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4, APRIL 2014 2001504

Hysteresis and Magnetic Barkhausen Noise for SAE 1020

and 1045 Steels With Different Microstructures
Leonardo F. T. Costa1 , Marcos F. de Campos2, Gunther J. L. Gerhardt3 , and Frank P. Missell3
1 CEPEL, PFDF, Diviso de Planejamento e Fomento, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
2 UniversidadeFederal Fluminense, Volta Redonda 27255-125, Brazil
3 Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul 95070-560, Brazil

Barkhausen noise (BN) was measured in SAE 1020 and 1045 steels with different microstructures. It was found that constituents such
as martensite and ferrite plus pearlite can be identified from their BN signatures and magnetic characterization data (coercivity and
initial permeability). Comparison of the 1020 and 1045 steels suggests that it may be possible to separate ferrite and pearlite, because
the BN burst in pearlite probably occurs for higher fields than in ferrite. The BN analysis, hysteresis, and initial permeability data
indicate that in martensite, the magnetization reversal occurs essentially by domain rotation, thus explaining the distinct martensite
BN signature.
Index Terms Barkhausen noise (BN), hysteresis curve, initial permeability, microstructure, nondestructive testing.


I N FERROMAGNETIC materials such as steels, the

microstructural characteristics play a decisive role in deter-
mining both the average macroscopic magnetic hysteresis
curves and microscopic magnetization behavior as represented
by the Barkhausen noise (BN). Previously, Jiles [1] had pre-
sented a comprehensive discussion of the influence of carbon
content on the properties of the hysteresis loop for several
carbon steels with up to 1 wt%C. That work concluded that All toroids were austenitized at 910 C (10 C). After
domain wall motion was mainly influenced by the presence of austenitization they were placed in another furnace for 20 min
iron carbide particles, either in lamellae or spheroids, while at the temperature of 700 C, and then cooled in air. Normal-
grain boundaries were of lesser importance. In an attempt to ization consists of complete austenitization followed by air
standardize the representation of BN data, Sipahi et al. [2] cooling [4].
presented an analysis of pulse height and pulse wave form Metalographic preparation was with Trident and Buehler
as well as the frequency spectrum of Barkhausen emissions. Microcloth with diamond suspensions of 15, 9, 6, 3, 1,
Those authors concluded that the form of magnetic field and 1/4 m, followed by attack with Nital and examination
excitation was crucial in determining the Barkhausen emission with a Zeiss AX10 optical microscope and/or a Zeiss EVO
spectrum, while pulse height, frequency spectrum, and pulse 40 scanning electron microscope (SEM).
wave form were important for representing the output. A After heat treatment, toroidal samples were wound with
recent analysis [3] of BN and magnetoacoustic emission in a primary (200 turns of 28AWG Cu wire) and a secondary
relation to plastic deformation of Armco iron, employed the (200 turns of 42AWG Cu wire) for magnetic measurements.
previous parameters, as well as the fast Fourier transform For toroidal samples, there are no demagnetization effects to
(FFT) and a wavelet analysis in an attempt to present the be corrected. Noise measurements were made on the toroids
results in a useful manner. These papers show the need for with a system developed in our laboratory, using a sinusoidal
further analysis of the relationship between the BN and the signal varying at 0.5 Hz, generated by a low-noise DS360
microstructure. Stanford Research Systems function generator. This signal
drove a bipolar amplifier (Kepco BOP 36-6M), which in
turn drove the primary coil. The signal from the secondary
was filtered (0.570 kHz) and amplified (Stanford Research
Samples of two steels, nominally SAE 1020 (0.2 wt%C) and Systems SR640), after which noise data were collected with
SAE 1045 (0.45 wt%C), were prepared in the form of toroids a data acquisition board (IOTech 16-b ADC 1 MHz) at
to facilitate magnetic measurements, avoiding the effect of 500 000 samples per second and stored for later analysis.
demagnetizing field. The actual compositions of the steels are During the BN measurement, a low resistance is employed in
shown in Table I. series with the primary to monitor the real current. The rms
Manuscript received July 30, 2013; revised September 30, 2013; accepted envelopes of the Barkhausen bursts were obtained with a mov-
October 22, 2013. Date of current version April 4, 2014. Corresponding ing window of 1000 points, which was moved successively
author: F. P. Missell (e-mail: fmissell@yahoo.com). by 10 points. The values presented for the rms BN are the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. result of averaging over 10 Barkhausen envelopes. A hysteresis
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2287701 loop tracer (Globalmag Ltda) was used to determine hysteresis
0018-9464 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Magnetic induction B versus applied magnetic field H for three

samples of SAE 1045 steels, as described in the text. Fig. 4. Magnetic induction B versus magnetic field H for three 1020 steels.

Fig. 2. RMS Barkhausen voltage versus magnetic field for the 1045 samples Fig. 5. RMS Barkhausen voltage versus magnetic field for 1020 steels.
for decreasing magnetization.

