorisation is signed Lorsque le pouvoir est sign au nom dune per-
unterzeichnet, so drfen nur solche Personen on behalf of a legal person, only such persons sonne morale, seules sont habilites signer
unterzeichnen, die nach Gesetz und/oder as are entitled to sign by law and/or in accor- les personnes auxquelles cette qualit est
Satzung der juristischen Person dazu berech- dance with the articles of association or equi- reconnue en vertu de la loi et/ou du statut de
tigt sind (Artikel 58, Regel 152 (1)). Es ist ein valent of the legal person may do so (Article la personne morale concerne (article 58, r-
Hinweis auf die Unterschriftsberechtigung des 58, Rule 152(1)). An indication is to be given of gle 152(1)). Il convient dindiquer la qualit du
Unterzeichneten zu geben (z. B. Geschfts the signatorys entitlement to sign (e.g. presi- signataire (par exemple: prsident, directeur,
fhrer, Prokurist, Handlungsbevollmchtigter; dent, director, company secretary; Geschfts- fond de pouvoir; Geschftsfhrer, Prokurist,
president, director, company secretary; prsi- fhrer, Prokurist, Handlungsbevollmchtigter; Handlungsbevollmchtigter; president, direc-
dent,directeur, fond de pouvoir). prsident, directeur, fond de pouvoir). If any tor, company secretary).
Unterzeichnet ein sonstiger Angestellter einer other employee of a legal person signs by vir- Il y a lieu de signaler les cas o un autre em-
juristischen Person aufgrund einer speziellen tue of a special authorisation conferred by the ploy dune personne morale signe en vertu
Vollmacht der juristischen Person, so ist dies legal person, this is to be indicated and a copy dun pouvoir spcial confr par la personne
anzugeben; von der speziellen Vollmacht of the special authorisation, which need not morale et de fournir alors une copie, qui peut
ist eine Kopie, die nicht beglaubigt zu sein be certified, is to be supplied. An authorisation ne pas tre certifie conforme, de ce pouvoir
braucht, beizufgen. Eine Vollmacht mit der bearing the signature of a person not entitled spcial. Un pouvoir portant la signature dune
Unterschrift einer nicht zeichnungsberech- so to sign will be treated as an unsigned aut- personne non habilite signer sera considr
tigten Person wird als nicht unterzeichnete horisation. comme non sign.
Vollmacht behandelt.

II. Hinweise II. Notices II. Notes

a) Erstreckt sich die Vollmacht auf mehrere (a) Authorisations covering more than one a) Si le pouvoir est donn pour plusieurs
Anmeldungen oder Patente, so ist sie in application or patent are to be filed in the demandes ou plusieurs brevets, il doit
der entsprechenden Stckzahl einzurei- corresponding number of copies tre fourni un nombre correspondant
chen (vgl. Regel 152 (2)). (cf. Rule 152(2)). dexemplaires (cf. rgle 152(2)).
b) Alle Entscheidungen, Ladungen, Be- (b) All decisions, summonses and communi- b) Toutes les dcisions, citations, notifications
scheide und Mitteilungen werden an den cations will be sent to the representative seront adresses au mandataire (voir
Vertreter bersandt (vgl. Regel 130). Im (cf. Rule 130). In cases where employees rgle 130). Dans le cas o des employs
EPA/EPO/OEB 1003 11.11

Fall der Bevollmchtigung von Angestellten are authorised under Article 133(3), these au sens de larticle 133(3) sont mandats,
im Sinne des Artikels 133 (3) werden die documents will be sent to the applicant. les pices mentionnes sont envoyes au
genannten Schriftstcke dem Anmelder (c) Rule 152(9) states: Unless it expressly demandeur.
bersandt. provides otherwise, an authorisation shall c) La rgle 152(9) stipule: Sauf sil en dis
c) Regel 152 (9) bestimmt: Sofern die Voll- not terminate vis--vis the European Patent pose autrement, le pouvoir ne prend pas
macht nichts anderes bestimmt, erlischt sie Office upon the death of the person who fin, lgard de lOffice europen des bre-
gegenber dem Europischen Patentamt gave it. vets,au dcs du mandant.
nicht mit dem Tod des Vollmachtgebers. (d) See also Communication on matters con- d) Pour le reste, se reporter la Communi-
d) Im brigen vgl. die Mitteilung zu Fragen cerning representation before the EPO in cation concernant les questions relatives
der Vertretung vor dem EPA im Amtsblatt the Official Journal EPO 4/1978, 281 ff. la reprsentation prs lOEB, parue au
EPA 4/1978, 281 ff. Journal officiel de lOEB, 4/1978, 281 s.
Please forward the original direct to the EPO,
General authorisation Legal Division (Dir. 5.2.3) in Munich.
Please read the attached notes before
completing the form.

1 General
authorisation No.
2 I (We)
(for official use only)
Full name and address of authorisor(s)

3 do hereby authorise

Full name and address

of authorisee: professional
representative, legal practitioner,
employee, association of
representatives please specify

4 to represent me (us) in all proceedings established by the European Patent Convention and to act for me (us) in all patent

This authorisation includes the power to receive payments on my (our) behalf.

This authorisation shall also apply to the same extent to any proceedings established by the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

5 Sub-authorisation may be given.

Additional representatives indicated on supplementary sheet.

6 Please return a copy, supplemented by the general authorisation number, to the authorisor.

Name (printed) Position within the company (where relevant)

Place, Date Signature*

7 * The form must bear the personal signature(s) of the authorisor(s). In the case of legal persons, the signature
must be that of the person empowered to sign on behalf of the company. If possible, please sign in blue.
EPO 1004 09.11

to the General authorisation Form (EPO 1004)

1 The use of this form is recommended when authorising represen 4 The powers mentioned separately in the form (to receive
tatives before the European Patent Office (EPO): professional payments, to act in PCT proceedings and to give sub-authorisation)
representatives and legal practitioners under Article 134(8) must be expressly granted (eg by placing a cross in the appropriate
EPC; employees under Article 133(3), first sentence, EPC and box on the form). Powers other than those three mentioned above
associations of representatives under Rule 152(11) EPC. As to may not be excluded in a general authorisation.
Article 133(3), second sentence, EPC no implementing regulation
has been issued up to the present time. If the authorisee is an 5 The EPC provisions regarding authorisations are to be applied to
employee who is not a professional representative or a legal sub-authorisations (Article 133(3), first sentence, Rule 152 EPC),
practitioner, the authorisor must make a declaration in the general be it
authorisation or in a covering letter that the authorisee is his (a) a specific sub-authorisation (Rule 152(2), second sentence,
employee. EPC), or
(b) a general sub-authorisation (Rule 152(4) EPC).
2 The name and address of the party giving the authorisation When issuing a general sub-authorisation, Form EPO 1004 can for
(hereafter authorisor) and the state in which their residence or example be used and the sub-authorisor must indicate the general
principal place of business is located must be given, in accordance authorisation number from which he derives his power. When it is
with Rule 41(2)(c) below, in the address box: registered, the general sub-authorisation keeps the same number
Names of natural persons shall be indicated by the persons as the general authorisation by virtue of which it has been granted.
familyname, followed by his given names. Names of legal persons,
as well as of bodies equivalent to legal persons under the law Subject to any provisions to the contrary contained therein, a
governing them, shall be indicated by their official designations. general sub-authorisation does not terminate vis--vis the EPO
Addresses shall be indicated in accordance with applicable upon the death of the person who gave it (Rule 152(9) EPC), nor
customary requirements for prompt postal delivery and shall upon the termination of the authorisation given to the sub-authorisor
comprise all the relevant administrative units, including the house for any other reason.
number, if any.
6 The EPO returns a copy, supplemented by the general authorisation
Where the authorisation is being given by more than one party, the number, to the authorisor if the appropriate box is crossed (see 4).
relevant information regarding the additional authorisors must be In any case the EPO will transmit a copy to the authorisee
indicated to the right of the address box. (see 3above).

Where there are several authorisors, a general authorisation can 7 Where the authorisation is signed on behalf of a legal person,
also be used when only one or more of them are to be represented. only such persons as are entitled to sign by law and/or in
If one of several authorisors cancels a general authorisation, accordance with the articles of association or equivalent of
itremains valid for the other authorisors under the old registration thelegal person may do so (Article 58 EPC).
number. This applies equally to general authorisations already An indication is to be given of the signatorys entitlement to sign,
registered. egpresident, director, company secretary; Geschftsfhrer,
Prokurist, Handlungs-bevollmchtigter; prsident, directeur, fond
3 The name(s) and address of the place of business of the de pouvoir. If any other employee of a legal person signs by virtue
authorisee(s) must be given in accordance with Rule 41(2)(c) of a special authorisation conferred by the legal person, this is to
(see note 2 above). Please specify whether it is a professional be indicated and a copy of the special authorisation, which need
representative, a legal practitioner, an employee or an association not be certified, is to be supplied. An authorisation bearing the
of representatives. As regards the authorisation of an association signature of a person not entitled to sign will be treated as an
ofrepresentatives, within the meaning of Rule 152(11) EPC, unsigned authorisation.
thename and the number of the association must be given.
If there is more than one authorisee, please insert in the
address box the name and address of the place of business of
the authorisee to whom the EPO is to send a copy of the form
bearing the general authorisation number.

A communication regarding the registration of the general

authorisation is not inserted in the files relating to the application
for which the authorisee is or is to be appointed as representative.
Therefore, it is not permissible to revoke earlier specific
authorisations in a general authorisation. When a general
authorisation is intended to supersede an earlier one, the earlier
authorisations number must be stated.

The general authorisation of one or more authorisees terminates

assoon as the authorisor or the authorisee concerned
not another authorisee has communicated the termination to
the EPO in Munich (Directorate 5.2.3). The communication
EPO 1004 09.11

must be clear and unambiguous. It is not sufficient to file a

new general authorisation omitting the name of the authorisee
concerned (Rule 152(7) and (8) EPC).
PACE-Antrag an das Europische Patentamt
PACE request to the European Patent Office
Requte PACE lOffice europen des brevets

Unter Bezugnahme auf das Programm zur beschleunigten Bearbeitung europischer Patentanmeldungen (PACE) 1
wird fr die europische Patentanmeldung

Under the programme for accelerated prosecution of European patent applications (PACE) 1,
I / we hereby request that European patent application

Nous rfrant au Programme de traitement acclr des demandes de brevet europen (PACE) 1,
nous demandons que la demande de brevet europen

application number:
numro denregistrement :

beantragt: /undergo: / fasse lobjet:

beschleunigte Recherche
accelerated search
dune recherche acclre

oder / or / ou

beschleunigte Prfung
accelerated examination
dun examen acclr.

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s):

Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s):
Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten
innerhalb der Gesellschaft inDruckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of
EPA /EPO/OEB 1005 01.16

the signatory within the company should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie.
Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe au sein de celle-ci parle ou les signataires doit galement tre indique
en caractres dimprimerie.

ABl. EPA 2015, A93 / OJ EPO 2015, A93 / JO OEB 2015, A93
Antrag auf Teilnahme am Pilotprogramm
"Patent Prosecution Highway" (PPH)
Request for participation in the
Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot programme
Demande de participation au programme pilote
"Patent Prosecution Highway" (PPH)

A. Bibliografische Daten / Bibliographic data / Donnes bibliographiques

Anmeldenummer (falls bekannt)

Application number (if known)
Numro de la demande (sil est connu)

Filing date
Date de dpt

B. Antrag / Request / Requte

Der Anmelder beantragt die Teilnahme am Pilotprogramm "Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)" auf folgender Grundlage:
The Applicant requests participation in the "Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)" pilot programme based on:
Le dposant demande participer au programme pilote "Patent Prosecution Highway" sur la base des lments suivants:

Frher prfendes Amt (OEE)

Office of earlier examination (OEE)
Office ayant effectu lexamen antrieur (OEE)

Aktenzeichen der OEE-Anmeldung

(nationales bzw. PCT-Aktenzeichen)
OEE Application Number
(national or PCT application number)
Numro de la demande OEE
(n national ou n de dpt PCT)

Art des OEE-Arbeitsergebnisses Bescheid(e) des nationalen/regionalen Amts

OEE Work Products Type National/Regional Office Action(s)
Type de produit rsultant de travaux de lOEE Notification(s) de loffice national/rgional

Bescheide der internationalen Behrde (WO-ISA, WO-IPEA oder IPER)

International Authority Actions (WO-ISA, WO-IPEA or IPER)
Notification(s) de ladministration internationale (WO-ISA, WO-IPEA ou IPER)

Anmelde- / Priorittstag der OEE-Anmeldung

OEE application filing /priority date
Date de dpt /de priorit de la demande OEE

C. Erforderliche Unterlagen / Required documents / Documents requis

I. OEE-Arbeitsergebnisse und bersetzungen / OEE Work Products and Translations / Notifications de lOEE et traductions

1. Eine Kopie der OEE-Arbeitsergebnisse ist beigefgt oder

A copy of OEE work products is attached; or
Une copie des notifications de lOEE est jointe; ou

das Amt wird ersucht, die Unterlagen ber das Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE abzurufen.
the office is requested to retrieve documents via the Dossier Access System or PATENTSCOPE.
il est demand lOffice de se procurer les documents via le systme daccs aux dossiers ou PATENTSCOPE.

2. Eine bersetzung der unter 1 genannten Unterlagen in eine vom Amt zugelassene Sprache ist beigefgt oder
A translation of documents in 1 in a language accepted by the Office is attached; or
Une traduction des documents viss au point1 dans une langue accepte par lOffice est jointe; ou

das Amt wird ersucht, die Unterlagen ber das Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE abzurufen.
the office is requested to retrieve documents via the Dossier Access System or PATENTSCOPE.
il est demand lOffice de se procurer les documents via le systme daccs aux dossiers ou PATENTSCOPE.
EPA /EPO/OEB 1009 05.16

II. Vom OEE fr patentierbar/gewhrbar befundene Ansprche und bersetzungen
Claims determined to be patentable/allowable by OEE and Translations
Revendications juges brevetables/admissibles par lOEE et traductions

3. Eine Kopie der vom OEE fr patentierbar/gewhrbar befundenen Ansprche ist beigefgt oder
A copy of all claims determined to be patentable/allowable by OEE is attached; or
Une copie de toutes les revendications juges brevetables/admissibles par lOEE est jointe; ou

das Amt wird ersucht, die Unterlagen ber das Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE abzurufen.
the office is requested to retrieve documents via the Dossier Access System or PATENTSCOPE.
il est demand lOffice de se procurer les documents via le systme daccs aux dossiers ou PATENTSCOPE.

4. Eine bersetzung der unter 3 genannten Unterlagen in eine vom Amt zugelassene Sprache ist beigefgt oder
A translation of documents in 3 in a language accepted by the Office is attached; or
Une traduction des documents viss au point3 dans une langue accepte par lOffice est jointe; ou

das Amt wird ersucht, die Unterlagen ber das Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE abzurufen.
the office is requested to retrieve documents via the Dossier Access System or PATENTSCOPE.
il est demand lOffice de se procurer les documents via le systme daccs aux dossiers ou PATENTSCOPE.

III. In den OEE-Arbeitsergebnissen angefhrte Dokumente

Documents Cited in OEE Work Products
Documents cits dans les notifications de lOEE

5. Eine Kopie der in den OEE-Arbeitsergebnissen angefhrten Nichtpatentliteratur ist beigefgt oder
A copy of all non-patent documents cited in OEE work products is attached; or
Une copie de tous les documents non-brevets cits dans les notifications de lOEE est jointe; ou

es wurden keine Dokumente angefhrt.

no references cited.
aucun document cit.

IV. Frher eingereichte Unterlagen

Previously submitted documents
Documents produits prcdemment

6. Wenn eine oder mehrere der vorstehend genannten Unterlagen bereits eingereicht wurden, geben Sie bitte die Anmeldenummer und das Datum
der Einreichung an:
If any of the above mentioned documents have been submitted before, please specify application number and date of submission:
Si lun des documents viss plus haut a dj t produit, veuillez prciser le numro de la demande et la date denvoi:
Anmeldenummer Datum
Application number Date
Numro de la demande Date

D. Anspruchskorrespondenz / Claims Correspondence / Concordance des revendications

Alle Ansprche der Anmeldung entsprechen in ausreichendem Mae den patentierbaren/gewhrbaren Ansprchen der OEE-Anmeldung.
All the claims in the application sufficiently correspond to the patentable/allowable claims in the OEE application.
Toutes les revendications contenues dans la demande concordent suffisamment avec les revendications brevetables/admissibles de la
demande OEE.

Erluterungen zu Bemerkungen in Feld VIII (Formblatt PCT/ISA 237 oder Formblatt PCT/IPEA 409)
Explanations regarding Box VIII observations (Form PCT/ISA 237 or Form PCT/IPEA 409)
Explications relatives aux observations figurant dans le cadre VIII (Formulaire PCT/ISA 237 ou Formulaire PCT/IPEA 409)

Ort und Datum / Place and date / Lieu et date

Name(n) des (der) Unterzeichneten Unterschrift des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s)
Name(s) of signatory/signatories Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s)
Nom(s) du (des) soussign(s) Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s)
EPA /EPO/OEB 1009 05.16

Merkblatt zur Teilnahme Notes on participation Notice relative la partici-
am Pilotprogramm in the Patent Prosecution pation au programme pilote
"Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot "Patent Prosecution
Highway" (PPH) Programme Highway" (PPH)
(EPA /EPO/OEB Form1009) (EPA /EPO/OEB Form1009) (EPA /EPO/OEB Form1009)

Einleitung Introduction Introduction

Dieses Merkblatt erlutert das Ausfllen des These notes explain how to complete La prsente notice explique comment remplir
Formblatts EPA/EPO/OEB1009 (Antrag auf EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1009 (Request for partici- le formulaire EPA/EPO/OEB 1009 (Demande de
Teilnahme am Pilotprogramm "Patent Prosecution pation in the Patent Prosecution Highway pilot participation au programme pilote "Patent Pro
Highway"). programme). secution Highway").
Das Formblatt ist beim EPA erhltlich. The request form can be obtained from the EPO. Ce formulaire peut tre obtenu auprs de lOEB.

Ausfllen des Formblatts1009 Filling in form 1009 Remplir le formulaire 1009

Die einzelnen Abschnitte des Formblatts sind wie The sections of the form should be completed Les diffrentes parties du formulaire doivent tre
folgt auszufllen: as follows: remplies de la manire suivante:

A. Bibliografische Daten A. Bibliographic data A. Donnes bibliographiques

In AbschnittA machen Sie bitte Angaben zu Under section A. please provide information La partieA regroupe les informations per
der Anmeldung, die im Rahmen des PPH identifying the application to be processed mettant didentifier la demande traiter dans
bearbeitetwerden soll. under the PPH. le cadre du PPH.

Geben Sie die Nummer der Anmeldung, sofern Enter the application number, if known, to be Entrez le numro de la demande traiter,
bekannt, sowie den Anmeldetag ein. processed under the PPH and the filing date. sil est connu, et la date de dpt.

B. Antrag B. Request B. Requte

In AbschnittB machen Sie bitte Angaben zum Under section B. please provide information La partieB regroupe les informations relatives
frher prfenden Amt (OEE), zur korrespon- identifying the Office of Earlier Examination lOffice ayant effectu lexamen antrieur
dierenden, vom OEE bearbeiteten Anmeldung (OEE), the corresponding application that has (OEE), la demande correspondante dj
sowie zum OEE-Arbeitsergebnis, das als been processed by the OEE as well as the traite par lOEE ainsi qu la notification de
Grundlage fr den PPH-Antrag dienen soll. OEE work product which shall be used as a lOEE sur laquelle se fonde la demande de
basis for the PPH request. participation au PPH.

Geben Sie das OEE ein, dessen Arbeitser Enter the OEE the work product of which shall Entrez lOEE dont la notification sert de base
gebnis als Grundlage fr den PPH-Antrag be used as the basis for the PPH request. la demande de participation au PPH.
dienen soll.

Geben Sie das Aktenzeichen der OEE- Enter the OEE application number, i.e. the Entrez le numro de la demande OEE,
Anmeldung ein, d.h. der korrespondierenden corresponding application that contains the cest--dire de la demande correspondante
Anmeldung, die die patentierbaren/gewhr- patentable/allowable claims. qui contient les revendications brevetables/
baren Ansprche enthlt. admissibles.

Geben Sie die Art des OEE-Arbeitsergebnis Enter the type of the OEE work product which Entrez la nature de la notification de lOEE sur
ses ein, das als Grundlage fr den PPH-Antrag shall be used as the basis of the PPH request, laquelle se fonde la demande de participation
dienen soll, d.h. den Bescheid des nationalen/ i.e. the national/regional Office action or the au PPH: notification de loffice national/
regionalen Amts bzw. das PCT-Arbeitsergebnis international PCT work product (WO/ISA, rgional ou produit rsultant de travaux
(WO/ISA, WO/IPEA, IPER). WO/IPEA, IPER). effectus pendant la phase internationale du

Geben Sie den Anmelde-/Priorittstag der Enter the OEE application filing/priority date. Entrez la date de dpt ou de priorit de la
OEE-Anmeldung ein. demande OEE.

C. Erforderliche Unterlagen C. Required documents C. Documents requis

In AbschnittC machen Sie bitte Angaben zu Under section C. please provide information La partieC regroupe les informations concer
den fr die Bearbeitung des PPH-Antrags as to the documents necessary for the nant les documents ncessaires au traitement
erforderlichenUnterlagen und ggf. den ber- processing of the PPH request, if applicable, de la demande de participation au PPH ainsi
setzungen dieser Unterlagen sowie dazu, the translations thereof and as to how these que leurs traductions, le cas chant, et permet
wie diese Unterlagen dem EPA zugnglich documents are made available to the EPO. dindiquer de quelle manire ces documents
gemacht werden. seront mis la disposition de lOEB.

