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Name : Pinta Napitupulu

Id Number : 4133312008

Major : mathematics

Program Study : Bilingual Mathematics Education

Thesis Supervisor : Dr. Kms.M. Amin Fauzi,M.Pd


A. Title of observation

B. Background.
The development of science and technology requires improving the quality of education. Many
educational problems revealed in the media shows that there are still many problems of
education that can not be solved. One of which is closely related to mathematics education.

In kurikulum 2006 , mentioned that one of the goals of mathematics learning is that student have
the ability to understand the problem , devised a mathematical model, solve the model and
interpret the obtained solution.
According Hudojo (1988: 6) learning math would work better if the learning process that
involves intellectual learners optimally.

Studying mathematics requires thinking process to control what people think,

what is done in accordance with the tasks assigned. This control process related to
Metacognition is one of the dimensions of knowledge and skills which is supporting in learning
mathematics deeply. Metacognition is a form of cognition, a second order thinking process
which involves active control over cognitive process. It can be simply defined as thinking about
thinking or as a persons cognition about cognition(wellman,1985,p.1).
Metacognition needed in studyng mathematics, because where the concept of metacognitition
make us easily to solve mathematics problem, like planning, maonitoring and evaluating.
C. Problem Identiication

Based on the background presented above , can be identified the issue is :

1. The mathematics problem solvibg ability is still low

2. The lack of use the students metacognitif skill to solve the mathematics problem.

D. Problem Limitation
Based on the identification the problem above, there are the large problems. The researchers did
limit the problem to make researchers more focused. The problem in this research is the second
semester mathematics students metacognitive skill in solving mathematics problems that taken
from recent F3 examination of calculus II about application of integral in finding area at sate
university of medan.

E. Problem Formulation
Based on background and problem identification above, can be formulated the problems
of this research are :
1. How students metacognitive (scaffolding ) questions if given mathematical problem
solving at second semester state university of medan
2. How is the effect of metacognitif skill in students learning outcomes??

F. Research Objectives
The objectives of this research is :
1. To know the students metacognitif ( scaffolding) questions if given mathematics
problem solving at second semester state university of medan
2. To know the effect of metacognition skill in students learning outcomes

G. Benefit of Research
The benefit of this research is :
1. For student to help student in solve mathematics problem using their metacognitif
2. For Lecturer, expand knowledge to help student in solving mathematics problem
3. For researcher , as reference to developt of the theory of metacognition
H. Operational Definition

In order to avoid misconception about terms contained in this research, the operasional
definitions will be noted as :

1. Problem solving is
Medan , January 30th ,2017


Thesis supervisor Author

Dr. Kms. M. Amin Fauzi,M.Pd Pinta Napitupulu

ID. 19640629 199303 1 001 ID. 4133312008


Head of Mathematics department

Drs. Zul Amry,M.Si,.Ph.D

NIP. 19600707 198703 1 002

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