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Skinners Science and Human Behavior is in part an attempt to solve psychologys problem with mind-
body dualism by revising our everyday mentalistic conceptual scheme. In the case of descriptive men-
talism (the use of mentalistic terms to describe behavior), Skinner offers behavioral translations.
In contrast, Skinner rejects explanatory mentalism (the use of mental concepts to explain behavior)
and suggests how to replace it with a behaviorist explanatory framework. For experiential mentalism,
Skinner presents a theory of verbal behavior that integrates the use of mentalistic language in first-
person reports of phenomenal experience into a scientific framework.
Key words: Science and Human Behavior, behaviorism, dualism, mind-body, philosophy, mentalism,
explanation, Skinner

Science and Human Behavior, Skinners servation but share an ontology, an assump-
(1953) masterpiece, is the reason I am a psy- tion of lawfulness, and a set of methods. If
chologist. As an undergraduate philosophy psychology admits consciousness as a second
major at Columbia in 1962, I was fascinated kind of substance, it differs qualitatively from
by the ancient metaphysical thesis that our the other sciences in its content. If conscious-
universe consists of two qualitatively different ness and behavior interact, psychology also
substances, the mental and the physical. Cu- differs in its principles of causality. More se-
rious to learn what psychologists had to say riously, if consciousness and, in particular, the
about this, I registered for an introductory will, are not subject to deterministic princi-
course in psychology. To my surprise, I found ples, then psychology cannot establish causal
that psychology at Columbia in those days was laws. Finally, if consciousness constitutes a pri-
synonymous with Skinnerian behaviorism, vate phenomenal world, then its study re-
and the introductory course, designed by quires special methods such as introspection,
Fred Keller, was really an introduction to op- and thus psychologys methods and cannons
erant conditioning. The major course read- of objectivity are radically different from
ings were Keller and Schoenfelds (1950) those of the other sciences.
Principles of Psychology and Skinners Science Historically, structuralism, modern psychol-
and Human Behavior.
ogys first attempt at a resolution to the prob-
D UALISM lem of dualism, compromised on the unity of
I soon realized that Science and Human Be- science. Consciousness was adopted as its sub-
havior was an ingenious proposed solution to ject matter, and introspection was accepted as
the problems of dualism and the mind-body the method of study. Causal laws were to be
nexus, and much of my subsequent career discovered by careful application of the meth-
has been devoted to examining this solution. ods of introspection. To be sure, many so-
Although Science and Human Behavior was not phisticated structuralists argued that the com-
intended to be a philosophical tract, any at- promises were more apparent than real. For
tempt to establish psychology as a science, be- example, some argued that all sciences must
haviorist or otherwise, must come to terms begin with conscious experience and there-
with dualism and the mind-body relationship. fore structural psychologys use of introspec-
Dualism undermines the unity of science ac- tion is neither unique nor subjective. Never-
cording to which the sciences differ from one theless, structuralism failed as a scientific
another only in complexity and level of ob- paradigm, and behaviorism, founded by John
Watson, was a direct effect and cause of this
When page numbers appear without a year, the refer- failure. For Watson, scientific psychology, like
ence is to Science and Human Behavior.
Comments may be sent to the author at Wheaton Col-
all the natural sciences, studied material bod-
lege, Norton, Massachusetts 02766 (e-mail: gzuriff@ ies in motion as its subject matter, adopted
wheatoncollege.edu). the same objective methods of observation


and measurement, and assumed determinis- bal behaviorhow it is acquired, maintained,

tic causal lawfulness. and modifiedis subject matter for a science
of behavior. Note that this translation of
C ONCEPTUAL C LASH conceptual scheme to classes of verbal be-
Watsons rejection of dualism met stiff op- havior is itself part of the discourse.