I. OEE-Arbeitsergebnisse und bersetzungen I. OEE work products and translations I. Notifications de lOEE et traductions

Geben Sie bitte unter 1 an, ob eine Kopie des Please indicate under 1. whether a copy of the Veuillez indiquer au point1 si une copie des
OEE-Arbeitsergebnisses beigefgt ist oder OEE work product is attached or whether the notifications de lOEE est jointe ou si lOEB
das EPA ersucht wird, die Unterlage ber das EPO is requested to retrieve the document via doit se procurer les documents via le systme
Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE the Dossier Access System (DAS) or daccs aux dossiers (DAS) ou

Geben Sie unter 2 an, ob eine bersetzung Please indicate under 2. whether a translation Veuillez indiquer au point2 si une traduction
der unter 1 genannten Unterlagen in eine of the documents under 1. above in one of the des documents viss au point1 ci-dessus dans
Amtssprache des EPA beigefgt oder die EPO official languages is attached or whether lune des langues officielles de lOEB est jointe
bersetzung ber das Aktenzugriffssystem the translation shall be retrieved via the DAS ou si la traduction est accessible via DAS ou
EPA /EPO/OEB 1009 05.16


II. Vom OEE fr patentierbar/gewhrbar II. Claims determined patentable/allowable II. Revendications juges brevetables/ad
befundene Ansprche und bersetzungen by the OEE and Translations missibles par lOEE et traductions

Geben Sie bitte unter 3 an, ob eine Kopie Please indicate under 3. whether a copy of all Veuillez indiquer au point3 si une copie de
der vom OEE fr patentierbar/gewhrbar claims determined patentable/allowable by toutes les revendications juges brevetables/
befundenen Ansprche beigefgt ist oder the OEE are attached or whether the EPO is admissibles par lOEE est jointe ou si lOEB
das EPA ersucht wird, die Unterlagen ber requested to retrieve the documents via the doit se procurer les documents via le systme
das Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE Dossier Access System (DAS) or daccs aux dossiers (DAS) ou

Geben Sie unter 4 an, ob eine bersetzung Please indicate under 4. whether a translation Veuillez indiquer au point4 si une traduction
der unter 3 genannten Unterlagen in eine of the documents under 3 above in one of the des documents viss au point3 ci-dessus dans
Amtssprache des EPA beigefgt oder die EPO official languages is attached or whether lune des langues officielles de lOEB est jointe
bersetzung ber das Aktenzugriffssystem the translation shall be retrieved via the DAS or ou si la traduction est accessible via DAS ou

III. In den OEE-Arbeitsergebnissen III. Documents cited in OEE work products III. Documents cits dans les notifications
angefhrte Dokumente de lOEE

Geben Sie bitte unter 5 an, ob eine Kopie der Please indicate under 5. whether a copy of all Veuillez indiquer au point5 si une copie de
im OEE-Arbeitsergebnis angefhrten Nicht- non-patent documents cited in the OEE work tous les documents non-brevets cits dans
patentliteratur beigefgt ist oder ob das OEE product is attached or whether the OEE has les notifications de lOEE est jointe ou si lOEE
keine Dokumente angefhrt hat. Der Anmelder not cited any references. The applicant does na cit aucun document. Le demandeur na
muss nicht alle Dokumente der angefhrten not need to submit all cited non-patent docu- pas fournir tous les documents non-brevets
Nichtpatentliteratur einreichen; eine Liste der ments; a list including the non-patent docu- cits; une liste de tous les documents non-
vom OEE angefhrten Nichtpatentliteratur ist ments cited by the OEE shall suffice. brevets cits par lOEE suffit.

IV. Frher eingereichte Unterlagen IV. Previously submitted documents IV. Documents produits prcdemment

Geben Sie bitte an, ob eine oder mehrere der Please indicate whether any of the above Veuillez signaler si lun des documents
vorstehend genannten Unterlagen bereits mentioned documents have been submitted mentionns plus haut a dj t produit
eingereicht wurden, und wenn ja, geben Sie before and, if so, please provide the application prcdemment et, dans ce cas, indiquer le
bitte die Anmeldenummer und das Datum der number and the date of submission. numro de la demande et la date denvoi des
Einreichung an. documents.

D. Anspruchskorrespondenzerklrung D. Declaration of claims correspondence D. Dclaration de concordance des revendi


In AbschnittD machen Sie bitte Angaben zur Under section D. please provide information La partieD regroupe les informations relatives
Anspruchskorrespondenz. regarding claims correspondence. la concordance des revendications.

Bitte erklren Sie, dass die Ansprche, die Please declare that the claims on file and Veuillez dclarer que les revendications
sich in der Akte befinden, den vom OEE fr the claims determined patentable/allowable figurant au dossier et les revendications
patentierbar/gewhrbar befundenen An by the OEE sufficiently correspond and, juges brevetables/admissibles par lOEE
sprchen in ausreichendem Mae entspre- if applicable, please provide explanations sont suffisamment concordantes et fournir,
chen; ggf. geben Sie bitte Erluterungen zu regarding Box VIII observations. sil y a lieu, les explications relatives aux
Bemerkungen in Feld VIII ein. observations portes dans le cadreVIII.

Name Name Nom

Geben Sie den Namen des unterschriftsberechtig Enter the name(s) of the applicant/representative Indiquez le nom du/des demandeur(s)/manda
ten Anmelders/Vertreters ein. entitled to sign. taire(s) habilit(s) signer.

Datum/Ort Date/place Lieu et date

Geben Sie Ort und Datum der Einreichung des Enter the date and place of filing of Form 1009. Indiquez le lieu et la date de dpt du
Formblatts1009 ein. formulaire 1009.

Unterschrift Signature Signature

Ist der Anmelder eine juristische Person, so ist If the applicant is a legal person other than an Si le demandeur est une personne morale,
das Formblatt zu unterzeichnen: individual, the form must be signed: le formulaire doit tre sign:

entweder von einer Person, die nach Gesetz either by a person entitled to sign under the soit par une personne habilite signer
oder nach Statut der juristischen Person, ihrer law or the applicants statute, articles of en vertu des dispositions lgales ou des
Satzung oder dergleichen zur Unterschrift association or the like, with an indication of statuts de la personne morale, en indiquant
berechtigt ist, wobei ein Hinweis auf die the capacity of the person doing so en quelle qualit cette personne est autorise
Unterschriftsberechtigung des Unterzeichneten (e.g. chairman, director, company secretary) le faire (prsident, directeur, fond de
zu geben ist (z. B. Geschftsfhrer, Prokurist, (Art. 133(1) EPC), in which case no authorisa pouvoir) (article133(1) CBE); dans ce cas,
Handlungsbevollmchtigter) (Art. 133(1) EP); tion need be filed il nest pas ncessaire de dposer un pouvoir,
EPA /EPO/OEB 1009 05.16

in diesem Fall braucht keine Vollmacht einge- or

reicht zu werden;
sofern die juristische Person ihren Sitz in by another employee of the applicant, soit par un autre employ du demandeur,
einem Vertragsstaat hat, von einem ihrer provided the latters principal place of busi condition que ce dernier ait son sige dans
Angestellten (Art.133(3) Satz1, Regel101(1) nessis in a Contracting State (Art. 133(3), un tat contractant (article133(3), premire
EP); in diesem Fall ist eine Vollmacht einzu- first sentence, Rule 101(1) EPC), in which phrase, rgle101(1) CBE); dans ce cas,
reichen. case an authorisation must be filed. un pouvoir doit tre dpos.

Merkblatt zur Teilnahme Notes on participation Notice relative la partici-
am Pilotprogramm in the Patent Prosecution pation au programme pilote
"Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot "Patent Prosecution
Highway" (PPH) Programme Highway" (PPH)
(EPA /EPO/OEB Form1009) (EPA /EPO/OEB Form1009) (EPA /EPO/OEB Form1009)

Einleitung Introduction Introduction

Dieses Merkblatt erlutert das Ausfllen des These notes explain how to complete La prsente notice explique comment remplir
Formblatts EPA/EPO/OEB1009 (Antrag auf EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1009 (Request for partici- le formulaire EPA/EPO/OEB 1009 (Demande de
Teilnahme am Pilotprogramm "Patent Prosecution pation in the Patent Prosecution Highway pilot participation au programme pilote "Patent Pro
Highway"). programme). secution Highway").
Das Formblatt ist beim EPA erhltlich. The request form can be obtained from the EPO. Ce formulaire peut tre obtenu auprs de lOEB.

Ausfllen des Formblatts1009 Filling in form 1009 Remplir le formulaire 1009

Die einzelnen Abschnitte des Formblatts sind wie The sections of the form should be completed Les diffrentes parties du formulaire doivent tre
folgt auszufllen: as follows: remplies de la manire suivante:

A. Bibliografische Daten A. Bibliographic data A. Donnes bibliographiques

In AbschnittA machen Sie bitte Angaben zu Under section A. please provide information La partieA regroupe les informations per
der Anmeldung, die im Rahmen des PPH identifying the application to be processed mettant didentifier la demande traiter dans
bearbeitetwerden soll. under the PPH. le cadre du PPH.

Geben Sie die Nummer der Anmeldung, sofern Enter the application number, if known, to be Entrez le numro de la demande traiter,
bekannt, sowie den Anmeldetag ein. processed under the PPH and the filing date. sil est connu, et la date de dpt.

B. Antrag B. Request B. Requte

In AbschnittB machen Sie bitte Angaben zum Under section B. please provide information La partieB regroupe les informations relatives
frher prfenden Amt (OEE), zur korrespon- identifying the Office of Earlier Examination lOffice ayant effectu lexamen antrieur
dierenden, vom OEE bearbeiteten Anmeldung (OEE), the corresponding application that has (OEE), la demande correspondante dj
sowie zum OEE-Arbeitsergebnis, das als been processed by the OEE as well as the traite par lOEE ainsi qu la notification de
Grundlage fr den PPH-Antrag dienen soll. OEE work product which shall be used as a lOEE sur laquelle se fonde la demande de
basis for the PPH request. participation au PPH.

Geben Sie das OEE ein, dessen Arbeitser Enter the OEE the work product of which shall Entrez lOEE dont la notification sert de base
gebnis als Grundlage fr den PPH-Antrag be used as the basis for the PPH request. la demande de participation au PPH.
dienen soll.

Geben Sie das Aktenzeichen der OEE- Enter the OEE application number, i.e. the Entrez le numro de la demande OEE,
Anmeldung ein, d.h. der korrespondierenden corresponding application that contains the cest--dire de la demande correspondante
Anmeldung, die die patentierbaren/gewhr- patentable/allowable claims. qui contient les revendications brevetables/
baren Ansprche enthlt. admissibles.

Geben Sie die Art des OEE-Arbeitsergebnis Enter the type of the OEE work product which Entrez la nature de la notification de lOEE sur
ses ein, das als Grundlage fr den PPH-Antrag shall be used as the basis of the PPH request, laquelle se fonde la demande de participation
dienen soll, d.h. den Bescheid des nationalen/ i.e. the national/regional Office action or the au PPH: notification de loffice national/
regionalen Amts bzw. das PCT-Arbeitsergebnis international PCT work product (WO/ISA, rgional ou produit rsultant de travaux
(WO/ISA, WO/IPEA, IPER). WO/IPEA, IPER). effectus pendant la phase internationale du

Geben Sie den Anmelde-/Priorittstag der Enter the OEE application filing/priority date. Entrez la date de dpt ou de priorit de la
OEE-Anmeldung ein. demande OEE.

C. Erforderliche Unterlagen C. Required documents C. Documents requis

In AbschnittC machen Sie bitte Angaben zu Under section C. please provide information La partieC regroupe les informations concer
den fr die Bearbeitung des PPH-Antrags as to the documents necessary for the nant les documents ncessaires au traitement
erforderlichenUnterlagen und ggf. den ber- processing of the PPH request, if applicable, de la demande de participation au PPH ainsi
setzungen dieser Unterlagen sowie dazu, the translations thereof and as to how these que leurs traductions, le cas chant, et permet
wie diese Unterlagen dem EPA zugnglich documents are made available to the EPO. dindiquer de quelle manire ces documents
gemacht werden. seront mis la disposition de lOEB.

I. OEE-Arbeitsergebnisse und bersetzungen I. OEE work products and translations I. Notifications de lOEE et traductions

Geben Sie bitte unter 1 an, ob eine Kopie des Please indicate under 1. whether a copy of the Veuillez indiquer au point1 si une copie des
OEE-Arbeitsergebnisses beigefgt ist oder OEE work product is attached or whether the notifications de lOEE est jointe ou si lOEB
das EPA ersucht wird, die Unterlage ber das EPO is requested to retrieve the document via doit se procurer les documents via le systme
Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE the Dossier Access System (DAS) or daccs aux dossiers (DAS) ou

Geben Sie unter 2 an, ob eine bersetzung Please indicate under 2. whether a translation Veuillez indiquer au point2 si une traduction
der unter 1 genannten Unterlagen in eine of the documents under 1. above in one of the des documents viss au point1 ci-dessus dans
Amtssprache des EPA beigefgt oder die EPO official languages is attached or whether lune des langues officielles de lOEB est jointe
bersetzung ber das Aktenzugriffssystem the translation shall be retrieved via the DAS ou si la traduction est accessible via DAS ou
EPA /EPO/OEB 1009 05.16


II. Vom OEE fr patentierbar/gewhrbar II. Claims determined patentable/allowable II. Revendications juges brevetables/ad
befundene Ansprche und bersetzungen by the OEE and Translations missibles par lOEE et traductions

Geben Sie bitte unter 3 an, ob eine Kopie Please indicate under 3. whether a copy of all Veuillez indiquer au point3 si une copie de
der vom OEE fr patentierbar/gewhrbar claims determined patentable/allowable by toutes les revendications juges brevetables/
befundenen Ansprche beigefgt ist oder the OEE are attached or whether the EPO is admissibles par lOEE est jointe ou si lOEB
das EPA ersucht wird, die Unterlagen ber requested to retrieve the documents via the doit se procurer les documents via le systme
das Aktenzugriffssystem bzw. PATENTSCOPE Dossier Access System (DAS) or daccs aux dossiers (DAS) ou

Geben Sie unter 4 an, ob eine bersetzung Please indicate under 4. whether a translation Veuillez indiquer au point4 si une traduction
der unter 3 genannten Unterlagen in eine of the documents under 3 above in one of the des documents viss au point3 ci-dessus dans
Amtssprache des EPA beigefgt oder die EPO official languages is attached or whether lune des langues officielles de lOEB est jointe
bersetzung ber das Aktenzugriffssystem the translation shall be retrieved via the DAS or ou si la traduction est accessible via DAS ou

III. In den OEE-Arbeitsergebnissen III. Documents cited in OEE work products III. Documents cits dans les notifications
angefhrte Dokumente de lOEE

Geben Sie bitte unter 5 an, ob eine Kopie der Please indicate under 5. whether a copy of all Veuillez indiquer au point5 si une copie de
im OEE-Arbeitsergebnis angefhrten Nicht- non-patent documents cited in the OEE work tous les documents non-brevets cits dans
patentliteratur beigefgt ist oder ob das OEE product is attached or whether the OEE has les notifications de lOEE est jointe ou si lOEE
keine Dokumente angefhrt hat. Der Anmelder not cited any references. The applicant does na cit aucun document. Le demandeur na
muss nicht alle Dokumente der angefhrten not need to submit all cited non-patent docu- pas fournir tous les documents non-brevets
Nichtpatentliteratur einreichen; eine Liste der ments; a list including the non-patent docu- cits; une liste de tous les documents non-
vom OEE angefhrten Nichtpatentliteratur ist ments cited by the OEE shall suffice. brevets cits par lOEE suffit.

IV. Frher eingereichte Unterlagen IV. Previously submitted documents IV. Documents produits prcdemment

Geben Sie bitte an, ob eine oder mehrere der Please indicate whether any of the above Veuillez signaler si lun des documents
vorstehend genannten Unterlagen bereits mentioned documents have been submitted mentionns plus haut a dj t produit
eingereicht wurden, und wenn ja, geben Sie before and, if so, please provide the application prcdemment et, dans ce cas, indiquer le
bitte die Anmeldenummer und das Datum der number and the date of submission. numro de la demande et la date denvoi des
Einreichung an. documents.

D. Anspruchskorrespondenzerklrung D. Declaration of claims correspondence D. Dclaration de concordance des revendi


In AbschnittD machen Sie bitte Angaben zur Under section D. please provide information La partieD regroupe les informations relatives
Anspruchskorrespondenz. regarding claims correspondence. la concordance des revendications.

Bitte erklren Sie, dass die Ansprche, die Please declare that the claims on file and Veuillez dclarer que les revendications
sich in der Akte befinden, den vom OEE fr the claims determined patentable/allowable figurant au dossier et les revendications
patentierbar/gewhrbar befundenen An by the OEE sufficiently correspond and, juges brevetables/admissibles par lOEE
sprchen in ausreichendem Mae entspre- if applicable, please provide explanations sont suffisamment concordantes et fournir,
chen; ggf. geben Sie bitte Erluterungen zu regarding Box VIII observations. sil y a lieu, les explications relatives aux
Bemerkungen in Feld VIII ein. observations portes dans le cadreVIII.

Name Name Nom

Geben Sie den Namen des unterschriftsberechtig Enter the name(s) of the applicant/representative Indiquez le nom du/des demandeur(s)/manda
ten Anmelders/Vertreters ein. entitled to sign. taire(s) habilit(s) signer.

Datum/Ort Date/place Lieu et date

Geben Sie Ort und Datum der Einreichung des Enter the date and place of filing of Form 1009. Indiquez le lieu et la date de dpt du
Formblatts1009 ein. formulaire 1009.

Unterschrift Signature Signature

Ist der Anmelder eine juristische Person, so ist If the applicant is a legal person other than an Si le demandeur est une personne morale,
das Formblatt zu unterzeichnen: individual, the form must be signed: le formulaire doit tre sign:

entweder von einer Person, die nach Gesetz either by a person entitled to sign under the soit par une personne habilite signer
oder nach Statut der juristischen Person, ihrer law or the applicants statute, articles of en vertu des dispositions lgales ou des
Satzung oder dergleichen zur Unterschrift association or the like, with an indication of statuts de la personne morale, en indiquant
berechtigt ist, wobei ein Hinweis auf die the capacity of the person doing so en quelle qualit cette personne est autorise
Unterschriftsberechtigung des Unterzeichneten (e.g. chairman, director, company secretary) le faire (prsident, directeur, fond de
zu geben ist (z. B. Geschftsfhrer, Prokurist, (Art. 133(1) EPC), in which case no authorisa pouvoir) (article133(1) CBE); dans ce cas,
Handlungsbevollmchtigter) (Art. 133(1) EP); tion need be filed il nest pas ncessaire de dposer un pouvoir,
EPA /EPO/OEB 1009 05.16

in diesem Fall braucht keine Vollmacht einge- or

reicht zu werden;
sofern die juristische Person ihren Sitz in by another employee of the applicant, soit par un autre employ du demandeur,
einem Vertragsstaat hat, von einem ihrer provided the latters principal place of busi condition que ce dernier ait son sige dans
Angestellten (Art.133(3) Satz1, Regel101(1) nessis in a Contracting State (Art. 133(3), un tat contractant (article133(3), premire
EP); in diesem Fall ist eine Vollmacht einzu- first sentence, Rule 101(1) EPC), in which phrase, rgle101(1) CBE); dans ce cas,
reichen. case an authorisation must be filed. un pouvoir doit tre dpos.

European Patent Office
Payment of Treasury and Accounting
fees and expenses 80298 Mnchen
Fax +49 (0)89 2399 - 4465
Please complete in typescript only

Name of payer Payer's reference

Mode of payment

Address Bank transfer to Commerzbank AG 1

IBAN: DE20 7008 0000 0333 8800 00

Debit from deposit Deposit account No.

account with the
EPO is requested 2

Patent application / patent No. (please use a separate form for each application)


Code Amount /EUR Code Amount /EUR

001 Filing fee EP direct 3 010 Opposition fee

501 Additional fee (more than 35 pages) 011 Fee for appeal

Filing fee entry EP phase 3 Certified copy of application;

020 (Rule 159(1)(c) EPC) 029 priority document
Additional fee (more than 35 pages)
520 entry EP phase 033 Renewal fee for the 3rd year

Additional fee for divisional

applications (Rule 38(4)EPC) 9 034 Renewal fee for the 4th year

002 Fee for a European search 035 Renewal fee for the 5th year

Additional copy of docs cited in

055 search report 036 Renewal fee for the 6th year

Claims fee(s)
015 (Rules 45(1), 162(1)EPC) 5
Validation for 8

005 Designation fee(s) 4


006 Examination fee

Fee for further processing
122 (non-fee related cases) ________________________________
Fee for further processing
123 (late payment of a fee)
Extension for 8
Fee for grant and printing or
007 fee for grant incl. fee for publcation 6 ________________________________
Additional printing fee for 36th
008 and each subsequent page 7 ________________________________
Claims fee according to
016 Rule 71(6) EPC 5 ________________________________
Fee for further processing
121 (late performance of acts R. 71(3)) ________________________________

022 Registering of transfer


Notes 1 - 9 see overleaf. Total 0.00

EPO 1010 01.16

Signature (handwritten / no block letters) Place, Date

Fee codes
001 = Filing fee European patent application 420 = Validation fee for Morocco (MA)
002 = Search fee in respect of a European or supplementary 421 = Validation fee for the Republic of Moldova (MD)
European search 450 = Surcharge on the validation fee for Morocco (MA)
003 = Search fee in respect of an international search 451 = Surcharge on the validation fee for the Republic of Moldova (MD)
005 = Designation fee for each Contracting State designated 501 = Additional fee if European patent application contains more than
006 = Examination fee 35pages
007 = Fee for grant may include fee for printing the Europeanpatent 520 = Additional fee if the patent aplication contains more than 35 pages
specification see note 6 entry EP phase
008 = Additional fee for printing the European patent specification 552 = Additional fee for divisional application 2nd generation
(more than 35 pages) see note 7 553 = Additional fee for divisional application 3th generation
009 = Fee for publishing a new specification of the Europeanpatent 554 = Additional fee for divisional application 4th generation
(Rule 82(2), Rule 95(3) EPC) 555 = Additional fee for divisional application 5th generation
010 = Opposition fee or subsequent generation
011 = Fee for appeal
013 = Fee for re-establishment, reinstatement, restoration (EPC, PCT) PCT fees in EUR fixed by WIPO:
015 = Claims fee for the sixteenth and each subsequent claim 222 = Charge per sheet in excess of 30 (part of international filing fee)
(Rule 45(1), Rule 162(1) EPC) see note 5 224 = Handling fee
016 = Claims fee according to Rule 71(6) EPC note 5 applies 225 = International filing fee
017 = Fee for the awarding of costs 316 = Web-form filing reduction
018 = Fee for the conservation of evidence 318 = PCT-PDF reduction
019 = Transmittal fee for an international application 319 = PCT-XML reduction
020 = Filing fee entry EP phase (Rule 159(1)(c) EPC)
021 = Fee for the preliminary examination of an international application
022 = Registering of transfer Notes
023 = Registering of licences and other rights 1 Fee payments must be made in EUR and transferred without charge
024 = Cancellation of entry in respect of licences and other rights to the payee. On the bank transfer, the payer must give the following
025 = Duplicate copy of the European patent certificate payment-reference information:
026 = Extract from the European Patent Register patent application number
027 = Inspection of the files of a European patent application fee code(s)
029 = Issue of a certified copy of a European patent application or an Examples: <EPXXXXXXXX.X, codes XXX, XXX>,
international application; priority documents <PCT USXXXXXXXXXX, codes XXX, XXX, XXX>
030 = Communication of information contained in the filesof Payers are strongly recommended to make separate transfers for each
a European patent application application, to ensure, in accordance with Article 6(1) of the Rules relating
031 = Issue of receipts by fax to Fees (RFees), that the payment-reference field gives all relevant data
033 = Renewal fee for the 3rd year to enable the Office to establish immediately the purpose of payment.
034 = Renewal fee for the 4th year 2 Debits from deposit accounts held with the EPO may only be made in EUR.
035 = Renewal fee for the 5th year
036 = Renewal fee for the 6th year For notes 3 to 7 see also OJ EPO 2/2009, 118 and Schedule of fees.
Codes for further years: 037, 038, 039, 040, ... 3 For European patent applications filed/international applications entering
055 = Additional copy of the documents cited in the European search report EP phase from 1.4.2009: an additional fee is payable as part of the
056 = Surcharge payable under Rule 82(3), Rule 95(3) EPC filing fee if the application comprises more than 35 pages (fee codes 501
059 = Postage and sundry communication expenses and 520 respectively).
060 = Fee for a technical opinion 4 European patent applications filed/international applications entering
061 = Surcharge under Article 7(3)(b) RFees EP phase before 1.4.2009: contracting states to be specified only if they
062 = Protest fee differ from any indicated in box 31.1 of EPO Form 1001 (Request for grant)
063 = Late payment fee (Rule 16bis.2 PCT) or in box 10.1 of EPO Form 1200 (Entry EP phase).
064 = Late payment fee (Rule 58bis.2 PCT) European patent applications filed/international applications entering
066 = Fee for late furnishing of sequence listings EP phase from 1.4.2009: flat designation fee covers all Contracting States
(Rule 13ter.1, 13ter.2 PCT) designated.
067 = Fee for late furnishing of a sequence listing (Rule 30(3) EPC) 5 European patent applications filed/international applications entering
080 = Certification of other documents EP phase from 1.4.2009: higher amount applies for each claim above 50.
093 = Additional fee for the renewal fee/3rd year 6 European patent applications filed/international applications entering
094 = Additional fee for the renewal fee/4th year EP phase before 1.4.2009: fee for grant includes fee for printing
095 = Additional fee for the renewal fee/5th year specification if not more than 35 pages; European patent applications filed/
096 = Additional fee for the renewal fee/6th year international applications entering EP phase from 1.4.2009: fee for grant
Codes for further years: 097, 098, 099, 100, ... and publishing applies irrespective of number of pages of specification.
111 = Fee for petition for review 7 For European patent applications filed/international applications entering
121 = Fee for further processing (late performance of acts EP phase before 1.4.2009.
under Rule 71(3) EPC) 8 When extension or validation fees are paid, the states for which they are
122 = Fee for further processing (non-fee-related cases) intended must be specified, using the abbreviation code of the state.
123 = Fee for further processing (late payment of a fee) 9 For divisional applications filed on or after 1 April 2014, the Rules relating
131 = Limitation fee to Fees provide for an additional fee, as part of the filing fee, in the case of
141 = Revocation fee a divisional application filed in respect of any earlier application which is
itself a divisional application (Rule 38(4) EPC, Article 2, item 1b RFees).
Extension and validation fees for:
400 = Surcharge for extension fee
401 = Slovenia (SI)
402 = Lithuania (LT)
403 = Latvia (LV)
404 = Albania (AL) Online fee payment (Online Services)
405 = Romania (RO) Pay fees and view your deposit account online?
406 = Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK) Use the flexible options offered by the EPOs Online Services.
EPO 1010 01.16

407 = Croatia (HR) For more information, visit our website.

