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II 3TT<+I^l*irl^ll
with an

English. Translation

By the late

Panditabhushana V . S U B R A H M A N Y A S A S T R I , B . A .
Asst. Secretary to the Government of Mysore (Retd.)

Translator ot " BRIHAT J A T A K A " , " J A T A K A P A R I J A T A "

Assisted by
Vidyabhaskara, VIDVAN M. R A M A K R I S H N A B H A T , M . A . .
Professor of Sanskrit, St. Joseph's College, Bangalore.

Third edition ~ Revised and enlarlged

Copyright Registered

Printed at :
66/1 V Main Road, Gandhinagar,

PRICE J K S . 8;

The present work is one more a d d i t i o n to the

e x i s t i n g l i t e r a t u r e p e r t a i n i n g to t h e g r e a t a n d c e l e s t i a l
science of A s t r o l o g y . M a n y ordinary incidents in life
w h i c h w e pass b y a n d n o t i c e n o t , as w e l l as t h e pheno-
m e n a of n a t u r e , a r e ) e a s i l y e x p l a i n e d w i t h r e f e r e n c e to
Astrology. T h e r e have been i n d i c a t i o n s of it In the
works which I have previously t r a n s l a t e d , viz., Brihat
jataka, Jatakaparijata, Sripatipaddhati and Phala-
deepika, iworks by the giants of A s t r o l o g y . As an
i n s t a n c e o f t h e i n f l u e n c e of the p h e n o m e n a of nature
o n human life, reference may be m a d e to t h e r a i n b o w
caused by the refraction of the S u n ' s r a y s t h r o u g h a
w a t e r y p r i s m c o n s i s t i n g o f p a r t i c l e s of r a i n w a t e r . T h e
r a i n b o w is p r o d u c e d of a m o r n i n g o r o f a n e v e n i n g , t h a t
i s , w h e n the S u n is a t t h e L a g n a o r t h e A s t h a Lagna.
T h e n , w h e n t h e S u n is a t t h e L a g n a o r the R i s i n g S i g n
or the Ascendant, the seventh h o u s e is e n c i r c l e d b y
beautiful circles of the seven variegated colours on a
w a t e r y p l a n e . E v e n so, t h e R i s i n g S i g n is e n c i r c l e d h y
c i r c l e s of l i k e n a t u r e , w h e n the S u n is p o s i t e d i n t h e 7th
house. T h e L a g n a represents the native, while the
s e v e n t h h o u s e d e n o t e s the p a r t n e r o f t h e n a t i v e , The
L i f e of the n a t i v e w i l l b e h a p p y , c o r d i a l and j o v i a l if
t h e r e be a sympathetic, loving and understanding
s u p p o r t f r o m t h e p a r t n e r . T h e s e v e n c o l o u r s of t h e r a i n -
bow represents the seven planets who by various
<:ombinations p r o d u c e t h e s e v e n k i n d s o f e n e r g y o r s e v e n
m o i J e a o f jmo.tion t h a t a r c f o u n d c o m m o n i n t h e u n i v e r s e .
Introduction if

U t t a r a k a l a m r i t a , w h i c h is h e r e t r a n s l a t e d , d i s c l o s e s a
treasure-house of knowledge on Astrology so f o r u n -
revealed. This work is a s c r i b e d to Kalidasa of t h e
court of Vikramasuryaitself a proper n a m e sugges-
t i n g V i k r a m a o f the s o l a r r a c e , A part of the w o r k is
called ^I%^ra^ (Kalidasa krita) and indeed S r i V .
Suryanarayana Siddhantigaru, who has p u b l i s h e d the
o r i g i n a l w o r k i n T e l u g u c h a r a c t e r s , describes this as a n
a s t r o l o g i c a l w o r k of t h e M a h a K a v i K a l i d a s a , g i v i n g a
c o l o p h o n at the e n d o f each c h a p t e r i n T e l u g u that t h i s
U t t a r a k a l a m r i t t a w a s the w o r k of S r i K a l i d a s a . It i s
n o t p o s s i b l e to say w h e t h e r a n y K a l i d a s a w a s the a u t h o r
o f this w o r k . I n a n y c a s e , the a u t h o r o f this w o r k ,
I m p o r t a n t as i t i n the field o f a s t r o l o g y , o u g h t n o t t o
b e c o n f u s e d a n d m i x e d u p o r i d e n t i f i e d w i t h the i m -
m o r t a l poet of t h a t n a m e , as e v e n t h e intrinsic
e v i d e n c e i s against It.
T h e v a l u e o f the w o r k will be evident from the
information available i n it with reference to the (1)
three birthspast, present and future,with d e t a i l e d
references concerning longevity; (2) special kinds of
R a j a y o g a s a n d t h e i r B h a n g a s Vt^i (3) s o l a r y e a r a n d Its
delineation: efifects of the Varshika Dasas of the
s e v e r a l p l a n e t s ; (4) i m p o r t a n c e attached to R a h u a n d
K e t u (5) ^ITITI ( N i m i t t a ) o r M u h u r t a f o r t h e I n a u g u r a -
tion of post, &c., enterprise or a ceremonialCf,
Khanda Vlll.
A N e w i d e a is d e v e l o p e d i n t h e commentaries on
t h i s w o r k : t h a t o f d e p i c t i n g the p a r t s p l a y e d b y J u p i t e r
a n d S a t u r n as c o - w o r k e r s . V a r a h a m i h i r a In h i s B r i h a t
J a t a k a has d e s c r i b e d the o w n e r s o f the 12 s i g n s I n the
following manner:

T h e first q j ^ ( P a d a ) m e n t i o n s t h e o w n e r s of the
first e i g h t signs w h i l e a separate qjqf (Pada) has b e e n
allotted to m e n t i o n t h e lords of the r e m a i n i n g four
signs. T h e idea contained h e r e is to show the l i n e of
d e m a r c a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e first e i g h t signs and the last
f o u r signs. T h e first e i g h t s i g n s s i g n i f y a l l aspects o f
t h e n a t i v e f r o m b i r t h t o d e a t h i.e., m a t e r i a l o n e s . The
l a s t f o u r d e n o t e t h e f o l l o w i n g q u a l i t i e s , viz., D h a r m a
{^), T a p a s (ciq^), F a m e , G a i n a n d M o k s h a (^aj). In
fact, these f o u r signs represent D h a r m a (tp?), A r t t h a
^enf) K a m a (^W) a n d M a k s h a (#^). Here Arttha and
K a m a s h o u l d n o t b e t a k e n i n t h e m a t e r i a l sense. They
p l a y t h e i r p a r t o n l y s o f o r as t h e y h e l p t h e n a t i v e t o
attain salvation. N o w the last four signs a r e o w n e d
b y Jupiter a n d Saturn a n d these two are therefore
- c l a s s e d as p h i l o s o p h i c a l p l a n e t s . T h e eighth Sloka i n
t h e s a m e A d h y a y a i s a f u r t h e r s u p p o r t of t h e s a m e i d e a :

5^%^ en^%<r i : ^ i s n ^ * i ii
Jupiter is a planet w h o is supposed to r e p r e s e n t
t h e B r a h m i n cUss, w h i l e S a t u r n , the outcaste o r G h a n d a l a
^ f . ; 5 n - l l 7 ; t^. f t . 1124; SsTN II. 1126) A mutual
-qf^cl^ ( P a r i v a r t a n a i n t e r c h a n g e ) , aspect or conjunction
b e t w e e n these t w o p l a n e t s w i l l m e a n t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t
of a c o r d i a l r e l a t i o n between the B r a h m i n a n d t h e o u t -
cast. T h i s Is a v e r y necessay qualification for a true
philosopher, I n this c o n n e c t i o n , i t j w l l l b e a p t t o q u o t e
the f o l l o w i n g s l o k a ;

# r %^ q t e i ! m'i^H'' 11 v i s .
Viewing from another aspect, J u p i t e r i s a p l a n e t
representing happiness w h i l e Saturn represents misery

(f. sn. I I 1 , 5n- I I 1 , ^- ft. I I 5 , 7). Jupiter,

denotes h o l y places, w h i l e S a t u r n stands f o r filth, etc.
ft- n 1 6 ) . A c o r d i a l r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n the t w o w i l l
n a t u r a l l y p r o v e t h e e x i s t e n c e of a n impartial viewing
of a l l things i n the nature.
A g a i n J u p i t e r Is s u p p o s e d to be t h e ai+|<Jii()' ( A m a r a . ^
g u r u ) o r t h e p r e c e p t o r o f t h e G o d s , a n d so, c a n b e u n d e r -
s t o o d to r e p r e s e n t viRiqai ( N a r a y a n a ) , t h a t i s , V i s h n u , I n
every ^ (Saiva) temple i n I n d i a , the i d o l of S a t u r n
51^^?; (Saniswara) is i n e v i t a b l e . Therefore, it w i l l not
be a mistake if one were to conclude that Saturn
r e p r e s e n t s f?; ( H a r a ) . It is a w e l l k n o w n s t a t e m e n t in
H i n d u P h i l o s o p h y t h a t 7; ( H a r a ) . the la&t of t h e H i n d u
Trinity, stands for Destruction, while (Hari), the
m i d d l e o n e , is f o r P r o t e c t i o n . A mutual relationship
between the two planets i n a n a t i v i t y w i l l now mean
that the native has g o t the capacity t o understand that
t h e r e is n o d i s t i n c t i o n b e t w e e n ^ { ^ ( H a r i ) , a n d ^ ( H a r a ) ,
w h i c h otherwise m e a n s that existence i n , and e x i t f r o m ,
t h e w o r l d a r e to be t r e a t e d w i t h the same amount of

S o u t h I n d i a n s a r e o n l y f a m i l i a r w i t h ^aTcHij.^ ( K a l a -
mrlta) of a b o u t 30 verses, d e a l i n g w i t h r e l i g i o u s duties
and rituals observed i n H i n d u - m o r e strictly B r a h m i n -
A b o u t 8 5 c h a r t s b e l o n g i n g to p e o p l e o f v a r i o u s
r a n k s a n d a g e s h a v e b e e n i n t r o d u c e d so as to b e e d u c a -
t i v e to t h e r e a d e r . Remarks concerning the v a r i o u s
aspects of l i f e h a v e been f r e e l y m a d e i n a p p r o p r i a t e
T h e s e c o n d K a n d a is p u b l i s h e d f o r t h e first t i m e .
R a h u a n d M e r c u r y a r e Identified w i d i U r d u and
T e l u g u respectively.
-v Intrudction

My thanks are due to (1) the authorities of the

Government O r i e n t a l M s s . L i b r a r y , M a d r a s , for enabl-
i n g m e to o b t a i n t h e m a n u s c r i p t r e l a t i n g to t h e s e c o n d
Kanda (2) M e s s r s : C. S. V e n k a t a r a m a Sastri, B . S C ,
Chamarajpet; B. L. Narasimha Sastri, Astrologer.
B a n g a l o r e C i t y ; H . R . Seshadri Iyer, M.A., Shankarpur
and Vedamurti V. Padmanabhachariar of the Sri
Chamarajendra Sanskrit College, Bangalore City, for
t h e i r u n g r u d g i n g h e l p rendered i n the preparation of
this vrork, I may add the loving, unfailing and
ungrudging service of my youngest son C h i : K . S.
" K r i s h n a m u r t I , B . S C , (Hons.) w h i c h made this a w o r k of
pleasure for me.
Lastly, Mr. V . B . S r i k a n t i a h of Messrs : V . B.
S o o b a i a h a n d S o n s d e s e r v e s m y h e a r t f e l t t h a n k s f o r the
- q u i c k n e s s a n d p r o m p t n e s s w i t h w h i c h h e e n a b l e d m e to
g e t this w o r k p r i n t e d .
BASAVANGUDI | y, Subrahmanya Sastri-
24th F e b . 1939. j

Preface to the Second Edition

W e h a v e pleasure In p l a c i n g this revised e d i t i o n of
t h e r e m a r k a b l e w o r k , viz-, U t t a r a k a l a m r i t a , b e f o r e the
discerning public, whose Increasing interest i n the
Science of Astrology enables the publication of rare
w o r k s of this k i n d . T h o u g h m a n y w e s t e r n s c i e n t i s t s do
a d m i t . t h e s c i e n t i f i c n a t u r e of A s t r o l o g y w h i c h is f o u n d e d
o n t h e b e d r o c k o f t h e p r i n c i p l e s of K a r m a a n d r e i n c a r n a -
t i o n , s t i l l s o m e o f o u r o w n m i s g u i d e d b r e t h r e n f e e l that
A s t r o l o g y c a n n o t s t a n d the test o f m o d e r n s c i e n c e and
t h a t i t is a m e r e s u p e r s t i t i o n . It i s c o m m o n knowledge
that the setting and rising of planets b r i n g about
Introduction vi

r e m a r k a b l e atmospheric changes or disturbances which

i n t h e i r t u r n i n f l u e n c e t h e l i v e s of b e i n g s o n t h i s e a r t h .
The intelligent are aware w h y the e a r l y m o r n i n g is
best s u i t e d for intellectual and spirittual activities.
.Scientists themselves assert that all the planets
i n c l u d i n g the E a r t h a r e so m a n y globes held i n space
by mutual attraction. Naturopathists also c l a i m that
the Sun's rays c o n t a i n a n u m b e r of healing properties.
T h o u g h the M o o n is a c h i l d of Mother Earth," yet
her influence on the m e n t a l frame of h u m a n b e i n g s is
established b y p r a c t i c a l o b s e r v a t i o n s . T h i s is i n k e e p i n g
with the Vedic Statement ^' -^'im ^^ih ^ H ^ : " The
M o o n w a s b o r n o f t h e m i n d o f the C o s m i c S p i r i t . . T h a t
i s w h y i t influences the m i n d . T h e w e a k M o o n afflicted
b y malefics i n v a r i a b l y c a u s e s m e n t a l a n d c a r d i a c troub-
l e s . T h o s e t h a t are e x p e r t s i n Y o g a are of o p i n i o n t h a t
b y the c o n c e n t r a d o n o f the m i n d on any object w i t h i n
.or without, a person attains the qualities of that.
Accordingly, i t s h o u l d b e possible for m a n to r e c e i v e
the b e n e f i c e n t i n f l u e n c e s of the P l a n e t s or the Deities
p r e s i d i n g o v e r them b y m e d i t a t i n g on them i n the
proper manner. T h i s is t h e r a t i o n a l e b e h i n d t h e p r o -
p i t i a t o r y r i t e s p e r f o r m e d to a p p e a s e t h e P l a n e t s . As
p e o p l e are a d v i s e d t o p e r f o r m m e r i t o r i o u s deeds l i v e
a v i r t u o u s l i f e a n d e n t e r t a i n n o b l e and p i o u s t h o u g h t s ,
the charge that is l e v e l l e d a g a i n s t t h i s S c i e n c e to the
effect t h a t i t t e a c h e s fatalL-^m r e d u c e s i t s e l f to a n a b s u r -
-dity- W e must h o w e v e r r e m e m b e r that A s t r o l o g y does
norconjpel y o u to act i n a p a r t i c u l a r m a n n e r , b u t it
s i m p l y indicates y o u r tendencies. It is l e f t to y o u t o
m a k e use o f t h e m w e l l o r i l l .
W e are c o n v i n c e d m o r e a n d m o r e of the s p u r i o u s -
n e s s of t h e a u t h o r s h i p of t h i s w o r k ; T h e s e c o n d stanza
vii Introduction

begining w i t h q5i^$i^, etc,, i n d i c a t e s t h a t the author

was a f o l l o w e r o f the T a n t r i k S c h o o l . Though Kali-
dasa's n a m e s u g g e s t s t h a t he was a d e v o t e e o f the D i v i n e
M o t h e r , s t i l l his n a m e is n o t a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e T a n t r a
S c h o o l t h e g e n u i n e n e s s of the a u t h o r s h i p of the=j?][HT^.
^Trg^Syamaladandakam is greatly doubted: We
are strongly of o p i n i o n that this w o r k must h a v e b e e n
written by a S o u t h I n d i a n d e v o t e e of the G o d d e s s w h o
fathered it upon the Prince of P o e t s - O r i t might be
t h a t s o m e s e m i - s c h o l a r of the S o u t h filled up the g a p s i n
a hopelessly unintelligible and corrupt work of s o m e
s c h o l a r w h o m i g h t h a v e t a k e n the p e n - n a m e of K a l i d a s a .
T h i s a u t h o r uses the w o r d q ^ j r - r o s e - w a t e r i n v e r s e N o . 3
on page 225. T h i s is n o t a S a n s k r i t w o r d but o n l y a
Dravidian one. T h i s is an unmistakable p r o o f of its
SouthIndian origin. Or this KhandaSR^ttifigiig
must have b e e n interpolated by a scholar of the S o u t h
along w i t h the verses of the S e c o n d K a n d a that d e a l
purely with rituals. S o m e of the C h a k r a s mentioned
i n this chapter are v e r y s i m i l a r to those g i v e n i n the

T h i s a u t h o r has m a d e use of t h e s y s t e m of J a i m i n i ^
w h o s e date c a n n o t be fixed with certainty, regarding
t h e MJ^Tf* P a d a c h a k r a a n d ^S[j^sfim%,Karakagraha, i.e-^
the p l a n e t that h a s a d v a n c e d m o s t in a sign. He men-
tions also the U d u D a s a system w h i c h the great
V a r a h a m i h i r a does not. The STU^ig'Arudha o r q^=^
P a d a c h a k r a is very helpful in ascertaining the
number of wives one may have and the children
through them. The 7th s e c t i o n dealing w i t h queries
is v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g a n d i n s t r u c t i v e .
Introduction viii

T h e last v e r s e of t h e w o r k s e e m s t o be modelled
on a s i m i l a r verse in the Phaladeepika. In the last
p a r t of the S e c o n d K a n d a d e t a i l s of t h e L a g n a s a n d t h e
r e l a t i o n s h i p o f t h e p l a n e t s w i t h t h e m a r e discussed.
W e have t r i e d to reconstruct s o m e of the missing
words and lines in some verses. T h e language in
m a n y verses is a w f u l l y c o r r u p t a n d u n g r a m m a t i c a l .
We have translated i n this e d i t i o n the 76 verses
w h i c h w e r e left u n t r a n s l a t e d i n the p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n as
they related to rituals and D h a r m a S a s t r a (spJ^H^)
. r a t h e r t h a n to A s t r o l o g y . E v e n this section w i l l be of
g r e a t use to m a n y of o u r religiously-minded country-
men. T h i s w i l l a l s o m a k e the work complete i n every
respect. We should like to tell the r e a d e r s i n t h i s
connection that the w o r k o f t r a n s l a t i n g this ritualistic
portion whose readings and language are v e r y bad a n d
c o r r u p t has been v e r y l a b o r i o u s and t a x i n g . We have
s t i l l , m a d e t h e v e r s e s i n t e l l i g i b l e as f a r as possible.
T h e r e is one v e r s e a t l e a s t i n t h i s g'roup, viz., the 5 l s t
w h i c h i s a verhatum q u o t a t i o n f r o m t h e ^i3f?if^f?^ N i r n a y a
Sindhu of ^?T3]^^*IfKamalakara Bhatta without

The nephew of this ^fr^[q33;l| n a m e l y f^%^?:;7|

.(son of I^T|cb<*i|) is reputed to have p e r f o r m e d t h e
coronation of Chatrapathi Sivaji in 1674 A . D . T h i s
is w h a t the a u t h e r of f^'jf'TO'g s a y s " g i ^ ^ i f ; ? ! fep^^I

^ emi?^: ^3[^: 1 f^tr^(?J^q^ 1 STSWW^r

T h i s w o r k b e l o n g s to the m i d d l e of the 1 7 t h c e n t u r y
A . D . H e n c e , i t m a y be s a f e l y a s s e r t e d t h a t the entire
ix Introduction

w o r k is a c o m p i l a t i o n b y a modern astrologer. The

a b o v e facts, h o w e v e r , d o n o t p r e c l u d e us f r o m a d m i r i n g
the g o o d p o i n t s c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s w o r k .

W e a l l k n o w t h a t A s t r o l o g y is one of the A n g a s
l i m b s o f the V e d a . A s s u c h i t i s o n e of o u r p r i c e l e s s
a n c i e n t h e r i t a g e s , w h i c h it is o u r b o u n d e n d u t y t o r e v i v e
a n d c h e r i s h i n t h e fittest m a n n e r , e s p e c i a l l y as w e h a v e
n o w attained independence, both p o l i t i c a l and psycho-
l o g i c a l . It is a l s o the d u t y of the G o v e r n m e n t to r e c o g -
nise it and give due e n c o u r a g e m e n t to i t o n p r o p e r
scientific l i n e s , so that, t h r o u g h proper research a n d
study, it m a y guide people w e l l , without falling into
hands of quacks and mercenaries who have brought
d o w n its pristine g l o r y . W e hope a l l our Universities
will also establish chairs for Astrologycum
A s t i o n o m y . M a y this S c i e n c e e n a b l e a l l h u m a n b e i n g s
to l e a d a v i r i t u o u s a n d selfless l i f e f o r the r e a l i s a t i o n of
the S u p r e m e Bliss !

W e a r e i n d e b t e d t o Sri V.B- Srikantaiya, Proprietor

o f Messrs : V. B. Soohhiah & Sons, f o r the q u i c k e x e c u
t i o n of this w o r k .

V- Snbrahmanya Sastri
M . Ramakrishna Bhat
Preface to the T h i r d Edition

I have great pleasure in placing before the

a s t r o l o g i c a l l y m i n d e d p u b l i c the third edition of this
monumental work. T h e c o p i e s of the p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n
had been sold away long back. But due to various
reasons the p r e s e n t e d i t i o n c o u l d n o t be brought forth
earlier, though there was v e r y g r e a t d e m a n d f o r the
book. F o r this inordinate delay, I c r a v e the pardon
of the p u b l i c . T h e p r e s e n t e d i t i o n has b e e n completely
revised corrected and enlarged and I have e v e r y hope
that this edition will be r e c e i v e d b y the p u b l i c w i t h
great enthusiasm and pleasure.

It is r e a l l y h i g h t i m e that thi s Science gets back

its propor place i n the world. T h i s S c i e n c e is h a i l e d
as o n e o f the b e s t c o m p a n i a n of M a n i n t i m e o f d i s t r e s s .
F o r i t is s a i d :

Under the circumstances, I should feel greatly

honoured, if this b o o k were to serve as a guide to
student-s of astrology.

My thanks are due i n no s m a l l m e a s u r e to t h e

Proprietor of S r i Sadhana Press, Gandhinagar
B a n g a l o r e - 9 , w h o has t a k e n g r e a t p a i n s a n d i n t e r e s t t o
b r i n g a b o u t this e d i t i o n w i t h i n the m i n i m u m possible,

Bangalore ")
V K . S. K r i s h n a m u r t h y .
1st January 1967 )
Copies of this hook can he had of:

K. S. K R I S H N A M U R T H Y B . S C , (Hons.)
65, 3rd Cross Rord,
B a s a v a n g u d i P. O . ,
Descriptive Contents

Sloka No.^
The author's salutation to God Ganapati 1
The author's salutation to Goddess S r i : Kali 2
Reference to the former half of this work and 3
the purpose and scope of this latter half.
PreliminariesTime of birth, position of pla- 4
nets, Bhavas, etc.
Means to verify the exact time of a birth 56
Mandi and his position in the zodiac at any 7
Gulika and his position 8
The part of the main building in which the 9
lying-in-chamber is situated.
Birth of a child out of the father's sight. The 10
manner of delivery painful or otherwise.
The means of predicting the nimiber of atten- 11
dants and other details within as well as without
the lying-in-chamber.


The right side, and the left side of the native. 1

The function of the Sun and the Moon in a nativity,
The friendship and enmity among the several 22J
Khanda III

Sloka No.
The lords of the signs. The Saptavargas 2J3J
Exaltation signs and the strength of a planet 3J5
when placed therein. The strength of a planet
when posited in his Moolatrikona Swakshetra
friend's house, etc.
The strength of a planet when in retrograde. 66^
Paramochcha and Paramaneecha positions of
Lords of the Horas, Decanates, and Saptamsas 6J7^
Lords of the Navamsas Dwadasamsas and 7 J8J
Strength of the Rasivarga in the Saptavargaja 8J9J
Uchchabala; Kendradibala lOJ
Yugmayugmabala; Drekkanabala 10J11J
Digbala 11|isj
Pafcshabala Dinaratritribhagabala; Natonnatabala 12J15^
Varshapabala Masapabala Dinapabala and 15JI6J
Horapabala. , ,
Ayanabala Cheshtabala and Yuddhabala 16J17j
The aspccti of planets 17J18J
Drigbala ISJ19J
Nisargbala; Shadbala 19^2QJ
Rectified Shadbala 20i22^


The method of calculating the Amsayurdaya 1

contributed by the several planets.
Chakrapataharanam Krurodayaharana Neecha- 3
rdhaharana Satrukshetrahani Astangatahani,
Descriptive Contents XT

Sloka No.
Method of calculating the Lagnayus in the 3
A knowledge of the good and bad in the three 4
A method to compute the Ayurdaya in the 5
three births referred to above.
A clue to find the length of the life of the 6
native. Effect of malefics when posited in Kendra,
Kona, 8th and 12tb houses.
Yogas for the native to be short-lived and pass 78
away without issue, wife, &c.


Yogas leading to make the native a great 1

personage and highly renowned.
Yogas marring the above. 2
Special Rajayogas caused by the lords of the 3
9th and 10th houses when they do not at the same
time happen to bo the lords of the 6th and 11th
Rajayogas catised by the lords of the 9th and 4
lOth houses reckoned from (1) the Lagna (2) the 9th
and (3) the 10th house.
Yogas caused by (a) the lord of the tagna 5
and the lords of the Rasi and Amsa occupied by a
planet; (b) the lord of the 9th and 10th ; (c) the
lords of the 5th, 3rd, 4th and 7th ; and (d) the lords
of the 2nd and 11th houses.
Conditions under which a Bhava is destroyed.
xvi Khanda IV

Sloka No.
The effect caused by the lord of the Lagna 7
being posited in any one ot the 3 decanates of the
A good Yojta caused by the full Moon under 8
-certain conditions. A Yoga caused by Mars and
Saturn under similar conditions.
The 2 beneficsJupiter and Venuswhen they 9
own or occupy certain untoward houses do good.
Rahu in the 7th, 4th, 9th, Uth and Ketu in the
.3rd, do good.
When is a Bhava to be declared useless useful 10^12
Any planet can prove auspscious by its proper 13
The good or bad effects from Rasis and 14
planets caused by their association with benefics or
The nature of aspects by a planet in different 15
conditions. The aspects to be expected in the
bright and dark halves of a month from planets.
Some pzu-ticular positions assigned to the 16
benefic and malefic planets where they prove
auspicious to the native.
The gradations in the benefic and malefic 17
nature of the seveial planets.
When is the effect of a Bhava declared to be 18
lost ? and when very little ?
The Chhadaka nature of planets defined. How 19
planets become Yogakarakas.
Chhadaka Vedhaka Bandhaka and Prati- 20
laandhaka planetsdefined. The Maraka planets
for any Bhavastated.
Descriptive Contents xvii

Sloka No
Swadheena Vedha and Paradheena Vedha 21
defined. Their efifects discussed.
Some special (inverted) Rajayogas 22
Weak malefics and strong benefics under 23
certain conditions confer kingship on the native
The terms Chatushtaya Kendra Kantaka etc.
The Sun and the Moon as father and mother 25
of creation. The divison of the planets into Satva
Rajas and Tamas. The Sun and the Moon will
not cause death when they happen to own the 8th
Chandradhi Yoga and its effect 26
Koteswarayoga 27
Dhanayogas and destruction of such yogas 28
under certain conditions.
Effect of planets occupying only Kendras and 29
A Yoga caused by a birth', taking place 2 30
ghatikas after mid-day or 2 ghatikas after mid-
night. Certain special Dhana Yogas.
The gradations in strength in the case of Chara 31
Stthira and Dwandwa signs. How to connect the
-Chhadaka and Vedhaka conditions with these Rasis
Conditions under which a Yoga will come into 32
effect and those under whith it will not.
The role played by the Moon in the above, and 33
its gradation into kinds
The 8 Arudha Padas explained. 34
The effects of the 8 Padas, 35
To predict about issuetheir sex and number 36
xviii Khanda V I

Sloka No.
Cause of childlessness. Yoga to have adopted 37
Information regarding the number of wives 3840
of a native etc.
A clue to ascertain the number of brothers 41
and sisters
An Adhikagraha. 42
The effects of the several planets conjoining 43
with this Adhikagraha.
Effect caused by certain planets being posited 4449
in or aspecting certain houses reckoned from this

Things to be divined from the 1st to 12 Bhavas 122^
Functions relating to the nine planets 22J54^^


The nine Avasthas or states of planets explained 1

The necessity for dividing the span of life into 2
Dasas, Bhuktis, etc.
The lords the Udu Dasas and their order 3
The method of calculating the Balance of the 4
Dasa ruling the natal star.
The calculation of the Bhuktis and Antaras in 55J
a Dasa.
The effects of the Dasas of several planets 5J14J
Rahu and Ketu as Marakas, ^[qjaj^H ^JR^s ^'^i
etc. discused.
Descriptive Contents xix

Sloka No.
How to predict the effect of a Ehulcti in a 21J22^
Planets whose Dasas or Bhuktis are auspicious, 22|23^
ordinary and miserable.
The effect of the Bhuktinatha under several 23J26J
circumstances discussed.
Effects caused by Jupiter and Venus in their 26 J28^
mutual Dasas and Bhuktis.
The peculiar way in which the mutual Dasas 28J30J-
and Bhuktis of Saturan and Venus will operate.
Dasas and Bhuktisplanets taken in pairs dis- 30^33 J
The order of Dasa in every solar year of the 33J34J
Casting the Annual horoscope. Effects of 34J36J
Several dasas in that year discussed.
The Varshikaphala should be considered along 36J37|
with the Gocharaphala also.
The effects of the Varshika Dasa periods of 37j_42i.
the several planets and the Lagna.


Questions wheii horoscope is hot available. 1

A method to find out the exact Lagna at the 23
time of query when there is no watch or clock or
when the sky is cloudy.
A clue to find the position of Jupiter at the 4
time of birth; and hence the month, etc., at birth.
The full Nashta Jataka. ,5
The speculation of Dhatu, Mula Jeeva about 6
XX Khanda VII

Sloka No^
which the subject is particular, Speculation on bipeds,
quadrupeds, etc., pregnancy, legal dispute, etc.
The subject of the qtiery when each of the signs
from Mesha to Simha is rising at the time of
The subject of the query when each of the 7
signs from Kanya to Meena is rising at the time of
The subject of the query when each of the 8
planets from the Sun onwards occupies his own
Rasi or Navamsa whichever is stronger.
Extent of the effect to be predicted depending 9
upon the planet's position.
The time or interval within which the object 10
of the query will be accomplished.
Digarudha Chakra. The division of the hori- II
zontal circle into 12 Rasis.
How to answer the querist through the help of 12
this division ?
Method to find out the positions of the Stthula 13
and the Sukshma Moon at the time of query.
To guess the subject of the query through the 1415
aspects of the planets on the Stthula Moon.
Chara, Stthira and Dwiswabhava Rasi Garbha, 16
Dwara and Bahya Rasisdefined.
A clue to find out the nature of the thing enclosed 17
Time of accomplishment of the business 18
referred to by the questioner.
How to predict the effect at the time of query 19
with the help of the lords of the Lagna and of the
Bhava representing the nature of the query.

Descriptive Contents xxi

KhandaVIII Sloka No.

Garbhadhana and when it should be performed 1
if it has to produce auspicious effects.
Distinction between Nisheka and Garbhadhana. 2
The aster isms for Nisheka stated.
How to make a girl who though reaching her 34
full age has not attained puberty to attain puberty
very soon.
Effect of birth at the juncture of Aslesha and 5
Magha; the Santi to be performed to-ward off the
evil caused thereby.
Similar effects if birth happens at the juncture 6
of Jyesha and Moola or of Revati and Aswini.
Gandantarala defined.
Effect of a girl attaining puberty at the Gandan- 7
tara, and the Santi to be performed to-ward off
the evil caused.
Tyajyakala explained. The Santi to be per- 8
formed to-ward off the evil accruing by a birth or
a girl attaining her age at such a time. Effect of
birth or maturity happening during a solar or lunar
Effect of preparing or taking in of medicine 9
when the Moon is in the Amritaghatika of a star.
Adoption. The conditions under which adop- 10II
tion should be done and the time when it should be
The tkne when preliminaries relating to a 12
marriage should be started.
The drafting of marriage invitation letters. 13
Kurma Chakraused in the erection of the 14
inauguration post.
xxii Descriptive Contents

Sloka No,
Grihalcarnika Chakra. To find out the auspi- 15
cious time for the construction of a house.

Vrishabha and Kalasa Chakrasto be consul- 16

ted whenever a new entry into a house or town is
to be made or a new undertaking is to be started.

Dasa Dasee Chakrato be consulted while 1718J

engaging a new servantmale or female.

A Chakra which will point out the auspicious iSJ19J

star under which cattle may be accepted in gift or

Aswa Chakrato be consnlted while mounting 19J20^

a new horse.

Gaja Chakra^to be consulted when mounting 20J21J

an elephant.

Sibikarohana Chakrato be consulted when 21|22J

mounting a palanquin.

Chhatra Chakrato be consulted when hoi- 22J24

ding a royal umbrella.

Khatva Chakra or Mancha Chakra for moun- 25

ting a cOt. .
Sasara-Dhanus Chakra or Chapa Chakra. 26
Ratha Chajsfa. 27
Ghurna Chakrato be consulted for extracting 28
oil from sesamum, cocoanut, etc.
IksKughurna Chakrato be consulted for 29
extracting juice from sugar cane.
Hala Chakrato be consulted for sowing seeds 30
or starting agricultural operations newly. .
Nauka Chakrato be consulted when building 31 ;
or plying a new boat.
Descriptive Contents xxiii

Sloha No.

Deepika Chakrato be consulted when light- 32

ing a lamp.
Kupavapyadi Chakrato be consulted when 33
a new well or reservoir is to be dug.
Sthambha Chakrato be consulted when a 34
new house in built, a new well is dug, etc
Dwara Chakrauseful to find out auspicious 35
star for erecting the door-frame,
Agni Chakra to be consulted whenever a new 36
oven is to be used or a new fire is proposed for the
propitiation ot the planets.
PetikaChakia. 37
Gramarvana Chakrato settle in a town or 3839
Upanayana Chakra. 40
Nidhi Chakra. 4143J
T o find out the positions of the Sun and the 43J45
Moon at the time of the query pertaining to hidden
To find out the kind of treasure by a conside- 46
ration of the various aspects on the Tatkala Moon.
The kind of vessel containing the treasure. 47
To find out whether there is any treasure at 48
all in the place mentioned by the questioner. If
there is, at what depth ?
The Vivaha Chakra. 4950
Descriptive Contents


Sloka No.

fq^lie^^z 1
gfM^fixiK; 27

3T^HR: 11
^RlSS^pant^^f^'^: 12
f ^ S t ^ f*RWI^ 3?TvrRt ^ ^ ' r ^ ^ : .13
3^%cfiq^2T^ 14
^ T)^^i^^: ^^^rral ' ^ B ^ 15

qsra^t^Ft^! 16
3Tjf55% Rosi^iqj^ 17
jms'il^g'il^*!!: ^ l ^ 2 i ] ^ % g f l T : 18
s:i^3^! "til^^^l-i "rfcri: 19
^=?r35f^>*R^'- <\i<j.nRf^5ErRor: 2021
^s:i^ ^?^f^^T ^g^ssq "s^surfcq 22

^ R i ^ m t iTt^r fi'^^T^ t^: 2324-

^ l ^ ^ ^ ^n55 ?(^S ^}^=^K- 25
qifSrttH: 26
n^f^^^'^si^: 27
Descriptive Contents XXV

Sloka No.

f(wnl^F^'^]^^A^v^^m^w^ 28

q ^ ^ ^ t ^'ST^ft^^lS: 30

5>T57T^JT|%^?WI 33

sq^l'^^ifaf^-^R: 3435
T%9ftvri^ ^ ^ f ^ 36
^ w ^ ^ l^i&f^! i^^^^qicifi^iT 37
<ikiNdKiR-i^?# 38-^41
^Wf^\ ^mM=^K: i^5i=^'5f , 42
^ B ^ ^ 3T^=^5?5ft ^^=^1^ \ 43
("T^ift'S) "j^i^lenf^%^C?*ti3:^>R5dt 4447

3^ sris;^^?: 48
* w k ' : q i ^ ^ ?3Jl?lfR^: 49
^rf^urafl^^: m sTraof^M^i: 50
q^^l^: 51
^r?^^i cTqnr^i 3Tif5g;% sr^qqi^^^i 1^^: 52
qqorf?!^^: 53
tiwitfTT^^fjpt^i mt 54

nf^oftq^wm: 57
^dl^ ^051^^=^: ^^8TI^ 58
ri3nf%*iRir: 5960
Xxvi Descriptive Contents

SloTca No.
SRi^TI^q-^ftxri^ 61
^3*r% qc^JTiw^ 62
?,^*r3:r: ^155^ 63
3TgT?^li^;il^'3^ ^ ^ g ; ; ^ 3^11=^?;: =g3^f|^^T- 6365

c^TT^ir^: 66

^^Rt ^ 5 1 ? ^ ^ : 71

3TW^Nl^^rFii[TW: 72

^i^fci444"ii5=^n: 7475
f ^ 5 s ^ Pr^R^: 76
A pictorial device of representing the 12 signs 77
of the Zodiac- The author's prologue for the
succeding Slokas.
Aspects of planets and their specialities. 78
Benefics in Trikona and Kendra positions. 79
Specialities of lords of the 8th and the 12th in
certain positions.
Jupiter and Venus function as Marakas under 80
certain conditions. Specialities of the luminaries
when they own the 8th.
Efi'ccts of Rahu and Ketu, when they occupy 81
certain positions : the nodes prove benefic under
certain conditions.
The nodes prove auspicious when posited in 82
the 9th or 10th. Their Dasas also will prove good.
Descriptive Contents xxvii

SloJ:a No.
A n inauspicious planet spoils the Dasas of these
planets by its (Sambandha) with these.
Rahu and Ketu prove auspicious under certain 83
other conditions also ; conditions under which the
auspiciousness of a Yoga is lost. The 8th place i is
also known as the house of longevity.
Maraka places. Description of a (Papin) 84
Saturn's speciality when he proves a Maraka. 85
The nature of the subperiods in the Dasa of a 86
planet owning a Trikona. etc.
Nature of Yogakaraka Dasa 87
The nature of the Bhuktis of planets by virtue 88
of their association with the two nodes.
Peculiarity of Saturn and Mars 89
Auspicious and inauspicious planets for people 9096
r born in Mesha on wards. Marakas for such Lagnas.
How to guess the good or bad effects of 97
The nature of intelligent and good astrologers 98
Saturn's peculiarity when he is posited in 99
Tula, Dhanus and Meena identical with the Lagna.
When is death to be predicted ?
A Yoga for short life described. Native's 100
prosperity will be discontinuous under a particular
planetary combination.
The Yoga which will enable the native to 101
command good vehicles throughout his life.
When is loss of prospetity to be guessed ? 102
Long life, middle life and short life. Mars 103
and Venus occupying each other's house usher a
Unlawful births of children. How to guess 104
: them.
Vahni-nipata Yo^a. 105


1. ^^JB^J??''!^^:

SECTION 1 . T i m e of B i r t l i , Planets, Bhavas, etc.

Sloha 1. I bow to the elephant-faced G o d , the son

o i the Goddess B h a v a n i , w h o s e feet a r e a d o r e d at the
c o m m e n c e m e n t of e v e r y u n d e r t a k i n g b y B r a h m a , V i s h n u ,
H a r a , Indra a n d other D e v a s , a n d i n whose four hands,
t h e w e a p o n s qi^j (Pasa) a n d t h e l i k e , a n d a s w e e t c a k e
are g l e a m i n g and who is i n t e n t o n p r o t e c t i n g the
m o n a r c h , S r i V i k r a m a d l t y a (one l i k e t h e S u n I n v a l o u r . x
2 d^K'HWl^cl [Khanda I

Sloka 2. I bow to the benignant Goddess, Sri

"Maha K a l i who h a s t a k e n h e r a b o d e i n the b e a u t i f u l
l e f t s i d e o f t h e b o d y of L o r d K a m e s a ( S i v a ^ , w h o c o n f e r s
on her devotees a l l that they desire, w h o holds i n h e r
hands ^ (Sankha), ( C h a k r a ) , the s y m b o l of protec-
tion and g r a n t i n g boons, who is m o u n t e d o n a lion,
w h o s e b e a u t y is set off b y the Moon-crested God, who
i s s h i n i n g b r i l l i a n t l y w i t h her three eyes and who takes
a k e e n i n t e r e s t i n the welfare a n d p r o t e c t i o n of king
V i k r a m a r k a of the S o l a r r a c e .

By the reference to king Vikramarka in the above two Slokas,

it may be surmised that Kalidasa, the author of this work, was
-under the patronage of that King.

fei^^t Jrqf^^ ^ p i II ^ II
Sloka 3. I n t h e first h a l f of t h i s w o r k , e v e r y t h i n g
has already been said i n detail regarding definitions and
the l i k e , a n d t h e s a m e m a y be c o n v e n i e n t l y p e r u s e d . I
n o w d e s c r i b e c l e a r l y a n d i n d e t a i l In t h i s l a t t e r h a l f o f
K a l a m r i t a (1TKWI^'JH)i f d e l e c t a t i o n of t h e w i s e t h e
- t r e a t m e n t of horoscopes and the subject of queries, w h i c h

reveal their effects i n the past, present and future, and

which are capable of attracting wealth i n multifarious
ways, couched i n v e r s e s of ;^ct|qi(ap^fed (Sardulavikri-
dita) metrfc.
The reference here by the author relates to the workgene -
rally known in South India as Kalamrita. The book will have
to be called in future as Purva Kalamrita to distinguish it from
the present one. It contains seven Chapters or Bindus and
consists of more than 320 Slokas, all in Sardula vikridita

sn^n^ ^ ^^^^ ^ i m wi^f^:

Sloka 4. T h e exact time of birth in terms of G h a t i -

kas, etc, that have elapsed since Sunrise, and the g n o -
monic shadow indicated by the instrument and other appli
ances should first be ascertained; then the duration of
day and night on the day of birth i n question. F r o m the
correct position of the S u n with respect to the First Point
of A r i e s the L a g n a should be calculated. Next,
should be ascertained through the Guru's blessing the
exact positions of the several planets i n the signs of the

zodiac at the time as revealed by the ' D r i k ' ( ^ ) system

of calculations, then the Bhavas with their Sandhis. A l l
these[should be determined with a clear and cheerful mind
by the intelligent astrologer.
4 3xn?R55lJ3^ [Khanda I

w t o f ^ ^ i f^^i^(^=?^f^ (225)

^ ^ ? ( i 5 ) ^ r p i (30)?^ in'Jf^'n: (45) #5^(60)

%m^i (75) II \ II
S'Zofca 5. M u l t i p l y the G h a t i k a s a n d V i g h a u k a s that
h a v e e l a p s e d s i n c e S u n r i s e b y 4 a n d d i v i d e the p r o d u c t b y
"9. T h e r e m a i n d e r w i l l r e p r e s e n t t h e n u m b e r of t h e a s t e .
r i s m (of b i r t h ) reckoned f r o m the g r o u p s of n i n e b e g i n -
n i n g w i t h A s w i n i , M a g h a o r M o o l a , as the c a s e m a y b e .
Suppose there was a birth at 53| Ghatikas after Sunrise on
the night of Friday, the 23rd July 1875.
Then according to the method above enunciated, we hiatve tO
multiply 53| X 60 by 4 and divide the product by 9; we get a
remainder 8 which shows the star at the time to be Fushya, its
Anujanma, Anuradha, or its Trijanma, Uttarabhadra. The natal
itar of the native was actually Uttarabhadra.

O r the g h a t i k a s , e t c , t h a t h a v e e l a p s e d since S u n r i s e
at the t i m e o f birth should,be converted into V i g h a t i k a s
a n d t h e n d i v i d e d b y 2 2 5 (?j^5r-Tatva= ^5 a n d ( r f ^ ^ A s w i n
=>2). D i v i d e t h e r e m a i n d e r i n t o the f o l l o w i n g g r o u p s o f
Vighatikas as m a y b e f o u n d p o s s i b l e : 1530
According to this method, we have to multiply the 53|'
ghatikas by .60 to convert them to vighatikas, thus: 53| x 60 or
215 X15. This has to be divided by 225. Thus 215 x IS'^- 225=.
14J. This falls within the 1st group of 15, which shows that the
3jex is male. Vide next Sloka.

Sloka 6. T h e s e five g r o u p s r e p r e s e n t , i n t h e i r o r d e r
male, female, male, female and male respectively.
i. e., any: remainder from 0 to 15 will indicate the birth of a
male; while that exceeding 15 and below 45, a female ; any
remainder above 45 and below 90 will denote a male ; while that
over 90 and below 150, a female. A remainder exceeding 150 and
less than 225 will signify the native to be of the male sbx. ' .jr*
Again, find out t h e R a s i and N a v a m s a occupied b y
M a n d i (sRl^f) as w e l l as t h e M o o n . T h e L a g n a of b i r t h
w i l l c o r r e s p o n d to t h e s i g n o c c u p i e d b y M a n d i (lllfft)
the M o o n , w h i c h e v e r o f t h e m is s t r o n g e r . O r , i t m a y b e
the 7 t h , the 5 t h o r the 9 t h f r o m e i t h e r o f the a b o v e t w o
signs. S h o u l d the N a v a m s a R a s i s o c c u p i e d b y t h e s e t w o
(viz M a n d i a n d the Moon) be found t o posses g r e a t e r
strength than their c o r r e s p o n d i n g R a s i s , the L a g n a w i l l
<;orrespond to a n y o f the a f o r e s a i d houses r e c k o n e d f r o m
the stronger of the two N a v a m s a Rasis. . ,
The method advocated above by the author to deduce the
Lagna at birth through the position of Mandi or the Moon at the
time of birth does not appear to agree with the one given by
Mantreswara in his Phaladeepika Cf. Phaladeepika III16.
Mantreswara says " Note the Rasi occupied by Mandi at a birth
and note also where the lord of that Rasi is posited. The Lagna
.at birth will be a position triangular to that of the aforesaid
lord or one triangular to the Navamsa occupied by the owner of
^he sign representing the Navamsa occpied by Gulika. When the
Moon is strong, the Lagna should be deduced similarly through
the Moon alone instead of through M a n d i . " Mahtreswara's
-view appears sounder.
6 3TR?PI*r^ [Khanda I

Sloka 7. T h e d u r a t i o n o f t h e d a y i n t e r m s of G h a -
t i k a s m u l t i p l i e d b y 26,.22, 1 8 , 1 4 , 10,6 a n d 2 r e s p e c t i v e l y
a n d divided by 30 w i l l indicate ( d u r i n g the day) the time
( i n G h a t i k a s e l a p s e d since S u n r i s e ) of the e x a c t p o s i t i o n
of ( M a n d i , s o n of S a t u r n ) , i n the s e v e n week-days
counted from Sunday onwards. The p e r i o d of D a y o r
N i g h t when divided by 8 will i n d i c a t e t h e l e n g t h of a
p a r t p r e s i d e d o v e r b y e a c h of the p l a n e t s . In day time,
t h e l o r d s o f the first s e v e n parts a r e the s e v e n planets
r e c k o n e d f r o m t h e l o r d o f the week-day chosen i n the
orderSun, M o o n , Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and

Sloka 8. The 8th or last portion is lordless,

S a t u r n ' s portion i n each day is called G u l i k a . In the
n i g h t , t h e l o r d s o f t h e first s e v e n p o r t i o n s o r M u h u r t a s a r e
t h e s e v e n p l a n e t s c o u n t e d ( i n the s a m e o r d e r as a f o r e s a i d )
f r o m the l o r d o f t h e 5 t h w e e k - d a y f r o m the d a y c h o s e n .
H e r e a g a i n , S a t u r n ' s M u h u r t a is G u l i k a . H i s exacj
SI. 10] 7

p o s i t i o n c o r r e s p o n d s t o the L a g n a at the very end of that

Muhurta T h e s e t w o sons of S a t u r n M a n d i and Gulika
are declared by sage Mandavya ( lTio^o?i) as two
villains and they cause a l o t of i n j u r y t o t h e h o u s e
d w e l t or tenanted b y t h e m .
The distinction between Mandi and Gulika should be care-
fully noted. Their exact positions on any week-day are not the
name Take for instance a Saturday. Supposing that the length
of the day to be 30 ghatikas, we have Mandi's position to corres-
-pond with the Lagna at 2 Ghatikas after Sunrise, while Gulika!s
position will correspond to the Lagna at 3| Ghatikas after

r^l ^ ^ ^ ^ t s ^ ^ l T f ^ I I A II
Sloka 9. If at the b i r t h of a c h i l d the L a g n a b e
K a t a k a , M e s h a , V r i s c h i k a T u l a or K u m b h a , the l y i n g -
i n - c h a m b e r w i l l b e i n the e a s t e r n p o r t i o n o f t h e h o u s e .
If i t b e S i m h a o r M a k a r a , the c h a m b e r w i l l b e located
i n t h e s o u t h e r n p o r t i o n of the h o u s e . If i t b e V r i s h a b h a ,
the l y i n g - i n c h a m b e r w i l l b e i n the w e s t e r n portion of
the house, If t h e b i r t h be i n K a n y a , D h a n u s , M i t h u n a
o r M e e n a , t h e l y i n g - I n - c h a m b e r is i n the n o r t h of the
house. T h e p l a c e of b i r t h of a c h i l d w i l l u s u a l l y be t h a t
c o r r e s p o n d i n g to the L a g n a o r its N a v a m s a whichever
o f t h e m is s t r o n g e r Cf. f^^ncT'R. V 2 0 ; V 1 3 .
8 g'Ti<<MgS|Jict [Khanda I

^m^ ft^^ m ^ f^3 ^ I

^ ^ f l ^' s r a ^ M 5 T # t ?WTg; l U o ti
Sloka When the Moon does not aspect the
L a g n a the b i r t h of t h e c h i l d w i l l take place when the
f a t h e r - i s a b s e n t i n a n o t h e r v i l l a g e , is i n h i s v i l l a g e , o r i s
o n h i s w a y h o m e , a c c o r d i n g as t h e S u n is i n a m o v e a b l e ,
i m m o v e a b l e o r i n a d u a l s i g n , a n d at t h e s a m e t i m e b e
a l s o p o s i t e d either i n the 9th or the 8th house, and not
otherwise. If t h e M o o n b e i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h m a l e f i c
p l a n e t s , m u c h distress has to be e n d u r e d b y the mother
d u r i n g the d e l i v e r y . Cf. %. ^. V 1 , 17.

Sloka 11. T h e females attending on the w o m a n I n

c h i l d b e d a r e as m a n y as t h e r e a r e p l a n e t s b e t w e e n the
rising sign and the M o o n . Those t h a t are w i t h o u t t h e
lying-in-chamber w i l l be denoted by the number of
p l a n e t s that a r e a w a y f r o m these t w o l i m i t s . T h e q u a n t i t y
of o i l i n the lamp will vary w i t h the p o r t i o n tc b e
t r a v e r s e d b y t h e M o o n i n the s i g n e n t e r e d u p o n , w h i l e
t h e w i c k has t o b e guessed from the L a g n a , i.e., will
vary with the portion of t h e rising sign still below
the horizon. The character of the lamp i s to be
guessed f r o m the c h a r a c t e r of the sign occupied by
the S u n , i . e . , w h e t h e r the'j.light i s m o v e a b l e , fixed or
both, is to be d e c l a r e d f r o m t h e n a t u r e o f the R a s i i n
w h i c h t h e S u n i s . T h e S u n , V e n u s , M a r s , R a h u , Saturn,^^
the Moon, Mercury and J u p i t e r are r e s p e c t i v e l y the
l o r d s o f the q u a r t e r s E a s t , Southeast, South, South-
west, West, Northwest, N o r t h and Northeast. The
d o o r of the l y i n g - i n . c h a m b e r i s to b e g u e s s e d b y m e a n s
o f the p l a n e t s o c c u p y i n g the K e n d r a p o s i t i o n , o r r a t h e r
b y m e a n s o f those t h a t a r e possessed o f s t r e n g t h ; i.e.^
w h e n m o r e t h a n one p l a n e t o c c u p y t h e K e n d r a p o s i t i o n ^
t h e d o o r m u s t b e guessed b y the strongest of them j
w h e n there are no planets i n the K e n d r a s , find which
of the Kendras is s t r o n g e s t , a n d the direction faced
b y the d o o r is guessed accordingly.
Cf. f. ^ . V . - 1 8 , 22.

2, SRJHI'SR^''^:

m mm ^^^^^ ^^mt^^

S E C II. C a l c u l a t i o n of the s e v e r a l k i n d s o f s t r e n g t h , e t c .
Sloka 1. A l l the t w e l v e R a s i s a r e a s c e n d i n g , each
i n i t s t u r n f r o m (the n a d i r towards the L a g n a or) the
East. T h e six houses f r o m the L a g n a o n w a r d s , viz.^
1 s t , . 2 n d , 3 r d j 4 t h , 5 t h , a n d 6 t h , c o n s t i t u t e the r i g h t s i d e
of the native, w h i l e the other six denote his left side.
T h e s e l a t t e r a l s o d e n o t e t h e r i g h t p o r t i o n of his p a r t n e r -
T h e L a g n a i s l i f e o r s o u l o f the n a t i v e , w h i l e t h e !5F?l?n%
2 . "
10 [Khanda U

(Janma R a s i ) o r t h e s i g n o c c u p i e d b y the M o o n d e n o t e s
his ^ ( D e h a ) o r b o d y . A l l about t h e s e , ( s o u l a n d b o d y ) ,
should be predicted through these two significators
.^Lagna and the M o o n ) . T h e effects of the several
B h a v a s h a v e to be d e t e r m i n e d f r o m the s t r e n g t h o f the
p a r t i c u l a r Bhavas, their lords and their K a r a k a s .
C/. f - s n . V_24

^ ^ ft^^ 5!n^Rl>5n^^^ era: ii ^ il

?ftiywT j p i n t ^ ? R i ^ mil

Sloka 22>\. T h e M o o n , J u p i t e r a n d M a r s a r e the

' f r i e n d s of t h e S u n . T h e S u n a n d M e r c u r y a r e the friends
of the M o o n . T h e f r i e n d s of M a r s a r e the S u n , the M o o n
and Jupiter. Venus and t h e S u n are the f r i e n d s of
Mercury. T h e f r i e n d s of J u p i t e r a r e the S u n , t h e M o o n
a n d M a r s . M e r c u r y a n d S a t u r n a r e the f r i e n d s of V e n u s *
"Saturn's friends are Venus and M e r u r y . The Sun's
enemies are Saturn and Venus. The Moon has no
enemies Mars and Mercury have each got o n l y one
e n e m y , a n d t h e y a r e M e r c u r y a n d the M o o n r e s p e c t i v e l y .
Venus and Mercury are t h e enemies of J u p i t e r . The
enemies o f V e n u s a r e the S u n a n d t h e M o o n . T h e Sun,
M o o n a n d M a r s a r e the enemies of Saturn. The rest
are neutrals. From a consideration of the cIT^lfe^
vTatkalika) friendship (friendliness obtaining for the
SI. 4J] 11

t i m e b e i n g ) b e t w e e n t w o p l a n e t s a n d t h e i r ^(Wt ( N i s a r g a )
o r n a t u r a l f r i e n d s h i p , o n e has to j u d g e w h e t h e r t h e two-
planets are exceedingly f r i e n d l y or exceedingly
i n i m i c a l etc.
The reader is advised to refer Sloka 22 and the notes thereof
under Adhyaya II of Manthreswara's Phaladeepika translated by
the author.

The determination of the^lords of the signs and their Vargas-

Slokas 2 | 3 | . M a r s , V e n u s , M e r c u r y , the M o o q , ,
the S u n , M e r c u r y , Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, S a t u r n
a n d J u p i t e r a r e r e s p e c t i v e l y t h e l o r d s o f the s i g n s f r o m .
M e s h a o n w a r d s . O f the s e v e r a l k i n d s o f d i v i s i o n s o f t h e
z o d i a c , t h e first is k n o w n as 3 J 5 ( G r i h a ) o r ^ % ( R a s i ) s A
h a l f of a R a s i is t e r m e d ( f l o r a ) . A third p o r t i o n of a
R a s i is k n o w n as (Drekkana) or Decanate. There
a r e a l s o o t h e r k i n d s of s u b - d i v i s i o n s , viz., t h e SHHI?! ( S a p
tamsa=:3;th p o r t i o n o f a R a s i ) ^^p^ ( N a v a m s a = J t h p o r t i o n
o f a R a s i ) gi^^ir^ (Dwadasamsa=.j^jth p o r t i o n o f a Rasi)
a n d ^^(t^i ( l " r i m s a m s a = a degree o r ^\fth p o r t i o n o f a

Exaltation, Moolatrikona, etc., of the Planets.

is 3TT0II5TIJ^ [Khanda II

^^sl^;^ ^^^^^ 'n^ t ^ s s l ; ^ .

Slokas 3 J 5 . S i m h a , Vrishabha, Mesha, K a n y a ,

D h a n u s , T u l a a n d K u m b h a a r e t h e M o o l a t r i k o n a signs o f
t h e p l a n e t s c o m m e n c i n g w i t h the S u n . M e - h a , V r i s h a b h a ,
Makara, Kanya, Karkataka Meena- and T u l a a r e the
e x a l t a t i o n signs o f the seven planets r e s p e c t i v e l y from
the Sun onwards When a p l a n e t is p o s i t e d i n his
e x a l t a t i o n , h e gets o n e f u U R u p a as hie s t r e n g t h . The
strength for a planet placed i n his M o o l a t r i k o n a house
i s |ths o f a R u p a . For a planet occupying his o w n
house, the s t r e n g t h is J a R u p a . I n a f r i e n d ' s house, i t
I s i t h a n d f t h s w h e n i n the house of a dear friend. In
a n i n i m i c a l house, t h e s t r e n g t h is x \ t h . It is when
i n a sign owned by the p l a n e t ' s inveterate enemy. It
i s | t h of a R u p a i n the h o u s e o f a n e u t r a l .
Cf. ^1%^ I I I - 2 , 3.

mmi # fts^%^sf^ mi 5ia^ II ^ n

Sloka 6. W h e n a p l a n e t is r e t r o g r a d e i n h i s m o t i o n
h i s s t r e n g t h is s i m i l a r t o t h a t w h e n i n his e x a l t a t i o n . If a
p l a n e t is c o n j o i n e d w i t h a r e t r o g r a d e p l a n e t , his s t r e n g t h
is I a R u p a . If a p l a n e t b e r e t r o g r a d e i n h i s m o t i o n w h i l e
I n h i s e x a l t a t i o n house, h e gets o n l y h i s (Neecha
b a l a ) , i, e.. n o t h i n g . If a p l a n e t b e r e t r o g r a d e w h i l e In
h i s d e b i l i t a t i o n h o u s e (of ' F a l l ' ) , h i s s t r e n g t h is s i m i l a r
t o t h a t w h e n i n his e x a l t a t i o n . A p l a n e t i n c o n j u n c t i o n
w i t h a n o t h e r p l a n e t w h o is i n e x a l t a t i o n g e t s ^ a R u p a ,

W h e n h e is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a n o t h e r w h o Is i n h i s d e b i -
l i t a t i o n , he gets n o t h i n g . A planet if he be i n c o n .
junction with malefics who are his friends, or with
benefics w h o h a p p e n t o be his e n e m i e s , g e t s o n l y | a
A l l this is new information not contained in Sripati-

m 3cf^ m fr^^ I
Sloka 6 . i . The highest e x a l t a t i o n points of the
p l a n e t s c o u n t e d f r o m the S u n are t h e 10th, the 3 r d , t h e
28th, the 1 5 t h , the 5 t h , t h e 2 7 t h a n d t h e 2 0 t h d e g r e e s
o f the s e v e r a l s i g n s ( m e n t i o n e d i n S l o k a s 3^-5 supra)
their points of ' F a l l ' b e i n g the c o r r e s p o n d i n g degrees
in the 7 t h house from their e x a l t a t i o n ones. This
. s t r e n g t h o f p l a n e t s is c a l l e d o n e t h a t is d e r i v e d f r o m t h e
Suppose in a nativity, Jupiter is in the 1st Navamsa of
Meena, his exaltation Navamsa. He will not be entitled to get
.one Rupa as his strength under 'Navamsa' in the Saptavargaja-
bala but he will be given only what is due to him as occupying
a Navamsa belonging to the Moon according to the kind of
relationship he holds with him in the particular nativity.

Shadvargas and their lords.

3 ^ ^ q f r 5 ? T n m'zl ft^s^

Slokas 6 i - 7 | . . I n the case of an o d d s i g n , the

H o r a s or h a l v e s of a R a s i b e l o n g r e s p e c t i v e l y to the
14 <lTl<<1l|<!l*4cl [Khanda H

S u n a n d t h e M o o n , a n d i n a n e v e n s i g n , to t h e M o o n
and the S u n . T h e Drekkanas are owned by the lords
o f {a) t h e 1st, 5 t h a n d 9 t h w i t h r e s p e c t t o that R a s i in
t h e c a s e o f a m o v e a b l e s i g n , (h) t h e 9 t h , 1st a n d 5 t h i n
the case o f a fixed s i g n a n d (c) t h e 5 t h , 9 t h and 1st i n
t h e c a s e of a d u a l s i g n . T h e o w n e r s of the S a p t a m s a s
or |th portions are, i n t h e c a s e o f a n o d d s i g n , to be
counted regularly from the l o r d thereof, while m the
case o f a n e v e n s i g n t h e y a r e t o b e r e c k o n e d from the
l o r d o f the 7 t h o n w a r d s . N e x t , as to t h e o r d e r of the
Navamsas :

There are 3 ways declared to find out the lords of the 3 deca-
nates of each sign :
I. They are the lords of the 1st, 5th and 9th with respect
to that Rasi.

II. They are the lords of:

(i) the 1st, 5th and 9th in the case of a moveable sign ;
(ii) the 9th, 1st and 5th in the case of a fixed sign ;
(iii) the 5th, 9th and 1st in the case of a dual sign.

III. They arc the lords of the 1st, 12th and 11th with respect
to that sign.
Varahamihira recognises only the 1st of the above views.
The present author holds the second view.
Yavaneswara says that the 3rd method above cited should
be followed only in (Prasna) or a query.

^^M^r^Mi^wim^^ II <^ II
S1.9| 15

Slokas 7 j 8 J . The Navamsas of M e s h a , S i m h a

and Dhanus b e l o n g to the n i n e signs f r o m M e s h a o n
wards, and they continue t i l l t h e end o f M e e n a . The
o w n e r s o f the D w a d a s a m s a s o r ^^^th p o r t i o n s o f a n y s i g n
a r e t o be r e c k o n e d f r o m t h e s i g n . The Trimsamsas or
d e g r e e s i. c , ^^jth p o r t i o n s o f a s i g n a l l o t t e d i n a n o d d
s i g n to M a r s , S a t u r n , J u p i t e r , M e r c u r y a n d V e n u s are
r e s p e c t i v e l y 5, 5, 8, 7 a n d 5. In a n even sign, Venus,
M e r c u r y , J u p i t e r , S a t u r n a n d M a r s h a v e 5, 7, 8, 5 a n d 5
.degrees r e s p e c t i v e l y . T h e a b o v e seven k i n d s of divisions
constitute the Saptavargas. ( S e e c h a r t i n the f r o n t p a g e ) .

^^^^ ^'^g^h ^ H ^ ^ I
Slokas 8 ^ 9 J . E n t e r a g a i n s t the R a s i c o l u m n the
s t r e g t h i n t e r m s o f R u p a s a l r e a d y o b t a i n e d f o r the R a s i
and w r i t e out against the other six V a r g a s commencing
f r o m H o r a , a m o i e t y of t h e s t r e n g t h fixed i n the Rasi
V a r g a f o r the p l a n e t o w n i n g the V a r g a i n q u e s t i o n . The
s u m - t o t a l of these s e v e n k i n d s of s t r e n g t h c o n s t i t u t e the
^:i^<^fi<jtiM<!} ( S a p t a v a r g a j a b a l a ) of the p l a n e t . T h i s p r o c e s s
should be gone through in the case of a l l the seven
The table in the next page will be the Sapthavargajabala of
the planets for the Horoscope taken as example in my edition of
Sripati paddhati (pp 29-30) according to the method prescribed in
this book.
16 rfvi^'hwi^i'^ [Khanda K

u CO
fl w =1 p g
o a
o CS u
Rasi 375 25 375 25 75 25 125
Hora 125 125 187 187 187 187 -125
Drekkana 187 125 375 375 -187 -187 -375
Saptamsa 187 125 375 062 -375 125 125
Navamsa 125 125 375 062 -187 -187 375
Dwadasamsa 187 125 062 375 375 125 375
Trimsamsa 375 375 187 062 -187 375 125

Total 1-561 1^25 1-936 1-373 2-248 1-436 1-625

The 1st Kendra is as per g ^ q ^ . Brahmins were

born from the head of the Virat-purusha and Lagna represents
the head. Hence the above statement. Further, Jupiter, a Brahmin^
is strong in the Ist Kendra. Thirdly, the East is 1st Kendra, the
Dik specified for a Brahmin. The 2nd Kendra (4th) is termed
Stri Kendra or Vaisya Kendra, for, the two female planets
the Moon and Venusare strong there. The 7th is the Asura
Kendra as (a) the Sun in the 7th is in Asura Sandhya, (b) Saturn
has full Power in the 7th. It is also known as Ghandala Kendra.
(4) The 10th Kendra is the Pourusha Kendra or the Kshatriya
S I . 10|11|] w^irernr: 17
p. "

i Slokas 9 J l O j . I n t h e case o f a p l a n e t a p p r o a c h -
n g Its e x a l t a t i o n , t h e (Uchchabala) or e x a l t a t i o n -
s t r e n g t h i n t e r m s of a R u p a is r e p r e s e n t e d b y a f r a c t i o n
w h o s e n u m e r a t o r is the n u m b e r o f d e g r e e s i n t e r v e n i n g
between the planet's depression point and the
planet's present position and whose denominator is
180. The difference of this f r o m u n i t y w i l l denote
the planet's (uchchabala) when the planet is
af5f^5 ( A v a r o h a ) i.e., w h e n i t has c r o s s e d the exaltation
p o l t i f a n d is p r o c e e d i n g towards its depression. When
a planet occupies a Kendra a P a n a p h a r a , and an
Apoklima house, its strength is 1, | a n d i R u p a .
respectively. Cf. ? f t q % q ^ l ^ I I I - 2 , 5.

Slokas 1 0 J - 1 1 | : T h e Moon and Venus, when

they are in an even sign or i n a n e v e n navamsa, g e t
i R u p a as s t r e n g t h . It is o t h e r w i s e i n t h e ease o f t h e
other planets; i.e. The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
and M e r c u r y get J R u p a w h e n they o c c u p y odd s i g n
or odd navamsa. When male, hermophrodite and
female planets occupy respectively, the first, middle
o r t h e l a s t p o r t i o n of a R a s i , t h e y g e t | R u p a as t h e i r
strength. The t o t a l of these five k i n d s of s t r e n g t h
is termed the raH^^ (Sthanabala) or positional
strength of planets, t h e first o f the S h a d b a l a s o r s i x
m a j o r divisions of s t r e n g t h .
18 SrKlil^ng^ [Khanda E

(F/cZe ^ q t q ^ III-4)

^TT^H^ ^^r^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W ? ^ ^ I
Sloka 11|12J. M e r c u r y and Jupiter are strong
i n t h e L a g n a o r E a s t . T h e M o o n a n d V e n u s are power
f u l i n the 4 t h or, N o r t h ; S a t u r n i n tlie 7th or W e s t
M a r s a n d t h e S u n , i n the 1 0 t h o r S o u t h , T h e strength
of these planets is z e r o o r nil w h e n t h e y respectively
o c c u p y the 7th place f r o m the above. But'the Direc-
tional strength or (Digbala) in the intervening
p o s i t i o n s m u s t be calculated by rule.of-three process.
T h e planets produce effect commensurate with their
respective D i r e c t i o n a l strength i n their particular direc.
tions. C/. ? T t - n i 6 )

f i : mi ^ w^^^^'^^^
JiT^iar m^i^^^tit ^ II II

Slokas, 1 2 | 1 4 . In the b r i g h t h a l f of a month, t h e

(Pakshabala) of benefic planets c o r r e s p o n d s to the
SI. 14-151] 19*

n u m b e r o f T i t h i s passed i n the P a k s h a w h i l e t h a t o f t h e
jnalefics, to the n u m b e r of T i t h i s r e m a i n i n g to be passed
o r g o n e t h r o u g h . T h i s p r o c e s s is r e v e r s e d i n the o t h e r o r
d a r k h a l f o f the m o n t h . T h e P a k s h a b a l a i n t h e case o f
the M o o n w i l l be d o u b l e d . If a b i r t h t a k e s p l a c e In t h e
m i d d l e p o r t i o n of the d a y , t h e s t r e n g t h (of o n e R u p a ^
accrues to the S u n ; i f . i t be i n the l a s t o r t h i r d p o r t i o n
o f the d a y , the s t r e n g t h g o e s to S a t u r n . T h e M o o n gets^
i t If t h e b i r t h be i n t h e first p o r t i o n o f t h e n i g h t . If t h e
b i r t h b e i n t h e m i d d l e p o r t i o n o f t h e n i g h t , the s t r e n g t h
g o e s to V e n u s . If t h e b i r t h t a k e g . p l a c e i n . t h e t h i r d o r
last p o r t i o n o f t h e . n i g h t , M a r s g e t s ithis s t r e n g t h . M e r -
c u r y has i t d u r i i i g t h e fitrst p o r t i o n o f t h e d a y . Jupiter
h a s this s t r e n g t h a t a l l t i m e s . 'Xhis is c a l l e d the 8{ft<ii(!5f
( A h o r a t r a j a) o r f | ? [ ? l B [ % * l i n ^ ( f i i n a r a t r i b h a g a b a l a ) . The
Rr ( N a t a ) i n G h a t i k a s m u l t i p l i e d b y 2 a n d divided b y
6 0 w i l l d e n o t e t h e RrTS(S ( N a t a b a l a ) i n terms of a R u p a .
{Cf. S r i p a t i p a d d h a t i I I I 9 - 1 4 ) .

