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A. Background of Research

The increasing of academic dishonesty now days can be signalized as the

fact that the degradation in educations quality especially in Indonesia is quite

apprehensive. It can be looked from the case of academic violations which

happen, start from smallest academic violation until higher academic violation

that cause abrogation of academic degree until jail penalty for who made that

case. One of them is plagiarism, which becomes part of academic dishonesty.

Commonly, plagiarism is taking identically another persons word,

sentences, idea or concept on anything forms, deliberately or accidentally by

somebody and acknowledged it as their own. In academic community,

plagiarism always happens in a form of written work of the students or tutors. It

is not easy to differentiate an academic work which plagiarism or non-

plagiarism, although we understand the way of writing. Because sometimes

plagiarize happens accidentally. According to Wray and Bloomer (2006) as cited

in Nurhayati and Sungkar (2009) claim that there are two forms of plagiarism,

they are deliberate plagiarism and accidental plagiarism.

The phenomena of plagiarism among students are very difficult to be

proven. It needs scientific research to identify this phenomenon. In the other

place actually many scientific research has been conducted to identify plagiarism

of what its background and how it works. In Indonesia from the sector of

education, plagiarism has been a serious problem. There are many students that

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)1
had been caught as plagiarist in their academic work. In State Universities of

Yogyarkarta, for example, some researches had been done to identify the forms

of plagiarism on students thesis. Suwarjo, et al. (2012) in their research found

that, there are

1.260 thesis of graduated students at education faculty of State University of

Yogyakarta in the period of 2010-2011 identified as plagiarism.

Plagiarism is very harm. It is a kind of violation of intellectual property.

One who made this case will be given some penalties. According to the

regulation of Education Ministry of Indonesia number 17, 2010 about plagiarism

claims that there are several penalties that will be given for the plagiarist such as

a warning for the light penalty until abrogation of academic degree for the

serious penalty.

In relation to the case of plagiarism, Satanto. L, et al (2007) noted that

plagiarism always occurs in the form of quotation, paraphrase (p.4), and

citation (p.51). It also supported by Murray. N and Hughes. G (2008) who state

that failing to write citation is also kind of plagiarism (p. 47). This theoretical

basis can show that citation is extra ordinary important in writing academic

work. Again and again if the writer has failing to do this, he or she may

considered as plagiarist, whereas still much more students who didnt know how

citation works.

Based on writers personally experience in class situation for almost four

years, encountered therere many plagiarism actions which happen among

students especially while doing their academic work. For example, when the

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)2
students get an academic work for doing a paper, they try to find out the

information from any source (printed or digital source). Many of them use

facility like internet to find out appropriate information. But unfortunately, this

information is used by the students as the answer of their academic work. They

just copy-paste the appropriate information without attribute the sources

appropriately and acknowledge it as their original work.

Being aware of this case the writer had tried to discuss plagiarism with

some students in the English education study program at Dayanu Ikhsanunddin

University and encountered that many of them didnt really know about

plagiarism and not realized that they had plagiarized while doing academic

work. It can be assumed that this happen because lack of information of

plagiarism in

this institution.

Thinking about the reasons above, leads the writer to assume that students

at Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University especially in the English education study

program are lacking of understanding in the case of plagiarism and lack of skill

of how to write citation. In the other word, students in writing academic work

may indicate to plagiarize.

On writers pre-observation at the library of Dayanu Ikhsanudin

University, encountered that therere thesis which estimated plagiarize. The

writer looked the content of the thesis, especially on writing citation that were

used. The thesis has failed to use quotation mark. It is probably will increase

because we merely scan the content of the thesis without analysed types of

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)3
unintentional plagiarism occurred. Therefore, it is identified that study the types

of unintentional plagiarism in writing academic work is challenging.

Consequently, in this research the writer desires to prepare a study on identifying

types of unintentional plagiarism in writing academic work.

B. Focus and Sub Focuses

From the explanation on the background above, the focus of this research

Unintentional plagiarism within the content of academic work (thesis).

This focus can be specified into sub focuses:

a. Improperly Citation;

b. Improperly quotation; and

c. Improperly paraphrasing.

C. Statement of Problem

The main problem of this research is: How is unintentional plagiarism

within the content of academic work?

This problem can be specified into three specific problems, as follow:

a. How is the improperly paraphrasing occurs within the content of

academic work?

b. How is the improperly quotation occurs within the content of academic


c. How is the improperly citation occurs within the content of academic


Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)4
D. Research Significant

The signification of the research as follow:

1. Theoretically: the significance of this research are: (a) To inform and

to show to the lecturer about how does plagiarism occur within the

content of academic work (b) showing and warning to the students

about unintentional plagiarism which possibly occurred within the

content of academic work (c) As one valued information for further

Researcher on preparing their research thesis.

2. Practically; it is expected that the findings of this research will become

a critic and positive contribution for department to improve the quality

of students in English Education study program of Dayanu



Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)5

A. Definition of Plagiarism

Many surveys have been carried on investigating the case of plagiarism.

The complexity of this case has led many researchers find out plagiarism on how

it works, why does it happen and how to overcome. Actually plagiarism is not

the present issues, it has been arisen many years ago. Many of theory about

plagiarism had stated by the experts. The term of plagiarism actually derived

from the Latin word plagiarius which is mean kidnapper or someone who

steals someones work (Wikipedia, 2013). Some opinions stated plagiarism is a

kind of violation of taking, citing, or paraphrasing anothers idea without

acknowledging the source properly in any submitted work.

Recently Council of Writing Program Administrators (2003) has also

defined plagiarism as using someone else language, original work or idea

deliberately without acknowledging its source. Acknowledgement is really

sensitive while somebody uses somebody else idea. It may be identified as

plagiarism when it occurs without quotation mark or not properly in the citation.

Further, Thody (2006) claims that Plagiarsim is passing off as ones own the

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)6
words or ideas of someone else or using someone elses work without crediting

the original source (p. 226).

Wood (2004) as cited in Jones, Carl O et al., (2008) states that Plagiarism:

A student incorporates another persons or body work by unacknowledged

quotation, paraphrase, imitation or other device in any work submitted for

assessment in a way that suggests that it is the students original work.

In relation with the definitions of plagiarism above, the Ministry of

Education in Indonesia defines plagiarism:

Plagiat adalah perbuatan secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja dalam

memperoleh atau mencoba memperoleh kredit atau nilai untuk suatu karya
ilmiah, dengan mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya dan/atau karya
ilmiah pihak lain yang diakui sebagai karya ilmiahnya, tanpa menyatakan
sumber secara tepat dan memadai (Permendiknas No. 17 tahun 2010,
Pasal 1 Ayat 1).

Base on the opinions above, it can be concluded that plagiarism is

incorporating somebodys work (word, sentence, or idea) in the form of wrong

quotation or close paraphrase, which is done intentional or unintentional by

unacknowledged the source sufficiently.

B. Plagiarism on Academic Point of View

Plagiarism on academic point of view is plagiarism which occurred in the

academic place, formal or informal. It can be done by students, lecturers or even

professor and considered as academic dishonesty. As the actor of academia,

students should be enhanced to develop their creativity, thorough academic work

which is given. Academic work such as paper has to be submitted originally as

their original work. Original work not only means that overall should be from
Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)7
students idea but also another persons idea may also be used to support

students argument but should be acknowledged the source sufficiently.

Incorporating another persons idea is called citing. Citing means

acknowledging clearly the sources of any ideas you use in your writing which

are not your own. Plagiarism is when writers fail to do this (Murray & Hughes,

2008, p. 67). Therefor when students has faling to write citation, their work may

be indicated as product of plagiarism or commit academic plagiarism.

There are several types which can be reference to decide plagiarism in

writing academic work. The types had been discussed by Howard (2001) as cited

in Arbib & Yaari (2004, p. 2) as follow:

Four types of academic plagiarism:(a) submission of a paper that was

written by other student; (b) patch writing copying sentences from a
source and mixing them with your own words without attribution; (c)
failure to cite sources, and; (d) failure to use quotation marks.

Adingingrum (n.d) discuses four shapes of academic plagiarism which is

usually practiced by students in university they are plagiarism of writing style,

plagiarism of internet, plagiarism of thesis and plagiarism of data. Plagiarism of

writing style means that the student quotes another persons idea from any

source without paraphrasing and referencing and without citting the source,

while internet is used as the source for gathering appropriate information to

support them to finish their work. But in practical plagiarism of internet occurs

when the students write parts of body work or even copy-paste totally the

information from the internet without source attribution and print it out directly

and submit it as their original work. Then, plagiarism of thesis occurs while

students start to arrange the thesis as the final work in the university. On this
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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)8
way, students is gathering appropriate thesis which has been made by the last

student then rewrite smallest part or even rewrite totally by changing the place,

time and data and acknowledge the thesis as their original work. But sometimes

students pay somebody to write the thesis. Then, plagiarism of data means that

students propose or incorporate the fake data or picture into their work.

