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The Art of Stretching Complete 53 Additional

Images to Show You Exactly Which Muscle

You Are Stretching (Part 2)
October 26, 2016 by THSJ 1 Comment

Note: this is an extension and a conclusion of our previous articles The Art of Stretching and The Art of
Stretching Continued (Part 1) and should be viewed together with them.

In our previous article The Art of Stretching we presented 36 illustration in color with stretches for specific
muscles and following that we started the first part of todays article. And now, to conclude the series, we
continue with the final stretching poses while providing instructions and commentary.

Make sure you familiarize yourself with the two previous articles on the Art of Stretching, as we will discuss
smart stretching and certain poses that require some skills and knowledge gained there.

Lets begin.

26. Finger by Finger Flexion With Assistance

Muscles involved: The extensor muscle corresponding to the finger being flexed


The Finger by Finger Flexion, as the name reveals, is done one finger at a time. Simply hold on to each
finger individually with the opposite hand and produce a deep but gentle flexion. The wrist must remain
flexed at approximately 90.


During the exercise, flex the wrist slightly with each pull of the finger in order to put even greater emphasis
on the tension. Of course, as in all other stretching exercises, the movement here should also be slow and

27. Finger Separation

Muscles involved: Palmar interosseous, dorsal interosseous of the thumb


Recommended for musicians playing the piano, guitar, flute, etc. With the help of the opposite hand,
separate the fingers from each other, one by one. An alternative is to place an object like a cylinder or a
rubber ball between the fingers and press it using the other hand towards the interdigital spaces of each
finger. Some small muscles of the hand, the palmar interosseous for example, respond very well to this


Although the easiest one to separate may be the thumb (its called the opposing finger for a reason), the
work should involve the entire hand.
Certain professions and hobbies demand excellent finger mobility, especially in the artistic fields. For
example, musicians who play any one of several instruments like piano, guitar, flute, etc., will all benefit
from this exercise, which they should practice conscientiously.

28. Hand Adduction With Extended Elbow

Muscles involved: Extensor carpi radialis longus, abducens policis


Preferably standing up, extend the elbow completely and while keeping the hand adducted (the little finger
is brought closer toward the forearm) press on the area of the thumb with your opposite hand.


By keeping the elbow extended you are working all of the target muscles, otherwise we would be focusing
too exclusively on the muscles of the fingers. Lets not forget that some of the muscles being stretched in
this exercise are bi-jointed, meaning they cross both the elbow and the wrist.

29. Hand Pronation With Extended Elbow

Muscles involved: Supinator, abducens policis longus, extensor policis longus


As with the previous exercise, we start, preferably standing up, by extending our elbow completely, and
putting the hand in a pronated position (it is turned as if pouring a pitcher of water), helping the movement
with the opposite hand.


Stretching the indicated muscles here is not easy because the bony limits usually prevent it. This is why in
this exercise we combine two movements in order to take the muscles to their maximum extension. Our
pain rule applies here as well if you feel pain you are taking things too far.

One interesting point to note is that pronation and supination of the forearm are not generated by the wrist,
as it first appears. The wrist, in fact, lacks these two movements. The rotation is produced from the elbow,
and it involves both the arm and the forearm muscles.

30. Knee Flexion

Muscles involved: Quadriceps

Standing up while leaning against a support for balance, flex a knee and hold on to the dorsum medial
aspect of the foot that is raised using the ipsilateral hand, as shown in the illustration. Pressing the heel of
the foot against the gluteus will stretch your quadriceps.


The hip should not be flexed, nor should you lean the torso, but if you extend the hip a little bit backwards
on the side that is being worked, you can get a good stretch on one portion of the quadriceps, the bi-
jointed rectus femoris.

On the other hand, if the hip moves in the opposite way (raising the knee in front of the body but
maintaining the rest of the posture as is) you will be putting emphasis on the vastus lateralis and medialis
of the quadriceps, taking some tension off the rectus femoris.

31. Tibial Flexion With Semi-flexed Knee

Muscles involved: Soleus


Standing and holding on to a support, push one leg backward and with the knee semi flexed plant the
entire sole of the foot on the ground in such a way that the tension is felt in the area of the soleus (below
the gastrocnemius). The forward leg remains in semi-flexion, supporting the weight of the body.


The important thing in this exercise is to keep the knee in flexion, to place more emphasis on the
stretching of the soleus. The point of maximum stretch is achieved, by gently placing the heel of the back
leg on the ground. The most common way of adjusting the tension over the soleus is to gradually bring the
knee closer to the wall without lifting the heel off the ground.

32. Tibial Flexion Seated With Knee Extended

Muscles involved: Ischiotibial muscles, gastrocnemius, soleus

Seating on the ground flex one leg over itself by bending the knee and resting the heel of the foot upon the
adductor muscles of the opposite leg. The leg that is being stretched must remain with the knee extended.
Now from this position, flex the hip slowly, lowering the trunk toward the outstretched leg.


During the exercise, the spinal column and the head must remain aligned. People with limited flexibility
tend to flex the trunk over itself, believing that they are stretching the ischiotibial muscles by getting closer
to the front leg, but this should be avoided.

