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DISTRICL COUNTY COURT, BROOMFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO Case Nod AFFIDAVIT AND AFPLICATION POR ARREST WARRANT ‘THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF COLORADO DATE FILED. fmaary 0.2017 ¥ ‘Tumpkin, Joseph Martin, DOB: 02-16-71 |. Detective Dale Hammell, state under onth that | have read the criminal complaint herein filed against the above named defendant; that the allegations are true to the best of my koowiedge, information and belief; and } believe thatthe defendent committed the offenses in the cormplaine. That the facts known to me which establish probable cause to believe thatthe criminal offenses were commitied, and were committed by the above named defendant, are the following: Your Affant is « commissioned police officer withthe City and County of Broomfield, Colorado Police Department, assigned tothe Investigations Division. The affiant hes knowledge of the following information {rom personal observations, interviewing witnesses and concemed partic, speaking with other peace officers, reviewing reports of other peace officers, reviewing official reporsrecords of law enforcement agencies, and reviewing information stored in computes, electronic image, end manually maintained databases. ‘Your Affiant informs the court that on December 19, 2016, at approximately 12:10 p.m, 1 was contacted by Officer Benjamin Barreaux regarding a domestic violence incideat that was being reported. Officer Barreaux advised that (082963), was in the lobby of the Broomfield Police Department, reporting 2 series of domestic violence incidents from 2015 to November of 2016, which occured in several different locations to Include 13581 Via Varra, #3301, in the City and County of Broomfield, State of Colorado. Officer Barreaux advised that bad come in from Michigan where she resides to meet with her Attomey, Brian Bagley, 10 file a restraining order. Officer Barreaux conducted an interview with | and ad ‘obtained basic facts before contacting me. Officer Barreaux ultimately introduced me 10 and her ‘Attorney Mr. Bagley. I provided ‘with an overview of how f would like to conduct the investigation and Invited her to complete a recorded interview. ‘A recorded interview was conducted at the Broomfield Police Department in the soft interview room. A copy of the entre recorded inerview willbe placed into evidence in this case. Pamela advised that she had been involved in an on-going intimate rclationship with Joe Tumpkin (021671), ‘who she met while living in Michigan. She explained that Joe was a football conch with the University of Central Michigan and that her son was a player on his team. She advised they have been dating on and off for nearly three years. She advised that in February of 2015, Joe accepted 2 position as « defensive coach for the University of Colorado. Initially be was placed by the University at the Renaissance hotel in February of 2015 thea moved to the Omni Hote! before moving into his residence at 13581 Via Varra, £3301. All ofthe sbove mentioned locations are within the City and County of Broomfield, State of Colorado, {old me that she would fly out to visit Je every 10 days and that she would typically fy in on a Faiday tnd leave on a Sunday. She told me the violence with Joe began on Febrosry 27, 2015 atthe Renessaine Hotel - RISTRICTICOUNTY COURT, BROOMFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO ‘in Broomfield, She described fying in a day early because she was concemed he was “cheating on her. She ‘came into the hotel late and found him atthe hotel bar with a female. She confronted him which led to an ‘argument in their hotel room where she claims Joe pushed her into walls, choked her and head “butted” her. She ‘old me she was afraid when he was choking her that he "wasnt going te stop”. She indieated the entire evening ‘as very violent and included a time where he picked up her completely filled suitcase and appeared as if he ‘was going 10 slam it down on her head. She advised there were several incidents that night and thatthe next day he apologized and text messaged her girlfriends that he was sorry and to “ake care of ‘advised that as she was preparing to leave via cab, Joe out the cab off with his car and told the cab driver ‘that he would take her tothe sirport. This occurred on the frontage road leaving the hotel, ‘She advised that they talked and he agreed to seek counseling from a therapist named Dr. Ostroff. She later ‘vised that Dr. Ostroff counseled both but later ended his involvement after learning ofthe physical abuse, ‘She described the next incident as being a couple weeks later at the Omni Hotel She advised she had flown out ‘and had leamed that he had ben communicating with his ex-wife and she felt this was inappropriate. She

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