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Quality vitamins,
Mastery of the Emotions
natural remedies Bringing the Understanding of Emotions out of the Dark Ages

Big savings on By Gail E. Steuart and Barry Blumstein
jewelry and gifts. Our understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages. This has its analogy to the time when people's understanding of our Solar
System was based upon the belief that the Sun revolves around the Earth, as it certainly appears that way-however, just the reverse is true. The problem
Alternative was, as long as we believed the Sun went around the Earth, we were limited as to how far we could go in the Solar System.
Stress We find the same condition existing today in regard to the Emotional System. Society believes that our emotional feelings are a result of our experiences in
Management our environment. In essence: something happened and it made me feel the way I do. This belief, as it is certainly the way it appears, is just the reverse of
how it really works.
To know the proof of this is to remember the science experiment where you connected the two ends of a wire to the terminals of a dry cell battery. When an
Preferred electrical charge flowed through the wire a magnetic field was created around the wire. This was demonstrated by the pattern of the iron filings. The nature of
Providers any object with a magnetic field around it is to attract to it over a distance of space another object with a similar magnetic field around it.
Holistic Living
What happens to us when we embrace an emotional feeling is that our brain converts it into an electrical energy charge, as the fluid around the brain
Alternative conducts electricity. This electrical charge then flows through and impacts our body by means of the central nervous system. We can often "feel the
Therapies charge" in our body associated with the experience of emotions. As this occurs an electromagnetic field is generated around our body that attracts to us
Acupuncture another person who has an identical electromagnetic field around their body, created by the same emotional feeling in their heart.
For example, if we view the woman who drowned her two children with anger we will then encounter someone, perhaps while driving, who will express their
Ayurveda anger towards us. We might think, "What did I do to deserve that?" Now we know.
The emotional feeling really came first, and it resulted in a corresponding condition subsequently occurring in our body and our environment!
Because society has the understanding of this relationship reversed, we have not been able to make much progress in the emotional area. Let's face it,
Herbal Medicine although this age reflects great advancements in technology, the feelings in the hearts of men and women are still plagued by darkness. We need only to
Homeopathy look at the world around us.
Humor Therapy Believing that something or someone made us feel the way we do gives rise to the concept of victimization. To see ourselves as victims places the
Hydrotherapy responsibility for our feelings on someone or something other than us. The underlying problem that exists when we adopt the view that we are not
Imagery responsible for creating our feelings is that we are also not able to change them.

Light Therapy This dilemma we now experience greatly impacts the quality of our lives. Although we may externally be struggling with different situations and individuals,
Massage the emotional feelings associated with these struggles are always the same--frustration, resentment, anger, fear, etc., etc., etc. The problems in our lives
make us feel as if we have fallen into quicksand, gotten stuck, and the only way we know to extricate ourselves is to struggle to get out. What we find is
that the more we struggle to get out, the deeper in we sink.
Nutrition This predicament is exemplified by compulsive behavior. The things we do that we desire to no longer do constitute our compulsive behavior. The
characteristic of compulsive behavior is that it is reactive in nature. In other words, we do it before we are consciously aware that we have done it. Since we
Prayer/ Spiritual do not like it, we get down on ourselves for having done it again. This only serves to fuel and increase the intensity of what we did not like so that it now
Reiki becomes a stronger force within us, compelling us even more to do it the next time. Then we get down on ourselves even more--feeding more energy into it
Shiatsu so that it comes back stronger the next time The more we struggle to get out, the deeper in we sink.

Yoga Our understanding is based upon a simple rule: there is an inverse relationship between struggling with a problem and understanding the problem. To now
FAQ (Health) understand how the emotional system really works allows us to resolve our problems in much less time and with much less struggle.
To be in our world today is akin to suffering from amnesia, as we have forgotten who we truly are. Once we again know who we are and understand the
Register process we utilized to get stuck, we can then reverse the process. This understanding is the key to unlocking the emotional doorway to enter into the
Media Kingdom of Heavenly Feelings within us, the creation of happiness in life that we deserve to experience.

See Also:

A Healthy Start to a Healthy Year

The evolving field of psycho-neuroimmunology, or the study of the mind-body connection - often considered fringe beliefs - could help you keep your
resolutions. This intriguing subject of scientific inquiry is still shrouded in mystery.

Copyright 1999, 2001 Gail E. Steuart & Barry Blumstein

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