position. His proposal flies in the face of com- Science and Human Behavior can be viewed
mon sense, contradicting the conceptual as many things, not all of them intended by
scheme through which we understand our the author, and this multiplicity is a sign of a
world, for our language is drenched in men- great book. I wish to discuss the work as an
talism. First there is descriptive mentalism used impressive attempt to revise our everyday
to describe organisms: He is angry, He is conceptual scheme, or to put it another way,
expecting a visitor, He imagined the as Skinners verbal behavior modifying the
scene, He felt a sharp pain. Second is ex- readers verbal behavior. Specifically, I shall
planatory mentalism used to explain observed examine his treatments of the descriptive, ex-
actions: He hit him because he was angry, planatory, and phenomenal mentalism of ev-
He arrived early because he thought it was eryday speech. My theses are two: (a) Skin-
Friday, He jumped because he felt a sharp ners approach to ever yday mentalistic
pain, He was awakened by a dream. Third language is heterogeneous; that is, he treats
is experiential mentalism in which we directly mentalistic verbal behavior in a variety of ways
experience phenomenal occurrences and ranging from wholesale conceptual scheme
then report them in the first person: I am replacement to a more modest conceptual re-
feeling a sharp pain, I am imagining the vision, and (b) Skinners treatments of men-
scene, I am angry. talistic language are persuasive not only be-
One approach to the dualistic contradic- cause his interpretations are so ingenious but
tion is simply to ignore it. Behaviorists might also because he already had the beginnings
have built their science of behavior piece by of a successful science of behavior on which
piece, until it achieved theoretical, explana- to base those interpretations.
tory, and applied success. Ultimately, an ef-
fective science of behavior would replace our H ISTORICAL C ONTEXT
everyday dualistic conceptual scheme, just as At the time Science and Human Behavior ap-
the other natural sciences replaced the ani- peared, behaviorism was flourishing in both
mistic scheme preceding them. Nevertheless, philosophy and psychology. Philosophical be-
few major behaviorists adopted this strategy. haviorism assumed many forms, the most
Most devoted great efforts speculating how prominent of which was the logical behavior-
the dualistic conceptual scheme might be re- ism of the logical positivists (Carnap, 1932
placed by a behaviorist one, often suggesting 1933). According to their verificationism, the
how descriptive, explanatory, and experien- meaning of a sentence is determined by the
tial mentalism could be translated into the public conditions for empirically testing the
proposed behaviorist conceptual scheme (Zu- truth of that sentence. Any proposition that
riff, 1985, Section III). Behaviorists could not cannot be observationally verified is meaning-
hope to recruit followers without at least less. Therefore, the meaning of mental con-
some indication that their proposed science cepts is given by other concepts, especially be-
was not obviously doomed to failure without havioral ones, referring to observables that
recourse to consciousness. are the conditions of application and verifi-
This discourse on the replacement of the cation. Thus meaning cannot include the
everyday dualistic conceptual scheme with contents of introspected consciousness, and
the promised behaviorist one is at once both dualism disappears from scientific language.
philosophical and scientific. It is the former Verificationism found its way into psychol-
because the business of philosophy is to an- ogy via the operationism of the physicist
alyze meanings, interpret concepts, and ex- Bridgman (1927). According to operation-
plore the logical geography of conceptual ism, the meaning of a concept, and a mental
schemes. It is the latter because for the be- concept in particular, is to be found in the
haviorist, a conceptual scheme refers ulti- operations used to measure or detect the
mately to classes of verbal behavior, and ver- presence of that concept. This approach was

adopted in psychology most prominently by This strategy, although powerful, is severely

Stevens (1935), who studied sensations but limited. It operates slowly, one concept at a
defined them operationally, thereby avoiding time, and only for those features of behavior
any suggestions of dualism. strictly deducible from the theory. Skinners
Another form of philosophical behaviorism (1950) distaste for Hullian hypothetical-de-
was the analytic behaviorism of Wittgenstein ductive theorizing precluded his following
(1953) and Ryle (1949). Through painstak- the Hullian strategy.
