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Collapsible clayey soils at the north-eastern region

of Venezuela
Jos I. Amundaray, Alvaro Boiero
Amundaray Ingeniera Geotcnica, C.A., Caracas, Venezuela
Escuela de Ingeniera Civil Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello, Caracas,

In Venezuela, collapsible soils are encountered mainly in the West of the country, especially in south plains of
Anzotegui and Monagas states, and at the south of the Orinoco River, from Ciudad Bolvar to Puerto Ordaz, being
generally its previous treatment necessary, or the use of safer and expensive foundation, in order to assure future good
behavior of the structures to be supported. Recently, extensive deposits of collapsible soils have been found in the Jose
area, where even though the intense industrial construction activity developed lately, was never before known for having
deposits of collapsible soils. In this work, the characteristics of collapsible soils from Jose are described, as well as the
methods recommended for field exploration, in situ and laboratory tests for these soils. Also useful correlations are
proposed for their identification and treatment. The main objective of this article is to make aware the geotechnical
community about the presence and potential risks of collapsible soils in the region, as well as to provide tools for their
recognition and treatment.


In Venezuela, collapsible soils are encountered mainly in

the West of the country. In the last decades this type of
soil has been identified and studied at diverse sites where
important industrial plants have been constructed,
especially in the south planes of Anzotegui and
Monagas states, and at the south of the Orinoco River,
from Ciudad Bolvar to Puerto Ordaz, being generally
necessary to perform previous improvement, or the use
of safer and more expensive foundations in order to
guaranty the future good behavior of the structures to be
supported (Amundaray & Lupini, 1986). Recently,
extensive deposits of collapsible soils have been found in
the Jose area, where even though the intense industrial
construction activity developed in the last years, never
before was known for having deposits of collapsible soils. Figure 1. When the deposits of highly saturated flows dry
Usually, hard soils with swell potential and big pockets of off for evaporation, the retirement of the water drags
soils susceptive to liquefaction have been associated to particles of clay and you go out dissolve towards the
developments executed in the North area of Jose in the points of contact between particles of arena (from
past, which is near the sea and shows a flat morphology. Coduto, 1994)
The deposits of collapsible soils found more recently
are located at the south where the morphology is formed The identification and characterization of collapsible
by low slope hills. It is thought that the collapsible soils of soils in the area of Jose becomes a new requirement for
Jose are of alluvial origin, made up of earth flows as the future industrial developments in the zone. Therefore, the
result of intense rains typical of the region. need for making the industrial and geotechnical
When these soils are in movement, its saturation is communities aware of the potential risks the these soils
high and they get an elevated void ratio. After they have represent, as well as to provide with practical tolls for
reached their destiny, the soils dray up quickly by their recognition, study, and treatment.
evaporation generating capillary tension and drawing the
smaller particles of clay, silt, and probably soluble salts 2 IDENTIFICATION OF COLLAPSIBLE SOILS
towards the points of contacts between sand particles,
forming bridges or bonds of cementation that keeps an Collapsible soils are low density, high void ratio and
stable structure of the soils while the condition of partial partially saturated soils that show a light cementation and
saturation is maintained, as it can be seen in Figure 1. suffer drastic volume reductions under water saturation,
These deposits are erratic and posses variable thickness without requiring any external increment in external
depending on the topography (Coduto, 1994). overburden pressure. These soils are usually found in
shallow deposits quite homogeneous in their composition
but with variable thickness. In Jose area, such deposits Along the walls of the test pits, typical cavities and
have been found with thickness up to 6 m. voids are frequently observed, they act as natural pipes
for percolating rain water, producing tubifications and
2.1 Standard Penetration Test increasing the fragility of these soils. Many cavities are
associated with the activity of insects and other animals.
In these soils the penetration resistance values from the Typical cavities found in tests pits are shown in Figure 4.
SPT, are generally lower than 10 blows/ft. However, it is
necessary to take some precautions when performing the
SPT such as avoiding the use of water injection and the
use of driven casing, this is to prevent a collapse of the
soil prior the execution of the SPT. Usually, the hole walls
are stable for collapsible soils and the use of casing is
unnecessary. The effect of early collapse during the
execution of the SPT is shown in Figure 2, where SPT
penetration resistance values from dry test are compared
with others where water was used for perforation.

Figure 4. Natural cavity in collapsible soils found during

an excavation.

