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Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Tbacher's notes

TotalEnglishIntermediateTeacher! ElE| o Pearson Limited2006- Photocopiable
Uni& $" i:,lrr:iii,tiji_:,i11:{.ii..$;F.,s.ffiw KTftR$&
Vocabulary t: Who am I thinking about?tO4 Vocabulary 1: Are you an adventurous
Grammar t: Which question am I holiday-maker? 134
answering? 105 Grammar l: Are you lying to me? 135
Grammar 2: I think or I'm thinking? 106 Grammar 2: What question was that? 136
Grammar B: What have we got Grammar 3: The article race ra7
in common? r07 Vocabulary 2: Getting information 138
Vocabulary p: Beginnings and endings 1O8 Communication: Around the world
Communication: A good friend is ... 1O9 tourism quiz 139
Uni* R :;r.rii:::r'il{iii:iiid.fj5lliillW Want&tr ' ' ' l ' l '

Vocabulary l: Media crossword 110 Vocabulary 1: Educational issues: agree/

Grammar l: Sentence auction 111 disagree 140
Grammar 2: Shh! Don't say that word! ttz Grammar 1: Fact or fiction? t4L
Grammar 3: What was going on Grammar 2: What's happened to me? L42
when...? 118 Grammar B: How many people...? 143
Vocabulary 2: Verb collocations noughts Vocabulary 2: All about learning and
and crosses 114 knowing 144
Communication: Newspaper headlines 1lb Communication: Those were the days! t4E
Unit S Umi& I :,,,,':a.,:iiiiiiti,.iii,W
Vocabulary t: What kind of lifestyle do you Vocabulary 1: Guess the change
prefer? 116 expression L46
Grammar t: What the future holds t17 Grammar 1: In what circumstances
Grammar p: Preferences 118 would you? r47
Gramma,r B: The Multiplex Centre 119
Grammar 2: Adverb bingo L48
Vocabulary p: How do you say ...? r20
Grammar 8: What could have been
Communication: Estate agents different? t49
Unit d ,, j,r:ri.rtiilij,liliiil.-T,.titr$ Vocabulary 2: Word building crossword 1bO
Vocabulary l: Money problems Communication: A change for the better? 151
Grammar 1: How well do I know my ffinefl* S
classmates? Vocabulary 1: Perks and promotions tlo}
Grammar 2: Utopia Grammar l: Jumbled questions lb3
Grammar B: Can I sell you this? Grammar 2: Find someone who... and
Vocabulary P: BLEEp: Which word was report back!! tb4
that? Grammar 8: Past rules and regulations 1bb
126 Vocabulary 2: Pelmanism
Communication: Which would you buy? 12? 1b6
Communication: Choosing the right
Vocabulary t: Vtlhich leisure activity? career t57
128 Elnit 1S .,'r,IirIiri::ii:iiitij;SF,ffi
Grammar 1 What have they been doing? ilW
r29 Vocabulary l: Tb,lking about memory
Grammar 2: Find somebody like you 1b8
130 Grammar 1: If things were different!
Grammar B: Find the difference 159
131 Grammar 2: A tale with a twist!
Vocabulary p: What word am I 160
Grammar 8: Phrasal verb survey 161
extrllaining? ra2 Vocabulary 2: What am I describing? t6Z
Communication: Tbivia quiz: How much
Communication: Test your memory! 163
doyouknow? 1BB
Teacher's notes 165

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WhoamI thinking

Readthe descriptionbelow.
Guesswhat relationshipthere is betweenthe writer and the personbeingdescribed.
I haveknown thispersonfor aboutsixyears.She'saboutforty and verynice.Wedon'treallyhavethesamesense of humour,
but weget on quitewell.I normallyseehereveryday duringthe week,but somedayswedon'tget the chanceto speak
much.We'reboth too busy.Wedon'tkeepin contactduringthe holidaysas wedon'tenjoyeachother'scompanysociolly.

Workin pairs.Thinkof questionsto askabouta personusingthe ideasbetow.

How/old Male/Female What/like What/job Where/live Samesense

of humour

Howlong/know Geton with thisperson Spenda lot of time together Keepin touch

Canyouthink of anyotherusefulquestions?

K--- -

Student A Student B
Choose4 of the followingpeopleandwritetheir namesin 4 of the followingpeopleandwritetheirnamesin the
the spacesbelow. spaces






I 7

2 2

3 3
4 4

Now ask your partner questionsin order to guess the Nowask your partnerquestionsin orderto guessthe
relationshiphe or she haswith the peoplewhosenames relationship
heor shehaswiththe peoplewhosenames
they havewritten. theyhavewritten.

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amI answering?
Student A Student B

ilrite a completeanswerfor the followingquestions. Write a completeanswerfor the followingquestions.

r Whathaveyou eatentoday?
I Whatfood do you hate?
z Howoften do you do sport?
z Whatforeigncountries
3 Whattypeof musicdo you like?
I Whatdid you do lastnight?
4 Whatdid you do lastsummer?
4 Howoftendo you go to the cinema?
5 Wheredo you studyor work?
5 Whoisyourfavourite
6 Howmuchdo you usuallyspendat the weekend?
6 Wheredo you usuallyspendyourholidays?

7 HowmanyEnglish haveyou had?

7 Whathaveyou donetoday?
I Whatwasthe lastthingyou bought?
8 Howmanybrothers haveyou got?
and sisters
9 Whoisyourfavouritesinger/group?
s Whattypeof musicdo you likethe most?
1tl Whattime do you usuallyget up duringthe week?
rrl Whatdid you do lastweekend?

Listento yourpartnerbanswerandchoosean appropriate

listento yourpartner's
answerandchooseanappropriate questionbelow.Add an auxiliaryverbto completeit.
questionbelow.Addanauxiliaryverbto complete
it. r Who_ yourfavouriteactor?
r Where_ youstudyor work? z What youdo lastnight?
z Whattime- youusually
getupduringthe 3 Where you usuallyspendyour
week? holidays?
3 Who_ yourfavouritesinger/group? 4 What _ you donetoday?
4 What_ you eatentoday? 5 Whatfood _ you hate?
5 HowmanyEnglish
_ you had? 6 Howoften_ you go to the cinema?
6 Whattype of music_ you like? 7 Whatforeigncountries
_ youvisited?
7 Howoften_you do sport? 8 What_ youdo lastweekend?
I What_ youdo lastsummer? 9 Whattypeof music_ you likethe most?
9 Howmuch_ you usuallyspendat the 10 Howmanybrothersand sisters you got?
1() What_ the lastthinqyou bouqht?

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable
I fhinlrol I'mthinking?
7 2

What/youlthink L What/you/usual
ly wearfor weddings?
1 aboutpoliticians?

z What/you/think

t have/you/free

z What/you/read
at the moment? z goodtime at the moment?

r you/study Englishat the weekends? r you/workat the moment?

z youlstudyanythingelseapartfrom Whattime/people/usually
Englishat the moment? workin yourcountry?

youlexpectany lettersat the moment? 7 you/playanysportat the moment?

z youlexpectto do a lot of writingin Whatsport/youusuallyplay

Englishin the future? in summer?

1 Why/you/learnEnglish? youlsleep
wellat the moment?

you/oftenlearnnewwordsin your Howmanyhoursa night/you/

own language? usually

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Uhathaueuregot in common?
Writea short answerfor eachpoint betow.

A film you haveseenrecently.

A placeyou went lastweekend.

you haveeatentoday.

A foreigncountryyou havevisited.

Thetimeyou wentto bed lastnight.

A groupor singeryou haveseenlive.

ThelastEnglishtext bookyou used.

you watchedon TV lastnight.

A feelingyou havefelt recently.

A schoolsubjectyou likedwhenyou werea child.

A sportyou havedone recently.

Thenumberof phonecallsyou madeyesterday.

A job you wantedto do whenyou werea child.

The numberof timesyou have been ill this year.

Askquestionsandtry to findtwootherstudentsin theclasswhohavethesameanswbr

namesin thespaceprovided. asyou.writetheir

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1st halves 2nd halves

i wtVgrandmother
broughtme up i for not doing their homework.

I I u s u a l lay s kmy n e i g h b o u rs I canbe a verydifficultprocess.
, j i

iI I really
- - ' - up
- _ r - to
-- "my
'/ -brother i *. areboth| qambitious
rrrvrrrvvJ and
q rrv lhard-workino
rqtv vvvtNtttv. i
, . J . ;


tu familydon'tgeton verywell j anowe'rearways

| --------l------

I l'm goingto carryon for stayingout laterthantheysaid.


i I gr"* up I becausemy motherandfatherwent to find I

, i workin anothercountrv-

i I takeaftermy motherphysically,

i My parentsusedto tell me off in the countryside.

i I takeaftermy fatherin personality, livingwith theirparentsuntiltheyget

i I sometimeshaveto lookafter , getson verywelltogether.


j Everybody
in my class i ty sister's
childrenat the weekend.
T _ - - - - - - - - - - - -

t . .
i Mostpeoplein my countrycarryon i to lookaftermy plantswhenI go on holiday.
i l
i I thinkgrowingup i we arebothtailandsrim.

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I goodfriendis . oo

( (

Readthe followingstatementsandtick the columnthat bestreflectsyouropinion.


t Youcanpredictwhichpeoplewill becomeyour
2 Bestfriendsshouldlikeeverythingabouteachother
g Goodfriendsalwayshavea lot in common.
4 Bestfriendsmusthavesimilarcharacters.
5 Friendship
doesn'tlastunlessyou keepin touch.
6 lt'simpossible
to havea goodfriendof the
7 lt'sdifficultto be friendswith an ex-boyfriend
8 Youcandependon members of yourfamilymore
thanyoucandependon yourfriends.
9 Mostfriendshavefallenout with eachotherat
10 A goodwayof makingfriendsisthroughInternet
1l Goodfriendsarenormallykeenon doingthe same
kindsof things.
12 Youcanonlyhavea few reallyclosefriends.
13 Younormallyget on with yourfriend,s
14 Closefriendsshouldneverlieto eachother.

in sma[[groups.Exptain

o Pearson Limited2006- photocopiable


Student A
Give your partner a clue for the words given in the crossword. e.9., Number 4 down is a written
accountabout somethingwhich is happeningin the world.

b . F

, F
, S

\ V

c " E T
o A
o R U
J o U R N A L I S T E
S N )
W t]

Student B
Giveyour partner a cluefor the words given in the crossword.e.g.,Number9 acrossis relatedto the
Internet.Whenyou are connectedyou are this.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 * Photocopiable


Readthe followingsentencesand decideif they are grammaticallycorrect.Decidewith your team how muchto bet
on eachone (minimumf 10 and maximumf 100).


1 Famous
on theTVand radio.
2 Thenewsis normallybroadcast
at middayand in the evening.
3 Handwritten
4 Theballpointpenwasinventby the Birobrothersin 193g.
5 Childrenshouldbeensupervised
whentheyaresurfingthe net.
6 Somepop videoshavebeenprohibitedbecause
of the images
7 Lotsof mobilephoneshavebeenstealedthisyearin the UK.
g Theideaof BigBrotherwasoriginallycreate
by GeorgeOrwellin
s Manyjournalists
aresentto livein foreigncountries
to report
whatis happeningthere.
10 Jobsareusuallyadvertised
in localand nationalnewspapers.
11 Mobilephonesmustrecharged
everycoupleof days.
12 An estimated5250millionwerespendon the rentaland
purchaseof the Titanicvideoin the first6 daysafterits release.
13 Salesof CDshavebeenaffectedby peoplewho download
songson the internet.
14 Coca-Cola
is knownfor itscleveradvertising
15 Homevideoshavemostlyreplaced
by DVDs.

@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - photocopiable


doctor film bread December

itl to act breakfast presents
medicine theatre to eat SantaClaus


to buy to teach transport to get up

food to drive early
shop road afternoon


sea father i to write presents

coast child pencil born
to sunbathe to givebirth paper to celebrate

j rnele WEEKEND

town to fly i to study to work
busy plane i to eat Saturday
to live airport i wood Sunday


bed to lookafter game hot

to sleep hospital round holidays
wardrobe job to throw beach


England newspaper to ring season

BigBen to write to talk cold
rarn report communication Christmas

E EducationLimited2006- Photocopiable
Matchthe pairs of verbsto the pictures.



Saywhat is happeningin eachpicture.

\ lf,-l C

,/ tr I

Iilowthinkofan importanteventthathashappenedoverthelastfewyears.Interviewyourclassmates
to find out what they were doing when that event happened.

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1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

Choosea rectangleandlistento yourpartner's lsit rightor wrong?lf it'swrong,correctit. lf you
put a crossor a noughtin the square.
Nowit'sthe otherteam's
Thewinneristheonewiththemostnoughtsor crosses getanextrapointfor3 noughtsor
at theend.You
in a row

Sentences A Sentences B
1 Scientists (/)
makemanyimportantdiscoveries. 1 Thatbusiness
performeda big profitlastyear.(X
- made)
2 Youcanmakea goodjob afteruniversity.
(X - get/find) 2 (/)
3 My cousincameintoa lot of moneylastyear.(/) 3 Thoseboyshavewon a footballteam.(X - joined/
4 Theygot a cup for committinga race.(X - winning) formed\
+ Shewon the competitionin the end.(/)
5 Morepeoplecommitsuicidein winter.(/)
(/) 5 Manycrimeshavebeencommittedhererecently.
6 Wedo business
with a Japanese
7 She'sverygood at makingideas.(/ - developing)
6 Shedevelopsthe newsin the localarea.(X - reports)

Parents (/) z Thecompanyhasperformeda new productfor adults.

I havea dutyto theirchildren.
(X - developed).
9 Heperformed
the songverywell.(/)
8 Manystarshaveplasticsurgery.(/)
1 0 I can'tcauseenoughtimeto do all my work.(X - find)
9 Theyperformedthe matchverywell.(tl - played)
l 1 Thechildrenarealwaysperforming
troubleat school.
(X- causing) 10 A playhasjust beenperformedat the theatre.(/)
'l'l Hewasdriving
1 2 Whydo you keepbreaking (/)
yourpromises. sofastthat he committedan accident.
(X - caused)
(X - increased)
1 3 Theshophasdevelopedpricesby 10o/o.
12. Theathletemadea recordin the lastrace.(X - broke)
1 4 Sallygot lostwhenshewasin London.(/)
13. Thedrivertooka wrongturn in that street.(/)
1 5 Thewomanhadto makethe childfirstaid.(X - give)
14 Thevandalsmadedamageto the building.(X - caused)
1 6 Shemovedin with her boyfriendlastyear.(/)
15 All workersneedto performa break.(X - take/have)
16 Theywill returnhomeafterthe course.(/)

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write newspaperheadlinesfor the storiespresentedin the following pictures.
Useyour imagination!

e res)t;so{ yel daJJ,

te Lrtpurlianet

ilo rrlililii*irl,:i.li 6/2

YfSiir:ii;i":iff J51,
No VDT| vtrr:x llla

Readyour headlinesto a partner,but not in order.Yourpartnermust guessthe

right picture.
chooseone of the headlinesand inventthe completestorywith a partner.prepare
it as if it werea newsbroadcast.
Tellyour storiesto the rest of the class.

@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - photocopiable

Tfhalfrindof fifestyfedoyouprefer?
Ask and answerthe questionsin pairs. 5 On average,how muchof yourfreetime (whenyou're
1 not sleeping)
do you spendat homeperweek?
Whatdoesthe word'home'suggest to you?
a Morethanthirtyhours.
a lt'sreallyimportant,andeverything
that'sin it. lt's
the placewhereI feelhappyandsafe. b Betweentwenty andthirty.
b lt'simportant,but not asmuchasmyjob or friends. c Lessthan twenty.
c lt'sa placeto sleepandsometimes eat,but if I had
to sleepandeatsomewhere else,it wouldn'tbother 6 Whichof the followingstatements your
me. lifestyle?
a Quiet.I takethingscalmlyanddon'tget stressed
2 Whichof the followingwouldyouchooseto have? abouteverydaymatters.
a A big spaciousdetachedhousewith highceilings, b Sometimes quietandsometimes hectic.lt depends
woodenfloorsanda fireplace but no moneyleftto on the timeof yearor dayof the week.
spendon holidays, goingout,littleluxuriesetc. c Usuallyhectic.I spendmostof my time running
b A medium-sized flaton the thirdfloor,with quitea fromoneplaceto the next,doinga hundred
goodviewbut noisyneighbours anda bit of extra differentthingsat the sametime.
moneyto spendon goingout sometimes.
c A crampedapartmenton the firstfloorandlotsof 7 Whatdo youenjoydoingmostin yourfreetime?
extracashto spendon yourself. a Reading,
listeningto musicand relaxingat home.
b A mixtureof things,a bit of sport,reading,
3 Whichof the followingstatements your
bestdescribe andoccasionally clubbing.
houseor flat? c Beingout with my friends,clubbing,socialisingand
a lt'salwaysin verygoodconditionandcleanand keepingbusy.I get boredif I spendtoo muchtime
tidy asI spenda lot of time lookingaftermy home. aloneat home.
b lt'sin fairlygoodconditionandusuallyquiteclean
andtidy althoughsometimes I don'tlookaftermy 8 Whichof the followingtypesof holidaywouldyou
homeasmuchasI should. prefer?
c lt'sin quitebadconditionand usuallyuntidy. a Ruraltourism.Youcanget awayfromthe crowds
and relax,walkingor cyclingin the countryside.
4 Wherewouldyou preferto live? b A touristresortwith someentertainment facilities.
a In the countryside
or a veryquietresidential
area. but reasonably quietandrelaxing.
b In a livelysuburb,but onewith plentyof shops, c A busy,livelytouristresort,whereI cango clubbing
restaurants and pubs. allnightlong.
c Rightin the centreof town whereeverything's Calculatehow many A, B and C answersyou have got.
happening. Readthe resultsbelow.

'seullauosxelajol spaau,{poq&a^:l'passal}s
oot }e6 ol lou In}are)aq }nq 'un, spunos}l zs!
auoq rno{ alaq^ laqularxe;no{ oq '6utst;et:os 'lle
puepunoJeburuunr ll Joallua) arl}ul aq ol e^olno1iall e }pq1
s3 (psot4l
'ool no{ s6ugqllaqlo seq)nu oot }ou tnq ,auoq lno( enlpnno1.{sea}r ale} puexelal
no^'eJllo1q:eolddepa)ueleqften e aneqol ulaesno{ ,11a41
ol uaq/!\^ oul osleno( 1nqsoultltoutllrxa6u;opa111
sg l(11so141
eJeqllno as;aburqleuosaq {er.ualaq}'q6noql '}a6roJ1uo6 'fio 6tq arlrJo ssallsaql uol; {eanele; ft1uno: aq} u1
alllll e sl estpeted 'pea1no{ eJllpaxelel,1arnb
Jo eapltnol'no{ Jolsrileaq aq} aroq^ ^la}lugaps!aruoH e 1eqp1
sy (;lsow

@PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Whalthe futurehofds

Findout how manypeoplearemeetinga friendafter i finOout how manypeoplearegoinqto travelabroadat

class.(Askwhoand where) I sometime this year.(Findoutwhereand why)

Findout how manypeoplearegoingto studyEnglish j Findout how manypeoplearegoingawaynext

againnext year.(Findout whereand why) i weekend.(Findout whereand who with\

Findout how manypeoplearegoingto studylater Findout howmanypeoplewill helpyouwithyourEnglish

today.(Findout what and where) homeworkin the future.(Findoutwhyor why notl

Findout how manypeoplethinktheyaregoingto be

i tino out how manypeoplethinkthe worldwill be a
placein an"iuirr". tond outwhyor why not)

Findout how manypeoplethinktheyaregoingto
startworkor changetheirjob in the nearfuture. Findout how manypeoplearegoingout tonight,(Find
(Findout whenand where\
out whereand who with\

Findout how manypeoplearegoingto do some

kind of sport in the nextfew days.(Findout whatand Findout how manypeoplethinktheywill havechildren
wherel i in the future.(Findout howmany)

@PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Putthe followingthingsin orderof preference.

Whatdo you preferto havefor breakfast?
a fruit 3 b toastI c cerealC d afullEnqlishbreakfast
2 Whichof thesecitieswouldyou preferto visit?
a TokyoI b SydneyD c Buenos
Airesfl d MoscowD
3 Whichof theseformsof entertainment
do you prefer?
a theatreD b cinemaf| c livepop concertsD d operaC
4 Whichof the followingsingersdo you prefer?
a FrankSinatraf, b BritneySpearsI c EltonJohn B d Madonnafl
5 Whichof thesesubjects
did you preferwhenyouwereat school?
aMathsD bEnglishD cphysicsD dHistoryfl
6 In whichof the followingplaceswouldyou preferto live?
a i n t h e m i d d l e o f t h e c o u n t r y sDi d e b a s m a l l v i l l a gfef c atownD d a b i g c i t yf l
7 Whichof the followinganimalswouldyou preferto haveasa pet?
a cat I b dog ff c snakef, d fish D
8 Whichof the followingjobswouldyou preferto do?
adoctorD bplumberO cpoliticiant dteacherE
9 Whichwayof socialising
do you prefer?
a c l u b b i n gD b g o i n g t o t h e p u bD c h a v i n g l u n c h / d i n n e r i n a r e s t a D
u r a n t d g o i n g f o r a w a l kD
10 Wherewouldyou preferto stayon holiday?
a a c a m p s i t ef b a 5 s t a r h o t eC
l c a c a r a v a fnl d a h o l i d a y f l aDt
11 Howwouldyou preferto travelbetweenLondonand Edinburgh?
abyplaneO bbytrainD cbycoachD dbycar0
12 Whichof the followingadventure
sportswouldyou mostliketo do?
a parachutinS f, b bungeejumping 0 c deepseadiving 3 d whitewaterraftingD

Explainyour preferences
to a partnerusingcomparatives
and superlatives.

@PeorsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

lfowdoyousay, , , ?
Throwthe diceandmove.lf youcananswerthe questioncorrectly(ifthe groupisnot sure,checkwiththe
staywhereyouare.lf youcannotanswerthe question,
movebacktwo spaces. lf you landon a square
thatsomebodyelsehasalreadylandedon,movebacktothe nearest squarethat nobodyhaslandedon before.

1 a personwho has 2 a confusion 3 writea critical 4 a thingthat has
nowhereto live aboutwhat articleabouta no purpose
(8 letters) something film or book (7 letters)
means (6 letters)
5 the womanyou 6 whenyouhave 7 the adjective of 8 a personwho 9 whenyou don't
divorced a differentpoint week (6 letters) doesn'tusually fail,you arethis
(6 letters) of viewfrom remember things (10 letters)
someone (9 letters)
(8 letters)
10 whenyou say 11 whenthereisno 12 something that 't3
a placethat lots 14 a placewhich
something justice(6 letters) neverfinishes of peoplevisit hasnot been
with the wrong (7 letters) on holiday developedfor
phoneticsound (8 letters) tourism
(12 letters) (8 letters)
15 the adjectiveof 15 ifsomething 17 a thingthat 18 something that 19 if you organise
create (8 letters) makesyou have doesn'tinterest isn'tcommon a meetingagain
a goodtime,it is you (13letters) (7 letters) you do this
this(9 letters) (9 letters)

20 the adjective of 21 whenyouhave 22 the oppositeof 23 if youdo 24 the oppositeof

air(4letters) listenedto cheap (9 letters) something clean(5 letters)
something withoutpaying
wrongly enoughattention
(8 letters) (8letters)
2s the oppositeof 26 something 27 an untidyperson 28 handsome or 29 a personwho
hecticor noisy fragilelikea glass or place pretty,in your chatsto others
(8 letters) (9 letters) (5 letters) opinion andgetson with
( 10letters) people(8 letters)

30 if yougo backto 31 oneminuteyou 32 something 33 a personwho

a placeagain arehere,andthe whichyou can helpsa lot
(7letters) nextyou'renot understand (7 letters)
(9 letters) easily(14letters)

M I S 9r9 lvt ABLE \gtt'

@PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable.
Buyer T^.-c
Tryto sellthishouse.
Youarelookingto buya house.Visitthreeestateagencies
Price:f1 90,000 anddecidewhichof the threehouses youwouldliketo buy.
areain the suburbswith severallocal Youare28 andsinglewith a girllboyfriend.Youthinkyou
andshops.7 milesfromthe citycentre,with good mightget marriedin a coupleof yearsand havechildren. You
transportlinks. work asa lawyerin the city centreand havea BMWcar.Your
Description:On the groundfloorthereisa largelivingroom girl/boyfriendalsohasa BMW,so it'simportantthatthereis
anda kitchen.On the firstfloorthereis a bathroom,
two large somewheresafeto parkthe othercartoo.Youlovemeeting
bedrooms anda smallbedroom.The fourthbedroomis in the people,goingout andclubbing. Youalsogo to the gym most
attic.Thehousehascentralheating,but no air conditioning evenings andyou liketo be nearto somegreenareaswhere
or burglaralarm.lt hasa garagewith spacefor onecarand you cango running.Youlikemodernthings,but theyhaveto
accessviathe driveanda fairlylargegarden.lt'sabout30 be originaland special.
Youcanaffordaboutf 180,000, but if
yearsold and needssomeworkdonein the kitchenand thereweresomething you reallylikedyou wouldbe prepared
bathroom. to spenda bit more.

