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Date: February t0,2Ot7

Corporate Relations Department,
Bombay Stock Exchange,
PJ Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai- 400001,
Maharashtra, India.

Subject: Outcome of Board Meeting dated February L0,2O!7

Reference: Scrip Code: 535566
Meeting Commencement Time: 2:00 pm
Meeting Conclusion Time: 5:05 pm

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above captioned subject, we would like to inform you that at the
Board meeting held today (Friday, FebruarV L0, 20L71, the Board has inter-alia, considered,
approved and taken on record the unaudited financial results of the Company for the
quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2016.

Accordingly, we are attaching herewith copy of approved unaudited financial results along
with the Limited Review Report issued by the Statutory Auditors of the Company for the
quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2016.

Please take the same into your records.

Thanking You,

For KIFS Financial Services Limited

rgesh D. Soni
(Company Secretary)

Encl.: As above

Regd. & Corporate Office : 8-81, Pariseema Complex, C.G. Road, Ellisbridge, Ah meda bad - 380006, Gujarat, India. CIN:167990cj1995P1C025234
Tel. : +91 79 40038634, 40048634, 30000320 / 21 . .
Fax : +91 79 26403111 Email I cs@kifs.co.in


Quartr:ndad 9 Months Endd

Partlcula.l 31-Dec-16 30.sep.15 31.Dec-15 31.oec-16 31-Oc-15 31.MaF16

1 Incom lfom Oprallons

(alcross sales/ incom nom ope.ations 143.45 185.32 184.99 541.56 554.38 7!4.47
lb) Other ope.atinR i.come
Iotel income trom oper.tlont 143./16 185.32 1E4.99 541.55 554.3E 711.41
(a) Employee benefls xpense ?.14 7.SO 8.95 23,47 23.69 34.66
(b) Depreciation and amortisataon erpense 3.74 0.0s 1r.23 0-16 4.15
(c) lesal & professional fees 1.27 8.25 1.35
(d)Annualsubscription 0.11 1.83 3.43 3 0:l 1.03
(e)llstint fees 2.29 2.2s
(0 Preliminary expenses written off 0.43 o.42 1.28 1.70
(g) Bad debts expense 37.12
(h) ErcBe duty (,Pr{ide.)
Iil OtherexDenses ,.o, ,.0, t-n, q.sa 10 6!
20.25 18.24 14.01 59.94 39.77 95.12
3 /
Profit {lo.r) Irom oper.tlons beforc oth.r Income, flnan. .ost5 and 123,21 167.08 170.9E 4a\62 51{.51 519.35
lxceptlonal ltem3 (t -21
0.09 0.25 0.13
Protil / (lorrltrom ordlnary actlvltle5 beio.a llnanc. costr and exceptlona 123,21 157.08 L71.O7 441.62 514.86 619.4E
iims {3+41
6 90.80 85.54 75.19 lEE.EI 216.09 794.70
Prolit / (Lorsl from o.dlnary acttuitls aftr tin.nc. co$5 but belore 32.41 81.54 95.88 292,4L 298.77 424.7a
uceptlon.l llems {5-6)
9 Proflt / lLors) frolrt o.dln.ry .ctlvilles lefo't a.x {r{} 32.41 8!.54 95,84 292.81 294.n 424.78
10 10.36 26.59 31.11 93.58 96.94 142.70
11 Net Prolit / (loicl trom ordlna.v adlvltlet .ft.t t x 19.101 54-95 u.77 r99,23 201,8i1 2a2.58
72 E!lraordina.v itms Inet of tax xoense)
13 t ?.ofit / llossltor th prlod (11-121 22,O5 54.95 64.71 199.23 201,83 282.@
14 Paid'upequityshirecapital lficevalueof r0l-pershare)
Rs. 1,081.80 1,081.80 1,081.80 1,081.80 1,081.80 1,081.80
Reserve excludine revaluation resrves as per balance sheet of previous

l6 Earnings per share (bIore and after xtra ordinary items) of Rs. 10/- per
share (not annualired)
(a) Basic 0.20 0.51 0.60 1.84 r.87 2.51
(b) Diluted 0,20 0.51 0.60 LU 1.87

1. The Company is entaged in the sinSle seSment of finance, hene declararion of segment wire resultr is not applicable to it.
2. The above financialresults have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved and taken on record bythe Soard of Dkectors in theh metinSs held on tebruary

3. figures for the previous periods are re-clas9ified / re-arr.n8ed /re-grouped, wherever necessary to correspond with the curent peraod! classificrtion / disclosure,

4. The Company does not have any exceptional/ etra'ordinary item to report and theCompany beinS an NBFC, e,(cise duty related provisionsare nor applicableto it.

5. The Statutory Audito15 of the Comp.nV have caried out limited review of the above unaudited financialresults-

On behalf of Eoard ofDiredors,

for KIFS tinanclal Seryices limited
9; " L*---:-r.*-
Rajesh P. Khandwala
(Managing Director)

Ahmedabad, February 10, 2017

Regd. & Corporate Office: B El, Pariseema Comp ex, C G. Road, Ellisbr dge, Ahmed.rbad 380006, Gujarar, nd a. . C N : L6799oc)1 995PLCA25234
tel.:+91 79 40038634, 40048634, 10000320 / 21 . Fax. +91 19 26403117 . Ema | :cs@kifs.co. n
412, 4th Floor, Ashwamegh Avenue,
SHAILESH C. PARIKH & CO. Mayur Colony, Nr- Mithakhali Circle.
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009.
Ph : (0) 2640 8930
Tele Fax : 91 - 079 -2642 1975
M 98250 35883
email : parikhshah4l 2@Yahoo.com

Limited Review Report

The Board of Directors,
lWs. KIFS Financial Services Limited,
B-81, Pariseema Complex, C. G. Road, Ellisbridge,
Ahmedabad - 380006, Gujarat, India.

we have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of lws.

KIFS Financial Services Limited for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31,
2016. This statement is the responsibility of the Company,s Management and has been
approved by the Board of Directors. our responsibility is to issue a report on these
financial statements based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE)
2400, Engagements to Review Financial statements issued by the Institute of chartered
Accountants oflndia. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain
moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and
analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an
audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us
to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in
accordance with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting
practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms
of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 including the maffrer in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains
any material misstatement.

For M/s. Shailesh Parikh & Co.,

Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No.: 109858W

Shailesh C. Parikh
Membership No.: 039254

Ahmedabad, February 10, 2017

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