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Individual assignment 1

Text 2
Name : Alista Gunawan
Nim : 102012198/B4

Main idea(paragraph 1) :
The main idea ia explanation about what is aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Supporting details :
1. Aerobic (with O2) exercise involves large muscle groups and is performed
at a low-enough intensity and for a long-enough period of time that fuel
sources can be converted to ATP by using the citric acid cycle and electron
transport chain as the predominant metabolic pathway.
2. Short-duration, high-intensity activities such as weight training and the 100
meter dash, which last for a matter of seconds and rely solely on energy stored
in the muscles and on glycolysis, are forms of anaerobic(without O2)

Main idea(paragraph 2) :
Inactivity is associated with increased risk of developing both hypertension (high
blood pressure) and coronary artery disease (block-age of the arteries that supply the

Supporting details :
1. An individual participate in aerobic exercise a minimum of three times per
week for 20 to 60 minutes to reduce the risk of hypertension and coronary
artery disease and to improve physical work capacity.
2. Recent studies have shown the same health benefits are derived whether the
exercise is accomplished in one long stretch or is broken down into multiple
shorter stints.

Main idea(paragraph 3) :
The main idea is the proper intensity of aerobic excersise for a better heart and should
be based on a percentage of the individuals maximal capacity to work.

Supporting details :

1. Significant benefits can be derived from aerobic axercise perfomed between 70%
and 80% maximal heart rate.For example, the estimated maximal heart rate for a
20 year old is 200 beats per minute.
2. If this person exercised three times per week for 20 to 60 minutes at an intensity
that increased the heart rate to 140 to 160 beats per minute.
3. the participant should significantly improve his or her aerobic work capacity and
reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Identify academic words in the text and their meanings and make new sentences
using the academic words identified.

1. Period : a length of time:

= For a long period he didn't come to the studio at all.

2. Sources : A source is also someone or something from which you obtain

= The reporter refused to cite the names of her sources.

3. Converted: to change the character, appearance, or operation of something:

=We converted our oil furnace to gas to save money.

4. Cycle : circulation:
= Doctors to regulate the menstrual cycle can manipulate these hormones.

5. Transport : to take goods or people from one place to another:

= people depend on public transportation to get around.

6. Sustained : continuing for a time:

= We will have to make a sustained effort to finish this job on time.

7. Participate : to be or become involved in an activity:

= The teacher tries to get everyone to participate in the classroom discussion.

8. Minimum : being the smallest amount or number allowed or possible:

= Her lawyer asked the judge to give her the minimum sentence.

9. Benefits : a helpful or good effect:

= Im collecting unemployment benefits.

10. Percentage : an improvement or advantage, esp. when considered against other

= Percentage of the population

11. Brief : lasting only a short time or containing few words:

= Rory had a brief career as an businessman.

12. Individual : a single person or thing, esp. when compared to the group or set to
which it belongs:
= We will remember him as an individual who always tried to make people

13. Establish : to start something that will last for a long time, or to create or set
something in a particular way:
= She helped to establish the University Ukrida at Jakarta.

14. Estimated : used when saying what the cost, size, value, etc. of something is
believed to be, although it is not known for certain:
= The estimated cost of the building project is well over 10 miliar.

15. Significant : important, large, or great, esp. in leading to a different result or to

an important change:
= Marriage is a significant commitment.

16. Derived : to get or obtain something:

= Derived very little real satisfaction from my job.

17. Intensity : the quality of being extreme in strength or force:

= Intensity aerobic workout will burn more calorie.

18. Significantly : by a large amount:

= Men are making significantly more money than women.

19. Participant : a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular

= They are enthusiastic participants in the hunts

20. Capacity : the amount that can be held or produced by something:

= The theater was full to capacity that night.

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