Figure 2. Comparison of values of resistance to the SPT 3 UNDISTURBED SAMPLING

test realized in dry and with water injection.
Undisturbed sampling of collapsible soils in Jose can be
It can be observed that the use of water and driven done easily due to the cementing agents and high fine
casing induces a significant and random increment in soil content present in these soils. It can be done with Shelby
density, giving the impression that the soil has a higher tubes or cubic samples manually carved in the test pits.
penetration resistance than its actual value (Geohidra, In Jose, 5,40 cm and 7,50 cm diameter Shelby tunes
1997; Geohidra, 1998). have been used successfully to retrieve undisturbed
samples, as well as cubic carved samples and 4 and 6
2.2 Test pits exploration inch diameter ring samples. However, it is important to
highlight that retrieving undisturbed samples in other
Visual identification of collapsible soils in test pits is a regions could be more difficult if the soils are more sandy
matter of crucial importance. In test pits excavated in or have less cementation. Retrieving of undisturbed
collapsible soils in Jose, it was observed that walls are collapsible soil sample with ring sampler is shown in
stable, when excavating the soil breaks down in big and Figure 5.
fragile crumbs or blocks, as shown in Figure 3. When
such blocks are taken in hands its light weight can be
sensed and they are easy to disaggregate.

Figure 3. Excavation in collapsible soils showing vertical

walls and big lumps of soil. Figure 5. Undisturbed samples with ring.
4 COLLAPSIBLE SOILS CLASSIFICATION The classification tests are very useful for identifying
collapsible soils, for these soils being very homogeneous,
The soil classification tests performed over undisturbed the graphics shown in Figures 6 and 7 can be used as a
samples that were used for collapse tests, showed guide of comparison when the presence of these soils is
unexpected results since the visual classification of such suspected. However, it is important to establish that these
soils in their natural moisture state was always reported graphics are representative only for Jose area, and
as fine clayey silty sands (SM-SC), but the vast majority particular graphics should be developed for different
of the samples actually classified as low plasticity clays places.
(CL) or sandy silty clays (CL-ML) according to the
plasticity chart, as shown in Figure 6. 5 MICROSCOPE OBSERVATIONS

In microscope observations performed on representative

samples of Jose collapsible soils, it can be observed that
the sand particles have semi-rounded shape, and are
surrounded by smaller crumbs of fines, as Figure 8
shows. Such semi-rounded shape of sand grains tends to
confirm the hypothesis of its alluvial origin. Conversely,
the fines crumb arrangement around the sand particles,
might explain the granular behavior of these soils in their
low moisture natural condition.
The soil structure in its undisturbed condition is shown
in Figure 9, where voids of relatively big size can be
observed. Some of those voids seem to be associated
Figure 6. Classification of collapsible soils using the with the activity of micro-plants. The structure of the very
Casagrande's plasticity card same soil once collapse has happened is shown in
Figure 10, where a denser particle arrangement and the
It is important to remark that these soils, in their reduction of the voids can be observed.
natural moisture content (w = 5,4 1,6 %) present a very
fragile consistency and a sandy texture, but once
saturated they shift into the typical pasty and soft
consistency of clayey soils. In the authors opinion, that
for the case of collapsible soils found in Jose, the
application of the Unified Soils Classification System
(U.S.C.S.) can generate confusion, due to the fact that
such fragile behavior of the soil does not correspond with
the traditional soil mechanics definition of clays.
The trend of the grain size distribution curves for 10
samples that were used to perform collapse tests is
shown in Figure 7. It can be observed that the envelope
of all curves is well defined. The average curve for all the
grain size distributions has been also drawn along with
the percentages of fine sand, silt and clay. If we take the
borderline between clay and silt as 2 as per the M.I.T
Figure 8. Micrograph obtained in the electronic
criteria, only 24% is clay, 33% is silt, 37% is fine sand
microscope of sweep of one you show of collapsible soils
and 6% is medium to coarse sand.
of Jose.

Figure 7. Granulometric curve of average trend of studied

Figure 9. Micrograph showing the structure of collapsible
collapsible soils
soils of Jose.
different collapse potentials, the standard D-5333
proposes the following classification:

Table 1. Collapse Index classification

Degree of collapse Collapse Index

None 0.0
Light 0.1 2.0
Moderate 2.1 6.0
Moderately severe 6.1 10.0
Severe 10.0

Figure 10. Structure of the soil after collapsed.