ing philosophical analysis of traditional men- Tolman (1932) suggested yet another view
tal concepts, analytic behaviorists tried to of mentalistic language. He maintained that
demonstrate that dualistic interpretations of mental concepts are to be identified with in-
mental language are founded on logical er- ter vening variables; that is, relationships
rors. Instead, they argued, everyday mental among stimuli and responses (Zuriff, 1985,
concepts refer to aspects of behavior rather chapters 4 and 8). Although Skinner ex-
than to private consciousness. The behavior pressed some sympathy with this approach, it
is said to be the criterion for the applica- was not really harmonious with his own style
tion of the mental concept; that is, nonin- of theorizing. In contrast to Tolmans theory,
ductive evidence for the mental concept and replete with numerous and complex inter-
justification for its application. vening variables, Skinners lean theorizing
Neither logical behaviorism, operationism, tended to shed intervening variables, and the
nor analytic behaviorism was acceptable to few he adopted (e.g., reflex reserve, drive,
Skinner. Logical behaviorism and operation- emotion) were eventually deemphasized or
ism simply legislated private consciousness eliminated.
out of science. In contrast, Skinner (p. 258)
believed that the incorporation of private D ESCRIPTIVE M ENTALISM
events into a natural science was one of the For the behaviorist, the problem of descrip-
most important achievements of his behav- tive mentalism is how to preserve the valid
iorism. Analytic behaviorism, on the other observations of everyday language without ac-
hand, although it pruned language of its du- cepting the implied mentalism. Skinners so-
alistic connotations, left language as it was.1 lution is illustrated in a number of curious
This did little to advance a science of behav- examples throughout the book, including the
ior, and it left intact the language of agency following (with italics added):
and freedom Skinner viewed as detrimental Although such terms as . . . intent appear
to behaviorisms contribution to human so- to refer to properties of behavior, they usually
cial progress. conceal references to independent variables (p.
More congenial to Skinner was a long line 36). . . . Purpose is not a property of the be-
of behaviorist psychologists, originating with havior itself; it is a way of referring to control-
Watson, who offered behaviorist interpreta- ling variables (p. 88). . . . expressions involving
tions of mental language (see Zuriff, 1985). goals and purposes are abbreviations (p.
Two contemporaries of Skinner are worthy of 90). . . . Moods and dispositions represent a
kind of second order probability . . . (p. 169)
note. Clark Hull (1930) approached mental
concepts experimentally. First, he selected as- In all these instances and many others,
pects of animal behavior thought to display Skinner interprets the mentalistic language as
mentalistic features. He then formulated an referring to, representing, reducible
explanation of that behavior within his ex- to, translated as, or implying physical
perimentally derived behavioral theory. Hav- variables rather than the implied mental
ing demonstrated that the behavior could be states. What is the nature of these interpre-
explained without appeal to any mental con- tations?
cepts, he thereby eliminated the dualism. One way of understanding them is that
Skinner is offering the correct meaning of
1 It is not clear how familiar Skinner was with the work
the verbal behavior. But how does Skinner
of analytic behaviorism. I once convinced him to attend justify his version of the correct meaning?
a lecture by Gilbert Ryle, who was then visiting Harvard,
by persuading him that Ryles work was related to his Is he not begging the question of dualism?
own, but he lost interest and walked out in the middle Furthermore, how can speakers come to in-
of the lecture. tend Skinners suggested meanings when

most have no idea of what a controlling var- control of other verbal responses, and these
iable is? To be sure, a lack of knowledge does verbal responses may include talk about men-
not always decide meaning as when scientists tal explanatory fictions having no translations
tell us that when we speak of the temperature acceptable to the behaviorist (see below).
of an object we are referring to the kinetic Thus, for example, Jones may emit the verbal
energy of its molecules, even though we may response Smith is angry not only under the
know nothing of molecules. Nevertheless, this control of observable stimuli eliciting Smiths
interpretation of Skinners treatment of de- angry behavior but also under the control of
scriptive mentalism is unsatisfactory because the verbal stimulus What private events oc-
the notions of reference and meaning curring in Smiths consciousness caused him
are murky, and Skinner (1957) has criticized to bang the table?