Buyer B My KIND OF pLACE plM-tr

Tryto sellthishouse. Youarelookingto buya house.Visitthreeestateagencies

f 160,000 anddecidewhichof the threehouses you wouldliketo buy.
Location: In the countryside,
about2 milesfromthe outskirts Youare55 anddivorced. Youhavethreechildrenbut they
of the cityand 10 milesfrom the citycentre.Thereareno local areall livingawayfromhome,althoughtheysometimes
schools but thereisa littleshop10minuteswalkaway. Thereis cometo visityou.Youworkasan administration assistant
a busto the citycentrethat passes onceevery2 hours. the centreof town and you don't havea car.Youcandrive,
however,and if you neededto buy a caryou would.Youlove
Description: Thiscottageisabout150yearsold but hasbeen
gardening andyou'dliketo livein a peaceful
areaof town or
modernised andisin verygoodcondition. lt hasonlyone
in the countryside.
You'dliketo haveall modernappliances
floor,but it hasa largelivingroom,a goodsizediningroom,
likecentralheatingandairconditioning. Youwantto be
a kitchen,3largebedrooms and2 bathrooms.There is no
garagebut because ableto get intothe citycentreeasilybecause you meetyour
the areaisso quiet,thereareno parking
problems. friendsthereat the weekend.Youcanaffordaboutf1 80.000.
lt doesn'thavecentralheatingor air conditioning
althoughyou wouldpaya littlemoreif necessary.
butit hasan openfireplace in the livingroomanddining

Estate agent Buyer CE


Tryto sellthishouse. Youarelookingto buya house.Visitthreeestateagencies

anddecidewhichof the threehouses you wouldliketo buy.
Youare38 and marriedwith two smallchildren. Youmiqht
Location:Nearto the city centre.Therearelotsof shopsof all
wantto haveanotherchildin the future.Youarea computer
n<indsand publictransportto all partsof the cityisexcellent.
programmer andworkfrom home,so it'sveryimportant
It's4 milesto the nearestschool.
for you to havea studyarea.Youpreferto be nearthe city
Description:Thisflatis newandextremely modern.lt has centrebecause you don'treallylikethe countrysidealthough
centralheating, airconditioning
anda burglaralarm.lt has a gardenwouldbe nicefor the children. Youdon'twantto
two largebedrooms, two on-suitebathrooms, an enormous buyanywhere that needsworkdoingto it.Youthinkit'svery
roomwith a largebalconywith viewsof the city centre. importantto haveschools and shopsnearby, but asyou and
h alsohasa largekitchenwith itsown diningareaanda small yourpartnerhavecars,you couldtakethe childrento school
office.Thereis a parkingspaceavailableat a littleextracostin by carif it wasnecessary.
You'dalsolikea quietlocation. You
the basement. canaffordabout f200.000.

a PeorsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Student A

Situation1:Youhavejust starteda holidaytravellingaroundEuropewith a

friend.Youhavea limitedamountof moneyandyou haveto spendit wisely. youd
liketo stayin 3 or 4 starhotelsbecause
you thinktheyaregoodvaluefor money
andthat wayyou'llsleepwell and havelotsof energyfor visitingdifferentplaces.
Youcansavemoneyby buyingfoodfrom supermarkets andeatingit in the streets
or hotelroom.lf you run out of money,you knowyourfriendhasa visacardand could
get somecashto lendyou andyou wouldpayit backwhenyou get home.

Situation2: Youknowthat yourpartneris aboutto inheritsomemoneyfrom an aunt.Youdon'tknowhow much

it'sgoingto be,but if it'smorethanf2,000,you wouldliketo go on a trip aroundthe world.you andyourpartner
havebeenworkingveryhardrecentlyandyou stillhaven'tgot too manyresponsibilities, asyou areonly25 and live
in rentedaccommodation. Youthinkthiswill be an opportunityto do somethingthat you will neverbe ableto do
again,andyou havethe restof yourlivesto saveandspendwisely.

Situation3: Youarethe bossof a smalldesigncompanythat makesclothesfor shopsin the localarea.you aren't

makinga lot of moneyat the momentbecause thereis a lot of competition,
andthe moneyyou makeis usually
investedin newequipmentand expansion of the company. Youalsothinkone of yourstaffis stealing,
but you are
not surewho it is.You'vedecidedto speakto an employeewho hasworkedfor you the longestto askhim/herto spy
on the othersin orderto find out who it is.

K- --

Student B

Situationl: Youhavejust starteda holidaytravellingaroundEuropewith a friend.Youhavea limitedamountof

moneyandyou haveto spendit wisely. Youthinkthat the bestideawouldbe to stayat campsites because
areverygoodvaluefor moneyandcheaperthan hotels.Thiswayyou wouldhavesomesparemoneyto spendon
eatingin localrestaurants
and buyingsouvenirs. Youdon'twantto wasteyourmoneyon hotels.Youhavea visa
card,but you don'twantto useit becausetheychargea lot of commissionandyou needthe moneyyou havein the
bankwhenyouget home.

Situation2: Youhavejust inheritedf3,000from an aunt.Tellyourpartnerandsuggestwaysof spendingthe money.

Youthinkthat you shouldspendthe moneywiselyand not wasteit on thingsthat aren'tnecessary. you wouldlike
to investa littleof it, aboutf500,and put the restin the bankin orderto startsavingto buya house.youthink
this is a good time to startthinkingaboutthe future.Youhaveneverhad enoughmoneyto do this
beforeandyou haven'tgot time or moneyto spareasyou are25 and needto be responsible.

situation3: Youworkin a smalldesigncompanythat makesclothesfor shopsin ,rrlr

the localarea.Youhaveworkedtherefor a verylongtime (longerthananyother ''ffi
employees) and haveearnedthe sameamountof moneyfor the last5 years. your "%t
bosshasaskedto seeyou andyou areverypleasedbecause it will giveyouthe
opportunityto tell him/herthat you wouldliketo earnmoremoney.At the moment,
you neverhaveanymoneyto spareat the end of the monthand if he doesn'tgiveyou a
rise,you thinkit'snot worthcontinuingin the company.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

llowweffdo I lrnowmycfassmates?

of your classmates
who correspondto the

1 doesn'thavea veryhealthylifestyle.
2 travelled
abroadmorethan4 times.
3 isfeelingquitetiredat the moment.
4 canworkout what5o/o
of 175is in his/herhead,
5 hashadmorethan4 girllboyfriends.
6 hasbeento the cinemathisweek.
7 canski.
8 studiesalmosteveryday.
9 wouldn'tliketo go bungeejumping,
o 10 spendshis/hermoneywisely.
11 hasn'tgot a mobilephone.
12 livesin a big houseor flat.
13 isafraidof snakes.
14 wouldliketo livein anothercountryin the future.
15 isambitious.
16 wentto bedearlylastnight.
17 hasn'tstudiedEnglish
for morethanthreeyears.
l8 hasmet somebody
didn'tdo anysportwhenhe/shewasa child.
20 is interested
in music.

Ask your classmatesusing questiontags to find out if you were right.

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What is your idea of Utopia?Readthe following rulesand put a (/) if they fit your idea of a perfect world.
Changethe rule if you don't agreewith it.

children over the age of 12 don't have to go to school if they don't want to. .............................................D

People shouldn't tell lies

Politicians must take very difficult exams before they can stand for election .....................1;
Young people have to spend at least one year living in a foreign country. ..........................D
People shouldn't make sexist or racist comments or jokes. ...........tr

Holidays should be a lot longer than they are now. .............................f1

Governments shouldn't spend money on weapons. .................. ............tr
People don't have to show identification wh-en passing from one country to another. .........................D

Factories shouldn't poilute the atmosphere under any circumstances. .........................

Everybody has to take turns in looking after the children and old people in a community. ...........O

Drivers shouldn't use their cars more than twice a week. ...............f|
Peoplemustn't eat or drink more than they need. ....,.............n
Everybody must earn the same amount of money if they work for ftre same number of hours.
Wealth must be divided equally between countries. .............................tr

Now discussthe rulesin smallgroups,sayingwhyyou agreeor disagree.

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CanI sefI y0uthis?
Student A Student B

lf youbuythiscar
lf you buythismobilephone
assoonasyou drivethiscar.
.....assoonasyouswitchit on.
Whenyou showthiscarto yourfriends
Whenyourunout of credit.....
. . . . . . . .u n l e syso ub u yt h i sc a rf r o mm e .
...unlessyou buy it today.

lf you buythiscomputer
lf youdo thisEnglish
assoonasyou usethiscomputer.
. . . . . . .a. ss o o na sy o up a y .
Whenyoucomparethiscomputerto othercomputers
youfailthe exam.
unlessyou arefullysatisfied.

6[t DAY 5

lf you bookthisholiday
lf youcometo ourclinic
.............:.. a ss o o na sy o ua r r i v e
a t t h eh o t e l ,
assoonasyou havethe
Whenyou arethere operation.
unlessyou decidetoday. W h e ny o ul e a v e
t h ec | i n i c . . . . . . . . .
@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

LastyearI BLEEPto Thelocalbankwas I hadmy purseBLEEP My sonis goingon

BLEEPlastweekend. whenlwasshoPPing. a schoolBLEEP next
NewYorkon a plane.
(travelled) (robbed) (stolen) weekto the coast.(trip)

BLEEP to other Thatnew comedywas

ThepartyI went to the BLEEP thingl've My teacherBLEEP usto
countriesmakesYou wasreallygood BLEEP. seenin a longtime. be quiet.(told)
moretolerantof other (fun)
cultures.(travelling) (funniest)

Paulis BLEEP asa

Canyoutell me what l'd liketo get a BLEEP I can'tgo out. l'vegot waiterin hisfather's
the teacherBLEEP?| asa waitress in the to muchBLEEP to do.
restaurantat the
(said) summer.(/ob) (work)
didn'thearher. moment.(working)

I neverBLEEPmY me
SheBLEEP my bike Couldyou BLEEP
ThebanknormallY mother'sbirthday
peoplemoney and nevergaveit back. and shegetsangrY. to buysomemilklater.
(borrowed) (remind)
to buy a house.(lend) (remember)

I don't knowthis My fatherwasoften

vocabulary because ShehasBLEEP a lot BLEEP the truth nowor awayon business
I BLEEP the class. of weightsinceshe youwill be punished. whenl w as
(missed) startedthe diet.(/ost) (telD
i young.(trips)

a book Thatjoke reallYwasn't SheBLEEP me her I really BLEEPmY

familywhenI go
withoutidentification. ve ryB L EEP.ldidn' t mobileto phone
(borrow) laughat all.(funny) home.(/enf) abroad.(miss)

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Somevery similarproductsoften havevery differentprices.Lookat the following advertswith a partnerand discuss.
a Whatarethe maindifferences
betweenthe two products?
b ls it worth payingfor the mostexpensive
oneor wouldyou be wastingyourmoney?
c Whichwouldyou buy?

London -Tokyo

First Class fl1,000

EconomyClass fl550

London Hotels
***** {150 per night
*** {85 per night

English Language EAST COAST RAIL

Courses Edinburgh - London f65 Return

Universtity of Brainsor
25O for 40 hours

Brainsor LanEuage Academy scoTcoAcHEs

E18Ofor 40 hours Edinburgh- Londonf28 Return

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable


inside/outside difficult/easy win the game

specialclothes specialequipment energetic
at home/in a gym/in the street,etc expensive/cheap involve a lot of movement

alone/ina team dangerous/safe etc



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Matchthe words in the box picturesin pairs.
k._ _____ _- --_:t_t___ to the
Student A Student B
i lift weights/hurt
one'sback garden/find
a frog
j punish/fight dropa bucket/clean
run/missthe train j steala lot of money/roba bank
makea cake/cook i run in the rain/catch
a cold
cut one'sfinger/choponions pict<a flower/cycle
in the countryside

i .''^:::i.:T:1:'
i playtennis/wina cup

Nowexplainwith a partnerwhat hasbeenhappeningand what hashappenedin eachpictureusingthe wordsfrom

the box.
Hasanythingsimilarhappenedto you?Explainto yourpartnerwhat happened.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

ke you

Completethe sentenceswith a verb in the correctform (gerundor infinitive) so that they are true for you.

and find one personwho is like you.Writetheir namenext to the sentence.

Now askquestionsto your classmates

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

Student A
Find12 differencesbetweenyour pictureand your partner'spictureby askingquestionsor describing.
Usethe words in the box.

some (not)any many much a few a couple a little lotsof a lot of

Student B
Find12 differencesbetweenyour pictureand your partner'spictureby askingquestionsor describing.
Usethe words in the box.

some (not)any many much a few a couple a little lotsof a lot of

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

WharwotdamI erPlaining?
Stud.ent A
Match the words in the box to the definitions below'



1 lt'sa kindof dishthatyou haveafteryourmaincourse'
grey'lt canbe foundin Africaandhasa trunk'
2 lt'sa typeof animalthat is normallyhuge,heavyand
to makeit sweeter'
likestrawberries lt'sthickandsmooth'
3 lt,sthe stuffyou put on desserts
differentcoloursandit canbe smoothor rough'
4 lt,ssomethingEnglishpeopleput on the floor.lt comesin
end sothatyou canwritewith it'
5 lt,sa thingyou usefor makingyourpencilpointedat the
5 lt'sverysoftandyou useit whenyou aresleeping for yourhead'

7 lt'sa smooth,ovalthingthatyou caneat;fried'boiledor scrambled'

useit for eating,but not cutting.
8 |t,susua||ymadeof meta|andit hasa narrowhand|e'You
to ltt stuffthatyoutakewhenyou arefeelingill'

1 point for eachword they guesscorrectly'

Now read out the definitionsto the other team.They score


Student B
Matchthe words in the box to the definitions below'



areawherepeopleplaytennisor volleyball'
1 lt'sa rectangular
2 lt'ssweet,brown,stickystuffthat is madefrom cocoa'
3 lt,sa verywide roadwherecarscandriveveryfastbetween
4 lt'sa thingthat theydo to filmswhentheychangethe original
profession asyou'
5 lt'sa personwho you workwith or who hasthe same
for fryingthings'
6 lt,sa hard,roundthingyou canfind in the kitchen.It'sused
7 lt,sa huge,beautifulbuildingwhereroyalfamiliestraditionally
walkto getfromone placeto the other'
8 lt'sa narrowspacebetweenroomsin a housewhereyou can
9 lt'sverylightandsoftandit comesfromthe birds'
andmadeof plasticandit'susedfor changingtheTVchannel'
1O lt,srectangular

point for eachword they guesscorrectly'

Now read out the definitionsto the other team.Theyscore1

EducationLimited2006- Photocopiable
o Pearson
r l a - a .
I nufa qurz:llow muchdoVouknow?
Choosea square'Listento the otherteam'squestion. lf youget it righ! youwin the squareand 1 point,andyou
canhaveanotherturn.lf youget it wrong,it,sthe otherteam,sturn.
Thesquares areasfollows:H=History,
G=Geography, sc=science, people
Score1 extrapointif youget bothsquares
in anyonecategory..

Team A Tbam B
History History
t WherewasAlexander
the Greatoriginally
from? t Whichcivilization,
the Mayaor the Aztec,isthe
(Macedonia\ oldest?(theMayacivilization)
2 In whichcenturydid the FrenchRevolution
take 2 In whichcenturydid the Russian
place?(18thcentury) place?(20thcentury)
Geography Geography
t Whichgasmakesup78o/oof
the world,satmosphere? t Whichisthe largestcontinentin the world?(Asla)
2 At whatdistance fromthe Equatorcanyoufindthe
2 In whichtwo countries
canyoufind MountEverest? tropics?(23.5degrees)
(Chinaand Nepal)
1 Whatisthe chemicalsymbolfor magnesiu
1 Whatisthe scientific
studyof plantscalled?
2 In whichyeardid an American
teamof astronauts
2 Whichplanetis nearestto the sun?(Mercury) landon the moon?(/969)
TheArts TheArts
t In whichcountrydid the impressionist
movement 1 Whatis a'fresco'?(paintingdirecttypaintedon a wall)
2 WhichJaneAustenbookwasmadeintoa film starring
2 Who wrote Alicein Wonderland?
(LewisCarroil) EmmaThompson? (Sense
and Sensibitity)
Sport Sport
f Whatisthe mostimportantgameof the seasonin I Whenwerethe firstmodernOlympicGamesheld?
Americdnfootball?(Superbowl) (18e6)
2 Whenwasthe firstworldcup held?(1930) 2 Whichcountrywon the WorldCupin 195g,1962and
Famouspeople 1970?(Brazil)

t WhichGreekphilosopherlivedbetween384 and322 Famouspeople

ec?,(Aristotle) 1 Wherewasthe revolutionary
z WhichSwedishactressstarredin Casablanca?
(lngrid (Argentina)
Bergman) Z WhatwasEinstein's

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

Areyou an

Areyouan aduenfurous
Ask and answerthe followingquestionswith a partner.
1 Wheredo younormallychooseto go on a holiday?
a Toa differentcountryeveryyearsothatyou can
experience lotsof differentcultures.
b Tothe sameplaceeveryyear.Newsensations are
not for you.
c lt depends. Sometimes to a placeyou alreadyknow
andsometimes somewhere new.
2 Whatandhow do you usuallybook?
a An all-inclusive packageholidayat a travelagent's
with guaranteed quality.
b Flightonlyoverthe Internet. Youcanplan
everything elseonceyou get there.
c Theflightandthe accommodation at a travel Youareon holidayin CentralAmericaandthe hotelis
agent'sor overthe Internet,but not alwaysa organising a two-daywalkingexcursion in the tropical
package dealasit'sniceto havesomefreedom. rainforest,campingovernight.Doyou?
3 Whichof the followingbeaches wouldyou prefer? a Askif thereareanyone-dayexcursions. Youquite
likethe idea,but feelafraidaboutsleepingin the
a Youdon'tlikethe beach.The hotelswimmingpool
is muchwarmer,saferand haswaiterservice.
b Putyournamedownimmediately. lt soundsgreat!
b Nottoo busy,but nearthe hotel,shopsandcaf6sso c Think'lcan'timagineanythingworsei
thatyoucanget drinksor foodto eatwhenyouwant.
Youarriveat yourholidaydestination andare
c Onethatyou can'tget to by car,sothereare informedthattherehasbeena politicalcrisisandthe
normally no otherpeoplethere. government of the countrycan'tguarantee the safety
4 Whatdo youthinkaboutthefoodwhenyougo abroad? of tourists.Whatdo you do?
a Youtry someof it, but nothingtoo strange. lt a lgnoreit.You'vepaidfor the holidayandyou are
dependsreallywhatit is. goingto stay.
b Younevertry anyof it. Betterto eatthe hotelfood b Stay,but worryandwatchthe news.lf thingsget
or takeit with youfrom home. anyworse,youwill leave.
c You'dtry anything; friedinsects, spicycurries, c Getthe nextflighthome.
strangeanimals. lt'sall partof the experience. Yourfriendhaswon a round-the-world airticketfor
5 Youmeeta localcoupleon holidayabroadwho two andasksyouto accompany her.Youknowyou
suggestyou go with themto explorethe area.What haven'tgot a lot of spendingmoney,soyou will need
do you decide? to be careful.
a Noway.You'restayingin the hotelcomplex. You a Packyourbagsstraightawayandgo campat your
neverknowwhat'sout there. friend'sin caseshechanges hermind.
b Youthinktwiceaboutit. tt wouldprobablybe b Sitdownandcalculate exactlyhow muchmoney
betterto hirea carandgo alone.Youdon'treally you'vegot andthenmakea decision.
knowwhatthiscoupleis like. c Decidenotto go.There arelotsof countries youdon't
c Jumpat the chance. Localpeoplealwaysshowyou wantto visitandespecially withoutmuchmoney.
the mostinteresting sightsand landmarks.

is^epllot{aq} la}jP aJllsl alaql pue ales ere sain}ua^pe lle }ou la^o^ oq laquoLual }snr .lo#o uo st leql
esla 6ulqilue pue luatualtlxa'suollesuos rl,tau'so;nluanpelnoqe a.resr{epr;opd}! saop'noI sor.uoan 6urq}ou'sasu) le)t}tlod ,sleutue pltn ,s}sato;urpu

'suollen]ls snolebuep olut;;astno{
6urila6 lnoq}lrvroo} unJJo }ol e anpq I;qeqord no{ pue si(eprloq1o sad{1 luaragrp
{ofua i(lqeqord noA'lsl!, ulaq} tnoqe 6uryurql lnoql;nr s6urq1op l,uop no{ q6noq1;e'areqMaurosno{ ur e.rnluenpeyo lsrds auros sr araLl}
'rtluno: unnolnol ut slepr;oq
a6e1:ed ol >lrlrsrsnf(lqeqord plnoqs noI uaql'lou;1 'al]]ll p xelar ]nq ,ouroll ruorJ
o1trqbr.lare noI aqIe61 2no{ are 'sr(epr;oqo} sauol }r uoqM snolntuanpe (lan 1,uare{;;eal notr
{eme uaqm are; noI qstl aq}Jo euos lnoqe Lt.torrn

[ ) z q P8 L ) Z q t eL L ) E q Z P 9 t ) Z qI PS
) t q z e ' t ) z q t P z ) q t 2 zz ) t q E E t

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Areyoulyingto me?

Matchthe expressionsin the box aboveto the picturesbelow.

Bythe time you were6

Bythe time you were11

Bythe time you were18


Now choose1 picturefrom eachrow and put a x through it. Don,tshowyour partner!
Askyour partnerabout the activitiesabove.Askfollow-upquestionsto guessif he or sheis telling
the truth.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable
Write short answers to ten of the following questions in the shapes below. Don't do it in order.

t Whatfooddo you likethe most? 9 Whatis Londonlike?

2 Whichcountrywouldyou liketo visitin the future? looklike?
1o WhatdoesBritneySpears
3 Whodo you looklikethe mostin yourfamily? do you like?
11 Whatkindof TV programmes
4 What'sthe weatherliketoday? 12 Whatjobsaroundthe housedon'tyou likedoing?
5 Whatdoescurrytastelike? t 3 Whatwasthe lastfilmyou sawlike?
6 Whatdo you likedoingin yourfreetime? 14 Wherewouldyou liketo livein the future?
7 Whatdoesheavymetalsoundlike? 1s WhatdoesSpringsmelllike?
8 Whatwouldyou liketo changeaboutyourphysical 16 Whichotherstudentin the classlook the most
appearance? likeyou?

Look at your partner'sanswersand guessthe question.

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Student A Student B
Correctyour partner'ssentences,which all contain a Correct your partner's sentences,which all contain a
grammarmistake.lf you get it wrong,you missa turn. grammarmistake.lf you get it wrong,you missa turn.

I wentto shopwhereI boughtthe bookandspoke Himalayas

area mountainrangein Asia.(Ihe
to a shopassistant
shop) Himalayas)

Therewasn'tanyfurniturein the newhouseexceot

Theboywho sitsnextto me isfastestrunnerin the
fridgein the kitchen.(afridge)
ld liketo getjob asnursein a big hospital
in the
I wasstandingon bridgethat crosses
the River future.(anurse)
Saharadesertisan extremelyhot anddry place.lt,s
Theviolencein the UnitedStatesisgettingworse
alsovery big.(TheSahara)
afl the time.(Violence
withno article)
I met my firstboyfriendat clubwhenI wason
5 My brotherlivesin a big housein southof France.
(thesouthof Ftance) holidayin the southof France. (a ctub\

I lovethe dancing,especially
whenI go out to a
I hadthe dinnerin a smallrestaurant in the centre
club with my friends.(dancingwithno article)
of the city,(dinnerwith no article)
LastnightI sawghost,but it wasn,tthe sameghost
asI sawthe nightbefore.(a ghost)

The lastweekendwe went to the countrysideto President

of the UnitedStatesis probablythe most
camp. (Lastweekendwith no article) powerfufpersonin the world.(Thepresident\

g I hada appleanda bananaafterlunch.(anappte) TheRiverSeinerunsthroughcentreof parisand it,s

very importantto the city.(fhecentre)
10 There'sboyin my classwho I don,treallylike.He,sa 10 Thetravelmakespeoplemoretolerantandopen-
historystudent.(aboy) minded.(Travelwith
no article\
11 Westayedin a smallhotelin the southernltalv. 1l I'mgoingto playa tennismatchwith my cousin
(southernltaly with no article) the nextweekend.(nextweekend withno article\
1 2 | l i k et h e m u s i cs h e p l a y e da t t h e b e g i n n i n go f n i g h t '12 Shewas
the strongerthanthe otherssoshewon
but not at the end. (thenight) the game.(stronger
withno article)
13 | waschasedby dog on my wayhomefrom school. 13 Westudyat veryold university
whichhasa very
(a dog) goodacademic tradition.(averyotd)
14 lt'spossible to swimin Mediterranean
seaevenin 14 WhenI wanta breakfromworkI takea fewdaysto
wi nter.(the Mediterranean) go to coastand relax.(thecoast)
15 | wentshoppingon busbut I got a taxito get back 15 Jamaicais in West Indies.I went there for a few
homeagain.(thebus) weekson holidaylastyear.(theWestIndies)

@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Findout how yourclassmates Findout if yourclassmates think Findout whenwasthe lasttime
aroundtown.Do theyalwaYsdo theirEnglish is getting In
better. got ill andwhat
the samething? whatwayspecificallY? the problemwas.

Findout whatyourclassmates
normallydo assoonastheYget i Findout who yourclassmates get Findout at whattime of daYYour
homein the eveningor at night. i on with in theirfamilYandwhY? classmates get hungrY'

Findout how manYof Your Findout how manyof Your

Findout how oftenyour classmatesthinktheywillget classmates havegot lostat some
classmatesget a taxi.WhYdo theY married(again)in the future.lf not, time in theirlives.Askwhereand
why not? whenthishappened.

Findout how manyof your Findout whatwasthe bestPresent Findout how longit takesYour
classmateshavegot somethingin that yourclassmateshaveever9ot. classmatesto get readYin the
the postthisweek.Findout what Findout who it wasfrom andwhY morning.And to go out on a
it was. theygot it. specialoccasion?

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable


0 /

[ \

Answerthe questionsin your teams.

t wherewouldyougo if you wantedto seeone
of the world'smostimportantinternational
Film,Music,Theatreand FringeFestivals
in August?
z whichcitydo you needto visitif you want
to crossthe GoldenGatesuspension bridge?
s lf youweretraveilingaroundthe Arps,which
6 countriesmightyou be in?
4 whichcountrywouldyou haveto visitto
seethe ruinsof the greatIncacity,Machupicchu?
s lf youweresightseeingin the capitalcityof wellington,whichcountry
wouldyou be in?
6 on whichborderarethe Niagara Falls,
oneof the world'smostspectacurar waterfalls,
z whichtwo southAmericacountries couldyouvisitin orderto explorethe patagonia
8 In whichoceancanyoufind Christmas lsland?
9 Whichcitywouldyou haveto visitto go to the prado
art gallery?
10 WhatruinedtempleisAthensfamousfor?
11 In whichcitycanyou simprycrossa river
andtraverbetweentwo continents?
12 ln whichcountrycanyou seethe beautiful
13 In whichcitycanyoufindthe remarkable
landmar(the Alhambrapalace?
14 In whichEuropeancapitarcitycourdyou enjoya traditionar
I pint of Guinness?
15 In whichcountrywourdyou be if youwere
rookingat a parace
carred theTajMahar?