408 = Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
409 = Serbia (RS) Information about fees, including a complete list of fee codes,
410 = Montenegro (ME) is available on the EPO website.
Erklrung von KMU, natrlichen Personen, Organisationen ohne Gewinn-
erzielungsabsicht, Hochschulen oder ffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen
fr die Zwecke von Gebhrenermigungen gem Regel 6 EP
Declaration for SMEs, natural persons, non-profit organisations,
universities and public research organisations for the purpose of
fee reductions under Rule 6 EPC
Dclaration fournir par les PME, les personnes physiques, les organisations
sans but lucratif, les universits et les organismes de recherche publics,
en vue de lobtention des rductions de taxe prvues la rgle 6 CBE

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference / Anmeldenummer oder, falls noch nicht bekannt, Bezeichnung der Erfindung: /
Rfrence du(des) demandeur(s) Application No. or, if not yet known, title of the invention: /
(max. 15 Zeichen / max. 15 characters / 15 caractres au maximum) No de la demande ou, dfaut, titre de linvention :

Fr die Zwecke der Regel 6 EP /

For the purposes of application of Rule 6 EPC, the undersigned /each of the undersigned 1 /
Aux fins de lapplication de la rgle 6 CBE, le (les) soussign(s) 1,

erklrt der Unterzeichnete (erklren die Unterzeichneten) 1 : / declares that he is: / dclare(nt) tre :

ein kleines oder mittleres Unternehmen 2 / a small or medium-sized enterprise 2 / une petite ou moyenne entreprise 2,

eine natrliche Person / a natural person / une personne physique,

eine Organisation ohne Gewinnerzielungsabsicht, eine Hochschule oder eine ffentliche Forschungseinrichtung 3 / a non-profit organisation, a university or
a public research organisation 3 / une organisation sans but lucratif, une universit ou un organisme de recherche public 3

nach Regel 6 (4) EP zu sein. / as indicated under Rule 6(4) EPC. / au sens de la rgle 6(4) CBE.

Im Falle mehrerer Anmelder wird die Gebhrenermigung nur gewhrt, wenn jeder Anmelder eine natrliche oder juristische Person im Sinne der Regel 6 (4) EP
ist.4 / In the case of multiple applicants, each one must be an entity or a natural person under Rule 6(4) EPC for the fee reduction to apply.4 / En cas de pluralit de
demandeurs, la rduction de la taxe nest accorde que si chaque demandeur est une entit ou une personne physique au sens de la rgle 6(4) CBE.4

Bestehen begrndete Zweifel an der Richtigkeit dieser Erklrung, kann das EPA im Erteilungsverfahren entsprechende Nachweise verlangen. / In the case of
reasonable doubt as to the veracity of the present declaration, the EPO may, during the course of the grant procedure, require appropriate evidence. / Si lOffice a
des raisons de douter de la vracit de la prsente dclaration, il peut, au cours de la procdure de dlivrance, inviter le(s) demandeur(s) produire des preuves.

Sollte sich herausstellen, dass die Erklrung falsche Angaben enthlt, so gilt die betreffende zu Unrecht ermigte Gebhr als nicht entrichtet, und die Anmeldung
gilt gem Artikel 78 (2) bzw. Artikel 94 (2) EP als zurckgenommen. / Should it become apparent that an incorrect declaration has been filed, the relevant fee,
reduced without good reason, will be deemed not to have been paid and the application will be deemed to be withdrawn according to Article 78(2) or Article 94(2)
EPC, as applicable. / Sil savre quune dclaration incorrecte a t produite, la taxe concerne, dont le montant a t indment rduit, sera rpute ne pas avoir
t acquitte et la demande sera rpute retire conformment larticle 78(2) ou, le cas chant, larticle 94(2) CBE.

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s): / Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s): / Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou mandataire(s) :
EPA/EPO/OEB 1011 04.14

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte auerdem die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb
der Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of the signatory within the company
should also be printed / La (Les) signature(s) doi(ven)t tre suivie(s) du (des) nom(s) en caractres dimprimerie. Sil sagit dune personne morale, la fonction du
signataire dans la socit doit galement tre indique en caractres dimprimerie.
bitte wenden / P.T.O. / T.S.V.P.

Funoten zur Vorderseite Footnotes to text overleaf Notes de bas de page
1. Name(n) des (der) Unterzeichneten nach 1. Name(s) of the undersigned in accordance 1. Nom(s) du (des) soussign(s) conformment
Magabe der Regel 41 (2) c) und d) EP: with Rule 41(2)(c) and (d) EPC: la rgle 41(2)c) et d) CBE :
Bei natrlichen Personen ist der Familien- Names of natural persons must be indicated Les personnes physiques doivent tre dsi-
name vor den Vornamen anzugeben. by the persons family name, followed by their gnes par leurs noms suivis de leurs prnoms.
Bei juristischen Personen und Gesellschaften, given name(s). Les personnes morales et les socits assimi-
die juristischen Personen gem dem fr sie Names of legal persons, and of bodies equiva- les aux personnes morales en vertu du droit
magebenden Recht gleichgestellt sind, ist lent to legal persons under the relevant law, applicable doivent figurer sous leur dsigna-
die amtliche Bezeichnung anzugeben. must be indicated by their official designations. tion officielle.

2. Gem der Empfehlung der Europischen 2. According to the European Commissions 2. Conformment la recommandation
Kommission vom 6. Mai 2003 (2003/361/ Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003 2003/361/CE de la Commission europenne
EG) betreffend die Definition der Kleinstunter- concerning the definition of micro, small and du 6 mai 2003 concernant la dfinition des
nehmen sowie der kleinen und mittleren medium-sized enterprises as published in the micro, petites et moyennes entreprises, telle
Unternehmen in der Fassung, in der sie im Official Journal of the European Union L124, que publie au Journal officiel de lUnion
Amtsblatt der Europischen Union L 124 vom p. 36 of 20 May 2003, an enterprise is consid- europenne (L 124, p. 36) du 20 mai 2003,
20. Mai 2003, S. 36, verffentlicht wurde, ered to be any entity engaged in an economic est considre comme entreprise toute entit,
gilt als Unternehmen jede Einheit, unabhngig activity, irrespective of its legal form. The indpendamment de sa forme juridique,
von ihrer Rechtsform, die eine wirtschaftliche category of micro, small and medium-sized exerant une activit conomique. La cat-
Ttigkeit ausbt. Die Grenklasse der enterprises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises gorie des micro, petites et moyennes entre-
Kleinstunternehmen sowie der kleinen und which employ fewer than 250 persons and prises (PME) est constitue des entreprises
mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) setzt sich aus which have an annual turnover not exceed- qui occupent moins de 250 personnes, dont
Unternehmen zusammen, die weniger als ing EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance le chiffre daffaires annuel nexcde pas
250 Personen beschftigen, die entweder sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million, and 50 millions deuros ou dont le total du bilan
einen Jahresumsatz von hchstens for which no more than 25% of the capital is annuel nexcde pas 43 millions deuros et
50 Mio. EUR erzielen oder deren Jahres- held directly or indirectly by another company pour lesquelles le capital nest pas dtenu
bilanzsumme sich auf hchstens 43 Mio. EUR that is not an SME. directement ou indirectement plus de 25 %
beluft und deren Kapital zu maximal 25 % par une autre socit qui nest pas elle-mme
direkt oder indirekt von einem anderen Unter- une PME.
nehmen gehalten wird, das selbst kein KMU ist.

3. Gem den Definitionen in der Mitteilung des 3. According to the definitions in the Notice 3. Conformment aux dfinitions nonces
EPA vom 10. Januar 2014 (ABl. EPA 2014, from the EPO dated 10 January 2014 dans le Communiqu de lOEB, en date du
A23) sind Organisationen ohne Gewinn- (OJ EPO 2014, A23), a non-profit organisation 10 janvier 2014 (JO OEB 2014, A23), une
erzielungsabsicht Organisationen, denen es is an organisation not allowed by its legal form organisation but non lucratif est une orga-
aufgrund ihrer Rechtsform oder ihrer Satzung or by its statute, under the relevant law, to be nisation qui, de par sa forme juridique ou son
nach den einschlgigen Rechtsvorschriften a source of income, profit or other financial statut, nest pas autorise, en vertu du droit
untersagt ist, Einnahmen, Gewinne oder gain to its owners, or, in cases in which it is applicable, tre une source de revenus,
andere finanzielle Vorteile fr ihre Eigentmer allowed to make profit, there is a statutory/ de profits ou dune autre forme de gains
zu erwirtschaften, oder die, falls eine Ge- legal obligation to reinvest the profits made financiers pour ses propritaires ou, si elle
winnerzielung zulssig ist, einer statutren/ in the interest of the organisation. est autorise raliser des profits, qui est
gesetzlichen Verpflichtung unterliegen, diese Universities are to be understood as soumise une obligation statutaire ou lgale
Gewinne im Interesse der Organisation zu classical universities, meaning institutions de rinvestir les profits dans lintrt de
reinvestieren. of higher education and research under the lorganisation.
Unter Hochschulen sind klassische Hoch- relevant law. However, for the purpose of the On entend par universit une universit
schulen zu verstehen, d. h. akademische present declaration, comparable entities classique, savoir un tablissement den-
Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen such as secondary or higher education seignement suprieur et de recherche en
nach den einschlgigen Rechtsvorschriften. establishments will be considered to be vertu du droit applicable. Toutefois, aux fins
Dabei gelten gleichartige Einheiten wie etwa universities. de la prsente dclaration, cette dfinition
Sekundar- und Hochschuleinrichtungen als Public research organisations are entities, couvre galement les entits comparables,
Hochschulen. such as universities or research institutes, telles que les tablissements denseignement
ffentliche Forschungseinrichtungen sind organised under public law and irrespective secondaire ou suprieur.
ffentlich-rechtliche Einrichtungen wie Hoch- of their way of financing, whose primary goal Le terme organisme de recherche public
schulen oder Forschungsinstitute unabhngig is to conduct fundamental research, industrial sentend dune entit de droit public, telle
von ihrer Finanzierungsweise, deren Haupt- research or experimental development and quune universit ou un institut de recherche,
aufgabe in Grundlagenforschung, industrieller to disseminate their results by way of teaching, quel que soit son mode de financement, dont
Forschung oder experimenteller Entwicklung publication or technology transfer. le but premier est dexercer des activits
besteht und die deren Ergebnisse durch Lehre, All profits are reinvested in these activities, de recherche fondamentale, de recherche
Verffentlichung und Technologietransfer ver- the dissemination of their results or teaching. industrielle ou de dveloppement exprimental
breiten. Smtliche Einnahmen werden in die et de diffuser leurs rsultats par lenseigne-
Forschung, die Verbreitung von Forschungs- ment, la publication ou le transfert de techno-
ergebnissen oder die Lehre reinvestiert. logie. Les profits sont intgralement rinvestis
dans ces activits, dans la diffusion de leurs
rsultats ou dans lenseignement.

4. In der Erklrung muss auf jeden einzelnen 4. The declaration must specifically refer to each 4. La dclaration doit mentionner expressment
Anmelder Bezug genommen und angegeben applicant and must indicate, for each of them, tous les demandeurs et prciser, pour chacun
EPA/EPO/OEB 1011 04.14

werden, welcher Kategorie er zuzuordnen ist the category to which they belong (if neces- deux, quelle catgorie ils appartiennent
(erforderlichenfalls ist der Name des Anmel- sary, the applicants name is to be entered (si ncessaire, le nom du demandeur doit tre
ders neben dem betreffenden Kstchen zu next to the applicable checkbox). indiqu ct de la case cocher applicable).
Anfrage zum Bearbeitungsstand der Akte
Enquiry as to the processing of the file
Demande de renseignement concernant l'instruction d'un dossier

Hiermit wird angefragt, wann das EPA den (ergnzenden) europischen Recherchenbericht/den nchsten Bescheid
zusenden wird1

I/We hereby enquire when the EPO will deliver the (supplementary) European search report/next communication1

Nous vous prions de nous indiquer le dlai dans lequel l'OEB enverra le rapport (complmentaire) de recherche europenne /
la prochaine notification1

fr die Anmeldung/das Patent

for application/patent
pour la demande/le brevet

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s):

Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s):
Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten
innerhalb der Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of
EPA/EPO/OEB 1012 11.16

the signatory within the company should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie.
Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe au sein de celle-ci par le ou les signataires doit galement tre indique
en caractres dimprimerie.

ABl. EPA 2016, A66 / OJ EPO 2016, A66 / JO OEB 2016, A66
Besttigung einer per Fax eingereichten internationalen Anmeldung
Confirmation of an international application filed by fax
Confirmation dune demande internationale dpose par tlcopie

Bei den Unterlagen in der Anlage han- The documents attached constitute Les documents attachs constituent la
delt es sich um die Besttigung einer the confirmation of an international confirmation dune demande de brevet
per Fax beim europischen Patentamt application filed by fax with the internationale dpose par tlcopie
(EPA) als PCT-Anmeldeamt eingereich- European Patent Office (EPO) as a auprs de lOffice europen des bre-
ten internationalen Patentanmeldung. PCT receiving Office. To avoid the vets (OEB) agissant en qualit doffice
Zur Vermeidung der Doppelanlage constitution of double files, the interna- rcepteur du PCT. Pour viter toute
von Akten werden die untenstehenden tional application is identified by means double constitution de dossier la de-
Angaben zu der internationalen Anmel- of the data below (see point 10 ff of the mande internationale est identifie au
dung gemacht (siehe Punkt 10 ff der Notice from the European Patent Office moyen des donnes sous-mentionnes
Mitteilung des Europischen Patent- dated 2 November 2010, OJ EPO 2010, (voir le point 10 ff du Communiqu de
amts vom 2. November 2010, ABl. EPA 642). lOffice europen des brevets, en date
2010, 642). du 2 novembre 2010, JO OEB 2010,

Anmeldenummer (falls bereits bekannt):

Application number (if already known): PCT/EP
Numro de la demande (sil est dj connu):

Datum der bermittlung des Fax:

Date of transmission of fax:
Date de transmission de tlcopie:

fr den Fall, dass das Fax irrtmlicher Weise nicht an einen der Telefax-
anschlsse der Annahmestellen des EPA (ABl. EPA 2008, 16) bermit-
telt worden ist, nmlich
Fax number
for the case that the fax, by mistake, has not been sent to one of the fax
numbers of the EPO filing offices (OJ EPO 2008, 16), i.e.
Numro de tlfax
pour le cas o la tlcopie, par erreur, na pas t transmise un des
numros de tlfax des bureaux de rception de lOEB (JO OEB 2008,
16), cest--dire

Munich +49 (0)89 2399-4465

The Hague +31 (0)70 340-3016
Berlin +49 (0)30 25901-840

Behrde, bei der das Fax eingereicht worden ist

fr den Fall, dass das Fax, gem den geltenden Bestimmungen, nicht
an das EPA sondern an die Behrde eines EP-Vertragsstaats bermit-
telt worden ist (Art. 151, R. 157 (3) EP)
Authority with which the fax was filed
for the case that, in accordance with the applicable provisions, the
EPA/EPO/OEB 1032 03.11

fax was not sent to the EPO but to one of the authorities of an EPC
Contracting State (Art. 151, R. 157(3) EPC)
Administration auprs de laquelle la tlcopie a t transmise
pour le cas o la tlcopie, conformment aux dispositions applicables,
na pas t transmise lOEB mais une des administrations dun Etat
contractant de la CBE (art. 151, r. 157(3) CBE)
Wichtige Fristen im Important deadlines Dlais importants
Zusammenhang mit when filing a concernant le dpt
der Einreichung European patent d'une demande de
einer europischen application brevet europen
1. Gebhrenzahlung 1. Payment of fees 1. Paiement des taxes
Art. 78 (2) Fr eine europische Patent- The filing fee and search fee due Pour une demande de brevet
R . 38 anmeldung sind die Anmelde- in respect of a European patent europen, la taxe de dpt et la
gebhr und die Recherchen- application are payable within taxe de recherche doivent tre
gebhr innerhalb eines Monats one month of filing the application. acquittes dans un dlai d'un mois
nach Einreichung der Anmeldung compter du dpt de la
zu entrichten. demande.

R. 45 Enthlt die Anmeldung mehr als If the application contains more Si la demande comporte plus de
fnfzehn Patentansprche, so ist than fifteen claims, a claims fee is quinze revendications, une taxe
fr den sechzehnten und jeden payable for the sixteenth and each de revendication doit tre
weiteren Patentanspruch eine subsequent claim, within one acquitte pour chaque
Anspruchsgebhr innerhalb month of filing the first set of revendication partir de la
eines Monats nach Einreichung claims. seizime dans un dlai d'un mois
des ersten Anspruchssatzes zu compter du dpt du premier jeu
entrichten. de revendications.

R. 39 Die Benennungsgebhren sind The designation fees must be Les taxes de dsignation doivent
innerhalb von sechs Monaten paid within six months of the date tre acquittes dans un dlai de
nach dem Tag zu entrichten, an on which the European Patent six mois compter de la date
dem im Europischen Patentblatt Bulletin mentions the publication of laquelle le Bulletin europen des
auf die Verffentlichung des the search report. brevets a mentionn la publication
Recherchenberichts hingewiesen du rapport de recherche.
worden ist.

Art. 94 (1) Die Prfungsgebhr kann bereits The examination fee may be paid La taxe d'examen peut tre
R. 70 (1) bei Einreichung der Anmeldung when filing the application. It must acquitte ds le dpt de la
entrichtet werden. Sie ist jedoch however be paid no later than six demande. Elle doit cependant tre
sptestens bis zum Ablauf von months after the date on which the acquitte au plus tard jusqu'
sechs Monaten nach dem Tag zu European Patent Bulletin mentions l'expiration d'un dlai de six mois
entrichten, an dem im Euro- the publication of the search compter de la date laquelle le
pischen Patentblatt auf die Verf- report. Bulletin europen des brevets a
fentlichung des Recherchen- mentionn la publication du
berichts hingewiesen worden ist. rapport de recherche.

R. 36 (3) Fr eine europische Teilanmel- The filing fee and search fee due Pour une demande divisionnaire
R. 36 (4) dung sind die Anmeldegebhr in respect of a European europenne, la taxe de dpt et
R. 70 (1) und die Recherchengebhr divisional application are la taxe de recherche doivent tre
innerhalb eines Monats nach ihrer payable within one month of filing acquittes dans un dlai d'un mois
Einreichung zu entrichten. Die it. The designation fees and the compter du dpt de la
Benennungsgebhren und die examination fee must be paid demande. Les taxes de
Prfungsgebhr sind innerhalb within six months of the date on dsignation et la taxe d'examen
von sechs Monaten nach dem Tag which the European Patent doivent tre acquittes dans un
zu entrichten, an dem im Europ- Bulletin mentions the publication of dlai de six mois compter de la
EPA/EPO/OEB 1034 04.08

ischen Patentblatt auf die Verf- the search report on the divisional date laquelle le Bulletin
fentlichung des Recherchen- application. europen des brevets a mentionn
berichts zu der Teilanmeldung la publication du rapport de
hingewiesen worden ist. recherche tabli pour la demande

R. 51 (3) Sind bei Einreichung einer Teilan- Renewal fees already due in Si, lors du dpt d'une demande
meldung bereits Jahresgebhren respect of the earlier application divisionnaire, des taxes annuelles

fr die frhere Anmeldung fllig when the divisional application is sont dj dues pour la demande
geworden oder wird eine Jahres- filed, or falling due within four antrieure, ou si une taxe annuelle
gebhr innerhalb von vier Monaten months of filing the divisional vient chance dans un dlai de
nach Einreichung der Teilanmel- application, may be paid within quatre mois compter du dpt
dung fllig, so knnen diese that period without an additional de la demande divisionnaire, ces
Jahresgebhren innerhalb dieser fee. taxes peuvent tre acquittes
Frist ohne Zuschlagsgebhr dans ce dlai sans donner lieu au
entrichtet werden. paiement d'une surtaxe.

Die vorstehend genannten The time limits for paying the Les dlais de paiement prcits
Zahlungsfristen beginnen mit der above fees begin when the commencent courir compter du
Einreichung der Anmeldung; application is filed; no requests to dpt de la demande ; il n'est pas
Aufforderungen zur Zahlung pay them are issued. mis d'invitation payer ces
dieser Gebhren ergehen nicht. taxes.