Soils with Moderate degree of collapse can suffer
6 COLLAPSE TEST deformations in excess of 2% when saturated, which can
generate undesirable deformations to the structures. For
The collapse test was implemented and successfully this reason, starting with a Moderate collapse degree it is
used to determine the collapse potential of soils from advisable to take necessary precautions and to consider
eastern Venezuela by Lupini, in geotechnical studies for seriously performing a soil improvement before founding.
industrial plants in Ciudad Bolvar and Puerto Ordaz The results of 33 collapse tests performed on soils
(Geohidra, 1986), following the procedure suggested by from Jose, are summarized in the chart shown in Figure
Jennings and Knight (1975). Later, the American Society 11 (Group Delta, 2001; Ingeniera Geotcnica Prego
for Testing Materials, published the standard D-5333 in 2001, 2002, 2003). It shows the linear correlation
1992, under the name Standard Testing Method for between the Collapse Index (%) and the Dry Density
Measuring the Collapse Potential of Soils (ASTM, 2000). 3
(kN/m ) of the soil in its undisturbed state. As it can be
The standard method is indeed very similar to that of seen, it exists a direct correlation between both variables,
Jennings and Knight, achieving a precise and clear and this is confirmed by the obtained Determination
assembly of terms and definitions. Factor (R = 0,85).
In the standard D-5333, the collapse is defined as a
vertical descent of a confined soil after saturation, under
the application of an applied constant vertical stress.
The standard also specifies that a collapsible soil can
withstand the application of relatively high vertical
stresses with small deformations at a low moisture
content, but this same soil will suffer settlement (that
could be high) with no additional stress increment when
an increment in moisture content occurs. The application
of high vertical stresses is not necessary for the collapse
to ocurr.
The objective of the collapse test is to determine the
Collapse Index (Ie), which represents the relative
percentage of the collapse magnitude under a stress of 2
kg/cm and calculated according to the expression: Figure 11. Linear correlation of values of Collapse Index
(%) and Dry Density (kN/m ) of collapsible soils of Jose.
Ie = (h/ho) 100 [1] Based on these results, soil Dry Density cutoffs can
be established for the different previously defined
Where h = Sample height decrement after Collapse Degrees, as shown in Table 2:
innundation, in mm; ho = Original sample height, in
mm. Table 2. Limits of Dry Density for Jose's soils.
The test consists in placing a soil sample with natural
moisture content in the oedometer, then apply to the
Degree of collapse Collapse Index Dry density1
sample a previously established vertical stress and
None 0.0 > 18,14
proceed with inundation to induce the collapse.
With the obtained Ie value, the probable settlement Light 0.1 2.0 17,72 18,14
magnitude can be estimated for a layer of collapsible soil
Moderate 2.1 6.0 16,88 17,72
with a thickness of magnitude H that suffers 100%
saturation. Moderately severe 6.1 10.0 16,04 16,88
Based on Jennings and Knight observations on the
severity of the problems caused to structures by soils with Severe 10.0 < 16,04
1 3
dry density in kN/m
When the presence of collapsible soils is suspected, prone to collapse in the presence of water. This soil was
the in situ Dry Density can be compared with the chart in isolated from rainwater by a layer of compacted soil, but
Figure 11 in order to determine the severity of a collapse once the trench was excavated the subjacent collapsible
potential. Simultaneously, it is necessary to determine the soil was exposed. This fact, together with the occurrence
soil classification and to compare it with the grain size of heavy rains that kept the trench flooded for more than
envelope shown in Figure 7 and the Atterberg limits 12 hours was enough to generate the collapse without
shown in Figure 6. the application of any external loads.


In situ load tests have been performed in collapsible soils

found in Jose in order to validate the results of laboratory
tests. Figure 12 shows the results of field load tests
following the A.S.T.M. D-1194 standard, and inundating
the load area after applying a vertical stress of 2 kg/cm .

Figure 13. Settlement of the area about a trench

excavated in collapsible soils of Jose. One notice the
crack of break and the cavity at the back of the trench

Figure 12. Load test results in collapsible soils of Jose

It can be seen that the magnitude of the recorded

collapses varies between 6 cm and 22 cm. These results
not only confirm the collapse values obtained in
laboratory tests, but also validate the applicability of such
tests to reproduce the occurrence of in situ collapse. It is
important to highlight, that given the high permeability of
these soils (10 a 20 ft/day), water can penetrate fast and
quite deeply and produce the settlement of a foundation
in a period of 24 hours (Group Delta, 2001).


