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The Arts, Academics, and Information Technology

3570 Cochran Street
Simi Valley, California 93063
805.520.6800 805.579.6385

Dear Senior Project Committee,

It is with great pleasure I write this letter of recommendation and success for Kimberly Swoish. I
have known Kimberly for almost four years as her teacher, director and mentor, and it is with
immense pride that I have observed an abundant amount of fortitude, perseverance, initiative,
talent, intelligence and organizational skills.

Kim is an extremely high achieving, talented student who exhibits maturity, responsibility and
reliability beyond her years, as well as having a high level of competence as a team player, in
addition to being passionate and caring as well as a great sense of humor, which are virtues not
seen in many her age.

In addition, Kim enjoys a challenge. She is a high-achiever and works diligently to improve in all
things whether it is her school work or performances. Also, Kim displays a high level of self-
confidence and self-esteem which has grown tremendously over the years, as well as being very
level headed where she can still succeed under stress, which gives her the drive she needs to
succeed. Due to Kims love, dedication and passion for theatre, this has been demonstrated in her
Senior Project, student assistant director for Flowers for Algernon, our main stage fall production.
This required an immense amount of organization, perseverance and self-confidence to not only
work beside me and follow directions but to have the ability to separate friends and director
when it comes to a leadership role with her peers, considered the largest learning stretch for a
student in high school. Kim has done an outstanding job proving her capabilities and strengths. It
was a tremendous success.

The above talents are not only due to her outstanding work ethic but her experiences and
involvement in various activities, whether it is school or the community. Kim has played many
excellent roles in our theatre program productions and she has also participated in our
instrumental program, which is due to her impressive talent. She has been involved in being an
active member of the International Thespian Society (an honors group for high achieving theatre
students) which will result in awards and certificating in theatre. Furthermore, outside of school,
Kim has worked for a company called Sky Jumpers as well as a seasonal employee for Target.

In closing, with Kimberlys talent, dedication, loyalty, respect, self-confidence and intelligence, I
feel very confident she will be highly successful with any endeavor she pursues in her future and
will be an outstanding asset to any educational institution.


Mrs. Melissa Albertson, Theatre Educator/Director

Santa Susana High School of the Arts

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