Art. 2 Nr. 12 Das EP sieht fr die Entrichtung The EPC does not provide for La CBE ne prvoit aucun dlai
GebO/ der Anmeldegebhr, der Recher- periods of grace for paying the supplmentaire pour le paiement
Art. 2, chengebhr und der Benennungs- filing, search and designation fees, des taxes de dpt, de recherche
No. 12 gebhren keine Nachfrist vor. Im but further processing may be et de dsignation. Si un dlai n'a
RFees/ Falle einer Fristversumung kann requested if a time limit is missed. pas t observ, il est possible de
Art. 2, pt 12 Weiterbehandlung beantragt The fee for further processing is requrir la poursuite de la
RRT werden. Die Hhe der Weiterbe- 50% of the relevant fee. Claims procdure. Le montant de la taxe
R. 45 handlungsgebhr betrgt 50 % der fees may still be paid within one de poursuite de la procdure
R. 112 (1) betreffenden Gebhr. Anspruchs- month of notification that the time s'lve 50% de la taxe
R. 135 gebhren knnen noch innerhalb limit was missed. concerne. Les taxes de
eines Monats nach einer Mitteilung revendication peuvent encore
ber die Fristversumung entrich- tre acquittes dans un dlai d'un
tet werden. mois compter de la notification
signalant que le dlai n'a pas t

Art. 78 (2) Werden die Anmeldegebhr und If the filing fee and European En cas de dfaut de paiement
Art. 86 (1) die europische Recherchen- search fee are not paid in time, dans les dlais de la taxe de dpt
R. 39 (3) gebhr nicht rechtzeitig entrichtet, the application is deemed to be et de la taxe de recherche
R. 45 (3) so gilt die Anmeldung als withdrawn. The same applies if europenne, la demande est
zurckgenommen. Dies gilt auch, the renewal fees due in respect of rpute retire. Il en va de mme
wenn fr eine Teilanmeldung die a divisional application are not si, pour une demande
flligen Jahresgebhren nicht paid in time. If a claims fee is not divisionnaire, les taxes annuelles
rechtzeitig gezahlt werden. Wird paid in time, the claim concerned venues chance ne sont pas
die Anspruchsgebhr fr einen is deemed to be abandoned. acquittes dans les dlais. En cas
Patentanspruch nicht rechtzeitig de dfaut de paiement dans les
entrichtet, so gilt dies als Verzicht dlais de la taxe affrente une
auf diesen Patentanspruch. revendication, le demandeur est
rput avoir abandonn cette

Art. 7 Die Hhe smtlicher Gebhren For the amounts of all fees, and Le montant de l'ensemble des
GebO/ sowie die Bankkonten der Europ- for details of the bank accounts of taxes ainsi que les numros de
RFees/RRT ischen Patentorganisation sind the European Patent Organisation, comptes bancaires de
dem Amtsblatt des Europischen see the Official Journal or website l'Organisation europenne des
Patentamts und dem Internet (http://www.epo.org) of the brevets sont indiqus dans le
(http://www.epo.org) zu entneh- European Patent Office (EPO). As Journal officiel de l'Office
men. Was den Zeitpunkt der Wirk- regards the effective date of fee europen des brevets et sur
samkeit der Gebhrenzahlung payments, see Article 7 of the Internet (http://www.epo.org). En
betrifft, so wird auf Art. 7 der Rules relating to Fees. Payments ce qui concerne la date laquelle
Gebhrenordnung verwiesen. should be made in time to reach le paiement est rput effectu,
Zahlungen sind so rechtzeitig zu the EPO before the time limit cf. article 7 du rglement relatif
EPA/EPO/OEB 1034 04.08

veranlassen, dass sie vor Frist- expires. aux taxes. Les paiements doivent
ablauf beim Europischen Patent- tre effectus suffisamment tt
amt eingehen. pour qu'ils parviennent l'Office
europen des brevets avant
l'expiration des dlais.

2. Erfindernennung 2. Designation of the 2. Dsignation de
inventor l'inventeur
Art. 81 Die Erfindernennung hat grund- The inventor should normally be La dsignation de l'inventeur doit
R. 19 stzlich im Antrag auf Erteilung designated in the request for grant en principe tre effectue dans la
R. 60 eines europischen Patents zu er- of a European patent. However, requte en dlivrance du brevet
folgen. Sie kann jedoch innerhalb designation may also occur europen. Cependant, elle peut
einer Frist von 16 Monaten nach subsequently, within sixteen encore tre effectue dans un
dem Anmeldetag oder, wenn eine months of the date of filing the dlai de seize mois compter de
Prioritt in Anspruch genommen application or, if priority is claimed, la date de dpt ou, si une priorit
worden ist, nach dem (frhesten) of the (earliest) date of priority. a t revendique, de la date de
Priorittstag nachgeholt werden. This period is deemed to have priorit (la plus ancienne). Ce dlai
Die Frist gilt als eingehalten, wenn been observed if the information is est rput avoir t respect si
die Information vor Abschluss der communicated before completion l'information est communique
technischen Vorbereitungen fr of the technical preparations for avant la fin des prparatifs
die Verffentlichung der Anmel- publishing the application. techniques en vue de la
dung mitgeteilt wird. Andernfalls Otherwise, the application is publication de la demande. Dans
wird die Anmeldung zurckge- refused. le cas contraire, la demande sera
wiesen. rejete.

3. Priorittserklrung und 3. Declaration of priority, 3. Dclaration de priorit

Priorittsunterlagen priority documents et documents de priorit
Art. 88 (1) Wenn eine Prioritt in Anspruch If claiming priority the applicant Si une priorit a t revendique, il
Art. 90 (5) genommen worden ist, sind in- must indicate, within sixteen convient d'indiquer la date du
R. 52 (1)-(3) nerhalb von 16 Monaten nach dem months after the earliest priority dpt antrieur, l'Etat partie la
R. 53 (1) frhesten beanspruchten Priori- date claimed, the date of the Convention de Paris ou le membre
R. 57 g) ttstag der Tag der frheren previous filing, the state party to de l'Organisation mondiale du
R. 59 Anmeldung, der Vertragsstaat der the Paris Convention or member commerce, ainsi que le numro de
Pariser Verbandsbereinkunft of the World Trade Organization dpt (dclaration de priorit),
bzw. das Mitglied der Welthan- and the file number (priority dans un dlai de seize mois
delsorganisation und das Akten- declaration) and file a certified compter de la date de priorit la
zeichen (Priorittserklrung) zu copy of the earlier application plus ancienne qui a t
nennen, und es ist eine beglaubig- (priority documents). Regarding revendique et de produire une
te Abschrift der frheren Anmel- correction of a priority claim, copie certifie conforme de la
dung (Priorittsunterlagen) einzu- deficiencies in the priority claim demande antrieure (document de
reichen. Hinsichtlich der Berichti- and loss of the priority right, see priorit). Voir les Directives
gung eines Priorittsanspruchs, Guidelines for Examination in the relatives lexamen pratiqu
der Mngel im Priorittsanspruch EPO, A-III, 6.5. lOEB, A-III, 6.5., en ce qui
und des Erlschens des Prioritts- concerne la correction dune
anspruchs siehe Richtlinien fr die revendication de priorit, les
Prfung im EPA, A-III, 6.5. irrgularits entachant la
revendication de priorit et la perte
du droit de priorit.

4. bersetzung der 4. Translation of the 4. Traduction de la

Anmeldung application demande
Art. 14 (2) Wird eine europische Patent- If a European patent application is Si une demande de brevet
Art. 90 anmeldung nicht in einer Amts- filed in a language other than one europen n'est pas dpose dans
R. 6 (1) sprache des Europischen Patent- of the EPO official languages l'une des langues officielles de
R. 57 a) amts (Deutsch, Englisch, Franz- (English, French, German), the l'Office europen des brevets
R. 58 sisch), sondern in einer anderen translation of the application into (allemand, anglais, franais), mais
Sprache eingereicht, so ist die an EPO official language required dans une autre langue, la
nach Art. 14 (2) vorgeschriebene under Article 14(2) must be filed traduction, prescrite par
bersetzung der Anmeldung in within two months of fling the l'article 14(2), de la demande dans
eine der Amtssprachen des application. If it is not filed in time, l'une des langues officielles de
EPA/EPO/OEB 1034 04.08

Europischen Patentamts inner- the EPO requests rectification of l'Office europen des brevets doit
halb von zwei Monaten nach the deficiency. If the deficiency is tre produite dans un dlai de
Einreichung der Anmeldung einzu- still not rectified, the application is deux mois compter du dpt de
reichen. Geschieht dies nicht deemed to be withdrawn. la demande. Si la traduction n'est
innerhalb dieser Frist, so fordert pas produite dans ce dlai, l'Office
das Europische Patentamt zur europen des brevets invite le
Beseitigung des Mangels auf. Wird demandeur remdier cette

der Mangel auch nach dieser Auf- irrgularit. Si le demandeur ne
forderung nicht beseitigt, so gilt die remdie pas cette irrgularit
Anmeldung als zurckgenommen. aprs y avoir t invit, la
demande est rpute retire.

R. 40 (3) Enthlt die Anmeldung eine If the application refers to an Si la demande contient un renvoi
Bezugnahme auf eine frhere earlier application drawn up in a une demande antrieure qui n'est
Anmeldung, die nicht in einer language other than one of the pas rdige dans une langue
Amtssprache des Europischen EPO official languages, a officielle de l'Office europen des
Patentamts abgefasst ist, so ist translation of the latter must be brevets, une traduction doit tre
eine bersetzung innerhalb von filed within two months of filing the produite dans un dlai de deux
zwei Monaten nach ihrer Einrei- former. mois compter du dpt de la
chung einzureichen. demande.

R. 53 (3) Die bersetzung der Prioritts- Translations of priority documents La traduction des documents de
unterlagen ist nur einzureichen, are to be filed only at the EPO's priorit ne doit tre produite que
wenn das Europische Patentamt request. sur invitation de l'Office europen
dazu auffordert. des brevets.

5. Anmeldungen, die sich 5. Applications relating to 5. Demandes de brevet

auf Nucleotid- oder nucleotide or amino acid concernant des
Aminosuresequenzen sequences or biological squences de nuclotides
oder biologisches Material material ou d'acides amins ou
beziehen une matire biologique
R. 26 Bei Anmeldungen, die sich auf Applications relating to nucleotide Dans le cas de demandes
R. 30 Nucleotid- oder Aminosure- or amino acid sequences or to concernant des squences de
R. 31 (2) sequenzen oder biologisches biological material are subject to nuclotides ou d'acides amins ou
Material beziehen, sind die the special provisions laid down in une matire biologique, il convient
besonderen Bestimmungen der Rules 30 and 31 EPC. de tenir compte des dispositions
Regeln 30 und 31 EP zu particulires des rgles 30 et 31
beachten. CBE.

In Bezug auf die Gebhr fr Regarding the fee for late filing of Consulter la rgle 30(3) CBE en
versptete Einreichung des the sequence listing, see ce qui concerne la taxe pour
Sequenzprotokolls siehe Rule 30(3) EPC. remise tardive du listage de
Regel 30 (3) EP. squences.

6. Allgemeines 6. General 6. Gnralits

Schriftstcke sind so rechtzeitig Documents should be despatched Les pices doivent tre expdies
abzusenden, dass sie innerhalb in time to reach the EPO within suffisamment tt pour qu'elles
der vorgeschriebenen Fristen beim the prescribed time limits. parviennent l'Office europen
Europischen Patentamt des brevets dans les dlais
eingehen. prescrits.

Weitere Hinweise zum euro- For more information on the L'on trouvera d'autres
pischen Patenterteilungsver- European patent grant procedure, renseignements sur la procdure
fahren sind der Broschre "Der see the brochure "How to get a europenne de dlivrance de
Weg zum europischen Patent - European patent; Guide for brevets dans la brochure
Leitfaden fr Anmelder, Teil 1" zu applicants Part 1", which may be "Comment obtenir un brevet
entnehmen, die auf der Website consulted on the EPO's website europen - Guide du dposant,
des EPA (http://www.epo.org) zur (http://www.epo.org) and is also premire partie", qui peut tre
Verfgung steht oder bei den available free of charge from its consulte sur le site web de l'OEB
Informationsstellen des Euro- information offices (preferably in (http://www.epo.org) ou obtenue
pischen Patentamts vorzugs- Vienna but also in Munich, The gratuitement auprs des Bureaux
weise in Wien, aber auch in Hague and Berlin). d'information de l'Office europen
Mnchen, Den Haag und Berlin des brevets, de prfrence
EPA/EPO/OEB 1034 04.08

kostenlos erhltlich ist. Vienne, mais galement Munich,

La Haye et Berlin.

Einsender 1/ Sender 1 / Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49 (0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31 (0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Empfangsbescheinigung 2 fr Acknowledgement of receipt 2 Accus de rception 2 de pices

beim Europischen Patentamt by the European Patent Office of envoyes lOffice europen des
nachgereichte Unterlagen zu subsequently filed items relating brevets postrieurement au dpt
Patentanmeldungen / Patenten to patent applications/patents dune demande de brevet / la
dlivrance dun brevet europen
Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind aus dem The date and place of receipt are indicated La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus
Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser by the stamp or perforation on this receipt. par le cachet de rception ou la perforation
Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich. (M + date = Munich as place of receipt; du prsent accus de rception.
(M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + date = The Hague as place of receipt; (M + date = pices reues Munich ;
H + Datum = Einreichungsort Den Haag; date + B = Berlin as place of receipt) H + date = pices reues La Haye ;
Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin) date + B = pices reues Berlin)

Eingereichte Unterlagen Items filed Pices produites

Anmeldenummer/Patentnummer Ihr Zeichen ggfs. Art und Datum der Unterlagen 3
Application Number/Patent Number Your reference Nature and date of items (optional) 3
Numro de la demande/numro du brevet Votre rfrence Nature et date des pices (facultatif) 3









Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org
EPA/EPO/OEB 1037.1 12.07

1) Bitte Adressfeld ausfllen (1) Please fill in address. 1) Veuillez complter le champ ci-dessous.
2) Bitte 2-fach einreichen (2) Please submit two copies. 2) A soumettre en 2 exemplaires.
3) Der Eingang der angegebenen Unterlagen (3) Receipt of the items indicated is confirmed. 3) La rception des pices indiques est confir-
wird besttigt. Enthlt diese Spalte keine If this column does not contain any entries, me. Faute de mention dans cette colonne,
Eintragungen, so wird lediglich besttigt, only the receipt of an item for the file indicated le prsent accus de rception se rapporte
dass eine Sendung zu dem angegebenen is confirmed. une pice quelconque envoye sous la
Aktenzeichen eingegangen ist. rfrence indique.

Empfangsbescheinigung fr Einsender l Acknowledgement of receipt for sender l Accus de rception lintention de lexpditeur
Einsender 1/ Sender 1 / Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49 (0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31 (0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Empfangsbescheinigung 2 fr Acknowledgement of receipt 2 Accus de rception 2 de pices

beim Europischen Patentamt by the European Patent Office of envoyes lOffice europen des
nachgereichte Unterlagen zu subsequently filed items relating brevets postrieurement au dpt
Patentanmeldungen / Patenten to patent applications/patents dune demande de brevet / la
dlivrance dun brevet europen
Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind aus dem The date and place of receipt are indicated La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus
Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser by the stamp or perforation on this receipt. par le cachet de rception ou la perforation
Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich. (M + date = Munich as place of receipt; du prsent accus de rception.
(M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + date = The Hague as place of receipt; (M + date = pices reues Munich ;
H + Datum = Einreichungsort Den Haag; date + B = Berlin as place of receipt) H + date = pices reues La Haye ;
Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin) date + B = pices reues Berlin)

Eingereichte Unterlagen Items filed Pices produites

Anmeldenummer/Patentnummer Ihr Zeichen ggfs. Art und Datum der Unterlagen 3
Application Number/Patent Number Your reference Nature and date of items (optional) 3
Numro de la demande/numro du brevet Votre rfrence Nature et date des pices (facultatif) 3









Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org
EPA/EPO/OEB 1037.2 12.07

1) Bitte Adressfeld ausfllen (1) Please fill in address. 1) Veuillez complter le champ ci-dessous.
2) Bitte 2-fach einreichen (2) Please submit two copies. 2) A soumettre en 2 exemplaires.
3) Der Eingang der angegebenen Unterlagen (3) Receipt of the items indicated is confirmed. 3) La rception des pices indiques est confir-
wird besttigt. Enthlt diese Spalte keine If this column does not contain any entries, me. Faute de mention dans cette colonne,
Eintragungen, so wird lediglich besttigt, only the receipt of an item for the file indicated le prsent accus de rception se rapporte
dass eine Sendung zu dem angegebenen is confirmed. une pice quelconque envoye sous la
Aktenzeichen eingegangen ist. rfrence indique.

Kopie fr EPA l Copy for EPO l Exemplaire OEB

Einsender 1/ Sender 1 / Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49 (0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31 (0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Empfangsbescheinigung 2 fr Acknowledgement of receipt 2 Accus de rception 2 de pices

beim Europischen Patentamt by the European Patent Office of envoyes lOffice europen des
nachgereichte Unterlagen zu subsequently filed items relating brevets postrieurement au dpt
Patentanmeldungen / Patenten to patent applications/patents dune demande de brevet / la
dlivrance dun brevet europen
Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind aus dem The date and place of receipt are indicated La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus
Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser by the stamp or perforation on this receipt. par le cachet de rception ou la perforation
Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich. (M + date = Munich as place of receipt; du prsent accus de rception.
(M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + date = The Hague as place of receipt; (M + date = pices reues Munich ;
H + Datum = Einreichungsort Den Haag; date + B = Berlin as place of receipt) H + date = pices reues La Haye ;
Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin) date + B = pices reues Berlin)

Eingereichte Unterlagen Items filed Pices produites

Anmeldenummer/Patentnummer Ihr Zeichen ggfs. Art und Datum der Unterlagen 3
Application Number/Patent Number Your reference Nature and date of items (optional) 3
Numro de la demande/numro du brevet Votre rfrence Nature et date des pices (facultatif) 3









Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org
EPA/EPO/OEB 1037.3 12.07

1) Bitte Adressfeld ausfllen (1) Please fill in address. 1) Veuillez complter le champ ci-dessous.
2) Bitte 2-fach einreichen (2) Please submit two copies. 2) A soumettre en 2 exemplaires.
3) Der Eingang der angegebenen Unterlagen (3) Receipt of the items indicated is confirmed. 3) La rception des pices indiques est confir-
wird besttigt. Enthlt diese Spalte keine If this column does not contain any entries, me. Faute de mention dans cette colonne,
Eintragungen, so wird lediglich besttigt, only the receipt of an item for the file indicated le prsent accus de rception se rapporte
dass eine Sendung zu dem angegebenen is confirmed. une pice quelconque envoye sous la
Aktenzeichen eingegangen ist. rfrence indique.

Zum Verbleib beim Einsender l For retention by sender l Exemplaire expditeur

Formbltter fr Unterlagen, die Forms for documents filed after Formulaires pour dposer des
nach Einreichung der europischen filing of the European patent documents postrieurement
Patentanmeldung eingereicht werden application la demande de brevet europen
(siehe Richtlinien fr die Prfung, A-IX, 3.1) (see Guidelines for Examination A-IX, 3.1) (cf. Directives relatives lexamen, A-IX, 3.1)

A. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1038 A. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1038 A. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1038

(Begleitschreiben Empfangsbescheini- (accompanying letter acknowledgement of (lettre daccompagnement accus de
gung Aktenbestandteil je 1 pro Akte) receipt part of the file one for each file) rception faisant partie du dossier pices
concernant un seul dossier)

1. Die nach Einreichung der europischen 1. Documents, other than annexes, to be filed 1. A lexclusion des pices annexes,
Patentanmeldung einzureichenden Schrift- after filing of the European patent application les documents postrieurs au dpt de
stcke sind, soweit es sich nicht um Anlagen must be signed by the party concerned or his la demande de brevet europen doivent tre
handelt, vom Verfahrensbeteiligten oder seinem authorised representative (Rules 50(3), 76(3), 86, signs par lintress ou son mandataire
zugelassenen Vertreter zu unterzeichnen (Re- 92(1), 99(3) and 107(3) EPC). Documents such agr (rgles 50(3), 76(3), 86, 92(1), 99(3)
geln 50 (3), 76 (3), 86, 92 (1), 99 (3) und 107 (3) as the priority document or translation thereof et 107(3) CBE). Il y a lieu de joindre aux
EP). Dokumente, wie z. B. der Priorittsbeleg must consequently be filed with a separate documents produits, par exemple le document
oder dessen bersetzung, mssen deshalb mit covering letter, or at least a note on the de priorit ou sa traduction, une lettre
einem gesonderten Begleitschreiben oder document itself addressing it to the European daccompagnement spare signalant quils
zumindest einem Vermerk auf dem Dokument Patent Office, in each case duly signed by sont adresss lOEB, ou tout au moins den
selbst, dass es an das Europische Patentamt a person authorised to act before the EPO faire mention par crit mme ces documents;
gerichtet ist, jeweils mit der ordnungsgemen (see Article 133 EPC). This also applies if, for cette lettre ou cette mention doit tre dment
Unterschrift einer zum Handeln vor dem example, a representative subsequently files signe par une personne habilite agir
EPA berechtigten Person (vgl. Art. 133 EP) the designation of the inventor signed by an devant lOEB (cf. art. 133 CBE). Ceci vaut par
eingereicht werden. Dies gilt beispielsweise applicant having neither residence nor principal exemple galement pour le dpt ultrieur, par
auch, wenn der Vertreter eine Erfindernennung place of business in a contracting state. le mandataire, de la dsignation de linventeur
nachreicht, die von einem Anmelder unter- lorsque celle-ci porte la signature dun
zeichnet worden ist, der weder Wohnsitz noch demandeur qui na ni domicile ni sige sur le
Sitz in einem Vertragsstaat hat. territoire de lun des Etats parties la CBE.

2. Mit Hilfe des Formblatts 1038 knnen Unter- 2. Form 1038 can be used to file subsequently 2. Le formulaire 1038 peut tre utilis pour
lagen zu jeweils einer europischen Patentan- items relating to one European patent produire, postrieurement au dpt, des pices
meldung / einem europischen Patent nachge- application or to one European patent. As the affrentes une seule demande de brevet
reicht werden. Da das Original von Form 1038 top copy of Form 1038 constitutes the covering europen ou un seul brevet europen.
das Begleitschreiben fr nachgereichte Unter- letter for such items and thus becomes part of Vu que loriginal du formulaire 1038 constitue la
lagen darstellt und deshalb Aktenbestandteil the file, it cannot be used for subsequent filing lettre daccompagnement relative des pices
wird, ist es nicht mglich, mit diesem Vordruck of documents relating to more than one file. produites postrieurement au dpt et quil
Unterlagen zu mehreren Akten nachzureichen. Separate forms must be used. est donc vers au dossier, il n'est pas possible
Fr jede Akte muss ein gesondertes d'utiliser cet imprim pour produire, postrieure-
Formblatt verwendet werden. ment au dpt, des pices concernant
plusieurs dossiers diffrents. Un formulaire
spar doit tre utilis pour chaque dossier.

3. Form 1038 ist als Vierfach-Satz 3. There are four copies of Form 1038, 3. Le formulaire 1038 comporte quatre
konzipiert. Damit erfllt es sowohl die three of which are to be sent to the Office. feuilles, remplissant ainsi la fois la fonction
Funktion eines Begleitschreibens als auch This allows the form to serve as both a covering de lettre d'accompagnement et celle d'accus
die einer Empfangsbescheinigung. Drei letter and acknowledgement of receipt. The top de rception. Trois doivent tre envoyes
Exemplare sollen beim Amt eingereicht copy goes into the file, the second is retained l'Office : l'original est vers au dossier ;
werden. Das Original kommt in die Akte, by the EPOs Post Room and Filing Office and le deuxime exemplaire est conserv au
das zweite Exemplar verbleibt bei der the third is returned to the sender stamped with bureau de rception de l'OEB et le troisime
Sammlung der Annahmestelle des EPA, an acknowledgement of receipt. The sender est renvoy l'expditeur, accompagn d'un
und das dritte Exemplar geht mit einer retains the fourth copy (pink). The copies are accus de rception. Le quatrime exemplaire
Empfangsbescheinigung versehen an den marked accordingly in the margin. (rose) est conserv ds le dpart comme
Einreicher zurck. Das vierte Exemplar (rosa) double par l'expditeur. L'indication de la
verbleibt von vornherein als Zwischenkopie fonction figure au bas des feuilles.
beim Einreicher. Die Bltter sind am Rand
entsprechend gekennzeichnet.

B. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037 B. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037 B. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037

(Empfangsbescheinigung ohne Unterschrift (acknowledgement of receipt without (accus de rception non sign
Unterlagen fr mehrere Akten) signature documents for several applications) pices concernant plusieurs dossiers)

Mit Form 1037 knnen gleichzeitig zu Form 1037 can be used for the subsequent Le formulaire 1037 peut tre utilis pour
mehreren Akten Unterlagen nachgereicht filing, all at the same time, of items that relate produire ultrieurement des pices affrentes
EPA/EPO/OEB 1037/1038 12.07

werden. Dabei ist allerdings keine Mglichkeit to several applications, but without signature. plusieurs dossiers la fois. Aucune
der Unterschrift vorgesehen. Form 1037 dient Form 1037 is only an acknowledgement. possibilit de signature nest toutefois prvue
ausschlielich als Empfangsbescheinigung. Its use is particularly recommended for sub- pour ce formulaire, qui sert exclusivement
Seine Verwendung ist wie bisher besonders sequent filing of documents already bearing daccus de rception. Son utilisation est
dann zu empfehlen, wenn Schriftstcke the required signature (such as replies to particulirement indique en cas d'envoi,
nachgereicht werden, die bereits selbst communications, debit orders). postrieurement au dpt, de pices qui
die erforderliche Unterschrift tragen (z. B portent dj elles-mmes la signature requise
Erwiderungen auf Bescheide und Mitteilungen, (par exemple rponses des avis ou des
Abbuchungsauftrge). notifications, ordres de dbit).
Begleitschreiben fr nachgereichte Unterlagen (3-fach)
Letter accompanying subsequently filed items (in 3 copies)
Lettre daccompagnement relative des pices produites
ultrieurement (en 3 exemplaires)

Einsender 1/ Sender 1/ Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49(0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31(0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49(0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Die unten bezeichnete(n) Unterlage(n) wird (werden) nachgereicht zu folgender Patentanmeldung/folgendem Patent:
The item(s) indicated below is (are) subsequently filed for the following application/patent:
La (Les) pice(s) dsigne(s) ci-aprs est (sont) produite(s) ultrieurement pour la demande (le brevet) suivant(e) :

Anmeldenummer/Application No./N de la demande Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference /

(Nur ein Aktenzeichen pro Formblatt) / (Only one file number per form) / Rfrence du demandeur
(Un numro de dossier par formulaire seulement) (max. 15 Positionen / max. 15 spaces / 15 caractres au maximum)

Bemerkungen des EPA

Comments by EPO
Bezeichnung der Unterlagen/Description of items /Description des pices Remarques de l'OEB






Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s): / Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s): /

Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb der
Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of the signatory within the company
should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie. Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe
au sein de celle-ci par le ou les signataires doit galement tre indique en caractres dimprimerie.

Empfangsbescheinigung /Acknowledgement of receipt / Accus de rception

EPA/EPO/OEB 1038.1 12.07

Der Eingang der oben angegebenen Unterlagen wird besttigt, falls im Feld Bemerkungen des EPA nichts anderes vermerkt ist. Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind
aus dem Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich (M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + Datum = Einreichungsort
Den Haag; Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin). /
Unless otherwise indicated under Comments by EPO, receipt of the items indicated is acknowledged on the date and at the place shown by the receipt stamp or
perforation on this receipt (M + date = received in Munich; H + date = received in The Hague; date + B = received in Berlin). /
La rception des pices susmentionnes est confirme, sauf mention contraire sous Remarques de lOEB. La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus par le
cachet de rception ou la perforation du prsent accus de rception (M + date = pices reues Munich ; H + date = pices reues La Haye ; date + B = pices
reues Berlin).

Original fr EPA (Akte) l Original for EPO (file) l Original OEB

Begleitschreiben fr nachgereichte Unterlagen (3-fach)
Letter accompanying subsequently filed items (in 3 copies)
Lettre daccompagnement relative des pices produites
ultrieurement (en 3 exemplaires)

Einsender 1/ Sender 1/ Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49(0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31(0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49(0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Die unten bezeichnete(n) Unterlage(n) wird (werden) nachgereicht zu folgender Patentanmeldung/folgendem Patent:
The item(s) indicated below is (are) subsequently filed for the following application/patent:
La (Les) pice(s) dsigne(s) ci-aprs est (sont) produite(s) ultrieurement pour la demande (le brevet) suivant(e) :

Anmeldenummer/Application No./N de la demande Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference /

(Nur ein Aktenzeichen pro Formblatt) / (Only one file number per form) / Rfrence du demandeur
(Un numro de dossier par formulaire seulement) (max. 15 Positionen / max. 15 spaces / 15 caractres au maximum)

Bemerkungen des EPA

Comments by EPO
Bezeichnung der Unterlagen/Description of items /Description des pices Remarques de l'OEB






Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s): / Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s): /

Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb der
Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of the signatory within the company
should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie. Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe
au sein de celle-ci par le ou les signataires doit galement tre indique en caractres dimprimerie.

Empfangsbescheinigung /Acknowledgement of receipt / Accus de rception

EPA/EPO/OEB 1038.2 12.07

Der Eingang der oben angegebenen Unterlagen wird besttigt, falls im Feld Bemerkungen des EPA nichts anderes vermerkt ist. Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind
aus dem Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich (M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + Datum = Einreichungsort
Den Haag; Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin). /
Unless otherwise indicated under Comments by EPO, receipt of the items indicated is acknowledged on the date and at the place shown by the receipt stamp or
perforation on this receipt (M + date = received in Munich; H + date = received in The Hague; date + B = received in Berlin). /
La rception des pices susmentionnes est confirme, sauf mention contraire sous Remarques de lOEB. La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus par le
cachet de rception ou la perforation du prsent accus de rception (M + date = pices reues Munich ; H + date = pices reues La Haye ; date + B = pices
reues Berlin).

Kopie fr EPA (Annahmestelle) l Copy for EPO (Filing Office) l Copie bureau de rception OEB
Begleitschreiben fr nachgereichte Unterlagen (3-fach)
Letter accompanying subsequently filed items (in 3 copies)
Lettre daccompagnement relative des pices produites
ultrieurement (en 3 exemplaires)

Einsender 1/ Sender 1/ Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49(0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31(0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49(0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Die unten bezeichnete(n) Unterlage(n) wird (werden) nachgereicht zu folgender Patentanmeldung/folgendem Patent:
The item(s) indicated below is (are) subsequently filed for the following application/patent:
La (Les) pice(s) dsigne(s) ci-aprs est (sont) produite(s) ultrieurement pour la demande (le brevet) suivant(e) :

Anmeldenummer/Application No./N de la demande Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference /

(Nur ein Aktenzeichen pro Formblatt) / (Only one file number per form) / Rfrence du demandeur
(Un numro de dossier par formulaire seulement) (max. 15 Positionen / max. 15 spaces / 15 caractres au maximum)

Bemerkungen des EPA

Comments by EPO
Bezeichnung der Unterlagen/Description of items /Description des pices Remarques de l'OEB






Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s): / Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s): /

Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb der
Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of the signatory within the company
should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie. Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe
au sein de celle-ci par le ou les signataires doit galement tre indique en caractres dimprimerie.

Empfangsbescheinigung /Acknowledgement of receipt / Accus de rception

EPA/EPO/OEB 1038.3 12.07

Der Eingang der oben angegebenen Unterlagen wird besttigt, falls im Feld Bemerkungen des EPA nichts anderes vermerkt ist. Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind
aus dem Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich (M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + Datum = Einreichungsort
Den Haag; Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin). /
Unless otherwise indicated under Comments by EPO, receipt of the items indicated is acknowledged on the date and at the place shown by the receipt stamp or
perforation on this receipt (M + date = received in Munich; H + date = received in The Hague; date + B = received in Berlin). /
La rception des pices susmentionnes est confirme, sauf mention contraire sous Remarques de lOEB. La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus par le
cachet de rception ou la perforation du prsent accus de rception (M + date = pices reues Munich ; H + date = pices reues La Haye ; date + B = pices
reues Berlin).

Empfangsbescheinigung fr Einsender l Acknowledgement of receipt for sender l Accus de rception expditeur

Begleitschreiben fr nachgereichte Unterlagen (3-fach)
Letter accompanying subsequently filed items (in 3 copies)
Lettre daccompagnement relative des pices produites
ultrieurement (en 3 exemplaires)

Einsender 1/ Sender 1/ Expditeur 1 (bitte ausfllen /please complete/veuillez complter) :

80298 Munich
Tel. +49(0)89 2399 - 0 l Fax - 4465

P.O. Box 5818

2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. +31(0)70 340 - 2040 l Fax -3016

10958 Berlin
Tel. +49(0)30 25901- 0 l Fax -840

Die unten bezeichnete(n) Unterlage(n) wird (werden) nachgereicht zu folgender Patentanmeldung/folgendem Patent:
The item(s) indicated below is (are) subsequently filed for the following application/patent:
La (Les) pice(s) dsigne(s) ci-aprs est (sont) produite(s) ultrieurement pour la demande (le brevet) suivant(e) :

Anmeldenummer/Application No./N de la demande Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants reference /

(Nur ein Aktenzeichen pro Formblatt) / (Only one file number per form) / Rfrence du demandeur
(Un numro de dossier par formulaire seulement) (max. 15 Positionen / max. 15 spaces / 15 caractres au maximum)

Bemerkungen des EPA

Comments by EPO
Bezeichnung der Unterlagen/Description of items /Description des pices Remarques de l'OEB






Nachgereichte Unterlagen knnen auch online eingereicht werden; siehe www.epoline.org

Items may also be filed subsequently online; please see www.epoline.org
Les pices produites ultrieurement peuvent tre aussi dposes en ligne ; voir www.epoline.org

Ort / Place / Lieu Datum / Date

Unterschrift(en) des (der) Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter(s): / Signature(s) of applicant(s) or representative(s): /

Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s) ou du (des) mandataire(s) :

Name des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte in Druckschrift wiederholen. Bei juristischen Personen bitte die Stellung des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb der
Gesellschaft in Druckschrift angeben. / Please print name(s) under signature(s). In the case of legal persons, the position of the signatory within the company
should also be printed. / Le ou les noms des signataires doivent tre indiqus en caractres dimprimerie. Sil sagit dune personne morale, la position occupe
au sein de celle-ci par le ou les signataires doit galement tre indique en caractres dimprimerie.

Empfangsbescheinigung /Acknowledgement of receipt / Accus de rception

EPA/EPO/OEB 1038.4 12.07

Der Eingang der oben angegebenen Unterlagen wird besttigt, falls im Feld Bemerkungen des EPA nichts anderes vermerkt ist. Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind
aus dem Eingangsstempel bzw. der Perforation dieser Empfangsbescheinigung ersichtlich (M + Datum = Einreichungsort Mnchen; H + Datum = Einreichungsort
Den Haag; Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin). /
Unless otherwise indicated under Comments by EPO, receipt of the items indicated is acknowledged on the date and at the place shown by the receipt stamp or
perforation on this receipt (M + date = received in Munich; H + date = received in The Hague; date + B = received in Berlin). /
La rception des pices susmentionnes est confirme, sauf mention contraire sous Remarques de lOEB. La date et le lieu de rception sont indiqus par le
cachet de rception ou la perforation du prsent accus de rception (M + date = pices reues Munich ; H + date = pices reues La Haye ; date + B = pices
reues Berlin).

Zum Verbleib beim Einsender l For retention by sender l Copie expditeur

Formbltter fr Unterlagen, die Forms for documents filed after Formulaires pour dposer des
nach Einreichung der europischen filing of the European patent documents postrieurement
Patentanmeldung eingereicht werden application la demande de brevet europen
(siehe Richtlinien fr die Prfung, A-IX, 3.1) (see Guidelines for Examination A-IX, 3.1) (cf. Directives relatives lexamen, A-IX, 3.1)

A. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1038 A. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1038 A. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1038

(Begleitschreiben Empfangsbescheini- (accompanying letter acknowledgement of (lettre daccompagnement accus de
gung Aktenbestandteil je 1 pro Akte) receipt part of the file one for each file) rception faisant partie du dossier pices
concernant un seul dossier)

1. Die nach Einreichung der europischen 1. Documents, other than annexes, to be filed 1. A lexclusion des pices annexes,
Patentanmeldung einzureichenden Schrift- after filing of the European patent application les documents postrieurs au dpt de
stcke sind, soweit es sich nicht um Anlagen must be signed by the party concerned or his la demande de brevet europen doivent tre
handelt, vom Verfahrensbeteiligten oder seinem authorised representative (Rules 50(3), 76(3), 86, signs par lintress ou son mandataire
zugelassenen Vertreter zu unterzeichnen (Re- 92(1), 99(3) and 107(3) EPC). Documents such agr (rgles 50(3), 76(3), 86, 92(1), 99(3)
geln 50 (3), 76 (3), 86, 92 (1), 99 (3) und 107 (3) as the priority document or translation thereof et 107(3) CBE). Il y a lieu de joindre aux
EP). Dokumente, wie z. B. der Priorittsbeleg must consequently be filed with a separate documents produits, par exemple le document
oder dessen bersetzung, mssen deshalb mit covering letter, or at least a note on the de priorit ou sa traduction, une lettre
einem gesonderten Begleitschreiben oder document itself addressing it to the European daccompagnement spare signalant quils
zumindest einem Vermerk auf dem Dokument Patent Office, in each case duly signed by sont adresss lOEB, ou tout au moins den
selbst, dass es an das Europische Patentamt a person authorised to act before the EPO faire mention par crit mme ces documents;
gerichtet ist, jeweils mit der ordnungsgemen (see Article 133 EPC). This also applies if, for cette lettre ou cette mention doit tre dment
Unterschrift einer zum Handeln vor dem example, a representative subsequently files signe par une personne habilite agir
EPA berechtigten Person (vgl. Art. 133 EP) the designation of the inventor signed by an devant lOEB (cf. art. 133 CBE). Ceci vaut par
eingereicht werden. Dies gilt beispielsweise applicant having neither residence nor principal exemple galement pour le dpt ultrieur, par
auch, wenn der Vertreter eine Erfindernennung place of business in a contracting state. le mandataire, de la dsignation de linventeur
nachreicht, die von einem Anmelder unter- lorsque celle-ci porte la signature dun
zeichnet worden ist, der weder Wohnsitz noch demandeur qui na ni domicile ni sige sur le
Sitz in einem Vertragsstaat hat. territoire de lun des Etats parties la CBE.

2. Mit Hilfe des Formblatts 1038 knnen Unter- 2. Form 1038 can be used to file subsequently 2. Le formulaire 1038 peut tre utilis pour
lagen zu jeweils einer europischen Patentan- items relating to one European patent produire, postrieurement au dpt, des pices
meldung / einem europischen Patent nachge- application or to one European patent. As the affrentes une seule demande de brevet
reicht werden. Da das Original von Form 1038 top copy of Form 1038 constitutes the covering europen ou un seul brevet europen.
das Begleitschreiben fr nachgereichte Unter- letter for such items and thus becomes part of Vu que loriginal du formulaire 1038 constitue la
lagen darstellt und deshalb Aktenbestandteil the file, it cannot be used for subsequent filing lettre daccompagnement relative des pices
wird, ist es nicht mglich, mit diesem Vordruck of documents relating to more than one file. produites postrieurement au dpt et quil
Unterlagen zu mehreren Akten nachzureichen. Separate forms must be used. est donc vers au dossier, il n'est pas possible
Fr jede Akte muss ein gesondertes d'utiliser cet imprim pour produire, postrieure-
Formblatt verwendet werden. ment au dpt, des pices concernant
plusieurs dossiers diffrents. Un formulaire
spar doit tre utilis pour chaque dossier.

3. Form 1038 ist als Vierfach-Satz 3. There are four copies of Form 1038, 3. Le formulaire 1038 comporte quatre
konzipiert. Damit erfllt es sowohl die three of which are to be sent to the Office. feuilles, remplissant ainsi la fois la fonction
Funktion eines Begleitschreibens als auch This allows the form to serve as both a covering de lettre d'accompagnement et celle d'accus
die einer Empfangsbescheinigung. Drei letter and acknowledgement of receipt. The top de rception. Trois doivent tre envoyes
Exemplare sollen beim Amt eingereicht copy goes into the file, the second is retained l'Office : l'original est vers au dossier ;
werden. Das Original kommt in die Akte, by the EPOs Post Room and Filing Office and le deuxime exemplaire est conserv au
das zweite Exemplar verbleibt bei der the third is returned to the sender stamped with bureau de rception de l'OEB et le troisime
Sammlung der Annahmestelle des EPA, an acknowledgement of receipt. The sender est renvoy l'expditeur, accompagn d'un
und das dritte Exemplar geht mit einer retains the fourth copy (pink). The copies are accus de rception. Le quatrime exemplaire
Empfangsbescheinigung versehen an den marked accordingly in the margin. (rose) est conserv ds le dpart comme
Einreicher zurck. Das vierte Exemplar (rosa) double par l'expditeur. L'indication de la
verbleibt von vornherein als Zwischenkopie fonction figure au bas des feuilles.
beim Einreicher. Die Bltter sind am Rand
entsprechend gekennzeichnet.

B. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037 B. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037 B. EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037

(Empfangsbescheinigung ohne Unterschrift (acknowledgement of receipt without (accus de rception non sign
Unterlagen fr mehrere Akten) signature documents for several applications) pices concernant plusieurs dossiers)

Mit Form 1037 knnen gleichzeitig zu Form 1037 can be used for the subsequent Le formulaire 1037 peut tre utilis pour
mehreren Akten Unterlagen nachgereicht filing, all at the same time, of items that relate produire ultrieurement des pices affrentes
EPA/EPO/OEB 1037/1038 12.07

werden. Dabei ist allerdings keine Mglichkeit to several applications, but without signature. plusieurs dossiers la fois. Aucune
der Unterschrift vorgesehen. Form 1037 dient Form 1037 is only an acknowledgement. possibilit de signature nest toutefois prvue
ausschlielich als Empfangsbescheinigung. Its use is particularly recommended for sub- pour ce formulaire, qui sert exclusivement
Seine Verwendung ist wie bisher besonders sequent filing of documents already bearing daccus de rception. Son utilisation est
dann zu empfehlen, wenn Schriftstcke the required signature (such as replies to particulirement indique en cas d'envoi,
nachgereicht werden, die bereits selbst communications, debit orders). postrieurement au dpt, de pices qui
die erforderliche Unterschrift tragen (z. B portent dj elles-mmes la signature requise
Erwiderungen auf Bescheide und Mitteilungen, (par exemple rponses des avis ou des
Abbuchungsauftrge). notifications, ordres de dbit).
Please read
the notes
to this form

Request for the issue of a sample of deposited biological material

(Rule 33 EPC)

To 1
(name und address
of recognised
depositary institution)

The undersigned hereby requests the issue of a sample of the biological material identified hereunder in accordance with
Rule 11.3(a) of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms
for the Purpose of Patent Procedure or under a bilateral agreement (Rule 33 EPC).

I. Identification of the biological material

Accession number of the deposit

II. Patent application or patent which refers to the deposited biological material

European patent application No. filed on by

International (PCT) application No. 2 filed on by

European patent No. granted on 3 to

III. Request for information

The undersigned requests does not request

an indication of the conditions under which the recognised depositary institution cultivates and stores the biological material. 4

IV. Certified party


EPO 1140.1 12.07

Date Signature 5

This form
will be completed
by the European
Patent Office

European Patent Office

80298 Munich
Tel. +49(0)89 2399-0 l Fax - 4465

Certification (Rule 33(4) EPC)

This is to certify that:

1. the patent application/patent which is specified in Section II above and refers to the deposit of the biological material
identified in Section I above

has been filed with this Office

designates for the grant of a European patent at least one state party to the PCT
for which this Office is the designated Office within the meaning of the said treaty

has been granted by this Office

and its subject-matter involves the said biological material or the use thereof.

2. publication for the purposes of patent procedure has been effected

by this Office

internationally under the PCT by the International Bureau of WIPO


the certified party has a right to a sample before publication under Rule 33(1), first sentence,
in conjunction with Article 128(2) EPC.

3. the certified party has a right to a sample of the biological material identified in Section I above under the law governing
patent procedure before this Office, and this Office is satisfied that the conditions prescribed by the said law for the issue
of such samples have been fulfilled.

4. this certification concerns a deposit pursuant to a bilateral agreement.

European Patent Office

EPO 1140.2 12.07

Date Signature Official stamp

Please read
the notes
to this form

Declaration for the purpose of obtaining a sample of deposited

biological material (Rule 33 EPC)
This declaration accompanies the request for the issue of a sample of the deposited biological material
identified hereunder:

I. Identification of the biological material

Accession number of the deposit

Depositary institution

II. Patent application or patent which refers to the deposited biological material

European patent application No. filed on by

International (PCT) application No. filed on by

European patent No. granted on to

III. The undersigned, identified in the request and hereunder as the certified party, undertakes vis--vis the
applicant for or proprietor of the patent referred to in Section II not to make the biological material identified
in Section I, or any biological material derived therefrom, available to any third party, and to use that material
for experimental purposes only, until such time as the patent application identified in Section II is refused,
withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, or until the European patent granted on the basis of that application
has expired in all the designated states.

Where the sample of the biological material identified in Section I is to be made available to an expert only 1,
the above undertaking applies
until the date on which the European patent granted on the basis of the patent application identified in Section II
expires in all the designated states, or
where the application is refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, for twenty years from the date of filing
of the application.

IV. Certified party


EPO 1141 12.07

Date Signature
Notes concerning the forms for the issue of a sample of deposited
biological material (EPO Forms 1140 and 1141)

These notes provide guidance on completing the forms for Instructions concerning the numbered
obtaining samples of biological material deposited under references on the forms
the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the
Deposit of Micro-organisms for the Purposes of Patent I. EPO Form 1140:
Procedure (hereinafter "the Budapest Treaty"), where the
1. Insert here the name and address of the
issue of samples is requested under Rule 11.3(a) of the
recognised depositary institution with which the
Regulations under that Treaty and the European Patent
biological material has been deposited. The form
Office (hereinafter "the EPO") is asked to certify the
must, however, be sent to the EPO for
request. In this case Rule 33 of the Implementing
certification on page 2.
Regulations to the European Patent Convention
(hereinafter "the EPC") is applicable in addition to Rule 2. This must be an international (PCT) application
11.3(a) of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty. designating at least one EPC contracting state
Similarly, under Rule 33 these forms must be used where which is also a party to the PCT, and indicating
the biological material has been deposited with a that the applicant wishes to obtain a European
depositary institution recognised as such pursuant to a patent for that state (Euro-PCT application). The
bilateral agreement with the European Patent Organisation. EPO assigns to such applications a European
application number for their processing before
General the EPO as designated or elected Office. Where
the certified party knows the European
A. This set consists of two forms:
application number, he is requested to use it and
(a) The first (EPO Form 1140) is the request for the complete the "European patent application No."
issue of a sample of deposited biological section instead.
material, which must be used in all cases.
3. Insert here the date of publication of the mention
(b) The second (EPO Form 1141) is the declaration of grant in the European Patent Bulletin.
under Rule 33(2) EPC vis--vis the applicant for
4. The right to request an indication of these
or proprietor of the patent.
conditions is laid down in Rule 11.4(f) of the
B. Pursuant to Rule 32(1) EPC the applicant may request Regulations under the Budapest Treaty and
that, until the mention of the grant of the European Annex IV 2.(b) of the bilateral agreements.
patent is published in the European Patent Bulletin or,
5. Where a signature is given on behalf of a legal
where applicable, for twenty years from the date of
person, the typewritten name of the natural
filing if the application is refused, withdrawn or
person signing on behalf of the legal person must
deemed to be withdrawn, the availability of the
accompany each signature.
deposited biological material be effected only by the
issue of a sample to an expert. This provision is II. EPO Form 1141:
indicated on the cover page of the published
application (A publication). In such cases a third form 1. Where this declaration is signed by an expert
obtainable from the EPO website must be used: (see point B under "General" above), his
"Request for deposited biological material to be made attention is drawn to the fact that the requester
available by issuing a sample to an expert" (EPO who has nominated him is regarded as a third
1142). party pursuant to Rule 32(2) EPC.