8.1 Collapse in trench due the rain water

Figure 14. Break and settlement of the area for collapse
of the soil after intense rains.
nd rd
The heavy rains on July the 22 and the 23 , 2001,
provoked the opening of two sumps on the bottom of a
trench opened for the piping of power lines, telephone 8.2 Drainage channel collapse
and fiber optics cables. The size of the sumps was
approximately 0,60 X 0,60 m and 1,5 X 1,0 m and it was Drainage channels built on collapsible soils are highly
reported that a large amount of water was flowing into the prone to generate collapse problems due to water
subsoil through both of those holes. Tension cracks of seepage . In Figure 15 the occurrence of a 5 cm
approximately 15 X 12 m with elliptical shape appeared settlement due to collapse after a rain can be observed. It
around the trench. These cracks affected the structures is presumed that the water infiltrated through the
of surrounding buildings and a compressor adjacent to construction joint saturating the subjacent collapsible soil.
the trench. The phenomenon can be observed in Figures
13 and 14. 8.3 Settlement around a catch basin
The possible cause of the phenomenon is presumed
to be the collapsible nature of the soils, composed by fine The opening of cavities and natural piping is commonly
silty sands and sandy silts, whose structure might be observed where rainwater tends to pond (see Figure 16).
Such cavities can increase its size and number due to
the effect of successive rains, provoking larger collapses 9 CONCLUSIONS
with time.
Recently, large deposits of collapsible soils up to 6 m
8.4 Settlement of soil due to water truck thick have been found in Jose area. These deposits are
located in what is called south Jose, where the
topography is formed by low hills and it is presumed its
In a cut area where collapsible soil outcrops were found, alluvial origin.
it was observed that after a rain, the traffic of water trucks
caused settlements of approximately 10 cm (see Figure The classification graphics for Jose collapsible soils
17). In the very same place, under dry conditions, no shown in Figures 6 and 7, can be used as a guide of
settlement was observed. comparison when the presence of these soils is
There is a well defined linear correlation between the
Collapse Index (%) and the soil Dry Density (kN/m ) in
undisturbed state, which is confirmed by the
Determination Coefficient (R = 0,85), for a statistical
sample of 33 performed collapse tests.
In cases where the presence of collapsible soils is
suspected, a measurement of in situ Dry Density can be
compared with the graphic in Figure 11 in order to
establish the severity degree of its collapse potential.
The results of in situ plate load tests confirm the
magnitudes of collapse obtained in laboratory tests, and
validate the applicability of laboratory tests to reproduce
the occurrence of collapse in the field.
Figure 15. Settlement of 5 cm for collapse of the
underlying soil The identification and characterization of collapsible soils
in Jose area, arouses as a new compulsory requirement
for future industrial developments in the area. Due to this,
it is necessary to warn the industrial and geotechnical
communities about the potential risks these soils


Amundaray, J.I. & Lupini, J.F. 1986. Investigacin de

suelos colapsables para el diseo de fundaciones de
tanques, XII Seminario Venezolano de Geotecnia,
Caracas, Venezuela.

Coduto, D.P. (1994), Foundation Design, Principles and

Practices: Chapter 21, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Figure 16. Settlement of area about a water structure with
opening cavity
Geohidra, C.A. (1997), Geotechnical Exploration Main
Station Area SINCOR Upstream Surface Facilities,
prepared for Otepi-Foster Wheeler.

Geohidra, C.A. (1998), Geotechnical Exploration New

Main Station Area SINCOR Upstream Surface
Facilities, prepared for Sincor.

Instituto de Ingeniera (2001), Micrografa y Anlisi de

Rayos X, preparado para Ingeniera Geotcnica

Geohidra, C.A. (1986), Estudio de Suelos para el

Proyecto Sistema de Suministro de Oriente (SISOR),
Plantas de Ciudad Bolvar y Puerto Ordaz, preparado
para Meneven, S.A.
Figure 17. Fingerprint left by the step of a truck whale on
area in court of collapsible material after rain
Jennings, J.E., and Knight, K. (1975), A Guide
Construction on or with Materials Exhibiting Additional
Settlement Due to Collapse of Grain Structure, Sixth
Regional Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering.

A.S.T.M. (2000), Standard Test Method for Measurement

of Collapse Potential of Soils, Designation: D 5333-92
(Reapproved 1996).

Group Delta (2001), Addendum 13: Preliminary Results of

Fugro Testing Program and Site Visit Observations
Hamaca Crude Oil Upgrader, prepared for Grupo

Ingeniera Geotcnica Prego, C.A. (2001),

Complementary Soil Study for the Hamaca Crude
Upgrader Project, Jose, Anzotegui State, prepared
for Grupo Alvica.

Ingeniera Geotcnica Prego, C.A. (2002), Verificacin de

Condiciones Geotcnicas para la preparacin del
sitio, Unidad 41 Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas,
Proyecto Vehop, Estado Anzotegui, prepared for

Ingeniera Geotcnica Prego, C.A. (2003),

Debottlenecking and Shutdown Sincor Crude
Upgrader Project, Jose, Anzotegui State, prepared
for Dit-Harris/Inelectra.

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