a sinusoidal magnetic field H = Ho sin t, then the voltage

across the pickup coil is given by
V (t) = NAHo (H ) cos t (1)
where N and A are the number of turns and area of the pickup
coil. It is observed in Fig. 3 that the peak BN response coin-
cides with the permeability maximum as expected from (1).
Thus, it is inferred that the BN peak is principally the result
of 180 domain wall motion.
Figs. 4 and 5 show the hysteresis curves and BN for the
1020 samples. The BN envelopes of Figs. 2 and 5 are shown
for decreasing magnetization.
The Barkhausen envelopes for our 1045 samples show a
small splitting, but are quite different from those observed, for
Fig. 3. Superposition of rms Barkhausen voltage, hysteresis curve, and dB/dH example, in [3], where two pronounced peaks are observed,
for normalized SAE 1045 samples.
one for positive fields and the other for negative fields. In [3],
the flux path through the Armco iron samples was closed
loops for comparison with BN data. Thus a sinusoidal current with an Fe-Si C-core, so that demagnetizing effects (more 90
( f = 0.5 Hz) was used to drive the primary. The secondary walls), though small, are still present.
voltage was integrated to furnish the magnetic induction. The FFTs of the BN bursts were calculated to obtain the
information about their frequency content. Fig. 6 shows the
III. M AGNETIC M EASUREMENTS result for the 1045 steels. For the softer steels, the frequency
Figs. 1 and 2 show the hysteresis curves and BN for the region around 20 kHz is clearly dominant.
1045 samples. The calculated dB/dH curve for the normalized As mentioned in [5], the analysis of initial permeability
1045 samples is shown in Fig. 3, together with BN and the is quite valuable for discussing the possible magnetization
hysteresis curve. Writing B = o (H + M) and considering reversal processes, such as irreversible domain rotation and

Fig. 6. FFT versus frequency of BN bursts for 1045 steels.

Fig. 7. SEM image for water-quenched 1045 steels showing martensite.

coercivity, suggesting 90 closure domain wall elimination.

Both deformed [10] and martensitic samples [7], [8] present
difficulties for movement of 180 domain walls, and this
results in a lower BN emission.
domain wall displacement. In the case of pure iron, the initial Fig. 7 shows the martensite needles in a water-quenched
permeability should be around 30 [5], [6] if rotation were the sample of 1045 steel. The microstructure of quenched
only reversal mechanism. Values much above this lower limit 1020 steel (not shown) is very similar. The nanometric struc-
of 30 indicate significant domain wall displacement [5]. ture of martensite is observed in these microstructures. The
Both quenched (denoted as H2O in Table II) samples martensite is a very deformed structure, with a high density
(1020 and 1045) show small initial permeabilities, suggesting of dislocations [7]. The tridimensional shape of martensite
significant magnetization rotation. The other 1020 samples is lenticular but, in 3-D cuts, martensite appears as needles.
(normalized and annealed at 700 C) show higher initial As domain wall movement is difficult in such fine structure,
permeabilities, suggesting domain wall displacement. reversion of magnetization happens essentially by means of
Both 1045 samples, normalized and annealed at 700 C, domain rotation. This results in higher coercivity, because
show small initial permeabilities in spite of the similarity of domain rotation becomes relevant as a reversal mechanism.
their BN envelopes to those of the 1020 samples (Figs. 2 However, domain rotation generates very little BN [6], [7], and
and 5). We suggest that the large amount of pearlite in the this explains the low intensity of BN for the water-quenched
1045 samples could be having a considerable effect on the samples (Figs. 2 and 5).
initial permeability (Table II). According to the phase diagram, On the other hand, in ferrite, the domain walls can move
it is expected that the 1045 samples will have 60% pearlite freely, explaining the lower coercivity and higher intensity
and 40% ferrite, whereas the 1020 samples should have 70% of BN for the normalized and heat treated (700 C) sam-
ferrite and 30% pearlite. ples (Figs. 15). Microstructures of the normalized samples
Finally, the hysteresis curves (Figs. 1 and 4) for the are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. Even in pearlite (Fig. 10), a
quenched 1020 and 1045 samples show a higher coercive lamellar structure consisting of alternate lamellae of Fe3 C and
field. The high coercive field is explained by the presence -Fe phases, the domain wall movement takes place. This is
of martensite in the microstructure, with magnetic reversal shown by Fig. 3, where a strong BN peak is observed in the
occurring using irreversible rotation. region of 180 domain wall movement of the hysteresis curve.
A recent interpretation of the BN envelope considers the
IV. M ICROSTRUCTURE BN peak as divided into two main bursts [10], [11]:
The BN signature of martensite has been discussed in [7] 1) there occurs 180 domain wall movement;
and [8], but closing the magnetic circuit with a yoke, as 2) elimination of 90 domain closure walls.
typically used in NDE [2], [3] did not allow clear conclusions The samples evaluated in this paper present only one clear
about the fields associated with the bursts. main peak, but this may be due to the complex nature of the
In a previous study on deformed samples of electrical samples, consisting of several microstructural constituents, as,
steel, it was found that the field for Barkhausen activity in for example, in a mixing of pearlite and ferrite (Figs. 8 and 9).
deformed samples is above the coercive field [9]. Similar The double-horn structure of the BN observed for several 1045
features were observed in this paper: Figs. 2 and 5 show that samples (Figs. 2 and 3) may be due to the two microstructural
martensitic samples present BN activity for fields above the constituents, with the lower field peak associated with the

As 180 domain wall movement is very difficult in marten-

site, the BN peak for the quenched samples is possibly due
to 90 closure domain wall elimination. This suggestion is
supported by their occurrence at higher fields (Figs. 15).

The results help to clarify the relationship between thr
microstructure of steels and magnetic measurements in nonde-
structive testing. Different constituents such as martensite and
ferrite plus pearlite can be identified from their BN signatures
and magnetic measurement data (including coercivity and
initial permeability). Data from the 1045 steels suggests that
it may be possible to separate ferrite and pearlite, because the
BN burst in pearlite probably occurs for higher fields than in
Fig. 8. Microstructure of normalized 1045 steels showing ferrite (white) and
pearlite (black).
This work was supported in part by the Brazilian agencies
FAPERGS under Project 1009955, in part by SCIT/RS, and
in part by CNPq under Project 472827/2011-1. The work of
F. P. Missell was supported by CNPq. M. F. de Campos would
like to thank CNPq.

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