Sloka 1 4 j . T h e s a m e subti-acted f r o m u n i t y w i l l b e
the strength resulting from the (Unnata). The
M o o n , M a r s and S a t u r n have the (Natabala), while
the Sun, Mercury Jupiter and Venus have
Cf. S r i p a t i p a d d h a t i I I I 1 0 ) .

sn^: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^5R;^f^?^4T^cr'rn-
20 [ K h a n d a II

Slokas 1 4 J 1 5 J . T h e G h a t i k a s t h a t i n t e r v e n e b e t -
w e e n m i d - d a y a n d t h e S u n a t a b l r t h i s t e r m e d ^5f ( N a t a ) ,
w h i l e ggjg ( U n n a t a ) I n d i c a t e s s i m i l a r i n t e r v a l i n G h a t i -
kas) b e t w e e n the S u n and m i d n i g h t . T h e s e two intervals
w h e n divided[by 30 express the f i g t ? r a ^ (Natonnatabala)
o f planets i n terms of a R u p a , a n d f o r m a sub-division
of ^\i$^fA ( K a l a b a l a ) . T h e Instruments such as (51^)
S a n k u and the l i k e , required for finding out the time
h a v e been described i n d e t a i l i n the previous half of
^he w o r k .

(Vide ^M^H^ "IB^iF'^t)

{Cf. S r i p a t i p a d d h a t i 13, III10).

Slokas 1 5 j 1 6 j . The l o r d o f the y e a r , t h e l o r d

o f the m o n t h , t h e l o r d of t h e w e e k - d a y a n d the l o r d o^
t h e | r t l ( H o r a = = h o u r ) h a v e r e s p e c t i v e l y \, |, | a n d 1 R u p a
as strength when a b i r t h has t a k e n p l a c e u n d e r t h e i r
sway. T h e s u m o f these f o u r k i n d s o f s t r e n g t h g o e s to
s w e l l the q j i a ^ ( K a l a b a l a ) . T o find the l o r d of the
H o r a at a n y g i v e n t i m e m u l t i p l y the G k a t i k a s that h a v e
e l a p s e d s i n c e S u n r i s e b y 2 a n d d i v i d e the p r o d u c t b y 5 .
T h e q u o t i e n t w i l l r e v e a l t h e n u m b e r of H o r a s that h a v e
elapsed. T h e l o r d o f t h e first H o r a o n a n y w e e k - d a y
w i l l b e t h e l o r d o f t h e w e e k - d a y i t s e l f ; the l o r d s of the
2nd and succeeding H o r a s have to be reckoned from
that planet i n the f o l l o w i n g o r d e r : the S u n , V e n u s ,
M e r c u r y , the M o o n , S a t u r n , Jupiter a n d M a r s .
C/. ^ q . III-14).
S I . 1718|] 21

^^^^ ^^^5 rfl^qi^T^

Sloka 16|17J. T h e M o o n and Saturn are strong

i n t h e i r S o u t h e r n course. M e r c u r y possesses s t r e n g t h
always. The rest become strong ;in their Northern
-course. T h e s t r e n g t h a c c r u i n g f r o m t h i s is k n o w n as
S P R ^ C A y a n a B a l a ) . T h e planets taken i n r e g u l a r order
f r o m M a r s s h o u l d be d e c l a r e d to b e s t r o n g w h e n i n t h e i r
retrograde motion, their % g | ^ ((theshtabala) being
c a l c u l a t e d f r o m the d e g r e e s i n t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e Sighra
Kendras already described (by o t h e r s ) . When two
p l a n e t s a r e c o n j o i n e d i n such a w a y t h a t they happen
to be in the same house and their longitudes agree
e v e n to the d e g r e e a n d m i n u t e , t h e y a r e s a i d to be in
war and that planet which is N o r t h of t h e o t h e r is
d e c l a r e d to be the c o n q u e r o r a n d g a i n s the strength of
t h e o t h e r i n the S o u t h w h o is c o n s i d e r e d as v a n q u i s h e d .

Slokas 1 7 j 1 8 1 . S a t u r n casts a full glance over

the 3rd a n d 10th houses, w h i l e the o t h e r planets v i e w
the two houses o n l y w i t h a q u a r t e r g l a n c e . Jupiter
aspects t h e 5 t h a n d 9 t h h o u s e s w i t h a full eye, while
22 3^t^ST^ [Khanda II

the rest see these houses w i t h h a l f a g l a n c e . Mars

casts h i s f u l l e y e o v e r t h e 4 t h a n d t h e 8 t h houses, w h i l e
t h e o t h e r p l a n e t s aspect t h e m w i t h | aspect. A l l p l a n e t s
aspect the 7 t h w i t h a f u l l e y e . P l a n e t s do not aspect
t h e 2 n d , t h e 1 1 t h the 1 2 t h a n d t h e 6 t h houses reckoned
f r o m the one occupied by t h e m .

Sloka 18^19^. Subtract the aspecting planet'

f r o m the aspected one. The result w i l l indicate the
extent i n signs, degrees, etc., of the r a n g e of aspect.
The ( D r i g b a l a ) o f the a s p e c l e d p l a n e t ( i n t e r m s o f
Rupas) can be accurately ascertained from these
degrees, etc., by rule-of-three process b y the a d d i t i o n
t o , o r s u b t r a c t i o n f r o m , as the case m a y be, o f t h e p r o -
p o r t i o n a t e d i f f e r e n c e i n s t r e n g t h b e t w e e n t h a t fixed f o r
t h a t s i g n a n d the s t r e n g t h a l l o t t e d for the succeeding
sign. T h e D r i g b a l a thus obtaind s h o u l d be classified
under " Malefic " and " B e n e f i c " a c c o r d i n g as t h e as-
p e c t i n g p l a n e t s a r e m a l e f i c o r benefic, and written i n
t w o tables i n t e r m s o f R u p a s . T h e i r algebraic sum w i l l
r e v e a l the e x a c t D r i g b a l a g o t f o r e a c h p l a n e t .
Cf. S r i p a t i p a d d h a t i I L

Sloka J 9 | 2 0 J . T h e Sun, the M o o n , Venus

Jupiter, M e r c u r y Mars and Saturn decrease successi-
vely b y ^th of a R u p a i n their natural strength. T h e
^I^g;^^ ( N i s a r g a b a l a ) of the S u n should be put down
as o n e R u p a . T h e s e v e r a l k i n d s o f s t r e n g t h , viz., t h o s e
derived f r o m (1) ^sfj^ ( S t t h a n a . P o s i t i o n ) ( 2 ) f^^ ( D i k -
D i r e c t i o n ) (3) ( K a l a - T i m e ) (4) f^gfj ( N i s a r g a - N a t u r a l )
a n d (5) ^ g f ( C h e s h t a - M o t i o n ) s h o u l d n o w b e t o t a l l e d u p .

^f^fi^ ^ II R\ II

Sloka 20|-21|-. T o t h i s s h o u l d b e s u p e r a d d e d t h e
r e c t i f i e d D r i g b a l a o f t h e p l a n e t . F u r t h e r , i f the p l a n e t
be v i c t o r i o u s i n p l a n e t a r y w a r , o n e m o r e R u p a s h o u l d
be a d d e d t o its s t r e n g t h ; but i f he b e v a n q u i s h e d , o n e
R u p a s h o u l d be t a k e n a w a y . T h e s u m - t o t a l thus r e c t i -
fied o f the s e v e r a l balas above-mentioned w i l l be the
planet's Shadbala in Rupas. If this s t r e n g t h be found
t o b e less t h a n 5 R u p a s , the p l a n e t should be declared
as w e a k . It i s s a i d t o possess n o r m a l s t r e n g t h w h e n i t
r a n g e s f r o m 5 t o 10 R u p a s .

^m^'^^ l*I^^i%^5T^3[T II II
24 'j-d<i<!Bi<ict [ K h a n d a III

Sloka 2 l J 2 2 | - . Anything exceeding 10 R u p a s

w i l l be i j ^ ^ (Purnabala). A n d such a planet w i l l prove
auspicious. H i s dasa w i l l be an e x c e e d i n g l y favourable
one a n d w i l l c o n f e r o n t h e n a t i v e c o n c e r n e d a l l t h a t h e
c h e r i s h e s , vis., w e a l t h , h a p p i n e s s , etc., i f h e has passed
his d e p r e s s f e n a n d is p r o c e e d i n g t o his e x a l t a t i o n J p o i n t .
I n the c a s e o f a p l a n e t p o s s e s s i n g m e d i u m s t r e n g t h a n d
g o i n g towards his e x a l t a t i o n , his dasa p e r i o d alsowill
b e p r o d u c t i v e of h a p p i n e s s . But should the p l a n e t b e
o n h i s w a y t o h i s d e p r e s s i o n p o i n t , the d a s a w i l l p r o v e
unfavourable. The d a s a of a p l a n e t w h o s e s t r e n g t h is
b e l o w the n o r m a l {i.e., less than 5 Rupas), will only
cause misery and unhappiness.

3 3n3CiTw:

S E C T I O N H I A y u r d a y a . L e n g t h of l i f e .

Sloka 1. T h e n u m b e r d e n o t i n g the asterisms f r o m

er^^ft ( A s w i n i ) t h a t h a v e been passed b y a p l a n e t s h o u l d
be d i v i d e d b y 3 and the quotient left out of considera-
tion. T h e remainder should be multiplied b y ;4 and
i n c r e a s e d b y the n u m b e r of quarters already passed in
the n e x t s t a r a n d this r e s u l t w i l l d e n o t e t h e n u m b e r o f
N a v a m s a s ( f r o m M e s h a ) a l r e a d y t r a v e l l e d b y the planet
a n d c o r r e s p o n d t o the n u m b e r of years contributed by
t h e p l a n e t i n t h e ^^5iqiQ[ ( A m s a y a u r d a y a ) s y s t e m . The

m o n t h s , days, etc., o v e r a n d a b o v e the y e a r s referred

to d u e t o the p l a n e t ' s p o s i t i o n i n the p o r t i o n o f t h e n e x t
q i ^ ( P a d a ) s h o u l d be c a l c u l a t e d f r o m t h e interval lying
between the end of the l a s t ^ g j ^ j ^ ( N a k s h a t r a p a d a )
and t h e p o s i t i o n o c c u p i e d b y t h e p l a n e t in the n e x t o n e
t h r o u g h t h e m e a s u r e i n d a y s , g h a t i k a s , etc., taken by
the particular planet to pass t h r o u g h its f u l l course^
T h e y e a r s thus c o n t r i b u t e d b y t h e several planets as
w e l l as b y the L a g n a s h o u l d b e similarly obtained and
t o t a l l e d up.
Take for instance the case of Venus in the nativity alluded to
in the notes under 15, supra. He is in the first quarter of the
star Punarvasu. He entered that Pada on the 8th of the month
Karkataka at l4 gh. 8 vigh. and left the same for the 2nd Pada
on the 10th idem at 57 Gh. 40 Vigh. He has therefore proceeded
in the first Pada for 1 day, 45 gh. 22 vigh. The distance
traversed by Venus from the beginning of Aswini is 6 stars

plusii!Zlii!^:^^lil^ of Ihe first Pada in the 7th star

2 days, 43 gh, 32 vigh.
The 6 stars divided by 3 leaves no remainder. Venus therefore
contributes only z_of a year or 7months, 22 days, etc. Simi-
larly in the case of the other planets.

m ^ # qTTS'^s%5^ I

SMa 2. W h e n malefic planets occupy the 6 bhavas

couiited backward from the 12th, the whole, a half,a third,
a fourth, a fifth or a sixth respectively of their A y u r -
d a y a is lost. If benefics should occupy such positions,
the loss is half of that incurred i n the case of malefic
26 3^^511^ [ K h a n d a III

ones. I n the c a s e of a malefic planet occupying, the

L a g n a , the w h o l e of the A y u r d a y a contributed b y the
L a g n a is l o s t . W h e n a p l a n e t i s i n i t s d e p r e s s i o n p o i n t ,
t h e p e r i o d a s s i g n e d t o i t is r e d u c e d b y h a l f . If t h e p l a n e t
be posited i n an inimical house, he loses a third
of his Ayus. When h e is eclipsed or defeated i n
p l a n e t a r y war, his A y u r d a y a is further to be d i m i n i s h e d
hy h a l f . T h i s is the p e c u l i a r i t y i n the A m s a y u r d a y a
method. ffSTRW V I I 2 4 , 9 I L

# ^f^^ Tif^^f^^^n^c^l^^ p i : II ^ II
SlokalS. The number of Ghatikas that have
-elapsed i n t h e L a g n a R a s i at birth when multiplied by
9 a n d d i v i d e d b y the n u m b e r denoting the Ghatikas^
etc., of t h e r i s i n g p e r i o d of that R a s i will r e v e a l the
number (in terms) of years contributed by the L a g n a .
F r o m the r e m a i n d e r , the months, days, etc., maybe
;similarly obtained by suitable multiplication and
division by their appropriate factors- When the
L a g n a is s t r o n g b y the presence i n i t , o r the aspect
o v e r it, of its l o r d o r a benefic planet or b y its l o r d
b e i n g i n his exaltation, the number of years contributed
b y t h e L a g n a w i l l b e as m a n y y e a r s as a r e s i g n i f i e d b y
the Rasis, etc, (counted f r o m Mesha) i n the figure
denoting the L a g n a . T h i s is t h e v i e w a c c o r d i n g to-
-some astrologers.

Cf. ffSTFT^ V l f 1 2 . Also-Sripatipaddhati V 1 8 .

SI. 4-5] 27

Sloka 4. T h e r e a r e t w o decanates o n e o n e a c h s i d e
o f t h e L a g n a D r e k k a n a . F i n d o u t the S a p t a v a r g a j a b a l a -
i n t e r m s o f R u p a s as b e f o r e , o f t h e l o r d s o f t h e s e three
decanates (or of the planets o c c u p y i n g them) i f be
the r e a d i n g f o r ), a n d t a k e o n l y a f o u r t h . T h i s w i l l
represent the religious merit (in Rupas) of the n a t i v e -
T h e same subtracted from 4 w i l l s i g n i f y the e v i l (qlq-
papa) p o r t i o n . These two results should be c a r e f u l l y
n o t e d a n d t h e i r d i f f e r e n c e i f f o u n d t o be 4 R u p a s o f ^jq;
( P u n y a ) w i l l enable the p e r s o n c o n c e r n e d to attain final


Sloka 5. T h u s should be o b t a i n e d ihe figures for

t h e b e n e f i c as w e l l as the m a l e f i c p o r t i o n , of i h e S a p t a .
vargajabalas of the lords of t h e ilirc-e decanates
referred to above. The malefic portion should be
m u l t i p l e d b y 120 a n d d i v i d e d b y 7- T i i c r e s u l t w i l l be
the number i n years. O u t of this t a k e ,:w.iy ;is many
130 y e a r - p e r i o d s as a r e p o s s i b l e . The remainder w i l l
28 rKhanda lU

b e less t h a n 120 a n d r e v e a l the s j j ^ ^ ( A y u s ) o f the n a t i v e

in the respective ( J a n m a ) o u t o f t h e past, p r e s e n t
a n d f u t u r e . T h i s m e t h o d has b e e n s u g g e s t e d h e r e o n l y
b y w a y of d i s c u s s i o n as o n e s i m p l e r t h a n the S T ^ I f J ^
(Amsayurdaya) method:

Sloka 6 . (1) V e n u s , J u p i t e r a n d M e r c u r y w h e n t h e y
a r e i n K e n d r a a n d K o n a houses w i l l m a k e the native
longlived. (2) If t h e y o c c u p y t h e 2 n d , 3 r d a n d U t h
h o u s e s , t h e p e r s o n w i l l h a v e m e d i u m l i f e . e, 6 0 y e a r s .
( 3 ) If these p l a n e t s s h o u l d b e i n t h e 6 t h , 8 t h a n d - 1 2 t h
houses, t h e n a t i v e w i l l l i v e b e l o w m e d i u m l i f e . (4) T h e
r e s t , i. e., t h e m a l e f i c s , i f p o s i t e d i n t h e 8 t h , t h e 1 2 t h ,
a K e n d r a o r a K o n a p o s i t i o n , w i l l i n v a r i a b l y n o t be
p r o d u c t i v e of g o o d t o t h e p e r s o n c o n c e r n e d .
Five horoscopes to illustrate the four kinds of Yogas cited in
the above Sloka are appended.
For illustrating 6 (1)
Chart 1. MaleBorn on 14^11869, 12-5 noon. Died at
10 A . M . on 1971941
Merc. Sun

Lagija Mars
Mars Venus Ketu
Rahu - Sat
Rasi - Navamsa
Ketu Rahu Lagna

Sat. Merc.

Chart 2. MaleBorn on 2141867, 9-30 P.M.

Merc Sun Ketu
Venus Mars Lagna Sat.
Rasi Navamsa
Rahu Mars

Moon Merc. Moon

For illustrating 6 (2)

Chart 3. MaleBorn on 2/3-11888, 1-45 A . M .

Moon Ketu

Sat. Merc
Rahu Mars
Ketu Moon JuP-

Merc. Jup-
Lagna Mars Rahu Sat. Sun
Sun Venus

For illustrating 6 (3)

'Chart 4. MaleBorn on lS-9-1871, at 29 Gh, after Sunrise.
Lived for 57 years and 9 months.

Lagna Venus
Moon Ketu
Lagna Jup. Jup-
Sat. i
Rasi Navamsa

Mars Moon Venus Rahil
30 K h a n d a III

The reason for at least this lease of life for the native may
be that Saturn, the lord of the Lagna and Ayushlcaraka is in the
11th, a benefic house Jupiter is exalted with Vargothamamsa in
the 11th house from the 8th which is his own, also contributes to
the same effect. The eclipsed state of Mercury, of course, shortens
For illustrating 6 (4).
Chart-5. FemaleBorn on 341878.
Moon Merc. Mars Lagna Jup. Mars

Venus Ketu Moon Ketu

Rasi Navamsa
Rahu Sun
Rahu Sat.


The malefics are posited in the 8th, the 12th and in the 10th
houses. The lease of life therefore is below medium.
The above is the horoscope of a fair lady, betrothed to a
rich family. She was the eldest in the family and had three
sisters ond four brothers. The husband became poor. Note that
the 7th house is aspected by the lords of the 6th and the 8th, and
the lord of the 7th occupies the 8th, a Dusstthana.
The 12th place from the Lagna and the similar one reckoned
from the lord of the Lagna are occupied by malefics. The lord
of the Lagna is also weak being in an inimical house and the lord
of the 8th house is in a Kendra. These are Alpayuryogas., She
died n 12-r31903.
In thsfe connection, the following Slok a from Jartakadcsa
may he penmed \vith interest as the same is also agplicaljfe to the
alom-e Jiajtwity :

If the twelve houses of a nativity be divided into three

groups of four houses, each reckoned from the 1st 5th and 9rh,
and if four or more planets be posited in one single group of four
liouses, the life of the native may be declared to be long, medium
or short, according as the group containing the said planets
happens to be the 1st, Jndor 3rd respectively.
In the present case, there are six planets in the 3rd group,
-She was short-lived.

SloJca 7. W h e n t h e l o r d o f t h e L a g n a i s n o t
. a s p e c t e d b y benefics p o s i t e d i n a K e n d r a o r K o n a p o s i -
tion, w h e n the o w n e r of the R a s i occupied b y t h e lord
of t h e L a g n a a n d t h e L a g n a i t s e l f a r e n o t a s p e c t e d b y
b e n e f i c s , t h e p e r s o n c o n c e r n e d w i l l be s h o r t - l i v e d . H e
w i l l f u r t h e r h a v e n o i s s u e , n o w i f e , a n d w i l l be l a c k i n g
i n intelligence. B u t i f it be otherwise, the native w i l l
be l o n g - l i v e d , f o r t u n a t e , i n t e l i g e n t a n d e v e r r e n o w n e d .
The undermentioned illustrations will bear out the above
Chart-6 Female-Born on 21-5-1890 at 6 Gh. after Sunrise
Died on 571922.
Rahu Sun J"P; Sat.
Merc. Ketu

Rasi Navamsa
Jp. Sat. Lagna'

Ketu Mars Mars Moon ) JX,'T

32 [Khanda III

Mars is retrograde. Balance of the Dasa of Mars1 year,-

5 months and 25 days.

Mercury, the lord of the Lagna, is not aspected by any bene-

fic posited in a Kendra or Kona. Neither Venus, the owner of
the Rasi occupied by Merury, nor the Lagna, has any benefic
aspect. Hence short life.

Further, there is the Sun, a malefic planet in the 12th house

from the Lagna. This is an Alpayur Yoga.
The lord of the Lagna is in the 12th and is aspected by
Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. The last planet being in his debili-
tation and in the Sth house is weak. His aspect is therefore of
no avail. Till her death she was wielding a very great influence
over her husband, her parents, her two brothers and two sisters.
She was born as the eldest in the family. She died issueless, as
Venus, the lord of the 3th, though posited in the Lagna, receives
the aspect of Mars, and the 5th house is also aspected by Sa*-urn,
and the Putrakaraka is very weak.

Cfcart-7. MaleBorn on 931890 at Gh. after Sunset.

Died May 1920 at Bombay while on his return from Basrah.
Venus Jup. Ketu
Rasi Navamsa
Jup- Sat.

Lagna Moon
Ketu Mars Rahu Merc.
Moon Mars

Venus, the lord the Lagna, has no benefic aspect from a

Kona or a Kendra. Jupiter, the lord of the sign occupied by
Venus, as also the Lagna have no benefic aspect. Hence, shoft

The lord of the Lagna and the Sun are both posited in their
inimical houses. This is an Alpayuryoga.
The native was the eldest son of his father. Note that
Saturn, the lopd of a Kendra is in the 11th for Tula, a Chara
Lagna. It was he who denied every thing for the native in spite
of the fact tba;t. he w?is, the yogakarajsa. i o

CiaTt-8, MaleBoro o n 3 7 i S S O a t i g i Gh. after Sunset

tiiedonldQ1904V r , , ; \
Sun Mpqn
Jup- Moon Ketu Mars Sun Sat.
Sat.. Venus- Venus

Merc. '.Tip.
Mars Ketu
Rasi Navamsa

Rahu .. ^ j , , , Xa*na M&ee


The Idrd of^ the Lagna has, a benefipaspect from Jupiter,,, but
the latter planet is not posited,in a Kendra or Kona, T b e Moon,
the lord of the Rasi occiipicd by Mars, has no benefic aspect.
The Lagna too has none. Hence, short life.
Jupiter,is in th? 12th house from the Lagna-aii Alpayuryoga,
The lord of the Lagna .as well as that of the 8th liouse (in
this caseMars) is in depression. This" is another Alpayuryoga.
The lord of the 8th is in the 4th,,a Kendra, &nd the lord ojf
the L a ^ a is weak-r-another= Alpayuryoga. \ '
Saturn in depression in the Lkgna is also.another factor.

Cliart-9J FemaleBorn on |23-:^5-^'882 at 17| Gh. after

i: , : Stinrise. Died in 19ba , ,
' Ketu
^at. Sun Siin Jup.
Jup. -
MaVs Lagna
. Rasi . * Navamsa'
Lagna Moon

Mars Merc.
Rahu Rahu
Sat. Venus

34 [ K h a n d a III

Balance in Merciiry'aDasa^11 years, 5 months and 20 days.

The Sun, the lord of the Lagna, has no benefic aspect from a
ndra or Kona. Venus, the owner of Rasi occupied by the
Sun, has no benefic aspect. The Lagna too is not aspected by
any benefic. Hence short life.
The malefics viz., Saturn, Ketu the Sun, Rahu and Mars are
posited in Kendras and Konas and the I2th ; not good for longe-
vity, vide Sloka 6 (4) supra.
The lord of the 8th house is in a Kendra and eclipsed.
Mars, a malefic, is in the 12th from the Lagna, an
Saturn, in depression and a malefic, is in the 12th house rec-
koned from the Sun, the lord of the Lagna-another Alpayuryoga.
All the planets are clustered in the 3rd group of 4 houses
an Alpayuryogavide notes on sloka 6 (4) supra.

Chart-10. FemaleBom on 97'919 at 1-40 p.m.

Died January 1935.

Mars Sun
Ketu Ketu Venus
Sun Sat

Merc. Jup
Rasi Navamsa

Moon Mars Moon

Rahu Lagna j Merc. Rahu

Balance of Saturn's Dasa11 years, 8 months and 7 days.

Venus, the lord of the Lagna, has no benefic aspect from a

Kendra or Kona. The Sun, the lord of the Rasi occupied by
Venus, has m benefic aspect. The Lagna is not aspected by any
benefic. Hence, short life.
,S1. 8]

Futher, there are more than 4 planets posited in the 3rd

group of 4 housesanother Alpayuryoga.
The lord of the Lagna pnd the 8thin this case Venusis
associated with a malefic, which is also an Alpayuryoga.
If we take the Moon as the Lagna, its lord is in the 8th
house. The lord of the Las;na is weaker than the lord of the
8th house. This points to the same conclusion,

m^''tT^Ti5r:?f5TO'T57i5W^T^: new
Sloka 8. If the Ltgna (correctly c a l c u l a t e d to the
d e g r e e a n d m i n u t e ) , o r the R a s i o c c u p i e d b y the M o o n ,
b e a s p e c t e d b y the l o r d of the 8 t h house ; or the lord
o f t h e 8 t h house r e c k o n e d f r o m t h e M o o n o r the L a g n a
b e aspected b y S a t u r n or Mars, and if i n b o t h the a b o v e
c a s e s t h e r e b e no aspect b y b e n e f i c s o n the l o r d o f the
L a g n a o r o n the l o r d o f the R a s i o c c u p i e d b y the lord
o f the L a g n a , the n a t i v e concerned, though ordinarily
^expected to b e ) s i m i l a r t o M a r k a n d e y a ( n i f j o ^ ) i n t h e
m a t t e r of l o n g e v i t y , w i l l be e n t i t l e d o n l y to a n e x c e e -
d i n g l y s h o r t s p a n of l i f e .
This sloTca as well as the previous one are very important.
Sloka 7 gives one Alpayuryoga. The present Sloka enunciates
more than one Yogaviz.,
1. The lord of the Lagna and the lord of- the Bast
occupied hy the lord of the Lagna should have no henefic
aspect. The Lagna or the Chandra Lagna should be
aspected by the lord of the Sth house.
2. The lord of the Lagna and the lord of the Rasi
occupied hy ihe lord of the Lagna should hare no benefic
36 [ K h a n d a III

aspect The lord of the 8th house, reckoned from the

Lagna or Hie Chhndra Lagna should he aspected hy Saturn-
or Mars.

Chart 11. MaleBom on 2661896, early morning.

Died oil 591926.
Mars Merc. Sun Sat.
Rahu JuP;
Rasi Navamsa
Ketii' Sun Merc.

Moon Sat. Venus Riahu Moon
i Lagna
Balance of the Dasa of Veaus is 7 ye^rs, 3 months and 23 days,
; , Venus is Astha eclipsed. Saturn rel^rograde.
The presence of a malefic in the 12th house from the lord
of the Lagna has caused Alpayus for this nativity.
Applying Rule 1 to this nativity, -we see that (a) the lord of
the Lagna has no benefic aspect^ While the lord of the Rasi bccu^
pied by the lord of the Lagna is aspected by thte Moon, a benefic.)
In such cases' conning under s^lokas 7 and 8, the Moon. plays thes
role of the Lagna more than a planet and therefore lier aspect
in not considered. Benefics here will mean only Jupiter, Venus
and Mercury.
(b) The Chandralagna is being aspected by Saturn, the lord
of the 8th; hence, short Ufe.
As per Rule 2, we have the same condition (a) as above.
Also the lord of the 8th house Saturn, is being aspected by
Mars, while the lOrd of the 8th house from the Chandralagna,
viz., the Moon, is aspected by Saturn, tha lord of the 8th house.,
He;nce, short life.
V Note also the Parivarthana (exchange) between the lords of
the Lagna and the 12th house. The presence of the life-givmg

planet, Venus, (that is eclipsed) in the Lagna, is another reason

fo^ short life. ' ,
Further, th? same Saturn aspects Jupiter, the lord of the
Rasi occupied by the Moon.
, MorecA^er, the death took place in the last Bhukti of Mars'
Dasa, It is als> the Saijdhi-period between the Dasas of Mars
and Rahu,

Chart 12. MaleBorn on 151B84, at 8 Gh. after Sunrise.

Lived for about 20 or 22 years. ;
Ketu Sun Venus Ketu Mars Sun

Jup- Sat,
Rasi Navamsa
'Merc. Lagna

Rahu Mopn Jup.


Balance of Sukra's Dasa is 3 fears, 10 months and 2 days.

The Moon, the lord of the Lagna, has no benefic aspect.
The Sun, the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon has likewise
no benefic aspect. The L % n a is aspected by Saturn, the lord of
the 8th house. Rule 1.
Again Jupiter, the lord of the 8th house reckoned from the
Moon is aspected by Saturn. Rule 2.
,There are 4 planets posited in the last group of 4 houses
another Alpayuryoga.
Note also the Parivartana between Venus and Merctiry,
lords of the l l t h and 12th ; similarly the presence of the eclipsed
Ayushkaraka, Saturn, in the l l t h house. The Dasa of Mars
proved Maraka,
38 gTl<:i>lril^'r^ [ K h a n d a III

Chart-13,FemaleBom on 2481901 at 9-20 p.m.

Died on 3111916
Lagna Ketu Merc. Sun


Rasi Navamsa

Jup- Venus Ketu Mars Sat.
Balance of Ketu Dasa is 4 years, 8 months and 18 days.
Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde.
Jupiter, the lord of the Lagna, has no benefic aspect. He is
in his own camp and therefore is the lord of the Rasi occupied
by the lord of the Lagna. The lord of the 8th, i. c , Venus, is
aspected by Saturn, Hence, short life. Rule 2.
The lord of the 8th aspects the Lagna. Hence short life. Rule 1.
Venus is in the 7th house,Maraka housein debilitation'
alone, and the Lagna is unoccupiedanother Alpayuryoga,

Chart-I4- FemaleBorn on 1021912, at 3 p.m.

Died on 411937.

Rahu K'ahu
Mars Lagna Mars

Sun Lagna

Ventis Ketu Jup- Sat. Sun
Jup- Ketu
Balance of Jupiter's Dasa 1 year, 5 months and 23 days.
Mercury, the lord of the Lagna, is not aspected by a bene-
fic. Saturn, the lord of the Rasi occupied by Mercury has no
benefic aspect. Mercury, the lord of the 8th house from the
Moon is aspected by Saturn. Hence short life. Rule 2 above.
There is a malefic posited in the 12th from the Lagnaan
Mercury, the lord of the Lagna, has gone to a Dustthana
and the Moon is also weak being in debilitation. Another
The lord of the 3rd is in the Sth house and is aspected by
Saturn, a malefic. Another Alpayuryoga.
The Lagna is unoccupied and Venus is alone in the 7th house
and the lord of the Lagna is in the 8th. This is another Yoga
indicating Alpayus.
Lord of the Lagna has gone to the 8th and therefore weak.
Saturn the Lord of the Sth is in debilitation and therefore
weak. Another Alpayuryoga. Lagna is agpected by the Lord oj
the Sth, Sloka 8 Rule-1.
Death took place in the Dasa of Budha, posited in the 8tb
house, and in the 7th star from the natal one.

Chart-15. FemaleBorn on 2191915, at 7 A , M ;

Died on 711934

Sat. Sat.
Jup- Lagna Mars

Sun Jup-
Moon Ketu Venus Rahu
Rasi Navamsa
Rahu Ketu
Venus ; Moon Merc;
40 [Khan4a I E ,

Balance of Kuja Dasa0 year, 3 months an^i 10 days.

Jupiter Is retrograde. Venus is eclipsed.
Mercury, the lord of the Lagna, is, in Kanya Navamsa-the :
last Navamsa^of Kanya and Jupiter is in Kataka Navamsa-the i
fifsf Navamsa of Meena. There is thus no aspect at all of Jupiter
over Mercury. Mars, the lord of the 8th house from the Lagna,
is aspecting the Lagna. Rule 1, of Sloka 8.
Mars, lord of the 8th house, is conjoined w'th Saturn,
Also Mercury who is the lord of the Sth house trom the
Moon is aspected by Mars. Rule 2 of Sloka 8.
Death took place at the end of Rahu Dasa, Rah-Jt being
aspected by Mars, lord of he 8th house, Rahu is also in the ;
]2th from the Moon aud the lord of his Rasi, Saturn, is, agaia
conjoined with Mars, lord of the 8th house.

- " ., < I
Chart-ie. Male Born on 31-8^1006. Die4 onai-i.-19,0.

Merc. Ketu
Lagna Jup- Mars Mooh'

Rahu Lagna
Merc. Jup-
Rasi Navamsa
Moon Mars,
Ketu^ Sun

Venus Rahu Venus

Balance of Chandra Dasa6 years, 6 months and 24 daysl
Jupiter, the lord of thejLagnai has no benefic aspect. Iv^ercury
the lord of the Rasi occupied by Jupiter, has no benefic aspect
(the Moon's aspect over Mercury is not to be considered here
while, applying the Rules stated in Slokas 7 and 8 as the Moon's
Position is considered equivalent more to a Lagna than to a
planet). The lord of the 8th house from Chandra Lagna, i.e..

the Sun, is aspected by Saturn and conjoined with Mars, Hence

short life. Rule 2.
In this connection, it will not be out of place if it were to be
observed that the two luminaries are not to be considered here.
Neither the solar aspect is malefic, nor the lunar one, benefic.
Venus is in the first degree of Tula, while the Lagna is
2O03O" in Meena. Hence, Venus is exactly in the 7th house and
is alone while the Lagna is unoccupied. This is an Alpayuryoga.
Now Venus happens to be the lord of the 8th and aspects
the Lagna. Hence short life. Rule 1.
Saturn, a malefic, in the 12th from the Lagna is another
For his short life, see also Sloka 102 of Kanda 2, 1st pada-
The boy was a prodigy in mathematics 4nd was reading in
the B.A. Honours class at the time of demise.
The above six examples (charts 1116) come exclusively
under Sloka 8.

The horoscope printed below serves as an illustration for

Slokas 6 and 8.
CIiart-17. MaleBorn on 2-10-1879 at 13 Gh. after Sunset.
Died on 1151916.

Lagna Sun
Sat. Moon Mars Mars Merc.
Ketu Ketu

Venus Moon

Rasi Navamsa
Rahu Merc.
Balance of Ketu Dasa0 years, 0 months 3 days.
42 F K h a n d a III

Ketu, the Sun, Rahu and Saturn are posited in Kendras.

Mars occupies the 12th. Sloka 6, (4).
Mercury, the lord of the Lagna, has no benefic aspect,
Mars who is the lord of the 8th house from the Moon is aspected
by Saturn. Sloka 8, Rule 2.
Further, there are four planets posited in the last group of
four housesanother Alpayuryoga,
Death took place in Mars' Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Both Mars
and Rahu are aspected by Saturn. Rahu is in Maraka house and
in Vipattara so too is Mars, They are in quincunx position.
The lord of the Lagna is eclipsed, conjoined with debilitated
Venus, and aspected by Saturn.

In the undertnentioned six nativities, the principles laid

down in both the Slokas 7 and 8 are illustrated :
Chart-18. FemaleBorn on 1521915 at 11-29 A , M ,
Died on 27111934.

Lagna Sat, Ketu

>P. Mars
Merc. Rasi Navamsa
Ketu Venus

Lagna Sat.
Venus Jup. Rahu Sun

Balance of Rahu Dasa5 years, 6 months, and 25 days.

Mars, the lord of the Lagna, is not aspected by any benefic
posited in a Kendra or a Kona. Saturn, the lord of the Rasi
occupied by Mars, has no benefic aspect. The Lagna too is no'^
aspected by any benefic. Hence short life. Sloka 7.
The Lagna is aspected by Mars, the lord of the Sth, Hence
hort life Sloka 8, Rule 1.

Mercury, the lord of the Sth house from the Moon, is aspec-
ted by Saturn. Hence short life. Sloka 8, Rule 2.
There are more than 4 planets clustered in the last group of
4 housesan Alpayuryoga.
Death took place in the Dasa of Jupiter who is eclipsed,
Jupiter is the lord of the 12th house and is aspected by Saturn-

Chart-19. FemaleBorn on 921920 at 14 gh. after Sunrise..

Died in 1937.



Rasi Navamsa
Sat, Mars
Mars Jup. Lagna Venus Moon
Venus Moon
Rahu Ketu Merc.

Balance of Kuja Dasa4 years, 7 months and 13 days.

Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde. Mercury is Astha.
Mars, the lord of the Lagna, has no aspect from a benefic
posited in a Kendra or a Kona. Venus, the lord of the sign
occupied by Mars, has no benefic aspect. The Lagna too has
no benefic aspect. Hence short life. Sloka 7.
The Lagna is aspected by the lord of the 8th house. Sloka 8
Mars, the lord of the 8th house is aspected by Saturn.
Sloka 8, Rule 2.
Mars happens to be the lord of the 8th house from the
Chandra Lagna also.
The lord of the Lagna and of the 8th is associated with
Rahu, a malefic ; this is an Aipayuryoga, and Death happened in
the Dasa of Rahu who is conjoined with Mars and is situated in a
star 3td from Natal Star, and in subrect to aspect from Saturn.
44 [ K h a n d a III

barl-20. MaleBorn on 1351889 at 53^ Gh. after Sunrise.

Died January 1911.
Rahu Mars
Lagna Venus Mars
Mandi Rahu
Rasi Sun Nayamsa
Moon Lagna Ketu,

Balance of Rahu Dasa10 years, lOmonthsand 18days.

The lord of the Lagna (Jupiter) has no benefic aspect frome
Kendra or Kona. The Lagna too is not aspected by any benefic.
Sloka 7. The Lord of the Lagna is aspected by Mars.
Venus lord of the 8th reckoned either from the Lagna or the
Chandra Lagna aspects the Chandra Lagna Sloka 8 Rule (1).
Venus, the lord of the 8th house whether reckoned from the
Lagna or the Moon is aspected by Saturn. Sloka 8, Rule 2.
This nativity does not appear to come under any of the
other Alpayuryogas treated elsewhere.
The lord of the Sth house is stronger than that of the Lagna.
Death happened in the Dasa of Jupiter who has the defect of
owning Kendras.
Chart-21. FemaleBorn on 14101916 at 9-15 P . M .
DiedJanuary 1934.

Lagna Moon
Jup. Moon Jup.

Ketu Mars
Sat. Ketu
Rasi Navamsa
Rahu Venus Rahu Venus

Merc. ! Sun
Sun Sat.

Balance of Moon's Dasa9 years, 11 months and 29 days.

Venus, the lord of the Lagna is not aspected by any benefic
posited in a Kendra or Kona, There is no benefic,; aspect either
for the Sun, the lord of the Rasi occupied by Venus, or for the
Lagna; hence short life, Sloka 7.
Jupiter, the lord of the Sth house from the Lagna as well as
from the Chandralagna, is aspected by Sat'irn, Hence, short
life Sloka S, Rule 2..
Jupiter posited in the 12th house from the Lagna is an
Saturn and Ketu iSlhe 12fh house from Venus, the lord of
the Lagna, is another Alpayuryoga that is applicable in this case.

Chart-22. FemaleBorn on 531898 at 9-30 A . M .

Died on 2121918.

Lagna Sun Jup.

Ketu Ketu
Moon Lajfna
Rasi Navamsa
Rahu Merc
Mars Mars

Sat. Jup. Sat. Moon

Balance of Saturn's Dasa3 years, 8 months and 6 days.

The lord of the Lagna, Mars, is not aspected by a benefic
placed in a Kendra or Kona. (Moon's aspect should not be
considered, as already mentioned). Saturn, the lord of the Rasi
occupied by Mars has no benefic aspect. The Lagna too has
none. Hence, short life. Sloka 7.
The lord of the Sth house, Mars, aspects the Lagna and
Chandra Lagna. Hence short life, Sloka 8, Rule 1.
The lord of the Sth is aspected by Saturn. Hence, short
Ufe. Sloka 8Rule 2.
The lord of the Lagna and of the Sth (in this caseMars)
is in conjunction with a malefican Alpayuryoga,
Four planets are clustered in the 3rd gioup of 4 house*
another Alpayuryoga.
46 <Jxn,*|<!4|+icl K h a n d a III

Chart-23. MaleBorn on 571898 at Sunrise.

Died on 2931922.
Lagna Lagna
Mars Sun MoonJ Sun Merc.
Merc. Jup.
Venus Venus
Rasi Navamsa

Rahu Sat. Jup- Mars.

Balance of Sun's Dasa1 year, 5 months and 3 days.

Saturn is retrograde. Mercury is Astha.
The lord of the Lagna is not aspected by any benefic planet
occupying a Kendra or Trikona. The Lagna also has no benefic
aspect. Hence short life. Sloka 7.
Saturn, the lord of the 8th, aspects the Chandralagna.
Hence short life. Sloka 8, Rule 1.
Saturn, the lord of the 8th house, is aspected by Mars.
Hence, short hfe. Sloka 8, Rule 2.
The following horoscope serves as an illustration for Slokas
6, 7 and 8 above.
Chart-24. FemaleBorn on 781907 at 330 P.M.
Died on 25111934.

Sat. Rahu Rahu

Rasi Venus Navamsa Merc.
Sun Sun Jup-
Mars Ketu Venus Mars

Balance of Jupiter's Dasa2 years, 2 months and 29 days.

Mars and.Saturn are retrograde.
All the benelics are posited in the 8th, a Dussthanaan
Alpayuryoga according to sloka 6.
Jupiter the lord of the Lagna is not aspected by any benefic
from a Kendra or Kona. Neither the Moon, the lord of the
sign occupied by Jupiter, nor the Lagna has any benefic aspect.
Hence, short life. Sloka 7.
The lord of the Sth from the Chandralagna aspects the
Lagna. Hence, short life. Sloka 8, Rule 1.
The lord of the Sth is aspected by Mars. Hence, short life.
Sloka S. Rule 2.
Saturn, the lord of the Sth from the Chandralagna, is also
aspected by Mars. Hence, short life. Sloka 8, Rule 2.
The Moon is in a Dussthana and the lord of the Lagna is
also weak being in the 8th. This is an Alpayuryoga.
The lords of the 1st and the 8th (the Moon being in a
: Dussthana) are both weak. This is another Alpayuryoga.

The following are cases of Alpayuryogas where the Yogas

; mentioned in Slokas 6, 7, and 8 do not apply: (except Chart 28).
Chart 25. FemaleBorn on 1811915 at 5-30 A . M .
Died on 810--1938.

Sat. Merc. Ketu

Jup. Sun
Rasi Navamsa
Sun Ketu

Mars Mars
Venus Lagna
Lagna Venus
48 <iiM'<bt<!il^ic^ [ K h a n d a III

Balance of the Dasa of Mars0 years, 10 months and 23 days.

Mars is Astha.
In this horoscope, the lord of the Lagna is conjoined with
the lord of the 8th and is further associated with Rahu, a
malefic. This is an Alpayuryoga.
Further, the death has occurred in Jupiter dasa-Saturn'S
Bhukti Jupiter is a Papi as he owns the 4th Kendra. Saturn,
though owning the 2nd house, took the liberty of causing death
in Jupiter's (an inauspicious planet) Dasa by virtue of his
position in the 7th and as a consequence of. his association with
the lord of the 12th. This chart should come under Kanda
2, SI. 85.

Chart-26. FemaleBorn on 1341909 at 11-45 P.M.

Died on 5121934.

Merc. Merc
Sat. Sun Rahu Venus Sun Lagna
Venus," Ketu

Rasi Moon
Jup- Merc.

Lagna Ketu Rahu

Balance of the Sun's Dasa3 years, 3 months and 11 days

The Lagna is betwixt two malefics and without Jupiter's
7th aspectan Alpayuryoga.
Ketu, a malefic, ^is in the 12thanother Alpayuryoga.

Cliart-27. MaleBorn on 16121905 at 49| Gh. after Sunrise,


Moon Sun
Jup- Mere. Rahu

Moon Jup-
Rasi Navanita
Mars Rahu

Venus Venus
Sun Lagna Sat. Ketu Mars
Merc, Lajna

Balance of Mercury's Dasa1 year and 3 months

Jupiter is retrograde. Mercury is Astha.
The lords of the Lagna and the 12th house are conjoined
and aspected by a malefic, an Alpayuryoga.
Mars is in the 30th degree of Makara, and Jupiter is in the
5th degree of Vrishabha. Hence, Mars aspects Jupiter with
almost a full eye. The lord of the 3rd house, Jupiter, is in the
8th, and aspected by Mars, a malefic. This is another Alpayuryoga^

Cliart-28. FemaleBorn on 2711892 at 44^ Gh. after Sunrise^

Died on2391911.

Rahu Sat. Sun Jup.

.Jup. Venus Ketu

Rasi Navamsa
Sun Rahu

Moon Mars Mars

Lagna Sat. Moon Merc.
Merc. Ketu

Saturn is retrograde.
50 ^TRfl^si^ [Khanda I V

Balance of Sukra Dasa is 9 years, 3 months and 24 days.

Venus, the lord of the Lagna has no benefic aspect, Saturn
the lord of the Rasi occupied by Venus, has also no benefic
aspect. Venus, the lord of the 8th, is aspected by Mars. Hence,
short life. Sloka 8, Rule 2.
The Lagna, is betwixt two malefic planets without Jupiter's
7th house aspectan Alpayuryoga. There is a malefic in the
12th houseanother Alpayuryoga.

Ckwt 29. FemaleBorn on 22-2-1890, at 2|gh, after Sunrise*

Died on 1451915,
Moon Rahu Jup Lagna Sat
Rasi Navamsa
Jup- Sun
Sat, Venus Mars

Kem Mars Rahu

The lord of the Lagna and the Sun are posited in their respec-
tive inimical houses. This is an Alpayuryoga.
The lords of the 1st and the 8th houses are both weak
another Alpayuryoga.
Jupiter is in the 12th house from the Lagna. This is another

4. Jif^sT^^"^:

f t i ^ ii^mi^ II m
SECTION 4 P l a n e t s i n the several bhavas a n d
t h e i r efifects.

Sloka ! P l a n e t s of the u n d e r m c n t l n e d groups, i f

in a n y w a y m u t u a l l y related, prove auspicious to the
native andj make- h i m a great personage and h i g h l y
renowned :
(i) those o c c u p y i n g t h e i r e x a l t a t i o n , o w n h o u s e , a
friend's house o r a T r i k o n a p o s i t i o n ;
(ii) those that a r e posited i n a Kendra position
and have attained Vargottamamsa ;
( i i i ) those that a r e aspected b y benefics, that a r e
conjoined with benefics, or, are posited
b e t w i x t benefics ;
( i v ) those t h a t o c c u p y t h e i r M o o l a t r i k o n a R a s i s ;
(v) t h o s e that are p r o c e e d i n g towards t h e centre
of a b h a v a ; a n d
(vi) those t h a t h a p p e n t o o w n a K e n d r a h o u s e a n d
a K o n a house at the s a m e t i m e .

a r t - 3 0 . MaleBorn on 2371875, at 53^ Gh. after Sunrise.

Died on 19111953 at 9.22 A . M .
Saturn and Mars are retrograde. Jupiter is in Vargottamamsai*
Balance of Sani Dasa^4 years and 6 months.
The owner of the nativity printed in the next page was a
retired officer who was holding a good position in a major
state of India.
Mercury in a Kendra and in his own house has formed
Bhadra Yoga, Phaladeepika (VI1,2). He is further aspected '
52 ^W?5T3:^ [Khanda IV

Moon Lagna
1 Merc. Mars
Rahu Venus Ketu

Sat. Sun

Rasi Navamsa

Mars Jup. Ketu Rahu Moon Jup. Sun
1 Sat.
by a strong Jupiter who is posited in a Trilcona and in
Vargottamamsa (Sloka 1). Saturn is in his Moolatrikona and in
the 9th and is aspected by Jupiter.
The lord of the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by Jupiter is
Venus, and he is conjoined with the lord of Lagna (Sloka 5>
infra). The lords of the 4th and Sth in the Lagna and aspected
by Jupiter form another favourable feature, Rahu in the 10th
is auspicious (Sloka 9 infra). Mercury, Venus and the Moon in
the Kendras, Jupiter in the Sth and Saturn in his own Rasi are
all favourable.
The presence of Lagna, Jupiter (the lord of the 10th) and'
Saturn (the lord of the 9th), all in Tula Navamsa form the
vertices of an equilateral triangle. This simple position promises
the native, a tolerable financial basis to begin his life with.
Vide IV1 (i).
The conjunction of Venus and Mercury-the lords of the Sth
and 4thin the Lagna, at the same time being beneficially
aspected by a strong Jupiter (as he is in Vargottama), makes the
native deserve the esteem with which the public viewed him. The
ascending node of the Moon is in mid-heaven which is one of the
necessary factors for bringing the native to prominence.
The position of Mercury in the Lagna as the lord of the 4th
makes the native learned, as Mercury is the Vidya Karaka.
Note also the beneficial aspect which Mercury receives from
Jupiter, the Vageesa.
SI. 1 53

The beneficial aspect which Jupiter bestows on Saturn, the

Pitru Karaka as well as the Pitru Sthanadhipa and on Mer-
cury the lord of the Lagna and Matru sthanadhipa shows how
the native was loved by both the parents.

The aspect of the Matrukaraka over the 4th house (mother)

and her position in a Kendra with respect to the Matrustthana-
dhipa as well as Lagnadhipa make the native a pet child of the
The unfortunate malefic aspect which the Matrukaraka
and the Matrustthanadhlpati received at the hands of Mars, the
lord of the 6th, led to the early demise of the mother. For
Mars is in the 30th degree of Vrischika, and the Moon is in the
14th of Meena. Hence, the aspect of Mars over the Moon is
.77. VideKhandaH18 J-19^ supra.

Venus, the Kalatrakaraka, aspects the Kalatrastthana

being himself aspected by the lord of that house. This ensures
the native a good partner. This is further supported by the
fact that the Bhagyesa, who is retrograde, is being beneficially
aspected by the lord of the 7th house. The trine among VenUg
Kalatrakaraka, Jupiter (lord of the 7th) and Saturn (lord of the
9th) ensures longevity for both.
The presence of the Putrakaraka in the 5th, an inimical
house, while that of its lord who is also the lord of the 12th in
the Lagna is responsible for the premature losses of children.
But the better side of the situation is that the Putrakaraka
aspects the Putrastthanadhipa who is in conjunction with the
lord of the 4th. This ensures the native with some happiness at
the tail end of his life through his children.

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter being in Kendra and Kona

confer good longevity on the native. Ill6 (1) supra. The
Ayushkaraka is very strong and is Under the aspect of Jupiter.

Regarding the position of Mars: He is posited near the star

Antares* which symbolises the tail of the scorpion. The nature
54 ^Ml'til^r'j.^ [Khanda IV

of Mars as the lord of the 6th in this position can be bett.cr imagi-
nedfthan described. He is the Bhratru Karaka. His evil aspect over
the lord of the 2nd ; his evil aspect over the last portions of the
Bhagya Bhava his aspect over the first portions of Kutumba Rasi*
his aspect as Bhratrukaraka over the Bhratrnstthanadhipa, the
Sun ; these factors go to show that the native's brothers (sisters
as well) would have been responsible for creating discord or
faction among the members of the family (as Mars aspects the
2nd house as well as its lord). The main sufferer should be
the native (note-Mars is the lord of the 6th). The native would
have tried to keep up the peace even at the risk of a part of his
own advantages for Mars aspects only portions of Dhana and
Bhagya (Rasis).
The Native lost his partner in Rahu dasa Rahu bhukti i,e, on
7th June 1950 and he passed away during Rahudasa Sani bhukti.

*Alpha ScropiiSagittarius 8 39' a red star situated in the

body of the scorpion, similar in nature to Mars. It is known as
the rival of Mars. In conjunction with Mars, the effect is very
malefic in nature,
"With Mars: Detrimental habits powerfully affecting the
life, quarrels with friends and relatives, favourable for gain
V . E , Robson, "The fixed stars and constellations in Astrology."

Chart-31. MaleBorn on 2321896 at 8^ Gh.

after Sunset.

Moon Venus Sat.

Sun Ketu
Rahu Jup-

Mars Rasi Sun Navamsa

Venus Ketu Rahu
Merc. Mars

Lagna Moon Lagna Jup.

SI. 1 55

Balance of Kuja Dasa1 year, 7 months and 6 days-

The Lagna is Vargottama.
The above is the horoscope of a' high officer in the tutorial
line employed in one of the Major State of India. Including the
Yogakaraka, three planets are in their respective exaltation
houses, so that the three MahapurushajYogas^viz., Hamsa, Sasa
and Ruchakaare influencing. (Phaladeepika VI1, 2, 3, 4)
Also IV1,
Venus, being in the 4th, possesses full Digbala ( H - l l ^
12 supra). The lords of the 1st and the 7th are conjoined.
' Mars is also the lord of the (Kutumba) 2nd Bhava. And the
lord of the 1st is the Kalatrakaraka. The association of these
two planets causes more than two wives. Saturn in exaltation
and Jupiter in a Kendra position with respect to him and Venus,
endowed with strength will surely tend to give a good longevity
to the native. Further, the three benefics, viz., Jupiter, Venus
and Mercury, occupy Kendra houses and will therefore make
the native long-lived (III6 supra).
The Parivartana or interchange of places between the lords
of the 1st and the 4th houses causes a very good Maha Yoga
videPhaladeepika VI32. 34.
The benefics in Kendras, the Moon in the 9th, Saturn in
exaltation and Ketu in the llth, all prove auspicious (IV-16
The lords of the 6th and 12th are mutually aspecting. The
native will become wealthy and renowned. IV22 infra).
The lords of the 2nd and 9th are combined. His wealth
will rise ultimately to a lakhIV27.
The Moon's Rasi-lord is Mercury and her Navamsa-lord is
Mars. These two are conjoind with Venus, the lord of the
Lagna. The eff'ect will be to make the native prosperous, wealthy
and happy. IV5.
The 2nd house (of wealth), viz., Vrischika as also its lord
are aspected by a very strong Jupiter. This Jupiter in return
receives the aspects of (1) the Yogakaraka, Saturn (2) the lord
56 arwn'^JTij^ [Khanda IV

of weaUh Mars (3) Venus, the lord of the Lagna and (4) Mer-
cury, the lord of the 9th. Mars, (the lord of) the 2nd, occupies
a Kendra and is in Vargotamamsa. The native will simply
be rolling in wealth.

Jupiter as lord of the 6th certainly occupies a stronger posi-

tion than his enmy Venus who is the Kalatrakaraka as well as
the lord of the Lagna. The former's aspect over the latter has
certainly an upper hand over the aspect cast by Venus on Jupiter.
This implies that the native will be involved and worried on his
partner's account.

The aspect cast by Jupiter (lord ofjthe 6th) over Venusthe

Kalatrakaraka, as also lord of 1st and Sthas well as over Mars
(lord of the 2nd and 7th) causes mental, disturbance over family
question relating to the native's partner.
The reason for his high status is owing to the lord of the
iQth house occupying the 9th, and the 10th house being aspected
by the lords of the 9th, 1st, 2nd, 4th and the Yogakaraka.
The lords of the 9th and 10th from the 9th occupy houses
which are mutually in Kendra position- The lords of the 9th
and 10th reckoned from the 10th are mutually aspecting. These
are powerful Rajayogas. IV4.

Chart 32. Born on 1871919 at 6-15 p.m.

Moon Ketu Mars Sat.
Merc. Mars Sun
Rasi Navamsa
Venus Jup.

Lagna Rahu Lagna Rahu
Balance of Saturn's Dasa13 years, 8 months and 29 days.
The Native is the head of a major State of India,
Lagna is Vargottama, The Sun is in the 7th Kendra and is
in Vargottamamsa. The lord of the Lagna is in exaltation and
in the 7th Bhava (a Kendra). There is thus Hamsa yoga. IV-I).
A n exalted Jupiter aspects the 2nd house along with the
Swn and Mercury. This makes the Native a fine extempore
speaker. Venus being in the 9th in his own Star in conjunc-
tion with the lord of the 2nd house gives the Native a fine taste
in fine arts such as music decoration etc.
The Sun, the lord of the 9th, is in a Kendra in conjunction
with the lord of the 1st and 4th, These two planets aspect the
rising Navamsa almost fully and are therefore productive of
immense good. The Lagna being in the last degree of Dhanus
receives the aspect of the three planets, viz., Mars, the Sun and-
The lord of the 10th is conjoined with the lord of the 2nd
.(they are only 4" apart) and the 10th house is aspected by Mars..

SloJca 3. T h e f o l l o w i n g sets o f p l a n e t s w i l l p r o v e
inauspicious and mar the good or Subha Yogas
m e n t i o n e d i n t h e last S l o k a :
(i) P l a n e t s i n d e b i l i t a t i o n ,
(ii) Planets vanquished i n pla.netary w a r .
(iii) Planets occupying i n i m i c a l houses.
(iv) T h o s e that are aspected b y , or are i n con
junction with, or are placed between
malefics :
58 5f=?w:BigTij:^ [Khanda I V

(v) P l a n e t s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a r e t r o g r a d e p l a n e t
a n 8T^?fW^ ( A s t a n g a t a o r e c l i p s e d ) planet or
Rahu :
(vi) Planets posited i n a *n^?ff?!T ( B h a v a S a n -
dhi) :
( v i i ) P l a n e t s that a r e w e a k :

(viii) Planets owning D u s s t t h a n a s , viz., 6 t h , 8 t h

and 13th, when conjoined with lords oF
K e n d r a o r o f T r i k o n a houses.

Cliarl-33. MaleBorn on 12111893, at 7-45 A . M .

I i
Rahu Jup- Moon Sun

.Iiip- !
Rasi Navainsa

Venus I Lagna Sun Sat. Merc.

Mars Sat.
Moon j Merc. Mars Ketu Lagna

Balance of Ketu Dasa3 years, 7 months and 20 days.

The lords of the 2nd and 7th houses have interchanged places.
Mars, the lord of the Lagna, in conjunction with the Sun
(lord of the 10th) has gone to the 12th. The Sun,the Rajya
Karaka and the lord of the Rajyastthana in conjunction with
the lord of the Lagna should bestow on the native a high com-
manding stature and princely comforts. But the Sun is now con.
joined with the lord of the 6th unaspected by benefics and is
posited in the 12th in his enemy's camp. IV2 (3), The native
will consequently hav to lose the poition acquired and undergo
some torments as Mars governs the 6th house.

Regarding the degree of learning which the the native should

have acquired, it must be noted that the planets governing edu-
cation are all occupying their enemies' camp. Analysing the
above statement, we see that Jupiter, the lord of the 2nd,.
Vidyasthana, is in his enemy's camp, while Mercury, the
Vidyakaraka, is also in his enemy's camp. But the better side
of the aspect is that the Vidyasthanadhipa who is also the
Vakpati and Vakstthanadhipati aspects Vidyakaraka,
Mercury, who returns the aspect. The native, in spite of hi*
ow education, will try to lift himself up in the worldly plane
merely by the strength of his speech. The aspect of Saturn, the
lord of the 4th, over Mercury is a support to this statement. A n -
other interesting point is that Jupiter, the lord of the 2nd, occupies
the 7th Kendra, his enemy's camp and aspects the Lagna. His
aspect over Saturn, the lord of the 4th, is not returned, while the
Moon and Jupiter do not have any mutual aspect. If must be
inferred from this that the native may think more of himself than
what he is. This statement would not have been made but for
the evil aspect which the lord of the Lagna casts on this Jupiter.
His knowledge of philosophy will not be sanguine as Jupiter does
not get the return aspect from Saturn while the Moon (the mind)
is placed in the 8th from Jupiter.
The native has got a charitable disposition as the Moon is
posited in the 2nd. But this Moon ii in conjunction with her
natural enemy, Venus, who is also the lord of the 12th. Thus
the native's helping disposition is ruinous to the person who'
receives the help. To support this view, the lord of the Rasf
occupied by the Moon is aspected by the lords of the 6th and
the Sth.
The Moon, the lord the 9th, is conjoined with Venus, the
lord of the 7th and 12th. This combination in the 2nd will no
doubt make the native look very handsome and of princely gait.
But as the lord of Bhagya is conjoined with the lord of the
12th in the 2nd (house of wealth), tha native will have to lose all .
the wealth during the Moon's Dasa, specially in the Bhukti of
Venus IV2 (8).
Td<'*I<*|Jicl [Khanda IV

The lord of the Lagna has gone to the 12th. The Sun,
another maleftc, is in the 12th. Mercury, the lord of the Sth is
in the Lagna aspected by Saturn. These are Yogas to cut short
life. The lord of the 5th is in the 7th and is aspected by Mars,
resulting in the loss of the first wife. His children may not cut
a prominent figure in the world as Jupiter the lord of the 5th
and the Putrakaraka, is in his enemy's camp being aspected by
Mercury, the lord of the Sth, and Mars, the lord of the 6th.

warn =^15

f ^ 5 [ ^ ^ * 5 r qr

Sloka 3. (a) W h e n the 9 t h a n d the lOth houses

a r e o c c u p i e d b y t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e l o r d s , {b) w h e n the s a i d
lords are p l a c e d t o g e t h e r i n e i t h e r of these houses, o r
.{c) w h e n they interchange places, or (fZ) i f t h e y a r e s o
p o s i t e d that t h e y m u t u a l l y aspect each other, these two
planets bring on Rajayoga Ho the native, (e) If t h e
s a i d t w o p l a n e t s b e i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h a n y of t h e l o r d s
o f t h e 5 t h , t h e 7 t h , the 1st a r i d the 4 t h , o r (/) occupy
a n y o f these houses, t h e y b r i n g o n w e a l t h a n d h a p p i n e s s
t o the n a t i v e c o n c e r n e d p r o v i d e d the s a i d t w o l o r d s ( o f
the 9th a n d : t h e 10th) d o n o t o w n t h e S t h o r t h e l l t h
h o u s e as w e l l .

About the (Bandha) or (Sambandha) between two planets^

compare what Mantreswara says in his Phaladeepika XV-30.

Rajasabhabhushana Diwan Bahadur

Dr. Sir K- P. Puttanna Chetty, K t . , C . I E - , L L . D .
harl-34. Born on 791856, at 4 p.m. Died on 2371938.

Rahu Lagna
Sat. Merc.
Jup- Sat.

Rasi Navamsa
Lagna Sun Moon Ketu

Merc. Jup. Sun
Mars Ketu
Balance of Mercury's Dasa10 years, 1 month and 17 days.
The Moon and Mars in Vrischika is one of the.Prabala
Deergayur Yogas. The malefics Rahu, Saturn and Mars in the
Upachaya house aspected by or associated with benefics bestow
Deerghayus (Jataka Parijata-IV90). Rahu in the 3rd associated
with Jupiter and aspected by Venus and Mercury is the 3rd
Deerghayur Yoga in this horoscope.
The native lived a useful life of 82 years.
The two beneficsVenus and Mercurythe lords of the 9th
and 10th from the Lagna are conjoined in the 9th (IV3). Raja-
yoga in its best form is prevalent in this nativity. This con-
junction is further aspected by Jupiter. More than this, it will
be interesting to note that Mercury, the lord of the 9th, is con-
joined with the Yogakaraka Venus.
The presence of two important Dhana Yogas is noteworthy-
(i) the combination of the lords of the Sth and Sth (two Kona
houses) in the 9th (house of luck); and (2) the combination of
Mars and the Moon, lords of two Kendra houses (4th and 7th) in
Vrischika (the llth house), a sign owned by Mars. It will be
very interesting to note that the said Dhana Yogas receive the
full aspect of Jupiter.
62 3Vi'-ii|>|SrJicl [ K h a n d a I\r

Another feature of this nativity is that the combination>

which produced Rajayoga, is in the 9th (house of Dharma). T h i *
shows the extreme benevolent and charitable disposition of the
native and it can be asserted that the native made charities right
from the core of his heart as the Sun, the Soul, posited in his
own Moolatrikona, aspects the Dhana Bhava. The native
would have had ample comforts as Mars, lord of the 4th, is in
his own camp, at the same time being aspected by Jupiter, his
friend. The richness of the native is further supported by the
fact that the 2nd house (of wealth) is aspected by a strong Mars.
Jupiters owning the 3rd and 12th is very auspicious. IV9
infra. The Sun, the lord of the 8th, is in the 8th itself, which is
also good.

Cliart-35. MaleBorn on 23.24101853 at 1-15 a.m.

Ketu Sat. Sat.

Lagna Ketu
Rasi Jup- Navamsa

Rahu Mars
Sun Merc.
Moon Jup.
Balance of Mercury's Dasa14 years, 11 months and 23 days.
This nativity is unique by itself : Jupiter and Mars, the lords
of the 9th and 10th from the Lagna are in exact conjunction and
are associated with the lord of the Lagna in the Lagna. The
combination of these three friendly planets in the Lagna Kendra
is productive of immense good. Jupiter being exalted, there is
further the Hamsa Yoga (IV1). The presence of the Gaja-
kcsari Yoga in the Lagna is another featureJataka Parijata

That the native will be rolling in wealth is evident from the

conjunction of the lord of the 9th with that of the 1st in the 1st
house. Another reason for the above statement is the aspect of
the Yogakaraka, Mars, over the Sun (lord of the 2nd, posited in
the 4th).

Venus occupies the 4th Kendra identical with his Moolatri-

kona house thus forming a (Malavya) Yoga- (Phaladeepika VI-1,3) ^

FiU'ther, the Moon and Venus are posited in their own

house's and are iu mutual Kendra positionsIV-13.

Jupiter and Mars also happen to be the lords of the 9th and
10th from the 9th, thus strengthening the Raja Yoga. IV4.

The aspect of the lord of the 4th and l l t h over the 10th,
that of the Rajya Karaka, i.e., the Sun over the lOth j that of
the lord of the 10th over the Sun, are all responsible for the
Strong and immoveable high position held by the native.

The aspect of the Putrakaraka i.e., Jupiter, over the Sth

and the conjunction of the same planet with the lord of the 5th
and also with the lord of the Lagna in the Lagna only shows how
the children of the native may outshine their father. The native
will also identify himself with the well-being of his children.

The Yogas cited above will certainly bring this native to a

very high level in the eyes of the -vs'orld. This is the luckiest
horoscope I have ever come across in all may experience of over
50 years in this science.

Exalted Jupiter in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna

makes the native live to a considerable old age. Further, the
combination of the Moon, Mars and Jupiter in any single house
is a Deerghayur-Yoga.
64 3T{ilt'lr^i^ [Khanda I V

Cliarl 36. MaleBorn on 2241887, at 25 Gh. after Sunset.

Lagna Venus Moon
Sun Venus Sat.
Merc. Rahu Sat.

Ketu Sun
Rasi Navamsa

Jup. Merc.

Balance of Ketu Dasa3 years, 11 months and 26 days.

The lords of the 9th and 10th are mutually aspecting (IV-3).
The lords of the 9th and 10th from the 9th are in conjunction
(IV4). The lords of the 2nd, 5th and 9th are conjoined (IV.5).
The lords of the Rasi and Amsa occupied by the Sun are
Mars and the Moon. They and the lord of the Lagna have also
become related by mutual aspect (IV5.)

Mars, the lord of the 2nd and 9th, is in the 2nd, his Moola-
trikona Rasi. Ample wealth is the result. Mercury, the lord of
the 4th is in the Lagna. Real happiness should have been enjoyed
in the prime of his youth. The Vidya Karaka is badly aspected
by Saturn, the lord of the 12th, while the benefic Jupiter who is
also the lord of the Lagna is in the 8th from Mercury and
posited in his enemy's camp. So, much of education cannot be
expected. But the Vakpati, Jupiter is aspecting the Vak-
stthana as well as its lord. He will be therefore a good speaker
in the platform.

His position in social life as a member of the public service

is good. This is shown by the fact that Saturn, the planet of
service aspects the house of honour (10th house) as well as the
'Lagna ; at the same time, he himself being aspected by Jupiter
who is the lord of both the said houses.
SI. 3]

The Moon, the lord of the 5th, though occupying the 2nd is
in conjunction with the Sun, the lord of the 6th. Jupiter, the
Putrakaraka is in the Sth being aspected by the Sun, the lord of
the 6th. These two factors go to show that the childern of th<5
native will not rise to the level of the parent.

Mercury, the lord of the 7th, receives the evil aspect of

Saturn who is the lord of the 12th and is posited in the 4th.
Venn?, the Kalatrakaraka, and Mercury, the Kalatresa, are
devoid of any benefic aspect. The Sun, the lord of the 6th, is.
in conjunction with Mars, the Kutumbesa. These factors go to-
show that the native will have to undergo troubles due to hsi
partner in the shape of her ailments, etc. Saturn, under the
above circumstances aspecting Rahu posited in the 6th may
cause the loss of the partner in his Bhukti in Rahu's Pasa.

Pve association of the Sun (lord pf a Dusstthana) with

Mar?, th* lord of wealth, may cause the decline of wealth o f
the native. This decline will be gradual as the above conjunc-
tion receives the aspect of Jupiter.

asrt-37. MaleBorn on X712-1910 at 8-15 A . M .

Sat. Venus
Moon Sun Ketu
Rahu Sat.

Moon Mars
Merc. Mars Jup- Rahu Lagna Merc

Baiyjiaeeof Rahu Dasa12 years, 3 months and 1 day.

3TT^?6IgT<i^ [K h a n d a I V .

