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Business Model Canvas

are needed in order to sustain and support the

business. These resources could be human, -
nancial, physical and intellectual.
Partner Network: In order to optimize oper-
ations and reduce risks of a business model,
organization usually cultivate buyer-supplier
relationships so they can focus on their core
activity. Complementary business alliances
also can be considered through joint ven-
tures, strategic alliances between competitors
or non-competitors.

Business Model Canvas: nine business model building blocks, Os-
terwalder, Pigneur & al. 2010 Value Propositions: The collection of prod-
ucts and services a business oers to meet the
The Business Model Canvas is a strategic manage- needs of its customers. According to Oster-
ment and lean startup template for developing new or walder, (2004), a companys value proposi-
documenting existing business models.[1][2] It is a visual tion is what distinguishes itself from its com-
chart with elements describing a rms or products value petitors. The value proposition provides value
proposition, infrastructure, customers, and nances.[3] It through various elements such as newness,
assists rms in aligning their activities by illustrating po- performance, customization, getting the job
tential trade-os. done, design, brand/status, price, cost reduc-
tion, risk reduction, accessibility, and conve-
The Business Model Canvas was initially proposed by
Alexander Osterwalder[4] based on his earlier work on
Business Model Ontology.[5] Since the release of Oster- The value propositions may be:
walders work in 2008, new canvases for specic niches Quantitative- price and eciency
have appeared, such as the Lean Canvas.[6] Qualitative- overall customer experi-
ence and outcome

1 The Business Model Canvas Customers

Customer Segments: To build an eective

Formal descriptions of the business become the building
business model, a company must identify
blocks for its activities. Many dierent business concep-
which customers it tries to serve. Various sets
tualizations exist; Osterwalders work and thesis (2010,[3]
of customers can be segmented based on the
2004[5] ) propose a single reference model based on the
dierent needs and attributes to ensure ap-
similarities of a wide range of business model conceptu-
propriate implementation of corporate strat-
alizations. With his business model design template, an
egy meets the characteristics of selected group
enterprise can easily describe their business model.
of clients. The dierent types of customer
segments include:
Mass Market: There is no specic seg-
Key Activities: The most important activities mentation for a company that follows the
in executing a companys value proposition. Mass Market element as the organization
An example for Bic would be creating an e- displays a wide view of potential clients.
cient supply chain to drive down costs. e.g. Car
Key Resources: The resources that are neces- Niche Market: Customer segmentation
sary to create value for the customer. They based on specialized needs and character-
are considered an asset to a company, which istics of its clients. e.g. Rolex


Segmented: A company applies addi- ferent clients and the company. The
tional segmentation within existing cus- community platform produces a scenario
tomer segment. In the segmented situa- where knowledge can be shared and prob-
tion, the business may further distinguish lems are solved between dierent clients.
its clients based on gender, age, and/or in- Co-creation: A personal relationship is
come. created through the customers direct in-
Diversify: A business serves multiple cus- put in the nal outcome of the companys
tomer segments with dierent needs and products/services.
Multi-Sided Platform / Market: For a
smooth day-to-day business operation,
some companies will serve mutually de- Cost Structure: This describes the most im-
pendent customer segment. A credit card portant monetary consequences while operat-
company will provide services to credit ing under dierent business models. A com-
card holders while simultaneously assist- panys DOC.
ing merchants who accept those credit
cards. Classes of Business Structures:
Channels: A company can deliver its value Cost-Driven - This business model
proposition to its targeted customers through focuses on minimizing all costs and
dierent channels. Eective channels will having no frills. e.g. SouthWest
distribute a companys value proposition in Value-Driven - Less concerned with
ways that are fast, ecient and cost eective. cost, this business model focuses on
An organization can reach its clients either creating value for their products and
through its own channels (store front), partner services. e.g. Louis Vuitton, Rolex
channels (major distributors), or a combina- Characteristics of Cost Structures:
tion of both.
Fixed Costs - Costs are unchanged
Customer Relationships: To ensure the sur- across dierent applications. e.g.
vival and success of any businesses, compa- salary, rent
nies must identify the type of relationship they
Variable Costs - These costs vary de-
want to create with their customer segments.
pending on the amount of production
Various forms of customer relationships in-
of goods or services. e.g. music fes-
Personal Assistance: Assistance in a
Economies of Scale - Costs go down
form of employee-customer interaction.
as the amount of good are ordered or
Such assistance is performed either dur-
ing sales, after sales, and/or both.
Economies of Scope - Costs go down
Dedicated Personal Assistance: The most
due to incorporating other businesses
intimate and hands on personal assistance
which have a direct relation to the
where a sales representative is assigned to
original product.
handle all the needs and questions of a
special set of clients. Revenue Streams: The way a company makes
Self Service: The type of relationship income from each customer segment. Several
that translates from the indirect interac- ways to generate a revenue stream:
tion between the company and the clients. Asset Sale - (the most common type) Sell-
Here, an organization provides the tools ing ownership rights to a physical good.
needed for the customers to serve them- e.g. Wal-Mart
selves easily and eectively.
Usage Fee - Money generated from the
Automated Services: A system similar
use of a particular service e.g. UPS
to self-service but more personalized as
it has the ability to identify individual Subscription Fees - Revenue generated by
customers and his/her preferences. An selling a continuous service. e.g. Netix
example of this would be Amazon.com Lending/Leasing/Renting - Giving exclu-
making book suggestion based on the sive right to an asset for a particular pe-
characteristics of the previous book pur- riod of time. e.g. Leasing a Car
chased. Licensing - Revenue generated from
Communities: Creating a community al- charging for the use of a protected intel-
lows for a direct interaction among dif- lectual property.