Base on the theories above it can be concluded that plagiarism can be in

the several forms and types which is always done by the actor of academia

which include students, lecturer, or even professor and considered as plagiarist if

they incorporate another persons idea on their academic work without giving

good acknowledgement to the owners or they write the citation inaccurately and

considered they are not giving enough information of the sources.

C. Common Types of Plagiarism

Sudigdo (2007) as cited in Suwarjo, et al (2012, p. 6) defines plagiarism

into four categories. (1) Plagiarize based on the aspect which is cheated, they are

plagiarism of idea, plagiarism of content, plagiarism of authorship and totally

plagiarism; (2) based on proportion which is cheated, they are light (30%),

medium (30%- 70%) and serious (70% >); (3) based on the pattern of

plagiarism, they are word for word plagiarising, mosaic plagiarism and self

plagiarism; (4) based on its intentional, they are intentional and unintentional.

Lako (2012) a professor of economy and business faculty University of

Unika Soegijapranata in his online article entitled "academic plagiarism" writes

at least four types of academic plagiarism which made by the student: (1) totally

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)9
plagiarism is cheating or to steal other people's work and acknowledge it as

his/her original work. Further he explains that this type of plagiarism is done in

the way that the plagiarist took people's work and then changing the name, title

and some keywords; (2) partial plagiarism is plagiarism which is done by taking

some parts of body work of others people in the form of theoretical basis,

conclusion, discussion or methods and incorporate them into the thesis without

citing its source; (3) self plagiarism is taking his/her work from any source

which has been published by unacknowledged its source; (4) inter-language

plagiarism is plagiarism which is done by taking part or all of the foreign

-language scientific papers written by others and then translated it into language

of plagiarist.

Ireton (n.d) classifies more specific into five criteria of academic

plagiarism, they are (1) plagiarism of the word is using another person's exact

words without acknowledging the source properly; (2) plagiarism of structure is

using another person's words and modifying the structure by change the amount

of words even if has cited the source (without quotation marks); (3) plagiarism

of ideas is paraphrasing another person's ideas without acknowledging the

source; (4) plagiarism of authorship is gathering replica of another persons work

which is retrieved from the internet or friend with the aims to re-changed the

name by his/ her own name; (5) self plagiarism is using the previous academic

work for a separate assignment.

Wray and Bloomer (2006, p. 237) as cited in Nurhayati, et al., (2009) have

discussed plagiarism occur when somebody uses another person's words, ideas

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)10
and pretended it as his/her own idea. Furthermore, Wray and Bloomer also noted

that there are two kinds of plagiarism, they are deliberate plagiarism which

occur when somebody uses another person work intentionally and pretend it as

his / her original work. Asking or even paying somebody else to write an

academic work and pretend it as the asker's or buyers work is actually one of

this form. Secondly, accidental plagiarism which Occurs when a writer is not

realize had done plagiarism . This happens when somebody have lack of

understanding of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. The type of plagiarism

like this always occur when the writer forget to give quotation mark into another

persons idea which has been taken and also forget to write its source into


D. Unintentional Plagiarism and Its Forms

Plagiarism often occurs when the writer forgets or not properly to

acknowledge ideas, or expression of another person that has been borrowed. It

may be happen when the writer Do not keep precise records of their reading

(MLA, 2009, p. 55) and direct to use the quoted material into their work paper.

Continuously McLeod as cited in Wells (1993, p. 60) discusses unintentional

plagiarism as The problem of unacknowledged quotations. Poor understanding

of documentation strategy and information of plagiarism may become the factors

of committing plagiarism. However, students on writing scientific paper must be

able to use another person word to support their arguments but should be

underlines that it is not pretending as their own. MLA (2009) claims ....material

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)11
you borrow must not be presented as if it were your own creation (p.55).

Students exceeding this may be indicated as plagiarist. It becomes a dilemma

whereas still much more students are unknown how to use another persons idea


Unintentional Plagiarism also supported by Pickard (1995) as quoted by

Satanto. L, et al (2007, p. 67) who shows the attitudes of the students toward

plagiarism as follow:

Plagiarism in student writing is often unintentional, as when an elementary

school pupil, assigned to do a report on a certain topic, goes home and
copies down, word for word, everything on the subject in an encyclopedia.
Unfortunately, some students continue to use such research methods in
high school and even in college without realizing that these practice
constitute plagiarism.

MLA (2009, p. 55) explains that, unintentional plagiarism occurs when: (1)

writer is poorly marked or unmarked of paraphrasing from the idea that has been

borrowed; (2) writer is presenting another persons exact word without Marking

it as quotation although has cited the source; and (3) when the writer is

borrowing flow of idea of others (the structural of sentences) in a Second

language on aiming to avoid Grammatical errors.

Creme and Mary on their book entitiled Writing at University: a guid for

students (2008, p. 119) claims that plagiarism include:

a) using a direct quote without making the source clear; (b) paraphrasing or
Summarizing what you have read and not indicating the citation to the
original source of your ideas; c) cutting from a source document and
pasting it into your own work without making citation to the original
source; d) changing a few words around in the original source and then
using it in your work without indicating where the idea came from.

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)12
In relation with that, a web page of Brunel University and Duke

University, and also quoted by Enger and MaryPull (2011) give the examples of

unintentional plagiarism, they are: failing to use quotation mark around of exact

text in the form of direct quotation even if cited the source; acknowledging a

source into reference list but not encountered it in the text citation; editing by

following the structure of the sentences by unacknowledged the source; failing

to cite a source which is not common knowledge; failing to put your own word

paraphrase or summary (close paraphrase) even if cited the source, forget to cite

the source; and citation incorrectly.

Based on above opinions it can be grouped that unintentional plagiarism

can be in the form of: paraphrasing improperly, quotation improperly and

citation improperly (adapted from MLA as cited in Ireton, n.d).

E. Writing Citation

The use of previous ideas of other people especially in writing academic

work is really important. It should be used to support the writers idea in order to

make the work more credible. It is a fundamental thing that another persons

ideas should be prepared and incorporated by the writer in order to make their

work has the basis. Satanto. L, et al (2007, p.51) claims that writer in writing a

work should be based on Previous ideas of other people, so it cant be

Avoided to cite and incorporate them to the content of the work itself.

Incorporating another persons ideas is called citation. Wikipedia, the free

encyclopedia (2006) as cited in Satanto. L, et al (2007, p.6) writes:

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)13
A citation or bibliographic citation is a reference to a book, article, web
page, or other published item, with sufficient details to uniquely the item.
The word citation may be used of the act of citing a work as well as to
reference itself. Citation may be made in the body of text parenthetical
citations, in footnotes at the bottom of pages, or in endnotes at the end of
the document. They are generally also listed in a works cited page or
section also called the bibliography, source list, or list of reference.
The above quotation explains the element of citation include Text

parenthetical citations, Footnotes, and Endnotes which always called

bibliography or reference list. These elements have particular rules which refer

to documentation style that should be followed by the writer. Documentation

styles that can be referred are International style manual, e.g. APA, MLA,

Harvard, Chicago, etc.

Continuously Satanto. L, et al. (2007) explains that parenthetical citation or

in-text citation should be occurred in the body of the text and should be written

appropriately. It is really important, because it will refer to the full information

of the material that written to the reference list in the end of the writing. He also

claims that in-text citation are not complete without the presence of reference

list (p.53).

Franklin University Student Learning Center (2005) as also quoted by

Satanto. L, et al (2007, pp.55-56) demonstrates the important of citation in

academic writing as follow:

Though weve discussed the practical reason that correct citation is

important to avoid a charge of plagiarism, the real purpose of citing
sources is to give readers the information they need to locate the various
sources the writer uses in a paper. Knowing the source of information can
help fellow students or instructors engage in a conversation with the writer
about the validity of sources, or it may point the way for others to take
advantage of information they hadnt encountered before. Acknowledging
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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)14
the work of others has even more pertinence in the business world, where
using the work of others without giving credit can result in consequences
much more serious than academic discipline.
Based on above quotation it is clear that, the one who writes citation

incorrectly, he or she may be considered as plagiarist. In other words their work

will be considered as the product of plagiarism.

1. Citation Practice in APA style

The elements of direct quotation can be practiced with the

adding of the name of cited author, quotation mark () which

means it is a direct quotation, the year of publication and the number

of the page which shows the location of the cited ideas. It can be found

in the following example:

Murray and Hughes (2008, p. 67) states Citing means

acknowledging clearly the sources of any ideas you use in
writing which are not your own.
Murray and Hughes (2008) states that Citing means
acknowledging clearly the sources of any ideas you use in
your writing which are not your own. (p. 67)

While, the element of paraphrase is written by the same way as

well as direct quotation but without quotation mark and not followed

with the page number. It can be found in the following example:

Murray and Hughes (2008) explain that citing is

acknowledging another person idea by the clear source.