The lords of the 9th and 10th from the Lagna, and the lords
of the 9th and 10th from the 10th, being in conjunction in the
Lagna, constitute the best Rajayoga. (IV3, 4). The Lagna is-
Sagittarius. Its lord has exchanged places with that of the l l t h
forming a Maha Yoga. (VI32, 34).
Note the beautiful aspect which the lord of the 1st and the
4th, casts on the lord of the 2nd who is posited in the Sth. They
also happen to be the lords of the 4th and 3rd whose mutual
aspect bestows on the native prosperity, wealth, vehicles,
children etc.
The Moon, (the mind) posited in a Kendra, aspects the
Lagna and the lord of the 9th. This Moon is being in return
aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the 1st and the 4th. This gives .
the native a pure and simple mind which will be an admirable
possession to him ; no doubt, she is polluted by aspects of the 3
maleficsSaturn, Mars and the Sun. The Sun and Saturn
function as lords of the beneficial houses. The aspect of
Mars, the lord of the 12th in the 12th, over the Moon, the
lord of the 8th, is good. (IV21 infra). As Jupiter, the lord of -
the 1st and 4th, aspects the Moon, the evil caused by Saturn's
aspect over the Moon is nullified.
The Lagna is a philosophical Rasi and the Moon aspects i t .
' The two philosophical planets aspect the Moon (mind), while
there is a mutual aspect between themselves also. The two
nodes of the Moon are in conjunction with these two planets,'
These factors will make the native acalculative philosopher, i.e.,
an ardent student of the science.
It will be interesting to note that the native is a Master of
Arts in the First Class taking Philosophy as his optionl subject.
He was till recently an officer of the Indian Audit and Account
Now, about the Kalatrabhava: The lord of the 12th, Mars,
aspecting his inimical sign Mithuna (7th), coupled with the evil,
aspects of the Sun and Saturn (lord of 2nd) makes the 7th Bhava
weak. It does not promise unbroken marital happiness. The

evil aspect gains a strong hand over the benefic aspects of Jupiter
and Venus over the same Bhava,

Venus and the Moon, lords of the 6th and the 8th
respectively, are mutually aspecting, IV21 infra,

Venus and Mercury in the 1st, Kendra, the Moon in the 7thv
Jupiter in the l l t h , the conjunction of the lords of the 9th and
the l l t h in the 1st, are all auspicious. (IV15, 27).

The Moon's aspect over the conjunction of the Sun and

Venus is very marked and effective, IV32. The last t w o
planets are within 12 of each other. IV31. r;

Chart-38, MaleBorn on 26101892, at 21^ Gh.

after Sunset.

Jup- Rahu Merc. Sat

Mars Jup-
Rasi Navamsa
Venus Sun Lagna
Lagna Rahu
Moon Merc Sat. Venus Mars Moon

Balance of the Dasa of Venus12 years, 3 months and 20 days/

The Lagna is Vargottama and Venus, a benefic, occupies the

same. [Sloka 1, (ii)]. The Yogakaraka, Mars, occupies'
a Kendra, at the same time giving his auspicious aspect to the
Lagna. Sloka 1 (vi). There is mutual exchange of places between.
the lords of the 1st and the 3rd houses. The lords of the 3rd
and 4th houses have become related by their mutual aspect. *
Sloka 5(c). Venus also (1) happening to be the lord of Ihe Iflth
^Tl<H|<i^ [Khanda I V

{2) at the same time exchanging places with the Sun, the lord of
the 1st and (3) also being aspected by Mars, the Yogakaraka,
lcvates the status of the native in the social sphere very far
above the average. (IV5). The lord of the Lagna is endowed
with strength as he has exchanged places with the lord of the
liouse of Veerya or strength.
The lord of the 7th is in the 2nd aspected by a powerful
Jupiter, the lord of the Sth. (Sloka 5. c). This assures the
native with a flourishing family, Jupiter functioning both as
JPiltrakaraka and the lord Of the 5th representing children. Th6
.aspect of the Yogakaraka over the 2nd house, and the conjunc-
tion of the lord of the Lagna with the lord of the 2nd, will make
.the native very wealthy.
The mutual aspect of Mars and Venusthe lords of the 9th
and 10th (Sloka 3)as well as the mutual aspect of Jupiter and
Saturnthe lords of the 9th and 10th from the 9thSloka 4-(2(
constitute a very strong Rajayoga. Saturn happening to be the
lord of the 9th and 10th from the ICthSloka A(3)and occu-
pying the 2nd house is an-additional factor supporting the above
^statement- Further rise in the native's career is thus well-
The mutual aspect of Jupiter and Saturnthe two philosb-
phical planetsmakes the native highly God-fearing. He will
have a very strong religious mentality. There is every reason to
believe that the native will maintain his religious code of Hfe
throughout his life. The Moon symbolising the mind occupying
Dhanus a sign of philosophy^-and owned by Jupiter, who in
turn occupies his own Rasi in a Kendra position t0 her also Sup*
ports the above view. There is also the presence of the Gaja-
kcsari Yoga.

Further, Jupiter and Saturn happen to be the lords of the*

-Sth and the 6th houses respectively. Their mutualaspedt ie there-
fore highly beneficial to the native (Vide Sloka 21, infra), So^faf
as fatoe and finance are concerned. But Jupiter being the PtttrW
karaka as well as the lord of the Sth is aspected by Saturn, thft-

lord of the 6th (a Dusstthana). This indicates that the native may
have some losses so far as children are concerned.
Rahu in Mesha and Mars in Kumbha go in for good longe-
vity for the native.

Chart-39. MaleBom on 1611907 at 9 A . M .

Jup. Sat Ketu Mars


Suri Rasi Navamsa

Ketu Jup.

Lagna Merc.
Merc, Venus Mars Moon
Venus Rahu

Jupiter is retrograde.

The lords of the 9th and 10th have interchanged places.

<IV3). The lords of the 9th and 10th counted from the 10th
have conjoined. The Sun is in Vargottamamsa. Venus, the
Yogakaraka is placed in the Mid-heaven and aspected by power-
ful Saturn the lord of the Lagna- The lords of the 2nd and the
5th are mutually aspecting (IV28). The native will become
very wjealthy. Rahu is powerfully placed in the 6th and the lord
of the Lagna is also very powerful. There is the Sasa Yoga.
VI1, 4). The native may not be very liberal as the Moon is
placed in Makara, a Rasi owned by Saturn, a stingy planet.

The initial Dasa of Mars lasted for 5 years. Note the

Vigour of the succeeding Dasas which bring up the native to
Utmost importance and prominence. He is the son of a celebrated
Dewan and was himself Dewan of a small iNative State.
70 grRflsi^ [Khanda i V

Charl-40. MaleBom on 1591861.

Merc. Moon
Ketu Ketu

Rasi Sat. Navamsa

Moon r
Sun Mars Jup.
Rahu Venus Sat.
Merc. Venus Rahu

The abcve is the hororcope of the greatest monument

highly respected not only in India, but by the world~al large.
He is one of the greatest engineers ever born, but strange to say,
he is also a great economist and a politician.
He was holding the highest post in one of the premier Native
States in India for a few years by which time he transformed the
economic, social and agrarian upheavals and brought that State
to light and prominence. In other words, he modernised that
Let us look at the horoscope of that great man. The pie-
sence of Mercury and Venus, the lords of the 9th and 10th in
their respective Moolarikona Rasis is the keynote for the success*
ful career of the native (IV3a). Venus, the planet repre-
senting the Engineering and the Banking professions in the 10th
Kendra and also in a Kendra position with respect to the Moonj
made the native one of the best engineers of the world. IV1
(i) and (iv).
Note that Venus is the Yoga Karaka for the Janma Rasi
also; hence t|ie above statement. His positionin the 10th Kendra,
the house of profession, brings him into the foremost place. The
aspect of Saturn, the lord of the Lagna, on the lord of profe-,
ssion also should be noted.
The presence of the lord of the 9th (Mercury) in his own
camp and in trine to the Moon is a highly beneficial position.

Jupiter's presence in the Sth house, it should be noted, is

productive of good to the native. No doubt, Saturn, the lord of
^he 1st and 2nd, occupies the worst house, and the native will
have to suffer the several disadvantages consequent thereby due
to Saturn's presence in the 8th Bhava
The aspect of Mars (planet in the Sth and lord of the 4th)
over the 2nd Bhava ; the presence of the lord of that Bhava in
an inimical sign in the Sth ; evil aspect which this Saturn casts
on Venus, the Kalatra Karakaall these factorsmar the
marital happiness which the native ought to have enjoyed due to
his position,

Sloka 4- Note the following three pairs of

planets :
(1) the l o r d s o f t h e 9 t h a n d 1 0 t h h o u s e s reckoned
f r o m the L a g n a ;
(2) t h e l o r d s of t h e 9 t h a n d 1 0 t h c o u n t e d f r o m t h e
9 t h house f r o m the L a g n a ;
(3) t h e l o r d s o f t h e 9 t h a n d l O t h c o u n t e d f r o m t h e
10th house f r o m the L a g n a .
These three respective p a i r s of planets a r e i n their
- order capable of bestowing a high, m e d i u m (or o r d i -
nary) and a s m a l l position i n life on the native concer-
ned. If a n y of the three p a i r s a f o r e s a i d (a) a r e t y
their position mutually related by any of the t h r e e
k i n d s of r e l a t i o n s h i p s r e f e r r e d t o , viz. (i) b y b e i n g I n
72 LKhanda I V

conjunction o r close association ( i i ) i n t e r c h a n g e , i. e.r

e a c h o c c u p y i n g the o t h e r ' s R a s i a n d ( i i i ) m u t u a l aspect,
and possess s t r e n g t h , (h) o c c u p y houses which are
m u t u a l l y i n K e n d r a p o s i t i o n s , o r (c) b e i n conjunction
w i t h the p l a n e t o w n i n g house occupied b y the lord of
L a g n a , the person b o r n will become wealthy and a
r u l e r o f the E a r t h .

M r . V . P . MadhaTa Rao, B. A., C L E .

Dewan of Travancore, Mysore and Baroda.
Chart-41. Born on 1121850 at 3 Gh. after Sunset.
Died on 1121934.

Sat. Mars

Venus Rasi Navamsa
Lagna Moon
Moon Rahu Jup. Veiius
Jup- Sat.
Mandi Lagna Mars

Balance of Kuja Dasa6 years, 11 months and 11 days.

The Yogakaraka, Mars, occupies the 10th Kendra which is a
necessary condition to elevate the native to the high position
which he occupied. He is aspecting the Lagna symbolising the
body. One can imagine the amount of power which the native
was wielding a'S the Inspector General of Police of the Mysor.e
State. He was deservedly given the Dewanship of three impor-
tant Native States in India' viz., Travancore, Mysore and
Baroda. T o support this statement, it can be observed that
Jupiter, placed in the 2nd Dhana, aspects the 10th, as well as its
lord. Note also that Jupiter aspects Mars, the lord of the 9th.

The unique position of the Yogakaraka in a Kendra with res-

pect to the Lagna as well as the lord of the Lagna is noteworthy.
The aspect of Mars over Vrischika, his own camp, would have
enabled the native to command all kinds of vehicles, landed
properties, etc,

Jupiter and Saturn are mutually aspecting. The parts played

by these two planets are manifold. As lords of the Sth and 6th
respectively, they are productive of immense good, (IV21), The
same result is true as they are lords of 5th and 7th {IV-5). These
two planets are philosophic planets and as Saturn is posited i n
Meena (a philosophical Rasi), aspected by its lord, Jupiter, the
native must have been a philosopher in the real sense. The above
remarks, in short, mean that the native was a philanthropist and
philosopher. The same two planets are the lords of the 9th and
10th from the 9th, They constitute a Rajayoga. Saturn, who
is the lord of both the 9th and 10th houses reckoned from the
10th aspects the 10th, the 2nd, the Yogakaraka, the 5th and its-

But it has to be noted that Mercuiry, the lord of the 2nd, is in

conjunction with his enemy, the Moon, the lord of the l2th,
being aspected by Jupiter, another enemy, and the lord of the
Sth. This Mercury is posited in the 6th house. This unhappy
conjunction must have been responsible for unnecessary waste of

The Death occurred when native was 84 years, 9 months >

and 20 days, that is in his Sukra Dasa, Sukra Bhukti, Ghandran-
tara. Venus is a Papin for Simha and the Moon also claims a
Maraka power (being in a Dussthan) and also as Veniis and the
Moon arc two non agreeing female planets.

t4 [ K h a n d j IV;

Rajyadhurandhara Sir K. Skvihadri Iyer, B . A . , B . L K . C l S I .

Dewan of Mysore.

Moon Sun
Merc. Venus Moon
Ketu Jup-

Lagna Ketu

Rasi Navamsa Veniis

Mars Sat.
Sat. Rahu

Rahu Merc. Lagna Mars

Chart-42, Born on 161845 at 91 Gh. aftw Sunrise.

Died on 139190L

Balance af Keta Dasa4 years, 3 months and 15 days.

The above is the horoscope of the memorable and dlstingui-
-shed personage^the "Remarkable Statesman"who was wielding
unlimited power and influence as Dewan during his entire
iTCgime in the Mysore State.
The lords of the 9th and 10th from the Lagna, the lords of.
the 9th and 10th from the 9th, and the lords of the 9th and 10th,
from the 10theach of these pairs being in mutual Kendra posi-
tions constitute by themselves a strong Rajayoga. Sloka 4{l)' .
The combination of t he Moon and Jupiter in the 10th, the
formation of Ruchaka and Sasa Yogas (Sloka 1i) furthe add
istrongth to-the aferesaid Rajayoga.
Mars, the Yogakaraka, IV1 (vi), is In the 7th ; the lods of;
the 1st and the 2hd are in the 10th and l l t h respectively: the lords
of the 1st and 9th are in conjunction and in the mid-heaven strongly"
aspected by powerful Mars, the owner of the 10th and also the
Yogakaraka: the Lagna too is aspected by the Yogakaraka, Mars.
Mars is also aspecting the lord of the Lagna and the 2nd house.
T h e 1st and 2nd house are owned by the friends of Mars, while
SI. 4] 7^

the 10th house is his own. Jupiter, lord of the 6th, is conjoined)
with Mercury, lord of the 12th, in the 10th. (IV~21 infra). A l l
these are responsible to lift him to the highest position possible.
In addition, the lord of the 9th is in the 10th; the lord of the
4th|and the llth, in the l l t h ; the "lords of 2nd and llth, in the
llth, (IV21, infra). All these arc beneficial factors to support
thesabovc, view. Thc-Dasa of Mars also came in good time when
the'native was in the prime of his age (between his 41st and 48th
year) say between 1886 and 1893. The presence of (Gajakcsari)
Yoga in the 10th house is very marked and worthy of note. 'The
conjunction of the lord of the 9th with the Moon (the mind) goes
to show that the native had a very liberal and broad mind.

Mars, the Yogakaraka, in conjunction," with the lord of the

7th. and posited in the 7th and in exaltation, aspects the 10th, the*
1st and the 2nd houses. These factors go to prove that, with-;
the demise of his wife, his Yoga also will be over.

The positions of the planets in this nativity well indicate

how the native, rising from a humble origin, has striven hard to
earn the well-coveted post he occupied and prove to the world ,
that the honours and titles conferred on him both by the State;
and the British Government were all wcll-dcscrvcd. For, the
Moon, the lord of the Lagna, is in conjunction with Jupiter, the
lord of Fortune (9th), in the 10th house strongly aspected by >
Miars, the Yogakaraka, and a friend to both the planets.

But the above conjunction has also to be viewed from a

different stzmdpoint. The Moon, the lord of the Lagna, is in ,
conjunction with Mercury who is the lord of the 12th. Jupiter^
the lord of the 9th, is also affected by his association with his
e^emy'Mercury (lojd of the 1.2thJ. This combination in the
IQth house goes to show that the property acquired by the native r
will; soon come to a shattered condition after the native's exit,
from the world. , . ;
76 [Khanda I V

Cliart-43. MaleBorn on 951507, at 20 Gh. after Sunris^

Moon Merc.

Rahu Jup. Sat.

Rasi Navaihsa
Ketu Lagna Rahu

Mars Sun

This nativity belongs to an officer of the I.C.S. who vr*-

employed in the Madras Presidency. Mars, the Yogakaraka^ i&
aspected by Jupiter. The Sun and Venus are in their exaltation
houses, and the latter is the lord of the 10th. These prove
^auspicious and make the native happy and healthy. (IV13).

The lords of the 9th and 10th occupy houses whidi are
mutually in Kendra position with respect to Jupiter who is th
lord of the houses occupied by thse planets.

So also do the lords of the 9th and 10th counted from th

-9di. I V - 4 . The lords of the 5th and the 4th are mutually
aspecting. These Yogas make the native prosperous, wealthy^,
endowed with vehicles and blessed with children. IV5. The
lords of the 3rd and 7th are conjoned. The effect will be the
;ame as before. Jupiter owning the Sth is auspicious IV9.
Mercury in the 9th, Jupiter in the llth, the Sun in the 9th and
Saturn in Jupiter's Rasi, all prove auspicious. I V ^ l f i i The
lords of the 6th. and 12th are conjoined and prove benefk*
IV22 infra, The combination of the Sun and Mercury, lord*
of the 1st and 2nd, in the 9th is another (Dhana) Yogai IVi.^22.
Mercury owning the 2nd and llth, and the lords of the 5th and*
-Sth mutually aspecting, are good Yogas IV28 infra. So aiso
-do the lords of the 7th and 9th.

Mars, the Yogakaraka, aspects Venus, the lord of the 10th

who is exalted. This Mars is aspected in return by Jupiter who
is the lord of the houses occupied by Mars and Venus. This
speaks of the high position and status held by the native.

^Cbart-44.Born on 2101869 at 4 Gh. 30 vigh after Sunrise
Mean ayanamsa 221'1" Lagna 61157'^
Died onfcO11948at 5 P.M,

Moon Ketu Mars r,

Jup- Venusj

Rasi Sat. Navamsa
Ketu Lagna

Sat. 5i S fe 3 Sun Jup- Rahu

Balance of Mercury's Dasa 2 years 4 months 24 days.
The Lagna is very strong since Venus the lord of the Lagna
is posited there creating Malavya yoga one of the Panchamaha-
purushayoga. Jupiter aspects the ascendent. The Reader may
note the relative positions of the Moon and Venus. Both are
planets representing the commercial qualities- Both are posited
in their own camps and mutually in Kendra positions and
relatively placed in Kendra position with respect to Jupiter,
the lord of the 9th from the 10th. This makes the native very
adamant. His argument are reasonable systematic and it is
only the opposite party that has to yield often. The combina-
tion of" lords of the 1st and 9th in the Ascendent aspected by
Jupiter and Jupiter occupying the 10 house from the Moon gives
the Native the requisit Philosophical traits that had given h i m
the applauded Title ' Mahatma'. The lord of the 9th and 10th
I r o m the 10th are mutually aspecting, thus creating a Raj*jr6ga.
X o r d of the 2nd is i n conjunction w i t h the^ i w 4 of the 1st
78 [Khanda I V

aspected by Vakpathi this makes the native a commanding speaker

conjunction of the Moon and Raiiu in the 10th with reference to-
Lagna as well as Lord of the Lagna and the aspect of the Lord
of the 6th over, the Lagna and its Lord has created incidents a*
different stages of life for his imprisonment. That such impri-
sonment led the Native to gain more glory and fame is in
dicated by the fact that Lord of 9th is associated with the Lord
of the Lagna i n ' the Lagna, aspected by the benefic planet
Jupiter (Lord of Sixth) situated in Kendra.
We shall lake this opportunity to point out the importance
of the nodes of the Moon and the effect they cause by thei''
occupying different positions : Rahu, the major node, if he were
to occupy one of the four Kendras, will elevate the native'to a
very high level in the public eye and the native will be a figure
of admiration. The effect above-stated is specially marked
when the major node is in the niid-hcaven.
Viewing the above statement with a clear conception, we
sec tht these two nodes are only the points of intersection of
the two ellipses, .viz., the Moon's orbit and the Earth's orbit.
These two points will occupy Kendras at the time of birth, only
when this axis of intersection is at right angles to, or lie along
the horizontal line.
- . I n the present case, Rahu in the 10th has brought the
native to very high prominence.

aart-45. FemaleBorn on 27/2851907.

at 12-50 A . M . midnight.

Sun Lagna
Sat. Venus Sun Merc
Merc. Jup.

Lagna Rahu Ketu

. Rasi Navamsa Venus

Ketu Sat.

Mars Moon Moon

Balance of Saturn's Dasa1 year and 9 months.

The lords of the 9th and 10th counted from the 9th, as also
those of the 9th and 10th reckoned from the 10th, are each of
them mutually aspecting (IVi) and in mutual Kendra
positions thus creating a Rajayoga.
The Moon occupies a Kendra house and is in Vargottamamsa
IV-1 supra). Further, Mercury, Mooh, Mars and Saturn are
in their respective friend's houses; The position of Mars in the
l l t h house aspected by Jupiter indicates good longevity. The
association of the lords of the 5th and 7th in the house of edu-
cation has made her win hallmark of a University.
The Sun, the lord of the 7th, is associated with Mercury,
the lord of Sth and an eclipsed planet and is subjected to the
tnalcfic aspect of Saturn, thus indicating that her married life
h&a not at all been happy. She is now employed in the edu-
cational service and is destined to rise higher. The Moon and
Mercury arc in Kendra houses; Venus and Jupiter are posited in
the 3rd and 5th, while Rahu and Mars in the 6th and l l t h
respectively. IV16.

C k i r t - 4 6 , MaleBorn on 3/441890 at 50^ Gh. after Sunrise

Sun Venus
Venus Rahu
Merc. Lagna Jup.


Rasi NaTamsa
Lagna Sun

Ketu Mars Moon Mars

^ Balance or the Sun's Dasa2 years and 10 months.

' This nativity belongs to a responsible officer in a Major -

-State in India. The Yogakaralai, Venus, is i the 4th m'
80 3Tt?:fi5ra:^ [Khanda JY

Vargottamamsa and possesses full Digbala. The lords of the

9th and 10th reckoned from the 10th are mutually aspecting and
thus constitute a Rajayoga. (IV4). Further, there is the pre,
sence of Dhana Yoga as the Sun (lord of the Sth) is conjoined
with Mercury (lord of the 6th). IV22 infra.
The Moon lord of the 7th in the 9th (house of fortune)
aspected by Mercury (lord of the 9th) as well as by Jupiter is
highly beneficial so far as fortune is concerned. The 7th house
is also aspected by Jupiter. The native will be prosperous both
financially and maritally. The lord of the 4th Sukha being ii>
the l l t h , aspects the 2nd Dhana which is also aspected by its
lord" The above only supports the statement already made
about the prosperity of the native further. The justification for
the native's high position lies in the fact that Venus, the Yoga-
karaka, strong in the 4th, aspects lOth house which is his
The lord of the Lagna aspectiuT; 5th, the Putrakaraka as-
pecting the same, the lord of the 4th aspecting the same,aU
thesegive sufficient strength to that house (of issue).
That the native will not rise very , high is indicated by the
presence of Saturnthe lord of the 1st and the 2ndin the Sth
and in the house of his enemy- And as Saturn is very badly
posited, his aspect over the 10th acts as an impediment to
further rise. The lord of the Sth, in conjunction with the lord
of the 9th aspects the 9th.
It has to be noted that a planet having the ownership of
two houses must fulfil his duties as the lord of each house. The
first duty will correspond to the nature of the house which
happens to come prior in the order of counting from the Lagna.
So, Mercury, the lord of the 6th, bestows good amount of
wealth on the native as a result of his (Mercury's) conjunction
with the Sun (lord of the 8th)vide IV22 infra. But while
playing his role as the lord of the 9th, he is a beBefic in con--
junction with the lord of a Dusstthana. His aspect over the
Bhagya Bhava proves destructive to that Bhava. with the result
SI. 5] 81

that the wealth earned becomes a source of worry instead of com-

fort and liable to be misspent. In the present case, Mercury
owns Mithuna, the 6th, and Kanya, the 9th. His duty as lord
of the 6th comes prior and as lord of the 9th occurs later.

The Moon, the lord of the 7th, though in 9th, is badly

aspected by the lords of the 6th, Sth and 12thall possible

The conseqenee of these three bad aspects on the Moon (the

mind) will be that the native will be unable to overcome even the
smallest obstacle that comes in his way, that is, the mental
strength will not be adequate to overcome such obstacles.

Sloka 5. (a) T h e lords of the Rasi and A m s a

o c c u p i e d b y a p l a n e t a n d t h e l o r d of the L a g n a ; {b) the-
l o r d s of the l O t h a n d 9 t h h o u s e s ; (c) t h e lords of the;
5th, 3rd, 4 t h 7th houses ; and (d) the l o r d s of the 2 n d
a n d l l t h housesthese f o u r sets of planets, i f t h e y a r e
so related that b e i n g p l a c e d i n a n y of t h e a b o v e s a i d
houses they

(1) a r e t o g e t h e r i n o n e h o u s e
(2) o c c u p y e a c h o t h e r ' s h o u s e s

(3) ha,ve m u t u a l aspect and at the same t i m e

occupy a f r i e n d l y house, o w n h o u s e o r a n easaltatiop.,.
82 STR^II^ [Khanda I V

Rasi, they respectively bestow on the native (a)

prosperity, (h) e l e p h a n t s , horses and the like (c)
h a p p i n e s s a n d c h i l d r e n a n d (d) w e a l t h .

Chart-47. MaleBorn on 3181889. Died on

1441945 1 P.M.

Rahu Rahu

Rasi Lagna Navamsa Sun
Sun Mars. Venus
Sat. Lagna
Jup- Moon Merc. Moon Ketu
Balance of Rahu Dasa13 years, 9 months and 25 days.
The Lagna is in Vargottamamsa.
The above riativity belongs to an officer holding a very high
position in one of the important Native States in India.
The unique position of the Sun in the Lagna Kendra, in his
Moolatrikona Rasi and in Vargottamamsa considerably enhances
the value of the nativity and makes the owner highly renowned
and happy. (IV1). The rising Navamsa rises with its lord.
IV5. Further, he has got the full aspect of his friends and
benefic, viz., Jupiter, who is powerful being placed in his Moola-
Mars and Venus, the lords of the 9th and 10th houses are
conjoined, (IV4)- The former, though in his debilitation
Rasi and in the 12th, is in his exaltation Navamsa, Saturn, the
lord of the 9th and 10th, reckoned from the 10th, is combined
-with the lord of the Lagna and makes the native powerful,
wealthy and a chief among men. (IV4).
SI. 5] 85

Jupiter's owning the 8th house and Venus occupying the 12th
are also favourable factors for enhancing the value of the horo-
scope. (Sloka IV^9). The native is extremely lucky and will
have continuous prosperity throughout his career.
The three benefics, viz.. Mercury, the Moon and Jupiter
are in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th houses and are very auspicious. Sloka
IV16). Rahu in the l l t h and Venus in the 12th are
auspicious (IV-9, 16 infra). Mercury owning the 2nd as well as
the l l t h houses, and occupying the 2nd, identical with his exalta-
tion, will make the native very wealthy (IV5). He is sure to
win royal favour and titles.
The Moon, the planet signifying the mind is badly aspected
by (1) Mars, a planet in depression and (2) Saturn, a planet
posited in his inimical house; further, he happens to be the lord
of the 6th. This Yoga will often put the native to troublesome
situations. There is no getting out of this position, as the Moon
has no benefic aspect. To support this view, we have Venus and
the Moon, lords of the 3rd and the I2th, interchanging places
thus resulting in a Khala Yaga. [Phaladeepika] VI32.

Chart-. 48. MaleBorn on 181908 at 15 Gh. Vigh

after Sunrise.
The lord of the Lagna is in the 9th along with Mercury, his
friend,~who is the lord of that house. Note that Mercury is in
Vargottamamsa. IV-5. The lords of the 9th and 10th counted from
the 10th are in conjunction with the Sun, the lord of the llth, in

Sat. Rahu Jup. Merc.
Sun Lagna Ketu
Rasi Venus Navamsa
Moon Mars

Ketu Moon
Lagna Sun
^4 3xTi[^5rii:^ [Khanda I V

Balance of Sun's Dasa4 years. 8 months and 15 days,

mid-heaven. A powerful Rajayoga operates. Jupiter and Mars,
planets under reference, are also posited in very favourable Nava-
msas. Mars, the lord of the 2nd, in conjunction with the Sun,
the Rajyakaraka, bestows on the native a large amount of wealth
which has to be earned only by wielding power and position. The
exchange of places between the Sun (the Rajyakaraka and the
lord of the llth) and the Moon the (the Rajyastanadhipathi the
lord of the 10th) answers for the enviable position held by the
The position of Saturn, the Yogakaraka, in the 6th and
that of Mars (the lord of the 2nd) in the 10th, go to show that
the native will be more wealthly than lucky. This is further
supported as the said Yogakaraka has just begun his Retrograde
motion. The operation of a powerful Hamsayoga is noteworthy,
phaladeepika VI1, 3. Jupiter's aspect over the 2nd and his
-conjunction with the lord of the 2nd is favourable for financial
matters. It maybe noted that these two planets are aspecting
the 4th while Jupiter aspects the lord of the 4th, thus enabling
the native to own immovabl elanded properties, vehicles, servants,
The native will be bestowed with good children as the Putra-
karaka Jupiter aspects the lord of the 5th (Saturn), while the
Sth house is aspected by the Moon.
Jupiter's owning the 3rd, Rahu in the 9th, Ketu in the 3rd,
Saturn in an Upachaya Rasi, are all favourable.
The native belongs to South India and is an officer of the
Indian Civil Serviee.

Cliart-49. M a l e B o r n on 1101901 at 6-48 A . M .

Moon Sun
Rahu Mars
Ketu Venus

Rasi M avamsa

Jup. Lagna
Merc M o o n K e t u Sat.
Sat. Sun
Balance of Sukra Dasa-4 year's, 1 month and 28 days.
This is the horoscope of an influential gentlman of high rank.
Venus and Jupiter are in then- own houses. There is Hamsayoga
Phala deepika V I 1 , 3). The lords of the 9th~and 10th are con-
joined i n the 2nd (IV4). The lords of the 9th a n d l O t h counted
from the 10th are conjoined. The native w i l l be very opulent.
T h e lord of the R a s i and Navamsa occupied by the Moon is
M a r s and he is conjoined with the lord of the Lagna (IV5).
T h e lo-ds of the 2nd the l l t h are mutually aspecting. T h e lords
of the 4th and Sth are together in the 4th, A l l these bring on
Rajayoga(IV5). Jupiter i n the 4th, Mercury and Venus i n
the 2nd, are favourable. Saturn's conjunction w i t h Jupiter in
Dhanus and'his aspect over the Lagna and the 10th, make h i m
feel disposed to do much public service. A l l the planets are i n
K e n d r a and Panaphara houses, indicating that the native w i l l be
an influential leader of men. (IV29 infra.)

Cbart-50. M a l e B o r n on 1871871, at 27| G h . after Sunrise,

Rahu !

Sun Sun-
Moon Sat.
Merc. Ketu
Rasi Navamsa
Venus Rahu Lagna
Ketu Mars
86 3TT<^5!lJi:^ [Khanda IV

Balance of Saturn's Dasa6 years, 6 months and 25 days.

The lords of the 9th and 10th are conjoined in the 8th house*
The lords of the 1st and 2nd and who are also lords of the 4th
and 3rd are mutually asp^ping. The lords of the 3rd and the
5th are mutually aspecting. The lords of the 2nd and the 5th
are mutually aspectingand both are in Kendras. The lord of
the 1st and 4th is being aspected by the lord of the 2nd (wealth).

The lord of the 5th, i.e., Mars, aspects the lord of the 2nd
who is posited in the Lagna. Jupiter, the Putrakaraka aspects
the said Saturn, who is in the former's house identical with the
Lagna. The native thus identifies himself with his children in
their happiness. This is further supported by the fact that the
lord of the 5th (houses of issues) and the Putrakaraka occupy
mutual Kendra positions also with respect to the Lagna and the
lord of the 2nd (house of Kutumba).

The two poilosophic. planet* are mutually aspecting. Saturn,

being in the philosophical sign Sagittarius, is aspected by its lord.
These go to show that the native is also religiously inclined being
particularly interested in religious studies, as the lords of the
2nd and the 4ththe two Vidyasthanasare mutually aspect-
ing. Mars aspecting Saturn in the present case spoils a bit the
exquisitenes( of the philosophy of the native. The position of
Mars in the 10th generally compels the native to hunt after
status apd position more than after salvation.

The native was a rctir-d -'fficer who held a very high,

position in a premier Native State.
SI. 5 87

Chart-51, MaleBorn on 2071878 at f Gh. before Sunrise.


Venus Jup.
Ketu Mars Rahu
Rasi Merc. Navamsa
Jup- Mars Merc, Lagna
Rahu Ketu Sun


Balance of Saturn's Dasa12 years and 8 months.

This nativity belongs to an officer who was occupying a very
high post in a Native State i n India.
The prime factor which appeals to the reader is the
presence of the Sun, the Rajyakaraka, the soul, in the exact
degree of the Lagna. The rising Navamsa has its owner with it.
His association with Mars, the lord of the 10th, gave the native
the coveted post he had occupied. The presence of Mars, the
Yogakaraka, in the Lagna was also responsible for the quickness
with which the native was rising in the official ladder. Mars has
secured Neecha Bhanga from Saturn.
Jupiter and Mars, lords of the 9th and the 10th from the
Lagna, as well as from the *;th are mutually aspecting and
are posited in Kendra positions, thus resulting in a Rajayoga.
I V - 4 (1), (2).
Two Dhana Yogas are prominent in the nativity. The
first one is due to the presence of the Sun, the lord of the 2nd,
i n the rising Navamsa which Is his own. The second one is'^ue
to the mutual exchange of places between the lords of the 7th
.and the 9th. To support these views, Saturn, lord of a Kendra,
is conjoined with the Moon, the lord of the Lagna, in the 9th
(House of Fortune), while the lord of the 9th aspects the Lagna,
*hc Sun and the Yogakaraka. The mutual aspect between
88 ^^131^ [Khanda I V

Jupiter, the lord of the 6th and Mercury, lord of the 12th, is
another Dhana Yoga, IV22 infra.
Saturn, the lord of the Sth, is posited in the 9th in conjunc-
tion with the lord of the Lagna. Jupiter, the lord of the 6th,
aspects the Lagna and the Yogakaraka. Mercury's presence in
the Lagna (as the lord of the l2th) is bad, The lord of the 4th
and llth has gone to the 12th. These are some of the unfavou-
rable features which should have resulted in heavy unnecessary
expenditure, mental worries and loss of kith and kin.
Jupiter and Mercury are posited in Kendra positions while
Venus occupies the 12th. The native was born in the second
quarter of Uttarabhadrapada. His demise occurred in the Dasa
of Venus (planet posited in the 12th) in Mercury's (lord of the
12th posited In the Lagna) Bhukti.

Sir P. N. Krisbna Murthi, B.L., K.C.I.E.

Chart-52. Born on 1281849 between 3 and 4 P . M .
Died on 10121911.

Moon Ketu
Sat. Venus Sun Lagna
Mars Moon

Ketu Mars
Rasi Navamsa
Lagna Merc. Jup. Sat.
Balance of Moon's Dasa2 years, 3 months and 25 days.
The Lagna receives the benefic aspects of Venus and Jupiter,
Jupiter,.being the lord of the Lagna and the 4th, occupies the
9th, a friend's house. Mars and the (exalted) Moon, the lords
of the 12th and the 8th are combined in the 6th, aspected by
Saturn, the lord of the 2nd. This latter planet, viz., Saturn,
aspects the Lagna also. These yogas made the native excee-
dingly rich IV22 infra.
51.6] 8^

The lords of the 9th and 10thSun and Mercuryare

combined resulting in a Rajayoga. An interesting poirt in this
combination is that the two planets are connected with the posi-
tion of the Native ; one is the lord of the 10th Rajyasthanadhi-
pati, and the other is the Rajyakaraka.
It must be noted that the native would not have been v.^ry
popular as the 10th house is aspected by Saturn and more
especially as Mercury, the lord of the 10th, is posited in the 8thj
his enemy's camp. Moreover, the combination of the lords of
the 9th and 10th is in the Sth, a Dusthana. Mars' (lord of the
12th) aspect as well as that of Venus (lord of the 6th) over the
Lagna is not favourable so far as financial matters are concer-
ned. To be more clear, Saturn's (lord of the 2nd) aspect over
Lagna would be getting the native good amount of wealth, while
the aspects of Mars and Venus over the Lagna would make him
feel the need for money.

R'iRM if^nrnr: im^^ ^fh%|^-

Sloka 6. If t h e l o r d o f a B h a v a s h o u l d o c c u p y the
Sth house (therefrom), b e e c l i p s e d b y the S u n ' s r a y s , b e
i n depression, or p o s i t e d i n a n i n i m i c a l h o u s e and not
associated w i t h or a s p e c t e d b y benefics, s a g e s s a y that
the Bhava is t h e n c o m p l e t e l y destroyed. Should the
B h a v a be i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h benefics, e v e n t h e n i t w i l l
not be effective. T h u s should the L a g n a and the other
Bhavas be j u d g e d .

: STRTOWT^ [Khanda IV

i^i^^^ jfo^s^ 3[Tnm I

^lt% ^f^^f^"n^^Ti ^ IIV9II

Sloka 7. If t h e l o r d of the L a g n a o c c u p y the first'
m i d d l e o r l a s t d e c a n a t e o f the L a g n a , t h e p e r s o n born,
will turn out a judge, a chief among men, or a
l i e a d m a n of a v i l l a g e , r e s p e c t i v e l y . If the planet in
question, b e aspected by or conjoined with Venus,
J u p i t e r o r M e r c u r y , o r o c c u p y t h e V a r g a of a benefic
or be 'in his exaltation, the native concerne4 will
b e c o m e a n e m p e r o r of the w h o l e e a r t h and respected
hy other k i n g s .

dlf? l!Pft 51^5^: g ^q!3:s[i?^>?fig; II <i II

Sloka 8. If at a b i r t h (a) the M o o h w i t h h e r d i g i t s ,
f u l l and endowed with strengtl: ' 'n her exaltation,
S w a k s h e t r a or a friend's house, i d e n t i c a l w i t h the ,9th,
4th, 10th or 7 t h a n d be aspected b y or in conjunction
with Jupiter or Venus; o r (6) i f M a r s a n d S a t u r j i b e
s i m i l a r l y e n d o w e d w i t h s t r e n g t h a n d b e n e f i c aspedt a n d
o c c u p y t h e 2nd a n d l O t h houses f r o m the Lagna, the
person concerned w i l l be omniscient, w i l l be endowed
w i t h a l l virtues, w i l l be extolled by people and will be
a h i g h l y munificient and great personage;
SI. 8] HgJmc|4)<^"g; 9i

S r i Ramana fflaharshi
Ciart-Sl Bom on 29121879 at 48 Gh. Died Pn 14th-
April 1950 at 7-45 P . M .

Ketu Ketu Moon

Sat. Mars Jup.


Rasi Navanua;
Merc. Sun-.'
, -,1?

Sun Merc Lagna j

Lagna Rahu Mars
Rahu Venus Sat

Balance of Jupiter's Dasa5 years, and 4 months. ;

Mercury is retrograde. ' J
The above is the horoscope of the great personage that tvar-
till now adorning Tiruvannamalai in the North Arcot District.
The lords o f the 9th and 10th reckoned from the 9th have-
exchanged places t h u s leading ttf the Rajayog'a enunciated
( i V ~ 4 ) . ' The native was attracting many iiltfs^ridus,' nbbfe and
royal visitors from afar and had a lai|fe following.^
Mars o c c u p i e s a Kendra and is irthi3;Moolatrik6tta.' Th^jre:
is thus a p o w e r f u l Ruchaka Yoga operating Phaladeepika ( V l 1 ;
2). Both the Lagna arid the Moon are a s p c G t e d by Jhpitftr. SatUriiv
the YogakaraJca, fii'in Jttpitfer's hduse. Thri two phHbsophicail
planets have e x c h a n g e d places. The Moon rcpi'cschting the
m i n d is in the 9th, the house of philosophy, o c c d p y i n ^ a Vargo-
ttamiamsa. She is being strongly aspected b y y u p i t e r and the
Sun, who are b o t h i n their respective Navamsas. This establi-
shes a c a r d i a l r e l a t i o n s h i p between the soul and t h e m i t i d . : The
Yoga makes the n a t i v e highly onBttiscieat and e k i d o w ^ ! with a l l
v i r t u e s . ' t l V i ^ (a)]. It will be i n t e r e s t i n g to o o t e t h a t the two
philbsopHic planets are o c c u p y i n g philosophic Niavamsas. It i s
t h i s Ybjgli that enfeblts the native to achieve a high ApiMtualistic
icVel. 'I^e Yogakaraka's position i n the 6tii estaJjlish^i t h e
.92 [Khanda I V

renunciation of the native so far as the worldly pleasures are

Mercury, the Vidyakaraka and , the lord of the 9th, is in
the 2nd, the house of learning. The native will be learned and
his fluency in spiritual subjects will be very marked, as Mars,
the lord of the 2nd, aspects the 2nd and Mercury, while Jupiter,
the Vakpati, aspects the Lagna.

H. H. S r i Narasimha Bharati
ChaTt-54, Born on 1131858 at 9 P . M . Died on 20a-l$12

Sat. Moon Sat.

Venus Jup- Rahu ' Sun
,, 1

Merc. Yenus
Rasi Navamsa
Moon Ketu Mars

Mars Lagna Lagna Ketu Jup.

Balance of the Mqon's Dasa7 years, 5 months and 20'days.

The Lagna is in the Sth degree of Tuja, while Saturn is in
ihe 30th degree o f Mithuna, Saturn is therefore in the IDth
Kendra receiving a t the s a m e t i m e t h e benefic aspect of the
Moon. Mars is occupying the 2nd house and is in his own camp*
Jupiter being in the 7th Kendra in his fricHd's. house aspects
Mars, the eunount of aspect b e i n g 0*9 o f a Rupaj[Vide II17J
18J supra)., Hence the n a t i v e will b e bestowed" w i t h power, i n -
fluence, etc. Vide IV8 (bj. .
Mercury, the lord of the 9th, Is occupying a Vargottama-
msa in the 5tb and has exchanged place with his friend Saturn, thp
.-Yogakaraka and who is also io a vargottamamsa. This is a Maha
Yoga, vide Phaladeepika VI32. This Vidy^Jcaraka exchai^uig
place with that; philosophic planet Saturn, and boUi of them
being endowed with strength, made the native highly philosophic
(as Mercury is the lord of the 9th) and learned. The Parivartana

imder reference is between the lords of the houses governing

(Dhi-intellect, Deva-divinity); Dharma-religious faith and
Tapas-penance. Mars, the lord of the Vakstthana, is beneficially
aspected by Jupiter, the Vageesa, who is placed in the former's
house. This made the native's speeches highly fluent; and as
the aspecting planet is .'Jupiter, the philosophic planet, ho wonder
his speeches mostly dwelt on religion and philosophy.
Saturn's presence in the 10th Bhava in a Vargottamamsa
gave the native unsuprasscd power, influence and respect
as the planet is the Yogakaraka for this Lagna. The lord of the
Lagna being in his exaltation supports the above view. Jupiter
and the Moon are posited in mutual Kendra positions wjth
respect to the Lagna and there is the Gajakcsari Yoga. The
aspect of the Sun over the llth house was productive of inunensc

Cliart-^SS. MaleBorn on 791888 at 7^Gh. after Sunrise.

Venus^ .

Sat. Ketu
Rasi Navamsa
Merc. Mars
Ketu Sun
Sat. Rahu
Jup- Lagna Moon Lagna Sun
Mars Jup.
' Balance of the Sun's Dasa1 year, 11 months and 12 days.
The above is the horoscope of an oiBcer holding a high posi-
tionia.a.pr.eniier Native State in India. Saturn, the Yogakaraka,
is in mid-heaveri in his own Navamsa and is aspected by Jupiter.
Mars is in the 2nd occupying his own house in conjuuction with
jdpiter, a benefic. This Yoga makes the native highly omniscient,
endowed with all virtues and famousvide lV-8 (b). Mercury is
e x i t e d . Mars a n d the Sun are posited in their own houses
94 ?^l<Mot[^^ [Khanda I V

(IVi). The lords of the 9th and lOth are in conjunction with
he lord of the Lagna (IV3). The unfavourable position of
the above conjunction is that it is in the 12th and strongly
aspected by Saturn. The lord of the 2nd and 7th, in conjunc-
tion with Jupiter in the 2nd, no doubt promises good marital life,
wealth, children, etc. and the aspect of Jupiters over Saturn
answers for the the high status commanded by the native. The
same Jupiter is the Putrakaraka and Saturn happens to be the
lord of the Putrabhava (5th). So that, the well being of the
children is assured.
The native will however have to undergo some worries oh
the children's account as the Sun cast?'his glance over the inimical
hotise Kumbha (the 5th from the Lagna), coupled with the evil
aspect of Mars also ; and the Sth house docs not receive any
aspect from Jupiter, nor from Saturn who is the lord of that
The remarks rhade about Rahu,, the ascending-node,:undw
chart 44 pp. (7778) apply here as "well as for charts 56Jand 57"

Chart-56. MaleBorn on761911, midnight at 12-5 A . M -

Rahu Sun
Sat. Merc.

Lagna Venus Ketu
Rasi Navamsa Venus
Merc. Rahu
Moon Moon
Sat. .
Balance of Rahu's Dasa16 years, 3 months and 28 days.
The Lagna is Vargottama IV^1.
The lord of the 2nd is in the 9th aspected hy (1) M^rs,
posited in the 2nd and (2) Saturn, the lord of the Lagna.
The lords of the 6th and 12th are inutually aspecting
(iv22 infra). The lords of the 8th and 12th arc conjoined

(because, the interval between Saturn and Mercury is only 9).

The lords of the 2nd;and the l l t h are one and the sapie, (IV-5,28).

The Moon and Jupiter in the 9th, Venus in the 6th. Mer-
cury in Kendra, all prove auspicious (IV-16 infra). Saturn
and Rahu in the 3rd are also good.
The Moon, being nearly full, is in the 9th in her friend's
Rasi, having exchanged places with Venus. These
two planets are also occupying mutual Kendra positions, thus
.establishing a cardial relationship between them. Jupiter in
conjunction with this Moon makes the native omniscient, endo.
wed with all virtues, extolled by people and the native will
becohie a highly munificent and great personage (IV1 (a).
The Moon and Mercury, the lords of the 9th and lOth from
the 9th,as well as the lords of the 6th and Sthare also mutu
ally aspecting and thus constitute a Rajayoga in a mild form
There is a Sambandha between the lords of the 2nd and the
1st, by mutual aspect. This is very auspicious.
The presence of G.-vjakesari yoga in the 9th is noteworthy.
The Lagna and the lord of the Lagna are both' aspected by
Jupiter, which is very beneficial. The Yo5,?.karaka being posited
in the 6th and his exchange of place with the lord of that house
has lessened the Dhana Yoga and the Rajayoga referred to above,
with the result that the native's finances mav not come to the ex-
pected level befitting his merits. The above orchange of place
also accounts for the fact that the native exerts more to get
his prize which others would have get by less labour.
The mutual aspect between Saturn and Jupiter in conjunc-
tion with the nodes makes the native learned as Jupiter is the
Vageesa and (Vakpatilord of the house of speech) and philo.
Rahu in Mesha identical with the 3rd gives good longevity
as also the conjunction and mutual aspect existing between two
of the Dusstthana lords.
96 ^TR^Isi^i^ [Khanda IV

Sloka 9. J u p i t e r w h e n he o w n s t h e 3rd and 13th

h o u s e s i n a n a t i v i t y w i l l be p r o d u c t i v e o f g o o d to the
person concerned. T h e same r e m a r k applies w h e n he
holds the ownership of the Sth house or w h e n he
occupies the Sth house. V e n u s w i l l do g o o d w h e n i n
the 6th house; Rahu will be favourable when he
occupies the 7 t h , 4 t h , 9 t h , l l t h a n d 10th houses. Ketu
w i l l p r o v e a u s p i c i o u s w h e n h e is i n t h e 3 r d h o u s e .
Chart-57. MaleBorn on 281869, at 12f Gh. after Sunrise-

Jup. Moon
Sun Moon Venus
Rahu Navamsa
Ketu Venus

Sat. Lagna Mars Sat. Rahu Lagna Merc
Balance of Sun's Dasa2 years, 0 month and 20 days.
The native held a very high post in a permier Native State
in India and has now retired.
The Lagna is in Vargottamamsa and the lord of the 10th
house is in exaltation aspected by Saturn, the Yogakaraka, with
his 7th aspect. The 10th house is occupied by Rahu and the lords
of the 9th and llth, Jupiter and Mercury fU'^ ''n mutual Kendra
positions. Venus, the lord of the L?.^ i i ' in the Uth and is
|VIII4>'JI'*8: 97

aspected by Jupiter as well as Saturn. All these are favourable

factors to justify the high position occupied by the native.
Regarding the Kalatrabhava, Jupiter in the Ith and aspec-
ted by Mars, the lord of the 2nd and 7th, indicates that the
native's partner in life was of an exceptionally noble disposition.
She had all the good qualities of a dutiful wife. The aspect o f
Jupiter over Venus supports the above view. But the lord of the
2nd and the 7th is in the 12th, identical with his inimical R a s i ;
the Kalatrakaraka is in his enemy's camp being aspected by
Saturn ; there is also the presence of an evil planet in the 2nd
house; all these have brought about the untunely demise of the
partner and the loss sustained there by.
In spite of the fact that Mars, the lord of the 2nd, occupies-
the 12th, the native is wealthy because, Saturn, the Yogakaraka,
is in the Dhana Bhava. As the 5th house reckoned both from
the Sun and the Moon are,tenanted by eril planets and as Jupiter,,
the Putrakaraka, receives the evil aspect of Mars, the happi>
ness of ownii^r children is practically nil.
The native does not posses a large heart as the Moon i-
aspected by a malefic and has no benefic aspect.

Oart.SS. Born on 7/811I8S8 at 27 Gh. after sunrise,

Sat Sun

Venus Rahu
Rasi Navanua
Ketu Ketu

Moon Jup. Merc. Lagna Moon

Mars Venus Sun Jup- Mars
L ^ a
Balance of Sukra's Daa9 years, i month and 2 days-
98 >?n;^I55T^' [Khanda I V

The above is the horoscope of an outstanding ifigiire i n the

whole world. The Yogakai-aka is in the mid-heaven; The lords
of the 9th and l o t h reckoned from the lOth have exchanged
places (IV4), They are also the lords of the 2nd and 3rd. The
Ascendajit-is occupied by the Sun and Mercury. One is the soul
and the other is the planet representing knowledge. Mercury is
posited'exactly at the-Eastern horizon. The lord of the4th is.
aspecting th' 4th, while.he is beinj^ aspected by Jupiter, th
Vageesa, posited in the 2nd. The native will thus be highly
learned and he will be anembodiment of learning. The lords o f
.^th 'and th are conjoined in the 2nd house-'ihua making the
native wealthy. .i!? Ir-. ; > ,q
The n^tjvq- will occupy op^ pf thp;n^O;St envied positjcHis in
thCi WQr.ld ^ n ^ will .receive titles-ajjddegfee^lrpw Kings-and
public bodies. He will be a very fluent sppakpri His opinions
-wilili= be, h i g W y ; valued ?i3 the V?kp.ati-nTjSvpiJ;er j.-i?: W'- the
Vakstthana .ir}.,f:onjunct.ion, with the Iprd, .of .tl)i?.-i.Lflgna and
receives no bad aspect, , Jupitqr's,,9,spect.j9v<ei: Saturn is
returried,. which^ shows that the native's learning;, ^will beiiiore
useful to the material world., Ha'dit ^been.^.otherwipe, tpaX js.
towards spiritual plane, no wonder he would have been a second
Buddha. - -
Jupiter owning the 3rd, and Rahu occupying the lOth w i l l
prove auspicious. Mercury in the 1st and the presence of Jupiter
a n d ^ V e ^ ithe Snd,'arid fiiat-of thc-Ms)(JH'and4larnl*8^rd,
are all good. (IV=46). The native wilhbc very wealthy, IV-;^?.

i -fjJE^IRl^^siHt^'T^^^ -^f^- 1

^.-Sma 1 0 . If the.'.loi5dipf a B h a ^ F K e p<psl.ted l A / a n y

o F the G u s s t t h a n a s ( 6 t h , 8 t h , 1 2 t h ) ; jflJ.,his-'dftpVes3i6h;or
i n i m i c a l hOlLise, ,pr t e e c l i p s e d , l ) 5 i 4 e t ! ; Q [ ^ i P / ' . ^ a 9 l ; ^ t i o n
o r a s p e c t ' o f A l l e l e s , be T i i t r n j u h c t i d n w i t h o r aspected
SI- 12], 99

b y h i s e n e m y , o c c u p y his i n i m i c a l o r d e b i l i t a t i o n A m s a , ,
be conquered i n planetary war w i t h malefics and conse-
cjuentiy (have r a y s that have become) feeble (or l o w )
in brilliancy,-that Bhava should be prpnounced as^
totally destroyed or useless. The case of a l l the
B h a v a s f r o m t h e L a g n a o n w a r d s s h o u l d thus'^be v i e w e d .

. ; .Slohq U - Whenever(l)i.the l o r i , o f .a B J o ^ v a i s
p o s i t e d i n a.Trifcona.ht>use, a K e n d r a ho\ise,i i a t k e . 3 r d
b r l l t h hbuse, i n a f r i e n d l y , exaltation, o w n Rai^ or
Navariisa a n d is p l a c e d between^ t w o strortg benefics?
w h i l e the owners of such K o n a , K e n d r a , ' 3 r d o r I'Vth
house aforesaid are a l s o i n t h e i r e x a l t a t i o n , o r (^) t h e
s a i d l o r d is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h o r aspected b y benefics, s i i c h
l o r d w i l l b r i n g unsurpassed p r o s p e r i t y . t o that B h a v a
and that too i n a short t i m e .

mx ^f^^^^m ^mx '^i^^mx \

. S M a 12. If a B h a v a , its l o r d , i t s (Karaka)

p l a n e t , these t h r e e , be s u r r o u n d e d b y m a l e f i c s a n d c b n -
jojned w i t h p o w e r f u l malefics arid are we^k and have
n 6 a s s o c i a t i o n o r aspect o f b e n e f i c s ; atlH i f m a l e f i c s
o c c u p y t h e 9 t h , 4 t h , 8f:h, 5 t h a n d 1 2 t i i , houses r e c k o n e d
100 arTc^lsn^ [Khanda IV

from each of the said three, a n d the lords of the N a v a -

msas occupied b y these malefics be inimically placed,
eclipsed or conquered in planetary war i n that B h a v a ,
then the destruction of the Bhava should be declared.

Mrat ^rWtsf^ mvki n?^ii

Sloka 1 3 , If a benefic planet occupy his own,
exaltation, a friendly or Moolatrikona house or a
V a r g o t t a m a A m s a , it w i l l promote the happiness of the
|>er5dn concerned. E v e n i f the planet be a malefic o n e ,
I t w i l l prove auspicious under the above conditions. If
the planets owning the R a s i and Navamsa occupied by
the lord of a Bhava be endowed with strengh, that lord
w i l l promote the increase of that Bhava* A n y p o w e r -
f u l benefic occupying a friendly Rasi and A m s a i n (any)
B h a v a confers wealth, etc., on the native.

Chart-59. MaleBorn on 451888 at 12-55 P . M . local tune.

Venus Venus
Moon Merc.
Sun Ketu

Sat. Lagna Sun

Rahu Merc. Mars
Rasi Navamsa
Ketu Moon


Balance of Mercury's Dasa^9 years, 2 months and 15 days.

SI. 13] 101

The lords of the 9th and 10th are in their own places.
(IV3), Venus, the lord of the 2nd, is in the 9th. The Moon
aspects the Lagna. There is mutual aspect between the lords of
the 2nd and 9th, and 4th and 7th. These are some of the bene-
ficial points constituting the Rajayoga in mild form and thus
making the native wealthy.
There is struggle at every inch of the native's life, as Saturn,
the lord of the Sth, casts his evil glance on the Lagna, Mars,
the lord of the 8th, being himself posited in the Lagna, also gives
his share to the above statement as he casts his evil glance on the
4th. The one Yoga which enables the native to overcome all
these troubles is the presence of an unmolested Mercury, the
lord cf the Lagna, in the mid-heavcn identical with his camp.
There is Bhadra Yoga. The conjunction of the lord of the 9th
with the Sun, the lord of the I2th, docs not promise good luck.
Note the aspect which Jupiter, lord of two philosophical
signsDhanus and Meenaand also the Vageesa, casts on the
Moon (the mind), who is in Meena, (a philosophical sign), and
on Saturn, another philosophical planet. This has made him to
expound philosophy well. He has a silvery voice and he is an
eloquent speaker, as the lord of the 2nd is powerluUy aspected
hy Jupiter

Cliart.60. MaleBorn on 791874, at 8 P.M.

Lagna Rahu Sat.

Mars J " P -

Moon Lagna

Rasi Mars Navamsa

Sat. Sun
J"P- Venus Merc. Sun
Moon 1
Balance of Mercury's Dasa16 years, 9 months and 18 days.
102 [Khanda. I V

The native retired after holding a very high post in a INative

State. The lords of the 9th and 10th from the lOth are cqnr
joined in one house. Four planets are placed in their own
camps. Rahu in Mesha and Jupiter in Kanya indicate good
longevity. The lords of the 5th and l l t h are mutually aspecting
IV28. The horoscope is powerful and the native's services
were specially recognised by the Government by the conferment
of a royal title from the sovereign whom he faithfully served.
Venus, the lord of the Sth, occupies the Sth and therefore
is productive of good. So also is the presence of the Sun, lord
of the 6th. Mars, the lord of the 2nd and 9th, in conjuiictioh'
with the Sun (the Rajyakaraka) aspects ' the Lagna while the
Lagna receives the benefic aspect of Jupiter, the lord of the ICft'h
and 1st. This is a very stroiig point to support the high positioii
occupied by the native. ' ^

Charl-61. MaleBorn on 2641895 at about " i , gh. before

si ,, CE
Jup. Venus
Merc Lagn^.
Mars Rahu

Rahu Sun
Rasi Sat.
Ketu Mars

Sat. Ketu Moon

Balance of Sukra Dasa2 years, 9 months and 8 days.

The above is the horoscope of a celebrated astrologer in.
South India. Astrology is one of his main professions.
The lord of the 10th is posited in Kendra occupying his own
Navamsa. He is also in his exaltation, thus, a powerful Sasa
Yoga operates as Saturn has full Digbala, II(11|12^).
51. 14] 103

Note the aspect of (1) Jupiter (lord of she 9th), (2) Mars
4}ord of the 1st) and (3) Saturn (lord of the 10th and llth) over
the 9th. This certainly makes the native very fortunate as the
^th is the house of fortune.
. Regarding the standard of the knowledge of the native so
far as occult sciences are concerned, planets are very favourably
:Situated. Saturn, the planet supposed to be well-verised in this
science, gives his full aspect to the Lagna and the Sun (soul)
while the Moon, the lord of the 4th (house of learning), and
Mercury (the Vidyakaraka) are conjoined in the Lagna, aspected
by the same Saturn. Venus, the lord of the 2nd, is in the 2nd
(IV13)., Saturnr_als aspcctjr'-thc 4th. This-Saturn" is aspected
by Jupiter (Vakpati)-. ^ A l l these Yogas make- the ftitfive high^
learned. ' ^ ^
The Sun aiid Merchry, t|te lords of 9th and lOtk respectively
-counted from the 9th are conjoined in the Lagna, rsultj.ng in., a
Rajayoga IV4 (2).'*' * ' '
, i . ' The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter] lojds of 8th And 12th
.respe/:tively,is also a.-Dhana Yoga. There is.the mutual- aspect
between the lords of the 5th and 10th. But the conjuqtion of
_{a) Jiipiter (as the lord of the 12th) and Mars (as the lord of the
ist), (b) Jupiter (as the lord of,the9th) and Mars'(lord of the
8th) is very unfavourable. *rhe amount earned'may not last
long as the lord of the 9th (Bhagya) is aifec'ted. ' He will earn
first and thetilose.' . '

Sloka 14.. TiJieRa^.^ owned by a plaaet'occjupying

t h e 12th, t h e ' 8 t h o f the 6'th h o u s e ; i s i n a u p i C l p u s , while
t h e o n e c o n t a i n i n g t h e ' l o r d o f s u c h a h b u s e oY ithe o n e
104 ^is^Wgil^j^ [Khanda IV

a s p e c t e d b y s u c h a l o r d is l o s t o r f a l l e n . Venus, M e r -
c u r y and Jupiter i n their order, if they are respectively
p o s i t e d i n t h e a b o v e t h r e e houses w i l l b e p r o d u c t i v e o f
happiness. P l a n e t s i n the 6 t h , 12th a n d Sth if happe-
n i n g ( a t the s a m e t i m e ) tc be i n t h e i r f r i e n d l y , o w n o r
e x a l t a t i o n s i g n s , o r b e a s p e c t e d b y benefics will prove
favourable. If the planets owning the said house be
i n i m i c a l l y p l a c e d , be i n d e p r e s s i o n , b e e c l i p s e d o r v a n -
quished i n war, the p l a n e t s o c c u p y i n g these w i l l then
prove auspicious.

Sloka 15. A planet t h a t i s i n i n f a n c y , one in

a d v a n c e d age^ o n e t h a t is e c l i p s e d o r o n e that is v a n q u i -
s h e d , t h o u g h a s p e c t i n g , d o e s n o t aspect a t a l l . B e n e f i c
and malefic planets aspect d u r i n g the bright and dark
p o r t i o n s of a m o n i h t o w a r d s t h e E a s t a n d W e s t r e s p e c
tively. J u p i t e r is s t r o n g i n his aspect towards W e s t .
S a t u r n is s t r o n g w h i l e i n his d i r e c t m o t i o n . Venus and
S a t u r n though eclipsed w i l l not lose i n strength. Mars
is s t r o n g e v e n i n h i s enemy's-camp.
SI. 16] 105

Sloha 16. [a) B e n e f i c s w h e n p o s i t e d i n a K e n d r a *

3rd, 2 n d , l l t h , o t h , 9th and even i n the 6 t h h o u s e w i l l
prove auspicious, {h) M a l e f i c s w i l l be so w h e n i n ^3^^^
(Upachaya) places (c) T h e S u n and S a t u r n w i l l be
f a v o u r a b l e w h e n i n the 9 t h , a n d {d) M e r c u r y w h e n i n
the 8th. ( e ) S a t u r n , w h e n he is i n his e x a l t a t i o n , o w n
house, or i n a R a s i o w n e d by J u p i t e r , w i l l do o n l y good-
e v e n i f he o c c u p i e s the Lagna. (/) Venus, though
p l a c e d i n the 1 2 t h , w i l l p r o v e auspicious except when
h e is i n a R a s i o r A m s a o w n e d b y Saturn.

His Holiness S r i Chandrasikharsi Bharati

Chart-62. Born on 16101892 at 3^ Gh. after Sunrise.

Jup. Rahu Jup. Lagna Sat. Moon


Rasi Navamsa
Venus Mars
Moon Rahu

a 1
CO i U 1
Sat. Merc. Sun Venus

Balance of Ketu Dasa2 years, 3 months and 25 days.

This is the horoscope of the eminent Guru who was rightly
occupying the Sringeri Pceta. The Sun is in Vargottama in the
Lagna. Jupiter being retrograde is also in Vargottama. The
strong mutual aspect of Jupiter and Saturnthe two philosophi-
cal planets, and the presence of the Yo;rakaraka in the 12th
house go to prove thai the native had renounced A\ worldly
plrasures. Another factor supporting this statement is the
combination of Ketu with the Sun, the Soul of Kalapurusha in
the Lagna,
106 3Tr<**wi4j?t [Khanda I V

The lords of the 9th and 10th houses reckoned from the 9th,
are both strong, the former being Yogakaraka, and the latter
occupying his own house and Varga. The mutual aspect bet-
ween these two justifies the native being looked upon with high
veneration and paid all royal honours. The Sun happening to
be posited in the Lagna Kendra and in Vargottamamsa makes
the native richly deserve all these honours. The presence of the
lord of the 2nd house in the 4th, identical with his exaltation sign
and in a Kendra position to Mercury, the lord of the 9th, makes
the native exceedingly learned in scriptures and philosophy. The
combination of the lords of the 1st and the 10th in the l l t h is
highly beneficial. This conjunction (between Moonthe mind,
-and Venusthe lord of the Lagna or body) is being aspected by.
a strong Mars, lord of 2nd (Vidyastthana), posited in the 4th
T h e mutual exchange of places between the lord of the Lagna
.^body) and the Sun (the Soul) goes to prove the high degree of
i i s penance.

Chart-63. MaleBorn on 2041880 at 18 Gh. 10 Vigh.

after Sunrise.

Mars Sat. Sun

Ketu Ketu Moon

Lagna Lagna

Rasi Navamsa
Moon Mars

Rahu 3 Venus Jup. Rahu


Balance of Ketu's Dasa2 years, 10 months and 7 days.

The above horoscope belongs to a retired District Judge o f
-the Madras Government. His services have been very well appre"
elated by the Government by the conferment of the title of
Diwan Bahadur'. The birth has taken place very near after
mid-day when the Sun is very powerful and exalted^ Benefics
S I . 16] 107

in the 2nd and 9th, Rahu in an Upachaya place and the position
of Saturn in the 9th and that too in Jupiter's Rasi and in Vargo-
ttamamsa, and the lords of the three Dusstthanas conjoining in
one Rasi, all these are very favourable factors to make the
nativity a very powerful one IV16. Further, Rajayoga arises
by the association of the lords of the 9th and 10th houses
reckoned from the 10th. by the combination of the three benches
in the 9th^the house of Dharma, by the formation of a splen.
did Chandradhiyoga in the Sth house from the Moon. (IV25
The native is magnanimous, fond of childern (*s Jupiter as-
pects the 5th house, and the Moon and Mars are friends), always
disposed to help others and do good to the pablic, fond of
religious observances and is of a charitable disposition. The
Yogakaraka being in the 12th and in an enemy's camp, and not
receiving any beneficial aspect indicates that native has not been
lucky as he ought to have been for his merits.

Chart-64. FemaleBorn on 1-^1875 at Sunrise

Died on 1921928.
Rahu Mars
Lagna j Mandi Merc.
Sun Moon
Rasi Navamsa

Sun Venus
Mars Jup- Ketu Sat.
Jup. Lagna

Balance of Moon's Dasa9 years and 9 months.

The native's life was only 53 years (less than the medium),
because, the 3 benefics, viz., Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, are all
posited in Dussttanas (III6). The Yoga of the horoscope has
been marred by the association of the lord of the 12th house
with the lord of the 5th. IV2 supra. The lords of the Sth and the
108 [Khanda I V

l l t h are conjoined IV28. Jupiter occupying the Sth is not bad.

A^enus proves auspicious in the 12th house except when he is in
3. Rasi or Amsa owned by Saturn IV16. So, he is bad here.
Mercury, the lord of the 4th and 7th in the 12th is not beneficial.
Though the Moon, the lord of the Sth, aspects her own house,
she is in conjunction with Saturn, the lord of the 12th, Jupiter
the (Putrakaraka), occupies a Dustthana and is badly aspected by
;Saturn, the lord of the 12th, Further, the 5th house is aspected
by Saturn and Mars. Hence the native will not have the good
fortune of owning any living children.
Mars, the lord of the 2nd and 9th, occupies the 10th Kendra,
:aspecting at the same time the 1st and the 4th house. As a
.consequence the native must have been wielding some power ;
she must have also commanded good wealth, vehicles, servants,
~etc. The presence of the lord of the 6th in the Lagna, the lord
o f the 1st in the 8th, and the aspect of the 12th over the 1st, all
these proved detrimental to her rise in life and she passed away
Jjefore people could understand her merits.

Sloka 17. T h e f o l l o w i n g ' , viz., (1) t h e w a n i n g

I V L o o n , (2) M e r c u r y (3) V e n u s - { 4 ) F u l l M o o n a n d J u p i t e r ,
b e c o m e a u s p i c i o u s i n the p r o p o r t i o n of |, | and 1
r e s p e c t i v e l y . Jupiter and Venus become fully favourable
when i n t h e h o u s e of a b e n e f i c a n d i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h
t h e l o r d o f the s a m e . T h e f o l l o w i n g f o u r g r o u p s , viz,,
0.) w a n i n g M o o n a n d M e r c u r y w h e n h e i s a m a l e f i c ,
{2) the S u n (3) R a h u a n d M a r s a n d (4) K e t u a n d S a t u r n
are p r o d u c t i v e of e v i l i n the same p r o p o r t i o n a l r e a d y

Sloka 18' If t h e t ^ g ^ R ^ ( P h a l a K a r a k a ) a n d the

^ 3 r ^ 5 C ^ ( B h a v a K a r a k a ) o f a n y B h a v a as a l s o t h e l o r d s
of the R a s i a n d N a v a m s a o c c u p i e d b y the l o r d of that
B h a v a a n d the B h a v a i t s e l f , b e h o s t i l e , the effect o f the
B h a v a is l o s t .

W h e n e v e r a malefic planet occupies a Rasi func-

tioned by a qsi?;^ ( k a r a k a ) , i t w i l l d e s t r o y t h e effects
p r o d u c e d b y that K a r a k a p l a n e t . The Bhava K a r a k a s
o w i n g to t h e i r o c c u p a t i o n of B h a v a s t o w h i c h t h e y a r e
K a r a k a s w i l l o n l y produce a very s m a l l fraction of the
.:(otherwise u s u a l ) effect.
My friend, M r . M . Ramakishn Bhat, M.A,, Professor of
Sanskrit St. Joseph's College, Bangalore, interprets the above
;Sloka thus :
If the K a r a k a s o f the B h a v a s are naturally hostile
t o t h e B h a v a s , i.e, are t u r n e d a w a y f r o m t h e m , ( i n o t h e r
words)^ i f the K a r a k a s a r e i n a d v a n c e of the Bhavas,
a n d i f t h e l o r d s of t h e R a s i a n d N a v a m s a occupied by
the lord of a B h a v a a r e a v e r s e to the B h a v a a n d i t s
K a r a k a , the effects o f t h a t B h a v a are s p o i l e d .
W h e n e v e r a malefic p l a n e t occupies a R a s i owned
by a Karaka, i t w i l l d e s t r o y t h e effects p r o d u c e d b y
tiiat Karaka. Similarly, a malefic conjoined with a
Bhava or its K a r a k a will considerably reduce the
.affects of that B h a v a .
110 dM^<HI^cf [Khanda IV

Note :The natural aversion of Bhavas and their Karakas-

also happens as follows :Let us suppose Vrishabha to be the
Lagna. Then Makara becomes the 9th Bhava, and the Sun, its
Karaka. Here the Sun has got a natural aversion to the Bhava,
because, it belongs to his enemy, viz., Saturn.

Sloka 19' T h e full M o o n , Jupiter, Saturn and K e t u

a r e t e r m e d C h h a d a k a s ( ^ R ^ : ) for the t w o houses ( 2 n d
a n d 12th) a d j a c e n t to e a c h o f t h e m . If J u p i t e r ( o w i n g
to h i s o w n i n g a Dusstthana) should also t u r n out as
hostile to the native, he will be a C h h a d a k a only for
the 12th. The rest are C h h a d a k a s f o r the 2nd only*
T h e lords of the several Bhavas and their respective
K a r a k a s b r i n g l u c k to t h e n a t i v e c o n c e r n e d b y a sort o f
^ ^ q ' (Sambandha) b e t w e e n t h e m t h r o u g h aspect, o c c u -
pation, conjunction or m u t u a l exchange.

