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Merzouk Dahmane Secondary School Name/Class:..

Diagnostic Evaluation
Read the text carefully,then do the following activities :

Happiness is a rare commodity these days. People in the past were happier than we are and
generally more satisfied with their lives. The question is: what has changed in the way we live that
has caused us to be less happy and more dissatisfied??? The answer lies in the way we interpret the
meaning and purposes of living. People in the past used the resources available to them to fulfill their
needs and considered food and shelter as their basic goals. We, unlike them, have made wants into
perceived needs or desires and hence are never content. Needs are basics and once fulfilled, provide
sustenance and relief, while wants can be limitless, once fulfilled, the list is refreshed with others.
Happiness based on needs is easily achievable while happiness derived from wants is never achieved
since wants are varied and growing.

A/ Reading Comprehension:
1/Choose the best title for the passage:
a-Whats meant by happiness? b- Happiness between the past & now c-desires & needs.
2/Are the following statements (True) or (False):
a- Happiness is something uncommon these days.
b- Today, people are pleased with their lives.
c- In the past, people considered food & shelter as primary goals.
d- Happiness originated from desires isnt achieved.
3/Answer these questions according to the passage:
a-What has caused us to be less happy than our ancestors?
b-Why does happiness come from wants never achieved??
4/ What or who do the underlined words refer to in the passage:
a-their. b-others.
B/ Text Exploration:
1/Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following :
a-unusual= b-desires=
2/ Which nouns can be derived from these verbs:
to satisfy/ to change/ to live/ to achieve/
3/ Join each pair of sentences ,using the correct relative pronoun(who,where,whose,which) :
a-This is the bank/the bank was robbed yesterday.

b-Marry went to London/She studied poetry there.

4/Complete the following sentences using the correct form of "can, must, should,may".
1/You -------------- visit Edinburgh, because many people think it is the most beautiful city in
2/---------------you play the guitar?

3/You -------------- knock on the door before entering.

4/You ------------ take an umbrella, because it is going to rain.

5/You mustnt drive so fast, you ---------- have an accident.

5/Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final /s/:

days lives resources needs goals wants
/s/ /z/ /iz/

6/ Fill in each gap with one word from the list(negative past modern positive ):
(1) lifestyles are completely different from the way people lived in(2)Some people
think the change have been very(3),while others believe they have been(4)

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