Then, the reference list or bibliography is written in the end of

writing and arranged alphabeticaly with the complete information of

the cited source, as follow:

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)15
Murray, Neil & Hughes, Geraldine. (2008). Writing up
University Assignment and Research Project: A practical
hand book. England: Open University Press.
The elements of above reference consist of:

The last name of the Authors. (if it a single author just mention

the name and if it more than two authors just mention the first

author by followed et al)

A comma

The first name of the author

A symbol of and (&) which means the material is written by

two authors.

The second author

A period

The bracket year

A period which followed by the title of the book in italic.

The place of publication followed by a colon

The name of the publisher

2. Citing from On-line Sources

According to Franklin University Student Learning Guide

(2005) as cited in Satanto. L, et al (2007) proposes that the URL 1 or

1 The uniform resource locator, abbreviated as URL (also known as web address, particularly when
used with HTTP), is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource. In most web
browsers, the URL of a web page is displayed on top inside an address bar. Uniform resource
locator. (2014, August 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:49, August 23, 2014,
from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Uniform_resource_locator&oldid=621191040

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)16
the address of the on-line source should not be place in the body of the

text (in-text citation) but only occurs in the reference list. It can be

changed by the name of the author. It means that On-line Sources is

written as well as printed source. But it might be an exception if the

writer put the URL in the footnote citation.

Bellow will be presented the examples of citing from on-line

source based on APA style, as follow:

1. Example of wrong citation:

Plagiarism of Authorship is Submitting a paper that you got
off the internet or from a friend and presenting it as your own.
%20Inf o/Plagiarism.ppt)

2. Example of correct citation:

Ireton (n.d.) claims that Plagiarism of Authorship is
Submitting a paper that you got off the internet or from a
friend and presenting it as your own.

In the example above the bracket (n.d.) is the acronym of no

date which meant the material that is cited has no date. This will refer

to the source of information in the reference list, as follow:

Ireton, T. (n.d.) The five types of plagiarism. Retrieved May 12, 2014,
from: http://www.centralia.edu/academics/writingcenter/Event
%20Inf o/Plagiarism.ppt

The writer should provide clearly information about the cited

source from the internet. Satanto. L, et al (2007) have suggested that

the information of the on-line source or electronic media source should

be provided as much as possible. The writer also should give accurate

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)17
information which includes: the name of the author of the website (if

available), the title, date of posted, the URL and the date of retrieval. If

the name of the author is not provided, it can be changed by the

beginning word of the article. Sometimes the URL is not included if

the article has DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

F. Writing Quotation

The principle of direct quotation especially in the body of the text is

marking the cited ideas of another person that used and acknowledging accurate

information about the source of the ideas e. g. the name of the author, year of

publication, and pages of located ideas. Bazerman. C (2004, p.88) claims Direct

quotation is usually identified by quotation marks, block indentation, italics, or

other typographic setting apart from the other words of the text. If the ideas or

expression of others occurs without any mark will be meant the expression is

written as the idea of the writer. It is kind of violation of the idea which means

that the writer is considered as plagiarist.

The following examples will show how direct quotation written in the

body of the text, as follow:

1. Quotation by four lines idea

Satanto. L, et al (2007) on his book entitled English for Academic

Purposes explains:

For the sake of our further study of citations, the term citation in
this unit will only refer to in-text citations should be presented
appropriately by consistently, such in-text citations should be

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Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)18
presented appropriately by consistently conforming to the citing
norms set by the authority. Yet, in academic writing, in-text
citations are not complete without the presence of a list of
references at the end of the essay or paper. To write citations in
your academic text, you must follow the documentation style set
by your faculty or department. If no choice is made by the
department, then you can choose one of the international style
manuals, e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard,etc. (p.53)

The above example means that, the citation is quoted from the

exact ideas of Satanto. L, which copies directly from his book. The

quotation should be written in the new line or new paragraph and

marked by different spacing. The symbol of (p. 55) is referred to the

page of ideas location which meant that the ideas can be relocated by

the reader easily when he or she reads the Satantos book.

2. Quotation by less than four lines of idea

Satanto L, et al (2007, p.53) suggests To write citations in your

academic text, you must follow the documentation style set by your

faculty or department.

On this case, the quotation is written together inside the writers

own word without marking them in the new paragraph. Nevertheless, it

should be marked by quotation mark ().

G. Writing Paraphrase

Paraphrase or indirect quotation is the second way to incorporate another

persons idea into the writing work. The difference between quotation and

paraphrase can be seen from how the writer presents the ideas. Quotation is
Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)19
presenting another person works while, paraphrasing is presenting another

person idea by different words and structure that reflected to the understanding

of the writer. Bazerman. C (2004, p88) states that paraphrase is reproduce

the meaning of the original but in words that reflect the authors understanding,

interpretation, or spin on the original.

The all quoted examples and its explanations below can show the

difference between acceptable paraphrase and unacceptable paraphrase

(paraphrasing improperly) presented by guidelines from The University of

British Columbia

(1999) as cited by Satanto. L, et al (2007, p. 63):

1. Original version:

The starting point for the Clinton administrations review of policy

toward the Ukraine was the Lisbon Protocol, which required that
Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakstan eliminate all the nuclear weapons
located on their territories (Goodby, 1998: 78).

2. Example of plagiarized version (improperly paraphrasing):

Clinton began his review of policy with the Lisbon Protocol,

which made three former Soviet Republics destroy the nuclear
weapons in their powers.
This version is unacceptable because there are distinctive words and
aspects of structure which are borrowed without quotation marks, such
as review of policy and which the nuclear weapons In the
clause which powers, the structure is exactly the same as which
territories. Moreover, the source (Goodby, 1998: 78) in not cited.

3. Example of acceptable paraphrase:

When the Clinton administration came into power, it was

necessary to perform a review of policy (Goodby, 1998: 78)
regarding Ukraine and two other surrounding countries, Belarus

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)20
and Kazakstan, of their nuclear weapons. This was part of what
was known as the Lisbon Protocol.
The words of review of policy in the above paraphrase are put in
quotation marks because they are distinctive (the cited authors
specific words). The phrase nuclear weapon is used without quotation
marks because it is a common phrase, and the structure of the sentence
is different from the original version.

H. Identifying Plagiarism

UCL Plagiarism Advice as cited in Petunjuk Teknis Pencegahan Plagiat of

Education University of Indonesia (n.d.) gives some advice to detect plagiarism

in writing academic work, as follow:

1. There are some different internals within the content such as writing

style, spelling, punctuations, the using of font, italic, language,

grammar and structure of the sentence.

2. The quality of submitted work is different as usual.

3. There are several parts which not synchronize. For example: in any

part is used format of APA and in the other part is used format of


4. There are hiding sources which should be appeared but not appear.

5. There are sentences which is not supported each other.

6. Reference is not sufficient

I. Factors of plagiarism

The improvement of information through printed or digital source

contributes more significant to the increasing of academic process. Students

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)21
while doing their academic work are easily to get more information especially

thorough internet access. It can contribute to the effectiveness on finishing their

academic work. In this circumstance, the possibility of student to plagiarize is

getting bigger. Moreover, lack of information of plagiarism among students may

contribute to the possibility of plagiarism occurred on their academic work.

Basically there are two factors that cause students to commit plagiarism

they are internal factors and external factors. As mentioned by Comas and

Sureda (2008, p.3) that students commit plagiarism factor can be caused due to

two reasons, namely 'Intrasystem factor' and Extrasystem factor 2 .

Intrasystem factor includes:

1. Lack of relationship between lecture and students;

2. Lack of understanding of writing reference;

3. Lack of understanding of the subjects which is studied;

4. Lot of the subjects which programmed;

5. Unable to manage time well;

6. Lack of understanding of the task which is given;

7. There is not clear rule about plagiarism;

8. Behaviour of consumerism of the students;

9. Efforts in the field of life economics students ( student work );

10. Easy to plagiarize through ICT;

2 The explanation is paraphrased by the writer and presented point per point as
like Comas and Sureda have written on their journal entitled Academic Cyber

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)22
11. Lack of cooperation and coordination between students and the

teaching team;

12. Lack of understanding of plagiarism.

While extrasystem factor include:

1. Assumption in the community that the Internet and all the content

belong to everyone and can be used freely.

2. Social model ( relating to culture ).

3. Factor associated with the generation of "video clip" (culture mimics)

which done all the things that instantly causes a decrease in the depth

of thinking .

4. Number of examples of social daily life that show bad behaviour.

On the other hand Simkin and Leod (2009) in the journal of business ethic

entitled "Why do college students cheat" doing research on the culture of

cheating against students who work and who do not work. They found that

students who work are more likely to commit acts of cheating than the students

who not work. In spite of that, they found that willing to go ahead and unwilling

to failure become the fundamental reasons of why do students cheat.