Sloka 20. A p l a n e t i n t h e 2 n d house f r o m a B h a v a

is c a l l e d t h e sig[op ( C h h a d a k a ) f o r t h a t B h a v a , w h i l e t h a ^
i n the 3 r d i s c a l l e d the (Vedhaka). H e who is
p l a c e d i n the 4th is t e r m e d ^ r ^ ( B a n d h a k a ) . The one
S I . 22] 111

i n the Sth is k n o w n as ST^spsT? ( P r a t i b a n d a k a ) . From

this planet i n the Sth should be predicted a l l about the
increase and destruction of the Bhava. T h e lords of
the 2nd and 7 t h house with respect to a n y B h a v a a r e
t e r m e d M a r a k a s of the B h a v a .

Sloka 21. T h e a s p e c t cast o n a p l a n e t b y m a l e f i c s

w h o are friendly is k n o w n as ^efi^^^^T (Swadheena
V e d h a ) , w h i l e t h e o n e b y m a l e f i c s w h o a r e also i n i m i c a l
is termed TO^^q^vr (Paradheena Vedha). The effect
-caused by benefics will be simiL-r and felt at t h e
beginning while the same arisen through malefics will
"be a bit untoward a n d f e l t at the e n d . T h e native's
g e n e r a l l u c k a n d l o n g e v i t y w i l l a l s o be s i m i l a r to the
preponderance i n strength of the benefic and malefic

ft:^^sfri ^ ^ ^ F ^ 5[i?T?^ I

Sloka 22. If i n any one of the f o l l o w i n g three

Y o g a s , m . , (a) l o r d of t h e S t h o c c u p y i n g t h e l l t h or
6 t h , (6) l o r d o f t h e 6 t h b e i n g p l a c e d i n t h e S t h o r 1 2 t h ;
.,(c) l o r d o f the 1 2 t h b e i n g p o s i t e d i n the 8 t h o r 6 t h ; (cZ)
the said three lords being connected i n any way, by
112 4T)<'t.[g}fJicl [Khanda I V

m u t u a l i n t e r c h a n g e o f p l a c e s , m u t u a l aspect o r c o n -
j u n c t i o n and a r e at the same time free f r o m such
r e l a t i o n w i t h other planets, the p e r s o n b o r n w i l l
become a great k i n g l o r d i n g over other kings a n d
blessed with fame a n d w e a l t h .

Chart-65. MaleBorn on 143....1885 at 10 A . M

Died on 29/30 June 1943,
Ketu )
Sun Venus Rahu
Merc. Mars
Moon Lagna Sun
Venus Merc.
Rasi Navamsa

Rahu Ketu Moon

Balance of Kuja's Dasa2 years, 7 months and 5 days.

The above horoscpe belongs to a distinguished Educational
Officer in one of the premier Native States in South India.
The lord of the Lagna is in mid-heaven in his exaltation
Navamsa. The exchange of places between the lords of the 1st
and the 10th constitutes a Mahayoga, Phaladeepika VI32, S^.
Saturn, the Yogakaraka, is in the Lagna aspecting (1) his own
house and (2) Venus. This 10th house is further occupied by
Mars, the Commander. The same house is also aspected by
Jupiter. A l l these strenghen the 10th house. Hence the high
position occupied by the native.
The combination in the 10th, of Mars and Venus, the lords
of the 10th and 9th respectively, reckoned from the 10th, as-
pected by Saturn (the Yogakaraka) and Jupiter (the lord of the
11th) placed in the 4th consitute a very strong Rajayoga, Sloka 4
(3), (a).
The lord of wealth who is also the lord of the Sth is in the
l l t h in combination with the Sun, the lord of the 4th,(IV5).
This Yoga enables the native to enjoy the immense wealth he
earned, and be blessed with happiness and children. The inter
SI. 22] 11?

change of p l a c e s between Jupiter and the Sun, the lords of the

l l t h and the 4th respectively, supports the above statement
Phaladeepika VI33. 34).
Another beneficial feature in this nativity is the mutual
Kendra positions of Jupiter and the Moon specially with refe-
rence to the lord of the Lagna and Saturn, the Yogakaraka.
Venus functioning as the lord of the 6th i n combination with
Mars, the lord of the 12th and the mutual aspect of the lords of
the Sth (Jupiter) and 12th (Mars), of the lords of the 6th (Venus)
and of Sth (Jupiter) make the native wealthy and prosperous'
Sloka 22 (infra). The Mpon in the 10th is another beneficial
Mars, the lord of the 7th who is also the lord of the 12th,
i s combined with Venus, the Kalatrakaraka, and is aspected
by Jupiter, the lord of the 8th. This is rather very unfavoura-
ble, so far as the lot of his partner is concerned. The aspect of
Mars and Venus over the 4th house is also not good as the two
planets are lords of Dusstthanas. Another feature : The Sun,
the lord of the 4th, is in the 8th from it, thus indicating that the
native will not have domestic happiness to his satisfaction. Mor^
than one living wife is indicated by the combination of Mar
lord of the 7th and also of the 12th) with Venus (lord of the 1st
and the Kalatrakaraka).
There are no planets in the Apoklima houses, thus indica-
ting that the native will be a leader among men. IV28 infra.

Chart-66. MaleBorn on 2121879, at 5 A . M .

Sat. Venus
Moon Ketu
Jup- Rasi Navamsa
Venus Sun
Rahu Merc.
Mars Moon Jup. Sa:t.
Balance of Rahu's Dasa17 years, 5 months ^ d 9 days.
114 ^'Ti-<wr^ic> fKhanda I V

The above is the horoscope of a leading statesman in one of

the premier Native States in India.
The lords of the 9th and 10th counted from the 10th are
conjoined in the 2nd house and form the Rajayoga IV4. The
exchange of places of the lords of the 2nd and 3rd is favourable.
The mutual aspect between the lord of the 1st {who is also the
lord of the 2nd) and the lord of the 4th (who is also the lord of
the llth) indicates that the native will be rolling in wealth. The
presence of the Yogakaraka in the 2nd makes the native very
Saturn, the lord of the 1st and 2nd houses, aspects the 9th.
This same house alse receives the aspect of Venus, the Yoga-
karaka, as he is in the very end of Kumbha, Mercury, the lord
of the 9th, is in the 2nd. This makes the native very fortunate
jand hence wealthy.
A word about the 7th house. Mars, the lord of the 4th,
l>eing in the 12th, casts an evil glance on the 7th. The lord
of the 7th, though posited in the 2nd, is in conjunction
with Jupiter, the lord of the 12th, Mercury, the lord of the 6th,
and the Sun, the lord of the 8th. While the combination of the
lords of the Dusstthanas (6th, 8th and 12th) will confer a Raja-
yoga in any horoscope, it is unfortunate to find that tn the
present instance they bring about the bad aspects of life also.
Premature death of the partner and unsatisfactory state of
-domestic life are all the effects of this combination in the
Kutumba Bhava,

Chart-67. MaleBorn on 1321894 at 9-15 A . M .

Moon Jup. Mars.
Venus Ketu
Rasi Navamsa

Venus Sat.
Mars Sat. Ketu
Moon Sun

Balance of the Sun's Dasa5 years and 2 days.

SI. 22] 115

Mercury and Venus are Aha.

Venus and Saturn are retrograde.
Mercury and Saturn are in Vargottama
The conjunction of the lords of the 9th and 10th from the
10th is a Rajayoga. IV4-. The exchange of places between
the lords of the 8th and the l2th, the conjunction of the lords of
the 6th and the 8th, the mutual aspect of the Moon and Saturn
the lord of the 3th and the llth respectively^make the native
very wealthy. The presence of the lords of the 2nd (house o f
Wealth) and of the 9th (house of Fortune) in the 10th, who at the
same time casts a glance over the Lagna, the 4th and the Sth
houses, makes the native lead a vc'v prosperous life. Though
the aspect of Saturn (who is very strong) as the lord of the l l t h
over the Dhana Bhava and its lord may prove beneficial so far
aSi^the finance of the native is concerned, the native is likely to
meet with slight financial losses as Saturn as lord of the 12th
casts an evil glance over Mars.
The conjunction of Venus and Mercurythe Kalatrakaraka
and the lord of the 4th and the 7th (Kalatra-house) respectively
in the 12th with the lord of the 6th is not beneficial for domestic
happiness. But the native need not worry so much on this score
as Jupiter (the lord of the Lagna) aspects the 7th beneficially.
As the combination of the planetsthe Sun, Venus and
Mercuryabove alluded to, has happened in the 12th house, the
Rajayoga will be very mild,

Chart-6S. MaleBorn on 3041853 at J a gh.;before Sunrise-

Died on 171-1914.
Mars Ketu
Rahu Mars Moon
Merc. Jup.


Rasi Navamsa

Jup- Sat. Rahu Sun

116 ^d<%WiJA^ [Khanda IV

Balance of the Mo'on's Dasa7 years, 5 months and 20 days.

The above is the horoscope of an eminent scholar^both in

Sanskrit and English^who was an employee in Government
service in a Native State.

The difference in degrees between the positions of the Sun

^(symbolising the soul) and the Lagna (symbolisii^ the body), is
-only 2. Moreover, the rising Navamsa is owned by the Sun; this
indicates how adamantine the native's will-power was ; that is,
what his soul said, his body obeyed. Note that the Sun is in
-exaltation in the Lagna.

The fact that Mars, the lord of the Lagna, has gone to the
12th cannot be overlooked, as it makes the Lagna weak. But note
the beautiful aspect which Jupiter from his Moolatrikona casts
on the Lagna. The combination of Mecrury and Marsthe
lords of the 6th and the 8thin the 12th, makes the native free
from his enemies and own some immoveable property. In this
connection, note the aspect which the Moon, the lord of the 4th
(House of lands and property), receives from Saturn, the lord of
the Rasi occupied by the Moon, and the aspect of the Moon
over the 4th (her own camp). That the lord of the Lagna is in
conjunction with the lord of the 3rd, in the 12th makes the native
a very submissive servant who would implicitly obey his
superior's orders. As Mercury is the lord also of the 6th and as
the conjunction does not receive any benefic aspect, the native
works more and gets less.

The native will have a good number of children as Jupiter

^the Putrakaraka) aspects the 5th (Putrastthana) as well as its
lord, while the 5th and its lord do not receive any malefic aspect.
The conjunction of Venusthe lord of the house of education
with the Sun, and the presence of the said Venus in the rising
Navamsa coupled with the aspect of Jupiterthe (Vageesa)
makes the native a scholar. Venus happens to be the owner of
SI. 24] 117

the 2nd and the 7th and also the Kalatrakaraka). Jupiter, the
lord of the 9th, aspects this Venus. This indicates the attach-
ment which the native had towards his partner. As Jupiter
happens to be the lord of the 9th and the 12th, the Bhagya-
fortune) of the native should die away with his partner. The
presence of a sort of rude nature in the native is indicated by the
aspect of Saturn, a rude planet posited in the Lagna, cast on the
Moon (the mind) posited in the 10th house.

Sloka 23. i f m a l e f i c s be d e b i l i t a t e d , a n d benefics

endowed with strength occupy K e n d r a and T r i k o n a
houses ; a n d i f the l o r d s of the 1 0 t h , 9 t h a n d 4 t h h o u s e s
b e a l l g r o u p e d e i t h e r i n the 9 t h o r the l O t h , the p e r s o n
b o r n w i l l be a k i n g , h i g h l y i n t e l l i g e n t , w e a l t h y , famous,
endowed with great valour and long-lived. H e w i l l be
revered by other k i n g s , be v i r t u o u s l y disposed and
almost omniscient.

Sloka 24. The 1st, 4 t h , 7 t h a n d l O t h houses a r e

k n o w n b y the t e r m s (Kendra), ^ o j ^ ( K a n t a k a ) and
118 ^Ti<l<aPi^ [Khanda I V

^^g^t ( C h a t u s h t a y a ) . T h e houses n e x t to t h e Kendras,

t h a t i s , t h e 2 n d , t h e 5 t h , the S t h a n d t h e l l t h a r e k n o w n
as nunh< ( P a n a p h a r a ) . T h o s e next to the Panapharas,
viz., the 3 r d , t h e 6 t h , the 9 t h , a n d the 12th are called
snq1%?l ( A p o k l i m a ) . The 5th and t h e 9 t h houses a r e
termed fsj^oj ( T r i k o n a ) . The 3 r d , the 6 t h , t h e 1 0 t h ,
a n d the l l t h are called (Upachaya). The house
occupied by the M o o n is c a l l e d ^ 3 R W % ( J a n m a R a s i )
w h i l e t h e L a g n a i s k n o w n as sri^ ( A u d i ) o r 1st house.

Sloka 25. T h e S u n is of t h e c h a r a c t e r of G o d S i v a
and is the s o u l and father, w h i l e the M o o n is of the
Goddess ( S a k t i ) a n d is the mother (of a | ^ beings)
T h e r e m a i n i n g 5 planets, viz., M a r s , M e r c u r y , J u p i t e r ,
Venus and S a t u r n have their origin from ihe 5 elements
5 % ^ ( P r i t h i v i ) , gT^(Ap), ^^jjw ( T e j a s ) , ^ (Vayu) and
(Akasa) ; from ^ (Satva) have risen Jupiter
V e n u s a n d M e r c u r y ; M a r s has c o m e o u t of (Rajas)
or passion, while Saturn is f r o m ?RT^ ( T a m a s ) or
darkness. T h e S u n a n d the M o o n are not d e a t h . g i v i n g
p l a n e t s , b u t w h e n t h e y h a p p e n to o w n the Sth housei
t h e y b e c o m e h a r m f u l a n d cause m u c h evil.

Mars represents Earth as well as fire, while Mercury denotes

water. This is due to the fact that Mars is termed Mahisuta or
SI. 26] 119

Kuja while Mercury is Soma's son, or an isue of a watery planet.

The Earth and Fire, and Water are inimical is a well-known fact.
This establishes the strong enmity between Mars and Mercury.

The Sun and Mars are two Kshatriya planets, as they get
their Digbala in the 10th, (1111^ supra). O f the two, the Sun
is of a noble sentiment and thus is made use of in analysing
the constructive element of the native; while the latter is taken
to represent the destructive element. It is for this that Kuja
is termed a Saiva in Indian mythology (V31. infra). Hence,
it is very probable that Mars is classified more as a Thams
planet than Rajas and is a support to this statement, since Mars
aspects the lord of the Sth in a destructive capacity and is kept
in par with Saturn. Further Kanda 11-89 is another support. Also

im m^m ^ ^ i ^^^tm^\^ i

Sloka 26. W i t h the b e n e f i c p l a n e t s o c c u p y i n g t h e

6th, the 7 t h a n d t h e S t h houses reckoned from the
M o o n and w i t h no malefics i n these houses, a person
b o r n b e c o m e s a k i n g o r o n e e q u a l to a k i n g enjoying
a l l k i n d s of happiness. H e w i l l b e l o n g - l i v e d , v i c t o r i o u s ,
w i d e l y renowned, learned, c o m m a n d a l l pleasures, a n d
h e w i l l b e b l e s s e d w i t h w i f e , c h i l d r e n , f r i e n d s , houses^
vehicles and other similar luxuries.
120 [Khanda K I

Cfcart-69. FemaleBorn on 24121912, at 8 P . M ,

Rahu Sat. Moon Jup.

Moon Venus
agnaL Sat Sun
Rasi Navamsa

Sun Mars
Ketu Merc. Rahu Lagna
Jup. Merc

Balance of Rahu's Dasa5 years, 3 months and 21 days.

The above is the nativity of a lady whose father was a rich
gentleman and whose husband was an officer in the Indian
Audit and Accounts Service.
Mars, the Yogakaraka, is posited in the 5th house which is
his own camp. The Sun occupies his friend's sign Dhanus. This
Sun is the lord of the 2nd. For matters of finance. Mars and
the Sun in the present instance do more good to the native than
harm. The three major benefics, viz., Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus, (of whom the middle planet is in his Moolatrikona) are
posited in the 6th, 7th and 8th, thus forming the Chandradhi-
yogaIV26. This Yoga will make the native very wealthy
and powerful.
The lord of the 9th, being strong, aspects the 2nd and is in
conjuction with the lord of the 2nd. The mutual exchange of
places between the lords of the 7th and l l t h , and the mutual as-
pect of the lords of the Sth and 12th are all Dhana Yogas,
IV22. The lords of the 9th and 10th from the Lagna are in
their own houses, whjle the lords of the 9th and 10th reckoned
from the 9th are in their respective places, IV4. Thus a power-
ful Rajayoga operates.
A word about the Lagna : Saturn, the lord of the 8th casts
his evil glance over the Lagna. He is also the lord of the 8th,
reckoned from the Chandra Lagna.
SI. 27] 121

The lord of the Lagna being aspected by the lord of the 6th,
is posited in the 12th. The lord of the Lagna also receives the
full malefic aspect of Mars. We have therefore to infer from
the above that the native may live up to her forties.

As the lord of the 2nd is combined with the lord of the 6th
in the 6th ; as the Yogakaraka in conjunction with Mercury, his
enemy and lord of the 12th, is aspected by Saturn, the lord of
the 8th, the wealth earned so far may not last long, as unnece-
ssary expenditure might crop up.


%cqT^ 3 ^ t ^sf^ II II
SloJca 27. T h e numbers 3 0 , 16, 6, 8, 1 0 , 12 a n d I
d e n o t e the K a l a s ( m e a s u r e s o f p o w e r of brilliance) of
the seven planets from the Sun onwards. Add the
K a l a s o f t h e l o r d s of t h e 9 t h h o u s e r e c k o n e d f r o m the
L a g n a as w e l l as f r o m t h e M o o n . D i v i d e the sum by
12. T h e R a s i counted f r o m the M o o n indicated by this
r e m a i n d e r , if o c c u p i e d b y a benefic s i n g l y w i t h o u t the
conjunction of any malefic, will make the native a
^Ishj?: ( K o t e e s w a r a ) ; if by a malefic o n l y , his w e a l t h
w i l l be i n thousands. If the s a i d malefic be exalted,
t h e n also the native w i l l be a ^ t ^ ? : ( K o t e s w a r a ) .

122 3ct^*lsi'I^ [Khanda IV

Chart-70. MaleBorn 421905 at 6-10 A . M .

Venus Moon
Mars. Jup.

Ketu Sun

Lagna Rasi Navamsa

Sun Rahu Merc. Lagna
Mars Sat.

Balance of Moon's Dasa4 years, 4 months and 17 days.

Mars, the lord of the 4th, occupies the 10th Kendra aspcc-
-ting the Lagna as well as the 4th. This makes the native wield
powers, and own houses, vehicles, etc. The lords of the 9th
-and 10th reckoned from the 10th are associated in the Lagna
Kendra IV4 (3). Mercury, the lord of the 9th, occupies the
Vargottamamsa in the 1st (Kendra). Saturn, the lord of the Is*
and the 2nd occupies the Dhana Bhava, making the native very
wealthy. The lords of the 3rd and 4th are mutually aspecting.

In applying the principle enunciated in IV27, we see that

both the lordships of the 9th houses counted from the Lagna and
the Moon fall to Mercury. His Kalas are 8. Adding 8 + 8 and
dividing by 12, we get a remainder 4 thus indicating that the 4th
Rasi from the Moon is Mesha. This Rasi is occupied by the
benefic Jupiter in Vargottamamsa. This Yoga makes the native
very wealthy. To support this view we have the lord of the 2nd
i n the 2nd (wealth); the lord of the 2nd is aspecting Jupiter ;
Mars (lord of the 4th) is in the 10th and aspects Jupiter.

The native was holding a high position in one of the pre-

mier Native States in India.
S I . 27] 125

Chart-71. MaleBorn on 22121889 at Sunrise.

The horoscope belongs to an influential tradesman in South

India- He has now been reduced to abject poverty. He is
absolutely a pauper at present.

Considering the bright side of the aspect, we see the lord o f

the Lagna and the 4th occupies his Moolatrikona, thus forming a
Hamsa Yoga. The 9th house is aspected by Jupiter. The lords
of the 9th and 10th are conjoined in the Lagna. The rising
Navamsa rises with the Sun. Much influence should have been
excercised by him in the early part of his career. The lord of
the 2nd posited in the 9th is also aspected by Jupiter. As per
Sloka IV27, we see that the lord of the 9th from the Lagna as
well as from the Moon is the Sun. His Kalas are 30. The
remainder got from (30-1-30) ~- 12 is 12. The I2th house from-
the Moon is occupied by Venus. The native should have earned

Rahu Moon


Sun Rasi Navamsa

Moon Sat. .Rahu Merc.
Jup. Venus Mars Jup. Mars

Balance of Ketu Dasa6 years. 3 months and 19 days.

Looking at the dark aspect of things we see that the combi-

nation causing the Rajayoga has been associated with the Moon
the lord of the Sth. Jupiter, the lord of the Ist and the 4th, is
BISO affected by his association with the lord of the 8th. The
Dasa of the Moon would not have been favourable in asmuch as
it does not make the native lucky during that period. The Pari-
124 <ixt<l*H^ [Khanda I V

vartana between Mars and Venus, the lords of the 12th and the
l l t h respectively, was totally responsible for the destruction
o f the entire wealth in the Dasa of Mars, Phaladeepika (XX-27).

^ 2 > : ^ 5 ) ^ i i ) ^ 9 ) ^ | ^ ^ ( : 5Bf^<rT(: m mw*

^^rki^^^^v^^^ \\R<^\\

Sloka 28. If t w o o r m o r e o u t of the lords of the

2nd, 5 t h , l l t h a n d 9 t h houses a r e so posited i n a n a t i .
^ i t y that they become m u t u a l l y r e l a t e d b y a n y of t h e
-three k i n d s of S a m b a n d h a s a n d also s t r o n g , the p e r s o n
c o n c e r n e d w i l l be a master of a l a k h . S h o u l d the l o r d s
o f any of the three Dusstthanas h a p p e n t o be o n e of
t h e p a r t n e r s i n t h e a b o v e S a m b a n d h a (i^f'F^), t h e r e s u l t
will b e the destructi on of the w h o l e w e a l t h a n d the
contraction of debts a n d also trouble from enemies.
A H these w i l l o c c u r d u r i n g t h e Dasas of the l o r d s of
the above-said four houses.

Chart-72, MaleBorn on 1110-1907 at 7-15 A . M .

Rahu Rahu Sat.

Sat. Jup. Mars
Rasi Navamsa
Mars Sun

Lagna Venus
Sun Jup."* Ketu
Ketu Moon Merc. Lagna Moon
S I . 28] 125

Balance of Saturn's Dasa8 years and 24 days.

Saturn is retrograde.

The striking feature of this nativity is that the Lagna is fixed

exactly between the two benefies, Venus and Mercury. The arc
joining the positions of these two planets is exactly bisected
at the Easten horizon. The next point that is notable is that the
planet that has risen is in his Vargottamamsa being the lord of
the Lagna. Further, he is occupying his Moolatrikona identical
with the Lagna Kendra, the result being a powerful Malavya
Yoga. Paladeepika(VI1, 3). The planet that is to rise is the
loord of the 9th (the house of luck). To put the situation mroe
clearly, the Lagna, symbolising the body, is packed between the
lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 9th.

Mars, the lord of the 2nd, occupies a Kendra and is in

exaltation, thus forming a Ruchaka Yoga ; Jupiter owning the
3rd, (IV'9) occupies the mid-heaven identical with his exalta-
tion Rasiresulting in a powerful Hamsa Yoga. Paladeepika
VI1, 3). Mars and Jupiter who aspect each other are the lords
of the 9th and 10th reckoned from the 10th. The presence of
a strong Rajayoga is thus note-worthy. IV4 (3).

Jupiter aspects the Moon (lord of the 10th) who is posited in

the 2nd. The same Jupiter aspects Mars, lord of the 2nd. A
very strong Dhana Yoga is the result. The native will have to
earn good lot of money more by his position than he would have
got by his inheritance.

People will have great respect for the words of the native as
Jupiter (Vageesa) is posited in the house of ' Command ' and
aspects the house of ' Speech' as well as its lord.

A word about the Yth Bhava, This Bhava receives the aspect
of its powerful lord. Mars and also that of Venus, the Kalatra-
karaka, But it must [be noted that Bhava is polluted by the
..aspect of Mercury, the lord of the 12th, and Venus, the lord
126 STiKWl^i^ [ K h a n d a IV

of the Sth. Further, there is the evil aspect of Saturn. The native?
will however get a good partner as the Kalatrakaraka and the
lord of the 9th aspect the 7th.

The Sun, the Pitrukaraka, is in the 12th, in the house of

Mercury. This Mercury who is also the Pitrussttanadhipati is
in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna in the Lagna. Thus,
the early demise of the father had to be anticipated.

It will not be out of place if one were to infer that in spite

of medium ordinary education which the native had, the native
has risen to a high post which the others in the ordinary course
of events will find it difficult to achieve. Much goes to the
credit of three planets yielding three Mahapurasha Yogas, all of
them being in mutual Kendra positions.

Saturn, the Yogakaraka, occupies his Moolatrikona house

and at the same time aspect the 2nd. The native will become
very rich as a consequence of this. Further rise is indicated.

Applying the principle laid down in Sloka 27, we see that

the Kalas for the two planets owning the 9th houses from the
Lagna and Moon are 8 and 16 respectively. Therefore (16 + 8C
-7-12 yields a remainder 12. This irdicates the 12th house from
the Moon^viz. Tula :Two benefics unmolested by malefics
occupy the same thus indicating a Koteeswara Yoga. There is
also an Anapha Yoga. Brihatjathaka (XIII3),

The native was an officer in one of the premier Native

States in India.
SI. 28] 127

Charl-73. MaleBorn on 31/17,8-1877 at 57i- Gh.

after Sunrise.
Moon Lagna Mars Lagna
Sat. Sun
Rahu Ketu
Rasi Navamsa
Ketu Rahu

Jup- Jup.

Balance of Mercury's Dasa15 days.

In spite of his humble inheritance, the native was an owner

of more than a lakh of Rupees. Two benefic planetsJupiter
and the Moonare at exactly 90 to each other and they occupy
the 7th and the 10th Kendra in their respective Vargottamamsas.
A powerful Gajakcsari Yoga operates Jathaka Parijatha
VII116-117. Jupiter, being in his Moolatrikona Rasi, the
presence of Hamsa Yoga is to be noted.

The Lagna is in the last degree of Mithuna and hence

occupies Vargottama. Jupiter is exactly in the (Asta Lagna) and
therefore aspects the Lagna completely. The lord of the Lagna
is exactly in the centre of the 2nd Bhava and so Mercury, in the
capacity of the lord of the Lagna and lord of the 4th, adorns the
Dhana Bhava. So no wonder, however humble he might have
been, wealth should come in thousands.

Turning to the other Yogas, we see that the 9th lord is

posited in his Moolatrikona (exactly) in the centre of the 9th).
Venus and Saturn have mutual aspects as lords of the 5th and
9th. Mars and Saturn are conjoined in the 9th Bhava as lords
of the 11th and 9th respectively. Further, they are the lords of
the two Dusstthanas, the 6th and the Sth. The mutual aspect
128 mj^f>m^ [Khanda I V

between the lords of the 8th and I2th, and dth and 12th arc also
noteworthy. IV22.

The same two planetsMars and Venushappen to be the

lords of the 10th and 9th reckoned from the 9th. thus forming
a Rajayoga. IV'4. The Moon's aspect over the 4th is very

era qtiTRPWRJ

Sloka 29. If a l l the p l a n e t s b e p l a c e d i n t h e four

K e n d r a s f r o m the L a g n a onwards and in the four P a n a -
phara houses, a l l the Apoklima houses being left
u n o c c u p i e d , the p e r s o n b o r n b e c o m e s a k i n g or leader
of men. If in the above case benefic planets
and the full Moon be not in conjunction with or
a s p e c t e d b y m a l e f i c s , t h e p e r s o n b o r n w i l l be a l o r d a n d
e x t o l l e d b y the g o o d . If o t h e r w i s e , i.e., t h e p l a n e t s a r e
not powerful, the person concerned will be com-
p a r a t i v e l y l a c k i n g i n the a b o v e - m e n t i o n e d status.

^ H ^jif^^td IR 11
SI. 30] 129

Sloka 30. If t h e r e b e a b i r t h at a b o u t 2 G h a t i k a s -
after mid.night o r mid-day, a king who w i l l subjugate
a l l his enemies a n d w h o w i l l always observe the reli-
g i o u s r u l e s of c o n d u c t a n d w h o i s e n d o w e d w i t h good-
l e a r n i n g , w i l l be ushered i n t o the w o r l d .

If i n t h e a b o v e case a n e x a l t e d planet be i n t h e
2 n d house and be aspected b y another s i m i l a r y exalted^
t h e Y o g a w i l l usher a ^ l ^ t ' g ^ ( K o t e e s w a r a a v e r y r i c h -
man). B u t s h o u l d t h e a s p e c t i n t h e l a s t c a s e b e b y a.
p l a n e t o c c u p y i n g o n l y h i s o w n house, the person b o r n
w i l l be a sajlftr^t^ ( L a k s h a d h i k a r e e o w n e r of lakhs)
and be happy.

Chart-74. MaleBorn on 191868 at 12 mid-night,

Died^on 291926.

Jup. Lagna Mars Mars Rahu

Venus Lagna
Rasi Rahu Navamsa
Sun Jup. Venus
Sat. Ketu Moon Merc.
Balance of Kuja's Dasa2 years, 7 months and 5 days.

The above is the horoscope of a person who had held a high

post in one of the premier Native States, resigned the same when
he had almost put in the minimum number of year's service
reqiured to claim a pension, and served as Dewan in two other
Native States.

130 3Tf<*llii% [Khanda I V

Saturn, the Yogakaraka, being the lord of the 9th, is posited

in the 7th Kendra. He aspects the 9th and the Lagna. The
Sun and Mercury, the lords of the 4th and 5th respectively, are
combined in the 4th. They are also the lords of the 4th and
the 2nd. Mercury, as the lord of the 2nd (wealth), aspects the
10th. He is however in conjunction with the Rajyakaraka who
is posited in his Moolatrikona. Again these two planets while
.aspecting the 10th (House of honour) receive the aspect of
Saturn, the Yogakaraka, and the lord of the 10th. The native
Ijecame immensely rich mainly by virtue of his position as the
.-above. Saturn aspects the Lagna also. The aspect of Saturn
over the 4th as well as its lord, gave the native a large amount
of happiness, vehicle, etc. To be short, for people born with
Vrishabha as Ascendant, Mercury, the Sun and Saturn are the
-only planets who are responsible to elevate the native. These 3
planets are occupying the 4th and the 7th Kendrain this parti-
-cular nativity.

The birth in question is exactly at mid-night which is very

:favourable. IV30. The 4th house is being aspected by a full
Moon. Jupiter owning the Sth is favourable. IV19.

The full Moon referred to in the last paragraph aspects the

:Sun and Mercury whose interval is only about one degree. The
Tfoga enunciated in IV33 infra applies here fully.

Sloka 31. A n immoveable R a s i is s t r o n g e r t h a n

a moveable one. A dual is m u c h s t r o n g e r t h a n a n
Immoveable one. In the case of three planets occu-
p y i n g t h r e e houijes, the t w o aspects c a s t b y two of the
SI. 32] 131

planets over the t h i r d due to their being p l a c e d i n a.

(Chhadaka) or (Vedhaka) position (IV20
supra) w i l l be increasing i n power a c c o r d i n g as t h e
a s p e c t i n g p l a n e t i n e a c h c a s e is p o s i t e d i n a (Chara.
or moveable), a f^sf?; ( S t t h I r a o r immoveable) o r a grS
( D w a n d w a or dual) sign. The same r u l e also holds-
g o o d w i t h r e g a r d to t h e effects caused b y the planets
f r o m the three houses. In the c a s e of the t h r e e d e c a *
n a t e s of w h i c h a R a s i is c o m p o s e d , i f t h e s a i d 3 p l a n e t s -
a r e a l l i n (a) t h e 1st d e c a n a t e of a =g7; ( C h a r a )

(b) the m i d d l e o n e o f a f^ap; ( S t t h i r a ) a n d

(c) t h e l a s t o n e i n a g r l ( D w a n d w a ) ,
the effect will be full. It will be medium when
t h e y a r e a l l i n the middle decanate of a (Chara),.
the last one i n a f^ifX ( S t t h i r a ) a n d the 1st i n a
(Dwandwa). The effect will be v e r y little w h e n the
p l a n e t s a r e a l l i n the last d e c a n a t e i n a =5r?; ( C h a r a ) , t h e
first d e c a n a t e i n a (Stthira) and t h e m i d d l e one i n
3 5?S ( D w a n d w a ) s i g n .

Sloka 32. O f the t w o p l a n e t s that cause a Y o g a

g o o d o r b a d w h i c h w i l l be the case o n l y when they
a r e w i t h i n 12 d e g r e e s o f e a c h o t h e r , i f the o n e which
is slower i n m o t i o n is i n advance a n d the other w h i c h
132 [Khanda I V

i s faster i s b e h i n d , t h e Y o g a w i l l come i n t o effect a n d

it w i l l be full when the i n t e r v a l i s z e r o , a n d nil w h e n
t h e i n t e r v a l i s 12 d e g r e e s . It w i l l b e p r o p o r t i o n a t e i n
the intermediate positions. If t h e p l a n e t t h a t is t a s t e r
is more than 12 d e g r e e s behind the other, the
effect of the Y o g a w i l l b e n o t c o m e to pass.

Cliart-75. MaleBorn on 13,1471884 at 1-20 A . M .

Merc. Sun
Lagna Sat. Venus Merc.
Moon Venus

Jup. Ketu

Rasi Navamsa Sat

Mars Rahu

Rahu Jup. Lagna


Balance of Saturn's Dasa18 years 11 months 28 days.

Mercury and Venus are eclipsed. Venus is retrograde,
Mercury, the Sun and Venus are in Vargottamamsas.
The owner of this nativity was an influential officer in high
-position in a premier Native State.
The lords of the 9th and 10th reckoned from the 9th are
conjoined. So are also the lords of the 9th and 10th counted
i"rom the 10th. The Rajayoga is thus very strong. (IV1 supra).
Note also that Juupiter, the lord of the 9th, aspects the 10th,
-while the lord of the 10th, posited in the 2rid, aspects the lord of
the 9th.
The combination of the lords of the 3rd, 5th and 7th makes
the native prosperous, wealthy and blessed with children (IV5
iiupra and 32. Jupiter, being the lord of the 9th, occupies the 4th
-his exaltation Rasi, forming a Hamsa Yoga.Phaladeepika VI-1, 3.
SI. 34] 133

Jupiter owning the 12th will be auspicious (IV-9, supra). The

position of evil planets in the 3rd and the 6th is beneficial (IV-16
rsupra), The association of the lords of the 2nd and the Sth indi-
cates good financial position. The conjoining of the lords
of the Sth and 7th with that of 6th may cause some loss
of money. The position of Saturn lord of the 10th and llth
liouses in the 2nd, indicates great influx of wealth. But the eclipse
of Venus indicates loss of wealth and some unhappiness in
:^arital life.

^^^^ m\i ^^^^^^^\-^ ^'^m:

Sloka 33. If the M o o n p o s s e s s e d of s t r e n g t h s h o u l d

cast a n y a p p l y i n g a s p e c t (as per I I 1 8 ^ - 1 9 | supra) on
one at l e a s t of the two p l a n ts c a u s i n g the Y o g a
r e f e r r e d to ( i n t h e p r e v i o u s S l o k a ) w i t h i n t h e p r e s c r i b e d
l i m i t s , t h e effect w i l l b e specially marked. This will
not, however, be the case i f t h e a s p e c t i n g M o o n b e
q u a r t e r e d i n a n y of the Dusstthanas, P l a n e t s cast t h e i r
. aspect o n a l l the h o u s e s . T h e aspect w i l l have t h e best
. effect w h e n the p l a n e t a s p e c t i n g is in his e x a l t a t i o n or
. o w n house. It w i l l be medium when the aspecting
p l a n e t occupies a v e r y f r i e n d l y house. In o t h e r h o u s e s ,
t h e effect w i l l o n l y b e v e r y meagre.

^ ^ H i ^ ^i^f^f Tw'K ^ H ^ -
^'d<bi^r^ct [Khanda iV

^ ^iww ^i^T^ m^t m^i^ II ^ 1^

Sloka 34. Find the Rasi where the l o r d of a
B h a v a is p o s i t e d . The (Pada) of that B h a v a w i l l b e
so m a n y R a s i s d i s t a n t f r o m t h a t l o r d as the l o r d is f r o m
the R a s i s i g n i f y i n g the B h a v a . It is w i t h r e f e r e n c e to
this q ^ (Pada) and the g o o d a n d b a d p l a n e t s p o s i t e d
t h e r e i n , t h a t the p r o s p e r i t y a n d d e c a y o f the B h a v a a r e
to be predicted. Thus, should the 8 (q^) Padas be
determined in the case o f t h e 1st, 2 n d , 4 t h , 5 t h , 7 t h ,
9th, 10th and I2th. T h e q^ ( P a d a ) f o r the 1 2 t h house
f r o m a n y B h a v a is Icnown as gqq^ (Upapada) for that
B h a v a , a n d t h a t f o r t h e 7 t h as (Darapada).

Here the author explains what is meant by (Arudha) or

Pada. The Arudha of a Bhava falls in the Rasi which is so
much distant from the Rasi occupied by the lord of the Bhava
under consideration, as the lord himself is removed from the
said Bhava.

Take an example:
Chart-76. MaleBorn on 1961907 at 33 Gh, after Sunrise.
Venus Lagna
Sat. Venus Jup- Moon Jup- Merc.

Rahu Rahu

Rasi Navamsa
Ketu Ketu Sat.

Lagna Sun
Mars Mars

Balance of Moon's Dasa9 years, 11 months and 15 days.

51. 34] 135

Let us now prepare the

3 2
Arudhachakra. 10 7
9 6
Jupiter, the lord of the
Lagna is in Mithuna, i.e.,
in the 7th Rasi from the Arudha
Lagna. Hence the Lagna- Padachakra
pada falls in the 7th Rasi 12 5
from Mithuna, i.e., Dha-
nus. Hence No. 1 is mark- 1
8 4
-ed there. Take the 7th
Bhava ; its lord, Mercury, is in the 1st house from the 7th and
J;herefore the Saptama pada or the pada of the 7th Bhava is
placed in the 1st house from Mercury, i.e., again in Mithuna-
'The figure 7 is therefore placed there. Now take the 5th Bhava.
Jts lord Mars is placed in the 9th house from it, and the 9th
house reckoned from Mars is Simha, and here you see No. 5
.entered. Similarly work up for all Bhavas and you will see the
12 Padas scattered as shown in the Chakra. The author has
taken only 8 Padas, belonging to 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th
and 12th and has left out the four others 3rd, 6th, Sth, and llth.
But Jaimini has generalised this to all the 12 Bhavas and this
seems to be correct.

It will be observed from an outward glance at the Arudha

Chakra that all the odd Padas arc situated in the odd Bhavas
reckoned from the Lagna, while the even ones are in the even
' Bhavas. This may appear a mystery at the beginning ; but it
will be found out that this is after all the result arising out of the
very definition of Pada. Mathematically this theory may be
proved that it cannot be otherwise.
Suppose we ^consider the Arudha or Pada {of any Bhava.
Assuming that the lord of the Bhava under consideration, is n
Rasi away from the Bhava, the Pada of the Bhava falls in a
Rasi which is n Rasis removed from the said lord. This means
the Pada falls in a Rasi which is n + (n1) Rasis removed from
Jthe Bhava, When n is an integer, 2n1 is always odd. There
136 StR^SPJ^ [Khanda I V

fore the Pada will fall in an odd or even Rasi reckoned from the
Lagna according as the Bhava under consideration is odd or
In the usual Chakra, the Bhavas are situated successively in
order, but the Padas are scattered here and there and sometimes
two or more are in conjunction. The Bhava Pada will be situated
in the same Bhava, only when the lord of the Bhava is placed
either in the same Bhava or in the 7th from it.

It will further be seen that, in the Arudha Chakra, the

Bhavas are distributed and consequntly the effects too might
vary. For example, in the ordinary diagram, the Dhana Bhava
falls in Makara, and Saturn, its lord, is the planet to cause its
effect. But from a glance at the Pada chakra, it will be seen that
the Dhana pada is in Vrishabha ; in other words, the house of
wealth is shifted from Makara to Vrishabha, and its lord Venus
will be the cause for its effect. In the course of Dasa, Bhukti
readings based on the general principles of horoscopy, one will
find that effects of certain nature not concerning with the planet
happen actually and he fails to ascribe proper reasoning for the
happening of the event. For example, in the above horoscope,
Venus is the lord of the 2nd pada and the 6th pada and is placed
in Vrishabha. This gives the result that Venus is capable of
giving wealth with much diffculty as he owns the 6th also. From
the general principles of Astrology, his lordship over Dhana
Bhava cannot be at a glance said. Again, under general princi-
ples, Mercury has no connection with the 4th house other than
for the mere association with Jupiter, lord of the 4th. But
under Arudha Chakra, Mercury is the lord of the 4th and it is
he who gave the native.high education, especially in mathematics.
The Arudha Chakra will thus explain all such discrepancies.

In the usual diagram, each planet owns at least one Bhava.

But under Arudha Chakra a planet may own even more than
two and sometimes none at all. It has been definitely stated
that a planet cannot cause the effect of a Bhava unless it owns
it or aspects it etc. Applying the same principle, it may be
SI. 36] 137

that a plane! cannot cause the effect of a Bhava unless it owns

it or aspects it, etc. Applying the same principle, it may be
jgeneralised that the planet will certainly cause the effect of the
Padas that are owned by it, aspected or occupied by it. When a
planet does not own, or is not situated in any Pada, it will have
no individual power to cause any effect. It seems that during
the period of this planet, nothing will happen in particular.


Sloka 35. If the 55^55 ( L a g n a p a d a ) b e b e n e f i c i.e.y

the h o u s e o f a b e n e f i c a n d o c c u p i e d b y a b e n e f i c , t h e
person concerned will enjoy a l l comforts and good luck.
If benefic b e p o s i t e d i n the K e n d r a s and K o n a s ' w i t h
respect to t h e L a g n a p a d a , the person w i l l be a k i n g a n d
a very learned one. If m a l e f i c s s h o u l d o c c u p y the:
L a g n a p a d a , i t s K e n d r a s a n d K o n a s , t h e effect will be
otherwise. T h e same remark holds g o o d if malefics
o c c u p y t h e 6 t h , S t h , a n d 12th Iplaces f r o m the Lagna.
pada. T h u s should the good and b a d effects be
carefully investigated for a l l the 8 Padas.

' ci^ti^sf^^%^^5f^ jsn^rf^ II II

138 3TTt^Pi^ [Khanda I V

Sloka 36. S i m i l a r l y should information regarding

i s s u e be p r e d i c t e d w i t h the h e l p o f t h e S t h , 2 n d a n d 9 t h
P a d a s a f t e r a c a r e f u l s c r u t i n y o f the B h a v a s , J u p i t e r a n d
t h e l o r d of the L a g n a (or the P a d a s o f the 5 t h , 2 n d a n d
9th counted from Jupiter, and the l o r d of the Lagna)
a n d the U p a p a d a (gq^f^); a n d the c o n j u n c t i o n a n d a s p e c t
o f benefic. If there be no aspect or conjunction of
m a l e f i c s , the n a t i v e w i l l h a v e a g o o d n u m b e r of c h i l d r e n -
T h e s e x o f the c h i l d r e n s h o u l d b e determined by the
preponderance i n strength of the several planets

^ %3l^ ^^^^5^1*ir^<tq\: I

Sloka 37. (1) If M e r c u r y , S a t u r n a n d M a r s occupy

t h e a b o v e P a d a s , e t c . o r (2) b e c o n j o i n e d w i t h t h e i r l o r d s
o r (3) t h e s a m e t h r e e p l a n e t s o c c u p y Rasi and Amsa
o f t h e B h a v a ; o r (4) i f S a t u r n a n d J u p i t e r be together
i n a s i n g l e h o u s e , t h e r e w i l l be loss of children. The
1 0 t h h o u s e a n d its l o r d , i f c o n j o i n e d with or aspected
hy S a t u r n , w i l l c a u s e t h e n a t i v e to have adopted sons
T h u s h a v e d e c l a r e d the w i s e i n v a r i o u s w a y s .
S I . 39] 139-

Slolca 88. All about the first wife should be

p e r d i c t e d f r o m the 7 t h house from the L a g n a ; about
the 2 n d w i f e , f r o m t h e S t h h o u s e therefrom, and the
death of successive wives f o u n d out i n a s i m i l a r manner,,
when malefics occupy these houses. If benefics be
p l a c e d i n t h e S t h house f r o m the Lagna, death should
n o t b e p r e d i c t e d . It is t h r o u g h the c o n j u n c t i o n o r a s p e c t
o f J u p i t e r a n d o t h e r benefics that the n u m b e r of wives^
l i v i n g , t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e issue, t h e i r c h a r a c t e r a n d other
qualities should be ascertained.

The 3rd line may also meanSimilarly, death should not be

predicted if the 8th house be aspected by or conjoined with

W#5ifq5^i: %^m%^ ^ ^ T : S^: l U ^ II

Sloka 39. T h u s , If benefics o c c u p y t h e U p a p a d a o f
t h e 7 t h , t h e w i f e m a y be d e c l a r e d to be b e a u t i f u l , l o n g -
l i v e d a n d possessed of g o o d q u a l i t i e s . If a m a l e f i c o c c u p y
t h e U p a p a d a a n d be i n d e b i l i t a t i o n , t h e n a t i v e c o n c e r n e d -
w i l l lose two wives. B u t i f the m a l e f i c b e exalted and
aspected b y or c o n j o i n e d w i t h a benefic, the p e r s o n w i l l
have many wives living. If there be no such benefic-
aspect or c o n j u n c t i o n , the p e r s o n m a y n o t r e m a r r y .
In this Sloka, the Saptamapada is being considered as
this Sloka is in continuation of the previous Sloka where the
Kdatra Bhava is mentioned. The author describes here the
effects of Kalatrapada and its Upapada, i.e., the Pada of the one
previous to Saptama i.e., Shashtapada, This is in harmony with
140 [Khanda IV

the general principles of Astrology that whenever a Bhava is

considered, the positions of planets situated in the previous
Bhava have to be reckoned as such planets have the power of
Achchhadana as Ij declared by the author in IV19 supra. A
question may then be raised as to why the previous house is
referred to and not the next one. The reader will find an answer
to this when he reads the Sloka on Achchhadana, where it is
stated that generally planets have a tendency to have an advance
Achchhadaaa and not a receding one.
Take the horoscope given above. Here the Upapada of the
7th Pada, i.e., the 6th, falls in Vrishabha and Venus is placed
there in Swakshetra. His wife i.e., his first wife is beautiful, of
:good conduct and is blessed with long life. When the Pada is
considered, all the general principles of Astrology must be used
and the results predicted. But when Upapada is considered,
prediction must be based only on the planets conjoined with the
Upapada- This point is not clearly explained by the author
but a logical reasoning from the general principles and by the
-wordings this can be elucidated.

8TST Hy**y<ilMl^^Wi rrfe^Tiffcff^'M "^l?

Sloka 40. A l l a b o u t the first w i f e s h o u l d be d i v i n e d

t h r o u g h the ^ R q ^ (Darapada) and its nqq^ ( U p a p a d a ) ,
I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t the second w i f e should be sought for
t h r o u g h t h e S t h house f r o m these t w o (q^) P a d a s . S a g e s
s a y t h a t t h e n u m b e r of w i v e s t h a t w o u l d b e l o s t should
be declared through t h e a m o u n t of qjq?^ ( P a p a t v a ) , i f
any, i n the Pada over and above that i n t h e
.(Darapada). W h e r e t h e Pada c o n c e r n e d i s h i g h l y g*r
SI 4 0 ] 1+1

.(Subha), t h e r e i t i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e p a r t i c u l a r w i f e will
b e t h e p r o m o t e r of t h e f a m i l y , g i v e r o f h a p p i n e s s , o n e
endowed with l o n g life a n d affording enjoyment

Ckart-77. MaleBorn on 2471873, at 2 Gh. after Sunrise.

Died on 14101933.

Rahu Venus Mars ' Merc. Ketu

Sun Jup-
Moon Sat.
Rasi Navamsa
Jup. Venus
Merc. Moon

Rahu Sun
Mars 1
Balance of Saturn's Dasa16 years, 10 months and 25 days,
The above is the horoscope of a retired judicial officer in a
premier Native State.
The Sun, the lord of the 2nd, in conjuction with the lord of
;the Lagna is posited in the Lagna, This is a very strong Dhana
Yoga and makes the natire very rich- The lord of the 2nd
being in the Lagna further makes the native a fluent speaker.
This is further supported by the presence of Jupiter, the Vakpati
In the 2nd.
The Lagna and its lord are being aspected by Saturn who is
posited in his own camp. Saturn further possesses full Digbala
.,<II^12supra). One will have to conclude that, as Saturn's influ-
ence over the lord of the 1st and the 2nd is great, the native
will be dark in complexion. A powerful Sasa Yoga operates.
The lords of the Rasi and Amsa oocupied by Jupiter are posited
i n the Lagna. (IV5). The ascending node is in the 10th as.
pected by the lord of the 10th. The native would have exercised
jgood powers as Mars is the aspecting planet. Further, Mars
142 FKhanda I V

happening to be the Yogakaraka occupies a Kendra. The pre-

sence of Mercury, lord of the i2th in conjunction with the lord
of the 6th, Jupiter, i n the 2nd, is a splendid Dhana Yoga. But
Mercury as lord of the 12th in conjunction with Jupiter as lord
of the 9th, in the 2nd, is most unfavourable. Saturn's (lord of
the Sth) aspect over the 9th, 1st and 4th is also un.favourable.
As regards his marriage, let us apply the principles enun-
ciatedin IV38-''0. The
Padachakra of the nativity 6
11 2
will be as shown in the

His first wife has to

be read out from the 7th 7
Pada and its Upapada, i.e,. 6
the 6th Pada. Saturn is
placed in the 7th Pada and 12 5
is aspected by three male-
ficsthe Sun, the Moon and Mars. Rahu is placed in the
(Upapada) Hence the demise of the first wife.

His next wife has to be ascertained through the 2nd house

and the 5th house, they being the 8th from the 7th Prda and its
Upapada respectively. The 2nd house is occupied by two bene-
fics. The Sth house is unoccupied by any planet but it is aspected
by Venus, a benefic : (Swakshetra). A l l these go to prove that
she will be long-lived and well-blessed in life. But the aspect
of the malefic, Saturn, on the 9th house which is 8th from the
2nd house indicates that there is another marriage to the native.
The same eff"ects read out from the 7th Pada for the first wife
has to be applied in this case also except for the Upapada. In
this case the UpapadaSthis left unoccupied but aspected by
its lord, the benefic Jupiter, which shows that her life, though
short, is not as short as that of the first, and that there are no
more marriages to the native.

Children. The issue from the first wife has to be judged

from the 5th house from the 7th Pada, i.e., Vrishabha. As
S I . 40J 143

Venus is posited tiiere inliis own camp, the first wife could have
borne children but for the aspect of Mars, The issue from the
2nd wife have to be ascertained from the Sth house from the 2nd
house i. e., Dhanus. It is unoccupied but aspected by its own
lord, Jupiter, who is strong with exaltation Navamsa- Besides
he is conjoined with another benefic, viz.. Mercury. Hence,
children are born to her. The issue to the 3rd wife have to be
judged from Karkataka being the Sth from the 9th house. As
its lord is posited in the same house along with the Sun, a friend
.she will have some childern in spite of the aspect of Saturn.

Chart-78. MaleBorn on 15,1641869 at 3 A . M .

Died on 25121949.

Venus Sun Sun

Moon Venus Moon
Merc. Jup. Jup.
Lagna Rahu Sat. Ketu
Mars Mars
Rasi Navamsa
Ketu Rahu

Sat. Merc.
Balance of the Moon's Dasa3 years, 10 months and 20 days.
The three important factors which appeal to the reader are
^1) the Lagna is Vargottama; (2) Venus, the Yogakaraka, being
in exaltation and in Vargottamamsa, occcupics the 2nd (house o^
-wealth); (3) the lord of the Lagna is in mid-heaven. The Sun
,and the Moon are in exaltation. Three planets are in exaltation
in succession. As a consequence, the native will become famous.
wealthy and powerful.
The Moon aspecting Saturn forms a splendid Dhana yoga as
they are lords of the 6th and the 12th respectiveity (IV22).
"The combination of the lords of the Sth and the 9th in the 2nd
.Jiouse goes a long way to elevate the native in the eyes of the
iVH*hrwtJi^ [Khanda I V

world. To explain it in simpler language, the 2nd house governs

the tongue, the Sth represents the intellect, and the 9th repre-
sents philosophy. A connection among these three houses will
enable the native to expound philosophy to the native's best
ability, mainly by power of his intellect and tongue.
Regarding the 7th house, it is aspected by the hermaphro-
ditc planet Saturn, lord of the 12th. Though its lord, the Sun,
is exalted, the lord of the latter sign is debilitated. The Sun is-
posited in Aswini which is the 7th star from the natal one, and
whose lord, ketu, occupies the 12th house. Saturn, is posited
in the 7th from the Chandra Lagna with two benefic planets in
the l l t h house from the Chandra Lagna. The Chandra Lagna in
this nativity can be considered equivalent to the Lagna as the
Moon is exalted and possesses full Digbala, being posited in the
4th Kendra (Brihatjataka XVIII20). The above arguments go
to prove that the native should have two wives. (Paladeepika
XS), These points can
6 also be viewed from the
Pada Chakra given in the
margin :

The first wife has to be

1 ascertained from the 7th
4 11 and the 6th Padas as usual
The 7th Pada is aspected
S 8 by its lord Jupiter and by
7 12
none else. The 6th Pada
is occupied by Mercury (debilitated) and Venus (exalted).
Hence herself surviving, he will have a second wife whose fortune
has to be read out from the 2nd and the 1st Padas. The 2nd
Pada is occupied by the Moon who is waxing and exalted and the
lord of the Pada, viz., Venus, is exalted. The first Pada is left
unoccupied but aspected by Jupiter. Hence she will be blessed
with long life, properity, etc., and there will be no more wives to
the native.
The issue to the first'wife has to be read out from Mesha, a^
the same is the Sth from the 7th Pada. Its lord, Mars, is
SI. 41] 145

placed in the 8th house from Dhanus, i.e., the Rasi of Tthe first
wife, in debilitation and conjoined with Rahu. The position of
Jupiter in that Rasi is no good for the reason that the Karaka
is placed in the Bhava (reckoned from that of the first wife)^
Hence no issue to her. The Sth house from the 2nd wife iy
Kanya whose lord Mercury, though in dcpressin is conjoined
with exalted Venus thus rendering Neechabhangatva and is placed
in the 7th from Kanya and 11th from Vrishabha, the 2nd wife's-
Rasi. She will therefore have issue.
Turning to the original chart we see that Jupiter, the lord of
the 2nd, aspects the 9th. The Moon (the mind) being exalted
is aspected by the lord of the Lagna, the two planets occupying-
mutual Kendra positii>ns with 'espect to the Lagna. Mercury-
the lord of the 5th (house of Dhee-intellect), is in the 2nd. All.
these Yogas give the native the philosophical intellect and an.
interest to pursue the science. For the mid-heaven is occupied
by a philosophical planet being aspected by the planet represen-
ting the mind. This can be further supported by the fact that:
Saturn owns the 12th also. It is a general conclusion that people
born under Aquarius will have spirit of renunciation for the
following two reasons : (a) the Ascendant is a philosophical
Rasi (b) the lord being a philosophical planet owns the 12th.
house also.

Sloka 41. The number of N a v a m s a s that have

elapsed i n the 3rd house counted b a c k w a r d s f r o m t h e
Lagna will indicate the n u m b e r of elder-brothers o r
s i s t e r s , w h i l e t h e n u m b e r o f N a v a m s a s s t i l l to r i s e i n the
146 dVK^Wi^i^ [Khanda IV

3 r d h o u s e c o u n t e d i n r e g u l a r o r d e r f r o m the L a g n a w i l l
denote the number s t i l l to be born. The number
of males and females a m o n g them s h o u l d be guessed
a c c o r d i n g t o the r u l e s o n the s u b j e c t w h i l e the n u m b e r
o f those s u r v i v i n g o r o t h e r w i s e s h o u l d b e j u d g e d f r o m t h e
s t r e n g t h o f the benefic a n d m a l e f i c p l a n e t s r e s p e c t i v e l y .

Sloka 42. O u t of the p l a n e t s f r o m t h e S u n o n w a r d s ,

n d w h i c h h a s t r a v e l l e d t h e h i g h e s t n u m b e r of d e g r e e s
I n the R a s i o c c u p i e d . H e is d e s i g n a t e d as effsj^JTi ( A d h i k a
graha) or senior planet i n the n a t i v i t y . If t h e S u n
should conjoin with this A d h i k a g r a h a , the person
c o n c e r n e d w i l l b e a n a d v i s e r i n the p a l a c e . If the f u l l
M o o n a n d V e n u s should be together with the Adhika-
g r a h a , the n a t i v e c o n c e r n e d w i l l be v e r y r i c h , learned
and enjoy a l l pleasures. If M a r s b e s u c h a p l a n e t , he
w i l l c a r r y a r m s , be a c o m m a n d e r of an a r m y , a w o r k e r
i n metals and a rogue.

^il^sf^ m f ^ q f N ' % T f ^ ^ q^: ii ^ ii

Sloka 43. If t h e p l a n e t i n q u e s t i o n be Mercury^
the person w i l l be skilled i n sculpture, or a dealer i n
earthen j a r s a n d c l o t h e s . I f it be Jupiter, he w i l l be a
S I . 44] 147

sacred B r a h m i n engaged i n V e d i c duties, and versed i n

the V e d a s a n d w o r k s a u x i l i a r y to the same. If V e n u s
be s u c h a p l a n e t , h e w i l l b e l o n g . l i v e d , p r o n e to i n d u l g e
in s e x u a l p l e a s u r e s . If i t be Saturn, he will engage
himself i n a l l sorts of vocations. If i t b e R a h u or K e t u ,
the person w i l l be c l e v e r i n p r e p a r i n g medicines for
p o i s o n , w o r k i n g i n metals a n d the l i k e .

In these two slokas (4243), the author describes about

Adhikagraha, He seems to have taken this idea from Jaimini
who calls this planet Atmakaraka and he has attached mUck
importance to the Amsa occupied by this Atmakaraka and has
very elaborately dealt with this subject. Readers may find these:
in Jaimini Sutras, In these two Slokas, the author has des-^
cribed the effects of planets joining the Atmakaraka in Rasi.
Ghakra, For example, the exact planetary positions in Chart-
76 given in p, 134 are in order as follows :

Sun, Mooh, Mars, Merc. Jup. Venus. Sat, Rahu. Lagna

4-36' 10-56 25<'.4 280-25' 24-7' llo-7' 4-^' 2-17' 9-58'
The Adhikagraha or Atmakaraka is Mercury as he is the planet
that has advanced most in the Rasi occupied by him.

Here that planet should be in conjunction with the Atma-

karaka and not otherwise. But Jaimini reads these efifects from
the conjunction of planets placed with this Atmakaraka i n
Navamsa Rasi. For this, please see notes under the sloka 45.

. SJoka 44, If the 2nd place reckoned f r o m that

r f ^ [ ^ | ( A d h i k a g r a h a ) be aspected or o c c u p i e d by the
148 <iT<^:|gHi^ [Khanda IV

S u n and V e n u s , he w i l l s e r v e i n a p a l a c e . If a m a l e f i c
"be i n the 3 r d h o u s e f r o m t h e eTfq"*'T|; ( A d h i k a g r a h a ) , the
p e r s o n w i l l possess v a l o u r . If a b e n e f i c b e t h e r e i n s t e a d ,
h e w i l l be a t i m i d p e r s o n . If t h e M o o n b e i n t h e 4th
h o u s e f r o m t h e srfq-sEJT^ ( A d h i k a g r a h a ) a n d be aspected
b y Venus, the person concerned w i l l be a great p i l o t or
sailor. If t h e 4th ;house in question be occupied or
aspected by the Moon a n d V e n u s , the n a t i v e w i l l be
endowed w i t h s t o r e y e d b u i l d i n g s ( m a n s i o n s ) i a n d s i m i l a r
In this sloka, effects of planets situated in or aspecting the
"Bhavas reckoned from the Atmakaraka Lagna are described.
The readers should note that he has described effects applying
the same general principles considering the Janma Lagna,
-Arudha Lagna and Adhikakgraha Lagna or Atmakaraka Lagna
-and Jaimini has gone even further.

jr^ c l ^ 5 ^ ^ g t ^ r ^ ^ T T ^ 3 [ ^ ^ I ^ qi

Sloka 45. If the Moon and Venus occupy or

- a s p e c t t h e 4 t h h o u s e f r o m the T%5|5JTq^ ( A d h i k a g r a h a -
p a d a ) , the n a t i v e w i l l b e the l o r d of v e r y b i g mansions.
I f the s a i d 4 t h p l a c e be o c c u p i e d by a p l a n e t i n exalta.
t i o n , the effects w i l l be s i m i l a r ; b u t the n a t i v e w i l l also
be troubled by w h i t e and black leprosy. Thus should
b e d i v i n e d e v e r y t h i n g as a b o v e f r o m a c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f
the j R a s i , Navamsa and Dwadasamsa occupied by the
B f ^ 5 ^ (Adhikagraha). T h e profession and manliness
o f 2 p e r s o n s h o u l d b e d i v i n e d t h r o u g h the planet that
is ncXL j u n i o r t o t h e sri^r^J?l| ( A d h i k a g r a h a ) .
-SI. 1 149

This is a very important Sloka. The author has in brief

.exhausted all the details elaborated by Jaimini. He wants us to
read similar effects from the Navamsa Rasi occupied by this
Atmakaraka and Dwadasamsas too, but Jaimini has taken only
Navamsa. Then he describes that the planet next in degrees and
minutes has also to be considered and the native's profc-ssion
to be predicted out of that planet; valour and courage from thg
planet next to it. In this connection. I may say that this is nothing
.but an abstract of what Jaimini has elaborated and discussed
in his Sutras. He calls the planet foremost in Kalas (degrees^
in any Rasi Atmakaraka, the next in degree to Atmakaraka Ama-
tyakaraka and the next as Bhratrukaraka ; next as Matrukaraka
.and the next Putrakaraka, the next as Jnatikaraka and the next
Darakaraka. With this he stops and bases his prediction on
-these. This theory of attributing Karakatva is like attributing
.a Lagna to Atmakaraka and the successive Bhavas till 7th to the
successive planets. In fact, this is how he has dealt with the
.subject. For details, please refer to Jaimini Sutras.
Illustration :Take Chart 76.

Mercury is Atmakaraka ; Mars is Amatyakaraka; Jupiter

-is Bhratrukaraka ; Venus is Matrukaraka ; the Moon is Putra-
karaka ; the Sun is Matulakaraka and Saturn is Kalatrakaraka.


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gq4-m<s^i4(? I
150 [Khanda V

S E C T I O N : R e l a t i n g to A c t i o n , F u n c t i o n o r D o i n g ,

Slokas 1.IJ. The following are what the first

Bhava represents : (1) B o d y (<^) l i m b s (3) h a p p i n e s s
and misery (4) o l d a g e (5) k n o w l e d g e (6) b i r t h - p l a c e
(7) f a m e (8) d r e a m (9) s t r e n g t h (10) d i g n i t y (11) p o l i t i c s
(12) l o n g e v i t y (13) t r a n q u i l l i t y (14) a g e (15) h a i r f 16)
a p p e a r a n c e (17) p r i d e (18) l i v e l i h o o d (19) g a m b l i n g f o r
o t h e r s (20) s t i g m a (21) h o n o r (22) s k i n (23) s l e e p (24)
proficiency (25) a p p r o p r i a t i n g other's money (26)
t e n d e n c y to insult o t h e r m e n (27) freedom f r o m disease
(28) d i s c o n t e n t (29) n a t u r e (30) a g e n c y (31) perseverence
i n the b r e e d i n g of c a t t l e (33) loss of d e c o r u m a n d (33)
blame from one's castemen-

citqi%ti^ft T?Tm5ff^fv:i3r%^riT ^^^m^ l U li

Slokas 1\3. T h e f o l l o w i n g a r e to be d e t e r m i n e d
f r o m t h e s e c o n d B h a v a : (1) s p e e c h (2) w e a l t h (3) b e l i e f
i n s a c r e d t r a d i t i o n (4) s u p p o r t i n g o t h e r s (5) n a i l s (6)
e n j o y m e n t (7) t r u t h a n d f a l s e h o o d (8) t o n g u e (9) e y e s
SI. 4J] 151

(10) g a r m e n t ( U ) diamond (12) c o p p e r (13) g e m (14)

pearl (15) d e t e r m i n a t i o n (16) p e r f u m e (incense) (17)
family relationship (18) t r a d e (19) s o f t n e s s o f speech
(20) l i b e r a l i t y (21) effort i n the acquisition of wealth
.,(22) f r i e n d s h i p ( 2 3 ) f r i e n d (24) s p l e n d o u r (25) m i s e r l i n e s s
in spending ( i 6 ) clear oratorical ability (27) s c h o l a r -
ship (28) g o l d (29) g o o d s i l v e r (30) c o r n (31) m o d e s t y
(32) n o s e (33) f i r m n e s s o f m i n d (34) a c l o s e d e p e n d a n t
436) r u l e s o f g o i n g a n d c o m i n g a n d (36) l i v i n g power.