them for their mentalistic connotations. It appears, therefore, that Skinners treat-
A more promising approach is to make use ment of descriptive mentalism is not simply
of Skinners (1945, 1957) own conception of to interpret such language in terms of its total
meaning. In its simplest terms, this theory behavioral meaning because to do so legiti-
suggests that the meaning of a verbal re- mizes talk about explanatory fictions. Instead,
sponse is the set of variables controlling it. Skinners interpretation provides a partial
This definition does not precisely correspond meaning that includes only those variables
to the traditional one, but it does shed light useful to a behavioral science. Thus Joness
on Skinners treatment of descriptive mental- Smith is angry is interpreted in terms of
ism. When Jones says Smith is looking for the environmental variables both controlling
his glasses, to understand the meaning of Smiths behavior and serving as discrimina-
Joness verbal response, we have to look for tive stimuli for Joness verbal response, but
the variables controlling it. Among the im- the interpretation does not include talk about
portant controlling variables are some of the explanatory fictions that may also control
same variables that also control Smiths be- Joness verbal response. This understanding
havior. For example, a history of reinforce- of Skinners mode of interpretation is sup-
ment for wearing his glasses controls Smiths ported by passages such as the following: If
behavior of looking for his glasses, and that statements [about the intention of an act] are
same history of reinforcement may also con- useful for scientific purposes, they must be
trol Joness verbal response in describing based upon observable events, and we may
Smiths behavior. Note that in Smiths case, confine ourselves to such events exclusively in
history functions as a reinforcement variable, a functional analysis (p. 36).
and in Joness case, it serves a discriminative It thus appears that Skinners treatment of
function. In Skinners theory of meaning, it descriptive mentalism can be understood as a
is inconsequential that Jones cannot articu- recommendation for a partial conceptual re-
late which variables are controlling his verbal vision, or what philosophers call an expli-
response. The important point is that none cation. In an explication, a more precise
of the variables controlling the verbal re- and more useful concept is substituted for a
sponse is mentalistic, and hence the meaning vague but important traditional concept. As
of the verbal response can be understood in an explicator, Skinner interprets many, but
purely behavioral terms without reference to not all, mentalistic descriptions by showing
consciousness. that such verbal behavior is primarily (if not
Although this analysis of meaning appears totally) under the control of (i.e., the mean-
to solve the problem posed by descriptive ing of the verbal behavior is) a set of envi-
mentalism, it conceals one major flaw. Ac- ronmental variables that controls both the
cording to Skinner, the meaning of a verbal verbal behavior as well as the behavior being
response consists of all the variables control- described, and these variables are useful in a
ling it. Thus the meaning of Joness verbal functional analysis. Consequently, Skinner is
response is not confined to the discriminative able to justify many of the concepts embed-
stimuli representing Smiths reinforcement ded in our everyday mentalistic conceptual
history but also includes a class of intraverbal scheme (e.g., intention, purpose, and mean-
responses and stimuli (Skinner, 1957). That ing) without accepting their dualistic impli-
is, Jones emits the response also under the cations. He cautions, however, that this kind

of interpretation may not be possible for all from the simple to the complex, as revealed
descriptive mentalism (p. 163). in this passage, is essential to understanding
the achievements of Science and Human Behav-
E XPLANATORY M ENTALISM ior as well as the objections of its critics.
