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2017 Mid-State JCL Tournament

Advanced Grammar Test (Latin 2 and above)

1. They are making a neat statue of their schools founder outside.
A. faciant B. facient C. facibant D. faciunt
2. I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
A. sedns B. sedentem C. sessa D. sessra
3. Quamquam bellum erat _____, tamen hosts vcimus.
A. cer B. cre C. crem D. crium
4. Nunc rx rgnaque sunt _____.
A. tta B. ttae C. tts D. tt
5. Ut odium, ita iniria, crscit.
A. As B. Because C. Even though D. So that
6. You ought to obey (prre) the king, the father of this sacred land.
A. patre B. patrem C. patr D. patris
7. Numquam ns _____ superbunt.
A. virttis B. virtte C. virtt D. virttem
8. Magister _____ linguam Latinam docuit.
A. discipule B. discipul C. discipuls D. discipuls
9. Bs supr _____ saluit.
A. ln B. lnam C. lna D. lnae
10. Complete the following analogy: laeta : laet :: vetus : _____.
A. vet B. vet C. vetere D. veter
11. Salv, vitor! Unde vnist?
A. Where...at B. Where...before C. Where...from D. Where...to
12. Her nimis _____ dit.
A. cib B. cib C. cibus D. cibum
13. Catiline wrote that he had been assailed with false charges.
A. attenttus erat B. attentr C. attentvisse D. attenttum esse
14. Send her a bouquet of flowers!
A. e B. pr e C. ad eam D. e
15. We wanted to go to the countryside for a scenic picnic.
A. rs B. rre C. rr D. ad rs
16. Three of the mice happened to be blind.
A. Trs ex muribus B. Trs murium C. Trs murs D. Trs pr muribus
17. The children had to wash the dishes after dinner.
A. Lbera B. Lbers C. lbers D. Lber
18. She heard an owl in the middle of the night.
A. medi nocte B. in medi nocte C. medi noctis D. in medi noctis
19. Which of the following does not belong grammatically?
A. alius B. slus C. ttus D. llus
20. Which of the following is not a type of cum clause?
A. causal B. circumstantial C. complementary D. concessive
21. Amphora erat plna _____.
A. vna B. vn C. vns D. vn
22. We warned the students not to lie on their rsums.
A. n mentiantur B. ut nn mentrentur C. nn mentr D. n mentrentur
23. Tam altus erat mns that...not eum ascendere possmus.
A. ut nn B. qu C. n D. sn
24. Caesar and his troops came to help us.
A. auxilir B. ut auxilientur C. auxili D. auxilit
25. What use of the subjunctive can be found in the following sentence? Nescit quid vulps dxerit.
A. indirect question B. deliberative C. relative clause D. indirect statement
26. Santa Claus came down the chimney while we were sleeping.
A. dum dormimus B. nbs dormtrs C. dum dormvimus D. nbs dormientibus
27. Which of the following does not belong grammatically?
A. agricola B. domus C. merdis D. vultur
28. Saepe discimus melius _____.
A. docente B. doct C. docend D. doct
29. Let them eat cake.
A. Edant crustum. B. Vescentur crust. C. Edant crust. D. Vescantur crustum.
30. Rgna mlits in prvinciam mittet _____.
A. ut incols terrrent B. qu incols terreant C. ut incols terreant D. qu incols terrrent
31. Illud _____ slum aestimbtur.
A. trgint talents B. trcsimrum talentrum C. trcsims talenta D. trgint talentrum
32. He immediately regrets that decision. (_____ cnfestim paenitet.)
A. Is istud cnsultum B. E istus cnsult C. Is istum cnsultum D. Eum istus cnsult
33. If you should ask me about that, I would prefer not to answer.
A. mlam B. mlum C. mlim D. mllem
34. Interdum grammatica est difficilis _____.
A. intellegere B. intellct C. ut intellegat D. intellctum
35. If only Peter Piper had picked a peck of pickled peppers!
A. Dummodo B. Nam C. Qumodo D. Utinam
36. All of us would like to go on an adventure.
A. Omns nbs B. Ns omns C. Omns nostr D. Omns nostrum
37. Let Labienus be in charge of the legion, provided that he returns on time.
A. dum B. etiam C. qun D. ut
38. I am afraid that I do not understand a word you are saying.
A. quod loquris B. quid loqueris C. quod loquris D. quid loquerris
39. Qu sque tandem abtre, Catilina, _____? (Cicero, In Catilinam 1.1)
A. patientia nostra B. patientiae nostrae C. patientiam nostram D. patienti nostr
40. Nm dxit hs quaestins would be facils.
A. futrum esse B. futrs sint C. futrs fuisse D. futrs esse
41. heu! Anguis est _____ dom!
A. me B. meae C. me D. me
42. Dont stand on that furniture!
A. Cav sts B. Nol st C. N strs D. Nn steters
43. He is beginning to understand how magnets work.
A. incipiet B. coepit C. incipit D. coeperit
44. What was I to do about all that mildew?
A. facibam B. factrus sim C. facere eram D. facerem
45. What use of the accusative case can be found in the following sentence? Cursum quam celerrim cucurrit.
A. adverbial B. cognate C. exclamatory D. synecdochical
46. Which of the following does not belong grammatically?
A. fs B. nstar C. nex D. secus
47. Complete the following analogy: e : ret :: sum : _____.
A. forat B. sset C. foret D. ederet
48. There are nine provinces and three territories in Canada.
A. trs fns B. terti fns C. trs fnium D. trn fns
49. Nihil custds impedvit _____ ists frs fstibus statim aggrederentur.
A. n B. qu C. ut D. quminus
50. Change s tonuerit, rsctur into indirect speech. (Dxit s, s _____, _____.)
A. tonuisset; rtrum esse C. tonuisse; rtrum esset
B. tonuerit; rtrum fuisse D. tonre; rtrum sit

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