^r^fJsS^^VTiiT^iyill fq?TT^%1 II II

s[i^^^q^^ w ^ H i ? ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I
Slokas (1) C o u r a g e (6) b r o t h e r s (3) b a t t l e
,^4) ears (5) l e g s (6) r o a d s i d e p l a c e (7) c o n f u s i o n of t h e
m i n d (8) fitness (9) h e a v e n , p a r a d i s e (10) c a u s i n g s o r r o w
(11) d r e a m (12) s o l d i e r (13) h e r o i c v a l o u r (14) o n e ' s o w n
r e l a t i o n s (15) f r i e n d (16) w a n d e r i n g (17) t h r o a t (18) e a t -
i n g unspoiled or pure food (19) p a r t i t i o n o f property
(20) o r n a m e n t s (21) g o o d quality (22) l e a r n i n g (23)
p a s t i m e (24) b o d i l y s t r e n g t h (25) g a i n (26) b o d i l y g r o w t h
.(27) n o b l e descent (28) s e r v a n t (29) t h e part o f t h e h a n d
between the forefinger and t h e thumb (sacred to the
M a n e s ) (30) f e m a l e s e r v a n t (31) j o u r n e y i n a s m a l l g o o d
vehicle (32) a l a r g e u n d e r t a k i n g and (33) o n e ' s o w n
religious dutythese a r e to b e divined from the third
152 ^-tiii^^iwi^ :[Khanda V

p^^Tft =^ ^\^^\ It ^ u

^3^te?rff|;H;^ ^ ^^Pi^M"l*i, II ^ II

5 : ^ s ? i e w ? 3 [ 1^ sirs'Tist^sn^Ri^ II \9 II

Slokas 41-7 T h e f o l l o w i n g a r c to h e i n v e s t i g a t e d
t h r o u g h the 4 t h h o u s e : (1) l e a r n i n g (2) k i n g d o m (3)
h o u s e (4) t r a v e l (5) v e h i c l e s s s i m i l a r to r i c k s h a w s , s m a l l
b o a t s a n d t h e l i k e (6) o i l b a t h (7) m o t h e r (8) r e l a t i o n
(9) f r i e n d (10) c a s ' - (11) g a r m e n t (12) a s m a l l w e l l (13)
w a t e r (14) m i l k (15) p e r f u m e (16) a h a p p y b e i n g (17)
g o o d n a m e (18) a m e d i c i n e of g r e a t s u p e r n a t u r a l efficacy
(19) t r u s t (20) f a l s e .liegation (21) a t e n t o r p a v i l i o n
22) v i c t o r y (23) v ; f m e w o r k (24) l a n d (25) a g a r d e n
(26) d i g g i n g of a p o n d o r w e l l (37) a n d t h e i r i n s t a l l a t i o n
f o r t h e use o f t h e p u b l i c (28) m o t h e r ' s side (29) a p u r e
i n t e l l e c t (30) f a t h e r (31) w i f e (32) h o a r d i n g of o n e ' s
s a v i n g s (33) a m . a n s i o n (3+) a r t (25) e n t r a n c e i n t o a
house (36) c o n c l u s i o n (^'7) d i s p o s i t i o n (38) loss o f o n e ' s
d w e l l i n g (39) p a t e r n a l p r o p e r t y (40) c e l e s t i a l f o o d (41)
t h e a r t of g i v i n g c l u e s t o the p l a c e s w h e r e s t o l e n
p r o p e r t y is k e p t , e t c . (42) a n a n t h i l l (43) d e v e l o p m e n t
of V e d i c a n d s a c r e d t e x t s (44) buffalos (45) c o w s (46)
horses (47) e l e p h a n t i n r u t a n d (48) a b u n d a n c e o f c o r n ,
grain produced i n wet-lands.
S I . 9|] 153

n**ft^ ^^^^^^ irTRf^^^

^imf^K^^w^w, ^mmit^ ii ^ n

SloJcas 89i. (1) P r o g e n y (2) v i r t u o u s a c t d o n e -

b y the f a t h e r (3) a k i n g (4) a m i n i s t e r (5) g o o d morals-
(6) m e c h a n i c a l a r t (7) m i n d (8) l e a r n i n g (9) p r e g n a n c y
(10) d i s c r e t i o n (11) u m b r e l l a (12) moral s t o r i e s (13)
auspicious letters (14) g a r m e n t s (15) a g r e a t action
desirable i n various w a y s (16) p a t e r n a l p r o p e r t y (17)-
foresightedness (18) p r o p e r t y derived through wife's
lifck' (19) l i a i s o n s w i t h courtezans (20) p r o f u n d i t y ( 2 1 )
f i r m n e s s ( 2 2 ) s e c r e t (23) d e c o r u m ( 2 4 ) w r i t i n g of news
(25) w e l l - b e i n g ( 2 6 ) f r i e n d s h i p ( 2 7 ) a l o n g literary pro
duction (28) engaging oneself in a n y business ( 2 9 )
b e l l y (30) p r a y e r b y i n c a n t a t i o n s (31) r i c h e s s i m i l a r t o - '
t h a t o f K u b e r a (32) g i f t o f c o o k e d r i c e (33) d i s c r l m i -
i i a t i o n b e t w e e n v i r t u e a n d s i n (34) c h a n t i n g of Vedic
h y m n s ( 3 5 ) w i s d o m (36) d e e p pondering (37) ways f o r
e a r n i n g m o n e y (38) a f e s t i v a l occasion when drum o r
tabor is p l a y e d (39) i n t e n s e satisfaction (40 p r o f o u n d
learning a n d (41) h e r e d i t a r y post of minister-^these
a r ^ tosbe d e t e r m i n e d f r o m f t h e 5th house.
Khaiida '

Slokas 9 i 1 1 ^ . T h e f o l l o w i n g are to be i n v e s t i -
gated from the 6th h o u s e : (l)disease (2) o b s t a c l e (3)
fighting in c o m b a t (4) m a t e r n a l u n c l e (5) p h l e g m (6)
s w e l l i n g i n the b o d y (7) c r u e l a c t i o n s (8) i n s a n i t y (9) a
b o i l (10) e n m i t y (11) m i s e r l i n e s s (1.2) sickness.;(13) vene-
real w o u n d (14) c o o k e d rice (15) w e a r i n e s s (16) debt
((17) r e p r o a c h (18) enemy's s a t i s f a c t i o n (19) consump
tion (20) heat (21) a wound (22) mental worry (23)
Intense a n g u i s h (24) enmity with many people (25)
i n c e s s a n t e y e - t r o u b l e (26) r e c e i v i n g a l m s (27) u n t i m e l y ,
m e a l s (28) a f a l l f r o m a b o a t (29) t r o u b l e a n d f e a r f r o m ,
o n e ' s D a y a d i n s (30) g a i n (31) e x e r t i o n (32) p o i s o n (33)
a s e v e r e c o l i c o r g o u t (34) fetters (35) g u a r d i n g of o n e V
o w n c r e d i t (36) u r i n a l trouble (37) d y s e n t e r y (38) the
s i x f l a v o u r s (39) s e v e r e r e p r o a c h (40) s e r v i c e (41) theft
^42) c a l a m i t y (43) p r i s o n h o u s e a n d (44) m i s u n d e r s t a n .
< l i n g s w i t h b r o t h e r s a n d the l i k e .
e r a ^ m ' W m K ^ 51^E5^^
SI. 14J] 15&

Slokas Ilk13^. It- is from the 7th house that,

t h e f o l l o w i n g ^should be predicted; (1) m a r r i a g e (2)
unchastity (3) winning of a love (4) enmity with a
d e b a u c h e d f e m a l e (5) deviation from the right p a t h (6)
g o o d p e r f u m e (7) music (8) flowers (9) eating o f s a v o u r y
food and good drinks (10) chewing betel leaves with
areca (11) break i n a journey (12) c u r d (13) loss of
m e m o r y (14) acquisition of clothes and the l i k e (15)
s ^ m e n v i r i l e (16) purity of the husband (17) a p a i r of
wives (18) the male or female organ ( l 9 ) u r i n e (20) t h e
anus(21) trade (22) sweet drink ( i 3 ) tasting of n e c t a r
s o u p , g h e e , etc. (2+) gift (25) destruction of power (26)
o v e r t h r o w of the enemy (27) money that i s locked up
i n a n o t h e r p l a c e (28) controversy (29) s e x u a l u n i o n (30)
a d o p t e d s o n (31) tasting of things prepared i n g h e e (32)
f o r e i g n p l a c e (33) wife (31),all secret p l e a s u r e s arising
f r o m s e x u a l u n i o n a n d (35) theft.
156 [Khanda


S Z o t o 131151. (1) L o n g e v i t y (2) h a p p i n e s s (3)

d e f e a t (4) i n s u r a n c e b o n u s (5) a n a f f l i c t e d f a c e (6) g r i e f
d u e to d e a t h o f k i n s m e n ( 7 ) w i t c h c r a f t ( 8 ) q u a r r e l o v e r f o o d
(9) u r i n a r y disease (10) c a l a m i t y [(11) b r o t h e r ' s enemy
( 1 2 ) t e a s i n g a w i f e (13) a tuft o f b r a i d e d h a i r (14) e n e m y ' s
f o r t r e s s (15) m i s e r y (16) idleness (17) p u n i s h m e n t from
G o v e r n m e n t (18) f e a r (19) l o s s o f m o n e y (20) g i v i n g a
<iebt (21) u n i n t e n t i o n a l r e c i e p t of other's money (22)
l o n g - s t a n d i n g p r o p e r t y (23) t h e a p p e a r n c e o f a wicked
-tnan (24) s i n (26) k i l l i n g o f a l i v i n g being (26) m u t i l a -
t i o n o f a l i m b (27) d e c a p i t a t i o n (28) f o r m i d a b l e afflic-
t i o n (29) a s t o r y that causes anxiety t o t h e m i n d (30)
t r a i n s o f m i s f o r t u n e (31) o v e r d i l g e n c e i n doing cruel
a c t s (32) j b a t t l e (33) i n t e n s e m e n t a l t r o u b l e a l l these
.are t o b e - j u d g e d f r o m t h e S t h h o u s e .

'qRTf^TT^f%^s(j5i^ ^^^^ \\\\\\

5%: ^w^*Tf^: i > T f ^ ^ ^ 5 3 r 5 5 ^ n I

Slohas 15\17, (1) G i v i n g (2) v i r t u e (3) r e s o r t i n g

t o h o l y w a t e r s (4) p e n a n c e (5) r e v e r e n c e t o e l d e r s a n d t h e
l i k e (6) m e d i c i n a l d r u g (7) c o n d u c t (8) p u r i t y o f m i n d (9)
SI. 18j] 157

divine worship (10) e x e r t i o n for the a c q u i s i t i o n of

l e a r n i n g (11) s p l e n d o u r (12) a c o n v e y a n c e (13) affluence
(14) p o l i c y (15) d i g n i t y (16) m o r a l s t o r y (17) t r a v e l (18)
r e l i g i o u s b a t h i n g (19) n o u r i s h m e n t (20) a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h
good people (21) h a p p i n e s s (23) p a t e r n a l w e a l t h (23)
s o n (24) d a u g h t e r (25) w e a l t h of a l l k i n d s (26) horses
(27) e l e p h a n t s (28) b u f f a l o e s (29) c o r o n a t i o n hall (30)
r e g u l a t i n g the B r a h m i n i c f a i t h (31) a V e d i c s a c r i f i c e a n d
.(3,2^ . c i r c u l a t i o n of _ m o n e y t h e s e are to b e divined
-through the 9th house.

Slokas 1818}. (I) T r a d e (2) h o n o u r from the

r S o v e r e i g n (3) r i d i n g o n a h o r s e (4) a t h l e t i c s (5) G o v e r n -
m e n t w o r k (6) s e r v i c e (7) a g r i c u l t u r e (8) d o c t o r (9) fame
.(10) d e p o s i t i n g of a t r e a s u r e (11) s a c r i f i c e a n d the I'ke
,(12) p r e e m i n e n c e (13) elders (14) t a l i s m a n (15) i n c a n t a -
t i o n s (16) m o t h e r (17) m a g n i t u d e o f m o r a l m e r i t s (18)
m e d i c i n e (19) t h i g h (20) G o d s (21) a c c o m p l i s h m e n t o f a
spell (22) p r o s p e r i t y (23) a d o p t e d s o n (24) a l o r d (25)
:road (26) h o n o u r (27) h o n o u r a b l e l i v i n g (28) a p r i n c e
.(29) f a m e (30) t e a c h i n g and the like (31) s e a l (32)
supremacy (33) s u b j e c t i o n and (34) a n intention to
..command: These should be determined from the 10th
158 d-dc^iajij^ [Khanda V

Slokas 181201. Gain i n every w a y (2) b a d o r

w i c k e d d e s i r e (3) a l l k i n d s o f receipts (4) d e p e n d e n c y
^5) eldest b r o t h e r (6) p a t e r n a l u n c l e (7) w o r s h i p p i n g of
d e i t i e s (8) w o r s h i p p i n g of t h e v i r t u o u s (9) l e a r n i n g (10)
a c q u i s i t i o n of g o l d a n d w e a l t h (11) s u r p a s s i n g c l e v e r n e s s
(12) p a t e r n a l p r o p e r t y (13) t h e k n e e (14) a p r e e m i n e n t
p l a c e (15) l o v e o f o r n a m e n t s a n d p e a r l s (16) t h e m a s t e r ' s
wealth (17) less of i n t e r e s t o n c a p i t a l (18) m a k i n g of
o r n a m e n t s o u t o f g o l d ^ a n d s o v e r e i g n s o n b e h a l f of o n e ' s
l a d y - l o v e (19) w i s d o m (20) m i n i s t e r s h i p (21) b r o t h e r - i n
l a w (22) g a i n (23) d a w n o f fortune (24) r e a l i s a t i o n of^,
o n e ' s w i s h (25) e a s y g a i n (26) c o o k i n g (27) d e s i r e (28 ,
m o t h e r (29) l o n g e v i t y (30) e a r (31) t h e s h a n k (32) l o v e l y
p a i n t i n g a n d (33) s k i l l i n p r a c t i c a l arts : these a r e to b e
l o o k e d into f r o m the l l t h house.
S I 24] 159

Slokas 20^22^. Awakening from sleep (2)

: m e n t a l p a i n (3) the t w o t'eet (4) f e a r f r o m e n e m y (5)
i m p r i s o n m e n t (6) l i b e r a t i o n f r o m p a i n (7) d i s c h a r g e o f
-debts (8) e l e p h a n t s (9) h o r s e s (10) p a t e r n a l w e a l t h (11)
- e n e m y (12) e n t r y i n t o h e a v e n (13) l e f t e y e (14) p e o p l e ' s
- e n m i t y (15) m u t i l a t i o n of a l i m b (16) g a l l a n t r y (17)
loss b y m a r r i a g e (18) r e n o u n c i n g o n e ' s c o u c h (19)
t e r m i n a t i o n o f o n e ' s a p p o i n t m e n t (20) the p l a c e o f
- e n e m y ' s i m p r i s o n m e n t i n c h a i n s ('il) m e n t a l a g i t a t i o n
..(22) w r e t c h e d n e s s (23) h a r m (24) a b l o w to the t h o u g h t
o f the h a p p i n e s s of o n e ' s p a r e n t s a n d b r o t h e r s (25)
discussion o r d i s p u t e (26) a n g e r (27) b o d i l y i n j u r y (28)
d e a t h (29) g o i n g to a n o t h e r p l a c e (30) e x p e n d i t u r e i n
a l l w a y s a n d (31) loss of w i f e : these a r e to b e d e d u c e d
f r o m t h e 12th house.

(1) ?:f%^R^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ?
160 3Tr^T5!TJj^ [Khanda Y

T h i n g s to be d e t e r m i n e d f r o m t h e P l a n e t s .
Slokas22^25^. (1) T h e s o u l (2) p o w e r (3) i n t e n s e
s e v e r i t y (4) f o r t r e s s (5) g o o d s t r e n g t h (6) h e a t (7) s p l e n - *
d o u r (8) f i r e (9) w o r s h i p of S i v a (10) c o u r a g e (11) t h o r -
n e d trees (12) b e i n g i n r o y a l f a v o u r (13) b i t t e r n e s s (14)
o l d a g e (15) c a t t l e (16) w i c k e d n e s s (17) l a n d (18) father:
(19) taste (20) s e l f - r e a l i s a t i o n (21) s k y w a r d l o o k (22)(
o n e b o r n to a t i m i d w o m a n (23) the world of mortals
(24) square (25) b o n e (26) v a l o u r (27) g r a s s (28) the
b e l l y (29) s t r e n u o u s effort (30) f o r e s t (31) h a l f a year
(32) e y e (33) r o a m i n g o v e r m o u n t a i n s (34) quadruped
(35) king (36) t r a v e l l i n g (37) dealing (38) bite (39)
s c o r c h (40) c i r c u l a r s h a p e (41) eye-disease (42) body
(43) t i m b e r (44) t^.ental p u r i t y (45) l o r d s h i p o f t h e w h o l e
c o u n t r y (46) freedom from disease (47) t h e r u l e r s h i p
over the S o u r a s h t r a c o u n t r y (48) o r n a m e n t (49) disease
i n t h e h e a d (50) p e a r l s (51) lord of the sky (52) s h o r t
l i k e a d w a r f (53) l o r d o f t h e E a s t (54) c o p p e r (55) blood
(56) k i n g d o m (57) a r e d c l o t h (58) a s t o n e (59) a c t i v i t y
i n p u b l i c (60) r i v e r b a n k (61) c o r a l (62) s t r o n g at m i d - d a y
(63) E a s t (64) mouth (65) long-standing anger (66)
c a p t u r e of t h e e n e m y (67) g e n u i n e n e s s (68) s a f f r o n (69)
h o s t i l i t y a n d (70) t h i c k c o r d : a l l the t h e s e r e l a t e to t h e

5j^f^^jpTj{q^q5^Efcc^^5 11 Rc i r

Slokas 25\29. The following belong to the-

Moon: (1) i n t e l l i g e n c e (2) flower (3) g o o d p e r f u m e (4)
g o i n g t o a f o r t r e s s (5) d i s e a s e (6) B r a h m i n (7) i d l e n e s s
(8) p h l e g m a t i c h u m o u r (9) e p i l e p s y (10) e n l a r g e m e n t o f
the s p l e e n (11) d i s p o s i t i o n o f m i n d (12) h e a r t (13>
w o m a n (14) g o o d o r b a d (15) s o u r n e s s (17) h a p p i n e s s
(18) a n y t h i n g w a t e r y (19) s i l v e r (20) t h i c k sugarcane
(21) t y p h o i d (32) t r a v e l (23) w e l l (24) t a n k (25) m o t h e r
(26) i m p a r t i a l i t y ( 2 7 ) ; m i d - d a y (28) p e a r l s (29) c o n s u m p -
t i o n (30) w h i t e n e s s (31) w a i s t b a n d (32) b e l l m e t a l (33)
s a l t (34) s h o r t i n s t a t u r e (35) m i n d (36) a b i l i t y (37) p o n d
(38) d i a m o n d (39) S a r a d R i t u (40) a n i n t e r v a l of 4 8
162 'JTti'bWi^cl [Khanda V

m i n u t e s (41") f a c i a l l u s t r e (42) w h i t e c o l o u r (43) b e l l y

{44) r e v e r e n c e to G o d d e s s G o w r i (45) h o n e y (46) f a v o u r
{47) j o k i n g (48) n o u r i s h m e n t (49) wheat (50) p l e a s u r e
( 5 1 ) s p l e n d o u r (52) face (53) q u i c k i n t h o u g h t (54) l o v e
of curd (55) mendicant (66) fame (57) beauty (58)
s t r e n g t h a t n i g h t (59) w e s t w a r d - f a c e d (60) l e a r n e d (61)
s a l i n e (52) g e t t i n g a j o b (63) love t o w a r d s W e s t (64)
t h e m i d d l e w o r l d (65) n i n e g e m s (66) middle age (67)
l i f e (68) e a r i n g (69) going to distant countries (70)
disease of the s h o u l d e r s (71) u m b r e l l a o r o t h e r r o y a l
Insignia (72) good f r u i t s (73) good blood and vital
e n e r g y (74) fish and other water-born creatures (76)
s e r p e n t (76) s i l k g a r m e n t (77) g o o d b u d d i n g (78) s h i n i n g
^79) c l e a n c r y s t a l a n d (80) d e l i c a t e c l o t h .

(3) s r a *f|r*lW^ ^ i : - w t * ^ ^ ^ r | l 5

^ ' W R i ^ ^ f^^f^sniT^'^'nc^ II II
S I . 38|] 163

Slokas 3033.i. Prowess (2) land (3) strength ( 4 )

wearing arms (for battle) (5) K i n g s h i p (6) loss of virility
(7)thief (8) battle (9) hostility (10) enemy (11)generosity
(12) fondness'for things which are of deep-red colour (13)
master of a garden (14) sound of a trumpet (15) affection
(16) quadruped (17) k i n g (18) fool (19) anger (20) g o i n g
to a foreign place (22) firmness (22) supporter (23) fire
(24) controversy (25) bile (26) heat (27) wound (28)
service under a k i n g (29) day (30) sky (31) seeing (32)
shortness (33) disease (34) fame (35) tin (36) sword (37)
lance or spear (38) minister (39) breaking of a limb (40)
jewel (41) G o d Subrahmanyajapa (42) youth (43)
pungent (44) D u r b a r h a l l (45) earthen (46) hindrance
(47) flesh-eater (48) calumniating others (49) conquest
of the enemy j,(50) bitter (51) strong at the end of the
night (52) gold (53) Grishma R i t u ( M ) valour (55)
enemy's strength (56) profundity of character (57)
strength (58) man (59) tendency (60) G o d Brahma (61)
axe (62) forester (63) headman of a village (64) r o y a l
aspect (65) painful discharge of urine (66) square (67)
goldsmith (68) rogue (69) burnt place (70) g o o d dinner
(71) leanness (72) cleverness i n archery (73) blood (74)
copper (75) a beautiful cloth (76) facing the South (77)
164 aTT^^I^ii^ [Khanda V

Inclination towards the S o u t h (78) d e s i r e (79) a n g e r

( 8 0 ) s c a n d a l (81) house (82) c o m m a n d e r o f a n a r m y (83)
t h e w e a p o n c a l l e d ^ g ^ t ( S a t a g h n i ) ( 8 4 ) a t r e e (85) S a m a
Veda (86) brother (87) i r o n s p a d e or hatchet (88)
management of wild a n i m a l s (89) i n d e p e n d e n c e (90)
p e r s i s t e n c y (91) l a n d (92) m a g i s t r a t e (93) s e r p e n t (94)
w o r l d (96) s p e e c h (96) f i c k l e n e s s o f m i n d (97) m o u n t i n g
a v e h i c l e (98) a p p e a r a n c e o f b l o o d (99) d r y i n g o f b l o o d -
these and other various m a k i n g s have b e e n credited
, b y the w i s e as b e l o n g i n g to M a r s - e n o u g h of t h e s e .
(3) lr^R^ ^t^+'l^urif


['Eqftms: ^ " s i f ^ ^ i A II II


flOTf3^^'T^3'Tfirp5nft^: ^ N ^ J II II
Slokas 3 3 J 3 7 , M e r c u r y p r e s i d e s o v e r (1) e d u c a -
t i o n (2) h o r s e s (3) t r e a s u r y (4) m a t h e m a t i c s (5) w i s d o m
.6) s p e e c h (7) B r a h m i n (8) i n f a n t r y (9) w r i t i n g (10)
S I . 38^] 165

n e w g a r m e n t (11) p a l a t i a l b u i l d i n g ( 1 2 ) g r e e n c o l o u r
.(13) s c u l p t u r e (14) a s t r o l o g y (15) p i l g r i m a g e t o h o l y
p l a c e s (16) w i s e l e c t u r e s (17) t e m p l e ( I 8 ) t r a d i n g (19)
best o r n a m e n t (20) soft w o r d s (21) V e d a n t a p h i l o s o p h y
(22) matfernal g r a n d f a t h e r (28) b a d d r e a m (24) e u n u c h
,(25) N o r t h e r n - f a c e d (26) s k i n (27) w e t (28) b e l l - m e t a l
a n d t h e l i k e (29) r e n u n c i a t i o n (30) R i t u s e a s o n (31^)
b e a u t i f u l m a n s i o n (32) d o c t o r (33) n e c k (34) e x e r c i s i n g
.(35) c h i l d (36) c r o o k e d a s p e c t (37) h e a v e n ( 3 8 ) m o d e s t y
,(39) p a t e r n a l r e l a t i o n (40) f e a r (41) d a n c i n g (42) d e v o .
t i o n (43) j o c u l a r d i s p o s i t i o n (4*) s t r o n g i n the m o r n i n g
..(45) H e m a n t h a R i t u (46) r u b b i n g ( s c r a t c h i n g (47) t r a n -
q u i l l i t y (48) n a v e l (49) flourishing o f t h e f a m i l y (50)
inixture of things (51) o n e t h a t has m a s t e r e d the
t T e l u g u l a n g u a g e (52) w o r s h i p of V i s h n u ( 5 3 ) S u d r a (54)
b i r d (55) a f t e r - b o r n (56) a d m i r a t i o n o f l a n g u a g e (67)
t h e D i r e c t i o n s (58) A t h a r v a n a V e d a (59) r e l i g i o u s a c t i o n
,(60) t o w e r (61) dust (62) g a r d e n {63)lpudendum virile (6^)
even ( 6 5 ) b e n e f i c (66) m o v i n g i n v i l l a g e s (67) i m p a r t i a l
nature (68) f o n d of the Northwest q u a r t e r (69) o n e
versed i n the g o o d legends of t h e p a s t (70) o n e v e r s e d
i n g r a m m a r (71) o n e c l e v e r i n t h e t e s t i n g o f p r e c i o u s
,-stones (72) a l e a r n e d m a n (73) m a t e r n a l u n c l e (74) s a c r e d
j p r a y e r (75) a n a m u l e t a n d (76) s p e l l s o f a h i g h o r d e r . '

(3) nsi iiw?:^^5r wt^'^s^fTif

5 % p n ^ m ^ ? 5 ! : ^ f ^ ^ f ^ fxk ^^^^
166 a^HWHi^ [Khanda V

%ttm^iHfev^i^^dK'>MMqiui I llnJ
S'Zofcas 38il. (1) B r a h m i n (2) one's preceptor
(3) o n e ' s d u t y ( c h a r i o t (5) c o w (6) i n f a n t r y (7) savings
(8) M e e m a m s a (9) t r e a s u r e (10) horse (11) c u r d , etc.,
(12) b i g b o d y (13) v a l o u r (14) f a m e (15) l o g i c (16) a s -
t r o l o g y (17) s o n (18) g r a n d s o n (19) d r o p s y (20) r i c h n e s s
i n e l e p h a n t s (21) p h i l o s o p h y (22) e l d e r s lilce g r e a t g r a n d -
f a t h e r (23) m a n s i o n (24) g e m (25) e l d e s t brother (26)
g r a n d f a t h e r (27) I n d r a (28) c o l d season (29) w r a t h (30)
j e w e l (31) m e r c h a n t (32) p h y s i c a l h e a l t h (33) a b e a u t i f u l
m a n s i o n (34) r o y a l honour (35) t h i g h (36) G o d s (37)
penance (38) g i v i n g (39) r e l i g i o u s d u t y (tO) help to
o t h e r s (41) i m p a r t i a l i t y (42) f a c i n g N o r t h (43) c i r c u l a r
(44) y e l l o w c o l o u r (45) m o v i n g i n v i l l a g e s (46) N o r t h (47)
d e a r f r i e n d (48) s w i n g i n g (49) o r a t o r i c a l t a l e n t (50) f a t
(51) a u s e d g a r m e n t (52) a n e w h o u s e (53) h a p p i n e s s (54)
o l d (55) M a n t h r a (56) t w i c e b o r n (57) h o l y w a t e r (5$) k n e e
(59) m o v e m e n t i n h e a v e n (60) a house b e s t o w i n g full
h a p p i n e s s (61) i n t e l l e c t (62) p r o f i c i e n c y i n l e a r n i n g ( 6 3 )
S I . 44x] 167

l i t e r a t u r e (64) t o w e r (65) p l e a s i n g a u d i e n c e (66) t h r o n e

(67) i n a u g u r a t i o n of G o d B r a h m a (68) strong|at a l l t i m e s
(69) m o n t h (70) vessels (71) l a p i s L a z u l i (72) f r u i t s a r i s i n g
from an Agnisthoma rite (73) s w e e t j u i c e (74) t h e
quality of goodness (75) h a p p i n e s s (76) misery (77)
l e n g t h (78) g e n t l e n e s s (79) g u e s s i n g the t h o u g t s o f o t h e r s
(80) g o l d (81) o r n a m e n t a t i o n (82) d e v i c e (83) w i n d (84)
phlegm (85) t o p a z (86) V e d i c t e x t (87) b r i l l i a n c y (88)
softness (89) a stone (90) w o r s h i p of S i v a (91) engaged
i n one's r e l i o u s duties and (92) t r a v e l l i n g i n a c a r r i a g e
b o r d e r e d o n a l l sides : a l l these are t h e d o i n g s o f J u p i t e r .

(6) era ^JB'BR'JK* Wl^-wtsB^fp^^r^

T i a ^ ^ J i t ^^?5|5^m g% ^ ^: I

^ ^i'^f^f^^^if^5ifmTT^5ww5i: II ^ II
168 3'?T!C^'3:^ [Khanda V

SMas 4245i. (1) W h i t e umbrella (2) a g o o d -

c h o w r i e (3) g a r m e n t (4) m a r r i a g e (5) i n c o m e (6) a b i p e d
(man) (7) w o m a n (8) B r a h m i n (9) b e n e f i c (10) w h i t e n e s s
(11) w i t e (12) s e x u a l h a p p i n e s s (13) s h o r t (14) s o u r (15)
flower (16) c o m m a n d (17) f a m e (18) y o u t h f u l v i g o u r (19>'
v e h i c l e (20) s i l v e r (21) S o u t h - e a s t q u a r t e r (22) s a l t i s h (23)
o g l i n g g l a n c e (24) s c r a t c h i n g (26) h a l f a m o n t h (26) t h e
q u a l i t y o f p a s s i o n (27) s t r o n g (28) p e a r l (29) Y a j u r V e d a
(30) V a i s y a (31) b b a u t y (32) b u y i n g a n d s e l l i n g (33) l o v e -
m a k i n g (34) w a t e r y p l a c e (35) e l e p h a n t (36) h o r s e (37)
v a r i e g a t e d c o l o u r (38) p o e t r y (39) d a n c i n g ( 4 0 ) m i d d l e a g e
(41) s i n g i n g (42) e n j o y m e n t (43) h a p p i n e s s f r o m t h e w i f e
(44) g e m s (45) f o n d o f j o k i n g ( 4 6 ) s w i m m e r (47) s e r v a n t
(48) l u c k (49) v a r i e g a t e d l u s t r e (50) a b e a u t i f u l y o u t h ( 5 l )
k i n g d o m (52) scents (53) g a r l a n d (54) V e e n a (55) flute
(56) a m u s e m e n t (57) l o u e l y g a i t (58) e i g h t k i n d s of w e a l t h
(59) l o v e l y - l i m b e d (60) s p a r i n g i n m e a l s (61) spring
s e a s o n (62) o r n a m e n t (63) i n c l i n e d towards supporting
m a n y w o m e n (6 <) e y e (65) t r u t h - s p e a k i n g (66) p r o f i c i .
e n c y i n a r t (67) s e m e n (68) s p o r t i n g i n w a t e r (69) pro-
f u n d i t y of c h a r a c t e r (70) p r e - e m i n e n e c (71) s h a r p - w i t t e d
(72) m u s i c a l i n s t r u m e n t (73) d e c o r a t i o n for the stage
(74) i n d u l g i n g i n a m o r o u s sports (75) d e t e r i o r a t e d b o d y
(76) o n e w h o s e c h i e f business is l o v e (77) b e i n g e n t i t l e d
t o g r e a t r e s p e c t o r e s t e e m (78) f o n d o f w h i t e g a r m e n t s
(79) the a r t of d a n c i n g as propounded by B h a r i t a (80)
G o v e r n m e n t s e a l (81) a lord (82) w o r s h i p of G o d d e s s -
P a r v a t i a n d L a k s h m i (83) s e x u a l p l e a s u r e (84) g e n r i e n e s s
S I . 50] 169

(85) m u c h e m a c i a t e d (86) o n e w h o p l a y s the r o l e of t h e

mother d u r i n g day time (87) l i t e r a r y compositions,,
clever in writing poems, etc., (88) b l a c k hair {89}
a u s p i c i o u s (90) m y s t e r y o r g e n i t a l o r g a n (91) u r i n e {9Q)
moving in the serpent region (93) a f t e r n o o n (94) a.
k n o w l e d g e of the s e x u a l o r g a n a n d the secrets connected
w i t h t h e s a m e : a l l these a r e t o b e a s c r i b e d t o V e n u s .

(7) srsT ^(V{+R*<?(

Hii-'^^gH^lR-^K^^f^Ti'n^ ^ \

^ f^2;R^*K*l'^*t!4[^iiw*?jf: II <i lis

^ ^^i^^JTS^^T ^'jft^fir ^ II II

170 rfMl+'faiicl [Khanda V

Slokas 4 5 J 5 0 . (1) L a z i n e s s , etc. (2) o b s t r u c t i o n

(3) h o r s e (4) e l e p h a n t (5) s k i n (6) g a i n (7) r u l e or
s t a n d a r d (8) d i s t r e s s (9) sickness (10) m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g
(11) m i s e r y (12) d e a t h (13) h a p p i n e s s t h r o u g h a w o m a n
{14) m a i d s e r v a n t (15) asses a n d m u l e s (16) o u t c a s t e (17)
o n e w i t h disfigured limbs (18) h a u n t i n g w o o d s (19) o f
handsome look (20) g i f t (21) a l o r d (22) a p o r t i o n of
l i f e (23) e u n u c h (24) o n e b o r n of the l o w e s t caste (25)
b i r d s (26) the t h r e e s a c r e d fires (27) a s e r v i l e d u t y (28)
xiiu-ighteous c o n d u c t (29) o n e w i t h o u t m a n l i n e s s (30)
u t t e r i n g falsehood (31) l a s t i n g l o n g (32) w i n d (33) o l d
a g e (34) t e n d o n m u s c l e (35) s t r o n g a t t h e c o n c l u s i o n o f
d a y (36) S i s i r a R i t u o r c o l d s e a s o n (37) e x c e s s i v e a n g e r
(38) e x e r t i o n (39) b o r n o f a v e r y l o w w o m a n (40) a ^jog
^ K u n d a - b a s t a r d ) , ( 4 1 ) a T^t^ ( G o l a k a ) , (42) d i r t y c l o t h ,
h o u s e (43) a m i n d o v e r s u c h t h i n g s ( 4 4 ) f r i e n d s h i p w i t h
t h e w i c k e d (45) b l a c k c o l o i r /46) e v i l (47) c r u e l t y (48)
a s h e s (49) b l a c k g r a i n s (50) g e m s (51) i r o n (52) n o b i l i t y
( 5 3 ) a y e a r (54) S u d r a (55) V a i s y a (56) o n e r e p r e s e n t i n g
t h e f a t h e r (57) l e a r n i n g t h e w o r k of a n o t h e r class (58)
lame, crippled (59) s e v e r e , h a r s h (60) a b l a n k e t (61)
West-ward-faced (62) r e m e d i e s for restoring to l i f e ,
rejuvenation (63) d o w n w a r d l o o k (64) l i v i n g b y a g r i .
culture (65) a room where weapons a r e k e p t (66) a
D a y a d i n o r c o u s i n (67) a n e x t e r n a l p o s i t i o n (68) f o n d o f
the North-eastern quarter (69) serpent-world (70)
downfall (71) b a t t l e (72) w a n d e r i n g (73) a s p e a r (74)
l e a d f(75) m i s d i r e c t e d strength (76) a T u r k (77) w o r n
out (78) o i l (79) w o o d (80) B r a h m i n (81) the q u a l i t y o f
Tamas (82) w a n d e r i n g i n forests a n d m o u n t a i n s (83)
hard-heartedness (84) f e a r (85) l o n g s t a n d i n g distress
SI. 52|3 171

(86) h u n t e r (87) u g l y h a i r (88) w h o l e s o v e r e i g n t y (89)

a l a r m (90) g o a t s a n d t h e l i k e (91) b u f f a l o s a n d t h e l i k e
(92) i n t e n t o n s e x u a l p l e a s u r e (93) d r e s s i n g o n e s e l f f o r
a m o r o u s i n t e r v i e w s (94-) w o r s h i p p e r o f G o d Y a m a (95)
d o g (96) t h e f t a n d (97) i n c l i n a t i o n to c o m m i t c r u e l
d e e d s : A l l these b e l o n g t o S a t u r n .
(8) BTsi ^ a p J R ^ W l ^ i ; ^

Slokas 5152\. (1) U m b r e l l a (2) c h o w r i e (3) king-

d o m (4) g a t h e r i n g (5) f a l l a c i o u s a r g u m e n t (6) a w o u n -
d i n g s p e e c h (7) o n e b e l o n g i n g to the l o w e s t caste (8)
a w i c k e d f e m a l e (9) a v e h i c l e b o r d e r e d o n a l l s i d e s (10)
a n i r r e l i g i o u s m a n (11) g a m b l i n g (12) s t r o n g a t t w i l i g h t
(13) i n t r i g u e - w i t h a w i c k e d f e m a l e (14) g o i n g to a f o r -
e i g n c o u n t r y (15) i m p u r i t y ( l o ) b o n e (17) enlargement
of spleen (18) f a l s e h o o d (19) d o w n w a r d l o o k (20) p e r -
p l e x i t y (21) a n e m e r a l d (22) f a c i n g the S o u t h e r n q u a r t e r
(23) r e s o r t i n g to outcaste or other l o w people (24) a
b a d s w e l l i n g (25) a b i g f o r e s t (26) m o v i n g in rugged
p l a c e s (27) m o u n t a i n (28) p a i n (29) s t a y i n g o u t s i d e (30)

may also mean a worshipper of a Sylvan Deity.

172 yTfK+lsi^icl [Khanda V

i n c l i n e d t o w a r d s S o u t h - w e s t (31) w i n d (32) p h l e g m (33)

s o r r o w (34) s e r p e n t (35) n i g h t b r e e z e (36) s e v e r e (37)
l o n g (38) r e p t i l e (89) r e a d i n g o f d r e a m s (40) t r a v e l (41)
a M u h u r t a (42) o l d age (43) a vehicle (44) w o r l d of
serpents (45) mother (46) father or matenal-grand
f a t h e r (47) a i r (48) a n a c u t e o r s h a r p p a i n (49) catarrh
{50) b r e a t h i n g (51) great prowess (52) forest (53(
worshipper Goddess D u r g a (54) w i c k e d n e s s (55) c o h a -
b i t a t i o n w i t h q u a d r u p e d s (56) w r i t i n g o f U r d u a n d (57)
b a r s h speech. T h e s e are ascribed to R a h u .

(9) era ^^S^^l^

Slokas 5354\. (1) W o r s h i p of God Chandeesa

- G o d G a n e s a a n d the several other G o d s (2) d o c t o r (3)
d o g (4) a c o c k (5) v u l t u r e (6) s a l v a t i o n (7) a l l kinds of
w e a l t h (8) c o n s u m p t i o n (9) p a i n (10) f e v e r (11) b a t h i n
t h e G a n g e s (12) g r e a t p e n a n c e (13) w i n d (14) a h u n t e r
( 1 5 ) f r i e n d s h i p (16) c o n f e r r i n g o f p r o s p e r i t y (17) s t o n e
(18) w o u n d (19) t h e science of w i t c h c r a f t (20) I n c o n .
s t a n c y (21) k n o w l e d g e of B r a h m a n (22) b e l l y (23) e y e -
p a i n (24) s t u p i d i t y (25) t h o r n (26) d e e r (27) k n o w l e d g e
,{28) the v o w o f silence (29) philosophy (30) a l l k i n d s

of l u x u r y (31) luck (32) trouble from enemies (33)

sparing in eating (34) Indifference to t h e w o r l d (35)
p a t e r n a l g r a n d f a t h e r (36) hunger (37) i n t e n s e p a i n i n
the s t o m a c h (38) a boil and s u c h o t h e r diseases (39)
h o r n e d c r e a t u r e s (40) a servant of S i v a (41) revoking
t h e o r d e r o f a r r e s t a n d (42) S u d r a c o m p a n y a l l these
.are to b e s o u g h t f o r t h r o u g h K e t u .

6. ^^'155^'^:

SECTION 6 T h e D a s a s a n d t h e i r effects.

Sloka 1. T h e (sra^s^l:) A v a s t t h a s o r c o n d i t i o n of a
- p l a n e t a r e of n i n e k i n d s (l)^RT (Deepta-blazing)
w h e n h e is i n his e x a l t a t i o n , (2) |?rj^cli (Stimita.peace-
-ful) w h e n he is i n h i s o w n house (3) Mudita-happy)
when he is i n a dear f r i e n d ' s h o u s e (4) ^ipcfj S a n t a -
. e a l m w h e n h e i s i n a f r i e n d ' s h o u s e (5) (Heena.defii-
cient) w h e n he is q u a r t e r e d i n a n e u t r a l ' s h o u s e (6)
- ^ ^ ( D u h k h a - d e j e c t e d ) w h e n h e is i n a n e n e m y ' s h o u s e
(7) ^ T ^ ^ ( V i k a l a - f a i l i n g ) w h e n he is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a
m a l e f i c (8) (Khala-base) w h e n he is v a n q u i s h e d i n
w a r a n d (9) i^t^ ( K o p a - a n g r y ) when he is eclipsed b y
i h e Sun's r a y s .
174 d^X+WI^i^ [Khanda V I

Sloka 2 S i n c e the fruits of past K a r m a r e s u l t i n g

f r o m either g o o d o r b a d actions are k n o w n t h r o u g h t h e
Dasas a n d B h u k t i s of planets, i t i s essential t h a t t h e
D a s a s of the planets should be sub-divided a n d t h e
s e v e r a l effects of s u c h s u b - d i v i s i o n s should be known i n
o r d e r that o n e m a y o b t a i n the r e q u i r e d happiness b y
the performance of Shantis to o v e r c o m e t h e e v i l i f
there be any.

mw^n^^^^s^^ ^ ^^asR: \\\\\ .

Sloka 3. T h e S u n , t h e iVIoon, M a r s , R a h u , J u p i t e r ,
Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus are i n their order
t h e l o r d s o f t h e Dasa^periods o f y e a r s r e p r e s e n t e d b y
the n u m b e r s 6, 10, 7, 1 8 , 16, 1 9 , 17, 7 a n d 2 0 r e s p e c -
tively. T h e p a r t i c u l a r D a s a t h a t starts i n a n a t i v i t y i s
thus o b t a i n e d : c o u n t from Krittika t i l l the natal stkr
inclusive and divide the result b y 9, The remainder
w i l l indicate the l o r d o f t h e D a s a counted from the
Sun onwards.
S I . 5J] 175

Sloka 4. F i n d tlie n u m b e r o f j G h a t i k a s , e t c . s t i l l t o
p a s s o f t h e a s t e r i s m at b i r t h ; d i v i d e the same by the
t o t a l G h a t i k a s t a k e n b y the M o o n to pass t h r o u g h that
star. M u l i t i p l y t h i s f r a c t i o n b y the appropriate Dasa.
years mentioned i n the previous S l o k a . The quotient
w i l l b e the n u m b e r of y e a r s s t i l l to pass i n that D a s a .
T h e r e m a i n d e r w h e n m u l i p l i e d b y 12 a n d 30 w i l l g i v e
the m o n t h s a n d d a y s r e q u i r e d

^mim f l ^ ^ p i 11 M l

Slokas 55|. M u l t i p l y the D a s a - y e a r s of a p l a n e t

"by t h e D a s a y e a r s of t h e o t h e r p l a n e t whose Bhukti or
. s u b - p e r i o d is r e q u i r e d . The product w i l l be i n 2 or 3
digits. T h e number i n d i c a t e d b y t h e first o r first t w o
- d i g i t s as the case m a y b e w i l l b e the n u m b e r of m o n t h s
c o n t a i n e d i n the B h u k t i , a n d t h e l a s t d i g i t m u l t i p l i e d b y
3 w i l l b e t h e d a y s to be added, etc. T h u s s h o u l d the
i p e r i o d s of a l l t h e B h u k t i s i n the s e v e r a l D a s a s be c a l c u -
.lated. C o n v e r t the B h u k t i - p e r i o d i n t o d a y s a n d m u l t i -
p l y t h e s a m e b y the n u m b e r i n d i c a t i n g the D a s a - y e a r s
-of a planet. T a k e a m o i e t y of t h e p r o d u c t . This w i l l
. s i g n i f y the ( V i d a s a ) o r snrfO ( A n t a r a ) of t h e p l a n e t
176 g-rR^l^I^ [Khanda V f

i n t e r m s of G h a t i k a s , e t c . , a n d this w h e n d i v i d e d b y 60
w i l l i n d i c a t e the p e r i o d i n days. S i m i l a r l y should the
^ H ^ I ( S u k s h m a d a s a ) , etc., b e c a l c u l a t e d , but t h e r e Is
t h i s p e c u l i a r l y , i-e., t h e n u m b e r s e a c h b e l o w the o t h e r
i n their order w i l l signify the sub-period i n days, G h a t i -
kas and V i g h a t i k a s .
Thus, Mercury's Bhukti period in Saturn's Dasa is obtained
by multiplying 17 x 19. The product is 323 which means 32
months and 9 days.
Similarly to find out the sub-period of the MoonChandra,
Antarain the above Mercury's Bhukti, we proceed thus :
Convert the 32 months and 9 days (the period of the Bhukti)
into days, thus: 32 x 30-1-9 or 969. As the Moon's Dasa period
is 10 years, this has to be multiplied by 10 and a half of the
product is to be taken==969 x 10 x J or 4845. This will denote
the number in Ghatikas of the Moon's Antara. This when con-
verted into days will be = 4845-T-60 or 80 days, 45 Ghatikas.

fi?nnT'T#^'T^TO^^^3W^ II ^ 11

Slokas 5^61. The S u n ' s D a s a w i l l , i f t h e S u n be-

auspicious to the native, give d u r i n g his p e r i o d sens,
i n t e l l i g e n c e , w i s d o m , ; g o o d status of p o w e r s , knowledge,
wealth, fame, valour, happiness and divine favour. If
the S u n be inauspicious, the n a t i v e will suffer i n t e n s e
h a r d s h i p s ; a l l his efforts will become useless; there;
w i l l be m u c h waste o f m o n e y a n d l o s s o f p o s i t i o n . He*
w i l l s u f f e r f r o m disease a n d t h e r e w i l l b e trouble f r o m
the enemy, r o y a l displeasure, ill-health to f a t h e r and
similar other happenings.
SI. 8^] 177

era '^^5?5i?'?5^i5

Slokas 6h7^. W h e n t h e M o o n is a u s p i c i o u s , the-

m p t h e r ' s p r o s p e r i t y a n d the b u i l d i n g o f tanks and the
like may be expected. The native will get lands,,
g a r d e n s , h o u s e s , t h e b l e s s i n g s of g o o d B r a h m i n s , w e a l t h , ,
prosperity and joyrides or palanquins. If t h e M o o n b e
u n f a v o u r a b l e , the n a t i v e w i l l suffer f r o m w a n t o f food^.
w U l be miserable, w i l l b e c o m e devoid of pleasure and.
w a l t h , suffer diseases, w i l l be l a c k i n g In w i s d o m , w I l L
be loathed, lose his mother, will often get angry
a n d suffer f r o m f e v e r s l i k e t y p h o i d "

Slokas 7^BJ. T h e D a s a of Mars, w h e n M a r s Is^r

a t i s p i c i d u s , w i l l b r i n g to t h e n a t i v e , l a n d s , d e s i r e d o b j e c t s ,
k n o w l e d g e , clearness of m i n d , prowess, w e a l t h , destruc-
tion of enemitis and advent of b r o t h e r s . If M a r s be
i n a u s p i c i o u s , there w i l l be distress to brothers, m i a u n d e r :
s t a n d i n g s , q u a r r e l s , t r o u b l e s t h r o u g h l a n d s , dangeii- f r o m ;
l i r e , wounds, decay of eyesight and the like,' trbiabl^l
f r o m G o v e r n m e n t , m l s u n d ^ r s t a n d i r i g s w i * h g o o d p-eoplttj.
swordcuts and diseases.
178 ^J^nspj^ [Khanda VT.

Slokas 9|. If M e r c u r y b e a u s p i c i o u s , h e w i l l
give d u r i n g his D a s a c l o t h i n g , endless w e a l t h , c o r n *
status, p r o s p e r i t y , happiness, house, r e l a t i o n s , success'
a n d fulfilment of c h e r i s h e d desires and objects; If h e ;
"be i n a u s p i c i o u s , t h e n a t i v e w i l l g o to a f o r e i g n c o u n t r y *
there will be anger, loss of relations, intellectual
d i m i n u t i o n , t r o u b l e f r o m the m e r c h a n t c l a s s , m i s u n d e r - '
s t a n d i n g s , l o s s of l a n d s a n d m o n e y a n d o t h e r c a l a m i t i e s . '

Slokas'^^iO^. Jupiter, if auspiciops, m a k e s the

^ n a t i v e t h e h e a d m a n o f a b i g v i l l a g e , blessee him with
-children, w e a l t h and prosperity. T h e native w i l l be-a
m i n e of a l l virtues, w i l l have many dependants,;hofses>
j o y r i d e s a n d other comforts. If J u p i t e r b ^ u n f a v o u r a b l y ^
t h e r e w i l l be r o y a l displeasure, mental w o r r y , diseases,;
loss of courage, l a c k o f c o r n , l a c k of m o n e y , t r o u b l e ; ,
f r o m B r a h m i n s , displeasure of the father, t r o u b l e for
p r o p e r m e a l s a:nd c o n s u m p t i o n .
SI. lOj] 179

hart-79. MaleBom on 14/1521892 at 18 gh, after Sunset.

Jup- Rahu Merc.

Sat. Ketu

Sun Jup.

Rasi Navamsa
Merc, sMoon (Mars.

Lagna Lagna Sun Venus

Ketu Sat.
Mars Rahu Moon

Balance of Sukra's Dasa10 months and 1 day.

Saturn is retrograde.
The position of planets in the above nativity indicates that
-the native's life will be a struggling one for a major period. T h e
reason for the above statement is that the lord of the Sth (house
of worries and difficulties) is camping in the 1st, while the planet
representing misery, viz., Saturn, casts his complete evil glance
over the Lagna and its lord. Mars in such a position aspecting
the 4th (house of happiness) does not in any way promote:
The lord of the 9th is in the 10th and that of the 10th, the
Sun, who plays the role of (Rajakaraka and the Rajyastthana-
dhipati occupies a Kendra. The mutual aspect between the
lords of the 9th and 10th is not complete as the birth in question
is tome time after the full Moon. Hence the Rajayoga is not
complete. Yet, the native will be credited with a good position
in life as the Sun aspects the 10th, his own house,
This happiness is not continuous, as the Sun is aspected by
the malefic. Mars, the lord of the 6th ; Venus, the lord of the
12th is in exaltaion and therefore is full with his rays. He over-
powers Jupiter, his enemy, who notwithstanding his occupation
of his own house, becomes a subject to this Venus, For people
born under Vrischika, Jupiter and the luminaries are benefic?
Unfortunately, Jupiter loses his power in the present case as a
consequence of his association with the lord of a Dusstthana
(IV2 Supra), The native lost he fine appointment the had
180 3r?n3)R5i^ [Khanda >V I

<iuring Jupiters'Dasa. His daughters were driven out of their

husbands' houses and have come to their father's house. That
this must be so can be seen by the fact that Jupiter plays the
role of Putrastthanadhipati and Putrakaraka. The aspect of
Saturn (lord of the 12th reckoned from the 5th) over Jypiter
{lord of the 5th), and the association of Venus (lord of the 8th
f rbm the 5th) with Jupiter proved detrimental to the happiness
of the issue. As a consequence of all these Avayogas, the native
would have gained ample experience in life and will be entering
tht first Steps in philosophical world as the lord of the 9th ^and
the Soul (Sun) are having mutual aspects and also as Jupiter
and Saturn-^the 2 philosophical planetsare haying mutual
aspects. In general, philosophy appeals to men, only at adverse
The native has got good longevity as Rahu is alone in Mesha.
and Mercuiry occupies Makara,

Slokas 10^Venus when favourable will'bring

o n h a p p i n e s s , p r o s p e r i t y , h i g h status, j o y r i d e s o r p a l a i i -
quins, the eight kinds of wealth, inclination tp bfe
-virtuous i n a very h i g h degree, gold, garden, horses,
anusic and festivities. W h e n V e n u s is untoward, thpre
w i l l be t r o u b l e to the wife- T h e person will become
w i c k e d 5 w e a l t h w i l l be wasted ; there w i l l b e a b i g theft
i n his house. H e w i l l c o m m i t serious faults and witi
s u f f e r diseases a r i s i n g f r o m his i n t r i g u e s i n a l a r g e s c a l e
w i t h the w o m a n f o l k .
.'SI. 13j] 181

Slohas ll^l'^l- If Saturn be favourable, his Dasa

Will prove prosperous, will bestow on the natve intelli-
gence and will make him perform sacrifices. He will
own lands, will become the headman of a village opiof
ja. small town. He will turn out to be a big merchant
-or clever in multifarious activities, and will be very
enthusiastic. When Saturn is inauspicious, there will
be poisoning, loss of wealth, troubles to body, etc. and
royal displeasure ; he will commit forbidden acts ; he
will be crippled and suffer diseases etc. causing intense
jtrouble. .

Slokas 13|. During the Dasa of Rahu, when

"lie is fa'^ourable, he will confer on the native allround
prosperity a high position of authority, all kinds of
virtues and wealth. The person will resort to holy
shrines, will acquire sacred knowledge and power. If
Rahu. be untoward, the person will be liable to danger
from reptiles, poison, disease and trouble all over thfe
body, danger from missiles and fire, enmity with the
,inean, a fall from a tree and torments from enemies.
182 3M^'W1J;^ [Khanda VT

Slokas 13\14J. During the ad\'ent of Ketu's Dasa

when Ketu is favourable, there will be success in all
undertakings, acquisitions of wealth thro ugh bloodjr
deeds, good fortune through a fore-gn king, attempts-
at poetical composition and destruction of enemies.
When Ketu is bad, he will cause to the native intense
miseries ; all his efforts will become fruitless ; he will
be doing only unprofitable things , there will also be
loss 6f position of a low class, he will suffer rheuma^
tism or sharp pain in the heart, tuberculosis, shivering
misunderstanding with the Brahmin folk. He will
further commit the worst follies.

cI^CI^'^^^TEITT^sr^ I
Slokas 15J. (a) If Rahu or Ketu occupy a
fippJoT (Trikona5th or 9th) and be conjoined with or
aspected by the lord of the 2nd or 7th house, they
cause death during their Dasas. (h) If they occupy the
7th or the 2nd house in conjunction with or aspected by
SI. 16|] 183

the lord of the 5th or 9th, they confer wealth and long
life on the native. If under the same condition, viz.)
Rahu or Ketu occupying the 2nd or the 7th (c) any
malefic planet be in conjunction with the planet owning
the 2nd or the 7th house, his Dasa will bring on death
to the native.

The last line may also mean(1) Any malefic in conjunction

with the lords of the above Bhavas, viz., 2, 5, 7, 6, causes death
to the native. (2) Rahu or Ketu conjoined with the lord of t^c
_ Rasi he is in, causes etc.

For (a)See Chart 16 (p. 40 supra). Rahu is posited in the

5th house along with Mercury, the lord of the 7th, and the death
.of the native was in Rahu Dasa.

sqq^Jl^vjg^^n^'tl^ 5%Rlcl1

Slok(^s 15\16^. (a) If Rahu and Ketu occupy

dval Rasis and if the lords of those Rasis or Rahu and
Ketu are conjoined with the lords of Kendra or Kona
houses, the native will during their (Rabu's and Ketu's,
Dasa periods, get wealth, power, etc. (h) If they be
conjoined with or aspected by the lord of the 6ih, 8th or
12th house, there will not be much benefit to the native,
but the Dasa will bring about the demise of the native's
jnbther or other near relation on the mother's side.
184 3tR^ij^ [Khanda VI

Chan 80. Male-Bornon 4/5111884 at 48^ gh. after Sunrise.-

Ketu Moon Sat. Venus Merc. Lagna
Rasi Navamsa
Lagna Ketu

Sun Venus
Mars Merc Rahu Mars Sat

Balance of Moon's Dasa8 years, 11 months and 11 days.

Saturn is retrograde.

By a look at the chart, we see that the Moon, a female^

planet, occupies the mid-heaven identical with her exaltation and
Moolatrikona Rasi, She has not yet lost her digits. Mars, the
Yogakaraka, occupies the 4th Kendra, his own camp, and is in
VargottamEimsa, Four planets other than these two occupy their
respective exaltation Navamsas.

Though the rising Rasi and Navamsa are masculine in natutre

the native's life was more of feminine disposition ;>s the two
female planets^Venus and the Moonare very well-placed.
The second Bhava indicates the nature of the face of the iiativC'
and it is occupied by a powerful Venus (as he occupies his
exaltation Navamsa). The native will have a very handsome
appearance. The 10th house is occupied by the exalted Mooii
and is aspected by the Yogakaraka, Mars.

Regarding the occupation of the native, the positions of the

planets, responsible for giving him the status he had, are not-
worthy. The 10th house is an even Rasi; it contains a female
planet who is posited in her favourite constellationRohini.
The lord of the 10th, aoot her female planet, occupies the 2nd
SI. 16|] <^l4i<:4<'l"g; 18^

Bhava, an even Rasi, and in an even Navamsa. The other planet

that is connected with the 10th house'^is Mars. He is also posited
in an even Rasi and in an even Navamsa. The other two male
planets viz., Jupiter and the Sun, have no connection with this
house. The inference to be drawn from these factors is that
the native must have been holding a status which will be
solely ^feminine in nature. In fact, he was the owner of a
dramatic troupe and earned a good lot of money by his playing
the role of the heroine in all the dramas he staged. The
Parivartana between the 2nd and the 3rd lords is noteworthy.

The Dasa of the Yogakaraka which occurred in his teens

proved a training ground and a stepping stone for his rise.
Rahu's Dasa proved most beneficial as he is conjoined with the
lord of the 10th (VI15J16in a dual Rasi and unaspected
by malefics. The winter of his career occurred in the beginnings
of Saturn's Dasa alone, as Saturn, the lord of the 6th, cast his-
complete evil glance over the Lagna. It has to be noted that
for people born in Simha Lagna, Saturn is the most harmful
planet. From the status of a millionaire, the native was reduced
to a practically poor man. The Dasas of such planets owning
Dusstthanas are nearly destructive and such incidents teach,
people that life is not a bed of roses always, but is full of thorns

The horoscope in the next page belongs to a retired official of

the Madras Government. The lord of the Lagna is in the 2nd house
in conjunction with the lord of the 4th, the Sun. This ensures
the native good wealth and prosperity coupled with happiness.
Jupiter, the lord of the llth, in conjunction with the Moon is
good. But the conjunction is not productive of such a good
result as the planets are 15 apart. (IV32).

186 3xR^I^, [Khanda VI

Chart-81. MaleBorn on 28/29-6-1880 at 56 Gh. after Sunrise.

(Died on 3/4 May 1946 at 12-15 Midnight.)
Moon Lagna Venus
Sat. Sat.
Jup- Ketu
Mars Sun
Merc. Jup-
Rasi Mars Nayamsa
r Lagna
Venus Rahu

Rahu Moon
Balance of Saturn's Dasa9 years, 9 months.
Regarding the prominence or position in life which the
native is entitled, the one pitiable situation is the position of
Saturn, the Yogakaraka, in the 12th, in debilitation which shows
that the native will not be favoured by luck. Saturn having
occupied the Vyaya Bhava, his aspect over the 2nd Bhava is
destructive to that Bhava. Venus, though he is the lord of the
Lagna cannot be ignored as he is also the lord of the 6th (a
Dusstthana). His presence in the Dhana Bhava in conjunction
with the Sun, the lord of the 4th, aspected by Saturn in the 12th
jS not at all beneficial to that Bhava. Venus's duty, as the lord
of the 1st in the 2nd, is to give the native wealth in the initial
part of his Dasa, and his (Venus's) duty, as the lord of the 6th in
conjunction with the lord of the 4th in the 2nd, will be to destroy
jhe wealth already acquired (IV-2) and thus the happiness of the
native is marred. Note also that the native got wealth through
the help of Venus in the former portion of his Dasa, and the
same planet worked for its destruction in the latter portion,
l^ote also thai Venus is eclipsed in the house of wealth.

Saturn, lord of the lOth, is in the 12th. Mars, the lord of

the 12th, casts his evil glance on the 10th. The 10th house
signifies honour and profession. Now the evil aspect which the
lord of the 10th casts on Venus (who is the lord of the Lagnajf
SI. 16J] 187

and the evil aspect which Mars casts on the swac house (10th) go
to show that his official position was affected. Note also that the
9th house Bhagya is badly affected by the aspect of Mars.

It will not be out of place to note here that Saturn, the

fortunegivcr for this horoscope synchronises with his duties as
the Pitrukaraka and the Pitrusttanadhipati. His aspect over
that Pitrusttana and over the lord of the Lagna (posited in the
Dhana Bhava) shows that the native will have to lose all the
patrimony that came to his share (why 1 because, Saturn is in the

Mercury, the lord of the 2nd and the 5th, and posited in his
inimical sign in conjunction with Mars (lord of the 12th), his
enemy, goes to show how the 2nd and the 5th Bhavas are affected.
But it is gratifying to note that the affliction referred to is not so
acute as the two planets arc 15 apart, at the same time being
aspected by a strong Jupiter, the Putrakaraka. Ketu is posited
in a dual Rasi in conjunction with Venus and the Sun, the lords
of the 6th and 4th Bhavas respectively. This brought about the
demise of his mother in his Ketu Dasa (VI15^-16^). The
benefic aspect bestowed by Jupiter (lord of the llth in coRJunc-
tion with the Moon the lord of the 3rd) over Mars, the Bhratru-.
karaka shows the affection he would receive from all his brothers
and sisters.

The death took place in the Moon's Dasa, Mercury's Bhu-

kti Ketu's Antara.

This life began in Saturn and indeed in the Moon's period.

Saturn is in the 12th from the Ascendant, and tha Moon in the
12th from Saturn. Mercury being in Pushya 2 forms one of the
corners of the equilateral triangle from Uttarabhadra 2, the
natal Star of the native, and thus acquires the qualities of
Saturn, the lord of this star. Ketu is in Ardra 3, a star ruled
188 HTir^siii:^ [Khanda VI

by Rahu, who is similar to Saturn. This justifies the death

happening in the above period, as all the planets responsible for
the incident have acquired Saturn's qualities ; for Saturn is the
-embodiment of Yama, the God of Death.


Slokas 16\T7\. (a) The same two planets if

posited in a fixed or a moveable Rasi and conjoined
with planets owning a Kendra or a Trikona place will
be productive of good fortune during the Dasa of one
of the two occupying an auspicious house, (b) If they
be in a malefic house, they will not cause any good
effect - some are however of opinion that they will
bring happiness. If these two should occupy malefic
houses in company with benefics, they become instru-
xnental in causing the demise of the native.
SI. 18V 189

SloJcas 17^18^. If Rahu or Ketu be posited in

the 6th, 8th or 12th house and be conjoined with or
aspected by any of the lords of these houses, they
begin to afflict the native during their Dasas. If they
.conjoin with m^.^ (Maraka) planets or with the lords of
the Dusstthanas, they bring about the death of the
native. If they be associated with the lords of Kendra
and Kona houses and be posited in the Dussthanas,
they cause some happines and then bring on death
through diseases, wounds, misery sword-cuts, drow-
ning or suicide.

Chart-82. MaleBorn on Q111893, at 5-45 A.M.

Died in June 1930.

Rahu Jup. Lagna Sun Venus

Jup. Moon
Rasi Navamsa

Moon Mars Sat.

Venus Merc. Sun Ketu Merc Mars Sat.
Balance of Jupiter's Dasaabout 3 years.
The chart printed above belongs to a gentleman who had
many disappointments as a result of which he forced his end by
drowning himself in a lake.
By a look at the chart, two unfortunate positions are visible.
The lord of the 12th is in the 2nd. The YogakarakaSaturn-
has gone to the 12th. However much the native may earn, his
190 <iTi^41<j}|^^ [Khanda VI

balance would always have been on the negative side. This

situation would not have been a result of a charitable disposition,
but would have been all self-imposed.
(a) Jupiter, lord of the 3rd is in the 8th, aspected by Mars,
a malefic ; (b) Saturn and Ketu2 maleficsare in the 12th; (c)
the lord of the Lagna and the Sun are both posited in their in-
raical houses, (d) Mercury, lord of the Sth from the Chandra
Lagna is aspected by Saturn. All these are Alpayuryogas.
Mars occupies the Ascendant in conjunction with Saturn
(the interval being only 4, though Saturn is in the 12th). The
conjunction of these two veritable malefics has brought about
death by suicide (as a result of extreme sorrow).
Now Ketu is posited in the 12th in conjunction with Saturn,
the lord of a Kendra and a Kona. The demise of the native
was by drowning, in the tail end of Mercury's Dasa (lord of the
12th, posited in the 2nd), Further, the aspect of Jupiter (lord
of the 6th, posited in the 8th), over Ketu posited in the 12th is
another support for this statement. (VI17J18J).

3TI rrat: ^T??Ii?rf^SJ%^*JHf5^STI^n^^r%

Slol-as 18\19\. (a) If the said two planets be

conjoined with strong Yogakaraka planets and be
posited in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, or lOth houses, they
confer on the native prosperity, happiness, children.
SI. 2U] 191

wealth, power and superior vehicles, (b) The same,

if conjoined with the lords of the 7th and the 2nd
houses or aspected by them, will cause the entire loss of
wealth to the native and also bring about his death.

Slokas 19^20^. The exaltation houses of Rahu

and Ketu are Vrishabha and Vrischika respectively.
Their ?cr%^ (Swakshetra) houses are Kumbha and Vris-
chika. Mithuna and Kanya are their MoolatrikonaRasis.
Simha and Kataka are their inmical houses, while
Tula and Makara are their friendly signs. Mesha and
the two Rasis owned by Jupiter are their neutral ones.
The said two planets are declared to possess maximum
strength when they are exalted. At other places, their
strength will be proportionate conformably to the
nature of their relation to the houses they occupy.

g1^m T[| ^^^^ ^^^[^^^^\^^

5Rt w ^ ' T ^ ^^ns^^is;^ I
192 [Khanda VI

Slolas 2 0 | I f these two planets, possessed

of strength be posited in any Bhava or have any one of
the 3 sorts of 5ET^^ (Sambandha) with the lord of any
Bhava, they cause during their Dasa good and bad effects
over-looking the effects, if any, that may be caused by
other planets. Whichever house they occupy, they will
possess the strength of the lord of that house, and the
good and bad effects resulting from the Bhava they
occupy should be predicted according to the strength
of the lord of that Bhava.

Slokas 21J22j. When the Dasa of any planet

is ruling at the time, treat the house occupied by that
planet as the Lagna, and find what house reckoned from
this Lagna is occupied by the ^Rhrii^ (Bhuktinatha)'
Find also the strength of these two planets derived
through their being conjoined with or aspected'by other
planets. If these two planets be not mutually in
quincunx aspect, the resulting effect will be happy.
Otherwise, malefic effect will result according to the
strength of the planet.

STST ?T;it?IFcif$IRi?I^^f^M?l'=riJIFf'*niM'4<!J-HI^
si. 25] 195

Slokas 22|23J. The Dasa periods and their

subperiods of planets owning Kendra houses will prove
auspicious, while those of planets owning the 2nd, 3rd
and llth houses will be medium. The Dasas, etc., of
planets owni-ng the 6th, the Sth and the 12th houses
will always prove bad to the native. These effects
should be predicted in the respective Dasas and'Bhuktis
of planets after a scrutiny of the lord of the Dasa and
the house occupied by him. ,;

Slokas 23^24J. If the (Bhukti-natha) be

posited in the 12th, 6th or Sth place from the house occu-
pied by the lord of a Dasa, he then becomes the enemy
of the Dasa-lord. The planets in the llth, the 2nd,
3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 10th house from the ^^TRISI (Dasa-
natha) is said to be greatly auspicious to the native.
The planet in the 7th house from the Dasanatha and
the one in conjunction with him are also productive of

qi^^ ^s^g: %w^x m

M ' ^ c R t J T ^ ^ ^mM ii; ii

5^ % ^ 'Ten i T i ^ ^ * ^

Slokas 24\25\. If the Dasanatha be malefic and

the Bhuktinatha be benefic and not in conjunction with
the same, the effect will be unfavourable. If the Bhukti-
Hatha be benefic and be associated with the Dasanatha^
the effect will be mixed. T'he Bhuktinatha, even if he
be a Yogakaraka planet, will become more unfavoura-
l)le and distressing if he be not conjoined with the
Dasanatha. If the Dasanatha has got power to cause
Tjoth Yoga and death, he will give the effects of th6
"Yoga first in his own Bhukti.

'i^^l m<ihrA1^^I8*<^l<t^l|^l ^


Slokas 25\26\- If the entire period over which

the above-mentioned Yogakaraka rules be fully aus-
picious and the Bhuktis of the various malefic planets
be likewise favourable, the Yogakaraka planet post-
pones the causing of death to the native. Such ai
Dasanatha will never cause mixd effects. If he does,
-the Dasa will only prove completely fruitless. So
opine the wise.
SI. 28J] 195

Slokas26^27^. Jupiter and Venus in their mutual

Dasas and Bhuktis confer oii the native kingship or the
place of a minister, much wealth and happiness through
wife and children. There will be performance of
sacrifices, birth of children, celebration of marriages
and other similar auspicious functions provided the two
planets are strong and occupy good Bhavas ^nd are
also aspected by or conjoined with benefic planets.

Slokas 27\281' The same two planets if posited

in such a way that they are either quincunx to each
other or are mutually placed in the 2nd and 12th-, or if
they two be aspected by or conjoined with the lords of
these houses; or if they be themselves the owners of
these houses and be at the same time aspected by or^iti
conjunction with malefics, and are weak in positional
Strength, etc., they will during their Dasa bring on the
separation of wife and sons, displeasure of a high
Brahmin chief, trouble through intrigues with females,
royal displeasure and fear of epilepsy.
196 [Khanda' VI

Slokas 28}29\. If Venus and Saturn posited in

their exaltition, Swakshetra or Vargottamamsa be
.strong and equally powerful to cause Yoga, they will,
in their mutual Dasas and Bhuktis, make the native a
"beggar seeking alms and a powerless being, even if he
Tbe born a king or a Kubera. Should however one of
the two be strong and the other weak, the stronger one
-will give the Yoga.
We shall take the opportunity to point out the importance
-of this Sloka by suitable examples.
Venus and Saturn are natural friends and any student of
.astrology will expect good results in their mutual Dasas and
Bhuktis. But the sense contained in this sloka is contrary to the
-above statement. If the two planets are well placed, the Bhukti
of Venus in Saturn's Dasa and vice versa will be the worst
periods the native can possibly expect. The stronger the two
planets are, the worse will be the r ffect.

Let us consider the charts 30 and 79. Both the persons had
Sukra Dasa during their lives. In the case of chart 30, Sukra
X)asa, Sani Bhukti, occurred between 1916 September and 1919
JvTovember. The native lost his 16 year old daughter at the begiii-
uing of Saturn's Bhukti. The rest of his family were all then laid
up with severe typhoid. With the meagre pay he was drawing,
lie had to meet very heavy expenses specially because the period
was that of the Great War : Thanks to the fact that Saturn in the
SI. 31^; 197

-chart under reference was the owner of the 8th house also, the
Bhukti wound up to a better aspect.
In the case of chart 79, the Bhukti of Saturn in Venus's Dasa
occurred between October 1926 and December 1929. This was
the worst period for the native. Government was against him ;
a sort of royal displeasure and disappointment in life, and a fall
from his original position, were some of his most bitter

SloJcas 29^30J. If both of them be weak and be

-so mutually placed that one occupies the 12th, the 8th or
the 6th from the other, or happen to be owners of such
places ; or be conjonined with the lords of these houses,
they become auspicious and confer wealth and happiness
on the native. If one of them own an auspicious house
and the other an unfavourable one, even then, both of
them will produce good effects. If they are both male-
fics, they will prove extremely favourable to the native.

^^^^ m ^ tr ?if^t I
Sloka 30i31j. Saturn and the Sun if they be
placed in their own or exalted signs or in the corres-
198 ^TH^i!}|<ict [Khanda VX

ponding Navamasa and are in Kona or Kendra posi-

tions, or be owners of these houses, will bring to the
person concerned royal favour, wealth and the like in
the Sun's Bhukti of Saturn's Dasa, and happiness, wealth
and victory in Saturn's Bhukti of the Sun's Dasa. If
the two planets in question be both inauspicious, they
cause distress to the native.

^ ?T3i;^i5i^ II II

Slokas 31^32i. If Mars and Jupiter, in the same

manner, be strong, occupy : favourable '.houses and
possess the aspect or association of strong benefic
planets, they bring Rajayoga to the native ; they will
bring joy, all kinds of enjoyments and pleasure, sons
endowed with long life, marriage and other pleasant
functions. If otherwise, they will produce contrary

Slokas 32\33k. Jupiter and Mercury, similarly

strong, will make the native do good actions, learned,
clever in trading and endowed with wife, children and
happiness. Venus and Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon,
SI 35i] 199

the Moon and Venus, Jupiter and the Sun, the Sun
and Mars, the Sun and Mercury,each of these pairs
will produce effects similar to those stated for Jupiter
and Mercury.

Slokas 33^134^. Find the exact position of the

Sun in a nativity. In any required year after birth,
-find out on what day, hour, etc., the Sun in his perio-
dical course occupies that exact position. That day
Is called the solar year day of the native. Find out
the Lagna at the time and the positions of
planets, and the several Bhavas; also calculate
the (Saptavargaja) bala of the planets. The
results will reveal the nature of the effects for that
year to the native. The number of the asterism in
which the Moon is at the time when reckonedjfrom the
natal star should be divided by 9. The remainder will
. denote the order of the Dasa reckoned from the Sun.