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 _ photocopiable

Mark one of the columnswith an X for the ten statementsyou hear.



t Youshouldalwaysplanfirstwhatyou aregoingto sayin Englishin orderto avoidmakingmistakes
whenyou speak.
2 Governments
shouldspendmoremoneyon scientific
3 Everybody
shouldbe giventhe opportunityto do a university
4 somesubjectslikereligionor physical
educationshouldneverbe obligatory.
5 lt'sa good ideato takea sabbatical
from university
and beforelookingfor a job.
0 lf a studentalwaysgetsgood marksit showsthat he or sheis intelligent.
7 lt is betterto evaluate
studentson coursework
and participation
in classratherthan makethemdo exams.
8 when youtakenotes,you shouldtry to writedowneverything
the teachersays.
9 Students
learnmorewhentheygo to smallclasses
or tutorialsratherthanwhentheyattendbig lectures.
t0 Thebestwayof makingprogress
in a language
isto livein a countrywhereit is spoken.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Factol fiction?
Student A

Readthe followingsentences
and think of a questionto askto find the missinginformation.
1 Pabfo Picasso
wasbornin Barcelona
and paintedmanyfamouspaintingsincludingLaGuernica,Woman
witha Crow
2 Charf
esDarwinwasbornin in 1809andwroteOntheoriginof thespecies
in 1859.
3 ThefamouswriterOscarWildewasbornin Dublinin 1905anddiedin Francein 1949.
4 ruledGreatBritainfor 40 years.
5 canjump almost6 feetin the air.
6 isthe onlyanimalwith fourknees.
7 TheHundredYears
I President
andnever on a Friday.
9 Theonlynationwhosenamebeginswith anAi but doesn'tend in anA isAfghanistan.
l0 shotand killedJohnLennonin NewYorkin December
l1 Theoriginalversionof the film KingKongwasfirstreleased
in 1949.
12 ThefirstStarWarsfilm wasreleasedin 1987and won

Nowguesswith your partnerwhich 6 sentences

are false.

Student B

Readthe followingsentences
and think of a questionto askto find the missinginformation.
1 wasbornin Barcelona
and paintedmanyfamouspaintingsincludingLaGuernica,
Womanwitha Crow
2 Charles
Darwinwasbornin Englandin 1809andwroteOntheoriginof thespecies
in 1859.
3 ThefamouswriterOscar
Wildewasbornin Dublinin 1905anddiedin Francein
4 QueenVictoriaruledGreatBritainfor 40 years.
5 Penguins
can_ almost6 feetin the air.
6 Theelephantisthe onlyanimalwith fourknees.
7 actuallylasted200years.
I President
wasextremely and neverstarteda journeyon a Friday.
9 Theonlynationwhosenamebeginswith anAi but doesn'tend in anA'is
1 0 MarkDavidChapman
shotandkilledJohnLennonin NewYorkin December
11 wasfirstreleased
in 1949.
1 2 ThefirstStarWars
film wasreleasedin 1987and won 6 Oscars.

Now guesswith your partner which 6 sentencesare false.

@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

to me?
You'vejust graduatedfrom i You'vejust becomean and
You'rean astronaut just becomea
I You've
university. ecologist.

You'vejust startedgoing You've just got divorced.

just brokenyourleg. You've i Youstartedbodybuilding
out with a famousactor/ at the gym,

You'vemoved to England. You'vestartedsmoking. just hadtwins.

You've You'vejust soldyourcar.

You'vestartedmeditating You'vejust boughtyour just retired.

You've You'vestartedwork in a
anddoingyoga. firstmobilephone. nightclub.

You'vewon the lottery. You'velearnedto soeak You'vebeenelected

Englishverywell. President
of the USA.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable


Findout how manypeoplein the class

Findout how manypeoplein the class
a canspeakmorethantwo languages.
(Askwhich) a couldusea computerasa smallchild.(Askwhen
b cant drivea car.(Askwhytheyhaven,tlearned) how theylearned)
b couldn'tseetheirrelatives
veryoftenasa child.fisk

Findout how manypeoplein the class i

Findout how manypeoplein the class
a managedto achievean importantobjectivelastyear. a wereableto passalltheirexamsat school.(Askhow)
(Askwhat) i
b weren'tableto do everything
theywantedto do i
b didn'tmanageto get up at the timetheyplannedthis yesterday.(Askwhattheydidn,tdo)

Findout how manypeoplein the class

Findout how manypeoplein the class
a cantefl a jokein English.
(Askwhichone) a coufd skiwhentheywerea child.(Askwherethev
b can'teat a certainkind of food.(Askwhichand why) learned)
b couldn'tunderstand
a schoolsubject

Findout how manypeoplein the class

Findout how manypeoplein the class
a wereableto meetsomebody famouswhentheywere a managedto savesomemoney
growingup.(Askwho) lastyear.(Askhow)
b didn'tmanageto do theirlastpieceof English
weren'tableto do everything
theywantedasa homework.(Askwhy)

Findout how manypeoplein the class

Findout how manypeoplein the class
a canfoseweight easily.
(Askhow) a wereableto travelabroada lot asa child.(Askwhy)
b can'tseetheirfriendsasmuchastheywouldlikeat b weren'tableto do sportwhentheywereat
the weekends.(Askwhy)
secondary/any school.(Askwhy)

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AII aboulfeatning
Student A Student B
Replacethe underlinedexpression(s) with an Replacethe underlinedexpression(s) with an
appropriateidiom in the correctform. Makeother appropriateidiom in the correctform. Makeother
changesif necessary. changesif necessary.

1 Arethereanypeoplethat you knowverywell? 1 Whenyouwereat school,whichsubjectdid you

Whydo youthinkthisis? not knowanythingabout?Whywasthis?

Whentravellingabroad,haveyou everlearned 2 Whonormallyhelpsyouif you haveproblems

anyforeignwordsby chance?Do you still doingyourhomework? Doyou everhelp
remember them?Whatweretheyandwhatdid anybodyelsewith theirhomework?

Whenyouwerea child,did youuseto helpyour 3 Haveyou everreada lot of books?Do youthink

parents What
to do thingsaroundthe house? childrentendto reada lot of booksthesedays?
thingsdid youdo anddo youthinkyoulearnta
lot fromthisexperience?

4 Do you thinkitt betterto memorise

beforean exam?Doesit dependon the subject
lf you werein an examandyou hadno ideaof youarestudying?
the answer,wouldyou inventan answerwithout
thinkingaboutit too much?Haveyoudonethis
often?Wereyou successful?
5 lf youwerein a job interviewandthe interviewer
askedyoua question youdidn'tknowthe
Whatthingswouldyou liketo studyagainin answerto,wouldyou inventthe answerwithout
Whyisthisa bit risky?
orderto rememberbetter?Howcouldyou do

6 Do youthinkthe teacher's
lf youhaveno ideaabouthowto saysomething peoplein the
alwaysoneof the mostintelligent
whatdo you
whenyouarein class,
in English class?Whatothercharacteristics
do teachers
do?Whatwouldyoudo if youwerein an English reallylike?
speaking country?

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Matchthe expressionsfrom the box with the pictures.



/ rhust Fqgqtlrent,'onrn clqss

Talkin smallgroupsabout the picturesin relation

to your schooldays.Did you havea similarexperience?
waywas it similar and in what way was it different? In what

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 _ photocopiable

Ouess erPlesslon.......
thechange ...,
i Youwent out for a walkon
Yo, agreedto meetYourfriend i You'rein a restaurantand
i thisafternoon at 6 otlock,but I you'vejust told the waiterthat i a sunnydayandsuddenlY
you want souPfor starters. beganrainingverY heavilY.
i nowyoucan'tarriveuntil7.
-tL ^---.i--^ ..^+il 1 i

thinkthat Whatshouldyou do whenYou

I Youphoneherto seeif Youcan Now,you suddenlY
get home?
i cometo a differentagreement. youd prefersalad.Whatdo You
i what do you say? sayto the waiter?

Can we changethe l'vechangedmYmind' Changeyourclothes.

r i

Y"" u";;;;;k] d i; y;;; I Tenyearsagoyou went on

inin;;no una I Yoului i
quietfishing i
it hasbeenverYcold, presentjob for the last10 Years.i holidayto a small,
cloudyandit hasraineda lot. You'rereasonablY haPPYbut it's i villagein the southof SPain.
OnemorningyouwakeuPand gettinga littleboringandYou'd You'vejust gonebackthere
it'ssunnyandwarm.Whatdo liketo do something different. and now therearelotsof
you say? Whatdo you saY? hotels,barsandclubs.Whatdo
you say?

It'stimefor a change. Therehovebeensomemaior

Thatmakesa (nice)change! 'i

You'vejust got off the Plane You'rein a caf6with some i fverydayYou90 to workwith i
in a foreigncountrYand friendsandoneof themstarts i a friendby car.lt'snot verYfar I
you realisethat Youhaven't talkingaboutloveProblems. and you'dreallYliketo get a bit i
Youknowthat Yourother moreexercise. Whatdo YousaY i
broughtanyof the local
currency. YouonlYhavemoneY friendhasjust brokenuPwith to yourfriend?
from yourcountry.Whatdo her boyfriendand it'snot a
you needto do? goodideato talkaboutthis.
Whatdo you needto do?

Youneedto changesome Youneedto changethesubiect. Let'swalkfor a chonge.

Yourfriendhasnot beento the Youwork in an officewith a lot Youhavebeenworkingasa
for a couPleof
hairdresser's of otherpeople.OnedaYYou modelfor several Yearsbut
yearsand shedoesn'tlookverY discoverthat somebodY has havenow reachedan age
modernor attractive.Tonight beenusingyourcomputerand whereit is difficultto find work.
shehasa date.Whatdo YousaY lookingat yourPersonal files. Whatdo you needto do?
to her? Whatdo you needto do?

YoushouldchangeYour Youneedto changeYour Youneedto changeYourcareer.

hairstyle. password.

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

In whatcircumslances you?
Putyourcounterson start.Throwthe diceand move.Talkaboutcircumstances in whichyou will or would
do the thingwrittenin the square. Onthe ? square, listento the sentence
anotherclassmate saysandsayif
it is rightor wrong.lf it'swrongcorrectit. lf you don'tdo thiscorrectly,
missa turn.

Havecosmetic Getangrywith Leavea

surgery yourteacher restaurant

o o
Change Stayat homeall Failyour
English Lieto yourbest Stealfroma shop
nextweekend exam friend

Lenda lot of Hitchhike Sleepin the Not eatfor a
moneyto a friend street wholeday

o o
Kissoneof your Cheatin a game Startstudying Hit somebody
classmates anotherlanguage

Breaka window Stayup allnight Becomea Commita crime Do a striptease


Goon holiday Cry Appearon TV ril1,.r:
abroad i--rtr'l

o o

lf I could,ld travelthe world.(/) lf theywouldbe quiet,we could

continue.(X) (lf theywere)

i Peterwouldplaybetterif he practised You'llget a goodmarkif you studied. Peoplemight be happierif they had :
: more.(/) (r() (Youwould) moremoney.(/)

j If shemightseehim,she'lltell him.(X) l'd lend him a pen if I had lf I candrive,l'dbuya car.

: (lf sheseeshim\ (X) (lf I coulddrive)

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t | (really/definitely) somethingimportantI needto tell him.

wantto seePetertonight.There's
2 Shedid the examvery(well)andthe teachergavehera goodmark.
s | (hardlyever)seemy familyastheylivein anothercountry.
She'sneverhadan accident.
+ Shedrivesvery(carefully).
In fact,everydayduringthe week,but at weekendsI have
s | (usually)havea pieceof toastfor breakfast.
o Shewas(completely) afterwalkingall dayin the countryside.
you shouldpassallyourexamswithoutanyproblems.
7 lf youwork(hard),
and it'sverydifficultto hearwhatshe'ssaying'
a Shespeaks
g (Surprisingly),
the worststudentin the classgot the bestmark.
arrivearound6 otlock but I can'tbe sure.
1o We'll(probably)
11 Petersaidit startedat 6, but (actually)
it startsat 6.15.
12 lf we walk(quickly)
we shouldget thereon time.
the! won'thurtyou.
13 lf youtouchthe animals(gently/carefully),
I saidsomethingthat I shouldn'thavesaidand my friendfeltveryupset.
l4 (Unfortunately),
allyou needto do is bringsomewarmclothesanda packedlunch.
15 (Basically),

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Student A

Youarethe parentof a teenager. Recently you havebeenhavingproblemswith him/herbecause

he/shehasnot beenstudyingveryhardandfailedmostof the end of
for permission
to go to a concertwith friendslastweekandyou saidno because you wereangry,
but he/shewentanyway'Nowyou havedecidedto tellyourson/daughter
that asa punishment,
he/shecannotgo out for the nexttwo weeks.

Youandyourpartnerhavejust boughta newflat.Youwantedto buy a

thoughtthat you wouldn'tbe ableto affordthe mortgageon the placeyou,ve
but yourpartnerconvinced you.Youalsowantedr n"*iu, and spenta lot of moneyon thit
yourpartnerspenta lot of moneyon a holidaywith his/herfriends.you
now haveseriousmoney
problemsand needto discuss the situationwith yourpartner.

Youusedto havea verygood relationship

with yourneighbourbut now you arehaving
problems.she/heusedto comeroundto yourhouseto chatbut thenshe/hestartedg'ossiping
with otherneighbours
aboutyou,soyou got a littleangry.you hada partylastweekanojion,t
and he/shecalledthe policebecause of the noise.Nowyou playyour
musicveryloudon purposeto annoyyourneighbour. She/hecomesto complain.Discuss your

Student B

Youarea teenager. Youhavebeenhavingproblemswith you mother/fatherrecently. you have

faileda lot of examsbut youfoundit difficultto studybecause
it wasalwaysso noiiy in the
house'Theexamswerealsoverydifficultandyourteachers werenot verygood at explaining.
wentto a concertwith yourfriendslastweekalthoughyourmother/fattreitrao
saidyou couldn,t
9a but he/shedidn'tlistento you whenyoutriedto talkaboutthe matter.Now,you aregoing
be punished.

Youandyourpartnerhavejust boughta big,newflat andyou now have

because you can'taffordthe mortgage.
the flatyou bought,but he/shedidn'ttalkto you aboutwhy.He/shealso
spenta lot of ,onuy on
a newcarwhenyou thoughtthat it wasn'tnecessary. Youspenta lot of moneyon a holidaywith
yourfriendsbecause you wereangryaboutthe car.Younow haveto discuss the situation.

Youusedto havea verygood relationship with yourneighbourbut nowyou arehaving

problems' Youusedto go to her/hishouseto chatbut thenhe/shegot angry.you
because you talkedto otherneighbours
aboutyourconversations but she/hedidn,ttellyou
that theyweresecret.He/shehada partyand didn'tinviteyou soyou called
the policebecause
of the noise.Nowhe/sheplaysloudmusicall the time andyou aecioeto go

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - photocopiable

Word crossword
Studen A 1 D 2

re your partner
Give I a clue for the
words giver in the crossword. t P T
llthem if it
Tellthem i isa noun,anadjective
ar what it means.Don't
or a verb and A
use anv par
e any part of the word! P
*u 5

6 D
'n N D E R V A L U E D E
R ____l t__.1 R
%l A
ttc E T I o N

K i


, E
Student B
Give your partner a clue for the M
words given in the crossword. t P
Tellthem if it is a noun, an adjective
or a verb and what it means.Don't L
+ tA
useany part of the word! o
o l H
t!-l A R K N E S S

tqJ E V E o P E D E

D s H o N E S T

EducationLimited2006- Photocopiable
o Pearson
l l r
A change
for fhebeiler?
Lookat the followingpicturesand discussin pairs.
a Whatcanyousee?Matchthe wordsin the box.
b Whattypeof changeshavethesethingscausedin
our society?
c Arethereanynegativeconsequences




I::it lllf

@ PearsonEducationLimited 2006 _ photocopiable

Whatjobs can you seein the picturesbelow?

Answerthe followingquestionsin smallgroups.

I nw h i c hj o b s. . .
a lstherea lot of unemployment?
b Do peoplesometimes
workafterthe officialretirement
C Do peopleneeda lot of qualifications?
Do peopleusuallyneedexperience?
d Do peopleusuallywork9-5,flexitimeor overtime?
e Aretherea lot of perks?
f Doyouthinkpeoplefind it rewarding?
g Doyouthinkpeoplefacethe biggestchallenges?
h Do peopleearnthe most?
i Aretheremanychances
of promotion?

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Student A Student B
Orderthe followingwordsto makequestions. Orderthe followingwordsto makequestions.
t helpyourteenager
parentshousework did 1 activities
did childmakewerewhenyour
werea youthe makeyou whenwith ? extra-curricular
do you parents
youa any?

go lateparentsdid were15youyourletyou wereletchilddid parentsa whenup staylate

whenout ? youyouryou ?

manyin allowedplacesyoursmokeareyou the countrymaximumwhatyourisare

to publiccountryin ? alloweddrivespeedyou in to ?

wouldtaxesif you makehigher weremakestudentsif youwoulda examsdo
peopleyouwerea pay? lot of you teachera ?

shouldyouwearclothesallowedthinkdo peopleshouldvote16alloweddo at to be
s c h o o l t on o r m al tob ech i l d re ?
n thinkyou ?

letgo wouldteenager16aloneof a you thegovernmentdo thinkhours24 letopen

holidayon ? shopsa dayshouldyou?

EducationLimited2006- photocopiable
o Pearson

went to the cinemalastweek.(Askwhattheysawand theiropinion)

hasbeenill thisyear.(Askwhat
the illness


thinkstheywill be richone day.(Askwhy)

is afraidof somekindof animal.(Askwhich)

isgoingto do somethingexcitingafterclass.



did a part-timejob whentheywerea student.(Askwhat)

at the moment.(Askwho)
1 0 is missingsomebody

11 (Askwhat)
hassometypeof allergy.

1 2 went out for a meallastweek.(Askwhere)

1 3 cando a sportverywell.(Askwhat)

14 is planningto starta newjob in the nearfuture.(Askwhat)

work in smallgroups.Reportbackto your group about the thingsyou found out.

@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

Student A
Askyour partnerquestionsto completethe rules.

1 In Switzerland,
womenwerenot allowedto voteuntil 1971.
2 Untilrecently,
pubsin GreatBritainhad everynight.
3 In ltaly,everybody
hadto go to churchon Sundayuntil19g1.
4 Duringthe ruleof General
Francoin Spain,womencouldn,thave
5 Before1947,childrendidn't haveto go to schoolin GreatBritainafterthey reached
the ageof 14.
6 TheGermans
weren'tallowed until1975.
7 Doctorsin the Netherlands
werefirstallowedto carryout euthanasia
legallyin 2002.
8 Mencould in Russiaafterthe RussianRevolution.
9 Americanscouldn'tdrinkalcohollegallybetween 'l950
and 1965.
10 Until1976Londontaxishadto carry by law.

Now discusswith your partner which 4 rulesyou think are false.

Student B
Askyour partner questionsto completethe

1 InSwitzerland,womenwerenotallowed until1971.
2 until recently,
pubsin GreatBritainhadto closebefore11p.m.everynight.
3 In ltaly,everybody
had until i 981.
4 Duringthe ruleof General
Francoin Spain,womencouldn'thavetheirown bankaccounts.
5 Before1947,childrendidn't have in GreatBritainafterthey reachedthe ageof 14.
6 TheGermans
weren'tallowedto buy morethanonecaruntil r 975.
7 Doctorsin the Netherlands
werefirstallowed in 2002.
8 Mencouldhavemorethanonewifein Russia
afterthe Russian
9 Americans
couldn'tdrink between1950and1965.
10 until 1976Londontaxishadto carrysomehayanda sackof oatsby law.

Now discusswith your partner which 4 rulesyou think are false.

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i mor scHool RETURN



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Choosinga careercan be difficult.You haveto think about what you are good at, your qualifications,your
and hobbies,the type of person you are and the type of working life you want. Interview your partner
using the
followingquestionsand seeif you canthink of a job that would be suitablefor him or her.

I Whatwereyourbestsubjects
whenyouwereat school?
2 Haveyou studiedor areyou studyingat university?
3 Haveyou everhada job before?
Whatwasit?Whatdid you likeaboutthatjob andwhatdid you dislikeaboutit?
+ Doyou likeworkingwith yourhandsor do you preferworkingwith yourmind?
5 Canyou tlsea computerwell?
6 Do you preferworkingaloneor aspartof a team?
7 Doyou likethe outdoors?
8 Doyou reactwellunderpressure
or do you get verynervous?
9 Howwouldyoudescribe
10 ls it importantfor youto earna lot of moneyor wouldyou preferto havelessmoneyandmorefreetime?
11 Areyouveryambitiousor areyourfamilyandfriendsmoreimportantthanyourjob?
12 Doyou likebeingwith people?
l3 .Howmanylanguages
do you speak?
14 Canyou driveanddo you likedriving?
15 Wouldyou sayyou werecreative?
In whatway?

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O Pearson

Completethe questionswith an appropriateexpression/wordfrom the box in the correctform. Oneword is extra.

remember forget remindyouto remindyou of lose miss in memoryof

1 Do youever to do yourEnglishhomework?
2 Whatdoesthe word'summer' 7
3 Arethereanystatuesor monumentsin yourtownthat werebuilt a famouspersonor an important
4 Haveyou ever_ yourwalletor somemoney?Didyoufind it again?
5 Whatdo youthinkyouwould the mostif you wentto liveabroad?
6 Canyou whatyouweredoingduringthe Millennium

Student B

Completethe questionswith an appropriateexpression/wordfrom the box in the correctform. Oneword is extra.

remember forget remindyouto remindyou of lose miss in memoryof

1 Haveyou ever to takesomethingimportantwith youwhentravelling?

2 Whattechniques
do you useto do allthe thingsthatyou haveto do duringthe week?
3 Canyou to youwhenyouwere5 or 6 yearsold?
anythingsthat happened
4 Haveyou ever a flight,trainor coach?
5 Whatdoesthe word'winter' ?
o Haveyou evergot in a big city?Whathappened?

O P e a r s o nE d u c a t i o nL i m i t e d2 0 0 6 - P h o t o c o o i a b l e
If thingsweredifferent!
Readthe following sentencesand put a (/r if youagree
and a (x) if you disagree.

l w i s hl w e r er i c h .

I wishI had listenedmoreto my parents.

I wishmy English

lf onlyI hadmorefreetime.

lw is hm y f r i e n d w
s o u l dg o o u t

lf onlyit weresummerallyearround.

lwish I hadstudiedsomething
lwish I livedsomewhere
I wishmy familywouldn,tinterfere
in my lifeso much.

I wishI couldspeakanotherlanguage.

lf onlypeopledidn'tusetheircarsso much. '*l

I wishI hadstudiedharderwhenI wasat sch__..

lwish my neighbours
wouldn,tmakeso muchnoise.
lf onlyI couldgiveup smoking.

lwish the worldwerea fairerplace.

work in smallgroupsand compareyour answers.Discuss

whyyou agreedor disagreedwith the sentences.

lwish I had moretimebecausel,mverv

busyandif t hadmoretimetd ...

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - photocopiable

A lafewifha twist!
Workin pairsto tell the story of Johnand ClaireStevens.Includethe wordsgiven undereachpicture.

a party/invite
lastSaturday/have leavethe party/saygoodbye/
a newjob while/have
fun/steal ppear

n/happen/writedown/ nextmorning/goout/realise/ lookinside/see/emergency/
investigate appear apologise/theatre/next

call/explain/stopthe investigation go/veryhappy/enjoy shocked

Whatdo you think the neighbourtold John?Finishthe storywith a partner.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

: Ask your classmatesthe following question
and make Ask your classmatesthe following qr"rtion-"ni-
; notesabout their answers.
notesabout their answers.

Whatwouldyou do if you foundout that your

boyfriend/ Whatdo you normallydo whenyou
girlfriendwasfoolingaround? comebackhome
aftera longdayworkingor studying?

Ask your classmatesthe followingquestions i

notesabout their answers. ""a-"t"

Whatis goingon in the nationaland international

newsat Do you normallyturn up latefor things?Doesit depend
the moment?
on whatit is?

Ask your classmatesthe following question i i

and make i Ask your classmates
the following question
notesabout their answers. ln"["-l
i notesabouttheiranswers. "na

Whatideascanyou comeup with for raisingmoney

for a i Forwhat reasons
do couplesnormallysplitup?

Ask your classmatesthe following questions

and make Ask your classmates the followingquestionsand make
notesabout their answers.
notes about their answers.

goingto carryon studyingEnglishnextyear?

f1e Vou Haveyou everhadto calloff a trip or journey?Why
Whereareyou goingto study? did

Ask your classmatesthe following questions i

and make Ask your classmatesthe following questions
notesabout their answers. and make i
notesabout their answers.

Howcanyou helpa friendwho,sgoingthrough

a bad W.h.a!
do the peopleyou livewith do that you can,tput
time?Haveyou hadto do thisrecentlt? up
with?And the peopleyouworkor studywith?

o Pearson
Limited2006_ photocopiable
WhatamI describing?
Readthe followingdescriptionswith a partnerand guesswhat is being

It looks like a bird but it sounds like

It feels hot and nice on your skin' It
something mechanical. Some people
looks round and quite near, although
don't like the feeling of being inside this
it's really very far away' You can't touch
thing and some people love it. You can
it or hear it but you ean look at it in the
trear and see ttrem when they are low'
sky, if you protect Your eYes.




o o o o o
o o o
o o

d d r





o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable


what haveyou learnedabout your classmates

during this course?Do you rememberwhat they
class?Writeone or two namesnext to eachof havetalkedabout in
the sentences below.

Now ask your classmatesto find out if you were

right. Do you know eachother very well?