In contrast to Skinners revisionary accep- One might suppose that the extrapolation
tance of descriptive mentalism, chapter 3, refers to the process of taking the behavioral
Why Organisms Behave, is one of the most laws derived from research on hungry rats
penetrating, cogent, and comprehensive crit- pressing levers to obtain food pellets in ex-
icisms of explanatory mentalism in the psy- perimental chambers and applying these laws
chological literature. Much has already been to everyday human action in natural settings.
written about it, and I shall add only one ob- Skinners notion of extrapolation, however, is
servation. Although some of his objections much more expansive. For him, the basic
are philosophical (e.g., mentalistic explana- relations and processes derived from labo-
tions are circular, redundant, ad hoc, con- ratory research and used in his extrapolations
trary to the unity of science), most are prag- are not limited to rats in operant condition-
matic (e.g., mentalistic explanations are ing chambers. Section II, described as the lo-
useless for prediction and control, are un- cation for the principles to be extrapolated
observable, lack measurable dimensions, dis- from, already contains many applications of
tract us from observing environmental vari- these principles to everyday human action,
ables, create a false sense of understanding). including verbal behavior, for which they had
Accordingly, Skinners approach to explana- never been experimentally demonstrated.
tory mentalism is to recommend the total re- One simple illustration is that of writers
placement of the mentalistic conceptual cramp explained as due to extinction (p. 72).
scheme with the behaviorist one. For exam- Thus the extrapolation is not from the simple
ple: Instead of saying that a man behaves animal laboratory case to the complex hu-
because of the consequences which are to fol- man case but is from the simple principles of
low his behavior, we simply say that he be- operant conditioning in the single organism,
haves because of the consequences which including humans, to complex cases of inter-
have followed similar behavior in the past actions among these principles and among
(p. 87). He thus recommends a radical organisms. By taking for granted the appli-
change in our verbal behavior. cation of behavioral theory to human action,
Obviously, at the time, Skinner did not Skinners extrapolation is much bolder than
have confirmed explanations of complex hu- those of many earlier behaviorists and much
man behavior to substitute for mentalism. In- more vulnerable to criticism.
stead, his strategy was to suggest alternative With the problem of human application
plausible, but untested, behaviorist explana- thus finessed, Skinner was free to indulge in
tions for complex behavior based on a be- original and creative theorizing as to how ex-
havioral theory derived from simple animal planatory mentalism can be replaced entirely
experiments. This strategy, that he variously by a behavioral explanatory scheme. In re-
termed extrapolation (p. 39), reduction cent years, as well as in his own later writings,
(p. 40), and interpretation (1973, pp. 260 the major interest has been in Skinners in-
261), comprises the bulk of Science and Hu- terpretations of social phenomena, especially
man Behavior, and, indeed, all of Skinners lat- government, education, cultural design, and
er writings. In his description of the structure the issue of social control, as discussed in sec-
of the book, he writes: tions IV, V, and VI. Because my interest is in
The plan is obviously an example of extrapo- Skinners treatment of mentalism, however, I
lation from the simple to the complex. No shall focus instead on section III, The Indi-
principle is used in any part of the book which vidual as a Whole, because it directly ad-
is not discussed in Section II. The basic rela- dresses the mind and because I believe it dis-
tions and processes of this section are derived plays some of Skinners most original and
from data obtained under conditions which brilliant interpretations.
most closely approximate those of an exact sci- I see this section as dealing with one fun-
ence. (p. 39)
damental problem, the issue of agencya
Skinners notion of the extrapolation topic no psychological science can avoid.

Who is the actor? Who is thinking, feeling, for Skinner the advantage is that they allow
deciding? Can agency be reconciled with de- for the prediction, control, and scientific in-
terminism? Skinner looks at two aspects of vestigation of thinking and self-control.
agency posing difficult challenges to a behav- Concluding section III, Skinner offers a be-
iorist interpretationself-control and think- havioral definition of the self: [I]t appears
ing. In these chapters, Skinner leads the read- that a self is simply a device for representing
er, step by step, to his prestated goal of a functionally unified system of responses
demonstrating that these two phenomena (p. 285). Much is packed in this disingenu-
can be explained without recourse to men- ously simple definition, but it does sum-
talism, using only the basic principles of sec- marize Skinners analysis of thinking and self-
tion II. His writing here is an exemplar of control. One profoundly important
subtle persuasion and startling originality. implication of this interpretation is that the
With both phenomena, he makes use of an self is not an a priori given. Rather than serv-
insight shared by the analytic behaviorists ing as the starting point for psychology, the
Wittgenstein and Ryle, although not bor- self is instead a product of interactions be-
rowed from them. Whatever activities pre- tween the organism and the environment.