G. Citation Format

Citation or Referencing is a way to write other people's ideas or theories of

the sources that have taken. "Referencing is a standardized way of

acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in your

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)23
assignments and roomates Allows the sources to be-identified" ( University of

Queensland , 2009). There are many citations style that can be used e.g. APA,

Harvard, MLA, Chicago etc. Both of APA and Harvard is always called Author

Date documentation which written by the same way.

This research will refer to APA and MLA referencing format to decide

incorrectly documentation strategy in order to decide unintentional plagiarism

occurs in writing academic work which is written by the students.

Below, will be presented the model of recomended reference format of

APA and MLA that has been quoted and adopted from Fowler (2003) on his

online article entitiled Avoiding Unintentional Plagiarism 3.

1. APA (American Psychological Association)

a. APA in-text citation example of direct quote:

Quotations must reproduce the original source word for word (Stern,
2007, p. 19).

b. APA in-text citation example of a paraphrased sentence:

Stern (2007) states if you use a direct quote in a paper, you must cite the
original work.

c. APA referrencing and citing example:

Reference by one Author

Doe, A. L. (2004). How to write your papers: Common styles.

Athens, OH: Free Press.

In-text citation

3 The materials are allowed to be quoted for academic purposes

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)24
Doe (2004) indicates that students do not know how to use APA style

Reference by two author or more:

Doe, A. L., & Smith, J. K. (2005). Why do we have to use APA style
when we write papers. Boston: Open Press.

In-text citation
Doe and Smith (2005) report that few students use APA style
correctly when they write their papers.


Only a few students use APA style correctly when they write their
papers (Doe & Smith,2005).

Reference by three authors or more:

Doe, A. L., Calm, S. A., & Smith, J. K. (2005). Why do we have to

use APA style when we write papers. Boston: Open Press.

In-Text Citation for this reference first time

Doe, Calm and Smith (2005) report that few students use APA style
correctly when they write their papers. Or

Only a few students use APA style correctly when they write
their papers (Doe, Calm & Smith, 2005).
In-Text Citation for this reference after first time

Doe, et al. (2005) reported that few students use APA style correctly
when they. Or

Only a few students use APA style correctly when they write their
papers (Doe, et al., 2005).

Reference of journal Article by one author:

Doe, A. L. (2005). How to use APA style correctly in your paper.

Writing Style for All, 8, 155-165.

In-Text Citation for this reference

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)25
Anderson (2007) states, All material taken directly from any other
document must be enclosed in quotation marks (p. 16).

A common practice and method for avoiding academic dishonesty is
that all material taken directly from any other document must be
enclosed in quotation marks (Anderson, 2007, p. 16).

Article in an Internet-only newsletter :

Smith, J. (2003, June). Why students need to know how to use APA
styleProject updated. Campus News, 4. Retrieved September
25, 2004, from
http://www.campuslife.net/20030605/newsletter/234g.html In-

text Citation for this reference:

Smith (2003) states that students often do not see the advantages to
citing sources.


Students do not realize the benefits of using citations (Smith, 2003,

p. 1) when they write.

2. MLA (Modern Language Association)

a. MLA in-text citation example of direct quote:

Quotations must reproduce the original source word for word (Stern 19).

b. MLA in-text citation example of paraphrase sentence:

Stern states if you use a direct quote in a paper, you must cite the original
work (19).

c. MLA referrencing and citing example:

Reference of book by one Author
Doe, Amy L. How to Write Your Papers: Common Styles. Boston:
Hocking, 2005.

In-text citation
Amy Doe indicates that students do not know how to use MLA style
correctly (45).

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)26
Students do not know how to use MLA style correctly (Doe 45).
Reference of book by two Author or more:
Doe, Amy L., and John Smith. Why Do We Have to Use MLA Style
When We Write Papers? New York: Open P, 2005.

In-text citation for this reference

Amy Doe and John Smith report that few students use MLA style
correctly when they write their papers (15).

Few students use APA style correctly when they write their papers
(Doe and Smith 15).

Reference of journal Article by one author:

Doe, Amy L. How to Use MLA Style Correctly in Your
Paper.Writing Style for All 8 (2005): 155-165.

In-Text Citation for this reference

Amy Doe states, All material taken directly from any other
document must be enclosed in quotation marks (16).

A common practice and method for avoiding academic dishonesty is
that all material taken directly from any other document must be
enclosed in quotation marks (Doe 156).

Article in an Internet-only newsletter :

Smith, John. Why Students Need to Know How to Use MLA

Style. Campus News on the Web 4 April 2003. 25 Sep.

. In-text Citation for this reference:

John Smith suggests that students do not understand the advantages

of using citations. Or

Students do not realize the benefits of using citations (Smith 5)

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)27

A. Research Method

This research was a qualitative research that in collecting, analyzing and

presenting the data were done objectively toward improperly citation, quotation

and paraphrasing within the students thesis of English education study program

of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University especially in the period of 2013. Therefore,

the method that applied in this research was case study.

B. Source of the Data

1. Primary Data

The primer data while conducting this research was document in the

form of academic work. In this case, academic work in this research was

only the thesis. Sugiono (2010) claims that Sumber primer adalah sumber

data yang langsung memberikan data kepada pengumpul data (p. 402).

The thesis that was taken on this research was the thesis of the last student

of the English education study program during the period of 2013 which

has been submitted at the library of Dayanu Ikhsanudin University. It was

encountered that there were 198 of thesis which has been submitted. The

reason on taking only the thesis in the period of 2013 was because the

aggregation of thesis in the form of CD (soft-file) had begun to be

submitted during the period of 2013. Soft-file of the thesis important on

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)28
this research because this research involved the internet as the seconder


2. Secondary Data.

Sugiono (2010) states that Sumber sekunder adalah sumber yang

tidak langsung memberikan data kepada pengumpul data(p. 402). To

consider that the forms of unintentional plagiarism such as paraphrase

cannot be identified manually without the presence of original source

(literature book). Therefore, this research decided the internet as the data

seconder. Internet was used as the tool to detect plagiarism and also to

identify source of reference of the thesis.

C. Instrument and Technique of Data Collection

The key instrument of this research was the researcher himself. Therefore,

in collecting the data the researcher observed the content of the thesis which

includes improperly citation, quotation and paraphrase. The failing form of the

content was investigated to decide plagiarism occurred. Investigation involved

some procedures of analysis, they were manual scanning (the writer scanned the

content manually) and internet analysis (the quotation text was uploaded to

internet to identify the original source).

D. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis in this research adopted analysis model of

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)29
Miles and Huberman. As explained by Huberman (1984) as cited in Sugiono

(2010) that the activity of data analysis was analyzed continuously until the data

was saturated (p. 430). Continuously, Sugiono (2010, pp. 430-438) noted that the

technique of data analysis by Miles and Huberman consist of some procedures,

they were (1) data reduction; during the research, there were many data would be

encountered. The researcher was suggested to reduce the data by considered the

focus of the research. Data reduction means, summarising the data, selecting and

focussing only to the basic data and trying to find out the pattern of the data and

throwing up unimportant data; (2) data display; Miles and Huberman (1984) as

cited in sugiono (2010) the most frequent form of display data for qualitative

research data in the past has been narrative text(p. 434). Therefore, this research

displayed the data in the form of descriptive text; (3) conclusion drawing/


Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)30



1. Improperly Citation

Many cases of improperly citation occurred in the thesis. It had been

verified by the referencing system that adopted and obtained that the thesis were

following an author-date system (APA style or Harvard style). It could be

identified by observing the form of citation e.g. authors name before year of

publication. Improperly citation occurred when the thesis had failing to follow

the citation rules that apply in APA style. In this case, the forms of improperly

citation within the thesis could be specified into several forms, as follow:

a. Cite in the Text without Reference

In this case, the full information of reference idea was

unacknowledged in bibliography although in-text citations were written

correctly. The evidence could be found in the thesis of L1 ( 2013, p. 10), as

following quotation:

Rusman (2006) in Rinawati (2007: 4) concluded that the

technique of strip story
Anida Ratna Sari (2003 : 52) concluded that the mistake
made by student
Iryanti (1998) in Husnul Hastimah (2007 : 4) added that in
that student know well about something

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)31
Muadin (1994) in Rinawati (2007 : 4) concluded a
research on the difficult

The above quotation shown that, L1 quoted the idea of several authors,

instead Rusman, Anida Ratna Sari, Iryanti and Muadin. Rusman (2006) in

Rinawati (2007:4) and Muadin (1994) in Rinawati (2007 : 4) meant

that L1 quoted the idea of Rusman and Muadin as quoted by


In this case, L1 referred to the book of Rinawati and found the idea of

Rusman and Muadin in Rinawatis book.