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 _ photocopiable

Tellthe students to mingle,askingandanswering each
other'squestions. Studentsdon't need to writedown
the answers but askthemto try to remember whatother
Procedure studentshavesaid.
to eachstudent'Tell Askeachstudentto reportbackon the answers theywere
Givea copyof partA of the worksheet
pairs to readthe description andguess given.lf you havemorethanten students, allowstudents
themto work in
the relationshipbetween the writer and the person
being with the samecardto conferprevious to thefeedback stage.
Nowtell students to usethe cuewordsgivento think
of questionsto askin orderto guessthe relationship
betweentwo people.Tellthem to writedownany
questions thattheyhavedifficultywith.Goaroundthe
class,checkingthe structure of questions.
Givea copyof the worksheet to eachstudentandtell
Askstudentsto addanyextraquestions andgetfeedback
themto writean answerin the firstcolumnfor eachof the
fromthe wholegrouP.
Arrangestudentsin differentpairsandgivea copyof part
Nowtell themto minglewith otherstudentsasking
B,studentA to oneandstudentBto the other.Students Perfector PastSimplein order
questions in the Present
writethe namesof threeof the peoplesuggested.
to find two otherstudentswho havethe sameanswer
Students askeachotherquestions in orderto guessthe asthey have.lf you thinkstudents will haveproblems
eachhaswith the personwhosenamesthey
relationship formingthe questions, brainstorm them asa classfirst'
havewritten.Pointout beforeyou beginthat the students Encourage studentsto discusstheiranswers whenthey
havedifferentlistsof relationshipsto choosefrom. find somebody with the sameanswer.
Answer Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutthe thingsthey
Thewoman beinqdescribedis her boss' foundtheyhadin common.

Procedure Procedure
Putthe studentsinto pairsandgivea copyof worksheet A Cutup a copyofthe worksheet for eachpairor groupof
to oneandworksheet Bto the other.Askthemto answer threestudents.
the questionson the left,writingcompleteanswers on Givethe studentsthe cut up sentences andtellthemto
a separate sheetof paper.Tellthem not to speakto their readthrougheachoneandarrangethem in a logicalway.
partneryet. Checkthe answers with the wholeclass.
Tellthe studentsto workwith theirpartner'Askthe Nowaskstudentsto commenton eachsentence to sayif
students to keeptheirpaperhiddenfromtheirpartner it istruefor them.Encourage themto explainwhy or why
sotheycan'tcopythe auxiliary verbs.Eachstudentreads not,givingalternativesentences with the samephrasal
out the answers they havewrittenandtheirpartner verbwhereappropriate.
mustguessthe correctquestion, completingit with the
appropriate verbastheysayit.
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutsomeof the

Givea copyof the worksheet to eachstudentandtell
themto readthe statements andtickthe appropriate
I think or l'm th column.Goaroundthe class, helpingwithanystructures
or vocabulary don't understand.
themto writeone Noworganise the classintosmallgroupsof threeor four.
Givea cardto eachstudent.Tell
Tellthemto comparetheiropinions, givingexamples with
Simple one in the Present
questionin the Present and
Continuous. that the
Goaroundthe classchecking theirfriends.
questionsarecorrect. Getfeedback fromthe wholeclass.
Dividethe classintotwo groups,A and B,andgive
copies luxury
of worksheet A to groupA anda copyof worksheet B to
groupB. Givean exampleof howto play.Studentsmustdefine
Havethe studentschecktheyunderstand allofthe words word usingrelativeclauses but withoutsayingthe words
writtenin theircrosswordin pairs,helpingthemwith any stated,e.g.lt'sa personwhocanspenda lot.tti a person
problemstheymighthave. whosebankaccountcontainsmonythousandsof pounds.
Nowrearrange the studentssothat a studentA iswith Organise the studentssothattheyaresittingin groupsof
a studentB.Tellthem not to lookat eachother,spaper. fourto six.Withinthe groupstheydivideintotwo
Focusthe students'attention on the examplesentence Eachstudenthasa maximumof oneminuteto explain
andtellthemto giveeachothercluesfor the restof
the words.Wriledown and across on the boardso that
studentscanidentifythe directionof the words.

the classinto pairsor groupsof threeandgive Procedure
eachteamtwo copiesof the worksheet.
Givea copyof the worksheet to eachpairof students
andtellthemto matcha pairof wordsfromthe boxwith
a picture.Checkwith the wholeclass, makingsurethey
understandthe words.
Askthe studentsto discuss in pairswhichof the verbsare
irregularandcheckwith the wholeclass.
Nowstudentssaysentences in pairsfor eachpictureusing
the PastSimpleand pastContinuous. Getfeedback from
corrector not andwhy.lfthe studentshavebeton the wholeclass.
Students thenthinkof an importanteventthat has
happenedrecentlyand mingle,askingtheirclassmates
1 escape/sleep 2land/rain3 play/getbroken4 have/ring
teamwith the mostmoneyisthe winner. 5 cook/arrive6 sail/appear g waiVappear
7 sunbathe/sting
Answers 9 clean/fall10 run/bite1I eaVbreakI 2 drive/jump
sentences1,4,5,7,8,11andl2 areincorrect.
1 areofteninterviewed
2 wasinventedby 5 shouldbe supervised
7 havebeenstolen
@ procedure
Procedure fourintotwo teamsof two.lf you haveodd numbers
Organise the classintogroupsof four.Giveonesetof cut
up cardsto eachgroup.
Writethe foflowingon the board:lt'sa person
whose"' lt'soplacewhere tftathingwhich
"' "' Givea copyof sentences
It'satimewhen A to oneteamandsentences
Writethe followingexample __._-r
on the board: noughtsor crosses.
Tellthe studentsto takeit in turnsto choosea number Studentsmingleaskingandanswering questions.
andthe otherteamwill readthemthe sentence. lf they with them,checkingthattheyareusingappropriate
deciderightor wrongcorrectly they put the symbolin the questionsandanswering in the appropriate
square. Nowthe otherteamplays. Getfeedback fromeachstudent.Askthemto tellyouthe
At the end,the studentscounthow manynoughtsand questionstheyaskedandthe answers theyweregiven.Elicit
crosses theyhaveandaddan extrapointifthey havethree fromthewholegroupthetensethatwasusedandwhy.
in a row.Thewinneristhe teamwith the mostpoints.

Procedure Procedure
Givea worksheet to eachstudentandput them in pairs. Givea copyof the worksheet to eachstudentandtell
Tellthemto lookat the picturesand inventa headline themto readthe questionandorderthe itemsaccording
for eachone,writingit underthe picture.Pointout that to theirpreferences (number1 for whattheypreferthe
newspaper headlinesoftendon'tusearticles(the,a) or the most).Tellthem if therearetwo itemstheyconsider to be
verbto bein passives.Tellthemto lookat the headlines in equal,thentheycanput the samenumberfor both.
Ex.2a on page30for reference andaskthemto usetheir Readthe exampleat the bottomof the pagewith
imagination. thewholeclass andtellthemto discuss in pairstheir
Goaroundthe class,
helpingwith vocabulary
and preferences usingcomparatives andsuperlatives.
anyerrors. Goaroundthe classcorrecting and helpingwith any
Whentheyhavefinished, organisethe studentsin vocabulary theyneed.
Tellthemto takeit in turnsto readout their Getfeedback
fromvariousmembersof the class.
headlines.but not in the correctorder.Theotherstudent
mustguesswhichpictureit goeswith.

Procedure Givea copyof the top partof the worksheet to each
Givea copyof the worksheet Tellthemto
to eachstudent. studentand readthroughthe textwith the wholeclass,
workin pairsto askandanswerthe questions.Whilethe referringto the mapwherenecessary.
firststudentasksquestion1,the otheronedoesn'tlook Noworganise the classintogroupsof four,andgive
at the sheetandsimplylistensandchooses an option a rolecardto eachstudent.lf you haveodd numbers,
to increase
Aftertheyhavechosen, somegroupscanbe madeup of fivestudentsandtwo
theycanthen lookat the sheetand markthe option.The studentscanbe giventhe samerolecard,pretending they
secondstudentthenasksquestion2,followingthe same areeitherbrotherandsisteror husbandandwife.Allow
studentstimeto readthroughthe information andcheck
Goaroundthe class,helpingwith anyproblematic theyunderstand.
vocabularyor expressions. Explainthat theyaregoingto discuss the proposalfor
Whentheyhavefinished, get themto countup A, BandC the MultiplexCentre, fromthe pointof viewof theirrole.
Getfeedback fromthe classaboutwho is mostly Encourage themto addanymorearguments theythink
whichletter.Readthroughthe resultswith the wholeclass arerelevant. Goaroundthe classmonitoringthe activity
andseeif studentsagreewith the analysis. and makinga noteof anymistakes theymake.
Whentheyhavefinished, havea classvoteaboutthe
proposal.Tellstudentsto imaginetheyreallylivein the
areaandto voteaccording to theirrealpointof view.

Cutup theworksheet andgiveonecardto eachstudent.Tell
the studentsto readthe cardandchecktheyunderstand.
Explainthattheyhaveto aska questionto allthe other Procedure
studentsin orderto find out the information.
Remindthem Organisethe classsothat studentsaresittingin small
thattheymustusethefuturetensegivenon the card. groupsof threeor four.Giveeachgroupa setof counters
.l-:-.:r'.l l'l

anda diceanda copyofthe worksheet.

with the wholeclassandcheckthat students
!!glywelldoI know
Studentsthrowthe diceto seewho starts,andthen play
the gamein theirgroups.Thegroupsdecide Procedure
if the answer
tscorrector not,consulting
with you wherenecessary. Givea copyofthe worksheet to eachstudentand
Answers tellthemto thinkwhichstudentsin the class
t homeless2 misunderstanding correspond to the sentences.
Tellthemtheyhaveto write
3 review4 uselessSex_wife
6 disagree7 weeklyg forgetful9 successful at leastone namefor each,but they.un *iit"
I 0 mispronounce moreif thev
11 unfair12endless13touristy14unspoilt want.
15 creative
Whentheyhavefinished, tellthemto mingle,checking
to seeif theywererightby sayingthe sentlnces
a questiontag.Remindthemthattheymust
sentence in the 2nd personsingular.
Tellthemto tickor
crossthe sentence.
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutwhichsentences
theygot rightandanysurprising informationtheyfound

Organise the classintogroupsof sixandgivea rolecard

to eachone.Withodd numbers, doubleup tf," buyersso
that theyarehusbandandwife,boyfrienj
or friends.Tellstudentsto readthroughthe information
on the cardandchecktheyunderstand.
Nowelicitfromthe studentshow the conversation
betweenan estateagentanda buyermight
Goodmorning,how canI helpyou?Whotire you
Eachbuyerthenhasto visiteachestateagent
in their
groupandthe estateagenthasto try
to convince the
buyerto buythe housetheyareselling. Whentheyhave
visitedallthree,get feedback fromthe buyersandfind
out who hasbeenthe mostsuccessful at sellinghouses

Organise the studentsinto pairs,A andB.Givea copy
of worksheet A to bothstudentsin pairA, anda copyof
)rganisethe classintopairsandgivea copyof workheetA worksheet Bto both studentsin pairB.Tellthemto look
o oneof the studentsanda copyof workheet at the threethingstheyhaveto seilandwrite
'ellthem Bto the other. sentences
theyaregoingto roleplaya numberof with the cuesgivento helpthemsellthoseproducts.
noneyproblems, aroundthe class, helpingwith vocabulary
andthattheyhaveto try to reachan andcorrecting
greement. Givestudentsa minuteto readthrough anymistakes the studentsmake.
ituationl. Allowthemto usedictionaries Whentheyhavefinished, reorganise the classsothat
to lookuo
ny wordstheydon,tunderstand, or theycanaskyou. therearetwo A studentsfrom differentpairs,
and two B
o.1 ha.vethem roleplaythe situation.When studentsfrom differentpairsworkingtogetfrer
they have in groups
nished,get feedback fromthe classto seeif anyof the of four.TheA studentsbegin,takingltiritrrn,
to selltheir
:udentsfounda solutionandwhatit was. items,includingthe sentences theyhavewritten.TheB
Nowdo the samewith situations studentshaveto decidewhichof the two A students
2 and 3. is
mostconvincing. Thenthe B studentstry to selltheiritems
to the As.
Getfeedbackfromthe classto find out who werethe most
What havethey been doinq?

Whichword was that? Dividethe classintotwo groups,A and B,andgivecopies
Procedure ofthe cuewordsfor studentA to onegroupandthe cue
wordsfor studentB to the othergroup.Givea copyof the
Organise the studentsintogroupsof fourandgiveone picturesto allthe studentsandtell themto workin pairs
setof cut up cardsto eachgroup.Withinthe groups,
to matchthe cuewordsin the boxwith sixof the pictures.
studentsdividethemselves intotwo teams.lf you nave Tellthemto imagine whatis happening in the othersix
odd numbers, usegroupsof five. pictures.
Writethe wordBLEEP on the boardandtellthe students Nowrearrange the studentssothat an A studentis
that on eachcardthereisa sentence that containsBLEEP workingwith a B student.Students explainwhatthey
insteadof a word.Eachteamtakesit in turnto takea card
guessed washappeningin the sixpictures for whichthey
and readout the sentence. Theotherteammustguessthe hadno cuesandthe otherstudenttellsthem if theywere
correctwordin the correcttense.lf theyget it right,they
rightor wrong.
scoreone point.
Nowtell studentsto talkabouteachpicture,sayingwhat
Thewinneristhe teamwith the mostpointsat the end.
hasbeenhappeningandwhathashappenedin each
picture.Remindthemthat theyareusingthe present
PerfectSimpleandthe Present PerfectContinuous to
contrasta shortactionor resultwith a longeror unfinished
Procedure action.
Organise the classinto pairsandgivea copyof the Getfeedbackfrom the wholeclass.
In pairs,studentsnow
worksheet to eachpair.Readthroughthe questions talkaboutwhetherthesethingshaveeverhappened to
at the
top of the pagewith the wholeclass. them.Getfurtherfeedback.
Pre-teachor elicit
Students lookat the differentpicturesandanswerthe
questions orally.
Goaroundthe classmonitoring their
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutwhetherit's
Givea copyof the worksheet to eachstudentandtell
worth payingmorefor'thename'orwhetherit'sa wasteof
themto completethe sentences sothat theyaretruefor
them.Remindthemto completewith verbsandtell them
to usethe Reference on page73 if theyarenot surewhich
formto use.Students writeindividualanswers but they
canconferwith a partneroververbformsandto share
ideas.Goaroundthe class, checkingtheirsentences.
Focusthe studentson the examplesentences at the
Givea copyof the firstpartof the worksheet to each bottomof the page,andtellthemto mingle,asking
studentandtellthemto workin pairsto thinkof questions
questionsto find a studentwho agreeswith their
theycouldaskusingthe cuesin the box(ortheirown
sentence.Tellthemto writethe nameof that studentin
ideas)to guessa leisureactivity.Pointout that the answer
the columnprovided.
canonlybe'yesi'no'or 'it depends'.
Getfeedbackfromthe class,
findingout whatdifferent
Getfeedback fromthe class, writinganydifficultquestions
studentshavein common.
on the board.
Nowchoosea leisureactivityyourself(football). Havethe
studentsaskyou ten questions in orderto discover the
Dividethe studentsup intosmallgroupsof threeor four Procedure
andgiveeachgroupa setof cards. Thestudentstakeit Dividethe classinto pairsandgivea copyof worksheetA to
in turnsto pickup a cardandthe othershaveto askten oneof themandworkheetBto the other.Tellthe students
questions to guessthe activity.
Theycontinueuntilallthe not to lookat eachother'spaper.
cardshavebeenused. Readthe instructions with the wholeclassandstudents
askquestions anddescribe theirpictures,
quantifiers,in orderto find twelvedifferences.
Goaround worksheetto eachstudent. Tellthe studentsto takeit in
the class,helpingwith anyvocabulary theyneedand turnsto askeachotherthe questions and readout the
correcting errors. options.Whileonestudentisasking, tellthe othernot
Whentheyhavefinished, get studentsto reportbackon to readthe sheetin orderto increase listeningpractice.
the differences. Whentheyhavechosenan option,theycanthen lookat
Answers the sheetandmarktheiranswers. Goaroundthe class,
helpingwith anydifficultvocabulary or expressions.
are:1 numberof tables2 numberof customers
3 amountofhairthemanhas4amountofmeat5 pasta/soup Whentheyhavefinished, studentsworkout theirscores.
6 numberof napkins7 numberof glassesg amountofwine Askthe studentswhichcategorytheyfallintoandread
9 numberof waiters10theadviceof thewaiterI 1 information throughthe resultstogetherasa class. Askthe studentsif
on the
noticeboard12numberof bottlesof water theyagreewith the analysis.

Procedure Procedure
Dividethe classinto halfandgivea copyof worksheet Givea copyof the worksheet to eachstudentandtell
A themto workin pairsto matchthe expressions
to onehalfandworksheet B to the otherhalf.Tellthem fromthe
to workwith a partnerto matchthe definitions boxto the pictures.
to the
wordsin the box.Goaroundthe class, Nowtellthe studentsto randomlycrossout oneof the
checkingthat their
answers arecorrect. picturesin eachrowwithouttheirpartnerseeingwhich
Nowreorganise it is.Tellthemthat theyhaveto liewhentheyanswerthe
the classsothattwo studentAsare
questionaboutthe crossed out pictureandtellthe truth
workingwith two studentBs.lf you haveodd numbers,
formsomegroupsof three.Eachpairmakesa teamand whentheyanswerthe questions aboutthe otherpictures.
Focuson the exampleat the bottomof the sheetand
the teamstakeit in turnsto readout the definitions while brainstorm somefollowup questions that studentscould
the otherteamhasto guessthe word.Eachcorrectword
ask,e.g.Whatlanguagewasit? Wheredidyou study it?
isworthone point.Thewinneristhe teamwith the most
pointsat the end. Students workin pairsto do the exercise
andat the end.
try to guesswhentheirpartnerwaslying.

Organisethe classintogroupsof fouranddivideeach
Givea copyofthe worksheet to eachstudentandfocus
groupintotwo teams,A and B.Givea copyof the top
theirattentionon the questions. Tellthemthey haveto
partofthe worksheet to eachteamand readthrouqhthe workindividually to writeshortanswers to ten of those
instructionswith the wholeclass. questions in the shapesin the secondpartofthe sheet.
Nowgivea copyof teamA questions to one pairandteam Remindthem not to do it in order.
B questions to the otherpair.Asksomegeneralvocabulary
Nowtellthemto tearoff the secondpartof the sheet
questions to seewhichteamin eachgroupgoesfirst,e.g.
andexchange it with a partner.Lookingat eachother,s
Whatdo wecallthisin Engtish? (pointingto thingsaround answers theyhaveto guessthe question, withoutlooking
the class).
backat the originalquestions. Whentheyguesscorrectly
Students playthe gameuntilallthe squares havebeen theycrossout the answer. Thiscontinuesuntilstudents
won or allthe questions havebeenasked.Students mark havecrossed out allthe answers.
the squares theywin with a symbol.At the end,students Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassby havingstudents
workout theirteamsscoreby addingup the squares they readout someof theiranswers andelicitingthe question
won plusan extrapointfor eachtimetheyhavewon both fromthe wholeclass.
squares belongingto onecategory.

Organisethe classinto pairsandgivea copyof worksheet
the classintopairsandgivea copyof the A to oneof the pairsandworksheet Bto the other.Exolain
thattheyaregoingto havea raceto seewho cancorrect
the mostincorrectsentences first.
Readthroughthe instructions andcheckthe wholeclass
understands. Hidesomething in oneof yourhandsand Procedure
askeachpairto guesswhichhandit isto seewho goes Cutthe worksheet in two andgivea copyof the top part
first.Studentsreadout the incorrectsentences to their to eachstudent.Checkthe studentsunderstand partially
partners,repeating onceif necessary. Thepartnertries
agreeand pre-teachevaluateandsabbatical if youfeelit is
to correctthe sentence. lf theyfailtheymissa turn.The
Tellthe studentsto listento the statements that
winneristhe firstto get to the finish.
you readout and marka columnfor eachoneaccording to
how muchtheyagreeor disagree with eachstatement.
Readthe statements fromthe secondpartofthe sheet,
repeatingeachoneseveral timesandif necessary
rephrasingit to makesurethatthe studentsunderstand.
Whenyou havereadallten andthe studentshavefilled
Cutup the questioncardsandgiveoneto eachstudent.
in the table,organise
the classintosmallgroupsof three
lf you havemorethantwelve,organise the studentsinto
pairsandgivethemthe samecard.Allowstudentsto read or four.Distribute
copiesof the statements,
and havethe
thecard,andcheckthey understand.Tellthemtheymust studentsdiscuss eachone,comparingthe wayin which
askasmanystudents aspossible(making questions in the theyhadfilledout the agree/disagreetable.
2ndpersonsingular) andremember theanswers in order
to reportbackto the classabouttheirfindings.
Students mingle, askingandanswering theirquestions.
Minglewiththemmonitoring language.
Getfeedback fromallthe studentsaboutwhattheyfound
out.lf two studentshadthe samecard.allowthemto Procedure
Organise the classintotwo groups,A and B,andgive
copiesof worksheet A to groupA andworksheetBto
groupB.Tellthe studentsto workin pairsto thinkof
a questionthattheycouldaskto find out the missing
information in sixof theirsentences.
Remindthemto pay
attentionto subjectandobjectsentences. Goaroundthe
Organise the studentsintogroupsof threeor fourandtell
themtheyaregoingto do a quizaboutworldtourism. Nowreorganise the classsothat a studentA isworking
Don'tgiveout the sheetsyet,but readout the questions with a studentB.Tellthemto askeachothertheir
(to givethe studentsextralisteningpracticeandhave questions andto completethe missinginformation. When
themdiscuss theiranswerswithoutwritingthemdown. theyhavefinished,checkthe completesentences with the
Whenyou havefinished, giveout the sheetsandtellthem wholeclass.
they havea few minutesto writedowntheiranswers. Nowtellthemthat sixofthe sentences arefalse.Students
Collectin a sheetfromeachteam,andgiveit to another worktogetherto guesswhichtheyare.Checkwith the
teamto correct.Readthroughthe questions again, wholeclass.Studentsscorea pointfor eachfalsesentence
elicitinganswers andgivingthe correctonesif necessary.
theyguess.Thewinnersarethosewho guessed the most
Students scoreone pointfor eachcorrectanswer.The
winningteamistheonethathasmostpointsat theend.
Answers Answers
1 Edinburgh 2 SanFrancisco3 Switzerland,France,Germany,Austria, 1 F(VanGoghpaintedSunflowers) 2T 3 F(OscarWilde
and ltaly(0.5pointsforeachcountry)4 Peru 5 NewZealand
Slovenia, 1854)4 F(Queen
Victoriaruledfrom1837to 1901,almost64years)
6 USAand Canada7 Chileand Argentina8Indian 9 Madrid 5 T 6T 7 FTheHundredYearsWarlastedfrom 1337to 1453,116 years)
11 lstanbull2Switzerlandl3Granada l4Dublin: 8T 9T 10T 11F(KingKongwasreleased in 1933)t2 F(Starwarswas
l5lndia. released
partsof eachquestionwith an idiomin
the correctform.
Goaroundthe classcheckingtheirwork.
Procedure Nowreorganise the classsothat a studentA iswith a
studentB.Tellthe studentsto askandanswer
Organise the classintogroupsof four(orthree)andgive eachother,s
questions. Remindthem not to lookat eachother,ssheets
eachgroupa copyofthe cut up cards.Tell
themto share astheydo thisto increase
the cardsout equaily(iftherearesomecards listeningpractise.
reftover,it the classmonitoringtheirinteraction.
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassabouttheiranswers.

Givea copyof the worksheet to eachstudentandtell

themto matchthe expressions fromthe boxto the
picturesin pairs.Checkwith the whole
Arrangethe studentsintosmallgroupsand
talkabouteachpicturewith respectto their
own school
days.Tellthemthat theycantalkaboutboth primary
secondary schoolandencourage themto giveasmuch
mostcardsat the end. detailaspossible.Goaroundthe classmonitoringtheir
Getfeedbackfromthe wholegroupaboutsomeof the
they made. Finally,
get feedback
fromthe wholeclassabouttheir

Procedure Procedure
Giveonecardto eachstudentandallowthem
readit. (lftherearemorethanten students,
the cardstwiceor threetimes.)Tell
the studentsthatthey
haveto askothermembersof the classa question
to find
the information stated.Remindthemthat theymustform Allowstudentsto readthroughtheirown cards
the questionin the secondpersonsingular
secondquestionwouldalsobe formedin
the affirmative
in the negative), but
thattheyarelookingfor studentswho answer,noi
Students mingleaskingandanswering questions. They
caneitherwritedownthe namesof the students
or makea mentalnoteof whattheyaretold.
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutwhattheyfound
out.lf you hadmorethanten students, allowthosewith
the samecardto conferfirstaboutthe information.
Organisethe classsothattheyaresittingin groupsof
threeandgiveonecopyof the boardg#e,lne
setof cut
up cardsanddiceandcounters to eachgroup.
Readthroughthe ruleswith eachgroupand
Procedure theyunderstand.Tellthe studentsto throwthe diceto
Organisethe classintotwo groups,A and B,andgivea seewho goesfirst.Astheyplaythe game,go
copyof worksheet A to the Asandworksheet classroommonitoringtheirwork.
B to the Bs.
Tellthemto workin pairsto substitute
the underlined
andacross on the boardsothat studentscanidentifythe
directionof the words.

Givea copyofthe bingosheetto eachstudentandhave for the better?
thernlookat the adverbsin pairs,checkingthatthey
understand the meaningof allof them. Procedure
Beforeyou beginreadingthe sentences, tell them put a Givea copyof the worksheetto eachstudentor pairof
crossthrougheightof the adverbsof theirchoice.Read studentsandtellthemto workin pairsto saywhatthey
out the sentences the adverbfor
in order,substituting canseein the pictures,
usingwordsfromthe box.Check
'beepiThestudentsput a differentsymbol(e.9.a circle)
with the wholeclass.
aroundthe adverbsiftheythinktheyfit the sentence. The
the effectsofthese
Nowget the studentsto discuss
firststudentto circleallthe adverbs,shouts'bingo'. Check
again for societyandto talk
changes about whetherthere
that the bingoiscorrect,by readingthe sentences
and havingthe studenttellyouthe correctadverb. wereanynegativeconsequences. Goaroundthe room,
Givethe studentsanotherbingosheet(orhavethem
copyit) andplayagainwith the restof the sentences or Answers
sentences thatyou invent.Thiscouldalsobe playedin 1 Mobilephones2 lnternet3 Massairtravel4 Skyscrapers
smallgroups,with studentswritingtheirown sentences modified
5 Genetrically food 6Increasein no smokingareas
(especially and readingthemfor other
for revision) movement8 Embryonic
7 Feminist 9 RealityTV
membersof the groupto playbingo.