^?^1^T^ ^isRr^T^tpn
200 Khanda VT

Slokas 34i36i. From the exact position of the

Moot! at the time, find out how many more Ghatikas
the Moon has still to pass in the star in which she is-
This when multiplied by the Dasa days mentioned
below of the planet concerned and divided by the total
Ghatikas taken by the Moon to travel through the
complete asterism will reval the number of days
Ghatikas, etc. of the (first) starting Dasa,still;remaining
at the beginning of the new year. 110, 60, 32, 40, 48,
56, 4, 5 and 10 are the numbers in their order repre.
senting the Dasa period in days in a year of 365 days
for the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and the Lagna respectively. The second
and succeeding Dasas during the year have to be rec_
koned in this order alone. The effectsgood or bad
for any of the Dasas should be predicted after a full
reference to the strengthpositional etc.of the
planet concc-ned, the Lagna at the entry of the year,
the Bhava occupied by the planet and the several
aspects on the same (planet).
The system that is described in the two foregoing Slokas en-
ables the reader to have a clear idea as to how his position in
life will be in any particular year. The system is unique by itself.
The horoscope for any particular year depends upon the exact
time at which the Sun, during his transit, comes to the position
he had occupied at the time of birth. The process of casting
such annual horoscopes consists in finding the exact time at
which the Sun arrives at his old position in the year concerned.
This time marks the beginning of the native's new year.
SI. 361] 201

From the table appended below, one can easily find out the
position of the Sun for the required year. Having arrived at the
Table for n f ^ (Varshika-annml) Horoscope.

u -
1 a 1 o
15- u
> Q H Q 1 EC

1 1 1 31 30 1 I 6 12 36
2 2 31 3 0 2 2 12 25 13

S 3 46 34 30 3 3 18 37 4a
4 5 2 6 0 4 5 0 50 24

; 5 6 17 37 30 5 6 7 3 a
6 0 33 9 0 6 0 13 15 36
7 1 48 40 30 7 1 19 28 12

8 3 4 12 0 8 3 1 40 48-

9 4 19 43 30 9 4 7 53 34
10 5 35 15 0 10 5 14 6 O
20. 4 10 30 0 20 4 4 12 0
30^ ~2 45 45 0 30 2 18 18 0'
40 1 21 0 0 40 1 8 24 0

50 6 56 15 0 50 6 22 30 0'

60 5 31 30 0 60 5 12 36 0
70 4 6 45 0 70 4 2 42 0-

80 2 42 0 0 80 2 16 48 0

50 1 17 15 0 90 1 6 54 0

100 6 52 30 0 100 6 21 0
202 dM<4l<!Slii^ [Khanda VL

exact time required, a horoscope for that time should be cast

accurately. Find the asterism in which the Moon is at the time-
tinder consideration. The order of this asterism reckoned from
the natal star will reveal the lord of the Dasa counted from the
Sun which the native is undergoing at the commencement of this
year. The order of the Dasa lords will be as follows : The Sun,
the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and
the Lagna. The portion traversed by the Moon at the time in""
the particular asterism will reveal the portion of the corres-
ponding Dasa elapsed.
The above table is prepared to suit both systems of recko-
ning, viz., Ghatikas, Vighatikas etc., and hours, minutes, seconds-
The numbers 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 under the column 'Day' refer to
the 7 days of the week from Sunday onwards.
'The use of the table will be clear from the following illustration:

-jChart-SS. MaleBornonS8I897at30| Vigh. after Sunrise.

Venus Rahu

Sun Sun
Ketu Moon Sat.
Lagna Lagna
Rasi Mars Navamsa
Rahu Merc. Venus Merc.
Sat., Mars Jup.
Balance of Mercury's Dasa-8 years, 1 month and 11 days.
The birth in question being at Sunrise, the Sun is posited in
the rising Navamsa. Three notable features are present in this
nativity : (1) Mars, the Yogakaraka, occupies the centre of the
2nd Dhana Bhava ; (2) the Sun, the lord of the 2nd, is posited
exactly in the Ascendant; (3) The Yogakaraka is in the 10th
Kendra exactly with respect to the lord of the Lagna, and thus
the aspect of Mars over the Moon is full. From this, it will be
SI. 361] 203

clear that the power wielded by the native will be immense. The
native will have to earn more by wielding power in some admini-
strative capacity in virtue of the position of the Yogakaraka. So
much of stress had to be laid on the above statament,'*because
the rising planet is the Rajyakaraka. The inheritance of the
native will also be good as Jupiter, the lord of the 9th (house
of Father) occupies the 2nd in conjunction with Mars, the Yoga-
karaka, while the Sun, the Pitrukaraka and the lord of the 2nd,
is in the Lagna. The above "Statement will have to lose some of
its force as the conjunction of the said planets has been marred
by the inclusion of Mercury, the lord of the 12th.
. Regarding the position of the Moon, the presence of Mars,
lord of the Rasi occupied by the Moon, in Kendra position witit
Yespect to her elevates the native to a considerably high position,
the effect due to depression being nullified Paladeepika VII-
The aspect of Saturn, the lord of the Sth, over the Dhana
Bhava and the 7th is not so good. The conjunction of the lords-
of the 6th and the 12th in the 2nd Bhava is a very strong Dhana
yoga. The presence of the two nodes of the Moon in Kendraa^
will surely bring the native to prominence.
Jupiter and Mars, lords of the 9th and 10th as well as those
of 9th and 10th from the 9th are conjoined in the 2hd house resul-
ting in a very strong Rajayoga (IV4).
The native was an officer in the Burma P. W. D.
Let us prepare his thart for the year 193839.
The native completed 41 years and entered on his 42nd
year, for the year under consideration.
Day--Gh. Vigh.--Tat.
His birth was 6n Sunday
at 30J Vigh. or 1 0 . .. 30 30
For 40 years 1 21 . .. 0 0
1 year 1 15 .... 31 30
Therefore for 41 years 3 37 ....i 2 0
which means, the time in question was 37 Gh. 2 Vigh. on a
Tuesday in the month of Kataka in the year Bahudhanya, and
corirespdhds to 37 Gh. 5 Vigh. on 9th August 1938.^
204 gTiHMHi^ [Khanda VI

Annual Chart for 1938-39

Ketu Venus Rahu

Mars Sun
Jup. Sun Moon
Rasi Navamsa
Moon Merc. Lagna

Rahu Venus Mars Merc,

Ketu Jup-
The Moon is traversing Uttarashadha. The portion of the
star still to be traversed in Ghatikas is 2 2g. 7^. The total
<luration of the asterismis 67^.4%. This star is the 4th
when counted from Jyeshta, the natal star of the native, Hene
the lord of the Dasa at the commencement of the year is the 4th
from the Sun, that is. Mercury. The balance of this Dasa is
22-1 57'lx40or 13 days. The several periods of the year
juled by the planets are shown below :

Number Date cf Date of

Planets in days conclusion
commcncem ent

Mercury.... 13 9_8_1938 2181938

Jupiter .... 48 2281938 810-1938

Venus 56 9101938 3_ 121938

Saturn .... 4 4 12 1938 7121938

Rahu 5 8121938 12121938

Lagna 10 13121938 22121938

Sun 110 23-121938 11-41939

Moon 60 12-4-1939 1061939

Mars 32 1161939 12-71939
hic 'cury ..... 27 1371939 88-1939

SI, 36j] [?[[|if?^^: 205
_ _ . . . . _

The nature of the year under consideration for the native is

to be discussed from the annual chart given in the previous page.
It is to be understood that the natTire of the Lagna will
.always give an indication as to the nature of that particular year.
At the outset, the year augurs bad, as the lord of the Lagna has
-exchanged place with the lord of the 12th. To add to this, we
have the complete aspect of Venus, the lord of the Sth, over the
Ascendant. Venus, being the lord of the 3rd, is aspected by
Saturn, the lord of the 12th, and is without any benefiic aspect.
The 3rd house also is aspected by Saturn. Saturn, the lord of
the llth, receives the aspect of Venus, the lord of the 8th. The
5un, the lord of the 6th, aspects the llth. The 3rd house and
Mercury denote the after borns (V4, 36), while the llth and
Jupiter, the eldest brother (V19, 39). The year under refe-
rence will thereford be a bit unfavourable to the native's brothers
(younger as well as elder).
The Sun, the lord of the 6th, is posited in the Sth, thus indi-
eating that the native's childern will not be keeping good health.
The year is not beneficial to the native's partner also, as the lord
of the 7th has gone to the 6th. Venus the lord of a Dusstthana,
.is posited in the 7th, and the 7th is badly aspected by Saturn
^the lord of the 12th). Much of the strain of this unfavourable-
ness will have to be borne by the native himself, as all these
^bove remarks are made with reference to the native's chart,
the presence of Saturn may cause lot of expenditure mostly
Coming to the particular periods, the year begins with Mer-
cury's Dasa. He is gone to the 6th which is the 12th from the
JCalatra Lagna. The native will have to pass a difficult time,
the difficulty being mostly due to his partner. The severity is
.considerably reduced as Mercury is aspected by Jupiter.
The next period is that of Jupiter. The native ought to
have got the best he could get during this year as Jupiter governs
the native's position and body. But the position of Jupiter in
the 12th will have to cause some disappointment in this direction.
'To support it; ':MS Jupiter is badly aspected by Mars who is
206 ^Ti<l.MHi^ [Khanda VI

conjoined with the lord of the 6th. Particularly during Jupiter's-

period, the native will have to experience anxiety on account
of his eldest brother, as Jupiter, the planet representing the
eldest brother, has gone to the 12th and is aspected by Mercury
in the 6th.
Nothing good can be expected during the period of Venus-
as this planet rules over the Sth house and is further aspected by
a powterful Saturn. Venus in the capacity of the ownership Of
the 3rd may cause ill-health and some distress to the brothers of
the native during his Dasa.
Saturn's period will be an anxious one so for as the health
of the native's elder brother is concerned, as Saturn is the lord-
of the llth and is aspected by the lord of the 8th.
But Rahu's Dasa will be cerainly better than that of Saturn-
as Rahu is aspected by Jupiter.
Next comes the Lagna Dasa. The nature of this depends'
much on Jupiter about whom comment has already been made.
The Sun's Dasa may cause ill health to the native's children
as he is the lord of the 6th and is posited in the Sth.
The only period during which the native will get some peace-
of mind is that ruled by the planet representing the mind, that is-
the Moon. She is best placed, being aspected by Mars, her
friend, the lord of the 2nd and the 9th. She has escaped the Sun's-
aspcct (the Moon is in the 6th degree of Makara while the Suni
in the 24th degree of Katrka). The Sun happens to own the Stht
The Dasa of Mars will also be good as he is aspected by the
Moon, the lord of the Sth, though not so good as that of the
Moon as he is eclipsed by the Sun's (lord of the 6th) rays.
In conclusion, we shall have to infer that the whole year
will not be a happy and a peaceful one. The various incidents
which the native will have to come across during this year, will
make the native put on an appearance of entire resignation
towards the doings of these variour planets, as Jupiter ahif
Saturnthe two philosophical planets-have exchanged position,*-
SI. 39] 207

Sloka 36^37j. In this connection, due consider-

ation should also be given to the effects that may be
caused by planets transitting during their course the
.several houses reckoned from the '5FTI?:i% (Janma Rasi)
radix Moon, and the conjoined effects alone should be
predicted. I am now going to describe in a fine and'
^asy manner the accurate effects of the several Dasas
iluring a year.

Sloalcs 37|3|. When the Sun is strong, there

will be accumulation of wealth, acquisition of ornaments
and wearing of new apparel. If the Sun be weak, there
will be increase of sin and enemies, loss of wealth and
.springing up of new troubles. When the Moon is
strong, there will be royal favour, incessant flowing in
-of money and a position of honour. When the Moon
is weak, more enemies will turn up. The person will
.suffer from sickness; there will also be change of place^
.misery and misunderstanding with one's people.
208 [Khanda VI

Slohas 38i39j. If Mars be endowed with strengths-

there will be royal favour, success in life and domestic
happiness. When Mars is weak, there will be dis--
pleasure from the ' sovereign, quarrel with one's owrt
sons, enmity with one's wife and decay of wealth..
When Mercury is very strong, the person concerned
will be energetic. He will enjoy more happiness and
there will be more gain. If Mercury be weak, there
will result misunderstandings with one's brothers, etc.
He will take to bad ways and will do mischief to the-
Brahmin folk.

Slokas 39^40^. When Jupiter is fully powerful^

the person will comnuaid good vehicles, and houses. He
will be munificent, posses good intellect and much
wealth. If Jupiter be weak, there will be change of
place and also loss of wealth. He will further go into*
bad ways and evil asssociations. When Venus is-
possessed of much strength, there will be influx of wealth
and fame. The native will have good white robes and
female company. When Venus is weak, there will be
loss of wealth danger from enemies, diseases through,
females and ill-fame.
51. 42|] 209

- 0 ^ ^ c : ^^x^m d ' T t s q ^ f l ^ ^ II ^ II

SZo^as 40J4li. When Saturn is strong, the person

will acquire a good house, and be happy ; he will also
become the headman or leader of a wild tribe. If Saturn
be weak, there will be destruction of wealth, emaciation
of the body, disease and ill-fame. When Rahu is strong^
he will make the native do good and virtuous acts, get
good income and rise in his official position. When he
is unfavourable the effect likewise will be bad ; there
may happen the demise of the father. The person will
further befriend base people and associate with his

3:^T0lf^^ ^*nTr^f^'?Tr^^5q^tfTT3:^^ II R IP

^ ^m^irl^ ^ frst^

Slokas 41J42^. When the Lagna Dasa rules, the

effect will be good, medium or bad, according to the
nature of the decanate occupied and the ^r^^ (Samban-
dha), Yogas, etc. formed by that lord. Thus have been
declared in an elegant and concise manner the effects
of the severalDasas in a year. Intelligent men should
210 STR^MPJ^ [Khanda VII

predict the nature of the effects^ with special reference

to the strength or othewise of the planets concerned
derived through their association with benefics, etc-

SECTION 7. On Queries.

Sloka 1, Thus should all the effects be predicted in

the case of a nativity through the positions of the seve-
ral planets and the Lagna at the time. In the absence
of the horoscope, the effects should be divined through
the Lagna rising at the time of query. There will be
no difference between the effects derived through the
horoscope at birth or through the time of query. If the
day be clouded at the time and the exact Ghatilcas that
have elapsed since Sunrise be not readily available, the
several Rasis and Navamsas should be determined by
further queries (as detailed in the next 3 slokas).

siw^ ^\^^\^^^ ^ic[i^*^^i(^*

mm ^^^mx^iw^wim^ ^ i

|pn1^CTl^sT^ 5 3^: mi ^xp^ I R ll


Sloka 2. A querist should approach an astrologer

with fruits and Dalcshina and should when asked,
mention a number below 108. The same should be
taken as the basis and predictiongood or badabout
the past, present and future, should be made by the
astrologer after salutations to the feet of his preceptor,

sf^mH*?^ ^pr?i^^: ^in^ I

Sloka 3. The basic number aforesaid should be

divided by 9; the quotient represents the number of
Rasis from Mesha that have elapsed, and the remainder
represents the number of Navamsas elapsed in the
Lagna at the time of query. The planets and the
Bhavas at the time should be determined and effects
good as well as badshould be predicted as before
through the strongest of the following :the Karakas
the Bhavas and the lords of the Bhavas at the time.

mx\% ^gm^^'MT^j; # f ^ ^ ' 5 ^ -

^ ' J T i ' ^ ^ g ^ 'nn^i^^i^+'N mtmi i i ii
Sloka 4. The number of flowers and money-units
that had been handed over to him by the querist, the
212 3TR^I^ [Khanda VII

astrologer should multiply by the basic number and

divide the product by 12. The remainder will signify
the Rasi reckoned from Mesha in which Jupiter was
posited in the querist's nativity. Through the position
of Jupiter at the time of query, the astrologer can
easily guess the age by a look at the querist and the
probable number of cycles made by Jupiter since the
birth-time of the querist. The months, days, etc. that
have elapsed (since the last birthday), will be revealed
Ijy the portion of the Rasi traversed by Jupiter in the
Rasi occupied by him at the time of query. The total
period thus obtained is to be subtracted from the
present position of the Sun to get the year, month,
etc. of the birth in question.

^ 5iraTO:f^^ ir^if^w^ II Ml
II ^ ^ m ^ ^ i mw* II
Sloka 5. The month, the week day, the Ghatikas,
etc., elapsed on the day, will be solar. From this, the
Moon's position, the lunar years, month, Tithi, etc.,
and hence the whole horoscope can be obtained. Thus
has been described briefly the process of casting a lost-
horoscope. The method to get at a horoscope has thus
been chalked out for the delectation of those interested
in the science.
Thus ends the method for casting Lost-Horoscopes.

^sRiftf ^5f^^ I

^^m^^ II ^ II
Sloka 6- Multiply the basic number by 2 and
divide the product by 3. If the remainder be 1, the
query is about a living being ; if it be 2, it relates to
some mineral. If it be zero, it realtes to a plant.
When the Lagna at query is Mesha, the matter relates
to bipeds. If it be Vrishabha, it relates to quadrupeds;,
if the Lagna be Mithuna, it is about pregnancy. When,
Karkataka is rising, the subject relates to a legal
dispute. When the Lagna is Simha, the matter
relates to Government.

3 TCTf ITT ^ \ ^[^mt ff^

^ ^^35TISl9{^^^r^tll31'=llf(0i: 1119 11
Sloka 7. If Kanya be the Lagna, the query relates
to an intrigue with a woman other than one's wife. The
subject will be about trading, when Tula is rising. If
Vrischika be rising, there will be fear from the wicked.
It will relate to wealth lost when sign Dhanus is rising.
Some sinful deed will be the subject, if Makara be the
Lagna. If Kumbha is rising, it will be about some
religious rites. If Meena be the Lagna, it will relate
214 g=gT^)jnjt [Khanda VI

to position and residence. Thus sages say that it

should be declared through the stronger of the twoviz.^
Rasi and Navamsarising at the time.

Sloka <S. If at the time of query, the Sun occupies

his own Rasi or Navamsa whichever is stronger, the
query relates to Sovereign and Icingdom. If the Moon
be in a similar position, it relates to tanks and the like.-
If it be Mars, the question is about fire and danger
from the king or enemies. Mercury, similarly situated
will relate to trade and agriculture. Jupiter will refer'
to friends, king and the like. Venus will point to more
happiness ; while Saturn in such a position will relate
to a human being or immoveable property.

Sloka 9. Similarly, if a planet be exalted, the

effect will be doubled ; if debilitated, the effect will be
nil. When the planet is in a friend's house, the effect
will be half; in a neutral's house, it will be very low^
SI. 11] 215

If two planets are exalted, or be in their Swakshetra

Rasis, the query !should be answered by a wiseman
after a reference to the stronger of the two and the
corresponding spi?;^ (Karaka) and the Bhava occupied by
each of them,

Sloka 10. If a planet be exalted at the time, the

business will be accomplished in a few Ghatikas; if
occupying his own house,':the business will be done in a
few days; if quartered in a friendly house, it will be
finished in a few months. Otherwise, it will take some
years. If the planet be in any other position, in con-
junction with or aspected by a malefic, failure of the
object will have to be predicted. If Saturn be exalted
in the Lagna, or if the lords of the Lagna and tlie
Bhava indicating the nature of the query be conjoined
with, or aspected by strong benefics, the immediate
.accomplishment of the business should be predicted.

^ ^ f^f^i ^
216 FKhanda VII

Sloka 11. The horizon is a circle consisting of 360

.degrees and there are 12 spokes each at an interval of
30 ; and the 108 Navamsas are permantly located in
the same. The four pairs of moveable and immoveable
signs beginning with Mesha represent the East and other
principal points of the compass in order. The four dual
signs, viz., Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanus and Meena signify
respectively the four intermediate points, viz., S. E . ,
S. W., N . W. and N. E . The astrologer should enter in
the concerned Rasis and Navamsas the several planets
according to their exact longitudes at the time.

Slola 12. If a person, with flowers, fruits, etc,

(visible) in his hand, should approach the astrologer and
standing in a place puts a query, the Rasi indicated by
that place with respect to the astrologer as apportion-
ment alluded to in the last sloka is called the sr^S^
(Arudha Lagna) at query, and the astrologer should
predict in all such queries the effects-good or bad as
the case may bethrough the planets owning the
QT^3i7 (Arudha Lagna) and the house representing the
nature of the query with special reference to the planets
conjoined with them or aspecting them.
SI. 15] 217

rr^>? ^itm JR^'RtJft I

^"^^ ^"^M^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 11^ ^11

Sloka 13. Find the Ghatikas that have elapsed
from Sunrise at the time of query. Multiply the same
by 9 and divide the product by 20. The quotient in
Ghatikas, etc., will represent the exact position of the
Moon at the time, which will be useful for purposes
of query. The position of the Moon at the time as
revealed in the Ephemeris and the Moon above referred
to are respectively known as (Stthula) and
(Sukshma). Their respective Navamsas should also be

'j^i^^s^snsT^ jnfl# II ? M i
Slokas 1415. When the (Stthula) Moon is
aspected by the (Sukshma) Moon, Mercury and
Jupiter, the query is about an animal, If aspected by
218 i-d<*|<*|Jic( [Khanda VII

Mars, Rahu and Saturn, it is about a mineral. If by

Venus and the Sun, it relates to something of the vege-
table kind. When the (Stthula) Moon is aspected
by Jupiter, Venus and Rahu, the query relates to some-
thing of a mixed nature. If the (Stthula) Moon be
posited in Tula, Kanya or Mithuna Navamsa, the query
concerns a biped. If in a Navamsa, owned by Karka-
taka, Vrichika or Meena, it relates to some creature of
many legs. If the ^qj^ (Stthula) Moon is quartered in a
Navamsa owned by Dhanus or Kumbha, it is about
some creature devoid of legs ; if in a Navamsa owned
by Mesha, Simha, Makara or Vrishabha, it relates to a
quadruped, The 3 Avastthas (eRRsnO of a planet, viz.,
(Bala), qJ^iR (Yauvana) and ^ (Vridha) are to be
deduced from the planet's position in the 1st, 2nd and
.3rd decanate respectively of the Rasi in which it is at
the time of query. So say the ancient sages.

Sloka 16. The signs from Mesha onwards are res

pectively moveable, immoveable and dual. The
moveable Rasis are also termed ij^l (Garbha). The
immoveable ones are known as (Dwara), while the
dual Rasis are called ^ (Bahya). The signs indicated
by the two classes, viz., TW (Garbha) and 5ii (Dwara)
will denote a thing or object kept in the right hand,
SI. 18] 219

while a sign of the ^ (Bahya) class will indicate the

same in the left hand. This is the way by which things
hidden in the hand should be distinguished.

Sloka 17. Thus should be guessed all about a thing

enclosed in the hand. Whether the object is short
or long should be guessed through the measure
allotted to the Rasi concerned. The shape, colour,
etc., are to be deduced from the Navamsas. The bene-
fic or malefic nature of the object should be divined
through the nature of the planetbenefic or malefic
occupying the Rasi; so also the place frequented by
the objectwhether on the land, sky, water or moun-
tains, and whether it is cruel, wild, tame or domestic,

Sloka 18. The basic number aready referred to

must be divided by 5. The remainder, if it be 1, 2, 3, 4
or 5, will respectively denote whether the thing referred
to by the querist will be accomplished within the
220 STR^Jrapjl [Khanda VII

Ghatikas, the Tithi, the week-day, the month and the

year. Add the quotient already obtained to the basic
number. Divide the sum so obtained by 60, 30, 7, 12
and 60 separately. The rmeainders will respectively
denote the number of Ghatikas, Tithi, etc., in which the
desired object will be completed. This is the method
to be adopted in the case of all kinds of queries.

StP^^iR^qV I W n l l^^^ft %f^T^

'^frFi^f^: g T^^^^ II \% 11
Sloka 19. If the lords of the Lagna and the Bhava
representing the object of the query be benefic, occupy
good houses and mutually aspect each other by any
kind of aspect referred to in ^fetRgj^o^ (Drishtiphala-
Tchanda I I 1 7 j t h e range of applying aspect
being within 12, the astrologer may as before predict
the successful fulfilment of the object in pro-
portion to the strength, propitiousness, etc., of the
two planets alluded to above, due consideration being
given to the nature of the aspect, viz., best, medium
-or worst (as defined in IV33 supra). The strength of
the ^\x^ (Karaka) planet should also be simultaneously
considered and effect predicted. Further, if there be
any planet posited between the two lords mentioned
above, having an applying aspect with either of the two
within the range of 12, prediction may also be made
^hrough that planet regarding the nature, functions,
SI. 18] 221

tc., attributed to the planet (in the Karakatva

Khanda V, Sloka 22j54|). The period of fulfilment
may be guessed as per sloka 18 above.
This is an important sloka. Here the author has very briefly
condensed the essential points governing Prasnaphalanirupana
determining the eflfects of the query). When a querist consults
an astrologer on any point, for example, whether he will have
issue, it has been usual with the astrologers to conclude their
prediction on the merits of the Lagnapathe planet owning the
Rasi rising at the time of query and the the lord of the Prasna-
bhavain this particular case, the lord of the Sth house and the
ICaraka planet (in this case, Jupiter, the Putrakaraka). It has
been found that in many cases, the prediction have miserably
failed though all the three planets were very favourably situated
and this would perplex the astrologer and make him lose faith
in the princiniples. In this sloka, another important condition
is stated in addition to the above strength, and this is nothinj; but
the importance attached to the applying aspect and which has
been copied in the Western ascrology.

Two cases are to be considered here :

Case I. The Lagnapa and Karyapa should have applying
.aspects of any of the kinds described in the (Drishtiphala
.dhyayai. e., 1st, 3rd, 4th, Sth, 7th, and 10th Rasi aspects) for
the success ol the object under query. If all the said planets
.are powerful and ' there is a separating aspect, the good effects
need not be predicted. The range of aspect may be taken as 12.
1. If this range is zero, the event will have happened at
the time of query.
2. If it is within 12, shortly.
3. If it exceeds 12, it may not happen in the near
future, but may happen at a far oft' future date.
If the conditions stated above for the success of the thava
are satisfied, the degree of the success should be predicted on
the strength and auspiciousness of the planets.
222 d'Tii;tHH4j;^ [Khanda VII

If in addition to the above conditions, there is another

planet between the two, aspecting (applying aspect) any one of
the said two planets, the success of the object will be achieved
very easily by one's own efforts and through the medium of the
intervening planet. The nature, caste, etc., attributed to this
intermediary planet will guide the astrologer in describing the
details of the intervener.
Case II. In the Jataka Sastra, this point has been elabo-
rately explained. It is said that even if the two planets do not
aspect each other, the success, entirely due to the help rendered
by a third person may be predicted if the two planets have the
applying non-aspect within the 12 degree-range and the third
planet has an applying aspect with any of them*
For example :
A querist asks whether he will be married or not.
Illustration for Case I. Suppose the Lagna falls in Dhanus
with Jupiter 12^, and Mercury in Kanya 5. As he questions about
marriage, the Parsnabhava is 7th in this case Mithuna and its
lord Mercury is exalted in Kanya 5 ; he is Karyadhipa in this
case. Jupiter, the Lagnadhipa, is powerfully placed in the Lagna
and in his Moolatrikona. The two planets have no prescribed
aspects, but have 4th and 10th Rasi aspects. As Mercury, a
faster planet, is placed (12 minus 5) 7 behind the slow planet
(i.e.. Mercury has an applying aspect on Jupiter) and as the
difference docs not exceed the limit of 12, it may be safely
predicted that he will have marriage with a prosperous girl and
that the event will happen without much exertion for the same
and without the help of an outsider.
If in addition, suppose the Moon is placed in Meena 2, then
the event will be hastened as the Moon aspects (applying) both
Mercury and Jupiter, and a third party, i.e., a female having the
characteristics of the Moon, will accelerate the happening of
the event.
All these results have to be based on the position, aspect,
etc., of these planets.
Sll 223

Suppose, in the above example, Mercury has 12 and Jupiter

5; then, failure in the attempt has to be predicted though all
other conditions are satisfactory, as the aspect is a separating
Illustration for Case II. Suppose Mercury is placed in
Mithuna 15 and Jupiter in Kataka 18. As the two planets are
placed in 2nd and 12th from each other, they do not aspect each
othei, but they have the applying non-aspect within a range of
,{18 minus 15) 3 degrees. Suppose the Moon is in Meena 1C.
As the Moon has applying 4th and Sth aspect on Mercury and
Jupiter respectively, the object will be accomplished with the
help of a third party whose character has to be read out from
the Moon.
In addition to these, there are 16 Yogas elaborately descri-
bed in Tajika Neelakanthi on this subject and the interested
reader may refer to that book.
In this way all the queries must be properly answered with
due consideration of the points stated above.

8. ^^^F^q^giy JT^ofw:

SECTION 8. Miscellaneous.

Sloka 1. The ceremony of impregnation is most

auspiciously done when the Moon is in i^t^ofl (Rohini),
^J^: (Mrigasira), r^^r^ (Purvaphalguni), tjcjf^,^
224 :^ [Khanda VIII

(Purvashadha), 'pfvTR'l (Purvabhadra), sngf (Ardra)^

(Punarvasu), 3 ^ (Pushya), gSE? (Hasta), (Chittra),
^3nt (Swati), i^f^i (Visakha), QT3';i^I (Anuradna), sjcfuir
(Sravana), vrf^f (Dhanishtha), ^gf^^i (Satabhisha),
^TR'^J^t (Uttaraphalguni), HTTSCNTSr (Uttarashadha) and
^I*T13:i (Uttaaabhadra), in (Dwiteeya), ^nwt
(Saptami), (Dwadasi), (Panchami), ^^nft (Dasa-
mi) ^3^1 (Triteeya), 5j^t^ (Trayodasi), and in the
week days of Jupiter, Mercury Venus and the Moon,
and in an auspicious Lagna unoccupied by any

The TithisSfgjfl (Ashtami), (Pournima) and

QWI^n^I (Amavasya) are to be avoided.

^t^t: ! J % J ^#T3rmT^^

^5F^ %^ ^ JTP^ 1 ^ ^ ^ II ^ II

Sloka 2. The first sexual union of a male and a

female soon after a bath after the first menses is called
(Nisheka). That done in a similar manner after
the ordinary monthly menses is termed Jraf^l^T (Garbha-
dhana). The Nisheka is declared to be most auspicious
when the Moon at the time is in ^^cti (Hasta), ^=n^
(Swati), ^Sf^mi (Anuradha), (Moola),
(Satabhisha), r^an (Sravana), ^i^iif[ (Rohini), HrR^i^pt
(Uttaraphalguni), (Uttarashadha) and gTt?l*n37

(Uttarabhadra) and ^^[^ (Revati), the Lagna being

auspicious, etc., and free from the occupation of any
planet as stated before. Thus say the wise.

era ^i%tf^<^(H"I^*ll^

Sloka 3. If a girl, though in her l6th summer, with

well-developed breasts and body is yet not found to
have attained her puberty, she must with great affection
be made to sit on a decent and beautiful seat on an
auspicious day after being clad in white robes and
beautifully decked with golden ornaments, and her
Venus spot smeared with red saffron-powder mixed
with rose water and other scents.

Sloka 4. Treating her as one in her real.-menses

for three days, she should be bathed on the 4th day-
The husbgmd should approach her in an auspicious
Lagna, as, stated before, when the 5th house is
unoccupied by any planet. If done in this manner, the
226 ^Tt^.'hlgl^^ [Khanda VIII

girl will very soon attain her puberty and prove a happy
companion to her husband for propagation. She will
also become fit for sexual intercourse and will possess
the right to partake with her husband in the several
religious ceremonies relating to the Gods and Manes.

^^^jNf^l f^^^ ^ ll Ml
SloJca 5. If a birth happens when the Moon is in
Aslesha and Magha, the effects will be as stated below:
For a child born in the 1st, 2nd 3rd or 4th q]^ [Pada]
of Aslesha, there will be [1] destruction of wealth [2]
loss of brother [3] demise of mother or [4] death of
father respectively. If the birth be towards the very end
of Aslesha, the child itself may take its departure. To
ward off the [Dosha-harm] above alluded to, one
must propitiate God Rudra, Gods q;|g [Kala],
[Antaka] and ^ [Mrityu], as per rules. If the birth
takes place in [Magha] in the lst,'2nd, 3rd or 4th
-qi^ [Pada] the effect will be the reverse of what has
been stated in the case of sn-^^ [Aslesha] above.

Sloka 6. The effects will be lilcewise if the birth

happens when the Moon is in 3 ^ [Jyestha] and
[Mula] or [Revati] and 3T%fl [Aswini) In the
above said three pairs, the last degree of Aslesha,
Jyestha and Revati and the first degree of Magha,
Moola and Aswini are called rjo^t^rooB [Gandantarala]
and supposed as vulnerable points, so that any birth
happening therein will soon cause the demise of the
child. Should however the child survive, he will be a
king or emperor possessing surpassing valour.

Sloha 7. If a girl should attain maturity at such a

juncture, she will soon become a widow and will be
devoid of issue, wealth, happiness and clothing. She
will be of bad disposition and a bane on her father's
family. These can be averted and she can soon be
made to bring happiness and luck, and bear children
too, if proper propitiation to Gods, Brahmins and
planets be made according the Vedic rites by Japa,
Homa and Archana (worship),

Sloka 8. 'If the birth of a girl or her maturity hap-

pens in a 5??5^qpjg (Tyajyakala) consisting of 4 Ghatikas,
the effect will be (1) demise of the father (2) demise of
the mother (3) loss of wealth or (4) one's own destruc-
228 [Khanda VIII

tion, according as the birth or maturity has happened

in the 1st, 3'nd, 3rd or 4th ghatilca respectivey of the
^qT3?raiS(TyajyaIcala). To ward off the evils accruing
from these, one should perform the (1) worship of God
Rudra (2) worship of God Yama (3) worship of Fire or
^4) worship of God Mrityu respectively. When the
birth or maturity happens during a solar or lunar
eclipse, the death of the father or the mother will res-
pectively happen.
For c!JM*|g or i ^ f e ^ Vide sn- qi- V.112.

^ ^ ^ ^ I

Sloka 9, A precious and divine medicine should

b)e got prepared or taken in when the Moon is in the
SPi^^lfesFI (Amritaghatika) or a star. It will then act
like nectar and completey cure the disese one is ailing
from. It will also totally remove all troubles arising
from the three humours. It will restore perfect health
and give vital energy to the native and lengthen his
life. The sage Dhanvantari, born of the ocean, has
thus described in many ways the medical cures to be
-effected for removing the various diseases.
SI. 12] 229

Sloka 10. If a person be sonless even at his 6C'th

year, or if his horoscope reveals that he is short-liveJ
and that he has not been blessed with any issue, h e
must make arrangements to adopt a son in the y e a r
wished for by him. The boy selected should be endowed
with long life, fame, issues, intelligence prosperity.
This function should be done on an auspicious day in
the Uttarayana (3TRT?T^) and in a fore-noon.

Sloka 11. The several Kutas (20) between t h e

person concerned and the boy proposed to be adopted
should agree, and the boy should be one of his own
Gotra. The Moon should occupy at the time any o n e
of the following constellations: viz., ^cficft (Swati), gsFf^TJ
(Punarvasu), (Pushya), ^i^ofl (Rohini), ar^xjtfi
(Anuradha), 5 ^ (Hasta), t^?ft (Revati), srf^^ (Aswini),
SIciDTl (Sravana), ^nffSf (Dhanistha), 5T?ff*Tq^ (Satabhisha),
aVlWJIJft (Uttara-phalguni), ^Tr?;^^^! (Uttarashadha) and
SxTO^rpTF (Uttara-bhadra). The Lagna and the Sth
house should not be occupied by any malefic planet.
The star and the Moon's position on that day must be
agreeable to the natal ones, and the Lagna should be
conjoined with or aspec ted by benefics.

^ s i f i ^ i ^ i ^ ^ ' T t f ^ ^ fcP^ m
230 STRWjt [Khanda VIH

Sloka 12. The preliminary wci-k leading to a

n.arriage should be got started by Sumangalis when
tie Moon occupies (Punarvasu), cpr (Pushya).
ST,%;ft (Aswini), (Anuradha), ^ (Hasta),
(Cl-iittra),^on^ (Swati), ?T^an (Sravana), (Dhanistha)
and 5lclf*ni^ (Satabhisha), and on weel<; days other than
those of Venus and Mars. The Sth and 9th house should
be unoccupied and the Lagna at the time should be an
auspicious one. The several planets should also be
propitiated and the whole function should be performed
accompanied by music dancing, and the like.

3[iiRi^r>3[l^Rprf^^1^ \\\\\\
Sloka 13' On a day when the Moon is full, on a
day of Mercury when he is free from malefic aspect and
conjunction, on the day of Jupiter or of Venus, in a ^
( B h a d r a ) , ijiT!! ( P u r r . a ) or w^ (Jaya) (Tithi), and when
the M o : : n is quartered in moveable asterisms
(Swati), (Punarvasu), ?7qpJn (Sravana), vrf^gj (Dha.
nistha) and ?Rnft^ (Satabhisha,and in the fast-moving
astc. Ism:> -aT%^ (Aswini), ^^\ (Hasta) and5^ (Pushya)
i n a L a g n a aspected or occupied by Mercury. Jupiter
and Venus, when the Sth house is unoccupied, the
auspicious invitation letters should be got written
couched in soft and sweet language.
SI. 15] 231

f i f ^ ^ ^mc'ScJW^ ^"Iff 3 ^g^i?; li^yil

(SMo 14. The number of the Tithis at the time
of erecting a stick or a post (for a marriage paiid 1)
should be multiplied by 5. To this product should be
added the number of the day's asterism counted from
IIITI+I (Krittika). To this sum again should be super, d-
ded 12 and the whole sum divided by 9. If the remain-
der be 7, 4 or 1, the tortoise king will be in water,
which means the result will be gain or good. It the
said remainder be 8, 2 or 5, the tortoise will be on
land, and the effect of the same is loss or destruction.
If the remainder in question be 3, 9 or 6, he would be
in the sky, and the effect would be death.

Sloka 15. At the time of construction of any new

building, write 3 emblems (in the form of vertical
cylinders). In each of them draw 4 horizontal lines-
Beginning from the bottom on the left side, write out
Aswini and the other asterisms as shown in the figure.
The asterisms that are ascending and the three on the
tops are productive of good. But if a malefic planet be
quartered on any star on the ascending side, it indicates
death. If the planet be benefic, the result will be good
Mrigasira Chittra ^sf{ Dhanishta '^^^

Rohini Ardra Hasta Swati Sravana Satabhisha

Krittika Punarvasu U. Phalguni Visakha UAshadha P. Bhadra

Bharani Pushya P. Phalguni Anuradha P. Ashadha U. Bhadra

A 3^ IJ^CR^IJ^ ^ A

Aswjni V Aslesha Magha V Jyeshtha Moola V Revati

Sloka 16- In the case of any new entry to a house or town or the beginning of an undertaking,
count from the star occupied by the Sun, till the star occupied by the Moon at the time, Abhijit
(srf^f^) also being included in the reclconing. If the star happens to be within the first 7 asterisms
SI. 23$

counted from the Sun, it indicates evil ; if within the

next 4, good will be the result; in the next 3, the result
is bad and in the next 14 it is good. This is known as
f^*r^ (Vrishabha chakra"). In the same way, if the
star falls within thefirst5 counted fi-om that occupi-ed
by the Sun, it is bad; if within the next 8, it is good.
It is bad in the succeeding 8, and in the last'6, it is
again good. This is called i^S^R'^ (Kalasa chakra).-
In this manner, the good or bad effect of any underta-
king, may easily be ascertained.

;, era ^H^pit^

' Siokas J7'-^18^: This chakra is:n*Hi|l<(t'gj^ (Dasa)

and (is of the form of a human being, a-ntale. Count
fromfliie'/natalstarrof the jseffV^mttill th^t of the ni^ister.,
if^pie mnnber be any of the f^st "3', itissupp06,ed:t<^ b?
cmtheihead, and the effect wi^ be,gaii;rof w^p,^y,;-^
wijfiiiiithe next 3,.it is on the face an4 denotes ,4esjruc-
234 4iM<bl^l<A^ [Khanda VIII

tion. The next succeeding 5 denote the chest and

signify much accumulation of wealth; if within the
next 6, it is on the feet and the result is poverty or
indigence; if any of the next 2, it is on the back and
portends danger to life; the next 4 denote the abdo-
men (pelvis) and the effect is good. The next 2 are
allotted to the anus and the result is fear. The last 2
belong respectively to the right and left hand, their
i-especrive eflects being wealth and death.
The Ifra^"^ (Dasee chakra) is also similar to the
above, but is of the female sex. In that Chakra, the
first 3 stars arc on the head and indicate gain. The
next 3 are on the face and signify loss; the next 2 are
on the two shoulders and indicate the death of the
master. The next 5 are on the back and denote growth.
The next 7 are on the chest and signify loss. The
next one is on the secret part and forebodes insult.
The next 6 are on the two feet, 3 on each and the
-effect will be loss of wealth.

ra^^ " ^ ^ ^ 1
Slohas 18^19J. When a she buffalo or a cow is
-to be purchased or taken in a gift, the effect will be as
described below: When counting from H'tl<4y;^nft
.(Uttaraphalguni) to the star ruling on the day of buying
.or receiving, if the number so got be within the first 3, it
SI. 21] 235

Indicates gain; if witliin tlie next 2, it denotes loss ; the

next 8 signify gain of money, the nexf.5, happiness; the
next 8, again gain and the last 1, great fear. The corres-
ponding portions of the body indicated by the said six
groups are (1) head (2) face (3) the two feet (4) chest
(5) the breasts and (6) the private part. Bulls and
other similar quadrupeds should be bought or taken in
gift after carefully consulting this Chakra

t f i ^ fl:^ i K ^ i

Slokas 19^20\' When "^.ounting a horse, count

from the star occupied by the Sun till the natal star of
the person concerned (inclusive of erf^T^rl. Abhijit). If
the number be within the first 5, it is on the back ; if
within the next 10, it is on the hind portion. The
next 2 will be on the tail; the next 4, on the legs; the
next 5, on the belly; and the last 2, on the face. The
effects of these in their order are (1) prosperity (2)
gain (3) loss of wife (4) obstacles (5) destruction and
(6) gain of money.
236 ixi^+WIJi^ [Khand^ i'VHI

Slokas 20\21^' When mounting an elephant

-count trom the star occupied by the Sun to the natal
.star of the person- If the number be within (1) - the
first 3 (2) the next 2, (3) the next 2, (4) the next 2, (5)
the next 2, (6) the next 4, (7) the next 4, (8) the next 4,
and (9) the last 6, the limbs in their order with the
corresponding effects will be as follows ; (1) ears-gain
.(2) head-g^t^ (3) tusk-great gain (4) tail-destraction (5)
trunk-prosperity (6) back-wealth (7) chest-disease (8)
face-ho change and (9) feet-gain.

era jli^sid^Fr^ii

ft^cftf ^5^^ 5it S'l^ i

SUkas'21'^-^22'^. To mount a palanquin, (xrunt
from the Sun's star to the star occupied by the Moon
at the time. . Allocate in the regular order 5 stars.for
each'of'fhe'four quarters of the palanquin beginniiig
from the East, the last 7 being reserved for the centre.
The several effects will be (1) health (2) much difficulty
.(3) emaciation (4) disease and (5) prosperity. 'When
the personf^TODiunts' a palanquin in an attspicious
jnoment, it-ensures long life, growth and haj)piness.
si:-25] 237

^mf m II II

mp^^ fcstsfiTT^ ^^^x m 5 ^^^^^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^TW^JI^^R ^irifir^T^^ ii Rtf ii
Slokas 22k24- i n holding a royal umbrella, the
asterisms (2)3Tr^Jpft(Uttaraphalgumi),
(3)grRniTI (Uttarashadha), (4) ^qvri^f (Uttarabhadra)*
(5) ^oft (Rohini\ (6) ^^ (Pushya), (7) (Sravana),
lf%5r (Dhanistha) and (9) (Satabhishak) are
always auspicious. Count from the natal star to the
star occupied by the Sun. The first 3 asterisms are to
"be reserved for the bottom or handle of the umbrella,
and the next 7 to the stick or holder ; the next 5 to the
portion of the stick protruding above ; the next 8 to the
inside of the umbrella and the last 4 to its top. The
several effects in their order will be (1) destruction (2)
loss of wealth (3) royal favour (4) a great and good
liing and (5) fame.
238 ^Mi^wr^i^ [Khanda VIII

Sloka 25. Count from the Sun's star to the star

occupied by the Moon at the time. Reserve 4 each
for the four feet of the cot, and a star each for the four
knobs of the four legs; and 7 for the centre of the cot.
The corresponding effects will be extreme happiness
for the centre, fear for the four corners, good offspring
and prosperity for the knobs- Thus has been described
the ijw^ (Mancha chakra).

era ^?R:^sra5H

5FJRjH*i!ai4*iF^i% m-

Sloka 26- Count from the Sun's star till the natal
star of the person concerned. Reserve 5 stars for the
arrow-blade and 5 for the arrow-handle ; 5 at the junc-
tion points of the arrow and the bend of the bow ; 2
stars for the bow-cane and 5 at each of the two encfe
of the bow. The respective effects will be (1) gain (2)
victory (3) becoming valorous (4) discomfiture and (5)
destruction. Thus say wise. This is called Sasara
(Chapa Chakra =^1T^.)
SI. 28j] 239

Sloka 27. Count from the star occupied by the

Sun till the natal star of the person concerned. If the
number happens to fall within (1) the first 3 (2) the next
6 (3) the next 3 (4) the next 6 (5) the next 3 (6) the
next 3 and (7) the last 3, they are said to be in the
following parts of the car, and their respective effects
are as noted against each of them. (1) (Danda) or
central polesuccess (2) the wheelsfame (3) the
topdeath (4) the bottomhappiness (5) the front of
cargain of money (6) yokefailure or obstacle and
.(7) all roundyielding happiness.

era ^[oifTOt

^ I ^ ^ f t i ^ %if^JT5^ ^ v i t ^ ^ f i f ^ i I R < : II

Sloka 28. Count from the star occupied by the Sun

till the star ruling on the day. If the number happens
to fall in any one of the nine groups of three each, the
effect will be (I) destruction (2) posperity (3) freedom
"from disease (4) destruction (5) influx of wealth (6)
trouble from Goverment (7) proverty, indigence (8(
-causing death and (9) happiness respectively. This is
the peculiarity of the ^crif^(Ghurna Chakra) or oil mill
used for extracting oil from sesamum, cocoanut and
-.the like.
240 ^rn^itsn'j^ [Khanda VIII

m ^^^^ ^ \^m^ flfrnf^q; =^^1

Sloka 29.. Count from the Sun's star to that

occupied by the Moon. If the number falls within (l)tihe
first 4 (2) the next 2 (3) the next 2 (4) the next I (5) tlie
next 5 (6) the next 5 (7) the next 2 and (8) the next 6^
the effects in their order will be (1) prosperity (2) destruc.
tion (3) much gain (4) destruction (5) death (.6) good
(7) emaciation of the body and (8) much wealth. Through
this \^|^Tfsj5 (Ghurna Chakra), one must make a beginning
in the proper time for extracting the juice of sugarcane.

^5?nq f^If^^ ^ ^ ^ ^

5ftstmq?i^ ^iT 1^ II II

Sloka 30. Count from the Sun's star till the star of
the day in question. If the number be within the first 3,.
it is bad ; if between 4 and 6, it is good ; if between 7.
and 9 it is bad; if within the next 5, i.e., between 10
and 14, it is auspious ; if within 15 and 17, it is bad.; - if
between 18 and 22, it is good. In the next3j
between 23 " and 25, it is bad. Iq ,-.the last ,2^ it is
auspicious. This is the rule to be ob^cvp(i J%'tHfc^
(Halaplough)-Chakra-while sowing see^ ;(^r..:5^^rting
agricultural operations newly.
SI. 32] 241

rgi ^^ 3 SfCT^ I

Sloka 31. Counting from the star occupied by the

Sun (inclusive of Abhijit), place the first 6 above the
boat, 3 on the top of the prop or support, 3 on the
bottom of the same, one on the back, 6 on both the sides
at 3 each, and 3 on ^s^Rm (Sukkanakathe helm of a
ship) and 6 inside the boat. This is a Chakra to be used
when building a new boat or plying the same. Th
6 stars over the boat and a like number inside are-
declared to be propitious, while the rest indicate eviL
gJBjoi Arabic: Sukkana.

Sloka 32. Counting from ^f%s5i (Krittika) till the

star ruling on the day, reserve 5 for the face, 9 for the
neck, 8 for the centre and 5 for the post. The respec-
tive effects of these 4 groups are (1) honour'(2) gain (3)
the death of the master and (4) kingship. This is known
as ^ f H N * (Deepika Chakra) and is to be used when a,
la'mp IS to be newly used, in order to gain prosperity.
242 Khanda VIII

T t ^fe^^c*^^ ^rfT^ m WWW

Sloka 33' The 3 stars from ^^oft (Rohini) should
be reserved for the centre. The remaining 24 in
groups of 3 each should be allotted in their order to
the 8 quarters or directions beginning from the East.
A well or a reservoir dug when the Moon is in any one
of these groups will reveal the chance of finding water
or not in that area in the following manner. (1) Water
will be found very soon (2) there will be no water (3)
medium (4) no water (5) plenty of water (6) very sweet
water (7) water will be saltish (8) full of water and (9)

era ^^R^JTIf
mfi^ Tm # c^r ^^t

Sloka 34. At the commencement' of building a

house or digging a well or reservoir, or while open-
ing a pleasure garden, the erection of a pillar or
column should be done at a time when the effect is
declared as good or auspicious out of the following
-effects : counting from the Sun's star till that of the
SI. 36] 243-

Moon, if the star at the time falls within the first 6, it

indicates death ; if within the next 20, the effect will be
fame and prosperity ; if in the last 2, decay of wealth.
It is only then that the work will bring fame, happiness
and proisperity to the family.

5Ktt t^fcT ^j}^ ^^m^

xm ^'^^ "^um '^mti i

^xj^ T^m^^m^ ^^^wik II II

Sloka 35. Count from the Sun's star till the

asterism of the day. Allot 4 stars for the upper portion
of the door-frame, 3 for the centre, 8 for the 4 corners
at 2 each, 8 for the top hinges at 4 for each and the
last 4 for the bottom of the frame. The respective
effect are (1) kingship (2) kingship again (3) banish-
ment (4) 8 kinds of wealth and (5) death. This is
termed 7?:=^ (Dwara Chakra) and is useful to find out
the auspicious asterism for erecting the door frame.

Sloka 36. Find the Tithi ruling at the time; add it

to the number representing the week day and one more-
244 v^yf^Wl^i^ [Khanda VIII

Pivide the sum by 4. If the remainder be 3 or 0, it

augurs happiness. If it be 1 or 2, it means loss of money.
Couitt from the star occupied by the Sun till the one
Osccupied by the Moon. Divide the number into 9
groups of 3 each and allot them the several planets
in the following order : Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn,
Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu. If the star
corresponds to a benefic planet, it indicates prosperity;
if to a malefic planet,, it forebodes evil. This Chakra
is to be used whenever a new oven is to be used or a
new fire is proposed for the purpose of propitiatto of
plaaets; or a sacrifieial rite.
era i)

Sloha 37: Multiply the length by the breadth of a
box in terms of inches and Yavas. Divide the product
by 9. The remainders thereof, viz., 1, 2, 3, etc., will
respectively correspond to the 9 planets from the Sun
onwards. The effects are either good or bad according
as the remainder concerned refers to a benefic or a
malefic planet. Where it exceeds 2 Yavas, it is a mark.
An inch=8 Yavas..
51. 39|]

^^lt^^^ ^ t i?r[fi5:^^^n^ ii ii

SloJcan 3839. When a person wants to settle in

a town or in a country, he should find out the pr&per
auspicious time in the manner described below, so thftt
be may be blessed with issue, money and prosperity.
The Chalcra is in the form of a man. Count from the
asterism of the town or village till the natal star of
the person concerned. If the number be within the
first 5, it is on the head, and the effect will be accumu.
lation of money. If within the next 3, it is on the face
and indicates destruction; if within the next 5, it is on
the chest and ensures wealth; if within the next 6, it is
on the 5 feet at 3 per each foot and forebodes loss of
wealth ; if it be the next sta:r, it is on the back, and the
effect is danger to life ; if within the next 4, it is on
the pelvis and indicates prosperity. The next 2 stars
will be on the anus and forebode trouble and fear.
The last 2 correspond to the two handsright and left
dt one each, and indicate much gain and poverty
246 3TR^TI^ [Khanda VIII

f^i^ ^Ttfh ^^^\x^ mh ^m-

Sloka 40. Count from the natal star of the boy

who is to be invested with the sacred thread, till the
star, occupied by Jupiter. Reserve the first 5 for the
head, the next 3 for the face, the next star for the chest,
the next 8 for the 2 feet, 2 stars for the boy's q^j^T
(Palasa) staff and the next 8 for theantelopeslcin worn.
The rebpective rFrcts will be (1) happiness(2) swerving-
from one's religious duties (3) a slanderer (4) sickly or
afflicted with diseases (5) lustrous and (6) learned.

f^^fisf q g t e \m ^^m^r^
r^^g1^^g%l f ^ % H ^ ^KT^m II n i

Sloka 41. In order to find out whether there is any

treasurejewels, money, bones, etc., concealed in a
house or site, and to ascertain the truth or otherwise of
its existence by verification, the following Chakra
named itf%=^^ (Nidhi Chakra) is recommended : Draw
five horizontal lines crossed by 8 vertical lines. There
will thus be 28 squares and these have to be allotted to
the 28 asterisms inclusive of sr^^fr^(Abhijit) thus :
,S1.J43|] 247

^^^f^ ill

SMas 4243^- The 7 squares in the top horizontal

line are occupied by ; the stars : (Revati), 6r%?[
(Aswini), mrjfi (Bharani), (Krittika), ^r^j (Magha),
-^^tfjsjp?^ (Purvaphalguni) and B T R ^ J ^ ^ (Uttaraphalguni)
respectively. The order of the stars in the next horizontal
line will be 3TR;WI5( (Uttarabhadra), <J5T^i5:j (Purvabhadra),
;5rafirq^ (Satabhisha), ^^iin (Rohini), BTi-^qf (Aslesha),
^Pushya) and (Hasta). The third horizontal row
contain in the regular order the stars 3{ftr%?j;^ (Abhijit),
I^oi (Sravana), q-^i (Dhanishta), v^nf^j (Mrigasira),
- T O (Ardra), 3^^^^ (Punarvasu), and ^ ] (Chitra). The
last line will consit of grRiqi^l (Uttarashadha), ^jqfqis-i
(Purvashadha), (Moola), s^gj (Jyeshta), Qif^T.]^^
(Anuradha), (Visakha) and (Swati). The
Moon is the lord of the 14 stars ; viz., w;'3fl (Bhai-ani),
248 ^M'<bk^A^ [Khanda VIII

(Krittika), (A$wini), snsf (Ardra),

(Punarvasu), 5 ^ (Pushya), Tf^ (Magha), sri'W^l (Aslesha),
6rftT%r[ (Abhijit), ^5^^ (Revati), (Sravana), grRNlST
(Uttarashadha), 'jqfqiSl (Purvashadha), and '^tn^I
(Purvabhadra). The Sun is the lord of the other 14.
The Sun and the Moon at the time of query will reveal
the kind of the treasure hidden (vide Slokas 46-47 infra)-

Purva Uttara
Revati Aswini Bharani Krittika Magha Phalguni Phalguni

Uttara Purva Sata- Rohini Aslesha Pushya Hasta

Bhabra Bh&dra bhishak

Ahhijit SVavana Dhani- Mrigasira Ardra Chittra
shta vasu

Uttara Purva Anu- jVisakha Swati

Ashadha Ashadha Moola radha

g=sls'?j;s:f2;^r ^ ^ n ^ t e r qs^n^^^ f l h

^w qfe^: to^: wm^ llMl

Slokas 43145. The time in Ghatikas taken by

the Sun to traverse a complete star from its beginning
to the end is declared to be the divisor. Find the interval
in Ghatikas taken by the Sun from the time of his entry
SI. 46] 249

into that star till the desired moment and multiply the
same by 60 and use the divisor above referred to. The
remainder multiplied by 27 and divided by 60 will give
the number of stars reckoned from 3T%^ (Aswini) that
have been passed by the Sun till that time. These with
the remainder in Ghatikas and Vighatikas will give the
position of the Sun at the time. Find out the interval
taken by the Moon in the star she is occupying to travel
the (Ishta Ghati) or required time. Multiply this
by 27 and divide the nrodurt by 60. The quotient will
reveal the number ot stars reckoned from BT%^ (Aswini)
passed by the Moon. The remainder in Ghatikas and
Vighatikas will indicate her position at the time.

mi( fqrRs^ ^^^^ ^ 515: 1

Sloka 46. Find the Moon at the time (as per

previous Sloka). If the same be aspected by planets
from the Sun onwards, the treasure concealed will con-
tain (1) golden articles (2) silver (3) copper (4) brass (5)
gold (6) bell metal (7) iron (8) tin and (9) lead. If
aspected by many powerful planets, the treasure will
contain many sorts of metals. If aspected by none,
there will be no treasure at all concealed.

250 Khanda VIII

m W^l 3 ^ T ^ f ^ ^litfii II V9 II
Sloha 47. If the Moon at the time be aspected by
all the planets, the person will get valuable treasure
filled in a very big vessel. If the above-said Moon be
in Simha, the treasure will be in a golden vessel; if in
the house belonging to the (Stthula) Moon (vide
"Sloka VII13 supra), it will be in a silver vessel; if in
the house of Mars, it will be in a copper vessel; if in
that of Mercury, it will be in a vessel made out of a
precious stone ; if in Jupiter's house, it is in a stone-
vessel ; if in the house of Venus, it will be in an earthen
pot; if in Saturn's, it is in an iron vessel.

6rT fs^^l^s^ ^f^r^s^wflw ^ ^ if^


TOfip5^: ^ ^ ^ H II
Sloha 48. If the Sun and the Moon are together
in a star ruled by the Moon at the time (vide Sloka 45
supra), it means there is treasure. If two planets are
jn a star ruled by the Sun, treasure will contain bones.
SI 50] ^^jdrn^: 251

If the Sun and the Moon interchange their places,

nothing will be found. If the Moon be conjoined with
malefics, the person cannot get the treasure ; if conjo-
ined with benefics, he will get it. The depth of-the
interned treasure is to be guessed in units of a hand's*
length, by the number of degrees passed by the Moon
in the star.

f ^ % ^ ^tf^ sP*n^ I

%t ^ ^ T f i T ^ q i ^ II Ho U
Slokas 4950. Draw four vertical lines crossed by
four horizontal lines. There will thus be 9 squares.
Reckoning from the star occupied by the Sun at the
time, allot 3 stars for the centre, the 8 other groups of
3 stars each being reserved for the 8 directions begin-
ning from the East. The position of the Moon on
the day of the marriage will be revealed in any one
of these squares. The several effects of these begin-
ning from the central square are (1) loss of the couple
(2) prosperity (3) destruction of the entire family (4)
252 3=cR3iT55P5[^ [Khanda VIII

widowhood (5) continuance of the family (6) large debt

and disease (7) the girl concerned going astray (8)
wealth and corn and (9) all k prosperity. Thus
the group of Chakras has been described by Lord Siva
to Sri Nandin.

3 3 Destruction
All kinds of
prosperity Prosperity of the entire
3 3
Loss of the 3
Wealth and
corn couple Widowhood

3 3 3
Girl going Debt and Continuance
astray Disease of the family

^ ^feqi^ ^ ^TK+WIJir) STsro ^0^: wim' I



Tftf^c^I^f^^t lRtJiq^^Rf^3Rt II n I
Sloka 1. A man who has observed celibacy flaw-
lessly and sincerely studying the sacred texts prescribed
for his line should marry a charming girl who is endo-
wed with good physical features, who pleases his heart,
who has not been already married to somebody else,
who is not of the same age (is much younger than he)^
who does not bad within the group of relations that
deserve funeral libation from him, is free from diseases
who belongs to a different Gotra and Pravara, who is
free from bad diseases like leprosy, who is not more
than ten years of age and who is delightful both to the
heait and eyes.
NoteAccording to Sage Manu one should devote twelve years
of celibacy for each of the three Vedas, or six years, or at least
three years. A Brahmachari should learn at least thatparticular
Veda which is prescribed for his family. His celibacy should not
be spoiled by contact with women, wine, meat, etc. Regarding

This Sapindya lasts for seven generations in the case of men. It

is to be taken both ways before and after the person concerned.

Sloka 2. Three (venerations, viz., father, grancf

father and great grand father, are entitledto-the funeral
offering of Pinda and three others prior to them are
entitled to the Pindalepa, what is applied to the Pinda
such as ghee. The person concerned becomes the 7th.
This is called single Sapindya in a family. Find out
the generation at which the family becomes different
with respect to the bri and bridegroom. This diffe-
rence of family must be counted as far as the 7th and
the 5th remove from the father and mother respectively
I of the twobride and bridegroom.
NoteThose who are related by blood to any of the six
generations become mutually Sapindas,

^^sri^fi%^^5H^1r^lciHf Wix \\\\\

\ Sloka 3. In the case of the children of a man or
' womaii, or in the case of the bride and bridegroom, the
-*^-^^nda relationship should be taken.into consideration
~~ r as the 7th remove from the father of the concerned

person and the 5th remove from the mother, and within
that group, marital alliance ought to be rejected. Be-
yond that, there is no objection to the alliance. If the
Sapindya retires (ceases) at a certain stage for one
party, it does so for the other also. This is the rule
to be observed in malcing marital alliance between
two parties.
Cf. ^fqoScTI g g't^f JTl^: ^RTN^^ ll
O n the authority of this, Kullukabhatta says that mother's father
though connected with Pinda is not Sapinda, as his Gotra.is

gi?(!qi ^f^^r^5[fqcyqt: ^ mi^r^x

qfi qr q^qgJisirf5tfir ^qiMm^sTftJ i i ii
Sloka 4. According to some, the fourth (from the
mother) is excepted ; i. e., only three generations are
forbidden for marriage and from the fourth onwards,
there is no objection, but one ought to shun those girls
that stand in the relationship of sisters, mothers and
daughters. Similary, marital alliance may be entered
into between the sixth generation in one line and the
fifth in the other, and between the fifth and fifth gene-
rations, provided the girl does not come under the
relationship of a sister to the boy. In the countries of
Utkala (Orissa) and Dravida (Tamil), marriage between
parties of the third generations is permissible, but it is
not applicable to all places. If the bride happens to
belong to the sixth or eighth generation in the line of
the bridegroom, the prohibition disappears completely.

Sloka 5. Always the reckoning must be made with

reference to the common fore-father of the parties, and
the rule about the Sapindya should not be violated. So
too the violation of the standards of particular families
and countries sLcdd be avoided. The relationship with
the othe family must be investigated through all the
available connections. The word 'Sapinda means one
who has equal relationship witli the Pinda or body of
the common forefather, since the body consists of six
sheaths, bones, muscles and marrow derived from the
father and skin, flesh and blood from the mother. If
this common relationship is not of a binding character,
or, though strong, still if there is no question of the
Inheritance of property (of the common men), marri-
age is permissible.

m^r qr i^Ti^^^^i ^ ^ ^ q ^ qr ^^n^ ll ^ ll

Sloka 6. If a woman deserts her husband and re-
sorts to somebody else, the husband may marry her own
sister, in case be has a desire for progeny. This is an
exception to the rule that a person's daughters should not
be married to the same family or sons of the same

parents. Similarly, if there are twin sisters, they can

be simultaneously married to twin brothers in the
regular order.

Sloka 7. If a man begets children through his

second wife, then the son born of his first wife gets
Sapindya relationship with her for three generations.
In case that woman is issueless, the daughter of her
paternal uncle will not at all stand in the relationship
of a mother to the son referred to above, i.e., he can
marry her, though apparently she is a mother lo him,
being the cousin of his step-mother. The step-mother's
sister's daughter too will not be a sister to him. So
he may marry her as well.

rft ^ i q q ^ ^ ^ cT If ^^^^ i

Sloka <9. Those who marry girls who become

sisters to them owing to their father and mother be-
longing, to the 7th and 5th generations respectively,
are reduced to the condition of Sudras in this very life,
Eyeii if they are not fallen, they reduce their parents
and others to a lower status, i. e., they become fallen.
For he does not fall down even by marrying a fo-rbi

dden (low) girl, on account of their having having no


^'^^ qsf fk^^ ^it^m^^ II 'K ll

Sloka .9. After the departure of the Sapindya
relationship, a person may marry a girl who stands in
the relationship of a mother's sister, as well as a girl
that becomes a daughter in the same manner. This is
permitted in the countries to the south of the Narmada'.
Even when the Sapindya is hidden, marriage is permi-
tted in those countries between persons belonging to
generations within five and three in the case of the
father and mother respectively.

^t^^ fell ft fl^^iidl ^ u ? * q f ^ 1 ^ -

Sloka 10. It is a clear breach of Dharma or sacred

mandate to have marital alliance among the twice-born
within five generations from the father as well as from
the mother, or within five generations in the case of
the mother and seven in the case of the father ; and if
it is within three generations, the person concerned
commits the sin of gBrahmin-murder. One's maternal
uncle's daughter is to be treated on a par with a girl of
'One's own Gotra (family) in the matter of debt, buying.
SI. 12] 269

women's assembly or feeding. Marital alliance with

one's own maternal uncle's- daughter or with the
daughters of one's own father's sister is forbidden.

Sloka 11. If one should marry one's own mater-

nal uncle's daughter '^r nne belonging to the Gotra or
Pravara of the mother, or one's own niecis (sister's
daughter) or the daughter of one's father's sister, and
sow his seed, he should abandon her and perform the
expiatory rite called Chandrayana. In the South people
marry the daughters of their maternal uncles. Where
are the young ladies that eat fish and are addlcated to
many paramours and those that are (chaste and good)
not drunkards ?
Note :cf s?ne, w{\ wr vng<.t5i% ^Ng^cgsif^^ i
5RPimRf^W 5r5|t%5%i: II
According to Vyasa, four kinds of women are to be aban-
doned by the husbands, v'-. (')Onehas illicit connection with,
a disciple; (2) a preceptor ; (3) one who hates her husband, and
(4) one who is guilty of cohabitation with a low-class bastard.
Yajnavalkya too gives similar views:

^Ifton^r??! II

Sloka 12. A young lady who has become pure by

bath at the end of the monthly course, may be fed at a
Sraddha, but one who has married his maternal uncle's
-daughter as well as Brahmin who has married a Sudra
woman ought not to be worshipped and fed. So too,
there is a Vedic prohibition against feeding a woman
Tvho constantly wanders about. Those that are wor-
shipped must say that they are satisfied. How can we
have no belief in Truth, Fire and the Sun? This is
stated only as an example and not as an authority, nor
as the opinion of the public. This is not quite regu-
lar in the South. (This meaning is only tentative).
NoteCf. Jiglll114and 155.

^TT^ m s w 'Tte^ m ^ II
Sloka 13. The Sapindya relationship extends for 3
-generations only (in this part of the county) with regard
to a girl born of a woman belonging to the same caste
as her husband. But all those born of the same father,
but of mothers of different castes, become brothers
mutually, and all the wives of the father are mothers
to all the children. Similarly the brothers of those
women are material uncles. For a person given in
adoption within the family circle itself, there is ^nft"^
Sapindya, for seven generations, but this period' is
shortened in the case of a Kshatriya.
SI. 15] 26l

^^^m ^kfk I

Sloka 14. One ought not to marry (1) the sister

of one's aunt (father's brother's wife); (2) the sister of
one's motlTer's co-wife, the daughters of (1) and (2); (3),
the sister of one's brother's wife, (4) one who stands in
the relationship of a mother, (5) one's teacher's
daughter and (6) one's son's daughter (i.e., the daughter
of one who stands in the relationship of a son). The
-difference of Pravara (V'edic preceptorship handed
-down from ancient times) should be considered only in
-the case of the father and not of the mother.

^ T f ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ q 5 ^ ^ t o ^ ^iif^: MHii
Sloka 15. Soon after marriage one ought not to
a t in the house of one's own daughter with the joy of
seeing the face of the friends and relatives. One should
not similarly displease a son-in-law, considering him to
be the Lord Narayana himself. A man should not
worship in one house two emblems of Lord Siva, two
Chalcras (discuses) of Lord Vishnu, two Sun-Gods, two
Saligramas and three Sakti-weapons of Lord Sub-
rahmanya, for they are not beneficial or conducive to

Sloka 16. In a place or house where there aretwc^

Saligrama emblems of the Lord only one should be
wor-shipped and not both. Though the Saligrama is
broken, it should be worshipped provided its Ring
(Chakra) is not spoiled, whereas the emblem of Lord
Siva under such circumstances shuld be rectified and
purified before worship. The latter,emblem must have
uniform height. Its top shonld not be covered. The
circumference of the stand should be thrice the height of
the Emblem, while the dimensions of the water-course
(drain in the stand) should be five times the height.

'^TI |#f^^T^itst^ ^ ^^^^ ?IFT^ II ^VS II

Sloka 17. One who performs his father's Sraddha
on an auspicious day ought to do it for his maternal
grandfather also. Otherwise, i.e., by leaving him off,
he would be committing the sin of patricide. The
annual ceremony that is ordained, must be done for the
wives of the respective fore-fathers also separately. In
the three kinds of Sraddhas, viz., Vridhi, Gaya and
Ashtaka, it is a person's religious duty to do the
ceremony as well as other religious functions relating
SI. 18 263

to Gods. If the rite is performed at home, the person's

wife should hand over the Pinda to him.
NoteSraddha means the devout offering of food or food-
material for the sake of the Manes. It is primarily of two kinds:
.(a) Parvana and (b) Ekoddishta. The funeral ceremony that is
done with reference to three persons, viz., Father, Grandfather
and Great Grandfather is called Parvana while the one don?
with reference to one above is called Ekoddishta. It is again of
three types; viz. (1) Nitya or Daily. (2) Naimitthika or casual
and (3) Kamya or optional. It is further divided into 5 varieties
as (1) Aharahah, (daily), (2) Parvana (3) Vriddhi-Sraddha (4)
Ekoddishta and (5) Sapindeckarana. The Vriddhi-Sraddha is
done when there is the birth of a son at home. The best time
for a Sraddha is given by. ^^r^^ as eTtn^l^nS?Rf%:

^ "ffsr^qt: I SI% T15^JI-- II X2l7

and 218.

Sloha 18. Seniority of twins is determined by the

order of the falling of the seed into the womb, but this
is determined thus , The child whose face the father
l)ehold6 first is called the senior or elder.
What is technically called Tri-Jyeshtha must be
avoided. It means the performance of the marriage in
the month of Jyeshta for the eldest son or daughter-
JDorn in the constellation of Jyeshta. (This remaric

applies to Upanayanam also). Similarly, two Jyeshthas

ai.;o, i.e.., marriage or any auspicious rite for the eldest
sen in the month of Jyeshtha are to be avoided.
When an auspicious ceremony is done in the
family, at least two months should elapse befor another
is done for a brother or sister, in the case of others,
the functions may be done after purification by a bath
when there is hO pollution.