cede and are responsible for an action, be Moreover, Skinner (p. 291) suggests, through
they private mental activities, an internal di- social contingencies of punishment, humans
alog, or external preparatory actions, at some may learn to engage in nonpunished behav-
point the action simply happens with no fur- ior to the exclusion of knowing about pun-
ther ado merely because of the nature of the ished behavior, thereby opening up the pos-
organism. To that insight, Skinner adds a sibility for repression and highly defective
bold hypothesis: One can treat oneself as oth- self-knowledge.
er. Using these two points, Skinner shows that
in self-control and thinking, people manipu- E XPERIENTIAL M ENTALISM
late variables of which their own behavior is Our direct introspective conscious experi-
a function so that their behavior is modified ence has always been the strongest evidence
in ways we call self-control or problem for dualism and the greatest challenge to be-
solving. Closing the circle, Skinner finally haviorism (for a review, see Zuriff, 1985,
shows that the behavior of manipulating var- chapt. 11). As noted above, some behaviorists
iables is itself ultimately a function of the var- met this challenge by simply declaring that
iables reviewed in section II. consciousness, because of its inherent privacy,
In these interpretations, Skinner accepts can never be the subject matter for science
that people do engage in what is termed and must therefore be ignored. Others
self-control and thinking, but he at- agreed that consciousness cannot be directly
tempts to change the way we talk about these studied, but first-person reports, such as I
activities and how we explain them. He ex- have an image of a dog, are verbal behavior
amines the behavior people observe when and can be studied scientifically. Within this
they apply the terms and then proceeds to group of behaviorists, some argued that this
explain that behavior through his behavioral verbal behavior is a response to physical
theory. Thinking and self-controlas well as events internal to the person, and the first-
many other allegedly mental phenomena person report therefore can be used to draw
are interpreted as forms of behavior. Neither inferences about these internal events. Be-
the behaviors described nor the explanations fore Skinner, however, no behaviorists had ex-
for them resort to mental events or explan- plained in any detail the relation between the
atory fictions. As Skinner says: first-person reports and the hypothesized in-
ternal events.
The best way to dispose of any explanatory fic- In chapter 17, Private Events in a Natural
tion is to examine the facts upon which it is
based. These usually prove to be, or suggest,
Science, Skinner offers a highly innovative
variables which are acceptable from the point theory of this relationship. His willingness to
of view of scientific method. (p. 285) extend his behaviorist analysis to private in-
ternal events is what distinguishes his form of
For the philosopher, the advantage to these behaviorism as radical in the sense of thor-
interpretations is that they eliminate dualism; oughgoing. One of the strengths of this rad-

ical behaviorism is Skinners creativity in con- When a physical event occurs inside me and
ceptualizing the nature of these private I emit the discriminative verbal response, I
events. For example, he introduces the con- have a pain, is this behavioral complex ac-
cept of operant seeing, interpreted as a dis- companied by a nonphysical phenomenal ex-
criminative operant response that may ac- perience?
count for reports of private images and
private visual problem solving.