What could have been different?

Procedure Procedure
Dividethe classintotwo groups,A and B,andgivecopies to eachstudentor pairof
Givea copyof the worksheet
of worksheet A to groupA andworksheet Bto groupB. Tellthemto namethejobstheycanseein the
Tellthe students to workin pairsor smallgroups to read pictures.
Checkwith the wholeclass.
throughthe situations andwritea numberof sentences in Nowreadthroughthe questions with the wholeclass,
theThirdConditional thattheycouldsayabouteachone. checkingthattheyunderstand allthe vocabulary.
Goaroundthe classhelpingwith anydifficultvocabulary the classinto smallgroupsof threeor four
andcheckingthe sentences theywrite.
andtellthemto discuss the questionsin relationto the
Nowput a studentA with a studentBto roleplaythe jobstheycanseein the pictures.Goaroundthe class,
situations.Tellthemto try to resolvethe problems,
including theThirdConditional sentences in their
conversations. fromthe wholeclass.
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutthe sentences
theyconstructed andwho theyfeelisto blamein each

Dividethe classintotwo groups,A and B,andgivea copy
of worksheetA to onegroupandworksheet Bto the other.
Procedure Tellthe studentsto worktogetherto orderthe words
Dividethe classintotwo groups,A and B,andgivecopies to makequestions. checkingthat
Goaroundthe class,
of worksheet A to groupA andof worksheet Bto groupB. studentshaveappropriate questions.
Havethe studentscheckthey understand allof the words Nowreorganise the classsothat one studentfromgroup
writtenin theircrossword in pairs,helpingthemwith any
A isworkingwith onefromgroupB.Students askand
problemstheymighthave.Tellthemto decideif each
answereachother'squestions them not to lookat
wordisa verb,nounor adjective.
eachother'spapersin orderto increaselisteningpractice).
Nowrearrange the studentssothat onestudentA iswith
onestudentB.Tellthem not to lookat eachother'spaper. fromthe wholeclass.
Readthe instructions with the wholeclass.Writedown
StudentA with their
fromthe whole
1 Didyourparents
makeyouhelpwiththehousework class,with theirreasons.
werea teenager?
2 Didyourparentsletyougo out latewhenyou
were15? Numbers3,Q 8, and 9 arefalse.Numbers3,6
and g arecompletely
3 Areyouallowed to smokein manypublicplaces inventedand number9 wastrue but during
inyourcountry? the period 1g2}-.'g32.
4 lf youwerea politician,
5 Doyouthinkchildren
to wearnormalclothes
to school?
6 Wouldyouleta teenager
of 16 go on holiday
alone? Procedure
Student B
1 Did your parentsmakeyou do any extra-curricular
you werea child?
2 Didyourparentsletyoustayup latewhenyou
werea child?
3 Whatisthe maximumspeedyouareallowed Explainthe rulesof the game.Eachstudenttakes
to drivein your it in turn
country? to turn overtwo cards.lf the cardsmatch(i.e.
the word
4 lf youwerea teacher,
wouldyou makestudentsdo a lot of exams? meansthe same), that studenttakesthe two cardsand
) Doyouthinkpeopleshouldbeallowedto vote
at 16?
6 Doyouthinkthegovernment
open24hoursa day?

Organise the classintosmallgroupsof four(usegroups
of threeif necessary).Handout the worksheets andtell Goaroundthe class,
studentstheyhaveto minglewith studentsfrom monitoringthe students,sentences.
groupsin orderto find somebodywho
corresponds to
th.eirsentences,askingand notingdownextrainformation
whentheydo find someone.
Whentheyhavefinishedstudentssit down in
Thisactivitywill probablyworkbestbeforedoing
Communication pageof the Student,s

Givea copyof the worksheetto eachstudentand read

the introduction
with the wholeclass.
Givethem a few
Dividethe classintotwo groups,andgivecopies
of minutesto readthroughthe questionsto checkthatthey
worksheet A to onegroupandworksheet Bto the understand.
other.Tellstudentsto workin pairsto readthrough
sentences, checkingwith you anyvocabulary theydon,t
know,andwritingquestions for thosesentences that have
gapsin them.Goaroundthe classchecking
the questions.
Nowput a studentA with a studentB.Tellthem
to ask
eachotherthe questions to completethe sentences. givingreasons
for theirchoiceandtheirpartnerssaying
withoutlookingat eachother,spaper.
whethertheyhadthoughtof doingthisjob or
Checkallthe sentences not.
with the wholeclass,andthen
Procedure Procedure
Dividethe classintotwo groupsandgivecopiesof Cutup the cardsandgiveonecardto eachstudent.Allow
worksheet StudentA to onegroupandworksheet the studentstimeto readthe questionandcheckthat
theyallunderstand. Studentsstandup andmingle,asking
StudentBto the other.Tellthestudentsto workin pairs
theirquestions and makingbriefnotesaboutthe answers
to completethe questionswith the correctexpression
theyaregiven.lf you havemorethanten students,double
fromthe boxin the correctform.Goaroundthe class
up the cardsandtellthe studentsto worktogether,
monitoring theirwork. interviewingonlysomeof theirclassmates.
Nowreorganise the classsothat a studentA isworking Getfeedback fromthe wholeclassaboutwhattheyfound
with a studentB.Tellthemto askandanswereachother's out.
questions (withoutlookingat eachother'spapersin order
to increaselisteningpractice).
Whentheyhavefinishedget feedback fromthe whole
to the questions.
Givea copyof the top sectionof the worksheet to each
studentor pairof studentsandtellthemto readthe
tltlng:yge_qjffer"$! descriptions andguesswhatis beingdescribed. Elicit
suggestions (1
fromthe wholeclass the sun2 a plane).
Giveeachstudenta copyof the worksheet andtellthem Organise studentsintogroupsof threeor fourandgive
thema setofcut up cards(thesecondhalfofthesheet).
and put a tickor a cross
to readthroughthe sentences
Tellthemto sharethemout equallyandaskeachstudent
dependingon whethertheyagreeor disagree with
to lookat theircardswithoutlettinganyof the other
eachone.Goaroundtheclasshelpingthemwithany studentsseethem.Givethema few minutesto thinkof
vocabulary theydon'tunderstand.
or sentences waysof describing the wordson theircardsin a similar
Noworganise the studentsintosmallgroupsof threeor wayto the onesthe readearlier.At thispointallowthem
fourandtellthemto comparewhattheyhaveput,giving to askyoufor anyvocabulary theymightneed.
reasons with eachone.
for agreeingor disagreeing Students now playthe game.Eachstudenttakesit in turn
fromthe wholeclass. to describe theirwordsandthe firstof hisor hergroup
matesto guess, winsthe card.Thewinnerat the end isthe
onewith the mostcards.

Giveeachstudentor pairof studentsa copyof the Procedure
worksheet. Readthe titleandexplainthat'atalewith a
Givea copyofthe worksheet to eachstudentand read
ending.Tellthe students
twist'isa storywith a surprise throughthe instructions with the wholeclass. Students
to workin pairsto tellthe story,payingattentionto thenwriteoneor two namesnextto eachsentence (if
the correctuseof pasttenses, and includingthe words theycan).Include yourselfif you want.
that aregivenundereachpicture.Askthemto makeat Studentsmingle,askingeachotherquestions to checkif
leasttwo sentences perpicture.Goaroundthe class, theywererightor not.Getfeedback fromthe wholegroup
monitoringtheirwork. asto how muchtheyknowabouteachother.
Nowhavethe wholeclassretellthe story,checkingfor any Asan extension to thisactivity,distributethe namesof all
variationstheremightbe amongthe pairsof students.Ask the studentssothat eachone hasa namethat is not their
each pairto discusswhattheythinkhappensat the end of own.Tellstudentsto writethreeor fourthingsaboutthis
the storyandgetfeedback lf nobody
fromthe wholeclass. personthey havefoundout duringthe course. Students
hasguessed, givethemthe correctanswer. then readout thisinformation andthe restof the class
guesswho it is.
Whiletheywereat thetheatre,thethiefwho hadstolenthe car
Before watching
1 Matchthe wordsand phrases
fromeachcolumnto form sentences.
r I love a in touchwith mYfriends
z I get on with b to run my own business in the future
3 | prefer c lotsof differentPeoPle
4 | want d findingout aboutnew places
5 | hate e to workin anothercountrynextyear
6 | hope f not havinganythingto do
7 | liketo keep g beachlocations to mountainlocations

2 Discuss.
lf you visitedanothercountryfor a holidayor work,what might makeyou want to live
there?Whatcouldtemptyou awayfromyour homecountry?

While watching
3 Watchthe firstextractandanswerthe questions.
r Themantellshisfriendthat he maylosehisjob if he doesn'tgo backhomeand
the manreplies: SowhatTWhat doeshe meanby this reply?
z Whatarethe two mendrinking?Howdo you knowthey aresharing?
I Fillin the gapsof the followingrhymeOlliewrote.
Roses are
Candyis -
ThisissomethingI sentyou to -

4 Watchthe secondextractand answerthe questions.

r Themansuggests that the onlywayto get the ballis by climbingup:
a a tree?
b a drainpipeT
c a wall?
z Oneof the boyssays'l'lltellmebrothelif the men don't retrievethe ball.And
then anotherboy says:'His biggerthanyouliWhydo you think the men
thenquicklyagreeto get the ball?
3 Thetwo men haveto decidewho is goingto get the ball,soone says:
a fair'sgood b fair'sfair c fair'sbest
4 Asthe manii rescued, a bystander says:'S- wasit?'Whatisthe missing
word?Whydo you thinkhe suggests this?
5 Theother man repliesto no 4.'lt mightbelaterwhenhegetshometo thewife!'.
Whatdo youthinkthe wife'sreactionmightbe to her husband's escapade?

After watching
5 Discuss.
Doyou agreewith theman'sreasonsfor wantingto stayin Parisin thefirstextract?Doyou
aregoodones?WhylWhynot?Ifyouhadbeenthemanin thesecond
think hisreasons
extroct,wouldyouhavegoneup thedrainpipe? Howwouldyouhaveresolved thesituation?

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Before watching
Whichof the wordsand phrases in the boxdo you associate
with the cityand
country?Fillin the chartbelow.
mustcvenues museums stressfree cottage clubs
rural theatres big nightsout no noise everything
slowpaceof life freshair wildlife relaxation yourfingertips

While watching
2 Watchthe film and answerthe questions.
r Speaker 1 saysthat the mainthing he likesaboutlivingin Leedslseasy
to a lot of things.Whichword doeshe usehere?
2 Howcanlivingin Leeds feelat first?
3 In the speaker's opinionwhichgroupof peopledoesLeedsreallyappealto?
4 Whymightspeaker1 moveto Londonin the future?
5 Speaker 2 describes hiscountrysettingas
6 What'sgreataboutlookingout of the windowfor speaker 2?
7 Speaker 2 saysthat outingssuchasgoingto the cinemacan'tbe done'onthe
of the_'What doeshe meanby thisphrase?
8 Howdoeseverythingseemfor speaker 2 whenhe goesto citiesnow?
9 Are the following statements from speaker 3 trueor false?
a herflat is the upperhalfof a housethat'sbeenconverted._
b the trainsthat run nearbyherflat makea lot of noiseduringthe dayandat
c There's not enoughnicethingsto do and seein the city._
d Shedoesn'tgo to the museumsandtheatresasmuchassheusedto. _
ro Whichone of the followingdoesspeake( 4 not mentionaboutlivingin the
freedom freshair no noise wildlife
u Doesshehavenextdoor neighbours?
rz Howdoesspeaker 4 describeherjourneyhome?
13 Fillin the gapsin speaker 4'sfinalsentence:
'l backtoa town''

After watching
3 Discuss.
feelthatwhentheyareolderthey'lllivein thecountry(iftheyaren't
All thespeakers

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O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 _ photocopiable
Before watching
1 Matcheachdefinitionbelowwith a word or phrasefromthe box.

sequel wasdubbed chapter

waswrittenby soundtrack ptot

a the setof connected eventsthat a story/filmis basedon plot

b a book,film or playthat continuesthe storyof an earlierone
c the originalspokenlanguageof a film or televisionprogramme waschangedinto
d wascreatedby _
e the recordedmusicfrom a film
f oneof the partsintowhicha bookis divided

2 Casablanca by oneof the speakers

is described Whatmakesa film a
asa tlassic'film.
tlassic'? films.

While watching
3 Watchthe firstpartof the film andcompletethe sentences
r lt'ssetin WorldWarll andthere'slotsof political
2 lt'ssetin the 1940sin a - in-.
3 lt'sa drama.
4 | thinkprobably the most are... .
'lsthat cannonfireor is it my ?'
5 -
6 Thereis a wonderfultime whena girl - to - with the Humphrey
Bogartcharacter... .
'Thatwasso I can't- .'
8 'That'sso far into the future I - make :

4 Thefollowingsentences all appearin the film trailer.Numberthem 1-8 according

the orderyou hearthem.
a lsn'tit abouttime we playit again?
b IngridBergmanis llsa,the lastwomanhe everexpectedto see.-
c lf you knewhow muchI lovedyou,how muchI stillloveyou. -
d He'stravellingwith a lady.-
e Youhaveto thinkfor both of us.Forall of us. -
f I stickmy neckout for nobody.-
g Thereis a manarrivedin Casablanca on hiswayto America.-
h Thatis my leastvulnerable spot. -

After watching
5 and usesomeof the phrases
Thinkof a film you haveseenrecently, from Ex.3to
describeit to yourpartner,withoutusingthe film'sname.

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Before watching
1 Replace word in the phrases
the underlined a-h belowwith a wordfromthe box.
only busy stayed saying free aim notable concentrated

a mostdistinctive buildings e there'san exoression

b hasremainedasit would f sparetime
c strictlyfor malestudents g sociallifeisveryactive
d veryintensecourse h its ouroose

2 the followingquestions
Discuss in groups.Givereasons for youranswers.
r Arethereanynotablebuildingsin your country?Whatis the oldestuniversity?
z Areany of the universitycollegesin your countryfor malesor femalesonly?Arethey
popular?Doyou think theyarea good idea?
3 Whyis it a goodideafor studentsto haveenoughfreetime?

While watching
3 Watchthe firstpartof the film andchoosethe correctalternative
in the following
r CorpusChristiwas foundedin 1352/1370.
z CorpusChristidecidedto admitwomenstudentsin 1980/1,988.
3 All the othercourtshavebeenrebuiltin currentstyle/remained
in medievalstyle.
4 ChristopherMarlowewasa playwright/poet.
4 Watchthe film andanswerthe followingquestions.
r Aretheremorementhanwomenstudyingat Cambridge today?
z Thefirststudentto talkaboutCambridge saysthat it hasa verygood
What'sthe missingword?
3 Whichsubjectdoesstudenttwo sayCambridge isthe bestuniversity for?
4 What does student threethink is the advantage of the collegestructure?
5 Studentfour isworkinghardstudyingmanagement studiesfor oneyearon a
veryintensecourse. Whathelpshim get throughthe year?
6 Whatisthe expression whichappliesto Cambridge according to one of the
7 Whataresomeof the hightechsubjects taughtat the newcolleges?
8 Whatisthe nameof the riverthat flowsthroughCambridge?
9 Whatelseisthereapartfromthe workfor studentsin Cambridge?
ro Thenarratorendsby sayingthat Cambridge stillhasthe samepurposeasit did

After watching
5 the followingquestions
Discuss with your partner.
t Haveyou been/wouldyou liketo go to university?
Whatdid/wouldyou studyT
z Howimportantis a balancebetweenacademiclife and sociolactivitiesat university?

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Unit 1 Best friends Unit 2 Breaking news
Writethesefivewordsand phrases on the board; WriteWoildHeadlines
on the board.In pairsSswrite
goodIistener,reliable,good sense
of humour,generous, fiveworldheadlines
AskSsto numberthem from 1_5startino
andwritethemon the board.
with 1 asthe mostimportantqualityof a friend.Ss
compareanswers with theirpartner.

Before watching
Before watching 1F Ssworkin pairsto completethe sentenceswith the
1) Ssworkin pairs,matchingthe phrases. wordsor phrases
in the box.Checkanswers
with the crass.
with the class.

2) Ssdiscuss
the questions
with a partner.
2) Ssdiscuss
the questions
with a partner.
While watching
While watching 3) Rst Ssto readthe questions.
3L GiveSsa shorttimeto readthe questions.Thenplaythe ) Watchthe firstreport,pausingfor Ssto findthe answers.
firstfilm extractandallowSsto takenotes.
) Sswatchthe extractagain,pausingwherenecessary,
Elicitthe answers
fromthe class.

4) GiveSstime to readthe questionsin pairs.Encourage

them to help each other with any difficultvocabulary.
) Watchthe secondreport,pausingfor Ssto find the
answers.Then replay the extract again for Ss to checr

4) Give5stimeto readthe questions. Thenplaythe second

extract,pausingfor Ssto answerthe questions.
) Watchthe extractagainfor Ssto checktheiranswers. 5F Ssreadthe statements 1-4 anddecideif theyaretrueor
the answers
fromthe class. false.Ssthen markthe statements(I) if true and (F)if false.
L Watchthe finalreportfor Ssto checkanswers.

After watching
6) nskSsto writetheirown paragraph describing a piece
of newstheydiscussed inEx.2,usingthe reportstheyhave
just seenasa model.lf you havetime,replaythe
film to help.
After watching 7) Encouragethemto exchange storiesat the endand
5) Ssdiscuss
the questions readeachother'sthrough,correcting wherenecessary.
in smallgroups.
D Encourage Ssto thinkabouthow theywouldreactin both
Getfeedback fromthe wholeclass.
5simaginethat theywereactuallypresentat oneof the
film events.Theyinterviewa bystanderaskingthem five
questions.The bystander istheirpartnerandcananswer
Ssworkin pairsto predictwhathappenednextin each usingtheirimagination andthe factsfromEx.3_5.
story.AskvariousSsto presenttheirideasto the class.
Unit 3 City or country? Unit 4 From rags to riches
Writeclty andcountryon the board.AskSswhich kind Ask5swhattheywoulddo if theysuddenly got rich.
of peopletheythinkpreferthe cityandwhichkind Whichthreethingsabouttheirlifewouldtheychange?
preferthe country.Askfor classfeedback.
AfterSshavewatchedthe film,askthemif theythink
the speakersseemliketypicalcountryor citytypes.
Before watching
1L Ssreadthe sentences andworkwith a partnerto select
the correctword.Checkthe answers
with the class.
Before watching
1F GiveSsa shorttimeto studythe words.Thenin pairsSs
fill in the chart.Checkthe answers
with the class.
> Add to the listanyextravocabularyfrom
the 5s,and
encouragethemto recordthistoo. 2) Ssdiscussthe questions.
Elicitsomeof the ideasfrom
the Ssandwritethemon the board.

While watching
3L AskSsto predictwordstheythinkcouldfit in the gaps
D Playthe film throughallowingSsto makenotes. i
r r:. iiil I

$'dl I
While watching ff . r,,1;;lt
2) Givethe Ssa short time to read the ouestions.
4) GiveSstime to readthe incorrectstatements.
) Playthe film stopping at the end of each speaker.
) Watchthe film,pausingwherenecessary
for 5sto make
F Replaythe film to allow Ssto checkanswers. theircorrections
to the sentences.
L Replay the filmfor Ssto checktheiranswers
to Ex.3 and
Ex.4.Elicitanswers fromSs.

After watching After watching

5L nt the endof the film,5sareleftnot knowingbut
3L the questions.
Ssdiscuss Getfeedback
fromthe class.
perhapshavinga few ideasasto how the maincharacter
achieved hiswealth.AskSsto thinkabouthowthisjob
enabledhim to get so rich.GiveSstimeto comparetheirideas
Writingactivity:A verystressed
groupof city workers in pairsbeforeaskingthemto sharetheirviewswith the class.
seriouslyneeda goodrelaxing weekendbreak.Theyare
allfriends- therearethreewomenandtwo men.Plana 6L Ssdiscussthe questions
in pairs.Getfeedback
relaxingweekendfor them in the country. wholeclass.
5sdecideon the typeof accommodation theystayin,
the foodtheyeatandthe activities OPTIONAL EXTENSION
and pursuits they
canenjoyto wind down. Ssdid someworkon opposites in Lesson4.3.Listthe
Thiscanbe homeworkif time is shortor a fun classroom followingadjectives
fromthe film andaskSsto use
activitywith Ssworkingtogetherto planthe weekend. theirmonolingualdictionary
to findthe opposites:
generous,superb,success, unique,essential,
Unit 5 Favourite films Unit 6 Dream holidays
Write Casablanca,film,lngridBerman,HumphreyBogart Writethe tableon the boardandaskSsto fill in five
on the board.ElicitotherwordsSsassociate with the placesfor eachcolumn.Oneplacecanappearin more
film andwritethemon the board.DivideSsinto groups thanonecolumn.AskSsto comparetheirresults. Get
andaskthemto writethreeshortsentences promoting classfeedback.
the film usingsomeof the wordson the board.Askeach
groupto readtheirbestsentence to the restofthe class. Historical and
cultural holiday

Before watching
1) Ssworkin pairsto matchthe definitions
with the words.

Before watching
1L Ssworkin pairsto completethe sentences
with the
2L Ssworkin pairsto definea classic.
Ssthenlistfour wordsor phrases
in the box.Checkanswers
with the crass.
of classic
films.Checkanswers with the class.

2L the questions
Ssdiscuss with a partner.

While watching
While watching 3) Ssread the statements1-10,and decide if they are true
3) GiveSsto readthroughthe sentences,
thinkingabout or false.
fit intothe gaps.
F Playthe film through without pausingfor Ssto mark the
) Playthe film to the end of the fourspeakers
talking, statements (I) if true or (F) if false.
pausingfor Ssto completethe sentences.
) Replaythe film for Ssto checkanswersand correctthe
) Replay the samefilm sectionwithoutpausing,
for Ssto falsesentences.
Elicitanswersfromthe wholeclass.
) GiveSstime to comparetheir answersin pairsbefore
checkingthe answerswith the class.EncourageSsto explain
any difficultvocabularyto each other beforedoing so yourself.

4L Dividethe classinto pairsandaskSsto ordertne

in the sequencetheyappearin the film trailer.
L Playthe secondclip(thefilmtrailer)throughoncefor Ss
to orderthe sentences.
) Watchthispartof the film againto checkthe answers.
After watching
4F 5schoosetheirfavouriteholidaydestination from
the film.Sslookbackat unit6 fromthe SBfor descriptive
vocabulary to helpwith theirpostcards.
After watching writethe postcards.Goaroundthe class,correcting
5L Rst Ssto writea descriptionof a film theyhaveseen ) AskSsto exchange theirpostcards
with theirpartner's.
from Ex.2 and Lesson 5.2. Ssreadthe new postcard
) Sstaketurnsto readtheirdescriptions
to theirpartner
who triesto guesswhatthe film is. OPTIONALEXTENSION
Sschoosea placein their own country and note down
OPTIONALEXTENSION five or six reasonswhy it would make a good holiday
Ask5sto preparea minifilm reviewusingtheirnotes destination.Does it have dream holidaypotential?
from Ex.5asa startingpoint.In the nextclass,form This can be an oral activityratherthan a written one
groupsandhave5stelleachothertheirfilm reviews. to give Sspracticedescribingplacesorally.
Unit 7 Cambridge Unit 8 From cradle to grave
Ssworkin pairsto nameat leastten university WriteFromcradleto graveon the board.AskSsto write
the UK.Examples:Belfast,
Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, downten factsthat mightbe talkedaboutunderthis
Cambridge,Cardiff,Dublin,Durham,Edinburgh, Exeter, heading.AllowSsto workin pairs.Getfeedback.
GlasgowOxford,Hull,Leeds,Norwich,Manchester, etc.

Before watching
Before watching 1L Ssreadthe sentences andchoosethe correctalternative.
1) the underlined
Ss read the phrasesand replace word Elicitanswers
fromthe class.
with a word in the box. Checkthe answerswith the class.

2D Ssguessthe answersto the questions

2) Ssdiscussthe questions
in groupsof threeor four. with a partner.
comparetheiranswers Getfeedback.
Encouragethemto givereasons Thenget
for theiranswers. ) Writesomeof theirfigureson the boardso Sscan
fromthe wholeclass. comparetheirpredictions
with the factsin the extract.

While watching
3l Ssreadthe statements. Encourage Ssto explainany
difficultwordsfirst,beforedoing so yourself.
L Playthe film throughto the end of the firstspeaker, While watching
pausingif necessary
for 5sto circletheiranswers.
3F Rtayextractthroughpausinga coupleof timesso Sscan
) Playthissectionagainfor Ssto checktheiranswers. absorbthe figuresassomefigurescloselyfolloweachother.
Playthe wholeextractfor Ssto checktheiranswers.

4) GiveSstime read the questions.

) Playthe film without pausing,allowingSsto make notes.
L Playit through once again for Ssto checktheir answers.
F GiveSstime to comparetheir answersbeforechecking
them with the whole class.
After watching
4F nst Ssto formthe nounsfromthe verbs1-6.Tell5sthey
canusetheirhe monolingualdictionariesor the wordbuilding
paqein unit8. Elicitthe answers.
listsfromthe vocabularv

5l Sswritesentences abouttheirlivesusingthe verbsand

nounsfrom Ex.5.Tellthemtheymustusea verbor nounfrom
eachnumber.Goaroundthe class,correcting anyerrors.
After watching ) beforegettingfeedback.
AllowSsto compareanswers
5L the questions.
Ssdiscuss fromthe class.
OPTIONAL EXTENSION Sslook backoverthe factsthey havelearntfrom the
Sswritea minidescription of the oldestuniversity film.Ask5sto workin groupsanddecideif thereare
in theircountrymentioning academic lifeandother anyareastheythinkwill changein the future,e.g.will
we eatlesschocolate? spendlesstime on the phone
for Ss.
and text more?watchlessTV?work less?Obviouslythe
biologicalfactswon'tchange,but get Ssto thinkabout
Unit 9 The ideal workplace Unit 10 Icons
Write idealjob on the board. In pairs,Ss decide on five
well-known people who havean idealjob. Ssexplain
why these people havegood jobs. Get classfeedback.