Brokerage Fees - Revenue generated [3] Business Model Generation, A. Osterwalder, Yves
from an intermediate service between 2 Pigneur, Alan Smith, and 470 practitioners from 45 coun-
parties. e.g. Broker selling a house for tries, self published, 2010
commission [4] The Business Model Canvas nonlinearthink-
Advertising - Revenue generated from ing.typepad.com, July 05, 2008. Accessed Feb 25,
charging fees for product advertising. 2010.

[5] Alexander Osterwalder (2004). The Business Model On-

tology - A Proposition In A Design Science Approach. PhD
2 Application thesis University of Lausanne.

The Business Model Canvas can be printed out on a large [6] How to create your Lean Canvas (PDF). LeanStack.
surface so groups of people can jointly start sketching January 2014. Retrieved January 2014.
and discussing business model elements with post-it note [7] Business Models: Do the right thing
notes or board markers. It is a hands-on tool that fosters
understanding, discussion, creativity, and analysis.[7] [8] Business Model Canvas for User Experience

The Business Model Canvas is also available in web-based [9] Lean Model Canvas vs. Business Model Canvas
software format.

2.1 Alternative forms

5 Further reading

The Business Model Canvas has been used and adapted 2010. Business Model Generation, A. Osterwalder,
to suit specic business scenarios and applications.[8][9] Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith, and 470 practitioners
Examples include: from 45 countries, Wiley published.

Product-market t
6 External links
Supply chain
Cash ow Media related to Business Model Canvas at Wiki-
media Commons
Mapping Business Models (a Knowledge Game)
3 See also
Alexander Osterwalder: The Business Model Can-
Business process modeling vas, a 3-minute video introduction to the Business
Model Canvas, 6 February 2012
Business plan
Alexander Osterwalder: Tools for Business Model
Business reference model
Generation, a 53-minute video discussing the Busi-
Product/market t ness Model Canvas in detail. Stanford Entrepreneur-
ship Corner, 26 January 2012

Business Model Fiddle, an online tool for creating

4 References and sharing business models. Includes templates for
the Business Model Canvas as well as other canvas
[1] Barquet, Ana Paula B., et al. Business model ele- types.
ments for product-service system. Functional Thinking
for Value Creation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. Business Model Canvas Explained (video)
332-337: They stated that The Canvas business model
was applied and tested in many organizations (eg IBM and Quora: What should everyone know about the Busi-
Ericsson), being successfully used to easily describe and ness Model Canvas?
manipulate business models to create new strategic alter-
natives. The Canvas Kit for Nonprots, a step-by-step pro-
cess to prototype revenue models
[2] De Reuver, Mark, Harry Bouwman, and Timber Haaker.
Business model roadmapping: A practical approach to
come from an existing to a desired business model. Inter-
national Journal of Innovation Management 17.01 (2013):
They describe the business model canvas as the Most
prominent.. popular tool that makes it simple for prac-
titioners to design business models in a creative session.

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

7.1 Text
Business Model Canvas Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Model_Canvas?oldid=665877515 Contributors: Ehn, Jukeboksi,
Mdd, Aosterwalder, Bhny, Mu li, Profgarrett, Michaeldsuarez, JeeryTo, XLinkBot, Addbot, MrOllie, Knguyeniii, Yobot, Xqbot, Omni-
paedista, MuedThud, FrescoBot, PeterEastern, EagleEye96, Dorecchio, HRoestBot, RedBot, Edwod2001, Dewritech, Markvonrosing,
ZroBot, Helpful Pixie Bot, BG19bot, AshleyR9, Varayuth Angel, Wbstudent509, Randcarrasco, Zabolzadeh, SprinterBot, Irene31, Ijon-
TichyIjonTichy, Smu edu, Captain Conundrum, Digitalbmw, Kidman&Nicholson, DLougheed, KH-1, Brad cho, Reqmaster and Anony-
mous: 19

7.2 Images
File:Ambox_important.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Ambox_important.svg License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work, based o of Image:Ambox scales.svg Original artist: Dsmurat (talk contribs)
File:Business_Model_Canvas.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Business_Model_Canvas.png Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 1.0 Contributors: http://www.businessmodelalchemist.com/tools Original artist: Business Model Alchemist
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/Question_book-new.svg License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:

7.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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