Given the variety of covert events Skinner C ONCLUSIONS
is willing to countenance, he must face the Science and Human Behavior can be seen as
problem of how these covert events give rise an heroic attempt to modify our everyday du-
to first-person reports. In keeping with the alistic conceptual scheme to make a science
logic of the book, this relationship must not of human behavior plausible. With regard to
be simply assumed but must be derived from descriptive mentalism, Skinner is content to
the basic behavioral principles. Accordingly, leave intact much of everyday discourse by us-
Skinner conceives of first-person reports as ing his theory of meaning to extract its fac-
discriminative verbal responses with the co- tual core and dismissing what is misleading
vert events as the discriminative stimuli. How, or false. In contrast, he recommends that
then, does the verbal community train the nearly all of explanator y mentalism be
discriminative responses when it lacks access scrapped. In its place, he suggests an entire
to the discriminative stimuli? Skinners clever explanatory scheme by extrapolating from
solution is that the verbal community resorts the basic principles of his behavioral science.
to public accompaniments of the private Nevertheless, even in the case of explanatory
event or that verbal discriminations acquired mentalism, he often bases his analysis on
with respect to public events may be trans- some factual core meaning of the mentalistic
ferred to private events on the basis of com- explanation. In the case of experiential men-
mon properties. talism, he also leaves most first-person reports
This empirical theory has deep philosoph- intact, but he recommends an entirely new
ical implications because it turns traditional way of conceiving them. Rather than serving
Western epistemology on its head. For Des- as the basis of all knowledge, they are instead
cartes, one begins with the certain knowledge the error-prone product of an unreliable pro-
of oneself and only later acquires uncertain cess of social conditioning, and rather than
knowledge of the external world, whereas for reporting about a nonphysical substance,
Skinner, the epistemological progression is they are discriminative responses to internal
reversed. It is only through a process of social material events.
discrimination training that we come to know In differentiating among the various as-
the contents of our internal worlds. pects of mentalism, Skinner was not guided
Thus much of the contents of experiential by metaphysical considerations. Instead, his
consciousness, the pains, sensations, images, criteria for accepting, revising, or rejecting
and feelings, is explained as internal physical everyday discourse were closely related to the
events functioning as discriminative stimuli effectiveness of his science. Language that in-
for the verbal behavior we observe as first- terferes with behavioral science is criticized
person reports. To be sure, such reports are and discarded; terms that may be somewhat
unreliable because of the defective discrimi- misleading but which may be related to sci-
native contingencies and repression (see entific concepts are shorn of mentalistic im-
above) and are not scientific observations, plications and recommended for revision. At
but Skinner does not require that people stop its heart, Science and Human Behavior is a sci-
using such first-person reports. He recom- entific enterprise.
mends only that people cease talking about I have confined my discussion to Skinners
private events as if they were nonphysical and treatment of dualism, but the book is much
that psychologists not accept first-person re- more than that. It is nothing less than an at-
ports as the basis for a science. tempt to develop an empirical and theoreti-
Although Skinner thus neatly finds a role cal framework for all psychology, and, as
for private events in a natural science, the such, it is not entirely inappropriate that it
philosopher in me still wants to ask quietly, was chosen as a textbook for Columbias in-

troduction to psychology. In the half-century Ryle, G. (1949). The concept of mind. London: Hutchinson.
Skinner, B. F. (1945). The operational analysis of psycho-
since its publication much has been written logical terms. Psychological Review, 52, 270277.
in support and in opposition. Parts of it have Skinner, B. F. (1950). Are theories of learning necessary?
stimulated further research and thought Psychological Review, 57, 193216.
whereas others have been superceded or dis- Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and human behavior. New
carded, even by behaviorists. Nevertheless, in York: Macmillan.
Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal behavior. New York: Appleton-
terms of its scope, originality, influence and Century-Crofts.
sheer brilliance, it remains unsurpassed in Skinner, B. F. (1973). Answers for my critics. In H. Wheel-
the literature of 20th-century psychology. er (Ed.), Beyond the punitive society (pp. 256266). San
Francisco: W. H. Freeman.
Stevens, S. S. (1935). The operational definition of psy-
REFERENCES chological concepts. Psychological Review, 42, 517527.
Tolman, E. C. (1932). Purposive behavior in animals and
Bridgman, P. W. (1927). The logic of modern physics. New men. New York: Century.
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Keller, F. S., & Schoenfeld, W. N. (1950). Principles of psy- Received August 23, 2003
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