Before watching
1F Ssdiscuss Ex.1in groups.Goaroundthe classcorrecting
anyerrors.Getfeedback by askingeachgroupto presenta Before watching
summaryof theirdiscussion.
1) Ssdecideon their modern-dayicon from anv field
their choice.
While watching F GiveSstime to write a few sentencesdescribing
their icon
2L GiveSstimeto readthe questions using the vocabularylisted.Ask Ssto comparedescriptions
i _5.AskSsto predict
the answerswith a partner. with a partner.EncourageSsto correcteach other,s
before doing so yourself.
) Playthe filmthroughuntil ... thoosewhatuniform:
pausingif necessary 2F Ssdiscussthe questionsl -3 in pairs.Get feedback
for Ssto makenotes. from
the whole class.
D Replay
the samesectionof film for Ssto checkanswers.

While watching
3) Get Ssto read the questionsand predictwhat tne
missingwords could be.
) Playeach film extractand pauseafter each
icon so the Ss
can make notes.
L Playthe film through once again so that Ss
can checktheir

After watching
After watching 4F Ssdiscuss l -2 with a partner.
4L Ssmatchthe verbsj -6 with the meanings a_f.AllowSs ) Encourage Ssto thinkofthe waysbeingan iconcan
timeto comparetheiranswers with a partnerbeforeeliciting affectpeople'sprivatelivesusingMarilynMonroe,slifeas
answers.EncourageSsto self_correct
beforedoingso yourself. exampte.
) Getclassfeedback on question2 andwritea liston the
Ansrirr A - r ( r et r -
boardof the class,s
choiceof modern_davicons.
5F nst 5sto readthe taskandgivethema few minutesto
prepare.Tellthemto imaginethemselves
in a practical
work Get Ssto write a brief synopsisin the style of the
film on their chosenicon.The synopsesneed to
) Ssworkin pairsto compilea paragraph
now oe approximately,|00words.lf Ss need help with
theywouldmanagea smallteamof designers. vocabularytell them to referback to Lesson10.2.
) Regroup the Sssotwo pairsareworkingtogether. AskSs
ln the next class,ask Ssto exchangetheir synopsis
to comparetheir ideasbeforegettingfeedbackfrom the class. their partner's so they can correct each other,s mistares.
lf possible,displaythe synopsesin the classroom.
Ask5sto role-play the situationdescribed
in Ex.5.Divide
the groupsintoAs,Bs,Csand Ds.SsAsarethe manager
who is puttingtheirideasto the team.SsBs,Csand Ds
arethe designers. Askthe groupsto actout their
role-playto the restof the crass.
the passive
3 Completethe followingsentencesin eitherthe
auxiliaryverbs activeor passiveform usinga suitabletenseof the
1 Putthewordsin correct
orderto makesentences. verb in brackets.

hasn'tcinematime for to longhe a beenthe. Thisbookwaspublished(publish)only two

Hehasn'tbeento the cinemafor a long time. monthsago.
1 do whatsummeryou did last? 1 Thisshop - (rob)at leastthreetimessince
7 the beginningof the year.
2 Everyyearnaturaldisasters (cause)
2 homeat cookdo normally
you? terribledamageto the world.
3 Thislaw - (change)
by the governmentlast
3 placebeenthiseveryou to have?
4 My friend (offer)a promotionthreetimes
but prefers
her presentjob.
4 nightsgo doesfriendFridaybeston yourwhere? 5 Thistype of thing (do)by our workersall
(- 2 polnt;__l 6 Thesecretary (organise)
the last
(- 3 pojrt;---)

Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple

2 Completethe text with the correctform of the
relative clauses
verbsin brackets.
4 Underline pronounto
the correctrelative
Sixyearsago I went(go)to Drisseldorf in orderto completethesesentences.
workasan au pairbecause | (1) - (always
enjoy)workingwith children.At thattime I Thisisthesmalltown lwasbrought
(2) - (cannot)speakanyGermanbut (a)which (b)where(c)that
| (3) _ (learn)
it in a shorttimethanksto I Wouldthe person caris parkedin frontof
the familyI waslivingwith. My stayin Germany was the doorkindlymoveit?
a longoneand,eversince| (4) (return) (a)who (b)which (c)whose
to England, | (5) _ (work)asa translator.
(6) - (have)thisjob for sixmonthsnow. 2 Thatwasthe moment he startedto feel
(a)where (b)that (c)when
Ll-rri-nlr-j 3 Shealwayshelpspeople areless
fortunatethan herself.
(a)who (b)whose(c)which
4 lt is a machine is usedfor cuttingpaper.
(a)where (b)that (c)who

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

talking about the future modal verbs of obligation and prohibition

5 Completethe sentencesusing the correctfuture 7 Compfete the sentencesusing must(n't),should(n,t)

form. and don't (doesn't)have to.
Didyou knowthat weareaoinqto buya new housein the Youdon'thaveto worklong hoursif you don,twant to in
suburbs? thisjob and timetablesarequiteflexibte.
1 A couplefrom Leeds (buy)our old 1 Youreally .- be good with peoplein order
cottage.lt hasall beenarranged. to be a goodseller.
2 That'sthe doorbell.| _ (answer)
it. 2 | knowthat yourjob is quitehecticsoyou --
try to relaxmoreat home.
3 Sometime nextyearwe (build)a new
for the livingroom. 3 You comein herewith yourdog because
it is strictlyforbidden.
4 Goodlord! tsthat the time? l,msorrybut
| _- (have)to go. 4 Oneof the bestthingsaboutmyjob isthat
| -.- get up earlyeveryday.
5 lt'sour anniversary
we -- (have)a big partyat home. 5 Asyou havea headache,
you _ go out
We haveinviteda lot of people. tonight.
6 Wehavequitea few problemsto solvebut I think 6 We -.- weara shirtand tie everydayat work
everything (be)okay. becauseour bossexpectsusto looksmart.
13-fil;t'--l a 3 potnt;__l

comparatives and superlatives First Conditional with if/when/unless/

as soonos
6 Completethe text usinga comparativeor
form of the wordsin brackets. 8 Underline
optionin thesesentences.
!!/lt\/henyou dont helpme with thisright now,t,ltbe
I feela lot morerelaxed(relaxed) aftermy trip to annoyed.
Prague.In fact,it hasprobablybeen
(1) - (good)holidayt,vehadfor 1 l'lf fearnlotsof Spanishwhen/assoonas I travelto
a longtime. Thiscity has(2) Mexiconextyear.
(picturesque) architecturethanmostotherplaces, 2 | won't buy any food unless/ifI startto feel hungry.
althoughperhapsit is not (3) _
(easy) to livein asotherpartsof the countrywhere 3 AssoonasllfI gethomethiseveningl'll callyou.
life is (4) 4 Unlessllf
they run out of money,they will try to
Praguecanbe a bit noisywith so manytourists, borrowsome.
it isstilla reallyfantasticplaceto visit.
[ 2 e;fnrJ_l

f-t p;Tnt-l

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Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Pronunciation
1 Underline (mainverbor
the verbthat is stressed
9 Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of auxiliary)
in thesesentences.
the verbs in brackets(PresentPerfectSimpleor
Continuous). Tonywasbittenbya dogtheotherday.
I havecolled(coll)threeclientstoday. 1 Workonthisprojectmustbefinished
of the month.
1 Michelle (work)hardall afternoonand
now sheis exhausted. 2 Thiscriminalwill be arrested

2 Howlong _ Derek_ (play) 3 Thesechairsaremadein ltaly.

badminton? 4 Thisis proofthat advertisements
of thistype canbe
3 Nowthat | - (finish)my report,I thinkI can effective.
relaxa little. 5 Thesemainheadlines
4 Ron (have)an accidentandthat'swhy he on the radio.
wasn'tin whenyou phoned. 6 Theseideasfor new productsweredevelopedby
5 | - (try)to contactherall daybut it is two differentcomoanies.
Herlineis alwaysbusy. f 3 polnt;__l
6 Cathy (notspeak)to Mariayet but she
will assoonasshegetsthe chance.
2 Underlinethe stressedsyllablein the following
aTFintJ-_-] compoundnouns.

gerunds and infinitives airconditioner washingmachine

mobilephone centralheating
10 Fillthe gapsin the textwith eitherthe gerundor
the infinitiveformof the verbin brackets. alarmclock answerphone
Althoughshecan't standgetting(get)up early
on Saturdays,Annaagreed(1) _ (make)
an exceptionandgo mountaineering with us. I 3 Putthe wordsinto the correctcolumnin the table
remindedher(2) (set)the alarmclockas below
we all hadto be up before5a.m.Wewereall feeling
excitedaboutthe trip, however,becausewe take band bag card gate heart
adore(3) (be)out in the freshair park cap mail paint farm camp
and we expected(4) _ (see)some
spectacularviews. lnl leil laJ
land game hord
a2jolnts l

f 4 fiTil---l

tr O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

3 Write the oppositesof the following words.
1 Completethe sentences
with the correct lend/bpapw_
fromthe box. 1 punishment/_
in on about at for to 2buyer/_
3 success/
I'm veryworriedabout theseexams.
4 produce/_
1 | spenta lot of money my carlastyear. a- point;-_l
2 | am reading the historyof Russia
at the
moment.lt'sreallyinteresting. 4 Underlinethe correctoption in these sentences.
3 Janiceisverygood ...- playingtennis. WhenI wasat the disco,someonestole/robbedmyjacket.
4 Whatisthismachine used_ ? 1 Jeromerememberslreminds
me of a famous
5 Michaelisveryinterested Americanactor.
art and literature. 2 ThiseveningI haveto preparefor my trip/travello
Londonbecause my flightleavesat 7.45a.m.
6 Oursmallsocietybelongs a muchlarger
nationalassociation. 3 | wasat a partythe othernightand I enjoyedmyself
a lot. ft wasfun/funny.
f 3Eotnts_l
4 Shetold/saidme that I had to sendmy reportby
2 Completethe sentencesby choosingthe correct emailto the officein Barcelona.
option (a,b or c).
Hemadegpa good excusefor beinglatefor the
(a)up (b)of (c)with
1 Aftermy holidays,I hadto catch _ a lot of
(a)up (b)with (c)up with
2 WhenI wasa boy,I picked a lot of useful
thingsaboutcarpentryfrom my father.
(a)out of (b)up (c)out
3 Aftertwo hoursof hardthinking,Maryfinally
worked the solutionto the problem.
(a)out of (b)out (c)up
4 Shetold me that shehadbroken_ her
(a)up (b)up from (c)up with
5 At the partywe ran -- food anddrinkso we
hadto buy somemore.
(a)out of (b)up with (c)out from
6 Weweretalkingfor sucha longtimethat we
ended missingthe film.
(a)out (b)up with (c)up
f-t point--l

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - photocopiable

2 Mark the following statementstrue (T)
or false(F)?
1 Readthe followingnewspaper
Thereweren'tverymanypeoplein the museumwhenthe
SCREAMSTOLEN IN OSLO crimewascommitted.F
1 lt waspossible
to describe
the robbers'faces.
Madonna,by the Norwegian artist EdvardMunchon
Sundayduringthe daytimein an 0slomuseumpacked 2 Fourmenparticipated
in the criminaloperation._
with terrifiedtourists.
3 Thethievesdecidedto keepthe framesto protect
A pair of maskedrobbersran into the MunchMuseum,
the paintings.
threatenedstaff members with a handgunand forced
peopleto lie down beforegrabbingboth l/re Screamand 4 Munchwasone of the firsteverexpressionist
Madonna. painters._
Shocked touristssaidthey thoughtthey werevictims
5 Themenresponsible for the crimehaddemandeda
of a terror attack.Themenpulledthe masterpieces
from the wall, walkedout the front doorand escaped lot of moneyfromthe government._
in a bLackAudi driven by a man who had beenwaiting 6 Thepolicearrivedat the sceneimmediately.
'We're 7 A'witness'is
a personwho seesa crimebeing
busylookingfor cluesjChiefInspectorKjetl
Pedersen saidat a newsconference. 'We committed.
don't knowwho
did thisj Thepaintingswerelater cut from their frames, 8 Thepeoplewho wereguiltyof the 1994robberyare
which werefound smashed into piecesin an Oslostreet. stillin prison._
Thecarwasseparately found abandoned a few
kilometresaway. a filnts-l
Munch,a founderof modernexpressionism who lived
from 1863to 1,944,paintedboth worksas part of a 3 Answerthesequestions.
seriesaboutLove,anxietyand death. Whyweresometouristsso frightened?
ThepaintingsareamongMunch'sbest-knownand are Theythoughtthat therobberswereterrorists.
worth millionsof dollars.He actuallvproducedseveral
similarversionsof both. 1 Whichword in the text means'exceptional
Art expertsspeculated that the thievesmight demanda art'?
ransomfrom the government because the worksweretoo 2 Whymightthe criminals
wantto demanda sumof
weli knownto be soldon the openmarket.But Pedersen moneyfromthe governmentfor the paintings?
Thepoliceblockedoff the museum,informedInterpol 3 Whatdid the policedo afterthe crime?
and alertedairportsand bordercrossings. Oneof the 4 Wheredo you thinkthe thieveswerefrom andwhy?
thievesspokeduringthe robberyin the localtongue.
No shotswerefired; one guardwastreatedfor shock.
5 Who neededmedicalattentionandwhyT
sawone of the menput a gun right behinda guard's 6 Whywerepeoplelyingon thefloorduringthe
headisaidone of the witnesses, a sixty-three-year-old robbery?
Texasbusinessman visiting Osto.'It took quite a while
[ 'tpoints_l
for the policeto comeiAnna Liehert a twenty-two-year-
old Germanstudent,wasalsoa witness.'Somepeople
werelying on the floorj shesaid.'I don't know if thev
wereforcedto or werejust scaredl
Anotherand perhapsbetterknownversionof Ihe Scream
wasstolen from Norway'sNationaiGaiieryin a break-
in in February1,994on the openingday of the Winter
Olympics in Lillehammer. Thegovernment refusedto
pay a ransom.and the policecaughtthe thievesa few
monthslater,recovering the painting.Thosethieves,
includingonewho stoleanotherMunchpaintingin 1988,
werelater released fromjait.
OneNowegianart experlestimatedthat the versionof ?he
Scream stolenon Sundaywouldcost$60mitLionto $75
million if tegal$ sotd,andMadonnaabout$15mittion.

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

1 Mark these statementstrue (T) or false(F)? ChooseONEof the following topics and write a
compositionof about 250-300words.
Thecottage'scellarwill be usedfor storingwine.I
1 In youropinion,whatqualitiesmusta personhave
1 Mark'snewcottageis in the centreof a town. _
to becomea verygoodfriendof yours?Youcangive
2 lt won'tbe a big problemto travelto andfrom examples of peopleyou know.
Londonfor him. 2 Do you thinkthat the mediahastoo muchpower
3 He lovesthe scenerynearthe cottage._ and influencein people's
4 Hedoesn'tlikethe nightlifein Londonbecause
it is 3 lf you couldlivein a differentplace,whichcity in the
too noisy. worldwouldyou chooseandwhy?

5 Sylviais quitehappyto continuewith herpresent 4 Do you thinkpeoplein today'ssocietythinktoo

lifestyle._ muchaboutmoneyandwealth?Howimportantis
thisin our livescomparedto otherthings?
6 In the futureshewantsto investmoneyin property.
5 Whatthingsdo you likedoingmostin yourspare
time andwhy? Arethereanynew hobbiesthat you
7 Shedoesn'tlikethe ideaof workinglong hoursas wouldliketo takeup?
sheneedsto havesparetime. _ (- 15-tof nr;_l
8 Shehasan interviewwith a companythat makes
furniturefor houses.

2 Answerthese questions.
WhichworddoesMark useto describethecountryside
near hisnewhomeand the lifestylein big cities?
Thecountrysideis unspoiltand thecity lifestyleis hectic.
1 Whatis Mark'sprofession
and what type of
atmospheredoeshe needin orderto workwell?
2 ln hisopinion,whatarethe two mainproblemsof
livingin a big city?
3 WhatexpressiondoesMarkusewhichmeans"l like
it muchmore?"
4 Whathappenedwith Sylvia's
did it happen?
5 In Sylvia's
opinion,whattwo aspects of someone's
i .personality
to be a salesperson?
6 Whendid sherespondto the ad andwhenwill her
al r-pt;ts-l


O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Grammar relative clauses
3 Completethe text with an appropriate
PresentSimple and PresentContinuous
1 Completethe sentences with the correctform of
the verbsin brackets.
Chooseeitherthe Present Thisisthe placewherethe crimewascommitted.
Simpleor PresentContinuous. At the time (1) _ the bodywasfound
by two joggers,the policewerequicklyinformed.
I don'tunderstand thislesson
verywell. (2) _
Threesuspects wereseenin the
1 | can'tspeak
to younowbecause
|_ (work) arealateyesterday eveningarebeingquestioned.
on a veryurgentdocument
atthe moment. Thewoman(3) _ husbandwaskilled
is beingcomfortedby relatives andthe weapon
2 Yes,
now| - (remember) what
exactly (4) - wasusedto murderthe victimstill
3 Fromtimeto timewe (climb)mountains
to the northof our city.
4 | definitely (notwant)to losetouchwith
my ex-classmates.
5 Mary (do)a computercoursebecause PastSimple and PastContinuous
sheneedsit for herjob.
4 Completethe sentences with the correctform
6 I_ (think)that Hitchcock
wasa truly of the verbsin brackets.
Chooseeitherthe Past
wonderfulfilm director. Simpleor the PastContinuous.
@EE 1 |_ (meet)mywifeforthefirsttimewhen
|_ (live)
in Belgium.
PresentPerfectSimpleand PastSimple 2 While| _ (walk)alongtheroadlastnight,
|_ (see)
a terrible
2 Complete thesentenceswitheitherthePresent 3 Then he - (sit)down at the table
PerfectSimpleor thePast
Simpleusinga suitable and _ (open)the newspaper.
verbof yourchoice.
Whenhe wasalive,my grandfathermadesomebeautiful
1 AIImy life| - to RollingStonesrecords. comparativesand superlatives
They'rethe best.
5 Complete
2 Theotherday| - a windowin my house below.
and my dadwasfurious.
3 Paul volleyball
sincehe wasa smallchild.
4 We - in Canada for sixyearsbut lastmonth Gordonis not asheavyasDon.
we camebackto Britainpermanently. 1 Kenis James.
aljot;ts__-l 2 Gordonis _ of the four men.
3 Kenisn'tas the others.
4 Jamesisas _ Don.
(- 2 poi;a;__)

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

future possibility question tags
6 Rewritethe sentencesusingthe wordsin brackets 7 Usethe correctquestiontag to completethese
withoutchanging the meaning. sentences.
It ispossible
thatI won'tbeableto go to thepartytonight. PenyComowasa veryfamoussinger,
I mightnotbeableto qoto theportytonight. 1 Jennifer
twicea week,_ ?
1 Mr.Peterson 2 Youcouldn't
finishthatlastjob ontime,_ ?
iscertainto become thenewsales
manager. 3 Theymustgetupat sixotlockeverymorning,
4 Youdidn'tgo out lastnight, _ ?
5 We haverun out of money,_ ?
2 | possibly
won'tarriveon time because
I am very
busy. 6 Theywill arrivetherebeforeten o'clock
(maynot) tonight, _ 7

3 l'm almost100percentcertainthat it will rainlater

First Cond itional with if / when/ unless/
as soon as
8 Fillthegapsin thistelephone
A friendof minehasa reasonable
chanceof when,unlessor assoonas.
becomingthe universitychesschampionin the
future. Jane:lf youhavetime,Alan,canyoupickupsome
Alan: l'lltry to darlingbut l'mextremelybusy.
(1) - l'vepreparedthesedocuments,
5 lt'squitepossible
that I will haveto takethe busto I havea meetingwith my bossabouta very
get to work tomorrow. urgentmatter.
(might) Jane: Okay.(2) | get homet'llstarr
preparing the dinner(3) _, of course,
you arrivebeforeme. We'rehavingspaghetti
6 My aunt'shorse'Bad
Boy'isa strongfavouriteto win thisevening.
Alan: Thatsoundsgood.(4) my meeting
(willprobably) is short,l'll be homesometime beforeyou and
you'llhavea nice,hot dinnerwaitingfor you.
Jane: That'sgreatdarling.I haveto go now. Good
f-3 p;-ints--l
luckwith yourmeeting.
Alan: Thanksdarling.Bye.
Jane: Bye.
a 2 pot;G_-l

O Pearson Limited2006- Photocopiable

Education trl
gerunds and infinitives
9 Underlinethe correctoption in the following
sentences. 1 Puttheseregularverbsin the pasttenseinto the
correctcolumnin the tablebelow.
Heforgottaking/tqlqke hisumbrellawith him.
1 Weusuallymanagetofinish/finishing stopped needed delivered watched
beforeour favouriteTV programmestarts. pushed committed breathed failed
defended asked pulled waited
2 I wouldreallyloveto go/goingto the theatretonight.
3 Sherefusedacceptinglto
acceptthejob offer Itl ldl tflt
becausethe salarywasquitelow.
liked loved wanted
4 | usuafly hatetrovelling/to
traveltowork on a
f , ptnt;---)

countableand uncountablenouns
-4 fi-i-il-ts-_-l
10 Completethesentences
bychoosing thecorrect
(a,b or c). 2 Underlinethe stressedsyllablesin the following
Wealreadyhavea lot of washing-upliquidat homeso
thereis no needto buymore. Wedon'thavetocome.
(a)much (d a lot of (c)a few 1 Youhaveto readthis book.
1 | heard newsthat petrolpriceswill 2 Wemustseethisfilm.
continueto go up.
(a)a (b)any (c)some 3 Youshouldn'tgo out tonight.

2 | can'tlendyou anymoneynow because G poTnt;l

I only
have left for myself.
(a)afew (b)not much (c)alittle 3 Underlinethe syllablestressin these words.

3 Sheinherited punishment
money. consumerbuyer reward
(a)a (b)an (c)some
produce pollution success
4 Weareafraidwe don't havevery _
f-3 point;--l
at the moment.
(a)much (b)muchof (c)lots
5 My friendgaveme usefuladvice.
(a)a (b)an (c)some
6 lt lookslikewe don'thavevery _ time to
(a)much (b)little (c)few

E @ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

v I Fillthe gapsin thesesentences
with a suitable
word of yourchoice.
I Choosethe correctoption for these expressions. 1 l'venearlyfinishedthisbook. l,malreadyon the
Tomove/gellost tenth

1To give/cause
damage. 2 SpaghettiBoloneseisthe mostwell-known
from ltaly.
2fo return/taketo the sea.
3 Wewereso happywith the qualityof the
3To toke/givefirstaid. serviceandfoodthat we gavethe waitress
4To givelmovein with someone. generous

5To take/returna break. 4 The of thisfilm containsmusicfrom

famouspop and rockgroupsfromthe
6fo causeltake
a wrong turn. nineties.
fg-Fol-h-..-l 5 lt is not verycommonthat the _ is
betterthanthe originalfilm.
2 Choosethe most appropriateword (a, b or c) to
completethe following sentences. 6 Thebestpartof thisfilm isthe _ . lt
is a fascinating
storyabouthow a youngman
Sydneyis a verymoderncity with manynew buitdings investigatesthe mysteriousdisappearance
and verywideavenues. hisfather.
h) modern (b)quiet (c)cramped
7 | sawsomeexcellent actingat the principal
1 | sawsomereally viewswhenI was Theatrethe othernight. lt wasa great
drivingthrougha mountainous regionlastweekend.
(a)lively (b)picturesque(c)enormous I In the restaurant
lastnight,I felt sofull afterthe
maincoursethat I couldn'teata
2 Edinburgh is a really citywith itscastle,
ai p"Irrts l
palaceandotherbeautifulold buildings.
3 Thissmallvillagehassomevery _ but
peoplealwaysusean openfireto cooktheirmeals.
4 Thisseaside town isextremely
Thousands of peoplefrom manydifferentcountries
visitit everysummer.
5 Theroomwe rentedwas _ . In fact,it was
so smallthat the bed nearlyfilledthe room.
(a)tinY (b)sPacious(c)cosy
6 Thepubsin thiscityarevery with bands
playinglivemusicand lotsof peopledancing.
(a)energetic(b)dull (c)lively
f 3 poinr;_l

@ PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - photocopiable

2 Choosethe correctoption (a)or (b).
Weilwas(a)definitely(d possiblythegreatestconartist
1 Readthistext abouta famousconfidence
trickster in Americanhistory.
andanswerthe questions. 1 (a)Hedidn'tfinishhisschooleducation.(b)He
obtainedgood schoolqualifications.
Joseph'Yeitow Kid'Weilwasarguabiythe greatest
conmanin Americanhistory.He had a great 2 Theglasseshe soldweremadeof (a)gold (b)
understanding of humannatureand wasa geniusfor somethingthat lookedlikegold.
inventingelaborateschemes and games.He wasa kind 3 ln Chicagoafterthe 1920's, it became(a)easy(b)
of RobinHoodwho robbedthe greedyand corrupt difficultfor Weilto cheatpeopleout of moneywith
and gaveto the peoplewho couldenjoyspendingthe confidence tricks.
money:himselfand his friends.
Weil,whosenickname'YellowKid' camefrom a canoon 4 He retiredfrom crimebecause he (a)felt too old (b)
characterhe loved,wasthe son of German-American didn'twantto returnto jail.
grocersin Chicago. He droppedout of high schooland 5 Afterhe hadstoppedcheatingpeople,the police(a)
his first job wasas a messenger in a companyfull of thoughthewasa niceperson(b)continued thinking
dishonestpeople.Whenhe askedthem abouttheir that he hadcriminalintentions.
activities,they paid him to keepquiet. Manyyears
later,he saidthe job taught him that cleverness and
6 Whenhe wasveryold,he was(a)too thin (b)too
dishonestypaid a tot betterthan leadingan honestlife. fat.
He beganto cheatpeopieat an earLyageby selling at p-olnts I
bottles of fake 'miraclemedicine'as well as fake gold-
framedglasses at expensive prices.As his confidence 3 Answerthesequestionsusingyour own words if
grew,he graduallydeveloped morewaysto cheatpeople possible.
usingsomevery originalideas.At the horseraces.for
exampLe. he workedwith a madeup brother-in-law,
WhywasWeila popularfigure?Herobbedcorruptor
who wasnaturaliyalsoa conman,to gain people's areedypeopleand wasgenerousto hisfriends.
confidence. Weil'sracetrackvictimswereChicago 1 Whywashe called'The
businessmen who werethoughtto havefull knowledge
of what they were getting into and the 'YeltowKid'
2 Whydid the peoplein hisfirstjob payJosephextra
benefitedfrom this legalsituation.
Someyearslater,he becamea self-made millionaire 3 At whatmomentin hislifedid JosephWeilthinkthat
throughdishonestdealingsduringthe Floridaland he wouldbe betteroff beingdishonest?
boomof the 1920s.After this he beganto put adverts
4 Howdid he makemoneydishonestly
whenhe was
in newspapers to trick peopleacrossAmericapromising
to givepeopleback$1,000,if they invested$100.As
criminallaw relatedto con artistswaschangingin 5 Whatexcusewasgivento customers in Weil'sbank
Chicago. he did not advertisein localpapers. to explainwhy they hadlostmoney?
Laterhe openeda realbank which madeenormous
6 Didhe sometimesfeelguiltyaboutthe peoplehe
illegalprofitsby usingfalsedocuments. Weil'sbank
managerescaped the angerof the victimsby saying
that a dishonestsecretaryhad disappeared with alt the 7 Whotaughthim to becomea confidence
money.He oncesaid:'the menI cheatedwerewealthy
a 1 - 4p o tn t s - l
and alsohad a strongdesireto gain moneyand didn't
carehow they got it.' fl'FElil'ffif,
In his wholelife he went to prisononly twice and he
completelyreformedwhenhe wasaroundseventyas
he didn't want to go backthereagain.In his old age,
he had a very dignifiedand friendlymanneralthough
the policestiti didn't trust him. He iived to be very
old and thereis a photo of him at his 100thbirthday
party in which he looksratherskinnybut extremely
weLl-dressed. He finally diedin 1976and everyone
agreedthat the self-taught,endlesslyimaginativeand
incrediblysuccessful'Yettow Kid'wasa uniquegenius.
Thecrimeworidwill not seesomeone like him aqain.