C. Where applicable, place a cross in the box provided.

D. After certification, the EPO will send the request to the

depositary institution and copies to the applicant for or
proprietor of the European patent and to the certified
party. It is up to the certified party to pay the fees
EPO 1140 and 1141 Notes 12.07

requested by the recognised depositary institution

directly to them.
Please read
the notes
to this form

Request for deposited biological material to be made available

by issuing a sample to an expert
(Rule 32 EPC)

The undersigned hereby requests that a sample of the biological material identified hereunder be issued to the expert nominated
in Section III, in accordance with Rule 32 EPC.

I. Identification of the biological material

Accession number of the deposit

Depositary institution

II. Patent application which refers to the deposited biological material

European patent application No. filed on by

International (PCT) application No. filed on by

III. Expert



A declaration by the applicant approving the The expert is recognised as such by the
nomination of the expert is enclosed (Rule 32(2)(a) EPC). President of the EPO (Rule 32(2)(b) EPC).

IV. Requester


EPO 1142 12.07

Date Signature
Notes concerning the request for deposited biological material to be made
available by issuing a sample to an expert (EPO Form 1142)

1. This form is intended for use in conjunction with EPO

Form 1140 and EPO Form 1141 ("Request for the
issue of a sample of deposited biological material" and
"Declaration for the purpose of obtaining a sample of
deposited biological material") in cases where,
pursuant to Rule 32(1) EPC, the applicant has
requested that, until the mention of the grant of the
European patent is published in the European Patent
Bulletin, or for twenty years from the date of filing if the
application is refused, withdrawn or deemed to be
withdrawn, the availability of the deposited biological
material be effected only by the issue of a sample to
an expert.

2. This form must be signed by the requester nominating

the expert, whereas the request for the issue of a
sample of deposited biological material (EPO
Form 1140) and the declaration for the purpose of
obtaining a sample of deposited biological material
(EPO Form 1141) must be signed by the expert.

3. Under Rule 32(2) EPC, the following may be

nominated as an expert:

(a) any natural person provided that the requester

furnishes evidence, when filing the request, that
the nomination has the approval of the applicant

(b) any natural person recognised as an expert by

the President of the EPO. The list of recognised
experts is published in the Official Journal of the
EPO (see OJ EPO 1992, 470).
EPO 1142 Notes 12.07
Nur fr amtlichen Gebrauch / For official
use only / Cadre rserv ladministration

An das Europische Patentamt

To the European Patent Office
A lOffice europen des brevets

Tag des Eingangs / Date of receipt / Date de rception

Eintritt in die euro Entry into the Entre dans la phase

pische Phase (EPA European phase europenne (lOEB
als Bestimmungsamt (EPO asdesignated agissant en qualit
oderausgewhltes Amt) orelected Office) doffice dsign ou lu)

Europische Anmeldenummer oder, falls European application number or, if Numro de la demande de brevet
nicht bekannt, PCT-Aktenzeichen oder not known, PCT application or PCT europen ou, dfaut, numro dedpt
PCT-Verffentlichungsnummer publication number PCT ou de publication PCT

Zeichen des Anmelders oder Vertreters Applicants or representatives reference Rfrence du demandeur ou du mandataire
(max.15Positionen) (max. 15keystrokes) (15caractres ou espaces au maximum)

1. Anmelder Applicant Demandeur

Die Angaben ber den (die) Anmelder sind Indications concerning the applicant(s) are Les indications concernant le(s) deman
in der internationalen Verffentlichung contained in the international publication or deur(s) figurent dans la publication
enthalten oder vom Internationalen Bro recorded by the International Bureau after internationale ou ont t enregistres par
nach der internationalen Verffentlichung the international publication. le Bureau international aprs la publication
vermerkt worden. internationale.

nderungen, die das Internationale Bro Changes which have not yet been Les changements qui nont pas encore t
noch nicht vermerkt hat, sind aufeinem recorded by the International Bureau enregistrs par le Bureau international sont
Zusatzblatt angegeben. are set out on an additional sheet. indiqus sur une feuille additionnelle.

Fehlende Angaben ber den oder die Indications missing for the applicant(s) Les indications manquantes concernant
Anmelder sind auf einem Zusatzblatt are given on an additional sheet. un ou plusieurs demandeurssont men
angegeben. tionnes surune feuille additionnelle.

Zustellanschrift Address for correspondence Adresse pour la correspondance

(siehe Merkblatt II, 1) (see Notes II, 1) (voir notice II, 1)
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.1 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
2. Vertreter Representative Mandataire

Name und Geschftsanschrift Name and addressof place of business Nom et adresse professionnelle
(Nur einen Vertreter oder den Namen des (Name only one representative or (Nindiquer quun seul mandataire ou le
Zusammenschlusses angeben, der in das association of representatives, to be listed nom du groupement de mandataires qui
Europische Patentregister einzutragen ist in the Register of European Patents and to sera inscrit au Registre europen des bre
und an den zugestellt wird) whom communications are to be notified) vets et auquel les significations seront faites)

Telefon / Telephone / Tlphone Fax / Tlfax

Weitere(r) Vertreter Additional representative(s) Autre(s) mandataire(s)

auf Zusatzblatt onadditionalsheet surfeuillesupplmentaire

3. Vollmacht Authorisation Pouvoir

Vollmacht ist beigefgt. Authorisation is attached. Un pouvoir est joint.

Allgemeine Vollmacht ist registriert General authorisation is registered Un pouvoir gnral est enregistr
unter Nr: under No.: sousle n :

Allgemeine Vollmacht ist eingereicht, A general authorisation has been filed, Un pouvoir gnral a t dpos,
abernoch nicht registriert. butnot yet registered. maisnest pas encore enregistr.

Die beim EPA als PCT-Anmeldeamt The authorisation filed with the EPO as Le pouvoir dpos lOEB agissant en
eingereichte Vollmacht schliet aus PCT receiving Office expressly includes qualit doffice rcepteur au titre du PCT
drcklich die europische Phase ein. the European phase. inclut expressment la phase europenne.

4. Prfungsantrag Request for examination Requte en examen

4.1 Hiermit wird die Prfung der Anmeldung Examination of the application under Il est demand par la prsente que soit
gem Artikel 94 EP beantragt. Die Article94 EPC is hereby requested. examine lademande de brevet conform-
Prfungsgebhr wird (wurde) entrichtet. The examination fee is being (has been, ment larticle 94 CBE. Il est (at, sera)
will be) paid. procd au paiement de la taxe dexamen.

Prfungsantrag in einer zugelassenen Request for examination in an admissible Requte en examen dans une langue
Nichtamtssprache non-EPO language nonofficielle autorise

Der/Jeder Anmelder erklrt hiermit, eine The/Each applicant hereby declares that Le/Chaque demandeur dclare par la
Einheit oder eine natrliche Person nach he is an entity or a natural person under prsente tre une entit ou une personne
Regel 6 (4) EP zu sein. Rule 6(4) EPC. physique au sens de la rgle 6(4) CBE.

4.2 Der Anmelder verzichtet auf die The applicant waives his right to be asked Le demandeur renonce tre invit,
Aufforderung nach Regel70(2)EP, under Rule 70(2) EPC whether he wishes conformment la rgle 70(2) CBE,
zu erklren, ob die Anmeldung aufrecht- to proceed further with the application. dclarer sil souhaite maintenir sa
erhalten wird. demande.

5. Abschriften Copies Copies

Zustzliche Abschriften der im Additional copies of the documents cited in Prire de fournir des copies
ergnzenden europischen Recherchen the supplementary European search report supplmentaires des documents cits dans
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.2 11.15

bericht angefhrten Schriftstcke werden are requested. le rapport complmentaire de recherche

beantragt. europenne.

Anzahl der zustzlichen Stze von Number of additional sets of copies Nombre de jeux supplmentaires
Abschriften decopies

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
6. Fr das Verfahren vor dem EPA Documents intended for Pices destines la procdure
bestimmteUnterlagen proceedings before the EPO devant lOEB

6.1 Dem Verfahren vor dem EPA als Proceedings before the EPO as La procdure devant lOEB agissant en
Bestimmungsamt (PCT I) sind folgende designated Office (PCT I) are to be qualit doffice dsign (PCT I) doit se
Unterlagen zugrunde zu legen: basedon the following documents: fonder sur les pices suivantes :

die vom Internationalen Bro verffent the application documents published les pices de la demandepubliespar
lichten Anmeldungsunterlagen (mit allen by the International Bureau (with all claims, le Bureau international (avec toutes les
Ansprchen, Beschreibung und Zeichnun description and drawings) with any revendications, la description et les dessins)
gen) mit etwaigen genderten Ansprchen amended claims under Article19 PCT avec les ventuelles revendications modi
nach Artikel19 PCT fies conformment larticle 19 PCT

soweit sie nicht ersetzt werden durch unless replaced by the amendments dans la mesure o elles ne sont pas rem-
die beigefgten nderungen. enclosed. places par les modifications jointes.

Stellungnahmen zu dem vom EPA als Comments on the written opinion esta- Commentaires sur lopinion crite tablie
Internationaler Recherchenbehrde blished by the EPO as the International par lOEB agissant en qualit dadministra-
erstellten schriftlichen Bescheid und/ Searching Authority and/or observations tion charge de la recherche internationale
oder Bemerkungen bzw. Stellungnah- or, where applicable, on the explanations et/ou observations, ou, le cas chant,
men zu den Erluterungen in dem given in the Supplementary Internatio- commentaires sur les explications figurant
vom EPA als mit der ergnzenden nal Search Report established by the dans le rapport de recherche internatio
internationalen Recherche beauftrag- EPO as the Supplementary International nale supplmentaire tabli par lOEB
ten Behrde erstellten ergnzenden Searching Authority (Rule 45bis.7(e) PCT) agissant en qualit dadministration
internationalen Recherchenbericht charge de la recherche internationale
(Regel 45bis.7 e) PCT) supplmentaire (rgle 45bis.7e) PCT)

Soweit erforderlich, sind weitere Angaben Where necessary, further details should Le cas chant, des informations com
auf einem Zusatzblatt einzureichen. be submitted on an additional sheet. plmentaires doivent tre fournies sur
une feuille additionnelle.

6.2 Dem Verfahren vor dem EPA als aus Proceedings before the EPO as elected La procdure devant lOEB agissant en
gewhltem Amt (PCT II) sind folgende Office (PCT II) are to be based on the qualit doffice lu (PCT II) doit se fonder
Unterlagen zugrunde zu legen: following documents: sur les pices suivantes :
die dem internationalen vorlufigen the documents on which the inter les pices sur lesquelles se fonde le
Prfungsbericht zugrunde gelegten national preliminary examination rapport dexamen prliminaire inter
Unterlagen, einschlielich etwaiger report is based, including any annexes national, y compris ses annexes ven
Anlagen tuelles

soweit sie nicht ersetzt werden durch unless replaced by the amendments dans la mesure o elles ne sont pas rem-
die beigefgten nderungen. enclosed. places par les modifications jointes.

Stellungnahmen zu demvomEPA Comments on the international Les commentaires sur le rapport

als mit der internationalenvorlufigen preliminary examination report dexamen prliminaire international
Prfung beauftragter Behrde established by the EPO as the tabli par lOEB agissant en qualit
erstellten internationalen vorlufigen International Preliminary Examining dadministration charge de lexamen
Prfungsbericht und/oder Authority and/or observations are prliminaire international et/ou les
Bemerkungen sind beigefgt. enclosed. observations sont joints.

Soweit erforderlich, sind weitere Angaben Where necessary, further details should Le cas chant, des informations com
auf einem Zusatzblatt einzureichen. be submitted on an additional sheet. plmentaires doivent tre fournies sur
une feuille additionnelle.

Sind dem EPA als mit der internatio If the EPO as International Preliminary Si lOEB, agissant en qualit dadministra
nalen vorlufigen Prfung beauftragter Examining Authority has received test tion charge de lexamen prliminaire inter
Behrde Versuchsberichte zugegangen, reports, these may be used as the basis national, a reu des rapports dessais,
drfen diese dem Verfahren vor dem EPA of proceedings before the EPO. ceux-ci peuvent tre utiliss comme base
zugrunde gelegt werden. dans la procdure devant lOEB.

Anmerkung zu den Feldern 6.1 und 6.2: Note on sections 6.1 and 6.2: Remarque concernant les rubriques
Bei Anmeldungen, die mehr als 35 Seiten For applications comprising more than 6.1 et 6.2 : pour les demandes comportant
umfassen, sollen in der Tabelle auf Seite7 35 pages, indications regarding the plus de 35 pages, des indications relatives
Angaben betreffend die Berechnung der calculation of the additional fee should be au calcul de la taxe additionnelle doivent
Zusatzgebhren gemacht werden. given in the table on page 7. figurer dans la tableau de la page7.

6.3 Eine Kopie der Recherchenergebnisse For each of the previous applications Il est joint une copie des rsultats de toute
der Behrde, bei der die frhere(n) whose priority is claimed a copy is recherche effectue par ladministration au
Anmeldung(en), deren Prioritt bean attached of the search results produced prs de laquelle la (les) demande(s) ant
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.3 11.15

sprucht wird, eingereicht wurde(n), by the authority with which the application rieure(s) dont la priorit est revendique a
ist beigefgt (Regel 141 (1) EP). was filed (Rule 141(1) EPC). (ont) t dpose(s) (rgle 141(1) CBE).

6.4 Der Anmelder verzichtet auf die Mitteilung The applicant waives his right to the Le demandeur renonce au droit de
nach Regel 161 (1) oder (2) und 162 EP. communication under Rules 161(1) or (2) recevoir la notification mise en vertu des
and 162 EPC. rgles 161(1) ou (2) et 162 CBE.

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
7. bersetzungen Translations Traductions

Beigefgt sind die nachfolgend angekreuz- Translations in one of the official Vous trouverez, ci-joint, les traductions
ten bersetzungen in einer der Amtsspra- languages of the EPO (English, French, coches ci-aprs dans lune des langues
chen des EPA (Deutsch, Englisch,Franz German) are enclosed as crossed below: officielles de lOEB (allemand, anglais,
sisch): franais) :

a) Im Verfahren vor dem EPA als (a) In proceedings before the EPO as a) Dans la procdure devant lOEB
Bestimmungsamt oder ausgewhltem designated or elected Office (PCT I + II): agissant en qualit doffice dsign
Amt (PCTI + II): ou lu (PCT I + II) :

7.1 bersetzung der internationalen Anmel- Translation of the international Traduction de la demande interna
dung in der ursprnglich eingereichten application (description, claims, any tionale telle que dpose initialement
Fassung (Beschreibung, Ansprche,etwai text in the drawings) as originally filed, (description, revendications, textes figurant
ge Textbestandteile in den Zeichnungen), oftheabstract as published and of any ventuellement dans les dessins), de
der verffentlichten Zusammenfassung und indication under Rule13bis.3 and 13bis.4 labrg publi et de toutes indications
etwaiger Angaben ber biologisches Mate PCT regarding biological material vises aux rgles 13bis.3 et 13bis.4 PCT
rial nach Regel 13bis.3 und 13bis.4 PCT concernant le matriel biologique

7.2 bersetzung der priorittsbegrndenden Translation of the priority application(s) Traduction de la (des) demande(s) dont
Anmeldung(en) (nur nach Aufforderung (to be filed only at the EPOs request, lapriorit est revendique ( produire
durch das EPA, Regel53(3) EP) Rule53(3) EPC) seulement sur invitation de lOEB,
rgle53(3) CBE)

7.3 Es wird hiermit erklrt, dass die interna- It is hereby declared that the international Il est dclar par la prsente que lade-
tionale Anmeldung in ihrer ursprnglich application as originally filed is a complete mande internationale telle quedpose
eingereichten Fassung eine vollstndige translation of the previous application initialement est une traduction intgrale de
bersetzung der frheren Anmeldung ist (Rule53(3) EPC). la demande antrieure (rgle 53(3) CBE).

b) Zustzlich im Verfahren vor (b) In addition, in proceedings before b) De plus, dans la procdure devant lOEB
dem EPA als Bestimmungsamt (PCT I): the EPO as designated Office (PCT I): agissant en qualit doffice dsign (PCT I) :

7.4 bersetzung der nach Artikel 19 PCT Translation of amended claims and Traduction des revendications modifies
genderten Ansprche nebst Erklrung, any statement under Article 19 PCT, if et de la dclaration faite conformment
falls diese dem Verfahren vor dem EPA the claims as amended are to form the larticle19 PCT, si la procdure devant
zugrunde gelegt werden sollen (siehe basis for the proceedings before the EPO lOEB doit tre fonde sur les revendications
Feld6). (seeSection6). modifies (voir la rubrique 6).

c) Zustzlich im Verfahren vor dem (c) In addition, in proceedings before c) De plus, dans la procdure devant lOEB
EPA als ausgewhltem Amt (PCTII): the EPO as elected Office (PCT II): agissant en qualit doffice lu (PCT II) :

7.5 bersetzung der Anlagen zum internatio Translation of any annexes to the inter Traduction des annexes du rapport
nalen vorlufigen Prfungsbericht national preliminary examination report dexamen prliminaire international

8. Biologisches Material Biological material Matire biologique

Die Erfindung verwendet und /oder bezieht The invention uses and /or relates to Linvention utilise et /ou concerne dela
sich auf biologisches Material, das nach biological material deposited under matire biologique dpose conformment
Regel 31 EP hinterlegt worden ist. Rule31 EPC. la rgle31 CBE.

Die Angaben nach Regel 31 (1) c) EP The particulars referred to in Rule31(1) Les indications vises la rgle31(1)c)
(falls noch nicht bekannt, die (c) EPC (if not yet known, the depository CBE (si elles ne sont pas encore connues,
Hinterlegungsstelle und das (die) vom institution and the identification lautoritde dpt et la (les) rfrence(s)
Hinterleger zugeteilte(n) Bezugszeichen reference(s) [number, symbols, etc.] of the didentification [numro ou symboles etc.]
[Nummer, Symbole usw.]) sind in der depositor) are given in the international du dposant) figurent dans la publication
internationalen Verffentlichung oder in der publication orin the translation submitted internationale ou dans la traduction pro-
gem Feld 7 eingereichten bersetzung under Section 7 on page(s) / line(s): duite conformment la rubrique 7 la /aux
enthalten auf Seite(n) / Zeile(n): page(s) / ligne(s) :

Die Empfangsbescheinigung(en) der The receipt(s) of deposit issued by the Le(s) rcpiss(s) de dpt dlivr(s)
Hinterlegungsstelle depositary institution parlautorit de dpt

ist (sind) beigefgt. is (are) enclosed. est (sont) joint(s).

EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.4 11.15

wird (werden) nachgereicht. will be filed later. sera (seront) produit(s) ultrieurement.

Verzicht auf die Verpflichtung des Antrag Waiver of the right to an undertaking from Renonciation, sur document distinct,
stellers nach Regel 33 (2) EP auf the requester pursuant to Rule33(2) EPC lengagement du requrant au titre de
gesondertem Schriftstck attached largle 33(2) CBE

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
9. Nucleotid- und Aminosure- Nucleotide and amino acid Squences de nuclotides et
sequenzen sequences dacides amins

9.1 Die nach den Regeln 5.2 und 13ter PCT The items pursuant to Rules 5.2 and Les pices requises conformment aux
sowie den Regeln 30 und 163 (3) EP 13ter PCT, Rules30 and 163(3) EPC rgles 5.2 et 13ter PCT et aux rgles 30 et
erforderlichen Unterlagen liegen dem are already with the EPO. 163(3) CBE ont dj t dposes auprs
EPA bereits vor. de lOEB.

9.2 Das Sequenzprotokoll wird anliegend in The sequence listing is furnished herewith Le listage des squences sous forme
elektronischer Form gem den Regeln in electronic form in accordance with lectronique est fourni ci-joint conform
30 und 163 (3) EP nachgereicht. Rules 30 and 163(3) EPC. ment aux rgles 30 et 163(3) CBE.

Die auf dem elektronischen Daten- The information recorded on the Linformation figurant sur le support
trger gespeicherte Information electronic data carrier is identical to lectronique de donnes est identique
stimmt mit dem in der Anmeldung the sequence listing (or the sequences) celle que contient le listage des
offenbarten Sequenzprotokoll disclosed in the application. squences divulgu (ou les squences
(oder mit den dort offenbarten divulgues) dans la demande de brevet.
Sequenzen) berein.

10. Benennung von Vertragsstaaten Designation of contracting states Dsignation d'Etats contractants

Alle Vertragsstaaten, die dem EP bei All the contracting states party to the EPC Tous les Etats contractants qui sont
Einreichung der internationalen Patent at the time of filing of the international parties la CBE lors du dpt de la
anmeldung angehren, gelten als benannt patent application and designated in the demande de brevet internationale et
(siehe Artikel 79 (1) EP), soweit sie in der international application are deemed to be sont dsigns dans la demande inter
internationalen Anmeldung bestimmt sind. designated (see Article 79(1) EPC). nationale sont rputs dsigns (voir
article 79(1) CBE).

11. Erstreckung / Validierung Extension/ Validation Extension/ Validation

Diese Anmeldung gilt als Antrag, die This application is deemed to be a La prsente demande est rpute con-
europische Patentanmeldung und das request to extend the effects of the stituer une requte en extension des
darauf erteilte europische Patent auf European patent application and the effets de la demande de brevet europen
alle in der internationalen Anmeldung European patent granted in respect of it et du brevet europen dlivr sur la base
bestimmten Nichtvertragsstaaten des to all non-contracting states to the EPC de cette demande tous les Etats non
EP zu erstrecken, mit denen am Tag designated in the international application parties la CBE qui sont dsigns dans la
der Einreichung der internationalen with which extension or validation demande internationale et avec lesquels
Anmeldung Erstreckungs- oder Validie- agreements were in force on the date on des accords dextension ou de validation
rungsabkommen in Kraft waren. Der which the application was filed. However, taient en vigueur la date du dpt de
Antrag gilt jedoch als zurckgenommen, the request is deemed withdrawn if the la demande. Cette requte est toutefois
wenn die Erstreckungs- bzw. die Validie- extension fee or validation fee, whichever rpute retire si la taxe dextension ou,
rungsgebhr nicht fristgerecht entrichtet is applicable, is not paid within the le cas chant, la taxe de validation nest
wird. prescribed time limit. pas acquitte en temps utile.

