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Loratadine + Betamethasone

Company Bayer Philippines, Inc.

Content Loratadine, betamethasone.

PPD Classification Antihistamines, 2nd Generation

Prescription Class Rx (please see your doctor for proper supervision)

Indication Relief of symptoms of atopic dermatitis, angioedema, urticaria, seasonal

& perennial allergic rhinitis, food & drug allergic reaction, allergic
contact dermatitis, severe seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, allergic
asthma, ocular allergic manifestations (conjunctivitis & iridociclitis), &
allergic reaction to insect stings.
Dosaging For dosage information of prescription medicine, please consult with your
Contraindications Systemic fungal infections. Immunization procedures are not to be taken
while on corticosteroids due to hazards of neurological complications &
lack of antibody response. Hypersensitivity.
Precautions Infants & children. Lower dose is to be given to patients w/ severe liver
impairment. Dose adjustments are required w/ remission/exacerbation of
diseases, surgery, infection, or injury. TB cases are to be handled w/
caution, while corticosteroid effect is enhanced on patients w/
hypothyroidism/cirrhosis. Patients w/ ocular herpes simplex can develop
corneal perforations, & existing emotional instability or psychotic
tendencies are aggravated by corticosteroids. Nonspecific ulcerative
colitis, abscesses, or other pyogenic infections; diverticulitis; fresh
intestinal anastomoses; active or latent peptic ulcer; renal insufficiency;
HPN; osteoporosis; & myasthenia gravis. Pregnancy &
lactation. Pregnancy Risk Category is for loratadine: B. For
betamethasone: C but D in 1st trimester.
Drug Interactions Alcohol, ketoconazole, erythromycin, cimetidine, phenobarbital,
phenytoin, rifampin, ephedrine, estrogen, K-depleting diuretics, cardiac
glycosides, amphotericin B, coumarin-type anticoagulants, antidiabetic
drugs, NSAIDs, ASA.
Side Effects Fatigue, headache, somnolence, nervousness, dry mouth, nausea,
gastritis, rash, fluid retention, incrd K+ & Ca excretion, HPN, posterior
capsular cataracts. Rarely, alopecia, anaphylaxis, abnormal hepatic
function, tachycardia, palpitations & dizziness.
Availability Tab 5 mg/250 mcg (P38.75/tab).
(Suggested Retail

Store Prices Tablet 5 mg/250 mcg

(as shared by Users) P39.00 in Watsons Drugstore
P38.75 in South Star Drug
P38.75 in Mercury Drug
Atopic dermatitis is the chronic itchy inflammation of the skin that may occur with
asthma or hay fever. The cause is unknown but may be due to the inherited
tendencies of sensitive skin and malfunction in the body's immune system. It
typically starts in childhood and may persist into adulthood and occurs in periods of
flares and remissions.

Atopic dermatitis is used interchangeably with eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the most
common type of eczema, a term used for many types of skin problems. The other
types of eczema include:

Allergic contact eczema

Contact eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema


Nummular eczema

Seborrheic eczema

Stasis dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis' severity is classified according to its impact on the quality of life
and psychosocial wellbeing: Mild when it does not impact everyday activities, sleep
and psychosocial well being; Moderate when there is moderate impact on everyday
activities, frequently disturbed sleep and psychosocial well-being; and Severe when
there is nightly loss of sleep and everyday activities and psychosocial functions are

Dry and itchy skin. Itching often worsens at night.

Red to brownish-gray colored patches. These patches may be found

anywhere in the body but most often appear on the hands and feet, behind
the knees, inside the elbow, face and neck.

Small, raised bumps that leak clear fluid and crust over when scratched

Thickened, cracked or scaly skin

Treatment and Management

Treatment should be tailored to the needs of the patient, depending on severity:

Refrain from scratching since it causes further redness, swelling, cracking,

crusting, thick skin, scaling and inflammation. Scratching may also result to
infection by bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus) that commonly live on the
Avoid using contact allergens such as soaps or other irritants like wool or
manmade fibers; perfumes and makeup; substances such as chlorine,
mineral oil, or solvents; dust or sand; and cigarette smoke.

Avoid exposure to food and inhalant allergens such as eggs, peanuts, milk,
fish, soy products, and wheat; dust mites; mold; pollen; and dog or cat

Treat symptoms when they occur. Apply creams or ointments that relieve

Develop a good skin care routine

Avoid the appearance of flares by making sure that the skin is moisturized.
Refrain from taking long or hot bath and showers since water can strip the
skin of its natural moisture.

Consult a doctor if symptoms hinder you from your daily routines or prevent
you from sleeping

Home Remedies
Identify what triggers the inflammation and avoid them

Calamine lotion or any anti-itch cream should be applied to the affected area

Avoid scratching the skin. Wearing gloves at night and trimming the nails can
prevent unconscious scratching.

Make sure to always moisturize the skin

Use mild soaps and detergents

Take a warm bath using natural ingredients: baking soda, uncooked oatmeal,
and/or bleach (1/2 cup to 40 gallons of water). Diluted bleach bath is believed
to kill bacteria growing in the skin.

Use a portable humidifier. Skin itching and flaking worsen in hot, dry air.

Wear clothing that is cool and smooth-textured to prevent irritation of the


Oils such as chamomile, evening-primrose oil, witch hazel extract and borage
seed oil have are believed to help alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis

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