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

1 Markthe followingstatements
true (T)or false(F). ChooseONEof the following topics and write a
Tracyand Geoffhavesimilarhobbies.F compositionof about 250-300words.
1 In youropinion,whatqualitiesmusta personhave
1 Tracyisn'tveryinterested
in hersociallife._ to becomea verygoodfriendof yours?you cangive
I 2 Shedoeskarateandgoesjogging.
_ examples of peopleyou know.
3 Geoffdoesn'tthinkhe spendsenoughtime with his 2 Do you thinkthat the mediahastoo muchpower
daughters._ and influencein people's
4 Tracyisn'tmarried._ 3 lf you couldlivein a differentplace,whichcityin the
worldwouldyou chooseandwhy?
5 Shethinksthatshewill possibly
changein the
future. 4 Do you thinkpeoplein today'ssocietythinktoo
6 Geoffdoesn'tusuallysendemails._ thisin our livescomparedto otherthings?
7 Hewasvisitinga websitewhenhe hada problem 5 Whatthingsdo you likedoingmostin yourspare
with the computer._ time andwhy? Arethereanynew hobbiesthat you
wouldliketo takeup?
8 GeoffandTracyfeelthat sometimesthey don,thave
enoughthingsto talkabout._ f 1 sF o i n t s - l
-8-p oft t-;__l

2 Answerthesequestions.
HowdoesGeoffdescribehimselfasa person?
Heis someonewho needsto be with people.
1 Whydoeshe speaka lot on the telephone?
2 Nametwo activities
- , 3 Nametwo thingsthat Geoffwouldliketo do if he
4 Whenisthe onlytimethatTracyreadsanything?
5 Whatexactlyhappenedto Geoff'scomputerand
whatdoeshe planto do?
6 WhatexactwordsdoesGeoffuseto mean,lthink
that istrue'?
f lt-potnr;-l


O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Grammar used to and would
3 Choose
optionsto complete
Past Perfect Simple
1 Choosethe correctoptionto complete
the Whenwe werekidswe usedtolwouldbelusedhave
sentences. a greattimeduringour schoolsummerholidays.
Wewould (1)go cycling/tocycle/cycltng in the
I didn'tgo to thecinemato seethat film becauseI saw/ countryside everymorningandthenwe (2)would
had seenit before. having/would have/usedto havinga picniclunch.
1 Then sheentered/had enteredthe room and It wasgreatto get homeagainin the afternoon,
switchedon the light. however,as | (3)usedto/got usedto/wouldto enjoy
playingwith my dog Sandyfor hoursand hours.In
2 Weall got a surprise
whenthe bosssuddenly fact,at that time we (4)would/usedbe/usedfo have
appeared/ had appeared. onedog andthreecats.
3 | went sightseeingin the city afterI checked/had
checked into my hotel. a.-Fl nt;__]
4 WhenI got backto the pub I discovered
that all my
5 Shetold me that shewas/hadbeenill andthat'swhv
modals of ability
shedidn'tgo on holidaylastyear.
6 Wearrived/hadarrivedat the art galleryand then we 4 Choosethe correctoptionto completethe
begantakingsomephotos. sentences.
aJ point;__l lrepeatedthat examlfailed andl couldlusngged_le./
couldto passit thistime.
1 Thewild animalattackedhim but fortunatelvhe
was/wasable/couldto escape.
2 WhenI wasverysmallI monagedto/wasable
2 Fillthe gapsin thistext with d,an,theor Ieavethe get good marksbecause
to/couldn't I waseasily
spaceblankG). distracted.
3 My motherhasa greatmemoryand whenshewas
Oneof fhebestholidayexperiences I have at schoolshecouldto/knewto/managedto learnvery
everhadwaswhenwe wentto Tikalin longtextsby heart.
(1) - northernGuatemala threeyearsago. 4 | wasn'tableto/can't/couldn'tto go to the party last
Wemet a veryinteresting American womanthere nightbecause I wasfeelingill.
who is (2) - archaeologistandshegaveus
a fantasticfreeguidedtour of (3) _ famous 5 Hetried very hardbut he wasabletolmanagedto/
ruins,whichincluded someimpressive temples. didn'tmanagefo qualifyfor the semi-final.
Thewildlifein the regionisfascinating too and 6 Bothofthem arefast runners.Yesterday
one of the firstthingswe sawwhenwe arrivedwas
wereableto/managed complete1,500metresin less
(4) - spidermonkeyhappilyswinging thanfourminutes.
in the trees.
al-Fo tnTs--l
[ 2 points ]

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable


Second Conditional reported speech

5 Usethe verbs in bracketsto make Second 7 Convertthe following into reported speech.
Conditionalsentences. Rememberto use a pronoun after the verb to tell.
lf you decided(decide)to retireearly,you would be able to Ruth:'Mynewjob offersme a lot of perks;(tell)
(beable to) reloxand enjoylife for longer. Ruthtold usthat hernewjob offeredhera lot of perks.
1 lf you (change)
the passwordon your 1 Tony:'Doyou worka lot of overtime?'(ask)
computer, _ (feel)
safer. 2 Anne:'l'mworkingsomeveryirregularhours
2 There (be)lessstarvationin the worldif thesedaysJ(tell)
wealthiernations (help)poorer 3 Darren:'Wehavebeenunemployed
for nearlythree
countriesmore. monthsi(say)
3 lf you (leave)your
job, (tell)
4 Lynn:'lthinktheywillwin the electionsl
you - (have)no guarantees
anotheronequickly. you get a pay-rise
5 Scott:'Did yesterday?'(ask)

4 | - (travel)aroundthe worldif I 6 Cathy:'lmustget a coupleof good references

ever _ (win)afortune. I canapplyfor thisjob.'(say)
(- 3 filnt;-_l
5 lf we all - (think)a bit harder,l'm sure
we - (find)somesolutions to these
6 You (have)a moretranquillifeif past obligation/permission
you - (buy)boughta housein the country.
8 Choosethe correctoptionto completethe
(--T p!int-;-l
Wecould/hsdJe/were allowedto workveryhardwhenwe
wereyounger.(lt wasnecessary)
Third Conditional
to/didn'thavefo wearjeansto
1 Wecouldn't/hadn't
6 MakeThirdConditionalsentencesby combining
school. wasnotpermitted)
the following pairsof sentences. 2 ln my lastjob I wosn'tallowedto/couldn't/didn'thave
to get the buseverymorningbecause my colleague
I didnt train well. I didn't win the match.
hada car. (lt wasn'tnecessary)
lf I had trainedwell,lwould havewon thematch.
3 When I wasa kid,l couldto/wasallowedtolhod to
1 Sharonate too muchchocolate.Shefelt bad later.
cooksomesimpledishesin the kitchen.(lt was
2 | saidsomethingterrible.My girlfriendstopped permitted)
talkingto me.
4 Shehadto/couldlmustbe goodwith figuresin order
3 Wedidn'tfollowthe signs.Wegot lost. to get thatjob lastyear.(lt wasnecessary)
4 I shouteda lot to my friendsinsidethe discotheque. f-TEoint;--l
I lostmy voice.
(- 2 pot;ts-l

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I wishlif only
9 Completethe sentenceswith the correctformof
the verbin brackets. 1 Underlinethe stressedsyllablesin these
IwishI could(can)remember
childhood. MayI askyouwhat timeit is?

1 lf onlyhe - (nottalk)so muchall the time. 1 Whencanyou cometo the office?

It'sso annoying! 2 Canyou tell me the wayto the station?
2 | wish| - (phone)herlastnightbut I 3 Doyou knowif thereisa supermarket
(have)morefreetime to do all ftjoj-n-ts__-]
3 lf onlywe -
2 Underlinethe stressedwords in theseThird
4 | wishthey - (hurry)up andfinishthejob Conditionalsentences.
because it'sgettinglate.
ff theyAturnedup earlier,theycould'veeotenwith us.
1 lf we hadn'tmissedthat lastbus,we would've
arrivedon time.
2 lf they hadn'tinterruptedme,lwould'vefinishedby
phrasalverbs now.

10 Fillthe gapsin thistextwith a suitable

particle 3 lf shed calledme beforeseven,l'd havegoneout
(orparticles). with her.
G pointsl
Theothernightmorethana hundredpeople
turnedgpfor a concertat our localpub 3 Write the following figuresand dates in words.
onlyto discover that the it hadbeencalled 821/z:
eighty-twoand a half
(1) - . Everyone wantedto knowwhat
wasgoing(2) - 1 126.8:
andwe soonfound
(3) - that the cancellation had been
due to a technicalproblem.lt didn'ttakeus long,
however,to come(4) _ another
plan.Wedecidedto go to anothergood pub in the
areaand buy Gerrya coupleof drinksto cheerhim
up. Hehasbeengoing(5) a badtime
sincehe split(6) with hislastgirlfriend.

[ 3 points ]

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Vocab I Unscramble
the lettersto makewords/phrases
relatedto globalissues.
1 Completethe sentences usingthe correctform of htetemvrinenon
: theenvironment
the words/phrases
in the box. 1 essadie
havegood relations buy obtain 2 d r t a s a n d f o q n i vsi l_: _ l_
collect inspire return become
3 neamfi: f
I qot o birthdaypresentfrom my grandmother 4 m e i r c ic -
5 gvepoldein
: d
1 Sandrahasjust got backfrom hertrip to'lJruguay.
6 l n u t p o i l op
: -

l'll be rightback.l'mjust goingto get somebreadat 7 ctseyiru:s

the baker's. 8 ntrastivao:
I thinkl'll put on my sweaterbecause
it'sgetting a4ji;nts_l
4 Whenyou arriveat the trainstationtomorrowl'll
comeand get you and then we canhavebreakfast
5 Hewasa greatexampleto hisstudents.Theyall
wantedto do well.
6 | usedto get on wellwithone of my neighbours
not anymore

2 Completethe sentencesby choosingthe correct

option (a,b or c).
I enjoyteachingMarlabecausesheis a fastlearner.
h) fast (b)steep (c)deep
1 WhenI wasat school,we hadto learna lot of poems
(a)memory (b) heart (c)perfection
2 WhenI startedthe course,I wasthe onlyonewho
knewnothingaboutcomputers so I felt I had been
thrownin at the _ end.
(a)deep (b)hard (c)steep
3 | picked a lot of my Frenchby simply
watchingfilmsandTV programmes.
(a)out (b)on (c)up
4 Wefelt obligedto studyhardbecausewe had a
very - teacher.
(a)perfect (b)strict (c)steep
5 Practicemakes
(a)learning(b)good (c)perfect
6 | was up to speakto peopleverypolitely.
(a)brought (b) picked (c)taken
G p.fiT;-l

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

1 Choosethe correctdefinition for thesewords
and expressions. They are underlinedin the text
so look at them carefullyin their context before
aboundswith meansh) to befull of (b)to havea fewof
Malta is a truly wonderfulcountry whosetowns are (c)to bedecoratedwith
populatedwith baroquepalacesand its countryside
1 bonusmeans(a)the bestthing (b)an extraor
aboundswith the oldestknown humanconstructionsin
addedbenefit(c)a nicesurprise
the world. Thebest time to visit is spring or autumn as
it is stitt hot enoughto get a suntanand hotel prices 2 amazingmeans(a)incredible(b)useful
comedown significantly.The weather,seaand sandy (c)interesting
beachesare a bonus,however.The main attractions
3 to qet awayfrom it all means(a)to havefun
are definitely the island'santiquities and the Baroque
(b)to escapefromthe pressures and routinesof
dailylife (c)to havean adventure
Thereare an amazingnurnberof things to discoveras
you explore7,000yearsof history.In fact, the Maltese 4 endlessmeans(a)fantastic(b)with limitations(c)
Islandshavebeendescribed as onebig open-airmuseum. withoutlimits
Wherever you go, the sceneryon the islandsand the
5 Standards aregenerallyhigh means(a)the food has
architectureare truly spectacular.
a lot of variety the food is normallyexpensive(c)
Malta is the ideal placeto get awayfrom it all with its
the qualityof the foodtendsto be good
rocky coastlines,narrowand tranquil vitlagestreets,
marinasand fishingvitlages.etc. But, the bestthing 6 mild means(a)variable(b)verycold (c)gentleor
abouta stay hereis that you can experience several soft.i.e.not too cold
holidaysin one and thereareendlessthingsto do. For 7 the high seasonmeans(a)the mostpopulartime of
peoplewho are physicallyfit, it is a great placefor rock-
the yearfor tourists(b)the time of the yearwith the
climbing,trekkingand severaltypesof watersports. highesttemperatures (c)the festivalperiod
You can enjoy a busy calendarof cultural eventsall
year round, as Malta is also a bitingual country which 8 travellingindependently means(a)travelling
has stronghistoricaland cultural links to Britain. It is on yourown (b)arranging yourown travel (c)
also an enjoyableplaceto learn and practiseEnglish,so arranging travellingwithoutdependents
Engtishcoursesare availablein severallanguageschoois @
and Englishlanguagenewspapers, booksand magazines
are sold everywhere. People even drive on the Ieft herel 2 Answerthese questionsin your own words if
The capital of the country is Valietta,which is lessthan possible.
two kilometresin length so it is possibleto explorethis
beautiful city in a relativelyshort time. It has many Whattwo aspectsmakeMaltaa wonderfulcountry?
interestingsquaresthat aresurrounded by palacesand Itsbaroquepalocesand themostancientman-made
other historical buildings. Another important tourist constructions
in the world.
attraction Gozo.which is separated from the mainland 1 Whyis springor autumnthe besttimeto visit?
by threekilometresof sea.The island has a spectacuiar
rockycoastlineand alsohasa relaxing,rural atmosphere. 2 Whydo youthink Maltahasbeendescribed
The cuisinehas Italian. Frenchand Malteseinfluences. open-air
Standardsare generallyhigh and fresh fish is a favourite 3 Whattype of physical canpeople
in localrestaurants andbars.Manyspeciesof seafood do in Malta?
are consumedall year round and this is what Maltese
restaurantsdo best. Severaldisheswith rice, meat and 4 Whyis Englishspokensowell here?
vegetablesare also popular.however. 5 Whatwouldyou noticeabouttrafficin Malta?
Malta'shot, dry summerscan be uncomfortablebut
they are normaly very pleasantand the mitd winters
in most?
6 Whattype of food doesMaltaspecialise
are alsonice. The rain is heaviestin winter but is stilt ltztp;lnt;-l
only moderate. In the high season,the mosteconomical
option is a package tour that includesthe flight and @
sevennights in a two or three star hotel as this wilt cost
underf500. Whetheryou end up choosinga package
tour or travellingindependentlyin Malta.you are
guaranteed to havean unforgetable experience.

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

Listento two young men speakingabout their ChooseONEof the following topics and write a
schooland universitydays. compositionof about 250-300words.
1 Whattype of holidaydo you likemostandwhy?
1 Selectthe correctoption. Giveexamples fromyourown experience.
Thefirstspeaker(Phil)b) thinksthat schooldaysarethe a problemin the schoolsof today?
2 ls discipline
happiestdaysyour life (b)doesn'tthink that schooldays Whatdo you thinkarethe bestwaysfor a teacherto
arethe happiestdaysyour life (c)doesn'thavean opinion punishproblematic childrenandget respectfrom
on this. everyonein the class?
1 Wayne(a)washappywith all of histeachers 3 Whatdo we needto do to preserveour environment
(b)washappywith oneor two of them (c)didn'tlike problemsof our
andtry to reducethe ecological
a coupleof them. planet?
2 Wayneand mostof hisclassmates (a)did well 4 lf you couldchangeyourprofession,
what kindof
in theirexams(b)did badly(c)felt verynervous job wouldyou mostliketo do andwhy?
because of theirmathsteacher.
5 Writein detailaboutoneof the mostspecial
3 Thebestadjective to describePhil'sold French memories that you havefromthe past.Whyis it so
teacheris (a)understanding(b)frightening importantto you?
4 At first,Waynefound biologyat university
(a)easy(b)difficult(c)neithereasynor difficult.
5 Philthinksthat (a)university
prepares you wellfor
otherthingsaswellasfor a job (b)university
(c)the sociallifeat university
lifecanbe frustrating
is terrible.
6 Philis interruptedby (a)a personin the street(b)a
callfrom hiswife(c)a callfrom hisboss.

2 Answerthe followingquestions.
mention?Therewasa lot of pressureto passthem.
1 WhatexpressiondoesPhiluseto agreewith Wayne's
2 Whatdid Philuseto do sometimes
3 Waynedidn'tlikehismathsteacherbut mentions
one positivequality.Whatwasit?
4 Whydid PhillikehisEnglishteacher?
5 Whatadvantageandwhatdisadvantage
6 WhenWaynestartedat university
whatdid he have
to get usedto?
7 WhatisWayne's job andwhatdid he do for
f 14 fifnr;-l


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subjectand object questions
3 Writequestions
uses of like
1 Writequestions usingthe wordlike.
fortheseanswers B:TimfinallychosetheRenault.
A: Whatdoesshelooklike? 1 A: Who
B: CurtisHansondirectedthe film LAConfidential.
1A: ?
2 A: When
different.Samis reserved
penicillinin 1928.
B: Flemingdiscovered
and shywhileMathewisverysociableandfriendly.
3 A: Which
2A: ?
B: A 500ccSuzukiwon the motorcvcle
B:Tonight?| don'tknowreally.Maybego out and
just relaxat home.
seea film or perhaps 4 A: What
3A: ? B: Someone's
handtouchedFredon the shoulder.
B:Oh,Romeis special.lt'sa fascinating
historical 5 A: Where
B: Carolsawthe concertin Leeds.
4A: ?
6 A: Howmany
B:Yes,verymuch. In fact,I thinkspaghettiis one of
B: Tanyaboughtthreebooks.
my favouritedishes.

2 Fillthegapsin thistextwithO an,theor nothingC). modals of ability
4 Completethe text usingfour of the wordsfrom
Lastsummer, I wenton a specialtourof a range the box.
of mountainsin (1) northof Mexicoto
observeand photographsomewild catsin their can can't could couldn't able manage
naturalhabitat.I think(2) _ wild catsare
fascinatinganimalsand I havestudiedthem all my
life. NowI canusecomputers wellfor most
Whilewe wereclimbingup a steephill, applicationsbut onlyfiveyearsago I
(3) - tour guidesuddenlyshouted (1) - understand anythingabout
that he hadiustseen(4) enormous them. I rememberonedayat workwhen I
snake.Everyone wasterrifiedfor a momentbut didn'teven(2) - to sendan email
fortunately(5) - snakedisappeared into correctlyand I wasn't(3) _ to use
the trees.Apartfromthislittleshock,everything the Wordprogramme verywell either.I did
elseon the tour wasfineand our guidegave a coupleof computercourses, however, and
us (6) - veryinteresting and useful madegood progress. Onlysixmonthsafterthat
information aboutthe area. | (4) - do all of the thingsthat were
necessary for myjob.
aljolnts I

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adverbs make,let, ollow

5 Choosethe most appropriateadverbto complete 7 Choosethe correctoption to completethe

these sentences. sentences.
I'm sorryfor forgettingthe book. I promisethat I'll Theyallowedusenter/tesnletthe flat.
bringit tomorrow. 1 Theymadeus working/worklong hourslastweek.
a) hopefullyb) actually d definitely
wearjeansin thisplace.
2 Weweren'tallowed/letto
1 He is normallynot a punctualpersonbut
todayhe arrivedveryearly. 3 Theteachermademe repeat/torepeatthe exercise.
a)surprisinglyb)obviouslyc) usually 4 Youareallowedusing/tousethe librarywhenever
2 | - believethatallpoliticians
shouldthink you want.
moreaboutthe environment. 5 | let my sonstoy/tostayup latelastnight to seethe
b) personally
a)carefully c) surprisingly matchon TV.
3 Helosthisjob for spendingtoo muchtime on the 6 Whydid you let the catcoming/come
into the
Internet.That'swhat happened. house?
a)fortunatelyb) hopefullyc) actually
[ 3 points__l
4 Shedrove - because the roadswerein bad
a) naturallyb)quietlyc) carefully
5 | thinkmy brotherwill - win thissquash reported speech
into direct
8 Convertthesereportedstatements
a)completelyb) probablyc) personally
6 Thepaywastoo low. That's-
Sheaskedmeif I likedtravelling.
the reasonwhy I left myjob. 'Doyou liketravellinq?'
a) interestingly
b) basicallyc)completely
1 HetoldmethathehadvisitedParis
his life.

Third Conditional She said she had to do somethingimportant the

following day.
6 MakeThirdConditional usingthe verbs
in brackets.
3 He askedme what I had done that day.
lf youhadn'tforgotten(notforget)to takeyourcoat,you
1 lf they (take)a taxi, Shetold usthat shewouldtravelto NewYorksome
they - (arrive)
muchearlier. time in the future.
2 lf you (come)to the partylastnight,
You - (have)a greattime.
f , FinIF-l
3 They (notfeel)sotiredthismorningif
they - (notstay)up so latelastnight.
4 She (hear)youif you - (shout)

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review of past tenses Pronunciation
9 Fillthe gapswith the correctform of the verbs
1 Underlinethe long vowel soundsthat give extra
in brackets.Choosethe PastSimple,Past
emphasisto these expressions.
Continuous or PastPerfectSimple.
I remembera verytalentedfriendcalledBrigitte That'samazing! Oh no!
who could(can)speakseverallanguages.
Howawful! My goodness!
She(1) (be)bornin Paris to a
Spanishmotherand an English father,so joking! Howincredible!
she(2) (learn)to speakallthree
a= poi;ts---]
languages beforeshestartedschool.Whileshe
(3) - (study;at secondary school,she 2 Put these words into the correctcolumn in the
(4) - (begin)to learnJapanese, German table below.
andltalian.Shewasa determined andbrilliant
student.AfterBrigitte(5) - (finish)her history sight island strict
schoolstudies, shetravelledandworkedin four practice live(v) life environment
differentcountriesbeforestarting university. direct chips miss remind
Thelasttime I sawher,shetold methat she
(6) - (prepare) for a masterin Russian! larl
hl I
split I revise


10 Underlinethe correctoption. lf the two options

are correct,underlineboth sentences.
Wearegoingthrougha bad time/ Weoregoinga bad
with / I hadto put
1 | hadto put up the inconvenience f4jiint;--l
up with the inconvenience.
2 | wokeup my friendearly/ | wokemy friendup early. the stressed
3 Underline in thesewords.
/ | got the busoff in
3 | got off the busin Blackpool. adventure
Blackpool. package abroad cultural
4 l'll pickhim up fromthe station/ l'll pickup him historical newspaper degree
fromthe station.
research lifestyle unemployed

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocopiable

3 Choosethe bestword fromthe boxto complete
Vocab the sentences.
1 Choosethe correctoptionto completethe
tired/tiring exhausted/exhausting
sentences. excited/exciting annoyed/annoying
I con'tdo thisexercise.
Canyougivemea heart/ghgnd/a bored/boring confused/confusing
favour, please? relaxed/relaxing depressed/depressing
Ralphis alwaysreadingbooks.He'sa reallibraryrat/
reader'spetlbookworm. I sawthat Draculafilm lastnight and it wasreally
I knowthis subjectinsideoutloutsidein/likethepalm frightened/ frightening
of my hand.
1 WhenI don'thaveanythingto do I startto feel
3 l'm travelling
to Parison business
nextweekso I'll really _ .
haveto cleanup/brushup onlpolishon my French
beforeI go. 2 Climbing thatmountain wasan
experience. Whenwe finallygot to the top,most
4 l'm good at artsand languages but with science of usliterallycollapsed.
subjectsI haven'tgot an idealaguess/aclue.
Listening to classical
musicor sittingon the sofa
5 l'mverypleasedwith the computercoursel'm doing with a nicecup of teaaretwo thingsthat I find
becauseI havepickedup tokenup/givenup many really _ ,
WhenI listenedto onetragicstoryafteranother,
6 | don'tknowthe answerto thisquestionbut I think
I beganto feelvery _ .
l'll makeawildtry/guess/effort.
Who knows?| might
be right. Celiacan'twaitto go on holidayto Canada
in two monthstime. Shealreadyfeels
a 3 poirrt--]
really- aboutit.
2 Make nouns from the following verbsand Peopleinterruptingme whenI am speakingis a
adjectivesby adding the correctsuffix. h a b i tw h i c h I f i n d q u i t e
independent: independence 7 Canyouexplain
thatagain?l'ma bit
punish: ignore: 8 It isveryimportantfor me to get enoughrest
everydaybecause myjob isquite _ as
dark: employ:
I haveto drivelongdistances
to visitpotential
create: intelligent: clientseveryday.
ft points_--] [-?-po-iTts__l

O PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

2 Choosethe correctdefinition for thesewords
and expressions. Theyare underlinedin the text
1 Readthe followingtext aboutfaminein Africa so look at them carefullyin their context before
andanswerthe questions. answering.