11.1 Es ist beabsichtigt, die Erstreckungsge- It is intended to pay the extension fee(s) Il est envisag de payer la(les) taxe(s)
bhr(en) fr folgende Staaten zu entrichten: for the following state(s): dextension pour les Etats suivants :

Hinweis: Im automatischen Abbuchungs- Note: Under the automatic debiting Veuillez noter que dans le cadre de la
verfahren werden nur fr die hier ange- procedure, extension fees will be debited procdure de prlvement automatique
kreuzten Staaten Erstreckungsgebhren only for states indicated here, unless the des taxes dextension, le compte est
abgebucht, sofern dem EPA nicht vor EPO is instructed otherwise before expiry dbit du montant d seulement pour les
Ablauf der Zahlungsfrist ein anders- of the period for payment. Etats cochs ici, sauf instruction contraire
lautender Auftrag zugeht. reue avant lexpiration du dlai de

BA Bosnien und Herzegowina Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzgovine

ME Montenegro Montenegro Montngro

(Platz fr in der internationalen Anmeldung (Space for states which were designated in (Espace prvu pour des Etats dsigns dans
bestimmte Staaten, mit denen Erstreckungs- the international application and with which la demande internationale avec lesquels des
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.5 11.15

abkommen am Anmeldetag der internatio- extension agreements existed on the date accords dextension existaient la date de
nalen Anmeldung in Kraft waren) of filing of the international application) dpt de la demande internationale)

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
11.2 Es ist beabsichtigt, die Validierungsge- It is intended to pay the validation fee(s) Il est envisag de payer la(les) taxe(s) de
bhr(en) fr folgende Staaten zu entrichten: for the following state(s): validation pour les Etats suivants :

Hinweis: Im automatischen Abbuchungs- Note: Under the automatic debiting Veuillez noter que dans le cadre de la
verfahren werden nur fr die hier ange- procedure, validation fees will be debited procdure de prlvement automatique
kreuzten Staaten Validierungsgebhren only for states indicated here, unless the des taxes de validation, le compte est d-
abgebucht, sofern dem EPA nicht EPO is instructed otherwise before expiry bit du montant d seulement pour les Etats
vor Ablauf der Zahlungsfrist ein of the period for payment. cochs ici, sauf instruction contraire reue
anderslautender Auftrag zugeht. avant lexpiration du dlai de paiement.

MA Marokko Morocco Maroc

MD Republik Moldau Republic of Moldova Rpublique de Moldavie

(Platz fr in der internationalen Anmeldung (Space for states which were designated in (Espace prvu pour des Etats dsigns dans
bestimmte Staaten, mit denen Validierungs- the international application and with which la demande internationale avec lesquels des
abkommen nach Drucklegung dieses validation agreements enter into force after accords de validation entreront en vigueur
Formblatts in Kraft treten) this form has been printed) aprs limpression du prsent formulaire)

12. Automatischer Abbuchungsauftrag Automatic debit order Ordre de prlvement automatique

(Nur mglich fr Inhaber von beim EPA (for EPO deposit account holdersonly) (possibilit offerte uniquement aux
gefhrten laufenden Konten) titulaires de comptes courants ouverts
auprs de lOEB)
Das EPA wird hiermit ermchtigt, fllige The EPO is hereby authorised, under Par la prsente, il est demand lOEB
Gebhren und Auslagen nach Magabe the Arrangements for the automatic de prlever du compte courant ci-dessous
der Vorschriften ber das automatische debiting procedure, to debit from the les taxes et frais venant chance, con-
Abbuchungsverfahren vom unten deposit account below any fees and costs formment la rglementation relative la
stehenden laufenden Konto abzubuchen. fallingdue. procdure de prlvement automatique.

Nummer und Kontoinhaber Number and account holder Numro et titulaire du compte

13. Etwaige Rckzahlungen sollen Any refunds should be made to the Les remboursements ventuels
auf das unten stehende beim EPA EPO depositaccount below doivent tre effectus sur le
gefhrte laufende Konto erfolgen compte courant ci-dessous
ouvertauprs de lOEB

Nummer und Kontoinhaber Number and account holder Numro et titulaire du compte

14. Unterschrift(en) des (der) Signature(s) of applicant(s) or Signature(s) du (des) demandeur(s)

Anmelder(s) oder Vertreter representative oudu mandataire

Name(n) des (der) Unterzeichneten bitte Under signature please print name and, Prire dindiquer encaractres dim-
in Druckschrift wiederholen und bei in the case of legal persons, position primerie le ou les noms des signataires
juristischen Personen auch die Stellung within the company. ainsi que, sil sagit dune personne
des (der) Unterzeichneten innerhalb der morale, la position occupe au sein de
Gesellschaft angeben. celle-ci par le ou les signataires.

Fr Angestellte (Art. 133 (3) EP) For employees (Art. 133(3) EPC) Pour les employs (art. 133(3) CBE)
mitallgemeiner Vollmacht Nr.: with general authorisation No.: disposant dun pouvoir gnral n :
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.6 11.15

Ort / Datum Place / Date Lieu / Date

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
Tabelle zu Feld 6 Table for section 6 Tableau affrent
des Formblatts 1200.3 of Form 1200.3 la rubrique 6
du formulaire 1200.3

Der Berechnung der Zusatzgebhr zugrunde zu legende Unterlagen (Art. 2, Nr. 1a, GebO): 1 /
Documents on which the calculation of the additional fee is based
(Art. 2, item 1a, RFees): 1 / Pices fondant le calcul de la taxe Seite(n) von ... bis ... 2 Anzahl der Seiten 3
Page(s) from ... to ... 2 Number of pages 3
additionnelle (art. 2, point 1bis RRT) : 1 Page(s) ... ... 2 Nombre de page 3

Verffentlichte Fassung der Beschreibung / description / description

internationalen Anmeldung
(mit etwaigen genderten
Ansprchen nach Art.19 PCT) / Ansprche / claims / revendications
International application as
published (with any amended
claims under Art. 19 PCT)/
Zeichnungen / drawings / dessins
Demande internationale telleque
publie (avec les ventuelles
revendications modifies en
vertu del'art. 19 PCT) Zusammenfassung / abstract / abrg 1
Gesondert verffentlichte genderte Ansprche nach Art. 19 PCT /
Amended claims under Art. 19 PCT, where published separately /
Revendications modifies en vertu de l'art. 19 PCT, si elles ont t publies sparment

Beschreibung / description / description

nderungen nach Art. 34 PCT/
Amendments under Art. 34 PCT /
Modifications en vertu de Ansprche / claims / revendications
l'art. 34 PCT

Zeichnungen / drawings / dessins

Beschreibung / description / description

Beim Eintritt in die europische
Phase eingereichte nderungen /
Amendments filed on entry into
Ansprche / claims / revendications
European phase /
Modifications prsentes lors de
l'entre dans la phase europenne
Zeichnungen / drawings / dessins

Anzahl der Seiten insgesamt / Total number of pages /

Nombre total de pages

Gebhrenfreie Seiten (Art. 2 Nr. 1a GebO) / Fee-exempt pages (Art. 2, item 1a, RFees)
/ Pages exemptes de taxes (art. 2, point 1bis RRT) 35
Anzahl der gebhrenpflichtigen Seiten / Number of pages to be paid for /
Nombre de pages soumises au paiement de la taxe

(x 15 EUR pro Seite) / (x EUR 15 per page) / (x 15 euros par page)

Zu entrichtender Gesamtbetrag
Total amount payable EUR
Montant total exigible en euros
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.7 11.15

Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicants

reference / Rfrence du demandeur
Funoten Footnotes Notes de bas de page

1 Zu Fllen, in denen die internationale For cases where the international Pour les cas la demande internationale
Anmeldung nicht in einer Amtssprache application has not been published in na pas t publie dans une langue
des EPA verffentlicht wurde, siehe die an official language ofthe EPO, see the officielle de lOEB, cf. Communiqu
Mitteilung zur Ergnzung der Mitteilung Notice supplementing the Notice from the compltant le communiqu de lOffice
des Europischen Patentamts vom European Patent Office dated 26January europen des brevets, en date du
26.Januar 2009 ber die Gebhren 2009 concerning the 2009 fee structure 26janvier 2009, relatif la structure des
struktur 2009 (ABl. EPA 2009, 338). (OJ EPO 2009, 338). taxes 2009 (JO OEB 2009, 338).

2 In dieser Spalte sind nur die Seiten Only those pages to be taken into Il convient de n'indiquer dans cette
anzugeben, dieder Berechnung der account for the calculation of the colonne que les pages devant tre prises
Zusatzgebhr (Art.2, Nr.1a GebO) additional fee (Art. 2, item 1a, RFees) en considration pour le calcul de la taxe
zugrunde zu legen sind. Verbleibende shall be indicated in this column. additionnelle (art. 2, point 1bis RRT).
Seiten/Teile der verffentlichten Fassung Any remaining pages/parts of the Si la demande telle que publieet/ou
der Anmeldung und/oder der gem application as published and/or amended modifie au titre de l'article 19 PCT
Artikel19 PCT und/oder Artikel34 under Article 19 PCT and/or Article 34 et/ou de l'article 34 PCT contient
PCT genderten Anmeldung, die zu PCT which are to be replaced shallnot d'autres pages/parties qui doivent tre
ersetzen sind, sind nicht in dieser Spalte be indicated in this column. remplaces, prire de ne pas mentionner
anzugeben. les pages/parties en question dans cette

3 In dieser Spalte ist nur die Zahl der Only the number of pages to be taken Il convient de n'indiquer dans cette
Seiten anzugeben, die der Berechnung into account for the calculation of the colonne que le nombre de pages devant
der Zusatzgebhr (Art.2, Nr.1a GebO) additional fee (Art. 2, item 1a, RFees) tre prises en considration pour le
zugrunde zu legen sind. shall be indicated in this column. calcul de la taxe additionnelle (art. 2,
point 1bis RRT).
EPA/EPO/OEB 1200.8 11.15

Notes on EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1200 for entry into the European phase
(EPO as designated or elected Office)

I. General instructions indicating the number and heading (e.g. "2 -

Additional representative(s)"; "6 - Documents
These notes explain how to complete intended for proceedings before the EPO") of each
EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1200. To file international section continued in this way.
applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT) Form PCT/RO/101 should be used. The Filing of documents
appropriate form to request the grant of a Form 1200 and attachments must be filed direct
European patent is EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1001. with the EPO.
The requirements for entry into the European (a) Online
phase are laid down in the European Patent
Convention (EPC) and its Implementing Form 1200, attached translations and
Regulations. Further information on entry into the amendments to the application documents may be
European phase can be obtained from the Guide filed in electronic form (OJ EPO 2009, 182). For
for applicants Part 2 - PCT procedure before the more details go to www.epo.org. The online filing
EPO - Euro-PCT (6th edition, October 2012), in fee is less than the fee for filing in person, by post
particular Section E - Euro-PCT procedure before or by fax.
the EPO as a designated (PCT Chapter I) or
(b) By fax
elected (PCT Chapter II) Office.
The above documents may also be filed by fax.
Forms and brochures Confirmation on paper is required only if the EPO
Forms, brochures, schedules of fees and legal specifically requests it (see Special edition No. 3,
texts can be downloaded from the EPO's website OJ EPO 2007, A.3.).
at www.epo.org.
(c) By post or in person
Accelerated prosecution Form 1200 need only be filed in one copy. The
For those seeking faster search or examination for same applies to attached translations and
their applications, the "PACE" programme for amendments to the application documents.
accelerated prosecution of European patent Special rules apply to sequence listings (see II.9).
applications (OJ EPO 2010, 352) offers effective
options for shortening the processing time. See
II. Filling in the form
also EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1005.
The numbering below corresponds to the sections
However, PACE requests filed before the end of of the form.
the international phase will not be effective unless
accompanied by an express request for early 1. Applicant
processing under Articles 23(2) or 40(2) PCT (see If on entry into the European phase the address,
notice from the European Patent Office dated nationality, or country of residence or of place of
21 February 2013 concerning the request for early business is missing for any applicant (as may
processing, OJ EPO 2013, 156). occur under Rule 26.2bis(b) PCT), this information
must be filed on a separate sheet.
Entry into the European phase Form 1200
Under Rule 159(1) EPC, on entry into the An address for correspondence may be given only
European phase before the EPO as designated or by applicants who are not obliged to appoint a
elected Office the applicant must perform the acts professional representative authorised to act
specified in Rules 159(1)(a) to (h) and 162(1) EPC before the EPO (Article 133 EPC) and have not
within 31 months of the filing date or, if priority has appointed one. It must be the applicants own
been claimed, the (earliest) priority date. address, and in an EPC contracting state.
Addresses for correspondence accepted for
Use of Form 1200 is recommended. The form proceedings in the international phase but which
should be typed or printed (Rule 50(2) EPC) to do not fulfil those conditions will not be accepted in
ensure that it is machine-readable. proceedings before the EPO in the European
EPO 1200 Notes 11.14

phase (see OJ EPO 2014, A99).

If there is not enough space for the required
information, an additional sheet should be filed, 2. Appointment of representative (Articles 133
and 134 EPC)

Applicants not having their residence or principal EPC. They must file this declaration at the latest
place of business in an EPC contracting state by the time of payment of the fee in question,
must be represented by a professional either by marking the relevant box in Section 14.1
representative and act through him in all of Form 1001 or separately (for this purpose, non-
proceedings established by the EPC mandatory Form 1011 is available from the EPO).
(Article 133(2) EPC). If there are multiple applicants, for the reduction to
apply each one must be an entity or a natural
3. Authorisation (Rule 152 EPC) person within the meaning of Rule 6(4) EPC and
entitled to file documents in an admissible non-
Under Rule 152(1) to (3) EPC in conjunction with EPO language (Article 14(4), Rule 6(3) EPC). For
the decision of the President of the EPO dated more details see the notice from the EPO dated
12 July 2007, professional representatives who 10 January 2014 concerning amended Rule 6
identify themselves as such are required to file a EPC and Article 14(1) RFees (OJ EPO, 2014,
signed authorisation only in particular A23)
circumstances (see Special edition No. 3, OJ EPO
2007, L.1.). However, a legal practitioner entitled The request for examination is available in all
to act as professional representative under admissible non-EPO languages on the EPO
Article 134(8) EPC or an employee acting for an website.
applicant under Article 133(3), first sentence, EPC
The request for examination must be filed either
who is not a professional representative must file a
up to six months from the date on which the
signed authorisation unless an authorisation which
international search report (or the declaration
expressly empowers him to act in proceedings
under Article 17(2)(a) PCT) was published
established by the EPC has previously been filed
(Article 153(6) EPC) or within 31 months from the
with the EPO as receiving Office.
filing date or, where applicable, the (earliest)
If an association registered with the EPO is priority date, whichever period ends later. In
appointed as representative (Rule 152(11) EPC; practice this means that as a rule it must be
see OJ EPO 2013, 535), the associations submitted by paying the examination fee within the
registered name and registration number must be 31-month period (Rule 159(1)(f) EPC) unless the
indicated. international search report was published late.

4.2 Applicants who file the request for examination

If an authorisation is required, the use of
before receiving the supplementary European
EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1003 is recommended for
search report are asked by the EPO, after the
individual authorisations and EPO Form 1004 for search report has been sent, to confirm within a
general authorisations. six-month period that they wish to proceed further
with the application (Rule 70(2) EPC). Where the
4. Request for examination (Articles 150(2), 94
applicant also has to respond to the search
and Rule 70 EPC)
opinion, his response is required within this same
4.1 First check-box period (Rule 70a(2) EPC). To accelerate the
procedure, in Section 4.2 he can waive his right to
The request for examination is not deemed to be be asked for such confirmation, in which case
filed until the examination fee has been paid confirmation is deemed to be given when the
(Article 94(1) and Rule 70(1) EPC). The box for the supplementary European search report is
request is pre-crossed in Section 4.1 of transmitted to him. With regard to the legal
Form 1200. consequences, see the Guidelines for Examination
in the EPO, C-VI, 1.1.2.
4.1 Second check-box
5. Additional copies of the documents cited in the
Persons having their residence or principal place supplementary European search report
of business in an EPC contracting state with an
official language other than English, French or One or more additional sets of copies of the
German, and nationals of that state who are documents cited in the supplementary European
resident abroad, may file the request for search report can be ordered (see Rule 65 EPC)
examination in an admissible non-EPO language against payment of the flat-rate fee(s).
(Article 14(4) EPC). 6. Documents intended for proceedings before
the EPO (Rule 159(1)(b) EPC) and response to
For applicants who do so and who also file a
the written opinion established by the EPO
translation into the language of the proceedings
(Rule 161(1) EPC)
the examination fee is reduced by 30% provided
they are an SME, natural person, non-profit When an application enters the European phase
organisation, university or public research the applicant must specify the application
organisation (Rule 6(4) EPC, Article 14(1) RFees). documents, as originally filed or as amended, on
which the European grant procedure is to be
EPO 1200 Notes 11.14

Under Rule 6(6) EPC, applicants wishing to benefit

based (Rule 159(1)(b) EPC). Section 6 covers
from the fee reduction must declare that they are
an entity or natural person covered by Rule 6(4)

normal cases, and makes clear that the applicant prosecution of the application by crossing the
intends to proceed with either appropriate boxes in Section 6.1 or 6.2 as
the published documents (including any
amended claims filed with the International In all cases, the applicant should specify in the
Bureau under Article 19 PCT), in proceedings table on page 7 of Form 1200 the documents
before the EPO as designated Office without which are to be used for the European phase and
PCT Chapter II (Section 6.1), or therefore form the basis for calculation of any
additional fee. Any exceptional circumstances
the documents on which the international which may need further explanation must be
preliminary examination report is based, in clarified on an additional sheet.
proceedings before the EPO as elected
Office under PCT Chapter II (Section 6.2). The applicant can also amend the application
within a non-extendable period of six months from
The applicant may however indicate that amended a communication (Forms 1226AA, 1226BB,
documents filed on entry into the European phase 1226CC) informing him accordingly (Rule 161(1)
are to form the basis for the grant procedure. or (2) EPC). If this reduces the number of claims,
any claims fees paid in excess of those due are
For Euro-PCT applications where a refunded (Rule 162(3) EPC).
communication under Rule 161 EPC was not
issued by 1 April 2010 and where a supplementary Pages of amendments filed during the six-month
European search report will not be prepared, the period under Rule 161 EPC are not taken into
following applies (see the Guidelines for account in the calculation of the additional fee as
Examination in the EPO, C-VI, 3.5.1 for details): part of the filing fee. Consequently, if amendments
are filed at this stage which reduce the number of
Where the EPO has acted as the International pages already paid for, no refund of the additional
Searching Authority (ISA) and, if a demand under fee will be made.
Article 31 PCT was filed, also as the International
Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA), or as the If application documents filed on entry into the
Supplementary International Searching Authority European phase contain handwritten
(SISA), the applicant will be required to respond to amendments, an invitation to remedy this
any negative written opinion (WO-ISA) prepared deficiency will be issued, and in case of non-
by the EPO as ISA, or, where applicable, to the compliance the application will be refused (see
notice from the European Patent Office dated
negative international preliminary examination
8 November 2013 concerning application of
report (IPER) prepared by the EPO as IPEA, or to
Rules 49 and 50 EPC to handwritten
the objections raised in the explanations given in amendments, OJ EPO 2013, 603).
the Supplementary International Search Report
(SISR) under Rule 45bis.7(e) PCT, as the case Whenever amendments are filed, the applicant
may be. The time limit for response is six months must identify them and indicate the basis for them
from the invitation under Rule 161(1) EPC as in in the application as filed (Rule 137(4) EPC) (see
force from 1 May 2011 (see OJ EPO 2010, 634). the Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, C-VI,
Failure to respond in due time will lead to the 5.7). If he fails to do so, the examining division
application being deemed to be withdrawn may issue a communication under Rule 137(4)
(Rule 161(1) EPC). EPC requesting the correction of the deficiency
within a non-extendable period of one month. If he
New amendments (Rule 159(1)(b) EPC) and/or then fails to reply within that period, the application
comments which are filed on entry into the will be deemed to be withdrawn under
regional phase before the EPO will be considered Article 94(4) EPC. If the applicant has supplied
to constitute a response to the WO-ISA, or to the test reports in proceedings before the EPO as
IPER or the explanations given in the SISR, as the International Preliminary Examining Authority, the
case may be, if the applicant indicates on EPO assumes that it may also use them in the
Form 1200 that such amendments and/or European grant proceedings.
comments are to form the basis for further
6.3 Copies of the search results (Rule 141(1) EPC)
prosecution of the application. Similarly,
amendments under Article 19 and/or 34 PCT filed For each of the previous applications whose
in the international phase and maintained on entry priority is claimed a copy of the search results
into the European phase by making the produced by the authority with which the
appropriate entries on Form 1200 may constitute a application was filed (Rule 141(1) EPC) has to be
response, subject to certain requirements (see the supplied. This obligation applies to European
Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, C-VI, 3.5.1 patent applications and international applications
for details). filed on or after 1 January 2011 (see OJ EPO
EPO 1200 Notes 11.14

2010, 410, OJ EPO 2011, 64 and OJ EPO 2013,

The applicant must therefore clearly indicate the 217). Thus, an international application filed before
documents which are to form the basis for further but entering the European phase on or after

1 January 2011 does not fall under amended the filing date or, where applicable, the (earliest)
Rule 141(1) EPC. priority date.