Then, to the next paragraph L1 also wrote: Anida Ratna Sari (2003 :

52) concluded that the mistake made by student which means that L1

paraphrased the idea of Anida Ratna Sari and incorporated the idea by

presenting it by L1 own words. L1 also cited where the idea could be

relocated by referring to the page of bracket year. In this case, L1 must also

be given fully information of reference book which should be occurred in


The same case also occurred in the next paragraph e.g. Iryanti (1998)

in Husnul Hastimah (2007 : 4) added that in that student know well about

something which meant that L1 incorporated Iryantis idea which was

quoted on the book of Husnul Hastimah so the book should also be

acknowledged in bibliography. What the researcher found was contrary,

because the four of ideas above, unacknowledged by L1 in bibliography. In

the other hand, L1 may considered as plagiarist, because L1 quoted the idea

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)32
of above authors without giving further information about the reference

book into bibliography, so in-text citation that L1 made was useless,

considered that every in-text citations were made as a sign for referring to

the complete information occurred in bibliography. In this case L1 had

failing to acknowledge the source of information in the bibliography of his

thesis (see appendix. 2).

Based on the Bibliography of L1, it was clear that L1 only

acknowledged several authors, as follow:

Allen, Edward David and Rebecca. Mond, Linda and
M (1977)
Linda (2006)
Arikunto, Suharsimi (1995)
Emalia Iragiliati
Allen, Virginia French (1983)
Harmer, Jeremy (1983)
Brown, Leslay (1993)
Hornby, AS, et al (1963)
Baker, Collin (1992)
Hansen Jumew, et al (1972)
Cariols (1961)
Oxford University press (1973)
Assessment Research and
Patiung, Dainaris (2001)

The quotation only showed several names but the quoted idea from

Rinawati (2007: 4), Anida Ratna Sari (2003 : 52), and Husnul

Hastimah (2007 : 4) were not exist in bibliography. It proved that the

quoted ideas which borrowed were plagiarism.

The same case also was found in the thesis of N6 (2013, p.13) as

following quotation:

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)33
Willis (1960) argued that writing is one of mans activities, its purpose

White (1987:1) defined writing as a discovery process, it involves

Based on quotation above, N6 was quoted the ideas of Willis and

White in the form of paraphrase which meant that N6 presented the ideas by

her own words. N6 also cited the source of idea by giving in-text citation

before the ideas which referred to complete information of the source which

would be written in bibliography. In other words, N6 had the duty to put

complete information in bibliography if she wanted to make proper citation.

But, what the writer found was contrary that the quoted ideas from Willis

and White were not acknowledged by N6 on her thesis bibliography (See

appendix: 4).

Based on the Bibliography of N6, it was clear that N6 only

acknowledged several authors, as follow:

Anonym, 1999. FJ New, Mayer. 2006.

Arikunto,Suharsimi.1987 Fries, C, 1952.

Baker, George P. 1992. Hayati Rita, 2010.

Beaumont, Digby. 1997. Hollowell, Ida. Et.al. 1981.

David, B. 2009. Hormby, A.S. 1974.

Depdiknas. 2003. Littlejohn, A. 2009.

Kurikulum 2004 Michael, Halliday. 2006.

Nilmawati Wa Ode. 2007. Rianto Slamet, NH Emilia, NH

Leila. 2009.

Samsuri. 1987. Senduc. 1993.

Tarigan, Henry Guntur, 1990. Tollefson, S. K. 1988.

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)34
Watkins, B. T. 1990. Zandvoort, R. W. 1977.
From the quotation above, it could be seen that the source information

of Willis and White were not found. The writer could give assumption that

N6 was careless on citing the source of quoted ideas.

From the findings interpretation above, show that L1 and N6 had

cited some ideas but not giving further citation in bibliography. In this case

L1 and N6 had identified plagiarize toward the quoted ideas. It was surely to

be proper if L1 and N6 cited the source in bibliography.

b. Citing the URL in the text

As explained in the previous chapter that citing the URL in the body of

the text was forbidden except the writer provided the Authors name before

the URL or placed the URL in the footnotes. Many of thesis was simply

placed the URL after the ideas without giving further information about the

source. Moreover, the ideas that found were direct quotation. The case could

be found within the thesis of F3 (2013, p. 7) as following quotation:

Syntax is the study of the rules whereby words or other elements

of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentence.
Besides that, it is also said that syntax is a system used to generate
lexical and syntactic analyzers (parsers) (both deterministic and
non-deterministic) for all kind of context-free grammar (CFG) as
well as some classes of contextual grammars. It is adopted from:

Based on the quotation above, it could be analyzed that F3 adopted the

definition of syntax in Wikipedia, and placed the URL directly together with

the text without giving certain information about the idea, therefore it was

clear that F3 failed on citing the idea. Moreover, the idea that taken was a
Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)35
direct quotation but F3 wrote it without quotation mark. It could be seen

from the second sentences which were quoted from Wikipedia. Wikipedia,

the free encyclopedia (2014) explains that syntax is 4A system used to

generate lexical and syntactic analyzers (parsers) (both deterministic and

nondeterministic) for all kind of context-free grammars (CFG) as well as

some classes of contextual grammars.

From the findings, it could be seen that F3 had simply placed the URL

into the text and the quoted theory was written as a direct-quotation without

indicated by quotation mark. Therefore, it was identified that F3 had failing

in citation. It was surely to be proper if F3 not citing the URL in the text

and giving mark if it a direct quotation. The following quotation was

presented proper citation from the thesis of F3 (citation corrected by the

researcher), as follow:

Syntax is the study of the rules whereby words or other elements

of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentence.
Besides that Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (March, 2013)
explains that syntax is a system used to generate lexical and
syntactic analyzers (parsers) (both deterministic and
nondeterministic) for all kind of context-free grammar (CFG) as
well as some classes of contextual grammars.

The proper quotation above shows that the quoted idea from Wikipedia

was marked by quotation mark and the source of information (Wikipedia)

was acknowledged.

4 SYNTAX. (2013, March 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved

22:43, August 8, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)36
c. Poorly Citation of Internet Source in Bibliography

In this way, the writer had failing to cite information of internet

sources in bibliography which should be consist of the authors name, date

of publication, title of the material, and date retrieval. Many of thesis found

just placed the URL without followed by enough information about the

source. As stated in the previous chapter that information from internet

source should be acknowledged properly as many as possible, therefore it

could be decided that any citation which only put the URL of the cited

source was improperly. The case can be found in the bibliography of E6 as

the following quotation:

Hilgard, R. Ernest, 1957. Introduction to Psychology. Second Edition,
Harcourt, Brace and Company: USA.
Hutabarat, E. P, 1988. Cara Belajar, PT. BPK, Gunung Mulia: Jakarta.
lakilaki-dan-perempuan.html .
The quotation above was taken from the bibliography of E6 which

showed that E6 incorporated some materials from internet source and

simply placed the URL whereas name, title and date of the materials were

not included. Besides that the written reference of printed source were

written incorrectly where E6 wrote publisher before place of publication.

The writer assumed that E6 had lack of understanding of how to write

citation in bibliography.

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)37
The same case also occurred in the bibliography of S5, as following


Samarin, 1998. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka.
Wardahaugh, Ronald. 1922. An introduction to Sociolinguistics Second
Edition. Oxford: Blackwell.
theindonesian-language/ .

The findings bibliography from the thesis of E6 and S5 show that E6

and S5 were simply put the URL without giving further source information

instead name of the author, year of posted, title, and time of retrieval.

Bellow was presented the proper citation of internet source from

bibliography of E6, as follow (citation was corrected by the researcher):

Hilgard, R. Ernest. (1957). Introduction to Psychology. 2nd eds. USA:
Harcourt, Brace and Company.
Hutabarat, E. P. (1988). Cara Belajar. Jakarta : PT. BPK, Gunung Mulia.
Prayogi, Icuk. (December, 2011). Sekilas Perbedaan Pemakaian
Bahasa Pria dan Bahasa Wanita. Retrieved August 8, 2014
Dalam Kehidupan5. (n.d.). Perbedaan Emosi antara Laki-Laki dan
Perempuan (Emosi dan Gender). Retrieved August 8, 2014 from:

The above quotation was following APA style which showed that

internet source were written properly by providing the information of the

5 The opening words of 1 st paragraph from the article are used if name of the
author is not provided.

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)38
source such as name of the writer, the title of the quoted material, date of

posted and date of retrival.