A b o u t e t c . , see the following from gf^^ROT

cf. also 3?3^Si m 3^3^ if? I 3
%^^%} ii also ^ s^i^^qt: ^wf: qifor

Siolca 19.There are twelve kinds of sons, viz., (1)

one'-- own (uterine) son, (2) daughter's son (3) one born
of one's wife by another, (4) one born of ari'unmarried
g.'rl, (5) one born of a woman that is remarried, (6) one
giveii away in adoption to another, (7) one boughtfrom
the parents, (8) one who is made a son on accouut of
his good qualities, (9) one who gives himself away to
another as a son owing to his being an'orphan, or
SI. 20] 265

being abandoned by his parents, (10) the son of a

woman that is pregnant at the time of marriage (11)
one born secretly of a person's wife by another who
cannot be determined exactly and (12) one who being
abandoned by the parent or parents, is brought up by
another. Of these 12 varieties, only 2 kinds, viz , (1)
and (6), i.e-, uterine son and one taken in adoption are
approved and the rest forbidden in Kali age.
NoteManu speaks of the following 12 varieties of sons in
IX-158-160. viz. Aurasa, Kshetraja, Datta, Kritrima, Gudhot-
panna, Apaviddha, Kaneena, Sahodha, Kreeta, Paunarbhava,
Swayamdatta and Saudra. Here see what Manu says about the
claim of these sons to the paternal property :

tmFn?n#^i^ 5r??iT^5f!^^ II ix 163.

The definitions of all these kinds of sc-ns are also given in this
Chapter. The definition of (^g^jf) son is

3^: ^Sf: II

f^^^ q^W^

l^qr sqiff^: ^q'jui^f^JiT !ira^in%^4t

^^t^ ^ 5 i g ^ ^^|f^ ^T^STTI^r^Tq^^ IRo If
Sloka 20. One who wishes to have a son (by adop-
tion) should fast, offer a pair of ear-rings, clothes and
such other presents to the boy, and accept him with joy
as a gift from God, when he is given away by the
parents through a sacrifice. He should also feed the

sacrificial fire with cooked rice, while chanting the my-

stic syllables and the Vedic Hymn beginning with
" STRHIT '' as well as the one beginning with " q^Rsng^
according to the precepts of his Grihya Sutras and
then feed a number of Brahmins.

Sloka 21. A boy that is fit to be adopted must be

the son of a brother or so, who must be sweet and
sincere in thought, word and detd and not one who
creates troubles, nor one who is older or senior in rank.
A widow is not entitled to give or take one in adop-
tion. Though the boy is inferior in the matter of
Pravara (Vedic line-age), the sacrifice should be per-
formed according to the sacrificial custom of the person
who adopts him and with Manthras beginning with
^' ^Jfe-" The adoption may be made until the boy
has tonsure ceremony but when he is already invested
with the sacred thread, it is forbidden. So too, is for-
bidden the adoption of a slave or of the son of a Sudra.

^^ra^ ^ ^ i ^ q ^ II R\ w
Sloka 22' Those Brahmins who receive wealth
from Sudra women, promising to serve them like slaves.
SI. 24] 267

indeed become Sudras and get the effects prescribed for

that class. This is the opinion of Sage Parasara. The
Sage has said that a Sudra who causes a sacrifice to be
performed in the house of a Brahmin will reap its full
benefits. A person who is given away in adoption
himself should perform the Sraddha of his father (who
begot him), in case the person entitled to do it is

^ ^^^^ H ^ ll n
Sloka 23. Such types of sons as those taken in
adoption and those that are bought get indeed the
Gotra of the family to which they go, even if they come
from a different Gotra, but they do not get Sapindya
relationship. This is according to the statement of Sage
Vasishtha. If an adopted son originally belonged to a
different Vedic Sakha (branch), was invested with the
sacred thread according to the Sakha of the adopting
father, he gets certainly the Sakha, etc., of his adoptive
father. He has got the right for a share in his father's
property. This inheritance will not then depend upon
the Sapindya relationship. In the matter of pollution
also, he gets it just like his adoptive father and not
^ r p ^Km^ ft3^t(44 ?Tt'3^-

^^S^sfq M C ^ ^ tosr ^ 55R(T | R II


Sloha 24- A son given away in adoption loses his

right for his own father's wealth, Gotra and funeral
libations and he gets them pericilnjit- to his adoptive
father. After adoption by another, a person cannot
give funeral libations to his father that has begotten him.
In the matter of sacrifice and funeral offerings, this
is the rule; i.e-, he follows the system of his new
relative. When a person finding his family coming to
an end gives his daughter in marrage with the idea of
adopting her son as his own, the grandson born of that
wedlock is equivalent to his uterine son, and the relation-
ship becomes permanent, provided there is no desire for
double parentage, i.e., connection with both the families-

Sloha 25. One who wishes to get married may
marry the younger sister of one's sister's husband or of
one's elder brother's wife. A person who is not keeping
the marital fire (i.e., a widower) or whose wife is
living far away, should get his father's Anniversary
-Sraddha performed by his brothers who are keeping
that fire (and whose wives are living with them). It
should not be done by others such as the Co-parceners.
The anniversary ceremony should not be done with the
daily sacrificial fire, for after kindling it and feeding it
with oblations, it must be rejected.

wtt imMk^ w^^^^ ^iwt

^ ^^f^f^ qg^^l ggir^ ^i^q^ f l r ^ ii ii

Sloka 26. To do the Homa or Sacrifice connected

-with Sraddha on the hands of the Brahmins that are fed
5s not proper. This is only the inconsiderate act of those
that follow the Rig Vedic School, according to Sage
Bhrigu. One's wife's brother and the husband of one's
sister (provided their wives are alive) the sister, brother,
daughter and son these six persons ought not to
perform the Sraddha of the person concerned, for it
-will not be a real Sraddha.

Sloka 27. It is well nigh impossible in this world to

bave a religious mendicant, a yogin and a philosopher
-for Sraddha feeding. So one must try sincerely to
satisfy such persons completely. The food offered by
a Sudra at a Sraddha ought not to be eaten by a Brah-
min. Similarly, the consecrated food at a Sraddha
should not be given to a Sudra by a Brahmin without
discriminationagainst the principles of distribution.

NotesManu speaks of this subject in III-2439 thus :

mm 1^1^ ^q^^Ri^fgqfismq'I sm^^^^ig^n^: ^rfecr
srfe^^f^d g ^ i ' 1 i ^ ' T I JR*

Wi\ f%5^ %TOmqmfN'FT% ii 178-179.

Sloka 28. The religious merit that accrues to one

from giving away a house in charity, will be realised
only when it is given to a Brahmin along with some
lands. Even Adisesha, the Serpent King, cannot des-
cribe or count the good effects or merits of the gift
made to a Brahmin with wife and children. A Brahmin
who does things prescribed for people of other classes
falls down from his position and will not get happiness
in the world to come. Similarly, a Sudra who does
Brahminic deeds will not get higher status or merits.
But according to Sage Parasara, this is otherwise.
NoteIn this connection see what says

^ ^g^WH^ II IV-230 11 ^ ^IT a ^it^ ^T^I^ S R T ^ I

^ITITR^ ffitjf Sffe'Jpra: II 2,24. II
SI. 30] 271

Jim ^H^ifk f^f^i^sfq wk^j^ II II

Sloka 29. One who wishes for offspring should
iiot bathe in the sea on Saturdays, Tuesdays and Fridays
as well as during Rahu Kala or in a Lagna that is in
opposition to Rahu, and during Parvan (such as Full
Moon, New Moon, Sankranti, ejc.) that is vitiated
.{pierced). Even a vitiated lunar-day is to be adopted
according to scholars of all schools for sea-bath after
an oil bath (anointing oneself with oil), after sexual
union, after a death, hair-cutting (shave) and after
The following are the vitiated lunar days4th,
'6th, Sth and 14th.

' T I ^ T ^ i ^I'^qqt TR "^^1?^^% ^1^ ll^oll

Sloka 30. For the purposed of gifts, sacred ablu-
tions, etc., the lunar day should be taken as the one
that is prevailing at the time of Sun-rise. It is laid
down that a religious mendicant should have his food
in the last |th portion of the day, and that he should
not eat at night. The same rule applies to a widow
too, i- e., she ought not to eat at night. On the Parva
days, she is forbidden to take even water, but she may
eat fruits, but not cooked food at night.

Sloka 31- There are two kinds of sons taken in

adoption, viz., permanent and nonpermanent. The
daughter's son will have double parentage and should
offer funeral libations o.nd food in all religious func-
tions to both the families. 1 his is in accordance with
the views of Sage Vasista. But Katyayana opines that
it is not proper on the part of the person to do the
Sraddha for both. Sage Vyasa howewer, is of opinion
that the person (grandson) should perform the Sraddha
of his maternal grand-father also without any diffe-

^ ^ ^ ^ 5 T R M ^ ^rcfqsri i

Sloka 32. Similarly do Sages Harita and Hemadr^

state that a person should perform the Sraddha for his
own father as well as for his adoptive father, viz., his
maternal grand-father. Such a person should join the
Pindas offered to the two kinds of fathers. He will also
bave a share in the properties of both the fathers. In
the matter of the Sraddha, he must adopt the Gotra of
SI. 33J] 273

his adoptive father, while on the occasion of his

marriage, he should adopt the Gotras of both the
families. Marital alliance with the mother's family is
not proper for him, for his own mother and his mater-
nal grand-mother are on a par with each other or
become equals.

^ g H fl^^m m^xit^%^ i

Sloka 35. Even though the Nandi function {intro

ductory propitiatory rite done at the commencement of
every auspicious function to please the Manes) is per-
formed, the Upanayana (investing the boy with the
Sacred Thread and initiating him into the Sacred lore)
ought not to be proceeded with, in case there is a fall of
meteors, showers of iire,as well as when the mother
of the boy stays out owing to the appearance of
menses. If these things occur after the initial ceremonial
meal of the Brahmacharin, the Upanayana need not be
given up. The same procedure is to be followed in.
the case of one's daughter's marriage, i^e., the father
alone, without the mothershould not at all give the
daughter in marriage. If the mother is dead, the father
may do the Upanayana, provided he, the father has no
other flaw such as pollution.


Sloka 34. After the preformance of the Nandi at

an auspicious Muhurta, the Brahmachari should eat only
in the company of his mother and not alone. Similarly
the bride-groom should eat always in the company of
the bride after the marriage. The bridegroom should
get his hair cut and arranged in the manner that is
prevalent in his family. The sacred fire that is kindled
in Upanayana is inferior to the Grihya fire. If the
ordinary fire is mixed with Sacred fire, the learned
should then worship it with the Mantra beginning with
the word " Pahi" (protect); but it should not be
worshipped by those that have no relations at all.

Sloka 35. If the ordinary fire is followed by the

Smarta house-hold fire (Grihya), one should sprinkle
its ashes with the hymn beginning with ^ (Sanno
Devi) and then offer oblations to the Fire with the
Mantra of " Pahi " etc. If the Grihya (house-hold) fire
and ordinary fire are mixed together before the
commencement of the worship of the marital Fire and
the ^Ml^qi^ Sacrifice (Homa). the oblations are to be
offered to it considering the importance given to the
SI. 37] 275

in^q qy I|^TT3[T M^T^i^q^ p i : i

Sloka 36. If the mingling together of the fires is

done after the commencement of the Huma referred to
above, the fire should be separated into two parts, and
with one, the '^rat'TTE should be completed offering the
final oblations, but the ghee should not be poured with
the spoon (Sruva) according to the wise. If,the sacrificial
twigs tied to the spoon are destroyed, it should be kept
down and the fire should not be fed with oblations
with that spoon. If the spoon is forgotten, oblatiuns
should be offered to the divine Soma.

^ t t q ^ qr?i^ 5 ^ : ^ ^ %m
^am^^^m^ p r ' ^ i f i f x^t i

Sloka 37. When a person loses his wife, he may

remarry only in odd years counted from the year of her
death. This is very beneficial, whereas remarriage in
even years is harmful. If a girl should attain puberty
before marriage, her father and brothers, all will
become great sinners. The husband, to be rid of sin,
should not have union with the wife before she comes
of age. '

Sloka 38. The first lunar day (Tithi) of the year,

i. e. Chaitra Sukla Pratipat should not be vitiated by
the previous Tithi, viz., Amavasya. If it is, it should
be rejected. The birth of the Lord of Raghus, viz., Sri
Hama, took place at midday on the 9th lunar day,
which is a veritable bestower of liberation. That
Navami9th lunar daywhich is afflicted or vitiated
by the last part of Ashtamithe Sth lunar dayshould
be avoided by those who observe the vow with fast and
worship of Sri Rama ; but, if it coincides with the
-constellation of Punarvasu, the day is very good for
the worship of Lord Sri Rama.

^ ^V^m ^'imm i

SJinf^^R'^ ^ ^ q ^ ^ f ^ r F T ^ II II
Sloka 39- The auspicious day called " Tretadi"
e., the commencement of the Treta Yuga, on which
falls the celebration of the birth of Parasurama should
be taken as the third lunar day in the month of Vaisakha
.(April-May)Akshaya Tritiya. This day must have
the Tritiya (third) Tithi at mid-day and should not be
vitiated by the second lunar day. For the purpose of
Sraddha, etc, the same Tithi should necessarily extend
to the afternoon also. The best of observances, eta;.,
SI. 41] 277

the celebration of festivities in commemoration of the

Narasimhavatara should be done on a Tithi that ex-
tends up to the evening, but if it coincides with the
constellation Swati, it is not beneficial.

^^^t ^^^^ i t f e
^-m^ i i i i
Sloka 40. It is laid down in the Grihya Sutras that
the Upakarma (renewal of the Sacred Thread and
Vedic studies) for a new Brahmacharin should be per-
formed in the month of Sravana (August); but it should
not be performed by Brahmins, if there is Sankranti
.(solar transition from one sign to another) or an eclipse
of Jupiter or Venus. Followers of the Yajurveda per-
form this only on the Fullmoon day, a while those
of the Rigveda observe this vow on a day that has the
constellation Sravana, but those of the Sama Veda do
it even on a day that has the star Hasta. Now, I shall
deal with the Sacred Ashtami (Sth lunar day) on which
the birth of Lord Sri Krishna is celebrated.

m 5T %citq ^ 3 I! ^ II
Sloka 41. The 8th lunar day in the dark half of
the month of Sravana is the day of the birth of Lord
jSri Krishna. If it coincides with the star Rohini and
the week-day of Wednesday, it is considered to be most

auspicious and fruitful. The day should satisfy condi.

tion, viz., the Tithi should extend to the midnight and
that it should not be vitiated by the previous Tithi

Sloka 42. If the above Tithi-Ashtamiextends

beyond three Yamas (one Yama = 3 hours) at night,,
the fast should be broken at the end of either Tithi or
the Star, for, it is equal to the holy Sivaratri. The
4th lunar day in the bright half of the month Bhadra-
pada, is the best day for the worship of the Lord
Ganesa. If the Tithi touches Panchami and coincides
with the star Chitra, it is praiseworthy but not so, if it
touches the third Tithi.

1?fl ipfcR^^ ^TR^

Sloka 43. The Rishi-Panchami will be very effect-

ive, if it is connected with Chaturthi, but not so with
Shashti Tithi (6th day). If the 14th Tithi touches the
noon (the Bright half of Bhadrapada), Lord Ananta
should be worshipped that day. Being connected with
Pournima, this day will lead to full benefits. The 14th
Day in the Dark Fort-night of Aswina month called
Naraka Chaturdasi produces great religious merits in
those that take an oil bath just at the time of Moon-rise.

SI. 45] 279

5f^q?q^S wM^C^5^^5r3[T 11 II
Sloka 44. A. bath early in the morning on the
-4th day of the Bright Fotnight in the month of Magha
is sacred and dear to Adisesha, the lord of Serpents.
A similar holy bath on the Ratha Saptami day coinci-
ding with the constellation Anuradha is especially
sacred to the Sun-God. It is also auspicious and meri-
torius as those talcen on the occasions of a crore of
Solar eclipses or as the rising of the twelve Suns at the
same time. The holy Sivaratri touching midmight
and occurring the same month will confer union with
the Lord.
qT? ^^k^ ^q^ff^ji ^ Ti^ fipu
^qsr^ %rn^: %q^: sft^ sr^^sf^^^ i

fl 'Tflf^^T ^ llHII
Sloka 45. In the month of Magha, the I4th Lunar
Day (in the Dark Fortnight) is called Siva Tithi, one
that is sacred to Lord Siva. It is otherwise known as
Maha Sivaratri. Every month too, this 14th Day is
sacred to the Lord. Hence the people shoud worship
with devotion the Lord along with the Divine Mother at
dusk. This will lead to glorious results. Similarly every
day, there is a period of three Muhurtas, or two hours
and 24 minutes, soon-after the Sun touches the Peak of
-the setting Mountain (just as the Sun sets, which is

called Pradosha and is sacred to the Lord Siva. So, he

should be worshipped daily at that time. On the
Sivaratri-day, a period of two Ghatis (48 minutes) at
midnight is called MahanisaGreat night ( every
night, a period of two Ghatis at midnight is called
C/What the xi^t^^is^ of ?EF^2'^ittI says :

^^fq TTsr ^ i ^ ^I'^^^^n^'t

ST^TT^ ^ i ^ *?^HT ^*r^ ii ^ ii
Sloka 46. If Elcadasi does not fall on two days,
the Dwadasi should be observed the very next day. But
if it falls on two days, ascetics and widows should
observe it on the 2nd day. Even though a dual Tithi
does not exist on the 2nd day, still it is called one such,
i.e., Ekadasi-cum Dwadasi. Hence only the first day,
viz-, Ekadasi will predominate. If there is an
uncontaminated Dwadasi, that alone is considered best.

^j^m ^Isf^^ ci^m^Tt mxm\ I

Sloka 47. If the Ekadasi is uncontaminated by

Dwadasi, it should be rejected like poison, and only the
next day (Dwadasi) should be adopted for fasting, .though
strictly, it is no Ekadasi. If it is advisable to break the
SI. 49] 281

fast the day aftfer that (Dwadasi), This is the view held
by the Vaishnavas. According to them, Ekadasi must
be free from contamination by Dwadasi and ;the brealc
fast of Dwadasi should be done by the wise even after
Dwadasi is over. .

wsqf^ c[5nfs3[^ I

mi ^^\f^i i T ^ c j ^ i ^ II <i 11
, Sloka 48. If there be a Solar Eclipse on any day,
the Annual Sraddha ceremony ought not to be per-
formed on that day. If, on the other hand, the M O O A
becomes invisible owing to her eclipse, the Sraddha
may be performed on the same day, because after all
the eclipse and other rituals pertaining to it take place
at night, while in the case of Sraddha it is quite
different, as it is done at day-time. Where the
authorities are too many and equivocal, i.e., are not
decisive, one should follow the conventicn and that too
of the majority.

Sloka 49. Regarding the marital rituals and sacri-

ficial rites, pollution will not affect the concerned Brah-
mins until the functions are".completed, after the Nandi-
Sraddha and the initiation ceremony respectively are
performed. In the Sraddha ceremony, there is no

pollution after the cooking is completed or is taken up.

Similarly in a sacrifice, when a Brahmin is sprinkled
with the sanctified water for initiation, he will not be
affected by pollution. The actual sacrifice no doubt
commences only afterwards with the chanting of Sacred

^t^^elt ^ =^ tor I
ft ^ i t ^ ^ i M ft ^-

Sloka 50. According to the Scriptures, the lunar

month wherein there is no solar transition from one
sign to another (Sankranti) is termed Mala Masa or
* Soiled month'. It is otherwise known as Adhika
Masa or ' extra month '. Hence sacrificial and those
rites that are connected with the Manes (Sraddhas) are
forbidden in that month. Only the daily and mandatory
religious duties should be performed by wisemen during
the season. Here 60 days consitute one month. In
this period, only the monthly Sraddha may be perfor-
med but not annual Sraddhas and sacrifices and such
other rites pertaining to the Gods.

ffRT^ r^: TO: i

# "^x} ^^mk^i
^mt ll n
Sloka 51. In the month of -Mesha, ten Ghatis
before and after Sankranti are auspicious ; (2) InVrisha-
bha, it is 16 Ghatis before that; (3) In Mithuna 16
SI. 52] 283

Ghatis after Sankranti; (4) in Kataka, 30 Ghatis before

Sankranti (5) in Simha, 16 Ghatikas before that; (6) in
Kanya, .16 Ghatikas after that; (7) in Tula 10 Ghatis
before and after Sankranthi; (8) in Vrischika 16 Ghatis
before thaf, (9) in Dhanus, 16 Ghatikas after that; (10)
in Makara, 40 Ghatikas after that; (11) in Kumbha, 16
Ghatis before that; and in Meena 16 Ghatis after that.
NoteIn Makara, it is 20 Ghatikas after Sankranthi accor-
ding to Madhava.

?n^: ?f^: H<dJI I

%WI5Ti^ qte5I W
cf. Also the ^ol^ferg

si^q^ q^s% goq^crsi ' s f e ^ i i

^ ^ ^ ^ 3rf^ qt mi I

SloTca 52' Single prostrations or salutations are

to be offered to the Gods, while two salutations to
each of the sages and three to each of the Manes. Only-
one salutation need be offered to a woman acording to
the rule. To the mother and to all other women of
her rank three salutations are to be offered. Thatisthe
;general rule to be observed in Sraddha. For ^ ^ ^ ^
Vaiswadeva Homa, separate cooking should be done.

Sloha 53' The funeral libation of water should

not be offered on the bare ground or into an iron or
Ijronze vessel. The combination of the thumb and the
fore-finger is the symbol of beckoning the Manes. With
the remaining fingers, one should with devotion offer
the rice or food on the ground. The same rule holds
good in the case of the offering called Chitra which is
made while one begins to eat. This should on no
account be eaten by himself or by any body else. ,

Sloha 54' While offering food to the detities

presiding over the five vital Airs, viz.,Frame, Apana,
Vyana, Udana, and Samana, before One commences
SI. 56] 285

eating his food, the particles of food should be taken

,{1) with the thumb, middle and fore-fingers for Prana
Ahuti (offering to the first vital Air) (2) with the thumb,
middle and ring fingers for Apana Ahuti; (3) with the
thumb ring and little fingers for Vyana Ahuti (4) with
the thumb, little and the fore fingers for Udana Ahuti
and (5) with all the fingers for Samana Ahuti. There-
fore one should eat the meal silently. On the day of
the marriage, both the bride and the bridegroom should
fast at night.

13:ifT^ STR^S^^ II ll
Sloka 55- A person whose father is alive should
perform the Nandi Sraddha without mentioning the
names of the fore-bears with their particulars and
without the sesannum seeds, but should mention only
the Gotra. Or he himself may perform the Nandi for
his paternal Grand-father and others. But if the mother
stays out in menses, the auspicious rite of marriage
should not be proceeded with even if the Nandi is

^st^qt^jTiq^^Trr: m 11ii
Sloka 56. If there is a sraddha, the Stthalepaka
Homa must be done thus: Divde the duration of the

night into thirty equal parts and leave off the last twa
parts. The above Homa should be done in that part
virhich just precedes the two parts that are given up,
i. e., the 28th part, provided there is no Amavasya that
night. If the day happens to be Amavasya and if the
girl is still issueless, the Darsa Homa should be perfor-
med and sacrifice should be done on Sankramana also,
[Rules to be observed by a pregnant lady and her husband]

1^ ^ ' T f l S ? 55jwft^ "^4^^

^l#^R^R^ %^ i^J II II
Sloka 57. One whose wife is pregnant should not
perform the Chaula or tonsure ceremony of his son, nor
should he have his own hair cut. He should not also
put up pillars or lay foundation, or commence construc-
tion of houses. The pregnant lady should not take a
sea-bath, nor undertake a long journey. On the occa_
sion of a child-birth, on Amavasya day,All soul's
day, at the loss of a person in the family, on the first
day, fourth amid the last days of the month, a wise
man should perform his daily Vaiswadeva Homa as laid
down by the experts in the four Vedas-
61. 59] 287

The offering of i?r^t^ sesamum water

Sloha 58- This is of primary importance in Ama-
vasya, then comes the Mahalaya in the order of impor-
tance. After this, on the day of death, it should be
offered. If the ^H^tj^JsRiiT, i.e., joining the ftog of one
with those of the ancients, has been already effected,
then the Amavasya-offering and the one in the f q ^ ^
.should both be done in the first year itself.
In holy waters or shrines, the following seven
things should be avoided by the wise : (1) Arghya or
offering holy water ; (2) the rule regarding the fingers
in eating food; (3) the difference in Vedic Salchas; (4)
the query regarding the satisfaction of the Manes j (5)
the scattering of food particles for the unknown and
uncared-for dead ; (6) Avahana or invoking the depar-
ted souls and (7) offering oblations into the Sradha fire.
The same rule holds good in the case of Sankalpa
^(symbolic) Sraddha also.

Hig^i^: f^^wT^M rRnqfi^iT(^ i

m^^s^ p : pt q 5 qf^t ^ii fl ctofRT^ iiH^ii

Sloha 59. One should perform Sraddha for the
wives of one's father as for the father himself. So too
he should do it for his own wives, elder brother (brothers
of a higher class), paternal uncles, and meternal grand-
father (i. e., the father of all the wives of one's father).
Oblations should be given to the e^qiH^TI^ or the mari-
tal fire and those of the Sraddha, to the ordinary or
^f%% fire. Even the son of a co-wife is a son who is

entitled to perform the Sraddha of a wife belonging to

another caste and so the husband ought not to do it.

55f^t[fqH^5iHT ^ 5^ m ^^ m^nm i

S^ol'a ^0. If one of the uterine brothers has got

sons, all of them should be considered to have children
as far as the question of Sraddha is concerned. Similarlyr
If one of them alone is married, that wife stands in the
position of a wife in respect of all of them for the
purpose of barring of course, for her own sons,
brothers and father. If a lady whose husband is alive
but who has no sons, dies, or if a widow dies, according
to some, the function of uniting her with the Manes is
to be done soon after the gfqo^fei^ai ceremony; but
according to others, it should be done on the occasion
of the first death-anniversary.

'^T^'TT^'i^f^^^g^^Mi^q^ \\\\\\
Sloka 61. In the annual Sraddha, etc., for the
mother when ghee is applied to the fqtrg of the mother,
if the father's ^o;g 'brealcs away, the should be
performed once again. The food which remains and
which has been sprinkled with holy water by the priest,
should not be abandoned, but ought to be eaten, or it
SI. 63] 289

should be buried in the earth, for the first two years

and be burnt after two years.

Tim ^fk% TO^^iMs ^

Sloka'62. One who does not unite with his wife
who has bathed after menses and who is full of sexual -
appetite, in spite of her close proximity, commits the
sin of destroying a child in the womb. On the other
hand, if a woman, after menses, does not unite with
her loving husband, she will repeatedly be born among
hogs, dogs, wolves and jackals. Hence the couple
must enjoy sexual pleasure, which results in the birth
of a good son and which ultimately takes them across
the ocean of mundane life.

Sloka 63, There are four causes for the appea-

rance of menses in women, viz., (1) excessive passion (2)
disease (3) age and (4) food or any medicine taken.
Of all these, the defect based upon age is most promi-
nent. The menses last till the age of 50 years. They
commence generally at the age of 18 years and conti-.
nuefor 3 days every month. If in the same mbtiibh,
the menses reappear before the lapse of 18 days, ithey
do not produce any effect or pollution. .>

Sloka 64. According to some, menses reppearing

before 15 days do not cause pollution, but after 15 days
and before 21 days should be observed for 2 days-
On the first day of the menses, she is lika a Pariah
woman ; on the second, a hater of Brahmins, on the
third, like a washer-worn an and on the 4th day, she is
pure for her personal affairs ; but on the 5th day, she is
perfecity clean and pure and has full freedom for
^exnal exercises, provided there is no other trouble
such as ill.health.

3^ ^ S (t)

Sloka 65. If a person who is newly wedded to a

charming wife, has at the same time a sacrifice to per-
form or his birthday, or a Sraddha or a Parva day, such
as Amavasya, Sankranti, etc., he should not have
sexual intcrcoiu-se on such days. If he has, he should
at once have a dip in water, with his clothes on, and
should use sesamum seeds for cleaning his body. He
should also avoid on such days the sight of dead bodies,
climbing big mountains going to sacred rivers and
worship of Gods.
SI. 67] 291

m^t^ wte^^ II II
Sloka 66. One should avoid performing Upanaya-
nam (Sacred Thread ceremony) within a prriod of six.
months after one such ceremony. He should also avoid
old and broken pots, repairing or thatching the roof,
sweeping the floor, etc., in the house, hair-cutting for
himself and the Brahmacharin. But on the day of
death, he can perform the Sraddha where Pindas are
offered; he may also do the Kripa Sraddha for the
destitute dead. But he shculd not go to Gaya for the
Sraddha of his father, etc., which will bring him sin.

f^ks'M<^*ii^i^R*ydfeifi^**i I

3r: %Tqd^^^H^<^'^t>^^*^^^l^ft^ ii ^vs ii

Sloka 67. A Brahmin (twicc-born) should fix the
Sacred Thread to the right ear, while answering the first
call of nature. In the day time, he should go to the
edge of a rank or river and wash the genital organ; at
night, he should only pour water over or moisten it.
The genital organ and the right hand (after the second
call of nature) should be cleansed with mud, while the
left hand with thrice as much earth as before; then
again both the hands should bed eansed with double the
quantity of earth thereafter, the anus with five times
the quantity of mud; the other three limbs again, with
double that quantity,

% ^ rR^^Ig^: I5T5% I

Sloka 68. After coition, urination, etc. one should,

cleanse the various parts as detailed below :thrice,
the genital organ should be washed, six times, the anus,
ten times, each of the hands, again, once the anus,
then twice and thrice, the palms, the back of the hands,
the thighs and the loins; if there is a mere emission of
vitality, twice, it should be cleaned. The above rules
regarding cleansing after urination, etc., apply for the
day-time alone. If it is at night, the above should be
balved ; and if it is during a journey, it should be
reduced to a quarter.

^ ^^^kv^ ^5^^^ II II
Sloka 69. The cleansing process for a Brahma-
charin is double that of a house-holder; it is thrice as
much for the Vanaprastthas (those recluses that reside
in the forest) and four times for ascetics. By a holy
bath only, the ointment, sandal paste, etc., should be
-washed away in the case of women, Sudras, those that
are observing some vow, say, Brahmacharins, urchins
and un-eduCated ignorant rustics. The body ought not
to be adandpned in water, for there are crores of Tirthas
or holy rivers or lakes.
SI. 72] 293

SZofca 70. The Gods drink the offerings with their

heads the Manes with their mouths, the Yaksha with
their bellies or waists ; those that have narrow
lower lips and other little creatures, with their bellies
or lower parts of their bodies. The water offered on
the left side, is as good as blood, while that on the
right side is as holy as the water of the Ganges. The
washing of the hair alone with drops of water is a
useless bath.

9T!15SR^^^ ^^T^^^f ^fl[ II \9ni

Sloka 71- After eating food and passing urine,
excrete and vitality, a man should gargle his mouth
with water 108 times. In the months of Mithuna,
Karkataka and Simha, all the rivers are said to be
impure or in menses. Hence, a bath in them in those
months is not advisible. But if one has it, he will be
purified by a bath in the sea (at the mouth of a river).

1^'^n^^T^iT^nPmf^ 5n ?ii?qf^ i

gi^ Hraft ^^ 'in^ftf^^'^ ^5 ii vs^^ ii


Sloka 72. On religious occasions pertaining to

Gods, etc., a Pavitrasymbol of puritymade of
Darbha grass, copper, silver or gold should be worn in
the hand. If it is made of gold, It should be worn in
the ring-finger. All the above are good for the worship
of Gods and not of the Manes. This should not at all
be worn by a person when his father or elder brother
is alive.

^sFRTifti 5^ ^ <raw^^ II vs^ 11

Sloka 73. On the day of the Sraddha of the
father or mother, one should repeat the Gayatri at least
ten times at dusk (or at the worship of the Lord Siva at
dusk on the 14th evening) as well as during the fort-
nightly and other holidays (days on which one is for-
bidden to study) 28 times; on auspicious days, a
thousand times; or oOO, 300, or 128 times at least. On
Sankranti, etc., if the annual ceremony of( Sraddha also
falls, first, the Pitru Tarpana or water-ofTerings should
be done, and then alone, the annual Sraddha.

mi m ^ i ^(T^m^^^^ \\m\
SI. 75] 295

Sloka 74. In all kinds of Sraddhas such as Tirtha

Sraddha (Sraddha performed on the banks of holy
rivers), Gays Sraddha (Sraddha performed at Gaya),
the Mahalaya or Ashtaka Sraddha and the annual
Sraddha, one ought to give Tarpana or libations with
sesamum seeds in the afternoon which has the Tithi
longer. This rule applies to the monthly Sraddha also,
or even if there is some Vriddhi or child-birth at home,
the monthly Tarpana with sesamum seeds should be
given. A person whose father is alive but who is per-
forming the Matru Sraddha, i. e., funeral rites of his
mother, ought not to give the Tarpana or libation.
Generally, one should bathe in the morning and being
pure, offer the Tarpana according to the rule, and
then alone do his daily Sandhya, worship, etc,

^ 1^!^ ^ S^qw?^^ i ^ : 11V9MI

Sloka 75. After performing the annual Sraddha,
a Brahmin should offer the daily Trapana, perform his
usual Vaiswadeva Homa (sacrifice) with rice specially
cooked for that purpose and then perform the daily
5i5RI|r Brahma Yajna. At a marriage, Upanayana or
Chaula, the annual Sraddha should not be performed
with sesamum seeds. In the Pretasraddha, as well as
the Gaya Sraddha, if darkness sets in (there is eclipse),
it is to be supposed that the two luminaries are toge-
ther present.

Sloka 76. One shonld offer Tarpana or libation

with sesamum at home to the two luminaries when a
Sunday coincides with the 7th lunar day and one's own
birth day. One who wishes for prosperity should not
perform the bath with earth and offering of Pindas and
sesamum on Sundays, Fridays and Tuesdays coinciding
with the asterism Magha or with the fifth or ninth
(Nanda Tithies1, 6 and 11) lunar days or with
Aswini, Bharani, Krittika or Mrigasiras and when the
two Ayanas commence.

>^mt mk f^^ ^ m
\m 5j^i^ xjm^ ^f^mt i

Slola 77. Inscribing the figure of the Goddess

Saraswati under the sacred syllable srt (Aum), draw ten
vertical lines crossed by ten horizontal lines. The
squares formed by the even (2nd, 4th, 6 th and Sth)
columns and similar sets of rows (deleting the four such
squares round the central one) are 12 in number. They
represent the 12 Rasis from Mesha onwards. I shall
now proceed to describe the functions of the twelve
Bhavas from the Lagna onwards for the ascertainment
by the wise of the several effects.

#12 ^1 |q 2


;T 10

^9 ^6

The Chakra referred to is similar to the one given above.

See also the Sarvatobhadra Chakra described in Phaladeepika
P. 374.
The 3rd Pada of the Sloka which is missing was here recon-

^^^i^^^^'^^^mf^'iiww !i vs<J II
Sloka 78. The 12 houses are known as (1) body
(2) wealth (3) brother (4) happiness (5) son (6) foe

(7) wife (8) longevity (9) father (10) profession (11) in-
come and (12) loss. All planets aspect the 7th with a
full glance, jwhile the aspects of Saturn, Jupiter and
Mars are peculiar. Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th
with a full eye. Jupiter casts a similar glance over the
Sth and 9th houses; while Mars, over the 4th and 8th.
Only a portion of this Sloka was available, but the missing
portion is reconstructed. For further details, please see II
I74....I8J, supra.

Sloka 79' AH benefics, if they own the Trikona

bouses, prove auspicious when they occupy the 3rd,
.2nd l l t h and Kendra houses. A benefic owning a
Kendra will not give good results,* while on the other
hand, a malefic owning a Kendra will not prove inaus-
picious. The lords of the Sth and 12th houses reckoned
from the Lagna, if in conjunction or mutually occup-
ying each other's houses, produce effects as described
below: The lord of the Sth gives auspicious results,
while the lord of 12th brings wealth, luck, etc.
^s{=8th as it represents ^VR-'Mrita Dhana, V14.
SI. 80] 299

Sloka 80. If one of the two planets referred to

above [i.e., owning the 8th or the 12th) happens to own
the Lagna as well, he will prove auspicious. Jupiter
and Venus happening to own the Kendras.are inauspi-
cious, and should they be also posited in the in'C^
(Maraka2nd and 7th) places, they become Marakas
or destroyers. Mercury, similarly situated, will prove
likewise. The Moon and the Sun, if they happen to
own the 8th, will not prove Marakas. Mars who is
otherwise called snJC happening to own the 4th as well
as the 9th (Simha Lagna, for example) or 5th and 10th,
will prove auspicious, and not so if he owns only one
of the said two houses,
Saturn. Venus and Mars prove auspicious for people born
under Kumbha, Tula and Mesha Lagna respectively, though
these planets are owners of Dusstthanas (8th and 12th).
We shall discuss here the position of Mars in the 10th for
Mesha Lagna and that of Venus in the 7th for Tula Lagna. In
both the cases, the lords of the respective Lagnas arc posited in
Kendra positions and give their full aspect to the Ascendant.
Mars in Makara for Mesha Lagna is a draw-back so for as the
longevity of the person is concerned. Though Mars in this posi-
tion occupies one of the best Kendras and is therefore with full
Digbala, his lordship over the Sth will also have to be considered.
Mars in Makara will naturally mean his full aspect over the
Lagna and in case where Mars and Saturn are devoid of benefic
aspect, this aspect will mean a very strong Alpayuryoga^vide
III 8, Rule 1, supra.
For people born under Tula, Venus in Mesha is likewise
injurious for longevity. When Venus and Mars are devoid of
benefic aspect, two cases of very strong Alpayuryogas arise: viz.,
(1) by virtue of Venus's position in the 7th singly, (this applies
only when Venus is alone) and (2) Venus' s aspect over the Lagna
as the owner of the Sthvide III8, Rule 1, supra.

For the two luminaries owning the Sth and not proving
Marakas, Cf. IV25, supra.

^ ^m- ^^^^^m ^ l u ? ii
Sloka 81' The two nodesRahu and Ketuif
endowed with strength, produce effects similar to the
planet owning an inauspicious house and in whose
house they are posited or with whom they are conjoi-
ned. The lords of the Kendra and Kona houses, if
not conjoined with the two nodes, produce beneficial
results. The effects will be contrary, if they be other-
wise. These two nodes in spite of their malefic
nature become benefics by virtue of their position in
-certain houses or association with certain planets.

Sloka 82. If one of the two nodes and the lord of

a Trilcona be posited in the 9th or lOth, or if one of
them be in the 9th and the other in the 10th or vice'-
versa, the Yoga, will cause prosperity to the native.
Even a conjunction of either of these with the lord of
a Kona will prove beneficial. In the above circum-
stances, the Dasas of these two nodes as well as those
of the planets conjoined with them will prove happy.
51. 84] 301

If there to be a planet who is inauspicious associated

by a sort of :^rf^^ (Sambandha) with either of the
nodes, then the Bhulcti of the Yoga-producing planet
will prove adverse.

Sloka 83. The two planetsRahu and Ketu

become auspicious when they occupy a Trikona or
Xendra position {vide Chart 44), or when they are
associated with the lord of that particular Kendra or
Kona house in which they are posited. They prove
also beneficial when they conjoin with the lords of any
Kendra or Kona house. If the lord of the 9th were to
own the Sth or the 12th as well, or if the lord of the
Pth and 10th in the above circumstance were to con-
join with the lords of the Sth or the I2th, then the
auspiciousness of the Yoga is lost. The Sth house is
termed the house of longevity.

m%'^^mm^'({v* m ii ii
Sloka 84. The Sth house counted from the Sth
also rfcpresents longevity, the 12th place reckoned from
each of these, that is the 2nd and the 7th from the
Lagna, are known as ^R;^ (Maraka) houses. The planet

posited in the 2nd house from its lord is a qjq (Papa

in.auspicious). And during the Dasa of such an inaus-
picious planet or in the Dasa of the planet owning the
12th house itself will the native endure discomfiture.
A part of the Sloka was missing and is reconstucted ;here.

Sloka 85. Of all the planets Saturn alone has the

power of killing the native, even in the Bhukti of a
benefic or in his own Bhukti in the Dasas of malefics,.
provided he is connected with the lord of the Sth or the
12th Bhava or is conjoined with a Maraka death
inflicting planet. All planets yield in their own Bhukits
effects which are natural to them or to those planets
with which they are conjoined.

Sloka 86. The effects of the Bhuktis of other

planets that are inimical to the lord of the Dasa, will
have to be guessed according to the nature of those
planets (Bhukti-lords). Even in the Dasa of the lord of
a Kona, the Bhukti of the lord of a Kendra will not be
auspicious ; but it will be auspicious when the above
lord of Kendra is connected with benefics. But in the
SI. 88] 303

Bhuki of a Maraka planet the effects will have to be

judged from the planet or planets with whom he is

TO^qi^"^ ^^^^"^ IKV9 II

Sloka 87. The Bhukti of an inauspicious planet
-may prove auspicious by virtue of his ^^sq-(Sambandha)
with the planets aforesaid. Owing to their equal
goodness both the Yogakarakas and the planets-con-
joined with them give good results in their Dasas and
Bhuktis. A Yogakaraka planet will be capable of doing
good in his Dasa during the Bhukti of another planet,
-even if the latter be not connected with him. The two
nodes prove auspicious in their Bhuktis during the Dasas
of benefics when they are associated with benefics.
The last line is reconstructed.

H'lRt ^RE^ ^f^: I

Sloka 88. If the said two nodes be conjoined with

ja. benefic and placed betwixt two malefics, then the
Bhuktis of the malefics that are not conjoined with
either of the nodes will give auspicious effects. If the
benefic associated with the node be a Yogakaraka one,
his Bhukti will give mixed effect. If not conjoined, the
effect will be very adverse. If Rahu or Ketu be a
Maraka, then he will bring about demise in the Bukti
of the benefic planet in question or in that of his own
.(in the Dasa and Bhukti of these two mutually).

3 ^ ^ i ^ ? ? ^ ^^jmi ^^^^ ^fT%?[: I I I I

Sloka 89. During Saturn's Dasa, Saturn gives the
effect of Mars in his own Bhukti and that of his own in
Mars' Bhukti. The same is the case in Kuja's Dasa as
well. If the lords of the Lagna and the Chandra Lagna
were to exchange places, they would bestow Rajayoga
on the native. Rajayoga will also arise when the lords
of the 9th and 10th interchange places or are conjoined.
For the benefit of students, I shall now describe, after
full investigation, the effects of the several Lagnas and
the planets' relationship with them-
To illustrate the truth contained in this Sloka about exchange
of the lords of the 9th and 10th houses, see Chart 39, p. 69 supra.
Regarding the effect of the interchange of places between
the lords of the Ascendant and the Chandra Lagna), the follow
ing chart serves a-s an example :

Chart-84. MaleBorn on 12/13-10-19G7 at 12-30 A.M.

Mars Rahu Sat
Rahu Moon

Sat. Lagna
Rasi Navamsa
Mars Lagna

Moon Merc Sun

Ketu Jup- Ketu Venus
Balance of Ketu Dasa 4 years, 7 months and 28 days.
SI. 89] 305.

The Parivartana between Jupiter and the Moon though

causing a Khala Yoga (Paladeepilca VI32) is now productive
of immense good as the exchange of places is between the lords
of the Lagna and the Chandra Lagna. This results in a Raja
Yoga- (Vide Sloka above)
The three Mahapurusha Yogas Hamsa Malavya and
Ruchaka are present in the nativity by virtue of the position o f
Jupiter, Venus and Mars respectively. Venus, is in his Vargo"
ttamamsa, being posited in the 4th Kendra and is therefore
with full Digbala. There is nothing to say against the power
weilded by the native as the 10th house is aspected by Mars
the Yoga Karaka and lord of the 10thand Venus, while tlie
lord of the 10th is aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the 9th. The.
mutual aspect between these two exalted\planets results in a very
strong Rajayoga as they own the 9th and lOthrhouses. ,^ ,
The aspect of Mars in the capacity pf a Yogakaraka over
the 1st and 2nd is very auspicious Jupiter due to his presence-
in the Lagna does a great deal in preserving the native from
dangers which otherwise would have proved fatal. Moreover'
it is Jupiter who enhances the value of this horoscope as he is-
the lord of the 9th.
It should not be forgotten to note that the lOth house is as-
pected by Saturn and Mercury, lords of two of the Dusstthanas.
Saturn is equally powerful being posited in his^Moolatrikona
Rasi and therefore is capable of undoing what Mars did, Some
misuse of money may also be anticipated as the Dhanabhava is
aspected by Saturn, the lord of the 8th, and Mars. These two
are malefics, and the house is devoid of any benefic aspect; so
also is its lord. For people born under Cancer, this is the best
position for Saturn, as otherwise, he has got an inherent ten-
dency to spoil the Bhava he occupies (for, Saturn, here is the
lord of the Sth, a Dusstthana).

Ample happiness to the father of the native is indicated by

the aspect of the Sun over the 9th (house of father) and that of
the lord of the 9th over the 9th.

Marital happiness may not be very good as the 7th house is

occupied by a malefic and the 2nd is aspected by two malefics.
The native is a retired officer in one of the Indian Railways.

Sloka 90. For people born in the Mesha Lagria,

Mercury proves tnauspious. Both Jupiter and the Sun
prove auspicious when they are conjoined. The conjunc-
tion of Jupiter and Saturn is good. Jupiter's conjunction
with the other planets is inauspicious. Venus prove*! a
Maraka (Hffj^), Saturn and the rest do not prove so,
even if they be inauspicious.
Jupiter, Venus and the Moon prove inauspicious,
while the Sun and Saturn are auspicious for those born
in the Vrishabha Lagna.
Re: Mesha Lagna: Jupiter and Saturn ar: the lords of the
-9th and 10th and hence their conjunction results in a Rajayoga.
Venus owns the two Maraka places and therefore a Maraka.
Mercury is a Papin as he owns the 3rd and the 6th.

mvsi %^^ki ^^\^fts^^l I

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IITI i ^ s ^ l I'ft II II
Sloka 91. Saturn by himself is capable of doing
good to the native. Jupiter and the rest even if they
prove Marakas will not cause death, if they be alone.
SL 92] 307

For peaple born in the Mithuna Lagna, Mars,

Jupiter and the Sun are Asubhas- The effect of their
conjunction is similar to what has been said before. The
Moon by herself will not bring about death, while the
rest can do so.
Venus and Mercury are inauspicious, while Mars
and Jupiter are Subhas for people born in the Karka-
taka Lagna.
This is an important Sloka.
Re : Vrishabha Lagna: Saturn, being the Yogakaraka, has
got the power to do good to the native independently. In the
case of Jupiter and others, they will have to get the agency of
another planet to cause Maraka. In other words, one of these
planets in its Dasa will cause death in the Bhukti of another
planet and not in its own. Venus, though owning the Lagna is
a Papininauspicious) because, he owns the 6th house also. Cf.
Chart 81, p. 186.
Re: Mithuna Lagna : The effect of the conjunctions of
Mars, Jupiter and the Sun is very tersely expressed. Jupiter
and Mars when conjoined bring about Rajayoga to the native as
they happen to own the 10th and 9th houses reckoned from the
lOth. The conjunction of the Sun and Mars is inauspicious and
is a weak point for the native as this conjunction will make the
lord of the 3rd weak. It should be noted that the three planets
are the owners of all the Upachaya houses.
The Moon as owner of the 2nd happens to be a Maraka:
but as the luminaries do not exercise that power (Vide IV26)
the work is got done by some other planet connected with her.

Sloka 92. Mars by himself causes Yoga. The

Sun does not kill. The rest (if they have that function)
do it These are the effects of planets for those born in
Karkataka Lagna,
Mercury and Venus are auspicious. So also are
Mars and Jupiter. The combination of Jupiter and
Venus is not at all auspicious. Mercury and others
cause death. These are the effects for those born in
Simha Lagna.
Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are Asubhas; Venus
is the only Subha.
Re: Karkataka Lagna: Mars causes Yoga as he is the Yoga-
karaka. The Sun does not kill though he is the lord of the 2nd
Cf. IV25, supra). Mercury is inauspicious as he owns the 3rd
and 12th.
Re: Simha Lagna : Mercury owns the 2nd and the llth
and is therefore auspicious. (IV5). Mars is the Yogakaraka.

^P^^ ^m!^ feit

Sloka 93. Venus and the Moon are Yoga-producing

planets and more so will be their combination. Venus
is a Maraka and not the others. These are the effects
for people born in Kanya Lagna.
Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are Asubhas. Saturn and
Mercury are Subhas. The Moon in conjunction with
her son. Mercury, produces Rajayoga, Kuja proves a
Maraka. Jupiter and the Sun do not cause death.
These are for people who have their births in Tula
SI. 95] 309

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus is very auspicious

for people born in the Kanya Lagna as they happen to be the
lords of the llth, the 2nd and 9th. (Cf. IV5 suprp).
The two inferior planetsVenus and Mercuryare best
friends and therefore Mercury is a Subha for ,Tula Lagna in
5pite of his ownership of the \2th.
The combination of the Moon and Mercury is auspicious, be
case they are the owners of the 10th and 9th houses from Tula,

Sloka 94. Mercury, Mars and Venus, these three,

are productive of bad results. The Moon is the only
Subha, a beneficial planet. The Sun and the Moon
produce very good effects and equally so is their
combination. Jupiter by himself will not be a Maraka,
while Mercury and others, if they function as Marakas,
will bring about the demise of the native. These are
the effects for a person born in Vrischika Lagna.
Venus is the only planet that is malevolent, while
the Sun and Mars are highly auspicious.
Re : Vrischika Lagna : Though Mars owns the Lagna, he
is inauspicious as he owns the 6th. Cf. Chart 79, p. 179.

f^gl 1^1 w( ^ ^d^Rt

Sloka 95. The combination of the Sun and

Mercury will cause good Yoga. Mercury proves a

Maraka, Venus and the rest are not so These are the
effects for a birth when Dhanus is the Lagna.
Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are Asubhas, while
Venus and Mercury are auspicious. Saturn by himself
does not kill. Mars and the rest may do so. Venus is
the Yogakaraka. These are ihe ;effects for people
born in Makara Lagna.
Rc : Dhanus : Venus is an Asubha as he owns the 6th. The
Sun and Mercury are the lords of the 9th and 10th and produce
Rajayoga when they conjoin together- Mercury owns two-
Kendra houses and is also a Maraka as he is the lord of the 7th,
Re : Makara : Jupiter is an Asubha as he owns the 12th,
and also because, Makara is his Neecha Rasi. Saturn though
owning the 2nd is not a Maraka as he is the lord of the Lagna.

Sloka 96. Jupiter, the Moon and Mars are Asubhas,

Venus is auspicious. The combination of Mercury and
Mars is productive of good Yoga- Jupiter does not kill.
MarSj the Sun and the rest prove Marakas. These are
the effects for people born in Kumbha Lagna.
Saturn and Venus, otherwise known as Kavi, are
Subhas. Mars and the Moon are inauspicious. The
conjunction of Jupitet- and Mars causes Rajayoga.
Mercury kills, while Mars does not. Saturn and the
rest, if they prove Marakas, cause death.
Re : Kumbha : It may here be noted that Jupiter, though
he owns the 2nd and llth is considered as inauspicious for this
SI. 98] 311

X.agna unlike Mercury who is classified as a Subha when playing

a similar role in the case of Simha Lagna (Sloka 22 above).
Probably, this may be due to the fact that the relationship
between the Sun and Mercury is closer astronomically and
more intimate than that between Saturn and Jupiter.
Re : Meena : Saturn, though owning the 12th, is considered
as a Subha. Venus is a Subha in spite of the fact that he owns
the 8th. This is so, because Meena is his exaltation house.
Further Meena is house of renunciation; as snch Lords of
Bth house (house of Death) and 12 house (house of Loss) are best
friends, as they Qualify a Sanyasi in the right sense.
Mercury is the lord of two Kendras and of a Maraka house.
jFor the Lagnas owned by Jupiter, Mercury invariably proves a

%^^t ^ ^ m ^ q^ ^tmn^ i

Sloka 97. The above are the effects of a birth in

Meena Lagna. The good or the bad effects of any
planet are to be guessed through a study of the nature
-of the planet and the planets that are conjoined with
the planet in question and also of the position occupied
by the planet. Planets when they prove auspicious
bestow on tne native issue, wife, happiness to father,
gain and other auspicious incidents in their Dasas, (i.e.,
in the Dasas of planets pertaining to those Bhavas) and
in their Bhuktis or in the Bhuktis of other planets.

?n^i^ qt r ^ f ^ m %m ^ ii %<^\\

Sloka Intelligent and good people, even after

having studied and understood this science well, say
" Who has understood the science ? No one. If there be
any, he is the only man, and he keeps it for himself.-
It has been made known that even asses, dogs and the
like are born under similar Yogas, and they also are
subject to the effect of these Yogas, in the respective
Dasas of planets causing these Yogas. Further, these
Yogas are also Influenced by other forces."

Sloka If there be any malefics posited in their

highest exaltation coupled with their duty as Marakas,
one n6ed not describe the amount of evil caused by
them Saturn brings about a good amount of wealth
and prosperity when he is posited in the Lagna identi-
cal with Meena, Tula or Dhanus. If, under the above
condition, the 7th Kendra be not occupied or aspected
by Jupiter or Mercury, the native will become a king.
Still death should be predicted in the Dasa and Bhukti
of the lord of the 7th house.
The word Itthasi signfies Meena.

For illustrationsGf Charts 31 and 50.

Saturn is declared to be capable of conferring royalty on
the native when he is posited in Tula, Dhanus or Meena Identi-
cal with the Lagna. Cf.
a ^ ^ s p i ^ f l H p i r siTfRJi': ? i ^ ? ; : t
SI. 100] 31^

Also f. sn- XX9.

jj^ajff?^ ^ i [ ^ ? r l sTri3?:q8

WT^^ ^ qifTi^^ ^[^\ ^\ to o u

SfoA;a 1(90. If Jupiter be posited in the 7th from
the Lagna, and Venus in the 7th from Jupiter ; or if
Jupiter were to occupy the 8th house reclconed from
the lord of the 8th and also be in the 12th from -a
malefic, the person concerned will live only for
30 years. If Saturn were to occupy the 8th house
counted from the lord of the 9th and be als.o posited i'n
an odd Navamsa, the native's prosperity will not bb
continuous. If the same planet be similarly situated
with respect to the lord of the 4th, the native will be
deprived of his vehicles.

Chart-85. MaleBorn on Sy'Q51898 at 12-lOA.M.

Mars Sun Venus Ketu Jup. Moon Venus Lagna

Merc. Ketu

Rasi Navamsa
Lagna Merc.

Moon Sat. Sun

Rahu Sat. Jup. Rahu Mars
Balance of Ketu DaSanearly 6 years and 9 months

The above chart serves as an example for illustrating the

truth enunciated in the 3rd (Pada) of the Sloka. *
Saturn is posited in Vrischika, the Sth place from Mercury,
the lord of the 9th. Further, he is in Dhanur Navamsa. an odd
one. In consequlnce of this position, the native throughout his
career has had enough of breaks regarding his prosperity. The
same thing will continue throughout his life.

Sloka 101' If the Moon be conjoined with Venus,

and the lord of the house occupied by the two planets
Ise in a Kendra or a Kona, the native will, throughout
his career, command good vehicles and be endowed
with prosperity. If the lord of the Sth house reckoned
from the third be posited in the 3rd, 6th, 7th, the llth
or the 1st, loss of his brothers should be expected. If
the Sth house be occupied by a planet in debilitation,
and if it is not conjoined with (or aspected by) Jupiter,
the native will die soon.

^ ^SS'^^ ^ s ' ? ^ f ^ i f ^ I
1^ TO^s^ ^ i^^^ft^n

Sloka 102' If the lord of the Sth house reckoned

-from the 9th be aspected by the Moon, the native will
l>e short-lived. If Venus, be'^conjoined with Rahu, there
will be decline in the native's prosperity in the period
Taeginning with Ketu's- If Venus were to be posited in
SI. 104] 315

the 6th or the Sth in conjunction with (Ulica) and

other comets, decrease in the longevity is indicated.
This may happen when the planet owning a moveable
Rasi goes to its own house (from a dual one in its
Ulka is a comet supposed to be very harmful and his place
in the zodiac is in the 10th (Sth 1) asteirism from the one occupied
by the Sun. Cf. JRIOT-firftr^.

i5#rf3rsiqT i S R i l 5% =^ s n f ^ p II? o^ll

Sloka 103. It should be declared that the life of a
person is (l)long (2) medium and (3) short, according as^
the lords of the Lagna and the Sth house are posited in
(a) fixed and dual Rasis, (6) moveablejand fixed Rasis and:
(c) moveable and dual Rasis, respectively. Similarly
when both the lords occupy (1) moveable, (2) dual and
(3) fixed signs respectively the above rule regarding
longevity should be applied.
Mars occupying a sign owned by Vanus or Vice
Versa ushers a into the world.

Sloka 104. A child born in any of the three week,

daysSunday, Tuesday and Saturdaysynchronising
with any of the three Tithis-Dwiteeya, Dwadase and
Saptdmeeand any of the stars other than Chittra, wit^
have to be declared as a result of the mother's congress
with a person other than the lawful husband.
The Sloka is not complete. Two lines are wanting.
Por the idea given above, compare the following Irom

*TIF??T%^3%3 ^ T i t ^ f i N ^ l ^ 1

srifl^ ^H%^'l ^ f ^ T I ^ W I II 11
Sloka 105. . If malefics occupy the 4th and Sth
houses, from Venus or Venus, the lord of the 7th be
posited betwixt malefics and be bereft of benefic aspects
in the nativities of a couple, the Yoga is termed <i(%^m3
(Vahninipata-a cruel Yoga),
This Sloka of a different metre in this place, appears to be
not a genuirie one.
See also lig^i^lX1
The following are also to be found in the manuscript:

II ^^ff^fTPTspf (I

N. 5.The Roman and Arabic numerals opposite

to each Sloka refer respectively to the Khanda to which
it belongs and its number therein.

sr i^^^m VIII 23
riJiilwire V 41 3Ti^ 3 a^sr Jj.'3ctRr^ II U
3tf En ^(^^f^cii^ V I I 13 3nd^ f^i^fT VIII 22
sr^ fK^ II 12
ST^NTI ff I 8 3TRE^T35I^ VIII 10
9T5ns[I5reoiiq5ri^ V 11
f?^: Titi^5rr VI 8
uvtrg^RNis V I 27 VI 85
3T4gra?^4f^ V I I I 31
^i%5nTi?cr^ V I I I 20
Trs^ggj VIII 16
T*^5nii=^^ I V 27
3^|5!|f^^^i5^ V 12
3?a^ft5'3%ir VIII 21
T$5iSCRW: IV 3
e:^[fqq: VI 31
-STRfll^f??^^ V 23 ^^^^ If VI 38
'J;^ ^ II 20
3?!^ HHWifa: I V 38
133 3r^^^%: '^^k VII 1
3n?Ri IK VIII 44
^Tp^'^fTH^ II 22
3ri^%^Td V I 33
lA'sM^imm VII 17
sng: ot^TOra^ V 14
-enf;?l?ifl s p ^ f i I V 45

^ ftiTO^ IV 39
13^ ^^v^ VI 43 VIII 38
i3:# f^!m^ ^ Vll 9 VIII 3
=^flT3>5n67j%^ VIII 17
^^^ta'T^i^^i - VII 7 V 47
^^^fsarfSp^ri^ I 9 V 53
^\^^^ mmm^mi I 2 VIII 28
II 2
^?r^i?isTdM V 53 VIII 47
f ^^^S'^^^nte* V 48 VI 7
f V 54 VIII 43
1^?J^^?JT^^ VI 85 VII 15
S^^cicflP^cillbfRi^t? VIII 4 I 7
%?3jf;^t^ VI 14 V 16
TR^JJiri^g VI 15 IV 29
^^si'JtwsBlTO^ VI 23 II 18
rjm^TOnr: IV 16 V 51
^^JI^^^O^ V 45 VIII 23
^V^sF^iit^'V V 3
VI 4
sS^^^S^i^ IV 17
^in^j^TO^iM? VII II
VI 34
^%ST! ^^grera?3 VI 36 VI 37
V 46
'TWf^JTflwnl^ V 54 VI 40
JTo^r^ =Er i^sm^i ^ VIII 7 VI 10
imlwi^^ ^^W^ VIII 1 V ?9
m^^ sRcii Ripq^qj V 9
VI 11
Jj^i^ifi^^ V 46 V 39
'tiif^^fq JjJra VIII 41 ^! JTRf:dcl II 14
sft^i^lfeflgsfei^ V 28 II 12

^'s^^rarfe^^mf^lHicn VIII 45 V 16
mn"^ gwi^ VII 10 VI 22
g?f?i^R|srftre^few: VIII 46 VI 29
.?iTTc^?[rr?r5nf^CcrT VI 5 IV 40
arict^d'^OTTI VI 37 V W
axReswTt ^itq II 13 V 52
-gcq^i"?! g^Efl^f II 22 IV 10
?r?ii|if^1iT 3cr VII 4 II 21
a?a^5=?%^5^ VI 19 IV 9
IV 33 VI 33
eisq^sHcrgsratfiijcR^ II 15 mi^ VI 27
VIII 6 V 1
^S^^W^T^ IV 36 V 23
cI3[c?JJ?I?^3R:^Sf^ VI 6 V 25
^m^ ikm^^^h IV 44 11 19
?ii?^#jtifi?5ir VI 26 VIII 35
31*^ =^ ii'iM'Tff V 13 IV 28
vgj^Kjftjs'iFErJWT^ VI 28
Elfq^I^fSr VI 17 V 4
?nir? (^T?=^^38| VI 17
?JT^Tife^ VI 20
#4if&ii^?!t^ V 36 I 5
^T^sww V 49 I 4
f t 3 ^ W r s[f^^ Cl^ VI 20 II 15
3% ^^Tstsf^rfesnw^ VI 1 VI 23
VI 30 VIII 24
gts^'T^ilsiRq VI 22 IV 6
V 21
tqT'fqW^^ ^dfei^H.^ VIII 8
V 27
^i^s:Hd)9i& II 16
^ VIII 19
IV 2
^'>i =g =^ VIII 27 II 10

VI 16
If IV 3
VI 25 VI 25
VI 24 VI 7
=^ q^: V 6 IV 18
VI 18 IV 34
VI 9 IV 12
IV 23 VI 32
3 H'Jt: ^
V 31 V 38
^ tm ^"^ III 39 VI 30
VI 2 VI 39
^i.m ^^^^ II 8 VI 29
II 18 Vtll 18
VI 19 II 3
VII 6 VI 32
VII 18 VI 8
VII 3 V 15
fen^5n%=^3g^5 VI 19
IV 37
VIII 37 V 26
VII 2 II 14
III 4 H^qreH!TBvr V 9
VIII 50 VI 41
III 5 VI 12
I 3 wi'^lqiqjiRiTqkr VI 13
VII 19 V 19
IV 31 VII 5
IV 21
II 9 II 5
IV 15 V 12
V 26 VIII 20
VI 10 V 40

^r^^'^^Rii VI 16 IV 7
^ f^iil ^^^^ II 8 VI 15
IV 4
51^151 VI 21 IV 41
2I^I^4#f?qcI IV 20 IV 24
^t^T^rm^flf^V IV 11 I 11
^F^^Jicfiq V 17 III 3
^ fiT^t 533: i)=^vra3?ii VIII 3 VL42
^n^ =g^5Pft II 17 III 7
3^g?5i*qt: II 11 V 19
q^JT q^F VI 26 V 5
^iR1F3I^lT3i^ IV 33
^*5r 3 VIII 21
3':q'?j^T^'TTf5r VII 12 ^^ II 6
^^^^ enrerqt II 16
crra-f^^^^fcf^ V 33 VIII 32
^'[1^51^%^ III 8
V 2
^%ial ^^mrn^ IV 22
V 18
=a5i[ ?3Tiwi%^ VI 28
V 14
^I^^T^H ^5!r?Tt IV 30
V 34
?;iat^5i)?:w^ IV 6
V 10
^Ifcfg?!;5IT VI 13
V 34
?iSqiq5:5nsf|it% VI 14
fq^TRT^qifiT'noT V 5
VI 42
V 20
R:wif^iTa?JT IV 14
V 44
VI 18
Vf 38
^wieilcnfiai IV 25
S^tRi^^ VI 39
^omt: II 2
II 9 V 24
VllI 49 gtFq- =g fqcnJTi V 55
V 2
^flsRini^ V 10
^ip'iiqR'sn VIII 14
srf!?!^^ n =^ I 10

VI 31 VIII 35, 29
V 35 II 3
VI 34 IV 42
VI 41 VIII 30
II 13 VI 6
I 6 VIII 36
^^^^ fl^lipTfts^oft VIII 44 V 7
VI 12 V 43
VI 11 IV 43
V 30 VI 40
I 1 V 9
V 42 VIII 34
IV 26 VII 14
VI 24 VI 16
V 8 IV 13
II 10
V 22
II 1
II 19
IV 35
II 17
II 23 IV 1
fe%:-rf*wci: V 21
VI 21 V 32
II 4 fKl ^ II 4

NB.The Arabic numeral opposite to each sloka

refers to the sloka number .of the Kanda.
er en
3Tr^t^5W^^5^ 15


25 i n ? 5 8
11 5^*5 cfPRg^ 72
^ # (^^^ei 70
6 % ^ 103
52 ^l?ff^3%R^ feSR^I 10
97 ^ I f ^ ^ ^t^slq 33

5 ^M5:355; ^ 55
73 qsn%w^*r5q 36
69 wi'm 3 HHir 78
24 qiofr itfT^^ 26
48 qiqRT Tf^ 99
qiqt ^^3?; 90
101 S^^^l^iTiOT 32'
4 3^F^ 33'^'^ 20
fqo^(rsRcr: 61
sRqs^fctftrOTJu 75

84 <i^*<il^dt ^ 50
59 firg^nq?:^ cWf^m: 27
^ 82 gfe: qiq'^TR'r 87
68 Jjfisd^^. 71

89 47
53 49
Hi^ ni% ^ 44
17 76
28 85
81 79
60 54
42 62
83 13
92 9
95 16
68 57
56 30
1 12
100 35
2 19

38 ftnig^ |qg^ q^Rcfqr 8


N-B.The R o m a n a n d A r a b i c numerals opposite t o

each word refer respectively to t h e K h a n d a to w h i c h i
b e l o n g s a n d its n u m b e r o f t h e s l o k a j h e r e i n .

