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Presentadora: Welcome to today's program of Travelers through time. Today we are going to discuss society and the customs
related with marriage thought out the middle ages. Would you be able to tell the origin of traditions in weddings nowadays? Which
were marriages history key moments? if you don't know the answers, keep watching and discover it.

SIGLOS 12-14 (nia 11 aos, parque de sabatini. Pelo en trenza, ropa body rosa de ciertopelo y falda abombada)

Presentadora: We've jumped through time to the 12 to 14 century and weve had the luck of being granted with MARI JUANIs
interview. Hello MARIJUANI! You have told us that in one week you will be twelve years old, as well as the legal age to getting
married. How do you feel about it?

Nia: Im a bit anxious but my feelings don't really matter because it is what my family has chosen for me and if i object i can be
disinherited. The groom's family is really wealthy and have really good relationships at court which my family can benefit from. the
wedding will take place in a week and my father will give him the dowry, which is the money we will use mostly for our household.
We also have the priests approval. He published our marriage will in the church asking for the banns and no one has opposed to

Presentadora: Sure, we have to keep in mind that in the 11 century a new law by the council of westminster said that marriage
must be blessed by a priest.

Nia: Indeed marriage it's seen as a sacred ceremony tied to experiencing god's presence. As my father is Lord Lanister, we are
getting married in our castle because as long as we have the blessing and the presence of the priest it isnt necessary fot the
ceremony to take place in a church. Actually that is more for peasants..

Presentadora: And have you already met your future husband?

Nia:,It was settle down that we didn't meet each other until the wedding day, but his family came to visit a couple days ago so I
could met him for the very first time and since then Im a little bit calmer because he gave me this ring as a symbol of our
marriage. He seems really nice.

Presentadora: Then I hope you good luck in your wedding day and thank you so much for this interview.

Nia: Thanks to you.

SIGLOS 14-16 (joven recin follada, ropa: camisn, pelo revuelto )
Presentadora: We have jumped in time again and now we find ourselves between 14 and 16 century. First you should have in
mind that The council of Trento had place in 1563 in Trento (Italy) where finally marriage was officially deemed on of the seven
sacraments. We have meet with Pepita, hiern to the English throne, daughter of Henry VIII and Catalina of Aragon thats has just
lived her bedding ceremony with Philip II of Spain . Let's see what she can tell us. Hello Pepi, how was your wedding?

Chica: Well, we married on a rainy day in Winchester Cathedral, the bishopric of Stephen Gardiner, my chancellor. Gardiner
performed the ceremony, which was a public spectacle and state occasion. After he said that, if there was any man that knew of
any lawful impediment between these two parties, that we shouldn't go together according to the contract concluded between
both realms,.

Presentadora: Wait a contract?

Chica: Yes, the usual document with the dowry quantity, the properties, the rights, .... In our case containing by estimation 12
leaves, about our realms You can imagine!

Presentadora: So i guess this contract would be the most similar thing to our actual marriage licences and prenup contracts.

Chica: After the moment of the banquet, we had super on different rooms and after we were taken to different bedrooms for
undressing us...

Presentadora: Sorry to interrupt you, how was your dress?

Chica: The tradition is to wear it blue as the color of pureness. The ones who don't wear it blue, use something blue to wear
instead. Mine was purple with gold and white. Anyway, at the end the dress end up being broken by the guests, because is a
symbol of good luck to have a piece of it. In France they even pursued the brides to take away the garter.

Presentadora: oh yes! thats why nowadays the brides still wear the blue and the garter is shared between the male guests.
Thats really interesting.

Chica: Well, later we were put to a bedroom where the consummation took place.

Presentadora: Did you were alone in the bedroom?

Chica: How are we going to be alone? There was the priest, our fathers, dukes of the reign, marquis and the highest nobiliarity.

Presentadora: And isnt it a bit uncomfortable?

Chica: Uncomfortable? Its the only way to show that the marriage has been consummated and therefore is valid. And there are
also going to be some witnesses when giving birth, to show that is my son and not an impostor baby.

Presentadora: Well, thank you, we leave you here and we hope you find love along your marriage.
SIGLOS 16-18 ( tomando el te. Vieja. Pelo recogido en moete de abuela)
Presentadora: We arrived to our last stop on the last middle ages, where we found doa juana, hello juani, tell us a bit about
your love life. At what age were you married?

Vieja: I got married at the age of 25, you may think that it's is a bit late but we didn't have enough money to establish a household
of our own and we had to wait. It was total craziness people getting married before, at the age of 12...they were kids!

Presentadora: I totally agree. Our other two guests were forced to marry, were you as well?

Vieja: How could I get married with someone I didnt know !? My parents did so but they didn't force me to, but they always have
to give me their consent in who I choose to marry. Anyways my wedding was different I got married by proxy.

Presentadora: Married by proxy?

Vieja: yeah, proxy. let me explain you.. A proxy marriage is a wedding in which one or both of the individuals being united are not
physically present, usually being represented instead by other persons. In my case, we did it this way because of travel
restrictions. We were married by the rites of the church some years later.

Presentadora: Ahhh like Catherine of Aragon with prince Arthur in 1499.

Vieja: Exactly!

Presentadora: Then, did you had a wedding night too?

Vieja: Of course! This is completely necessary because of the international implications of the marriage. You had to be seen at
the consummation, it was the only way to make the marriage effective and not null.

Presentadora: Did you have witness too?

Vieja: Yes, I did but we had curtains surrounding the bed, that gave us intimacy. The witnesses only needed to be in the room,
that was enough, not like some centuries before.. Then witnesses watched the consummation.... They did check if i was a virgin
looking at my bed sheets immediately after the consummation, looking for any blood stain. Anyways now im divorced, who was
my husband called for divorce, through a very costly and complicated parliamentary act because I was an adultery wife...This
made me lose my social position and that is the reason i dont go to court no more, its embarrassing to me. it's frowned upon.

Presentadora: Im so sorry...The verification of virginity is something that is still being done today. It's also true that between
(17-19) centuries 300 cases of divorce took place requiring each of them a parliamentary act. this is the origin of divorce

With this three different experiences we hope that you enjoyed todays program and also had learned more about the marriage
origins and traditions. We are looking forward to see you in the next program about The Conclaves ceremonies!
Goodbye travelers through times!


minuto 39 al 44. basado en el siglo

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