2. Improperly Quotation

As stated in the previous chapter that, a direct quotation should always

be indicated by quotation mark, which meant that the quoted information

was not the authors exact words. Many cases of improperly quotation also

occurred within thesis. In this case, many thesis had failing in writing

quotation. The case can be specified into several forms, as follow:

a. Quoting Another Persons Exact Words Without Citation

The case can be found in the thesis of V2 (2013, pp. 26-27), as

following quotation:

The idea of pronunciation learning being somehow dependent on

the age has been supported by some the researchers who claim that
language learning has a sensitive period and that after a certain age
people lose some abilities. This certain age is said to be between ten
and thirteen years. Pronunciation is one area where the younger-
isbetter assumption may have validity. Research has found that the
earlier a learner begins a second language, the more native-like the
accent he or she develops. (pp. 26-27)

Based on quotation above, V2 quoted directly the ideas and theory

without indicated by proper mark. In this case, V2 simply copied the

related theories from the work of Simona (2007) entitled Some Aspect of

Assessing Pronunciation in EFL Clases 6 that can be retrieved easily by the

Internet. It was presented as following quotation:

6 Simona. (2007). Some aspects of assessing pronunciation in EFL classes. (Diploma Thesis).
Department Of English Language and Literature. Faculty of Education. Masaryk University. Brno,
Czech Republic . Retrieved 1/8/2014 from: http://is.muni.cz/th/80460/pedf_m/Final_thesis.txt

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)39
The idea of pronunciation learning being somehow dependent on
the age has been supported by some researchers who claim that
language learning has a sensitive period and that after a certain age
people lose some abilities. This certain age is said to be between ten
and thirteen years. (Kenworthy, 1987, p. 6) The age-relation is
supported also by others:
Pronunciation is one area where the younger-is-better
assumption may have validity. Research (e.g., Oyama, 1976)
has found that the earlier a learner begins a second language,
the more native-like the accent he or she develops. (Simmona,

The same case was also found in the thesis of A1, as follow:

Toys and play in general, are important when the children comes to
growing up and learning about the world around us. The young uses
toys and play to discover their identity, help their bodies grow
strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice
skills they will need as adults. Adults use toys and play to form and
strengthen social bonds, teach, remember and reinforce lessons
from their youth, discover their identity, exercise their minds and
bodies, explore relationships, practice skills, and decorate their
living spaces.

If the above quotation was compared to the quoted ideas from

Wikipedia7, it could be seen that A1 were simply copy-paste the ideas

without given any citation and presented it as like his own words. Bellow

was presented the quoted ideas of toys from Wikipedia the free

encyclopedia, as follow:

Toys, and play in general, are important when it comes to growing

up and learning about the world around us. The young use toys and
play to discover their identity, help their bodies grow strong, learn
cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice skills they will
need as adults. Adults use toys and play to form and strengthen
social bonds, teach, remember and reinforce lessons from their

7 Toys. (last modified on 7 July 2014). In Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.

Retrieved June 28, 2014 from: "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)40
youth, discover their identity, exercise their minds and bodies,
explore relationships, practice skills, and decorate their living

Based on the interpretation above, it could be concluded that V2 and

A1 had been found quoting another persons exact word without giving any

citation. On that case, V2 and A1 were simply copied the ideas that they

found and presenting it as like their own idea. Therefore, the ideas that they

quoted were surely product of plagiarism. It would not be happen if the

ideas were given proper citation, in this pattern the research would also

present proper citation based on the quoted idea from A1 as follow

(citation was correct by the researcher):

Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia explains (July 2014):

Toys, and play in general, are important when it comes to
growing up and learning about the world around us. The young
use toys and play to discover their identity, help their bodies
grow strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and
practice skills they will need as adults. Adults use toys and play
to form and strengthen social bonds, teach, remember and
reinforce lessons from their youth, discover their identity,
exercise their minds and bodies, explore relationships, practice
skills, and decorate their living spaces.

The above quotation was proper because the source information such

as name of the author (Wikipedia) was acknowledged.

b. Unmarked the Direct Quotation Although the Source Has Cited

The common types of unintentional plagiarism always occurred in

the form of direct quotation. In this case the plagiarist presented a direct

quotation without indicating by quotation mark although he or she was

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)41
correct in writing the citation. The case could be found in the thesis of A6

(2013, p.8) as following quotation:

Salameto (1999:71) statement, kehidupan masyarakat disekitar

siswa juga berpengaruh terhadap belajar siswa, seperti kondisi
masyarakat yang kurang atau tidak terpelajar, penjudi, suka mencuri
dan mempunyai kebiasaan yang tidak baik, akan mempengaruhi
kepada anak (siswa) yang berada di lingkungan tersebut. Anak
tertarik ikut berbuat seperti yang dilakukan orang-orang di
In the above quotation, A6 were quoting the idea of Slameto which

talking about the influence of environment to the students development. In

this case, A6 quoted the ideas directly by acknowledged the name of

Slameto and provided year of publication and page which refer to the

location of the quoted idea. But unfortunately, A6 didnt give any quotation

mark around of the idea or made it in the new different paragraph. It could

be decided that A6 was improperly in quoting Slametos idea, in the other

words this pattern considered as product of plagiarism.

The same case could also be found in the thesis of I3 which the

quoted idea was not indicated by quotation mark and the bracket year

wasnt be written, as following quotation:

Similarity, Tarigan ..Bahwa yang dimaksud dengan istilah

linguistic (contrative linguistic) adalah ilmu bahasa yang meneliti
perbedaan-perbedaan, ketidaksamaan yang terdapat dalam 2
bahasa atau lebih secara sepintas lalu mungkin kita dapat
samakan dengan comparative linguistic atau linguistic

As shown in the above findings that A6 and I3 were quoting another

persons exact words directly without giving any mark. However, A6 and

I3 had cited the source properly but in fact they were failing to put

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)42
quotation mark around the quoted idea. It would not be happen if the

quoted ideas were marked properly, in this case the writer presented the

proper citation toward the ideas from the thesis of A6 (citation was

corrected by the researcher), as follow:

Slameto (1999:71) claims that:

Kehidupan masyarakat disekitar siswa juga berpengaruh

terhadap belajar siswa, seperti kondisi masyarakat yang
kurang atau tidak terpelajar, penjudi, suka mencuri dan
mempunyai kebiasaan yang tidak baik, akan mempengaruhi
kepada anak (siswa) yang berada di lingkungan tersebut. Anak
tertarik ikut berbuat seperti yang dilakukan orang-orang di

The above quotation was proper because the theory of Slameto was

quoted directly by more than four lines idea. Therefore, the quotation were

written in the new paragraph by using one spacing and italic font which

meant that the idea was a foreign language.

3. Improperly Paraphrasing

Improperly paraphrasing was the case that very difficult to be proved.

However, many paraphrases that had been scanned seems like to be useless

without the existence of original source. As stated in the previous chapter that

paraphrase is a way to cite another persons idea by difference words, phrases,

and structure which refer to the writers understanding about the original idea.

In deciding an improperly paraphrasing, the researcher needed to retrieve the

original source by referring to the bibliography of the thesis however many of

paraphrased that we gathered were poorly in citation (improperly citation) as

founded in the thesis of A4, M3 and S4.

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)43
In relation with this case Nurcahyo, Priyadi (May, 2007) 8 suggested:

Untuk melakukan kegiatan plagiarisme, cara termudah adalah dengan

mencari tulisan di Internet. Untuk itu, untuk mendeteksi plagiarisme, cara

paling mudah adalah juga melalui Internet. Continuously he noted that, to

detect plagiarism by internet can be done by copying the suspicious text and

pasting it to google search engine. Google will show the matched materials

from difference source instead, book, journals, blog, news, picture, etc. By

refer to this way, it can be found that A4, M3 and S4 failed in paraphrasing.

The result will be discussed, as follow:

a. Secondhand Paraphrase

Second hand paraphrase meant that the plagiarist incorporated an

idea that had been paraphrased by another author. In this way, the plagiarist

only quoted the paraphrased idea directly from any source without

referring to the original source. It could be found from the thesis of A4

(2013, p.6), as following quotation:

Hymes (1974) has proposed and ethonographic framework

which takes into account the various factors that are involved in
speaking. An ethnography of a communicative event is a
description of all the factors that are involved in speaking. An
ethnography of a communicative event is a description of all the
factors that are relevant in understanding how that particular
communicative event achieves its objectives.

8 Nurcahyo, Priyadi. (May, 2007). Uji Google untuk Mendeteksi Plagiarisme.

Web Blog. Retrieved August 20, 2014 from:

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)44
After the above quotation was copied and pasted into search engine,

the result shown that, the quotation had similarity with the paraphrase of

Wardaugh, R (2010)9 in the theory of Hymes, as following quotation:

Hymes (1974) has proposed an ethnographic framework which

takes into account the various factors that are involved in
speaking. An ethnography of a communication event is a
description of all the factors that are relevant in understanding
how that particular communicative event achieves its objectives.
For convenience, Hymes uses the word SPEAKING as an
acronym for the various factors he deems to be relevant. We will
now consider these factors one by one.

If the above quotation was compared with the quotation of A4, the

writer could give perception that A4 were not reading the original idea of

Hymes but he only quoting the theory that had been paraphrased by

Wardaugh. In other words, A4 presented the words of Wardaugh about the

theory of Hymes and presented it in the form of paraphrase as like A4 had

read the original theory of Hymes before.