33. Extension of the Hip While Seated on the Heels

Muscles involved: Quadriceps


Seating on top of your heels, preferably upon a padded surface, extend the hip allowing the trunk to fall
backwards in a controlled fashion.


In this exercise, leaning the body backwards extends the quadriceps and because of the position that is
adopted, the hip flexors also participate.

On the other hand, if the discomfort inherent in this position troubles you, feel free to skip it as the muscles
worked may be stretched with other more comfortable and effective exercises.

34. Stride
Muscles involved: Illiopsoas


From a standing position, bring the body forward with a great stride without lifting the back foot off the
ground. From this position, flex the back knee transferring most of the bodyweight to the front leg. The
front knee must remain in a position just above the foot, never going beyond it. You can gently lower the
weight of the trunk vertically by bringing the pelvis toward the floor to increase the stretch.

With this simple exercise we can do really work the hip flexors. To keep balance, you can rest your hands
on the front leg or a side bench, as balance is vitally important in order to be able to perform the exercise

If we had to choose only one exercise to stretch the illiopsoas, this would be it, because of its simplicity
and effectiveness.

35. Hip Flexion Lying Down

Muscles involved: Gluteus maximus


Lying on the ground, flex one leg at both the hip and the knee and hug it with both hands, pressing the
leg against the chest. The other leg remains extended on the ground.


This fairly simple exercise stretches the gluteus of the elevated leg, but the hip flexors of the extended leg
are also stretched. People with lower degree of flexibility will notice how the leg that should remain on the
ground naturally lifts up, something that should be avoided (for example, by placing the foot under a bar).

In this exercise, the assistance of a partner could be quite useful. The partner presses the elevated leg
against the chest of the person stretching, while at the same time holding the opposite leg down on the
floor (at the level of the tibia) in such a way that the leg is held down but not pressured.

36. Hip Adduction While Standing

Muscles involved: Gluteal deltoids (superficial fibers of the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata)


Standing up, holding on to a support on the side, release the weight of the body from the leg closest to the
support and cross it in adduction behind the leg that remains firmly in place. Lower the body slowly at the
same time that the free leg is moved into greater adduction.


Although you will feel significant tension in the area of the gluteus medius in the leg that supports the
bodyweight and also of the quadriceps, these are postural tensions rather than true stretches, since the
leg that you are really stretching is the one that was crossed over.

One thing to note is that the trunk must remain firm and vertical, never leaning, as that would detract from
the effectiveness of the exercise. When performed correctly, you will notice the tension running along the
entire lateral area of the leg, from the hip all the way to the knee.

37. Tibial Flexion of the Foot

Muscles involved: Flexor digitorum longus and flexor digitorum brevis

While seated, flex the foot toward the tibia with the help of the hand. The hand covers a great part of the
sole of the foot in order to produce a general flexion. Now, if the flexion is performed with the knee
extended, then the stretch will focus especially on the gastrocnemius and soleus, whereas if the knee is
flexed, it will focus on the latter.


On the other hand, if the traction is solely upon the toes, the intensity of the stretch will be greatest upon
the flexor digitorum longus and brevis, as well as the lumbricals. All these different variations should be
performed to ensure that they are all properly stretched.

38. Toes Separation

Muscles involved: Plantar interosseus, adductor hallucis

This exercise consists of separating each pair of toes one by one, with the help of the hands. Useful when
on occasion, the footwear will press upon, or at least immobilize the toes, and so it is important to regain
the lost mobility with exercises such as this one.


Walking around barefoot, especially on the sand at the beach, can be a pleasant and valid alternative,
although not as specific or as strict as moving each toe individually. Keep in mind that, footwear should
never harm the toes, ankle or any other part of the body, because a poor support has repercussions in
many other areas (the knees, the hips, the spine, etc.).

39. Ankle Mobilization

Muscles involved: Peroneus

While seated, move the foot in such a way as to cause the stretching of its different areas. Change the
position of flexion and extension of the ankle to reach different muscles. Each stretching position must be
held for a few seconds, not just simply turning the foot in all different directions (circumduction), but rather
adopt a position of tension and hold it for a time and then change to a different one.


The ankle, along with the knee, is one of the most fragile joints when it comes to practicing sports. Its
strengthening, stretching, and proprioception are essential for a healthy joint and for preventing problems
in the future. In this exercise, it is necessary to know how to relax the different muscles that surround the
ankle, since any tension will take away from the effectiveness of the stretching exercise.

The Art of Stretching Complete 53 Additional

Images to Show You Exactly Which Muscle
You Are Stretching (Part 2)
October 26, 2016 by THSJ 1 Comment

40. Flexion of the Hip and Knees With Assistance, in

Decubitus Supine Position
Muscles involved: Gluteus maximus


The person stretching lies on the floor in a decubitus supine position (on his back), preferably over a pad,
brings the legs together and flexes the hip and the knees. The training partner presses the knees against
his partner`s chest, applying pushing force over the tibial region.