This box is to be crossed only if the copies of the The EPO proceedings will then be conducted in
documents are indeed supplied when filing the the language of the translation. The translation
Form for entry into European phase. If, however, a must include the description, the claims as
copy of the search results is included in the file by originally filed, any text in the drawings, and the
the EPO, no action is required on the part of the abstract. It must also include the claims as
applicant (see OJ 2010, 600, OJ EPO 2011, 62 amended under Article 19 PCT if the applicant
and OJ EPO 2013, 216) wishes subsequent proceedings to be based on
them (Rule 49.5(c) and (c-bis) PCT), together with
6.4 Waiver of communication pursuant to Rules 161 any explanatory statement, as well as all
and 162 EPC indications under Rule 13bis.3 and 13bis.4 PCT
The time limits under Rules 161 and 162 EPC and all published requests for rectification
have been extended from one month to six (Rule 91.3(d) PCT).
months (see Decision of the Administrative
Council of 26 October 2010 amending the 7.2 Translation of the priority application
Implementing Regulations to the EPC, OJ EPO Under Rule 53(3) EPC, a translation of the
2010, 634). previous (priority) application (or a declaration that
the European patent application is a complete
In order to accelerate the European grant translation of the previous application) need only
procedure the applicant can, in addition to a be filed at the request of the EPO (see also OJ
"PACE" request, explicitly waive his right to the EPO 2013, 150).
communication under Rules 161(1) or (2) and
162 EPC by crossing this box. The Rule 53(3) declaration can be made by
crossing the relevant box in Section 7.3, in which
The EPO will not issue a communication under case no invitation to file a translation of the priority
Rules 161(1) or (2) and 162 EPC only if, in application will be issued later.
addition to the "waiver", on entry into the European
phase the applicant has also fulfilled all the 7.5 Translation of annexes
requirements of Rules 161 and 162 EPC (i.e.
Where PCT Chapter II applies, the applicant must
payment of any claims fees due and, where
prepare and file translations of all annexes to the
required, submission of a response under
international preliminary examination report
Rule 161(1) EPC) for the application to proceed
(Article 36(2)(b) and (3)(b), Rule 74.1 PCT),
directly to the supplementary European search or
regardless of whether he is seeking patent
to examination. To accelerate the processing of
protection for the same version of the application
the application further, the applicant can request
documents as was the subject of that report.
accelerated search or examination under the
PACE programme (cf. Notice from the EPO dated 8. Biological material
4 May 2010 concerning the programme for
accelerated prosecution of European patent To enable the EPO to check compliance with
applications "PACE", OJ EPO 2010, 352). Rule 31 EPC, the receipt issued by the depositary
institution is to be submitted to the EPO.
Where the right to the communication under Applicants are strongly advised to submit the
Rules 161(1) or (2) and 162 EPC has not been receipt when filing this form or at the latest within
validly waived, the communication will be issued 31 months of the filing date or, where applicable,
and the application will be processed only after the (earliest) priority date.
expiry of the six-month period provided for under
those rules, even if a request under the PACE Waiver under Rule 33(1) and (2) EPC
programme has been filed. The applicant may waive his right under
Rule 33(1) and (2) EPC to an undertaking from the
See also Notice from the EPO dated 5 April 2011 requester to issue a sample of the biological
concerning updated Form 1200 (entry into the material, provided that he is the depositor of the
European phase) and the possibility to waive the biological material concerned. This waiver must be
right to the communication under Rules 161(1) or expressly declared to the EPO in the form of a
(2) and 162 EPC (OJ EPO 2011, 354). separate, signed statement. It must specify the
biological material concerned (depositary
7. Translations
institution and accession number or depositor's
7.1 Translation of the application reference number as shown in the application
If the international application was not published in documents). It may be submitted at any time.
EPO 1200 Notes 11.14

an EPO official language, the applicant must

9. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences
furnish the EPO with a translation of that
application in such a language within 31 months of 9.1 If the application discloses one or more nucleotide
and/or amino acid sequences, a sequence listing

in electronic form complying with the introduction of a grace period for the payment of
Administrative Instructions under the PCT (WIPO extension fees, OJ EPO 2009, 603).
Standard ST.25) is normally available to the EPO
as designated/elected Office if such sequence Detailed information about the extension system
listing was contained in the international was published in OJ EPO 1994, 75, and 1997,
application in accordance with Rule 5.2(a) PCT, 538.
furnished to the EPO as International Authority
under Rule 13ter.1(a) PCT, or otherwise made 11.2 Validation of European patent applications and the
available to it, e.g. by WIPO. resulting European patents may be requested for
countries with which the EPO has validation
9.2 If the application discloses one or more nucleotide agreements. The EPO publishes the necessary
and/or amino acid sequences and a sequence information about such agreements in its Official
listing in electronic form complying with the Journal in good time before their entry into force.
Administrative Instructions under the PCT (WIPO
Standard ST.25) is not available to the EPO as 12. Automatic debit order
designated/elected Office, such sequence listing See Arrangements for the automatic debiting
must be filed in that form on entry into the procedure, and information from the EPO
European phase; otherwise, a late furnishing fee is concerning the automatic debiting procedure
payable. For further information, see Rules 163(3) (supplementary publication 4, OJ EPO 2014).
and 30(3) EPC, as well as the decision of the
President of the EPO dated 28 April 2011 and the 13. Refunds
notice from the EPO dated 18 October 2013
concerning the filing of sequence listings (OJ EPO Any refunds due to an applicant who has a deposit
2011, 372 and OJ EPO 2013, 542). account with the EPO may be credited to that
account. An applicant who wishes this to be done
Under Section 9.2, the applicant should also must indicate the account number and the account
declare that the information recorded on the holders name in this section. If the account is held
electronic data carrier is identical to the sequence by a representative, refunds will be made to him.
listing (or sequences) disclosed in the application Refunds will not be made to third-party payers,
as filed. except for the fee for file inspection or at the
explicit request of a party to proceedings.
10. Designation of contracting states
All the contracting states designated in the See also Guidelines for Examination in the EPO,
international patent application and party to the A-X, 10.4
EPC at the time of its filing are deemed to be
III. Notes on payments
designated (see Article 79(1) EPC). Thus the EPC
contracting states that can be validly designated General information on fees
on entry into the European phase are already
specified in the international phase Fees can be paid online using the EPO's Online
(Rule 4.9(a) PCT). For international applications Fee Payment service. Offline fee payments by
entering the regional phase on or after debit order should be made using EPO
1 April 2009, payment of the flat-rate designation Form 1010, which has become mandatory as from
fee covers all EPC contracting states, unless 1 April 2014 (see point 6.2 of the Arrangements for
individual designations are expressly withdrawn deposit accounts, supplementary publication 4,
(Article 2, item 3, Rules relating to Fees) (cf. OJ OJ EPO 2014).
EPO 2009, 118).
For the fee amounts, see the applicable legal
11. Extension and validation of European patents provisions, as cited in the "Guidance for the
11.1The application and the European patent granted in payment of fees, costs and prices" which is
respect of it are extended, in accordance with published regularly in the EPO's Official Journal.
Section 11 of Form 1200, to those non-EPC
contracting states designated for a national patent Fee information is also published on the EPO
in the international application with which website at www.epo.org.
"extension agreements" existed at the time of filing
of the international application (as at The list of the European Patent Organisation's
October 2010: Bosnia and Herzegovina and euro accounts is published in every issue of the
Montenegro). Official Journal. It too can be consulted on the
EPO website at www.epo.org.
The request for extension for a state is deemed
withdrawn if the extension fee is not paid to the Table for Section 6 of Form 1200.3
EPO within the time limit laid down in the EPC for
paying the designation fee (Rule 159(1)(d) EPC) The table is used for calculating the additional fee
(for further details, see the Guidelines for (Article 2, item 1a, RFees). For further information
EPO 1200 Notes 11.14

Examination in the EPO, A-III, 12, and the EPO's see the EPO's notice dated 26 January 2009
notice dated 2 November 2009 concerning the re- concerning the 2009 fee structure (OJ EPO 2009,

118), its supplementary notice thereto (OJ EPO
2009, 338) and the Guidelines for Examination in
the EPO, September 2013, A-III, 13.2.

EPO 1200 Notes 11.14

Notice of opposition to a European patent

I. Patent opposed

Patent No.

Application No.

Date of mention of the grant in the European Patent

Bulletin (Art. 97(3), Art. 99(1) EPC)

Title of the invention

II. Proprietor of the patent

first named in the patent specification

Opponent's or representative's reference

(max. 15 keystrokes)

III. Opponent



Address for correspondence

State of residence or of principal place of business



Multiple opponents
(see additional sheet)

IV. Authorisation

1. Representative
(name only one representative or name of association
of representatives to whom notification is to be made)
EPO 2300.1 11.14

Opponents reference

Address of place of business


Additional representative(s)
on additional sheet/see authorisation

2. Name(s) of employee(s) of the opponent

authorised to act in these opposition
proceedings under Art. 133(3) EPC

Authorisation(s) to 1./2. not considered necessary

has/have been registered

under No.

is/are enclosed

V. Opposition is filed against

the patent as a whole

claim(s) No(s).

VI. Grounds for opposition:

Opposition is based on the following grounds:

(a) the subject-matter of the European patent opposed

isnot patentable (Art. 100(a) EPC) because:
it is not new (Art.52(1); Art. 54 EPC)

it does not involve an inventive step (Art.52(1);

Art.56 EPC)

patentability is excluded on other grounds,

i.e. Article

(b) the patent opposed does not disclose the invention

ina manner sufficiently clear and complete for it
tobecarried out by a person skilled in the art
(Art.100(b) EPC; see Art. 83 EPC).

(c) the subject-matter of the patent opposed extends be-

yond the content of the application/of the earlier appli-
cation as filed (Art. 100(c) EPC, see Art. 123(2) EPC).

VII. Facts (Rule 76(2)(c) EPC)

presented in support of the opposition are submitted
herewith on a separate sheet (annex 1)

VIII. Other requests:

EPO 2300.2 11.14

Opponents reference

IX. Evidence presented

Evidence is enclosed

will be filed at a later date

A. Publications:

Particular relevance (page, column, line, fig.):

Particular relevance (page, column, line, fig.):

Particular relevance (page, column, line, fig.):

Particular relevance (page, column, line, fig.):

Particular relevance (page, column, line, fig.):


Particular relevance (page, column, line, fig.):

Continued on additional sheet

B. Other evidence

Continued on additional sheet

EPO 2300.3 11.14

Opponents reference

X. Payment of the opposition fee is made

as indicated in the enclosed voucher for payment

of fees and costs (EPO Form 1010)

via EPO Online Services

XI. List of documents

Enclosure No.

0 Form for notice of opposition

1 Facts (see VII.)

2 Copies of documents presented as evidence (see IX.)

a Publications

b Other documents

3 Signed authorisation(s) (see IV.)

4 Voucher for payment of fees and costs (see X.)

5 Additional sheet(s) Number

of sheets
6 Other

Please specify here:

XII. Signature of opponent or representative




Name (block capitals)

In case of legal persons, signatorys position

within company
EPO 2300.4 11.14

Opponents reference

Notes to the notice of opposition
(EPO Form 2300)

Although the opposition form is not mandatory for the An opponent who has neither a residence nor his
purpose of filing a notice of opposition, it specifies all the principal place of business within the territory of one
information required for such a notice to be admissible and of the EPC contracting states must be represented
hence facilitates the formulation and processing of the and act through his representative (Art. 133(2) EPC).
opposition. In stating and explaining the grounds for Professional representation before the EPO may only
opposition, the opponent is free to comment as he wishes. be undertaken by professional representatives
(Art. 134(1) EPC) or legal practitioners entitled to act
Explanatory notes to the various sections: as professional representatives (Art. 134(8) EPC).

Natural or legal persons having their residence or

I. Patent opposed
principal place of business within the territory of one
Under Patent No. the number of the European patent of the EPC Contracting States may also be
against which opposition is filed (Rule 76(2)(b) EPC) represented in opposition proceedings by an
must be given. employee, who must, however, be authorised
(Art. 133(3), first sentence, EPC). In this case
If known, the application number and the date on notification will be made to the opponent (not the
which the Patent Bulletin mentions the grant employee) unless a professional representative has
(Art. 97(3) EPC) should also be given. The latter also been authorised.
makes it easier to monitor compliance with the
opposition period. To avoid delaying the proceedings, any authorisation
which has to be filed should if possible be enclosed
The title of the invention must be given with the opposition. Under Rule 152(1) EPC in
(Rule 76(2)(b) EPC); it should be indicated as shown conjunction with the decision of the President of the
on the cover page of the printed patent EPO dated 12 July 2007, listed professional
specification under item 54. representatives identifying themselves as such
normally no longer need to file signed authorisations
II. Proprietor of the patent (cf. Special edition No. 3, OJ EPO 2007, L.1.). These
are, however, required from legal practitioners and
Where there are several patent proprietors, it is employees who are not professional representatives
sufficient for the proprietor first named in the patent and are acting for the opponent under Articles 134(8)
specification (under item 73) to be given. and 133(3), first sentence, EPC respectively. If they
do not file an authorisation, the EPO will ask them to
III. Opponent do so within a specified period. Failure to comply will
result in any procedural steps performed by the
The name, address and nationality of the opponent practitioner or employee being deemed not to have
and the state in which his residence or principal been taken (Rule 152(6) EPC) which means that
place of business is located must be given, in the notice of opposition will be considered not to have
accordance with Rule 41(2)(c) EPC (Rule 76(2)(a) been filed.
EPC). If the identity of the opponent has not been
established by expiry of the opposition period, such V. Statement of the extent to which the
deficiency can no longer be remedied (decision of the patent is opposed
Technical Board of Appeal T 25/85, OJ EPO 1986,
81). An opponent may give an address for The notice of opposition must contain a statement of
correspondence (see OJ EPO 2014, A99). the extent to which the European patent is opposed
(Rule 76(2)(c) EPC). If the opposition is not filed
IV. Authorisation against the patent as a whole (place a cross in the
appropriate box), the number(s) of the claims (as in
If the opponent has appointed a representative, his the patent specification) which the opponent
name and the address of his place of business must considers to be affected by one or more of the
be given, in accordance with Rule 41(2)(c) EPC grounds for opposition must be given.
(Rule 76(2)(d) EPC). If several professional
representatives are appointed, only one Vl. Grounds for opposition
representative to whom notification is to be made
EPO 2300 Notes 11.14

should be named. Any further representatives must The alleged grounds for opposition (Art. 100 EPC)
be named in an annex (please put a cross in the must be indicated by a cross in the appropriate
appropriate box). In the case of an association of box(es).
representatives, only the name and address of the
association must be entered (see Rule 143(1)(h)). Under the heading of non-patentability (Art. 100(a)
EPC) the most frequently cited grounds for opposition

are Iack of novelty and lack of inventive step, for for witnesses: first name and last name, full address,
which separate boxes are provided. The form relationship to opponent, etc.). If there is not enough
otherwise gives the opponent ample scope for room, the evidence can simply be listed, with an
indicating other possible grounds for opposition. indication of where in the statement of grounds the
Under the heading other grounds the following relevant particulars appear (e.g. Witness ...,
Articles may be cited in the box provided: 52(1) and page 5).
57; 52(2); 53(a); 53(b); 53(c) EPC.
Documents cited by a party to opposition proceedings
A full list of grounds for opposition is given in must be filed (including publications already cited in
Article 100 EPC. The following in particular are not the European patent specification) with the notice of
admissible grounds: lack of unity of invention (Art. 82 opposition or other written submission. This will avoid
EPC), lack of clarity in the claims (Art. 84 EPC) and an invitation from the EPO for subsequent filing
prior national rights (Art. 139(2) EPC). thereof. If they are neither enclosed nor filed in due
time on invitation, the EPO may ignore any
For general information on grounds for opposition see arguments based on them (Rule 83 EPC).
Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, D-lll, 5.
X. Payment of opposition fee
Vll. Facts and arguments presented in
support of the opposition The opposition fee must be paid within the opposition
period. Notice of opposition is not deemed to have
The notice of opposition must contain an indication of been filed until the opposition fee has been paid
the facts and evidence presented in support of the (Art. 99(1) EPC). With regard to what constitutes the
opposition (Rule 76(2)(c) EPC) and, where date to be considered as the date on which payment
documents are cited, an indication of the relevant is made, see Article 7 of the Rules relating to Fees
part(s) (Guidelines D-IV, and the guidance on payment methods in the Official
The facts, with the relevant arguments and evidence,
in support of the opposition must be presented on a XI. List of documents enclosed
separate sheet enclosed as an annex to the Form
(indicated by a pre-printed cross in the box). Please indicate which documents are enclosed by
crossing the relevant box.
The fact that the evidence is listed separately in
Section IX does not anticipate the presentation of Xll. Signature
facts, evidence and arguments but merely makes for
greater clarity and simplifies processing of the If the opponent is a legal person and the notice of
dossier. Section IX of the Form (Evidence presented) opposition is not signed by the representative, it must
may of course always be referred to in this be signed:
(a) either by a person entitled to sign under the law
Where documents are cited in shortened form, the or the opponents statute, articles of association
rules set out in the Guidelines B-X, 9.1 should be or the like, with an indication of the capacity of
followed. the person doing so, e.g. Geschftsfhrer,
Prokurist, Handlungsbevollmchtigter; chairman,
VIII. Other requests director, company secretary; directeur, fond de
pouvoir (Art. 133(1) EPC), in which case no
This section may be used for example to request oral authorisation need be filed;
proceedings or a file inspection.
(b) or by another employee of the opponent,
IX. Evidence provided the latters principal place of business
is in a contracting state (Art. 133(3), first
Published documents cited as evidence (e.g. patent sentence; Rule 152(1) EPC), in which case an
specifications) must be entered under Publications authorisation must be filed.
in the spaces provided preferably in order of
importance. They should be cited in the manner
described in Guidelines B-X, 9.1.

Opponents should also indicate the parts of the

document on which the opposition is based (this
information has to be given anyway in the statement
EPO 2300 Notes 11.14

of facts and arguments see notes to Section VII


Other evidence (e.g. witnesses, affidavits, company

brochures, test or expert reports) must be cited under
Other evidence (for public prior use: place, time,
nature see Guidelines G-IV, 7.2; D-IV,;

Request for limitation or revocation of a European patent
(Art. 105a and R. 92 EPC)

I. Data concerning the patent (R. 92(2)(b) EPC)

Patent No.

Application No.

Contracting states in which the patent has taken effect

Extension / validation states in which the patent

has taken effect

II. Request

Revocation of the above-mentioned European patent

Limitation of the above-mentioned European patent

Proprietors or representatives reference

(max. 15 spaces)

III. Proprietor of the patent making the request (Requester) (R. 92(2)(a) and 41(2)(c) EPC)

Additional requester(s) on additional sheet



Address for correspondence


State of residence or of principal place of business

EPO 2380 07.15


Proprietor for the contracting states
(still existing patents only)

Proprietor for the extension /validation states

(still existing patents only)

With my signature in point XII below I declare that

there is/are no other patent proprietor(s) than the one(s) mentioned in points III and IV.

the above-mentioned patent proprietor, whose name is entered in the European Patent Register,
is still the proprietor of the above-mentioned European patent.

there has been a change in the name of the patent proprietor whose name is entered in the European Patent
Register. Supporting evidence is enclosed. This person is still the proprietor of the above-mentioned European patent.

the requester(s) became proprietor(s) of the above-mentioned European patent by a transfer of rights.
Supporting evidence is enclosed: recent excerpts of the relevant national registers and /or
other means of evidence.

IV. Proprietor(s) of the patent for those contracting states in which the requester(s)
is/was (are/were) not the proprietor(s) (R. 92(2)(c) EPC)



Proprietor for the contracting states

Additional proprietor(s) on additional sheet

Evidence that the requester(s) is/are entitled to act on behalf of this /these proprietor(s) is enclosed.

V. Proprietor(s) of the patent for those extension/validation states in which the requester(s) is/was (are/were)
not the proprietor(s)



Proprietor for the extension/validation states

Additional proprietor(s) on additional sheet

EPO 2380 07.15

Evidence that the requester(s) is/are entitled to act on behalf of this /these proprietor(s) is enclosed.

VI. Representative (R. 92(2)(e) EPC)


Address of place of business

Telephone / Fax

Additional representative(s) on additional sheet

VII. Authorisation Authorisation enclosed or registered under No.:

The undersigned is a professional representative.

The undersigned is a legal practitioner qualified

to act as professional representative under
Article 134(8) EPC.

The undersigned employee(s) of the proprietor

is/are authorised for these revocation or limitation
proceedings under Art. 133(3) EPC.

VIII. Documents for limitation (R. 92(2)(d) EPC)

enclosed complete version

of the amended claims

enclosed amended description,

pages (if applicable)

enclosed amended drawings,

sheets (if applicable)

IX. National prior rights where different sets of claims are filed (Art. 105 b(3) and R. 138 EPC)

The requester hereby informs the EPO that national

prior rights exist for the following contracting states:
EPO 2380 07.15

X. Payment of limitation or revocation fee

as indicated in the enclosed voucher for payment of fees and costs (EPO Form 1010).

by automatic debit order (see point XI below)

XI. Automatic debit order (for EPO deposit account holders only)

The EPO is hereby authorised, under the Arrangements for the automatic debiting procedure, to debit from the deposit
account below any fees and costs falling due.

Deposit account number Account holders name

XII. Any reimbursement to EPO deposit account

Deposit account number Account holders name

XIII. Signature(s) of proprietor(s) or representative/employee(s)

* Please type name under signature. In the case of legal persons,
the position which the person signing holds within the company
should also be indicated.


EPO 2380 07.15

Form for submitting third-party observations

Form Notes for user

1. Personal details Not mandatory. However, if you do not provide
Name any contact details, it will not be possible for us to
Address send you an invitation to correct formal
Telephone deficiencies.

2. Subject of third-party European patent application numbers consist of

observations eight digits, starting with a two-digit year code
European patent application (e.g. 11123456). European patent numbers start
number/patent number with the letters EP, followed by up to seven digits.

Date of priority
Date of filing

3. Facts and evidence You can upload any patent documents (granted
3.1 Patent literature patents and published patent applications) you
Publication number wish to refer to here.

Reference Please use the reference code shown when

Title referring to this document in your observations.
Date of publication

/Add another patent document/

3.2 Non-patent literature You can upload any non-patent literature (e.g.
Reference scientific papers, brochures or internet
Title publications) you wish to refer to here.
Date of publication Please use the reference code shown when
/Upload file/ referring to this document in your observations.

3.2.1 Availability of the document to The EPO will need to be satisfied that this
the public document was available to the public before the
filing date (or, if validly claimed, the priority date)
of the patent or patent application in question.

If you have any further arguments which will help

establish this, please mention them here.

If you have any supporting documentary

evidence, please upload each document as a
separate non-patent document.

/Add another non-patent document/

3.3 Prior use If your prior art involves a prior use, please use
When was the prior use made this section to describe the exact circumstances of
available to the public? the prior use.
What was made available?
Where was it made available? Any evidence, such as affidavits, drawings or
How and to whom was it made brochures, should be uploaded as non-patent
available? documents.

/Add details of a further prior use/

3.4 Common general knowledge If you have any comments on the common
general knowledge on the date of filing, you can
add them here.

4. Novelty (Article 54 EPC) If you have any comments on the novelty of the
claimed invention, you can enter them here.

If you consider that the claim(s) lack novelty,

please identify the novelty-destroying prior art (the
claimed invention must be disclosed in a single
prior art document only for novelty to be

Starting with the independent claim(s), identify the

precise location in the prior art of the disclosure of
each claimed feature.

/Add a further observation on novelty/

5. Inventive step (Article 56 EPC) If you consider the claim(s) to be novel but not
inventive, please identify the closest prior art.
Starting with the independent claim(s), identify the
precise location of the disclosure in the prior art of
each claimed feature that you consider lacks

If you have any comments on the obviousness of

the claim(s), you can enter them here. We
recommend that you follow the three steps of the
problem/solution approach (Guidelines, C-IV,

/Add a further observation on inventive


6. Unallowable amendments Please note that amendments and divisional

(Articles 76 and 123 EPC) applications must be based on subject-matter
which does not extend beyond the content of the
application as originally filed. Your observations
should refer to this version.

If you have any comments on any aspects of the

amendments which you consider contravene the
requirements of Articles 76 and/or 123 EPC, you
can enter them here. Please identify the precise
amendments you are referring to.
7. Sufficiency of disclosure (Article If you have any comments on the sufficiency of
83 EPC) disclosure of the claimed invention, you can enter
them here. Please identify the specific aspects
which the skilled person would be unable to carry

8. Clarity (Article 84 EPC) If you have any comments on the clarity of the
claimed invention, you can enter them here.
Please identify the specific aspects which are

9. Further observations If you have any further comments (e.g. Art. 52(2)
and (3), 53 or 57 EPC) concerning the
patentability of the claimed invention, you can
enter them here.

Please state the specific provisions of the EPC on

which your comments are based.

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