8T 3xT^^3^ 1, 2, 11, 18I-19J,

III 1 221-24, 42-4-3^
VIII 36 V I I I 1, 2,11, 22|-
IV 42, 44, 45 24, 42-431
II 5 VIII 1, 2, 11, 221-
II 5 24, 42-431
3T3^MVII[ 1,2.11,12,42.43J II 15
VIII 5 3q=gq I V 16, 24
IV V I I I 40
VIII 16,42-43^ 3qq^ I V 3 4 , 3 6 , 37, 39, 40


VIII 191-201 ^]^^^ II 1 6

3Tpj;n VIII 6,11,12,13,42-431 II 17


3Tiq)%fr IV 21, 29 VIII 14, 32, 42-43|

I V 24, 29
34IV I V 27, 30

3TK1 VIII 1, 22^-24, 42.43i *lqr VI 1

VIII 5,42-43^
VI 1
VIII 201-211
II 1 0 VIII 5, 7

VIII 1, 2 VIII g
II 3 II 14
VIII 15 II 4, 9

VIII 18|-19,i VIII 10, 11

V 23-541 VIII 1
VIII 38, 39 IV 34, 40
VIII 17-181-
VIII 28 II 12, 13
^q II 16
VIII 14-50
II 14
IV 7
VIII 181-191
VI 1
=g3?q IV 24
VI 1
IV 8, 26, 27
11 19, 20
II 18, 19
{%^T VIII 1, 12, 42-431
II 1
II 18
II 4,8
VIII 22|-24 II 12
IV 19,20,31 VII 16
II 8
VIII 6, 42-431
VIII 1,11,12,13,221-
IV 25 ; V 59 24, 42.i3i
II 3 VIII 26

11 5, 14 IV 20
II 15 VII 15
II 8 VII 13
VIII 41-48
^ VIII 2
II 20 VIII 42-431
II 2 W 18
%ef^* Same as l^jf V l-22|
mi VII] 5, 6, 15, 42.431
II 13 VIII 25
IV 24, 29 I 6, 7
^K^. IV SO; VI 18
IV 34
IV 21 HI 8
III 4 II 16
VIII 1, 11, 12, 13, II 5
VI 1
VIII 1,11,12,13,221. II 4
II 5
24, 42-431
II 22 VIII 2, 6, 42-431
VIII 13 VIII 1, 42-43J
VIII 1 VIII 5, 8
VIII 1, 42.431 II 11
VIII 1, 42-43-1 VII 15
VIII 1, 42-431
VIII 37 IV 25; VIII 7, 8
sTlcf'i'^rqj IV 20 VIII 27
VII IV 1, 3; VI 32
IV 2
IV 18 II 3

VIII 2, 6, 11, 42-43J

f5rfffR>q=^^ VIII 21-1-221
VIII 1, 2, 11, 221-24, mm VIII 31
33, 42-431 ar^q VIII 1, 2, 11, 12, 13,
55 221-24, 42-43J
IV 35
III 3 IV 25
II 9 II 10
II 16 II 4
VIII 33 II 5
IV 35, 36 g^?^ IV 1,4,19,28 ; VI42
VI 1 VIII 26
f|q5n VI 5,6 VII 13,14, 15
IV 22 VIII 34
VIII 49, 50 VI 1
VIII 1, 42.431 VII 13, 14. 15,
VII 15 II 5
VIII 16 VIII 3, 12, 42-43J
IV 20, 31 IV 21

IV 25 VIII 1, 12, 13, 42-43i
I 4, II 16 VI 1
^?,fmi VIII 1, 2,11, 12, 13, VIII 7
221-24, 42.431 II 4, 7
II 5 II 17
VI 1 II 6
N. B.The Roman and Arabic n u m e r a l s o p p o s i t e t o
each refer respectively t o t h e K h a n d a to w h i c h it
belongs and to the number of the Slolca therein.


the business in no time when : V36.
The time occupied for the ADOPTED SON. V14, 18.
of business in various cases To haves. IV37.
VII10 ; ADOPTION.of a son.
Immediateof the business VIII10.
when; VII10.
AFFLICT. Rahu or Ketus.
VI37^38^. the native. VI171181;
ACCURATE.effects of the edface. V14 ;
Dasas of planets in any year
ion. V15.
ACQUIRE. Toa good house AFFLUENCE. V17.
VI-40^-41J. AFTER-BORN.s. IV41
ACQUISITION.of gold and V4 ; V36.
wealtt^ V20 ; of ornaments AFTERNOON. V46.
VI_37i-38J: AGE. Old. V1, 24.
of wealth V 3: AGENCY. V2.
of wealth through bloody AGITATION. Mental
deeds VI.13^14|. V22. .
ACT. Rahu will make the AGNICHAKRA, VIII36.
native do virtuouss. VI AGNISHTOMA. V41.
40^-^1 AGRICULTURE. V18 ; .
ACTION. The native will do Living by. V49; Mercury
good s. VI32J33J ; refers towhen : VII8. >
V8. . AIR. V52.
ACTIVITY.in public V25. AKASA, IV25.
ADHIKAGRAHA. IV-^2, 43. A L A R M . V50.
44, 45. ALLEGATION, FalseV6,
Alms Index Aspect

ALMS. Receiving, V11 ; APPEARANCE. V1 ;

A beggar seekingwill be of blood. V34.
the result. VI28|29.
APPOINTMENT. Termination
ALPAYUS. Ill,5, 7, 8. of one's. V22.
V50 AMOROUS SPORTSV-45. ARCHANA. Propitiation by
AMSA. Rasi andof a planet' ARCHERY. Cleverness in.
AMSAYURDAYA. The method ARDRA. VIII1, 22124,
of calculating thein years, 42-431.
months, etc. contributed by
the several planets. Ill1; ARECA. Chewing betal leaves
with. V13.
Method of calculating the
Lagnayus in the. Ill3. ARGUMENT. V51.
ARMS. Wearingfor battle.
AMULET. V37. V30.
ARMY. Commander of an.
ANGER. V22, 30, 33; V33.
Excessive. V47 ;
AROHA. 1111.
Longstanding. V26. ARREST. Revoking the order
ANGRY To get. VI6J-7i. I of. V-55.
ANGUISH. Intense. V11. ART. A7;
ANIMAL. The query is about Proficiency in . V44
an^when: VII14. ARUDHALAGNA. VII11 ;
ANTAKA. VIII5. The astrologer should pre-
ANTARA.of a planet. diet everything by examining
VI5, 6. the. VII12;
ANTARES. Description of. How to arrive at the
12, 4243^. Effect of birth or maturity
ANUS. V13. of a girl at the juncture of
AP. IV25, and Magha. VIII5.
bala. II11. ASPECT of planets. IV15;
J^PPAREL. Wearing of new. Mutualof lords of Dus-
VI37J38J. stthanas. IV22;
Aspect Index Befriend

ASPECT. Royal.V32; AUTHORITY. A high posi-

The nature or s of pla- tion of. VI124131.
nets will be of 3 kinds, viz., AV AROHA. II11.
best, medium or worst. IV AVASTTHA.s are of nine
33, VII19; kinds. VI1;
Applying. VII19 ; The threes and how to
The range of(applying). deduce them. VII15.
VII 19. AWAKENING.from sleep.
ASSES. V46. V21.
ASSOCIATION.with good AXE. V32.
people. V17; AYANABALA. 1117.
To go into evils. VI AYUGMABALA. 1111.
AYURDAYA. A method to
with one's enemies VI
compute thein the three
ASTANGATAHANI. Ill2. birthspast, present and
ASTERISM.of birth. 15 futureof the native. Ill5.
should approach anwith
Dakshina: VII2;
Prediction should be made B
by anafter salutation to the
feet of his preceptor. VII BAD. V36;
ASTROLOGY. V....35, 38, To be ofdisposition. VIII
VIII 19i20i. desire. V19.
ASWINI. VIII6, 11, 12,13, BAHYA.signs will indicate a
42-^3^ ; thing concealed in the left
Effect of a birth or matu- hand. VII16.
rity of a girl at the juncture BALA. One of the three Ava-
of Revati and-. VIII6. stthas, VII15.
ATTEMPT.s at poetical eom- BASIS.number. VII2, 3.
position. VI13514* BATH.in the Ganges. V
AUDI. IV24. 54
AUDIENCE. Pleasing an BATHING. Religious V
Venus and Saturn will BATTLE. V - 4 , 16, 36, 49.
provein their mutual Dasas BEAUTIFUL.youth, V43.
and Bhuktis if: VI29i BEAUTY. V28, 53.
30J: BEETLE. V55.
letters. V8. BEFRIEND. Tobad people.
Beggar Index Blood


- seeking alms. VI28i29^. -22|.
B E I N G . To become a powerless BHUKTI. To get at theof
is about a living VI2Q\ any planet in any Dasa VI
29i when : V I I 6 ; 5, 6.
Saturn refers to human BHUKTINATHA. If the-be
when: V I I - 8 , benefic and be associated
BELIEF.in sacred tradition. with the Dasanatha. the
effect will be mixed. VI24
V2. -25^.
BELL-METAL. V32, 35.
BILE. V24, S I .
BELLY. V9, 24, 37, 54.
BENEFIC. V37, 42;
s. IV29, 38 ; The query is about a
^s when strong. IV23 ; when ; VII6, 15.
Planets aspected by, con- BIRD. V36, 47.
joined with or ar posited BIRTH. Effect of aat the
betwixts. IV1; juncture of
-s are strong in the Eait Aslesha and Magha VIII.5;
during bright half. IV15 ; Jyeshta and Moola VII6;
s are strong in the West Revati and Aswini VIII6,
during the dark half. I V of childern. VI26i
15; 27i;
s in the 2nd, 3rd, Sth, th, How to get at the time of
llth and even ia the 6th prove in the case of a lost nativity.
auspicious. IV16. BIRTH PLACE. V1.
BHARATA. The art of danc- BLACK GRAINS. V ^ 8 .
ing as propounded by. BLACK HAIR. V45.
V43. BLAME.^from one's casteman.
Planets that are proceeding BLESSINGS.of good Brah-
towords the centre of a . mins. VI6^7^.
IV-1 ; BLOOD. V25, 33 ;
When will a be pros- Appearance of. V34
perous ? IV11 : Good. V29;
Destruction of r . I V Acquisition of wealth
12. ' '.J! throughy deeds VI13i
Boat Index Catarrh

BOAT. A fall from aV11; BROTHER. Distress to s.

s. V5. VI7-^81
BODY. V1, 2n; ]:idest . V19, 39;
Abig-V38; Misunderstandings with
ily injury. V23; one's--s. VI38|391.
Deteriorated . V45 ; BUDDING. Good^ V -20.
Emaciation of theVI
BUFFALO, v.7. 17 ;
es and the like. V50 ;
BOIL. V10. Purchaac of acow, or
BONE. V24, 51. receiving the same as a gift.
BRAHMA. God . 11. VIII18^191.
V32 BUILDING. Palatial-.
Inauguration of God . V34;
V40. Construction of a new ,
BRAHMAN. A knowledge of VIII15.
. V54. BURNT PL.^CE. V32.
BRAHMIN. V26. 34, 38. BUSINESS. V9.
42, 50; Accomplishment ofin no
Displeasure of a high time when : VIIIO ;
chief. VI27i28^;
Regulating ;heic faith The time occupied for the
accomplishment ofin various
V - 17; cases. VII10.
To do mischief to the
folk. VI38J39J. BUYING.and selling. V43.
Blessings of good s
V I - 6i-7j;
Trouble froms. VI c
BREATHING. V53. ies. VI~8i9J.
V-2. V31.
BRIGHT HALF. Benefics are CAPITAL. Loss of interest
strong in the East during on. V20.
the^of a month. IV15.
BRILLIANCY. V41. CAPTURE, -^of the enemv.
BROTHER. V33. CARRIAGE, bordered on all
A blow to the happiness of sides. V41.
one'ss. V22 ; CASTE. V5.
Advent ofs. VI7J8J ; CASTEMEN. Blame from
's enemy. V15 ; one's. V - 2 .
in-law. V20; CATARRH. V53.
Cattle Index Chittra^


Breeding of. V 2. 18^-19*.
marriages. VI--26i27*. CHANDEE. Worship of
CENSURE. To be-d. VI Goddess. V53.
6i~-7i. CHANDRA YOGA. IV8, 26.
CHAKRA. 12; CHANGE. To have aof
Agni . VIII36; place. VI37^38^, 39*
Aswa. VIII19A20A ; -40^.
Chapa. VIII-26; CHANTING. of Vedic
Chhatra. VIII 2224 ; Hymns. V9.
Dasee . VIII1819 ; GHARA. IV31.
Deepika-VIII32 ; CHARACTER. Profundity of
Dwara. VIII-38; . V32, 44,
Gaja. VIII-20i21i ; CHARIOT. V38.
Gomahishyadi. VIII CHESHTABALA. 1118.
Gramarvana. VHI3839; 18.
Grihakarnika VIII15; CHHADAKA. IV19. 20, 31-
Ikshughurna. VIII29;
Kalasa. VIII16; 22J24.
Khatva. VIII25 ; CHIEF. Displeasure of a high
Kupa. VIII-33 ; BrahminVI27i28^.
Kurma. VHL-14 ; CHILD. V35;
Mancha- . VIII-25 ; Demise of VIII6.
Nidhi. VIII4148 ; To be blessed with. VI
Petika. VIII37; 9i101;
Ratha. VIII27; Yoga under which Rahu
Sasara Dhanus. VIII26 ; and Ketu conferon the
Sibikarohana. VII21* native. V I - 1 9 J - 2 0 i ;
-22|; Happiness through wife
SthambaVIII34; and VI26*27 i ;
Upanayana . VIII40; Birth of. VI26i 271-
Vapee- . VIII33 ; To have goodVI32J
Vivaha-. VIII 4950;
Vrishabha-. VIII16. 331-
III-2. 431.
Choivrie Index Courage


A good. V42. VI -131141.
CIRCLE. Horizon is a of CONGULSION. V7.
360 degrees. VII11. CONDUCT. V16;
CIRCULAR. V39 ; Unrighteous. V47.
shape. V24. CONFUSION, of the mind.
V17. of Dusstthanas. IV -22.
CLEVERESS. Surpassing. CONQUEST, of the enemy.
V-20. V31.
CLOTH. A beautiful.V33; CONSTUCTION. A Chakra
Delicate V29; to denote the auspicious time
Dirty.V48. for the of a building. VIII
es. V13. 15.
CLOTHING. Mercury will CONSUMPTION. V11. 27.
give....during his Dasa. VI 53;
8J-9J ; To suffer from. V I 9 i
To be devoid of. VIII-7. lOJ.
quadrupeds. V--53. Gift of. V9.
COLOUR. Green-.V34; COPPER. V2, 25, 33.
To guess theof an object. CORAL. V25.
VII17. CORD. Thick. V26.
COMBAT. V10. CORN. V3, 7;
COMING. V3. Lack of. VI9|lOJ ;
COMMAND. V42. Mercury will giveduring
his Dasa. VI8i9J.
An intention to V19 ;
Togood vehicles. VI CORONATION HALL. V17.
39J-40J; COUCH. Renouncing one's-,
Togood horses. VI V22.
391-40^. COUNTRY. To go to a fore-
COM.MANDERof an army ign-. VI-8J-9J;
V33. Going to distanties. V
COMMIT TOworst follies. 29;
Lordship of the whole.
vi-i:-i-i4j. V25.
COMPANY. To have female COURAGE. V4,23;
VI3940^. GreatV53;
COMPASS. Points of thein Loss of VI9110J
their order represented by the 39i-40J.
several signs. Vll11.
Courtezans Index Dear Friend

COURTEZANS, Liaisons with-. from kings and enemies.

V8. VII8;
COW. V7, 38. -from missiles. VI12*
Purchase of or going in for 13^.
a - . VHI18119,1. DARAPADA. IV34, 40.
CREATURE. Query is of a DASA. s of planets. VI2;
of many legs, or devoid of ^to prove fruitless. VI
legswhen : VII15 ; 2526^;
Horneds. V55, The peculiarity of the
CREDIT. Guarding of one's. mutuals and Bhuktis of
V-11; Venus and Saturn. VI28*
Loss of. V I - 3 9 * - ^ ^ . -30i ;
CRIPPLED. V48. To find the order of s in
CROOKED ASPECT. V - 36. any year. VI33J36|
CRUEL ACTIONS. V10, 16. To find theperiods of
CRUEL DEEDS. Inclination to planets in any solar year.
commit. V50. VI-34J-36J ;
To find out the order of
CRYSTAL. Clean. V29. the-s and their lords-
CUPID. 12. VI3, 4;
CURD. V13, 38 ;
Love of. V28, periods of planets owning
CYCLE. The proboble num- Kendra and Kona houses are
ber ofs made by Jupiter auspicious. VI -22J231.
since birth time is to be Effects. II--23;
guessed. VII4. natha. V23J241;
approach an astrologer with RANA. VIII10, 11.
and fruits VII2. DAUGHTER. V17-
DANCING. V36, 43; DAY. V31 ;
The art ofas propounded
Strong at the conclusion of
by Bharata- V45.
, V47.
DANGER. To be liable to
from reptiles, poison, etc. VI
-12i-13i ; Trouble and fear from one'fe
from enemies. VI39J s. V11.
-401; DEALING. V24.
from fire. VI12^ DEAR FRIEND. V39 ;
ISJ; 's place 1125.
Death Index Desire^

DEATH. V15Jlej ; DECORATION.for the stage.

of the native. VI14i V14.
15i; DECORUM.V9 ;
Yoga under which the Loss of. V2.
Yogakaraka postponesof the, DEED. Aquisition of wealth
native. VI25^26|; through bloody^s. VI13J
through suicide, diseases, -14i;
wounds, misery or drowning. Some sinfulwill be the
VI-17i-I8i; subject of the query when :,
The Sun and Moon are not
giving planets. V25 ; V17.
Yoga under which Rahu DEEP PONDERING. V9.
and Ketu causeto the native. DEEP RED COLOUR.
VI19 1/2-20 1.'2 Fondnessfor things whichr
DEBILITATED.-^planet. 11-6; 32
Effect of query when DEEPTA. V1.
planets are. VII9. DEER. V54.
li)EBlLITATION. Planets in DEFEAT. V14.
. IV2. DEHA. II1.
DEBT. V11; DEITY. Woshipper of sylvaa
Giving a. V15 ; . V - 5 3 ;
Discharge of. V21. Worshipping ofies. V
A knowledge of the good DELICATE CLOTH. V29.
and bad from a consideration DEMISE.of the father. VF
of the strength of the 3s -401-41 i ;
constituting the Lagna. Ill Rahu and Ketu become
-4; instrumental in causing the
Lord of the Lagna in the
of the native. VI16J
1st, 2nd and 3rdof the
Lagna. IV7 ; 17^.
The nature of the Lagna DEPENDENCY. V19.
Dasa depends on theoccu- DEPENDANT. To have many
pied by the lord of the Lagna. _s. VI9 1,'210 1/2.
V41 1/242 1'2; DEPENDENT. V3-
DEGANATE. The ^vastthas DEPOSITING.of a treasure.
of the planets to be deduced V18.
from thes in which they DEPRESSION. Lord of a.
are posited. VII15. Bhava when in IV-6.
DECAY.of wealth. VI38J DESIRE. V21,33;
-391. Bad or wicked. V19

Destruction Index Distress

Fulfilment of one's cherish- DISCONTENT. V2.

eds. VI8i - 9 J . DISCRETION. V8.
wealth. VI40J41J ; ween virtue and sin, V'9.
of a Bhava. IV12;
of enemies. VI13^14*. DISCUSSION. V22.
-45. Freedom from; V1, 55 ;
s through females. VI
DEVAS. I1. To suffer from-s. VI5^
DEVIATION.from the right -8i, 9 J - 1 0 4 ;
path. V12. Danger froms. VI12J
DEVICE. V41. -13;
To s uffer from s causing
DHANISHTA. VIII1, 11, 12, intense trouble. VI11^
13, 22J24, 42, 43.
DHANUS The nature of the "12^;
query whenis rising. VII in the head. V25.
7. DISFIGURED.limbs V47.
26. Brahmin Chief. VI27i
9. RoyalVI9i10|; 11
DIAMOND V2. 27. J - 1 2 i - , 27 i - 2 8 i ;
DIGARUDHA CHAKRA. VII To incur royalVI5 1/2
11. 6 1,2 ; 38 1,239 1 2
DIGNITY. V1, 17. To be of bad. VIII7.
DIMINUTION. Intellectual DISPUTE. V22 ;
- . VI-8i-9J . DISPUTE. The query ts about
DINAPABPLA. 1116. a legalwhen : VII-6.
BALA. 1114. tries. V29.
DINNER. Good. V32. DISTINGUISH. Tothings
DIRECTION. Moving in a codcealed in the two hands.
contrary. V52. VII16 ;
al strength. 1112, 13. DISTRESS. V46 ;
DIRECTIONS. The. V Longstanding. V50 ;
37; Time when the Sun or
denoted by the signs of Saturn causesto the native.
the zodiac; VII11. VI- -30i -314 ;
DIRTY CLOTHES. V48. The Dasa or Bhukti of a
DIRTY THINGS. V48. planet to being. VI24^
DISCHARGE.of debts V21. 25 1,2.
Divine worship Index Effect

DIVINE WORSHIP. V16. Religious. V5. 39;

DOCTOR. V8, 35, 53. Servile-. V47.
DOG. V50, 53. DWADASAMSA. II-4, 8.
VI38|39^. DWANDWA. IV31.
ing. V49. DWARF. Short like aV25.
DREAM. V1, 5; DWELLING. Loss of one's.
Bad. V35; V7.
Reading ofs. V52. DWITIYA. VIII1.
bala. 1112.
DRIGBALA. 1118, 19, 20.
DRIK. 14.
Goods. V12. EAR. V4, 21.
DRISHTI. 1118,19. EARTHEN. V31.
EAST. V26 ;
phala. VII19. Benefics are strong in the
DROPSY. V38. during the bright half of
DROWNING. Death through the month. IV15;
. VI-17J18J. Lord of the. V25.
DRUG. Medicinal. V16. and the other directions^
DRUM. V10 are represented in order by :
DUAL The directions denoted EASY GAIN. V21.
by the foursigns. VII11; EATING, y 2 9 ;
Rahu or Ketu in aRasi Sparing in. V34.
along with lords of certain ECLIPSE. Effect of birth or
houses. VII5i16J. maturity happening during a
DUHKHA. A planet in solar or lunar. VIII8.
Avasttha VI1. ECLIPSED. Lord of a Bhava
DURBAR HALL. V31 when. IV6 ;
DUST. V37. Venus and Saturn do not
DUSTTHANAS Planets owning lose strength even when.
- I V - 2 , 14; IV-15.
Effect of planets in. EDUCATION. V34.
IV10; IV14; EFFECT Yoga under which
Planets aspected by lords of Mars and Jupiter will do
IV14 ; contrarys. VI31|32 ;
Lords of occupying . Accurates of the Dasas
IV22, 33. of planets in any year
DUTY. V38; VI36^374.
Effort Index Even

EFFORT. Strenuous . V Strength of theV32 ;

-24; The place of's imprison,
One'ss to become fruit ment in chains. V22 ;
less. VI13J14J. To associate with one's
One'ss to become useless, ies. VI40J41J ;
VI5J6J. Torments fromies. VI
EIGHTH HOUSE. Effects of 124-134 ;
malefics in the'HI6. Trouble fromies. VI
ELDERS. V18, 38 ; 5464 ;
Reverence to. V16. Trouble toies. V54 ;
ELDER BORNS. IV41. When will a Bhuktinatha
ELDEST BROTHER. V19, become anof the Dasanatha?
39. VI234244.
43, 46 ; 384394.
Auspicious time for mount- ENERGY. Vital. V29
an-. VIII20i21|. ENLARGEMENT, of the
EMACIATED. To be much. spleen. V26, 51.
V 45. ENJOY. Tomore happiness.
EMACIATION. of the VI384394.
body. V40J41i. ments. V2, 43 ;
EMERALD. V51. Mars and Jupiter will bring
EMPEROR. IV7 ; all kinds ofments to the
Should a child born at a native. VI314324.
Gandantarala survive, he will ENMITY. V10, 11 ;
be a king or. VIII6. with a female. V12 ;
ENEMY. V21, 30 ; People. V12 ;
Brother's. V14 ; Worst. VI124134
Capture of the. V26 ; with one's wife. VI
Conquest of the. V31 : 384394.
Danger fromies. VI ENTHUSIASTIC. To be.
39|__40i; VII8 :
Destruction of ies. VI VI114124.
; ENTRANCE, into a house.
s fortress. V15 ; V7.
' plnce. II5 ; ENTRY. into Heaven.
's sacisfaction. V'11 ; V22.
Fear from. V21 ; ENVIOUS. V47.
Increase of ies. VI EPHEMERIS. VII13
.37i-3Si ; EPILEPSY. V26 ;
Mars is strong even in his Fear of. _VI274
's camp. IV15 ; 284.
Moreies will turn up ESTEEM. Entitled to
V I - 37i-38| ; V45.
Overthrow of the . EUNUCH. V35, 47.
V13; EVEN, V37.
Index Favour

.EVIL. V - 4 8 ;
Shantis to be performed for F
overcoming planetrys VI
2; FACE. V28;
To go intoassociations. Afflicted.V14.
VI-394-40i. FAILURE, of the object
EXALTATION.signs. II5 ; will be the result when : VII
strength. II10; 10.
Planets occupying their. FALL. - -of planets. II7 ;
I V - 1; from a boat. V^-11 ;
Saturn will do good when from a tree. VI121
he is in his. IV16 ;
Effect of a planet in. IV FALLACIOUS. argument
13 : V--51.
houses of Rahu and Ketu. FALSE, allegation. V6.
V I - 194-204 ;
FALSEHOOD, V2, 47, 51.
Venus arid Saturn when in FAME. V1, 18, 19. 28, 31,
theirdo bad in their mutual 38,42.
Dasas and Bhuktis VI28i FAME. To get. VI5164;
-29i. Influx of. VI394404.
EXALTED. When a planet is FAMILY, relationship." V3.
, the effect is doubled. FAT. V40.
VII9; FATHER. V6, 24, 48, 62 ;
How should a wise man Death of. VIII8
proceed when two planets are Demise of the. VIWJ-
at the time of query ? -414.
VII9 ; Displeasure of the. VI
planet. II7. 94-104 ;
EXCESSIVE.anger. V47. 111 health to. VI54
EXERTION. V11, 47. -64.
EXORCISING. V35. Presence or absence of^at
EXPENDITURE, in all ways. the time of birth. I10
V 23. The Sun is theof all
EXTERNAL, position. V-49. beings. IV25 ;
EXTOLLED. To be by Virtuous acts done by the
people. IV8. V - 8;
EYE. s. V2. 24, 44 ; FAULT. To commit seriouss.
Decay ofsight. VI7J VI 104114.
disease. V 24 ; Saturn and the Sun may
pain. V54 ; confer royalon the native
trouble. V11 ; when : VI301SlJ ;
Left. V22. To get divine. VI54
Fear Index Fortune

To get royal. VI37^ FIXED. , Effect of Rahu or

Katu when insigns. VI
Venus and Saturn will I64-I74.
prove extremelyable to the FLAVOUR. The sixs. V12.
native when : VI29^304;
FLESH, eater. V31.
FEAR. V15, 26, 50; FLOURISHING. of the
from enemy. V21 ; family. V36.
from the wicked when: FLOW. Incessanting of
VlI-7; money. VI374384-
of Epilepsy. VI27i
284. FLOWER. V12, 26, 42 :
The astrologer should mani.
FEET. The two. V21. pulate the number ofs-
FEMALE. s attending on a handed over to him by the
woman at the time of delivery. querist. VII4.
I-ll; FLUTE. V44.
Enmity with a. V12 ; FOLK. To do mischief to
organ. V13; the Brahmin. VI384394
servant, V^5 ;
To distinguish whether a FOLLY. To commit worst
child is male or. I6 ; ies. VI134144,
To havecompany. VI FOOD. Celestial. V7
394404; Eating of savoury. V12;.
Trouble through intrigues Pure V4 ;
xvith-s. V274284. To suffer from want of.
FESTIVE, occasion. V10.
FOOL. V30.
FOREIOIN. place. V14;
FEVER. V53. Going to aplace. V30 ;
FIGKEENESS.of mind V Good fortune through a
33, king. VI134144 ;
FIGHTING. V10. learning V48.
FIRE. V-23, 30 ; FOREST. V24. 53 ;
Danger from VI74 A big-. V - 5 2 ;
Si, 121-134; Wandering ins. V50.
The subject is about. FORESTER. V32.
when : VII8 ; FORTRESS. V23, 53 ;
Worship of. VIII8. Enemy's. V15 ;
FIRES. The 3 sacred. V47. Going to a. V26.
of mind. V3, 9- -VO ;
FISH. V-29. Goodthrough a foreign
FITNESS, V4. king. V I - 1 3 4 1 4 4 .
Fnend Index Gold

PRIEND. V3, 4, 5 ; GANDANTA. VIII5, 7.

Effect of the query when GANESA. Worship of God,
a planet is in his's house. V53.
VII9; GANGES. Bath in the.
Strength of a planet when V54.
he is in the house of his. GARBHA. Same as moveable
II5. sign. VII16:
Jupiter refers tos. King signs will denote an
and the like when. VII8 object concealed in the right
TRIENDSHIP. V3, 9, 54; hand. VII16.
with the wicked. V-4-8. GARBHADHANA. VIII2
JRUIT. Goods. V29; GARDEN. V6, 37; VIIO4
A querist should approach -114.
an astrologer with Dakshina Master of a. V30
ands. VII2. To gets. VI6474.
FRUITLESS. To have one's GARLAND. V - ^ 3 .
efforts. VI13J14J. GARMENT. V2, 5, 8, 42.
FRUSTRATE. One's work New. V34 ;
tobeed. VI114124. Silk. V29 ;
FULFILMENT. To predict Used. V40 ;
the successfulof an object. White. V45.
FULL MOON. is fully GEM. V2, 38, 43 ;
favourable. IV17. The nines. V28.
V I - 264-274 ; GENTLENESS. V-^1, 45.
Mars and Jupiter will bring GENUINENESS. V26.
pleasants when : VI314 GHATIKA. How to proceed
324. when the exact number ofs
FUTUKE. Predictions about that have elapsed since Sunrise
theby the basis number. are not available. VII1
Things prepared in .
-GAIN. V5, 11, 20, 46 ; GIFT. V13, 47;
in every way. V-19 ; of cooked rice. V^9
There will be more if. GIVING. V16, 39.
VI084394. GOATS.and the like. V50
-214. GOING. V3
GAMBLING. V51 ; GOLD. V3, 32, 41 ; VI
for others, V1. 10.1-114;
Goldsmith Index Harsh

Acquisition of. V20. GULIKA. 18.

GOOD. V26; Braided V14 ;
drinks. V12 ; Ugly V50.
morals. V8 ; HALACHAKRA. VIII30-
name. V6 ; HAND. V5;
ness. V41 ; To distinguish things eon-
....people. V17. cealed in thes. VII16
GOVERNMENT. seal. 14, 17,27, 40,41 ;
V45 ; A blow to theof one's-
work. V18. parents and brothers. V22 ^
Punishment from. V A house betowing full.
-15; V 40;
The query is aboutwhen A peoson will eojoy more-
Simha is rising at the time of it : VI384394 ;
query. VII6 ; Domestic" VI39 !
Tx-ouble from. VI74-8^ from the wife. V43 ;
GOWRI. Reverence to God- through a woman. V-46 J-
dess. V28. Jupiter and Venus confer
GRAHABHAVAPHALA- through wife and children,
KHANDA. IV V I - 261274;
GRAHAKARAKA fVA. V To be devoid ofand cloth-
ing. V I I I - 7 ;
G R A I N S ! V7
To get VI8494 ;
GRAMARVANA CHAKRA. Venus and Saturn will con-
VIII15 feron the native. VI30 ;
GRAMMAR. One versed in Venus refers to moreVII
. V.-^7 8;
GRANDFATHER. V39, 52; Venus will baing on. VI
Great- . V38 ; 10114.
MaternalV35 ; Yoea to be endowed with
Paternal. V5,"). VI324334
GRANDSON. V38 HAPPY. To "'be. VI-404
GRASS. V14. -414 ;
GPs.EAT ACTION. V8 being. V6.
GKE5N C O L O U R . V34 HARA. I- 1
VIII -15 HARDSHIPS. To suffer from
GRISHMA RITU. V32 intense. VI-5*64
GROWTH. BodilyV5. HARM. V - 2 2
GUESSING. ^the thoughts HARSH. V49;
of others. V41. speech. V53
Hasta Index Impartiatity:


434. 55.
HAUNTING woods. V47 the effecrs in the absen ce of a
HEAD. Disease in theV25. HORSE. IV5; V7, 17,
HEADMAN, of village. V 21. 34, 38, 43, 46.
32; Auspicious time for mount-
To become theof a big ing a. VIII19420;
village. V94104 ; 12 ; Riding on a. V18 ;
To become theof a tribe. To have goods Vl38f
VI40414. 404.
H E A L T H . Physical. V39. To have manys. VI>
HEART. V26. 94101, 10114.
HEAT. V11,23, 31. HOSTILTY. V26, 30.
HEAVEN. V4, 36 ; HOUSE. V5, 33; '
Entry into. V22 ; Abestowing full happi-
Movement in. V40. ness. V40 ;
A new. V40 ;
HEENA Avasttha. VI1. Dirty. V48;
HELP.to others. V39. Entrance into a V^7 ;
H E M ANT A RITU. V36. of Fall'. II7
HIDDEN. How to distinguish To acquire goods. VI
thingsin the hands. VII-16. 404-414 ;
HINDRANCE. V31. To get-s VI-64-74. 84.
HOLY PLACES, pilgrimage to HUMAN. Saturn refers to a.
. V35. being when : V118.
HOLY WATERS- V40 ; HUMOUR. Phlegmatic. V
Resorting to.. V^16. 26. ^
HOMA. Propitiation by. HUSBAND. Purity of the.
VIII7. V13.
H oNEY. V28.
HONOUR. V1, 19;
able living. V19 ;
from sovereign. V18 ; IDLENESS. V15, 26
Position of VI374 VIII29
381. ILL FAME- VI404414
HORA. II4, 7 ; IMMOVEABLE. Saturn refers
lords. 1117. toproperty. VII8
HORAPABALA. 1116. IMPARTIAL, nature. V37
Inpregnation Index Joking

IMPREGNATION. Ceremony INSULT. Tendency toother

of. VIIII men. V1
The place of enemy's. INTELLECT. Pure V6,
V22 ; 40;
IMPURITY. V51 ; To possess good. VI39
INAUSPICIOUS. The Sun and 1,240 1,2
Saturn will bring distress if INTELLIGENCE V26 ;
they are VI30*31 i Saturn will bestowon the
INCANTATIONS. V9, native. VI11 1212 1/2
INCESSANT, flowing oj 18 To get. VI5 1/26 1,2
money. VI--371- -384
To get good- VI404 INTENSE SEVERITY. V23
INTERCHANGE, of lords of
INCONSTANCY. V54 Dusslhanas. IV22
INCREASE, of enemies. VI INTRIGUE, with a wicked
-374-384 female. V51 ;
- o f sin. VI374384 To suffer diseases arising
INDEPENDENCE. V33 froms with women-folk VI
INDIFFERENCE.-to the worlds ! -104-114 ;
V - 55 Trouble throughs with
INDIGESTION. V49 females. VI274284.
INFLUX, ^of fame and wealth,
VI 391/2404
Lord of a Bhava when KHANDA I.
placed in an, IV6 JANMA RASI. II1; IV
INIMICAL SIGNS, of Rahu 24 ; VI36 1(237 1/2 ;
and Ketu. VI19 1,220 Consideration should be
1'2 given to the effects caused by
INIMICALLY PLACED. planets transitting the several
Planets in Dusstthanas IV houses reckoned from the^Vl
INJURY. Bodily. V23 36 1/2-37 1,'2
INSANITY. V10 JAPA. Propitiation byVHI-7
INSTALLATION, of a well. JEWEL. V31, 39
V6 JOB. Getting a V28
Ketu becomeIn causing the V36
demise of the native. VI^ JOKING. V28 ;
16 1.'217 1/2 Fond of. V - 4 3
Journey Index

JOURNEY. V5 ; Effect should be predicted

Break in a. V13 after judging the strength of
JOY. Mars and Jupiter will theplanets. VII3 ;
bring to the native if; The planet should be
VI 314~32|. considered when selecting the
JOYRIDES. To have. V I - stronger of two exalted pla-
94 to 114. nets VII9.
JUPITER, r IV25, 38 ; V1 to 221 ;
in the 3rd and 12th Graha. V23 to 544 '
houses produce good. IV9; Khanda. V
when he owns the Sth or KARMA. Fruits of pastare
occupies the 8th produces known through the Dasas and
good. IV9 ; Bhuktis. VI2,
in the 6th. IV14 ;
is fully favourable. KATAKA. The nature of a
query whenrises. VII6 \
IV-17 ;
, inimical sign of Rahu
How an astrologer should
and Ketu. VI1942O4.
find the position ofin the
KENDRA. ly24, 29 ;
case of a lost nativity.
Planets inposition and
VII 4 ;
have attained Vargottamam-
refers to friends and
sas. IV1 ;
king. VII8
Planets that happen to own
aand a Kona at the same
Effect of a brith or matu
time. IV1 ;
rity of a girl at the juncture
Dasa periods of planets
ofand Moola, VIII6
owninghouses will be
auspicious. VI224234
KALA. VIII5 ;s. IV2? KETU. in the 3rd is
KALASACHAKRA. VIII16; favourable. IV9;
KALAMRITA. 13 Death during Rahu's or's
KALAHORA- 1117 Dasa. VI144154
KALABALA. 1116 KHALA. Avasttha VI1
KALIDASA. 12 KILLING. of a living being.
KANYA. a dual sign. VII-U KING. IV29; V8, 24, 30 ;
The nature of a query when Danger froms.
rises. VII7 ; VII8 ;
Mithuna and are the Jupiter refers to. VII-8 ;
Moolatrikona houses of Rahu Should a child born at a
and Ketu. VI1942O4. Gandanta survive, he will be
KARAKA. BhavaIV18; a. VIII6;
Kingdom Index Leader

Service under aV30 ; L

Good fortune through a LADY LOVE. Ornaments for
foreign. V I 1 3 J ; one's. V20
Jupiter and Venus confer LAGNA. LORD of thein
ship on the native. VI the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Decanate
of the. IV7 ;
same as Ascendant.
ICINGDOM. V - 4 . 25. 43, 51 ; Saturn will do good when he
The subject will be about is in the. IV16
when ; VII8. How to know the nature of
KNEE. V-20,40. the query by the nature of the
KNOWLEDGE. V1, 54 ; at the time of query.
To acquires sacred^ and VII-6;
power. VI124134; Theshould be unoccupied
To get. VI74S4; by any planet at the time of
IKONA. Effect of malefics in impregnation. VIII1
-. III-6; Nature of theDasa.
Planets that happen to own vi--^i4424
a Kendra and &at the same LAGNAYUS. Method of cal-
time, VI1. culating thein the Amsa
:K0PA. Avasttha. VI1. ayurdaya. Ill3
KRITTIKA. VIII14, 32. LAKH. Yoga to become mas-
42-4-34 ter of aof Rupees. IV28
Hi2 dess V45
KUBERA. Riches similar to LAME. V48
that of. V9 ; LANCE. V-31
The native will become a LAND. V6, 24;
beggar, even if he be a . Loss ofs. VI8494 ;
To owns. VI114124;
VI284294 Mars will bring ons to
:KUMBHA. The nature of a the native when : VI74-84;
query when rises. V7 ; Troubles throughs.
Swakshetra houses of Rahu vi-74'84;
and Ketu areand Vrischika.
VI194204 To gets. VI6474
LANGUAGE. Admiration of.
KUNDA. V48. V36
K U T A . Agreement of bet- LEAD. V49
ween the person concerned LEADER. To become aof
and the son to be adopted is
necessary. VIII11 a wild tribe. VI-404414 :
To becomeof men*
Leanness Index Lunar


XEARNED. V28: -, V-M;
A-man. V38 ; The query is about a.
To become. VI33 VII6
.LEARNING. V4, 5, 8, 16, 20; LIVING POWER. V3
Foreign. V48 ; LOGIC. V38
Proficiency in. VW ; LONG. V42
To be endowed with. LONGEVITY. IV21, 23;
IV 30 V1, 14, 21.
XEFT side. II1 ; V50
eye. V22 LORD. V18, 45, 47 ;
XEG. The query is about a .s of the signs II3 ;
creature of manys or of the East, V25
devoid of. VII15 LORDSHIP of the whole
XEGS. V4 country, V25
XEGAL. The query is about a LOSS- by marriage. V22 ;
dispute. VII5 of credit. VI40J ;
LEGENDS.of the past, V of lands, VI8491;
37 of money. V15 ;
LENGTH, V41. Wl-^-9l
LETTERS. Auspicious. V8 of position. VI14 ;
LIAISONS. V8 To cause entireof wealth.
of wife. V23 ;
LIBERATION.from pain V LOST. Casting of ahoro-
-21 scope. VII5;
XIFE. V29; How should one proceed in
A portion of. V47. the case of anativity ? VII
Long, medium or short. 4
Ill6 ;
Success, in, VI39 ; LOVE, making. V43 ;
To have long. VI15. One whose chief business is
V45 ;
LIMB. V1 ; Winning of a. V12
Breaking of a . V31 ; LOVELY, gait. VM- .
Disfigureds. V47 ; -limbed. V - "4 ;
Mutilation of a. V15, painting. V21
LITERARY COMPOSITION. One born of the. V47.
at the beginning of a LOW WOMAN. Born of a
poem. V45 very. V48.
LITERARY PRODUCTION. LUCK. I V - 21, 23 ; V-43, 54.
V9 LUNAR ECLIPSE. Efifect of
LITERATURE, V40 birth or maturity happening
LIVELIHOOD. V1 during a. VIII48.
Luster Index Meals'

LUSTER. Facial. V27 MANSION. V7, 38, 39 ;

Variegated . 43 Beautiful. Va5;
LUXURY. All kinds of. V xMANTRA. V40
34. MARAKA. IV25 ;
LYINGTN-CHAMBER. 19; Rahu or Ketu when con-
Direction of. IJI; joined withplanets will
Door of the. 11/ bring about the death of the
native. VIl7i18^ ;
The Sun and Moon are not
M s. IV15
MAGHA. VIII5, 6, 4243^; s. IV-20. VI13
Effect of birth maturity of MARKANDEYA. I l l - 8
a girl at the juncture of MARRIAGE. V12, 42 ;
Aslesha and . VIII15. Celebration ofs. VI
MAGISTRATE- V33 264-274 ;
MAGNITUDE. of moral Erection of a post for a
merits. V18. pandal. VIII14;
MAIDSERVANT. V46 Loss by. V22 :
MAKARA. Nature of the query Preliminary work leading to
whenrises. VII1. a. VIII12 :
MALE. To distinguish whether Writing of theletter. VIII
a child isor female. I6 -13.
MALE ORGAN. V L l MARS. IV25, 37 ;
MALEFIC. Effect ofs in is strong even in his-
Kendra, Kona, 8th and l2th enemy's camp. IV15 ;
houses. Ill6 ; fthevil. IV17 ;
s are strong in the East Nature of the query due to
during the dark half of a the position of. VII8.
month. IV15 ; MASAPABALA. 1116.
s are strong in the West MASTER'S WEALTH. V20.
during the bright half of a MATERNAL GRANDFATH-
month. VI15 ; ER. V.35
effect will be the result MATERNAL UNCLE- V10,
due to quincunx aspect. VI 37
s prove auspicious in MATURITY. Effect of a girl
Upachaya places. IV16 ; attaining herat the juncture
s when debelitated. of :
IV 23 i. Aslesha and Magha.
MAN. V32. VIII-5, 7 ;
MANCHA CHAKRA. VIII-i;5. ii. Jyeshta and Moola.
Mandi. 17, 8. ii. Revati and Aswini
MANES, V5. VIII6. 7 ;
MANLINESS. One without at Tyajyakala. VIII8
V47. MEALS. Sparing inV44
Mechanical Index Misunderstandings,

Trouble for proper MIDDAY. V27 ;

Birth at 2 ghatikas after
Untimely. V11 . IV30
MECHANICAL ART. V8. Strong at. V26
.MEDICINE. V - 6 , 18 MIDNIGHT.. Birth at 2 ghati-
MEDICINAL DRUG. V16. kas after. IV30
MEDIUM. Dasas of planets MIDDLE AGE. V28, 43
owning certain houses will be MIDDLE WORLD. V28
. VI22 i234 : MILK. V6
life. IIL 6 MIND. V8, 27 :
MEEMAMSA. V38 Confusion of. V4
:MEENA. , a dual sign. Disposition of. V26;
VII11 ; Fickleness of. V33 ;
Nature of the query when Firmness of. V-3 ;
rir.es. VII7 Purity of. V16 ;
MEMORY. Loss ofV13 To have clearness of ,
MEMORY. VIII2, 4 MINERAL: The query is about
MENTALAgitation. V22 , awhen: Vll6, 14
pain. V21 MINISTER. V8, 10, 31 ;
purity. V25 Jupiter and Venus confer
trouble. V16 ; the place of aon the native.
worry. V11 V-264274
To turn out to be a big MISCHIEF. To doto the
VI 114124; Brahmin-folk. VI384394
Trouble I from theclass MIS-DIRECTED STRENGTH.
V-84-94' V 49
MERCURY. IV25, 37 ; MISER. To bely. VI7 :
in the Sth. IV14, 16 ; MISERLINESS. V10
is half favourable IV17 ; in spending. V3
refers to trade and MISERY. V1, 15, 41, 46 ;
agriculture when : VII8 ; The Moon will cause if ;
when malefic is evil. VI 374384
IV17 Death through. VI18;
MESHAand the houses of To cause intenseies.
Jupiter are neutral houses to VI-I34144
Rahu and Ketu. VI20 MISFORTUNE. Trains of.
The nature of the query V16
whenrises. VIII6 MISSILES. Danger from
METHOD. adopted tn VI-124- 13;
answering queries re : time MISUNDERSTANDINGS. V
of accomplishment of a thing. 12, 46, VI74 to 94
VII 18 ; with good people. Vl-8 ;
of casting a lost horoscope. with one's brothers.
VII5 VI-384-394 ;
JUithtm Index Mutilation-

with one's people. VIC8. Waning- -is 4 evil and

M I T H U N A . - , a dual sign. favourable. IV17;
VII11 ; MORAL. Goods. V8.
and Kanya are the story. V8, 17 ;
Moolatrikona Rasis of Rahu merits. V18
and Ketu. VIIQ^-20^ ; MORNING. Strong in the,
The nature of the query V36
whenrises. VII6 MORTALS. World of. V-24
MIXTURE, of things. 21, 27. 52;
V 35 Death of. VIII8 ;
MODESTY. V3, 36 Distress to be endured by
MOOLA. VIII2, 42431; theat the time of delivery
Effect of birth or maturity I-IO;
of a girl at the juncture of 's side. V6
Jyeshta and. V H I - 6 One who plays the role of
MOOLATRIKONA. II4 ; theduring day time. V-45
bala. II5 ; To lose one's^. VI7
houses of Rahu and Ketu. 's prcsperity to be ex-
V I - 19i-204; pected when : VI6474
Planets that occupy MOUNTAIN. V52;
Rasis. IV1 ; Roaming overs. V24
MONEY. Appropriating Wandering ins. V50
other's. V1 ; MOUTH. V26"
Incessant flowing of. MOVEABLE. Rahu and Ketu
VI374384; insigns. VI164174
Lack of. VI04104 ; The four pairs of signs
Loss of. VI8494 ; VII11
V15; MOVEMENT. in heaven.
There will be much waste V40
of_when. VI-5464 MOVING, in villages.
MONEY. Circulation of. V37
V-17; MRIGASIRA. VIII1, 42434
that is locked up. V13.; MRITYU. VIII5 :
Other'sreceived out of Worship of GodVIII-8
ignorance. V15 ; MUDITA. Avastta VII
Ways for earning. V10 MUHURTA. V27, 52
Half a. V42 ; MUNIFICENT. To be highly
Sixs. V24 . IV8
MOON. IV25; To be-. VI-394404
Position of theat the time MUSCLE. V47
of qulry pertaining to hidden MUSIC. V128 VI104114
The nature of the query V44
due to the position of the. MUTILATION. of a.
VII8 ; limb. V15, 22
Nadir Index Oratorical

NADIR. Name for the 4th
house. 11-2,3
NAILS. V2 NISHEKA. defined. VIII--2
Nisarga NORTH Facing V39
ouss for impregnation. VIII NORTHEASTERN.
1 quarter V49
NAME Good. V6 NORTHWES r. Fond of the
NATA. II-5, 14 quarter. V37-
NATIVITY. How to proceed NOSE. V3.
when theis lost VII4 NOURISHMENT. V17, 28
NATONNATABALA. 1115 NUMBER. A querist should
NATURAL FRIENDSHIP. mention abelow 108 when
II 2, 3 asked. VII2 ;
NATURE. V - 2 ; How to predit through a
How to guess the^of the basis? VII3.
object. Vli17 ;
Impartial. V37 ;
Theof query due to the o
positions of planets VII
8,9; OBJECT. Failure of theof
The query is of a mixed the query will be the result
when : VII14 when : VII10.
NAUKA CHAKRA. VIII31 Fulfilment of cherished de-
NAVAMSA. II4, 8; sires ands. VSJ^9^ ;
There ard 108s in the To get desireds. VI 74
Circle. VII11 Si ;
NAVEL, V36 To guess the nature of the
NECK. V35. . VII17 ;
NECTAR. V13. To guesg the place fre-
NEUTRAL. Effect of the OFFICIAL. Rise in one's
query when planets are posi- position. VI-404414
ted in ahouse. VII9 ; OIL. V49;
houses, of Rahu and Ketu. Quantity ofin the lamp
VI-194-201 ; at the time of delivery. 111
's place. II5. OIL BATH. V5.
NEWS. Writing ofV9 OLD AGE. V1, 24, 47, 52.
NIGHT. Strength atV28 ; 8, 23.
Strong in the. V31 ; ORATORICAL, ability.
wind. V52 V-3;

Ornament Index Place

talent. V39 PAST. One'versed in the good

ORNAMENT. V4, 25, 44 ; legends of the. V37 ;
Acquistion ofs. VI Predictions aboutby the
374381; basis number. VII2
Best. V35 ; PASTIME. V4.
Love of s. V20 ; PATERNAL. Grand-father,
s for one's lady.love. V55;
V20 ; property V7, 8, 20 ;
^ation. V41 relation. V36 ;
OUTCASTE. V-47, 54 ; uncle. V19 ;
Resorting tos. V15. wealth. V17, 21,
OUTSIDE. Staying. V - 5 2 PATH. Deviation from the
OVERDILIGENGE.in doing right. V12
cruel acts. V16. PAVILION. V6
PEARL. V - 2 , 25, 27, 42 ;
Love ofs. V20.
P PENANCE. V16, 39, 54.
PADAS. IV34. PEOPLE. Misunderstandings
PAIN. 52. 53; with goodVI7484 ;
An acute or sharp. V Misunderstandings with
52; one's. VI374384 ;
Intense. V-55 ; To befriend bad VI
Liberation from. V21 404-414,
Mental. V21. PERFUME. V2, 6 ;
PAINTING Lovely- V21 Good. V12, 26.
PAKSHABALA. 1113. PERIOD. Dasas of planets
PALANQUIN. Auspicious time owning Kendra and Kona
for mounting a. VIII214 houses are auspicious. VI
224. 224234
PANAPHARA. IV24, 29 ; PERSONAGE; To become a
bala. 1111. great. IV1, 8.
21. PHILOSOPHY. V38, 54 ;
PARADISE. V - 4 . Vedanta. V35.
PARENTS. A blow to the PHLEGM. V4, 10.52
happiness of one's. V22 PHLEGMATIC. HUMOUR.
PARTITION, of property V26.
PARVATI. Worship of God- V39.
dess. V45. PILGRIMAGE. . to holy
PASA. I1. places. V35.
PLACE. Going to another.
PASSION. The quality of.
V23 :
Planet Index Property

There will be a change of PRACTICAL ARTS. Skill in

when ; VI374-38* ; 40. . V21
PLANETARY WAR. Planets PRAYER. A sacred . V
vanquished in. IV2. -37;
PLANT. The query is about of Incantations. V9.
awhen; VII6. PRECEPTOR. V38;
PLEASNT. Mars and Jupi. Astrologers should make
ter will brtngfunctions predictions after saluta*^ion
when : VI314c!24 to the feet of their s.
Mars and Jupiter will bring
to the native if : VI32; PRECIOUS STONES. One
Sexual. V45 ; clever in the testing of .
To become devoid of V37.
and wealth. VI6474. PREDICTION. by basis
POET Attempts at ical number. VII2.
compositions. VI134144. PRE-EMINENCE. V18, 44.
POISON. V11; V20.
Danger from VI13: PREGNANCY. V8 ;
That there should b e - The query is about
ing- VI114124. when : VII^6.
PRESENT. Predictions about
POLICY. V17. theby basis numbe. VII2
POND. V6, 27. PRINCE. V19
authority. VI124134 ; PROGESSS, of casting a
of honour. VI38 ;
The subject will refer to lost horoscope. VII5;
when : VII7 ; for predicting the time
There will be a rise in one's of accomplishment of an ob-
official. VI-41. ject. VII18.
POST. Erection of a stick or PROCESSIONS. VI11.
for a marriage pandal PROFICIENCY. V1.
VIII14 PROFUNDITYof character.
POWER. Destruction of V9, 32, 44.
To acquire sacred know PROPERTY. V - 4 , 7 ;
ledge and. VI124134 dervied through wife,
Rahu and Ketu confer V8;
on the native. VI194204 Longstanding^V^15 ;
The native will be a Saturn refers to immove
less being if : VI284294 able. VIII8.
Prosperity Index Rahu

PROSPERITY. IV5; V18; The query is about s

Conferring of. V54 ; when : VII6, 15.
Monthe'sto be expected. QUALITY. Good . V4
V I - 6 i - 7 4 , 91-114. Q,UARREL. with one's
Rahu or Ketu in conjunc- own sons. VI384394
tion with strong Yogakaraka QUARTERS. Lords of the
planets confer on the . I11
native. VI194204 ; QUERIST. VII2
To get-; VI-64-74.
QUERY. Effects should be
84-94 divined through the Lagna
PROSPEROUS. Satnrn will rising at the time of a .
prove^when: VI12. VII1 ;
PROWESS. V30; Theis about a being if:
To have. VI7484 VII6 ;
PUBERTY. Effect of a girl Theis about a mineral or
attaining at the junction a plant. VII6 ;
of Aslesha and Magha. VIII-5
The method for a pseudo The nature of the is to
ceremony. VIII3, 4. be understood by the nature
PUBLIC. Activity in of the sign rising at the time
V25 VII6 ;
PUDENDUM VIRILE. V37, The nature of the is due
PUNARVASU. VIII1, 11, to positions [of planets.
12, 13, 42444 VII8, 9.
PUNGENT. V13 QUICK, in thought, V28
Government. V13 aspect. VI214224 ;
PUNYAPAPAVIVARANA. Jupiter and Venus will be
Ill4 unfavourable in their Dasas
PURITY. Mental. V25; and Bhuktis if they are
of mind. V16 to each other. VI274284
PURVAKALAMRITA. 13 RAHU. in the 4th,' 7th, 10th
PURVAPHALGUNI. VIII and llth is favourable
1, 42, 434. IV9 ;
PURVASHADHA. VIIM, 43. is fthsevil. IV17;
PUSHYA. Villi1, U , 12, 13. s Karakatva. V51
22424, 42434. 53;
To cause during 's
Q or Ketu's Dasa. VI15;
.-QUADRUPED. |V-24, 30; or Ketu will confer
Cohabitation with s. wealth and long life on the
V-53; native. VI144154
Index Sacrifice

RAJAS. IV-~25 V16 :

RAJAYOGA. IV1, 3; VI-32 ; to Goddess Gowri. V-28.
Bhanga. IV - 2 ; RHEUMATISM. To suffer
Mars and Jupiter bringto from. VI131141.
the native, if : VI42" RICHES. V9
H A T H A CHAKRA. VIII27, RIDING, on a hor&e. VIB.
READING, of dreams. V RIGHT SIDE. I I - l .
52 RITES. See under 'Religious
REALISATION of one's rites'.
wish. V21 RITU. Season. V35.
R E D C L O T H . V25 ROAD. V19 ;
REJUVINATION. V49 side place. V4.
TIELATIONS. V4, 5. ROBE* One will have good
RELATION. Paternal V whites when: VI40.
Mercury will gives during ROHINI. VIII1, 2, 11, 22-1
his Dasa. VI9. '4,33,42434.
JRELIGIOUS.action. V37 ; ROYAL. aspect. V32 ;
bathing. V17 ; -displeasure. VI28 ;
duty. V39 ; ROYAL FAVOUR. VI.374-391
Engaged in one'duties. Being in. V23 ;
V41 ; Saturn and the Sun will
The query is aboutrites. conferon the native if ;
VII 7. vi-304314.
V22. RUBBING. V36.
RENOWNED. To become RUDRA. Worship of God
highly. IV1. VIII8.
REPROACH. V12. RULERSHIP. of the Soura-
-REPTILE. V52 : shtra country. V25.
Danger froms- VI13.
RESIDENCE. The query is
about. VII7.
RESPECT. Entitled to. V-45.
11-^. acquire. VI13.
REVATI. Effect of the birth SACRED TEXTS. V7.
or maturity of a girl at the oACRED TRADITION.
functure ofand Aswini. Belief in. V2.
REVERENCE. to elders. To enable one to perform
Saffron Index Severity

is fully evil. IV15 ;

Periormance ofs in: VI is strong in direct motion.
-261-27 IV15 ;
SAFFPvON. V26. refers to human being.
SALINE. V23. will do good when he is
SALT. V-27. in exaltation, his Swakshetra,
SALTISH. V4z. in Jupiter's Rasi or when he is
SALUTATION.s to the feet in the Lagna. IV16.
of the preceptor. VII2. SATVA. I 25.
SAMA VEDA. V33. Hoarding of. V6.
19. 28 ; SCANDAL. V23.
Three sorts of VI21. SCENTS. V43.
SANKU. 14: 1116.
SCRUTINY. The effects of
SANTA. Avasttha. VI1.
Dasas and Bhuktis of planet*
should be predicted after a
SAPTAMSA. II-4. of the lord of the Dasa.
SARDULAVIKRIDITA. 1-3. Government. V45.
pleasures V14
12, 13, 22L24, 42431 SELF-REALISATION, V24.
SATAGHNI V33 SELLING Buying and V-43
SATURN. IV25, 37 ; ing in the V49
does not lose strength SERVANT V5, 43 ;
even when eclipsed IV15 ; Female V5
e.xalted in the Lagna will
SERVICE: V12, 18 :
promote the accomplishment
of the object speedily. VII under a king. V-31
SATURN, in the 9th house SEVERE V - 4 9 , 52
proves favourable. IV16 ; SEVERITY Intense
Sexual Index Sourness

V23. Increase of VI38,

SEXUAL. ^intercourse. SINFUL DEED. Some
VIII41 Will be the subject of the
happiness. V42 ; query when ; VII7,
A knowledge of the -organ. SINGING. V43.
V - 46; SISIRA RITU. V47.
pleasure, V-15, 50; SIVA. IV25
union. V14. Worship of. V23
.SHADBALA. 1121, 22. 41, 5 J .
SHAKING. To suffer from SKIN. V1,35, 46.
all over the body. VI14 SKY. V3! ;
SHANK. V21. Lord of the V23 ;
SHANTI. Performance ofs ward look. V24.
overcome planetary evils. SLEEP. V1, 27 ;
VI2. Awakening from. V21
;SHAPE. Circular. V24 ; SOFTNESS. V ^ l ;
To guess theof an object. of speech. V 3 ,
11-17; SOFT WORDS. V3'i.
SHINING. V29. biith or maturity of a girl
:SHORT. V42; happening during a .
in stature. V27 ; VIII8;
like a dwarf. V25 ; SON. V17, 38.
Yogas causing the native Adopted. V14.
to be -lived III78. SOLAR YEAR, day of the
SHORTNESS. V3L native. V33134i .
of a thing. VII17. A method to find theday.
SHOULDERS. Disease of VI331344.
the-. V29. SOLDIER. V4.
SHRINE. To resort to holy SON. Mars and Jupiter will
- s . Vl-121-134 give to the natives endowed
SIBIKAROHANA CHAKRA. with long life, if ; VI31i
VIII-21 J22.1. 321 ;
SICKNESS V-10, 46 ; Quarrel with one's owns
To suffer from VI38. VI-381-391 :
SILENCE. V54 Separation from wife and
SILK GARMENT. V29. -s. VI-271-23I;
SILVER. V -3, 27, 42. To gets. VI515Jf.
SIMHA. Inimical sign of Rahu SORROW. V4, .52."
and Ketu i s - . VI20; SOUL. III ; V23.
Nature of the query when SOUND.of a Trumpet.
rises. VIII6. V30.
SIN. V - 1 5 ; SOUP. V13.
Discrimination between SOUR. V42.
virtue and. V9 ; SOURNESS. V26,
Sourashnx Index Sukshma moorf

SOURASHTRA. country STIMITA. Avastha. VI1.

SOUTH. Facing the. V33 ; STONE. V25, 41, 54.
SOUTH. Inclination towards STORY. MORAL. V17.
the. V33. STORY. Athat causes
Facing theern quarter. anxiety to the mind. V -16
V-51 ; STRENGTH. V1, 30, 32 ;
East quarter. V42 ; Bodily. V4;
Inclined towards-West. Enemy's. V32 ;
V59. Good V23;
SOVEREIGN. Displeasure Misdirected V49
from the. VI39 ; Rahu and Ketu possess
Honour from the V18 ; maximum VI19^204
The subject of query will STORNG V42;
be about the. VII8, at all times. V19
SOVEREIGNTY. V50. at the conclusion of day
SPADE. Iron. V33. V47
SPEEGH, V - 2 , 33, 34, 53. STTHIRA IV31
14, 15
s of a high order. V37
SPLEEN. Enlargement of SUBJECTION V19
SPLENDOUR. V3, 16, 23, Good V31
28. SUCCESS- in all under-
SPOKE. VII11. takings VI134144
SPORT. Amorouss. V45 ; in life VI384394 ;
ing in water. V44. To get VI8494.
SPRING. Season V44. SUDRA V36, 48;
SQUARE. V_/4, 32. company V55
SRAVANA. VIII1, 2, 11, 12, SUGARCANE Thick
13, 22124, 42431. V 27
STAGE. Decoration for the SUFFER To from sickness
. V44. V I - 374-384
34, VI-I74-I84
STATUS. To get good 14, 15 ;
VI 51-61, 81-91, l O i - l U . The aspect of Stthula and
STIGxMA. V1. I _ VII14
Sun Index Tin

SUN. Theand Moon are not TABOR. ViO.

Marakas. IV25 ; TALISMAN. V18.
in the 9th house proves TAMAS. IV25 ; V50.
favourable. IV16 ; TANK. V27 ;
's Karakatva. V22i Building ofs to be expec-
26; ted. V I - 6 4 - 7 4 ;
is half evil. IV17 : The query will be about s
The effect of the query when ; VII8.
due to the position of the . TAR AB ALA. VIII11.
VII-8; TASTE. V24.
Position of theat the time TATKALIKA FRIENDSHIP,
of query pertaining to hidden II2, 3.
treasure. 43445. TEACHING. V19.
SUPPORTER. V30. TEASING.a wife. V15.
-21. TENDON. V-47.
SWAKSHETRA. houses of TENT. V6.
Rahu and Ketu. VI;::0 ; TERMINATION, of onCs
How should a wise man appointment. V22.
proceed when two planets THEFT. V12, 14, 50 ;
are in theirRasis ? VII9; There will be a big^in
Planets occupying their. one's house when: VILl.
IV : THIEF. V30.
strength. II5 ; THIGH. V18, 39.
Venus and Saturn when in THING. Dirtys, V48 ;
theirsigns do bad in their To distinguishs concealed
mutual Dasas and Bhukti in one's hands. VII16
VI284294. THORN. V54:
SWATI. V I H - l , 12, 42^34 ed trees. V23.
SWEET DRINK. V13. THOUGHT. Guessing thes
SWEET JUICE. V41. of others. V41 ;
SWELLING. V10, 52. Quick in. V28.
cuts. VI7484. TIMBER. V25.
TIME. To get at theof birth
in the case of a lost horoscope.
VII4. ;
TABLE. Varshika. to,a. V - 2 4 .
344-364. i T I N . V31.
Index Unprofitable

TITHI. The auspiciouss for TROUBLE, from the enemy.

impregnation. VIII1. VI-54-64 ;
TONGUE. V2. from the merchant class.
TOPAZ. V41. VI8494 ;
TORMENTS; from enemies. through intrigues with
VI121I3J. females. VI274284 ;
TTOWER. V37, 40. to enemies. V54 :
TRADE. V3, 13,18 ; s to the body. VIII4
Mercury refers to. VII -124.
8. News. VI274284
The native will be clever in TRUST. V6.
_ i f ; VI32J334 ; TRUTH. V2 ;
The subject is about- when: Speaking , V - ^ 4 .
TRADITION. Belief in sacred from. 134144.
-. V-2; TURK. V49.
TRAVEL- V5, 17- 27, 52. of malefics in the^. Ill6.
in a carriage. V41 TWILIGHT. Strong at. V
Depositing of a. V^18 ;
Nature of thehidden
beneath. VIII46 ;
To find whether there is u
anyat all in a place men- UCHCHABALA. 1110.
tioned by the questioner. UGLY HAIR. V50
VIII48. UMBRELLA. V - 8 , 29, 51 :
TREASURY. V34. Auspicious time for hold-
TREE. 33; ing a royal. VIII-224-24 ;
Fall from a VI124-13J; WhHe. V42
Thorneds. V23. UNCHASTITY. V12
TRIBE. One who will become UNCLE. V10 .
a leader of a wildwhen ; Maternal. V37
VI-404-^14. Paternal V19,
TRIKONA. IV24 ; Success in alls VI14
Planets occupying a UNFAVOURABLE The Dasa
position. IV1. and Bhukti of any planet will
TRIMSAMSA, ll-A, 9. beif: VI25
all over the body. VI13 things VI14
Unrighteous Index Victory


V47. 344364.
UPACHAYA. IV16, 24 ; VAYU. IV25.
Malefics inplaces prove VEDANTA. philosophy.
auspicious. IV16. V35.
VIII40. VEDIC HYMNS. Chanting of-
UPAPADAS. IV-34, 36, 37, . V9.
URINE. V13. 46 ; VEEN A. V44.
Painful discharge of. VEGETABLE. The query
V32. relates to a kind when ;
USED GARMENT. V10. A bordered on all sides
2, 11,22124, 42434. Mountain a . / V;34 ;
UTTARAKALMRITA. 1 - 3 . To command good s.
1, 2, II, 181-191, 2 2 4 - 2 4 . To possess superiors.
42434. V I - I84-I94.
2, 11, 2 2 4 2 4 , 4 2 - 4 3 4 . VENUS. IV25 ;
docs not lose strength
even when eclipsed. IV15 ;.
V in the 6th is favourable.
IV9 ;
VAISYA. V42, 48. in the 12th. IV14;
-is |ths favourable.
VALOUR. V4, 24, 32, 38 ;
The Sun will give-to IV17 ;
: the native V5*64. refe.s to more happiness
VARGOTTAMAMSA. IV13; will be auspicious though
Planets IV1 ; in the 12th, except when in
Venus and Saturn do bad Saturn's Rasi or Amsa.
in their mutual Dasas and IV16.
Bhuktis when in s VI VESSEL'. To ascertain the
281-291. . kind of containing a
V43.. VESSELS. V-40.
V43. There will bein Saturn's
VARSHBPABALA. . 11^16 Bhukti of the Sun's Dasa, if :
Tidasa Index Wealth

VIDASA. VI--5, 6. Same as w

VIKALA Avastha. VI1.
VILLAGES. Moving in in forests and mountains.
V37, 39.
born creatures. V29 ;
IV-22. Holy : V40 ;
VIRILITY. Loss of. V-30 Resorting to holy s.
Discrimination between^ V16 ;
and Sin. V9 ; Sporting in . V44.
To be endowed with alls. WATERY. Any thing.
IV8. V-27;
To have all kind of s place. V - ^ 3 . _
and wealth. VI12*13*. WAY.3 for earning money.
VIRTUOUS. Worshiping of V 1 0 ;
the V19; To go into bads. VI
acts V8 ; 394-404 ;
Inclination to be in a To take to bad VI
a very high degree. VIlOJ 38^-384-
-I'i. WEAK. If Venus and Saturn
Rahu will make the native be both, their mutual Dasas
doacts. VI40J414. and Bhuktis will be favourable
VI 29430;
VISHNU. 11; Planets that are-. IV2
Worship of . V36. WEALTH. IV5, 13, 22, 23 ;
V i V A H A CHAKRA. VIII V - 2, 3;
49, 50. Accumulation of will be
VRIDDHA. One of the three the result when : V38 ;
Avastthas. VII15. Acquisition of . V20 ;
VRISCHIKA. Exaltation Acquistition of through
house of Ketu is. VI19* bloody deeds, VI134144 5
204 ; All kinds of . V53 J
The nature of the query Decay of . VI39 ;
whenrises. VII7- Destruction of. VI41;
VRISHABHA. Exaltaion Eight kinds of. V44 ;
house of Rahu is . VI V I - 104-114 ;
204 ; Endless during Mer-
The nature of the query cury's Dasa. VI8494 ;
whenrises. VII6. Entire loss of^will happen
VIII16. Loss of. VI114124,
V U L T U R E . V53. 374-384, 3 9 4 - 4 0 4 ;
Master's. V20;
Wealth Index Wife

WEALTH, Muchwill be con- WESTWARD FACED. V28,

ferred by Jupiter and Venus. 49.
VI-264-274 ; WET. V35.
Paternal.-. V17- 21 ; WETLANDS. Grains produed
The query is aboutlost. VII from. V7.
-7; WHEAT. V28.
The Sun and Saturn will WHITE COLOUR. V27-
giveto the native if : VI WHITE GRAMENTS. Fond of
304314 ; V45.
There will be influx of WHITENESS. V27, 42
wher V L -394- WHITE UMBRELLA. V42,
. -404 ; WHITE ROBES. One will
To be blessed with. VI have go A^when ; VI39*
54-64,94-104; -+04.
To become devtod of plea- WICK, of the lamp at the
.sure and. VI6474 *. time of delivery. I11.
To be devoid of. VIII
WICKED. Appearance of a
-7; man. V15 ;
To have all kinds of virtues Far from the. VII7 ;
and. VI124134 ; Friendship with the-. V-48 ;
To have 8 kinds of. VI To become. VIlOi--
To have. VI8 ; 114 ;
To possess much. VI desire. V19 ;
394-404 ; female, V51.
To waste. VI11; WICKEDNESS. V24, 53.
Venus and Saturn will con- WIDOW. To become aVIII
feron the native. VI30 ; 7.
in Moon's Dasa. VI'7 WIFE. IV38, 39, 40 : V
of all kinds. V17* 6, 14. 42 ;
WEAPONS. Room wherearc A pair ofes. V13 ;
kept. V49. Enmity with one's. VI
WEARINESS. V11. 384394 ;
WEARISOME- work. V6. Happiness from theV
WEEKDAY. The auspicious 43 ;
for impregnation. VIII^1 Happiness through and
WELL, y - 5 , 2 7 ; children VI264274-
Intrigue with a woman
Digging of a, V6. other than one's. VII7 ;
WELLBEING. V9- Jupiter and Venus will
"WEST. Benefics are strong in bring on seoerat-on ofif
theduring, the dark half of VI274281 ;
the month. IV15 ; Loss of V23;
Love towards . V28. Teasing a. V14 ;
Wild: Index Yoga

TKe native will be endowed - of Vishnu. V36.

withif. VI324331. WORSHIPPER. V53.
WILD. To be a leader of a of God Yama. V50.
. tribe. VI40441*. WORSHIPPING of the
WILD ANIMALS. " Manage, Deities. V19.
ment of. V33. of the Virtuous. V19
WIND. V41, 47, 52, 54. WORRY. Mental. VII;
WIVNING OF A LOVE. V To becomeled. VI114
12- 124;
WISDOM. V9, 20, 34. To have mentalVI94
The Sun will givein his
Dasa. VI5J64 ; 104.
To be lacking in. VI WOUND. V10, 31,54.
WISH. Realisation of one's . WOUNDS. Death through
WITCHCRAFT. V - 5 4 . Danger from. VI74
WOMAN. V26, 42. 84.
Born of a very low. V WRATH. V39
Happiness through a. V WRITING. V34;
46; .of news. V9 ;
Inclined towards support- of Urdu. V53.
ing many. V^44 ; WRIST. V - 4 8 .
Intrigue with aother than
one's wife. VIII7 ;
One born to a timid^V
WOOD. V50. YAMA, Worshipper of God
WOODS. Haunting. V47. V - 50.
W'ORDS. Soft. V5. YAUVANA. One of the
WORLD. V33- three Avastthas. VII15.
Aof serpents. V52; YAVA. VIII37.
Indifference to the. V YEAR. A. V18 ;
55; Haifa. V24:
> Middle. V28 ; Solarday of the native
- of mortals.V24. VI 334-344.
__of Goddess Ghandee, YOGA. Dasanatha will give
Ganesha and Siva. V53 ; .first in his own Bhukti,
of Goddesses Parvati and VI-244-254;
Lakshmi. V--45 ; Two planets causing a
i-" - o f Siva. V23, 41 ; H IV32, 33.
Yogakaraka Index Yugmayugmahala

YOGA KARAKA. Rahu and the native if ; VI25i

Ketu in conjunction with 264-
strongplanet do good. YOUTH. V31 ;
VI181194 ; A beautiful-. V43 ;
The Bhuktinatha will be full vigour, V42 ;
unfavourable, even if he be
a_if; VI241-254; YUDDHABALA. 1118.
^postpones the death of YUGMAYUGMABALA. II


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