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Transport of carbon dioxide in blood

Carbon dioxide produced from cellular respiration in cells diffuses into the interstitial
fluid and then into blood capillaries. About 85% of the carbon dioxide produced diffuses
into erythrocytes, and combines with _______(1)_________to form carbonic acid. The
reaction is catalysed by ________(2)_________. The carbonic acid quickly dissociates
into _______(3)__________ion and hydrogen carbonate ion and. The hydrogen
carbonate ions diffuse out of the erythrocytes into the _____(4)___________. Chroride
ions diffuse into the erythrocytes to maintain ______(5)____________. The process is
called a _______(6)__________.The presence of hydrogen ion decreases its pH. These
protons are quickly mopped up by free haemoglobin to form ______(7)____________.
About 10% of carbon dioxide combines with haemoglobin to form
________(8)__________. The ion is then transported to the lung where it dissociates to
release carbon dioxide to be expelled in exhaled air. About 5 % of carbon dioxide
dissolves in blood plasma to form _______(9)__________ but a slower rate due to lack
of _______(10)_________.

1. Water
2. Carbonic anhydrase
3. Hydrogen
4. Plasma
5. Electrical neutrality
6. Chloride shift
7. Haemoglobinic acid
8. Carbaminohaemoglobin
9. Carbonic acid
10. Enzyme

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