At the same case also found in the thesis of M3 (2013, p.17) as follow:

According to Priest (1997) that outdoor learning is inherently

relevant to students because they are personally and
experientially challenged by the situation present. In many
situations, their comfort level is disrupted and they have to make
choices that immediately affect them.

9 Wardaugh, Ronald. (2010). An Introduction to Sociolinguistic (6th eds.). p. 45.

United Kingdom: Willey-Blackwell. (Accessed in google book).

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)45
After the above quotation was copied and pasted into search engine,

the result shown that, the quotation had similarity with the paraphrase of

Taniguchi, S.T10 (2004) in the theory of Priest, as following quotation:

variety of activities that can provide meaningful experiences.

Outdoor education is inherently relevant to students because they
are personally and experientially challenged by the situation
presented (Priest, 1977). In many situations, their comfort level
is disrupted and they have to make choices that immediately
affect them. Outdoor education creates event that put students
into problem solving predicaments and the decisions they
If the above quotation compared with the paraphrased of M3, it could

be seen that M3 was simply coping what Tanaguchi, said about the theory

of priest, in the other word M3 just presented Tanaguchi exact word

without giving any mark, or explanation that the quoted idea was not M3

own words.

By seeing the interpretation of secondhand paraphrase, the writer

assumed that the understanding of A4 and M3 about plagiarism seems lack

because A4 and M3 were trying to incorporate another persons exact

paraphrase directly which is likely to be considered as plagiarist. If they

were aware about these issues, they would try to avoid it by presenting the

ideas by their own words.

b. Inter-language Paraphrase (Inter-language Plagiarism)

10 Taniguchi, Stacy T. (2004). Outdoor Education and Meaningful Learning: Finding the Attributes
of Meaningful Learning Experiences in an Outdoor Education Program. A dissertation submitted to
the faculty of Brigham Young University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy. Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations Brigham Young
University. Retrieved August 20, 2014, from: http://www.deltastate.edu/PDFFiles/hper%20outdoor

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)46
In the case of Inter-language paraphrase, the plagiarist simply

translated another persons idea in different language. In this case, the idea

in different language was translated into the language of plagiarist certainly

by his or her own words. The case could be found in the thesis of S4 (2013,

p.6) as following quotation:

Then, according Drs. Dyimyati Mahmud (1982):

Minat adalah sebagai sebab yaitu kekuatan pendorong yang memaksa
seseorang menaruh perhatian pada orang situasi atau aktifitas tertentu
dan bukan pada yang lain, atau minat sebagai akibat yaitu pengalamn
efektif yang distimular oleh hadirnya seseorang atau sesuatu obyek, atau
karena berpartisipasi dalam suatu aktifitas.
Based these interest definition above, interest have consist of some
element, such as:
1. Interest is a certain symptom of psychological.
2. There are centralization of attention, feeling and thinking by subject
because interest.
3. There are happy feeling to an object which to be a target of subject
because interst.
4. There are desirability or tendency in subject self to arrange of activity
in order to achieve theirs aim.
Based some interest definition by expert above, it concluded that interest
is a symptom of psychological that indicated subject interest to an object
that to be a target because its object is very interest and make happy
feeling so that tendency to an object.
http://belajarpsikologi.com/pengertian-minat/ acces on 30 July 2013.

Based on above quotation, S4 quoted the Dyimayantis theory about

interest, she also gave some explanations, and he summarized about the

quoted theory. Besides that, S4 simply placed the URL after the text which

referred to location of the quoted idea. It was clear that S4 had poorly in

citation. However, the focus of this case was to analyzed if the above

material was truly represented the ideas of S4 or not. Therefore, by refered

to the URL lead the writer to retrieve the original source of the quoted idea,

as follow:
Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)47
Sedangkan menurut Drs. Dyimyati Mahmud (1982), Minat dalah
sebagai sebab yaitu kekuatan pendorong yang memaksa seseorang
menaruh perhatian pada orang situasi atau aktifitas tertentu dan bukan
pada yang lain, atau minat sebagai akibat yaitu pengalaman efektif
yang distimular oleh hadirnya seseorang atau sesuatu obyek, atau
karena berpartisipasi dalam suatu aktifitas.
Berdasarkan definisi minat tersebut dapatlah penulis kemukakan bahwa
minat mengandung unsur-unsur sebagai berikut:
1. Minat adalah suatu gejala psikologis
2. Adanya pemusatan perhatian, perasaan dan pikiran dari subyek
karena tertarik.
3. Adanya perasaan senang terhadap obyek yang menjadi
4. Adanya kemauan atau kecenderungan pada diri subyek
untuk melakukan kegiatan guna mencapai tujuan.
Berdasarkan beberapa Pengertian Minat menurut alhi tersebut penulis
simpulkan bahwa minat adalah gejala psikologis yang menunjukan
bahwa minat adanya pengertian subyek terhadap obyek yang menjadi
sasaran karena obyek tersebut menarik perhatian dan menimbulkan
perasaan senang sehingga cenderung kepada obyek tersebut.11

If the both quotations compared, it could be seen that S4 was only

translating almost the article into English which meant that the quoted idea

from the thesis of S4 was only product of plagiarism which refer to

interlanguage plagiarism.

The comparison of both quotations could be seen as following table:

Table 1: Comparison Between S4 and Haryanto

Prgrph S4 Original source
1 Then, according Drs. Dyimyati Sedangkan menurut Drs. Dyimyati
Mahmud (1982): Mahmud (1982),

11 Material posted by' Haryanto, S.Pd on December 23, 2010 entitled

Pengertian Minat Belajar from Belajarpsikologi.com a web page of
Media belajar ilmu psikologi dan bimbingankonseling. Retrieved August 20,
2014, from: http://belajarpsikologi.com/pengertianminat/

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)48
2 Based these interest definition Berdasarkan definisi minat tersebut
above, interest have consist of dapatlah penulis kemukakan bahwa
some element, such as: minat mengandung unsur-unsur sebagai
1.Interest is a certain symptom of berikut:
psychological. 1.Minat adalah suatu gejala psikologis
2.There are centralization of2.Adanya pemusatan perhatian, perasaan
attention, feeling and thinking by dan pikiran dari subyek karena tertarik.
subject because interest. 3.Adanya perasaan senang terhadap
3.There are happy feeling to an object obyek yang menjadi sasaran
which to be a target of subject 4.Adanya kemauan
because interst. atau
4.There are desirability or tendency kecenderungan pada diri subyek
in subject self to arrange of untuk melakukan kegiatan guna
activity in order to achieve mencapai tujuan.
theirs aim.

3 Based some interest definition by Berdasarkan beberapa Pengertian Minat

expert above, it concluded that menurut alhi tersebut penulis simpulkan
interest is a symptom of bahwa minat adalah gejala psikologis
psychological that indicated yang menunjukan bahwa minat adanya
subject interest to an object that to pengertian subyek terhadap obyek yang
be a target because its object is
menjadi sasaran karena obyek tersebut
very interest and make happy
feeling so that tendency to an menarik perhatian dan menimbulkan
object. perasaan senang sehingga cenderung
kepada obyek tersebut.

The same case also found in the thesis of E2, as following quotation:

Cooperative learning model is one model of learning that

support contextual learning. Cooperative learning teaching
system can be defined as a system of work/ study groups are
structured. Included in this structure are the five basic elements,
they are: positive interdependence, individual responsibility,
personal interaction, and collaboration. It was taken from:

By referring to the URL that placed by E2 above, the writer found

that E2 had only translated the material from Emilidadiani without given

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)49
any proper citation, below will be presented the material from Emildadiani,

L. (2008) about cooperative learning model 12, as follow:

Model pembelajaran kooperatif merupakan salah satu model

pembelajaran yang mendukung pembelajaran kontekstual. Sistem
pembelajaran kooperatif dapat didefinisikan sebagai sistem kerja/
belajar kelompok yang terstruktur. Yang termasuk di dalam struktur ini
adalah lima unsur pokok (Johnson & Johnson, 1993), yaitu saling
ketergantungan positif, tanggung jawab individual, interaksi personal,
keahlian bekerja sama, dan proses kelompok.

The comparison of both quotations could be seen as following table:

Table 2: Comparison Between E2 and Emildadiani, N.