Nearly30 miiLionAfricanscouldsoonbe facingfamine.

droughtmeans(a)a largeforestfire (d theproblemof
havinglittle or no water(c)pollution
Theimmediatecauseis drought,which has destroyed
cropsand teft peopleand livestockwithout food and means(a)possessions
1 livestock (b)food (c)farm
water.But this is not the only reasonwhy Africa suffers animals
regularlyfrom famine.MostAfricancountriesdo not
2 incomemeans(a)moneyreceived throughworkor
produceenoughfood and dependvery muchon imports
activity(b)effort (c)transport
and on havingthe incometo pay for them.
Thereare alsoother contributoryfactors;war, corruption 3 lonq-termeffectsare(a)immediateresults
and bad management of food supplies.environmental
(b)resultsthat happenin the distantfuture
problems,natural disasters,the lonq:lefm_gffecLs (c)importantresults
of Aids
and other diseases, as well as plaguesof locustswhich 4 locustsare(a)largeinsectsthat destroycrops
eat up enormous areasof vegetation. (b)diseases(c)climaticproblems
Famineis causedby not enoughfood beingproducedor
5 to affordmeans(a)to want (b)to try (c)to have
peoplenot beingableto obtainit. Thismay be because
enoughmoneyor otherresources to do something.
there is not enoughwater or becausepeoplecan't afford
to buy food. Evenin famine-freeyears.it is common 6 to makeup for means(a)to addto (b)exchange
acrossAfrica for peopleto not havesufficientfood, (c)compensate for
especia\ in rural areas.TheUnitedNationsestimates means(a)rich(b)beingat the
7 economically-active
that the situationin sub-Saharan Africa is worsetoday rightageto work(c)havingstudiesin economics
than it wasthirty years ago.Growingpovertyin Africa
8 elderlymeans(a)poor (b)ill (c)old
hasleft the continentwith a populationthat hasthe
biggestfood problemsin the world. (--8-F;Tnr;__l
Interestingly.Eastand SouthAsia.wherethere have
beenenormousincreases in agriculturalproductionand 3 Answerthese questionsin your own words if
significanteconomicgrowthhavereducedthe numberof possible.
peoplewho are not propertyfed from forty-threepercext
Whatis oneof themostimportantreasonsfor faminein
to thirteen percentbut sub-Saharan Africa has not Africa?Thereisn'tenoughwater.
managedto get the rate belowthe 1969figure of thirty-
four percentof the population. 1 Whydo manyAfricancountries
relyon importsso
TheNobetPrize-winningeconomistAmartyaSenhas much?
arguedthat hungerand famineare causedmostlyby 2 In whattype of regionsarethe biggestfood
povertyand not just a country'sability to growenough problemsto be found?
food. Peoplein povertyoften go hungrybecausethey do
3 Howdoesthe food situationin sub-Saharan
not haveenoughmoneyto buy food when they havenot
compareto the past?
beenableto produceenoughthemselves. Sowhen there
is a droughtor somethingsimilarthey becomethe first 4 Whyisthe situationlessextremein Asia?
victims of famine.Professor Senarguesthat if countries 5 WhydoesProfessorSenthinkthat beingpooris a
in Africa couldmakesufficientincome,they wouldbe biggerproblemthan not growingenoughfood?
abieto avoidhunger,as they couldaffordto import food
to makeup for any food they don't producethemselves. 6 Apartfromfamine,what hascausedmanychildren
At the moment,howeverAfricanfarmerscan only get
and elderlypeopleto losetheireconomicsupport?
low pricesfor the productsthey want to exportto other -1r-polnt;-l
countriesand so cannotcompeteon world markets.
Warand terrible diseases are makingsomecountrieslose
a high numberof the economically-active populationand
there are now manychildrenwho havelost their parents
and elderiypeoptewith no meansof support.Natural
disastersfrequentlyhappen,but it is whenthey hit
countriesthat are alreadysufferingfrom the effectsof
other problemsthat faminebecomesinevitable.

o PearsonEducation Limited 2006 - Photocooiable

Listencarefullyto thisjob interviewand answerthe ChooseONEof the followingtopicsand write a
questions. compositionof about 250-300words.

1 Choosethe correctanswer. 1 Whattype of holidaydo you likemostandwhy?

Giveexamples fromyourown experience.
Howdoesthe interviewerfeelabout Tamara's
excited(d imoressed(c)confused a problemin the schoolsof today?
2 lsdiscipline
Whatdo you thinkarethe bestwaysfor a teacherto
1 Whattype of job hasTamara
appliedfor? punishproblematic childrenand get respectfrom
(a)salesmanager(b)salesperson(c)receptionist everyonein the class?
2 Tamara(a)sometimes leaves jobs unfinished 3 Whatdo we needto do to preserveour environment
(b)alwayslikesto do jobswell (c)saysthat it is problemsof our
andtry to reducethe ecological
sometimes impossible to do certainjobswell. planet?
3 Theinterviewer saysthat (a)drivinglongdistances 4 lf you couldchangeyourprofession,
what kindof
(b)sellingthings(c)workinglong hoursin the office job wouldyou mostliketo do andwhy?
canbe verytiring.
5 Writein detailaboutone of the mostspecial
4 Tamarasayssheis persuasive becauseof her memories that you havefromthe past.Whyis it so
(a)trainingand motivation(b)motivationand importantto you?
experience (c)trainingandexperience.
5 She(a)wantsto be promotedassoonaspossible
(b)isn'tinterestedin promotion(c)wantsmore
experience first.
6 Thecompanyrunstrainingcourses in (a)selling
drivingskills(c)managingtechniques, computer
aJjCints r

2 Answerthesequestions.
Whatexpressiondoesthe intervieweruseto askTamara
to sitdown? Havea seat.
in thejob?
1 WhyisTamarainterested
2 Whatwerethe two mainthinqsshehadto do in her
3 WhatdoesTamaraseeashermainstrengths?
4 Whyis workinglong hoursnot a problemfor
5 WhydoesTamaranot mindworkingon commission?
6 Whatcouldbe a possibledisadvantage
of being
promotedto regionalsalesmanager?
7 Whattwo thingsdoesthe possibility
of offering
4 1 4 p o T n rIs


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Test A Units 1-5 2
r Fatse z False 3 False 4 True 5 False 6 False
7 True 8 Fatse
1 auxiliar5r verbs
r Whatdidyou do lastsummer? 3
2 Doyou normallycookat home? 1 masteroieces
3 Haveyou everbeento this Place? z Thepaintings aretoo famousto be soldin the openmarket.
4 Wheredoesyourbestfriendgo on Fridaynights? 3 Theybtocked off the museum,informedInterpolandalerted
2 Present Per{ect Simple and Past Simple 4 Norwaybecause oneofthemspokein Norwegian duringthe
r haveatwaysenjoyed z coutdnot (couldn't) robbery.
3 learnt 4 returned 5 haveworked 6 havehad 5 OnesecurityguardbecauSe he wassuffering fromshock.
6 Possibtythey wereforcedto do this or maybetheywere
3 Ttre Passive frightened.
r hasbeenrobbed 2 causes 3 waschanged 4 hasbeen
offered 5 is done 6 organised Listening
4 relative clauses S:Sylvia M:Mark
r (c) z (c) r (a) 4 (b) Mark'
5: So I hearyou'vejustboughta newhousein the country,
M: Yeah,it's great!lt's quitea largecottagewith a garden'three
5 Talking about the future bedrooms, an atticanda winecellar.
r arebuying z witt('tDanswer 3 aregoingtobuild S: Butyouwon'tbe too far awayfromLondon, witlyou?
+ wilt (tD have 5 arehaving 6 wittbe M: Not really.lt's actuallyon the outskirtsof a town aboutforty
minutesdrivefromthe centreof London.That'sifthereareno traffic
6 comparatives and suPerlatives problems, of course...
3 aseasy 4 morepeaceful
r thebest 2 morepicturesque S: Mm...lt soundsreatlvnice.
M: Yeah,wetl,| like it. lt's realtypicturesque actuatly.There
? modal verbs of obligation and prohibition aresomegreatviewsof hills,forestsandsomelovelyunspoilt
1 must z should 3 mustn't4 don'thaveto countryside. As a writer,I reallyneedpeaceandquietin orderto
5 shouldn't6 haveto thinkclearty.
S: I knowwhatyou mean,but won'tyoumissLondon?
8 First Conditional with if/when/uttless/as soon as M: Well,I knowthat London's exciting andI'l[missthat but a heatthy
r when z unless3 Assoonas 4 lf tifeawayfromthe noiseand pollutionappealsto me more. Anyway'
whataboutyou Sylvia? I hearyou'relookingfor a newjob.
I Present Perfect Simple and Present S: Yes,sinceI brokeup with my boyfriend a coupleof weeksago,I've
decided to makesomechanges in my life. Likeyou,I'minterested in
Perdect Continuous
beenplaying3 havefinished buyinga houseor a flat,so I guessI needto earnandsavea lot of
r hasbeenworkingz hasDerek
moneyin the nextfew years.
4 hashad 5 havebeentrying 6 hasnot(hasn't)
M: You'lthaveto workhardthenbecause it isn'texactlycheapto buy
10 gerunds and infinitives S: I know,but I'mambitious andrealtydon'tmindworkinglong
1 to make 2 to set 3 being 4 to see hours.
M: Whattypeof iob areyou lookingfor?
Pronunciation S: I'dlikea job as a salesrep. because I thinkI havethe righttypeof
1 personality.I'm goodwith peopleand I'vegot a senseof humour.
1 must 2 arrested3 made 4 can 5 heard 6 developed M: Haveyou hadanyluckyet?
S: Wetl,I responded to an advertyesterdayand I'vegot an interview
2 nextTuesday.
air conditioner washingmachine M: Great!Whattypeof companY is it?
mobitephone centraIheating 5: lt'sa furnishingcompany whichmanufactures officeequipment.
alarmclock answerpnone M: Soundsinteresting. Wetl,bestof luckon Tuesday.
S: Thanksa lot,Mark.
la:./ r Fatse z True 3 True 4 False 5 False 6 True
tEl letl
7 False 8 False
land game hard
band take card
r Heis a writerandhe needspeaceandquiet.
bag gate heort z Thenoiseandthe pollution.
cap mail parK 3 lt appeatsto me more.
camp paint farm 4 Theybrokeup (separated)a coupleof (two)weeksago.
5 Tobe goodwith peopleandhavea senseof humour.
6 Sherespondedyesterdayandthe interviewwill be nextTuesday.

1 on 2 about 3 at 4 f o r 5 i n 6 t o

1(c) z(b) r0) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (c)

r reward z seller 3 faiture4 consume

r remindsz trip 3 fun 4 told
Test B Units 1-5 Reading
Grammar r(a) 2(b) 3ft) 4(b) 5(b) 6(a)
1 kesent Simple and Present Continuous I
r amworkingz remember 3 ctimb I Hetookthe namefromoneof hisfavourite cartooncharacters.
4 donot(don't)
want 5 is doing 6 think z Theydidn'twanthimto tettanyoneabouttheirillegalactivities.
3 Duringhisfirstiob.
2 Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple 4 By sellingfakemiraclemedicine andgold-framedgtassesat
r havelistenedz broke 3 hasplayed highprices.
4 lived 5 Thesecretary hadgoneawaywiththeirmoney.
6 No,because he feltthat hisvictimswererichandalsodishonest.
I relative clauses 7 Hetaughthimself.
r when z who(that) 3 whose 4 which(that)
4 Past Simple and Past Continuous Th,pescript
r met/ wasliving z waswalking
/ saw T=Tracy G=Goeff
3 sat/ opened T: lsn'tit strangeGeoff... we'resuchgoodfriendsbut don'thavemuch
in common.Ourhobbiesarecompletely different...
5 comparatives and superlatives G:You'reright,Tracy.I'mthe sortof personwho needsto be with
r heavier
than z thelightest3 aslightas peoptea lot,but untikeyou I'veneverbeengoodat sport. | [ike
4 heavy
asDon spending timewith my familyand I usethe phonea lot because I
don'twantto losetouchwith my friends.
6 future possibility T: Well,sociaIlifemeansa lot to metoo andI likegettingto know
1 MrPeterson willdefinitely
become thenewsalesmanager. newpeopte.But,I spendmostof my sparetimegoingto karate
z I maynotarrive ontimebecause I amverybusy. classes andjogging.I'malsokeenon goingawayat weekends;
3 lt witlprobably
rainlaterthisevening. climbingmountains, sailing,
that kindof thing.
4 A friendof minecouldbecome chess
theuniversity in
champion G: Oh,that'snot for me at all!However, I'dliketo havetimeto read
thefuture. moreandeatout in restaurants. Unfortunately,bringingup two small
5 | mighthaveto takethebusto getto worktomorrow. daughters meansI haveto giveup someof the luxuries in [ife.
6 Myaunt's horse "BadBoy"willprobablywinthisrace. T: Hmm,l'ma bit youngerthanyou andstillsingleso I mightchange
a littleonedaybut I can'tstandreadingapartfromwhenI'msurfing
7 question tags the net.
1 doesn'tshez c o u l d y o u3 m u s t n ' t t h e y G:Welt,I sometimes usethe lnternetaswel[but usuallyfor sending
emails.lt'snormatlyvery convenient.Unfortunately though,
4 didyou 5 haven'twe 6 won'tthey
my computer shutdowncompletely whileI wasdownloading an
important file [astweekandnowI'lIhaveto spendquitea lot of
a First Conditional with if/when/wless/as soon as m o n e yo n a n e wo n e .
r Assoonas/Whenz When/as soonas 3 unless4 lt T: Oh,you poorthing!Wetl,I'msureyoucanaffordit.
G: I supposeso. Youknow,the goodthingaboutyou andme,Tracy,
9 gerunds and fufinitives is that atthough we'reverydifferentin manyways,I reallyenjoyyour
r to finish 2 to go 3 to accept company - we'vegotthe samesenseof humour.
4 travelling T: I agree,Geoff.We alwayshavea lot to talk abouttoo.
1() corrrrtable and uncountable nouns 1
1 (c) z (c) 3 (b) + (a) r (c) 6 (a) r False z True 3 Fatse 4 True 5 True 6 False
7 Fatse 8 False
I ,
r Hedoesn'twantto losetouchwith hisfriends.
/u td.t Irdl z C l i m b i nm
g o u n t a i nasn ds a i l i n g .
3 Reading andeatingout in restaurants.
liked loved wanted 4 Whensheis surfingthe (lnter)net.
stopped delivered needed 5 lt shutdowncompletety andhe will haveto buya newone.
6 | supposeso.
watched breathed committed
pushed failed defended
asked pulled waited

r Youhaveto readthis book.
2 Wemustseethisfi[m.
3 Youshouldn'tgo out tonisht.

consumer buver reward produce pollution suclgS

1 cause 2 return 3 give 4 move 5 take 6 take

I (b) z (a) 3 (b) + (c) s (a) 6 (c)

r chapterz dish 3 tip 4 soundtrack
5 sequel
6 ptot 7 performance 8 dessert
Tbst A Units 6-10 3
r disease z standardof living 3 famine
Grammar 4 crime 5 devetoping countries
6 pollution 7 security I starvation
1 Past Perfect Simple
r entered z appeared 3 hadchecked Reading
4 hadgone 5 hadbeen 6 arrived
1(b) z(a) 3(b) c(c) s(c) 6(c) tG) 8(b)
P articles
r G) 2an 3the 4a 3
r Theweatheris stiltgoodandhotelsarelessexpensive.
8 used to and would. z YoucanseebeautifuI sceneryandhistorical
r go cycting z wouldhave 3 usedto 4 usedto outside.Youdon'thaveto enteranymuseum.
3 Youcanclimbrocks,go trekkinganddo watersports.
4 modals of ability 4 lt hasclosehistorical
with Britain.
r wasable z couldn't 3 managed
to 4 wasn'tableto 5 Peoptedriveon the teft.
6 Freshfish and seafood.
5 didn'tmanage
to 6 wereabteto

5 Second Conditional Listening

r changed/would
feel z wouldbe/helped 3 left/would Tbpescript
have 4 wouldtravel/won 5 thought/woutd
find P=Phil W:WaVne
6 wouldhave/bought P:Youknow,Wayne,manypeoplesaythat schooldaysarethe
happiest daysof yourtifeandI thinkthey'reprobably right.
6 Ttrfud Conditional W: I'mnotso sure,Phil. lt'seasyto saythat nowbut whenyou look
r lf Sharonhadn'teatentoo muchchocolate, shewouldn'thavefelt back,we didn'tenioythe discipline... Oneor two of myteachers
bad later. weren'texactly,you know,the nicestpeopleyou couldmeet. We
z lf I hadn'tsaidsomething terrible,my girlfriend
wouldn'thave alsohadheapsof pressure to passexams.
stoppedtalkingto me. P: I suppose you'vegot a point.Weusedto getquitenervous
3 lf we hadfollowedthe signs,we wouldn'thavegot [ost. especially beforeimportant examsandwe'dsometimes stayup all
4 lf I hadn'tshouteda lot to myfriendsinsidethe discotheque, nightrevisingl I didn'tlikesomeof myteachers verymucheither...
I wouldn'thavelostmyvoice. but mostofthemwereprettygood,I suppose.
W: Hmm,I'mnot so sureaboutthat...We hadonewhotaughtus
7 rqlorbed speech mathsandhewasabsolutely useless! Hewasveryknowledgeable
r Tonyasked(me)if I workeda lot of overtime. but he couldn'texplainthingsandsomeof us got completely [ost. In
z Annetold me/usthatshewasworkingsomeveryirregular hours spiteof it all,mostof us managed to passourexamsin the end.
thosedays. P: 0ur French teacherwas reallystrictandusedto losehertemper
3 Darrensaidthattheyhadbeenunemployed for nearlythree a lot. Wewerefrightened to makea singlemistakein class!Our
months. English teacherwasgreatthough.Shewasreallyopen-minded and
4 Lynntold me/usthatshethoughttheywouldwinthe elections. we'dpickup a lot of interesting andusefuIthingsfromherctasses.
5 Scottaskedme if I hadgot a payrisethe previousday(theday W:Whatdid you do at university, Phil?
before). P: I studiedhistory, whichwasveryinteresting but notthe bestthing
6 Cathysaidthat she hadto get a coupteof goodreferences before to getyoua goodjob. Whataboutyou,Wayne?
shecouldapplyfor thatjob. W: I did a biologycourse.lt washardat firstandit fettstrangewhen
I hadto go to lectures andtakenotesinsteadof beingtoldwhatto
8 past obligation fteranission do allthetime. I faileda coupleof examsin the beginning but my
r couldn't z didn'thaveto 3 wasallowedto 4 hadto cousin's a biologistandhe gaveme a hand.I thinkI'mquitea fast
learner so I endedup makinggoodprogress.
I I wishlif only P: Goodfor you!| supposeuniversity's verygoodpreparation for the
r wouldn'ttalk z hadphoned 3 had professionalworld andfor lifein general...
the sociallifeisn'tbad
4 wouldhurry either.0h no!That'smy bosscallingme on my mobile.I'vegotto
go. Seeyou later,Wayne.
10 phrasal verbs W: Seeyouthen,Phil.
t off z on 3 out 4 up with 5 through 6 up
Pronunciation 1 (c) z (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (a) 6 (c)
r Whencanyoucometo the office? 2
z Canyoutell methe wayto the station? 1 | supposeyou'vegota point.
2 Stayup altnightrevising.
3 Doyou knowifthereis a supermarketnearhere.
3 Hewasveryknowledgeable.
4 Shewasopen-minded andtheylearnta lot of interesting
usefuIthingsin herclasses.
r lfwe hadn'tmissedthat lastbus,wewould'vearrivedon time.
but not idealfor findinga goodjob.
5 lt wasveryinteresting
z lf theyhadn'tinterruptedme,I would'vefinishedby now.
6 Hehadto takehisownlecturenoteswithoutbeingtoldwhat
3 lf she'dcalledme beforeseven,I'dhavegoneoutwith her. to do.
3 7 Heis a biologistandgaveWaynea handwhenhewas
at universitv.
r onehundredandtwenty-six pointeight.
z the thirtiethof January,
two thousandandfour.
3 onehundredandforty-nine dollarssixty-eight
4 seventy-one pointfivepercent.

r returned z to buy 3 becoming
4 collect 5 inspired 6 havegoodrelations

1 (b) z (a) r (c) 4 (b) s (c) 6 (a)
Tbst B Units 6-10 8.
r bored z exhausting3 relaxing
Grammar 4 depressed5 excited 6 annoying
7 confused 8 tiring
1 uses of like
r ls SamlikeMathew? z Whatwouldyou liketo do tonight? Reading
3 Whatis Romelike? 4 Doyou likespaghetti?
1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 ( a ) s ( c ) 6 k )
2 articles
lthe zG) 3the 4an 5the 6(-) 7 (b) 8 (c)
3 subject and object questions r Because theycannotproduceenoughfoodfor themselves.
r Whodirectedthe fitmlA Confidential?
z In the countryside.
z Whendid Fleming penicillin?
3 lt is muchworsenowthan30 yearsago.
3 Whichmotorcycte wonthe race?
4 Theyhavebeenproducing a lot morefoodfromagriculture
4 WhattouchedFredon the shoulder?
beforeandtheireconomy hasbecomestronger.
5 Wheredid Carotseethe concert?
5 People who areverypoorandhaveverylittlefoodwill bethe first
6 HowmanybooksdidTanyabuy?
onesto sufferin yearsof droughtor otherproblems.
6 War,terriblediseasesandnaturaldisasters.
4 modals of ability
r couldn't 2 manage 3 able 4 could
5 adverbs Tb,pescript
ra) 2b) 3c) 4c) 5b) 6b) M=Melanie T=Tamara
M: Please comein andhavea seat.
t: tnanKVou.
6 Third Conditional M: Well,Tamara.I'veseenyourCVandI'mveryimpressed. Thefirst
r hadtaken/would havearrived thingI'dliketo askis:Whyhaveyouappliedforthisiob?
z hadcome/would havehad T: Erm,welt,mainlybecause T.S.A. is a company withan exceltent
3 wouldn'thavefelt/hadn'tstayed reputation.I seesellingcomputer software as...err...an excitingnew
4 wouldhaveheard/had shouted challenge.
M: CanI askyouwhatyou hadto do in yourlastjob?Whatwereyour
7 make, Iet, allow responsibilities exactly?
r work z altowed 3 repeat 4 to use 5 stay 6 come T:Well,as a salesrep.for BenShi,a Chinese company, I hadto sell
officefurnitureto companies and offerafter-sales serviceto existing
8 reported speech ctients.
r 'l havevisitedParismanytimesin my life.'
M: Whatdo youthinkareyourstrengths andweaknesses?
z 'l haveto do something
importanttomorrow' T: Um...I'ma hightymotivated, hard-working personandI think
3 that I'mgoodwith peopletoo. Weaknesses? Mmm,I don'tknow
'l willtraveltoNewYorksometimein the future.'
+ if it'saweakness exactlybut lthinkthatl'm possibty a bit of a
perfectionist. I don'ttiketo seejobsonlyhatf-finished or badty
I review of tJre past tenses done.Theyhaveto be donereallywe[[.
1 was z hadlearnt 3 wasstudying 4 began M: Soyoudon'tmindworkinglonghours?Afteral[,you'dsometimes
5 hadfinished 6 waspreparing haveto drivelongdistances andthiscanbeverytiring,you know.
T: I'musedto that because of my previous jobs.
1() phrasal verbs M: Areyou goodat persuading peopleto buyfromyou?
r I hadto put up withthe inconvenience. T: I thinkso. I havehada lotoftrainingandI've[earntthrough
z I wokeup my friendearly/ | wokemy friendup early. experience, of course.
3 | got offthe busin Blackpool. M: Wouldworkingon a commission onlybasisbe a problemfor you?
4 l'lt pickhim up fromthe station. T: 0h no,not at al[. Thiswouldmotivate me moreand| lovea
Pronunciation M: Whatareyourambitions for the future?
T:Well,aftergettinganothertwo or threeyears'experience in sales,
1 l'd liketo becomea salesmanager.
That'samazing! Ohno! M: 0K,thankyouverymuchTamara.Now,arethereanyquestions
Howawfut! My gqsdness! thatyou'dliketo askme?
You?ejqking! Howincredibte!
T:Yes.Whatarethe possibilities of gettingpromoted in the
2 M: Thereareverygoodopportunities for the rightpeople.Thereare
oftennewpositions for regional salesmanagers but youmighthave
trl tarl
to work in a differentpart of the country.
split revise T: Mm...Whatsortof trainingdoesthe company offer?
I M: Wel[,we runal[typesof courses including oneson selling
history | sight
strict island techniques, computer skillsandforeignlanguages. lt all dependson
proctice life the employees'needs andoureconomic situation.
I T: Oh,great.Thatal[soundsveryinteresting.
live I environment
chips direct M: I'mgladyouthinkso. Well,thankyoufor comingto thisinterview
I Tamara. We't[be in touchsoon.
miss I remind
3 1 (b) 2 (b) I (a) + (c) s (c) 6 (a)
package abroad qq[tural
historical newspaperdeglqe 2
research lifestyle unemploved r Thecompany hasan excellent andthejob wouldbe an
Vocabulary z Shehadto setlofficefurniture to comoanies
1. after-sales
r bookworm z insideout 3 brushup on 3 Sheis highlymotivated, hard-working andgoodwith people.
4 a ctue 5 pickedup 6 guess 4 Sheis usedto that because jobs.
of herprevious
5 Thiswouldmotivate herandshelovesa difficultchaltenge.
, 6 lt mightbe necessaryto workina differentpartofthe country.
punishment rgnorance 7 Theeconomic situationof the company andthe needsof
darkness employment the employees.
creation intelligence

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