The training partner should not hold back when it comes to unloading a great portion of his bodyweight
upon the legs of the person performing the stretch since this is an exercise with a low risk of injury and/or
or feeling pain. The only precaution will be to keep in mind that the pelvis should not lift off the floor in
order to maintain good stability in the spinal column.
41. Flexion of the Knees with Assistance in Decubitus
Prone Position

Muscles involved: Gluteus maximus


The person stretching lies on the floor in a decubitus supine position (on his back), preferably over a pad,
brings the legs together and flexes the hip and the knees. The training partner presses the knees against
his partner`s chest, applying pushing force over the tibial region.


The training partner should not hold back when it comes to unloading a great portion of his bodyweight
upon the legs of the person performing the stretch since this is an exercise with a low risk of injury and/or
or feeling pain. The only precaution will be to keep in mind that the pelvis should not lift off the floor in
order to maintain good stability in the spinal column.
42. Flexion of the Knees with Assistance in Decubitus
Prone Position
Muscles involved: Ischiotibial muscles


Lie down on the floor, preferably over a padded mat. Let your training partner take one of your legs and,
with the knee always extended, raise it in flexion of the hip.\


Less flexible people will have difficulty keeping the other leg on the ground, and they will quickly notice
how their illiopsoas muscle also pulls to flex the hip. The training partner must watch out so that this does
not occur, placing one of his feet on top of the outstretched leg if necessary.

43. Abduction of One Leg With Assistance

Muscles involved: Adductors, gracilis

Lie on the ground with the training partner standing between the legs at the level of your knees. The
assistance places one foot firmly on the ground immobilizing one of the legs of the person executing the
stretch, and with the other foot opens the leg in abduction.


During the exercise the partner tries to always keep the knees extended thus stretching both the adductors
and the knee flexors. The pressure opening the leg is applied at the knee, avoiding unnecessary tensions
of the knee ligaments.

44. Extension of One Leg With Assistance

Muscles involved: Illiopsoas


Lying with the stomach over a bench or table in a decubitus prone position with the hip remaining at the
edge, the training partner raises one of the legs in extension.

Please note that the partner here must have the necessary strength to assist as he will have the weight of
the leg and the tension of the muscles being worked against him. Furthermore, if all of the flexor muscles
of the hip are not relaxed, the difficulty for applying the right level of tension will be that much greater for
the partner.

45. Chest Elevation Over Elbows

Muscles involved: Rectus abdominus


Lying in decubitus prone position, elevate your chest supporting yourself over the elbows so that you feel a
gentle tension over the abdomen.


The rectus abdominus is a muscle that does not require a lot of stretching and doing this stretch
periodically is quite enough to exercise it normally.
46. Hip Extension With Back to a Support

Muscles involved: Rectus abdominus


With your back to a column or other support, hold on with your hands over the head and without moving
the feet let your body fall forward lightly.


We like this specific exercise because not only it provides enough of a stretch of the abdominal group, but
other important muscles like the latissimus dorsi and the triceps as well. Remember to always keep your
body in a relaxed a position.

47. Lying Side Bends

Muscles involved: Abdominal obliques, latissimus dorsi, quadratus lumborum


Beginning from a decubitus supine position with one side of the body supported against a wall, bend
towards the opposite side while keeping the legs and the hip touching the wall.

By raising the hand you are involving the latissimus dorsi and the teres major as well. If not, the stretch will
be focused on the abdomen. Use the wall only as a reference keeping the legs and the hip immobile
during the exercise.

48. Lateral Bends With a Partner

Muscles involved: Abdominal obliques, latissimus dorsi, quadratus lumborum


Standing side by side with a training partner, holding each other`s forearm on the closer side and the
hands of the other side above the head. From this position, let yourself gently fall away from your training


It is preferable that the training partners are with a similar height and weight, else the posture will be too
uncomfortable and ineffective. The aim here is to stretch the entire lateral area (gluteus medius, obliques,
latissimus dorsi).

49. Cat

Muscles involved: Rectus abdominus, group of spinal erectors

Standing on both hands and knees, contract the abdomen in order to curve the spine. From that position,
relax and press the torso down to create the opposite curvature. Next, take a deep breath and extend the
abdomen, then exhale to contract it.


This is an exercise for mobility of the spinal column and the minor muscles that surround it. Note the
importance of distending the vertebral column, especially in the lumbar region.

50. Shrugging in Decubitus Supine

Muscles involved: Gluteus maximus and medius, M. iliocostalis


Starting from a lying supine position, lift your legs and embrace them, making a curve, but without
compromising the cervical spine. Relax and keep the position.


This exercise is intended for mobility of the spine and the small muscles surrounding it. The important thing
is to distend the spine, especially in the lumbar area.

51. Trunk Twists With Assistance

Muscles involved: Abdominal obliques


Seated on a flat bench hold on to a wooden bar across the shoulders while the training partner stands
behind you also holding the bar and slowly turning the trunk to one sides until the full tension is felt. Relax
in the starting position before repeating on the opposite side.

Source: http://www.thehealthsciencejournal.com/

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