Sntnc. E2 Original source
1 Cooperative learning model is Model pembelajaran kooperatif merupakan
one model of learning that salah satu model pembelajaran yang
support contextual learning. mendukung pembelajaran kontekstual.
2 Cooperative learning teaching Sistem pembelajaran kooperatif dapat
system can be defined as a system didefinisikan sebagai sistem kerja/ belajar
of work/ study groups are kelompok yang terstruktur.
3 Included in this structure are the Yang termasuk di dalam struktur ini adalah
five basic elements, they are: lima unsur pokok (Johnson & Johnson,
positive interdependence, 1993), yaitu saling ketergantungan positif,
individual responsibility, tanggung jawab individual, interaksi
personal interaction, and personal, keahlian bekerja sama, dan proses
collaboration. kelompok.
The findings showed that S4 and E2 had simply translated another

persons ideas into English by only placed the URL after the text, the writer

assumed that S4 and E2 had tried to be honest on their works however they

didnt know of what they were doing was plagiarism. It could be assumed

that, S4 and E2 had lack of understanding about plagiarism and not really

know about how to write citation on an academic work.

12 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif (Cooperative Learning) Teknik

Jigsaw by Novi Emildadiany in Pembelajaran Kooperatif (Cooperative
Learning) Teknik Jigsaw posted by Akhmad Sudrajat, M.Pd. (July 2008).
Retrieved August 24, 2014, from:

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)50
B. Discussion

This research raised the problem of unintentional plagiarism that occurred

within the content of the thesis. It could be specified into several types, they

were citation, quotation and paraphrase improperly. The findings show that

improperly citations were written into three difference forms. The forms were

citing in the text without reference, citing URL in the text and poor

bibliography citation of internet source. While, improperly quotation could be

found into two difference forms they were quoting another persons exact

words without citation and unmarked the direct quotation although the source

has cited. Then, improperly paraphrase could be found into two difference

forms, they were second hand paraphrase and inter-language paraphrase.

a. Improperly Citation within the thesis

Cite in the text without reference was a kind of plagiarism which

done by the writer unintentionally toward the certain ideas, theories, or

materials that had been referenced without the existence of full information

of the source which should be presented in the reference list or


Satanto. L, et al (2007) claims that in-text citation are not complete

without the presence of bibliography or reference list. For instance, if the

writer would like to cite in the text the ideas of Sugiono, he or she should

provide proper citation of the source in bibliography by following the rules

of referencing system that applied. In this research, the written thesis of

L1 and N6 had been found quoted some ideas by giving certain citation in

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)51
the text but not supported by full information that should be presented on

their thesis bibliography. It shows that student tend to be careless on

acknowledging the full information of the cited ideas on bibliography.

In relation with that, a handbook of MLA (2009, p. 55) claims that

plagiarism often happen when the writer Do not keep precise records of

their reading and direct to use the quoted material into their work paper.

Meanwhile, citing URL in the text is forbidden. According to

Franklin University Student Learning Guide (2005) as cited in Satanto. L,

et al (2007) proposes that the URL or the address of the on-line source

should not be placed in the body of the text (in-text citation) but only

occurs in the reference list. Therefore, writing citation of on-line source in

the text could be committed by the name of the author which meant that

the on-line Source was written as well as printed source. The tendency of

the written thesis on citing material from on-line source by placed the URL

in the body of the text shows that students are lacking of competence of

writing citation, moreover the cited ideas are presented as improperly

direct quotation, reinforcing this claim. Murray. N and Hughes. G (2008)

who state that failing to write citation is also kind of plagiarism (p. 47).

Poorly Citation of Internet Source in Bibliography means that the

writer had failing to cite information of internet sources in bibliography

which should be consist of the authors name, date of publication, title of

the material, and date retrieval. Many of thesis that found just simply

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)52
placed the URL without followed by enough information about the source.

The finding evidence from the thesis of F3 can be represented to explain

this form. As stated by Satanto. L, et al (2007) that information of the

internet source should be acknowledged properly and done as many as

possible. Therefore it could be decided that any citation which only put the

URL in bibliography is also plagiarism.

b. Improperly quotation within the thesis

Quoting another persons exact words without citation is also called

partial plagiarism or block, copy, paste plagiarism. In this way, the

plagiarist incorporated another persons exact words (theory, idea, or

opinion) into the thesis without indicated by quotation mark and the source

was not cited. As the example of this case, the findings thesis from V2 and

A1can be represented. Lako (2012) explains that partial plagiarism is

plagiarism which is done by taking some parts of body work of others

people in the form of theoretical basis, conclusion, discussion or methods

and incorporate them into the thesis without citing its source.

Unmarked the direct quotation although the source has cited is also

form of plagiarism. In this case, the presence of quotation mark is not

found. The principle of direct quotation especially in the body of the text is

marking the cited ideas of another person that used and acknowledging

accurate information about the source of the ideas e. g. the name of the

author, year of publication, and pages of located ideas. The research

findings from the thesis of A6 and I3 can show how this form occurred.

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)53
Bazerman. C (2004, p.88) claims Direct quotation is usually identified by

quotation marks, block indentation, italics, or other typographic setting

apart from the other words of the text. If the ideas or expression of others

occurs without any mark will be meant the expression is written as the idea

of the writer. It is kind of violation of the idea which means that the writer

is considered as plagiarist. It is also supported by Wray, et al (2006) as

cited in Nurhayati, et al (2009) that a direct quotation without indicated by

quotation marks is plagiarism.

c. Improperly Paraphrasing

The last type of unintentional plagiarism in this research was

paraphrasing improperly which specified into two forms, they were

secondhand paraphrase and inter-language paraphrase. In relation with the

findings of secondhand paraphrase, the thesis of A4 and M3 had been

found quoting directly another persons paraphrase by presenting it as their

own paraphrase. In other words, A4 and M3 had quoted directly another

person works which also refer to improperly quotation.

In relation with inter-language paraphrase or inter-language

plagiarism, Lako (2012) states that inter-language plagiarism is plagiarism

which is done by taking part or all of the foreign -language scientific

papers written by others and then translated it into plagiarists language. In

this case, some patterns from the thesis of E2 and S4 had considered as

product of plagiarism by simply translated materials that taken from

internet source. E2 and S4 had been found that they were simply translated

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)54
Indonesian material to English. The writer assumed that E2 and S4 had

committed plagiarism can be caused of lacking information of plagiarism

and not knowing of how to cite materials properly.


A. Conclusion

Based on explanation in the previous chapters, the writer formulates some

conclusions as the result of this research, as follow:

1. Improperly Citation is a kind of plagiarism which is frequently occurred

in the most of the thesis. Improperly citation can be occurred into three

forms. First, no reference included in bibliography; the thesis of L1 and

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN
Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)55
N6 have been identified quoted some ideas without giving further

information about the source of the ideas in bibliography. However, the

certain guidelines of citation which is applied in APA style or Harvard

style should be coherently refer to the synchronization between in-text

citation and bibliography. Second, citing the URL in the text. Another

case of improperly citation is place the URL in the text. In this case, the

thesis of F3 has also been identified incorporating material from internet

then simply placed the URL as in-text citation. Moreover, the most

internet material found is direct quotation without indicated by quotation

mark or in a single paragraph. Third is poorly citation of internet source

which can be found in the thesis of E6 and S5. These thesis have been

analyzed and identified that the internet materials that has been quoted

were not improper in bibliography citation, in this case the only URL was

simply placed without acknowledge more certain information about the


2. The occurrence of improperly quotation shows that students have lack

competence in writing citation. The finding evidences can prove that

many of thesis were simply quoted direct material from any source

without followed by certain rules of writing citation. In this case, V2, A1,

A6 and I3 have been found plagiarize within the content of their thesis.

3. Improperly paraphrasing that found in this study can be specified into

two forms they are secondhand paraphrase and inter-language

paraphrase. The finding evidence found that the thesis of A4 and M3

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)56
have indicated committing plagiarism within the patterns of the thesis.

Meanwhile, A2, and S4 show that they simply translated materials they

need which considered that they are committing inter-language

paraphrase or interlanguage plagiarism. It shows that students on writing

their research thesis have lack information of plagiarism especially in the

form of improperly paraphrasing.

B. Suggestion

The writer humbly to put forward some suggestions and recommendation:

1. For the students; plagiarism is a kind of violation, therefore the students

should be aware of this issue, knowing how does it happens and how to

avoid it. By referring to the information and guidelines of writing citation

which provide in this thesis is also a good way to get enough

understanding of plagiarism.
2. For the next researcher; the writer suggests to the next researcher to be

honest and careful in writing a research thesis. It is recommended also to

read guidelines of writing citation to avoid plagiarism and any fault.

3. For lecturer; the writer suggests to the lecturer to always remind student

about plagiarism and pay attention to the reference used by the students

in their academic work.

4. For English Education department; to avoid plagiarism it is suggested to

set certain documentation style that should be followed by the students in

writing academic work.

Plagiarism in Writting Academic Work (Has been published in UNIDAYAN

Journal). Author: La Ode Achmad Suherman (2014)57
5. Research recommendation; the writer hopes and suggests to the next

researcher to continue this research by focusing to the amount of

plagiarisms types occurred within the content of the thesis of students in

English education study program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University.

Besides that, the study of Plagiarism can also be focused to find out the

cause and the background of students plagiarized.


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